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PFA-Act & Rules

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The Prevention of

Food Adulteration Act & Rules

(as on 1.10.2004)
14. Manufacturers, distributors and dealers to give
PRELIMINARY warranty 35
14-A Vendor to disclose the name, etc, of the person from
SECTION PAGE whom the article of food was purchased 36
1. Short title, extent and commencement 1 15. Notification of food poisoning 36
2. Definitions 1 16. Penalties 36
2-A Rule of construction 10 16-A Power of Court to try cases summarily 39
17. Offences by companies 43
CENTRAL FOOD LABORATORY 18. Forfeiture of property 45
19. Defences which may or may not be allowed in
3. The Cental Committee for Food Standards 12
prosecutions under this Act 46
3-A Appointement of Secretary and other staff 14 20. Cognizance and trial of offences 47
4. Central Food Laboratory 14 20-A Power of Court to implead manufacturer, etc. 53
GENERAL PROVISIONS AS TO FOOD 20-AA Application of the Probation of Offenders Act,
1958 and Section 360 of the Code of Criminal
5. Prohibition of import of certain articles of food 14 Procedure 1973. 54
6. Application of law relating to sea customs and 21. Magistrates power to impose enhanced penalties 54
powers of Customs Officers 15 22. Protection of action taken in good faith 54
7. Prohibiton of manufacture, sale etc., of certain 22-A Power of Central Government to give directions 54
articles of food 15 23. Power of Central Government to make rules 55
ANALYSIS OF FOOD 24. Power of the State Government to make rules 58
8. Public Analysts 18 25. Repeal and saving 59
9. Food Inspectors 19 THE PREVENTION OF FOOD
10. Powers of Food Inspectors 19
Part I
11. Procedure to be followed by Food Inspectors 23 PRELIMINARY
12. Purchaser may have food analysed 28 RULE PAGE
13. Report of public analyst 29 1. Short title, extent and commencement 60
2. Definitions 60
v vi
Part II Part V
3. Functions 61 14. Manner of sending samples for analysis 75
4. Analysis of food samples 65 15. Bottles or containers to be labelled and addressed 76
Part III 16. Manner of packing and sealing the samples 76
17. Manner of despatching containers of samples 77
18. Memorandum and impression of seal to be sent
5. Definition and standards of quality 66 &
separately 78
Appendix B
Part IV 19. Addition of preservatives to samples 78
PUBLIC ANALYSTS AND FOOD INSPECTORS 20. Preservative in respect of milk, cream, dahi,
6. Qualifications of Public Analyst 66 Khoa, Khoa based and paneer based sweets such
as Kalakund and barfi, chutney and prepared
7. Duties of Public Analyst 68 foods, gur, prepared coffee and prepared tea. 79
8. Qualification of Food Inspector 69 21. Nature and quantity of the perservative to be
9. Duties of Food Inspector 70 noted on the label 79
9-A Sending of Sample by Local (Health) Authority 72 22. Quantity of sample to be sent to the Public
Analyst 79
9-B Local (Health) authority to send report to person
concerned 72 22-A Contents of one or more similar sealed
containers having identical labels to constitute
10. Forms of order not to dispose of stock and the quantity of food sample 81
of bond 73
22-B Quantity of samples sent to be considered as
11. Forms of receipt for food seized by a Food sufficient 82
Inspector 73
22-C Quantity of samples of food packaging material
12. Notice of intention to take sample for analysis 73 to be sent to be public analyst 82
12-A Warranty 74 Part VI
12-B Form of nomination of Director or Manager and COLOURING MATTER
his consent, under Section 17 74 23. Unauthorised addition of colouring matter
12-C Vendor to disclose name and address of Director/ prohibited 82
Manager in certain circumstances 74 24. Extraneous addition of colouring matter to be
13. Power of Food Inspector to deal with carrier mentioned on the label 82
of disease handling food 74 25. Use of caramel permitted (deleted, w.e.f. 25.12.2004) 83
vii viii
26. Natural colouring matters which may be used 83 42. Form of labels :
27. Addition of inorganic matters and pigments (A) Coffee-chicory Mixture 104
prohibited 83
(B) Condensed Milk or Dessicated (dried) Milk 105
28. Synthetic food colours which may be used 84
(C) Fluid Milk 108
28-A. Use of lake colour as colourant in foods 84
(D) Ice-cream 108
29. Use of permitted synthetic food colours prohibited 84
(E) Hingra 109
30. Maximum limit of permitted synthetic food colours85
(F) Lighr Black Pepper 109
31. Colours to be pure 85
Part VII (G) Cassia Bark (TAJ) 109
PACKING AND LABELLING OF FOOD (GG) Cinnamon (Dalchini) 109
32. Package of food to carry a label 85 (H) Chillies containing edible oil 109
32-A Nutritional Food 96 (I) Omitted 109
33. Language of the particulars or declaration on
(J) Ice-Cream, Kulfi or Kulfa etc. 109
the label 96
(K) Omitted
34. Declaration to be surrounded by line 96
35. Distance of surrounding line 97 (L) Masala 109
36. Principal display panel, its area, size and letter etc. 97 (M) Compounded Asafoetida 110
37. Labels not to contain false or misleading (N) Maida treated with improver/bleaching agents 110
statements 99 (O) Admixture of palmolein with groundnut oil 110
37-A Manufacture of proprietary foods and infant foods100 (P) Imported rapeseed oil mixed with mustard oil 110
37-B Labelling of infant milk substitute and infant food100 (Q) Synthetic food colour preparation and mixture 110
37-C Labelling of irradiated food 102 (R) Malted milk food containg permitted natural
37-D Labelling of edible oils and fats 103 colouring matter 110
38. Labels not to contain reference to Act or Rules (S) Foods containing Monosodium Glutamate 111
contradictory to required particulars 103
(T) Refined salseed fat for use in bakery 111
39. Labels not to use words implying
recommendations by medical profession 103 (U) Omitted 111
40. Unauthorised use of words showing imitation (V) Package of table iodised salt/Iron fortified
prohibited 103 common salt containing anticaking agent 111
41. Imitations not to be marked “pure” 104 (VV) Iron fortified common salt 111
ix x
(W) Refined vegetable oil 112 (17) Veg. Foods 116
(X) Dried Glucose syrup 112 (18) Package containing added Caffeine 116
(Y) Deleted 112 43. Notice of addition, admixture or deficiency
(YY) Tea with added flavour 112 in food 117
(Z) Annato colour in veg. oil 112 43-A Restriction on Advertisement 118
(ZZ) Admixture of edible oils 112 Part VIII
ZZZ(1) Foods containing artificial sweetener 113 44. Sale of certain admixtures prohibited 118
ZZZ(1) (A) Label of foods and advertisements etc. 44-A Sale of kesari gram prohibited 121
containing artificial sweetener 113
44-AA Prohibition of use of carbide gas in ripening
ZZZ(1)(B) Size of letter of declaration etc. of artificial
of fruits 122
sweetener in foods 113
(2) Aspertame artificial sweetener 113 44-AAA Prohibition of use of mineral oil 123
(3) Package of Pan Masala 114 44-B Restriction on sale of ghee having less Reichert
(4) Package of Vanaspati containing Rice value than that specified for the area where
bran oil 114 such ghee is sold 123
(5) Package of Fat-Spread 114 44-C Restriction on sale of Til oil produced in Tripura
(6) Package of Supari 114 Assam and West Bengal 123
(7) Package of Irradiated Food 114 44-D Restriction on sale of Carbia callosa and
(8) Package of fruit squash containing Honeydew 124
additional Sod. or Pot. salt 114 44-E Restriction on sale of Kangra tea 124
(9) Cheese-surface treated with Netamycin 115
44-F Restriction on sale of Irradiated Food 124
(10) Margarine for Bakery & Industrial use 115
44-G Condition for sale of Flavoured Tea 124
(11) Omitted 115
(12) Mixture of Aspertame (Methyl Ester) 44-H Restriction on sale of Common salt (ommited) 124
and Acesulfame Potassium Sweeteners 115 45. Food resembling but not pure honey not
(13) Flavour emulsion and flavour paste 115 to be marked honey 124
(14) Packaged Drinking Water 115 46. Sale or use for sale of admixture of ghee or
(15) Natural Mineral Water 116 butter prohibited 124
(16) Non-Veg Foods 116 47. Restriction on the use and sale of artificial sweetener 125
xi xii
48. Use of flesh of naturally dead animals or Part XI
fowls prohibited 128 POISONOUS METALS
48-A Sale of permitted foods colours 129 57. Poisonous metals 147
48-B Sale of insect-damaged dry fruit and nuts 130 Part XIA
48-C Sale of food additives 130 CROP CONTAMINANTS AND NATURALLY
48-D Storage and sale of Irradiated Food 131 OCCURING TOXIC SUBSTANCES
48-E Sale of Fresh Fruits and Vegitables 131 57-A Crop Contaminats 153
Part IX 57-B Naturally occurring Toxic substances 153


49. Conditions for sale 131
50. Coditions for Licence 136
58. Definition of anti-oxidants 154
51. Duration of Licences 139
59. Restriction on use of anti-oxidant 154
51-A Procedure for issue of licence in certain local areas 139
59-A Use of anti-oxidants in vitamin D preparation 155
Part X
60. Definition of emulsifying and stabilising agents 155
PERSERVATIVES 61. Restriction on use of emulsifying and stabilising
52. Definition of preservative 139 agents 156

53. Classifcation of preservatives 140 61-A Use of starch phosphate 157

65-AA Use of modified starches 157
54. Use of more than one class II Preservative prohibited 141
61-B Use of emulsifying and stabilising agents in
55. Use of Class II Preservatives restricted 141
flavouring agents 157
55-A Use of Class II Preservatives in mixed foods 146 61-C Use of emulsifying and stabilising agents in
55-B Restriction on use of nitrate and nitrite 147 fruit products 157

55-C Use of Netamycin for surface treatment of cheese hard 147 61-D Use of emulsifying and stabilising agents in
Frozen desserts 157
55-D Use of Nisin as a preservative in Coconut Water Drink 147
61-E Use of Xanthan gum 157
56. [Omitted]
xiii xiv
62. Restriction on use of anticaking agents 157 69. Conditions of manufacture, stock and sale of
62-A Anit foaming agents in edible oil and fats 158 solvent extracted edible flour (Omitted)
62-B Use of release agents in confectionery 158 69-A Restriction on the use of solvent 178
Part XIII Part XVI
63. Flavouring agents 158 (ACIDS, BASES AND SALTS)
63-A Rstriction on use of flavouring agents 159 70. Definition of sequestering agents 179
71. Definiton of buffering agents 179
64. Solvents in flavours 159
72. Restrictions on the use of sequestering and
64-A Use of anti-oxidants, emulsifying and stabilising
buffering agents 179
agents and food preservatives in flavour 160
72-A Restriction on use of certain substance 180
64-B Use of Monosodium Glutamate 160
72-B Use of Glycerol Esters of Wood Rosin
64-BB Extraneous addition of flavouring agents to (Ester Gum) 182
be mentioned on the label 160
72-C Use of Sucrose Acetate Isobutyrate 182
64-BBB Use of menthol (Omitted) 72-D Use of Lactulose Syrup on foods 182
Part XII-A Part XVII
64-C Carry Over of food additives 162 73. For the purpose of this chapter, unless the context
Part XIV otherwise requires-Definitions 182
INSECTICIDES & PESTICIDES 74. Dose of Irradiation 183
65. (1) Restriction on the use of insecticides 163 75. Requirement for the process of Irradiation 184
76. Restrictions on Irradiation of Food 185
65. (2) Residues of insecticides 163
77. Record of Irradiation of Food 185
Part XV
78. Standards of Irradiated Food 185
66. Definition of solvent-extracted oils 178
67. Conditions of maufacture, stock and sale of ACTIVE SUBSTANCES
solvent-extracted oil (Omitted)
79. Residues of Antibiotic and other 186
68. Definition of solvent-extracted edible flour 178 Pharmacologically Active Substances

xv xvi
Part XIX This slip entitles the purchaser free supply of amendment to PFA
Rules as notified till 31st December 2004.
80. Use of food additives in food poducts 186 The slip duly signed may be sent to:
81. Use of food additives in traditional food 188
82. Use of additives in Bread, Biscuits 188
Mr. D S Chadha
83. Use of additives in different foods 188 Technical Advisor
Confederation of Indian Industry
APPENDIX A – Forms 190 The Mantosh Sondhi Centre
23, Institutional Area, Lodi Road
APPENDIX B – Definitions and Standard of Quality 204 New Delhi-110 003
APPENDIX C Tel: 91-11-24629994-7
Fax: 91-11-24626149
– Table 1. List of additives for use in
Email: [email protected]
bread and biscuits 387
– Table 2. List of Food additives
for use in foods 391
– Table 3. List of Food additives in foods not Name: _________________________________________________________
not specified 394
Central Committee for Food Standards (Procedure and 401 Designation: ____________________________________________________
Transaction of Business Bye - Laws 1986)
Notifications of Govt of India 404
Company: ______________________________________________________
Commodity Index 408

Address: _______________________________________________________


Tel: ___________________________________________________________

Fax: ___________________________________________________________

Email: _________________________________________________________

Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954

THE PREVENTION OF (b) if the article contains any other substance which affects, or if
the article is so processed as to affect, injuriously the nature,
FOOD ADULTERATION ACT, 1954 substance or quality thereof;
(ACT 37 OF 1954) (c) if any inferior or cheaper substance has been substituted wholly
(29th September 1954) or in part for the article so as to affect injuriously the nature,
substance or quality thereof;
An Act to make provision for prevention of adulteration of the food.
(d) if any constituent of the article has been wholly or in part
Be it enacted by Parliament in the Fifth Year of the Republic of
abstracted so as to affect injuriously the nature, substance or
India as follow:
quality thereof;
(e) if the article had been prepared, packed or kept under insanitary
1. Short title, extent and commencement :- (1) This Act may be called conditions whereby it has become contaminated or injurious
the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 to health ;
(2) It extends to the whole of India1
(f) if the article consists wholly or in part of any filthy, putrid,
(2) It shall come into force on such date2 as the Central Government 1
*** rotten, decomposed or diseased animal or vegetable
may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. substance or is insect-infested or is otherwise unfit for human
2. Definitions :- In this Act unless the context otherwise consumption;
[(i) "adulterant" means any material which is or could be Notes :
employed for the purpose of adulteration;]
– Insect Infestation : A sample of suji analysed after about 6 days. It
[(ia)] "adulterated"- an article of food shall be deemed to be is possible that insects may develop after the sample was taken,
adulterated:- since public analyst did not mention about living insects in the same.
(a) if the article sold by a vendor is not of the nature, substance or The term insects infested means a swarm of insects or at least a
quality demanded by the purchaser and is to his prejudice, or is large number of insects. (Municipal Corpn. Delhi VS. Shri Ramji
not of the nature, substance or quality which it purports or Das) Delhi High Court, FAC 1988 (II) 20.
represented to be; – Milk sample contained one dead fly, which would not make the milk
1. The world "except" the state of Jammu and Kashmir" omitted by Act 41 to be infested (State of Punjab VS. Mahinder Singh) Punjab and
of 1971, s. 2 (w.e.f.26.1.1972). Haryana High Court, FAC 1985 (II) 44.
2. 1st June, 1955 See Notification No. SRO 1085, dated 9th May, 1955,
Gazettee of India, Pt. II, s.3p, 874. – Mere presence eggs of in an article of food and with no living insect
The Act has been extended to Dadra and Nagar Haveli by Reg. 6 of 1963,s.2 visible to the naked eye cannot be held that the article of food is
and Sch. I, to Pondicherry by Reg. 7 of 1963, s. 3 and Sch, I, to Goa, insect infested (Municipal Corporation Delhi VS. Badrinath) Delhi
Daman and Diu by Reg. 11 of 1963, s. 3 and Sch. I, extended to the Kohima High Court, FAC 1982 (I) 211.
and Mokokchung districts in Nagaland by Act 24 of 1972, s. 2
[w.e.f. 1-4-1973]. – Suji Sample showed presence of living insects. In view of liability
3. Ins. by Act 34 of 1976, s. 2 (w.e.f. 1-4-1976).
4. CI (i) Re-numbered as CI. (ia) by s. 2, Act 34 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1- 4 -1976) 1. The word "disgusting" omitted by Act 34 of 1976, s.2, (w.e.f. 1-4-1976.

1 2
Sec.2] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
laid down by Supreme Court (New Delhi Municipal Corporation Notes :
VS. Kaccheroo Mal) FAC 1975 (II) 223. this petition is allowed as
there is no evidence that suji sample was unfit for human – Sabat mash is primary food and the presence of rat drop-dropping was
consumption. (Bal Kishan VS. State or Pubjab) FAC 1986 (I)33. due to natural causes and beyond the control of petitioner (Behari Lal
VS. State of Himachal Pradesh), FAC 1987 (i)85.
(g) if the article is obtained from a diseased animal;
– Iron filing found in a sample of tea were within the tolerance limits of
(h) if the article contains any poisonous or other ingredient which size and quality of letter issued by Ministry of Health. Complaint as
renders it injurious to health; well as process issued quashed (Claude Victor Lawrence Godwin VS.
State) Punjab and High Court. FAC 1982 (II)257.
(i) if the container of the article is composed, whether wholly or
in part, of any poisonous or deleterious substance which renders Explanation :- Where two or more articles of primary food are mixed
its contents injurious to health; together and the resultant article of food :-
[(j) if any colouring matter other than that prescribed in respect (a) is stored, sold or distributed under a name which denotes the
thereof is present in the article, or if the amounts of the ingredients there of ; and
prescribed colouring matter which is present in the article are
not within the prescribed limits of variability;] (b) is not injurious to health;

(k) if the article contains any prohibited preservative or permitted then, such resultant article shall not be deemed to be adulterated
preservative in excess of the prescribed limits; within the meaning of this class;
(l) if the quality or purity of the article falls below the prescribed Notes :
standard or its constituents are present in quantities not within
the prescribed limits of variability, which renders it injurious – Primary Food :- whether the sample is a primary food' or not and
to health;] whether the sample contained pin-heads more than the maximum
quantity prescribed under the PFA Act which is not injurious to
(m) if the quality or purity of the article falls below the prescribed health and would constitute offence under the provision of PFA Act;
standard or its constituents are present in quantities not within held Black pepper (Kali Mirch) is "primary fod" and as opined by
the prescribed limits of variability but which does not render it the Public Analyst, mixture of pin-heads in Kali Mirch is not
injurious to health; injurious to the health (Kishore Kumar Venilal Patel VS.
Daraswarup Bhailabhai Rao and another) Gujarat High Court-FAC
Provided that where the quality or purity of the article, being
1991 (1) 234.
primary food, has fallen below the prescribed standards or its constituents
are present in quantities not within the prescribed limits of variability, in – Sonth Ginger-a primary food not for sale Shiv Charan Rai v/s State
either case, solely due to natural causes and beyond the control of human of Haryana FAC 1983 (II) 309.
agency, then, such article shall not be deemed to be adulterated within the
meaning of this sub-clause. (ii) "Central Food Laboratory" means any laboratory or institute
established or specified under section 4;
1. Subs. by. Act 34 1976, s. 2 for sub-clause (i) (w.e.f. 1-4-1976) (iii) "Committee" means the Central Committee for Food Standards
2. Sub. by. s. 2, ibid for sub clause (i) (w.e.f. 1-4-1976) constituted under section 3;
3 4
Sec.2] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
(iv) "Director of the Central Food Laboratory" means the person – Shakhar-not an article of food :- Shakhar is a well-known article
appointed by the Central Government by notification in the and in case the legislature intended it to be an article of food, it
Official Gazette as the Director of the Central Food Laboratory could have mentioned it quite clearly in the list of articles in the
and includes any person appointed by the Central Government Rules and prescribed a standard therefor. (Dharam Pal vs. State of
in like manner to perform all or any of the functions of the Himachal Pradesh) Himachal Pradesh High Court FAC 1991 (1)
Director under this Act: 108.
[Provided that no person who has any financial interest in the
1 (vi) 1" Food (Health) Authority" means the Director of Medical
manufacture, import or sale of any article of food shall be appointed to be and Health Services or the Chief Officer in charge of Health
a Director under this clause;] administration in a State, by whatever designation he is
known, and includes any officer empowered by the Central
[(v) "Food" means any article used as food or drink for human Government or the State Government, by notification in
consumption other than drugs and water and includes :- the Official Gazette, to exercise the powers and perform
(a) any article which ordinarily enters into, or is used in the the duties of the Food (Health) Authority under this Act
composition or preparation of, human food, with respect to such local area as may be specified in the
(b) any flavouring matter or condiments, and
(vii)" local area" means any area, whether urban or rural declared by
(c) any other article which the Central Government may 2
[the Central Government or the State Government] by
having regard to its use, nature, substance or quality, notification in the Official Gazette, to be a local area for the
declare by notification in the official Gazette, as food purposes of this Act,
for the purposes of this Act;
(viii)"local authority" means in the case of :-
Notes :
(1)a local area which is :-
Packaged Drinking Water declared as food see Notification
(a)a municipality, the municipal board or municipal
GSR 202 (E) dt 21 March, 2001 corporation;
– definition : (i) tobacco whether an article of food-in order to be (b)a cantonement, the cantonment authority ;
'food' for the purpose of the Act, an article need not be fit for human (c)a notified area, the notified area committee;
consumption since tobacco is used for human consumption, it will
(2)any other local area, such authority as may be prescribed by
be food keeping this test in view. (Manohar Lal vs. State of U.P) 2
[the Central Government or the State Government under
Allahabad High Court-FAC 1991 (1)60.
this Act;]
– Chewing Tobacco (Zarda) is a food (M/s. Khedal Lal & Sons vs. 1
(viiia)"Local (Health) Authority", in relation to a local area, means
State of U.P) Allahabad High Court, FAC 1981 (1) 262. the officer appointed by the Central Government or the State
– Pan Masala whether article of food (Shrivraj Tobacoo Company Government, by notification in the Official Gazette, to be in-
Pvt. Ltd. vs. State of Madhya Pradesh) -Madhya Pradesh High charge of Health administration in such area with such
Court-FAC 1991 (1) 188. designation as may be specified therein;]
1. Ins. by Act 34 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1-4-1976)
1. Ins. by Act 34 of 1976, s, 2(w.e.f. 1-4-1976)
2. Sub. by ibid s. 2 (w.e.f. 1-4-1976)
3. Added by GSR 202 (E) dt. 21.3.2001 2. Sub. by Act 49 of 1964, s.2, for "the State Government " w.e.f. 1-3-1965.)
5 6
Sec.2] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
(viiib)"manufacture" includes any process incidental or ancillary to dietary properties in order sufficiently to inform its
the manufacture of an article of food; purchaser as to its value for such uses ;
(ix) "misbranded"-an article of food shall be deemed to be (j) if it contains any artificial flavouring, artificial colouring
misbranded :- or chemical preservative, without a declaratory label stating
(a) if it is an imitation of, or is a substitute for, or resembles that fact, or in contravention of the requirements of this Act
in a manner likely to deceive, another article of food or rules made thereunder ;
under the name of which it is sold, and is not plainly
(k) if it is not labelled in accordance with the requirements of
and conspicuously labelled so as to indicate its true
this Act or Rules made thereunder;
(b) if it is falsely stated to be the product of any place or country; (x) "package" means a box, bottle, casket, tin, barrel, case,
receptacle, sack, bag, wrapper, or other thing in which article
(c) if it is sold by a name which belongs to another article of
of food is placed or packed;
(d) if it is so coloured, flavoured or coated, powdered or polished (xi) "premises" include any shop, stall or place where any article
that the fact that the article is damaged is concealed or if of food is sold or manufactured or stored for sale ;
the article is made to appear better or of greater value than (xii) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act;
it really is;
(xiia) "primary food" means any article of food, being a produce of
(e) if false claims are made for it upon the label or otherwise; agriculture or horticulture in its natural form;]
(f) if, when sold in packages which have been sealed or prepared
by or at the instance of the manufacturer or producer and Notes :
which bear his name and address, the contents of each – Sabat mash is primary food and the presence of rat drop-dropping
package are not conspicuously and correctly stated on the was due to natural causes and beyond the control of petitioner
outside thereof within the limits of variability under this (Behari Lal vs. State of Himachal Pradesh) FAC 1987 (I) 85.
– Khas-khas is a primary food (Public prosecutor vs. P. Ponniah
(g) if the package containing it, or the label on the package Madras High Court FAC 1986 (I) 399.
bears any statement, design or device regarding the
ingredients or the substances contained therein, which is – Cow's milk-a primary food needs to be interpreted in a wider
false or misleading in any material particular; or if the sense in which case the words' produce of agriculture' would
package is otherwise deceptive with respect to its take in not merely that which grows on land but also draws
contents; sustenance from the land viz the cattle including cows- it
(h) if the package containing it or the label on the package bears cannot be doubted that the cow's milk which is drawn from
the name of a fictitious individual or company as the the secretion of the cows reared on that which grows on land
manufacturer or producer of the article ; must mean that it is in its natural form (State of Nagpur
Corporations vs. Lakshman Rannji Hundiwala and others)
(i) if it purports to be, or is represented as being, for special Bombay High Court, FAC 1985 (II)95.
dietary uses, unless its label bears such information as may
be prescribed concerning its vitamin, mineral, or other 1. The word "disgusting" omitted by Act 34 of 1976, s.2, (w.e.f. 1-4-1976).

7 8
Sec.2A] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
– Dhania whole is a primary food and hence extraneous matter present article is harmful to health or repugnant to human use.
due to natural causes and beyong control of human agency (Krishan
[2-A. Rule of Construction :- Any reference in this Act to a
Kumar vs. State of Haryana), FAC 1987 (II)255.
law which is not in force in the State of Jammu and Kashmir shall, in
– Primary Food :- whether the sample is a "primary food" or not and relation to that State, be construed as a reference to the corresponding
whether the sample contained pin heads more than the maximum law, if any, in force in the State.]
quantity prescribed under the PA Act which is not injurious to health
and would constitute offence under the provisions of PFA Act; Held Notes :
Black Pepper (Kali Mirch) is "primary food" and as opined by the
– Sales - Mere storing of milk below the prescribed standards is not
Public Analyst, mixture of pin heads in Kali Mirch is not injurious
an offence. The storing must be for sale (Chairman Jugsalai notified
to the health. (Kishore Kumar Venilal Patel Vs. Dayaswarup
area Committee vs. Mukhram Sharma) Patna High Court, FAC 1983
Bhailabhai Rao and another) GUJARAT HIGH COURT -FAC 1991
(II) 350.
(1) 234
– Accused taking milk to his sister-in-law and not engaged in the
(xiii) "sale" with its grammatical variations and cognate
activity of sale -persons so selling must be shown to be engaged in
expressions, means the sale of any article of food, whether
the activity of sale. Storing an article for own consumption and not
for cash or on credit or by way of exchange and whether by
engaged in the business of sale of that article cannot be held liable
wholesale or retail, for human consumption or use, or for
under the Act, even if under compulsion he is required to sell to the
analysis, and includes an agreement for sale, an offer for
food inspector (Nagar Nigam Raipur vs. Bisram) Madhya Pradesh
sale, the exposing for sale or having in possession for sale
High Court FAC 1983 (II) 193.
of any such article, and includes also an attempt to sell any
such article; – Definition Food (Section2) (v) - Sample of khari haldi meant for
puja purposes and not for sale-respondent rightly equitted (nagar
Notes :
Mahapalika Varanasi, vs. Hira Lal) Allahabad High Court, FAC
– business not yet commenced-furniture making was in progress 1982 (I)121.
Food Inspector asked the accused to sign certain papers and he
obliged-the licence to do business issued just oneday – Rascut gur-not meant for human consumption but for animals hence
before-it cannot be said that the appellant has commenced no offence was made by the accused in possessing adulterated gur
business in the shop and was selling adulterated oil. (Ahmed for sale at his shop. (State vs. Gulab Chand Rajasthan High Court,
Dadabhai Advani vs. State of Maharashtra) Supreme Court FAC 1981 (I) 263.
of India-FAC 1991 (1)222.
– Atta stored for preparation of chapaties falls within the definition
(xiv) "sample" means a sample of any article of food taken of food even if it is not for sale as such. (NDMC vs. Hardev Singh
under the provisions of this Act or of any rules made Delhi High Court, FAC 1980 (I) 472.
thereunder ;
– Dhania stored for seed, not for human consumption-no offence (State
(xv) the words "unwholesome" and "noxius" when used in of Orissa vs. Chiranji Lal Sharma) Orissa High Court,
relation to an article of food mean respectively that the FAC 1983 (II) 116.
1. Ins. by Act 41 of 1971, s. 3 (w.e.f. 26-1-1972). – Repeseed oil kept for burning purposes at the shop-prosecution could
9 10
Sec.2A] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
not establish that the rapeseed being sold was meant for human – Food for sale- sample of dal chana taken, the accused has written
consumption-conviction set aside (Ramkishan vs, State of U.P.) that dal chana is meant for preparing churi for cattle and not for
Allahabad High Court, FAC 1981 (I) 324. human consumption. The appallet court on consideration on the
evidence has accepted-no compelling person to take a different
– Besan not meant for sale and hence refusal to give sample or its view (Municipal Corporation of Delhi vs. Prakash Chander)
destruction by the accused is no offence (State vs. Anandji) Bombay Delhi High Court FAC 1985 (I) 87.
High Court, FAC 1981 (I) 337.
– Chilli powder kept in a tin box in a kitchen meant for preparation of CENTRAL COMMITTEE FOR FOOD
food articles stored for sale (State of Maharashtra vs. Jaman Das STANDARDS AND CENTRAL FOOD
Vansimal Priyan) Bombay High Court, FAC 1981 (II) 92.
– No material on record warranting a conclusion that oil out of which
3. The Central Committee for Food Standards :- (1) The
sample was taken was meant for human consumption (Gyan Chand
Central Government shall, as soon as may be after the commencement
vs. State) Allahabad High Court, FAC 1980 (II)260.
of this Act, constitute a committee called the Central Committee for
Food standards to advise the Central Government and the State
– Turdal kept in godown which was not intended for sale-accused
Governments on matters arising out of the administration of this Act
cannot be held liable for storage (Food Inspector Calicut
and to carry out the other functions assigned to it under this Act.
Corporations vs. Vijaya Singh Padam Singh) Kerala High Court,
FAC 1981 (II) 409. (2) The committee shall consist of the following members, namely:-
(a) The Director General, Health Services ex-officio, who shall
– Milk not for sale but being taken for use in party-conviction set be the chairman;
aside (Shubrati vs. State of U.P.) Allababad High Court, 1
[(b) The Director of the Central Food Laboratory, or, in a case where
FAC 1982 (I) 48.
more than one Central Food Laboratory is established, the
Directors of such Laboratories, ex-officio;]
– Tea waste not fit for human consumption- is not an article of
food and storage of an adulterant by a person who is not a (c) two experts nominated by the Central Government ;
manufacture of food is not an offence even if the storage be for 2
[(d) one representative each of the Departments of Food and
the purpose of sale (Municipal health Officer vs. Arthala Tea Agriculture in the Central Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Estate Co.) Kerala High Court, FAC 1981 (I) 418. and one representative each of the Central Ministries of
Commerce, Defence, Industry and Supply and Railways,
– Food inspector purchased sugar from a tea vendor-a person "who nominated by the Central Government;]
is not selling an article" (who is not a dealer in the article)
1. Subs. by Act 34 of 1976, s.3. for cl. (b) (w.e.f. 1-4-1976).
is not bound to sell it to food inspector-he can refuse to sell the
article to food inspector. However, if he unwearily or ignorantly 2. Subs. by Act 49 of 1964, s. 3 for cl. (d) (w.e.f. 1-3-1965).
sells the article to the food inspector, the law should not make 3. The words and letters "Part A State and Part B" omitted by the
him liable for an offence under the Act, (Food Inspector Adaptation of Laws (No. 3) Order, 1956.
Calicut Corporation vs. C. Gopalan) Kerala High Court, 4. Subs. ibid, for "Part C States".
FAC 1983 (II) 347. 5. Subs. by Act 34 of 1976 s. 3, for cl. (g) (w.e.f. 1-4-1976)
11 12
Sec.3-3A] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
(e) one representative each nominated by the Government of each Central Government, make bye-laws for the purpose of
***State; regulating its own procedure and the transaction of its business.
(f) two representatives nominated by the Central Government to [3-A. Appointment of Secretary and other staff:- (1) The

represent the 4[Union territories;] Central Government shall appoint a Secretary to the Committee who shall,
[(g) one representative each nominated by the Central under the control and direction of the Committee, exercise such powers
government to represent the agricultural, commercial and and perform such duties as may be prescribed or as may be delegated to
industrial interests; him by the Committee.
(gg) five representatives nominated by the Central Government to (2) The Central Government shall provide the Committee with such
represent the consumers interest, one of whom shall be from clerical and other staff as that Government considers necessary].
the hotel industry;]
[4. Central Food Laboratory :- (1) The Central Government

(h) one representative of the medical profession nominated by the shall, by notification in the Official Gazette, establish one or more Central
Indian Council of Medical Research; Food Laboratory or Laboratories to carry out the functions entrusted to
the Central Food Laboratory by this Act or any rules made under this Act:
[(i) one representative nominated by the Indian Standards Institution
referred to in clause (e) of Section 2 of the Indian Standards Institution Provided that the Central Government may, by notification in the
(Certification Marks) Act, 1952.] (36 of 1952.) official Gazette, also specify any laboratory or institute as a Central Food
Laboratory for the purposes of this Act].
(3) The members of the Committee referred to in clauses (c), (d), (e),
(2) The Central Government may, after consultation with the
(f), 3[2[(g)], [(gg)], (h) and (i)] of sub-section (2) shall, unless their Committee, make rules prescribing :-
seats become vacant earlier by resignation, death or otherwise, be
entitled to hold office for three years and shall be eligible for
[(a) the functions of a Central Food Laboratory and the local
renomination. area or areas within which such functions may be carried
(4) The functions of the Committee may be exercised notwithstanding
(b) the procedure for the submission to the said Laboratory of
any vacancy therein.
samples of articles of food for analysis or tests, the forms
(5) The Committee may appoint such and so many sub-committees as of the Laboratory's reports thereon and the fees payable in
it deems fit and may appoint to them persons who are not members respect of such reports;
of the Committee to exercise such powers and perform such duties (c) such other matters as may be necessary or expedient to enable
as may, subject to such conditions, if any, as the Committee may the said Laboratory to carry out its functions.
impose, be delegated to them by the Committee.
General Provisions as To Food
(6) The committee may, subject to the previous approval of the
5. Prohibition of import of certain articles of food :- No person
1. Ins. ; by Act 49 of 1964, s.3 (w.e.f. 1-3-1965). shall import into India :-
2. Sub. by s. e ibid, for "(g) and (h) " (w.e.f. 1-3-1965).
3. Sub. by Act 34 of 1976, s. 3. for (g) (w.e.f. 1-4-1976). 1. Subs. by Act 34 1976, s. 5 for sub-section (1) (w.e.f. 1-4-1976)
4. Ins. by s. 4, ibid. (w.e.f. 1-4-1976) 2. Sub. by Act 34 of 1976, s. 5, for cl. (a), (w.e.f. 1-4-1976).
13 14
Sec.6-7] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
(i) any adulterated food; (ii) any misbranded food,
(ii) any misbranded food; (iii) any article of food for the sale of which a licence is prescribed
(iii) any article of food for the import of which a licence is except in accordance with the conditions of the licence,
prescribed, except in accordance with the conditions of the (iv) any article of food the sale of which is for the time being
licence; and prohibited by the Food (Health) Authority 1[in the interest of
(iv) any article of food in contravention of any other provision of public health;]2...
this Act or of any rule made thereunder.
(v) any article of food in contravention of any other provision of
6. Application of law relating to sea customs and powers of this Act or of any rule made thereunder, 3[or]
Custom Officers :- (1) The Law for the time being in
force relating to Sea Customs and to goods, the import of which
[(vi)]any adulterant]
is prohibited by section 18 of the Sea Customs Act, 1878 [Explanation]: - For the purpose of this section, a person shall

(8 of 1878) shall, subject to the provisions of section 16 of be deemed to store any adulterated food or misbranded food or any
this Act, apply in respect of articles of food, the import of which article of food referred to in clause (iii) or clause (iv) or clause (v) if
is prohibited under Section 5 of this Act, and officers of he stores such food for the manufacture therefrom of any article of
Customs and officers empowered under that Act to perform food for sale.]
the duties imposed thereby on a Customs Collector and other
officers of Customs shall have the same powers in respect of Notes :
such articles of food as they have for the time being in respect – PFA Act not applicable for foods for export -tea kept
of such goods as aforesaid. in the godown for blending and thereafter for export
(2) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-section (1) the is not covered under the PFA Act. It in now well settled
Customs Collector, or any officer of the Government authorised by the that storage simplicitor or storage other-wise than
Central Government in this behalf, may detain any imported package which for sale is not an offence (Food Inspector vs.
he suspects to contain any article of food the import of which is prohibited Suwert Dholakia (P) Ltd. Kerala High Court,
under section 5 of this Act and shall forthwith report such detention to the FAC 1982 (II) 159.
Director of the Central Food Laboratory and, if required by him, forward – Til oil is used as food... a presumption of fact arises that til
the package or send samples of any suspected article of food found therein oil is food. In the present case the respondent from the
to the said Laboratory. earliest time has challenged that til oil is not an article
7. Prohibition of manufacture, sale, etc. of certain articles of of food in his area, three prosecution witnesses have
food :- No person shall himself or by any person on his behalf, manufacture been cross examined on that point- held til oil is not
for sale or store, sell or distribute :- food in the area to attract the penalty (State of
Orissa vs. Narsing Mahanti) Orissa High Court, FAC
(i) any adulterated food,
1985 (II) 83.
1. Sub. by Act 49 of 1964, s.4, for certain words (w.e.f. 1-3-1965). – Discrepancy in the place of seizure-whether at the hotel or at
2. The Word "or" omitted by Act 34 of 1976, s. 6 (w.e.f. 1-4-1976).
3. Ins. by s. 6 ibid. (w.e.f. 1-4-1976) 1. Ins by Act 34 or 1976. St (w.e.f. 1.4.1976)
15 16
Sec.7] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
the Station Road-court not inclined to interfere with finding of 7(iv) punishable under Section 16 of the Act-since Kesari dal
the trial court that the purchase of milk from the respondent is could be cultivated for the purpose of cattle fodder, and if it was
not proved beyond reasonable doubt. (Leeladhar Gehlot vs. cultivated, obviously some persons including a dealer incattle
Narayan Singh)-Madhya Pradesh High Court-FAC 1991 (1)88. feed, would store it and since it is not disputed that Kesari dal
was used as cattle feed it is reasonable to expect that person
– Petitioner not incharge of business, Sample of curd taken from a dealing in cattle feed would store it and so if such a person was
canteen-petitioner licencee and partner of the canteen-nothing found in possession of Kesari dal, it should not be said that he
has been stated in the complaint,or in any other record forwarded has committed on act which has been prohibited by law meant
to court that the petitioner was in charge of and was responsible for items of food for human consumption-unless the prosecution
for the conduct of the canteen-Held there is no evidence on had established that Kesari dal found in possession of the
record to connect the petitioner with the offence to hold even the respondent was meant for sale for human consumption, it could
prima face that she was in charge of and responsible for the not be said that the respondent had committed the offence he
conduct of the business which was carried on at the canteen. It was charged with. (State of Assam vs. Rakesh Chandra Paul)
is settled law, that in the absence of basic allegations in the Gauhati High Court-FAC 1991 (1)29.
complaint, while exercising inherent powers the prosecution can
be quashed. (C. Rajalakshmi V/s State through food Industry – Petitioner, a labourer carrying milk for delivery to the retailer
Dindigual Municipality Dindigual, Madras High Court) FAC cannot be held liable in the event of the sample being found
1991 (1) 272. adulterated. There has to be proper investigation for bringing the
real culprit to book. Where the person from whom sample of food
– Applicability of -there is neither a whisper nor a shred of evidence is taken is a mere carrier, incompetent to transfer ownership as
even to remotely indicate that the first petitioner was in charge the present petitioner, and the article of food is found to be
of and responsible for the day-to-day affairs of M/s Parry and adulterated, the Act lays down that the Criminal liability has to be
Company Limited. It is settled law that unless allegations were fasted on the owner. The position of a servant selling on behalf of
found in the complaint to attract the provisions of section 17 of his master milk which is found to be adulteraed is quite different
Act, the prosecution against the first petitioner, cannot be allowed from that of a conveyer or deliver (Bhanwar Singh vs. State of
to survive. (Chief Executive, Parry's Confectionery Limited, Madhya Pradesh) Madhya Pradesh High Court, FAC 1985 (I) 58.
Madras, vs. The Food Inspector of Udhagamandalam – Storage simplicitor-Primary food unless sold as such food,
Municipality )-Madras High Court-FAC 1991(1)295 . sample cannot be taken (State of Haryana v/s Ramanand)
FAC 1982 (II) 167
– Food not for human Consumption the possession and exposure
of ' Kesari dal' prohibited by notification dated 10th March, 1966 ANALYSIS OF FOOD
under P.F.A. Rules 55- Food Inspector took sample of 'Kesari [8.Public Analysts :- The Central Government or the State

dal- Kesaridal proved not to be for sale and consumption - Govenment may, by notification in the official Gazette, appoint such
accused dealer in cattle feed - the entire purpose of the law being persons as it thinks fit, having the prescribed qualifications to be public
to safeguard and protect human beings against adulterated or analysts for such areas as may be assigned to them by the Central
prohibited items of food, mere possession of Kasari Dal which Government or the State Government, as the case may be ;
on the finding of fact recorded by the learned Trial Court was
for 'cattle fodder' could not constitute on offence under Section 1. Subs. by Act 49 of 1964 s. 5, for sub-section 8 and 9 (w.e.f. 1-3-1965).
2. Ins. by Act 34 of 1976 s. 7 (w.e.f. 1-4-1976).
17 18
Sec.9-10] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
Provided that no person who has any financial interest in [Explanation) :- For the purpose of sub-clause (iii) of clause

manufacture, import or sale of any article of food shall be appointed to be (a) "consignee" does not include a person who purchases or receives
a public analyst under this section.] any article of food for his own consumption;]
[Provided further that different public analysts may be appointed
2 [(2) Any food inspector may enter and inspect any place

for different articles of food.] where any article of food is manufactured, or stored for sale, or
stored for the manufacture of any other article of food for sale, or
9. Food Inspectors :- (1) The Central Government or the State exposed or exhibited for sale or where any adulterant is
Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, appoint such persons manufactured or kept, and take samples of such article of food or
as it thinks fit, having the prescribed qualifications to be food inspectors for adulterant for analysis :
such local areas as may be assigned to them by the Central Government or the
State Government, as the case may be : Provided that no sample of any article of food, being primary
food, shall be taken under this sub-section if it is not intended for sale
Provided that no person who has any financial interest in the
as such food.]
manufacture, import or sale of any article of food shall be appointed
to be a food inspector under this section. (3) Where any sample is taken under clause (a) of sub-
(2) Every food inspector shall be deemed to be a public-servant within section (1) or sub-section (2), its cost calculated at the rate at which
the meaning of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860)and shall be the article is usually sold to the public shall be paid to the person from
officially subordinate to such authority as the Government appointing him, whom it is taken.
may specify in this hehalf. (4) If any article intended for food appears to any food inspector
10. Powers of Food Inspectors :- (i) A food inspector shall have power:- to be adulterated or misbranded, he may seize and carry away or keep
in the safe custody of the vendor such article in order that it may be
(a) to take samples of any article of food from :- dealt with as hereinafter provided, 2[and he shall, in either case, take
(i) any person selling such article; sample of such article and submit the same for analysis to a public
(ii) any person who is in the course of conveying, delivering
or preparing to deliver such article to a purchaser or
[Provided that where the food inspector keeps such article in
consignee; the safe custody of the vendor, he may require the vendor to execute a
bond for a sum of money equal to the value of such article with one or
(iii) a consignee after delivery of any such article to him; and more sureties as the food inspector deems fit and the vendor shall
(b) to send such sample for analysis to the public analyst for execute the bond accordingly].
the local area within which such sample has been taken; 2
[(4A) Where any article of food seized under sub-section (4)
with the previous approval of the Local (Health) Authority is of a perishable nature and the Local (Health)Authority is satisfied
having jurisdiction in the local area concerned, or with the that such article of food is so deteriorated that it is unfit for human
previous approval of the Food (Health) Authority, to prohibit consumption, the said Authority may, after giving notice in writing to
the sale of any article of food in the interest of public health] the vendor, cause the same to be destroyed]
1. Subs. by Act 49 of 1964 s. 6 (w.e.f. 1-3-1965).
1. Subs. by Act 34 of 1976 s. 8 for cl. (c), (w.e.f. 1-4-1976). 2. Ins. by Act 34 of 1976 s. 8 (w.e.f. 1-4-1976).
2. Ins. by s. 8 ibid (w.e.f. 1-4-1976). 3. Sub. by s. 8, for the fruit peoriso (2) (w.e.f. 1-4-1976)
3. Sub. by s. 8, ibid. for sub-section (2) (w.e.f. 1-4-1976)
Sec.10] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
(5) The power conferred by this section includes power to break Note :-
open any package in which any article of food may be contained or to Independent witness
break open the door of any premises where any article of food may be
– a sample was not taken properly before independent witness, the
kept for sale : result of analysis could not be relied upon and the applicant could
[Provided that the power to break open the package or door not be convicted (Laudhar vs. State or U.P.) Allahabad High Cour,
shall be exercised only after the owner or any other person in charge FAC 1982 (II)12.
of the package or, as the case may be, in occupation of the premises, if – The food inspector did not take care to have some other
he is present therein, refuses to open the package or door on being independent witness who could be expected to corroborate him.
called upon to do so, and in either case after recording the reasons for Clannish and certain affinities, which are corroding the whole
doing so;] political and social fabric of the country, are obvIously taking a
Provided further that the food inspector shall, in exercising dangerous turn, and knowing this factor, which even a layman
the powers of entry upon, and inspection of any place under this section, knows, the food inspector should have been extra- cautioUs in
follow, as far as may be, the Provisions of the 1[Code of Criminal procuring proper & independent witness for speaking
Procedure, 1973- (2 of 1974) relating to the search or inspection of a corroboration to this various acts in the matter of purchasing
place by a police officer executing a search warrant issued under that the sample (Nagar Palika Nigam Raipur vs. Gegumal) Madhya
Code.] Pradesh High Court, FAC 1985 (1) 40.
(6)2[Any adulterant found in the possession of a manufacturer 2
[(7-A) Where any books of account or other documents are
or distributor of, or dealer in, any article of food or in any of the seized under sub-section (6), the food inspector shall, within a period
premises occupied by him as such] and for the possession of which he not exceeding thirty days from the date of seizure, return the same to
is unable to account to the satisfaction of the food inspector2[and any the person from whom they were seized after copies thereof or extracts
books of account or other documents found in his possession or control therefrom as certified by that person in such manner as may be
and which would be useful for, or relevant to, any investigation or prescribed have been taken.]
proceeding under this Act, may be seized by the food inspector] and Provided that where such person refuses to so certify, and a
[a sample of such adulterant] submitted for analysis to a public analyst: prosecution has been instituted against him under this Act, such books
[Provided that no such books of account or other documents of account or other documents shall be returned to him only after
shall be seized by the food inspector except with the previous approval copies thereof or extracts therefrom as certified by the court have been
of the authority to which he is offically subordinate.] taken.
(7) Where the food inspector takes any action under clause (a) (7-B) When any adulterant is seized under sub-section (6), the
of sub-section (1), sub-section (2), sub-section (4), or sub-section(6), burden of proving that such adulterant is not meant for purpose of
he shall 4[call one or more persons to be present at the time when such adulteration shall be on the person from whose possession such
action is taken and take his or their signatures.] adulterant was seized.]
(8) Any food inspector may exercise the powers of a police
officer [under section 42 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973] (2
1. Subs. by Act 34 of 1976 s. 8, for"Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898."
of 1974) for the purpose of ascertaining the true name and residence
(w.e.f. 1-4-1976)
2. Sub. by s. 8, ibid. for certain words (w.e.f. 1-4-1976). 1. Sub. by Act 34 of 1976, s.8 for certain words (w.e.f. 1-4-1976).
3. Ins. by s. 8 ibid, (w.e.f. 1-4-1976). 2. Ins. by Act 34 of 1976 s. 8, (w.e.f. 1-41976).
4. Subs. by Act 49 of 1964 for certain words (w.e.f. 1-3-1965). 3. Subs. by Act 34 of 1976, s. 8 for certain words (w.e.f. 1-4-1976).
21 22
Sec.11] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
of the person from whom a sample is taken or an article of food is seized. (ii) send the remaining two parts to the Local (Health)
(9) Any food inspector exercising powers under this Act or Authority, for the purposes of sub-section (2) of this
under the rules made thereunder who :- section and sub-sections (2A) and (2E) of section 13.]
Note : Intimation to Local Health Authority under Section 11 (c) (1).
(a) vexatiously and without any reasonable grounds of suspicion
is not an empty formality but a mandatory provision (State of
seizes any article of food 2[or adulterant]; or
Maharashtra vs. Raghunath Hindu Rao Gazper) Bombay High Court,
(b) commits any other act to the injury of any person without FAC 1984 (I) 226.
having reason to believe that such act is necessary for the (2) Where the part of the sample sent to the public analyst
execution of his duty; under sub-clause (i) of clause (c) of sub-section (1) is lost or damaged,
shall be guilty of an offence under this Act and shall be punishable for the Local (Health) Authority shall, on a requisition made to it by the
such offence 3[with fine which shall not be less than five hundred rupees public analyst or the food inspector, despatch one of the parts of the
but which may extend to one thousand rupees] sample sent to it under sub-clause (ii) of the said clause (c) to the
public analyst for analysis.
11. 1[Procedure to be followed by Food Inspectors :- (3) When a sample of any article of food 1[or adulterant] is
(1) When a food inspector takes a sample of food for taken under sub-section (2) of section 10, 2[the food inspector shall,
analysis, he shall:- by the immediately succeeding working day, send a sample of the article
of food or adulterant or both, as the case may be,] in accordance
(a) give notice in writing, then and there, of his intention to have it with the rules prescribed for sampling to the public analyst for the
so analysed to the person from whom he has taken the sample local area concerned.
and to the person, if any, whose name, address and other 3
[(4) An article of food seized under sub-section (4) of section
particulars have been disclosed under section 14 A; 10, unless destroyed under sub-section (4A) of that section, and any
(b) except in special cases provided by rules under this Act, adulterant seized under sub-section (6) of that section, shall be
divide the sample, then and there, into three parts and mark produced before a magistrate as soon as possible and in any case not
and seal or fasten up each part in such a manner as its nature later than seven days after the receipt of the report of the public
permits and take the signature or thumb impression of the analyst;]
person from whom the sample has been taken in such place Provided4 that if an application is made to the magistrate in
and in such manner as may be prescribed; this behalf by the person from whom any article of food has been seized,
the magistrate shall, by order in writing, direct the food inspector to
Provided that where such person refuses to sign or put his
produce such article before him within such time as may be specified
thumb impression, the food inspector shall call upon one or more
in the order.
witnesses and take his or their signatures or thumb impressions, as the
case may be, in lieu of the signature or thumb impression of such
1. Ins. by Act 34 of 1976, s. 9 (w.e.f. 1-4-1976).
(c) (i) send one of the parts for analysis to the public analyst 2. Sub. by s. 9, ibid, for certain words (w.e.f. 1-4-1976).
under intimation to the Local (Health) Authority; and 3. Sub. by s. 9, ibid, for sub-section (4) and first proviso (w.e.f. 1-4-1976)
4. The word "further" omitted by s. 9, ibid, (w.e.f. 1-4-1976).
1. Sub. by Act 34 of 1976, s. 9 for sub-sections (1) and (2) (w.e.f. 1-4-1976). 5. Subs. by s. 9, ibid for sub-section (5) (w.e.f. 1-4-1976).
23 24
Sec.11] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
[(5) If it appears to the magistrate on taking such evidence as he
the person from whose possession the article of food or adulterant was
may deem necessary :- taken], shall be entitled to have it restored to him and it shall be in the
discretion of the magistrate to award such person from such fund as
(a) that the article of food produced before him under sub- the State Government may direct in this behalf, such compensation,
section (4) is adulterated or misbranded, he may order it- not exceeding the actual loss which he has sustained as the magistrate
may think proper.
(i) to be forfeited to the Central Government, the State
Government or the local authority, as the case may be; Notes :-
– The milk samples taken were not representative samples of the
(ii) to be destroyed at the cost of the owner or the person milk in the drum, hence the petitioner is entitled to benefit of
from whom it was seized so as to prevent its being used doubt. (Madan Lal vs. the State ) Delhi High Court, FAC 1982
as human food; or (II) 300.
(iii)to be so disposed of as to prevent its being exposed for – Milk sample not stirred before taking sample-aquital upheld
sale or used for food under its deceptive name; or (State of Punjab vs. Inder Singh) Punjab and Haryana High
(iv) to be returned to the owner, on his executing a bond Court, FAC 1984 (I) 166.
with or without sureties, for being sold under its
– Milk solids fat found excess of the prescribed standards and
appropriate name or where the magistrate is satisfied that
solids-not fat deficient, fault can be either due to method of
the article of food is capable of being made to conform
sampling or in the manner of analysis (Sultan vs. State of
to prescribed standards for human consumption after
Haryana) Punjab and Haryana High Court, FAC 1981 (II)116.
reprocessing, for being sold after reprocessing under the
supervision of such officer as may by specified in the – Sample of milk was taken without stirring and homogenizing. It
order : is bound to be deficient in essential ingredients (Tarachand vs.
(b) that the adulterant seized under sub-section (6) of section State of Haryana) Punjab and Haryana High Court, FAC
10 and produced before him is apparently of a kind which 1985(I)6.
may be employed for purposes of adulteration and for the – Sample of milk not properly stirred, hence marginal deficiency
possession of which the manufacturer, distributor or dealer, in solids-not-fats would indicate that stirring of milk at the time
as the case may be, is unable to account satisfactorily, he of taking the sample is doubtful (Devraj vs. State of Punjab)
may order it to be forfeited to the Central Government, the FAC 1985 (II) 215.
State Government or the local authority, as the case may
be.] – Milk sample not representative as it was not stirred properly
(Corporation of Nagpur vs. Premchand) Bombay High Court,
(6)1[If it appears to the magistrate that any such :- FAC 1986 (I) 98.
(a) article of food is not adulterated; or
– Taking a sample from a sealed tin of vanaspati by breaking
(b) adulterant which is purported to be an adulterant is not an open the seal, the food inspector had committed on illegality
adulterant, and is a clear violation of mode prescribed for taking the
sample for analysis. (Daljit Wig. vs. State of Punjab) Punjab
1. Sub. by Act 34 1976, s. 9 for (w.e.f. 1-4-1976).
25 26
Sec.12-13] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
and Haryana High Court FAC 1986 (I) 66. – Sample- not representative-the Food Inspector did not follow
the method of quartering as described in authoritaitve book
– A Sample of ajwain not made homogeneous and hence not a Chemical Analysis of Food and Food Products (Second Edition)
representative sample. This duty is cast on the food inspector by Morris B Jacobs", importance of which has been very
and not on the vendor (Sham Sunder vs. State of Haryana) Punjab pertinently emphasized in the Division Bench Judgement of this
and Haryana High Court, FAC 1986 (I) 160 court reported in Bhagat Ram etc. vs. State of H.P. It can,
– Sample of meat masala was wrapped in strong thick paper and therefore, be said that the sample taken by the Food Inspector in
not in sealed container as required under Rules (Nasib Chand this case is not a representative sample. (State of Himachal
vs. State of Punjab) Punjab & Haryana High Court FAC, 1986 Pradesh vs. Sandeepan Kumar) Himachal Pradesh High Court-
(I) 88, 310 (Also Pritam Singh vs. U.T.Chandigrah) FAC 1986(I) FAC 1991 (1) 182.
313, (Chand Ram vs. State of Punjab) FAC 1986 (II) Punjab and 12. Purchaser may have food analysed :- Nothing contained
Haryana High Court. in this Act shall be held to prevent a purchaser of any article of food
other than a food inspector 1[or a recognised consumer association,
– Coffee chicory mixture in packages was not made homogeneous
whether the purchaser is a member of that association or not,] from
as putting 17 packages in each of the packet without opening
having such article analysed by the public analyst on payment of such
and mixing. He has not complied with Section 11(1) (B) of the
fees as may be prescribed and from receiving from the public analyst
Act (Food Inspector vs. George) Kerala High Court, FAC 1988
a report of his analysis;
(I) 360.
Provided that 1[such purchaser or recognised consumer association
– Nothing on record to show that the sample was made shall inform the vendor at the time of purchase of his or its intention] to
homogeneous before its analysis by the public analyst, the report have such article so analysed;
is silent and hence the result could not be implicitly accepted-
benefit of doubt given to the petitioner (Mewa Singh vs. U.T. Provided further that the provisions of sub-section (1), sub-
Chaandigarth) Punjab and Haryana High Court, FAC 1982 (II) section(2) and sub-section (3) of section 11 shall, as for as may be
315. apply to a 1[purchaser of article of food or recognised consumer
association who or which intends] to have such article so analysed, as
– Whether violated-each large packet contained inside it fifty small they apply to a food inspector who takes a sample of food for analysis;
packets, which also contaianed indentical label declarations.
What the Food Inspector did was to sample each large packet in Provided also that if the report of the public analyst shows that
a separate bottle without opening them or the small packets the article of food is adulterated, the 1[purchaser or recognised consumer
kept inside-Section 11(1) (b) not violated even if it is conceded association shall be entitled to get refund of the fees paid by him or it]
that the large packets inside did not contain identical label under this section.
declaration- S. 11(1) (b) was found to have been violated only in 1
' Explanation :- For the purposes of this section and section 20,
the sense that the accused was prejudiced by the inaction of the
"recognised consumer association" means a voluntary consumer
Food Inspector in not opening the packets and mixing the powder
association registered under the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) or under
to make the sample homogeneous so that result of analysis will
any other law for the time being in force.'
be that of representative sample. (Food Inspector vs. Alu)- Kerala
High Court,- FAC 1991 (1) 236. 1. Subs. by Act 70 of 1986, s. 2 (w.e.f. 1-5-1987).
1. Sub. by Act 70 of 1986 s. 2 (w.e.f. 1-5-1987) 2. Subs. by Act 34 of 1976, s. 10 for sub-sections (1) and (2) (w.e.f. 1-4-1976).
27 28
Sec.13] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
13. Report of public analyst :- 2[(1) The public analyst shall against the person from whom the sample of the article of food was
deliver, in such form as may be prescribed, a report to the Local taken and the person, if any, whose name, address and particulars
(Health) Authority of the result of the analysis of any article of food have been disclosed under section 14A, forward, in such manner as
submitted to him for analysis. may be prescribed, a copy of the report of the result of the analysis to
Notes : such person or persons, as the case may be, informing such person or
persons that if it is so desired, either or both of them may make an
– In a sample of milk, deficiency of fat was only 0.3% which was application to the court within a period of ten days from the date of
negligible. In all scientific experiments some margin of error is receipt of the copy of the report to get the sample of the article of food
allowed (Municipal Committee Amritsar vs. Pyara Singh) Punjab kept by the Local (Health) Authority analysed by the Central Food
and Haryana High Court, FAC 1986 (I) 28. Laboratory.
– The report of public analyst did not indicate the quantity of
Notes :
saccharin and there is a possibility that slight presence may be
due to accident since the firm is manufacturing aerated water – A Copy of public Analyst report given to the applicant after one
sweetened with saccharin also (Bhagwan Das vs. State) Punjab year, the milk must have got wholly deteriorated by then, hence
High Court, FAC 1981 (II) 351. no use to send it to CFL for re-analysis, the applicant denied the
– The report of public analyst on the basis of only the paper right under Section 13 (Munna vs. State) Allahabad High Court,
chromatographic test that non-permitted yellow basic coaltar FAC 1982 (I) 285.
dye was present and no other data given and hence on the basis – Similar case (Bhola Singh vs. State of U.P.) Allahabad High
of that report the petitioner could not have been convicted Court, FAC 1981 (I) 107.
(Rajender Kumar vs. State of Haryana) Punjab and Haryana
High Court, FAC 1987 (1) 160. – Section 13(2) is silent as to the effect of not making application
within a period of 10 days. It merely mentions that accused may
– Milk sample adulterated with water, the freezing point test not make an application to the court within a period of 10 days from
carried out-it is the duty of the state to ensure that analysis is the date of receipt of the copy of the report to get the sample
carried out in the most perfect manner-States should tighten its analysed by CFL. It shows that strictly speaking it does not lay
machinery in this regard and ensure that cases do not go down the rule of limitation. It lays down a procedure and unless
unpunished because of lapse of concerned departments (State of there is an inordinate delay, the court should not reject the
Gujarat vs. Bhajubhai Ramjibhai) Guarat High Court, FAC application and should grant the request. (P.N. Gujarat vs.
1982 (II) 314. Ramrang Batra) Delhi High Court, FAC 1985 (II) 180.
– A sample of milk deficient in solid-not-fats, there is no method
– Milk sample analysed by the Director after the lapse of one year
by which solids-no-fat can be extracted from milk without
two months and 21 days... it is incumbent upon the authorities
disturbing the fat content. Report of public analyst under the
concerned to have the samples analysed and the prosecutions
circumstances is far convincing (Nagar Swasthya adhikari vs.
launched with utmost despatch and that inordinate delay in
Subhash Chander and others) Allahabad High Court, FAC 1982
making available to the accused his right to get the sample tested
(I) 97.
from the Director of Central Food Laboratory would tantamount
(2) On receipt of the report of the result of the analysis under to denial of his valuable and mandatory right under section 13(2)
sub-section (1) to the effect that the article of food is adulterated, the of the Act. A delay of eight months has been considered to be
Local (Health) Authority shall, after the institution of prosecution
29 30
Sec.13] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
fatal to the prosecution case... too much delay in such matters materials to enable the court to send the sample to the Central
against the express directory provisions made in law and the Food Laboratory-the mistake committed by the trial court cannot
Rules have to be treated with full deference and cannot be given be rectified at this stage. So the only possible way is to acquit
a go-by in a light-hearted fashion. (Rattan Lal vs. State of the accused. (Remann vs. Food Inspector) Kerala High Court-
Himachal Pradesh) -Himachal Pradesh High Court-FAC 1991 FAC 1991(1) 266.
(I) 179. [(2-A) When an application is made to the court under sub-
– Delay in sending the report of the Public Analyst-effect-the section (2), the court shall require the Local (Health) Authority to
conviction of the accused cannot be sustained-the right granted forward the part or parts of the sample kept by the said Authority and
to the accused under section 13(2) of the Act is very valuable. upon such requisition being made, the said Authority shall forward
The local health authority is bound to send a copy of the report the part or parts of the sample to the court within a period of five days
of the result of the analysis to the accused informing him that he, from the date of receipt of such requisition.
if so desired, could make an application to the court within a (2-B) On receipt of the part or parts of the sample from the
week to send the second sample for fresh examination by the Local (Health) Authority under sub-section (2A), the court shall first
experts. In case the accused is deprived of this right due to the ascertain that the mark and seal or fastening as provided in clause (b)
laches or short comings on the part of the authorities concerned of sub-section (1) of section 11 are intact and the signature or thumb
including local authority, no conviction of an accused can be impression, as the case may be, is not tampered with, and despatch the
sustained. (Jagdish vs. State of U.P.) Allahabad High Court-FAC part or, as the case may be, one of the parts of the sample under its
1991 (1) 96. own seal to the Director of the Central Food Laboratory who shall
– Fee for Analysis at CFL- accused not under obligation to pay. thereupon send a certificate to the court in the prescribed form within
one month from the date of receipt of the part of the sample specifying
– Has the accused any legal obligation toremit the fee for sending the result of the analysis.
part of the sample to the Director of Central Food Laboratory
for certificate under S. 13(2) of the Prevention of Food (2-C) Where two parts of the sample have been sent to the
Adulteration Act ? Held in the absence of any clear statutory court and only one part of the sample has been sent by the court to the
insistence an accused cannot be asked to bear the expenses to Director of the Central Food Laboratory under sub-section (2-B), the
bring in a document having greater probative value and a court shall, as soon as practicable, return the remaining part to the
substitution fo the earlier documents of the prosecution. Hence, Local (Health) Authority and thatAuthority shall destroy that part after
the deletion of the words "on payment of the prescribed fee" from the certificate from the Director of the Central Food Laboratory has
S. 13(2) coupled with the other charges, conveys the message been received by the Court :
that it is no longer obligatory for the accused to bear the expenses Provided that where the part of the sample sent by the court to
for such analysis. (George Kutty vs. State of Kerala)- Kerala the Director of the Central Food Laboratory is lost or damaged, the
High Court-FAC 1991 (1) 133. Court shall require the Local (Health) Authority to forward the part of
– Accused cannot be asked to bear the expenses for sending the the sample, if any, retained by it to the court and on receipt thereof,
sample for analysis by the Central Food Laboratory. It is, the the court shall proceed in the manner provided in sub-section (2B).
duty of the Court to send the sample to the Central Food (2-D) Until the receipt of the certificate of the result of the
Laboratory when a valid application is made to the effect. The analysis from the Director of Central Food Laboratory, the court shall
court was not justified in directing the party to produce packing 1. Subs. by Act 34 of 1976, s. 10, for 'under sub-sec. (2) (w.e.f. 1-4-1976)
31 32
Sec.13] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
not continue with the proceedings pending before it in relation to the (by whatever designation he is known) recognised by the Central
prosecution. Government, for the purposes of this section].
(2-E) If, after considering the report, if any, of the food Notes :
inspector or otherwise, the Local (Health) Authority is of the opinion
that the report delivered by the public analyst under sub-section(1) is – Sample of cow milk-fat more than prescribed while non-fat-
erroneous, the said Authority shall forward one of the parts of the deficient, inference is that either test was erroneous or the fodder
sample kept by it to any other public analyst for the analysis and if the was responsible (M.C. Delhi vs. Jawahar Lal) Delhi High Court
report of the result of the analysis of that part of the sample by that FAC 1981 (II) 145.
other public analyst is to the effect that the article of food is adulterated,
the provisions of sub-section (2),(2-D) shall, so far as may be, apply.] – Milk deficient in solids-not-fat but containing excess fat-the-
inference is that either the cow is not properly fed or the public
(3) The certificate issued by the Director of the Central Food analyst report was erroneous-but not the inference that the milk
Laboratory 1[under sub-section (2B)] shall supersede the report given in question was not pure (Jagat Ram vs. State of Haryana) Punjab
by the public analyst under sub-section (1) and Haryana High Court, FAC 1981 (II) 119.
(4) Where a certificate obtained from the Director of the Central
Food Laboratory 1 [under sub-section (2B) is produced in any – Where the reports of Central Food Laboratory and Public
prroceeding 1[under this Act, or under section 272 to 276 of the Indian analysts appear to be absolutely divergent and different from
Penal Code (45 of 1860), it shall not be necessary in such proceeding each other, then the report of public analysts can be looked
to produce any part of the sample of food taken for analysis. into. (MCD vs. Lala Ram) Delhi High Court, FAC 1980
(5) Any document purporting to be a report signed by a public
analyst unless it has been superseded under sub-section (3), or any – It is true that the report of Director, CFL is conclusive
document purporting to be a certificate signed by the Director of the and supersedes public analyst repot but the pre-requisite
Central Food Laboratory may be used as evidence of the facts stated is that he has examined a representative sample.
therein in any proceeding under this Act or under section 272 to 276 of The evidence does not indicate that the sample could have been
the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860). representative as shown by the conflicting report
of the public analyst and Central Food Laboratory
[Provided that any document purporting to be certificate signed
(Mahadev vs. Food Inspector) M.P. High Court, FAC
by the Director of the Central Food Laboratory [not being a certificate
1985 (II) 294.
with respect to the analysis of the part of the sample of any article of
food referred to in the proviso to sub-section (1A)of section 16] shall – Difference in the analysis of sample by Public Analyst and
be final and conclusive evidence of the facts stated therein.] Director, Central Food Laboratory- equittal justified (Uma
Shankar Sharma Food Inspector vs. Raman Chona) Delhi
[Explanation :- In this section, and in clause (f) of sub-section
High Court, FAC 1981 (II) 20, M.C. Delhi vs. Bhishan
(1) of section 16. "Director of the Central Food Laboratory", shall Sarup -Delhi High Court FAC 1984 (I) 169.
include the officer for the time being in charge of any Food Laboratory
– Vast difference between the report of public Analyst and of
1. Sub by Act. 34 of 1976, s. 10 for the proviso (w.e.f. 1-4-1976). Central Food Laboratory-defence must succeed (State of
2. Ins. by s. 10 ibid. (w.e.f. 1-4-1976). Maharashtra vs. Padam Shee WALEJI Chheda) FAC 1987 (II)45.
33 34
Sec.14,14A 15, 16] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
– The report of the Central Food Laboratory has totally of shall be deemed to be a warranty given by such manufacturer,
shaken the prosecution case which was based on the report distributor or dealer under this section.]
of the public analyst. In such circumstances the complaint
can no longer proceed. The initial grounds having failed Explanation :- In this section, in sub-section (2) of Section 19
the complaint has become infructuous. If the food inspector and in Section 20A, the expression"distributor" shall include a
wanted to file a complaint on the basis of report commission agent.]
of Central Food Laboratory, then he was competent to do so 14A. Vendor to disclose the name, etc of the person from
by filing a fresh complaint (N:S. Jain vs. State of Punjab whom the article of food was purchased :- Every vendor of an
and Haryana High Court, FAC 1987 (I) 127. article of food shall, if so required, disclose to the food inspector, the
name, address and other particulars of the person from whom
– Public Analyst found a sample of Dhania containg
he purchased the article of food.]
approximately 30% of foreign pulse and millet starch, the
respondent was called upon by the magistrate to meet 15. Notification of food poisoning : 4 [The Central
those allegation based on report of Public Analyst. In the Government or the State Government] may, by notification in the
certificate of Central Food Laboratory sample contravened Official Gazette, require medical practioners carrying on their
section 2(Ia) (m) as it is not within the prescribed profession in any local area specified in the notification to report all
limits and as this certificate supersedes the report of public occurrences of food poisoning coming within their congnizance
analyst hence the report of public analyst non-set. The to such officer as may be specified in the notification.
accused cannot be charged on the non-existing, facts
16. Penalties :- 5[(1) Subject to the provisions of sub-section
hence prosecution fails (State of Assam vs. Subkaran
(1A),if any person-
Aggarwala) Gauhati High Court, FAC 1987 (I)99.
(a) whether by himself or by any other person on his behalf,
MISCELLANEOUS imports into India or manufactures for sale, or stores, sells
or distributes any article of food :-
[14. Manufacturers, distributors
and dealers to give (i) which is adulterated within the meaning of sub-clause
warranty:- No 2[manufacturer or distributor of, or dealer in,] any (m) of clause (ia) of section 2 or misbranded within the
article of food shall sell article to any vendor unless he also gives a meaning of clause (ix) of that section or the sale of which
warranty in writing in the prescribed form about the nature and is prohibited under any provision of this Act or any rule
quality of such article to the vendor : made thereunder or by an order of the Food (Health)
[Provided that a bill, cash memorandum or invoice in respect
(ii) other than an article of food referred to in sub-clause (i),
of the sale of any article of food given by a manufacturer or distributor
in contravention of any of the provisions of this Act or
of, or dealer in, such article to the vendor there of any rule made thereunder;
1. Sub. by Act 49 of 1964, s. 7 for s. 14 (w.e.f. 1.3.1965) or
2. Ins. by Act 34 of 1976, s. 11 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.4.1976) (b) whether by himself or by any other person on his behalf,
3. Ins. by s. 11, ibid, (w.e.f. 1.4.1976). imports into India or manufactures for sale, or stores,
4. Sub. by Act 49 of 1964, s. 8, for " The State Governmet" (w.e.f.1.3.1965) sells or distributes any adulterant which is not injurious to
5. Sub. by Act 34 of 1976, s. 12 for sub-section, (1) (w.e.f. 1.4.1976) health;
35 36
Sec.16] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
or of imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than three
(c) prevents a food inspector from taking a sample authorised months but which may extend to two years and with fine
by this Act; which shall not be less than five hundred rupees:
or Provided further that if the offence is under sub-clause (ii) of
(d) prevents a food inspector from exercising any other clause (a) and is with respect to the contravention of any rule made
power conferred on him by or under this Act; under clause (a) or clause (g) of sub-section (1-A) of section23 or under
or clause (b) of sub- section (2) of section 24, the court may, for any
adequate and special reasons to be mentioned in the judgement, impose
(e) being a manufacturer of an article of food, has in his
possession, or in any of the premises occupied by him, any a sentence of imprisonment for a term which may extend to three
adulterant which is not injurious to health; months and with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees.]
[(1-A) If any person whether by himself or by any other person
on his behalf, imports into India or manufactures for sale or stores,
(f) uses any report or certificate of a test or analysis made by
sells or distributes,-
the Director of the Central Food Laboratory or by a public
analyst or any extract thereof for the purpose of advertising (i) any article of food which is adulterated within he meaning
any article of food; of any of the sub-clauses (e) to (l) (both inclusive) of clause
or (ia) of section 2; or
(g) whether by himself or by any other person on his behalf, (ii) any adulterant which is injurious to health;
gives to the vendor a false warranty in writing in respect of he shall, in addition to the penalty to which he may be liable under the
any article of food sold by him. provisions of section 6, be punishable with imprisonment for a term
he shall, in addition to the penalty to which he may be liable under the which shall not be less than one year but which may extend to six
provisions of section 6, be punishable with imprisonment for a term years and with fine which shall not be less than two thousand rupees;
which shall not be less than six months but which may extend to three Provided that if such article of food or adulterant, when
years, and with fine which shall not be less than one thousand rupees: consumed by any person is likely to cause his death or is likely to
Provided that- cause such harm on his body as would amount to grievous hurt within
the meaning of section 320 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), he
(i) if the offence is under sub-clause (i) of cluse (a) and is with
shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be
respect to an article of food, being primary food, which is
less than three years but which may extend to term of life and with
adulterated due to human agency or is with respect to an
fine which shall not be less than five thousand rupees.
article of food which is misbranded within the meaning of
sub-clause (k) of clause (ix) of section 2; or
[(1-AA) If any person is whose safe custody any article of
food has been kept under sub-section (4) of section 10, tampers or in
(ii) if the offence is under sub-clause (ii) of clause (a), but not any other manner interferes with such article, he shall be punishable
being an offence with repect to the contravention of any with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than six months
rule made under clause (a) or clause (g) of sub-section (1A) but which may extend to two years and with fine which shall not be
of section 23 or under clause (b) of sub-section (2) of less than one thousand rupees.
section 24.the court may, for any adequate and special
reasons to be mentioned in the judgement, impose a sentence 1. Sub-section(1A) renumbered as sub-section(1AA) by Act 34 of 1976s.
12, (w.e.f. 1.4.1976).
1. Ins. by Act 34 of 1976, s. 12 (w.e.f. 1.4.1976) 2. Sub by s.12, ibid, for sub-section (1B) (w.e.f. 1.4.1976).
37 38
Sec.16-16A] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
[(1-B) If any person in whose safe custody any article of food the said Code shall, as fas as may be, apply to such trial:
has been kept under sub-section (4) of section 10, sells or distributes Provided that in the case of any conviction in summary trial
such article which is found by the magistrate before whom it is under this section, it shall be lawful for the magistrate to pass a sentence
produced to be adulterated within the meaning of sub-clause (h) of of imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year;
clause (ia) of section 2 and which, when consumed by any person, is
likely to cause his death or is likely to cause such harm on his body as Provided further that when at the commencement of, or in the
would amount to grievous hurt within the meaning of section 320 of course of, a summary trial under this section, it appears to the magistrate
the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), then notwithstanding anything that the nature of case is such that a sentence of imprisonment for a
contained in sub-section (1-AA), he shall be punishable with term exceeding one year may have to be passed or that it is , for any
imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than three years but other reason, undersirable to try the case summarily, the Magistrate shall
which may extend to term of life and with fine which shall not be less after hearing the parties, record an order to that effect and thereafter
than five thousand rupees.] recall any witness who may have been examined and proceed to hear or
rehear the case in the manner provided by the said Code.]
(1-C) If any person contravenes the provision of section14 or Notes :-
section 14-A, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term
which may extend to six months and with fine which shall not be less – Milk sample deficient in solids-not-fat by 1.3 per cent-a marginal
than five hundred rupees. deficiency-the fat content was in excess of the standard
prescribed-a case fit for benefit to the applicant under the proviso
(1-D) If any person convicted of an offence under this Act of Section 16(1) of the Act (Kundan Singh vs. State of U.P.)
commits a like offence afterwards, then, without prejudice to the Allahabad High Court, FAC 1982 (I) 247.
provisions of sub-section (2), the court, before which the second or
subsequent conviction takes place, may order the cancellation of – Every offence under s. 16 in the first instance to be tried in a
licence, if any, granted to him under this Act, and thereupon such summary way. (Piare Lal vs. State of Haryana)- Punjab and
licence shall, notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, or in the Haryana High Court-FAC 1991 (1) 162.
rule made thereunder, stand cancelled.] – Magistrate started the case as a warrant trial and framed
charges-magistrate at a later stage found that he had adopted a
(2) If any person convicted of an offence under this Act wrong procedure and started a fresh trial as a summary case-
commits a like offence afterwards it shall be lawful for the court before Held once the Magistrate had adopted the procedure of a warrant
which the second or subsequent conviction takes place to cause the trial, he had no power under the Code of Criminal Procedure to
offender's name and place of residence, the offence and the penalty recall that order to wash off the charge-sheet and start
imposed to be published at the offender's expense in such newspapers retrial.(Ramesh Prasad and another vs. State of Haryana) Punjab
or in such other manner as the court may direct. The expenses of such and Haryana High Court-Fac 1991 (I) 168.
publication shall be deemed to be part of the cost attending the
conviction and shall be recoverable in the same manner as a fine. – The trial magistrate neither applied his mind that grater sentence
was to be awarded to the offender, than could be awarded as a
[16-A Power of court to try cases summarily :- result of summary procedure, nor, any such order was passed in
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure writing. It was, thus, obligatory on the part of the trial Magistrate
1973 (2 0f 1974) all offences under sub-section (1) of section16 shall be to try accused summarily, and follow appropriate procedure in
tried in summary way by a Judicial Magistrate of the first class specially that regard. Thus, in the instant case the trial which was held as
empowered in this behalf by the State Government or by a Metropolitan a warrant case was not in accordance with law. (Mohan Lal vs.
Magistrate and the provisions of section 262 to 265 (both inclusive) of State of Haryana) -Punjab and Haryana High
1. Ins. by Act of 1976, s. 13 (w.e.f. 1.4.1976) Court-FAC 1991 (I) 110.
39 40
Sec.16A] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
– Trial-as a warrat case-illegal- the case under Section 16(1) of – Procedure not followed-after several years at the stage of final
this Act shall be tried in a summary manner by the Judicial arguments the sub-divisional Judicial Magistrate passed the
Magistrate unless during the pendency of the case he feels that impugned order and wanted that procedure for summary trial
under the circumstance of the case a sentence of more than one may be adopted-the petitioner should not be required to undergo
year is warranted. the Trial Court has not recorded any such the agony of the trial afresh-prosecution quashed. (Babu Ram
order of trying this case as a warrant case -the trial stands vs. State of Haryana) Punjab and Haryana High Court-FAC
vitiated on this score alone. (Mahinder Singh vs. State of
1991(1) 334.
Haryana) Punjab and Haryana High Court-FAC 1991 (1) 164.
– The legislature intended that all offences under section 16(1) of – Trial -held as a warrant case-not in accordance with law-failure
the Act be tried summarily by specially authorised Magistrate, on the part of the trial court to follow procedure meant for
unless such a Magistrate in writing opines that the accused summary trial goes to the root of the case (Jaswant singh vs.
deserved greater dose of sentence and so he be tried in accordance U.T. Chandigarth) Punjab and Haryana High Court - FAC 1991
with the procedure prescribed by Criminal Procedure Code. But (1) 98.
the Judicial Magistrates can hold summary trial only if they are – Failure on the part of the trial to follow procedure meant for
specially so empowered. (Naresh Kumar vs. State of Haryana and
summary trial goes to the root of the case-trial which is held in
another) - Punjab and Haryana High Court-FAC 1991(1)82.
violation of the procedure, would be illegal, and not merely
– Summary Procedure - failure to follow - trial in violation of the irregular-in the present case the trial magistrate neither applied
procedure would be illegal and not merely irregular. (Mohan his mind that greater sentence was to be awarded to the offender
Lal vs. State of Haryana) Punjab and Haryana High than could be awarded as a result of the summary procedure,
Court-FAC 1991 (1) 110 nor any such order was passed in writing-obligatory on the part
– Retrial ordered on 16th Feb. 1990-sample of milk taken on 26th of the trial Magistrate to try the accused summarily, and follow
February, 1986-procedure of warrant case adopted held retrial appropriate procedure in that regard-the trial which was held
abuse of the process of court (Krishan Lal vs. State of Haryana) as a warrant case, was not in accordance with law, (Japial vs.
Punjab and Haryans High Court - FAC 1991 (1) 101. State of Haryana) Punjab and Haryana High Court-FAC 1991
– Validity of -case remanded to the trial for retrail in conformity (1) 33.
with summary procedure after six years-Held not fair to order – Not in accordance with law-the trial magistrate neither applied
retrial after remand and appropriate orders in such cases would his mind that greater sentence was to be awarded to the offender,
be to record acquittal of the accused (Ramesh Kumar vs. State of
than could be awarded as a result of the summary procedure,
Haryana) Punjab and Haryana High Court - FAC 1991 (1) 209
nor any such order was passed in writing. It was, thus, obligation
– Summary trial- procedure - violated -in the present case the trial on the part of the trial magistrate to try the accused summarily,
Magistriate neither applied his mind that greater sentence was and follow appropriate procedure in that regard. Thus, in the
to be awarded to the offender, than could be awarded as a result instant case, the trial, which was held as a warrant case, was
of summary procedure, nor any such order was passed in writing. not in accordance with law-the trial, which is held in violation
It was, thus, obligatory on the part of the trial magistrate to try of the procedure would be illegal, and not merely irregular,
the accused summarily, and follow appropriate procedure in (Giridhar Lal vs. The Govt. Food Inspector) Punjab and Haryana
that regard. Thus in the instant case, the trial, was not in
High Court - FAC 1991 (1) 26.
accordance with law. (Ashok Kumar vs. State of Haryana) Punjab
and Haryana High Court-FAC 1991(1)319. – To be summary -failure on the part of the trial court to follow
41 42
Sec.16A] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
procedure meant for summary trial in the instant (a) (i) the person, if any, who has been nominated under sub-
case goes to the root of the case. (Piare lal vs. State of Haryana) section (2) to be in charge of and responsible to the
Punjab and Haryana High Court - FAC 1991 (1) 162. company for the conduct of the business of the company
(hereafter in this section to be referred as the person
– Protracted trial - Petitioners have a right to a speedy trial and responsible), or
the case should not linger on for years and the petitioner should
(ii) where no person has been so nominated, every person
not be made to suffer the agony of a protracted trial. (Ramesh
who at the time the offence was committed was incharge
Prasad and another vs. State of Haryana) Punjab and Haryana
of, and was responsible to, the company for the conduct
High Court - FAC 1991 (1) 168
of the business of the company; and
– Remand Order- whether could be passed after 13 years of the (b) the company "
taking of sample-in a case of present nature when the accused shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall be liable
petitioner is a petty milk-vendor and the sample of milk was taken to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.
from his possession on 12th May, 1976 almost more than 13
years ago, the learned Sessions Judge should not have remanded Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall render any such
the case back to fresh trial to the learned trial court. In this person liable to any punishment provided in this Act if he proves that
case, the criminal trial had remained pending for six years. the offence was committed without his knowledge and that he exercised
The accused had to appear in the Court on all dates on which all due diligence to prevent the commission of such offence.
the case is fixed and has to incur expenses as the trial did not
(2) Any company may, by order in writing, authorise any of
conclude within the reasonable time. Therefore, in a case of
its directors or managers (such manager being employed mainly in a
present nature, if 13 years have elapsed and if by the time the
managerial or supervisory capacity) to exercise all such powers and
learned Appellate Court decides the case, 12 years elapsed, it is
take all such steps as may be necessary or expedient to prevent the
not a case for exercise of discretion of the learned Session s
commission by the company of any offence under this Act and may
Judge when he ordered for remand of the case. (Man Singh vs.
give notice to the Local (Health) Authority, in such form and in such
State of Rajasthan) Rajasthan High Court-FAC 1991 (1) 102.
manner as may be prescribed, that it has nominated such director or
– The occurrence took place about more than 8 years back. Records manager as the person responsible, along with the written consent of
show that the appellant has already suffered a part of the such director or manager for being so nominated
imprisonment - no useful purpose would be served in sending Explanation: - Where a company has different establishments
the appllant to jail at this point of time for undergoing the or branches or different units in any establishment or branch, different
remaining period of the sentence though ordinarily in an anti- persons may be nominated under this sub-section in relation to different
social offence punishable under the Prevention of Food establishments or branches or units and the person nominated in
Adulteration Act the Court should take strict view of such matter. relation to any establishment, branch or unit shall be deemed to be
(Ram Lal vs. State of Haryana) Punjab and Haryana High Court the person responsible in respect of such establishment, branch or
- FAC 1991 (1) 316. unit.
(17. Offences by Companies : - (1) Where an offence under this (3) The person nominated under sub-section (2) shall, until:-
Act has been committed by a company :-
1. Sub, by Act 34 of 1976 s. 14, for s 17 (w.e.f. 1-4-1976)
43 44
Sec.17] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
(i) further notice cancelling such nomination is received 18. Forfeiture of poperty: - Where any person has been
from the company by the Local (Health) Authority; or convicted under this Act for the contravention of any of the provisions
(ii) he ceases to be a director or, as the case may be, manager of this Act or any of rule thereunder, the article of food in respect of
of the company : or which the contravention has been committed may be forfeited to the
(iii)he makes a request in writing to the Local (Health)
Authority, under intimation to the company, to cancel 1
[Provided that where the court is satisfied that the article of
the nomination [which request shall be complied with food is capable of being made to conform to prescribed standards for
by the Local (Health) Authority:] human consumption after reprocessing, the court may order the article
of food to be returned to the owner, on his executing a bond with or
whichever is the earliest, continue to be the person responsible:
without sureties, for being sold, subject to the other provisions of this
Provided that where such person ceases to be a director or, as Act, after reprocessing under the supervision of such officer as may
the case may be, manager of the company, he shall intimate the fact of be specified therein.]
such cesser to the Local (Health) Authority;
19. Defences which may or may not be allowed in
Provided further that where such person makes a request under prosecutions under this Act: - (1) It shall be no defence in a
clause (iii), the Local (Health) Authority shall not cancel such prosecution for an offence pertaining to the sale of any adulterated or
nomination with effect from a date earlier than the date on which the misbranded article of food to allege merely that the vendor was ignorant
request is made. of the nature, substance or quality of the food sold by him or that the
(4) Nothwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing sub- purchaser having purchased any article for analysis was not prejudiced
sections, where an offence under this Act has been committed by a by the sale.
company and it is proved that the offence has been committed with the
consent or connivance of, or is attributable to, any neglect on the part
[(2) A vendor shall not be deemed to have committed an
of, any director, manager, secretary or other officer of the company, offence pertaining to the sale of any adulterated or misbranded article
(not being a person nominated under sub-section (2)] such director, of food if he proves:-
manager, secretary or other officer shall also be deemed to be guilty (a) that he purchased the article of food :-
of that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished
accordingly. (i) in a case where a licence is prescribed for the sale thereof,
from a duly licensed manufacturer, distributor or dealer;
Explanation : - For the purpose of this section :-
(a) “company” means any body corporate and includes a firm (ii) in any other case from any manufacturer, distributor or
or other association of individuals; dealer,

