This document provides a high-level overview of the WCDMA UTRAN system architecture and protocol model:
- It describes the basic hierarchy of the UTRAN system with interfaces between the core network, RNCs, Node Bs, and user equipment. The main interfaces are Iu, Iur, and Iub.
- It introduces concepts like RNS, SRNC, DRNC and explains their roles in soft handover.
- It presents the UTRAN common protocol model with two main layers - radio network layer and transport network layer - and four planes - control plane, user plane, TN control plane, and TN user plane. This structure allows flexible standardization while keeping radio network issues isolated
This document provides a high-level overview of the WCDMA UTRAN system architecture and protocol model:
- It describes the basic hierarchy of the UTRAN system with interfaces between the core network, RNCs, Node Bs, and user equipment. The main interfaces are Iu, Iur, and Iub.
- It introduces concepts like RNS, SRNC, DRNC and explains their roles in soft handover.
- It presents the UTRAN common protocol model with two main layers - radio network layer and transport network layer - and four planes - control plane, user plane, TN control plane, and TN user plane. This structure allows flexible standardization while keeping radio network issues isolated
This document provides a high-level overview of the WCDMA UTRAN system architecture and protocol model:
- It describes the basic hierarchy of the UTRAN system with interfaces between the core network, RNCs, Node Bs, and user equipment. The main interfaces are Iu, Iur, and Iub.
- It introduces concepts like RNS, SRNC, DRNC and explains their roles in soft handover.
- It presents the UTRAN common protocol model with two main layers - radio network layer and transport network layer - and four planes - control plane, user plane, TN control plane, and TN user plane. This structure allows flexible standardization while keeping radio network issues isolated
This document provides a high-level overview of the WCDMA UTRAN system architecture and protocol model:
- It describes the basic hierarchy of the UTRAN system with interfaces between the core network, RNCs, Node Bs, and user equipment. The main interfaces are Iu, Iur, and Iub.
- It introduces concepts like RNS, SRNC, DRNC and explains their roles in soft handover.
- It presents the UTRAN common protocol model with two main layers - radio network layer and transport network layer - and four planes - control plane, user plane, TN control plane, and TN user plane. This structure allows flexible standardization while keeping radio network issues isolated
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Interface Protocol and
Signaling Flow ZTE CORPORATION ZTE Plaza, Keji Road South, Hi-Tech Industrial Par, Nanshan !istrict, Shenzhen, P" R" China #$%&#' Tel( )%*+ '## ,*''$-&& %&&--%.&--%.& /a0( )%*+ '## ,*'',,.* 1R2( htt3(44su33ort"zte"co5"cn E-5ail( doc6zte"co5"cn 2E7A2 IN/OR8ATION Co39ri:ht ; ,&&* ZTE CORPORATION" The contents o< this docu5ent are 3rotected =9 co39ri:ht la>s and international treaties" An9 re3roduction or distri=ution o< this docu5ent or an9 3ortion o< this docu5ent, in an9 <or5 =9 an9 5eans, >ithout the 3rior >ritten consent o< ZTE CORPORATION is 3rohi=ited" Additionall9, the contents o< this docu5ent are 3rotected =9 contractual con?dentialit9 o=li:ations" All co53an9, =rand and 3roduct na5es are trade or ser@ice 5ars, or re:istered trade or ser@ice 5ars, o< ZTE CORPORATION or o< their res3ecti@e o>ners" This docu5ent is 3ro@ided Aas isB, and all e03ress, i53lied, or statutor9 >arranties, re3resentations or conditions are disclai5ed, includin: >ithout li5itation an9 i53lied >arrant9 o< 5erchanta=ilit9, ?tness <or a 3articular 3ur3ose, title or non-in<rin:e5ent" ZTE CORPORATION and its licensors shall not =e lia=le <or da5a:es resultin: <ro5 the use o< or reliance on the in<or5ation contained herein" ZTE CORPORATION or its licensors 5a9 ha@e current or 3endin: intellectual 3ro3ert9 ri:hts or a33lications co@erin: the su=ject 5atter o< this docu5ent" E0ce3t as e03ressl9 3ro@ided in an9 >ritten license =et>een ZTE CORPORATION and its licensee, the user o< this docu5ent shall not acCuire an9 license to the su=ject 5atter herein" The contents o< this docu5ent and all 3olicies o< ZTE CORPORATION, includin: >ithout li5itation 3olicies related to su33ort or trainin: are su=ject to chan:e >ithout notice" ZTE CORPORATIO !al"e# $o"r Co%%ent# & S"gge#tion#' Your opinion is of great value and will help us improve the quality of our product documentation and offer better services to our customers. Please fax to: (86 !""#$6!!$$%6& or mail to 'ocumentation ()' 'epartment* +,- ./(P/(0,1/2* +,- Pla3a* 0 4ing* 5e6i (oad 7outh* 8i#,ech 1ndustrial Par9* 7hen3hen* P. (. .hina ":8;"!. ,han9 you for your cooperation< !ocu5ent Na5e ZDEN H2R Ho5e 2ocation Re:ister O3eration 8anual Product Fersion F."&& !ocu5ent Re@ision Nu5=er R$"& ECui35ent Installation !ate Gour e@aluation o< this docu5entatio n Presentation: )Introductions, Procedures, Illustrations, Co53leteness, 2e@el o< !etail, Or:anization, A33earance+ 7ood /air A@era:e Poor Had N4A Accessibility: )Contents, Inde0, Headin:s, Nu5=erin:, 7lossar9+ 7ood /air A@era:e Poor Had N4A Intelligibility: )2an:ua:e, Foca=ular9, Reada=ilit9 I Clarit9, Technical Accurac9, Content+ 7ood /air A@era:e Poor Had N4A Gour su::estions <or i53ro@e5ent o< this docu5entatio n Please check the suggestions which you feel can improve this documentation: I53ro@e the o@er@ie>4introduction 8ae it 5ore concise4=rie< I53ro@e the Contents Add 5ore ste3-=9-ste3 3rocedures4tutorials I53ro@e the or:anization Add 5ore trou=leshootin: in<or5ation Include 5ore ?:ures 8ae it less technical Add 5ore e0a53les Add 5ore4=etter Cuic re<erence aids Add 5ore detail I53ro@e the inde0 Other su::estions JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ K Please <eel <ree to >rite an9 co55ents on an attached sheet" If you wish to be contacted regarding your comments, please complete the following: Na5e Co53an9 Postcode Address Tele3hone E- 5ail Contents Chapter 1.................................................................1 WCDMA UTRAN System Archetecture..........................1 =,(02 0rchitecture..........................................................: -xplanation (elated to (27...............................................$ =,(02 .ommon Protocol model.........................................% Chapter 2.................................................................7 WCDMA Interface Hierarchy.......................................7 .ontrol Plane and =ser Plane.............................................! 0ccess >ayer and 2on#access >ayer....................................8 Chapter .................................................................! Interface an" #r$t$c$%...............................................! Protocol /verview............................................................? ((. .onnection 7etup...........................................................? 2etwor9 (egistration Process................................................:: .onnection (elease Process..................................................:% Protocol (elated to 1nterface =u.......................................:" =u 1nterface protocol architecture..........................................:" 7tatus of ((. Protocol.........................................................$: 7ome -xplanations..............................................................$$ Protocol related to 1nterface 1u.........................................$% 1= interface architecture.......................................................$% Protocol 7tructure of 1u 1nterface...........................................$@ 7ome -xplanations..............................................................$! (020P Process....................................................................$? Protocol related to 1nterface 1ur.......................................%: Aunction and 7tructure of 1nterface 1ur...................................%$ '.8 Arame Protocol of 1nterface 1ur.......................................%$ (270P Process....................................................................%$ Protocol (elated to 1nterface 1ub......................................%@ 2ode B >ogic Codel..............................................................%" 2B0P Process......................................................................%6 .ell 7etup Process..........................................................@; .7 .all /rigination Alow (((. 7etup on ..8....................@: .7 .all /rigination Alow (((. 7etup on '.8....................@$ .7 .all ,ermination Alow.................................................@% (elease Alow in .7 'omain .2 /riginates..........................@@ (elease Alow in .7 'omain =- /riginates..........................@" Ch a p t e r 1 WCDMA UTRAN System Archetecture Hi&h%i&hts' 4.'C0 =,(02 system structure 8ierarchy with =,(02 protocol common model (TRA Arc)itect"re Aigure : shows the overall architecture of 4.'C0 =,(02 (=C,7 ,errestrial (adio 0ccess 2etwor9 system of %DPP (@. FI GURE 1 OVERA UTRAN ARC!I TECTURE RNS RNC RNS RNC Core Network Node B Node B Node B Node B Iu Iu Iur Iub Iub Iub Iub
