Nqs Eylf Coe

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The key takeaways are the importance of respecting each child's identity, wellbeing and learning through creating safe and engaging environments and curriculum.

The main principles of the Early Years Learning Framework are that each child's learning and development is viewed as unique, each child's life experiences are valued as part of their learning, and collaborative partnerships with families are fundamental.

According to the code of ethics, educators have responsibilities to create safe and caring environments for children, respect each child's dignity and contributions, acknowledge their cultural identities, and develop their autonomy and agency.



Standard 1.1
An approved
learning framework
informs the
development of a
curriculum that
enhances each
childs learning and

Outcome 1:
Children develop their emerging autonomy, interdependence, resilience and sense of agency
Outcome 4:
Children develop dispositions for learning such as
curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity,
commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination
and reflexivity
Children develop a range of skills and processes
such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation,
hypothesising, researching and investigating

In relation to children, I will;
6.Create and maintain safe, healthy
environments, spaces
and places, which enhance childrens
learning, development, engagement,
initiative, self-worth, and dignity and show
respect for their contributions.
9.Acknowledge the holistic nature of
childrens learning and the significance of
childrens cultural and linguistic identities.

Children transfer and adapt what they have learned

from one context to another
Children resource their own learning through
connecting with people, place, technologies and
natural and processed materials


Element 1.1.1
Curriculum decisionmaking contributes
to each childs
learning and
outcomes in relation
to their identity,
connection with
wellbeing, and
confidence as
learners and
effectiveness as

Outcome 1:
Children learn to interact in relation to others with
care, empathy and respect
Outcome 2:
Children become strong in their social and
emotional wellbeing
Children take increasing responsibility for their own
health and physical wellbeing
Outcome 5:
Children interact verbally and non-verbally with
others for a range of purposes

In relation to communities, I will;

1. Learn about the communities that I work

within and enact curriculum programs,
which are responsive to those contexts and
community priorities.
2. Connect with people, services and
agencies within the communities that
support children and families.

Element 1.1.2
INVOLVEMENT Each childs current
knowledge, ideas,
culture, abilities and
interests are the
foundation of the

Outcome 4:
Children develop dispositions for learning such as
curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity,
commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination
and reflexivity
Children transfer and adapt what they have learned
from one context to another
Children resource their own learning through
connecting with people, place, technologies and
natural and processed materials


Element 1.1.3
The program,
including routines, is
organised in ways
that maximize
opportunities for
each childs

Outcome 5:
Children use information and communication
technologies to access information, investigate
ideas and represent their thinking

Element 1.1.4
INVOLVEMENT The documentation
about each childs
program and
progress is available
to families.

The Framework has been designed for use by

early childhood educators working in partnership
with families, childrens first and most influential


Outcome 1:
Children feel safe, secure, and supported

Element 1.1.5
Every child is
supported to
participate in the

In relation to communities, I will:

1. Learn about the communities that I work
within and enact curriculum programs,
which are responsive to those contexts and
community priorities.
Utilise knowledge and research to advocate
for universal access to a range of highquality early childhood programs for all

In relation to communities, I will:

1. Learn about the communities that I work
within and enact curriculum programs,
which are responsive to those contexts and
community priorities.
Utilise knowledge and research to advocate
for universal access to a range of highquality early childhood programs for all
In relations to families, I will;
7. Develop shared planning, monitoring and
assessment practices for childrens learning
and communicate this in ways that families
In relation to children, I will:
1.Act in the best interests of all children.
6.Create and maintain safe, healthy
environments, spaces
and places, which enhance childrens
learning, development, engagement,
initiative, self-worth, and dignity and show
respect for their contributions.

Element 1.1.6
Outcome 1:
INVOLVEMENT Each childs agency Children develop their emerging autonomy, interis promoted,
dependence, resilience and sense of agency
enabling them to
make choices and
decisions and to
influence events and
their world.

Standard 1.2
INVOLVEMENT Educators and
coordinators are
focused, active and
reflective in
designing and
delivering the
program for each

Respecting diversity means within the curriculum

valuing and reflecting the practices, values and
beliefs of families. Educators honour the histories,
cultures, languages, traditions, child rearing
practices and lifestyle choices of families.

In relation to communities, I will;

3.Recognise children as active citizens
participating in different communities such
as family, childrens services and schools.
4.Work with children to help them
understand that they are global citizens
with shared responsibilities to the
environment and humanity.
In relation to children, I will:
6.Create and maintain safe, healthy
environments, spaces
and places, which enhance childrens
learning, development, engagement,
initiative, self-worth and dignity and
show respect for their contributions.


Element 1.2.1
Each child's learning
and development is
assessed as part of
an ongoing cycle of
documenting and

Educators carefully assess learning to inform

further planning.
While educators may plan or assess with a focus
on a particular outcome or component of learning,
they see childrens learning as integrated and

In relation to myself as a professional, I will:

1. Base my work on contemporary
perspectives on research, theory, content
knowledge, high-quality early childhood
practices and my understandings of the
children and families with whom I work.
2. Regard myself as a learner who
undertakes reflection, critical self-study,
and continuing professional development
and engages with contemporary theory and
In relation to the conduct of research, I will:

Element 1.2.2
INVOLVEMENT Educators respond
to children's ideas
and play and use
intentional teaching
to scaffold and
extend each child's
STRUCTURED Element 1.2.3
Critical reflection on
children's learning
and development,
both as individuals
and in groups, is
regularly used to
implement the

Intentional teaching: involves educators being

deliberate, purposeful and thoughtful in their
decisions and action. Intentional teaching is the
opposite of teaching by rote or continuing with
traditions simply because things have always been
done that way.
They can support engagement by allowing time for
meaningful interactions, by providing a range of
opportunities for individual and shared experiences,
and by finding opportunities for children to go into
and contribute to their local community.

1. Recognise that research includes my

routine documentation and investigations of
childrens learning and development, as
well as more formal research projects
undertaken with and by external bodies.
In relations to my children, I will;
11.Acknowledge children as competent
learners, and build active communities of
engagement and inquiry.

In relation to families, I will;

7. Develop shared planning, monitoring and
assessment practices for childrens learning
and communicate this in ways that families

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