(b) “director” in relation to a firm, means a partner in the firm; with a written warranty in the prescribed form; and
(b) that the article of food while in his possession was properly
(c) “manager” in relation to a company engaged in hotel stored and that he sold it in the same state as he purchased it.]
industry, includes the person incharge of the catering
department of any hotel managed or run by it.] 1. Ins. by Act 34 of 1976, s 15(w.e.f. 1.4.1976)
2. Subs by Act, 49 of 1964, s. 10 for sub-section (2) w.e.f. 1.3. 1965)
45 46
Sec.19-20] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
(3) Any person by whom a warranty as is referred to 1[in section (2) No court inferior to that of a Metropolitan Magistrate

14] is alleged to have been given, shall be entitled to appear at the or a Judicial Magistrate of the first class shall try any offence under
hearing and give evidence. this Act.]
Notes: [(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of
Criminal Procedure 1973, (2 of 1974) an offence punishable under
– Protection - availability - the respondents had kept
sub-section (1-AA) of section 16 shall be cognizable and non-bailable].
cinnamon for sale in the same state as they had obtained
it, from Annamalai Nadar and Sons. On this basis, the Notes:
respondents were justified in having sought protection
under section 14 and 19 of the Act. The acquittal of the – Delay in launching prosecution-4 months after taking the
respondents will have to be confirmed. (State by Karaikudi sample and the sample bottle might have deteriorated and
Municipality), Food Inspector, Karaikudi Municipality, Rep would not have been fit for analysis and the respondent was
by Public Prosecutor, Madras vs. Selvam and Kathalinga deprived of his right for getting it analysed by Central Food
Nadar)- MADRAS HIGH COURT-FAC-1991 (1) 268. Laboratory (Nagar Palika Parishad vs. Wali Mohd.) Madhya
Pradesh High Court, FAC 1983 (1) 142.
– Where a bill, cash-memo or invoice is given at the time of
sale a separate warrenty is unnecessary (Ramanbhai – Sanction granted by Dy. CMO merely written “seen’ held-
Shivabhai Prajapati Vs. Stat of Gujarat and other)- this was no sanction. Conviction set aside. (Ramji vs. State
GUJARATHIGH COURT - FAC 1991 (1) 123 of U.P.)Allahabad High Court,FAC 1981 (1) 182.

20. Congnizance and trial of offences : 2[1] No prosecution for – Sanction accorded by CMO without perusing the relevant
an offence under this Act, not being an offence under Section 14 or douments on record hence without applying his mind.
Section 14-A], shall be instituted except by, or with the written consent Sanction is no sanction (Roshan Lal vs. State) Allahabad High
of 3[the Central Government or the State Government [4***], or a Court, FAC 1980 (II) 193.
person authorised in this behalf, by general or sperial order, by the – The Chief Medical Officer signed the cyclostyled form, gaps
Central Government or the State Government 4 ** were filled by a clerk, the CMO did not even put the date
Provided that a prosecution for an offence under this Act may underneath his signature. The sanctioning authority therefore
be instituted by a purchaser 5[or recognised consumer association] did not apply his mind for signing document. Habib vs. State
referred to in section 125[if he or it produces] in court a copy of the of U.P.) Allahabad High Court FAC 1985 (I) 104.
report of public analyst along with the complaint. – The joint commissioner, Foods and Drugs Administration
Nagpur Division has not persued the relevant papers i.e.,
1. Sub.by Act 49 of 1964s. 10 for in “sub section (2)” w.e.f. 1.3.1965). Chemical Analyser’s report which should have been
mentioned in particular and there is no application of mind
2. Sub. by Act 34 of 1976, s. 16 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.4.1976)
in sanctioning (Administrator of City of Nagpur vs. Hari
3. Sub. by Act 49 of 1964, s. 11for certain words (w.e.f. 1.3.1995)
Bombay High Court FAC 1986 (I) 100.
4. The words “or a local authority” omitted by Act 34 of 1976 s. 16
(w.e.f. 1.4.1976)
5. Sub by Act 70 of 1986 s. 3 (w.e.f. 1-5-1987) 1. Sub. by Act 34 of 1976, s. 16 for sub section (2) w.e.f. 11.4.1976).
47 48
Sec.20] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
– It is expected of the sanctioning authority to mention while this error and he was acquitted of the charges levelled against
consenting for prosecution the one or two or the various types him-appeal is coming after 12 years. The
of adulteration as described in Section 2 (ia)-(a) to (m). N.S. deficiency in the milk fat was only 9 per cent... not
Tiqale vs. State of Maharashtra FAC 1985 (II) 88. advisable in the interest of justice to allow this appeal and
remand the case, which would be obvious for fresh trial.
– Section 20(1) does not envisage for delegation of powers by (Nagar Swasthya Adhikari, nagar Mahapalika Allahabad
the person authorised and hence complaint filed by an vs. Radhey Mohan) Allahabad High Court - FAC 1991 (1)
incompetent person has no authority to do so. M/s Jain Sudh 244.
Vansapati Ltd. vs. State of Punjab) Punjab and Haryana High
Court, A.C. 1987 (1) 93. – the authority does not have to move mechanically on the
dictation of someone else. It has to apply its mind quite
– Complaint cannot be withdrawn for refiling, once person has seriously and come to the conclusion that the accused has
been equitted, any prosecution sought after removing the really violated the provisions of the Act and his prosecution
lacuna cannot said to be in universal rule of fair trial is necessary in public interest. Filling up of the blank columns
(Prashant Kumar Sha vs. State of Bihar) Patna High Court, of a cyclostyled form by some one else, clearly
FAC 1987 (II) 25. establishes that the sanction is not in accordance with the
– Natural Justice-Sufficient time not allowed to reply to notice requirement of law. (Dharam Pal Vs. State of Himachal
of show cause.... the petitioner has been granted a licence Pradesh)-HIMACHAL PRADESH HIGH COURT - FAC 1991
for the manufacture of lce Cream. A show casuse notice dated (1) 108.
23rd January, 1990 was issued to the petitioner contending – sanction - validity of - it is necessary for the authority granting
that the petitioner had been running the trade of manufacture sanction to indicate the clause under which the sanction is being
of Desi ghee and milk instead to show cause within two weeks accorded. The sanction granted in the present case does not
as to why the licence be not cancelled Held fair and full indicate as to under which clause the alleged adulteration falls.
opportunity has not been granted to the petitioner. It is not The sanction order is ommnibus and in general terms shows non-
in dispute that the repondents did receive the communication application of mind on the part of the sanctioning authority. The
dated 6th February, 1990 from the petitioner. It was stated sanction has to be for specific purpose to authorise a designated
in this letter of 6th Feb. 1990 that the petitioner had been person to institute such prosecution. Unless it is in a
out of Delhi and, therefore, could not file a reply. When the specific term the accused is bound to be prejudiced in as much
petitioner made a request for grant of more time or an as he would not know as to what case he had to meet. It
opportunity to be heard personally, principles of fair play appears that the alleged offence may fall under clause (m) of
and justic demanded that a reply to the same should have section 2 (ia) and therefore, it was necessary that, that clause
been sent to the petitioner, (Paras, Food Products vs. should have been specifically mentioned, (State of Maharashtra
Municipal corporation of Delhi and others) Delhi High Court Vs. Shri Gimi Erich Rana and others)-BOMBAY HIGH COURT
- (FAC 1991 (1) 332.) - FAC 1991 (1) 170.
– Remand not justified-sample of milk taken-deficiency in – sanction - validity of - a perusal of the written consent under
the milk fat was 0.9 per cent only..... this could be on section 20 of the P.F.A. Act will show that it is in a printed
account of error in the analysis. Hence benefit of doubt form and only the blanks have been filled in. Even the
on above solitary ground was given to the repondent about signatures of the local authority is in different ink than the
49 50
Sec.20] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
date of the written consent. There is no date below the the sanctioning authority has not at all applied its mind before
signature. It also appears to the naked eye that the blanks according the sanction in this case. This is illegal and
have been filled in by somebody else and not by the local initiation of proceedings on this kind of sanction is legally
authority-giving written consent is not a mere ritual and the
impermissible (State of Himachal Pradesh Vs. Sandeepan
authority giving written consent for the prosecution under
section 7/16 of the P.F.A. Act must apply his mind-the written Kumar)- HIMACHAL PRADESH HIGH COURT - FAC 1991
consent under section 20 of the Prevention of food (1) 182
Adulteration Act, 1954 is not in accordance with law and the
learned court below could not have taken cognizance of the – authority before granting the sanction has to apply its mind to
offence. (Babu Lal. Vs. State of Rajasthan)-RAJASTHAN the case and come to a definite conclusion that the prosecution
HIGH COURT - FAC 1991 (1) 155. of the accused is in public interest, document discloses that it is
– sanction not in accordance with law-sanctioning authority a cyclostyled form: columns of which have been filled
has not applied its mind before sanctioning prosecution of up by the authority concerned. (State of Himachal Pradesh Vs.
the accused. (State of Himachal - HIMACHAL PRADESH Rup Chand) HIMACHAL PRADESH HIGH COURT-FAC 1991
HIGH COURT - FAC 1991 (1) 123. (1) 55.
– sanction-validity of-the name of the accused and other
– non-application of mind by the sanctioning authority-sanction
particulars such as sample number, date of lifting of the said
order a cyclostyled proforma wherein only certain blanks have
sample and the name of the Food Inspector etc. are all filled
up in type in cyclostyled proforma-no mention in the sanction/ been filled in like the name of the Food Inspector who had
consent that the Secretary (Medical) Delhi Administration, taken the sample, the date of taking of the sample, and the name
who was the competent authority, had perused the report of of the accused-Held sanction bad in law. (Nand Kishore
the Public Analyst before according consent to the and another Vs. State (Dehi Admn). DELHI HIGH COURT -
prosecution of the petitioner-sanction suffers from an FAC 1991 (1) 220
informity and illegality. (Ashok Kumar Vs. State)-DELHI
HIGH COURT - FAC 1991 (1) 205. – sanction-validity of -non-application of mind by the sanctioning
– sanction - valldity of - sanction order signed by the Director authority-sanction recorded in a mechanical manner-prosecution
of Health Services - the officer who gave sanction for the vitiated. (Ashok Vs. State) DELHI HIGH COURT-FAC 1991
prosection of the petitioner not examined as a witness-no (1)206.
proper sanction-petition accepted (Shyam Lal Vs. State)-
DELHI HIGH COURT - FAC 1991 (1) 223. – applicability of - petitioner commission agent and thus a
– sanction-validity of - the sanctioning authority has simply distributor-in a case instituted aginst a distributor of
signed the order which is in fact a cyclostyled form, columns adulterated food, the manufacturer or dealer cannot be made
of which have been filled up by someone else, which means accused under section 20-A of the Act -the petitioner has been
described as a Commission Agent in the prosecution
51 52
Sec.20-20A] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
documents and, therefore, he will be a distributor within the [20-AA. Application of the Probation of Offenders Act., 1958

meaning of sections 14, 16 and 20-A of the Act. So, the and section 360 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973:-
impleading of the petitioner as an accused by invoking the Nothing contained in the Probation of Offenders Act 1958 (20 of 1958) or
provisions of section 20-A of the Act cannot be sustained (R section 360 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974) shall
and Co. Vs. State by Food Inspector Kumbakonam apply to a person convicted of an offence under this Act unless that person
Municipality) MADRAS HIGH COURT - FAC 1991 (1) 157 is under eighteen years of age.]

– Fresh sanction necessary if CFL reports on adulteration of Notes:

different natures- can the Court proceed with a case in which
1. Protracted trial-benefit of-petitioner aged about 76 years, suffered
it had taken congnizance of the offence on the basis of a
protracted trial, ends of justice would be met if instead of sending
complaint instituted with a valid written consent under
the petitioner to jail at this stage he is given the benefit of Probation
Section 20(1) of the Act in respect of a sample of food found
of Offenders Act, (Rai Singh vs. State and another) Delhi High Court-
to be adulterated by the Public Analyst for certain reasons,
FAC 1991 (1) 214.
without there being a fresh written consent, in regard to the
nature of adulteration later found in the sample by the [21. Magistrate’s power to impose enhanced penalties-
Director of Central Food Laboratory, which is different from Notwithstanding anything contained in section 29 of the Code of
that found earlier by the Public Analyst - held a fresh written Criminal Procedure 1973, (2 of 1974) it shall be lawful for any
consent of the sanctioning authority under section 20 is Metropolitan Magistrate or any Judicial Magistrate of the first class to
required where the Public Analyst, find adulteration of the pass any sentence authorised by this Act, except a sentence of
kind (species)-it was incumbent on the prosecution to have imprisonment for life or for a term exceeding six years, in excess of
obtained fresh written consent before proceedings with the his powers under the said section.]
case in the court of law. (Rattan Lal Vs. State of Himachal
Pradesh)-HIMACHAL PRADESH HIGH COURT - FAC 1991 22. Protection of action taken in good faith :- No suit, prosecution
(1) 179. or other legal proceedings shall lie against any person for anything which
is in good faith done or intended to be done under this Act.
’20-A. Power of court to implead manufacturer etc:
Where at any time during the trial of any offence under this Act 3
[22-A Power of Central government to give directions:- The
alleged to have been committed by any person, not being the Central Government may give such directions as it may deem necessary
manufacturer, distributor or dealer of any article of food, the court to a State Government regarding the carrying into execution of all or any
is satisfied, on the evidence adduced before it, that such of the provisions of this Act and the State Government shall comply with
manufacturer, distributor or dealer is also concerned with the such directions.]
offence, then the court may notwithstanding anything contained
in 2 [sub-section (3) of section 319 of the Code of Criminal Notes:
Procedure, 1973 [2 of 1974) or in section 20 proceed against him
– Instruction under Section 22A could be only with regard to
as though a prosecution had been instituted against him under
carry into execution all or any, of the provision of the Act;
section 20.
1. Ins by Act 34 of 1976s. 18 (w.e.f. 1.4.1976)
1. Sub. by Act 49 of 1964, s. 12w.e.f. 1.3. 1965 2. Ins by s. 19, ibid, for section 21 (w.e.f.1.4.1976)
2. Sub by Act 34 of 1976, s. 17 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.4.1976) 3. Ins by s. 20 ibid (w.e.f. 1.4.1976).
53 54
Sec.22A -23] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
Central Government has no power to modify or amend the (c) laying down special provisions for imposing rigorous
rules by administrative instruction (State vs. Charanji Singh) control over the production, distribution and sale of any
Delhi High Court, FAC 1982 (II)174. article or class of articles of food which the Central
- Administrative instructions issued under Section 22 (A) of Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette,
the Act not binding (R.N. Gujaral vs. M/s Mahabir Trading specify in this behalf including registration of the permises
and others) Delhi High Court, FAC 1982 (II) 10. where they are manufactured, maintenance of the premises
in a sanitary condition and maintenance of the healthy state
23. Power of the Central Government to make rules:- 1[(1) of human beings associated with the production,
The Central Government may, after consultation with the Committee distribution and sale of such article or class of articles;
and after previous publication by notification in the Official Gazette,
make rules to carry out the provisions of this Act. (d) restricting the packing and labelling of any article of food
Provided that consultation with the Committee may be dispensed and the design of any such package or label with a view to
with if the Central Government is of the opinion that circumstances preventing the public or the purchaser being deceived or
have arisen which render it necessary to make rules without such misled as to the character, quality or quantity of the article
consultation, but, in such a case, the Committee shall be consulted
[or to preventing adulteration];
within six months of the making of the rules and the Central (e) defining the qualifications, powers and duties of food
Government shall take into consideration any suggestions which the inspectors and public analysts;
Committee may make in relation to the amendment of the said rules.]
[1-A) 3[In particular and without prejudice to the generality of
2 1
[(ee)defining the laboratories where samples of article of food or
the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the adulterants may be analysed by public analysts under this Act;]
following matters, namely:-
(f) prohibiting the sale or defining the conditions of sale of any
(a) specifying the articles of food or classes of food for the substance which may be injurious to health when used as food
import of which a licence is required and prescribing the or restricting in any manner its use as an ingredient in the
form and conditions of such licence, the authority manufacture of any article of food or regulating by the issue of
empowered to issue the same, 4[the fees payable therfor, licences the manufacture or sale of any article or food;
the deposit of any sum as security for the performance of
the conditions of the licence and the circumstances under (g) defining the conditions of sale or conditions for licence of
which such licence or security may be cancelled or sale of any article of food in the interest of public health;
(h) specifying the manner in which container for samples of food
(b) defining the standards of quality for, and fixing the limits
purchased for analysis shall be sealed up or fastened up;
of variability permissible in respect of any article of food;
1. Ins. as sub-section (1) after renumbering the former sub-section (1) as sub
[(hh) defining the methods of analysis;]
-section (1A) by Act 34 of 1976), s. 21 (w.e.f. 1.4.1976).
2. Subs. (1) renumbered as subs. (1A) by section 21, ibid (w.e.f. 1.4.1976) (i) specifying a list of permissible preservatives, other than
3. Sub by s 21, ibid, for certain words (w.e.f. 1.4.1976). common salt and sugar, which alone shall be used in preserved
4. Sub by Act 49 of 1964, s. 13 for “and the fees payable therefore
(w.e.f.1.3. 1965). 1. Ins by Act 34 of 1976, s. (w.e.f. 1.4.1976
55 56
Sec.23] Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
fruits, vegetables or their products or any other article of food be of no effect, as the case may be; so, however, that any such modification
as well as the maximum amounts of each preservative; or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything
previously done under that rule.]
(j) specifying the colouring matter and the maximum quantities
thereof which may be used in any article of food; 24. Power of the State Government to make rules:- (1) The
State Government may, after consultation with the Committee and
(k) providing for the exemption from this Act or of any subject to the condition of previous publication, make rules for the
requirements contained therein and subject to such conditions, purpose of giving effect to the provisions of this Act in matters not
if any, as may be specified, of any article or class of articles of falling within the purview of section 23.
(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the
(l) prohibiting or regulating the manufacture, transport or sale of forgoing power, such rules may:-
any article known to be used as an adulterant of food;
(a) define the powers and duties of the Food (Health) Authority,
(m) prohibiting or regulating:- 1
[local authority and Local (Health) Authority under this
(i) the addition of any water, or other diluent or adulterant to
any article of food; (b) prescribe the forms of licences for the manufacture for sale,
for the storage, for the sale and for the distribution of articles
(ii) the abstraction of any ingredient from any article of food; of food or any specified article of food or class of articles of
(iii) the sale of any article of food to which such addition or food, the form of application for such licences, the conditions
from which such abstraction has been made or which has subject to which such licences may be issued, the authority
been otherwise artificially treated; empowered to issue the same, 3[the fees payable therefor,
the deposit of any sum as security for the performance of
(iv) the mixing of two or more articles of food which are similar the conditions of the licences and the circumstances under
in nature or appearance; which such licences or security may be 1[suspended,
(n) providing for the destruction of such articles of food as are not cancelled or forfeited];
in accordance with the provisions of this Act or of the rules (c) direct a fee to be paid for analysing any article of food or
made thereunder.] for any matter for which a fee may be prescribed under
[(2) Every rule made by the Central Government under this Act
1 this Act.
shall be laid as soon as may be, after it is made, before each House of (d) direct that the whole or any part of the fines imposed
Parliament while it is in session for a total period of thirty days, 2[which under this Act shall be paid to a local authority on
may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, realisation;
and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session
(e) provide for the delegation of the powers and functions
or the successive sessions aforesaid], both Houses agree in making any
conferred by this Act on the State Government or the
modification in the rule or both Houses agree that the rule should not be
made, the rule shall thereafter have effect, only in such modified form or 1. Sub. by Act 34 of 1976, s. 22 for "and local authority" (w.e.f. 1.4.1976).
1. Subs, by Act 49 of 1964,s. 13, for sub-section (2) (w.e.f. 1.3.1965). 2. Certain words omitted by Act 49 of 1964, s. 14.
2. Subs, by Act 34 of 1976, s. for certain words (w.e.f. 1.4.1976) 3. Sub, by s. 14 ibid for "and the fees payable therefor" (w.e.f.1.3.1965)
57 58
Sec.24,25] The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 5
Act, 1954
Food (Health) Authority to subordinate authorities or to The Prevention of
local authorities.
Food Adulteration Rules, 1955*
(3) All rules made by the State Government under this Act
shall, as soon as possible after they are made, be laid before the
respective State Legislatures. 1. Short title, extent and commencement:- (1) These Rules
may be called the Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955.
[25. Repeal and Saving :- (1) If, immediately before the
1 (2) They extend to the whole of India 1[***].
commencement of this Act, there is in force in any State to which this 2
[(3) The rules other than those contained in Part III, Appendix'B'
Act extends any law corresponding to this Act, that corresponding law Item A. 12-Margarine, Part VI and Part VII shall come into force onthe
shall upon such commencement stand repealed.] date of their publication in the Official Gazettee, the rules contained in
Part III, appendix 'B' Items A. 12- Margarine, shall come into force on the
(2) Notwithstanding the repeal by this Act of any corresponding first day of June, 1956 and the rules contained in Part VI and Part VII shall
law, rules, regulations, and bye-laws relating to the prevention of come into force on 3(the first of December, 1956].]
adulteration of food, made under such corresponding law and in force 2. Definitions :- In these rules, unless the context otherwise
immediately before the commencement of this Act shall, except where requires:-
and so far as they are inconsistent with or repugnant to the provisions (a) "Act" means the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
of this Act, continue in force until altered, amended or repealed by (37 of 1954);
rules made under this Act. (b) "Director" means the Director of the Laboratory;
(c) "Laboratory" means Central Food Laboratory;]
(d) "Form" means a Form set forth in Appendix A to these
(da) "infant" means a child not more than twelve months of age;
(db) "infant food" means any food (by whatever name called)
being marketed or otherwise represented as complement to
mother's milk to meet the growing nutritional needs of infant
after age of 7six months and upto the age of two years;
(dc) "infant milk substitute" means any food being marketed or
otherwise represented as partial or total re-placement for
1. In its application to the State of Jammu & Kashmir; in section 25, after
mother's milk for infant upto the age of two years.
sub-section (2); the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely:- ". 5
(e) "Local Authority" means:-
(a) References to the commencement of this Act in this section shall be (i) in the case of sea ports, the Health Officer as defined in the
construed as references to the* commencement of the Prevention of Food
Adulternation (Amendment) Act 1971. * Noti, No SRO2106, dated 2.9.1955.
1. The words "except the State of J & K" omitted by Noti, No. GSR 436
(b) For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that provisions of sub- (E) of 10.10.1972.j
section (2) shall be without prejudice to the provisions contained in section 2. Subs, by Noti, No. SRO 1202, dated 19.5.1956
6 of the General Clauses Act, 1897 (10 of 1897), which shall also apply 3. Sub, by Not No. 2213, dated 28.9.1956
to the repeal of the corresponding law in theforce in the State of Jammu & 4. Subs. by Noti No. GSR (70) (E) dated 8.2.1978 (w.e.f.1.4.1978).
Kashmir as if such corresponding law had been an enactment" 5. Ins, by No GSR 508 (E), dated 27.9.1975.
6. In by not GSR 147 (E) dated 14.3.1997 (w.e.f. 14.9.1997)
26th January, 1972, (vide Act 41 of 1971, s.4). 6. Ins, by GSR 388 (E) dated 25.6.2004
59 60
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Indian Port Health Rules, 1955, in respect of that portion Public Analysts in the various States and such other laboratories
of local areas falling within the jurisdiction of the ports; and institutions which the Central Government may approve in
(ii) In the case of airports, the Health Officer as defined in the Indian this behalf for the purpose of standardising methods of analysis.]
Aircrafts (Public Health) Rules, 1954, in respect of that portion 1
[(2) The laboratory specified in column (1) of Table-1 below, shall
of the local area falling within the jurisdiction of the airport. carry out the functions entrusted to it by the Act or these rules in repect of the
(iii) in the case of all railway stations or groups of railway local areas specified in the corresponding entry in column (2) thereof.
stations (including any railway colony, office, yard,
goods-shed, transhipment shed, workshop and other works 1,2,3
Table 1
owned and maintained by the Railway Administration for
the purpose or in connection with Railways) the Medical Name of the Central Local Areas
Superintendent/Divisional Medical Officer of the Food Laboratory
Railways in respect of that portion of the local area falling
(1) (2)
within the jurisdiction of the said railway station or group
of railway stations. 1. Central Food Laboratory, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam,
(iv) in the case of an ordnance factory or equipment factory, the Kolkata-700016 Chhattisgarh, Manipur, Meghalaya,
General Manager of such factory or equipment factory or both.]
Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Sikkim,
(f) "good manufacturing practices or use of food additives" means
Tripura, Uttaranchal and Union
the food additives used under the following conditions, namely:–
Territories of Andaman and Nicobar
(i) the quantity of the additive added to food shall be limited to the
lowest possible level necessary to accomplish its desired effect; Island and Lakshadweep.
(ii) the quantity of the additive becomes a component of food as 2. Central Food Laboratory, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh,
a result of its use in the manufacturing processing or Mysore-570013 Maharashtra, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh
packaging of a food and which is not intended to accomplish and Union Territory of Chandigarh.
any physical; or other technical effect in the food itself; is
reduced to the extent resonably possible; and 3. Central Food Laboratory Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Jammu and
(ii) the additive is prepared and handled in the same way as a Pune-411001 Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala,
food ingredient. Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu
PART II-THE CENTRAL FOOD LABORATORY 4. Central Food Laboratory Bihar, Goa, Jharkhand, Madhya
3. Functions :- [(1)] In addition to the functions entrusted to the Laboratory
Ghaziabad 201001 Pradesh, West Bengal, Union
by the Act, the Laboratory shall carry out the following functions, namely:- Territories of Dadar and Nagar Haveli,
(a) analysis of samples of food sent by any officer or authority Daman and Diu and Pondicherry
authorized by the Central Government for the purpose and
submission of the certificate of analysis to the authorities concerned. Provided that the laboratory specified in column (1) of Table II,
(b) investigations for the purpose of fixation of standard of any shall also carry out analysis of samples received under sub-section (2) of
article of food. section 6 of the Act in respect of the local areas specified in the
[(c) investigation, in collaboration with the laboratories of corresponding entry in column (2) thereof.
1. Ins by Noti. No GSR 422(E), dated 24.5.1982. 1. Subs, by Noti, No GSR 745 (E), dated 20.9.1985 (w.e.f. 20.3.1986)
2. Indian, by Noti. GSR 70 (E), dated 8.2.1978 (w.e.f. 1.4.1978).
2. Subs. by Noti No. GSR 777(E), dated 5.12.1995 (w.e.f. 5.6.1996)
3. Sub, by Noti, No GSR 1533, dated 8.7.1968 (w.e.f.24.8.1968).
3. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 388(E), dated 25.6.2004. 3. Subs. by Noti No.GSR 382 (E) dated 28.5,2002 (w.e.f. 28.8.2002)
61 62
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Table II (iv) Manipur,
(v) Meghalaya,
Name of the Central Local Areas
Food Laboratory (vi) Mizoram,
(vii) Negaland,
(1) (2)
(viii) Sikkim,
1. Central Food Laboratory 1. All Seaports/Airports/Inland (ix) Tripura, and
Kolkata Container Depots in the
(x) West Bengal
Union territories/State of :-
2. Central Food Laboratory 1. All Airports/Inland Container
(i) The Andaman and Nicobar
Islands. Ghaziabad. Depots in the Union
territories/ States of -
(ii) Andhra Pradesh,
(i) Chandigarh,
(iii) Arunachal Pradesh,
(ii) Delhi,
(iv) Assam,
(iii) Haryana,
(v) Bihar,
(iv) Himachal Pradesh,
(vi) Manipur,
(v) Jammu and Kashmir,
(vii) Meghalaya,
(vi) Madhya Pradesh,
(viii) Mizoram,
(vii) Punjab,
(ix) Nagaland,
(viii) Rajasthan, and
(x) Orissa,
(ix) Uttar Pradesh
(xi) Sikkim, 1
(x) Chattisgarh
(xii) Tripura, and
(xi) Uttaranchal
(xiii) West Bengal 2. All International borders in
(xiv) Jharkhand the States of -
2. International borders in the (i) Himachal Pradesh,
States of - (ii) Rajasthan,
(i) Arunachal Pradesh, (iii) Jammu and Kashmir,
(ii) Assam, (iv) Punjab, and
(iii) Bihar, (v) Uttar Pradesh
1. Amended Noti GSR 240(E) dt. 5-4-1992 & GSR 532(E) dt. 19-7-99 & 1
(vi) Uttaranchal
GSR 630(E) dt. 10-9-1999.
2. Amended GSR 382 (E) dt 28.5.2002 (w.e.f. 28.8.2002) 1. Added vide GSR 382 (E) dt 28.5.2002 (w.e.f. 28.8.2002)
63 64
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
3. Central Food Laboratory, 1. All sea Ports/Airports/Inland (3) A copy of the memorandum and a specimen impression of the
Mysore. Container Depots in the seal used to seal the container and the cover shall be sent separately by
Union territories/States of- registered post to the Director.
(i) Karnataka,
(4) On receipt of a package containing a sample for analysis, the
Director or an officer authorised by him, shall compare the seals on the
(ii) Kerala,
container and the outer cover with specimen impression received
(iii) Lakshadweep, separaterly and shall note the condition of the seals thereon.
(iv) Pondicherry, and (5)After test or analysis the certificate thereof shall be supplied
(v) Tamil Nadu forthwith to the sender in Form II.
[(6) The fees payable in respect of such a certificate shall be
4. Central food Laboratory 1. All sea ports/Airports/Inland 5,4
Rs. 1000 per sample of food analysed.]
Pune. container Depots in the Union (7) Certificates issued under the rules by the laboratory shall be
territories/States of - signed by the Director.
(i) Dadra and Nagar Haveli, 6
(8) The fee payable in analysis of samples of imported food
(ii) Daman and Diu, analysed in any designated laboratory shall be Rs. 3000/- per sample
payable by the importer.
(iii) Goa,
Note :
(iv) Gujarat, and
Rule 4 (2) and 4 (3)are mendatory and it requires that a distinguishing
(v) Maharashtra mark shall be made by the court and the memorandum and impression of
2. All International borders in the seal should be sent separately. (Jayanti lal Thakurdas Suratwalla vs.
State of - State of Maharashtra) Bombay High Court, FAC 1986 (I) 2.
4. Analysis of food samples :- (1) (a) Samples of food for analysis
1 5. Standards of quality of the various article of food specified in
under sub-section (2) of section 13 of the Act shall be sent either
Appendices B, C & D to these rules are as defined in those appendices.
through a Messenger or by registered post in a sealed packet, enclosed PART-IV PUBLIC ANALYSTS AND FOOD INSPECTORS
together with a memorandum in Form I in an outer cover addressed to
the Director. [6. Qualifications of Public Analyst:- A person shall not be

qualified for appointment as a public analyst unless he:-

(b) Samples of food for analysis under sub-section (2) of section 6
of the Act or under clause (a) of Rule 3 shall be sent either through a (1) holds a Master's Degree in Chemistry or Bio-chemistry or
Messenger or by registered post in a sealed packet enclosed together Food Technology or Microbiology or Food and Drugs from
with a memorandum in Form IA in an outer cover addressed to the 1. Subs, by Noti No. GSR 618 (E) dated 16.5.1988 (w.e.f. 16.11.1988).
2. Subs by Noti SRO 2755, dated 24, 1956.
3. Subs by Noti. No GSR 244, dated 1.3.1980
(2) The container as well as the outer covering of the packet shall be 4. Amended by Noti No. GSR 91 (E) dated 26.8.1995.
marked with a distinguishing number. 5. Amended GSR 693(E) dt 20-11-1998 (w.e.f. 20.5.1999)
6. Amended GSR 382 (E) dt. 28.5.2002 (w.e.f. 28.8.2002)
1. Sub, by Noti, No GSR 618 (E) dated 16.5.1988 (w.e.f. 16.11.1988)
7. Amended GSR 388 (E) dt. 25.6..2004.
65 66
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
a University established in India by law or is an Associate 7.Duties of Public Analyst :- (1) On receipt of a package
of the Institution of Chemists (India) by examination in the containing a sample for analysis from a Food Inspector or any other
section of Food Analysis conducted by the Institution of person the Public Analyst or an officer authorised by him shall
Chemists (India) or has an equivalent qualifications compare the seals on the container and the outer cover with
recognised and notified by the Central Government for such specimen impression received separately and shall note the
purposes and has not less than three years' experience in conditions of the seals thereon.
the analysis of food. 3
Provided that in case sample container received by the public
(2) has been declared qualified for appointment as a public analyst is found to be in broken condition or unfit for analysis he
analyst by a Board appointed and notified by the Central shall within a period of seven days from the date of receipt of
Government for such purposes; such sample inform the Local (Health) Authority about the same
Provided that a person who is a public analyst on the date of and send requisition to him for sending second part of the
commencement of these Prevention of Food Adulteration (Amendment) sample."
Rules 1994, or who has worked as a public analyst for a period of three
(2) The public analyst shall cause to be analysed such samples of
years before such commencement may hold office as such, subject to the
article of food as may be sent to him by food inspector or by any other
terms and conditions of service applicable to him even though he does not
person under the Act.
fulfil the qualifications laid down in clause (1) and (2)."
Provided further that a person who:- [(3) The public analyst shall, within a period of 2[forty days] from

the date of receipt of any sample for analysis, 4[send by registered post or
(i) holds a degree in science with Chemistry or Bio-chemistry by hand] to the Local (Health) Authority a report of the result of such
or Food Technology or Food and Drugs from a University analysis in Form III.
established in India by Law or has an equivalent qualification
recognised and notified by the Central Government for such Provided that where any such sample does not conform to the
purpose and has not less than five years of experience after provisions of the Act or these rules, the public analyst shall 4[send by
graduation in the analysis of food, and Registered post or by hand four copies of such report to the said
(ii) (a) has been declared qualified for appointment as a
Public Analyst by a Board appointed and notified under Provided further that the public analyst shall forward a copy of
clause (2) of this rule, prior to commencement to the such report also to the person who purchased an article of food and
Prevention of Food Adulteration (Amendment) Rules, forwarded the same to him for analysis under Section 12 of the Act.
1994, or
Note :- In case of sample received under the proviso of the rule
(b) shall be declared qualified for appointment as a Public
7(1) or rule 9A, the period of forty days shall be counted from the date of
Analyst by a Board appointed and notified under clause
receipt of the second part of the sample.
(2) of this rule upto the period of 131st March 1999.
shall be eligible for appointment as public analyst, even though he 1. Sub. by Noti. No. GSR 4(E) dated 4.1.1977.
does not fulfil the qualification laid down in clause (1). 2. Sub. by Noti. No. GSR 500 (E) dated 9.7.1984.
3. Sub. by Noti. No. GSR 91(E) dated 26.2.1995 (w.e.f. 26 .8.1995).
1. Amended vide Not, G.S.R.175 (E) dated 6.4.98 4. Sub. by Noti. No. GSR 422 (E) dated 29.4.1987
67 68
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Notes : Provided that the training in food inspection and sampling
work obtained prior to the commencement of 1 [Rule 3 of the
– Further held that Public analyst must find out whether the Prevention of Food Adulteration (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 1976],
adulterated sample renders it injurious to human health or not, in any of the laboratories under the control of :-
when a sample falls below the prescribed standards or its
constituents are not present within prescribed limits of variabilities (i) a public analyst appointed under the Act, or
(Nizamuddin Sddikbhai Tiqala vs. State of Maharashtra) Bombay
High Court, FAC 1985 (II) 88. (ii) a fellow of the Royal Institute of Chemistry of Great
Britain (Branch E); or
– Report to be sent to vendor compliance mendatory
Non-compliance would vitiate the report of the Public Analyst and
(iii) any Director, Central Food Laboratory ; or
benefit would go to the accused. (State of Assam vs.
shiew Kumar Jain and another)- Gauhati High Court-FAC
1991(1)21. the training obtained under a Food (Health) Authority, prior to the
commencement of the Prevention of Food Adulteration
8 .1 [Qualification of food inspector :- A person shall not (Amendment) Rules 1980, shall be considered to be equivalent for
be qualified for appointment as food inspector unless he:- the purpose of the requisite training under these rules :

(a) is a medical officer incharge of health administration of 1

[Provided further that a person who is a qualified Sanitary
local area ; or Inspector having experience as such for a minimum period
of one year and has received at least three months training in
(b) is a graduate in medicine and has received at least one whole or in parts in food inspection and sampling work, may
month's training in food inspection and sampling work be eligible for appointment as food inspector, upto the period
approved for the purpose by the Central Government or ending on the 31st March, 1985 and may continue as such if
a State Government; or so appointed even though he does not fulfill the qualifications
laid down in clauses (a) to (c)].
(c) is a graduate in Science with Chemistry as one of the
subjects or is a graduate in Agriculture or Public Health Provided also that nothing in this rule shall be
or Pharmacy or in Veterinary Science or a graduate in construed to disqualify any person who is a food inspector on the
Food Technology or Dairy Technology or is a diploma commencement of the Prevention of the Food Adulteration
holder in Food Technology or Dairy Technology from a (Amendment) Rules 1980 from continuing as such after such
University or Institution established in India by law or commencement.]
has equivalent qualifications recognised and notified by
the Central Government for the purpose and has received 9.Duties of Food Inspector :- It shall be the duty of the
three months' satisfactory training in food inspection and food inspector:-
sampling work under a Food (Health) Authority or in an
institution approved for the purpose by the Central (a) to inspect as frequently as may be prescribed by the Food
Government: (Health) Authority or the local authority all
1. Sub. by Noti. No. GSR 244, dated 1.3.1980. 1. Sub. by Noti. No. 268(E), dated 16.3.1983
69 70
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
establishment licensed for the manufacture, storage or 3
9-A. Sending of Sample by Local (Health) Authority :
sale of an article of food within the area assigned to him; (a) Local (Health) Authority shall within a period of seven
(b) to satisfy himself that the conditions of the licences are days of receipt of requisition for second part of the sample
being observed; from Public Analyst under the proviso of rule 7(1), send
(c) to procure and send for analysis, if necessary, samples sample to the Public Analyst.
of any article of food which he has reason to suspect are (b) Local (Health) Authority, while sending second part of
being manufactured, stocked or sold or exhibited for the sample under the provision of sub-section (2E) of
sale in contravention of the provisions of the Act or rules section13 of the Act, shall do so within a period of 20
thereunder; days from the date of receipt of the report from the first
(d) to investigate any complaint which may be made to him public analyst.
in writing in respect of any contravention of the [9-B.Local (Health) Authority to send report to person
provisions of the Act, or rules framed thereunder. concerned:- The Local (Health) Authority shall 2[within a period of
(e) to maintain a record of all inspections made and action ten days] after the institution of prosecutioon forward a copy of the
taken by him in the performance of his duties, including report of the result of analysis in Form III delivered to him under sub-
the taking of samples and the seizure of stocks, and to rule (3) of Rule 7, by registered post or by hand, as may be appropriate,
submit copies of such record to the health officer or the to the person from whom the sample of the article was taken by the
Food (Health) Authority as directed in this behalf; Food Inspector, and simultaneously also to the person if any, whose
(f) to make such enquiries and inspection as may be name, address and other particulars have been disclosed under Section
necessary to detect the manufacture, storage or sale of 14-A of the Act :
article of food in contravention of the Act or rules framed Provided that where the sample conforms to the provisions of
thereunder; the Act or the rules made thereunder, and no prosecution is intended
(g) to stop any vehicle suspected to contain any food under sub-section (2) or no action is intended under sub-Section 2(E)
intended for sale or delivery for human consumption; of Section 13 of the Act, the Local (Health) Authority shall intimate
(h) when so authorised by the health officer, having the result to the Vendor from whom the sample has been taken and
jurisdiction in the local area concerned or the Food also to the person whose name, address and other particulars have been
(Health) Authority, to detain imported packages which disclosed under section 14A of the Act, within 10 days from the receipt
he has reasons to suspect contain food, the import or sale of the report from the Public Analyst.]
of which is prohibited; 1[***] Note :-
(i) to perform such other duties as may be entrusted to him - Meaning of the word immediately (Ahmed Dadabhai Advani Vs.
by the health officer having jurisdication in the local area State of Maharashtra)- SUPREME COURT OF INDIA-FAC 1991
concerned 2 or Local (Health) Authority or the Food (1) 222.
(Health) Authority.
- proviso letter issued by the Asst. Commissioner; Food and
(j) 3
[********] Drugs to the accused that no prosecution was intended nor
1. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 1553, dated 8.7.1968. 1. Omitted/ Sub. by Noti. No. GSR 4 (E) dated 4.1.1977
2. Sub.by Noti. No. GSR 91 (E) dated 26.2.1995 (w.e.f. 26.8.1995). 2. Sub by Noti. No. GSR 500 (E) dated 9.7.1984.
3. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 4 (E) dated 4.1.1977. 3. Sub. by Noti. No. GSR 91 (E) dated 26.2.1995 (w.e.f. 26.8.1995)
71 72
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
that any action was intended under sub-section (2-E) of [Provided that in case where a food inspestor draws a

section 13 the sample was received by the Local (Health) sample from an open container, he shall also draw a sample from the
Authority on 9 th February 1982. On 12th February 1982 an container in original condition of the same article, bearing the same
intimation Exh. 16under Rule 9A much beyond the period of declaration if such container is available, and intimate this fact to
10 days that the authority entertains some doubt about the the Public Analyst.]
report and therefore refers the matter to the Public Analyst [12-A. Warranty :- Every manufacturer, distributor or
at Bombay-Held the intimations dated 12the February 1982 dealer selling an article of food to a vendor shall give either
Exh. 16, was exclusive ot the matter and this issue could not separately or in the bill, cash memo or a 2 [label] a warranty in Form
hve been re-opened under sub-section (2-E) of section 13 of VI-A.]
the Act, as has been done by the prosecution-the learned trial
12-B. Form of nomination of Director or Manager and
magistrate was not right in directing framing of charge under
his consent, under Section 17 :- (1) A company may inform the
the provisions of the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act.
Local (Health) Authority of the concerned local area, by notice in
(Ulhas Ramachandra Kulkarni and another Vs. State of
duplicate, in Form VIII containing the name and address of the
Maharashtra)- BOMBAY HIGH COURT-FAC 1991(1) 185. Director or Manager, who has been nominated by it under sub-
[10. Forms of order not to dispose of stock and of bond:- section (2) of Section 17 of the Act to be incharge of and
Where the food inspector keeps any article of food in the safe responsible to the company for the conduct of the business of the
custody of the vendor under sub-section (4) of Section 10:- company or any establishment, branch or unit thereof;
(a) he shall, after sealing such article of food, make an order Provided that no such nomination shall be valid unless the
to the vendor in form IV and the vendor shall comply Director or Manager who has been so nominated, gives his consent
with such an order, and in writing and has affixed his signature, in Form VIII in duplicate in
token of such consent.
(b) he may require the vendor to execute a bond in Form IV-
A.] (2) The Local ( Health) Authority shall sign and return one copy
of the notice in Form VIII to the company to signify the receipt of the
11. Form of receipt for food seized by a food inspector:- nomination and retain the second copy in his office for record.
For every article of food seized and carried away by food inspector
12-C. Vendor to disclose name and address of Director/
under sub-section (4) of Section 10 of the Act, a receipt in Form V
Manager in certain circumstances :- Every vendor of an article of
shall be given by the food inspector to the person from whom the food shall disclose the name and address of the Director or
article was seized. Manager, as the case may be, nominated in Form VIII under Rule
12. 2 [Notice of intention to take sample for analysis:- 12-B to a purchaser who informs such vendor of his intention of
When a Food Inspector takes a sample of article for the purpose of purchasing any such article from him for analysis by a public
analysis, he shall give notice of his intention to do so in writing in analyst under Section12 of the Act.]
Form VI, then and there, to the person from whom he takes the 13. Power of food inspector to deal with carrier of disease
sample and simultaneously, by appropriate means, also to the handling food :- (1) Where the food inspector is of the opinion that any
persons if any, whose name, address and other particulars have been
1. Sub. by Noti. No. GSR 1533, dated 8.7.1968.
disclosed under section 14-A of the Act;]
2. Corrected by Corrigenda GSR 2163, dated 2.12.1968
1. Sub. by Noti. No. GSR 1533; dated 8.7.1968 3. 1ns. by Noti. No. GSR 4 (E), dated 4.1.1977
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 4 (E) dated 4.1.1977. 4. Ins. by Noti GSR 590 (E) dated 23.12.1978
73 74
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
person enagaged in selling or manufacturing any article of food is 1986(1)313, (Chand Ram vs. State of Punjab) FAC 1986 (II) I
suffering from or harbouring the germs of any infectious disease, he Punjab and Haryana High Court.
may examine or cause to be examined such persons: 15. Bottles or containers to be labelled and addressed:- All
Provided that where such person is a female1 she shall be bottles or jars or other containers containing samples for analysis shall be
examined by a women duly authorised by the food inspector. properly labelled and the parcels shall be properly addressed. The label
(2) If on such examination the food inspector finds that such on any sample of food sent for analysis shall bear:-
person is suffering form any such disease, he may by order in writing (a) [Code number and Serial number of the Local (Health) Authority;]

direct such person not to take part in selling or manufacturing any

article of food. (b) Name of the sender with official designation, if any;
DESPATCH OF SAMPLES (d) Date and place of collection;
14. Manner of sending sample for analysis :- Samples of
food for the purpose of analysis shall be taken in clean dry bottles or (e) Nature of article submitted for analysis;
jars or in other suitable containers which shall be closed sufficiently (f) Nature and quantity of preservative, 'if any, added to the sample;
tight to prevent leakage, evaporation, or in the case of dry substance,
entrance of moisture and shall be carefully sealed.
[Provided that in the case of a sample of food which has been
taken from Agmark sealed container, the label shall bear the following
Notes :- additional information:-
– It is evidence that the sample of mustard oil was taken by food
(a) Grade;
inspector using a mug and a funnel which contained traces of other
oils visible in those utensils. The sample bottles could not prove to (b) Agmark label No./Batch No;
be unpolluted, antiseptic etc. hence it is diffcult for the court to
(c) Name of packing station.]
accept that the public servant conversant with his duties did not
perform them in accordance with the provision of Rule 9 (E) hence 16. Manner of packing and sealing the samples:- All samples
an adverse inference must be drawn. (State of Assam vs. M/s Radha of food sent for analysis shall be packed, fastened and sealed in the
Oil Industries) Gauhati High Court, FAC 1987 (1) 115. following manner, namely:-
– Non-compliance of- prosecution had not proved that the polythene (a) The stopper shall first be securely fastened so as to prevent
containers had been cleaned before the suji Ladoos sample had leakage of the contents in transit;
been weighed and kept therein- the prosecution had not established
with the mandatory provisions of Rule 14-petitioner entitled to (b) The bottle, jar or other container shall then be completely
benefit. (Sheq Chander Mathur and another Vs. State of Assam and wrapped in fairly strong thick paper. The ends of the paper
another)-GAUHATI HIGH COURT-FAC 1991 (1) 9. shall be neatly folded in and affixed by means of the gum or
other adhesive;
– Sample of meat masala was wrapped in a strong thick paper and
not in sealed container as required under rules (Nasib chand
1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 293 (E), dated 23.3.1985 (effective 23.9.1985)
Vs. State or Punjab) Punjab & Haryana High Court FAC, 1986
(1) 88., 310 (Also Pritam Singh vs. U.T. Chandigargh) FAC 2. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 618 dated 16.5.1988 (w.e.f. 16.11.1988). (name
of Vendor).
1. amended GSR 832 (E) dt 21.10.2003) 3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 74, dated 31.12.1965
75 76
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
[(c) A paper slip of the size that goes round completely from the with the Local (Health) Authority shall, within a period of 7
bottom to top of the container, bearing signature and code and serial days, be sent to the public analyst on requisition made by him
number of the Local (Health) Authority, shall be pasted on the to it by any suitable means."
wrapper, the signature or the thumb impression of the person from Provided that in the case of a sample of food which has been
whom the sample has been taken being affixed in such a manner taken from container bearing Agmark seal, the memorandum in Form VII
that the paper slip and the wrapper both carry a part of the signature shall contain the following additional infomation namely :-
or thumb impression;
(a) Grade;
Provided that in case, the person from whom the sample
has been taken refuses to affix his signature or thumb impression, (b) Agmark label No. /Batch No;
the signature or thumb impression of the witness shall be taken in (c) Name of packing station,]
the same manner;]
Notes :
[(d) The paper cover shall be further secured by means of strong
twine or thread both above and across the bottle, jar or other - Rule 7 and 17 are mandatory-(State of Maharashtra vs. Ram
container, and the twine or thread shall then be fastened on the paper Kishan Ganga Din Yadav) Bombay High Court, FAC, 1980 (II)
cover by means of sealing wax on which there shall be at least four 107 and Balasheb Navruti Chaven vs. State of Maharashtra
distinct and clear impressions of the seal of the sender, of which Bombay High Court, FAC 1980 (II) 55.
one shall be at the top of the packet, one at the bottom and the other - The stringent rules drawn in detail have been framed by the
two on the body of the packet. The knots of the twine or thread shall legislation so as to preclude any other defences available
be covered by means of sealing wax bearing the impression of the to accused in an adulterations case. It is also to ensure fair
seal of the sender.] trial to the accused, in as much as there are checks and
[17. Manner of despatching containers of samples :- The
3 counter checks on the actions of the food inspectors and is
containers of the sample shall be despatched in the following manner, not able to misuse or abuse the power conferred on him by
namely:- law. Special clause (c) in Rule 16 was inserted to see that
(a) The sealed container of one part of the sample for analysis and entire sealed sample is completely covered by paper slip from
a memorandum in Form VII shall be sent in a sealed packet to top to bottom and that paper slip carries the signature etc.
the public analyst immediately but not later than the succeeding N.S. Tigale v/s State Maharashtra FAC 1985 (II)88.
working day by any suitable means. [18. Memorandum and impression of seal to be sent