UTRAN ,he interface between .2 and =,(02 is 1nterface 1u. 1nside =,(02* the interface between (2. and 2ode B is 1nterface 1ub. .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 1 1nside =,(02* the interface between (2.s is 1nterface 1ur. 1n addition* the interface between =,(02 and =- is 1nterface =u. E*+lanation Related to RS RNS ((adio 2etwor9 7ubsystem: ,he general name for one (2. and all 2odes B it manages. SRNC (7erving (2.: ,he (27 connecting with .2 is called 7(27 and the (2. of (27 is called 7(2.. DRNC ('rift (2.: 1n the case of soft handover of 4.'C0* =- can use several (27s. Aigure $ shows the relation of 7(27 and '(27. FI GURE " SRNS AND DRNS
SRNS Core Network Iu DRNS Iur UE Cells 7everal lin9s can exist inside one =- at the same time. ,he user data to access '(27 is sent to 7(27 from '(27 via 1nterface 1ur. '(2. wonEt process the data but transmit it between 1nterface 1ub and 1nterface 1ur transparently. /ne =- can access one or several '(27s. CRNC (.ontrol (2.: 4hen =- access one (27* the (2. of the (27 is called .(2.. ,herefore* in Aigure $* both 7(2. and '(2. are .(2.. .(2. manages the resources of the whole cell. 7(2. schedules data on user '.8 and .(2. schedules data on ..8. Aor 7ource (2. (7#(2. and ,arget (2. (,#(2.* refer to .hapter of 1nterface 1u. .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 2 .hapter : 1nterface and Protocol (TRA Co%%on Protocol %odel Aigure % shows the general protocol model for =,(02 1nterfaces* and described in detail in the following subclauses. ,he structure is based on the principle that the layers and planes are logically independent of each other. ,herefore* as and when required* the standardisation body can easily alter protocol stac9s and planes to fit future requirements. FI GURE # UTRAN COMMON $ROTOCO MODE A++lication Protocol ,ata Strea%-#. A/CAP-#. Tran#+ort etwor0 /a1er P)1#ical /a1er Signalling Bearer-#. Tran#+ort (#er etwor0 Plane Control Plane (#er Plane Tran#+ort (#er etwor0 Plane Tran#+ort etwor0 Control Plane Radio etwor0 /a1er Signalling Bearer-#. ,ata Bearer-#. 8ori3ontal* ,he Protocol 7tructure consists of two main layers* (adio 2etwor9 >ayer* and ,ransport 2etwor9 >ayer. 0ll =,(02 related issues are visible only in the (adio 2etwor9 >ayer* and the ,ransport 2etwor9 >ayer represents standard transport technology that is selected to be used for =,(02* but without any =,(02 specific requirements. Fertical* =,(0n falls into the following @ planes: control plane * user plane * ,2> control plane * ,2> user plane. .ontrol plane ,he .ontrol Plane 1ncludes the 0pplication Protocol* i.e. (020P* (270P or 2B0P* and the 7ignalling Bearer for transporting the 0pplication Protocol messages. 0mong other things* the 0pplication Protocol is used for setting up bearers for (i.e. (adio 0ccess Bearer or (adio >in9 in the (adio 2etwor9 >ayer. 1n the three plane structure the bearer parameters in the 0pplication Protocol are not directly tied to the =ser Plane technology* but are rather general bearer parameters. .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 3 4(GB,;6G-:G; 1nterface Protocol and 7ignaling Alow ,he 7ignalling Bearer for the 0pplication Protocol may or may not be of the same type as the 7ignalling Protocol for the 0>.0P. ,he 7ignalling Bearer is always set up by /)C actions. =ser plane ,he =ser Plane 1ncludes the 'ata 7tream(s and the 'ata Bearer(s for the 'ata 7tream(s. ,he 'ata 7tream(s isHare characterised by one or more frame protocols specified for that interface. ,2> control plane ,he ,ransport 2etwor9 .ontrol Plane does not include any (adio 2etwor9 >ayer information* and is completely in the ,ransport >ayer. 1t includes the 0>.0P protocol(s that isHare needed to set up the transport bearers ('ata Bearer for the =ser Plane. 1t also includes the appropriate 7ignalling Bearer(s needed for the 0>.0P protocol(s. ,he ,ransport 2etwor9 .ontrol Plane is a plane that acts between the .ontrol Plane and the =ser Plane. ,he introduction of ,ransport 2etwor9 .ontrol Plane ma9es it possible for the 0pplication Protocol in the (adio 2etwor9 .ontrol Plane to be completely independent of the technology selected for 'ata Bearer in the =ser Plane. 4hen ,ransport 2etwor9 .ontrol Plane is used* the transport bearers for the 'ata Bearer in the =ser Plane are set up in the following fashion. Airst there is a signalling transaction by the 0pplication Protocol in the .ontrol Plane* which triggers the set up of the 'ata Bearer by the 0>.0P protocol that is specific for the =ser Plane technology. ,he independence of .ontrol Plane and =ser Plane assumes that 0>.0P signalling transaction ta9es place. 1t should be noted that 0>.0P might not be used for all types 'ata Bearers. 1f there is no 0>.0P signalling transaction* the ,ransport 2etwor9 .ontrol Plane is not needed at all. ,his is the case when pre#configured 'ata Bearers are used. 1t should also be noted that the 0>.0P protocol(s in the ,ransport 2etwor9 .ontrol Plane isHare not used for setting up the 7ignalling Bearer for the 0pplication Protocol or for the 0>.0P during real time operation. ,he 7ignalling Bearer for the 0>.0P may or may not be of the same type as the 7ignalling Bearer for the 0pplication Protocol. ,he 7ignalling Bearer for 0>.0P is always set up by /)C actions. ,2> user plane ,he 'ata Bearer(s in the =ser Plane* and the 7ignalling Bearer(s for 0pplication Protocol* belong also to ,ransport 2etwor9 =ser Plane. 0s described in the previous subclause* the 'ata Bearers in ,ransport 2etwor9 =ser Plane are directly controlled by ,ransport 2etwor9 .ontrol Plane during real time operation* but the control actions required for .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 .hapter : 1nterface and Protocol setting up the 7ignalling Bearer(s for 0pplication Protocol are considered /)C actions. .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 ! Ch a p t e r " WCDMA Inter%ace !&erarchy Hi&h%i&hts' Drasp the concepts of =,(02 control plane and user plane 5now about the protocols of =,(02 control plane Drasp the concepts of access layer and non#access layer Control Plane and (#er Plane Purpose of the control plane: .ontrol the radio access bearer and the connection between =- and the networ9& ,ransmit messages of non#access layer transparently. Purpose of user plane: ,ransmit the user data via the access networ9. 1n =,(02* each interface of (2> has user plane and control plane. ,he control plane protocols of each interface on (2> include: 1nterface 1u: (020P 1nterface 1ur: (0270P 1nterface 1ub: 2B0P 1nterface :=u: ((. protocol ,he user plane data and control plane data of all (2> belong to ,2> user plane. ,2> control plane protocol is 0>.0P* belonging to 700> (7ignalling 00> of 0,C. .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 " Acce## /a1er and on2 acce## /a1er ,he concepts of access layer and non#access layer are related to the communication of =- and .2. ,he access layer bears the upper layer services via the 70P (7ervice 0ccess Point* as shown in Aigure @. FI GURE ' ACCESS A(ER AND NON) ACCESS A(ER
(E C Acce## Strat"% on2Acce## Strat"% Radio -(". I" Radio +roto2 col# -1.
