Resume GERARD Sebastien
Resume GERARD Sebastien
Resume GERARD Sebastien
2007-2009 Master in Computer Science, Faculty of Computer Science, University Namur, Distinction.
2004–2007 Baccalaureate in Computer Science, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Namur, Distinc-
Science orientation: advanced AI, process algebra, database engineering,
computability, operationals research, . . .
1998–2004 High school diploma, Le petit séminaire de Floreffe, Floreffe (Belgium).
Master thesis
Entity behavior translator for Secure Services for Embedded Mobile Peer-to-peer Systems
Internship Creation of translator from an abstract behavior code to Java in the context of a European (University Of
Pisa, Italy) project called SMEPP
Student jobs
2009 Programmer, FUNDP, Namur.
Creation of a student website for the math department of my University
2008 Analyst-programmer, Saint-Gobain Glass Belgium, Auvelais.
Creation of an electronic version of the team leader report
2005 Programmer, FUNDP, Namur.
Private website creation for file sharing and personnal information among students of my department
2004-2007 Worker, Saint-Gobain Glass Belgium, Auvelais.
Student job each summer as a worker on a modern glass production line
French mother tongue
English fluent
Dutch good knowledge
Computer skills
Programming Java, C, PHP, Javascript, VB, HTML, CSS,
prolog, haskell, UML, XSLT/XSD, SQL, Lex,
Yacc, LATEX, Maven, Hibernate
Networking Apache, Named, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Ex-
change, IPCop, Squid, DHCPd
OS Windows, Linux, MacOS
Additional information
+ Driver’s license
+ 2007-2009: Member of the Computer Science faculty council