(b) The sealed containers of the remaining two parts of the sample separately:- A copy of the memorandum and specimen impression of
and two copies of the memorandum in Form VII shall be sent in the seal used to seal the packet shall be sent, in a sealed packet
a sealed packet to the Local (Health) Authority immediately but separately to the public analyst by any suitable means immediately
not later than the succeeding working day by any suitable means; but not later than the succeeding working day.]
(c) The sealed container of one of the remaining two parts of 19. Addition of preservatives to samples :- Any person taking
the sample and a copy of the memorandum in form VII kept a sample of any food for the purpose of analysis under the Act may
add a preservative as may be prescribed from time to time to the sample
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 4(E), dated 4.1.1977 for the purpose of maintaining it in a condition suitable for analysis.
2. Renumbered by ibid.
3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 4(E), dated 4.1.1977. 1. Sub. by Noti. No. GSR 293 (E), dated 23-3-1985 (effective 23-9-1985).
4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 91 (E) dated 26.2.1995 (w.e.f. 26.8.1995) 2. Sub. by Noti. No. GSR 91 (E) dated 26.2.1995 (w.e.f. 26.8.1995).
77 78
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
20. Preservative in respect of milk, cream, 1[,2dahi '8khoa, khoa (1) .................................................................................. (2)
based and paneer based sweets such as Kalakund and barfi, chutney and 4. Yoghurt/Sweetened Dahi .................................... 300 gms.
prepared foods, 7gur, prepared coffee and prepared tea: The preservative 5. Chhana/Paneer/Khoya/Shrikhand ....................... 250 gms.
used in the case of samples of any milk 3[including toned, separated and 6. Cheese/Cheese spread ......................................... 200 gms.
skimmed milk)], 1[standardised milk, chhanna, skimmed milk chhanna],
7. Evaporated Milk/Condensed Milk ...................... 200 gms.
[cream, 9ice-candy, 2[dahi, khoa or8 khoa based and paneer based sweets, such as
8. Ice-Cream/Softy/Kulfi/Ice Candy/Ice lolly ........ 300 gms.
Kalakund and Burfi, Chutney and prepared foods, gur] in liquid or semi-liquid form,
prepared coffee and prepared tea, shall be the liquid commonly known as "formalin" 9. Milk Powder/Skimmed Milk Powder ................. 250 gms.
that is to say, a liquid containing about 40 percent of formaldehyde in aqueous solution 10. Infant Food/Weaning Food ................................. 500 gms.
in the proportion of 1[0.1 ml (two drops) for 25 ml or 25 grams]. 11. Malt Food/Malted Milk Food ............................. 300 gms.
Provided that in case of samples of ice cream and mixed ice cream,
9 12. Butter/Butter Oil/Ghee/Margarine/Cream/
the preservative used shall be the liquid commonly known as formalin, that is Bakery Shortening .............................................. 200 gms.
to say a liquid containing about 40 per cent of formaldehyde in aqueous solution 13. Vanaspati, Edible Oils/Fats ................................ 250 gms.
in the proportion of 0.6ml for 100ml or 100gms. 14. Carbonated Water ................................................. 600 ml.
21. Nature and quantity of the preservative to be noted on the 15. Baking Powder ..................................................... 100 gms
label:- Wherever any preservative is added to a sample, the nature and quantity 16. Arrow root/Sago .................................................. 250 gms.
of the preservative added shall be clearly noted on the label to be affixed to 17. Corn flakes/Macaroni Products/ Corn Flour/
the container. Custard Powder ................................................... 200 gms.
22. Quantity of sample to be sent to the public analyst:- The
10 18. Spices, Condiments and Mixed Masala(Whole) ......... 200 gms.
quantity of sample of food to be sent to the public analyst / Director for 19. Spices, Condiments and Mixed Masala (Powder) ...... 250 gms.
analysis shall be as specified in the Table below: 20. Nutmeg/Mace ...................................................... 150 gms.
Article of food Approximate quantity to be supplied 21. Asafoetida ........................................................... 100 gms.
(1) (2) 22. Compounded Asafoetida ..................................... 150 gms.
1. Milk ....................................................................... 500 ml. 23. Saffron ..................................................................... 20 gm.
2. Sterilized Milk/UHT Milk .................................... 250 ml. 24. Gur/jaggery, Icing Sugar, Honey, Synthetic
3. Malai/Dahi .......................................................... 200 gms. Syrup, Bura ......................................................... 250 gms.
25. Cube sugar/Refined Sugar/Dextrose,
Misri/Dried Glucose Syrup. ................................ 200 gms
1. Sub. by Noti. No. GSR 74, dated 31-12-1965.
2. Sub. by Noti. No. GSR 205, dated 13-2-1974 (w.e.f.23..5.1974). 26. Artificial Sweetener ............................................ 100 gms.
3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 169,dated 2.2.1961 27. Fruit Juice/Fruit Drink/Fruit Squash ..................... 400 ml
4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 1564, dated 17.11.1962 28. Tomato Sauce/Ketch up/Tomato Paste, Jam/ Jelly/
5. Subs, by Noti. No. GSR 1340, dated 24.10.1961.
6. Subs., by Noti No GSR 550 (E), dated 4.7.1985 (effective 4.7.1986). Marmalade/Tomato Puree/Vegetable Sauce ...... 300 gms.
7. Sub. by Noti No GSR 729 (E), dated 23.8.1990. 29. Non Fruit Jellies .................................................. 200 gms.
8. Sub. by Noti No. GSR 764 (E), dated 7.6.1990 (w.e.f. 7.12..1990)
9. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 579 (E), dated 5.8.1995 (w.e.f. 5.11.1995)
30. Pickles and Chutneys .......................................... 250 gms.
(words ice cream and mixed ice cream) 31. Oilseeds/Nuts/Dry Fruits .................................... 250 gms.
10. Added GSR 530 (E), dated 29th July, 2002 (w.e.f. 29th January, 2003) 32. Tea/Roasted Coffee/RoastedChicory ................. 200 gms.
See page 370
79 80
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(1) .................................................................................. (2) tin of vanaspati and hence violate Rule 22-A-held that court should
33. Instant Tea/Instant Coffee/Instant Coffee Chichory Mixture 100 gms. not be too eager to quash on slender grounds-the prosecution for
offence alleged to them committed under the Act (State of Punjab
34. Sugar Confectionery/Chewing Gum/Bubble Gum .... 200 gms.
vs. Davinder Kaur and other Supreme Court of India, FAC 1983
35. Chocolates ........................................................... 200 gms. (I) 99.
36. Edible Salt ........................................................... 200 gms. 1[22-B. Quantity of sample to be sent considered as sufficient:

37. Iodised Salt/ Iron Fortified Salt .......................... 200 gms. Norwithstanding anything contained in Rule 222 and rule 22C, the
38. Food Grains and Pulses (Whole and Split) ......... 500 gms. quantity of sample sent for analysis shall be considered as sufficient
39. Atta/Maida/Suji/Besan/Other Milled Product/ unless the public analyst or the Director reports to the contrary.]
3"22-C Quantity of samples of food packaging material to be sent to
Paushtik and Fortified Atta/Maida ..................... 500 gms.
40. Biscuits and Rusks .............................................. 200 gms. the public analyst :- The quantity of sample of food packaging material to
be sent to Public Analyst / Director for analysis shall be as specified below:-
41. Bread/Cakes/Pastries .......................................... 250 gms.
Name of Food Packaging Approximate
42. Gelatin ................................................................. 150 gms. Material quantity to be supplied
43. Catechu ................................................................. 150gms. Surface Area of Food packaging 8x1000x9 sq.cm.
44. Vinegar/Synthetic Vinegar ................................. 300 gms. material of plastic origin suface area.”
45. Food colour ........................................................... 25 gms. PART VI COLOURING MATTER
46. Food colour preparation (Solid/Liquid) ....... 25 gms Solid/ 23. Unauthorised addition of colouring matter prohibited
100 ml liquid :- The addition of a colouring matter to any article of food except as
47. Natural Mineral water/Packaged Drinking water .... 3000 ml in specifically permitted by these rules, is prohibited.
three minimum original sealed packs. Notes: -It is sufficient to sustain conviction that colouring matter used
is not one of those which had spccifcally been permitted by the
48. Silver Leafs ................................................................ 1 gm
Rules. It is irrelevant to find as to what actually was substance
49. Prepared Food ..................................................... 500 gms. (Muncipal Corporation of Delhi vs, Ram Dayal) Delhi High
50. Proprietary Food, Court, FAC 1983 (II) 255.
(Non Standardised Foods) .................................. 300 gms. 4
24. Extraneous addition of colouring matter to be mentioned on
51. Canned Foods ............................................... 6 sealed cans the label:- Where an extraneous colouring matter has been added to any article
52. Food not specified ............................................... 300 gms. of food, there shall be dispalayed one of the following statements in capital
letters, just beneath the list of ingredients on the label attached to any package
Note:- Foods sold in packaged condition (Sealed container/package) shall
of food so coloured, namely:-
be sent for analysis in its condition without opening the package and
alongwith original label to constitute the approximate quantity.
[22-A. Contents of one or more similar sealed containers
having identical labels to constitute the quantity of food sample:- Where II) CONTAINS PERMITTED SYNTHETIC FOOD COLOUR (S)
food is sold or stocked for sale or for distribution in sealed containers OR
having identical label declaration, the contents of one or more of such
containers as may be required to satisfy the quantity prescribed in Rule 22 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 775(E), dated 27.12.1977 (w.e.f. 27.12.1977
shall be treated to be part of the sample. 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR. 382 (E) dated 10.7.1997 & 551(E) dated 17.9.1997.
- The food inspector took 3 parts of the sample after opening sealed 3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR. 382 (E) dated 10.7.1997 & 551(E) dated 17.9.1997.
1. Ins. by Noti. GSR 1564, dated 17.11.1962. 4. Amended GSR 537 (E) dated 13-6-2000 (w.e.f. 1.9.2000)
81 82
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
III) CONTAINS PERMITTED NATURAL AND SYNTHETIC FOOD [28. Synthetic food colours] which may be used :- No synthetic food
2,4,6 3

COLOUR(S) colours or a mixture thereof 7except the following, shall be used in food:
OR Colour Common name Colour Chemical
COLOUR(S) (For the period upto and inclusive of 1st September, 2001) 1. Red Ponceau 4R 16255 Azo
(*Strike out whichever is not applicable.) Carmoisine 14720 "
Note:- Provided that where such a statement is displayed, the colour used in Erythrosine 45430 Xanthene
the product need not to be mentioned in the list of ingredients". 2. Yellow Tartrazine 19140 Pyrazolone
Sunset yellow FCF 15985 Azo
25. Use of caramel permitted :- Notwithstanding provisions of 3. Blue Indigo Carmine 73015 Indigoid
Rule 24 1 [and Rule 32 (b)] caramel may be used without label [Brilliant blue FCF 42090 Triarylmethane
declaration.(omited wef. 25.12.2004) 4. Green Fast green FCF 42053 Triarylmethane]
[26. Natural colouring matters which may be used :- 1[Except 7
28A. Use of Lake colour as colourant in foods – Aluminium
as otherwise provided in these rules and in appendices B and C, the Lake of Sunset Yellow FCF may be used in powdered dry beverages mix
folllowing natural colouring principles whether isolated from natural or (powdered softdrink concentrate) upto a maximum limit of 0.04 percent
produced synthetically may be used in or upon any article of food weight by weight. The maximum limit of colour content in final beverage
(a) 3[*******] 4
[(b) (i) Beta-carotene, for consumption shall not exceed 8.3 ppm and that of aluminium content
(ii) Beta-apo-8' carotenal, shall not exceed 4.4 ppm of the final beverage for consumption.
(iii) Methylester of Beta-apo- Provided that the powdered dry beverage mix (powdered softdrink
8'carotenoic acid, concentrate) label shall give clear instruction for reconstitution of product
(iv) Ethylester of Beta-apo-8' for making final beverage."
carotenoic acid, 4,6,
29. Use of permitted synthetic food colours prohibited:- Use
(v) Canthaxanthin;] of permitted synthetic food colours in or upon any food other than those
(c) Chlorophyll : (d) 5[Riboflavin (Lactoflavin)] enumerated below is pohibited :-
(e) Caramel ; (f) Annatto ; (a) Ice cream, milk lollies, frozen dessert, flavoured milk, yoghurt,
(g) 6Omitted; (h) Saffron; ice-cream mix powder ;
(i) [Curcumin] 5[or turmeric]. (b) Biscuits including biscuit wafer, pastries, cakes, confectionery,
[Explanation :- In the preparation of the solution of annatto colour in thread candies, sweets, savouries (dal moth, mongia, phulgulab,
oil, any edible vegetable oil listed in appendix B to these rules may be used sago papad, dal biji only)
either singly or in combination and the name of the oil or oils used shall be (c) Peas, strawberries and cherries in hermatically sealed
mentioned on the label as provided in sub-rule (Z) of rule 42. containers, preserved or processed papaya, canned tomato juice,
27. Addition of inorganic matters and pigments prohibited:- fruit syrup, fruit squash, fruit cordial, jellies, jam, marmalade,
Inorganic colouring matters and pigments shall not be added to any article of candied crystallised or glazed fruits;
food unless otherwise provided in appendix B and appendix C of these rules. (d) Non-alcoholic carbonated and non-carbonated ready-to serve
[Provided that chewing gum may contain Titanium dioxide- (food synthetic beverages including synthetic syrups, sherbets, fruit bar,
grade) up to a maximum limit of 1 per cent] fruit beverages, fruit drinks, synthetic soft drink concentrates ;
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 425, dated 4.4.1960 (e) Custard powder ;
2. Subs. by Noti. No. SRO 2755, dated 20-11-1956 (f) Jelly crystal and ice candy ;
3. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 992, dated 4.6.1971. 1. Ins. by. Noti. No. GSR 55(E),dated 31.1.1979.
4. Subs. by Noti, No. GSR 938, dated 26.5.1971. 2. Sub. by Noti. No. GSR 133, dated 23.1.1973.
5. Sub. by Noti No. GSR. 1533, dated, 8-7-1968. 3. Sub by Noti. GSR No. 243, dated 1.3.1980.
6. Omitted Noti. No. GSR 764 (E) dated 15.11.1984 (w.e.f. 15.11.1985). 4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR677(E) dated 6.9.1994 (w.e.f. 6.9.1995)
7. Sub. by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E), dated 15.11.1984 (effective 15.11.1985)
8. Ins by Noti No. GSR 55 (E) dated 31.1.1979. 6. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 304 (E) dated 4.6.1997. This supesedes notifications
9. Amended GSR 501(E) dated 29-5-2000. at 5 and 6 above).
10. Use of caramel omited GSR 388 (E) dated 25.6.2004 (w.e.f. 25.12.2004) 7. Added GSR 853 (E) dt 30-12-2003 (w.e.f. 1.4.2003)
83 84
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Omitted. Provided also that when any article of food contains whole or

Flavour emulsion and flavour paste for use in carbonated or part of any animal including birds, fresh water or marine animals or
non-carbonated beverage only under label declaration as eggs or product of any animal origin, but not including milk or milk
provided in clause (13) of sub-sule (ZZZ) of rule 42". products, as ingredient.-
30. Maximum limit of permitted synthetic food colours:- The (a) a declaration to this effect shall be made by a symbol and
maximum limit of any permitted synthetic food colours or mixture thereof
colour code so stipulated for this purpose to indicate that the
which may be added to any food article enumerated in rule 29 shall not
exceed 100 parts per million of final food or beverage for consumption product is Non-Vegetarian Food. The symbol shall consist of
except in case of food articles mentioned in clause (c) of rule 29 where the a brown colour filled circle having a diameter not less than
maximum limit of permitted synthetic food colours shall not exceed 200 the minimum size specified in the Table given below, inside
parts per million of the final food or heverage for consumption. the square with brown outline having side double the diameter
of the circle, as indicated in clause (16) of sub-rule(ZZZ) of
31. Colours to be pure :- The colours specified in Rule 28 when
rule 42;
used in the preparation of any article of food shall be pure and free from
any harmful impurities. Table
S.No. Area of principal display panel Minimum size of
32. Package of food to carry a label :- Every package of
1. Upto 100 cms square 3
food shall carry a label and unless otherwise provided in these rules,
there shall be specified on every label :- 2. Above 100 cms square upto
(a) the name, trade name or description of food contained in the package; 500 cms square 4
(b) the names of ingredients used in the product in descending order 3. Above 500 cms square upto
of their composition by weight or volume as the case may be; 2500 cms square 6
Provided that in the case of artificial flavouring substances, the 4. Above 2500 cms square 8
label may not declare the chemical names of the flavours, but in the case (b) The symbol shall be prominently displayed
of natural flavouring substances or nature-identical flavouring substances,
(i) on the package having contrast background on principal
the common name of flavours shall be mentioned on the label.
display panel,
Provided also that whenever Gelatine is used as an ingredient,
a declaration to this effect shall be made on the label by inserting the (ii) just close in proximity to the name or brand name of the
word "Gelatine-Animal Origin." product, and
In case of packages of confectionery weighing 20 gm or less, which (iii) on the labels, containers, pamphlets, leaflets,
are also exempted from the declaration of ingredients, will be exempted advertisements in any media;
from the declaration of "Animal Origin" even if it contains Gelatine
provided that such declaration shall be given on the multi- piece package Provided also that where any article of food contains egg only as
in such a manner that the same is readable even without opening the package. Non-Vegetarian ingredient, the manufacturer, or packer or seller may give
declaration to this effect in addition to the said symbol.
1. Sub. by Noti. No. 422(E) dt. 29.4.1987 (w.e.f. 29.4.1989)
2. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 304(E), dated 4.6.1997. Provided further that the provisions of these rules shall not apply in
3. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 41 (E) dated 29.1.1997 (w.e.f 29.1.1998) respect of any Non-Vegetarian Food which is manufactured and packed
4. Certain provisos added vide GSR 380(E) dt. 9-7-1998 & omitted vide without the symbol before the commencement of the Preventioin of Food
GSR 769(E) dt. 15-11-1999. Adulteration (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2001.
5. Omitted GSR 718(E) dated 13-9-2000.
6. Amended GSR 537 (E) dated 13-6-2000 (w.e.f. 1-9-2000) 1. Amended GSR 245 (E) dt 4.4.2001 (w.e.f 4.10.2001)
85 86
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
" Provided also that for all Vegetarian Food - 1
Provided further that when statement regarding addition of colours
or flavours is displayed on the label in accordance with rule 24 and
(a) a declaration to this effect shall be made by a symbol rule 64 BB respectively, addition of such colours or flavours need not
and colour code so stipulated for this purpose to indicate that the product be mentioned in the list of ingredients:
is Vegetarian Food. The symbol shall consist of a green colour filled Provided also that in case both colour and flavour are used in the
circle, having a diameter not less than the minimum size specified in product, one of the following combined statements in capital letters shall
the Table given below, inside the square with green outline having be displayed just beneath the list of ingredients on the label attached to
size double the diameter of the circle, as indicated in clause (17) of any package of food, so coloured and flavoured, namely:-
Table OR
S.No. Area of principal display panel Minimum size of ADDED FLAVOUR(S)
diameter in mm OR
1. Upto 100 cms square 3 OR
2. Above 100 cms square upto COLOURS AND ADDED FLAVOURS(For the period upto and
500 cms square 4 inclusive of 1st September, 2001
3. Above 500 cms square upto 2
NOTE :- A specific name shall be used for ingredients in the
2500 cms square 6 list of ingredients:
4. Above 2500 cms square 8 Provided that for ingredients falling in the falling in the
respective classes the following class titles may be used, namely:
(b) The symbol shall be prominently displayed, Name of the Classes Class names
(i) on the package having contrast background on principal Edible vegetable oil Edible vegetable oil/Edible
display panel, Edible vegetable fat vegetable fat or both
Hydrogenated or partially
(ii) just close in proximity to the name or brand name of the hydrogenated oil.
product, and Animal fat/oil, other than milk fat Give name of the source of fat,
(iii) on the labels, containers, pamphlets, leaflets, Lard and beef fat or extracts
advertisements in any media; thereof shall be declared by
specific names.
Provided further that the provisions of these rules shall not apply
in respect of any Vegetarian Food which is manufactured and packed Starches, other than chemically Strach
modified strarches
without the symbol before the commencement of the Prevention of
Food Adulteration (9th Amendment) Rules, 2001: All species of fish where the fish Fish
constitutes an ingredient of another
Provided also that the provisions of the these rules shall not apply food and provided that the labelling
in respect of mineral water or packaged drinking water or carbonated and presentation of such food does
water or liquid and powdered milk. not refer to a species of fish.
1. Amended GSR 537 (E) dated 13-6-2000 (w.e.f. 1-9-2000)
1. Amended GSR 908 (E) dt 20.12.2001 (w.e.f. 20.6.2002) 2. Amended GSR 388 (E) dated 25.6.2004 (w.e.f. 25.12.2004)
87 88
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
All types of poultry meat where Poultry meat 1
(c) (i) the name and complete address of the manufacturer and
such meat constitutes an ingredient the manufacturing unit, if these are located at different
of another food and provided that
the labelling and presentation of places and in case the manufacturer is not the packer or
such a food does not refer to bottler, the name and complete address of the packing
a specific type of poultry meat. or bottling unit as the case may be;
All type of cheese where cheese or Cheese (ii) where an article of food is manufactured or packed or
mixture of cheeses constitutes an
ingredient of another food and bottled by a person or a company under the written
provided that the labelling and authority of some other manufacturer or company, under
presentation of such food does this or its brand name, the label shall carry the name
not refer to a spefific type of cheese. and complete address of the manufacturing or packing
All spices and condiments and Spices and condiments or mixed or bottling unit as the case may be, and also the name
their extracts spices/condiments as appropriate. and complete address of the manufacturer or the
All types of gum or preparations Gum Base company, for and on whose behalf it is manufactured or
used in the manufacture of gum
base for chewing gum. packed or bottled;
Anhydrous dextrose and dextrose Dextrose or Glucose (iii) where an article of food is imported into India, the
monohydrate package of food shall also carry the name and complete
All types of Caseinates Caseinates address of the importer in India.
Press, expeller or refined cocoa butter Cocoa butter Provided that where any food article manufactured
All crystallized fruit Crystallized fruit outside India is packed or bottled in India, the package containing the
All milk and milk products derived Milk solids such food article shall also bear on the label, the name of the country
solely from milk
of origin of the food article and the name and complete address of the
Cocoabean, Coconib, Cocomass, Cocoa Cocoa solids
importer and the premises of the packing or bottling in India.
press cakes, cocoa powder (Fine/Dust)
Provided further that for food additives falling in the respective - The corks of bottles apart from name "Rose and thistle" carried the
classes, and appearing in lists of food additives permitted for use in foods Calcutta postal code i.e.,Calcutta 16; hence there has been
generally, the following class titles shall be used together with the specific substaantial compliance with the Rule 32c of the Rules (R.K.Mittal
names or recognized international numerical identifications:- vs. R. Raj Chaudhary), Calcutta High Court FAC 1985 (I) 140.
Acidity Regulator, Acids, Anticaking Agent, Antifoaming Agent,
Antioxidant, Bulking Agent, Colour, Colour Retention Agent, Emulsifier, - If in addition to selecting bag as a package manufacturer/
Emulsifying Salt, Firming Agent, Flour Treatment Agent, Flavour wrapper wraps some paper on each sugar ball, it would not
Enhancer, Foaming Agent, Gelling Agent, Glazing Agent, Humectant, mean that each of such wrapper was intended to be used as
Preservative, Propellant, Raising Agent, Stabilizer, Sweetener, Thickner: package as defined in the Act, and the said covering paper
Provided also that for declaration of flavours on the label the class was the label within contemplation of Rule 32 (M/s Gopinath
of flavours namely, Natural Flavours and Natural Flavouring Substances and Sons vs. State Himachal Pradesh) High Court of
or Natural-Identical Flavouring Substances or Artifical Flavouring
Substances as the case may be, shall be declared on the label. Himachal Pradesh.
1. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 41(E) dated 29.1.1997(w.e.f. 29.1.1998)
2. Amended GSR 877(E) dt. 20.11.2000 (w.e.f. 20.11.2001) 1. Amended GSR 877(E) dt. 20.11.2000 (w.e.f. 20.11.2001)
89 90
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(d) the net weight or number or measure of volume of contents Provided that in case of package weighting 20 g or less and
as the circumstances may require, except in the case of biscuits, breads, liquid products marketed in bottles which are recycled for refilling,
confectionery and sweets where the weight may be expressed in terms particulars under clause (b) need not be specified.
of either average net weight or minimum net weight. Provided also that such declarations shall be given on the label
Note :- of multipiece package either on the label of multipiece package or in a
separate slip inside the multipiece package in such a manner that the
In declaring the net quantity of the commodity contained in the
same is readable even without opening the package.
package, the weight of the wrappers and materials other than commodity
shall be excluded. Provided further that in case of carbonated water containers
and the packages of biscuits, confectionery and sweets, containing more
Provided that where a package contains a large number of small than 60g, but not more than 120g, and food packages weighing not
items of confectionery, each of which is separately wrapped and it is more than 60g. particulars under clauses (d) and (e) need not be
not reasonably practicable to exclude from the net weight of the specified.
commodity, the weight of such immediate wrappers of all the items of Provided also that in case of packages containing bread and
the confectionery contained in the package, the net weigt declared on milk including sterilised milk, particulars under clause (e) need not be
the package, containing such confectionery or on the label thereof may specified.
include the weight of such immediate wrapper if, and only if the total 3
" Provided also that in case of any package containing bread
weight of such immediate wrapper does not exceed :- or liquid milk, sterilized or Ultra High Temperature treated milk, Soya
(i) 8 per cent where such immediate wrapper is a waxed paper milk, flavoured milk, any package containing dhokla, bhelpuri, pizza,
or any other paper with wax or aluminium foil under strip; doughnuts, khoa, paneer or any uncanned package of fruits, vegetables,
or meat, fish or any other like commodity which has a short shelf life, the
date, month and year in which the commodity is manufactured or
(ii) 6 per cent in the case of any other paper, of the total net
prepared or prepacked shall be mentioned, on the label:
weight of all the items of confectionery contained in the
package minus the weight of immediate wrapper. Provided also that in case of package containing confectionery
weighing 20g. or less, the particulars under this clause need not be
(e) Adistinctive batch numnber or lot number or code number,
either in numericals or alphabets or in combination, representing the
batch number or lot number or code number being preceded by the
(g) The date of expiry in case of packages of aspertame which
shall not be more than three years from the date of packaging.
words 'Batch No". or "Batch"or Lot No".or, Lot or any distinguishing
"(h)The purpose of irradiation and licence number in case of
Irradiated Food."
Provided, that in case of canned food, the batch number may
be given at the bottom, or on the lid of the container, but the words
(i) the month and year in capital letters upto which the product is
"Batch No", given at the bottom or on the lid, shall appear on the body best for consumption, in the following manner, namely:-
of the container. "BEST BEFORE ................MONTHS AND YEAR
(f) the month and year in which the commodity is manufactured 1. Ins. by Noti. GSR 614 (E) dated 9.8.1994.
or prepacked; 2. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 578 (E) dated 4.8.1995.
3. Amended Noti. No. GSR 537(E) dt. 13-6-2000 (w.e.f. 1-9-2000)
91 92
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
OR Provided also that the above declaration of best before consumption
"BEST BEFORE .................MONTHS FROM PACKAGING shall not be applicable to the Packages of Aspartame and Infant milk
OR substitute and Infant food".
“Provided also that in case of any bottle containing liquid milk or
OR liquid beverage having milk as an ingredient, softdrink, carbonated water

BEST BEFORE UPTO MONTH AND YEAR ...... For the period or ready-to-serve fruit beverages, the declarations with regard to addition
OR upto and of fruit pulp and fruit juice as well as the “dated of manufacture” and “best
BEST BEFORE WITHIN................MONTHS inclusive of before date” shall invariably appear on the body of the bottle.
NUFACTURE 2001) Provided also that in case of returnable bottle which are recycled
Note:- blank be filled up) for refilling where the lable declarations are given on the crown, the
Provided that in case of wholesale packages the particulars under declaration referred to in the above proviso, with regard to addition to fruit
clauses (b), (f), (g), (h) and this clause need not be specified: pulp and fruit juice shall be enforced as per the Schedule given below. The
bottles on which the year of manufacture is not embossed the dated of
Provided further that in case of package or bottle containing
sterilised or Ultra High Temperature treated milk, soya milk, flavoured replacing such bottle shall be the Ist day of April, 2008
milk, any package containing bread, dhokla, bhelpuri, pizza, doughnuts, SCHEDULE
khoa, paneer, or any uncanned package of fruits, vegetable, meat, fish or
S. No. Year of manufacture Date of enforcement of the
any other like commodity, the declaration be made as follows:
declarations referred to in
"BEST BEFORE.................DATE/MONTH/YEAR" the first proviso by replacing
OR old bottles with new bottles
OR 1. 2002 and beyond but before the
"BEST BEFORE ................DAYS FROM MANUFACTURE" commencement of the Prevention

OR of Food Adulteration
"BEST BEFORE UPTO.... DATE/MONTH/YEAR For the (8th Amendment) Rules 2002 1.4.2008
OR upto and 2. 2001 1.4.2007
"BEST BEFORE WITHIN ........... DAYS FROM THE of Ist 3. 2000 1.4.2006
DATE OF PACK- September
AGING/MANUF- 2001 4. 1999 1.4.2005
(Note :(i) blank be filled up) 5. 1998 1.4.2004
(ii) Month and Year may be used in numerals.
6. 1997 and before From the date of
(iii) Year may be given in two digits.
commencement of the
Provided also that in case of a package containing confectionery Prevention of Food Adulte-
weighing 20g or less, the particulars under clause(i) may not be
specified: ration (8 th Amendment)
Rules, 2002
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 614 (E) dated 9.8.1994
2. Suli by Not No. GSR 284 (E) dated 29.5.1997
3. Amended GSR 537(E) dated 13-6-2000 (wef 1-9-2000) 1. Amended vide GSR 853 (E) dt. 30-12-2002 (w.e.f. 1.10.2003)
93 94
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Provided also that the returnable new glass bottle manufactures predetermined value and such value cannot be altered without the package
and used for packing of such beverages on the date of commencement of or its lid or cap, as the case may be, being opened or undergoing a
the Prevention of Food Adulteration (8th Amendment) Rules 2002 shall perceptible modification.
carry these declarations on its body”
Explanation VIII- (i) Best Before" means the date which signifies the
Provided also that the above provisions except date of manufacture end of the period under any stated storage conditions during which the
and “best before date” shall not apply in respect of carbonated water (plain product will remain fully marketable and will retain any specific qualities
soda) potable water impregnated with carbon dioxide under pressure) for which tacit or express claims have been made. However, provided
packed in returnable glass bottles.
that beyond the date the food may still be perfectly satisafactory.
Explanation- I : The term 'label' means a display of written, (ii) In addition to the date of best before, any special conditions for
marked, graphic, printed, perforated, stencilled, embossed or stamped
the storage of the food shall be declared on the label if the validity of the
matter upon the container, cover, lid or crown of any food package.
date depends on such storage.
Explanation- II : Complete address (omitted)
Note - The expression 'package', wherever it occurs in these rules, shall
Explanation-III : For the purpose of declaration of month and be construed as package containing prepacked commodity of food articles".
year of manufacture, the provision under the rule 6(B) of Weights and
Measures (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 1977 shall apply.
Explanation IX-Non-Vegetarian Food' means an article of food which
contains whole or part of any animal including birds, fresh water or marine
Explanation-IV : A Batch Number or Code Number or Lot animals or eggs or products of any animal origin, but not including milk
Number is a mark of identification by which the food can be traced in or milk products, as an ingredient.",
manufacture and identified in distribution.
'Explanation X-"Vegetarian Food" means any article of Food other than
Explanation-V : 'Multipiece package' means a package containing
the Non-Vegetarian Food as defined in Explanation IX of this rule;
two or more individually packaged or labelled pieces of the same
commodity of identical quality, intended for retail either in individual
[32. A. Nutritional Food :- The food claimed to be enriched
pieces or package as a whole. with nutrients such as minerals, proteins or vitamins shall give quantities
Explanation-VI : "Wholesale package" means a package of such added nutrients on the label.]
containing. 2
[33. Languages of the particulars or declaration on the label:-
a) a number of retail packages, where such first mentioned package The particulars of declaration required under these rules to be specified
is intended for sale, distribution or delivery to an intermediary and is not on the label shall be in English or Hindi in Devnagri script:-
intended for sale direct to a single consumer; or Provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the use of any
b) a commodity of food sold to an intermediary in bulk to enable other language in addition to the language required under this rule.]
such intermediary to sell , distribute or deliver such commodity of food to 34.Declaration to be surrounded by line :- There shall be a
the consumer in smaller quantities.
Explanation VII- Prepacked commodity with its grammatical 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 63(E), dated 5.2.1976 (w.e.f. 5.8.1976).
variations and cognate expressions means a commodity of food with or 2. Subs. by Noti. No. SRO 2755, dated. 24.11.1956.
without the purchaser being present, is placed in a package of whatever 3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 169, dated 2.21961.
4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 1340, dated 24.10.1961.
nature so that the quality of the commodity contained therein has 5. Amended GSR 380 (E) 9.7.1998
6. Amended GSR 463 (E) dated 17-5.2000 (wef 17-11-2000) omitted
1. Amended vide GSR 537(E) dated 13-6-2000 (w.e.f. 1-9-2000). 7. Amended GSR 537 (E) dated 13.6.2000 (wef 1-9-2000)
2. Amended vide GSR 380(E) dt. 9-7-1998. 8. Amended GSR 245 (E) dt. 4.4.2001 (wef 4.10.2001
3. Omitted GSR 877(E) dt. 20.11.2000 (w.e.f. 20.11.2001) 9. Amended GSR 908 (E) 20.12.2001 (w.e.f 20.6.2002)
95 96
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
surrounding line enclosing the declaration and where the words TABLE -I
["unsuitable for babies"] are required to be used there shall be another Minimum height of numeral
such line enclosing these words.
Sl. Net quantity in Minimum height in mm
35. Distance of surrounding line :- The distance between any No weight/volume Normal When blown, formed,
part of the words 3["unsuitable for babies;"] and the surrounding line case moulded or perforat-
enclosing these words shall not be less than 4[1.5mm.]. ed on container
36. Principal display panel, its area, size and letter, etc,- (1) (2) (3) (4)
(1) Princiapl display panel means that part of a label which is intended
1. Upto 50g/ml 1 2
or is likely to be displayed, presented or shown or examined by the customer
under normal and customary conditions of display, sale or purchase of the 2. Above 50g/ml upto 200g/ml 2 4
commodity of food contained in the package: 3. Above 200g/ml upto 1kg/litre 4 6
4. Above 1kg/litre 6 8
(2) The area of the principal display panel shall not be less than-
(ii) as shown in Table-II below if the net quantity is declared in terms of
(a) in the case of a rectangular container, forty percent of the
product of height and width of the panel of such container having length, area or number.
the largest area: TABLE-II
(b) in case of cylindrical or nearly cylindrical, round or nearly Minimum height of numeral
round, oval or nearly oval container, twenty percent of the product
of the height and average circumference of such container; or Sl. Net quantity in length Minimum height in mm
No area or number, Area of Normal When blown,
(c) in the case of a container of any other shape, twenty percent
of the total surface area of the container except where there is Principal display panel case formed, moulded
label, securely affixed to the container such label shall have a or perforated on
surface area of not less than ten percent of the total surface area container
of the container. 1. Upto 100 cm. square 1 2
(3) In computing the area of the principal display panel, the tops, 2. above 100 cm. square
bottoms, flanges at top and bottoms of cans, and shoulders and necks of
bottles or jars shall be excluded. upto 500 cm. square 2 4

(4) In the case of package having a capacity of five cubic centimeters 3. Above 500 cm. square
or less, the principal display panel may be card or tape affixed firmly to upto 2500 cm. square 4 6
the package or container and bearing the required information under these 4. Above 2500 cm. square 6 8
(6) The height of letters in the declaration under sub-rule (5) shall
(5) The height of any numeral in the declaration required under rules,
on the principal display panel shall not be less than. not be less than 1 mm height. When blown, formed, moulded, embossed
or perforated, the height of letters shall not be less than 2mm.
(i) as shown in Table-I below if the net quntity is declared in terms of
weight or volume. Provided that the width of the letter or numeral shall not be less
than one third of its height, but this proviso shall not apply in the case of
Amended vide GSR 380(E) dt. 9-7-1998. numeral 'I' and letters i,I and 1:
97 98
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Provided also that the size of letter specified under this rule shall Sugar, Bulls Eye, Cream Cracker, or in respect of aerated waters such as
be applicable to declaration made only under rule 32 or 32-A of these Ginger Beer or Gold Spot or any other name in existence in international
rules. trade practice.]
(7) Every declaration which is required to be made on package 7,4
[37-A. Manufacture of proprietary foods and infant foods:-
under these rule shall be- (1) An article of infant milk substitutes/ infant foods whose standards are
(a) legible, prominent, definite, plain and unambiguous; not prescribed in Appendix 'B' shall be manufactured for sale, exhibited
(b) conspicuous as to size number and colour, and for sale or stored for sale only after obtaining the approval of such article
(c) as far as practicable, in such style or type or lettering as to of food and its label from Government of India.
be boldly, clearly and conspicuously present in distinct contrast to the (2) In case of proprietary foods the name of the food or category

other type, lettering or graphic material used on the package, and shall under which it falls in these rules shall be mentioned on the label
be printed or inscribed on the package in a colour that contrasts 8
Explanation :- For the purpose of this rule :-
conspicuously with the background of the label.
Provided that - (a) and (aa) (infant food & infant) ..... Omitted
(a) Where any label information is blown, formed or moulded on a (b) " Proprietary food", means a food which has not been standardised
glass or plastic surface or where such information is embossed or under the Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955".
perforated on a package, that information shall not be required to be 1
37B. Labelling of infant milk substitute and infant food-
presented in a contrasting colour;
(1) Without prejudice to any other provisions relating to
(b) Where any declaration on a package is printed either in the form of
labelling requirements contained in these rules, every container of infant
a handwriting or hand script, such declaration shall be clear,
milk substitute or infant food or any label affixed thereto shall indicate
unambiguous and legible.
in a clear, conspicuous and in an easily readable manner, the words,
(8) No declaration shall be made so as to require it to read through any "IMPORTANT NOTICE" in capital letters and indicating thereunder
liquid commodity contained in the package. the following particulars, namely:-
(9) Where a package is provided with an outside container or
wrapper such container or wrapper shall also contain all the (a) a statement "MOTHER'S MILK IS BEST FOR YOUR
declarations which are required to appear on the package BABY" in capital letters. The types of letters used shall not
except where such container or wrapper itself is transparent be less than five millimetres and the text of such statement
and the declarations on the package are easily readable shall be in the Central Panel of every container of infant
through such outside container or wrapper." milk substitute or infant food or any label affixed thereto.
The colour of the text printed or used shall be different from
37. Lables not to contain false or misleading statements :- A label
that of the background of the label, container or the
shall not contain any statement, claim, design, device, fancy name or
abbreviation which is false or misleading in any particular concerning advertisement, as the case may be. In case of infant food, a
the food contained in the package, or concerning the quantity or the 1. Sub by Noti. No. GSR 147(E) dated 14.3.1997 (w.e.f. 14.9.1997)and GSR
nutritive value or in relation to the place of origin of the said food : 285 (E) dated 29.5.1997.
[Provided that this rule shall not apply in respect of established 4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 500(E), dated 9.7.1984 and 612 (E) dated 18.8.84.
trade or fancy names of confectionery, biscuits and sweets such as Barley 5. To bedeleted by Noti. No. GSR 422(E) dt. 29.4.1987 (w.e.f. 29.4.1989).
7. Sub by Noti No. GSR 147(E) dated 14.3.1997 (w.e.f. 14.9.1997)
1. Added under Noti. No. SRO 2755, dated 24.11.1956. 8. Clause (a) & (aa) omitted clause (b) should have been renumbered as (a)]
99 100
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
statement indicating “infant food shall be introduced only after (2) No container or label referred to in sub-rule (1) relating to infant
six months and upto the age of two years” shall also be given. milk substitute and any advertisement relating thereto shall have
a picture of infant or woman or both. It shall not have picture of
(b) a statement that infant milk substitute or infant food should be
other graphic materials or phrases designed to increase the
used only on the advice of a health worker as to the need for its
saleability of the infant milk substitute. The terms “Humanised”
use and the proper method of its use;
or “Maternalised” or any other similar words shall not be used.
(c) a warning that infant milk substitute or infant food in not the The package and/or the label and / or the advertisement of infant
sole source of nourishment of an infant; foods/infant milk substitute shall not exhibit the words “Full
protein food” “energy food” “complete food” or “Health Food”
(d) a statement indicating the process of manufacture (spray or
or any other similar expression.
roller dried) except in case of infant foods, instruction for
appropriate and hygienic preparation including cleaning of (3) The containers of infant milk substitute meant for low birth weight
utensils, bottles and teats and warning against health hazards infant (less than 2500gm) or labels affixed thereto shall indicate
of in-appropriate, as under:- the following additional information, namely:-
“warning/caution-Careful and hygienic preparation of infant (a) the words “Low Birth weight (Less Than 2.5 kg)” in
foods/infant milk substitutes is most essential for health. Do capital letters alongwith the product name in central panel;
not use fewer scoops than directed since diluted feeding will
(b) a statement “the low birth weight infant milk substitute
not provide adequate nutrients needed by your infant. Do not
shall be withdrawn under medical advice as soon as the
use more scoops than directed since concentrated feed will not
mother’s milk is sufficiently available”, and
provide the water needed by your infant”
(c) a statement “TO BE TAKEN UNDER MEDICAL
(e) the approximate composition of nutrients per 100/gms. Of the ADVICE” in capital letters.
product including its energy value in Kilo Calories/Joules;
(4) The product which contains neither milk nor any milk derivatives
(f) the storage condition specifically stating “store in a cool and
shall be labelled “Contains no milk or milk product” in conspicous
dry place in an air tight container” or the like;
(g) the feeding chart and directions for use and instruction for use
and instruction for discarding left over feed; (5) The container of infant milk substitute for lactose intolerant
infants or label affixed thereto shall indicate conspicously
(h) instruction for use of measuring scoop (level or heaped) and “LACTOSEFREE” in capital letters and statement “TO BE
the quantity per scoop (scoop to be given with pack); TAKEN UNDER MEDICAL ADVICE”.
(i) indicating the Batch No. Month and Year of its manufacture
37-C Labelling of Irradiated Food- The Labelling of
and month and year before which it is to be consumed,
prepacked irradiated food shall be in accordance with the provisions of
(j) the protein efficiency ratio (PER) which shall be minimum rule 32 and rule 42 of Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules 1955 and the
2.5, if the product other than infant milk substitute is claimed provisions of the Atomic Energy (Control of Irradiation Food) Rules, 1991,
to have higher quality protein. under the Atomic Energy Act, 1962 (Act 33 of 1962).”
1. Amended GSR 388(E) dt 25.6.2004 1. Ins by Noti No. GSR 614(E) dated 9.8.1994.
101 102
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
"37D Labelling of edible oils and fats-The package, label
beverage or cordial or crush, as the case may be, and shall be
or the advertisement of edible oils and fats shall not use the described as a synthetic product. Every synthetic product shall be
expressions "Super-Refined", "Extra-Refined" "Micro-Refined clearly and conspicuously marked on the label as 'SYNTHETIC"
"Double-Refined" "Ultra-Refined", Anti-Cholesterol", Cholestcrol and no container containing such product shall have a label, whether
Fighter" "Soothing to Heart", Choleslerol Friendly" Saturated Fat attached thereto or printed on the wrapper of such container or
Free" or such other expressions which are an exaggeration of the otherwise, which may lead the consumer into believing that it is a
quality of the Product". fruit product. Neither the word "FRUIT" shall be used in describing
such a product nor shall it be sold under the cover of label which
38. Labels not to contain reference to Act or Rules carries picture of any fruit..... 2
contradictory to required particulars:- The label shall not contain
any reference to the Act or any of these rules or any comment on , or Carbonated water containing no fruit juice or pulp shall not
reference to or explanation of any particulars or declaration required have a label which leads the consumer into believing that it is fruit
by the Act or any of these rules to be included in the label which product.]
directly or by implication, contradicts, qualifies or modifies such
particulars or declaration. 3
[(3) Any fruit and vegetable product alleged to be fortified with vitamin
39. Labels not to use words implying recommedations C shall contain not less than 40 mgm of ascorbic acid per 100 gm of
by medical profession:- There shall not appear in the label the product.]
of any package containing food for sale the words "recommended by
the medical profession" or any words which imply or 41. Imitations not to be marked "pure" ;- The word "pure"
suggest that the food is recommended, prescribed, or approved by or any word or words of the same significance shall not be included in
medical practitioners 2or approved for medical purpose. the label of a package that contains imitation of any food.

40. Unauthorised use of words showing imitation 42. Form of labels :- (A) Coffee-Chicory Mixture :- (i)
prohibited:- 1[(1) There shall not be written in the statement or label Every package containing a mixture of coffee and chicory shall
attached to any package containing any article of food the word have affixed to it a label upon which shall be printed the following
"imitation" or any word, or words implying that the article is a substitute declaration :
for any food, unless the use of the said words is specifically permitted
under these rules.] Coffee blended with Chicory
[(2) Any fruit syrup, fruit juice, fruit squash, beverage or This mixture contains :
cordial or crush which does not contain the prescribed amount of Coffee percent
fruit juice, shall not be described as a fruit juice, fruit squash, fruit
Chicory percent"
1. Rule 48 renumbered as sub-rule (1) by Noti. No. SRO 2755,dated 24.11.1956.
2. Subs by Noti No. GSR 41(E) dated 29.1.1997. 1. Subs by Noti. GSR 1533 dated 8.7.1968.
3. Amended GSR 241 (E) dated 5-4-1999 & GSR 531 (E) dated 19-7-99 2. Omitted by Noti No. GSR 293 (E) at, 23.3.1985(w.e.f. 23.3.1985)
(w.e.f. 1-11-1999) 3. Ins. by Noti. GSR 992, dated 4.6.1971.
103 104
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(ii) Every package containing Instant Coffee-Chicory mixture shall (c) In the case of condensed skimmed milk (unsweetened):
have affixed to it a label upon which shall be printed the following
Instant Coffee-Chicory Mixture (Evaporated Skimmed Milk)
made from blends of Coffee and Chicory This tin contains the equivalent of (x)....
Coffee Percent litres of skimmed milk

Chicory Percent" (d) In the case of condensed skimmed milk(sweetened):

(B) CONDENSED MILK OR DESSICATED This tin contaians the equivalent of (x)......
(DRIED)MILK:- (1) Every package containing condensed milk or
litres of skimmed milk with sugar added
dessicated (dried) milk shall bear a label upon which is printed such
one of the following declarations as may be applicable or such other 1
[(dd) In the case of condensed milk (sweetened and flavorued):
declaration substantially to the like effect as may be allowed by the
State Government.
This has been flavoured with.............
[(a) In the case of condensed milk (unsweetened); NOT TO BE USED FOR INFANTS
(Evaporated milk) 2
(ddd) In the case of condensed milk/condensed skimmed
milk (unsweetened) sterilised by Ultra High Temperature (UHT)
This tin contains the equivalent
of (x)...............litres of 4toned milk
This has been
(b) In the case of condensed milk (sweetened); Sterilised by UHT process
(e) In the case of milk powder :
This tin Contains the equivalent
of (x).................litres of 4toned
This tin contains the equivalent of
milk with sugar added (x) ....... litres of 3[toned] milk

1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 917 (E) dated 17.11.1987 (w.e.f.17.5.1988) & GSR
[(ee) In the case of milk powder which contain lecithin :
73(E) dated 3.2.1988.
2. Omitted by Noti. No. SRO 2755, dated 24.11.1956. 1. Ins.by Noti. No. GSR 55(E), dated 31.1.1979 (w.e.f. 31.7.1979)
3. Ins by Noti No GSR 1533 dated 8.7.1968 2. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 223 (E) dated 20.5.1996 (w.e.f. 20.11.1996)
4. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 10(E) dated 7.1.1991 (w.e.f. 7.7.1991) 3. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 10(E) dated 7-1-1991 (w.e.f. 7-7-1991)
105 106
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
of condensed skimmed milk or of (dried) skimmed milk as the
description or part of the decription of the contents, it shall be
immediately preceded or followed by the word"machine skimmed" or
(f) In the case of partly skimmed milk powder : "partly skimmed", as the case may be .
PARTLY SKIMMED MILK POWDER [(C)] Fluid milk : The caps of the milk bottles shall clearly

This tin contains the equivalent of indicate the nature of the milk contained in them. The indication may
(x) ....litres of partly skimmed milk having be either in full or abbreviation shown below :
....per cent milk fat (i) Buffalo milk may be denoted by the letter 'B'.
(g) In the case of skimmed milk powder : (ii) Cow milk may be denoted by the letter 'C'.
(iii) Goat milk may be denoted by the letter 'G'.
This tin contains the equivalent of (iv) Standardised milk may be denoted by the letter 'S'
(x).....litres of skimmed milk (v) Toned milk may be denote by the letter 'T'.
(ii)The declaration shall in each case be completed by (vi) Double toned milk may be denoted by the letters 'DT'.
inserting at (x) the appropriate number in figures' for example, (vii) Skimmed milk may be denoted by the letter 'K'.
"One and half (1/ 1/ 2)", any fraction being expressed as eight quarters
or a half, as the case may be 3[......] (Viii) Pasteurised milk may be denoted by the letter 'P' followed
by the class of milk. For example, Pasteurised Buffalo milk
(iii) There shall not be placed on any package containing shall bear the letter 'PB.
condensed milk or dessicated (dried) milk any comment on,
explanation of, or reference to either the statement of equivalence,
[alternatively colours of the caps of the milk bottles shall be
contained in the prescribed declaration or on the words "machine indicative of the nature of milk contained in them, the classication of
skimmed" skimmed"or unsuitable for babies" except instructions colours being displayed at places where milk is sold/stored or exhibited
as to dilution as follows : for sale, provided that the same had been simultaneously intimated to
the concerned Local (Health) Authority. Other media of information
"To make a fluid not below the composition of 3toned milk like Press may also be utilised];
or skimmed milk 2[***] (as the case may be) with the contents of
[(D) Ice-cream-Every dealer in ice cream or mixed ice-
this package, add (here insert the number of parts) of water by
cream who, in the street or other place of public resort, sells or
volume to one part by volume of this condensed milk or dessicated
offers or exposes for sale, ice-cream or ice-candy, from a stall or
(dried) milk.
from a cart, barrow or other vehicle, or from a basket, phial, tray
[Sweetened condensed milk and other similar products which or other container used without a staff or a vehicle shall have his
are not suitable for infant feeding shall not contain any instructions name and address along with the name and address of the
for modifying them for infant formula.] manufacturer, if any, legibly and conspicuously displayed on the
(iv) Wherever the word "milk" appears on the label of a package stall, vehicle or container as the case may be.
1. Ins. by Noti. No. 257 (E) dated 3.5.1991 (w.e.f. 3.11.1991) 1. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 938 (E) dated 26.5.1971.
2. Omitted by Noti. No. SRO 2755,dated 24.11.1956. 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 938, dated 26.5.1971.
3. Omitted by Noti. No. 10(E) dated 7.1.1991 (w.e.f. 7.7.1991). 3. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 243,dated 1.3.1980.
107 108
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
[ (E) Hingra:- Every container containing Hingra shall bear a label
2 1
upon which is printed a declaration in the following form, namely:- THIS MASALA HAS BEEN
"This container contains Hingra (Imported from Iran/ FRIED IN...................
Afghanistan)and is certified to be conforming to the standards laid (Name of the edible oil used )
down in the Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules 1955'] 3
[(M) Compounded Asafoetida :- Every container of compounded
[(F) Light Black Pepper :- Every package containing light black
asafoetida shall indicate the approximate composition of edible starch or
pepper shall bear the following label in addition to the Agmark seal and edile cereal flour used in the compound, on the label].
the requirement prescribed under Rule 32 : 4
[(N) Every package containing maida treated with improver or
Light Black Pepper (Light berries). bleaching agents shall carry the following label, namely :
[(G) Every package containing "Cassia Bark"shall bear the
following label : BLEACHING AGENTS
[(GG) Every package contining "Cinnamon" shall bear the [(O) Every package containing an admixture of palmolein with

following label : groundnut oil shall carry the following label, namely :
Palmolein.........................per cent
(H) Every package of chillies which contains added edible oil
Groundnut oil..........................per cent
shall bear the following label :
[(P) Every package containing an admixture of imported rapeseed
ADMIXTURE OF NOT MORE THAN 2 PER CENT oil with mustard oil, shall carry the following label, namely.
Imported rape-seed oil..................per cent
(J) Every package of ice-cream, kulfi, kulfa, and chocolate ice cream Mustard oil ............................. per cent
contaning starch shall have a declaration on a label as specified in sub-
rule (2) of Rule 43,
[(Q) Every package of 6synthetic food colour preparation and
mixture shall bear a label upon which is printed a declaration giving the
(K) 7Omitted percentage of total dye content].
[(L) Masala :Every package of mixed masala fried in oil shall
[(R) Unless otherwise provided in these rules, every package
bear the following label."
1. Ins vide Noti. No. GSR 732 (E), dt. 5.12.1977.
1. Renumbered by Noti. No. GSR 938, dated 26.5.1971. 2. Ins by Noti No. GSR 393 (E) dated 4.8.1978
2. Ins. by Noti GSR 1256, dated 17.8.1967.
3. Subs. by Noti. GSR 55(E), dated 31.1.1979(w.e.f. 31.7.1979).
3. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 422 (E) dated 29.4.1987 (w.e.f.29.4.1989)
4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 205, dated 13.2.1974 (w.e.f. 13.5.1974). 4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1417, dated 20.9.1976 (w.e.f. 20.3.1977).
5. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 55 (E), dated 31.1.1979 (w.e.f. 31.7.1979) 5. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 651 (E) dated 22.10.1977. This clause is obsolete
6. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 63 (E) dated 5.2.1976 (w.e.f. 5.8.1976) since this was permissible upto 30.4.1978 (see proviso to rule 44).
7. Omitted by GSR 67 (E) dt 5.2.2001 6. Ins by Noti No. GSR 304 (E) dated 4.6.1997.
109 110
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
of malted milk food which contains added natural colouring matter 2
[(W) Every container of refined vegetable oil shall bear the
except caramel, shall bear the following label : following label, namely :-
MALTED MILK FOOD IN THIS "Refined (Name of the oil) Oil"
PACKAGE CONTAINS PERMITTED Provided that the container of imported edible oil shall also bear
NATURAL COLOURING MATTER the word, "Imported", as prefix].
[(S) Every advertisement for and/or a package of food containing added
4 [(X) Every package of Dried Glucose Syrup containing