Radio +roto2 col# -1. Iu +roto col# (2) Iu +roto col# (2)
-xample for non#access layer: 1n 0C( voice telephone (the calling party* there are several =-# .2 signaling* which are the control plane signaling of non#access layer. ,hese signaling are encapsulated in ((. protocol first and then transmitted to (2. transparently. (2. decodes these signaling out of ((. messages* encapsulates into (020P* and then transmits to .2 transparently via (020P. =-(2. .C 7ervice (equest (2.=- 0uthentication (equest =-(2. 0uthentication (esponse (2.=- .C 7ervice 0ccept =-(2. 7-,=P (2.=- .all Processing (2.=- 0lerting (2.=- .onnect =-(2. .onnect 0c9nowledge .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 # Ch a p t e r # Inter%ace an* $rotoco+ Hi&h%i&hts Drasp the types of protocols at =,(02 radio side Drasp hierarchy of the protocols Drasp the status of ((. protocol Protocol O3er3iew Besides the process that =- searches for the net* =- registration fall into % phases: ((. connection setup 2etwor9 registration .onnection release RRC Connection Set"+ Aigure " shows the flow of ((. connection setup. .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 $ FI GURE , RRC CONNECTI ON SETU$ 5. Downlink Synchronistion UE Node B Serving RNS Ser!in" RNC DC#$%& DC#$%& 'llocte RN(I Select )* nd )2 +r,eters RRC RRC *. CCCH - RRC Connection Re.uest NB'& NB'& /. Rdio )ink Setu+ Res+onse NB'& NB'& 2. Rdio )ink Setu+ Re.uest RRC RRC 0. CCCH - RRC Connection Setu+ Strt R1 descri+tion Strt (1 descri+tion 2. ')C'& Iub Dt (rns+ort Berer Setu+ RRC RRC 3. DCCH - RRC Connection Setu+ Co,+lete DC#$%& DC#$%& 4. U+link Synchronistion 'etailed descriptions: 0t the beginning* =- does not have dedicated channel resources* so it sends the message of ((. connection setup on ...8 ((0.8. (2. allocates (2,1 and available resources to =-* decides to allocate '.8 to =-* and inform 2ode B to allocate '.8 to =- with 2B0P message of I(adio >in9 7etup (equestJ. 2ode B allocates resources to =-* starts to receive* and returns I(adio >in9 7etup (esponseJ to (2.. 0t this time* there are no resources of the transmission networ9 on 1nterface 1ub* so 0>.0P of 7(2. sends the message of -(K (-stablish (equest. ,his message contains 00>$ binding 1'. ,his 1' can help 2ode B to bind the data transmission bearer on 1nterface 1ub and '.8* and sends the message of -.A (-stablish .onfirm bac9 to (2.. 2ode B and 7(2. perform the frame synchroni3ation via I'ownlin9 7ynchroni3ationJ and I=plin9. 7ynchroni3ationJ in '.8 frame protocol* and then to perform the '> transmission. 0lthough '.8 resources on 1nterface 1ub are ready* =- does not 9now it. ,herefore* 7(2. sends the message of I((. .onnection 7etupJ to =- on ...8 (A0.8* and informs =- of related parameters. 0ccording to related parameters in I((. .onnection 7etupJ* =- configures the physical layer. 2ode B sets up '.8 successfully .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 1% .hapter % 1nterface and Protocol and sends the message of I((. .onnection 7etup .ompleteJ bac9 to 7(2. on '.8. etwor0 Regi#tration Proce## Aigure 6 shows the flow of =- registration for .7 domain. .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 11 4(GB,;6G-:G; 1nterface Protocol and 7ignaling Alow FI GURE - UE OCATI ON U$DATE 'etailed descriptions: 0fter ((. connection sets up* =- establishes '.8. =- needs to change information with .2 (this is signaling interaction of non# access layer and readers of non#access layer signaling can refer 12 .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 .hapter % 1nterface and Protocol to L%M* that is* to initiate the >ocation =pdate. ,his message is encapsulated in the ((. message of 1nitial 'irect ,ransfer* which is sent to (2. by =-. ((. of (2. receives the message of 1nitial 'irect ,ransfer* decodes the high#layer messages from it* and sends to (020P entity. (020P entity will encapsulate the message of I>ocation =pdateJ into 1nitial =- Cessage and sends it to .2 through 7..P entity. 0t this time* there is no signaling connection between (2. and .2* so the message of I1nitial =- CessageJ of (020P is encapsulated into 7..P connection setup massage (.( and sent to .2. 7..P entity of .2 receives the 7..P connection setup request. 1t returns 7..P connection setup message (.. to (2. and sends the (020P massage contained in .( messages to (020P entity. (020P entity decodes the message of I>ocation =pdateJ of 207 layer and sends it to the related modules on 207 layer for processing. 0fter receiving the message of I>ocation =pdateJ from =-* .2 initiates the authentication. ,he signalling during the authentication process is transmitted transparently. (2. and 2ode B only transfer between =- and .2* but do not process messages. Cessages of I0uthentication (equestJ and I0uthentication (esponseJ are 207 messages* too. ,hey are encapsulated into the message of I'irect ,ransferJ of (020P and ((.. 0fter the authentication chec9 on =- is passed* .2 initiates the security mode process. 1t is to encrypt and protect the data and signaling of the air interface. Cessages of security mode are not transmitted transparently and it needs (2. processing. 0fter the authentication chec9 is passed and the security mode is initiated* .2 sends the message of I>ocation =pdate 0cceptJ to =-* informing that =- registration succeeds. ,his message is transmitted transparently. Connection Relea#e Proce## Aigure ! shows the connection release process. .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 13 4(GB,;6G-:G; 1nterface Protocol and 7ignaling Alow FI GURE . RRC CONNECTI ON REEASE 'etailed descriptions: 0fter >ocation =pdate completes* .2 initiates 1u release process. 7(2. sends the message of ((. connection release to ((.. =- sends the message of ((. connection release bac9 to (2.. (2. informs 2ode B to delete (> and after deleting (>* 2ode B replies to (2.. (2. informs .2 that returns 1u release completes via (020P. .2 initiates to release 7..P lin9 and (2. returns the message of 7..P release confirmation. (2. initiates to release the transmission resources on 1nterface 1ub. 1 .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 .hapter % 1nterface and Protocol Protocol Related to Interface (" (" Interface +rotocol arc)itect"re Aigure 8 shows the architecture of =u 1nterface protocol. FI GURE / STRUCTURE OF RRC $ROTOCO L3 c o n t r o l c o n t r o l c o n t r o l c o n t r o l )o"icl Chnnels (rns+ort Chnnels C$+lne si"nllin" U$+lne in5or,tion  L2/MAC L1 R)C DC Nt 7C L2/RLC 8'C R)C R)C R)C R)C R)C R)C R)C Du+liction !oidnce UuS boundry B8C L2/BMC control &DC& &DC& L2/PDCP DC Nt 7C Rdio Berers RRC ,he =u interface is layered into three protocol layers: the physical layer (>:& the data lin9 layer (>$& networ9 layer (>%. >ayer $ is split into following sublayers: Cedium 0ccess .ontrol (C0.* (adio >in9 .ontrol ((>.* Pac9et 'ata .onvergence Protocol (P'.P and BroadcastHCulticast .ontrol (BC.. >ayer % .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 1! 4(GB,;6G-:G; 1nterface Protocol and 7ignaling Alow and (>. are divided into .ontrol (.# and =ser (=# planes. P'.P and BC. exist in the =#plane only. 1n the .#plane* >ayer % is partitioned into sublayers where the lowest sublayer* denoted as (adio (esource .ontrol (((.* interfaces with layer $ and terminates in the =,(02. ,he next sublayer provides N'uplication avoidanceN functionality. 1t terminates in the .2 but is part of the 0ccess 7tratum& it provides the 0ccess 7tratum 7ervices to higher layers. ,he higher layer signalling such as Cobility Canagement (CC and .all .ontrol (.. is assumed to belong to the non#access stratum.. ,he functions of (>.: ,he (>. sublayer provides 0(K functionality closely coupled with the radio transmission technique used. ,here is no difference between (>. instances in . and = planes.,he =,(02 can be requested by the .2 to prevent all loss of data (i.e. independently of the handovers on the radio interface* as long as the 1u connection point is not modified. ,his is a basic requirement to be fulfilled by the =,(02 retransmission functionality as provided by the (>. sublayer.8owever* in case of the 1u connection point is changed (e.g. 7(27 relocation* streamlining* the prevention of the loss of data may not be guaranteed autonomously by the =,(02 but relies on N'uplication avoidanceN functions in the .2.,here are primarily two 9inds of signalling messages transported over the radio interface # ((. generated signalling messages and 207 messages generated in the higher layers. /n establishment of the signalling connection between the peer ((. entities three or four =CH0C signalling radio bearers may be set up. ,wo of these bearers are set up for transport of ((. generated signalling messages # one for transferring messages through an unac9nowledged mode (>. entity and the other for transferring messages through an ac9nowledged mode (>. entity. ,he functions of C0. include: Mappin& (et)een %$&ica% channe%s an" transp$rt channe%s. ,he C0. is responsible for mapping of logical channel(s onto the appropriate transport channel(s. Se%ecti$n $f appr$priate Transp$rt *$rmat f$r each Transp$rt Channe% "epen"in& $n instantane$us s$urce rate. Diven the ,ransport Aormat .ombination 7et assigned by ((.