Monosodium Glutamate shall carry the following declaration, namely:- sulpherdioxide exceeding 40 ppm, shall bear the following label,
This package of .......(name of the food) contains added
(Y) ............. deleted
[(T) Every container of refined salseed fat shall bear the following

label, namely :-
(YY)'- A package containing tea with added flavour shall bear the
following label, namely :-
FOR USE IN BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY ONLY (Common name of permitted flavour/percentage
[(U) Omitted1 Registration No.
"(V) Every container or package of edible common salt or
[(Z) A package containing annatto colour in vegetable oils shall

iodised salt or iron fortified common salt containing permitted anticaking bear the following label, namely :-
agent shall bear the following label, namely :- Annatto colour in oil
[(ZZ) Every package containing an admixture of edible oils shall
CONTAINS PERMITTED ANTICAKING AGENT. carry the following label, namely :-
*Strike out whichever is not applicable This blended edible vegetable oil contains an admixture of :
or (VV) Every container or package of iron fortified common salt shall (i).................% by weight
bear the following label, namely :- (ii)................% by weight
IRON FORTIFIED COMMON SALT (Name and nature of edible vegetable oils i.e. in raw or
refined form)
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 732 (E), dated 5.12.1977). Date of Packing.............
2. Ins. by. Noti. No. GSR 23 (E) dated 16.7.81.
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 11(E), dated 4.1.1985 and 368 (E) dt. 18.4.1985. 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 91 (E), dated 7.2.1992
4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 101 (E) dated 18.2.1992 (w.e.f. 18.8.1992). 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 44 (E), dated 5.2.1982 (w.e.f. 5.8.1982).
3. Ins. by Noti. No GSR 57 (E), dated 11.2.1982(w.e.f. 11.8.1982) Read with
5. Ins. by Noti. GSR 19(E), dated 28.1.1980. corr. Noti No. GSR 307, dated 3.4.1982.
6. Omitted Noti. No. GSR 101(E)dt. 18.2.1992(w.e.f. 18.8.1992). 4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 848(E) dt.19.11.1983, corrected by GSR 113 dt.20.1.1984
7. The words "UNFIT" replaced by " NOT RECOMMENDED" by GSR 5. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 764(E),dated 15.11.1984 (effective 15.11.1985).
121(E) dated 11.3.1996(w.e.f. 7.9.1996) 6. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 457 (E) dated 23.4.1990.
8. Ins by Noti. GSR 670 (E) dated 27.11.1997 (w.e.f. 27.5.1998) 7. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 847 (E) dated 7.12.1994.
9. Amended GSR 716(E) dated 13-9-2000 (w.e.f. 30-9-2000) 8. Deleted GSR 694 (E) dt. 11-10-1999 (w.e.f. 11-4-2000)
111 112
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
[(ZZZ) Every package of chewing tobacco shall bear the following “Not for Phenylketoneurics”
label, namely:- 5
[(ZZZ) (3) -Every package of Pan Masala and advertisement
"Chewing of tobacco is injurious to health"; relating thereto shall carry the following warning, namely:-
[(ZZZ)(1) Every package of food which is permitted to contain "Chewing of Pan Masala may be injurious to health"
artificial sweetener mentioned in table given in rule 47 7 and advertisement 6
"(ZZZ) (4) Every package of vanaspati made from more than 30
for such food shall carry the following label, namely:- per cent of Rice Bran oil shall bear the following label, namely :-
(i) This.............(Name of food) contains............. (Name of [This package of vanaspati is made from
artificial sweetener) more than 30 per cent Rice-Bran oil by weight"]
(ii) Not recommended for children. (ZZZ) (5) Every package containing Fat-Spread shall carry the
(iii) *(a) Quantity of sugar added……..gm/100gm. following labels, namely :-
(b) No sugar added in the product. (i) Milk Fat Spread
(iii) *Not for Phenylketoneuries (if Aspertame is added) Total Milk Fat Content......... percent by weight
(*strike out whatever is not applicable). Date of Packing...................
(ZZZ)(1)(A) In addition to the declaration under rule (ZZZ)(1), every Use before..........................
package of food which is permitted to contain artificial sweetner mentioned in table (ii) Mixed Fat Spread
in rule 47 and an advertisement for such food shall carry the following label, namely:- Total Fat Content................. percent by weight
Milk Fat Content................. percent by weight
(ZZZ)(1)(B) The declaration under sub-rule (ZZZ)(1)(A) shall be Use before...........................
provided alongwith name or trade name of product and shall be of the half (iii) Vegetable Fat Spread
of the size of the name/trade name. The declaration may be given in two Totat Fat Content................. percent by weight
sentences, but in the same box: Date of packing........
Provided that the provision of these rules shall not apply in respect Use before...........
of any food which is manufactured and packed before the commencement 1
"(ZZZ) (6) Every package of supari and advertisement relating thereto
of Prevention of Food Adulteration (Ist Amendment) Rules, 2004. shall carry the following warning in conspicuous and bold print, namely :-
8,7,4[(ZZZ (2) Every package of Aspertame (Methyl ester), Acesulfame-K Chewing of Supari is Injurious to Health
and Saccharin Sodium marketed as Table Top Sweetener and every advertisement
(ZZZ) (7) All package of irradiated food shall bear the following
for such Table Top Sweetener shall carry the following label, namely:- declaration and logo, namely :-
(i) Contains ..............(name of artificial sweetener) PROCESSED BY IRRADIATION METHOD/
(ii) Not recommended for Children’; DATE OF IRRADIATION/
Provided that the package of aspertame (Methyl ester) marketed
as Table-Top Sweetener and every advertisement for such Table Top
Sweetener shall also carry the following label, namely :- LICENCE NO/
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 91 (E) dated 7.2.1992. PURPOSE OF IRRADIATION
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 454(E), dated 15.4.1998.
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 852(E), dated 13.6.1986.(effective 13.12.1986).
(ZZZ) (8) Every package of fruit squash by whatever name it is sold,
4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 729(E), dated 23.8.1990. containing additional sodium or potassium salt shall bear the following label, namely:
5. Added by Noti. No. GSR 128(E), dated 8.3.1990 (w.e.f. 8.9.1990) "IT CONTAINS ADDITIONAL SODIUM/POTASSIUM SALT"
6. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 481dt 16.9.1993 read with GSR 512 (E)dt. 15.6.1994.
7. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 284(E) dated 29.5.1997 (w.e.f. 29.11.1997) 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 695(E) dated 9.11.1993 (w.e.f. 9.5.1994).
8. Amended GSR 853(E) dated 30.12.2002 (w.e.f. 1.10.2003) 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 614(E) dated 9.8.1994.
9. Amended GSR 388(E) dated 25.6.2004 3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 121(E) dated 11.3.1996 (w.e.f. 7.9.1996).
113 114
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
ZZZ (9) Every package of Cheese (hard), surface treated with 6
"One time usable plastic bottles of packaged drinking water shall carry
Natamycin, shall bear the following lable namely :- the following declaration
Surface treated with Natamycin CRUSH THE BOTTLE AFTER USE
ZZZ (10) Every package of Bakery and Industrial Margarine made 10
(ZZZ) (15) Every package of mineral water shall carry the following
from more than 30 percent of Rice Bran Oil shall bear the following label, declaration in capital letters having the size of each letter as prescribed in
namely :- rule 36
This package of Bakery & Industrial Margarine is made NATURAL MINERAL WATER
from more that 30 percent of Rice Bran oil by weight: 6
"One time usable plastic bottles of mineral water shall carry the following
ZZZ(11) Omitted declaration
ZZZ (12) Every package of food which is permitted to contain a CRUSH THE BOTTLE AFTER USE
mixture of Aspertame (Methyl Ester) and Acesulfame Potassium 4
(ZZZ) (16) Every package of Non-Vegetarian Food shall bear
Sweeteners mentioned in the Table given in rule 47, shall carry the the following symbol on the principal display panel just close in proximity
following label, namely :- to the name or brand name of food namely :-
(i) This…………….(Name of Food) contains an admixture of Aspertame
(Methy1 Ester) and Acesulfame Potassium.
(ii) Not recommended for children.
(iii) *(a) Quantity of sugar added ………. gm/100gm.
(ZZZ) (17) Every package of Vegetarian Food shall bear the
following symbol in green colour on the principal display panel just close
(b) No sugar added in the product. in proximity to name or brand name of the Food, namely:
(iv) *Not for Phenylketoneurics (if Aspertame is added)
(*strike out whatever is not applicable).
"(ZZZ) (13) Every container or package of flavour emulsion and
flavour paste meant for use in carbonated or non-carbonated beverages
(ZZZ) (18) Every package of food having added caffeine, shall
shall carry the following declaration, in addition to the instruction for carry the following label, namely:-
dilution, namely :-
CARBONATED OR NON-CARBONATED BEVERAGES ONLY." Provided if caffeine is added in the products, it shall be declared
(ZZZ)(14) Every package of drinking water shall carry the on the body of the container/bottle.
following declaration in capital letters having the size of each letter as
prescribed in rule 36; Provided also that in case of returnable glass bottles, which are
recycled for refilling the declaration of caffeine, may be given on the
4. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 223 (E) dated 20.5.1996(w.e.f. 20.11.1996)
5. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 465 (E) dated 14.8.1997.
6. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 670 (E) dated 27.11.1997 (w.e.f. 27.5.1998) 1. Added by Noti. No. GSR 1211, dated 9.12.1958
2. Subs. by Noti. No. SRO 2755, dated 24.11.1956
7. Added GSR 718(E) dated 13-9-2000 3. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 1211, dated 9.12.1958.
8. Omitted GSR 716(E) dt. 13-9-2000 (w.e.f. 30-9-2000) 4. Addes GSR 245 (E) dt 4.4.2001 (w.e.f. 4.10.2001)
9. Ins. GSR 760(E) dt. 29-9-2000 (w.e.f. 29-3-2001) 5. Added by GSR 908 (E) dt 20.12.2001 (w.e.f. 20.6.2002)
10. Ins. GSR 759(E) dt. 29-9-2000 (w.e.f. 29-3-2001) 6. Amended GSR 831(E) dt. 20.12.2001 (w.e.f. 1.1.2004)
11. Amended GSR 853(E) dated 30.12.2002 (w.e.f. 1.10.2003) 7. Amended GSR 853(E) dated 30.12.2002 (w.e.f. 1.10.2003)
115 116
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
43. Notice of addition, admixture or deficiency in food (4) Nothing contained in this rule shall be deemed to
:- (1) Every advertisement and every price or trade list or label for authorise any person to sell any article of food required under
an article of food which contains an addition, admixture or the Act or these rules to be sold in pure condition, otherwise than in its
deficiency shall describe the food as containing such addition, pure condition.
admixture or deficiency and shall also specify the nature and
quantity of such addition, admixture or deficiency. No such
[(5) Nothing contained in the rule shall apply in
advertisement or label attached to the container of the food shall the case of sweets, confectionery, biscuits, bakery
contain any words which might imply that the food is pure:- products, processed fruits, 2 [aerated water, vegetables and
[Provided that for the purpose of this rule the following flavouring agents].
shall not be deemed as an admixture or an addition, namely :- 3
43-A Restriction on advertisement- There shall be
(a) salt in butter or margarine; no advertisement of any food which is misleading or contravening
the provisions of Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 (37
(b) vitamins in food].
of 1954) or the rules made thereunder.
(2) Every package, containing a food which is not pure
by reason of any addition, admixture or deficiency shall be
Explanation : The term 'Advertisement' means
labelled with an adhesive label, which, shall have the following any visible representation or anouncement made by means
declaration: of any light, sound, smoke gas, print, electronic media, internet or
THIS (a)..................CONTAINS AN
ADMIXTURE/ADDITION OF NOT MORE 44. Sale of certain admixtures prohibited :-
THAN (b).........PER CENT OF 3 [***](c) Notwithstanding the provisions of Rule 43, no person shall either
by himself or by any servant or agent sell :-
(a) Here insert the name of food. (a) cream which has not been 4[ prepared exclusively from)
milk or which contains less than 5[25] per cent of milk
(b) Here insert the quantity of admixture which may be present. fat.
(c) Here insert the name of the admixture or the name of the (b) milk which contains any added water.
ingredient which is deficient. (c) ghee which contains any added matter not exclusively
derived from milk fat.
Where the context demands it, the words' contains an (d) skimmed milk (fat abstracted) as milk.
admixtureof' shall be replaced by the words 'contains an addition
of or is deficient in ; (e) a mixture of two or more edible oils as an edible oil.
(f) vanaspati to which ghee or any other substance has been
(3) Unless the vendor of a food containing an addition,
admixture or deficiency, has reason to believe that the purchaser added].
is able to read and understand the declaratory label, he shall give
the purchaser, if asked, the information contained in the declaratory 1. Added by Noti. No. SRO 2755, dated 24.11.1956.
label by word of mouth at the time of sale. 2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 1211, dated 9.12.1958.
3. Subs. by Noti. No. 257(E) dated 3.5.1991 (w.e.f.3.11.1991.)
4. Subs. by Noti No. GSR 1340, dated 24.10.1961.
1. Added by Noti. No. GSR 1211, dated 9.12.1958 5. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 1533, dated 8.7.1968.
2. Subs. by Noti. No. SRO 2755, dated 24.11.1956 6. Subs. by Noti. No. 1533, dated 8.7.1968.
3. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 1211, dated 9.12.1958. 7. Amended by GSR 382 (E) dt. 28.5.2002 (w.e.f. 28.8.2002)
117 118
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(g) 12
[Omitted] 10 red unit in 1 cm. cell on lovibond scale is permitted when the oil is
(h) turmeric containing any foreign substance. tested for Halphen's test without dilution, that is to say, by shaking 5 ml. of
(i) mixture of coffee and any other substance except chicory]. sample with 5ml. of sulphur solution [one per cent (w/v) solution of sulphur
in carbon-disulphide mixed with equal volume of amyl alcohol], in a closed
(j) dahi or curd not prepared from boiled, pasteurised or
system test tube (250x25cm.) heating in hot water (70oC- 80oC) for a few
sterilised milk].
minutes with occasional shaking until carbon-disulphide is boiled off and
(k) 3
the sample stops foaming and then placing the tube on saturated brine
(l) milk or a milk product specified in appendix B containing a bath, capable of being regulated at 110oC-115oC for 2.5 hours]
substance not found in milk, except as provided in the rules]:
[Provided that the Central Government may be notification in
"Provided also that prohibition in clause (e) shall remain inoperative
the Official Gazette exempt 6any preparations made of soluble extracts in respect of admixture of any two edible vegetable oils as an edible
of coffee from the operation of this rule]. vegetable oil, where-
[Provided that proprietary food articles relating to clause (i),
shall be exempted from the operation of this rule]. (a) the proportion by weight of any edible vegetable oil used in the
admixture is not less than 20 percent by weight and
[Provided further that in respect of clause (e) 9[a maximum
tolerance of 15.0 red units] in 1 cm. cell on Lovibond scale is permitted (b) the admixture of edible vegetable oils, is processed or packed
when the oil is tested for Baudouin test without dilution, that is to say, and sold, by the Department of Civil Supplies, Government of
by shaking vigorously for 2 minutes, 5ml. of the sample with 5 ml. of India (Dte. of Vanaspati, Vegetable Oils and Fats) or by the
hydrochloric acid (specific gravity 1.19) and 0.3 ml. of 2 per cent agencies authorised by the Department, or by the National Dairy
alcoholic solution of furfural and allowing to stand for 5 minutes:] Development Board or by the State Cooperative Oilseeds
Omitted. Growers Federation or Regional and District Cooperative
[Provided also that in respect of clause (e), maximum tolerance of Oilseeds Growers Union set-up under National Dairy
Development Board's Oilseeds and Vegetable Oil Project or by
1. Ins. by Noti. No. SRO 2755, dated 24.11.1956. the Public Sector undertakings of Central and State
2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 503(E), dated 1.9.1981. Governments, in sealed packages weighing not more than 5
3. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 205, dated 23.2.1974 (w.e.f. 23.5.1974)
kgs. under Agmark Certification Mark compulsorily and bearing
4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1533, dated 8.7.1968.
5. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1211, dated 9.12.1958. the label declaration as laid down in clause (ZZ) of rule 42; and
6. In pursuance of this provision (NESCAFF)' has been exempted from the (c) the quality of each edible oil used in the admixture conforms to
operation of this rule Vide Noti. No. GSR 17, dated 23.12.1958.
the relevant standard prescribed by these rules."
7. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 270(E), dated 2.3.1987.
8. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 2068 dated 13.8.1969. 2
[Provided also that proprietary food articles, as defined in clause
9. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 243 dated 1.3.1980.
10. Omitted-GSR91(E)dt. 7.2.1992 [The earlier provisions inserted vide GSR (b) of the Explanation to rule 37A, relating to clause (1) shall be exempted
36(E) dt.21.1.1978, GSR 651(E) dt. 22.10.1977, GSR 732(E) dt. 5.12.1977, from the operation of this rule".
GSR 821 (E) dt. 12.6.1978.
11. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 55(E), dated 31.1.1979). 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 91(E) dated 7.2.1992
12. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 454 (E) dated 15.4.1988. 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 73 (E) dated 29.1.1986.
119 120
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Notes : Til oil mixed with mustard oil- til oil costly and it is quite likely 8. Malayalam........ Kesari, Lanki, Vattu.
that mill in which mustard was extracted has been used for extracting til 9. Tamil................. Muku.
oil at earlier occasion, even otherwise addition of til oil does not make the 10. Marathi............. Lakheri, Batri, Lakhi, Lang, Mutra, Teora,
later harmful. In view of all these circumstances the petitioner deserve to Botroliki-dal, Lakh.
get the benefit of doubt (Shyam Lal vs. State of Punjab) Punjab and 11. Oryia................. Khesra, Khesari, Khesari dal.
Haryana High Court, FAC 1980(II) 134. 12. Persian.............. Masang.
[44-A. Sale of Kesari gram prohibited :- No person in any State
1 13. Punjabi.............. Kisari, Chural, Karas, Karil, Kasa, Kesari,
shall, with effect from such date as the state Government concerned may Chapa.
by notification in the Official Gazette specify in this behalf, sell or offer 14. Sanskrit............. Sandika, Triputi.
15. Sindhi............... Matter.
or expose for sale, or have in his possession for the purpose of sale,under
16. Telugu............... Lamka.]
any description or for use as an ingredient in the preparation of any article
of food intended for sale :- Notes : Foods not for human consumption.
(a) Kesari gram (Lathyrus sativus) and its products. The possession and exposure of 'Kesari dal' prohibited by notification
(b) Kesari dal (Lathyrus sativus) and its products. dated 10th March, 1966 under P.F.A Rules 55 – Food inspector took
sample of 'Kesaridal'– kesaridal proved not to be for sale and
(c) Kesari dal flour (Lathyrus sativus) and its products.
consumption– accused dealer in cattle feed– the entire purpose of the
(d) A mixture of Kesari gram (Lathyrus sativus) and law being to safeguard and protect human beings against adulterated
Bengal-gram (Cicer arietinum) or any other gram. or prohibited items of food–mere possession of Kesari dal which on
(e) A mixture of Kesari dal (Lathyrus sativus) and Bengal-gramdal the finding of fact recorded by the learned Trial Court was for 'cattle
(Cicer arietinum) or any other dal. fodder' could not constitute an offence under section 7(iv) punishable
(f) A mixture of Kesari dal (Lathyrus sativus) flour and Bengal- undr Section 16 of the Act– since Kesari dal could be cultivated for
gram (Cicer arietinum) flour or any other flour.] the purpose of cattle fodder, and if it was cultivated, obviously some
person including a dealer in cattle feed, would store it and since it is
[Explanation:- The equivalent of Kesari gram in some of the Indian not disputed that Kesari dal was used as cattle feed it is reasonable to
languages are as follows :- expect that person dealing in cattle feed would store it and so if such
1. Assamese.......... Khesari, Teora. a person was found in possession of Kesari dal, it should not be said
2. Bengali.............. Khesari, Teora, Kassur, Batura. that he has committed an act which has been prohibited by law meant
for items of food for human consumption– unless the prosecution had
3. Bihari................ Khesari, Teora, Kassur, Batura.
established that kesari dal found in possessions of the respondent was
4. English.............. Chikling vetch. meant for sale for human consumption, it could not be said that the
5. Gujarati............. Lang. respondent has committed the offence he was charged with. (State of
Assam Vs. Rakesh Chandra Paul) Gauhati High Court -FAC 1991
6. Hindi................. Khesari, Kessur, Kasari, Kassartiuri, Batura,
Chapri, Dubia, Kansari, Kesori, Latri, Tinra,
Tiuri, Kassor. [44-AA. Prohibition of use of carbide gas in ripening of

7. Kannada............ Laki Bele, Kessari Bele. fruits :- No person shall sell or offer or expose for sale or have in his
premises for the purpose of sale under any description, fruit which have
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 169 dated 2.2.1961
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 55 (E) dated 31.1.1979 (w.e.f. 31.1.1979). 1 Sub by Noti. No. GSR 55(E) dated 31.1.1979.
121 122
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
been artificially ripened by use of acetylene gas, commonly known as [44-D. Restriction on sale of Carbia Callosa and Honey dew:-

carbide gas.] Carbia Callosa and Honey dew shall be sold only in sealed containers
"44-AAA. Prohibition of use of mineral oil :- No person shall bearing Agmark seal.]
sell or offer or expose for sale or have in his premises for the purpose of [44-E. Restriction on sale of Kangra tea :- Kangra tea shall be

sale under any description food articles which have been coated with sold or offered for sale only after it is graded and marked in accordance
mineral oil, except where the addition of mineral oil is permitted in with the provisions of the Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking)
accordance with the standards laid down in Appendix 'B". Act, 1937 (1 of 1937) and the rules made thereunder.]
[44-B. Restriction on sale of ghee having less Reichert value
[44-F. Restriction on Sale of irradiated Food :- Irradiated food
than that specified for the area where such ghee is sold :- (i) The
shall be offered for sale only in prepackaged conditions."]
ghee having less Reichert value and a different standard for Butyro-
refractometer reading at 40oC than that specified for the area in which [44-G. Condition for sale of flavoured Tea :- (i) Flavoured tea

it is imported for sale or storage shall not be sold or stored in that area shall be sold or offered for sale only by those manufacturers who are registered
except under the 'AGMARK' seal : with Tea Board. Registration No. shall be mentioned on the label.
Provided that such ghee may be (i) sold loose, after opening (ii) It shall be sold only in packed conditions with label declaration
the 'AGMARK' sealed container, in quantities not exceeding two as provided in clause ''YY' of rule 42.
kilograms at a time, and (ii) used in the preparation of confectionery 5,6
"44H. Restriction on sale of common salt :- Omitted
(including sweetmeats).
(2) A person selling :- 45. Food resembling but not pure honey not to be marked
honey:- No person shall use the word 'honey' or any word, mark,
(i) such ghee in the manner specified in sub-rule(1), and
illustration or device that suggests honey on the label or any package
(ii) confectionery (including sweetmeats) in the preparation of which of, or in any advertisement for, any food that resembles honey but is
such ghee is used, shall give a declaration in form VI-B to the not pure honey.
food Inspector when a sample thereof is taken by him for
analysis under Section10 of the Act and also to a purchaser 46. Sale or use for sale of admixtures of ghee or butter
desiring to have the sample analysed under section 12 of the Act. prohibited:- No person shall sell or have in his possession for the
purpose of sale or for use as an ingredient in the preparation of an article
(3) If on analysis such sample is found to be conforming to the
of food for sale a mixture of ghee or butter and any substance (a)
standards of quality prescribed for the area where it is alleged to have been
prepared in imitation of or as a substitute for ghee or butter, or (b)
produced, the ghee shall not be deemed to be adulterated by reason only that it does
consisting of or containing any oil or fat which does not conform to the
not conform to the standards of quality prescribed for the area where it is sold.
definition of ghee :
[44-C. Restriction on sale of Til Oil produced in Tripura,
Assam and West Bengal :- Til Oil (Sesame oil) obtained from white Provided where a mixture prohibited by this rule is required for
sesame seeds, grown in Tripura, Assam and West Bengal having different the preparation of an article of food, such mixture shall be made only at
standards than those specified for til oil shall be sold in sealed containers the time of the preparation of such article of food.
bearing Agmark label. When this til oil is sold or offered for sale without 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR. 205, dated 23.2.1974 (w.e.f. 23.2.1975).
bearing an Agmark label, the standard given for til oil shall apply.] 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 850, dated 25.6.1975.
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 614(E) dated 9.8.1994
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1533, dated 8.7.1968. 4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 847 (E)dated 7.12.1994.
2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 1134, dated 16.9.1961. 5. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 670 (E) dated 27.11.1997 (w.e.f. 27.5.1998)
3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 732 (E) dated 23.8.1990. 6. Omitted GSR 716(E) dt. 13-9-2000 (w.e.f. 30-9-2000)
123 124
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
47. Restriction on use and sale of artificial Sweeteners : No 1 Khoya Burfi, Peda, Gulab 200ppm
artifical sweetener shall be added to any article of food. Jamun, Rasogolla and
Similar milk product based
Provided that artificial sweetener may be used in food articles in sweet sold by any name.
the table below in quantities not exceeding the limits shown against them
and as per provision contained in Appendix C to these rules and shall bear Jam, Jellies, Marmalades 1000ppm
the label decelarations as provided in sub-rule (ZZZ)(1)(A), (ZZZ)(1)(B) Chocolate (White, Milk, 2000ppm
and (ZZZ)(12) of rule 42. Plain, Composite and Filled
Table Sugar based/Sugar free 10000ppm
Sl. Name of Artificial Article of Food Maximum Limit of confectionery
No Sweetener Artificial Sweetener Chewing gum/Bubble gum 10000ppm
1 2 3 4 Synthetic Syrup for dispenser 3000ppm
1. Saccharin Sodium Carbonated Water 100ppm 3. Acesulfame Potassimm Carbonated water 300ppm
Soft Drink Concentrate *100ppm Soft Drink Concentrate *300ppm
Supari 4000ppm
Biscuits, Bread, Cakes 1000ppm
Pan Masala 8000ppm and Pasteries
Pan Flavouring Material 8.0 Per cent Sweets, (Carbhydrates 500ppm
Synthetic Syrup for dispenser 450 ppm based and Milk product
Sweets (Carbohydrates 500ppm based):- Halwa, Mysore Pak,
based and milk products Boondi Ladoo, Jalebi,
based):- Halwa, Mysore Khoya Burfi, Peda, Gulab
Pak, Boondi Ladoo, Jalebi, Jamun, Rasogolla and
Khoya Burfi, Peda, Gulab Similar milk product based
Jamun, Rasogolla and sweet sold by any name.
Similar milk product based Chocolate (White, Milk, 500ppm
sweets sold by any name. Plain, Composite and Filled)
Chocolate (White, Milk, 500ppm Sugar based/Sugar free 3500ppm
Plain, Composite and Filled) confectionery
Sugar based/Sugar free 3000ppm Chewing gum/Bubble gum 5000ppm
Synthetic Syrup for dispenser 1500ppm
Chewing gum/Bubble gum 3000ppm
2. Aspertame (methyl ester) Carbonated Water 700ppm 4. Sucralose Carbonated Water 300ppm
Soft Drink Concentrate 7000ppm Soft Drink Concentrate *300ppm
Biscuits, Bread, Cakes and 2200ppm Biscuits, Bread, Cakes 750ppm
Pasteries and Pasteries
Sweets, (Carbohydrates Sweets, (Carbohydrates 750ppm
based and milk products based) 200ppm based and Milk product
Halwa, Mysore Pak, based):- Halwa, Mysore Pak,
Boondi Ladoo, Jalebi, 200ppm Boondi Ladoo, Jalebi,
Khoya Burfi, Peda, Gulab
1. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 284(E) dated 29.5.1997 & 549(E) dt. 17.9.1997. Jamun, Rasogolla and
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR. 454 (E), dated 15.4.1988 & GSR 177(E) dt. 6-4-1998. Similar milk product based
3. Amended GSR 388 (E) dated 27-5-2004 sweet sold by any name.
125 126
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Explanation 1: Pan flavouring material refers to the flavouring (2) No mixture of artificial sweeteners shall be added to any
agents permitted for human consumption to be used for pan. It shall be article of food or in the manufacture of table top sweeteners.
labelled as-
Provided that in case of carbonated water, softdrink
"PAN FLAVOURING MATERIAL" concentrate and synthetic syrup for dispenser, wherein use of aspertame
*Explanation II: Maximum limit of artificial sweetener in and acesulfame potassium have been allowed in the alternative, as per
soft drink concentrate shall be as in reconstituted beverage or in Table under sub-rule (1), these artificial sweeteners may be used in
final beverage for consumption. Soft Drink concentrate label shall combination with one or more alternative if the quanity of each artifical
give clear instruction for reconstitution of products for making final sweetener so used does not exceed the maximum limit specified for
beverage. that artificial sweetner in column (4) of the said Table as may be worked
(ii) Provided further that Saccharin Sodium or Aspertame out on the basis of proportion in which such artificial sweeteners are
(methyl ester) or Acesulfame Potassium or sucralose may be sold combined. The products containing mixture of artificial sweeteners
individualy as Table Top Sweetener and 1,2 may contain the following shall bear the label as provided under sub-rule (12) of sub-rule (ZZZ)
carrier or filler articles with label declaration as provided in sub-clauses of rule 42.
(1) and (2) of sub-rule (ZZZ) of rule 42, namely.
IIIustration:- In column (3) of the said Table, in carbonated
1. Dextrose 12. Colloidal silicone dioxide water, Aspertame (Methy1 Ester) or Acesulfame Potassium
2. Lactose 13. Glycrine may be added in the proportion of 700 ppm or 300 ppm
respectively. If both artificial sweeteners are used in combination
3. Maltodextrin 14. L-leucine and the proportion of aspertame (Methy1 Ester) is 350 ppm, the
4. Mannitol 15. Magnesium stearate IP proportion of Acesulfame Potassium shall not exceed the proportion
of 150 ppm"
5. Sucrose 16. Purified Talc
(3) No person shall sell table top sweetener except under label
6. Isomalt 17. Poly vinyl pyrrolidone declaration as provided in sub-cluses (1)and (2) of sub-rule (ZZZ) of
7. Citric acid 18. Providone rule 42."

8. Calcium 19. Sodium hydrogen carbonate Provided that aspertame may be marketed as a table top
sweetener in tablet or granular form in moisture proof package and the
9. Carboxymethyl Cellulose 20. Starch concentration of aspertame shall not exceed 18 mg per 100 mg of tablet
10. Cream of Tartar, IP 21. Tartaric acid. or granule.
48. Use of flesh of naturally dead animals or fowls
11. Cross Carmellose sodium
prohibited:- No person shall sell or use as an ingredient in the
(iii) Provided also that where sucralose is marketed as Table Top
preparation of any article of food intended for sale, flesh of any animal
Sweetener, the concentration of sucralose shall not exceed six mg per or fowl which has died on account of natural causes.
hundred mg of tablet or granule.
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR. 454 (E), dated 15.4.1988 & GSR 177(E) dt. 6-4-1998. 1. Noti No. GSR. 396 (E) dated 27-5-1999
2. Amended GSR 396 (E) dated 27-5-1999 2. Noti No. GSR 284(E) dated 29-5-1997 & 549(E) dt. 17-9-1997
3. Amended GSR 388 (E) dated 27-6-2004 3. Amended GSR 388 (E) dated 27-6-2004
127 128
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
[48-A. Sale of permitted food colours :- 9[(1) No person shall
8 1
[48-B. Sale of insect damaged dry fruits and nuts :- The dry
manufacture, sell, stock, distribute or exhibit for sale 6synthetic 7food fruits and nuts like raisins, currants, figs, cashewnut, apricot, almonds may
colours or their mixtures or any preparation of such colour for use in contain not more than 5 per cent of insect-damaged fruits and nuts, by count.]
or upon food except under licence.] Notes : The Rule making authority needs to clarify whether insect
infestation is premissible in cashewnuts and if so, to what extent. The
(2) No person shall sell a 1[permitted 6synthetic 7food colour]
rule making authority also needs to clarify Item No. 14 of Rule 22 as
for use in or upon food unless its container carries a label stating the
to what is prepared food or processed food (Municipal or Corporation
following particulars- of Delhi vs. Jagdish Chander) Delhi High Court FAC 1984 (1) 316.
(a) the words "Food Colours "; 2
[48-C. Sale of food additives :- The following food additives
(b) the chemical and the common or commercial name 2[and permitted for use in certain foods shall be sold only under the Indian
colour index] of the dye-stuff. Standards Institution Certification marks, namely :-
1. Sulphuric acid (Food Grade)
(3) No person shall sell a mixture of 1permitted 6synthetic 7food
2. Sodium propionate (Food Grade)
colours] for use in or upon food unless its container carries a label
3. Calcium propionate (Food Grade)
stating the following particulars-
4. Sorbic acid (Food Grade)
(a) the words "Food Colour Mixture"; 5. Potassium metabisulphite (Food Grade)
(b) the chemical and the common or commercial 6. Sodium metabisulphite (Food Grade)
name 2[and colour index] of the edients used in the 7. Sorbitol (Food Grade)
preparation. 8. Benzoic acid (Food Grade)
[(5) The licence referred in sub-rule (1) shall be issued by the 9. Sodium benzoate (Food Grade)
licensing authority appointed under sub-rule(2) of rule 50 and shall be
10. Fumaric acid (Food Grade) and Quick dissolving Fumaric acid
(Food Grade)
subject to such conditions as the State Government may specify in this
11. Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (Food Grade)
12. Sodium alginate (Food Grade)
[ (6) All food colours 4[including natural colouring matters
4 1
13. Agar Agar (Food Grade)
and permitted 5synthetic food colours, their preparations or mixture 14. Alginic acid (Food Grade)
except saffron and curcumin shall be sold only under Indian Standards 15. Calcium alginate (Food Grade)
Institution Certification mark.] 16. Gelatin (Food Grade)
17. Ascorbic Acid (Food Grade)
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 243, dated 1.3.1980. 18. Butylated Hydroxy Toluene (BHT) (Food Grade)
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 425 dated 4.4.1960 19. Butylated Hydroxy Anisole (BHA) (Food Grade)
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 514 dated 28.6.1958. 20. Caramel (Food Grade)
4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 205, dated 13.2.1974 (w.e.f. 13.5.1975) 21. Annatto colour (Food Grade)]
5. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E), dated 15.11.1984 (effective 15.11.1985).
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 205, dated 23.2.1974 (w.e.f. 23.5.1974).
6. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 677 (E) dated 6.9.1994. 2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 283 (E) dated 26.3.1983. (w.e.f. 26.3.1985)
7. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 304 (E) dated 4.6.1997. 3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 677 (E) dated 6.9.1994.
8. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 2755 dated 24.11.1956 4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E) dated 15.11.1984 (w.e.f. 15.11.1985)
9. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 1417 dated 20.9.1976 (w.e.f. 20.3.1977) 5. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 304 (E) dated 4.6.1997.
129 130
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
[48-D Storage and sale of irradiated food :- Save as other- 8,2
(iv) containers made of aluminium not conforming in chemical
wise provided in these rules, no person shall irradiate for sale, store for composition to 8IS: 20 specification for Cast Aluminum and
sale, or transport for sale irradiated food." Aluminium Alloy for utensils or 8IS: 21 specification for
wrought Aluminium and Aluminium Alloy for utensils; and3
48-E Sale of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables :- The Fresh Fruite 3
(v) containers made of plastic materials not conforming to the
and Vegetables shall be free from rotting and free from coating of waxes,
following Indian Standards Specification, used as appliances
mineral oil and colours. or receptacles for packing or storing whether partly or wholly,
PART IX - CONDITIONS FOR SALE AND food articles, namely:-
(a) IS :10146 (Specification for Polyethylene in contact with
49. Conditions for sale :- (1) Every utensil or container used for 8
(b) IS :10142 (Specification for styrene Polymers in contact
manufacturing, preparing or containing any food or ingredient of food with foodstuffs);
intended for sale shall be kept at all times in good order and repair and in 8
(c) IS : 10151 (Specification for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), in
clean and sanitary condition. No such utensil or container shall be used for contact with foodstuffs);
any other purpose. 8
(d) IS :10910 (Specification for Polypropylene in contact with
(2) No person shall use for manufacturing, preparing or storing any foodstuffs).
food or ingredient of food intended for sale any utensil or container which is 8,4
(e) IS : 11434 (Specifications for ionomer resins in contact with
imperfectly enamelled or imperfectly tinned or which is made of such materials foodstuffs).
or is in such a state as to be likely to injure such food or render it noxious. 8,6
(f) IS : 11704-[Specification for Ethylene Acrylic Acid (EAA)
(3) Every utensil or container containing any food or ingredient of copolymer].
food intended for sale shall at all times be either provided with a tightfitting 8
(g) I S : 1 2 2 5 4 - [ S p e c i f i c a t i o n f o r P o l y a l k y l e n e
cover or kept closed or covered by a properly fitting lid or by a closed terephathalates (PET)].
fitting cover or gauze, net or other material of a texture sufficiently fine to 8
(h) IS : 12247-[Specification for Nylon 6 Polymer]";
potect the food completely from dust, dirt and flies and other insects. 8
"(i) IS 13601-Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA)
(4) No utensil or container used for the manufacture or preparation 8
(j) IS 13576- Ethylene Metha Acrylic Acid (EMM)."
of or containing any food or ingredient of food intended for sale shall be 9
(vi) Tin and plastic containers once used shall not be reused for
kept in any place in which such utensil or container is likely by reason of packaging of oils and fats. 7[Provided that utensil or containers
impure air or dust or any offensive, noxious or deleterious gas or substance made of copper though not properly tinned may be used for
or any noxious or injurious emanations, exhalation, or euffluvium, to be the preparation of sugar confectionery or essential oils and mere
contaminated and thereby render the food noxious. use of such utensils or containers shall not be deemed to render
sugar confectionery or essential oils unfit for human
(5) A utensil or container made of the following materials or consumption.]
metals, when used in the preparation, packaging and storing of food shall
1. Subs. by Noti No. GSR 1211, dated 9.12.1958.
be deemed to render it unfit for human consumption. 2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 425, dated 4.4.1960
(i) containers which ar rusty : 3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 507 (E), dated 19.3.1986 (w.e.f. 19.3.1987.
(ii) enamelled containers which have become chipped and rusty; 4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 840 (E) dated 6.10.1987 (w.e.f. 6.4.1988)
(iii) copper or brass containers which are not properly tinned 2[...] 5. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 382, dated 9.3.1966.
6. Ins. by Noti.No. GSR 105(E) dated 22.2.1994 (w.e.f.22.2.1995)and
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 614 (E) dated 9.8.1994. amended vide Noti. No. GSR 611 (E) dated 9.8.1994.
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 507 (E) dated 19.3.1986 (w.e.f. 19.3.1987) 7. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 575(E) dated 4.8.1995 (w.e.f.4.2.1996).
3. Amended GSR 694 (E) dt. 11-10-1999 (w.e.f 11-4-2000) 8. Amended by Noti No. GSR 382 (E) dated 10.7.1997.
4. Amended GSR 656 (E) dt. 13-8-2003 (w.e.f 13-8-2003) 9. Amended GSR 694 (E) dt. 11-10-1999 (wef 11-4-2000)
131 132
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
[(6) No person shall sell compounded asafoetida exceeding one 1
[(15) No person shall store, expose for sale or permit the sale of
kilogram in weight except in sealed container with a label.] any insecticide in the same premises where articles of food are stored,
[(7) No person shall sell Hingra without a label on its container manufactured or exposed for sale :
under which is printed a declaration in the form specified in Rule 42.] Provided that nothing in this sub-rule shall apply to the approved
[(8) No person shall sell Titanium dioxide (food grade)except house hold insecticides which have been registered as such under the
under Indian Standards Institution Certification Mark.] Insecticides Act 1968 (46 of 1968).]
[(9) No person shall sell salseed fat for any other purpose except (Explanation) :- For the purpose of this sub-rule, the word
for Bakery and Confectionery and it shall be refined and shall bear the 'insecticide' has the same meaning as assigned to it in the Insecticides Act,
1968 (46 of 1968).
label declaration as laid down in rule 42. (T)].
[ (10) Edible common salt or iodised salt or iron fortified common
11,10,4 5
[(16) 6Condensed milk sweetened, condensed skimmed milk
powder, skimmed milk powder and 9partly skimmed milk powder and
salt containing anticaking agent shall be sold only in a package which
partly skimmed sweetened condensed milk shall not be sold except under
shall bear the label as specified in sub-rule (V) of rule 42, Indian Standards Institution mark.
(10A) Iron fortified common salt shall be sold only in high density 3
"(17) No person shall sell mineral oil (food grade) for use in
polyethylene bag (HDPE) (14 mesh, density 100kg/m3, unlaminated) package which confectionery except under Indian Standards Institution Certification Mark.
shall bear the label as specified in sub-rule (VV) of rule 42].
(18) No person shall sell confectionery weighing more than 500
[(11) No person shall sell lactic acid, for use in food except under gms. except in packed condition and confectionery sold in pieces shall be
Indian Standards Institution Marks] kept in glass or other suitable containers.
(12) The Katha prepared by 'Bhatti method shall be conspicuously (Explanation) :- For the purposes of sub-rule (17) and (18)
marked as "Bhatti Katha."] "Confectionery" shall mean sugar boiled confectionery, lozenges and
[(13) All edible oils, except coconut oil, imported in crude, raw chewing gum and bubble gum:"
or unrefined form shall be subjected to the process of refining before sale 7,4
(19) No person shall manufacture, sell, store or exhibit for sale
for human consumption. Such oils shall bear a label declaration as laid an infant milk food, infant f ereal based weaning food except under Bureau
down in Rule 42 (W).] of Indian Standards Certification Mark ".
[(14) Dried Glucose Syrup containing sulphur-dixide exceeding 5
(20) No person shall sell protein rich atta and protein rich maida
40 ppm shall be sold only in a package which shall bear the label as except in packed condition mentioning the name of ingredients on the label.
specified in sub-rule (X) of rule 42] 8
(21) The Blended Edible Vegetable Oils shall not be sold in
loose form. It shall be sold in sealed package weighing not more than
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1256, dated 17.8.1967 5 Kg. It shall also not be sold under the common or generic name of
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 55(E), dated 31.1.1979 (w.e.f. 31.7.1979). the oil used in the blend but shall be sold as Blended Edible Vegetable
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 19 (E) dated 28.1.1980.
4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 23 (E) dated 16.1.1981 (w.e.f. 16.7.1981) 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 790 (E), dated 10.10.1983.
5. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 11(E) dated 4.1.1985. Corrected by Noti. No. 2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 550 (E) dated 4.7.1985 (effective 4.7.1986)
GSR 368(E) dated 18.4.1985. 3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 437 (E), dated 8.4.1988 (w.e.f. 8.10.1988)
6. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 290 (E), dated 13.4.1981 (w.e.f.13.10.1981). corrected by GSR 1081 (E) dated 17.11.1988.
7. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 44 (E), dated 5.2.1982 (w.e.f. 5.8.1982). 4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 257 (E) dated 3.5.1991 (w.e.f. 3.11.1991)
8. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 57 (E), dated 11.2.1982 (w.e.f 11.8.1982) and 5. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 731 (E) dated 10.12.1991.
corrected by Noti. No. GSR 307, dated 3.4.1982. 6. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 41(E) dated 29.1.1997 (w.e.f. 29.1.1998)
9. Ins. by Noti. No. 382 dated 9.3.1966. 7. Sub. by Noti. No. GSR 147 (E) dated 14.3.1997 (w.e.f. 14.9.1997)
10. Ins. by Noti. No. 670 (E) dated 27.11.1997 (w.e.f. 27.5.1998) 8. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 91(E) dated 7.2.1992.
11. Amended GSR 716(E) dt. 13-9-2000 (w.e.f 30-9-200) 9. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 179 (E) dated 6.4.1998 (w.e.f. 6.10.1998)
133 134
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Oil'. The sealed package shall be sold or offered for sale only under 7
"(27) Every package of cheese, surface treated with Natamycin
AGMARK certification mark bearing the label declaration as provided shall bear the label as specified under clause(8)of sub rule (ZZZ) of
under rule 42 and rule 44 besides other labelling requirements under rule 42."
these rules". 8
"(28) No person shall manufacture, sell or exhibit for sale packaged
drinking water except under the Bureau of India Standards Certification
(22) Coloured and flavoured 6table margarine shall only be sold Mark";
in a sealed package weighing not more than 500 gms with a label declaring 9
"(29) No person shall manufacture, sell or exhibit for sale mineral
addition of colour and flavour as required under these rules. water except under the Bureau of Indian Standards Certification Mark".
"(23) The Fat spread shall not be sold in loose form. It shall be Explanation - For the purpose of this rule, the expression "mineral water"
sold in sealed packages weighing not more than 500 gms. The word 'butter' shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in item A 32 of Appendix
shall not be associated while labelling the product. The sealed package 'B' to these Rules
shall be sold or offered for sale only under AGMARK certification mark 10
"(30) Tin Plate used for the manufacture of tin containers for
bearing the label declarations as provided under rule 42 besides other packaging edible oils and fats shall conform to the standards of prime
labelling requirements under these rules." grade quality contained in B.I.S. Standards No. 1993 or 13955 or 9025 or
13954 as amended from time to time or in respect of Tin containers for
7, 4
"(24) No person shall sell powdered spices and condiments packaging edible oils and fats shall conform to IS No. 10325 or 10339 as
except under packed conditions. amended from time to time".
(Explanation) :- For the purpose of this sub-rule "spices" and 50. Conditions for Licence :- 1[(1)2 No person shall manufacture
condiments means the spices and condiments specified in Appendix 'B' sell, stock, distribute or exhibit for sale any article of food, including
of PFA Rules 1955 :- prepared food or ready to serve food, 5irradiated food except under a
(25) No person shall sell or serve food in any "commercial
Provided that the fruit products covered under the Fruit Products
establishment" in plastic articles used in catering and cutlery, unless the Order 1955, solvent extracted oil, deoiled meal and edible flour
plastic material used in catering and cutlery articles, conform to the food covered under the Solvent Extracted Oil, Deoiled meal and Edible
grade plastic, specified in rule 49 (5) (v).". Flour (Control) Order 1967,11Vanaspati covered under Vegetable Oil
(Explanation) :- For the purpose of this sub-rule "commercial Products (Regulation) Order, 1998, and meat and poultry products
establishment" means any establishment, called by whatever name, being covered under the Meat Food Products Order, 1973, shall be exempted
run/managed by any person or by any authority of the Government, Semi- from the above rule.]
Government or by any corporate registered body which deals in the
[Provided further that a producer of milk who sells milk only to
business of selling or serving food". milk cooperative society which is a member of a milk Cooperative Union
engaged in re-constitution of milk or manufacture of milk products, shall
"(26) Conditions for sale of irradiated food :- All irradiated be exempted, from this sub-rule.]
food shall be sold in prepacked conditions only. The type of packaging 5
"Provided also that no person shall manufacture, sell, stock, distribute
material used for irradiated food for sale or for stock for sale or for or exhibit for sale any article of food which has been
exhibition for sale or for storage for sale shall conform to the requirement
of packaging material as per rule 49". 1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 1533, dated 8.7.1968.
2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 293 (E) dated 23.3.1985 (effective 23.9.1985).
1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 91 (E) dated 7.2.1992 3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 543 (E) dated 2.7.1985.
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 907 (E) dated 4.12.1992. 5. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 614(E) dated 9.8.1994.
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 481 dated 16.9.1993. 6. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 4(E), dated 4.1.1977.
4 Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 105(E)dated 22.2.1994 (w.e.f. 29.2.1995) and 7. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 223(E) dated 205 1996 (w.e.f. 20.11.1996)
amended vide Noti. No. 611(E) dated 9.8.1994. 8. Ins. Noti. GSR 760(E) dt. 29-9-2000 (w.e.f. 29-3-2001)
5. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 614(E) dated 9.8.1994. 9. Ins. Noti. GSR 759(E) dt. 29-9-2000 (w.e.f. 29-3-2001)
6. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 465(E) dated 14.8.1997. 10. Ins. Noti. GSR 876(E) dt. 20.11.2000 (w.e.f. 20.2.2001)
7. Amended GSR 695 (E) dt 11-10-1999 (wef. 11-4-2000) 11. Subs. Noti. GSR 7(E) dt. 4.1.2001
135 136
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
subjected to the treatment of irradiation, except under a licence from Deptt. savouries, sweets or other articles of food) shall put up a notice board
of Atomic Energy (Control of Irradiation of Food) Rules 1991. under the containing separate lists of the articles which have been cooked in
Atomic Energy Act. 1962 (Act 33 of 1962)". ghee, edible oil, 5[vanaspati] and other fats for the information of the
intending purchasers.]
[(1-A) One licence may be issued by the licensing authority for
one or more articles of food and also for different establishments or
[(8) Omitted.]
premises in the same local area.] (9) No licensee shall employ in his work any person who is
[(1-B) The name and address of the Director or Manager, as the suffering from infectious, contagious or loathsome disease.
case may be nominated by the company under Rule 12-B shall be
mentioned in the licence]. (10) No person shall manufacture, store or expose for sale or
(2) The State Government or the local authority shall appoint permit the sale of any article of food in any premises not effectively
licensing authorities. separated to the satisfaction of the licensing authority from any privy,
(3) Alicensing authority may, with the approval of the State urinal, sullage, drain or place of storage of foul and waste matter.
Government or the local authority by an order in writing, delegate the (11) All vessels used for the storage or manufacture of the articles
power to sign licences and such other powers as may be specified in the intended for sale shall have proper cover to avoid contamination.
order to any other person under his control.
(12) Every manufacturer 4[including ghani operator] or wholesale
[(4) If the articles of food are manufactuted, stored or exhibited
for sale at different premises situated in more than one local area, separate dealer in butter, ghee, vanaspati, edible oils, and other fats shall
applications shall be made and separate licence shall be issued in repect mainatain a register showing the quantity manufactured, received or
of such premises not falling within the same local area: sold and the destination of each consignment of the substances sent
Provided that the itinerant vendors who have no specified place out from his manufactory or place of business, and shall present such
of business, shall be licensed to conduct business in a particular area within register for inspection whenever required to do so by the licensing
the jurisdiction of the licensing authority.] authority.
(5) Before granting a licence for manufacture, stock or exhibition 1
[(13) An itinerant vendor granted a licence under these rules
of any of the articles of food in respect of which a licence is required, the
licensing authoirty shall inspect the premises and satisfy itself that it is shall carry a metallic badge on his arm showing clearly the licence
free from sanitary defects. The applicant for the licence shall have to make number, the nature of articles for the sale of which the licence has
such alteration in the premises as may be required by the licensing authority been granted, his name and address and the name, address of the owner,
for the grant of licence. if any, for whom he is working. His containers of food and the vehicle
[Provided that the licensing authority may, for reasons to be shall also be similarly marked. In addition to the metallic badge the
recorded in writing, refuse to grant a licence, if it is satisfied that it is vendor shall, if so required by the State Government or the local
necessary to do so in the interest of public health.] authority, carry an identity card with his photograph and the number
[(6) Omitted.] of the licence. The identity card shall be renewed every year:]
(7) Poprietors of 3[hotels, restaurants and other food stalls 3
[Provided that the whole-time employees of the companies shall
(including mobile and itinerant food stalls] who sell or expose for sale
not be treated as itinerant vendors for the purpose of carrying a metallic
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1417 dated 20.9.1976 (w.e.f. 2.10.1976) badge on their arms or obtaining separate licences if an identity card
2. Ins by Noti. No. SRO 2755,dated 20.11.1956. containing particulars of the valid municipal licence is carried by them.]
3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 169, dated 2.2.1961.
4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 290 (E) dated 13.4.1981. 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 169 dated 2.2.1961.
5. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1340 dated 24.10.1961. 2. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 1211, dated 9.12.1958.
6. Omitted by Noti No. GSR 1211 dated 9.12 1958. 3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 133, dated 23.1.1973.
7. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 290 (E) dated 13.4.1981. 4. Ins. by Noti. No. SRO 2755 dated 24.11.1956.
137 138
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(14) The nature of articles of food for the sale of which a licence 53. Classification of Preservative :- Preservatives shall be divided
is required under these rules shall be mentioned in the application for into following classes :-
licence. Any objectionable, ambiguous or misleading trade name shall (i) Class I Preservative shall be :-
not be approved by the licensing authority.
(a) Common salt.
(15) Every licensee who sells any food, shall display a notice board
containing the nature of the articles which he is exposing or offering for sale. (b) Sugar

Notes : Sale of adulterated milk without licence-the law is well settled (c) Dextrose.
that when a person is convicted of an offence of selling the adulterated (d) Glucose 1[Syrup].
milk without a licence in as much no licence is required for the sale of (e) 2
adulterated milk. (Sheo Raj vs. State and another) Delhi High Court-FAC
1991 (1) 230 (f) Spices.
51. Druation of licences :- A licence shall, unless sooner (g) Vinegar or acetic acid.
suspended or cancelled, be in force for a period of five years or for such (h) Honey.
period as the State Government may prescribe: 1
(i) ***
Provided that the licensee shall make an application for renewal (j) ***
of at least three month before the expiry of the period of validity of the
licence and the licencsing authorioty shall pass orders on the application (k) ***]
before the expiry period of validity of the licence in force. 2
[(l) edible vgetable oils
[51-A. Procedure for issue of licence in certain local areas:- 1
[Addition of Class I preservativs in any food is not restricted
A licencing authority empowered to issue licences in Local areas falling unless otherwise provided in the rules.]
within the jurisdiction of a sea-port, air port, a railway station or a group [Provided that the article of food to which a Class I

of railway stations (including any railway colony, office yard, goods-shed, preservative has been added conforms to the specification laid down
transhipment shed, workshop and other works owned and maintained by in Appendix'B'].
the Railway Administration for the purpose or in connection with the
railways), shall exercise his functions in the manner prescribed by the (ii) Class II preservatives shall be :-
State Government concerned in which seaport, airport or railway station (a) Benzoic acid including salts thereof,
is situated and adopt such forms as are prescribed by the Government for (b) Sulphurous acid including salts thereof,
the purpose of licensing.]
(c) 1
[Nitrates or] Nitrites of Sodium or Potassium in respect of
[Part X- Preservatives] food like ham, pickled meat,

52. Definition of Preservative :- "Preservative" means a substance

[(d) sorbic acid including its sodium, potassium and calcium
which when added to food, is capable of inhibiting, retarding or arresting Salts, 2[propionates of calcium or sodium, lactic acid, and
the process of fermentation, acidification or other decomposition of food. acid calcium phosphate.]

1. Added/omitted by Noti. No. GSR 1533 dated 8.7.1968.

1. Ins. by Noti. No. 829(E), dated 7.11.1983,(w.e.f. 7.5.1984)
2. Added by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E) dated 15.11.1984.
2. Ins. by Noti. No. SRO 1687, dated 28.7.1956.
3. Ins. by Noti. No. 832(E), dated 21.10.2003. 3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 55 (E) dated 31.1.1979.
139 140
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
[(e) Nisin, 3[.......] Aricle of food Preservative Parts per million
[(f) Sodium and calcium propionate.]
(1) (2) (3)
[(g) Methyl or propyl Parahydroxy-Benzoate
1. Sausages and sausage meat Sulphur dioxide 450
(h) Propionic acid, including esters or salts thereof, containing raw meat, cereals
(i) Sodium diacetate, and and condiments.
(j) Sodium, potassium and calcium salts of lactic acid. 2. Fruit, fruit pulp or juice (not
54. Use of more than one Class II preservative prohibited:- dried) for conversion into jam
No person shall use in or upon a food more than one Class II or crystallised glace or
preservative: cured fruit or other products :
[(a) Cherries Sulphur dioxide 2,000
[Provided that where in column (2) of the table given below (b) Strawberries and
Rule 55, the use of more than one preservative has been allowed in raspberries -Do- 2,000
the alternative, those preservatives may, notwithstanding anything (c) Other fruits -Do- 1,000
contained in rule 55, be used in combination with one or more
alternatives, provided the quantity of each preservative so used 3. Fruit Juice concentrate -Do- 1,500
does not exceed such number of parts out of those specified for
that preservative in column (3) of the aforesaid table as may be 4. Dried fruit :
worked out on the basis of the proportion in which such (a) Apricots, peaches, -Do- 2,000
preservatives are combined. apples, pears and other
IIIustration :- In the group of foods specified in Item 6 of (b) Raisins and sultanas -Do- 750
the table given below Rule 55, Sulphur dioxide or Benzoic acid
can be added in the proportion of 40 parts per million or 200 parts 5. 1
[Other non-alcoholic wines, Sulphur dioxide 350
per million respectively. If both preservatives are used in squashes, crushes, fruit or
combination and the proportion of Sulphur dioxide is 20 parts per syrups, cordials, fruit juice Benzoic acid 600
million, the proportion of Benzoic acid shall not exceed the and barley water (to be used
proportion of 100 parts per million.] after dilution].
55. Use of Class II preservatives restricted :- The use of Class II 6. Jam, Marmalade, preserve, Sulphur dioxide 40
preservatives shall be restricted to the following group of foods in canned cherry and fruit jelly or
concentration not exceeding the proportions given below against each. Benzoic acid 200
1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 1533, dated 8.7.1968.
7. Crystallised glace or cured Sulphur dioxide 150
2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 133, dated 23.1.1973. fruit(including candied peel)
3. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E) dated 15.11.1984.
4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 205, dated 13.2.1974 (w.e.f. 13.5.1974). 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 553, dated 22.4.1972.
5. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 829 (E), dated 7.11.1983 (w.e.f. 7.5.1984) 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 764(E), dated 15.11.1984 (w.e.f. 15.11.1985).
141 142
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
8. Fruit and fruit pulp not Sulphur dioxide 350 [19.Pickles and chutneys made
1 2
[Benzoic acid 250
otherwise specified in the from fruit or vegetables] or
schedule Sulphur dioxide] 100

[9. Plantation white sugar,

Sulphur dioxide 70 20. Tomato and other sauces 2
[Benzoic aid] 750
cube sugar, dextrose, gur or 21.Pickled meat and bacon
Sodium nitrite and/or Potassium
jaggery, misri nitrite expressed as Sodium nitrite 200
9A. Khandsari (Sulphur) -Do- 150 21.A Corned beef. Sodium nitrite and/ or Potassium
and Bura nitrite expressed as Sodium nitrite 100
9B. Refined sugar -Do- 40 21.B Luncheon Meat, Cooked Sodium and/ or Potassium 200
Ham, Chopped Meat, Canned nitrite expressed as
10. Corn flour and such like -Do- 100 Muttton and Goat Meat and Sodium nitrite
starches Canned Chicken.
11. Corn syrup -Do- 450 22. Danish tinned caviar Benzoic acid 50
[11-A Canned Rassogolla (The
-Do- 100 23. Dehydrated vegetables Sulphur dioxide 2,000
cans shall be internally
24. Tomato puree and paste Benzoic acid 4
lacquered with sulphur
dioxide resistant lacquer)] 25. Syrups and sharbats Sulphur dioxide 5
12. Gelatine -Do- 2
[1,000] Benzoic acid 600
13. Beer -Do- 70 26. Dried ginger Sulphur dioxide 2,000
[27.Hard boiled sugar Sulphur dioxide 350
14. Cider -Do- 200
15. Alcoholic wines -Do- 450 28.7[Cheese or processed Sorbic acid including 3,000
cheese] its Sodium, Potassium
16. Ready to serve beverages
Sulphur dioxide 70 and Calcium salts
or (Calculated as Sorbic acid)
Benzoic acid 120 Nisin 12.5
17. Brewed ginger beer Benzoic acid 120 1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 1564, dated 17.11.1962.
2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 74, dated 31.12.1965.
18. Coffee extract -Do- 450 3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 1533, dated 8.7.1968
4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 852 (E) dated 13.6.1986.
1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 916 (E), dated 17.11.1987 (w.e.f. 17.5.1988). 5. Added by Noti. No. GSR 605 (E) dated 24.7.1985.
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 205, dated 23.2.1974 (w.e.f. 23.5.1974) 6. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 74, dated 31.12.1965.
3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 169, dated 2.2.1961. 7. Subs. GSR 67 (E) dt 5.2.2001
4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 439 (E) dt.19.6.2002 (w.e.f. 1.9.2002) 8. Amended GSR 437 (E) dt. 19.2.2002
143 144
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
29.(a) Flour confectionery 6
Sorbic acid including 1,500 1
37. Fat Spread Sorbic acid and its sodium, 1000
(b) filled chocolate Sodium, Potassium and potassium and calcium salts
Calcium salts (Calculated (Calculated as sorbic acid)
as Sorbic acid) Or
Benzoic acid and its sodium
30. Smoked fish (in wrappers) Sorbic acid Only wrappers and potassium salts
may be impregnated (Calculated as benzoic acid)
with Sorbic acid] or both 1000
[31.Dry mixes of Rasgollas Sulphur dioxide 100 2
38. Jam, Jellies, Marmalades, Sorbic Acid and its
preserves, crystallised, Calcium/sodium/
[32. (a) Soups (other than -Do- 150
glazed or candid fruits, potassium salts
including candid peels, (calculated as 500
(b) Dried soups Sulphur dioxide 1,500
fruits bars sorbic acid)
(c) Dehydrated soup mix'
when packed in containers 39. Fruit Juice concentrates
other than cans] Sulphur dioxide 1,500 with preservatives for
conversion in juices,
33. Fruits and vegetable, Sulphur dioxide 600 nectars for ready to " 100
flakes, powder, figs serve beverages in bottles,
34. Flour for baked food Sodium diacetate 2,500 pouches, selling through
or Propionate or 3,200 dispenser
Methyl propyl 40. Fruit juices (tin, bottles " 200
hydroxy Benzoate 500 or pouches)
41. Nectars, ready-to-serve " 50"
[35.Preserved Chapaties Sorbic acid 1,500
beverages in bottles, pouches
36.Paneer or Chhana Sorbic acid and its sodium, 2,000 or selling through
Potassium or calcium salts dispensers
(calulated as sorbic acid) 3
42.Prunes Potassium sorbate 1000
or (calculated as sorbic acid)
Propionic acid and its 2,000 1
[55-A. Use of Class II preservatives in mixed foods:- In a
sodium or potassium salts mixture of two or more foods mentioned against each item in the Table
(calculated as Propionic acid). under Rule 55, the use of Class II preservative or preservatives shall be
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1533, dated 8.7.1968. restricted to the limit up to which the use of such preservative or
2. Added by Noti. No. GSR 63 (E), dated 5.2.1976. preservatives is permitted for the foods or groups of foods contained in
3. Added by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E), dated 15.11.1984. such mixture.
4. Added by Noti. No. GSR 852 (E), dated 13.6.1986.
5. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 10 (E) dated 7.1.1991. 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 481 dated 16.9.1993.
6. Ins. by Not. No. GSR, 177(E) dated 6.4.1998 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 677 (E), dated 6.9.1994.
7. Ins. by Not. No. GSR 895 (E) dated 11.12.2001 3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 177 (E) dated 6.4.1998.
145 146
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
IIIustration :- In the food specified in item 23 of the table given 1
below Rule 55, sulphur dioxide can be added to dehydrated vegetables
in the proportion of 2,000 part per million, If this food is mixed with Name of the Article of food Parts per
the food specified in item 24 given in the said table, that is to say poisonous metal million by
tomato puree and paste, where benzoic is permitted to an extent of 250 weight
ppm, then in the mixture containing equal parts of these two foods, the
(1) (2) (3)
proportion of Sulphur dioxide and Benzoic acid, shall be 1,000 p.p.m.
and 125 p.p.m. respectively.] 1. Lead (i) Beverages :
[55-B-Restriction on use of nitrate and nitrite :- No nitrate Concentrated soft
or nitrite shall be added to any infant food.] drinks (but not including
55-C- Use of Natamycin for surface treatment of cheese concentrates used in the
hard :- Natamycin may be used for surface treatment of cheese (hard) manufacture of soft drinks) 0.5
under label declaration as specified in clause (8) of sub-rule (ZZZ) of
Fruit and vegetable juice
rule 42 subject to the following conditions, namely :-
(including tomato juice, but not
(i) Maximum level of application of Natamycin shall not exceed including lime juice and lemon juice) 1.0
2 mg/dm3
(ii) The penetration depth of natamycin in cheese (hard) shall not Concentrates used in the
exceed 2 mm. manufacture of soft drinks, lime
(iii) The maximum residue level of Natamycin in the finished cheese juice and lemon juice 2.0
(hard) shall not exceed 1mg/dm3."
(i-a) Baking powder 10
[(i-b) Edible oils 5and fats] 0.5
7, 6
55-D Use of Nisin as a preservative in Coconut Water Drink-Nisin 4
(i-c) Infant Milk substitute and
Omitted Infant foods 0.2
[56. Omitted]. 4
(i-d) Turmeric whole and powder 10.0
[Part XI- Poisonous Metals] (ii) Other foods
57. Poisonous metals :- (1) Chemicals described in monographs Anhydrous dextrose and
of the Indian Pharmacopoeia when used in foods, shall not contain dextrose monohydrate, edible
poisonous metals beyond the limits specified in the appropriate oils and fats, refined white
monographs of the Indian Pharmacopoeia for the time being in force. sugar (sulphated ash content not
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-rule (1), no article of food exceeding 0.03 per cent) 0.5
specified in Column 2 of the table below, shall contain any metal specified in
Ice-cream, iced lollies and
excess of the quantity specified in Column 3 of the said table.
similar frozen confections 1.0
1. Ins. by. Noti. No. GSR 1533, dated 8.7.1968.
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E), dated 15.11.1984. 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 74, dated 31.12.1965.
3. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 243 dated 1.3.1980. 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1533 dated 8.7.1968.
4. Added by Noti. No. GSR. 1211 (E) dated 9.12.1958.
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 710 (E) dated 22.12.1980.
5. Ins. by Not No. GSR 223 (E) dated 20.5.1996 (w.e.f. 20.11.1996.
6. Amended GSR 396 (E) dt-27-5-1999 4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 121 (E) dated 11.3.1996 (w.e.f. 7.9.1996)
7. Omitted GSR 388(E) dated 25.6.2004 5. Amended GSR 241 (E) dated 5-4-1999.
147 148
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)
Canned fish, canned meats, Food colouring other than caramel 10.0
edible gelatin, meat extracts and (on the dry colouring matter)
hydrolysed protein, dried or Solid pectin 50.0
dehydrated vegetables (other Hard boiled sugar confectionery 2.0
than onions) 1
[Iron Fortified Common Salt] 2.0
All types of sugar, sugar syrup,
"(ii-a) Corned beef, Luncheon meat,
invert sugar, and direct Cooked Ham, Chopped meat,
consumption coloured sugars Canned chicken, Canned mutton
with sulphated ash content and Goat meat. 2.5
exceeding 1.0 per cent. 5.0 (iii) Foods not specified 2.5
Raw sugars except those sold 2. Copper (i) Beverages :
for direct consumption or used Soft drinks excluding
for manufacturing purposes concentrates and Carbonated water 7.0
other than the manfacture of Carbonated water 1.5
refined sugar 2
[Toddy] 5.0
Concentrates for soft drinks 20.0
Edible molasses, caramel, liquid
(ii) Other foods :
and solid glucose and starch
Chicory dried or roasted,
conversion products with a coffee beans, flavourings,
sulphated ash content exceeding pectin-liquid 30.0
1.0 per cent Colouring 30.0
Cocoa powder 5.0 (on the dry colouring matter)
(on the dry fat Edible gelatin 30.0
free substance) Tomato ketchup 50.0
Yeast and yeast products 5.0 (on the dried total solids)
(on the dry matter) Yeast and yeast products 60.0
Tea, dehydrated onions, dried 10.0 (on the dry matter)
herbs and spices, flavourings, on the Cocoa powder 70.0
alginic acid, alignates, agar, dry matter (on the fat free substance)
carrageen and similar products Tomato puree, paste, powder
derived from seaweed juice and cocktails 100.0
Liquid pectin, chemicals not (on the dried tomato solid)
otherwise specified, used as 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 11 (E), dated 4.1.1985.
ingredients or in the preparation 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 243, dated 1.3.1980.
or processing of food 10.0 3. Amended by Noti. GSR 437 (E) dt.19.6.2002.
149 150
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955

1 2 3 1 2 3
Tea 150.0 Dried herbs, fining and
Pectin-solid 300.0 clearing agents,solid pectin all
grades, spices 5.0
Hard boiled sugar confectionery 5.0 Food colouring other than
[Iron Fortified Common Salt] 2.0 synthetic colouring 5.0
on dry colouring matter
(ii-a) Turmeric whole and powder 5.0 Hard boiled sugar confectionery] 1.0
(ii-b) Juice of orange, grape, apple, 1
[Iron Fortified common salt] 1.0
tomato, pineapple and lemon 5.0 2
[(v) Foods not specified] 1.1
Pulp and pulp products of any fruit 5.0 4. Tin (i) Processed and canned products 250.0
(i-aa) Jam, Jellies and marmalade 250
(ii-c) Infant milk substitute and Infant foods 15.00 Juice of orange, apple, tomato,
(But not less than 2.8) pineapple and lemon 250
(iii) Foods not specified 30.0 Pulp and products of any fruit 250
(i-a) Hard boiled sugar confectionery 5.0
3. Arsenic (i) Milk 0.1 4
(ib) Infant Milk substitute and infant foods 5.0
(ii) Beverages : (ic) Turmeric whole and powder Nil
Soft drink intended for
(id) Corned beef, Luncheon meat,
consumption after dilution Cooked Ham, Chopped meat,
except carbonated water 0.5 Canned chicken, Canned Mutton, 250.0
and Goat meat
Carbonated water 0.25 (ii) Foods not specified 250.0
(ii-a) Infant Milk substitute and Infant food 0.05 5. Zinc 7
(i) Ready-to-drink beverages 5.0
(ii-b) Turmeric whole and powder 0.1 Juice of orange, grape, tomato,
pineapple and lemon 5.0
(ii-c) Juice of orange, grape, apple, Pulp and pulp products of any fruit 5.0
tomato, pineapple and lemon 0.2 (i-a) Infant milk substitute and Infant foods 50.0
Pulp and pulp products of any fruit 0.2 (but not less than 25.0)
(iii) Preservatives, anti-oxidants, (ii) Edible gelatin 100.0
emulsifying and stabilising agents
(iia) Turmeric whole and powder 25.0
and synthetic food colours] 3.0 (iii) Fruit products covered under the
Fruit Products Order, 1955 50.0
on dry matter (iii-a) Hard boiled sugar confectionery 5.0
(iv) Other foods : (iv) Foods not specified 50.0
Ice-cream, iced lollies and [6. Cadmium
(i) 4Infant Milk substitutes and infant foods 0.1
similar frozen confections 0.5 (ii) Turmeric whole and Powder 0.1
(iii) other foods 1.5
Dehydrated onion, edible 7. Mercury Fish 0.5
gelatin, liquid pectin 2.0 Other food 1.0
Chicory-dried or roasted 4.0 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 11 (E), dated 4.1.1985.
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 938, dated 26.5.1971.
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 11 (E) dated 4.1.1985. 3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 454(E) dated 18.4.1988.
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 938 dated 26.5.1971. 4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 121 (E) dated 11.3.1996 (w.e.f.7.9.1996)
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 121 (E) dated 11.3.1996 (w.e.f. 7.9.1996) 7. Ins. GSR 718(E) dt. 13-9-2000 (w.e.f. 13-6-2001) & GSR 879(E) dt. 20.11.2000
4. Ins. GSR 718 (E) dt. 13.9.2000 (w.e.f. 13-3-2001) & GSR 879(E) dt. 20.11.2000. 8. Amended GSR 437 (E) dt 19.6.2002
151 152
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
8. Methyl Mercury All foods 0.25"] (1) (2)
(Calculated as
the element) Hydrocyanic acid 5 ppm
9. Chromium Refined Sugar 20ppb. Hypericine 1 ppm
(10) Nickel All hydrogenated, partially 1.5 Saffrole 10 ppm
hydrogenated, interesterified vegetable
oils and fats such as vanaspati, table [PART XII 1
margarine, bakery and industrial
margarine, bakery shortening, fat ANTI-OXIDANTS, EMULSIFYING AND
spread and partially hydrogenated STABILISING 2[AND ANTICAKING AGENTS]
soybean oil.
58. Definition of anti-oxidants :- 'Anti-oxidant' means a substance
[Part XI A-Crop Contaminants and Naturally which when added to food retards or prevents oxidative deterioration of
food and does not include sugar, cereal oils, flours, herbs and spices.
Occurring Toxic Substances]
[59. Restriction on use of anti-oxidants :- No anti-oxidant other
7, 3
57-A. Crop contaminants :- (1) Crop contaminant means any
than lecithin, ascorbic acid and tocopherol shall be added to any food unless
substance not intentionally added to food, but which gets added to articles
of food in the process of their production (including operations carried out otherwise provided in Appendix B and Appendix C of these rules.
in crop husbandry, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine), manufacture, Provided that the following anti-oxidants, not exceeding in
processing, preparation, treatment, packing, packaging, transport or holding concentration mentioned against each, may be added to edible oils and
of articles of such foods as a result of environmental contamination. fats except ghee and butter, namely :-
(2) No article of food specified in column (2) of the Table below
1. Ethyl gallate
shall contain crop contaminant specified in the corresponding entry in
column (1) thereof in excess of quantities specified in the corresponding 2. Propyl gallate
entry in column (3) of the said Table:- 3. Octyl gallate or mixture therof 0.01 per cent
Table 4. Dodecyl gallate
Name of the contaminants Arricle of food mg/kg. 5. 4
[AscorbyI palmitate] 0.02 per cent
(1) (2) (3) 6. Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) 0.02 per cent
7. Citric acid
Aflatoxin All articles of food 0.03
8. Tartaric acid
57-B. Naturally Occurring Toxic Substances :- The toxic
substance specified in column (1) of the Table below, which may occur 9. Gallic acid 0.01 per cent
naturally in any article of food, shall not exceed the limit specified in the 10. Resin Guaiace 0.05 per cent
corresponding entry in column (2) of the said Teble:- 5
[11. Tertiary butyl hydro quinone (TBHQ)] 0.02 per cent
Table 6
[(Provided that dry mixes of Rasgollas and vadas may contain
Name of substance Maximum limit 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1211, dated 9.12.1958.
(1) (2) 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 55(E), dated 31.1.1979.
Agaric acid 100 ppm 3. Ins. by Noti. No. 133 dated 23.1.1973.
4. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 764 (E), dated 15.11.1984.
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 177 (E) dated 6.4.1998 (w.e.f. 6.10.1998) 5. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 283 (E) dated 26.3.1983 & GSR 743 dated 23.9.1983.
2. Amended GSR 241 (E) dt. 5-4-1999 & GSR 531 (E) dt 19-7-1999 6. Ins. by Noti No. GSR63 (E) dated 5.2.1976.
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E) dated 15.11.1984 (w.e.f. 15.11.1985). 7. Amended Noti No. GSR 388 (E) dated 25.6.2004
153 154
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) not exceeding 0.02 per cent calculated edible gums 7[(such as guar, karaya, arabic, carrobean, furcellaran,
on the basis of fat content : tragacanth, gum ghatti)], dextrin, sorbitol, pectin, sodium and calcium
Provided further that anti-oxidants permitted in Rule 59 may be used pectate, sodium citrate, sodium phosphates, sodium tartrate, calcium
in permitted flavouring agents in concentration not exceeding 0.01 per cent. lactate, lecithin, albumen, gelatin, quillaila, modified starches,
hydrolysed proteins, monoglycerides or diglycerides of fatty acids,
Provided further that wherever butylated hydroxyanisole synthetic lecithin, propylene glycol stearate, propylene glycol alginate,
(BHA) is used in conjunction with the anti-oxidants mentioned at items methyl ethyl cellulose, methyl cellulose, sodium carboxy- methyl
Nos. 1 to 4 of the preceeding proviso, the quantity of the mixture shall cellulose, stearyl tartaric acid, esters of monoglycerides and
not exceed the limit of 0.02 per cent : diglycerides of fatty acids, monostearin sodium sulphoacetate, sorbitan
Provided also that, Ghee and Butter may contain Butylated esters of fatty acids or in combination, 1[poly-oxy-ethylene sorbitan
hydroxyanisole (BHA)2 [....] in a concentration not exceeding 0.02 per cent. monostearate] 2[sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate and calcium stearoyl-2-
Provided also that fat spread may contain Butylated lactylate] 3"Polyglycerol Esters of fatty acids and polyglycerol Ester
hydroxyanisole (BHA)or Tertiary-butyl-hydro quinone (TBHQ) in a of interesterified Ricinoleic acid " 4[***5] 10Glycerol esters of wood
concentration not exceeding 0.02 per cent by weight on fat basis. rosins (Ester Gum)
Provided further that ready-to-eat dry breakfast cereals may contain 6
[61. Restriction on use of emulsifying and stabilising agent :-
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) not exceeding 0.005 per cent (50 p.p.m.). No emulsifying or stabilising agent shall be used in any food except where
Provided also that in ready to drink infant milk substitute, lecithin the use of emulsifying or stabilising agent is specifically permitted:
and ascrobyl palmitate may be used up to a maximum limit of 0.5 gm/100 Provided that the following emulsifying or stabilising agents
ml. and 1 mg/100 ml. respectively. shall not be used in milk and cream, namely:
Provided that chewing gum/bubble gum may contain Butylated Monoglycerides or diglycerides of fatty acids, synthetic
hydroxyanisol (BHA) not exceeding 250ppm. lecithin, propylene glycol stearate, propylene glycol alginate, methyl
[59-A. Use of anti-oxidants in Vitamin D Preparation :- ethyl cellulose, methyl cellulose, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose,
Vitamin D preparation may contain anti-oxidants prescribed in Rule 59 stearyl tartaric acid, esters of monoglycerides and diglycerides of fatty
not exceeding 0.08 per cent.] acids, monostearin sodium sulphoacetate, sorbitan esters of fatty acids
[60. Definition of emulsifying and stabilising agents :- or in combination 7*8
"Emulsifying agents" and "Stabilising agents" mean substances which 9
["Provided further that Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids and
when added to food are capable of facilitating a uniform dispersion of oils polyglycerol ester of interesterified Ricinoleic acid may be used in bakery
and fats in aqueous media or vice versa and/or stabilising such emulsions products and in chocolate to the extent of 0.2 per cent by weight."]
and include the following, namely:- 1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 205, dated 13.2.1974 (w.e.f. 13.5.1974).
Agar, alginic acid, calcium and sodium alginates, carrageen, 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 55 (E) dated 31.1.1979.
3. Added by Noti. No. GSR 101 (E) dated 18.2.1992.
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 147(E) dated 14.3.1997 (w.e.f. 14.9.1997). 4. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 454 (E) dated 18.4.1988.
2. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E) dated 15.11.1984 (w.e.f. 15.11.1985). 5. BVO omitted. by Noti No. GSR 411 (E) dated 29.3.1990 (from 15.4.1990)
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 481 dated 16.9.1993. 6. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 1533, dated 8.7. 1968.
4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 853 (E) 7.12.1994. 7. Omitted by Noti No. GSR 454 (E) dated 18.4.1988.
5. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 1417 (E) dated 20.9.1976 (w.e.f. 2.10.1976). 8. BVO omitted by Noti. No. GSR 411 (E) dated 29.3.1990 (from 15.4.1990)
6. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 1533, dated 8.7.1968.
9. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 101 (E) dated 18.2.1992.
7. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 55(E), dated 31.1.1979 (w.e.f. 31.1.1979).
8. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 388(E) dated 25.6.2004. 10. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 284 (E) dated 29.5.1997 & 549 (E) dated 17.9.1997

155 156
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Provided also that diacetyl tartaric acid, esters of mono and (1) Carbonates of calcium and magnesium;
diglycerides may be used in bread and cakes. (2) phosphate of calcium and magnesium;
[61-A Use of starch phosphate :- Starch phosphate, a gum arabic (3) silicates of calcium, magnesium, aluminium or sodium or
substitute, may be used in syrup, ice-cream powder, salad dressing and silicon dioxide;
pudding to a maximum extent of 0.5 per cent.]
(4) myristates, palmitates or stearates of aluminium, ammonium,
8, 7
61-AA Use of modified starches-Modified food starches
(derivative starches) may be used in baked foods, confectionery, snacks, calcium, potassium or sodium.]
flavours. dairy products (where use of emulsifier/stabiliser is allowed in
Provided further that calcium, potassium or sodium ferrocyanide may
Appendix 'B' to the Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1995) glazes, be used as crystal modifiers and anti-caking agent in common salt, iodised
icings, gravies, sauces, soups, coatings upto a maximum concentration of salt and iron fortified salt in quantity not exceeding 10 mg/ kg singly or in
0.5 percent by weight". combination expressed as ferrocyanide ."
61-B. Use of emulsifying and stabilising agents in flavouring 2
[62-A. Antifoaming agents in edible oils and fats :-
agents :- The emulsifying and stabilising agents may be added to
flavouring agents. Dimethy1Polysiloxane, food grade, may be used as an antifoaming agent
[61-C. Use of emulsifying and stabilising agents in fruit in edible oils and fats for deep fat frying upto a maximum limit of 10 parts
products:- The following emulsifying and stabilising agents may be per million.]
added to fruit products: 6
Provided that mono and diglycerides of fatty acids of edible oil
1. Pectin 2. Sodium alginate may be used as antifoaming agent in jam, jellies and marmalade
3. Calcium alginate 4. Alginic acid Explanation : For the purpose of this rule, "Antifoaming agent"
5. Propylene glycol alginate] means substance which retards deteriorative change and foaming
[61-D)- Use of emulsifying and stabilising agents in Frozen height during heating."
desserts :- The emulsifying and stabilising agents enlisted under rule 60 3
["62-B. Use of release agents in confectionery :- Spreadasil
may be added to Frozen desserts. silicon spray (Dimethyl Polysiloxane) if used as release agent in
9, 5
[61-E Use of Xanthan gum - Xanthan gum may be used in confectionery shall not exceed 10 p.p.m of the finished product.
food articles upto a maximum extend of 0.5 per cent by weight (omitted
w.e.f. 25.12.2004) [ PART XIII- FLAVOURING AGENTS
4 5
[62. Restriction on use of anticaking agents : No anticaking AND RELATED SUBSTANCES]
agents shall be used in any food except where the use of anticaking agents
is specifically permitted.] [63. Flavouring agents :- Flavouring agents include flavour

substances, flavour extracts or flavour preparations, which are capable

[Provided that table salt, onion powder, garlic powder, fruit powder
of imparting flavouring properties, namely taste or odour or both to
and soup powder may contain the following anticaking agents in quantities
food. Flavouring agents may be of following three types:-
not exceeding 2.0 per cent, either singly or in combination, namely :-
1. Subs, by Noti. No. GSR 249 (E), dated 8.3.1983.
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 55(E), dated 31.1.1979. 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 729 (E) dated 23.8.1990.
3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E), dated 15.11.1984. 2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 283 (E), dated 26.3. 1983 & GSR 743 dated
4. Ins. by Noti. no. GSR 121(E) dated 11.3.1996. 23.9.1983.
5. See Noti No. GSR 177 (E) dated 6.4.98. 3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 454 (E), dated 15.4.1988.
6. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 284 (E) dated 29.5.1977 2 &5 49 (E) dt. 7..9.1997.
7. Amended GSR 396 (E) dt 27-5-1999 4. Added by Noti. No. GSR 1211, dated 9.12.1958.
8. Deleting GSR 853 (E) 30.12.2002 (w.e.f. 1.10.2003) 5. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E), dated 15.11.1984.
9. Omitted GSR 388(E) dated 25.6.2004 (w.e.f. 25.12.2004) 6. Amended GSR 853 (E), dated 30.12.2002
157 158
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(A) Natural Flavours and Natural Flavouring Substances:- 64-A. Use of anti-oxidants, emulsifying and stabilising agents
"Natural Flavours" and "Natural Flavouring Substances" are and food preservatives in flavour :- The flavouring agents may contain
flavour preparations and single substance respectively, permited anti-oxidants, emulsifying and stabilising agents and food
acceptable for human consumption, obtained exclusively by preservatives.
physical processes from vegetable for human consumption. 64-B. Use of Monosodium Glutamate :- Monosodium

(B) Nature-Identical Flavouring Substances :- Glutamate may be added to foods as per the provisions contained in
Appendix C, subject to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) level and
Nature-identical flavouring substances are substances
under proper label declaration as provided in rule 42(S). It shal not be
chemically isolated from aromatic raw materials or obtained added to any food for use by infant below twelve months and in the
synthetically; they are chemically identical to substances present following foods:
in natural products intended for human consumption, either
processed or not. (List of foods where Mono Sodium Glutamate is not allowed)
1. Milk and Milk Products including Buttermilk.
(C) Artificial Flavouring Substances :-
2. Fermented and renneted milk products (plain) excluding dairy based
Artifical Flavouring substances are those substances which drink.
have not been identified in natural products intended for human 3. Pasteurized cream
consumption either processed or not.]
4. Sterilised, UHT, whipping or whipped and reduced fat creams.
[63-A. Restriction on use of flavouring agents :- The use of the
5. Fats and Oils, Foodgrains, Pulses, Oil seeds and grouneded/powdered
following flavouring agents are prohibited in any article of food, namely: foodgrains.
1. Coumarin and dihydrocoumarin; 6. Butter and concentrated butter.
2. Tonkabean (Dipteryl Odorat); and 7. Fresh fruit.
3. ß asarone and cinamyl anthracilate 8 Surface treated fruit.
[4. Estragole 9. Peeled or cut fruit.
5. Ethyl Methyl Ketone 10. Fresh vegetables, Surface treated fruit, Peeled or cut fruits.
6. Ethyl-3-Phenylglycidate 11. Frozen vegetables.
7. Eugenyl methyl ether 12. Whole, broken or flaked, grains, including rice.
13. Flours of cereals, pulses and starches.
8. Methyl ß napthyl Ketone
14. Pastas and noodles (only dried products)
9. P.Propyl anisole
15. Fresh meat, poultry and game, whole pieces or cuts or comminuted.
10. Saffrole and Isosaffrole
16. Fresh fish and fish products, including mollusks, crustaceans and
11. Thujone and Isothujone α & ß thujone)" echinoderms.
[64 Solvent in flavour : Diethylene Glycol Monoethyl ether
17. Processed fish and fish products, including mollusks, crustaceans
shall not be used as solvent in flavours.] and echinoderms.
18. Fresh eggs, Liquid egg products, Frozen egg products.
1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 283 (E), dated 26.3.1983.
2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 454 (E) dated 15.4.1988. 19. White and semi-white sugar (sucrose and sccharose, fructose, glucose
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 677 (E) dated 6.9.1994. (dextrose), xylose, sugar solutions and syrups, also (partially) inverted
4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E), dated 15.11.1984. 1. Amended GSR 388(E) dated 25.6.2004 (w.e.f. 25.12.2004)
159 160
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
sugars, including molasses, treacle and sugar toppings. [64-BB. Extraneous addition of flavouring agents to be

20. Other sugars and syrups (e.g. brown sugar and maple syrup). mentioned on the label:- Where an extraneous flavouring
21. Honey agent has been added to any article of food, there shall be written
22. Salt just beneath the list of ingredients on the label attached to any
package of food so flavoured, a statement in capital letters as
23. Herbs, spices and condiments, seasoning (including salt substitutes)
except seasoning for Noodles and Pastas, meat tenderizers, onion, below:
salt, garlic salt, oriental seasoning mix, topping to sprinkle on rice,
femented soybean paste, Yeast. CONTAINS ADDED FLAVOUR"]
24. Infant food and Infant milk substitute including infant formulae and 5
Note :- If such a statement is displayed, the flavour used in the products
follow-on formulate.
need not be mentioned in the list of ingredients.
25. Foods for young children (weaning foods).
26. Natural Minerals water and Packaged Drinking water.
[64-BBB. Use of menthol :- (Omitted)
27. Concentrates (liquid and solid) for fruit juices.
28. Canned or bottled (pasteurized) fruit nectar.
29. Concentrates (liquid and solid) for fruit juices.
30. Canned or bottled (pasteurized) fruit nectar. FOOD ADDITIVES
31. Coffee and coffee substitutes, tea, herbal infusions, and other cereal 64-C. Carry over of food Additives :- (1) For the purpose
beverages excluding cocoa. of the standards specified in Appendix B, the "Carry Over" principle
32. Wines. applies to the presence of additives such as colours, flavouring
33. Margarine agents, antioxidants, anti-caking agents, emulsifying and
34. Fat Spread stabilizing agents, and preservative in food, as a result
of the use of raw material or other ingredients in which these
35. Fruits and Vegetables Products
additives were used. The presence of contaminants is not covered
36. Carbonated Water for this purpose.
37. Baking Powder
(2) The presence of an additive in food through the
38. Arrowroot applicantion of the carry over principle is admissible in general
39. Sago unless otherwise specifically prohibited in the rules or in Appendix
40. Plantation Sugar, Jaggery and Bura. B provided the total additive including the carry over through the
41. Ice-Candies raw material or other ingredients does not exceed the maximum
42. Ice cream and Frozen deserts. amounts so permitted.
43. Cocoa Butter.
44. Saccharine. 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 101 (E) dated 18.2.1992.
45. Malted Milk Food and Milk based foods. 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 293 (E) dated 23.3.1985. (w.e.f. 23.9.1985)
46. Bread. 3. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 411 (E) dated 29.3.1990.
4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 283 (E), dated 26.3.1983. and corrected by Noti.
47. Vinegar.
No. GSR 743 dated 23.9.1983.
48. Sugar Confectionery, Toffee, Lozenges. 5. Amended GSR 380 (E) dt. 9-7-1998 (wef 9.9.1999 ).
161 162
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
[PART XIV- INSECTICIDES AND PESTICIDES] 3. Chlordane (residue to be 1
Foodgrains 0.02
measured as cis plus Milled Foodgrains Nil
[65. Restriction on the use of insecticides :- 3(1) Subject to the trans chlordane) Milk and Milk Products 0.05
Provisions of Sub rule (2), no insecticide shall be used directly on article (on a fat basis)
of food : Vegetables 0.2
Provided that nothing in this sub-rule shall apply to the fumigants Fruits 0.1
Sugar beet 0.3
which are registered and recommended for use as such on articles of food
by the Registration Committee, constituted under section 5 of the 4. D.D.T. (The limits Milk and Milk Products 1.25
Insecticides Act, 1968 (46 of 1968).] apply to D.D.T., D.D.D. (on a fat basis)
and D.D.E. singly or in Fruits and vegetables 3.5
(2) The amount of insecticide mentioned in Column 2, on the any combination) including potatoes
foods mentioned in Column 3, shall not exceed the tolerance limit Meat, poultry and fish 7.0
prescribed in Column 4 of the Table given below : (on whole product basis)
Table Eggs 0.5
Sl. Name of insecticide Food Tolerance (on a shell free basis)
No. limit mg/ kg.(ppm) 5. Diazinon 1
Foodgrains 0.05
Milled Foodgrains Nil
(1) (2) (3) (4) Vegetables 0.5
1. Aldrin dieldrin, (The Foodgrains 0.01 6. Dichlorvos (content of Foodgrains 1.0
limits apply to aldrin and 5Milled Foodgrains Nil dichloroacetaldehyde Milled foodgrains 0.25
dieldrin singly or in any Milk and Milk Products 0.15 (D.C.A.) be reported Vegetables 0.15
combination and are (on a fat basis) where possible Fruits 0.1
expressed as dieldrin) Fruits and Vegetables 0.1 7. Dicofol Fruits and Vegetables 5.0
Meat 0.2 Tea(dry manufactured) 5.0
Eggs 0.1
Chillies 1.0
(on a shell free basis) 8. Dimethoate (residue to Fruits and Vegetabeles 2.0
Fish 0.2 be determined as dimethoate 3Chillies 0.5
2. Carbaryl Foodgrains 1.5 and expressed as dimethoate)
Milled Foodgrains Nil 9. Endosulfan (residues are Fruits and Vegetables 2.0
Okra and leafy vegetables 10.0 measured and reported as Cottonseed 0.5
Potatoes 0.2 total of endosulfan A and Cottonseed oil 0.2
Other vegetables 5.0 B and endosulfan-sulphate) (crude) 0.2
Cottonseed (whole) 1.0
Bengal gram 0.20
Maize cob (kernels) 1.0
Pigeon pea 0.10
Fish 0.20
Maize 0.50 3
Chillies 1.0
Rice 2.50 Cardamom 1.0
Chillies 5.00 10. Fenitrothion Foodgrains 0.02
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1533, dated 8.7.1968. Milled foodgrains 0.005
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 754 (E) dated 15.5.1976 (w.e.f. 1.7.1976) Milk and Milk products 0.05
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 790 (E) dated 10.10.1983. (on a fat basis)
4. Renumbered by GSR 790 (E) dated 10.10.1983.
1. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 791 (E) dated 13.12.1995.
5. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 791 (E) dated 13.12.1995.
2. Amended by Noti GSR 174 (E) dated 6.4.1998.
6. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 174 (E) dated 6.4.1998.
3. Amended by Noti GSR 517 (E) dated 10.8.2004 (w.e.f. 10.11.2004)
163 164
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Fruits 0.5 2
Fruits and Vegetable 1.00
Vegetables 0.3 Fish 0.25
Meat 0.03 Eggs 0.10
11. Heptachlor (Combined Foodgrains 0.01 (On shell free basis)
residues of heptachlor Milled foodgrains 0.002 Meat and poultry 2.00
and epoxide to be Milk and Milk Products 0.15 (on whole basis)
determined and expressed (on a fat basis) (d) Delta (δ) isomer : Rice grain Unpolished 0.10
as heptachlor) Vegetables 0.05 Rice grain Polished 0.05
12. Hydrogen cyanide Foodgrains 37.5 Milk (whole) 0.02
Milled foodgrains 3.0 2
Fruits and Vegetable 1.00
13. Hydrogen phosphide Foodgrains 3
Nil Fish 0.25
Milled foodgrains 3
14. Inoganic bromide Food grains 25.0 16. Malathion (Malathion to Foodgrains 4.0
(determined and expressed Milled foodgrains 25.0 be determined and Milled foodgrains 1.0
as total bromide from Fruits 30.0 expressed as combined Fruits 4.0
all sources 4
Dried fruits and 30.00 residue of malathion Vegetables 3.0
spices 400.0 and malaoxon) Dried fruits 8.0
["15. Hexachlorocyclohexane 17. Parathion (Combined Fruits and Vegetables 0.5
and its isomers residues of parathion and
(a) Alfa (α) isomer : Rice grain unpolished 0.10
paraoxon to be determined
Rice grain polished 0.05
Milk (whole) 0.02 and expressed as parathion)
Fruits and Vegetables 1.00 18. Parathion methyl Fruits 0.2
Fish 0.25 (Combined residue of Vegetables 1.0
(b) Beta (ß) isomer Rice grain-unpolished 0.10 parathion methyl and its
Rice grain polished 0.05 oxygen analogue to be
Milk (whole) 0.02 determined and expressed
Fruits and Vegetables 1.00 as parathion methyl)
Fish 0.25
(c)Gamma (γ) isomer Food grains except rice 3
0.10 19. Phosphamidon residues Foodgrains 0.05
known as Lindane 3
Milled Foodgrains Nil (expressed as the sum 1
Milled Foodgrains Nil
Rice grain Unpolished 0.10 of Phosphamidon and its Fruits and Vegetables 0.2
Rice grain polished 0.05 desethyl derivative)
Milk 0.01 20. Pyrethrins (Sum of Foodgrains 1
(on whole basis) pyrethrins I and II and Milled foodgrains 1
Milk products (having) 0.20 other structurally related Fruits and Vegetables 1.0
less than 2 percent fat insecticidal ingredients
(on whole basis)
of pyrethrum)
1. Amended Vide No. GSR 591 (E) dated 15.6.1992 (w.e.f. 15.12.1992)
2. Amended Vide No. GSR 903(E) dated 2.12.1992.
[21. Chlorfenvinphos Foodgrains 0.025
3. Amended vide No. GSR 791 (E) dated 13.12.1995. 1. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 791 (E) dated 13.12.1995.
4. Amended Vide No. GSR 174 (E) dated 6.4.98.
5. Amended Vide No. GSR 251 (E) dated 4.4.2002 2. Ins by Noti No. GSR 174 (E) dated 6.4.98
165 166
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(Residues to be Milled Foodgrains 0.006 25. Ethion (Residues to be Tea (dry manufactured) 5.0
measured as alpha and Milk and Milk Products 0.2 determined as ethion and Cucumber and Squash 0.5
beta isomers of [fat basis] its oxygen analogue and Other vegetables 1.0
chlorfenvinphos) Meat and Poultry 0.2 expressed as ethion) Cotton seed 0.5
[carcass fat] Milk and Milk products 0.5
Vegetables 0.05 [fat basis]
Groundnuts 0.05
[shell free basis] *Meat and Poultry 0.2
Cotton seed 0.05 [carass fat basis]
Eggs 0.2
22. Chlorobenzilate Fruits 1.0 [Shell free basis]
Dry Fruits, Almonds 0.2
and Walnuts [Shell free Foodgrains 0.025
basis] Milled foodgrains 0.006
Peaches 1.0
23. Chlorpyrifos Foodgrains 0.05 Other fruits 2.0
Milled foodgrains 0.01 Dry fruits 0.1
Fruits 0.5 [Shell free basis]
Potatoes and Onions 0.01 26. Formothion (Determined citrus fruits 0.2
Cauliflower and Cabbage 0.01 as dimethoate and its Other fruits 1.0
Other vegetables 0.2 oxygen analogue and Vegetables 2.0
Meat and Poultry 0.1 expressed as (dimethoate Peppers and Tomatoes 1.0
[carcass fat basis] except in citrus fruits where it is to be
Milk and Milk products 0.01 determined as formothion)
[fat basis]
Cotton seed 0.05 27. Monocrotophos Foodgrains 0.025
Cotton seed oil (crude) 0.025 Milled foodgrains 0.006
Citrus fruits 0.2
24. 2,4D Foodgrains 0.01 Other fruits 1.0
Milled foodgrains 0.003 Carrot, Turnip, Potatoes
Potatoes 0.2 and Sugar beet 0.05
*Milk and Milk products 0.05 Onion and Peas 0.1
*Meat and Poultry 0.05 Other Vegetables 0.2
Eggs 0.05 Cotton seed 0.1
[Shell free basis] Cottonseed oil (raw) 0.05
Fruits 2.0 1
Chillies 0.2
Cardamom 0.5
1. Added by Noti. No. GSR 851 (E), dated 13.6.1986 (w.e.f. 13.6.1987). *Souble in water and hence not necessary to mention on fat basis.
* Soluble in water and hence not necessary to mention on fat basi 1. Amended by Noti GSR 517 (E) dated 10.8.2004 (w.e.f. 10.11.2004)
167 168
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
*Meat and Poultry 0.02 expressed as thoimeton) Potatoes, Carrots and
*Milk and Milk products 0.02 Sugar beets 0.05
Egg 0.02 Other vegetables 2.5
[Shell free basis]
32. Acephate Safflower seed 2.0
Coffee (Raw beans) 0.1 Cotton seed 2.0

28. Paraquat-Dichloride Foodgrains 0.1 33. Methamido-phos (A Safflower seed 0.1

(Determined as paraquat Milled foodgrains 0.025 Metabolite of Acephate) Cotton seed 0.1
cations) Potatoes 0.2
Other vegetables 0.05 34. Aldicarb (Sum of Potato 0.5
Cotton seed 0.2 Aldicarb, its sulphoxide Chewing Tobacco 0.1
Cottonseed oil (edible 0.05 and sulphone, expressed
refined) as Aldicarb)
*Milk (whole) 0.01
Fruits 0.05 35. ATRAZINE Maize 2
Sugarcane 0.25
29. Phosalone Pears 2.0
Citrus fruits 1.0 36. Carbendazim Foodgrains 0.50
Other fruits 5.0 Milled foodgrains 0.12
Potatoes 0.1 Vegetables 0.50
Other vegetables 1.0 Mango 2.00
Rapeseed/Mustard oil 0.05 Banana(whole) 1.00
(crude) Other fruits 5.00
Cotton seed 0.10
30. Trichlorfon Foodgrains 0.05 Groundnut 0.10
Milled foodgrains 0.0125 Sugar beet 0.10
Sugar beet 0.05 Dry fruits 0.10
Fruits and Vegetables 0.1 Eggs 0.10
Oil seeds 0.1 (Shell free
Edible oil (refined) 0.05 basis)
*Meat and Poultry 0.1 Meat & Poultry 0.10
*Milk (Whole) 0.05 (Carcass
fat basis)
31. THIOMETON (Residues Foodgrains 0.025 Milk & Milk Products 0.10
determined as thiometon Milled foodgrains 0.006 (Fat basis)
its sulfoxide and sulphone Fruits 0.5
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 445 (E) dated 16.4.1990.
*Soluble in water and hence not necessary to mentionon fat basis. 2. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 791 (E) dated 13.12.1995.
169 170
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
37. Benomyl Foodgrains 0.50 Bhindi 0.20
Milled foodgrains 0.12 Oil seeds except groundnut 0.20
Vegetables 0.50 Meat & Poultry 0.20
Mango 2.00 (carcass fat basis)
Banana (whole) 1.00
Other fruits 5.00 Milk & Milk Products 0.01
Cotton seed 0.10 (fat basis)
Groundnut 0.10 42. Decamethrin/ Cotton seed 0.10
Sugar beet 0.10 Deltamethrin 1
Foodgrains 0.50
Dry fruits 0.10 Milled foodgrains 0.20
Eggs 0.10
(shell free basis) 43. Edifenphos Rice 0.02
Ricebran 1.00
Meat & Poultry 0.10 Eggs 0.01
(carcass fat basis) (shell free basis)
Milk & Milk Products 0.10 Meat & Poultry 0.02
(fat basis) (carcass fat basis)

38. Captan Fruit & Vegetable 15.00 Milk & Milk Products 0.01
(fat basis)
39. Carbofuran (sum of Foodgrains 0.10
carbofuran and 3-hydroxy Milled foodgrains 0.03 44. Fenthion (sum of Foodgrains 0.10
carbofuran expressed Fruit & Vegetable 0.10 fenthion, its oxygen Milled foodgrains 0.03
as carbofuran) Oil seeds 0.10 analogue and their Onion 0.10
Sugarcane 0.10 sulphoxides and Potatoes 0.05
Meat & Poultry 0.10 sulphones, expressed Beans 0.10
(carcass fat basis) as fenthion) Peas 0.50
Tomatoes 0.50
Milk & Milk Products 0.05 Other vegetables 1.00
(fat basis) Musk melon 2.00
Meat & Poultry 2.00
40. Copper Oxychloride Fruit 20.00 (carcass fat basis)
(Determined as copper) Potato 1.00
Other vegetables 20.00 Milk & Milk product 0.05
(fat basis)
41. Cypermethrin (Sum Wheat grains 0.05
of isomers (fat soluble Milled wheat grains 0.01 45. Fenvalerate (fat soluble Cauliflower 2.00
residue) Brinjal 0.20 residue) Brinjal 2.00
Cabbage 2.00 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 106 (E) dated 22.2.1994.
171 172
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Okra 2.00 Milk & Milk Products 0.01
Cotton seed 0.20 (fat basis)
Cottonseed oil 0.10 48. Phorate (sum of phorate, Foodgrains 0.05
Meat & Poultry 1.00 its oxygen analogue and Milled foodgrains 0.01
their sulphoxides and Tomatoes 0.10
(carcass fat basis) sulphones, expressed Other vegetables 0.05
Milk & Milk products 0.01 as phorate) Fruits 0.05
(fat basis) Oil seeds 0.05
Edible oils 0.03
0.01 Sugarcane 0.05
46. Dithiocarbamates (the Foodgrains 0.20 Eggs 0.05
residue tolerance limit are Milled foodgrains 0.05 (shell free basis)
determined and expressed Potatoes 0.10 Milk & Milk Products 0.05
(fat basis)
as mg/CS2/Kg and refer Tomatoes 3.00
49. Simazine Maize 1
separately to the residues Cherries 1.00 Sugarcane 0.25
arising from any or each Other fruits 3.00
50. Pirimiphos-methyl Rice 0.50
groups of dithiocarbamates 1
Foodgrains except rice 5.00
(a) Dimethyl dithiocar- Milled foodgrains except rice 1.00
bamates residue Eggs 0.05
(shell free basis)
resulting from the
Meat & Poultry 0.05
use of ferbam or (carcass fat basis)
Ziram and Milk & Milk Products 0.05
(b) Ethylene bis-dithio- (fat basis)
carbamates resulting
"51 Alachlor Cotton Seed 0.05
Groundnut 0.05
from the use of mancozeb
Maize 0.10
mane, or Zineb(including Soyabeans 0.50
zineb derived from nabam 52. Alfa Nephthy1 Acetic Pine Apple 0.50
plus zinc sulphate) Acid (A.N.A.)
(c) Mancozeb Chillies 1.0 53. Bitertanol wheat 0.05
Groundnut 0.10
47. Phenthoate Foodgrains 0.05
54. Captafol Tomato 5.00
Milled foodgrains 0.01
55. Cataphydrochloride Rice 0.50
Oilseeds 0.03
56. Chlormequatchloride Grape 1.00
Edible oils 0.01 Cotton Seed 1.00
Eggs 0.05
57. Chlorothalonil Groundnut 0.10
(shell free basis) Potato 0.10
Meat & Poultry 0.05 58. Difubenzuron Cotton Seed 0.20
(carcass fat basis) 1. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 791 (E) dated 13.12.1995.
1. Amended by Noti GSR 517 (E) dated 10.8.2004 (w.e.f. 10.11.2004) 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 174 (E) dated 6.4.98.
173 174
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
59. Dodine Apple 5.00 76. Hexaconazole Apple 0.1
60. Diuron Cotton Seed 1.00 75. Fenarimol Apple 0.1
Banana 0.10 76. Hexaconazole Apple 0.1
Maize 0.50 77. Iprodione Rape seed 0.5
Ciytud 1.00
(Sweet Orange) Mustard 0.5
Grapes 1.00 Rice 10.0
Tomato 5.0
61. Ethephon Pine Apple 2.00 Grapes 10.0
Coffee 0.10
Tomato 2.00 78. Tridemorph Weat 0.1
Manago 2.00 Grapes 0.5
62. Fluchloraline Cotton Seed 0.05 Mango 0.05
Soya beans 0.05 79. Penconazole Grapes 0.2
63. Malic Hydrazide Onion 15.00 80. Propiconazole Wheat 0.05
Potato 50.00 81. Myclobutanil Groundnut seed 0.1
64. Metalyxy1 Bajra 0.05 Grapes 1.0
Maize 0.05 82. Sulfosulfuron Wheat 0.02
Sorghum 0.05 83. Trifluralin Wheat 0.05
65. Methomy1 Cotton Seed 0.10 84. Ethoxysulfuron Rice 0.01
66. Methy1 Chloro 85. Metolachlor Soyabean Oil 0.05
phenoxyacetic Acid (MCPA) Rice 0.05
Wheat 0.05 86. Glyphosate Tea 1.0
67. Oxydiazon Rice 0.03 87. Linuron Pea 0.05
68. Oxydemeton methy1 Food-grains 0.02 88. Oxyfluorfen Rice 0.05
69. Permethrin Cucumber 0.50 Graundnut Oil 0.05
Cotton Seed 0.50 89. Carbosulfan Rice 0.2
Soya Beans 0.50 90. Tricyclazole Rice 0.02
Sunflower Seed 1.00 91. Imidacloprid Cotton seed Oil 0.05
70. Quinolphos Rice 0.01 Rice 0.05
Pigeonpea 0.01 92. Butachlor Rice 0.05
Cardamom 0.01
Tea 0.01 93. Chlorimuron-ethyl Wheat 0.05
Fish 0.01 94. Diclofop-methyl Wheat 0.1
Chillies 0.2 95. Metribuzin Soyabean Oil 0.1
71. Thiophanatemethy1 Apple 5.00 96. Lambdacyhalothrin Cotton seed Oil 0.05
Papaya 7.00" 97. Fenazaguin Tea 3.0
72. (a) Triazophos Chillies 0.2 98. Pendimethalin Wheat 0.05
Rice 0.05 Rice 0.05
Cotton seed oil 0.1 Soyabean Oil 0.05
Soybean oil 0.05 Cotton seed Oil 0.05
73. Profenofos Cotton seed oil 0.05 99. Pretilachlor Rice 0.05
74. Fenpropathrin Cotton seed oil 0.05 100. Fluvalinate Cotton seed Oil 0.05
75. Fenarimol Apple 5.0
101. Metasulfuon-methyl Wheat 0.1
1. Added GSR 517 (E) dated 10.8.2004 (w.e.f 10.11.2004)
175 176
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
102. Methbenzthiazuron Wheat 0.5 1
103. Imazethapyr Soyabean oil 0.1
Groundnut oil 0.1 AND EDIBLE FLOUR]
104. Cyhalofop-butyl Rice 0.5 66. Definition of solvent-extracted oils: - Solvent-extracted oil
105. Triallate Wheat 0.05 means any vegetable oil obtained from oil-bearing material by the process
106. Spinosad Cotton seed oil 0.02 of extraction by a solvent.
Cabbage 0.02
Cauliflower 0.02 67. Conditions of manufacture, stock and sale of solvent-

107. Thiamethoxam Rice 0.02 extracted oil :- Omitted

108. Fenobucarb Rice 0.01 68. Definition of solvent-extracted edible flour : - "Solvent-
109. Thiodicarb Cotton 0.02 extracted edible flour means ground material obtained from specially
110. Anilphos Rice 0.1 prepared deoiled meal, that is, the residual material left over when oil
111. Fenoxy-prop-p-ethyl Wheat 0.02 is extracted by a solvent from oil cake immediately following the single-
Soyabean seed 0.02
pressing of good quality edible oilseeds.
112. Glyfosinate-ammonium Tea 0.01
113. Clodinafop-Propanyl Wheat 0.1 69. Conditions of manufacture, stock and sale of solvent-

114. Dithianon Apple 0.1 extracted edible flour : - Omitted

115. Kitazin Rice 0.2 4
69-A- Restriction on the use of solvent
116. Isoprothiolane Rice 0.1 (1) No solvent other than n-Hexane (Food Grade) shall be used in
117. Acetamiprid Cotton seed oil 0.1 the extraction of cocoa butter, oils and fats and edible soya flour.
118. Cymoxanil Grapes 0.1
(2) The quantity of solvent mentioned in the column (1) of the Table
119. Triadimenton Wheat 0.5
Pea 0.1 below, in the food mentioned in column (2) of the said Table, shall not exceed
Grapes 2.0 the tolerance limits prescribed in column (3) of the said Table.
120. Fosetyl-Al Grapes 10 TABLE
Cardamom 0.2
Name of solvent Article of food Tolerance limits
121. Isoproturon Wheat 0.1
mg .kg (ppm)
Explanation :- For the purposes of this rule :
(a) the expressions "insecticide" shall have the meaning assigned (1) (2) (3)
to it in the Insecticide Act, 1968 (46 of 1968); Hexane (food (a) Refined Solvent 5.00
(b) unless otherwise stated: Grade ) extracted cocoa butter
(b) Refined Solvent
(i) maximum levels are expressed in mg./kg. on a whole
products basis. extracted oils & fats 5.00
(c) Solvent extracted edible
(ii) all food refer to raw agricultural products moving in
soya flour 10.00
1. Ins by Noti. No GSR 1211, dated 9.12. 1958.
2. Omitted GSR 7 (E) dt 4.1.2001.
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E) dated 15.11 1984.
1. Amended by Noti GSR 517 (E) dated 10.8.2004 (w.e.f. 10.11.2004) 4. Ins by Noti No. GSR 382 (E) dated 10.7.1997
177 178
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
PART XVI - SEQUESTERING AND BUFFERING 7. Calcium oxide As a neutralizer in 2,500
specified dairy product.
8. Citric acid, Malic acid Carbonated beverage and Limited by
70. Definition of sequestering agents:- The sequestering agents an acidulant in miscellaneous G.MP
are substances which prevent adverse effect of metals catalysing the food
oxidative breakdown of foods forming chelates; thus inhibiting
decolourisation, off taste and rancidity. 9. 1

71. Definition of buffering agents :- Buffering agents are materials 10. DL Lactic acid As acidulant in Limited by
used to counter acidic and alkaline changes during storage or processing steps, (food grade) miscellaneous food G.M.P.
thus improving the flavour and increasing the stability of foods. 2
10A L(+) Lactic Acid as acidulent in Limited by
(food grade) miscellaneous food G.M.P
72. Restrictions on the use of sequestering and buffering agents:-
Unless otherwise provided in these rules the sequestering and buffering agents 11. Phosphoric acid Beverages, soft drinks 600
specified in column (1) of the Table below, may be used in the groups of food
12. Polyphosphate (a)Processed cheese, bread 40,000
specified in the corresponding entry in column (2) of the said Table, in
containing less than 6 (b) milk Preparations 4,000
concentration not exceeding the proportions specified in the corresponding
Phosphate moieties (c) Cake Mixes 10,000
entry in column (3) of the said Table :-
(d) Protein foods 4,000
Table 13. L(+)Tartaric acid Acidulants 600
Name of sequestering Groups of food Maximum level of 1
14. Calcium Disodium (i) Emulsions containing 50
and buffering agents use (parts per million) Ethylene diamine refined vegetable oils, eggs, vinegar,
(ppm) mg./kg.) tetra acetate salt, sugar and spices;
(ii) Salad dressing ;
(1) (2) (3)
(iii) Sandwich spread2 or Fat spread
1. Acetic Acid (i)Acidulant, buffering Limited by 3
15. Fumaric acid as foods acidulant in
and neutralising agents G.M.P Miscellaneous 3000
in beverages, soft drinks
(ii) in canned baby foods 5,000 Note : - DL Lactic acid and L(+) Tartaric acid shall not be added to any food
meant for children below 12 months. (The lactic acid shall also conform to
2. Adipic acid Salt substitute and dietary food 250
the specification laid down by the Indian Standards Institution.]
3. 1
72-A Restriction on use of certain substance:-The use of
4. 1
Omitted substances specified in column (1) in the food mentioned in column (2) of
5. Calcium gluconate in confections 2,500 the Table given below shall not exceed the limit specified in column (3)
6. Calcium Carbonate As a neutralizer in of the said table, namely:-
number of food 10,000 1. Ins by Noti. No GSR 677 (E) dated 6.9.1994.
2. Ins by Noti No GSR 284(E) dated 29.5.1997.
3. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 578 (E) dated 4.8.1995.
179 180
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
TABLE 1 2 3
19. Phosphats (Naturally present Luncheon Meat, Cooked
Substances Food Maximum
and added) expressed as P2O5 Ham, Chopped Meat. 8000
level of use
(ppm) mg/kg
72-B Use of Glycerol Esters of Wood Rosins (Ester Gum):-
The maximum limt of glycerol esters of wood rosins (ester gum) when
1 2 3 used in flavour emulsions, soft drink concentrate and carbonated water
1. Ammounium Cabonate Baked foods 5,000 shall not exceed 100 p.p.m. of the final beverage for consumption.
confections 3
72-C Use of Sucrose Acetate Isobutyrate-The maximum
2. Ammonium Bicarbonate -do- GMP concentration of Sucrose Acetate Isobutyrate when used in
3. Baking powder Baked foods GMP non-alocoholic beverages as a clouding agent shall not exceed 300 ppm".
4. Ammonium Phosphate Bread 2,500 5
72-D Use of Lactulose Syrup in foods -
5. Ammonium persulphate Bread 2,500 (i) Lactulose syrup may be used in special milk based infant
6. Calcium Phosphate -do- 2,500 food formulations, which is to be taken under medical advice upto a
7. Calcium Carbonate -do- 5,000 maximum level of 0.5 per cent of final food subject to label declaration.
8. Potassium Bromate and/or -do- 50 (ii) Lactulose syrup may be used in bakery products upto 0.5
Potassium lodate per cent maximum by weight.
9. Ammonium Chloride -do- 500
10. Fungal Alpha-amylase -do- 100
11. Sodium Stearoyl-2 -do- 5,000 73. For the purpose of this chapter, unless the context

Lactylate or Calcium otherwise requires:-

Stearoyl-2 Lactylate (a) 'Irradiation' means any physical procedure, involving the
(singly or in combination) intentional exposure of food to ionizing radiations.
12. L-Cystein Mono -do- 90 (b) 'Irradiation facility' means any facility which is capable of being
Hydrochloride utilized for treatment of food by irradiation.
13. Benzoyl Peroxide Flour for 40 (c) 'Operator of irradiation facility' means any person appointed
bakery as such by licensee who satisfies the qualifications
14. Potassium Bromate -do- 20 and requirements as for training specified in Schedule II of the
15. Ascorbic acid -do- 200 Atomic Energy (Control of Irradiation of Food) Rules, 1991.
16. Gluconodelta Lactone Cured/meat or 5,000 (d) 'Irradiated food' means articles of food subjected to radiation by :-
meat products (i) Gamma rays;

17. Chlorine Flour for bakery 2,000 (ii) X-rays generated from machine sources operated at or below
18. Ascorbic Acid/Iso Corned beef, an energy level of 5 million electron volts; and
Ascorbic Acid and its Salts Luncheon Meat, Cooked (iii) Sub-atomic particles, namely, electrons generated from
Singly or in Combination Ham, Chopped Meat, Canned 500 machine sources operated at or below an energy level of
Chicken, Canned Mutton
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 614 (E) dated 9.8.1994.
and Goat Meat. 2. Amarded by Noti. No. GSR 284 (E) dated29.5.1997.
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 614 (E) dated 9.8.1994 3. Amended GSR 396(E) dated 27-5-1999
2. Sub by Not No. GSR 284 (E) dated 29.5.1997 4. Added Noti GSR 437 (E) dt. 19.6.2002
3. Added by Noti No. GSR 437 (E) dated 19.6.2002 5. Ins. by Noti GSR 388(E) dt 25.6.2004
181 182
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
10 million electron volts, to dose levels as specified in SI. Name of Dose of Irradiation (KGY)
Schedule I of the Atomic Energy (Control of Irradiation
No. Foods Minimum Maximum Overall
of Food) Rules 1991.
74. Dose of Irradiation:-
10. Fresh Sea foods 1.0 3.0 2.00
(1) Save as provided in sub-rule (2), no food shall be irradiated.
11. Frozen Sea foods 4.0 6.0 5.00
(2) No article of food permitted for irradiation specified in column
2 of the Table given below shall receive the dose of irradiation 12. Dried Sea food 0.25 1.0 0.62
in excess of the quantity specified in column 3 of the said Table 13. Pulses 0.25 1.0 0.62
at the time of irradiation :-
(3) Routine quantitiative dosimetry shall be made during
Table operation and record kept of such measurement as provided under
SI. Name of Dose of Irradiation (KGY) Deptt. of Atomic Energy (Control of Irradiation of Food)
Rules 1991.
No. Foods Minimum Maximum Overall
average 75. Requirement for the process of Irradiation:-
(1) Approval of facilities - No irradiation facility shall
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
be used for the treatment of food unless such
1. Onions 0.02 0.09 0.06 facility :-
2. Spices 6 14 10 (a) has been approved and licensed under the
Atomic Energy (Control of Irradiation of Food)
3. Potatoes 0.06 0.15 0.10
Rules, 1991
4. Rice 0.25 1.0 0.62 (b)complies with the conditions for approval,
5. Somolina operation, licence and process control prescribed under
(Sooji or Rawa) the Atomic Energy (Control of Irradiation of Food)
Wheat, Atta Rules 1991
and Maida 0.25 1.0 0.62 (c)carries out irradiation in accordance with the provisions
6. Mango 0.25 0.75 0.50 of the Atomic Energy (Control of Irradiation of Food)
Rules, 1991.
7. Raisins, Figs
(2) Foods once irradiated shall not be re-irradiated unless
and Dried
specifically so permitted by the Licensing Authority for the
Dates 0.25 0.75 0.50 Irradiation process control purposes.
8. Ginger, Garlic and (3) No Food/irradiated food shall leave the irradiation
Shallots (Small facility unless it has been irradiated in accordance with
Onions) the provisions of Deptt. of Atomic Energy (Control
9. Meat and Meat of Irradiation of Food) Rules 1991 and a certificate
Products including of irradiation indicating the dose of irradiation and the
Chicken 2.5 4.0 3.25" purpose of irradiation is provided by the competent
1. Noti No. GSR 172 (E) dated 6.4.1998. 1. Added Vide GSR 320 (E) dt 2.5.2001
183 184
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
76. Restrictions on Irradiation of Food:- PART XVIII- ANTIBIOTIC AND OTHER
(a) The irradiation shall conform to the dose limit and the radiation PHARMACOLOGICALLY ACTIVE
source to the speific conditions prescribed for each type or
category of food specified for treatment by irradiation, under SUBSTANCES
the Atomic Energy (Control of Irradiation of Food) Rules, 1991) 1
79. Residues of antibiotic and other Pharmacologically Active
(b) Food which has been treated by irradiation shall be identified Substances
in such a way as to prevent its being subjected to re-irradiation.
(1) The amount of antibiotic mentioned in column (2) on
(c) The irradiation shall be carried out only by personnel having the sea foods including shrimps, prawns or any other
the minimum qualifications and training as prescribed for variety of fish and fishery products, shall not exceed the
the purpose under the Atomic Energy (Control of Irradiation tolerance limit presecribed in column (3) of the table
of Food ) Rules, 1991 given below:-
(d) Food once irradiated shall not be re-irradiated unless Table
specifically so permitted under these rules.
S.No. Name of Antibiotics Tolerance limit
77. Record of Irradiation of Food:-
mg/kg (ppm)
Any treatment of Food by irradiation shall be recorded by an officer
authorised by the competent authority as specified under the Deptt. of (1) (2) (3)
Atomic Energy (Control of Irradiation of Food) Rules, 1991 as follows:- 1. Tetracycline 0.1
(i) Name of the article;
2. Oxytetracycline 0.1
(ii) Licence No.
3. Trimethoprim 0.05
(iii) Name, address and other details of ßLicens;
(iv) Purpose of Irradiation; 4. Oxolinic acid 0.3
(v) Source of Irradiation; (2) The use of any of the follwing antibiotics and
(vi) Date of Irradiation; other Pharmacologically Active Substances shall be
prohibited in any unit processing sea foods including
(vii) Dose of Irradiation;
shrimps, prawns or any other variety of fish and fishery
(viii)Serial Number of batch products:
(ix) The nature, quality of Food to be irradiated and the Batch
(i) All Nitrofurans including
(x) Quanity of Food irradiated; (a) Furaltadone
(xi) Physical appearance of article; before and after irradiation;
(b) Furazolidon
(xxi)Type of packaging used during the irradiation treatment and
for packing the irradiated food; (c) Furylfuramide
78. Standards of Irradiated Food;- (d) Nifuratel
The irradiated foods shall comply with all the provisions of
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954, and rules made (e) Nifuroxime
thereunder specifying standards of such food. 1. Ins GSR 771 (E) dated 29.9.2003
185 186
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955

(g) Nitrofurnatoin IN FOOD PRODUCTS

(h) Nitrofurazone 80. Use of Food Additives in Food Products – The food
products may contain food additives as specified in these rules and in
(ii) Chloramphenicol Appendices B and C.
(iii) Neomycin 81. Use of food additives in traditional food – The
traditional foods namely, – Snacks of Savouries (Fried Products), such
(iv) Nalidixic acid
as Chiwda, Bhujia, Dalmoth, Kadubale, Kharaboondi, Spiced and fried
(v) Sulphamethoxazole dals, banana chips and similar fried products sold by any name, Sweets,
Carbohydrates based and Milk product based, such as Halwa, Mysore
(vi) Aristolochia spp and preparations thereof Pak, Boondi Ladoo, Jalebi, Khoya Burfi, Peda, Gulab Jamun, Rasogolla
(vii) Chloroform and Similar milk product based sweets sold by any name, Instant Mixes
Powders only of Idli mix, dosa mix, puliyogare mix, pongai mix, gulab
(viii) Cholropromaszine jamoon mix, jalebi mix, vada mix, Rice and Pulses based Papads,
(ix) Colchicine Ready-to-Serve Beverages (tea/coffee based only) may contain food
additives permitted in these rules and in Table 2 of Appendix C.
(x) Dapsone
82. Use of additives in Bread, Biscuits- The food products
(xi) Dimetridazole such as Bread and Biscuits, may contain food additives permitted in
these rules and in Table 1 of Appendix C.
(xii) Metronidazole
83. Use of Food additives in different foods- The following
(xiii) Ronidazole food products may contain food additives permitted in these rules in
(xiv) Ipronidazole Table 3 of Appendix C, namely:–
(1) Dairy based drinks, flavoured and1 or fermented (e.g.chocolate
(xv) Other nitromidazoles
milk, cocoa, eggnog-UHT Sterilised shelf life more than three
(xvi) Clenbuterol months), Synthetic soft drink concentrate, mix/fruit based
beverage mix, soups, bullions and taste makers, desert jelly,
(xvii) Diethylstibestrol (DES) custard powder, jelly crystal, flavour emulsions and flavour paste
(xviii) Sulfanoamide durgs (except approved (for use in carbonated and non-carbonated beverages);
Sulfadimethoxine, Sulfabromomethazine and (2) Sausages and sausage meat containing raw meat, cereals and
Sulfaethoxypyridazine) condiments;
(xix) Fluoroquinolones (3) Fruit pulp or juice (not dried) for conversions into jam or
(xx) Glycopeptides crystallized glazed or cured fruit or other product;
1. Ins GSR 388(E) dated 25.6.2004
187 188
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(4) Corn Flour and such like starches; Appendix A
(5) Corn syrup;
(6) Canned Rasogolla (the cans shall be internally lacquered with [See Rule 4 (1)]
sulphur dioxide resistant lacquer); Memorandum to the Director, Central Food Laboratory
(7) Gelatine; From
(8) Beer;
(9) Cider; To
(10) Alcoholic Wines The Director,
(11) Non-alcoholic wines; Central Food Laboratory,
(12) Ready-to-Serve beverage;
(13) Brewed ginger beer; No........................... Dated the .... 19...
(14) Coffee Extract; MEMORANDUM
1. I send herewith under the provisions of Section 13 (2) of the
(15) Danish tinned caviar;
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954, sample (s) of a food purporting
(16) Dried ginger; to be ......................... for test or analysis and request that a report on the
test or analysis may be supplied to this Court:
(17) Flour confectionery;
(1) Distinguishing No. on the container and other covering.........
(18) Smoked fish (in wrappers); (2) Particulars of offence alleged................................................
(19) Dry mixes of Rasgollas; (3) Matter on which opinion required.........................................
(20) Preserved Chapaties; [2. A fees of Rs. 31,000 for analysis of the sample is enclosed

vide Demand Draft for Rs. 1000 drawn in favour of the Pay and Account
(21) Fat Spread;
Officer, Central Food Laboratory, Directorate General of Health Services,
(22) Prunes; Calcutta payable at Bank of Baroda, 4 India Exchange Place, Calcutta -
(23) Baked food confections and baked foods; 700001. [The Director, Central Food Laboratories, on receipt of the
Demand Draft from the Court shall immediately send the same to the
(24) Flour for baked food; Central Food Laboratory, 3 Kyd Street, Calcutta-700 016 for deposition
(25) Paked Paneer; in respective Receipt Head"].

(26) Cakes and Pastries; and 3. A copy of memorandum and the speciment impression of the seal used to
seal container and the cover are sent separately by Registered Post.
(27) Prepackaged Coconut Water, Canned Rasogula 2
[ Magistrate 1st Class/Presidency Magistrate
1. Subs by Noti, No GSR 91 (E) dated 26.2.1995 (w.e.f. 26.8.1995)
2. Subs by Noti No SRO 2755, dated 24.11.1956
3. Amended GSR 693 (E) dated 20-11-1998 (w.e.f. 20-5-1999)
189 190
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955

[See Rule 4 (1)] [see rule 4(5)]

From [Certificate of analysis by the Central Food Laboratory]
............................................ Certificate No............................................
........................................... Certified that the sample bearing number ...............................
purporting to be a sample of .................................... was received on
................................... with Memorandum NO .............................. dated
The Director, ...................... from ............ (name of the court) .......... for analysis.
Central Food Laboratory, The condition of seals on the container and th outer covering on receipt
.............................................. was as follows:-
No. Dated the .......19... .... ...........................................................................................................
MEMORANDUM ...........................................................................................................
I send herewith under the provision of section 6 (2) of Prevention I .......(name of the Director)...........................found th sample to be .....(category of the
of Food Adulteration Act, 1954, or clause (a) of Rule 3 of Prevention of food sample)....... falling under item No. .............. of *Appendix B of Prevention
Food Adulteration Rules, 1955, sample (s) of a food purporting to be .... of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955/ *proprietary food. The sample was in
for test or analysis and request that a report on the result of test or analysis a condition fit for analysis and has been analysed on ......(Give Date of starting and
may be supplied to the undersigned. completion of analysis)......... and the result of its analysis is given below/ *was not

(i) Distinguishing No. on the container and outer covering in a condition fit for analysis for the reason given below:-
(ii) Matter on which opinion required. Reasons:-
[2. A fees of Rs.33000 for analysis of the sample is enclosed vide
Demand Draft for Rs. 3000 drawn in favour of the Pay and Accounts .............................................................................................................
Officer, Central Food Laboratory, Directorate General of Health Analysis Report:-
Services, Calcutta payable at Bank of Baroda, 4 India Exchange Place,
Calcutta-700001. [The Director, Central Food Laboratories, on receipt (i) Sample Description:-
of the Demand Draft from the Court shall immediately send the same .............................................................................................................
to the Central Food Laboratory, 3 Kyd Street Calcutta-700016 for
deposition in respective Receipt Head."]
3. A copy of memorandum and the specimen impression of the (ii) Physical Appearance:-
seal used to seal the container and the cover are sent separately by .............................................................................................................
Registered post. .............................................................................................................
Customs Collector/Authorised Officer '
Seal' (ii) Label:-
1. Subs, by Noti. No GSR 618 (E) dated 16.5.1988 (w.e.f.16.11.1988) .............................................................................................................
2. Subs by Noti No GSR 91 (E) dated 26.2.1995 (w.e.f. 26.8.1995)
3. Amended GSR 693 (E) dated 20-11-1998 (wef 20-5-1999) .............................................................................................................
4. GSR 508 (E) dated 24.6.2003 1. Amended Noti. GSR 530(E) dt. 29.7.2002 (w.e.f. 29.1.2003)
191 192
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Serial Quality Name of Method Result Prescribed Standards as per:- The condition of seals on the container and the outer covering on
Number Characteristics of test used (a) Item A ---of Appendix 'B' receipt was as follows:-
(b) As per label declaration for
proprietary foods ....................................................................................................................
(c) As per provisions of the Act ....................................................................................................................
and Rules, for both above.
1. I found the sample to be ............(category of the food sample)............ falling
2. under item NO. ........................of *Appendix B of Prevention of Food
Adulteration Rules, 1955 / * proprietary food. The sample *was in a
condition fit for analysis and has been analysed on ......(Give Date of starting and
6. completion of analysis) ..................and the result of its analysis are given below
/ *was not in a condition fir for analysis for the reason given below:-
Opinion **:-
(Signature) Reasons:-
Place: Director
Date: Central Food Laboratory ....................................................................................................................
(Seal) ....................................................................................................................
* strike out whichever is not applicable.
Analysis Report:-
** When opinions and interpretation are included, document
the basis upon which the opinions/interpretations have been (i) Sample Description:-
made. ....................................................................................................................
[see rule 7(3)]
[Report of the Public Analyst]
(ii) Physical Appearance:-
Report No.........
Certified that I .....................(name of the Public Analyst)......................... duly ....................................................................................................................
appointed as Public Analyst under the provision of the Prevention of ....................................................................................................................
Food Adulteration Act 1954, for ................ (name of th local
area) ....................received from**................................a sample of
(iii) Label:-
............................bearing Code No. and Serial
No.................................of Local (Health) Authority on .................(Date
of receipt of sample).............. for analysis.
1. Amended Noti. GSR 530(E) dt. 29.7.2002 (w.e.f. 29.1.2003)
193 194
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Serial Quality Name of Method Result Prescribed Standards as per:- intended for food which is in your possession appears to me to be
Number Characteristics of test used (a) Item A ---of Appendix 'B' adulterated/misbranded.
(b) As per label declaration for
proprietary foods Now therefore under sub-section (4) of Section 10 of the
(c) As per provisions of the Act
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 (37 of 1954), I hereby direct
and Rules, for both above.
you to keep in your safe custody the said sealed stock subject to such
1. orders as may be issued subsequently in relation thereto.
3. Place: Food Inspector
Date " Area..............]