* C0. selects the appropriate transport format within an assigned transport format set for each active transport channel depending on source rate. ,he control of transport formats ensures efficient use of transport channels. #ri$rity han"%in& (et)een "ata f%$)s $f $ne U+. 4hen selecting between the ,ransport Aormat .ombinations in the given ,ransport Aormat .ombination 7et* priorities of the data flows to be mapped onto the corresponding ,ransport .hannels can be ta9en into account. Priorities are e.g. given 1& .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 .hapter % 1nterface and Protocol by attributes of (adio Bearer services and (>. buffer status. ,he priority handling is achieved by selecting a ,ransport Aormat .ombination for which high priority data is mapped onto >: with a Ohigh bit rateO ,ransport Aormat* at the same time letting lower priority data be mapped with a Olow bit rateO (could be 3ero bit rate ,ransport Aormat. ,ransport format selection may also ta9e into account transmit power indication from >ayer :. #ri$rity han"%in& (et)een U+s (y means $f "ynamic sche"u%in&. 1n order to utilise the spectrum resources efficiently for bursty transfer* a dynamic scheduling function may be applied. C0. realises priority handling on common and shared transport channels. 2ote that for dedicated transport channels* the equivalent of the dynamic scheduling function is implicitly included as part of the reconfiguration function of the ((. sublayer. I"entificati$n $f U+s $n c$mm$n transp$rt channe%s. 4hen a particular =- is addressed on a common downlin9 channel* or when a =- is using the (0.8* there is a need for inband identification of the =-. 7ince the C0. layer handles the access to* and multiplexing onto* the transport channels* the identification functionality is naturally also placed in C0.. Mu%tip%e,in&-"emu%tip%e,in& $f upper %ayer #DUs int$-fr$m transp$rt (%$c.s "e%i/ere" t$-fr$m the physica% %ayer $n c$mm$n transp$rt channe%s. C0. should support service multiplexing for common transport channels* since the physical layer does not support multiplexing of these channels. Mu%tip%e,in&-"emu%tip%e,in& $f upper %ayer #DUs int$-fr$m transp$rt (%$c. sets "e%i/ere" t$-fr$m the physica% %ayer $n "e"icate" transp$rt channe%s. ,he C0. allows service multiplexing for dedicated transport channels. ,his function can be utilised when several upper layer services (e.g. (>. instances can be mapped efficiently on the same transport channel. 1n this case the identification of multiplexing is contained in the C0. protocol control information. Traffic /$%ume measurement. Ceasurement of traffic volume on logical channels and reporting to ((.. Based on the reported traffic volume information* ((. performs transport channel switching decisions. Transp$rt Channe% type s)itchin&. -xecution of the switching between common and dedicated transport channels based on a switching decision derived by ((.. Cipherin&. ,his function prevents unauthorised acquisition of data. .iphering is performed in the C0. layer for transparent (>. mode. Access Ser/ice C%ass se%ecti$n f$r RACH an" C#CH transmissi$n. ,he (0.8 resources (i.e. access slots and preamble signatures and .P.8 resources (i.e. access slots .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 1" 4(GB,;6G-:G; 1nterface Protocol and 7ignaling Alow and preamble signatures may be divided between different 0ccess 7ervice .lasses in order to provide different priorities of (0.8 and .P.8 usage. 1n addition it is possible for more than one 07. or for all 07.s to be assigned to the same access slotHsignature space. -ach access service class will also have a set of bac9#off parameters associated with it* some or all of which may be broadcast by the networ9. ,he C0. function applies the appropriate bac9#off and indicates to the P8Y layer the (0.8 and .P.8 partition associated to a given C0. P'= transfer. ,he functions of P'.P include: Hea"er c$mpressi$n an" "ec$mpressi$n. 8eader compression and decompression of 1P data streams (e.g.* ,.PH1P and (,PH='PH1P headers at the transmitting and receiving entity* respectively. ,he header compression method is specific to the particular networ9 layer* transport layer or upper layer protocol combinations e.g. ,.PH1P and (,PH='PH1P. Transfer $f user "ata. ,ransmission of user data means that P'.P receives P'.P 7'= from the 207 and forwards it to the (>. layer and vice versa. Supp$rt f$r %$ss%ess SRNS re%$cati$n. Caintenance of P'.P sequence numbers for radio bearers that are configured to support lossless 7(27 relocation. ,he functions of BC. include: St$ra&e $f Ce%% 0r$a"cast Messa&es. ,he BC. stores the .ell Broadcast messages received over the .B.#(2. interface for scheduled transmission. Traffic /$%ume m$nit$rin& an" ra"i$ res$urce re1uest f$r C0S. 0t the =,(02 side* the BC. calculates the required transmission rate for .ell Broadcast 7ervice based on the messages received over the .B.#(2. interface* and requests for appropriate .,.8HA0.8 resources from ((.. Sche"u%in& $f 0MC messa&es. ,he BC. receives scheduling information together with each .ell Broadcast message over the .B.#(2.#interface. Based on this scheduling information* at the =,(02 side* BC. generates schedule messages and schedules BC. message sequences accordingly. 0t the =- side* BC. evaluates the schedule messages and indicates scheduling parameters to ((.* which are used by ((. to configure the lower layers for .B7 discontinuous reception. Transmissi$n $f 0MC messa&es t$ U+. ,his function transmits the BC. messages (7cheduling and .ell Broadcast messages according to schedule. 1# .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 .hapter % 1nterface and Protocol De%i/ery $f Ce%% 0r$a"cast messa&es t$ upper %ayer 2NAS3. ,his functions delivers the received .ell Broadcast messages to upper layer (207 in the =-. /nly non#corrupted .ell Broadcast messages are delivered. ,he functions of ((. include: ,he (adio (esource .ontrol (((. layer handles the control plane signalling of >ayer % between the =-s and =,(02. ,he ((. performs the following functions: 0r$a"cast $f inf$rmati$n pr$/i"e" (y the n$n4access stratum 2C$re Net)$r.3. ,he ((. layer performs system information broadcasting from the networ9 to all =-s. ,he system information is normally repeated on a regular basis. ,he ((. layer performs the scheduling* segmentation and repetition. ,his function supports broadcast of higher layer (above ((. information. ,his information may be cell specific or not. 0s an example ((. may broadcast .ore 2etwor9 location service area information related to some specific cells. 0r$a"cast $f inf$rmati$n re%ate" t$ the access stratum. ,he ((. layer performs system information broadcasting from the networ9 to all =-s. ,he system information is normally repeated on a regular basis. ,he ((. layer performs the scheduling* segmentation and repetition. ,his function supports broadcast of typically cell#specific information. +sta(%ishment5 re4esta(%ishment5 maintenance an" re%ease $f an RRC c$nnecti$n (et)een the U+ an" UTRAN. ,he establishment of an ((. connection is initiated by a request from higher layers at the =- side to establish the first 7ignalling .onnection for the =-. ,he establishment of an ((. connection includes an optional cell re#selection* an admission control* and a layer $ signalling lin9 establishment. ,he release of an ((. connection can be initiated by a request from higher layers to release the last 7ignalling .onnection for the =- or by the ((. layer itself in case of ((. connection failure. 1n case of connection loss* the =- requests re#establishment of the ((. connection. 1n case of ((. connection failure* ((. releases resources associated with the ((. connection. +sta(%ishment5 rec$nfi&urati$n an" re%ease $f Ra"i$ 0earers. ,he ((. layer can* on request from higher layers* perform the establishment* reconfiguration and release of (adio Bearers in the user plane. 0 number of (adio Bearers can be established to an =- at the same time. 0t establishment and reconfiguration* the ((. layer performs admission control and selects parameters describing the (adio Bearer processing in layer $ and layer :* based on information from higher layers. .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 1$ 4(GB,;6G-:G; 1nterface Protocol and 7ignaling Alow Assi&nment5 rec$nfi&urati$n an" re%ease $f ra"i$ res$urces f$r the RRC c$nnecti$n. ,he ((. layer handles the assignment of radio resources (e.g. codes* .P.8 channels needed for the ((. connection including needs from both the control and user plane. ,he ((. layer may reconfigure radio resources during an established ((. connection. ,his function includes coordination of the radio resource allocation between multiple radio bearers related to the same ((. connection. ((. controls the radio resources in the uplin9 and downlin9 such that =- and =,(02 can communicate using unbalanced radio resources (asymmetric uplin9 and downlin9. ((. signals to the =- to indicate resource allocations for purposes of handover to D7C or other radio systems. RRC c$nnecti$n m$(i%ity functi$ns. ,he ((. layer performs evaluation* decision and execution related to ((. connection mobility during an established ((. connection* such as handover* preparation of handover to D7C or other systems* cell re#selection and cellHpaging area update procedures* based on e.g. measurements done by the =-. #a&in&-n$tificati$n. ,he ((. layer can broadcast paging information from the networ9 to selected =-s. 8igher layers on the networ9 side can request paging and notification. ,he ((. layer can also initiate paging during an established ((. connection. R$utin& $f hi&her %ayer #DUs. ,his function performs at the =- side routing of higher layer P'=s to the correct higher layer entity* at the =,(02 side to the correct (020P entity. C$ntr$% $f re1ueste" 6$S. ,his function shall ensure that the Ko7 requested for the (adio Bearers can be met. ,his includes the allocation of a sufficient number of radio resources. U+ measurement rep$rtin& an" c$ntr$% $f the rep$rtin&. ,he measurements performed by the =- are controlled by the ((. layer* in terms of what to measure* when to measure and how to report* including both =C,7 air interface and other systems. ,he ((. layer also performs the reporting of the measurements from the =- to the networ9. 7uter %$$p p$)er c$ntr$%. ,he ((. layer controls setting of the target of the closed loop power control. C$ntr$% $f cipherin&. ,he ((. layer provides procedures for setting of ciphering (onHoff between the =- and =,(02. Ar(itrati$n $f ra"i$ res$urces $n up%in. DCH. ,his function controls the allocation of radio resources on uplin9 '.8 on a fast basis* using a broadcast channel to send control information to all involved users.,his function is implemented in the .(2.. 2% .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 .hapter % 1nterface and Protocol Initia% ce%% se%ecti$n an" re4se%ecti$n in i"%e m$"e. 7election of the most suitable cell based on idle mode measurements and cell selection criteria. Inte&rity pr$tecti$n. ,his function adds a Cessage 0uthentication .ode (C0.#1 to those ((. messages that are considered sensitive andHor contain sensitive information. Initia% C$nfi&urati$n f$r C0S ,his function performs the initial configuration of the BC. sublayer. A%%$cati$n $f ra"i$ res$urces f$r C0S ,his function allocates radio resources for .B7 based on traffic volume requirements indicated by BC.. ,he radio resource allocation set by ((. (i.e. the schedule for mapping of .,.8 onto A0.8H7#..P.8 is indicated to BC. to enable generation of schedule messages. ,he resource allocation for .B7 shall be broadcast as system information. C$nfi&urati$n f$r C0S "isc$ntinu$us recepti$n ,his function configures the lower layers (>:* >$ of the =- when it shall listen to the resources allocated for .B7 based on scheduling information received from BC.. Stat"# of RRC Protocol 1n 4.'C0* all statuses of =- are scheduled by ((. protocol. /ne =- has several ((. statuses* such as* 1dle and '.8. Aigure ? shows the status and status conversion (containing D7C status. FI GURE 0 RRC STATUS AND STATUS CONVERSI ON E#ta4li#) RRC Connection Relea#e RRC Connection (TRA RRC Connected 5ode (TRA6 Inter2RAT 7ando3er 8S56 7ando3er E#ta4li#) RRC Connection Relea#e RRC Connection (RA_PC7 CE//_PC7 7S8 Connected 8ode Estblish RR Connection Relese RR Connection Idle 5ode Ca%+ing on a (TRA cell 1 Ca%+ing on a 8S5 9 8PRS cell 1 8PRS Pac0et Idle 5ode 1 7&RS &cket (rns5er 8ode Initition o5 te,+orry block 5low Relese o5 te,+orry block 5low Cell re#election CE//_,C7 o"t of #er3ice in #er3ice CE//_FAC7 o"t of #er3ice in #er3ice o"t of #er3ice in #er3ice .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 21 4(GB,;6G-:G; 1nterface Protocol and 7ignaling Alow =- status is defined by the channel that =- uses. .->>G'.8 status indicates that =- occupies the dedicated physical channel. .->>GA0.8 status indicates that =- does not use any dedicated channel but uses the common channel when the traffic is small. => uses (0.8 and '> uses A0.8. 1n this status* =- can initiate cell reselection process and =,(02 can determine which cell =- locates in. .->>GP.8 status indicates that =- only intercepts P.8 and B.8. 1n this status* =- can reselect the cell. 'uring the reselection* it converts into .->>GA0.8 status* the cell update initiates* and it returns to .->>GP.8 status. ,he networ9 can determine the cell which the =- locates in. =(0GP.8 status is similar to .->>GP.8 status. ,he networ9 can only determine the =(0 cell which the =- locates in. ,he introduction of .->>GP.8 status and =(0GP.8 status is to 9eep =- always in online status in order not to waster radio resources. So%e E*+lanation# 1n .->>GP.8* =(0GP.8 or 1dle status* =- can intercept P.8 and B.8* and can receive the message of Paging. 1n .->>G'.8 or .->>GA0.8 status* =- cannot intercept P.8 and B.8. Paging ,ype $ is introduced to page =- in these two statuses. =sually* the permanent 1' information of =- (such as* 1C71 will not be saved in (2.. 4hen =- is ma9ing a call* .2 informs (2. of the 1C71 of the =- with the message of .ommand 1' of (020P. 4hen .2 requires (2. to page a specific =-* (2. will 6udge which ((. status the 1C71 to page is in* to decide the paging type (Paging ,ype : or Paging ,ype $. 22 .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 .hapter % 1nterface and Protocol Protocol related to Interface I" I( interface arc)itect"re Core Network (CN) UTRAN Node B Node B Node B Node B RNC Iu Interface 9Iu$BC: 9Iu$CS: BC Doa!n C" Doa!n P" Doa!n 9Iu$&S: RNC ,he 1u interface is specified at the boundary between the .ore 2etwor9 and =,(02. Aigure depicts the logical division of the 1u interface. Arom the 1u perspective* the =,(02 access point is an (2.. ,he 1u interface towards the P7#domain of the core networ9 is called 1u#P7* and the 1u interface towards the .7# domain is called 1u#.7. ,he differences between 1u#.7 and 1u# P7 are treated elsewhere in the present document. ,he 1u interface to the Broadcast domain is called 1u#B.. ,here shall not be more than one 1u interface (1u#P7 towards the P7#domain from any one (2.. -ach (2. shall not have more than one 1u interface (1u#.7 towards its default .2 node within the .7 domain* but may also have further 1u interfaces (1u#.7 towards other .2 nodes within the .7 domain. (7ee L6M for definition of 'efault .2 node. ,hese further 1u interfaces (1u#.7 shall only be used as a result of intra#C7. inter#system handover or 7(27 relocation* in the case the anchor .2 node directly connects to the target (2.. ,here shall not be more than one 1u interface (1u#B. from an (2. towards the Broadcast domain. 1n the separated core networ9 architecture* this means that there shall be separate signalling and user data connections towards the P7 and .7 domains P this applies in both transport and radio networ9 layers. .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 23 4(GB,;6G-:G; 1nterface Protocol and 7ignaling Alow 1n the combined architecture* there shall be separate connections in the user plane towards the P7 and .7 domains (in both transport and radio networ9 layers. 1n the control plane* there shall be separate 7..P connections to the two logical domains. 