Opinion ***:- [FROM IV-A


(See Rule 10)

Signed this.................day of..............20........
Bond of Surety
Know all men by these present that we (i) ........son of ......resident of
Public Analyst"
.......and (ii).......son of .....resident of .......proprietors/partners of
(Seal) Messers......... hereinafter called the Vendor (s) and (iii)........ son of
....resident of ........and (iv) ........son of ......resident of ......hereinafter called
* strike out whichever is not applicable. the surety/sureties are held and firmly borne upto the President of India/
Governor of ......hereinafter called the Government in the sum of .....Rupees
** Give details of the senders
to be paid to the Government, for which payment will and truly to be
*** When opinions and interpretation are included, document the basis upon which made. We firmly bind ourselves jointly and severally by these presents.
the opinions/interpretations have been made.
Signed this .......day of .........one thousand nine hundred and....
(See Rule 10) Whereas Shri.............Food Inspector has seized ......(Here insert the
[To description of materials together with number/quantity and total price
(Name and address of the vendor) hereinafter referred to as the said article,) from......(specify the place):
And whereas on the request of the Vendor(s) the Government
................................................ agreed to keep the said article in the safe custody of the Vendor (s) on
................................................ the condition of the Vendor(s) executing a bond in the terms herein-
Whereas*........................ after contained and supported by surety/two surties which the Vendor(s)
has/have agreed to do.....Now the conditions of the above written
*Here give the name of article of food obligation is such that if in the event of the Vendor (s) failure to
1. Ins. by Noti No GSR 1533 dated 8.7.1968.
195 196
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
produce intact the said article before such court or Authority and on 2. ....................(Signature)
such date (s) as may be specified by the said Food Inspector from time (Name and address.........
to time the Vendors (s) and/or the surety/surities forthwith pay to the
Government on demand and without a demur sum of .....Rupees the
said bond will be void and no effect. Otherwise the same shall be and Signature ...................
remain in full force and virtue. (Vendor)
Signature ...................
These presents further witness as follows: (Vendor)
(i) The liability of the surety/sureities hereunder shall not
be impaired or discharged by reason of time being (Surety)
granted by or any forbearance, act or omission of the Signature....................
Government whether with or without the knowledge or (Surety)
consent of the sureties or either of them in respect of or
in relation to all or any of the obligations or conditions for and on behalf of the President of
to be performed or discharged by the Vendor (s). Nor India/Governor of .....................................
shall it be necessary for the Government to sue the Signature ...................................................
Vendor (s) before suing the sureties or either of them (Name and designation) ...........................
for the amount due hereunder. FORM V
(ii) T h i s B o n d i s g i v e n u n d e r P r e v e n t i o n o f F o o d (See Rule 11)
Adulteration Act, 1954 for the performance of an Act in 1
which the public are interested. (Name and address of the Vendor)
(iii) The Government shall bear the stamp duty payable on ...................................................
these present. ...................................................
The stock of articles of food detailed below has this day been
In witness whereof these presents have been signed by the
seized by me under provisions of sub-section (4) of Section 10 of the
Vendor (s) and the surety/sureties the day herein above mentioned
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 (37 of 1954), from the premises
and by Shri................. on behalf of the President of India on the
of ....................................
date appearing below against his signature.
situated at .........................................
Witnesses: Details of article of food seized
1. .................................... (Signature)
(Name and address)................................................................... Place : Food Inspector
Date : Area...............
1. Ins. by Noti No GSR 1211, dated 9.12.1958
197 198
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
[FROM VI] warranted to be of the nature and quality which it/these purports/
(See Rule 12) purport to be
To ..........................
............................. Signature of manufacturer
............................... distributor/dealer
I have this day taken from the premises of ........situated at Name & Address of
............samples of the food specified below to have the same analysed by Manufacture/Packer
the public analyst, for........... (in case of packed article)
Details of food ....................................................................................... Licence No..........
.................................................................................................................... (Whereever applicable)
Code Number and
Serial Number of Local (Health) [FORM VI-B

Authority................ (See Rule 44-B)

Place: Food Inspector Declaration
Date : Area................. I/We on behalf of .........................................................................
1 2 ................................................solemnly declare that the ghee sold
(See Rule 12-A) by me/us/on behalf of
Form of Warranty ghee used by me/us/on behalf of
Invoice No.......... Place................................ ...........................................................................................................
From................ Dated ............................
........................................in the preparation of Confectionery (including
To........................ sweetmeats) is/was from a tin containing ghee of
............................ .................................................. origin and having 'Agmark' seal. The said
tin pertains to batch number .........................................and was purchased
Date of Name and quality Batch No. Quantity Price by me/us on behalf of ................................................from Shri/Shrimati/
Sale of article/Brand or Kumari/Sarvsri.............................................. on the .............................as
Name, if anyCode No. per invoice/cash/credit memo. No.........................
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) ......................dated.....................
........ .................. ........... ....... ............
........ .................. ........... ....... ............
Date ............. Signature of trader/traders.]
I/we herby certify that food/foods mentined in this invoice is/are
1. Ins. by Not, No. GSR 618 (E), dated 16.5.1988 w.e.f. 16.11.1988.
Corrected by GSR 855 (E) dated 12.8.1988.
2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 1533, dated 8.7.1968. 1. Ins. by Noti No GSR 1134, dated 5.9.1961.
199 200
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955

(See Rule 17) (See Rule 12-B)

Memorandum to public Analyst Nomination of Persons by a Company
Notice is hereby given that Shri/Smt.....................................
Director/ Manager of the ............................................... (name of
.............................................. the company) has been nominated by the company by a Resolution
.............................................. passed at their meeting held on .....at........to be incharge of, and
responsible to, the said company for the conduct of the business of
To the said company or...............establishment/branch/unit thereof
The Public Analyst, and authorised to exercise all such powers and take all such steps
as may be necessary or expedient to prevent the commission by
................................... the said company any offence under the Prevention of Food
.................................... Adulteration Act. 1954.
No. Dated the ......19....
A certified copy of the said Resolution is enclosed
The sample described below is sent herewith for analysis under Place.............. Managing Director/Sercetery of
clause (b) of sub-section (1) of Section 10 and/or3 clause (c) of subsection
(1) and Section 11 of the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954. Date ................ (name of the company
1. 2
[Code number and serial No. of Local (Health) Authority..............
Note :- Score out the portion which is not applicable.
2. 4
3. Date and place of collection.......................................................... I accept the above nomination in pursuance of sub-section
(2) of Section 17 of the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
4. Nature of article submitted for analysis............................................. and Rule 12-B of the rules made thereunder
5. Nature and quantity of preservative, if any, added to the sample......
Place....... Signature of Director/
2. A copy of this memo, and specimen impression of the seal used to
seal the packet of sample is being sent separately by 1[***] post/hand.*
Food Inspector. Date
I hereby acknowledge receipt of the above nomination.
*Strike out whichever is not applicabel.
Place.... Signature of Local (Health)
1. Omitted by Noti. No. SRO 2755, dated 20.11.1956.
2. Ins. by Noti No.GSR 293 (E), dated 23.3.1985 (w.e.f. 23.9..1985). Date ..... Authority.]
3. Sub. Noti No. GSR 367 (E), dated 23.3.1988 (w.e.f. 23.6.1988).
4. Omitted by Noti No. GSR 618 (E) dated 16.5.1988 (w.e.f. 16.11.1988). 1. Ins by Noti. No GSR 4(E) dt. 4.1.1977 (w.e.f. 4.1.1977)
201 202
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
1 Appendix B
(See Rule 9-B) (See Rule 5)
Definitions and Standards of Quality
[A01.01-CARBONATED WATER means potable water
To impregnated with carbon dioxide under pressure and may contain any of
the following singly or in combination.
The above paragraph replaced as below vide GSR 451(E) dated
15.7.2004 (w.e.f. 12.10.2004)
(Name and address of the vendor) 9
A.01.01 CARBONATED WATER mean water conforming to the
standards prescribed for Packaged Drinking Water under Prevention of
..................................................... Food Adulteration Rules, 1955, impregnated with carbon dioxide under
pressure and may contain any of the following singly or in combination.
Sugar, liquid glucose, dextrose monohydrate, invert sugar, fructose,
Whereas sample of food specified below taken from your premises honey, 6fruit and vegetables extractives and premitted flavouring, colouring
situated at ...........................on (date)...........................to have the same matter, preservatives, emulsifying and stabilising agents, citric acid,
analysed by the Public Analyst, has been found to be conforming to
[fumaric acid, and sorbitol,] tartaric acid, phosphoric acid, lactic acid,
the provisions of the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 and ascorbic acid, malic acid, 3[edible gums such as guar, karaya, arabic,
rules made thereunder. carobean, furcellaran, tragacanth, gum ghatti], edible gelatin, albumin,
licorice and its derivatives, salts of sodium, calcium and magnesium,
vitamins, caffeine not exceeding 200 parts per million, 4Estergum (Glycerol
Detail of food..............(Name of article of food) ................................... ester of wood rosin) not exceeding 100 parts per million, and quinine salts
.......................................................................... not exceeding 100 parts per million 6expressed as quinine sulphate. It may
also contain Saccharin Sodium not exceeding 100 ppm, Acesulfame-K
not exceeding 300 ppm, or Aspertame (methyl ester) not exceeding 700
Code number.................................and Serial number................................ ppm" or 8sucralose not exceeding 300ppm.
"Provided that the quantity of added sugar shall be declared on the
(Local (Health) Authority
container/bottle and if no sugar is added that also shall be declared on the
container/bottle as laid down in sub-clause (1) and (12) of sub-rule (ZZZ)
Date: of rule 42. In case of returnable bottles, which are recycled or refilling the
declaration of quantity of added sugar and no sugar added may be given
Place: on the crown.
1. Subs by No. GSR 74, dt. 31-1-1965.
Copy for information to [(person (s) whose name, address and other 2. Ins. by Noti. No GSR 1417, dt. 20.9.1976 (w.e.f. 2.10.1976)
3. Subs, by Noti. No. GSR 55 (E) dt. 31.1.1979.
particulars have been disclosed under section 14-A, if any]." 4. Subs, by Noti. No. GSR 124 (E) dated 5-3-1991.
5. Subs, by Noti. No. GSR 63 (E) dated 5-2-1976.
6. Omitted and Subs by Not GSR 284 (E) dated 29-5-1997.
7. Amended GSR 853 (E) dated 30.12.2002
8. Amended GSR 388(E) dated 25.6.2004
1. Added GSR 832 (E) dated 26.10.2003 9. Amended GSR 451(E) Added 15.7.2004 (w.e.f. 12.10.2004)
203 204
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Provided also that the declaration of no sugar added shall not be applicable Apparatus-Test Tube:Use a standard, 10x75 mm, resistant,
for 'carbonated water (plain soda)'. glass test tube.
Provided also that the products which contain aspertame, acesulfame K Reagents - Sodium Formate Solution: Dissolve 20g of reagent
or any other artificial sweetener for which special labeling provisions have grade sodium formate, Na OOCH, in 100 ml of distilled water.
been provided under rules 42, 47 or any other under PFA Rules, 1955,
shall not be packed, stored, distributed or sold in returnable containers". Lead Acetate Test Paper : Commercially available from most
[It shall conform to the following requirements, namely:- chemical supply houses.
(1) Total plate count per ml .................... not more than ..50 Procedure - Weigh 40-50 mg of smaple into a test tube and 1-2
(2) Coliform count in 100 ml ...................................................... 0 drops of sodium formate solution. Place a strip of lead acetate test paper
(3) Yeast and mould count per ml ...................... not more than 2" over the mouth of the test tube. Heat the tube in the burner flame until
Provided further Estergum used in carbonated water shall have fumes are formed that contact the test paper. Continue heating
for 2-5 miuntes. There must be no formation of a black spot of lead sulfide
the following standards, namely:
indicating the presence of sulfur containing compounds. Detection Limit:
"Glycerol esters of wood rosins commonly known as Estergum 50 mg/kg sulfur).
is hard yellow to pale amber coloured solid. It is a complex mixture of tri
and diglycerol esters of rosin acids from wood rosin. It is produced by the Drop softening point - Between 880 C and 960C
esterification of pale wood rosin with food grade glycerol. It is composed
Arsenic - Not more than 3 ppm.
of approximately 90 per cent resin acids and 10 per cent neutral (non-
acidic compounds). The resin acid fraction is a complex mixture of isomeric Heavy metals (as lead) - Not more than 40 ppm.
diterpeniod monocarboxylic acids having the typical molecular formula
of C20 H 30 O2 chiefly abietic acid. The substance is purified by steam Acid value - Between 3 and 9.
stripping or by counter-current steam distillation.
Hydroxyl number - Between 15 and 45.
Notes :
Solubility - Insoluble in water, soluble in acetone and in benzene.
Sample of carbonated water taken - sucrose content not required
Infra Red Spectrum - Obtain the infra-red spectrum of a thin to be 5 per cent - since the sample collected from the accused petitioner
film of the sample deposited on a potassium bromide plate-Scan was of carbonated water contra distinguished from sweetened carbonated
between 600 and 4000 wave numbers. Compare with typical spectrum water adverted to in the proviso below rule A.01.01 of the Prevention of
obtained from pure Estergum. Food Adulteration Rules. 1955 sucrose content therein was not required
to be 5 per cent as prescribed in the proviso-saccharin not exceeding 100
Test for absence of Tall oil Rosin (Sulfur test) - Pass the test
p.p.m. could legitimately be mixed and could, therefore be found in
as given below.
carbonated water. (Madan Lal Vs. Union Territiory, Chandigarh)-Punjab
When sulfur-containing organic compounds are heated in and Haryana Court - FAC 1991(1) 321.
the presence of sodium formate, the sulfur is converted to hydrogen sulfide
A.02 - BAKING POWER means a combination capable, under
which can readily be detected by the use of lead acetate paper. A positive
conditions of baking, of yielding carbon dioxide, and consists of sodium
test indicates the use of tall oil rosin instead of wood rosin.
205 206
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
bicarbonate, and acid-reacting material], starch or other neutral material. (2) Ash insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid shall not exceed 2.5
per cent by weight.
The acid-reacting material of baking powder shall be -
(3) The alcoholic extract (with 90 per cent alcohol) shall not be less
(a) tartaric acid or its salts, or both than 12 per cent as estimated by the U.S.P. 1936 method.
(b) acid salts of phosphoric acid or (4) Starch shall not exceed 1 per cent by weight.
(c) acid compounds of aluminium, or Hingra shall conform to the following standards, namely-

(d) any combination of the foregoing. (1) The total ash content shall not exceed 20 per cent by weight.
(2) Ash insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid shall not exceed 8
When tested, baking powder shall yield not less than 10 per cent
per cent by weight.
of its weight of carbon dioxide.
(3) The alcoholic extract (with 90 per cent alcohol) shall not be
A 03 - STARCHY FOODS less than 50 per cent as estimated by U.S.P. 1936 method.
[A 03.01 - ARROWROOT means the separated and purified (4) Starch shall not exceed 1 per cent by weight].
starch from the rhizomes of the plants known as Maranta arundinacea or 1
[Compounded asafoetida or Bandhani Hing is composed of one
from Curcuma augustifolia].
or more varieties of asafoetida (Irani or Pathani Hing or both) and gum
[A. 03. 02- SAGO shall mean small hard globules or pearls made arabic, 2[edible starches or edible cereal flour].
from either the starch of the sago palm or the tubers of tapioca (manihot
It shall not contain-
utilissima) and shall be free from any extraneous matter3 [including natural
colours]. (a) colophony resin,
(b) glabanum resin,
[It shall conform to the following standards, namely-
(c) ammoniaccum resin,
(i) total ash (on dry basis) shall not be more than 0.4 per cent;
(d) any other foreign resin,
(ii) ash insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid (on dry basis) shall (e) coal tar dyes,
not exceed 0.1 per cent]. (f) mineral pigment,
[A.04 - ASAFOETIDA (Hing or Hingra) means the oleo-gum- (g) more than 10 per cent total ash content,
resin obtained from the rhizome and roots of Ferula alliaces, Ferula (h) more than 1.5 per cent ash insoluble in dilute hydrochloric
rubricaulis and other species of Ferula. It shall not contain any colophony acid,
resin, galbonum resin, ammoniaccum resin or any other foreign resin.
(i) less than 5 per cent alcoholic extract, (with 90 per cent
Hing shall conform to the following standards, namely-
alcohol) as estimatd by the U.S.P. 1936 method).
(1) Total ash content shall not exceed 15 per cent by weight. 3
1. Subs, bu Noti. No SRO 2755, dt. 24.11.1956
2. Subs, by Noti. No. GSR 1211, dt. 9.12.1958 1. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 382, dt 9-3-1966
3. Sub by Noti No. GSR 425, dt. 4-4-1960 2. Subs, by Noti No. GSR 55 (E) dt. 31-1-1979 (w.e.f. 31.1.1979).
4. Ins, by Noti. No. GSR 74, dt 31-1-1965 3. Subs, by Noti No GSR, 1533 dated 8-7-1968.
5. Subs. by Noti. No GSR 1256 dt. 26.8.1967 4. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 1417, dt 20-9-1976 (w.e.f. 2-10-1976).
207 208
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Note : See Note regarding extraneous matter after item A.05.23. A. 05.03 - CARDAMOM (Chhoti Elachi) WHOLE means the
A. 05.01-CARAWAY (Siahjira) WHOLE means the dried seed dried, nearly ripe fruits of Elettaria cardamomum (L). The percentage of
of the plant Carum carvi(L). Extraneous matter including foreign edible extraneous matter shall not exceed 5.0 per cent by weight. The cardamom
seeds, chaff, stem, straw, dust, dirt, stones and lumps of earth shall not seeds obtained from the capsules shall contain not less than 3.0 per cent
exceed 5 per cent by weight. (v/w) of volatile oil.
[The amount of insect damaged matter shall not exceed 5 per [The amount of insect damaged matter shall not exceed 5 per

cent by weight]. cent by weight].

[It shall be free from added colouring matter]. 1
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
Explanation :- The term 'insect damaged matter means spices that Explanation : - The term 'insect damaged matter' means spices
are partially or wholly bored by insects. that are partially or wholly bored by insects.
A. 05.01.01-CARAWAY(Siahijira) POWDER means the powder A.05.03.01-CARDAMOM (Chhoti Elachi)SEEDS means the
obtained from the dried seeds of Carum carvi (L). It may be in the form of seeds obtained by separating the seeds from the capsules of Elettaria
small pieces of the seeds or in finely ground form. It shall conform the cardamomum (L). The percentage of extraneous matter in the seeds shall
following standards :- not exceed 2.0 per cent by weight.The seeds shall contain not less than 3.0
Moisture....................... Not more than 13.0 per cent by weight per cent (v/w) of volatile oil.
Total ash....................... Not more than 8.0 per cent by weight. [The amount of insect damaged matter shall not exceed 5 per

Ash insoluble................ Not more than 1.5 per cent by weight. cent by weight].
in dilute HCI 1
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
[It shall be free from added coloring matter.] Explanation:- The term 'insect damaged matter means spices that
A. 05.02-CARAWAY BLACK (Carum bullbocastanum) are partially or wholly bored by insects.
(Siahjeera) means the dried seeds of Carum bullbocastanum. It shall A. 05.03.02 - CARDAMOM (Chhoti Elachi) POWDER means the
conform to the following standards :- powder obtained from the seeds separated from the capsules of Elettaria
Foreign edible seeds....... Note more than 5.0 per cent by weight. cardamomum (L). It may be in the form of small pieces of the seeds or in
Total ash.........................Not more than 9.0 per cent by weitht. finely ground form. It shall conform to the following standards:-
Ash insoluble..................Not more than 1.5 per cent by weight]. Moisture....................... Not more than 14.0 percent by weight.
in dilute HCI Total ash....................... Not more than 8.0 per cent weight.
[The amount of insect damaged matter shall not exceed 5 per Volatile oil.................... Not less than 3.0 per cent (v/w).
cent by weight].
Ash insoluble
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
in dilute HCI................. Not more than 3.0 per cent by weight.
Explanation : - The term 'insect damaged matter means spices 1
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
that are partially or wholly bored by insects.
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 109 (E), dt 26-2-1983. Corrected by GSR 539 1. Sub, by Noti No. 109 (E) 26.2. 1983 corrected by Noti, GSR 539 (E) dated
(E) dated 1.8.1983. 1.7.1983.
2. Ins. by Noti. No GSR 1417, dt. 20-9-1976 (w.e.f.2-10.1976). 2. Subs, by Noti. No GSR 1417 dated 20.9.1976 (w.e.f. 2.10.1976)
209 210
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
A. 05. 04 - CARDAMOM AMOMUM (Badi Elachi) WHOLE A. 05.05 - CHILLIES (Lal mirchi) 3[WHOLE] means the dried
means the dried nearly ripe fruit of Amomum subulatum Roxb, in the ripe fruits or pods of Capsicum annum/Capsicum frutescens (L). The
form of capsules. The proportion of calyx pieces, stalk bits and other proportion of extraneous matter including calyx pieces, loose tops, dirt,
extraneous matter shall not exceed 5.0 per cent by weight. The cardamom lumps of earth, stones shall not exceed 5.0 per cent by weight. The pods
seeds obtained from the capsules shall contain not less than 1.0 per cent shall be free from extraneous colouring matter, coating of mineral oil and
(v/w) of volatile oil. other harmful substances.
[The amount of insect damaged matter shall not exceed 5 per [ The amount of insect damaged matter shall not exceed 5 per

cent by weight]. cent by weight].

[It shall be free from added colouring matter]. Explanation :- The term 'insect damaged matter' means spices
Explanation :- The term 'insect damaged matter' means spices that are partially or wholly bored by insects.
that are partially or wholly bored by insects. A. 05. 05. 01 - CHILLIES (Lal mirchi) POWDER means the
A.05. 04.01 - CARDAMOM AMOMUM (Badi Elachi) SEEDS powder obtained by grinding clean dried chilli pods of Capsicum frutescens
means the seeds obtained by separating the seeds from the cardamom L/Capsicum annum. The chilli powder shall be dry, free from dirt, mould
amomum capsules of Amomum subulatum Roxb. The percentage of growth, insect infestation, extraneous matter, added colouring matter 2[and
extraneous matter in the seeds shall not exceed 2.0 per cent by weight. flavouring matter. The chilli powder may contain any edible oil to a
The seeds shall contain not less than 1.0 per cent (v/w) volatile oil. maximum limit of 2 per cent by weight under a label declaration for the
[The amount of insect damaged matter shall not exceed 5 per amount and the nature of oil used]. The chilli powder shall conform to the
cent by weight]. following standards:-
[It shall be free from added colouring matter]. Moisture .........................Not more than 12.0 per cent by weight.
Explanation:- The term 'insect damaged matter' means spices that Total ash .........................Not more than 8.0 per cent by weight.
are partially or wholly bored by insects. Ash insoluble in..............Not more than 3[1.3] per cent by weight.
A. 05. 04 02 - CARDAMOM AMOMUM (Badi Elachi) dilute HCI
POWDER means the powder obtained from the seeds separated from the Non-volatile ether............ Not less than 12.0 per cent by weight.
capsules of Amomum subulatum Roxb. It may be in the form of small extract
pieces of the the seeds or in finely ground form. It shall conform to the
following standards:- Crude fibre....................Not more than 30.0 per cent by weight.
Moisture..........................Not more than 14.0 per cent by weight.
[A.05.06-CINNAMON (Dalchini) WHOLE means the dried
pieces of the inner bark of Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume. It shall not
Total ash..........................Not more than 8.0 per cent by weight.
contain any other foreign vegetable matter or colouring matter. It shall
Volatile oil.......................Not less than 1.0 per cent (v/w). contain not less than 0.5 per cent (v/w) of volatile oil].
Ash insoluble..................Not more than 3.0 per cent by [The amount of insect damaged matter shall not exceed 5 per
in diulte HCI...................weight. cent by weight].
[It shall be free from added colouring matter]. 1. Corrected by Noti. No. GSR 1417 dt 20.9.1976 (w.e.f 2.10.1976)
1. Ins by Noti. No GSR 1417, dt. 20-9-1976 (w.e.f. 2-10-1976) 2. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 205 dated 23-2-1974 (w.e.f. 23-5-1974)
2. Subs by Noti. No GSR 109 (E), 26-2-1983. Corrected by GSR 539 (E) 3. Ins. by Noti. No GSR 2163 dated 14-12-1968
dated 1.7.1983. 4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 55 (E) dated 31-1-1979.
211 212
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Explanation:- The term 'insect damaged matter' means obtained by grinding the dried unopened flower buds of 1Eugenia
spices that are partially or wholly bored by insects. caryophyllus C. SPRENGEL BULLOCKAND HARRISON. The cloves
powder shall conform to the following standards:-
[A. 05.06.01- CINNAMON (Dalchini) POWDER menas the
powder obtained by grinding the dried inner bark of Cinnamomum Moisture ................. Not more than 12.0 per cent by weight.
zeylanicum 1[Blume]. The cinnamon powder shall conform to the following Total ash ..................Not more than 7.0 per cent by weight.
Ash insoluble in .......Not more than 1.5 per cent by weight.
Moisture ...................Not more than 12.0 per cent by weight.
dilute HCI
Total ash...................Not more than 8.0 per cent by weight.
Volatile oil ............... Not less than 15.0 per cent by v/w).
Ash insoluble in..........Not more than 2.0 per cent by weight.
dilute HCI
[It shall be free form added colouring matter].
Volatile oil................Not less less than 0.5 per cent by weight. A.05.08-CORIANDER (Dhania) WHOLE means the dried mature
[It shall be free from added colouring matter]. fruits (seeds) of Coriandrum sativum (L). The proportion of extraneous
matter including dust, dirt, stones, lumps of earth, chaff, stalk, stem or
[A.05.06.02-CASSIA (Taj) WHOLE) means dried pieces of bark
straw, edible seeds of fruits other than coriander and insect damaged seeds
of Cinnamomum cassia Blume. Syn. Cinnamomum arometicum Nees shall not exceed 8.0 per cent by weight].
(Chinese Cinnamon, or Cassia lignea). It shall not contain any other foreign
vegetable matter or colouring matter]. [The amount of insect damaged matter shall not exceed 5 per

cent by weight].
A.05 07- Cloves (Laung) whole means the dried, unopened flower
buds of Eugenia Caryophyllus (C. Sprengel) Bullock and Harrison. The 2
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
inorganic extraneos matter shall not exceed 0.5 per cent by weight and the
Explanation :- The term 'insect damaged matter' means spices that are
organic extraneous matter, which includes vegetable matter, of plants other
than cloves, lendril cloves (peduncle), mother cloves or other matters of partially or wholly bored by insects.
plants of cloves, shall not exceed two per cent by weight. (Headless cloves A.05.08.01-CORIANDER (Dhania) POWDER means the powder
shall not be considered as extraneous matter). The amount of insect obtained by grinding clean, dried coriander fruits of Coriandrum sativum
damaged cloves shall not exceed 1.0 per cent by weight. (L). It shall be in the form of rough or fine powder. It shall conform to the
The cloves (on dry basis) shall contain not less than 15.0 per cent following standards :-
(v/w) of volatile oil. It shall be free from added colouring matter.
Moisture ......... Not more than 12.0 per cent by weight.
Explanation:-(i) The term"insect damaged clove" means the cloves
that are partially or wholly bored by insects. Total ash ........Not more than 7.0 per cent by weight.

(ii) The term "headless cloves" means cloves constituted only by Ash insoluble in...... Not more than 1.5 per cent by weight.
receptacle and sepals." dilute HCI
A. 05.07.01 - CLOVES (Laung) POWDER means the powder 1
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
1. Subs. by Noti. NO GSR 803(E) dated 27-10-1983
1. Subs, by Noti No GSR 55 (E), dt. 31-1-1979 2. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 109 (E) dt 26-2-1983 and corrected by GSR 539 (E)
2. Subs, by Noti. No. GSR 109 (E), dt. 26-2-1983 dated 1-7-1983.
3. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 803 (E) dt. 27-10-1983 3. Sub. by Noti. No. 1417 dated 20.91976 (w.e.f. 1976)
213 214
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
A.05.09 -CUMIN (Safed jeera) WHOLE means the dried seeds Moisture ................ Not more than 12.0 per cent by weight.
of Cuminum cyminum (L). The proportion of extraneous matter including Total ash ................ Not more than 7.0 per cent by weight.
dust, stones, lumps of earth, chaff, stem or straw shall not exceed 7.0 per
cent by weight. The proportion of edible seeds other than cumin seeds Ash insoluble ......... Not more than 1.5 per cent by weight.
shall not exceed 5.0 per cent by weight. in dilute HCI.
Volatile oil .............. Not more than 0.5 per cent by (v/w)
[The amount of insect damaged matter shall not exceed 5 per

cent by weight].
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
[It shall be free form added colouring matter]. A. 05.11 - FENNEL (Saunf) WHOLE means the dried ripe fruits
of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. The proportion of extraneous matter including
Explanation :- The term'insect damaged matter' means spices that dust, dirt, stones, lumps of earth, chaff, stem or straw shall not exceed 5.0
are partially or wholly bored by insects. per cent by weight. The proportion of edible seeds other than fennel shall
A 05.09.01-CUMIN (Safed jeera) POWDER means the powder not exceed 5.0 per cent by weight.
obtained by grinding the dried seeds of Cuminum cyminum L. The powder [The amount of 'insect damaged matter' shall not exceed 5 per

shall conform to the following standards :- cent by weight].

Moisture....................... Not more than 12.0 per cent by weight. 1
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
Total ash ...................... Not more than 9.5 per cent by weight. Explanation:- The term ' insect damaged matter' means spices that
Ash insoluble in ........... Not more than 1.5 per cent by weight. are partially wholly bored by insects.
dilute HCI A. 05.11.01-FENNEL (Saunf) POWDER means the powder
obtained by grinding the dried ripe fruits of Foeniculum vulgare Mill.
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
The powder shall conform to the following standards :-
A. 05.10 - CUMIN BLACK (kalonji) WHOLE means the seeds
Moisture ................ Not more than 12.0 per cent by weight.
of Nigella sativa L. The proportion of extraneous matter including dust,
dirt, stones, lumps of earth, chaff, stem or straw shall not exceed 7.0 per Total ash ................ Not more than 9.0 per cent by weight.
cent by weight. The proportion of edible seeds other than cumin black Ash insoluble in ..... Not more than 2.0 per cent by weight.
shall not exceed 5.0 per cent by weight. in dilute HCI.
[The amount of insect damaged matter shall not exceed 5 per
2 Volatile oil .......... 3[Not less than 1.0 per cent (v/w).
cent by weight]. 1
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].,
A. 05 12 - FENUGREEK (Methi) WHOLE means the dried
Explanation :- The term 'insect damaged matter means spices that are seeds of Trigonella foenum-groacum L. The proportion of
partially or wholly bored by insects. extraneous matter including dust, dirt, stones, lumps of earth, chaff,
A 05.10.01 - CUMIN BLACK (Kalonji) POWDER means the stem or straw shall not exceed 5.0 per cent by weight. The
powder obtained by grinding the dried seeds of Nigella sativa L. The proportion of edible seed other than fenugreek shall not exceed
powder shall conform to the following standards :- 5.0 per cent by weight.
1. Ins by Noti. No. 109(E), dt 26-2-83. Correted by GSR 539 (E) dated 1-7-1983.
1. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 109(E), dt 26-21983. Correted by GSR 539
(E) dated 1.7.1983. 2. Ins. by Noti 1417 dated 20.91976 (w.e.f. 2.10.1976).
2. Ins. by No GSR 1417 dated 20.9.1976 (w.e.f. 2.10.1976). 3. Ins by Noti. No. 55 (E) dated 31-1-1979.
215 216
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
[The amount of 'insect damaged matter' shall not exceed 5 per
obtained by grinding ginger (Zingiber officinale Rose) whole. The powder
cent by weight]. shall conform to the following standards:-
[It shall be free from added colouring matter]. Moisture ................. Not more than 13.0 per cent by weight.
Explanation:- The term ' insect damaged matter' means spices that Total ash ................. Not more than 8.0 per cent by weight.
are partially or wholly bored by insects. Ash insoluble in ...... Not more than 1.0 per cent by weight.
A. 05.12.01-FENUGREEK (Methi)POWDER means the powder dilute HCI.
obtained by grinding the dried ripe seeds of Trigonella foenum groacum Water soluble ash ......Not less 1.7 per cent by weight.
L. The powder shall conform to the following standards :-
Cold water .................Not less than 10.0 per cent by weight.
Moisture ................... Not more than 10.0 per cent by weight. soluble extract
Total ash ................... Not more than 7.0 per cent by weight. Calcium (as CaO) ...... Not more than 4.0 per cent by weight on
dry basis.
Ash insoluble in ....... Not more than 2.0 per cent by weight.
.................................. dilute HCI. Alcohol (90 per cent v/w). Not less than 4.5 per cent by weight.
soluble extract
Cold water ................ Not less than 30.0 per cent by weight.
.................................. soluble extract Volatile oil ......................... Not less than 1.0 per cent by (v/w)
[It shall be free from added colouring matter]. 1
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
A. 05.13 - GINGER (Sonth, Adrak) WHOLE means the rhizomes A. 05.14 - MACE (Jaepatri) WHOLE means the dried coat or
of Zingiber officinale Rose in pieces irregular in shape and size with peel arilus of the seed of Myristica fragrans Houtt. It shall not contain the
not entirely removed, washed and dried in the sun, The proportion of arilus of any other variety of Myristica nalabarica or Fatua (Bombay mace)
extraneous matter shall not exceed 2.0 per cent by weight. It shall contain, and Myristica argenea (Wild mace). The proportion of extraneous matter
on dry basis, not less than 1.0 per cent (v/w) of volatile oil. If the ginger is shall not exceed 3.0 per cent by weight.
limed, the lime (Calcium Oxide) content shall not exceed 4.0 per cent by
[The amount of 'insect damaged matter' shall not exceed 5 per
weight (on dry basis).
cent by weight].
[The amount of insect damaged matter shall not exceed 5 per
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
cent by weight].
Explanation:- The term ' insect damaged matter' means spices that are
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
partially wholly bored by insects.
Explanation:- The term ' insect damaged matter' means spices that
A. 05.14.01- MACE (Jaepatri) POWDER means the powder
are partially or wholly bored by insects.
obtained by grinding the dried coat or arilus of the seed Myristica fragrans
A. 05.13.01 - GINGER (sonth Adrak ) POWDER means the powder Houtt. The powder shall conform to the following standards:-

1. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 1417, dt 20-2-76. (w.e.f. 2-10-1976). 1. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 109(E), dt 26-2-83. Correted by Noti No 539 (E)
dated 1-7-983.
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 109 (E)dt 26-2-1983 & corrected by GSR 539 (E)
dated 1-7-83 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1417, dated 20-9-1976 (w.e.f. 2-10-1976).
217 218
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Moisture .................. Not more than 10.0 per cent by weight. The powder shall conform the following standards:-
Total ash .................. Not more than 3.0 per cent by weight. Moisture ............... Not more than 7.0 per cent by weight.
Ash insoluble in ....... Not more than 1.0 per cent by weight. Total ash ............... Not more than 8.0 per cent by weight.
dilute HCI. Volatile oil ............ Not less than 0.25 per cent v/w
Crude fibre ............... Not more than 10.0 per cent by weight. Non-volatile
Non-volatile ............. Not less than 20.0 and not more than ether extract ......... Not less than 22.0 per cent by weight.
ether extract .............. 30.0 per cent by weight. Ash insoluble
in dilute HCI ......... Not more than 2.0 per cent by weight.
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].

Crude fibre ............ Not more than 8.0 per cent by weight.
A. 05.15- MUSTARD (Rai, Sarson) WHOLE means the dried
Starch .................... Not more than 15.0 per cent by weight.
seeds of Brassica alba. (L). Boiss (Safed rai), Brassica compestris L.
var, dichotoma (Kali Sarson), Brassica Compestris, L. Var, yellow The test for argemone oil shall be negative.
Sarson, Syn, Brassica compestris L, var, glauca (Pili Sarson), Brassica, 1
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
compestris L. Var. toria (Toria), Barassicajuncea, (L). Coss et Czern
A. 05.16 - NUTMEG (Jaiphal) WHOLE means the dried seeds of
(Rai, Lotni) and Brassica nigra (L), Koch (Benarasi rai). The proportion
Myristica fragrans Houtt. The proportion of extraneous matter and
of extraneous matter which includes dust, dirt, stones, lumps of earth,
infestation shall not exceed 3.0 per cent by weight.
chaff, stem, straw, edible foodgrains, edible oilseeds of any other
variety or any other impurity shall not exceed 7.0 per cent by weight. 1
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
It shall be free from seeds of Argemone maxicana Linn. A. 05 16 01 - NUTMEG (Jaiphal) POWDER means the powder
[The amount of insect damaged matter shall not exceed 5 per
2 obtained by grinding the dried seeds of Myristica fragrans Houtt.
cent by weight]. The powder shall conform to the following standards :-
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
Moisture ....................... Not more than 8.0 per cent by weight.
Explanation :- The term insect damaged matter means spices that Total ash ....................... Not more than 5.0 per cent by weight.
are partially or wholly bored by insects. Ash insoluble
in dilute HCI ................. Not more than 0.5 per cent by weight.
A. 05 15.01 - MUSTARD (Rai, sarson) POWDER means the
powder obtained by grinding the dried seeds of Barassica alba (L). Non-volatile
Boiss (Safed rai), Brassica compestris L. var. dichotoma (Kali Sarson), ether extract .................. Not less than 25.0 per cent by weight.
Brassica compestris L. var (yellow Sarson), Syn Brassica compestris Crude fibre ................... Not more than 10.0 per cent by weight.
L. var. glauca (Pili Sarson), Brassica compestris L. var toria (Toria) 1
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
Brassicajuncea,, (L). Coss-et Czem (Rai, Lotni) and Barssica nigra
A. 05.17 - PEPPER BLACK (Kali mirch) WHOLE means the
(L) Koch, (Benarasi rai).
dried berries of Piper nigrum L.brown to black in colour with wrinkled
1. Ins, by Noti. No. GSR 109(E) dt 26-2-83 corrected by GSR 539(E) surface.
dt, 1-7-1983.
1. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 109 (E) dated 26-2-1983 corrected by GSR 539(E)
2. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 1417 dated 20-9-1976 (w.e.f. 1976) dated 10-7-1983
219 220
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
The proportion of extraneous matter including dust, stalks, leafy matter the spikes of Piper nigrum L. They shall be reasonably dry and free from
and other foreign matter shall not exceed 3.0 per cent by weight. The insects. The colour shall be from dark brown to black. The extraneous
proportion by weight of light berries and pinheads shall not exceed matter shall not exceed 6 per cent].
10.0 per cent and 4.0 per cent respectively. 3
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
[The amount of insect damaged matter shall not exceed 5 per A 05.18 - POPPY (Khas-Khas) WHOLE means the dried seeds
cent by weight. of the ripe fruit of Papaver Somniferum L. The seed may be white or
greyish in colour. The proportion of extraneous matter shall not exceed
[It shall be free from added colouring matter]. 2
[5.0] per cent by weight. It shall contain not less than 40.0 per cent by
weight of non-volatile ether extract.
Explanation :- The term insect damaged matter means spices that
are partially or wholly bored by insects].
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
[A. 05.19 - SAFFRON (Kesar) means the dried stigmata or tops
A. 05.17.01- PEPPER BLACK (Kalimirch) POWDER means of styles of Crocus sativus L. It shall not contain any foreign colouring
the powder obtained by grinding the dried berries of Piper nigrum l. matter or any other extraneous matter. It shall conform to the following
and shall be without the addition of any other matter. The powder shall standards :-
conform to the following standards:-
Total ash ................................... Not more than 8 per cent by weight.
Moisture ................... Not more than 12.5 per cent by weight. Ash insoluble ............................ Not more than 1.5 per cent by weight.
Total ash ................... Not more than 8.0 per cent by weight. in dillute HCI
Ash insoluble ............ Not more than 1.2 per cent by weight. Volatile matter .......................... Not more than 14 per cent by weight.
in dilute HCI. at 1030±10C
Aqueous extract ........................ Not less than 55 per cent by weight.
Non-volatile .............. Not less than 5.5 per cent by weight.
ether extract Total Nitrogen .......................... Not less than 2 per cent by weight.
(on dry weight basis)
Crude fibre ................ Not more than 18.0 per cent by weight.
Foreign matter such as .............. Not more than 1 per cent.
[It shall be free from added colouring matter]. sand, earth, dust, leaf, stem,
chaff and vegetable matter
[A. 05.17.02- LIGHT BLACK PEPPER - Light Black Pepper
means the dried berries of Piper nigrum L. dark brown to dark black in Floral waste defined as Not more than 15 per cent.
colour. It shall be well dried and free from mould or insects and shall yellow filaments, pollen,
not contain more than 6 per cent extraneous matter and other foreign stamens parts of ovary
edible seeds and 10 per cent pinheads]. and other parts of flowers
of Crocus sativus Linn
[It shall be free from added colouring matter].
Saffron shall be free from living insects, moulds and shall be
[A.05.17.03-PINHEADS-Pinheads shall be wholly derived from practically free from dead insects, insect-fragments and rodent
contamination visible to naked eye].
1. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 109(E), dt 26-2-83 corrected by GSR 539(E)
dt, 1-7-1983. 1. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 1417, dated 20-9-1976 (w.e.f. 20-3-1977).
2. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 1417 dated 20-9-1976 (w.e.f. 2-10-76)
3. Ins by Noti No, GSR 938 dated 26-5-1971. 2. Corrected by Noti, No, GSR 1764, dated 26-7-1976.
4. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 63 (E) dated 5.2.1976. 3. Ins by Noti, No. GSR 109 (E) dated 26-2-198 & 539(E) dated 1-7-1983
221 222
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
A. 05.20 - TURMERIC (Haldi) WHOLE means the dried rhizome Moisture...................Not more than 1[14.0] per cent by weight.
or bulbous roots of the plant of Curcuma longa L. It shall be free from
Volatile oil.................Not less than 0.25 per cent (v/w) on dry basis.
lead chromate and other artificial colouring matter. The proportion of
extraneous matter shall not exceed 2.0 per cent by weight. Non-volatile............ Not less than 7.5 per cent by weight on dry
ether extract. basis
[The amount of insect damaged matter shall not exceed 5 per

cent by weight. Edible common........ Not more than 5.0 per cent by weight on dry
salt basis.
Explanation :- The term 'insect damaged matter' means spices that
are partially or wholly bored by insects], Ash insoluble.......... Not more than 2[2.0] per cent by weight on
in dilute HCI dry basis
A 05.20.01 - TURMERIC (Haldi) POWDER means the powder
obtained by grinding the dried rhizomes or bulbous roots of the plant of Crude fibre.............. Not more than 15.0 per cent by weight on
Curcuma longa L. It shall be free from artificial colouring matter. The dry basis
powder shall conform to the following standards :-
Lead........................Not more than 10.0 p.p.m. on dry basis.
Moisture ..........Not more than 13.0 per cent by weight.
Total ash ......... Not more than 9.0 per cent by weight.
Notes :
Ash insoluble .. Not more than 1.5 per cent by weight.
in dilute HCI – Garam Masala-Not a variety of curry powder - Two entirely
different articles used for entirely different purposes, their constituents
Test for lead chromate ...Negative are also different. No standards fixed for garam masala (Sardari Lal
& Co. vs. State of Punjab and Haryana High Court, FAC 1983 (1)
Total starch...... Not more than 60.0 per cent by weight. 207.
A. 05.21 - CURRY POWDER means the powder obtained – No Standard for garam Masala -standards for curry powder can
from grinding clean, dried and sound spices belonging to the not be applied to garam masala (Banwari Lal vs. State of Haryana)
group of aromatic herbs and seeds such as black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, Punjab and Haryana High Court, FAC 1984 (I) 249.
coriander, cardamom, chillies, cumin seeds, fenugreek,
garlic, ginger, mustard, poppy seeds, turmeric, mace, nutmeg, curry leaves, – Kala Masala is not curry powder and hence standard of curry
white pepper, saffron and aniseeds. The material may powder cannot be applied to it. (State of Maharashtra vs. G.S. Murry)
contain added starch and edible common salt. The proportion of Bombay High Court, FAC 1982 (I) 371.
spices used in the preparation of curry powder shall be not less than 85.0
per cent by weight. The powder shall be free from dirt, [A..05.21.01-MIXED MASALA (WHOLE) means a mixture of

mould growth and insect infestation. It shall be free from any clean, dried and sound aromatic herbs and spices. It may also contain
added colouring matter and preservatives other than edible 1. Subs, by Noti. No. GSR 205 dated 23.2.1974 (w.e.f. 23.5.1974)
common salt. The curry powder shall also conform to the following 2. Ins, by Noti. No. GSR 205 dated 23-2-1974 (w.e.f. 23-5-1974)
standards :- 3. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 109(E) dated 26-2-1983.
1. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 1417 dated 20.9.1976 (w.e.f. 2.10.1976). 4. Omitted by Noti, No. GSR 422(E) dated 29-4-1974 (w.e.f. 1989).
223 224
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dried vegetables and/or fruits, oil seeds, garlic, ginger, poppy seeds (a) Organic extraneous matter such as chaff, stems, straw.
and curry leaves, It shall be free from added colouring matter, It shall
(b) Inorganic extraneous matter such as dust, dirt, stones and lumps
be free from mould growth and insect infestation. The proportion of
of earth.
extraneous matter shall not exceed five per cent by weight, out of which
the proportion of organic matter including foreign edible seeds, and (2) Of the permitted extraneous matters in items A.05.01, A.05.03,
inorganic matter, shall not exceed three per cent and two per cent A.05.04, A.05.05, 2[....] A.05.08, A.05.09, A.05.10, A05.11, A.05.12,
respectively. A.05.14, A.05.15, A.05.16, A.05.17 and A.05.18 the inorganic extraneous
[Omitted] matter shall not exceed 2 per cent by weight.
A. 05.22 - ANISEED OR SAUNF imported means the dried Notes :
ripe fruit of Pimpinella anisum. Foreign edible seeds or matter shall
not exceed 5.0 per cent by weight. It shall conform to the following – Ajwain khurasani-no standards laid down and does not
standards :- appear to be for human consumption-accused rightly equitted (Medical
Officer of Health vs. Satish Chander) Allahabad High Court,FAC 1982
Total ash....................... Not more than 9 per cent by weight. (I) 93.
Ash insoluble............... Not more than 1.5 per cent by weight.
in dilute HCI – Amchur powder - no standard or quality or purity prescribed hence
prosecution uncalled for (M/s Garg Masala Co. vs. State of Punjab) Punjab
Volatile oil................... Not less than 1.0 per cent (v/w) & Haryana High Court; FAC 1983(I) 47.
[The amount of insect damaged matter shall not exceed 5

per cent by weight]. A.05.24 - DRIED MANGO SLICES - means the dried wholesome,

edible part of raw mango fruit with or without the outer skin, It shall
[It shall be free from added colouring matter]. be free from fungus, moulds and insect infestation, rodent
Explanation :- The term 'insect damaged matter' means contamination, added colouring, flavouring matter. It shall also be free
spices that are partially or wholly bored by insects]. form deleterious substances injurious to health. It shall not contain
[A.05.23 - AJOWAN (Bishop's weed) means the dried ripe
4 any preservative except edible common salt which may be added to
seeds of Trachyspernum ammi (Linn) Sprague. The proportion of the extent of 5 per cent by weight on dry basis. It shall have
organic and inorganic extraneous matter shall not exceed 3 percent characteristic taste and flavour. The proportion of extraneous substance
and 2 per cent respectively. The seeds shall be free from living insects, shall not exceed 4 per cent by weight out of which inorganic matter
insect fragments and rodent contamination visible to the eyes]. shall not exceed 2 per cent by weight.
[It shall be free form added colouring matter]. It shall also conform to the following standards, namely :-
[Notes : (1) The extraneous matter wherever prescribed under this Moisture........................ Not more than 12 per cent by weight.
item shall be classified as follows;- Damaged Slices ............ Not more than 5 per cent by weight.
1. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 109(E), dt 26-2-83 & GSR 539(E) dt, 1-7-1983. Seed Coatings................ Not more than 6 per cent by weight.
2. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 1417 dated 20-9-1976 (w.e.f. 2-10-76)
3. Ins by Noti No, GSR 422 (E) dated 29-4-1987 (w.e.f. 29.4.1989). 1. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 205, dt. 23-2-1974 (w.e.f. 23-5-1974).
4. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 133 dt. 23.1.1973 2. Omitted by Noti No. GSR 803 (E) dated 27.10.1983.
5. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 205 dated 23-2-1974. 3. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 878 (E) dated 17-11-1992 (w.e.f. 17-5-19993).
225 226
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Explanation : The amount of insect damaged matter shall not exceed 5 per cent by
(i) Seed coating shall be exterior covering of the seed. weight. It shall be free from added colouring matter.
Explanation : The term "insect damaged matter" means spices that are
(ii) Damaged sliced mean the slices that are eaten by weevils or other
partially or wholly bored by insects.
insects and includes sliced internally damaged by fungus, moisture or
heating. A.05.26.01 - Pepper White Powder means the powder obtained by
grinding the white pepper whole and shall be without the addition of any
A. 05.25 - DRIED MANGO POWDER (Amchur) - means the powder
other foreign matter. It shall conform to the following standards, namely:-
obtained by grinding clean and dried mango slices having characteristic
(i) Moisture ........................... Not more than 14.0 per cent, by weight.
taste and flavour. It shall be free from musty odour and objectionable
flavour, rodent contamination, mould, fungus and insect infestation, (ii) Total Ash .......................... Not more than 3.5 per cent, by
extraneous matter and added colouring, flavouring matter, It shall also be ......................................... (on dry basis) weight.
free from deleterious substances injurious to health. It shall not contain (iii) Ash insoluble in ............... Not more than 0.3 per cent, by
any preservative except edible common salt which may be added to the ......................................... dilute HCI weight.
extent of 5 per cent by weight on dry basis. (on dry basis)
(iv) Non-volatile ether ............ Not less than 6.5 per cent, by weight.
It shall also conform to the following standards, namely :-
extract (on dry basis)
(a) Moisture............................... Not more than 12 per cent by weight. (v) Piperine Content .............. Not less than 4.0 per cent, by weight.
(b) Total ash (salt-free basis)...... Not more than 6 per cent by weight. (on dry basis)
(c) Ash insoluble......................Not more than 1.5 per cent by (vi) Crude fibre insoluble ....... Not more than 6.5 per cent, by weight.
in dilute HCI weight. index (on dry basis)
(d) Crude fibre .......................... Not more than 6 per cent by weight. It shall be free from added colouring matter";
(e) Acidity as anhydrous.........Not 1[less than 12.0 per cent and A. 06-BEAN means dry kidney shaped or flattened seeds of the
tartaric acid not 1more than 26.0 per cent by leguminous varieties used as food, either whole or prepared as dall. it shall
not contain hydrocyanic acid exceeding 20 parts per million as determined
by A.O.A.C. Maceration method.
[A.05.26 - Pepper White Whole means the dried berries of A.07-SWEETENING AGENTS :
piper nigrum linnaeus from which outer pericarp has been
[A.07.01 - "PLANTATION WHITE SUGAR" (commonly known as
removed. The berries will be light brown to white in colour with
sugar) means the crystallised product obtained from sugarcane or sugar
smooth surface. The proportion of extraneous matter including
beet. It shall be free from dirt, filth, iron filing and added colouring matter.
dust, stalks, leafy matter and other foreign matter shall not exceed Extraneous matter shall not exceed 0.1 per cent by weight. It shall also
1 per cent, by weight, Proportion of black berries whole shall conform to the following standards, namely :-
not exceed 5 per cent by weight. Bulk density for determining proportion
(a) Moisture (when heated Not more than 0.5 per cent by
of white light berries shall not be less than 600 gm per litre. at 1050±10C for 3 hours). weight
1. Noti No. GSR 878 (E) dated 17-11-1992, Corrected GSR 509 (E) dt 14-11-1993
2. Amended GSR 695 (E) dt. 11-10-1999 (w.e.f. 11-4-2000) and amended 1. Ins, by Noti. No. GSR 179(E) dated 06-04-1998.
GSR 13(E) dt. 5-1-2000 (w.e.f. 11.4.2000) 2. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 916(E), dt. 17-11-1987 (w.e.f. 17-5-1988).
227 228
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(b) Sucrose............................Not less then 98 per cent by weight. It may be crystalline or in powder form. It shall be free form dirt,
filth, iron filings and added colouring matter. Extraneous matter shall
Sulphur dioxide shall not exceed 70 parts per million. not exceed 0.25 per cent by weight. It may contain sodium bicarbo-
A.07.01.01 - MISRI means the product made in the form of candy nate (food grade). It shall also conform to the following standards,
obtained from any kind of sugar or palmyrah juice. It shall be free from namely:-
dirt, filth, iron filings and added colouring matter. Extraneous matter shall Khandsari Sugar Khandsari Sugar
not exceed 0.1 per cent by weight. It shall also conform to the following (Sulphur Sugar) (Desi)
standards, namely :-
(1) (2)
(a) Total ash................................ Not more then 0.4 cent by weight.
(i) Moisture (when Not more than 1.5 Not more than 1.5
(b) Total sugar (called, known...... Not less than 98.0 per cent heated at 1050±10C per cent by weight per cent by weight
or expressed as Sucrose) .... .. by weight. for 3 hours)
(ii) Ash insoluble in Nor more than 0.5 No more than 0.7
Sulphur dioxide shall not exceed 70 parts per million.
dilute hydrochloric per cent by weight per cent by weight
Notes : Standards not fixed (Section 2)(1a) - Patasas having not prescribed acid
standards of quality coated with soap stone but which has not been declared (iii) Sucrose Not less than 96.5 Not less than 93.0
to be injurious to health cannot be considered adulterated (Naresh Kumar per cent by weight per cent by weight
vs. State of Punjab) Punjab and Haryana High Court, FAC 1985 (II) 30.
(iv) Sulphur dioxide No more than 150 Absent
A. 07.01.02 - "REFINED SUGAR" means the white crystallised sugar parts per million
obtained by refining of plantation white sugar. It shall be Note :- Khandsari sugar can be distinguished from plantation white sugar
free from dirt, filth, iron filing and added colouring matter. on the following characteristics, namely :-
Extraneous matter shall not exceed 0.1 per cent by weight. Khandsari Sugar Sugar
It shall also conform to the following standard, namely :-
(a) Conductivity 100-300 in 5% Not more than 100
(a) Moisture (when heated............. Not more than 0.5 per cent (10 mho/cm )
6 2
solution at 30 C
in 5% solution at 300C
at 1050±10C for 3 hours) by weight. (b) Calcium oxide Not more than 100 Not more than 50
(b) Sucrose.................................. Not less than 99.5 per cent by (mg/100 gm)
weight. A. 07.02.01 - "BURA SUGAR" means the fine grain size product
made out of any kind of sugar. It shall be free from dirt, filth, iron
A. 07.02 - "KHANDSARI SUGAR" obtained from sugarcane juice filings and added colouring matter. Extraneous matter shall not ex-
by open pan process, may be of two varieties, namely :- ceed 0.1 per cent by weight. It shall also conform to the following
(i) Khandsari Sugar Desi ; and standards, namely :-

(ii) Khandsari Sugar (Sulphur) also known as "Sulphur Sugar" (a) Sucrose ............................ Not less than 90.0 per cent by weight.
(b) Ash insoluble in dilute ...... Not more than 0.7 per cent by weight.
hydrochloric acid
1. Ins, by Noti. No. GSR 179(E) dated 06-04-1998. Sulphur dioxide shall not exceed 150 parts per million.]
229 230
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
A.07.03 - HONEY means the natural sweet substance produced produce which may contain 4[sugar, syrup, fruit, fruit juices, cocoa, citric
by honey bees from the nectar of blossoms or from secretions of plants acid, permitted flavours and colours. It may also contain permitted
which honey bees collect, transform store in honey combs for ripening. stabilizers and/or emulsifiers not exceeding 0.5 per cent by weight. It shall
When visually inspected, the honey shall be free from any foreign not contain any artificial sweetener].
matter such as mould, dirt, scum, pieces of beeswax, the fragments of 3
A.07.04.01 - "ICE CANDY means the frozen ice produce which
bees and other insects and from any other extraneous matter. may contain 4[fruit, fruit juices, cocoa, nuts, citric acid, permitted
flavours and colours, It may also contain permitted stabilizers and/ or
The colour of honey vary from light to dark brown.
emulsifiers not exceeding 0.5 per cent by weight. It shall not contain
Honey shall conform to the following standards, namely:- any artificial sweetner.
(a) Specific gravity at 27OC Not less than 1.35 per cent by mass (b) 6
[A. 07.05-GUR OR JAGGERY means the product obtained by boiling
Moisture Not more than 25 per cent by mass or processing juice pressed out of sugar cane or extracted from palmyra
(c) Total reducing sugar Not less than 65 per cent by mass palm, date palm or coconut palm. It shall be free form substances deleterious
(i) for Carbia colossa and Not less than 60 per cent by mass to health and shall conform to the following analytical standards, on dry
Honey dew weight basis :-
(d) Sucrose Not more than to 5.0 per cent by mass
(i) for Carbia colossa and Not more than 10 per cent by mass Total sugars 6[expressed........Not less than 90 per cent and sucrose
Honey dew as invert sugar] not less than 2[60] per cent.
(e) Fructose-glucose ratio Not less than 0.95 Extraneous matter..................Not more than 2 per cent.
(f) Ash Not more than 0.5 by mass insoluble in water
(g) Acidity (Expressed as Total ash ..............................Not more than 6 per cent.
formic acid) Not more than 0.2 per cent by mass Ash insoluble in ..................Not more than 0.5 per cen
(h) Fiehe's test Negative theydrochloric acid (HCI)
(i) Hydroxy methyl furfural Gur or jaggery other than that of the liquid or semi-liquid variety shall
(HMF), mg/kg Not more than 80 not contain more than 10 per cent moisture].
If fiehe's test is positive, and hydroxy methyl furfural (HMF) content : is
[Gur or jaggery may contain sulphur dioxide in concentration not
more than 80 milligram/kilogram, then fructose: glucose ratio should be1.0 exceeding 70 parts per million] 4[Sodium bicarbonate, if used for clarifi-
or more. cation purposes, shall be of food grade quality].
[ A. 07.06 - CUBE SUGAR means the sugar in the form of cube or
5 6
Notes : Sample of honey rex not sold as honey-no standard fixed for
cuboid blocks manufactured from refined crystallised sugar. It shall be
honey rex-standard of pure honey not applicable-no ground to interfere
white in colour, free from dirt and other extraneous contamination. It shall
the order of equittal (Public prosecutor vs. Gemini venkata
comform to the following standards:-
Satyanarayan Murti and others) Andhra Pradesh High Court FAC
1984(I)95. Sucrose............................ Not less than 99.7 per cent by weight.
Moisture...........................Not more than 0.25 per cent by weight.
[A.07.04 - "ICE LOLLIES OR EDIBLE ICES" means the frozen ice
Total ash ..........................Not more than 0.03 per cent by weight.
1. Subs, by Noti, No. GSR 205 dated 23-2-1974 (w.e.f. 23-2-1975). Sulphur dioxide................Not more than 70 p.p.m.]
2. Subs, by Noti,No. GSR 109 (E) dated 26-02-1983 (w.e.f. 26-8-1983).
3. Subs, by Noti, No. GSR 57 (E) dated 11-02-1982 & GSR 307 dt. 3-4-1982. 1. Added by Noti, No. SRO 1687, dated 14-7-1956.
2. Subs, by Noti,No. GSR 133 dated 3-1-1973
4. Ins, by Noti, No, GSR 816(E) dated 3-1-1983. 3. Ins, by Noti, No, GSR 74, dt. 31-3-1965.
5. Sub by Noti, No. GSR 223(E) dated 20-5-1996 (w.e.f. 20-11-1996) 4. Ins, by Noti, No, GSR 57(E), dt, 11-12-1982
6. Ins, by Noti, No. GSR 1687 dated 14-7-1956. 5. Sub by Noti, No. GSR 55(E) dated 31-1-1979 (w.e.f. 31-1-1979)
7. Amended GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001 6. Ins, by Noti, No. GSR 1533 dated 8-7-1968
231 232
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
A. 07.07 - DEXTROSE is a white or light cream granular powder, Total soluble solids ................ Not less than 65 per cent by weight.
odourless and having a sweet taste. 1
[A.07.09 - ICING SUGAR means the sugar manufactured by
When heated with potassium cupritartarate solution it shall pulverizing refined sugar or vacuum pan (plantation white) sugar with
or without edible starch, Edible starch, if added, shall be uniformly
produce a copious precipitate of cuprous oxide. It shall conform to the
extended in the sugar, It shall be in form of white powder, free from
following standards :- dust, or any other extraneous matter. It shall conform to the following
Sulphated ash ..............Not more than 0.1 per cent on dry basis. standards:-
Acidity ....................... 0.5 gm. dissolved in 50 ml. of freshly Total starch and sucrose ...... Not less than 99.0 per cent by weight
boiled and cooled water requires for (moisture free)
neutralisation not more than 0.20 ml. Moisture ............................... Not more than 0.80 per cent by
of N/10 sodium hydroxide to ............................................. weight.
phenolphthalein indicator. Starch ................................... Not more than 24.0 per cent by
Glucose...................... Not less than 99.0 per cent on dry basis. weight on dry basis].
Sulphur dioxide content shall not exceed 70 p.p.m.
[A.07.10-SACCHARIN SODIUM commonly known as
soluble Saccharin having an empirical formula as C7H 4NNaO3S. 2H2O
A. 07.08 - GOLDEN SYRUP means the syrup obtained by and molecular weight as 241.2 shall be the material which is soluble at
inversion of sugar. It shall be golden yellow in colour, pleasant in taste 200C in 1.5 parts of water and 50 parts of alcohol (95 per cent) and
and free from any crystallisation. It shall conform to the following shall contain not less than 98.0 per cent and not more than the
standards :- equivalent of 100.5 per cent of C 7 C 4 O 3 NSNa calculated with
reference to the substance dried to constant weight at 1050C, assay
Moisture .......................... Not more than 25.0 per cent by weight. being carried out as presented in Indian Pharmacopoeia. It shall not
Total ash ......................... Not more than 2.5 per cent by weight. contain more than 2 p.p.m of arsenic and 10 p.p.m. of lead. The
melting point of Saccharin isolated form the material as per Indian
Total sugar as invert sugar... Not less than 72.0 per cent by weight. Pharmacopoiea method shall be between 2260C and 2300C. The loss
Sulphur dioxide content shall not exceed 70.0 p.p.m. on drying of the material at 1050C shall not be less than 12.0 per cent
and not more than 16.0 per cent of its weight.
[Sodium bicarbonate, if used, for clarification purposes, shall be of

Food Grade Quality. The material shall satisfy the tests of identification and shall
conform to the limit tests for free acid or alkali, ammonium compounds
[A.07.08.01 - SYNTHETIC SYRUP OR SHARBAT means the
and parasulpha moylbenzoate as mentioned in the Indian Pharmaco-
syrup obtained by blending syrup made from sugar, dextrose or liquid poeia].
glucose. 4
[A.07.11 - DRIED GLUCOSE SYRUP means the material in
It may also contain fruit juice and other ingredients appropriate to the form of coarse or fine, white to creamish white powder, sweet to
taste, bland in flavour and somewhat hygroscopic. It shall be free form
the product. It shall be free from burnt or objectionable taints, flavours, fermentation, evidence of mould growth, dirt or other
artificial sweetening agents, extraneous matter and crystallization. It extraneous matter or added sweetening or flavouring agent.
may contain citric acid, permitted colours, permitted preservatives and
permitted flavouring agents. it shall also conform to the following 1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 55(E) dt. 31-1-1979.
standards, namely:- 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSr 916 (E0 st., 17-11-1987 (w.e.f. 17-5-1988).
1. Ins by Noti, No. GSR 57 (E), dt, 11-2-1982. 3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 938, dt. 26-5-1971.
2. Subs by Noti, GSR 605 (E), dt, 24-7-1985 4. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 57 (E) dated 11.2.1982 (w.e.f. 3-4-1982)
233 234
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
It shall also not contain any added natural or coal tar food colour. (2) Roasted coffee means properly cleaned green coffee which
It shall conform to the following standards :- has been roasted to a brown colour and has developed its characteristic
(a) Total solid content........ Not less than 93.0 per cent by weight. aroma.
(b) Reducing sugar content...Not less than 20.0 per cent by weight.
(3) Ground coffee means the powdered product obtained from
(c) Sulphated ash.................. Not more than 1.0 per cent by weight.
(d) Sulphur dioxide ..............Not more than 40 p.p.m. "Sulphurdioxide ‘roasted coffee’ only and shall be free from husk.
may be present in an amount not (4) Coffee (green, raw or unroasted), ‘roasted and’ ground
exceeding 150 p.p.m. if the product is coffee’ shall be free form any artificial colouring, flavouring, facing,
intended for manufacture of extraneous matter or glazing substances and shall be in sound, dry
confectionery to be sold under a label and fresh condition, free from rancid or obnoxious flavour.
as specified under rule 42(X).
(5) ‘Roasted coffee’ and’ ground coffee’ shall conform to the

[A.07.12 - ASPARTYL PHENYL ALANINE METHYL following analytical standards:-
ESTER commonly known as Aspertame, having empirical formula as
C14H18N2O5 and molecular weight as 294.31, shall be the material which (i) Moisture (on dry basis) m/m Not more than 5.0 per cent
is slightly soluble in water and Methanol. it shall contain not less than
98 per cent and not more than 102 per cent of Aspertame on dried (ii) Total Ash (on dry basis) m/m 3.0 to 6.0 per cent
basis. It shall not contain more than 3 p.p.m. of Arsenic and 10 p.p.m.
(iii) Acid insoluble ash (on dry basis) m/m Not more than 0.1 per cent
of Lead.
The loss on drying of the material at 1050C for 4 hours shall not be (iv) Water soluble ash (on dry basis) m/m Not less than 65 per cent of
more than 4.3 per cent of its weight. The sulphated ash shall not be more total ash
than 0.2 per cent. It shall not contain more than 1 per cent of diketo-
piperzine. (v) Alkainity of soluble ash in milliliters Not less than 3.5 ml & Not
[A.07.13 - Acesulfame Potassium commonly known as of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid per gram more than 5.0 ml
Acesulfame-K, having empirical formula C4H4KNO4S, molecular weight of material (on dry basis) m/m
as 201.24 shall be the material which is odourless, white crystalline powder
having intensely sweet taste and is very slightly soluble in ethanol but (vi) Aqueos extracts (on dry basis) m/m Not less than 26.0 & Note
freely soluble in water. It shall contain not less than 99 percent and not more than 35.0 per cent
more than 101 percent of Acesulfame-K on dried basis. It shall not contain
(vii) Caffeine (anhydrous) (on dry basis) Not less than 1.0 per cent
more than 3p.p.m. Flouride. Heavy metals content shall not be more than 2
10 p.p.m. The loss on drying of material at 1050 centigrade for two hours [A.08.02 CHICORY means the roasted chicory powder obtained by
shall not be more than 1 percent of its weight" roasting and grinding of the cleaned and dried roots of
A.08 COFFEE : Chicorium intybus Lin with or without the addition of edible
fats and oils or sugar, like glucose or sucrose in proportion not
A.08-01-(1) Coffee (green, raw or unroasted) means the seeds of Coffea
exceeding 2.0 per cent by weight in aggregate. It shall be free
arabica, Coffea liberica, Coffea excelsa or Coffea canephora (robusta)
from dirt, extraneous matter, artificial colouring and flavouring
with their husks (mesocrap and endocarp) removed.
1. Ins by Noti, No. GSR 992 (E), dt, 4-6-1971.
2. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 454(E), dt. 15-4-1988 corrected by
GSR 1157(E) dt. 9-12-1988. 1. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 992 dated 4-6-1971
3. Amended GSR 396(E) dt. 27-5-1999.
4. Amended GSR 656(E) dt. 13-8-2003. 2. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 656 (E) dated 13-8-2003
235 236
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
It shall conform to the following standards, namely :- A,08.05-Instant Coffce-Chicory Mixture means the product