1n either architecture* there can be several (2.s within =,(02 and so =,(02 may have several 1u access points towards the .ore 2etwor9. 0s a minimum* each 1u access point (in =,(02 or .2 shall independently fulfil the requirements of the relevant 1u specifications Protocol Str"ct"re of I" Interface Aigure :; shows the structure of 1nterface 1u#.7 protocol and Aigure :: shows the structure of 1nterface 1u#P7 protocol. FI GURE 11 STRUCTURE OF I U) CS $ROTOCO ;.2*5<.* ;.24/<.* R'N'& Iu U& &rotocol )yer (rns+ort Network )yer &hysicl )yer (rns+ort User Network &lne Control &lne User &lne (rns+ort User Network &lne (rns+ort Network Control &lne Rdio Network )yer '(8 SSC=& '')5 SSC=& SSC%$NNI '')2 '')5 8(&/b 8(&/b SCC& SSC%$NNI 2 .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 .hapter % 1nterface and Protocol FI GURE 11 STRUCTURE OF I NTERFACE I U) $S $ROTOCO SSC%$NNI SSC=& '')5 I& SC(& SCC& SSC%$NNI 8(&/$B 8/U' R'N'& Iu U& &rotocol )yer (rns+ort Network )yer &hysicl )yer (rns+ort User Network &lne Control &lne User &lne (rns+ort User Network &lne (rns+ort Network Control &lne Rdio Network )yer '(8 '')5 I& UD& 7(&$U &hysicl )yer '(8 RANA#: user plane application protocol. 1t provides the signalling service between =,(02 and .2 that is required to fulfil the (020P functions. (020P protocol has the following functions: (elocating serving (2.. ,his function enables to change the serving (2. functionality as well as the related 1u resources ((0B(s and 7ignalling connection from one (2. to another. /verall (0B management. ,his function is responsible for setting up* modifying and releasing (0Bs. Kueuing the setup of (0B. ,he purpose of this function is to allow placing some requested (0Bs into a queue* and indicate the peer entity about the queuing. (equesting (0B release. 4hile the overall (0B management is a function of the .2* the (2. has the capability to request the release of (0B. (elease of all 1u connection resources. ,his function is used to explicitly release all resources related to one 1u connection. (equesting the release of all 1u connection resources. 4hile the 1u release is managed from the .2* the (2. has the capability to request the release of all 1u connection resources from the corresponding 1u connection. .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 2! 4(GB,;6G-:G; 1nterface Protocol and 7ignaling Alow 7(27 context forwarding function. ,his function is responsible for transferring 7(27 context from the (2. to the .2 for intersystem change in case of pac9et forwarding. .ontrolling overload in the 1u interface. ,his function allows ad6usting the load in the 1u interface. (esetting the 1u. ,his function is used for resetting an 1u interface. 7ending the =- .ommon 1' (permanent 207 =- identity to the (2.. ,his function ma9es the (2. aware of the =-Ns .ommon 1'. Paging the user. ,his function provides the .2 for capability to page the =-. .ontrolling the tracing of the =- activity. ,his function allows setting the trace mode for a given =-. ,his function also allows the deactivation of a previously established trace. ,ransport of 207 information between =- and .2 (see L8M. ,his function has two sub#classes: :. ,ransport of the initial 207 signalling message from the =- to .2. ,his function transfers transparently the 207 information. 0s a consequence also the 1u signalling connection is set up. $. ,ransport of 207 signalling messages between =- and .2* ,his function transfers transparently the 207 signalling messages on the existing 1u signalling connection. 1t also includes a specific service to handle signalling messages differently. .ontrolling the security mode in the =,(02. ,his function is used to send the security 9eys (ciphering and integrity protection to the =,(02* and setting the operation mode for security functions. .ontrolling location reporting. ,his function allows the .2 to operate the mode in which the =,(02 reports the location of the =-. >ocation reporting. ,his function is used for transferring the actual location information from (2. to the .2. 'ata volume reporting function. ,his function is responsible for reporting unsuccessfully transmitted '> data volume over =,(02 for specific (0Bs. (eporting general error situations. ,his function allows reporting of general error situations* for which function specific error messages have not been defined. >ocation related data. ,his function allows the .2 to either retrieve from the (2. deciphering 9eys (to be forwarded to the =- for the broadcasted assistance data* or request the (2. to deliver dedicated assistance data to the =-. 2& .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 .hapter % 1nterface and Protocol SCC#: ,he 7..P is used to support signalling messages between the .2s and the (2.. /ne user function of the 7..P* called (adio 0ccess 2etwor9 0pplication Part ((020P* is defined. ,he (020P uses one signalling connection per active =- and .2 for the transfer of layer % messages. (020P may use 772* 7P. andHor D, and any combination of them as addressing schemes for the 7..P. 4hich of the available addressing scheme to use for the 7..P is an operator matter. 0 new 7..P connection is established when information related to the communication between a =- and the networ9 has to be exchanged between (2. and .2* and no 7..P connection exists between the .2 and the (2. involved* for the concerned =-. MT#0' provides message routing* discrimination and distribution (for point#to#point lin9 only* signaling lin9 management load sharing and changeoverHbac9 between lin9 within one lin9#set. ,he need for multiple lin9#sets is precluded. SAA84NNI' 700>#221 L:M consists of the following sub#layers: # 77.A L%M* # 77./P L$M and P 00>" L6M. ,he 77.A maps the requirements of the layer above to the requirements of 77./P. 0lso 700> connection management* lin9 status and remote processor status mechanisms are provided. 77./P provides mechanisms for the establishment and release of connections and the reliable exchange of signalling information between signalling entities. 0dapts the upper layer protocol to the requirements of the >ower 0,C cells. IUUP# u$er %&ane %rotoco&' 9T#4U' D,P#= is used as the user data bearer towards the P7 domain.(020P 7ignalling is used to establish* modify and release the D,P#= tunnels towards the P7 domain. AA82' 00>$ is used as the user data bearer towards the .7 domain.K.$6%;.$ is used as the protocol for dynamically setup 00>#$ connections over 1u towards the .7 domain. K.$6%;.$ adds new optional capabilities to K.$6%;.:. So%e E*+lanation# SRS Relocation /ne case: .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 2" 4(GB,;6G-:G; 1nterface Protocol and 7ignaling Alow =- crosses $ (27s during the move* as shown in Aigure :$. FI GURE 1" SRNS REOCATI ON 2 I 3 /ne =- can use $ (27s at the same time. ,he data can be sent on two (>s. 1n addition* the data that =- sends to '(2. is sent to 7(2. via 1nterface 1ur* and 7(2. will combine them and send to .2. 1f =- continues to move* the (> deterioration of =- on 7(27 cannot be used again* which will cause the following case. FI GURE 1# SRNS REOCATI ON 2 I I 3 =- and 7(2. have no direct contact* but all data still pass 7(2. and reach .2 via 1nterface 1ur. 1t will cause the waste of resources. ,herefore* 7(27 relocation should be initiated* which can move 1nterface 1u from 7(2. to '(2.. 1n the course of 2# .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 .hapter % 1nterface and Protocol 7(2. relocation* 7(2. (7erving (2. is also called 7ource (2. and '(2. is also called ,arget (2.. Aigure :@ shows the result after the relocation completes. FI GURE 1' SRNS REOCATI ON 2 I I I 3 7(27 relocation is the process to move 1nterface 1u from 7ource (2. to ,arget (2.. RAAP Proce## TA4E 1 CASS 1 +%ementar y #r$ce"ure Initiatin& Messa&e Successfu% 7utc$me Unsuccessfu% 7utc$me (esponse message (esponse message 1u (elease 1= (->-07- ./CC02' 1= (->-07- ./CP>-,- (elocation Preparation (->/.0,1/ 2 (-K=1(-' (->/.0,1/2 ./CC02' (->/.0,1/2 P(-P0(0,1/2 A01>=(- (elocation (esource 0llocation (->/.0,1/ 2 (-K=-7, (->/.0,1/2 (-K=-7, 0.52/4>-'D- (->/.0,1/2 A01>=(- (elocation .ancel (->/.0,1/ 2 .02.-> (->/.0,1/2 .02.-> 0.52/4>-'D- 7(27 .ontext ,ransfer 7(27 ./2,-Q, (-K=-7, 7(27 ./2,-Q, (-7P/27- .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 2$ 4(GB,;6G-:G; 1nterface Protocol and 7ignaling Alow +%ementar y #r$ce"ure Initiatin& Messa&e Successfu% 7utc$me Unsuccessfu% 7utc$me (esponse message (esponse message 7ecurity Code .ontrol 7-.