Total ash(on dry basis) ........Not less than 3.5 per cent and not more manufactured from roasted and ground coffce and roasted and ground
than 8.0 per cent chicory. It shall be in sound dry and dust free condition with no
Ash insoluble....................... Not more than 2.5 per cent rancid or abnoxious flavour. It shall be in the form of a free flowing
(on dry basis) in dilute HCI powder or shall be in the agglomerated (granules) form having the
Aqueous extracts ................ Not less than 55.0 per cent colour, taste and flavour characteristics of coffice chicory powder. It
(on dry basis) shall be free from any impurities and shall not contain any other added
A.08.03 Coffee-Chicory Mixture means the product prepared by substance. The coffce content in the mixture shall not be less than 51
mixing roasted and ground Coffee and roasted and ground chicory and shall percent by mass on dry basis. The percentage of coffce and chicory
be in a sound dry and dust free condition with no rancid or abnoxious flavour. used shall be marked on the label as provided in clause (ii) of sub-rule
It shall be in the form of a free flowing powder having the colour, taste and (A) of rule 42.
flavour characteristic of coffee-chicory powder. It shall be free from any
impurities and shall not contain any other added substane. The coffee content It shall conform to the following standards namely :-
in the mixture shall not be less than 51 per cent by mass. The percentage of (i) Moisture Not more than 4.0 percent
coffee and chicory used shall be marked on the label as provided in clause (i) (ii) Total Ash on dry basis Not more than 10.0 percent
of sub-rule (A) of rule 42. (iii) Acid insoluble ash on dry basis Not more than 0.6 percent
It shall conform to hte following Standards namely :- (iv) Caffeine (anhydrous) on dry basis. Not less than 1.4 percent
(i) Moisture Not more than 5.0 per cent
(v) Solubility in boiling water Dissolves readily in 30 seconds
(ii) Total ash on dry basis Not more than 7.50 per cent
with moderate stirring
(iii) Acid insoluble ash on dry basis Not more than 0.6 per cent
(iv) Caffcine content on dry basis Not less than 0.6 per cent (vi) Solubility in cold water at 16±2 C
Soluble with moderate
(v) Aqueous extracts Not more than 50 per cent stirring in 3 minutes.
[A.08.04 SOLUBLE COFFEE POWDER means coffee powder, obtained
from freshly roasted and ground pure coffee beans. The product shall be in the A.10.01 - BEEF FAT or suet means fat obtained form a beef carcass.
form of a free flowing powder or shall be in the agglomerated form (granules) It shall have a Saponification value varying form 193 to 200 and an Iodine
having colour, taste and flavour characteristic of coffee. It shall be free from value from 35 to 46.
impurities and shall not contain chicory or any other added substances. A. 10.02 - MUTTON FAT means fat obtained from the carcass of
It shall conform to the following standards, namely:- sheep. It shall have a Saponification value varying from 192 to 195 and
(i) Moisture (on dry basis) ............ Not more than 14.0 per cent m/m lodine value from 35 to 46.
(ii) Total ash (on dry basis) ........... Not more than 112.0 per cent
(iii)Caffeine content (on dry .......... Not less than 2.8 percent A. 10.03 - GOAT FAT means the rendered fat from goat. It shall have
(on dry basis) m/m a Saponification value varying from 193 to 196 and an Iodine value form
(iv)Solubility in boiling water ....... Dissolves readily in 30 seconds with 36 to 45.
moderate stirring A. 10.04 - LARD means the rendered fat from hogs and shall not contain
(v) Solubility in cold water ........... Soluble with moderate stirring in more than one per cent of substances other than fatty acids and fat. It shall
at 16±2 0C 3 minutes]. have a Saponification value varying form 192 to 198 and Iodine value
1. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 465 (E) dated 14-8-1997 form 52 to 65.
2. Ins. by Noti. No. 2755 dated 24-11-1956
3. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 74 dated 31-12-1965 1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 848 (E) dated 19-11-1983 & GSR 113 dt. 20-1-1984
4. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 55(E) dated 31-1-1979. 2. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 917 (E) dated 17-11-1987 (w.e.f. 17-5-1988).
5. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 438 (E) dated 19.6.2002 3. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 1533, dt. 8-7-1968.
4. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 438 (E) dated 19.6.2002
6. Amended GSR 656(E) dated 13.8.2003
237 238
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
[A. 10.05 - COCOA BUTTER means the fat obtained by expression Dipterocarpaceae) which has been neutralized with alkali, bleached
from the nibs of the beans of Theobroma cocoa L. It shall be free form with bleaching earth or activated carbon or both, and deodorized with
other oils and fats, mineral oil and added colours. It shall conform to the steam, no other chemical agents being used. Alternatively,
following standards :- deacidification, bleaching and deodorization may be done by physical
Percentage of free fatty acids...............Not more than 1.5 means. The material shall be clear on melting and free form adulterants,
(calculated as oleic acid) sediment, suspended or other foreign matter, separated water or added
colouring substance. There shall be no turbidity after keeping the
Iodine value....................................... 32 to 42
filtered sample at 40 0C for 24 hours. It shall conform to the following
Melting point ..................................... 290C to 34 0C standards :-
Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C.. 40.9 to 48.0 (i) Moisture.................................. Not more than 0.1 per cent
OR (ii) Butyro-refractometer .............. 36.7 - 51.0
Refractive Index at 400C .....................1.4530 to 1.4580
reading at 400C
Saponification value .............................188 to 200]. OR
A. 10.06 - LOW and HIGH FAT COCOA POWDER means the powder Refractive Index at 400C ......... 1.4500 - 1.4600
which is the partially defatted product derived from the cocoa bean, the (iii) Iodine value (Wijs' method) ... 31-45.
seed of Theobroma cocoa L. It may be subjected to treatments during
(iv) Saponificaion value ............... 180-195
manufacture with alkali and/or magnesium carbonate, bicarbonate, and
(v) Unsaponifiable matter .............. Not more than 2.5 per cent by
with tartaric, citric or phosphoric acids. It shall be free form rancidity, dirt,
filth, insects and insect fragments or fungus infestations. It shall conform
to the following standards:- (vi) Free fatty acids ....................... Not more than 0.25 per cent by
(expressed as Oleic acid). weight.
Total ash ...........................Not more than 14.0 per cent (on moisture
and fat free basis).
Acid value.............................. Not more than 0.5
Ash insoluble in dilute..... Not more than 1.0 per cent (on moisture
(vii) 9:10 epoxy and 9:10 ............. Not more than 3.0 per cent
HCI and fat free basis).
Dihydroxy stearic acid. by weight.
Alkalinity of total ash....... Not more than 6.0 per cent as K2O
(viii) Flash point (Pensky Marten ... Not less than 2500C.
(on moisture and fat free basis).
closed method)
Cocoa butter - 2
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative.
(i) for low fat .................. Not less than 10.0 per cent (on moisture
free basis).
[A. 10.08 - CAROB POWDER means the powder obtained from
the roasted pods of carob (fibbled carob) of ceratonia Siliqua (l) Taub.
(ii) for high fat ................. Not less than 20 per cent (on moisture
(Fam. Leguminosae) and shall be free from husk. It shall be free form
free basis.
any artificial colouring, flavouring, extraneous matter or glazing sub-
[A.10.07 - REFINED SALSEED FAT - means the fat obtainded form stance and shall be in sound, dry and fresh condition, free from rancid
seed kernels of Sal trees, Shorea robusta Gaertn. f. (N.O. or obnoxious flavours. It shall also conform to the following stand-
1. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E), dt. 15-11-1984. ards, namely:-
2. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 179 (E) dt. 6-4-1998
3. Amended GSR 319(E) dt. 6-5-1999 1. Sub by Noti No. 764 (E) dated 15-11-1984
4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 1533 dated 8-7-1968. 2. Added GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001.
239 240
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(i) Total ash .................. Not more than 1.2 per cent by weight. (b) Saponification value ...................... 185 – 198
(ii) Acid insoluble matter ..............Not than 5 per cent by weight. (c) Unsaponifiable matters .................. Not more than 1.5 per cent by
(iii) Tannin content .......................Not less than 0.10 per cent and weight
...................................... not more than 0.15 per cent]. (d) Iodine value (Wijs) ........................ 32 – 57
(e) Acid Value ..................................... Not more than 0.5
"A. 10.09 KOKUM FAT means the fat obtained from clean and sound

kernels of kokam (Garcinia indica choisy) also known as kokam, by process (f) Flash Point (Pensky-Martens
of expression or by a process of solvent extraction from cake or kernel. It closed method] ............................... Not less than 2500C
shall be refined. The fat shall be clear on melting and free from rancidity,
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative.
adulterants, sediment, suspended or other foreign matter, separated water, A.10.11 DHUPA Fat means the fat obtained from clean and sound seed
added colouring and flavouring matters and mineral oil." kernels of Dhupa, also know as Indian Copal (Vateria indica Linn) tree by
It shall also conform to the following standards, namely :- process of expression or by a process of solvent extraction from cake or kernel.
(a) Butyro-refractometer .................. 45.9-47.3 It shall be refined. The fat shall be clear on melting and free from rancidity,
reading at 400C adulterants, sediment, suspended or other foreign matter, separated water,
OR added colouring and flavouring matter and mineral oil:
Refractive Index at 400C................ 1.4565 to 1.4575 It shall also conform to the following standards, namely:-
(b) Saponification value ...................... 187-191.7 (a) Butyro-refractometer reading at 40 C ... 47.5 – 49.5
(c) Unsaponifable matters .................... Not more than 1.5 per cent OR
by weight Refractive Index at 400C ........................ 1.4576 to 1.4590
(d) Iodine value (Wijs) ........................ 32-40 (b) Saponification value .............................. 187 – 192
(e) Acid value ..................................... Not more than 0.5 (c) Unsaponifiable matters .......................... Note more 1.5 per
(f) Flash Point [Pensky- cent by weight.
Martens (closed) method] ........... Not less than 2500C (d) Iodine value (Wijs) ................................ 36 – 43
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative.
3 (e) Acid value .............................................. Note more than 0.5
(f) Flash Point [Pensky-Martens ................. Note less than
A. 10.10 MANAGO KERNEL FAT means the fat obtained form clean
(closed) method] 2500C
and sound kernels of Mango (Mangifera India Linn) by process of expression
or by a process of solvent extraction form cake or kernel. It shall be refined.
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative.
The fat shall be clear on melting and free from rancidity, adulterants, sediment, A.10.12. PHULWARA FAT means the fat obtained from clean and sound
suspended or other foreign matter, separated water, added colouring and seed kernels of Phulwara [variously named Aisandra Butyrace
flavouring matters and mineral oil. (Roxb) Baehni, Madhuea Butyracca or Bassia Butyracea] by a
It shall also conform to the following standards, namely :- process of expression or by process of solvent extraction from
(a) Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C 43.7 – 51.6 cake or kernel. It shall be refined. The fat shall be clear on melting
and shall be free from rancidity, adulterants, sediments, suspended
or other foreign matters, separated water, added colouring and
Refractive Index at 400C ................ 1.4550 to 1.4604 flavouring substances and mineral oil.
1. Sub by Noti. No. 481(E) dt. 16-9-1993 read with GSR 512(E) dt. 15-6-1994 It shall also conform to the following standards, namely:
2. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 481 (E) dated 16-9-1993 & 512(E) dated 15-6-1994.
3. Added GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001. 1. Added GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001.
241 242
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(a) Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C ....... 48.6 – 51.0 1
[A.11.01.03 - STERILISATION : The term sterilisation when
or used in association with milk, means heating milk in sealed container
continuously to temperature of either 1150C for 15 minutes or at least
Refractive Index at 400C...................... 1.4584 to 1.4600 1300C for a period of one second or more in a continuous flow and
(b) Saponification value............................ 192.5 – 199.4 then packed under asceptic condition in hermetically sealed contain-
(c) Unsaponifiable matters ....................... Not more than 1.5 per ers to ensure preservation at room temperature for a period not less
cent by weight than 15 days from the date of manufacture].
(d) Iodine vale (Wijs) ............................... 43.8 – 47.4 A.11.01.04 - BOILED MILK means milk which has been brought
to boil.
(e) Acid value ..........................................
Not more than 0.5
(f) Flash Point [Pensky-
[A.11.01.05 - FLAVOURED MILK, by whatever name called, may
contain] [nuts (whole, fragmented or ground) chocolate, coffee or any other
Martens (closed) method].................... Not less than 250oC
edible flavour, edible food colours and cane sugar, Flavoured milk shall be
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative. pasteurised, sterilised or boiled]. 3[The type of milk shall be mentioned on the
[A.11- MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS] : label].
A.11.01 - DEFINITIONS. 5
[A.11.01.05A - MIXED MILK means a combination of milk of cow,
[A.11.01.01 - Milk is the normal mammary secretion derived from
2 buffalo, sheep, goat or any other milch animal and may be a combination of
complete milking of healthy milch animal without either addition thereto any of these milk which has been made and conforms to the standards given
or extraction therefrom. It shall be free from colostrum. Milk of different in the table below item A.11.01.11].
classes and of different designations shall conform to the standards laid A.11.01.06 - STANDARDISED MILK means cow milk or buf-
down in the Table below item A.11.01.11]. falo milk 5[or sheep milk or goat milk or combination of any of these
[A.11.01.02 - PASTEURISATION - The term pasteurisation, when
3 milk] that has been 6[standardised to a fat and solids-not-fat percentage]
used in association with 2[milk of different classes] means heating 2[milk given in the table below item A.11.01.11 by the 6[adjustment of milk sol-
of different classed] by a heat treatment as mentioned below and cooling ids]. Standardised milk shall be pasteurised and shall show a negative
to a suitable temperature before distribution. Pasteurised 2[milk of different Phosphatase Test.
classes] shall show a negative Phosphatase Test]. A.11.01.07 - RECOMBINED MILK means the homogenised prod-
The terms "Pasteurisation". "Pasteurised" and similar terms shall be uct prepared form milk fat, non-fat-milk solids and water. Recombined milk
taken to refer to the process of heating every particle of milk 2[of different shall be pasteurised and shall show a negative Phosphatase Tast.
classes] to at least 630C, and holding at such temperature continuously for A.11.01.08 - TONED MILK means the product prepared by admix-
at least 30 minutes, or heating it to at least 71.50C, and holding at such ture of cow or buffalo milk or both with fresh skimmed milk, or by admixture
temperature continuously for at least 15 seconds or an approved temperature- of cow or buffalo milk or both 6[that has been standardised to fat and solids-
time combination that will serve to give negative Phosphatase Test. no-fat percentage given in the table below item A.11.01.11 by adjustment of
milk solids. It shall be pasteurised and shall show a
All pasteurised 2[milk of different classes] shall be cooled immediately
to a temperature of 100C, or less 3[***]. 1. Sub/Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 10 (E) dated 7.1.1991.
2 2. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 243 dated 1-3-1980.
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1417 dated 20-9-1976 (w.e.f. 2-10-1976).
1. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 1533 dated 8.7.1968.
4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 133 dt. 23-1-1973
2. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 550 (E) dated 4.7.1985.
3. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 243 (E) dated 1.3.1980 5. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 55 (E), dated 31-1-1979 (w.e.f. 31-1-1979).
4. Added GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001. 6. Sub/Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 550 (E) dated 4-7-1985.
243 244
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
negative Phosphatase Test. When fat or dry non-fat-milk solids are (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
used, it shall be ensured that the product remains homogeneous and
no deposition of solids take place on standing]. Maharashtra
A.11.01.09 - DOUBLE TONED MILK means the product
Punjab 6.0 9.0
prepared by admixture of cow or buffalo milk or both with fresh
skimmed milk, or by admixture of cow or buffalo milk or both 1that
has been standardised to fat and solids-non-fat percentage given in Uttar Pradesh
the Table below item A.11.01.11 by adjustment of milk solids]. It shall West Bangal
be pasteurised and shall show a negative Phosphatase Test. When fat or Andaman &
dry non-fat milk solids are used, it shall be ensured that the product remains Nicobar
homogeneous and no deposition of solids take place on standing. Andhra Pradesh
A.11.01.10 - SKIMMED MILK means the product prepared
from milk from which almost all the milk fat has been removed Pradesh]
mechanically. Dadra & Nagar
A.11.01.10A - FULL CREAM MILK means milk or a Haveli, Goa,
combination of buffalo or cow milk or a product prepared by Daman &
combination of both that has been standardised to fat and solids-no- Due, 1[Himachal
fat percentage, given under item, A.11.01.11, by adjustment/addition Pradesh]
of milk solids. Full cream Milk shall be pasteurised. It shall show a
negative Phosphatase Test. It shall be packed in clean, sound and BUFFALO Raw, Pasteurised 2
[Jammu and
sanitary containers properly sealed, so as to prevent contamination." MILK Boiled, flavoured Kashmir] 5.0 9.0
A.11.01.11 - The standards for different classes and and sterilised 2
designations of milk shall be as given in the table below. Milk shall Kerala,
conform to both parameters for milk fat and milk solids not fat, Laccadive,
independently, as prescrbed in columns (4) and (5) of the said table". Minicoy &
Class of milk Designations Locality Minimum percent Islands, 2[*****]
Milk Milk Madhya Pradesh
fat solids Manipur
non fat 2
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Nagaland
BUFFALO Raw, Pasteurised, Assam 6.0 9.0
MILK Boiled, Flavoured Bihar Orissa
and sterilised Chandigarh Pondicherry
Delhi, Gujarat Rajasthan
Haryana 1
[Tamil Nadu]
1. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 550 (E) dated 4-7-1985 Tripura
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 223 (E) dated 20-5-1996 (w.e.f. 20-11-1996) 1. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 2163 dated 14-12-1968.
3. Amended GSR 67 (E) dt 5.2.2001 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 3 (E), dt 1-1-1985.
245 246
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Chandigarh COW Raw, Pasteurised Tripura
Haryana 4.0 8.5 MILK Boiled, flavoured Uttar Pradesh 3.5 8.5
Punjab and sterilised West Bengal
Andamen &
Orissa 3.0 8.5
Andhra Pradesh Chandigarh
[Arunachal Haryana
Pradesh] Kerala
Assam, Bihar
Madhya Pradesh 3.5 9.0
Dadra & Nagar
Haveli, Delhi Uttar Pradesh
Goa, Daman
& Diu,
GOAT OR Raw, Pasteurised Andaman &
SHEEP Boiled, Flavoured Nicobar Islands
MILK and Sterilised Andhra Pradesh
COW Raw, Pasteurised Himachal Pradesh 1
MILK Boiled, Flavoured 1
[Jammu & Kashmir 3.5 8.5 Pradesh]
and sterilised Karnataka Assam
Kerala, Bihar, Dadra &
Laccadive, Nagar Haveli,
Minicoy & Delhi
[Aminidive] Goa, Daman & 3.0 9.0
Islands Diu,
Madhya Pradesh Gujarat
[****] Himachal Pradesh
[Jammu and
Manipur Kashmir]
Nagaland Minicoy &
[***] 2
[Pondicherry Islands 1[***]
Rajasthan Manipur,
[Sikkim] 1
Tamil Nadu 1
1. Ins by Noti. No. GSR (E), dt. 1-1-1985. 1. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 3 (E) dated 1-1-1985
2. Corrected by Noti. No. 2163 dated 14-12-1968. 2. Corrected by Noti. No. GSR 2163, dated 14-12-1968.
247 248
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (ii) The heat treatment for the various designated milk shall
be as follows :-
Designation Heat Treatment
Raw Nil.
Orissa Pasteurised Pasteurisation
GOAT OR Raw, pasteurised Pondicherry 3.0 9.0 Boiled Boiling
SHEEP Boiled, Flavoured Rajasthan Flavoured Pasteurisation or Sterilisation.
MILK and Sterilised 2
[Sikkim] Sterilised Sterilisation.
[Tamil Nadu]
Notes :
– Milk containing solids-not-fat and milk fat either slightly above or
West Bengal below the prescribed standards are due to natural causes and be-
Raw, Pasteurised All India 4.5 8.5 yond the control of human agency. The benefit to go to the accused
Milk Boiled, Flavoured (P.P. Karuran vs. food inspector) Kerala High Court, FAC 1985
and Sterilised. (II) 129.
Standardised Pasteurised, All India 4.5 8.5 – Milk samples. Non-fat-solids deficient by about 24 per cent but fat
Milk Flavoured was much higher than prescribed standard of 4.5% (Dhani Ram
and Sterilised. vs. State) FAC 1979 (II) 47 ; conviction set aside (Rameshwar Singh
vs. State of U.P.) Allahabad High Court. FAC 1981 (I) 18.
Recombined 1Pasteurised All India 3.0 8.5
Milk Flavoured – Goat's milk having 5.1 per cent fat i.e. 45% more than required
standard of 3.5% fat but deficient in solids - not-fat by 10% a clear
and Sterilised].
case of marginal deficiency and aggregate of fat and not-fatty-
Toned Milk 1 Pasteurised All India 3.0 8.5 solids exceeds the required 12% - no offence (Municipal Board It
Milk Flavoured was vs. State) Allahabad High Court, FAC 1981 (II) I.
and Sterilised] – Milk Sample showing 14% fat against prescribed standard of 6% -
Double [Pasteurised All India 1.5 9.0 results inaccurate and in absence of any other report, conviction
Toned 1 Flavoured cannot be substained (Poti Ram vs. State) Allahabad High Court,
Milk and Sterilised]. FAC 1982 (I) 193.
Skimmed Raw, Pasteurised All India Not more 8.7 – Cow's milk containing solids-not-fat 8 per cent and milk fat 6.7
Milk Boiled, Flavoured than 0.5 per cent as against 4 per cent - held milk not adulterated (Ram
and Sterilised. per cent Kumar vs. State of Punjab) Punjab and Haryana High Court, FAC
1982 (I) 68.
Full Cream Pasteurised & All India 6.0 9.0
Milk Sterlised. A. 11.02 - MILK PRODUCTS means the products obtained from
milk such as cream, malai, curd, skimmed milk curd, chhanna,
Note - (i) When milk is offered for sale without indication of the skimmed-milk channa, cheese, processed cheese, ice cream, milk ices,
class the standards prescribed for buffalo milk shall condensed milk-sweetened and unsweetened, condensed skimmed milk
apply. powder, partly skimmed milk powder, khoa, infant milk food, table
1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 55 (E), dated 31-1-1979 (w.e.f. 31.1.1979). butter and deshi butter.
2. Ins by Noti. No. 3(E) dated 1-1-1985. A.11.02.01 - MILK PRODUCTS specified in Appendix B shall not
3. Ins. by Noti. No. 223(E) dated 20-5-1996 (w.e.f. 20-11-1996) contain any substance not found in milk unless specified in the standards.
249 250
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
.A.11.02.02 - CREAM including sterilized cream means the product
4 1
[Milk solids may also be used in preparation of this product].
of cow or buffalo milk or a combination thereof. It shall be free from
starch and other ingredients foreign to milk. It may be of following three
A. 11.02.06 Omitted
categories, namely :-
A. 11.02.07 - CHEESE (HARD) means the product obtained
1. Low fat cream-containing milk fat not less than 25.0 per by draining after coagulation of milk with a harmless milk
cent by weight. coagulating agent under the influence of harmless bacterial culture.
It shall not contain ingredients not found in milk, except
2. Medium fat cream-containing milk fat not less than 40.0 coagulating agent, sodium chloride, calcium chloride, calcium
per cent by weight. chloride (anhydrous salt) not exceeding 0.02 per cent by weight,
3. High fat cream-containing milk fat not less than 60.0 per annatto or carotene colour, and may contain emulsifiers and/or
cent by weight. stabilizers, namely citric acid, sodium citrate or sodium salts of
orthophosphoric acid and polypohsphoric acid (as linear phosphate)
Note :- Cream sold without any indication about milk fat content shall 2
[***] not exceeding 0.2% by weight. Wax used for covering the
be treated as high fat cream." outer surface shall not contain any thing harmful to health. In case
A. 11.02.03 - MALAI means the product rich in butter fat prepared by the wax is coloured, only permitted food colour shall be used. Hard
boiling and cooling cow or buffalo milk or a combination thereof. It shall cheese shall contain not more than 43.0 per cent moisture and not
contain not less than 25.0 per cent milk fat. less than 42.0 per cent milk fat of the dry matter. 5 Hard cheese
may contain up to 3000 parts per million sorbic acid, or its sodium,
A. 11.02.04 - DAHI OR CURD means the product obtained from potassium or calcium salts calculated as sorbic acid, and/or 12.5
pasteurised or boiled milk by souring, natural or otherwise, by a harmless parts per million nisin either singly or in combination".
lactic acid or other bacterial culture. Dahi may contain added cane sugar.
Dahi shall have the same minimum percentage of milk fat and milk solids- 4
Natamycin may be used for surface treatment only, subject to the
not-fat as the milk from which it is prepared, 1[Milk solids may also be following conditions, namely :-
used in preparation of this product.
(i) Maximum level of application shall not exceed 2 mg/
Where dahi or curd 2[***] is sold or offered for sale without any dm3 of cheese surface.
indication of class of milk, the standards prescribed for dahi prepared from
buffalo milk shall apply. (ii) The penetration depth shall not exceed 2 mm.
A. 11.02.05 - CHHANA OR PANEER means the product obtained (iii) The maximum residue level in the finished product shall
from the cow or buffalo milk or a combination thereof by precipitation not exceed 1 mg/dm3.
with sour milk, lactic acid or citric acid. It shall not contain more than 70.0
per cent moisture and the milk fat content shall not be less than 50.0 per
cent of the dry matter.
1. Added by Noti. No. GSR 205 of 13-2-1974 (w.e.f. 23-5-1974).
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 550(E) dated 4.7.1985. 2. Omitted by Noti No. GSR 503 (E) dated 1-9-1981.
2. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 503 (E) dated 1-9-1981. 3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 550 (E) dated 4-7-1985.
3. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 10 (E) dated 7-1-1991 (w.e.f. 7-7-1991). 4. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 223 (E) dated 20-5-1996 (w.e.f. 20-11-1996)
4. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 41(E) dated 21-1-1997 (w.e.f. 21-1-1998). 5. Subs by Noti GSR 67 (E) dt 5.2.2001
251 252
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
"A. CHEESE means the product obtained It may contain vegetable colouring matter such as annatto,
by heating one or more types of hard cheeses with permitted carotene, permitted flavouring agents and milk coagulating enzymes
emulsifiers and/or stabilizers namely citric acid, so dium citrate, with or without purified calcium chloride (anhydrous salt) 3 not
sodium salts of orthophosphoric acid and polyphosphoric acid (as exceeding 0.02 percent and sodium citrate not exceeding 2.0 per
linear phosphate) with or without added condiments, and acidifying cent may be added. It may contain natural sweetening agents
agents, namely vinegar, lactic acid,acetic acid, citric acid and namely, sugar, dextrose, cane sugar, corn syrup. honey, corn syrup
phosphoric acid. Processed cheese may contain not more than 4.0 solids, maltose, malt syrup and hydrolysed lactose in a quantity
per cent of anhydrous permittedemulsifiers and/or stabilizers, necessary for seasoning and spices and condiments. It may contain
provided that the content of anhydrous inorganic agents shall in sodium chloride not exceeding 3 per cent by weight. 2"Processed
no case exceed 3.0 per cent of the finished product. It shall not cheese spread may contain up to 3000 parts per million sorbic acid
contain more than 47.0 per cent moisture. Processed cheese chiplets or its sodium, potassium or calcium salts (calculated as sorbic acid)
(packed sliced cheese) when sold in a package other than tin, shall and/or 12.5 parts per million nisin." It shall not contain more the
not contain more than 50.0 per cent moisture. The milk fat content 60 per cent moisture and milk fat content (on dry basis) shall not
shall not be less than 40.0 per cent of the dry matter. Processed be less than 40 per cent by weight.
cheese may contain upto 3000 parts per million sorbic acid or its A. 11.02.08 - ICE CREAM, KULFI AND CHOCOLATE ICE
sodium, potassium or calcium salts (calculated as sorbic acid) and/ CREAM mean the frozen product obtained from cow or buffalo
or 12.5 parts per million nisin either singly or in combination. It milk or a combination thereof or from cream, and/or other milk
may contain calcium chloride (anhydrous) not exceeding 0.02 per products, with or without the addition of cane sugar, 1[dextrose,
cent by weight." liquid glucose and dried liquid glucose]. 3maltodextrin, eggs, fruits,
A.11.02 07.02 - PROCESSED CHEESE SPREAD means a
3,4,5 fruit juice, preserved fruits, nuts, chocolate, edible flavours and
product obtained by comminuting and mixing one or more types permitted food colours. It may contain permitted stabilizer and
of cheeses into a homogeneous mass with the aid of heat. It may or emulsifiers not exceeding 0.5 per cent by weight. The mixture shall
may not contain butter, cream, butter oil, milk, skimmed milk be suitably heated before freezing. The product shall contain not
powder, cheese, whey, butter milk or one or any of these from which less than 10.0 per cent milk fat, 3.5 per cent protein and 36.0 per
part of water has been removed. It may also contain permitted cent total solids. 3 Omitted
emulsifying and stabilising agents. It may contain one or more of
[Starch may be added to a maximum extent of 5.0 per cent
the sodium/potassium salts of citric acid, phosphoric acid, tartaric under a declaration on a label as specified in sub-rule (2) of Rule
acid, lactic acid in such quantities that mass of the solids of such 43.
emulsifying agents is not more than 4 per cent of mass of the The standards foe ice cream shall also apply to softy ice-cream].
processed cheese spread. It may contain sequestering and buffering 4
[In case of ice-cream, where the chocolate or like covering por-
agents, namely, lactic acid, acetic acid, citric acid and phosphoric tion forms a separate layer, only the ice cream portion shall con-
acid. form to the standards of ice-cream.

1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 243 dated 1-3-1980.

2. Added by Noti No. GSR 205 (E) dated 13-2-1974 (w.e.f. 23-5-1974) 1. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 243 (E) dated 1.3.1980
3. Subs by Noti No. GSR 223(E) dated 20-5-1996 (w.e.f. 20-11-1996) 2. Subs GSR 67 (E) dt 5.2.2001
4. Added by Noti. No. GSR 106(E) dated 7-1-1991 (w.e.f. 7-7-1991) 3. Amended GSR 223 (E) dt 20.5.1996 (wef. 20.11.1996)
5. Subs by Noti No. GSR 67 (E) dated 5.2.2001 4. Added GSR 550 (E) dt 4.7. 1985
253 254
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Note :- Fruit ice cream, nos ice cream and, not stds. fixed-no standard fixed. (P. Sathyaeelan vs. Alappee Municipality) Kerala
condition possible (Lekhraj v/s state of Punjab, FAC 1980 (II) High Court, FAC 1987 (I) 309.
A. 11.02.10 - Condensed Milk Unsweetened (Evaporated
A. - "DRIED ICE CREAM MIX" shall be the
Milk) means the product obtained from cow or buffalo milk or
material prepared by spray or roller drying of ice-cream mix. It combination thereof or from standardised milk by the partial
shall contain milk solids, sucrose or corn syrup or refined sugar. removal of water. It may contain added calcium chloride, citric
It may contain permitted colours and flavours. It may contain sta- acid and sodium citrate, sodium salts of orthosphosphoric acid and
bilisers and emulsifiers not exceeding 1.25 per cent by weight. polyphosphoric acid (as linear phosphate) 1[***] not exceeding 0.3
The product shall contain not less than 27.0 percent milk fat and per cent by weight of the finished product. Such additions need
9.5 per cent protein and moisture shall not be more than 4.0 per not be declared on the label. Condensed milk unsweetened shall
cent by weight. The sucrose content shall not be more than 40 per contain not less than 8.0 per cent milk fat and not less than 26.0
cent by weight. per cent milk solids.
The process of drying shall be mentioned on the label. It shall 3
"If the product is subjected to Ultra High Temparature
be packed in hermetically sealed clean sound containers ; (UHT) treatment by heating it at temparature of not less than 140 0C
for a minimum period of 3 seconds followed by asceptic packaging,
A. 11.02.09 - MILK ICES OR MILK LOLLIES means the frozen
it shall be designated as UHT and labelled as specified under clause
product obtained from milk, skimmed milk or milk product with or
(ddd) of sub-rule (B) of rule 42."
without addition of cane sugar, 4[dextrose, liquid glucose, and dried
liquid glucose], eggs, fruits, juices, nuts, chocolate, edible flavours A. 11.02.11 - CONDENSED MILK SWEETENED means
and permitted food colours. It may contain permitted stabilizers not the product obtained from cow or buffalo milk or a combination
exceeding 0.5 per cent of the product, The mixture shall be suitably thereof or from standardised milk by the partial removal of water
heat-treated before freezing. The product shall contain not more than and after addition of cane sugar. It may contain added refined
2.0 per cent milk fat, not less than 3.5 per cent proteins and not less lactose, 2[permitted flavours], calcium chloride, citric acid, sodium
than 20.0 per cent total solids. salts of orthophosphoric acid and polyphosphoric aid (as linear
Notes :- Yellow water milk will not come under class or phosphate) 1 [***] not exceeding 0.3 per cent by weight of the
designation of milk or milk products and the sample sold was one finished product. Such addition need not be declared on the label.
for which no standard has been fixed Even if it contains any Condensed milk sweetened shall contain not less than 9.0 per cent
prohibited or injurious material, it could be treated as adulterated milk fat, not less than 31.0 per cent total milk solids and not less
but there is no such allegation. Ice milk is not a substitute for milk than 40.0 per cent cane sugar. 4The total acidity expressed as lactic
ice for which standard is fixed. Hence sample was where no acid shall not be more than 0.35 per cent
1. Added by Noti. No. GSR 205 dated 23-2-1974. UNSWEETENED (EVAPORATED SKIMMED MILK) means the
2. Added by Noti. No. GSR 550 (E) dated 4-7-1985.
3. Added by Noti. No. GSR 596 (E) dated 17.6.1992 (w.e.f. 17-12-1992). 1. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 503 (E), dt. 1-9-1981.
4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 243 dated 1-3-1980 2. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 55(E) dated 31-1-1979
5. Omitted vide Noti. No. 925(E) dated 16.12.1992. 3. Ins. by Noti. NO. GSR 223(E) dated 20-5-1996 (w.e.f. 20-11-1996)
6. Sub. by Noti. No. 41(E) dated 29-1-1997 & 286(E) dated 29-5-1997. 4. Amended GSR 501(E) dt. 29-5-2000
255 256
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
product obtained from cow or buffalo skimmed milk or a after addition of cane sugar. It may contain added renfined
combination thereof by partial removal of water. It may contain lactose, calcium chloride, citric acid, sodium citrate, sodium
added calcium chloride, citric acid and sodium citrate, sodium salts salts of ortho-phosphoric acid and poly phospohoric acid (as
of orthophosphoric acid and polyphosphoric acid (as linear linear phosphate) not exceeding 0.3 percent by weight of the
phosphate) 1 [***] not exceeding 0.3 per cent by weight of the finished product. Such addition need not be declared on the
finished product. Such addition need not be declared on the label. label. Partly skimmed sweetened condensed milk shall contain
Condensed skimmed milk unsweetened shall contain not less than not less than 28.0 per cent of total milk solids and not less than
20.0 per cent total milk solids. The fat content shall not exceed 0.5 40.0 per cent cane sugar. The fat content shall not be less than
per cent by weight 3 . If the product is subjected to Ultra High 3.0 per cent and not more than 9.0 per cent by weight. 10The total
Temparature (UHT) treatment by heating it at a temparature of not acidity expressed as lactic acid shall not more than 0.35 per
less than 140 0 C for a minimum period of 3 seconds followed by cent.
asceptic packaging, it shall be designated as UHT and labelled as
specified under clause (ddd) of sub-rule (B) of rule 42."
A. 11.02.14 MILK POWDER means the product prepared
by spray drying of standardised milk obtained from fresh cow
A. 11.02.13 - CONDENSED SKIMMED MILK milk or buffalo milk or a mixture thereof. It may contain calcium
SWEETENED means the product obtained from cow or buffalo chloride, citric acid and sodium citrate, sodium salts of
skimmed milk or a combination thereof by the partial removal of orthophosphoric acid and polyphosphoric acid (as linear phosphate)
water and after addition of cane sugar. It may contain added refined 1
(***) not exceeding 0.3 per cent by weight of the finished
lactose, calcium chloride, citric acid and sodium citrate, sodium product, and 0.01 per cent of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) by
salts of orthophosphoric acid and polyphosphoric acid (as linear weight of the finished products. Such addition need not be
phosphate 1(*****) not exceeding 0.3 percent by weight of the declared on the label 2[For improving dispersibility, it may contain
finished product. Such addition need not be declared on the label. lecithin to a maximum limit of 0.5 per cent under label declaration
Condensed skimmed milk sweetened shall contain not less than as per Rule 42B(i)(ee).
26.0 percent of total milk solids and not less than 40.0 per cent
cane sugar. The fat content shall not exceed 0.5 per cent by weight.
Milk powder shall contain not more than 4.0 percent
The total acidity expressed as lactic acid shall not more than 0.35 moisture, not less than 26.0 per cent milk fat, not less than
per cent. 96.0 per cent total solids and not more than 7.3 per cent total ash
on dry basis. The total acidity expressed as lactic acid shall not be
A. - "Partly skimmed sweetened condensed milk
more than 1.2 per cent. The plate count shall not exceed 40,000
means the product obtained from partly skimmed cow or buffalo per gram. Coliform count and coagulase positive staphylococcus
milk or a combination thereof by the partial removal of water and aureus shall be absent in 0.1 gram of the powder. Salmonella and
shigella shall be absent in 25 grams of the powder. The insolubility
1. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 503 (E), dated 1-9-81. index shall not be more than 2.0 ml."
2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 55 (E) dated 31-1-1979.
The spray dried product shall be packed in 6nitrogen or mixture of
3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 205 dated 23.2.1974 (w.e.f. 23-5-1974). nitrogn and carbon dioxide in hermetically sealed containers.
4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 11(E) dated 4-1-1985 7
5. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 205(E) 23-2-1974 (w.e.f. 23-5-1974)
9. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 179(E) dt. 6-4-1998. (w.e.f. 6-10-1998) 10. Amended GSR 501(E) dated 29-5-2000.
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The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
provided that the spray-dried milk powder meant for declared on the label. Skimmed milk powder shall not contain more than
reconstitution into liquid milk and not for direct consumption as 1.5 per cent milk fat and moisture shall not exceed 5.0 per cent. 6The total
such may also be packed in bags of food grade polyethylene of acidity expressed as lactic acid shall not exceed 1.5 per cent. The plate
minimum thickness 0.050 mm, encased with multi-walled kraft count shall not exceed 50,000 per gram. 7[Coliform shall be absent in 0.1
paper bags, or pack made out of kraft paper sandwhich laminated gm. of the powder.)
to high density polyethylene woven fabric, The product shall be
stored below 20 degree centigrade and a statement of this effect
"Insolubility Index (Maximum) Roller dried Spray dried
shall be made on the package, alongwith the date of manufacture. 15.0 ml. 1.5 ml
In addition to compliance with the labelling provisions contained
in rule 32, such bags shall also be clearly labelled as 'Not for direct The total solids shall not be less than 95.0 per cent and total ash (on dry
consumption' and To be used before .............." basis) shall not be more than 8.2 per cent;"
Provided further that if the spray dried milk powder meant The process of drying shall be mentioned on the label.
for reconstitution into liquid milk and not for direct consumption
and packed in above manner, cannot be stored at or below 20 degree A. 11.02.16 - PARTLY SKIMMED MILK POWDER means the product
centigrade, such product shall not contain moisture more than 3.5 obtained from partly skimmed cow or buffalo milk or a combination thereof
per cent by weight and shall be clearly labelled as "To be used by the removal of water. It may contain added calcium chloride, citric
within five months from the date of packing" and "Not for direct acid and sodium citrate, sodium salts of orthophosphoric acid and
consumption;" polyphosphoric acid (as linear phosphate) 3[***] not exceeding 0.3 per
cent by weight of the finished product. Such addition need not be declared
["Omitted]. on the label. Partly skimmed milk powder shall not contain more than 5.0
A. 11.02.15 - SKIMMED MILK POWDER means per cent moisture and 4[fat content of the products shall be more than 1.5
the product obtained from skimmed cow or buffalo milk and less than 26.0 per cent. Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) not exceeding
or a combination thereof by the removal of water. It may 0.01 percent by weight of the finished product may be added. The exact
contain added calcium chloride, citric acid and sodium fat content shall be indicated on the label.
citrate, sodium salts of orthophosphoric acid and polyhosphoric 11
"Insolubility Index (Maximum) Roller dried Spray dried
acid (as linear phosphate 5 [***] not exceeding 0.3 per cent
by weight of the finished product. Such addition need not be 15.0 ml. 1.5 ml.

1. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 205, (E) dated 13.2.1974 (w.e.f. 23.5.1974)
1. Sub by Noti. No. GSR 41(E) dated 29.1.1997.
2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 133(E) dated 23.1.1973.
2. Subs./Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 55(E) dated (31-1-1979)
3. Subs. by Noti No. GSR 12(E), dated 5-1-1987 3. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 503 (E), dated 1.9.1981.
4. Added by Noti. No. GSR 596(E) dated 17-6-1992 (w.e.f. 17-12-1992) 4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 550 (E), dated 4.7.1985.
5. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR503(E) dated 1-9-1981 10. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 178(E) dt. 6.4.98 (w.e.f. 6.10.1998).
6. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 10(E) dated 7-1-1991 (w.e.f. 7-7-1991) 11. Amended GSR 501(E) datedt 29.5.2000)
7. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E) dated 7-9-1990 (w.e.f. 7-12-1990) 6. Subs. by Noti No. GSR 205 dated 23-2-1974 (w.e.f. 23-5-1975).
8. Omitted by Noti No. GSR 925(E) dated 16-12-1992 7. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 11(E), dated 4-1-1985
9. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 12(E) dated 5-1-1987. 9. Amended GSR 501(E) dated 29-5-2000.
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The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
The total solids shall not be less than 95.0 per cent and total ash "Ferrous sulphate, Ferrous citrate, Ferrous fumerate, Ferrous
(on dry basis) shall not be more than 8.2 per cent. The acidity succinate, Ferric Ammonium citrate, Ferric pyrophosphate."
expressed as lactic acid shall not be more than 1.5 per cent." It shall be free form starch and added antioxidants. It shall also be
free form dirt, extraneous matter, preservatives and added colour and flavour
The process of drying shall be mentioned on the label. The spray dried and from any material which is harmful to human health. It shall not have
product shall be packed in hermetically sealed containers. 7[...] rancid taste or musty odour. It shall also conform to the following standards,
namely :-
1. Moisture, per cent by weight (not more than) .............................. 4.5
[A. 11.02.17 - KHOYA by whatever variety of names
2. Total milk protein, per cent by weight (not less than) ................. 12.0
it is sold such as Pindi, Danedar, Dhap, Mawa or kava means
3. Milk fat, per cent by weight (not less than) ................................ 18.0
the product obtained from cow or buffalo or 4 [goat or sheep]
milk 5[or milk solids or a combination therof by rapid drying. The milk 4. Total ash, per cent by weight (not more than) .............................. 8.5
fat content shall not be less than 1030 per cent on dry weight basis of 5. Ash insoluble in dilute Hydrochloric acid,
finished product 10,4[It may contain citric acid not more than 0.1 per cent per cent by weight (not more than) .............................................. 0.1
by weight.] It shall be free from added starch, added sugar and added 6. Solubility :
colouring matter. (a) Solubility Index maximum
"A. 11.02.18 - INFANT MILK FOOD - The material
9 (if roller dried)................................................................. 15.0 ml
prepared by spray drying or by roller drying of the milk (if spray dried)................................................................. 2.0 ml
of cow or buffalo or a mixture thereof. The milk may be (b) Solubility per cent by weight (not less than)
modified by the partial removal/substitution of different milk (if roller dried) .............................................................85.00
solids; carbohydrates, such as sucrose, dextrose and dextrins, (if spray dried) .............................................................. 98.5
maltose and lactose; salts like phosphates and citrates; vitamins 7. Vitamin A. (as retinol) mcg. per 100g. (not less than) .........350
A,D,E,B Group, Vitamin C and other vitamins; and minerals like
8. Added Vitamin D (expressed as Cholecalciferol) I.U. per
iron, copper, zinc and iodine. The source of iron may be selected
from :- 100 g. (not less than) ................................................................. 180
9. Iron, mg per 100g. (not less than) ............................................... 5.0
10. Thiamine, mcg per 100g. (not less than) .................................... 185
2. Subs by Noti No GSR 133 (E) dt. 13.2.1974 (w.e.f. 235. 1974)
11. Nicotinamide, mcg per 100g. (not less than) ............................ 1160
4. Subs by Noti GSR 550 (E) dt 4.7.1985 12. Riboflavin, mcg per 100g. (not less than) ................................... 275
5. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 205, dt.13.2.1974 (w.e.f.23.5.1974) 13. Vitamin B6, mcg per 100g. (not less than) ................................. 160
6. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 55(E) dated 31.1.1979 (w.e.f. 31.1.1979) 14. Vitamin B12, mcg per 100g. (not less than) ................................ 0.7
7. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E) dated 7.9.1990 (w.e.f. 7.12.1990) 15. Folic acid, mcg per 100g. (not less than) ...................................... 20
8. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 205 (E), dt 23.2.1974 (w.e.f. 23.5.1974). 16. Pantothenic acid, mg per 100g. (not less than) ............................ 1.4
17. Biotin, mcg per 100g. (not less than) ........................................... 7.0
9. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 257(E) dt. 3.5.1991(w.e.f. 3.11.1991).
18. Vitamin C, mg per 100g. (not less than) ....................................... 35
10. Subs Noti No. GSR 178 (E) dt. 6.4.1998 (w.e.f. 6.10.1998)
19. Vitamin K. mcg per 100g. (not less than) ..................................... 18
11. Ommitted GSR 67 (E) dt 5.2.2001 20. Copper mcg per 100g. (not less than) ......................................... 280
261 262
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
21. Iodine, mcg per 100g. (not less than) .........................................20 polyunsaturated fatty acids shall be added to partially substitute milk fat to an
22. Manganese (Mn), mcg per 100g. (not less than) ........................20 extent that the product shall contain a minimum of 12 per cent by weight of
23. Zinc, mg per 100g. (not less than) ............................................ 2.5 milk fat and a minimum of linoleate content of 1.398g. per 100 g. of the
24. Sodium (Na), mg per 100g. (not less than) ................................90
25. Potassium (K), mg per 100g. (not less than) ............................ 370 The products shall also contain a minimum of 0.70 I.U. of vitamin E
per 100 K. Cal.
26. Chloride (CI), mg per 100g. (not less than) ............................. 250
It shall conform to the following standard, namely :-
27. Phosphurus (P), mg per 100g. (not less than) ........................... 115
28. Magnesium (Mg), mg per 100g. (not less than) .........................22 1. Moisture, per cent by weight (not more than) ............................. 4.5
29. Calcium (Ca), mg per 100g. (not less than) ............................. 230
2. Total milk protein, per cent by weight (not less than) ................ 10.0
30. Choline, mg per 100g. (not less than) ........................................32 and not more than ..................................................................... 16.0
31. Bacterial count, per g. (not more than) .............................. 40,000 3. Total fat, per cent by weight (not less than) .............................. 18.0
32. Coliform count ........................................................ absent in 0.1g. 4. Total ash, per cent by weight (not more than) ............................. 8.5
33. Yeast and mould count ......................................... absent in 0.1 gm 5. Ash insoluble in dilute Hydrochloric acid,
34. Salmonella and Shigella ........................................ absent in 0.1 gm per cent by weight (not more than) ............................................. 0.1
35. E. Coli .................................................................. absent in 0.1 gm 6. Solubility :
36. Vibrio Cholera and V.Paraheamolyticus ............... absent in 0.1 gm (a) Solubility Index maximum
37. Faecal streptococci and Staphylococcus aureas .... absent in 0.1 gm (if roller dried) ................................................................ 15.0 ml
It shall be packed in hermetically sealed, clean and sound containers or (if spray dried) .................................................................. 2.0 ml
in flexible pack made from film or combination or any of the substrate made (b) Solubility per cent by weight (not less than)
of Board paper, polyethylene, polyester metalized film or aluminium foil in (if roller dried) ..................................................................... 85.0
such a way to protect form deterioration. (if spray, dried) .................................................................... 98.5
It shall be packed in nitrogen or a mixture of nitrogen and carbon dioxide". 7. Vitamin A. (as retinol) mcg. per 100 g. (not less than) ............... 350
"A. - INFANT FORMULA means the product pre- 8. Added Vitamin D (expressed as Cholecalciferol)
pared by spray drying or roller drying of the milk of cow or buffalo or a I.U. per 100 g. (not less than) ..................................................... 180
mixture thereof. The milk may be modified by the partial removal/substi- 9. Iron, mg per 100 g. (not less than) .............................................. 5.0
tution of milk fat with vegetable oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids 10. Thiamine, mcg per 100 g. (not less than) ................................... 185
and/or by different milk solids; carbohydrates such as sucrose, dextrose 11. Riboflavin, mcg per 100 g. (not less than) ................................. 275
and dextrins, maltose and lactose; salts such as phosphates and citrates;
vitamins A, D, E, B and C group and other vitamins; minerals such as iron, 12. Nicotinamide, mcg per 100 g. (not less than) ........................... 1160
copper, zinc and iodine and others. The source of iron may be selected from :- 13. Vitamin B6 mcg per 100 g. (not less than) ................................. 160
14. Vitamin B12, mcg per 100 g. (not less than) ............................... 0.7
"Ferrous sulfate, Ferrous cityrate, Ferrous fumarate, Ferrous succinate, Ferric
Ammonium citrate, Ferric pyrophosphate". 15. Folic acid, mcg per 100 g. (not less than) .....................................20
16. Pantothenic acid, mg per 100 g. (not less than) ........................... 1.4
It shall be free from added starch, 2added colour and added flavour. It shall
17. Biotin, mcg per 100 g. (not less than) ......................................... 7.0
not have rancid taste and musty odour. Vegetables oils rich in
18. Vitamin C, mg per 100 g. (not less than) .....................................35
19. Vitamin K mcg per 100 g. (not less than) .................................... 18
1. Added by Noti. No. GSR 257 (E) dated 3.5.1991 (w.e.f. 3.11.1991).
2. Omittted (antioxidant) by Noti. No. GSR 147(E) dated 14.3.1997 (w.e.f. 14.9.1997) 20. Copper mcg per 100g (not less than) ......................................... 280
3. Added GSR 310 (E) dt. 1.5.2002 (wef 1.11.2002) 1. Amended by Noti. No. 147 (E) dated 14.3.1997 (w.e.f. 14.9.1997)
263 264
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
21. Iodine, mcg per 100 g. (not less than) ....................................... 20 (iii) Whey : Casein ratio shall be 60 :40. Essential amino
22. Manganese (Mn), mcg per 100 g. (not less than) ...................... 20 acids should include cystine, tyrosine and histidine,"
23. Zinc, mg per 100 g. (not less than) ........................................... 2.5 It shall be packed in hermetically sealed, clean and sound contain-
ers or in flexible pack made from film or combination or any of
24. Sodium (Na), mg per 100 g. (not less than) ............................... 90 the substrate made of Board paper, polyethylene, polyester
25. Potassium (K), mg per 100 g. (not less than) .......................... 370 metallised film or aluminium foil in such a way to protect from
26. Chloride (CI), mg per 100 g. (not less than) ............................ 250 deterioration.

27. Phosphorus (P), mg per 100 g. (not less than) ......................... 115 It shall be packed in nitrogen or a mixture of nitrogen and
28. Magnesium (MG), mg per 100 g. (not less than) ...................... 22 1
29. Calcium (Ca), mg per 100 g. (not less than) ............................ 230 FOOD:
30. Choline, mg per 100 g. (not less than) ....................................... 32 Milk-cereal based weaning foods are obtained from a variety of
31. Bacterial count per g. (not more than) ............................... 40,000 cereals, vegetable oils and proteins, milk solid, different
carbohydrates such as sucrose, dextrose, dextrins, maltose and
32. Coliform count ..................................................... absent in 0.1 gm
lactose; iron and calcium salts; phosphates and citrates and other
33. Yeast and mould count ......................................... absent in 0.1 gm nutritionally significant minerals and vitamins. 3It may also contain
34. Salmonella and Shigella ....................................... absent in 0.1 gm fungalalfa amylase upto a maximum extent of 0.025 percent by
weight, fruits and vegetables, egg or egg products. It shall be in
35. E. Coli .................................................................. absent in 0.1 gm the form of powder, small granules or flakes, free from lumps and
36. Vibrio Cholera and V. Paraheamolyticus ............ absent in 0.1 gm shall be uniform in appearance. The sources of iron shall be selected
from :-
37. Faecal streptococci and Staphyiococcus aureas absent in 0.1 gm
"Ferrous sulphate, Ferrous citrate, Ferrous fumerate, Ferrous succinate,
"Provided that the low birth weight infant milk substitutes shall also
Ferric Ammonium citrate, Ferric pyrophosphate".
meet the following requirement in addition to the above requirements: It shall be free from dirt and extraneous matter and free from
preservatives, added colour, flavour and antioxidants. It shall be free from
(i) Protein shall be in range of 2.25-2.75 gram per 100K. Cal/ any material which is harmful to human health. It shall contain a minimum
Joules; of 20 per cent milk solids by weight of the product of which milk fat shall
(ii) mineral contents shall not be less than 0.5/gram per 100 K.Cal be a minimum of 5 per cent by weight.
The Calcium: Phosphorous ratio shall be 2:1. The Sodium, It shall conform to the following standards, namely :-
Potassium and Chloride combined together shall be less than
40 milli equivalent per Litre. 1. Moisture, per cent, by weight (not more than) ................... 5.0
2. Total protein, per cent, by weight (not less than) ............. 12.0
1. Added by Noti. No. GSR 257 (E) dated 3.5.1991 (w.e.f. 3.11.1991)
2. Added by Noti No. GSR 147 (E) dated 14.03.1997 (w.e.f. 14-9-1997) and 285 3. 2Fat, per cent by weight (not less than) ............................... 7.5
(E) dated 29.5.1997. 4. Total Carbohydrates, per cent by weight (not less than) ... 55.0
3. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 177 (E) dated 6.4.1998
4. Added GSR 310 (E) dt. 1.5.2002 (wef 1.11.2002) 5. Total ash, per cent by weight (not more than) .................... 5.0
265 266
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
6. Ash insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid, per cent by weight milk solids, various carbohydrates, (such as sucrose, dextrose,
(not more than) ...................................................................... 0.1 dextrins, maltose, lactose, honey, corn syrup), fruits, vegetables,
7. Crude fibre (on dry basis), per cent by weight eggs, iron and calcium salts, phosphates and citrates and other
(not more than) ...................................................................... 0.1 nutritionally significant minerals and vitamins. It shall be in the
form of powder, small granules or flakes free form lumps and shall
8. Vitamin A (as retinol), mcg per 100 g. (not less than) ......... 350 be uniform in appearance. It shall be free from dirt and extraneous
9. Vitamin C, mg per 100 g. (not less than) ................................ 25 matter and free from preservatives, added colour, flavour and anti-
10. Added Vitamin D, mcg per 100 g. oxidants. It shall be free from any material which is harmful to
(expresses as cholecalciferol) ................................................... 5 human health.
11. Bacterial count per g. (not more than) ............................. 40,000 It shall conform to the following standards, namely :-
12. Coliform count .................................................... absent in 0.1 g 1. Moisture, percent by wt. (not more than) ............................... 4.0
13.Yeast and mould count.................................... absent in 0.1 gm 2. Total protein, percent by wt. (not less than) ........................... 6.0
14.Salmonella and Shigella.................................... absent in 0.1 gm
3. Total ash, percent by wt. (not more than) ............................... 5.0
15.E.Coli................................................................ absent in 0.1 gm
4. Total carbohydrates, percent by wt. (not less than) ...............55.0
16.Vibrio Cholera and V. Paraheamolyticus...........absent in 0.1 gm
5. Acid insoluble ash, percent by wt. (not more than) ................. 0.1
17.Faecal streptococci and Staphylococcus aureas absent in 0.1 gm
6. Crude fibre (on dry basis) percent by wt. (not more than) ..... 1.0
It shall also contain the following :-
7. Iron, mg/ 100 gram (not less than) ......................................... 5.0
1. Thiamine (as hydrochloride), mg per 100 g. (not less than) .....0.5
2. Riboflavin, mg per 100 g. (not less than) ................................0.3 8. Vitamin A (as retinol) mcg. per 100 gram (not less than) .........350.0

3. Nicotinic acid, mg per 100 g. (not less than) .......................... 3.0 9. Vitamin C, mg/100 gram (not less than) .............................. 25.0
4. Iron, mg per 100 g. (not less than) ............................................. 5 10. Added, Vitamin D, mcg. per 100 gram
It shall be packed in hermetically sealed, clean and sound containers (expressed as cholecaliferol) .................................................. 5.0
or in flexible pack made from film or combination of any or the substrate 11. Thiamine (as hydrochloride) mg./100 gram,
made of Board paper, polyethylene, polyester, metallised film or aluminium
foil in such a way to protect form deterioration." (not less than) .......................................................................... 0.5
A. CEREAL BASED WEANINGFOOD- 12. Riboflavin, mg./100 gram (not less than) ............................... 0.3
Processed cereal based weaning food commonly called as weaning food or 13. Nicotinic acid, mg./100 gram (not less than) .......................... 3.0
supplementary food are obtained from a variety of food
14. Bacterial count per gram (not more than) ......................... 40,000
grains. They may contain vegetable oils, soya isolates, proteins,
15. Coliform count absent in .............................................. 0.1 gram.
1. Added by Noti. No. GSR 147(E) dated 14.3.1997 (w.e.f. 14.9.1997)
16.Yeast and mould count .......................................absent in 0.1 gm
2. Amended GSR 531(E) dated 14.8.1991 (as on 1.9.1994).
3. Added GSR 310 (E) dt 1.5.2002 (w.e.f. 1.11.2002) 1. Added GSR 310 (E) dt 1.5.2002 (w.e.f. 1.11.2002)
267 268
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
17.Salmonella and Shigella.........................absent in 0.1 gm including common salt, any added colouring matter or any added
flavouring agent. It shall be free from other animal fats, wax and
18.E. Coli ................................................absent in 0.1 gm
mineral oils, vegetable oils and fats. It shall contain not less than
19.Vibrio Cholera dn V. Paraheamolyticus..absent in 0.1 gm 76.0 per cent of milk fat by weight.
20.Faecal streptococci and Staphylococcus aureas absent in 0.1 gm 2
[Provided that where butter is sold or offered for sale without any
indication as to whether it is table butter or deshi butter; the
The source of iron shall be selected from the ferrous sulphate,
standards of quality prescribed for table butter shall apply.]
ferrous citrate, ferrous fumarate, ferrous succinate, ferric
ammonium citrate and ferric pyrophosphate. [A. 11.02.21 - GHEE means the pure clarified fat derived

solely from milk or curd or from deshi (cooking) butter or from

It shall be packed in hermetically sealed clean and sound
cream to which no colouring matter or preservative has been added.
containers or in flexible pack made from film or combination of
The standards of quality of ghee produced in a State or Union
any or the substrate made of board paper, polyethylene, polyester,
Territory specified in column 2 of the Table below shall be as
metallised film or aluminium foil in such a way to protect from
specified against the said state or Union Territory in the
corresponding columns 3,4,5 and 6 of the said Table.
A. 11.02.19 - TABLE (CREAMERY) BUTTER means
the product obtained from cow or buffalo milk or a combination TABLE
thereof or from cream or curd obtained from cow or S. Name of State/ Butyro-refracto Minimum Percentage of
buffalo milk or a combination thereof with or without the No. Union Territory meter reading Reichert
addition of common salt and annatto or carotene as colouring at 400C Value FFA Moisture
matter. It shall be free from other animal fats, wax and mineral as oleic (max)
oils, vegetable oils and fats. No preservative except common acid
salt and no colouring matter accept annatto or carotene shall (max)
be added. It shall contain not less than 80.0 per cent by weight (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
of milk fat, not more than 1.5 per cent by weight of curd and
not more than 3.0 per cent by weight of common salt. Diacetyl 1. Andhra Pradesh 40.0 to 43.0 24 3.0 0.5
may be added as flavouring agent but, if so used, the total 2. Andaman and
diacetyl content shall not exceed 4.0 part per million. Calcium Nicobar Island 41.0 to 44.0 24 3.0 0.5
hydroxide, sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate, sodium 3. Arunachal Pradesh 40.0 to 43.0 26 3.0 0.5
polyphosphate, (as linear phosphate) 1[***] may be added for 4. Assam 40.0 to 43.0 26 3.0 0.5
regulating the hydrogen ion concentration in the finished 5. Bihar 40.0 to 43.0 28 3.0 0.5
products not exceeding 0.2 per cent by weight of butter as a 6. Chandigarh 40.0 to 43.0 28 3.0 0.5
whole. 7. Dadra and Nagar
A. 11.02 20 DESHI (COOKING) BUTTER means the Haveli 40.0 to 43.0 24 3.0 0.5
eproduct obtained from cow or buffalo milk or a combination 1. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 503 (E), dated 1.9.1981.
thereof or curd obtained from cow and buffalo milk or 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 133, dated 23.1.1973.
combination therof without the addition of any preservative 3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 579 (E) dated 13.10.1980
269 270
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
8. Delhi 1
[40.0 to 43.0] 28 3.0 0.5 24. Pondicherry 40.0 to 44.0 26 3.0 0.5
9. (a) Goa 40.0 to 43.0 26 3.0 0.5 25. Punjab 40.0 to 43.0 28 3.0 0.5
26. Rajasthan :
(b) Daman and Diu 40.0 to 43.5 24 3.0 0.5
(a) Areas other than
10. Gujarat :
Jodhpur Dn. 40.0 to 43.0 26 3.0 0.5
(a) Areas other than (b) Jodhpur Dn. 41.5 to 45.0 21 3.0 0.5
cotton tract areas 40.0 to 43.5 24 3.0 0.5
27. Tamil Nadu 41.0 to 44.0 24 3.0 0.5
(b) Cotton tract areas 41.5 to 45.0 21 3.0 0.5
28. Tripura 40.0 to 43.0 26 3.0 0.5
11. Haryana :
29. Uttar Pradesh 40.0 to 43.0 26 3.0 0.5
(a) Areas other than
30. West Bengal :
Cotton tract areas 40.0 to 43.0 28 3.0 0.5
(a) Areas other then
(b) Cotton tract areas 40.0 to 43.0 26 3.0 0.5 Bishnupur Sub
12. Himachal Pradesh 40.0 to 43.0 26 3.0 0.5 Division 40.0 to 43.0 28 3.0 0.5
13. Jammu & Kashmir 40.0 to 43.0 26 3.0 0.5 (b) Bishnupur sub-
14. Karnataka : Division 41.5 to 45.0 21 3.0 0.5
(a) Areas other than 31. Sikkim 40.0 to 43.0 28 3.0 0.5
Balgaum district 40.0 to 43.0 24 3.0 0.5 Baudouin test shall be negative.
(b) Belgaum district 40.0 to 44.0 26 3.0 0.5 Explanation :- By cotton tract is meant the area in the State where
15. Kerala 40.0 to 43.0 26 3.0 0.5 cotton seed is extensively fed to the cattle and so notified by the State
16. Lakshadweep 40.0 to 43.0 26 3.0 0.5 Government concerned.
17. Madhya Pradesh : Notes : A single Reichert value for whole of U.P. is unreasonable (State
(a) Areas other than vs. Malik Ram) Allahabad High Court, FAC 1981 (I) 401.
cotton tract areas 40.0 to 44.0 26 3.0 0.5 1
A. - BUTTER OIL OR BUTTER FAT - are products
(b) Cotton tract areas 41.5 to 45.0 21 3.0 0.5 exclusively obtained from butter or cream and resulting from the
18. Maharashtra : removal of practically the entire water and solid-not fat contents.
(a) Areas other than It may contain permitted anti-oxidants not exceeding 0.02 per
Cotton tract areas 40.0 to 43.0 26 3.0 0.5 cent by weight except gallate which shall not exceed 0.01 per cent by
(b) Cotton tract areas 41.5 to 45.0 21 3.0 0.5 weight. It shall conform to standards of quality of ghee laid down in
item A. 11.02.21 except Butyro refractometer reading which shall be
19. Manipur 40.0 to 43.0 26 3.0 0.5 40.0-44.0 at 400C. In case of imported butter oil, Reichert value shall
20. Meghalaya 40.0 to 43.0 26 3.0 0.5
not be less than 24.
21. Mizoram 40.0 to 43.0 26 3.0 0.5
22. Nagaland 40.0 to 43.0 26 3.0 0.5
A. 11.02.22 - CHAKKA means a white to pale yellow semi-
23. Orissa 40.0 to 43.0 26 3.0 0.5 solid
1. Corrected No. GSR 283 dated 25.2.1981 1. Added by Noti. No. GSR 10 (E) dated 7.1.1991 (w.e.f. 7.7.1991)
271 272
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
product of good texture and uniform consistency obtained by draining, (iv) Titratable acidity (as lactic acid)
off the whey from the yoghurt obtained by the lactic fermentation of per cent by weight ........................ ......... Not more than ...1.4
cows milk, buffalo's milk, skimmed milk and recombined or (v) Sugar (sucrose) on (dry basis)
standardised milk, which has been subjected to minimum heat treatment per cent by weight ................................ Not more than 72.5
equivalent to that of pasteurisation. It shall have pleasant Youghurt/ (vi) Total ash (on dry basis)
Dahi like flavour, It shall not contain any ingredient foreign to milk. It per cent by weight ................................ Not more than 0.9
shall be free from mouldness and free from signs of fat or water seepage In case of FRUITS SHRIKAND it shall contain :-
or both. It shall be smooth and it shall not appear dry. It shall not Milk fat (on dry basis)
contain extraneous colour and flavours. It shall conform to the per cent by weight ................................ Not less than 7.0
following requirements, namely:- Milk Protein (on dry basis)
per cent by weight ................................ Not less than 9.0"
Chakka Skimmed
[A. 11.02.23 - Yoghurt means a coagulated product obtained
Chakka from toned milk, pasteurised or boiled milk by lactic acid fermentation
through Lactobacillus bulgaricus delbrukii var. bulgaricus and
(i) Total Solids, per cent by weight ........... Min. 30 Min. 20 Streptococcus thermophilus. It may also contain cultures of
(ii) Milk fat (on dry basis) Bifidobacterium bifidus and Lactobacillus acidophilus and if added,
per cent by weight ............................... Min. 33 Max. 5 the declaration to this effect shall be made on the label. The product
shall have smooth body and custard like consistency with no whey
(iii) Milk protein (on dry basis)
separation. It may also contain :-
per cent by weight ............................... Min. 230 Min. 60
(i) milk powder, skimmed milk powder, whey powder, whey
(iv) Titratable acidity (as lactic acid) proteins, water soluble milk proteins, caseinates manufactured
per cent by weight ............................... Max. 2.5 Max. 2.5 from pasteurised product and lactose enzyme preparation;
(v) Total ash (on dry basis) (ii) Sugar, corn-syrup or glucose syrup in case of sweetened,
per cent by weight ............................... Min 3.5 Max. 5.0 flavoured and fruit yoghurt only;
Chakka when sold without any indication shall conform to the (iii) Fruits, fruit pulp. jam. fruit syrup. fruit juice etc. in
standards of Chakka. flavoured and fruit yoghurt only;
A. 11.02. 22.01 - SHRIKHAND means the product obtained from (iv) permitted colours and flavours in flavours and fruit
Chakka or Skimmed Milk Chakka to which milk fat is added. It may yoghurt only.
contain fruits, nuts, sugar, cardamom, saffron and other spices. It shall It may contain permitted stabilisers upto a maximum limit of 0.5 per cent, by
not contain any added colouring and artificial flavouring substances. weight. It shall also conform to the following standard, namely:-
It shall conform to the following specifications, namely :- Yoghurt Yoghurt Yoghurt Fruit
(i) Total solids, per cent by weight. ...... Not less than ........... 58 Plain Skimmed Sweetened Yoghurt
and/or flavoured
(ii) Milk fat (on dry basis) per cent
by weight ......................................... Not less than .......... 8.5 1 2 3 4 5
(i) Total milk solids.
(iii) Milk protein (on dry basis) per
per cent by weight,
cent by weight ............................... Not less than ......... 29.0
not less than 13.5 11.0 13.5 10.0
1. Added No. GSR 10(E) dated 7-1-1991 (w.e.f. 7-7-1991) 1. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 925 (E) dated 15-12-1992
2. Added by Noti. No. GSR 41 (E) dated 29-1-1997 (w.e.f. 29-1-1998 & GSR 286
2. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 147 (E) dated 14-3-1997. (E) dated 29-5-1997.
273 274
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955