=(1,Y C/'- ./CC02' 7-.=(1,Y C/'- ./CP>-,- 7-.=(1,Y C/'- (-R-., 'ata Folume (eport '0,0 F/>=C- (-P/(, (-K=-7, '0,0 F/>=C- (-P/(, (eset (-7-, (-7-, 0.52/4>-'D- (eset (esource (-7-, (-7/=(.- (-7-, (-7/=(.- 0.52/4>-'D- >ocation related 'ata >/.0,1/2 (->0,-' '0,0 (-K=-7, >/.0,1/2 (->0,-' '0,0 (-7P/27- >/.0,1/2 (->0,-' '0,0 A01>=(- TA4E " CASS " +%ementary #r$ce"ure Messa&e (0B Codification (equest (0B C/'1AY (-K=-7, (0B (elease (equest (0B (->-07- (-K=-7, 1u (elease (equest 1= (->-07- (-K=-7, (elocation 'etect (->/.0,1/2 '-,-., (elocation .omplete (->/.0,1/2 ./CP>-,- 7(27 'ata Aorwarding 1nitiation 7(27 '0,0 A/(40(' ./CC02' 7(27 .ontext Aorwarding from 7ource (2. to .2 A/(40(' 7(27 ./2,-Q, 7(27 .ontext Aorwarding to ,arget (2. from .2 A/(40(' 7(27 ./2,-Q, Paging P0D12D .ommon 1' ./CC/2 1' .2 1nvo9e ,race .2 12F/5- ,(0.- .2 'eactivate ,race .2 '-0.,1F0,- ,(0.- >ocation (eporting .ontrol >/.0,1/2 (-P/(,12D ./2,(/> >ocation (eport >/.0,1/2 (-P/(, 1nitial =- Cessage 121,10> =- C-770D- 'irect ,ransfer '1(-., ,(027A-( /verload .ontrol /F-(>/0' -rror 1ndication -((/( 12'1.0,1/2 3% .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 .hapter % 1nterface and Protocol TA4E # CASS # +%ementary #r$ce"ure Initiatin& Messa&e Resp$nse Messa&e (0B 0ssignment (0B 0771D2C-2, (-K=-7, (0B 0771D2C-2, (-7P/27- x 2 (2ST: Protocol related to Interface I"r ,he highest layer protocol of 1nterface 1ur control plane is (0270P. Aigure :" shows the structure of 1nterface 1ur protocol. FI GURE 1, STRUCTURE OF I NTERFACE I UR $ROTOCO SSCF2I SSCOP 5TP:2B AA/; IP SCTP SCCP AA/; SSCF2I STC -<=>1;0=1. RSAP I"r ,ata Strea%-#. Tran#+ort etwor0 /a1er P)1#ical /a1er Tran#+ort (#er etwor0 Plane Control Plane (#er Plane Tran#+ort (#er etwor0 Plane Tran#+ort etwor0 Control Plane Radio etwor0 /a1er AT5 A/CAP-<=>6:0=1. AA/> SSCF2I SSCOP 5TP:2B IP SCTP SSCF2I 5:(A 5:(A ,he protocol structure of 1nterface 1ur control plane (including (2> and ,2> is same as that of 1nterface 1u control plane. .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 31 4(GB,;6G-:G; 1nterface Protocol and 7ignaling Alow F"nction and Str"ct"re of Interface I"r 1nterface 1ur is to transmit data when =- performs the soft handover between ad6acent (2.s. %DPP prescribes that 1nterface 1ur is a logic entity. ,hat is* 1nterface 1ur and 1nterface 1u can either share one channel for the transmission or connect via independent physical interface. ,C7 Fra%e Protocol of Interface I"r 0s shown in Aigure*when =- crosses (27s* '(2. can forward '.8 data to 7(2. via 1nterface 1ur. '(2. does not process '.8 data but directly send '.8 data at 1nterface 1ub to 1nterface 1ur. '.8 frames of 1nterface 1ur and 1nterface 1ub 9eep consistent* to greatly reduce '.8 data processing by '(2.. RSAP Proce## TA4E ' CASS 1 EEMENTAR( $ROCEDURES +%ementar y #r$ce"ure Initiatin& Messa&e Successfu% 7utc$me Unsuccessfu% 7utc$me (esponse message (esponse message (adio >in9 7etup (0'1/ >125 7-,=P (-K=-7, (0'1/ >125 7-,=P (-7P/27- (0'1/ >125 7-,=P A01>=(- (adio >in9 0ddition (0'1/ >125 0''1,1/2 (-K=-7, (0'1/ >125 0''1,1/2 (-7P/27- (0'1/ >125 0''1,1/2 A01>=(- (adio >in9 'eletion (0'1/ >125 '->-,1/2 (-K=-7, (0'1/ >125 '->-,1/2 (-7P/27- 7ynchronis ed (adio >in9 (econfigura tion Preparation (0'1/ >125 (-./2A1D=(0 ,1/2 P(-P0(- (0'1/ >125 (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 (-0'Y (0'1/ >125 (-./2A1D=(0,1/ 2 A01>=(- =nsynchron ised (adio >in9 (econfigura tion (0'1/ >125 (-./2A1D=(0 ,1/2 (-K=-7, (0'1/ >125 (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 (-7P/27- (0'1/ >125 (-./2A1D=(0,1/ 2 A01>=(- 32 .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 .hapter % 1nterface and Protocol +%ementar y #r$ce"ure Initiatin& Messa&e Successfu% 7utc$me Unsuccessfu% 7utc$me (esponse message (esponse message Physical .hannel (econfigura tion P8Y71.0> .8022-> (-./2A1D=(0 ,1/2 (-K=-7, P8Y71.0> .8022-> (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 ./CC02' P8Y71.0> .8022-> (-./2A1D=(0,1/ 2 A01>=(- 'edicated Ceasureme nt 1nitiation '-'1.0,-' C-07=(-C-2 , 121,10,1/2 (-K=-7, '-'1.0,-' C-07=(-C-2, 121,10,1/2 (-7P/27- '-'1.0,-' C-07=(-C-2, 121,10,1/2 A01>=(- .ommon ,ransport .hannel (esources 1nitialisatio n ./CC/2 ,(027P/(, .8022-> (-7/=(.-7 (-K=-7, ./CC/2 ,(027P/(, .8022-> (-7/=(.-7 (-7P/27- ./CC/2 ,(027P/(, .8022-> (-7/=(.-7 A01>=(- .ommon Ceasureme nt 1nitiation ./CC/2 C-07=(-C-2 , 121,10,1/2 (-K=-7, ./CC/2 C-07=(-C-2, 121,10,1/2 (-7P/27- ./CC/2 C-07=(-C-2, 121,10,1/2 A01>=(- 1nformation -xchange 1nitiation 12A/(C0,1/2 -Q.802D- 121,10,1/2 (-K=-7, 12A/(C0,1/2 -Q.802D- 121,10,1/2 (-7P/27- 12A/(C0,1/2 -Q.802D- 121,10,1/2 A01>=(- TA4E , CASS " EEMENTAR( $ROCEDURES +%ementary #r$ce"ure Initiatin& Messa&e =plin9 7ignalling ,ransfer =P>125 71D20>>12D ,(027A-( 12'1.0,1/2 'ownlin9 7ignalling ,ransfer '/42>125 71D20>>12D ,(027A-( (-K=-7, (elocation .ommit (->/.0,1/2 ./CC1, Paging P0D12D (-K=-7, 7ynchronised (adio >in9 (econfiguration .ommit (0'1/ >125 (-./2A1D=(0,1/2 ./CC1, 7ynchronised (adio >in9 (econfiguration .ancellation (0'1/ >125 (-./2A1D=(0,1/2 .02.-> (adio >in9 Aailure (0'1/ >125 A01>=(- 12'1.0,1/2 (adio >in9 (estoration (0'1/ >125 (-7,/(- 12'1.0,1/2 'edicated Ceasurement (eporting '-'1.0,-' C-07=(-C-2, (-P/(, 'edicated Ceasurement ,ermination '-'1.0,-' C-07=(-C-2, ,-(C120,1/2 (-K=-7, .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 33 4(GB,;6G-:G; 1nterface Protocol and 7ignaling Alow +%ementary #r$ce"ure Initiatin& Messa&e 'edicated Ceasurement Aailure '-'1.0,-' C-07=(-C-2, A01>=(- 12'1.0,1/2 'ownlin9 Power .ontrol LA''M '> P/4-( ./2,(/> (-K=-7, .ompressed Code .ommand LA''M ./CP(-77-' C/'- ./CC02' .ommon ,ransport .hannel (esources (elease ./CC/2 ,(027P/(, .8022-> (-7/=(.-7 (->-07- (-K=-7, -rror 1ndication -((/( 12'1.0,1/2 'ownlin9 Power ,imeslot .ontrol L,''M '> P/4-( ,1C-7>/, ./2,(/> (-K=-7, (adio >in9 Pre#emption (0'1/ >125 P(--CP,1/2 (-K=1(-' 12'1.0,1/2 (adio >in9 .ongestion (0'1/ >125 ./2D-7,1/2 12'1.0,1/2 .ommon Ceasurement (eporting ./CC/2 C-07=(-C-2, (-P/(, .ommon Ceasurement ,ermination ./CC/2 C-07=(-C-2, ,-(C120,1/2 (-K=-7, .ommon Ceasurement Aailure ./CC/2 C-07=(-C-2, A01>=(- 12'1.0,1/2 1nformation (eporting 12A/(C0,1/2 (-P/(, 1nformation -xchange ,ermination 12A/(C0,1/2 -Q.802D- ,-(C120,1/2 (-K=-7, 1nformation -xchange Aailure 12A/(C0,1/2 -Q.802D- A01>=(- 12'1.0,1/2 Protocol Related to Interface I"4 ,he high layer protocol of 1nterface 1ub control plane is 2B0P. ,he user plane consists of several frame protocols. Aigure :6 shows the structure of protocols. 3 .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 .hapter % 1nterface and Protocol FI GURE 1- STRUCTURE OF I NTERFACE I U4 $ROTOCO Node B '++liction &rt (NB'&) '') (y+e 2 ALCAP (rns+ort )yer &hysicl )yer Rdio Network )yer Rdio Network Control &lne (rns+ort Network Control &lne D C #
% & R ' C #
% & '(8 D S C #
% & '') (y+e 5 User &lne SSC%$UNI SSC=& '') (y+e 5 SSC%$UNI SSC=& ;.24/<.* ;.2*5<.2 % ' C #
% & & C #
% & U S C #
% & C & C #
% & 2B0P includes 2ode B logic /)C and dedicated 2B0P. ode B /ogic 5odel FI GURE 1. NODE 4 OGI C MODE 555 555 No*e 4 555 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Node B Co,,uniction Conte>ts? with ttributes Co,,on (rns+ort Chnnels? with ttributes ode B Control Port I"4 RAC7 ,ata +ort I"4 FAC7 ,ata +ort I"4 PC7 ,ata +ort Contro++&n6 RNC I"4 F,, CPC7 ,ata +ort Traffic ter%ination +oint Co%%"nication Control Port I"4 T,, (SC7 ,ata +ort I"4 ,C7 ,ata +ort I"4 ,SC7 ,ata +ort I"4 F,, TFCI> ,ata +ort Traffic ter%ination +oint Co%%"nication Control Port I"4 T,, (SC7 ,ata +ort I"4 ,C7 ,ata +ort I"4 ,SC7 ,ata +ort I"4 F,, TFCI> ,ata Port 2ode B logic model consists of cell* common transmission channelHport* 2ode B communication context* and the corresponding '7.8H'.8. 2ode B controls 2.P and the communication controls port ..P* etc. 2ode B communication context and the corresponding '7.8H'.8 port are related to dedicated user services. .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 3! 4(GB,;6G-:G; 1nterface Protocol and 7ignaling Alow 2ode B communication context is corresponding to .(2. communication context. 2ode B communication context is identifies by 2ode B .ommunication ,ext 1'* containing necessary information to communicate with =-. 1t is established when (> is setup and deleted when (> is deleted. ,here is only one 2.P lin9 on one 2ode B. (2. sends all 2ode B common control signaling from 2.P. 2.P lin9 must be setup before operating* maintaining* and controlling 2ode B. ,here can be several ..P lin9s on one 2ode B. (2. sends all 2ode B dedicated control signaling from ..P lin9. =sually* one cell inside 2ode B can be configured with one ..P (it is 6ust a routine* not certain. BAP Proce## TA4E - CASS 1 +%emen tary #r$ce" ure Messa&e Successfu% 7utc$me Unsuccessfu% 7utc$me (esponse message (esponse message .ell 7etup .->> 7-,=P (-K=-7, .->> 7-,=P (-7P/27- .->> 7-,=P A01>=(- .ell (econfig uration .->> (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 (-K=-7, .->> (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 (-7P/27- .->> (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 A01>=(- .ell 'eletion .->> '->-,1/2 (-K=-7, .->> '->-,1/2 (-7P/27- .ommo n ,ranspo rt .hannel 7etup ./CC/2 ,(027P/(, .8022-> 7-,=P (-K=-7, ./CC/2 ,(027P/(, .8022-> 7-,=P (-7P/27- ./CC/2 ,(027P/(, .8022-> 7-,=P A01>=(- .ommo n ,ranspo rt .hannel (econfig uration ./CC/2 ,(027P/(, .8022-> (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 (-K=-7, ./CC/2 ,(027P/(, .8022-> (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 (-7P/27- ./CC/2 ,(027P/(, .8022-> (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 A01>=(- .ommo n ,ranspo rt .hannel 'eletion ./CC/2 ,(027P/(, .8022-> '->-,1/2 (-K=-7, ./CC/2 ,(027P/(, .8022-> '->-,1/2 (-7P/27- 3& .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 .hapter % 1nterface and Protocol +%emen tary #r$ce" ure Messa&e Successfu% 7utc$me Unsuccessfu% 7utc$me (esponse message (esponse message Physical 7hared .hannel (econfig ure L,''M P8Y71.0> 780(-' .8022-> (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 (-K=-7, P8Y71.0> 780(-' .8022-> (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 (-7P/27- P8Y71.0> 780(-' .8022-> (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 A01>=(- 0udit 0='1, (-K=-7, 0='1, (-7P/27- 0='1, A01>=(- Bloc9 (esourc e B>/.5 (-7/=(.- (-K=-7, B>/.5 (-7/=(.- (-7P/27- B>/.5 (-7/=(.- A01>=(- (adio >in9 7etup (0'1/ >125 7-,=P (-K=-7, (0'1/ >125 7-,=P (-7P/27- (0'1/ >125 7-,=P A01>=(- 7ystem 1nforma tion =pdate 7Y7,-C 12A/(C0,1/2 =P'0,- (-K=-7, 7Y7,-C 12A/(C0,1/2 =P'0,- (-7P/27- 7Y7,-C 12A/(C0,1/2 =P'0,- A01>=(- .ommo n Ceasure ment 1nitiatio n ./CC/2 C-07=(-C-2, 121,10,1/2 (-K=-7, ./CC/2 C-07=(-C-2, 121,10,1/2 (-7P/27- ./CC/2 C-07=(-C-2, 121,10,1/2 A01>=(- (adio >in9 0ddition (0'1/ >125 0''1,1/2 (-K=-7, (0'1/ >125 0''1,1/2 (-7P/27- (0'1/ >125 0''1,1/2 A01>=(- (adio >in9 'eletion (0'1/ >125 '->-,1/2 (-K=-7, (0'1/ >125 '->-,1/2 (-7P/27- 7ynchro nised (adio >in9 (econfig uration Preparat ion (0'1/ >125 (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 P(-P0(- (0'1/ >125 (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 (-0'Y (0'1/ >125 (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 A01>=(- =nsynch ronised (adio >in9 (econfig uration (0'1/ >125 (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 (-K=-7, (0'1/ >125 (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 (-7P/27- (0'1/ >125 (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 A01>=(- .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 3" 4(GB,;6G-:G; 1nterface Protocol and 7ignaling Alow +%emen tary #r$ce" ure Messa&e Successfu% 7utc$me Unsuccessfu% 7utc$me (esponse message (esponse message 'edicat ed Ceasure ment 1nitiatio n '-'1.0,-' C-07=(-C-2, 121,10,1/2 (-K=-7, '-'1.0,-' C-07=(-C-2, 121,10,1/2 (-7P/27- '-'1.0,-' C-07=(-C-2, 121,10,1/2 A01>=(- (eset (-7-, (-K=-7, (-7-, (-7P/27- .ell 7ynchro nisation 1nitiatio n L%.8@Cc ps ,''M .->> 7Y2.8(/2170,1 /2 121,10,1/2 (-K=-7, .->> 7Y2.8(/2170,1 /2 121,10,1/2 (-7P/27- .->> 7Y2.8(/2170,1 /2 121,10,1/2 A01>=(- .ell 7ynchro nisation (econfig uration L%.8@ Ccps ,''M .->> 7Y2.8(/2170,1 /2 (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 (-K=-7, .->> 7Y2.8(/2170,1 /2 (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 (-7P/27- .->> 7Y2.8(/2170,1 /2 (-./2A1D=(0,1 /2 A01>=(- .ell 7ynchro nisation 0d6ustm ent L%.8@Cc ps ,''M .->> 7Y2.8(/2170,1 /2 0'R=7,C-2, (-K=-7, .->> 7Y2.8(/2170,1 /2 0'R=7,C-2, (-7P/27- .->> 7Y2.8(/2170,1 /2 0'R=7,C-2, A01>=(- 1nforma tion -xchang e 1nitiatio n 12A/(C0,1/2 -Q.802D- 121,10,1/2 (-K=-7, 12A/(C0,1/2 -Q.802D- 121,10,1/2 (-7P/27- 12A/(C0,1/2 -Q.802D- 121,10,1/2 A01>=(- TA4E . CASS " +%ementary #r$ce"ure Messa&e (esource 7tatus 1ndication (-7/=(.- 7,0,=7 12'1.0,1/2 0udit (equired 0='1, (-K=1(-' 12'1.0,1/2 .ommon Ceasurement (eporting ./CC/2 C-07=(-C-2, (-P/(, .ommon Ceasurement ,ermination ./CC/2 C-07=(-C-2, ,-(C120,1/2 (-K=-7, 3# .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 .hapter % 1nterface and Protocol +%ementary #r$ce"ure Messa&e .ommon Ceasurement Aailure ./CC/2 C-07=(-C-2, A01>=(- 12'1.0,1/2 7ynchronised (adio >in9 (econfiguration .ommit (0'1/ >125 (-./2A1D=(0,1/2 ./CC1, 7ynchronised (adio >in9 (econfiguration .ancellation (0'1/ >125 (-./2A1D=(0,1/2 .02.-> (adio >in9 Aailure (0'1/ >125 A01>=(- 12'1.0,1/2 (adio >in9 (estoration (0'1/ >125 (-7,/(- 12'1.0,1/2 'edicated Ceasurement (eporting '-'1.0,-' C-07=(-C-2, (-P/(, 'edicated Ceasurement ,ermination '-'1.0,-' C-07=(-C-2, ,-(C120,1/2 (-K=-7, 'edicated Ceasurement Aailure '-'1.0,-' C-07=(-C-2, A01>=(- 12'1.0,1/2 'ownlin9 Power .ontrol LA''M '> P/4-( ./2,(/> (-K=-7, .ompressed Code .ommand LA''M ./CP(-77-' C/'- ./CC02' =nbloc9 (esource =2B>/.5 (-7/=(.- 12'1.0,1/2 -rror 1ndication -((/( 12'1.0,1/2 'ownlin9 Power ,imeslot .ontrol L,''M '> P/4-( ,1C-7>/, ./2,(/> (-K=-7, (adio >in9 Pre#emption (0'1/ >125 P(--CP,1/2 (-K=1(-' 12'1.0,1/2 .ell 7ynchronisation (eporting L%.8@Ccps ,''M .->> 7Y2.8(/2170,1/2 (-P/(, .ell 7ynchronisation ,ermination L%.8@Ccps ,''M .->> 7Y2.8(/2170,1/2 ,-(C120,1/2 (-K=-7, .ell 7ynchronisation Aailure L%.8@Ccps ,''M .->> 7Y2.8(/2170,1/2 A01>=(- 12'1.0,1/2 1nformation (eporting 12A/(C0,1/2 (-P/(, 1nformation -xchange ,ermination 12A/(C0,1/2 -Q.802D- ,-(C120,1/2 (-K=-7, 1nformation -xchange Aailure 12A/(C0,1/2 -Q.802D- A01>=(- 12'1.0,1/2 .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 3$ 4(GB,;6G-:G; 1nterface Protocol and 7ignaling Alow Cell Set"+ Proce## FI GURE 1/ CE SETU$ $ROCESS RNC Node B NB'&. Cell setu+ re.uest NC&?CC& nd ')C'& set u+ Reset +rocess NB'& nd cell setu+ res+onse NB'& nd SCC&C# setu+ re.uest NB'& nd SCC&C# setu+ res+onse ')C'&( ER;(%'C#+ ')C'& -EC% ')C'&-ER;(&C#) ')C'&-EC% NB'&- R'C# setu+ re.uest NB'&- R'C# setu+ res+onse ')C'&-ER;) R'C#+ ')C'&- EC% NB'&- Syste, in5or,tion u+dte re.uest NB'&- Syste, in5or,tion u+dte res+onse Node B strtu+ +rocess Cell setu+ +rocess %& synchroni@tion +rocess &CC&C# % .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 .hapter % 1nterface and Protocol CS Call Origination Flow -RRC Set"+ on CC7. FI GURE 10 CA ORI GI NATI ON FOW 2 RRC SETU$ ON CC!3
RRC connection re.. R'C# ACCC# R) setu+ re. R) setu+ res+ . ')C'& ES(. re. ')C'& ES(. c5n RRC connection setu+( %'C# ACCC#) RRC connection setu+ co,+.(R'C#BDCC#) INI(I') D((C8 ser!ice re.)( DCC#) D((setu+) D((cll +roceedin") D(('uthentiction re.) D(('uthentiction res+) Initil UE ,ess"e R'B ssi"n,ent re. RB setu+ RB setu+ co,+ R'B ssi"n,ent res+ D((lertin") D((connect) D((connect ck) UE NodeB RNC 8SC D((C8 ser!ice cce+t) DC#C%&-U+link S6NC DC#C%&-Downlink S6NC .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 1 4(GB,;6G-:G; 1nterface Protocol and 7ignaling Alow CS Call Origination Flow -RRC Set"+ on ,C7. FI GURE "1 CS CA ORI GI NATI ON FOW 2 RRC SETU$ ON DC!3
RRC connection re.. R) setu+ re. R) setu+ res+. ')C'& ES(. re. ')C'& ES(. c5n RRC connection setu+ INI(I') D((&"in" res+) D((setu+) D((cll con5ir,ed) D(('uthentiction re.) D(('uthentiction res+) Initil UE ,ess"e R'B ssi"n,ent re. R) recon5i" +re R) recon5i" redy ')C'& ES(. re. ')C'& ES(. c5n R) recon5i" co,,it RB setu+ RB setu+ co,+ R'B ssi"n,ent res+ D((lertin") D((connect) D((connect ck) &"in" ty+e* +"in" UE B NodeB RNC 8SC ')C'& ES(. re. ')C'& ES(. c5n DC#C%&U) S6NC DC#C%&D) S6NC RRC connection setu+ co,+. .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 3 4(GB,;6G-:G; 1nterface Protocol and 7ignaling Alow Relea#e Flow in CS ,o%ain C Originate# FI GURE "" REEASE FOW I N CS DOMAI N CN I NI TI ATES
D((relese) D((Relese co,+) RRC connection relese RRC connection relese co,+ IU relese co,,nd IU relese co,+ R) delete R) delete res+ ')C'& RE). re. ')C'& RE). c5n U( NodeB RNC M"C ')C'& ES(. re. ')C'& ES(. c5n D((disconnection) .onfidential and Proprietary 1nformation of +,- ./(P/(0,1/2 .hapter % 1nterface and Protocol Relea#e Flow in CS ,o%ain (E Originate# FI GURE "# REEASE FOW I N CS DOMAI N UE I NI TI ATES