1 2 3 4 5
[Melting point of extracted fat ......310C to 370C
(Capillary Slip method)]
(ii) Milk fat, per cent Not less Not more Not less Not less
Unsaponifiable matter.......................Not more than 1.5 per cent by
by weight than 3.0 than 0.5 than 3.0 than 1.5
weight. of extracted fat
(iii) Sugar, per cent
by weight, not Free fatty acids..................................Not more than 0.25 per cent.
less than - - 6.0 6.0 (as oleic acid) of extracted fat
(iv) Protein, per cent by Or
weight, not less than 3.2 3.2 3.2 2.6 Acid value Not more than 0.5]
Titratable acidity of the product shall be from 0.8 to 1.2 per It shall contain not less than 5 per cent of its weight of Til oil
cent by weight (as lactic acid). The specific Lactic acid bacterial but sufficient to ensure that when separated fat is mixed with re-
count per gram of the product shall not be less than 10,00,000 and fined groundnut oil in the proportion of 20:80, the red colour pro-
Escherichia Coli shall be absent in the product. duced by the Baudouin test shall not be lighter than 2[2.5 red units]
The type of yoghurt shall be clearly indicated on the label; in 1 cm. cell on a Lovibond scale.]
otherwise standard of Plain Yoghurt shall apply. It may contain Anatto or Carotene as colouring matter. 4It may

Note :- The yoghurt subjected to heat treatment after fermentation also contain Lactic Acid, Butyric Acid, Valeric Acid, Cinnamon Oil,
at temperature not less than 65 0C shall be labelled as "Thermised Ethyl Butyrate as flavouring agents upto 0.08 ppm m/m and Diacetyl as
or Heat Treated Yoghurt "and shall conform to the above param- a flavouring agent upto a maximum limit of 4.0 ppm".
eters except the minimum requirement of specific lactic acid bac- Provided that such coloured and flavoured margarine shall also
terial count per gm.; contain starch not less than 100 p.p.m. and not more than 150 p.p.m.
[A. 12. TABLE MARAGARINE means an emulsion of ed- Provided further that such coloured and flavoured margarine shall
ible oils and fats with water. It shall be free from rancidity, only be sold in sealed packages weighing not more than 500 gms.
......(omitted), mineral oil and animal body fats. It may contain
common salt not exceeding 2 per cent, permitted emulsifying and
Test for Argememe oil shall be negative.
stabilising agents and butylated hydroxy anisole (BHA) up to a A. 12.01. BAKERY AND INDUSTRIAL MARGARINE

maximum limit of 0.02 per cent. It shall conform to the following means an emulsion of vegetable oil product with water. It shall be
specifications, namely: free from added colour and flavour, rancidity, mineral oil and
Fat .................................... Not less than 80 per cent mass/ mass animal body fats. It may contain common salt not exceeding 2.5
Moisture .......................... Not less than 12 per cent and not more per cent, permitted emulsifying and stabilising agents and Butylated
than 16 per cent mass/mass. hydroxyanisole (BHA) or Tertiary butyl hydro Quinone (TBHQ)
Vitamin A ........................ Not less than 30 I.U. per gram of upto a maximum limit of 0.02 per cent. It shall conform to the
theproduct at the time of sale. following standards, namely :-
1. Subs. by GSR 238 (E), dated 20-4-1978 (w.e.f. 20-4-1978). 1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 465 (E), dated 14.8.1997
2. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 907 (E) dated 4-12-1992 2. Ins. by GSR 245 (E), dated 11.3.1982
3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 245 (E), dated 11.3.1982
3. Sub by Noti. No. GSR 245 (E) dated 11-3-1982. 4. Ins. by GSR 241 (E), dated 5.4.1999
4. Sub by Noti. No. GSR 465 (E) dated 14-8-1997. 5. Ins. by GSR 895 (E), dated 11.12.2001
275 276
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Fat ............................
Not less than 80 per cent m/m. Notes : Free fatty acid having increased enormously during storage
Moisture ................... Not less than 12 per cent and and analysis by Central Food Laboratory after long lapse of time
not more than 16 per cent m/m. (Nebh Raj vs. Delhi Aminisration) Supreme Court of India FAC 1980
(I) 191.
The separated fat of the products shall conform to the
A. 13 - 7[Omitted.]
following :-
A.14 - 4[Tea means tea, other than Kangra tea] derived exclu-
(i) Vitamin A ........ Not less than 30 IU per gram at the sively 3[from the leaves, buds and tender stems of plants] of the Ca-
time of packaging and shall mellia genus and thea species 8[and includes (i) leaf. (ii) broken, (iii)
show a positive test for Vitamin 'A' fanning and (iv) dust. ]
when tested by Antimony It shall conform to the following specification :-
trichloride (Carr rice) reagents a) Total ash determined ....................5[4.0 to 8.0 per cent by weight.]
(as per IS 5886-1970 on tea dried to constant
(ii) Melting point............. 31 C - 41 C.
0 0
weight at 1000C
(by Capillary b) Total ash soluble in .....................Not less than 40 per cent of total
slip method) boiling distilled water ash.
c) Ash insoluble in dilute ............6[Not more than 1.0 per cent by
(iii) Unsaponifiable Not exceeding 2.0 per cent but in case of hydrochloric acid weight on dry basis.]
matter the products where proportion of Rice bran d) Extract obtained by boiling dried
oil is more than 30 per cent by wt. the tea (dried to constant weight at 1000 C)
unsap matter. shall be not more than 2.5per with 100 parts of distilled................. Not less than 1[32 percent.]
cent by wt. provided quantity of Rice bran water for one hour under reflux.
oil is declared on the label of such product e) Alkalinity of soluble ash ..............6[Not less than 1.0 per cent and
as laid down in rule 42(ZZZ)(10). not more than 2.2 per cent,
(iv) Free Fatty Acid expressed as K2O on dry basis.]
(calculated as f) Crude fibre 1[determined
Oleic acid) .........Not more than 0.25 per cent. on tea dried to constant
OR weight at 1000C]..........................1[Not more than 17 per cent.]
Acid value .........Not more than 0.5. 2
It shall not contain any added colouring matter.] 3,7,9It may also contain
It shall contain raw or refined sesame oil (Til oil) in sufficient 0.2 per cent pectinase enzyme.
quantity so that when the product is mixed with refined groundnut oil
in the proportion of 20:80, the colour produced by the Baudouin test 1. Noti. No. GSR 992 (E), 4-6-1971 (w.e.f. 3-7-1971)
shall not be lighter than 2.0 red unit in a 1 cm. cell on Lovibond scale. 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1211, dt 9-12-1958.
Note- For the purpose of this standard, the "Vegetable oil product" 3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR848 (E) dated 9-11-1983 to GSR 113 dt. 20-1-1984.
shall have the meaning assigned to it in Vegetable Oil Product Control 4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 850, dt. 25-6-1975.
5. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 816(E), dt. 3-11-1983 and 848(E) dated 19.11.1983
Order, 1947". 5Test for Argemonme oil shall the negative
6. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 57 (E) dt. 11-2-1982
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 465(E) dated 14-8-1997. 7. Flavouring matter omitted vide Noti. NO. GSR 847(E) dt. 7-12-1994
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 245 (E) dated 11-3-1982 8. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 63 (E) dated 5-2-1976.
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 907 (E) dated 4-12-1992 9. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 121(E) dated 11-3-1996
4. Ins. by GSR 241 (E) dt. 5-4-1999 10. Added GSR 895 (E) dt. 11.12.2001
4. Ins. by GSR 895 (E) dt. 11-12-2001
277 278
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
"Provided that tea may contain Natural Flavours and Natural
not more than 2.2 per cent
Flavouring Substances which are flavour preparations and single expressed as K2O on dry basis.]
substance respectively, acceptable for human consumption, obtained f) Crude fibre determined on....... 1[Not more than 18.5 per cent.]
exclusively by physical process from materials of plant origin either tea dried to a contant
in their natural state or after processing for human consumption: weight at 1000C].
Provided further that such tea containing added flavour shall bear It shall not contain any added colouring matter.] 1,3,4It may also
proper label declaration as provided in sub-rule(YY) of rule 42". contain 0.2 per cent pectinase enzyme.
Provided that tea may contain Natural Flavours and Natural
Provided also that the tea used in the manufacture of flavoured Flavouring Substances which are flavour preparations and single sub-
tea shall conform to the standards of tea. stance respectively, acceptable for human consumption, obtained ex-
clusively by physical processing from materials of plant origin either
"Provided also that Flavoured Tea manufacturers shall register in their raw state or after processing for human consumption:
themselves with the Tea Board before marketing Flavoured Tea";
Provided further that such tea containing added flavour shall bear
[A. 14.01. - Kangra Tea means tea derived exclusively from proper label declaration as provided in sub-rule (YY) of the rule 42".
the leaves, buds and tender stems of plants of the Camellia sinensis or Provided also that the tea used in the manufacture of flavoured
Camellia thea grown in Kangra and Mandi Valleys of Himachal tea shall conform to the standards of tea.
Pradesh. It shall conform to the following specifications, namely :- Provided that if tea is sold or offered of sale without any indi-
cation as to whether it is Kangra tea or not, the standards or quality of
a) Total ash determined ............ 3[4.5 to 9.0 per cent by weight.] the tea prescribed in item A. 14 shall apply.
on tea dried to constant 5
"Provided also that Flavoured tea manufacturers shall register them-
weight at 1000C selves with the Tea Board before marketing Flavoured tea".
b) Total ash soluble in ............... Not less than 34 per cent of total Notes :- Iron filing found in sample of tea were within the tolerance
boiling distilled water ash. limits of size and quality of letter issued by Ministry of Health com-
plaint as well as process issued quashed (Claude Victor Lawrence
c) Ash insoluble in dilute........... 4
[Not more than 1.2 per cent by Godwin vs. State) Punjab and Haryana High Court, FAC 1982 (II)257.
hydrochloric acid weight on dry basis. -Instructions issued regarding size and quantity of iron filing in tea
could be issued by the Central Government under section 22A of the
d) Extract obtained by boiling.... Not less than 23 per cent. Act and being statutory in nature and binding on the Government
dried tea (dried to constant (Brooke Bond India Ltd. vs. Himachal Pradesh) Himachal Pradesh
weight at 1000C) with 100 High Court, FAC 1984 (I) 289.
parts of distilled water for 2
[A. 15 - EDIBLE COMMON SALT means a crystalline solid,
one hour under reflux white, pale, pink, or light grey in colour, free from 6contamination
e) Alkalinity of soluble ash.........4[Not less than 1.0 per cent and 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 848 (E) dt. 19-11-1983 & GSR 113 dt. 20-1-1984.
2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 23 (E), dt. 16-1-1981 and Corrected by Noti. No. GSR
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 850 dated 25-6-1975.
205(E), 25-3-1981.
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 698 (E) dated 26-10-1995 & GSR 551(E) dt. 4-12-96. 3. Omitted (Flavouring) vide GSR 847(E) dated 7-12-1994.
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 816 (E) dated 3-11-1983. 4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 121 (E) dt. 11-3-1996
4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 57 (E) dated 11-2-1982. 5. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 694(E) dt. 11-10-1999 (w.e.f. 11.4.2000)
5. Amended GSR 694(E) dt. 11-10-1999 6. The words "visible" omitted by Noti. No. GSR 179(E) dt. 6-4-98.
6. Amended GSR 770(E) dt 4.10.2000 7. Amended GSR 770(E) at 4.10.2000
279 280
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
with clay, grit and other extraneous adulterant and impurities. It shall Iodine content at :-
not contain moisture in excess of six per cent of the weight of the
(a) Manufactures'............... Not less than 30 parts per million on
undried sample. The sodium chloride content (as NaCI) and the matter
soluble in water other than sodium chloride on dry weight basis shall level dry weight basis.
be as specified in columns (2) and (3) of the Table below against the (b) Distribution.................. Not less than 15 parts per million on
period of validity mentioned in the corresponding entry in column (I) channel including dry weight basis.
of the said Table. The matter insoluble in water shall not exceed 1.0
per cent by weight on dry weight basis.
retail level
Table Provided that table iodised salt may contain 2permitted
Minimum percentage Maximum percentage anticaking agent as provided in rule 62 of these rules.
of sodium chloride of matter soluble in Provided further that the total matter insoluble in water in
Period of Validity content as NaCI water other than sodium such cases shall not exceed 2.2 per cent and sodium chloride content
(on dry basis ) chloride (on dry basis)
on dry basis shall no be less than 97.0 per cent by weight:
(1) (2) (3) 1
"A. 15.01.01 - POTASSIUM IODATE means a crystralline
Upto 31-3-82 94.0 5.0 powder, white in colour, free from impurities. It shall conform to the
from 1-4-82 to 31-3-83 94.5 4.5
from 1-4-83 to 31-3-84 95.0 4.0 following standards, namely :-
from 1-4-84 to 31-3-85 95.5 3.5 1. Potassium iodate (as KIO3) per cent
from 1-4-85 on wards 96.0 3.0 by wt. not less than ..................................... 99.8
Provided that table salt may contain 3permitted anticaking 2. Solubility .................................................... Soluble in 30 parts
agent as provided in rule 62 of these rules. of water
Provided further that the total matter insoluble in water in 3. Iodide (as I) per cent by wt, not more
such cases shall not exceed 2.2 per cent and the sodium chloride than ............................................................. 0.002
content on dry basis shall not be less than 97.0 per cent by weight.]
4. Sulphate (as SO4) per cent by wt.
["A. 15.01. - IODISED SALT means a crystalline solid,
white or pale, pink or light grey in colour, free form 2contamination not more than .............................................. 0.002
with clay, grit and other extraneous adulterants and impurities. It 5. Bromate, bromide, chlorate & chloride,
shall conform to the following standards, namely :- per cent by wt, not more than ..................... 0.01
Moisture ...............Not more than 6.0 per cent by weight of 6. Matter insoluble in water, per cent .............
the sample. by wt. not more than ................................... 0.10
Sodium Chloride.....Not less than 96.0 per cent by weight
(NaCl) on dry basis. 7. Loss on drying, per cent by wt.
Matter insoluble .....Not more than 1.0 per cent by weight not more than .............................................. 0.1
in water on dry basis. 8. PH (5 per cent solution) ............................. Neutral
Matter soluble in.....Not more than 3.0 per cent by weight
9. Heavy metal (as Pb) ppm, not more than, .. 10
water other than on dry basis.
sodium chloride 10. Arsenic (as As) ppm, not more than ........... 3
1. Sub by Noti. No. GSR 900(E) dated 10-11-1987 (w.e.f. 10.2.1988) 11. Iron (as Fe) ppm, not more than ................. 3
2. The words "visible omitted by Noti. No. GSR 179 (E) dated 6-4-1998. 1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 107(E) dated 22.2.1994.
3. Insented GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001 2. Subs GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001
281 282
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
2 (b) Water, peel-oil, fruit essences and flavour, common salt,
crystalline solid white or pale, pink or light grey in colour, free form ascorbic acid, citric acid, 7[tartaric acid and malic acid] and permitted
visible contamination with clay and other extraneous adulterants and colours and preservatives.
impurities. It shall conform to the following standards, namely :- The acidity of the finished product calculated as citric acid shall
not be less than 4 per cent in the case of pure lemon juice but shall not
1. Moisture ....................... Not more than 5.0 per cent by weight.
exceed 3.5 per cent in the case of other juices.]
2. Water insoluble matter.... Not more than 1.0 per cent on dry 1
[The total soluble solids for sweetened fruit juice (except tomato
weight basis. juice) shall not be less than 10 per cent.]
3. Chloride content............. Not less than 96.5 per cent by weight 2
(as NaCl) on dry weight basis. 3
[It may also contain emulsifying and stabilising agents as pre-
4. Matter insoluble in .........Not more than 0.3 per cent by weight scribed in rule 61-C.] 4[It may also contain fumaric acid (food grade)
dilute hydrochloric acid on dry weight basis, (to be determined certified by Bureau of Indian Standards to the extent of 0.3 per cent by
by the method specified in IS 253-1970). weight."]
5. Matter soluble in water... Not more than 2.5 per cent on dry 5
[A. 16.02- TOMATO JUICE means canned or bottled,
other than sodium chloride weight basis. unconcentrated, pasteurized juice expressed form tomatoes with a propor-
6. Iron content (as Fe)........850-1100 parts per million. tion of the pulp, expressed with or without the application of heat or by
any method that does not add water to such juice, from whole, ripe tomatoes
7. Phosphorous as inorganic (PO4)...1500-2000 parts per million.
from which all stems and objectionable portions have been removed and
8. Sulphate (as SO4).......... Not more than 1.1 per cent by weight. with or without :-
9. Magnesium as ...............Not more than 0.10 per cent by weight (a) Salt
(Mg) water soluble (b) Sugar, or dextrose, or both added in dry form :
10. PH value of 5 per cent solution in water ............2 to 3.5. (c) citric acid, malic acid or ascorbic acid.
Provided than Iron Fortified Common Salt may contain 3permitted
3 (d) 2
anticaking agent as provided in rules 62 of these rules and in such a case Provided that canned tomato juice may also contain extraneous
the total matter inslouble in water shall not exceed 2.2 per cent on dry permitted colour.]
weight basis].
The total soluble solids w/w shall be not less than 5 per cent]
[A.16 - Fruit Products :] 6
[free of salt.]
[A. 16.01-FRUIT JUICE means the unfermented and unconcentrated
1 3
liquid expressed from sound, ripe, fresh fruit and with or without :-
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 992 (E) dated 4-6-1971
(a) Sugar, dextrose, invert sugar, or liquid glucose, either singly or 2. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E), dated 15-11-1984 (w.e.f. 15-11-1985)
in combination. 3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 249 (E), dated 8-3-1983.
4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 101 (E) dated 18-2-1992.
1. Added by Noti. No. SRO 1687 dated 14-7-1956. 5. Added by Noti. No. SRO 1687, dated 14-7-1956.
2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 11(E) dated 4-1-1985. 6. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1533, dated 8-7-1968.
3. Subs. GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001 7. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1564 dated 17-11-1962.
283 284
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
[It may also contain permitted emulsifying and stabilising
The total soluble solids w/w in the final product shall be not less
agents as prescribed in rule 61-C 3 [It may also contain fumaric acid than 40 per cent.]
(food grade) certified by Bureau of Indian Standards to the extent
of 0.3 percent by weight]
[The minimum percentage of fruit juice in the final product shall
be not less than 25.0 per cent w/w]
[A. 16.03 - FRUIT SYRUP means sweetened fruit juice
containing sugar, dextrose, invert sugar or liquid glucose either
singly or in combination, with or without :- 3[
It may also contain permitted emulsifying and stabilising agent
as prescribed in rule 61-C.
(a) Water, Peel-oil, fruit essences and flavours, common salt.
Provided that when additional sodium/potassium salt is added, it
(b) citric acid, ascorbic acid. shall be declared on the label as laid down in clause ZZZ(8) of rule 42 of
(c) permitted preservatives and colours.] the said rules.

The total soluble solids w/w shall be not less than 65 per cent.
beverage or drink which is purported to be prepared from fruit juice and
[The minimum percentage of fruit juice in the final product
water or carbonated water, and containing sugar, dextrose, invert sugar or
shall be not less than 25.0 per cent w/w.] liquid glucose either singly or in combination and with or without :-
[Omited] (a) Water, Peel-oil, fruit essences and flavours,
[It may also contain permitted emulsifying and stabilising
2 (b) citric acid, ascorbic acid.
agents as prescribed in rule 61-C] 3 [It may also contain fumaric (c) permitted preservatives and colours.
acid (food grade) certified by Bureau of Indian Standards to the
extent of 0.3 per cent by weight. The total soluble solids w/w in the final product shall be not less than 10
per cent.]
[A. 16.04 - FRUIT SQUASH means the expressed juice of

the sound ripe fruit with the pulp. containing sugar, dextrose, invert
[The minimum percentage of fruit juice in the final product shall
sugar or liquid glucose either singly or in combination and with or be not less than 5.0 per cent w/w.]
without :- 2
(a) Water, peel-oil, fruit essences and flavours, common salt. 3
[It may also contain permitted emulsifying and stabilising agents
(b) citric acid, ascorbic acid. as prescribed in rule 61-C] 5[It may also contain fumaric acid (food grade)
certified by Bureau of Indian Standards to the extent of 0.3 per cent by
(c) permitted preservatives and colours. weight.]
1. Valid upto 6.6.1996 vide GSR 613 (E) dated 4.9.1995. 1. Subs. by Noiti No. GSR 1533, dated 8-7-1968.
2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 249(E) dated 8.3.1983 2. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E), dated 15-11-1984 (w.e.f. 15-11-1985)
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 101(E) dated 18.2.1992. 3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 249 (E), dated 8-3-1983.
4. Added by Noti. No. SRO1687, dated 14.7.1956. 4. Subs. by Noti. No. SRO 1687, dated 14-7-1956.
5. Subs. by Noit. No. GSR 1533, dated 8.7.1968. 5. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 101(E) dated 18.2.1992.
6. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 764(E), dated 15.11.1984 (w.e.f. 15.11.1985). 6. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 121 (E) dated 11-3-1996.
285 286
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
[ A . 1 6 . 0 6 TO M ATO S A U C E , TO M ATO K E T C H U P,
1 boiling to a suitable consistency and with or without :
TOMATO RELISH or any other expression conveying the meaning
that the product so designated is a form of tomato sauce, shall be a (a) citric, malic, ascorbic acid.
preparation of sound and ripe tomatoes with or without :- (b) permitted preservatives and colours.
(a) Sugar, salt, vinegar, acetic acid, 2[onions, garlic, spices] (c) [Pectin derived from any fruits].

or condiments.
The minimum soluble solids w/w shall be 2[68 per cent]. Jam
(b) citric acid, ascorbic acid shall not contain :-

(c) permitted preservative [***] 3. (a) less than 45 per cent of fruit except where fruit is strawberry
or raspberry where it shall contain not less than 25 per cent.
[The product shall be free from skins and seeds. The product

shall show no sign of fermentation when incubated at 370C for 15 days. (b) sweetening agent other than specified above.
The mould count shall not exceed 40 per cent of the fields examined. (c) apple or rhubarb, but it may contain in any amount that
The yeast and spores shall not exceed 125 per 1/60 c.m.m. The bacterial reasonably compensates for any deficiency in the natural acidity
count shall not exceed 100 million per c.c.] or pectin content of the fruit used in its preparation.
Total acidity in terms of acetic acid shall be not less than (d) tartaric acid or
[1.0 per cent] and the total soluble solids w/w not less than 25 per
cent. It shall not contain any other vegetable substance] (e) [***], agar or gelatin.]

4 5
[ Omitted.]
[It shall be free from mould growth. When dry fruit is used, it
shall be clearly declared on the label.]
[It may also contain permitted emulsifying and stabilising
4 5
[ Omitted.]
agents as prescribed in rule 61-C.] 7[It may also contain fumaric
acid (food grade) certified by Bureau of Indian Standards to the [It may also contain permitted emulsifying and stabilising

extent of 0.3 per cent by weight. agents as prescribed in rule 61-C.] 7[It may also contain fumaric acid (
food grade) certified by Bureau of Indian Standards to the extent of
[A. 16.07 - JAM means the product obtained by processing
0.3 percent by weight.]
fresh fruit, canned fruit, dried fruit or fruit pulp, with water, sugar,
dextrose, invert sugar or liquid glucose either singly or in combination by A. 16.08-3[****].
1. Ins. by Noti. No. SRO 1687 dated 14.7.1956. 1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 992 dated 4.6.1971.
2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 992(E), dated 4.6.1971. 2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 1564 dt. 17.11.1962.
3. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 18(E) dated 15-1-1977. 3. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 992(E) dated 4.6.1971.
4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 764(E), dated 15-11-1984 (w.e.f. 15-11-1985). 4. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E), dated 15.11.1984 (w.e.f. 15.11.1985)
5. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1417, dt. 20-9-1976 (w.e.f. 2-10-1976). 5. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1417, dated 20.9.1976.
6. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 249(E) dated. 8-3-1983. 6. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 249 (E) dated 8.3.1983.
7. Added Noti. No. GSR 101(E) dated 18-2-192. 7. Added Noti. No. GSR 101 (E) dated 18.2.1992.
287 288
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
[A. 16.09- MARMALADE means the product made from any sound fruits 9[***] with spices, salt, onion, garlic, sugar 9[***] vinegar or
combination of peel, pulp, and juice of the named citrus fruit by boiling acetic acid, and shall contain not less than 50 per cent of total soluble
with water, sugar, dextrose, invert sugar, liquid glucose either singly solids w/w 8[and may contain permitted preservative.]
or in combination to a suitable consistency and with or without an
acid ingredient in an amount that reasonably compensates for any
[The minimum percentage of fruit in the final product shall not
deficiency in the natural acidity of the fruit used in its preparation, be less than 40.0. The percentage acidity of the product expressed as acetic
consisting of :- acid by weight shall be not less than 0.75 and not more than 2.0. The ash
content shall not exceed 5.0 per cent.]
(a) citric, 2[***], tartaric, or ascorbic acid, 2
[It may also contain permitted emulsifying and stabilising agents
(b) lemon or lime juice; as prescribed in rule 61-C.]
(c) 3
[****] 3
[A.16.12- SAUCE shall be the product derived from any suitable
kind and variety of fruit and vegetable which are wholesome and which
It may contain permitted 4[preservatives, colours or pectin derived shall be practically free from insect or fungal attack or blemish affecting
from any fruit] the quality of the fruit or vegetable. The only substances that may be
It shall not contain less than 45 per cent of the named fruit. added are fruit, vegetable, their pulp, juice, dried fruit, sugar,spices, salt,
vinegar, acetic acid, citric acid, malic acid, onion, garlic, flavouring
Total soluble solids w/w shall be not less than 2[65 per cent.] material 1[and permitted preservatives. It shall not contain any coal tar
[ Omitted.]
6 5

[ Omitted.]
5 4

[It may also contain permitted emulsifying and stabilising

[The minimum total soluble solids shall not be less than
agents as prescribed in rule 61-C.] 8[It may also contain fumaric acid 15 per cent.
(food grade) certified by Bureau of Indian Standards to the extent of
0.3 percent by weight. The total acidity in terms of acetic acid shall not be less
than 1.0 per cent.]
A.16.10- 9[****]. 2
It may also contain permitted emulsifying and stabilising agents
[A.16.11 -FRUIT CHUTNEY means a preparation made from as prescribed in rule 61-C.
It may also contain fumaric acid (food grade) certified by Bureau
1. Added by Noti. No. SRO 1687, dt. 14.7.1956. of Indian Standards to the extent of 0.3 per cent.
2. Subs./ Omitted by Noti No. GSR 1564 dt. 17.11.1962.
3. Omitted by Noti. No. 169, dt. 2.2.1961. 1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 1533, dt. 8.7.1968.
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 249(E) dated 8.3.1983.
4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 992, dt. 4.6.1971.
3. Added by Noti. No. SRO 1687, dt. 14.7.1956.
5. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E), dt. 15.11.1984 (w.e.f. 15.11.1985)
4. Ins. by Noti. No GSR 1417, dt. 20.9.1976 (w.e.f. 2.10.1976).
6. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1417, dated 20.9.1976. 5. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 764 (E) dt. 15.11.1984 (w.e.f. 15.11.1985).
7. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 249 (E), dated 8.3.1983. 6. Added by Noti. No. GSR 992, dt. 4.6.1971.
8. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 101(E) dated 18.2.1992. 7. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 101(E) dated 18.2.1992.
9. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 992, dt. 4.6.1971. 8. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 1340 dated 24.10.1961
289 290
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
["A.16.12.01-SOYABEAN SAUCE shall be the product form of tomato puree or tomato paste, shall be a preparation of sound and
derived from any suitable variety of sound and wholesome soyabean, ripe tomatoes with or without :
free from insect or fungal or any other blemish affecting the quality of
soyabean. The only substance that may be added are spices, salt, sugar, (a) salt, spices and condiments,
vinegar, acetic acid, onion, garlic, wheat, molasses and permitted
preservatives. It shall not contain any other fruit or vegetable substance. (b) citric acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, lactic acid and L-ascorbic
It shall show no sign of fermentation when incubated at 28-300C and acid; and
370C for three days.
(c) permitted preservatives.
It shall not contain any added colour except caramel.
The minimum total soluble solids shall not be less than 25 per The product shall be free from skin and seeds. It shall be free
cent, mass/mass as determined by refractometer. from added colouring matter. The product shall show no sign
of fermentation action when incubated at 370C for seven days.
The total acidity in terms of acetic acid shall not be less than 0.6
per cent mass/mass.
Tomato Puree shall contain not less than 9 per cent total soluble
Mould count shall not be more than 40 per cent of the fields solids by weight whereas Tomato Paste shall contain not less
examined. than 25 per cent total soluble solids by weight".
Yeast spores shall not be more than 125 per 1/60 c.m.m. Bacterial
count shall not be more than 100 million per c.c."] 2
" A. 16 .15-FRUIT JELLY means the product prepared by boiling
the fruit or its pieces or other fruit parts with or without water, expressing
[A.16.13- SPICES BASED SAUCE- Spices based sauce like
and straining, mixing the strained fruit extract with sugar and boiling the
chillies sauce shall be the product derived from any suitable variety
mixture to such a consistency that gellatinisation takes place on cooling.
of spices or condiments, singly or in combination. Such spices shall
be wholesome and practically free from fungal or insect attack. The
Jelly may contain sugar, dextrose, invert sugar or liquid glucose,
only substance that may be added are, spices-fresh or dried, sugar,
honey, fruit essence and flavours, permitted colours and preservatives. It
salt, vinegar, acetic acid, citric acid, fumaric acid, onion, garlic,
shall be free from artificial sweetening agents; It shall show no sign of
flavouring agents, permitted preservatives, permitted stabilizers and
fermentation. It shall not contain less than 45 per cent of the fruit extract.
emulsifiers. It may contain caramel, but shall not contain any coaltar
Total soluble solids shall not be less than 65 per cent by weight. It shall be
food colour. It may also contain small quantities of vegetable, fruit
free from extraneous plant materials.
pulp or juice.
The total acidity in terms of acetic acid shall not be less than 1.0 3
A. 16.16 PICKLE means the preparation made from sound, clean, raw or
per cent and total soluble solids shall not be less than 10.0 per cent by sufficiently mature fruits or vegetables or a combination of both, free from
weight.] insect damage or fungus attack, preserved in salt, acid, sugar or any combination
A. 16.14- TOMATO PUREE OR TOMATO PASTE or any other
3 of the three. The pickle may contain onion, garlic, sugar;
expression conveying the meaning that the product so designated is a
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 852 (E) dt. 13.6.1986.
1. Added Noti. No. GSR 494 (E) dated 25.7.1991 (w.e.f. 25.10.1991).
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 290 (E), dated 13.4.1981. 2. Added by Noti No. GSR 729 (E) dt. 23.8.1990 (w.e.f. 23.2.1991).
3. Ins. by Noti. No GSR 852 (E) dated 13.6.1986. 3. ibid.
291 292
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
jaggery, edible oil, spices, spice extract or oil of turmeric, pepper, chillies, [A. 17- EDIBLE OILS :]

fenugreek, mustardseed or powder, vegetable ingredients, asafoetida, [A. 17.01-COCONUT OIL (Naryal ka tel) means the oil

bengal gram, lime juice, lemon juice, green chillies, vinegar or acetic expressed from copra obtained from the kernel of Cocos mucifera nuts.
acid, dry fruit, including resins and fruit nuts. 2Pickles shall be free from It shall be clear and free from rancidity, suspended or other foreign
added synthetic food colours. matter, separated water, added colouring or flavouring substances, or
Combination of pickles may be : mineral oil. It shall conform to the following standards:-
(i) Pickles in citrus juice or brine : The percentage of salt in Butyro refractometer reading at 400C ....................... 34.0 to 35.5
covering liquid shall not be less than 10 per cent when salt is OR
used as major preserving agent. When packed in citrus juice, 7
Refractive or Index at 40 C .............................. [1.4481-1.4491]
acidity of the covering liquid shall not be less than1.2 per cent
calculated as citric acid. Soluble calcium salt and permitted Saponification value ...................................... 2[Not less than 250]
preservatives may be used in such type of pickles. Pickles shall lodine value ................................................................. 7.5 to 10.0
be free from 1copper, alum and mineral acids. Polenske value ..................................................Not less than 13.0
(ii) Pickles in oil : The fruit or vegetable percentage in the final product 3
Acid value ....................................................... Not more than 6.0
shall not be less than 60 per cent. The pickle shall be covered with 4
Unsaponifiable matter .......................... Not more than 1.0 per cent.
oil so as to form a layer of not less than 0.5 cm above the contents or 8
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative.
the percentage of oil in pickle shall be not less than 10 per cent. 1,4
[A.17.02 - COTTON SEED OIL (Binola ka tel) means the
Pickle shall be free from copper, alum and mineral acid. It may oil extracted from clean, sound, delinted and decorticated cotton seeds
contain rapeseed (rai), ajwain, saunf, black pepper and like spices, (genus Gossypium). It shall be refined. It shall be clear, free from
etc. Permitted preservative may be used in pickles. rancidity, suspended or other foreign matter, separated water, added
(iii) Pickles in vinegar : Pickles in vinegar mean the preparation colouring or flavouring substances or mineral oil. It shall conform to
from sound, clean, raw or sufficiently matured fruits or the following standards:-
vegetables, free from insect damage or fungus attack, which have (a) Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C ........... 5[55.6 to 60.2].
been cured in brine or dry salt or salted and dried stack with or OR
without natural fermentation. It shall contain vinegar or acetic 7
Refractive Index at 40 C .............................. 1.4630-1.4660
acid and the percentage of acid in the fluid portion shall not be
(b) Saponification value ........................................... 190 to 198.
less than 2 per cent w/w calculated as acetic acid. It may contain
sugar, whole or ground or semi-ground spices, dried fruits, green (c) lodine value ....................................................... 6[98] to 112.
and red chillies, ginger etc., dry fruit. Citric acid may also be (d) Unsaponifiable matter .............. Not more than 1.5 per cent.
added in such type of pickles. Spice extract or essences may also (e) Acid value........................... 3[Not more than 0.50 per cent.]
be used. The drained weight of the product shall not be less than 1. Added by Noti. No. SRO 1687, dt. 14.7.1956.
60 per cent. 1Pickle shall be free from copper, mineral acid, 2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 1211 dt. 9.12.1958.
alum, synthetic colours and shall show no sign of fermentation. 3. Added by Noti. No. GSR 436 (E), dated 8.4.1988.
The product shall be reasonably free from sediments. Permitted 4. Added by Noti. No. GSR 24(E), dated 15.1. 1991 (w.e.f. 15.4.1991).
preservatives may be used in pickles." 5. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 63(E) dated 5.2.1976.
6. Added by Noti. No. GSR 992 dated 4.6.1971.
1. Sub by Noti. No. GSR 176 (E) dt 6.4.98 7. Amended GSR 319(E) dt 6-5-1999
2. Amended GSR 695 (E) dt 11.10.1999 (w.e.f. 11.4.2000) 8. Added GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001.
293 294
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
[(f) There shall be no turbidity after keeping the filtered sample 1
[A.17.05- MAHUA OIL means the oil expressed from clean
at 30 0C for 24 hours.] and sound seeds or nuts of Madhuca (Bassia Latifolia or B. longigolia
(g) Bellier Test (Turbidity temperature or a mixture of both). It shall be clear and shall be free from rancidity,
-Acetic acid method).................................19.00C to 21.00C. suspended or other foreign matter, separated water, added colouring
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative. or flavouring substances, or mineral oil 2[It shall be refined and shall
[A. 17.03 -GROUNDNUT OIL (moongh-phali-ka-tel) means the conform to the following standards]-
oil expressed from clean and sound groundnuts (Arachis hypogoes). It Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C..........................49.5 to 52.7
shall be clear, free from rancidity, suspended or other foreign matter, OR
separated water, added colouring or flavouring substances or mineral oil. 10
Refractive Index at 40 C................................
1.4590 – 1.4611
It shall conform to the following standards :- Saponification value.....................................................187 to 196
Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C .......................... 54.0 to 57.1. Iodine value.....................................................................58 to 70
OR Unsaponifiable matter......................... Not more than 2.0 per cent
Refractive Index at 400C ....................................... 1.4620 – 1.4640 6
Acid value...................................................Not more than [0.50]
Saponification value.....................................................188 to 196. 11
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative.
Iodine value.....................................................................85 to 99.
Unsaponifiable matter..........................Not more than 1.0 per cent.
[A. 17.06-4[RAPE-SEED OIL (Toria oil) Mustard Oil (Sarson
Acid value.......................................................Not more than 6.0. ka tel)] means the oil expressed from clean and sound mustard
Bellier test 3[Turbidity temperature seeds,belonging to the compestris, juncea or napus varieties of Brassica.
-Acetic acid method]..........................................390C to 410C]. It shall be clear, free from rancidity, suspended or foreign matter,
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative. separated water, added colouring or flavouring substances or mineral
[A. 17.04-LINSEED OIL (Tisi-Ka-tel) means the oil obtained oil. It shall conform to the following standards :-
by process of expressing clean and sound linseed (Linum usitatissimum). Butryo-refractometer reading at 400C........................58.0 to 60.5
It shall be clear, free from rancidity, suspended or other foreign matter, OR
separated water, added colouring or flavouring substance, or mineral oil.
Refractive Index at 40 C ..................................1.4646-1.4662

It shall conform to the following satndards :- Saponification value.....................................................168 to 177

Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C.........................69.5 to74.3 Iodine value........5,9[96 to 112 polybromide test shall be negative.]
OR Unsaponifiable matter.........Not more than 1.2 per cent by weight.
Refractive Index at 400C.....................................1.4720 – 1.4750
Acid value.......................................................Not more than 6.0
Saponification value.....................................................188 to 195. (f) 7Bellier Test
Iodine value......................................................Not less than 170. (Turbidity temperature
Unsaponifiable matter..........................Not more than 1.5 per cent. 1. Added by Noti. No. SRO 1687, dated 14.7.1956.
Acid value.......................................................Not more than 4.0 2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 55(E) dt. 31.1.1979 (w.e.f. 31.7.1979).
3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 532, dated 22.2.1969.
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative.
4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 63(E), dt. 5.2.1976.
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 992, dated 4.6.1971. 5. Subs. Noti. No. GSR 205 dt. 13.2.1974 (w.e.f. 23.5.1974)
2. Added by Noti. No. SRO 1687, dated 14.7.1956. 6. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 436 (E) dt. 8.4.1988.
3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 74 dt. 31.12.1965. 7. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 24(E) dated 15.1.1991 (w.e.f. 15.4.1991)
4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 436 (E) dated 8.4.1988. 8. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 481 dated 16.9.1993.
5. Sub. by Noti. No. GSR 24 (E) dated 15.1.1991 (w.e.f. 15.4.1991) 9. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 300 (E) dated 9.3.1994.
6. Amended GSR 319 (E) dated 6.5.1999 10. Ameded GSR 319 (E) dt 6.5.1999
7. Added GSR 895 (E) dated 11.12.2001 11. Added GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001
295 296
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
-Acetic acid method............................................23.0 C to 27.5 C
0 0
Saponification value................................................ 186 to 196
Test for agremone oil shall be.................................... Negative Iodine value........................................................ 135 to 6[148.]
Test for Hydrocyanic acid........................................... Negative
[A.17.07- OLIVE OIL means the oil expressed from the ripe olive Unsaponifiable matter.................... Not more than 1.0 per cent.
fruit (Olea europea). It shall be clear, free from rancidity, suspended or
[Acid value................................................. Not more than 6.0
other foreign matter, separated water, added colouring or flavouring 1
[Bellier test 2[***].................................. Not more than160C].
substances or mineral oil. It shall conform to the following standards:- (Turbidity temperature-Acetic acid method)
Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C..........................53.0 to 56.0
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative.
Refractive Index at 400C .................................1.4613–1.4633
[A.17.10-TARAMIRA OIL means the oil expressed from clean
Saponification value.....................................................185 to 196 and sound seeds of Taramira (Eruca sativa). It shall be clear, free from
Iodine value.....................................................................79 to 90 rancidity, suspended or other foreign matter, separated water, added
Unsaponifiable matter..........................Not more than 1.0 per cent. colouring or flavouring substances, or mineral oil. It shall conform to
Acid value..................................................... Not more than 6.0 the following standards :-
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative. Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C.................... 58.0 to 60.0
[A.17.08- POPPY SEED OIL means the oil expressed from OR
poppy seeds (Papaver somniferum). It shall be clear, free from 7
Refractive Index at 400C .................................1.4646–1.4659
rancidity, suspended or other foreign matter, separated water, added Saponification value................................................ 174 to 177
colouring or flavouring substances or mineral oil. It shall conform to Iodine value.............................................................. 99 to 105
the following standards :- Unsaponifiable matter..................... Not more than 1.0 percent.
Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C..........................60.0 to 64.0 3
[Acid value................................................. Not more than 6.0
Refractive Index at 400C .................................1.4659–1.4685
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative.
Saponification value.....................................................186 to 194
[A.17.11- Til Oil. (Gingelly or sesame oil) means the oil expressed
Iodine value.................................................................133 to 143 from clean and sound seeds of Til (Sesamum indicum) black, brown,
Unsaponifiable matter.........................Not more than 1.0 per cent. white or mixed. It shall be clear, free from rancidity, suspended or
[Acid value.....................................................Not more than 6.0 other foreign matter, separated water, added colouring or flavouring
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative. substances, or mineral oil. It shall conform to the following standards:-
[A. 17.09- 4[SAFFLOWER SEED OIL] (barrey ka tel) means Butyro refractometer reading at 400C................... 58.0 to 61.0.
the oil expressed from the seeds of Carthamus tinctorius. It shall be clear, OR
free from rancidity, suspended or other foreign matter, separated water, 7
Refractive Index at 400C .................................1.4646–1.4665
added colouring or flavouring substances, or mineral oil. It shall conform Saponification value............................................... 188 to 193.
to the following standards :- Iodine value......................................................... 5
[103 to 120]
Butyro- refractometer reading at 400C.................... 62.4 to 64.7
OR 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 425, dt. 4.4.1960.
Refractive Index at 400C .................................1.4674–1.4689 2. Omitted by Noti. No. GSR 74, dt. 31.12.1965.
1. Added by Noti. No. SRO 1687, dt. 14.7.1956. 3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 436 (E) dated 8.4.1988.
2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 436 (E) dt. 8.4.1988. 4. Added by Noti. No. SRO 1687, dt. 14.7.1956.
3. Added by Noti. No. SRO 1687, dt. 14.7.1956. 5. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 910 (E), dt. 27.6.1986.
4. Subs. by Noti. No. 245(E), dt. 11.3.1982. 6. Subs. by Noti. No GSR 245 (E) dated 11.3.1982.
5. Amended GSR 319(E), dt. 6.5.1999 7. Amended GSR 319(E), dt. 6.5.1999
6. Added GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001 8. Added GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001
297 298
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Unsaponifiable matter..................... Not more than 1.5 per cent. 2
[Acid value................................................ Not mor than 6.0.
[Acid value............................................... Not more than 6.0]
[Bellier test (Turbidity temperature
[Bellier test (Turbidity............................ Not mor than 220C.] -Acetic acid method)...................................... 250C to 5290C.]
temperature-Acetic acid method)
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative.
[Provided that the oil obtained from white sesame seeds grown
[A.17.13- SOYABEAN OIL means the oil expressed from clean
in Tripura, Assam and West Bengal shall conform to the following and sound soyabeans (Soja max) from which the major portion of the
standards:- gums naturally present have been removed by hydration and
mechanical or physical separation. It shall be clear, free from rancidity,
Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C................... 60.5 to 65.4
suspended or other foreign matter, separated water, added colouring
OR or flavouring substances or mineral oil. It shall conform to the following
Refractive Index at 400C .................................1.4662–1.4694 standards:-
Saponification value............................................... 185 to 190 Butyro-refractometer-reading at 400C................ 7
[58.5 to 68.0]
Iodine Value............................................................ 115 to 120 OR
[Acid value............................................... Not more than 6.0] 8
Refractive Index at 400C .................................1.4649–1.4710
Unsaponifiable matter..................... Not more than 2.5per cent. Saponification value................................................ 189 to 195
Bellier Test [turbidity temperature............. Not more than 220C Iodine Value............................................................ 120 to 141
-Acetic acid method]. Unsaponifiable matter................... Not more than 1.5 per cent.
[Acid value............................................... Not more than 2.50.
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative.
Phosphorus................................. Not more than 0.02 per cent.
[A.17.12- NIGER SEED OIL (Sargiya-ka-tel.) means the edible 9
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative.
oil obtained by process of expressing clean and sound seeds of Guizotia 3
[A.17.14- MAIZE OIL (Corn Oil) means the oil, extracted from
abyssnica. It shall be clear and free from rancidity, suspended or other
the germ of clean and sound seeds of Zea mays Linn Fam. Graniniae,
foreign matter, separated water, added colouring or flavouring
refined. It shall be free from rancidity, suspended or other foreign
substance, mineral or other oil. It shall conform to the following
matter, separated water, added colouring or flavouring substances or
standards :- mineral oil. It shall conform to the following standards :-
Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C.....................61.0 to 65.0 Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C.................... 56.7 to 62.5.
Refractive Index at 400C ................................. 1.4665–1.4691 8
Refractive Index at 400C .................................1.4637–1.4675
Saponification value.................................................188 to 193 Saponification value................................................. 187 to 195
Iodine value.............................................................5[110 to 135]. Iodine value......................................................... 4
[103 to 128].
Unsaponifiable matter........................Not more than 1.0 per cent. 1. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 1533, dt. 8.7.1968.
2. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 436(E), dt. 8.4.1988.
1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 425 dt. 4.4.1960.
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 938, dt. 26.5.1971.
2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 1533 dt. 8.7.1968. 4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 55(E) dt. 31.1.1979.
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 436(E) dated 8.4.1988. 5. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 746 (E) dated 20.9.1985.
4. Added by Noti. No. SRO 1687, dated 14.7.1956. 6. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 74 (E) dated 31.12.1965.
5. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 746(E), dated 20.9.1985. 7. Subs. by Noti. No. 910(E) dated 27.6.1986.
6. Amended GSR319(E), dt. 6.5.1999 8. Amended GSR 319(E), dt 6.5.1999
7. Added GSR 895 (E), dt. 11.12.2001 9. Added GSR 895 (E) dt. 11.12.2001
299 300
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Unsaponifiable matter Not more than 1.5 per cent. (i) It shall not contain any harmful colouring, flavouring or any other
Acid value Not more than 1[0.50 per cent] matter deleterious to health;
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative. (ii) No colour shall be added to interesterified fat unless so authoirsed
A. 17.15 "REFIND VEGETABLE OIL" means any vegetable by Government, but in no event any colour resembling the colour
oil which is obtained by expression or solvent extraction of vegetable of ghee shall be added;
oil bearing materials, deacidified with alkali and/or physical refining (iii) If any flavour is used, it shall be distinct from that of ghee in
and/or by miscella refining using permitted foodgrade solvents followed accordance with a list of permisible flavours and in such quantities
by bleaching with absorbent earth and/or activated carbon and as may be prescribed by Government;
deodorised with steam. No other chemical agent shall be used. The Provided that diacetyl to the extent of not more than 4.0 ppm may
name of the vegetable oil from which the refined oil has been be added to interesterified fat exclusively meant for consumption
manufactured shall be clearly specified on the label of the container. by the Armed Forces.
In addition to the undermentioned standards to which refined vegetable
(iv) It shall not have moisture exceeding 0.25 percent;
oils shall conform, the standards prescribed in these rules for the
(v) The melting point as determined by capillary slip method shall be
specified edible oils shall also apply except for acid value which shall
from 310C to 410C both inclusive;
be not more than 0.5 Moisture shall not exceed 0.10 per cent weight].
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative. (vi) The Butryo-refractometer reading at 400C, shall not be less than
"A.17.15.01- Interesterified vegetable fat means an edible fatty 48; or
material that has been so treated as to bring about a rearrangement of
Refractive Index at 400C shall not be less than 1.4580
fatty acid positions within the glyceride entities and hence a change in (vii) It shall not have free fatty acids (calculated as Oleic acid) exceeding
the physical properties like melting point, viscosity, specific gravity 0.25 per cent;
and the like with very little change in the constitution of the fatty (ix) The product on melting shall be clear in appearance and shall
acids themselves by a process of interesterification of the essentially be free from staleness or rancidity, and pleasant to taste and
neutral edible oil or fat, singly or in mixture generally through the use smell;
of alkaline catalysts exemplified by sodium or potassium metals, or (x) It shall contain raw or refined sesame (til) oil not less than 5
their ethoxides or hydroxides in the form either of anhydrous powders percent by weight, but sufficient so that when it is mixed with
or in anhydrous glycerol medium followed by such post-process steps refined groundnut oil in the proportion of 20:80, the colour
as washing, bleaching and deodorisation, the last of which can be produced by the Baudouin Test shall not be lighter than 2.0 red
omitted if the interesterified fat is to be incorporated as part of the raw units in a 1 cm. cell on a Lovibond scale;
material for further processing in edible fat products. (xi) It shall contain not less than 25 I.U. of synthetic Vitamin 'A' per
The interesterified fat shall be clean, free from soap, flavouring gram at the time of packing and shall show a positive test for
substances, rancidity, suspended or other foreign matters, separated Vitamin 'A' when tested by Antimony Trichloride (Carr-price)
water and mineral oil. It shall conform to the following standards, reagent (as per IS: 5886-1970);
namely :-
(xii) No anti-oxidant, synergist, emulsifier or any other such substance
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 746 (E) dated. 20.9.1985. shall be added to it except with the prior sanction of the
2. Added by Noti. No. GSR 24 (E) dated 15.4.1991. Government".
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 436(E) dated 8.4.1988. 2
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative.
4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 938 dated 26.5.1971. 1. Amended GSR 319(E), dt 6.5.1999
5. Added GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001 2. Amended GSR 895 (E) dt. 11.12.2001
301 302
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
[A. 17.16- ALMOND OIL means the oil expressed from the
1 2
[A. 17. 18 - IMPORTED RAPESEED OIL - (Toria-Ka-Tel)
seeds of Prunus amygdalus Batach, var, dulcis Koehne (sweet means:
almond)or of Prunus amygdalus Batach, var Amara Focke (bitter almond)
without the application of heat. It shall be clear, free from rancidity, (i) the oil obtained from clean and sound 5rapeseed grown
suspended or other foreign matter, separated water, added colouring or abroad belonging to compestris, juncea, or napus varieties
flavouring substances or mineral oil. It shall conform to the following of Brassica by the method of expression or solvent
standards : extraction and imported into India or,
Butyro-refractometr reading at 400C...............................54 to 57 (ii) the oil 5produced in India obtained from clean and sound
OR imported rapeseed belonging to comprestris, Juncea, or
Refractive Index at 400C .................................1.4620–1.4639 napus varieties of Brassica by the method of extraction or
Saponification value.................................................186 to 195 solvent extraction.
Iodine value...............................................................90 to 109
It shall be clear, free from rancidity, suspended or other foreign
Acid value.................................................. Not more than 6.0
matter, separated water, added colouring or flavouring substances or
Bellier's test (Turbidity..................................Not more than 600C] mineral oil. It shall conform to the following standards, namely:-
temperature- Acetic Acid method)
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative. Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C................... 51.0–64.8
[A. 17.17 - WATER-MELON SEED OIL means the oil extracted OR
from the clean sound seeds of the fruit of Water-Melon (Citrullus vulgaries Refractive Index at 400C................................. 1.4620 –1.4690
Schard Family : cucubitaceae). It shall be clear, free from rancidity, Iodine value (Wij's method)........................................ 94 –126
adulterants, sediments, suspended and other foreign matter, separated
water, added colouring and flavouring substances and mineral oil. It shall Saponification value................................................... 166-198
conform to the following standards:-
Moisture and Volatile matter.............Not more than 0.25 percent. Unsaponifiable matter..................... Not mor than 2.0 per cent.
Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C.........................55.6-61.7 Test for argemone oil................................................ Negative
Refractive Index at 400C .................................1.4630–1.4670 Test for Hydrocyanic........................................ Passes the test
acid (Ferric-Chloride test)
Saponification value....................................................190-198
Iodine value.................................................................115-125 3
Acid Value................................................ Not more than 6.0]
Acid value......................................................Not more than 6.0 4
(h)Bellier test (Turbidity temperature-
Unsaponifiable matter...........................Not mor than 1.5 per cent.]
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative. Acetic acid method................................ Not more than19.00C
1. Renumbered by Noti. No. GSR 133, dt. 23.1.1973.
2. Subs. by Noti. No. 436 (E), dt. 8.4.1988. 1. Subs. by Noti. No. 436 (E) dated 8.4.1988.
3. Ins. by Noti. No.GSR 55(E), dt. 31.1.1979. 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 710(E), dt.22.12.1980.
4. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 48, dt. 16.9.1993. 3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 436(E) dated 8.4.1988.
5. Amended by GSR 319(E), dt. 6.5.1999 4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 24(E) dated 15.1.1991 (w.e.f. 15.4.1991).
6. Added GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001 5. Amended by Noti. No. 481 dated 16.9.1993.
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The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Rapeseed oil imported into India or rapessed oil obtained by other foreign matter, separated water, added colouring and
solvent extraction shall be supplied for human consumption only if it flavouring substances or mineral oils. It shall conform to the following
is refined and it shall conform to the standard laid down under item standards namely :-
A.17.15 except 1 acid value which shall be not more than 0.6. Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C........43.7–52.5
Additionally, it shall have Flash Point (Penske Marten Closed method) OR
not less than 2500C. Refractive Index at 400C........................... 1.4550 – 1.4610
A.17.19- Palm Oil- Palm oil means the oil obtained from fleshy Iodine value (Wij's method)...................... 54 – 62
mesocarp of the oil palm (Elaeis Guineensis) tree by the method of Saponification value................................. 195–205
expression or solvent extraction. It shall be clear, free from rancidity, Cloud point............................................. Not more than 180C.
suspended or other foreign matter, separated water, added colouring Unsaponifiable matter........................Not more than 1.2 per cent.
and flavouring susbstances or mineral oil. It shall conform to the 1
Acid value.............................................. Not more than 6.0
following standards, namely :- Further, if the palmolein is obtained from solvent extracted
Butyro-refractometer reading at 500C.................... 35.5 – 44.0 palm oil, it shall be refined before it is supplied for human consumption
OR and it shall conform to the standards laid down under item A.17.15.
Refractive Index at 500C................................. 1.4491 – 1.4552 Additionally, it shall have Flash Point (Penske Marten closed method)-
not less than 250 0C.
Melting point (capillary slip method)...... Not more than 370C. 2
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative.
Iodine value (Wij's method)....................................... 45 – 56. A.17.21- PALM KERNEL OIL means the oil obtained from
Saponification value............................................... 195 – 205. sound palm kernel or the fruits of oil palm (Elaeis Ginenesis) tree by
Unsaponifiable matter.................... Not more than 1.2 per cent. the method of expression or solvent extraction. It shall be clear, free
from rancidity, suspended or other foreign matter, separated water,
Acid value................................................ Not more than 10.0
added colouring and flavouring substances or mineral oil. It shall
"Indigenoulsy produced Raw Palm Oil obtained by method of expression conform to the following standards, namely :-
may be supplied for human consumption as such provided acid value is Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C........35.3 – 39.5
not more than 6.0 But palm oil imported into the country or produced by OR
solvent extraction shall be refined before it is supplied for human Refractive Index at 400C........................... 1.4490 –1.4520
consumption and it shall conform to the standards laid down under A.17.15. Iodine value (Wij's method)...................... 10 – 23.
Additionally, It shall have Flash Point (Penske-Marten closed method)- Saponification value................................. 237 – 255
Not less than 2500C". Unsaponifiable matter........................Not more than 1.2 per cent.
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative. 1
Acid value.............................................. Not more than 6.0]
A.17.20.- PALMOLEIN- Palmolein means the liquid fraction Further, if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction,
obtained by fractionation of palm oil obtained from the fleshy mesocarp it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining and
of fruits of oil palm (Elaeis Guineesis) tree by the method of expression shall conform to the standatds laid down under item A.17.15
Additionally, it shall have Flash Point (Penske Marten Closed method)-
or solvent extraction. It shall be clear, free from rancidity, suspended or
not less than 250 0C.
1. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 436 (E) dated 8.4.1988. 2
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative.
2. Subs by Noti No. GSR 481 dated 16.9.1993. 1. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 436 (E) dated 8.4.1988.
3. Amended GSR 895 (E) dt. 11.12.2001 2. Added GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001
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The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
A. 17.22.- SUNFLOWER SEED OIL means the oil obtained absence of turbidity after keeping the filtered sample at 350C for 24 hrs.
from clean and sound sunflower seeds or cake from the plants Rice Bran oil shall be sold for human consumption only after refining. It
Helianthus annums linn (Family : compositae) by the method of shall conform to the following standards, namely :-
expression or solvent extraction. It shall be clear, free from rancidity, 3
Moisture and volatile matter............Not more than 0.1 per cent
suspended or other foreign matter, separated water, added colouring
by weight.
or flavouring substance or mineral oil. It shall conform to the following
standards, namely :- Refractive Index at 400C..............................1.4600 to 1.4700.
Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C........57.1-365.0 OR
OR Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C......................51.0 to 66.4.
Refractive Index at 400C........................... 1.4640-1.4800 Saponification value............................................... 180 to 195.
Iodine value (Wij's method)...................... 100-145.
Iodine value (Wij's method)...................................... 90 to105.
Saponification value................................. 188-194
Unsaponifiable matter........................Not more than 1.5 per cent
Acid value.................................................. Not more than 0.5
Acid value.............................................. Not more than 6.0. Unsaponifiable matter........................Not more than 3.5 per cent.
Further, if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent Flash point (Penske............................Not less than 250 0 C.
extraction, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after Marten closed method)
refining and shall conform to the standards laid down under item
A.17.15 Additionally, it shall have Flash Point (Penske Marten closed Test for Argemone oil shall be negative.

method) not less than 2500C. Note : The edible oils prescribed under item A.17 shall be free from
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative. Castor oil.
[A.17.23-RICE BRAN OIL means the oil obtained from the [A.17.24 - 'Blended edible vegetable oil' means an admixture of
layer around the endosperm of rice obtained from paddy of Oryza Sativa any two edible vegetable oils where the proportion by weight of any edible
Linn. Fam Gramineae which is removed during the process of rice vegetable oil used in the admixture is not less than 20 per cent. The
milling and is generally known as rice bran. individual oils in the blend shall conform to the respective standards
Refined Rice Bran Oil shall be obtained from solvent extracted prescribed by these rules. The blend shall be clear, free from rancidity,
oil, neutralised with alkali, bleached with bleaching earth or activated suspended or insoluble matter or any other foreign matter, separated water,
carbon or both and deodorised with steam. Alternatively deacidification, added colouring matter, flavouring substance, mineral oil, hydrocyanic
bleaching and deodorisation may be done by physical means. acid, castor oil and tricresyl phosphate. It shall also conform to the
The oil shall be clear and free from rancidity, adulterants, sediments, following standards, namely :-
suspended and other foreign matters, separated water and added colouring
and flavouring substances. The clarity of the oil shall be judged by the (a) Moisture and volatile matter....... not more than 0.2 per cent
by weight;
1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 436 (E), dated 8.4.1988.
1. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 436 (E) dated 8.4.1988.
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 245(E), dated 11.3.1982 and corrected by Noti.
No. GSR 386(E) dated 3.4.1982. 2. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 91(E) dated 7.2.1992.
3. Amended by Noti. No. 481(E) dated 16.9.1993. 3. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 481 (E) dated. 16.9.1993.
4. Added GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001 4. Added GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001
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(b) Acid Value :- per cent may be added and shall be so stated on the label. It shall
conform to the following standards:-
Nature of Oil Acid Value
1. Moisture............................. Not more than 0.1 per cent by
(1)Both raw edible vegetable Not more than 6.0 weight
Oils in the Blend 1
2. Omitted (Colour)
(2)One raw edible vegetable Not more than 5.0 1
3. Refractive index at 400C....... 1.4630–1.4690
Oil and one refined edible OR
vegetable oil in the Blend Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C ..................55.6–64.8
(3)Both refined edible Not more than 5.0 1
4. Saponification value............. 189 – 195
vegetable oils in the Blend 5. Iodine value......................... 107–120
(c) Un-saponifiable matter- 6. Acid value............................ Not more than 0.50
(i) Blend with rice bran oil Not more than 3.0 7. Unsaponifiable matter...........Not more than1.5 per cent
per cent by weight by weight.
(ii)Blend with other edible Not more than 1.50 8. Linolenic acid (C 18:3)......... Not more than 3 per cent
vegetable oils per cent by weight by weight.
(d) Flash point (Penske Not less than 2500C *9. Cloud Point ( C).................. Not less than 100C

Martin closed mehtod )].

10. Omitted
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative. 11. Flash point (Penske.............. Not less than 250 0 C
Marten closed method)
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative.
SOYABEAN OIL.- Partially Hydrogenated and winterised soyabean
oil means deodorised product obtained by light (mild or "Brush") A.17.26- PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED SOYABEAN OIL-
hydrogenation of degummed, deacidified, docolorised and winterised Partially hydrogenated soyabean oil means deodorised product obtained
soyabean oil. The oil shall be degummed by water with or without a by light (mild or "brush") hydrogentation of degummed, deacidified
food grade additive, deacidified by either neutralisation with alkali or and decolorised soyabean oil. The oil shall be degummed by water
steam distillation (physical refining) or miscella refining using with or without a food grade additive, deacidified by either
permitted food grade solvent, decolorised with bleaching earth and/or neutralisation with alkali or steam distillation (physical refining) or
activated carbon, partially hydrogenated using nickel catalyst, miscella refining using permitted food grade solvent, decolourised with
winterised with or without the use of a food grade solvent, filtered in a bleaching earth and/or activated carbon and partially hydrogenated
suitable filter press and deodorised with steam. using nickel catalyst. The product shall again be deacidified, bleached
and deodorised with steam.
The product shall be clear, free from rancidity, suspended or
other foreign matter, separated water, added colouring or flavouring The product shall be clear liquid at 350C. It shall be clear on
substances, castor oil, mineral oil, other vegetable and animals fats. melting, free from rancidity, suspended or other foreign matter,
Antioxidants TBHQ upto 0.02 per cent and citric acid upto 0.02 * Should be not more than 10"C" (not less than 100c appears to be a misprint)
1. Added by Noti. No. GSR 784 (E) dated 28.9.1992. 1. Amended GSR 241(E) dt. 5.4.1999 (w.e.f. 5.10.1999)
2. Added GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001 2. Added GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001
309 310
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
separated water, added colouring or flavouring substances , castor oil, 1
[A..18. CEREALS]
mineral oil or other vegetable and animal oils and fats. Antioxidants 7, 2
[A.18.01-ATTA or resultant}3 atta means the coarse product
TBHQ upto 0.02 per cent and citric acid upto 0.02 per cent may be obtained by milling or grinding wheat 7free from rodent hair and
added and shall be so stated on the label. It shall conform to the excreta. It shall conform to the following standards:-
following standards :-
(a) Moisture................................ Not more than 14.0 per cent
1. Moisture.............................. Not more than 0.1 per cent (when determined by heating
by weight. at 130-1330c for 2 hours).
2. Colour omitted (b) Total ash................................ Not more than 2.0 per cent
3. Refractive Index at 400C...... 1.4630-1.4670 (on dry weight basis).
(c) Ash insoluble in.................... Not more than 0.15 per cent
Butyro-refractometer reading at 400C ..................55.6–61.7
dilute HCI (on dry weight basis)
4. Saponification value............. 189-195
(d) Gluten................................... Not less than 6.0 per cent (on
5. Iodine value......................... 95-110
dry weight basis).
6. Acid value............................ Not more than 0.50
(e) Alcoholic acidity Not more than 0.18 per cent
7. Unsaponifiable matter...........Not more than 1.5 per cent
by weight." (with 90 per cent (on dry weight basis).
alcohol) expressed
8. Linolenic acid (C18:3).......... Not mor than 3 per cent by
as H2 SO4
*9. Cloud Point.......................... Not less than 250C
It shall be free from Rodent hair and excreta.
10. Trans-fatty Acid................... Omitted
[A.18.01.01- FORTIFIED ATTA means the product obtained
11. Flash Point (Penske by adding one or more of the following materials to atta, namely :-
Marten closed method)......... Not less than 2500C" (a) Calcium carbonate (preparated chalk popularly known as Creta
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative. preparata).
Notes : (b) Iron.
Cashewnut Affects Quality of Cooking Oil- Sample of cashewnut (c) Thiamine.
taken-as-per the report of the Public Analyst cashewnut prepared (d) Riboflavin, and
with Vanaspati-the petitioner entitled to get benefit of doubt in
(e) Niacin.
the instant case it has been proved on record that the petitioner
sold the cashewnut with a claim that they had been fried in
The calcium carbonate powder, if added for fortification, shall
groundnut oil and so it is not open to him now to claim or plead be in such amount that 100 parts by weight of fortified atta shall contain
that he had not made such a claim at the time of sale-no such not less than 0.30 and not more than 0.35 parts by weight of calcium
standard provided in respect cashewnut and the rules do not provide carbonate. It shall be free from rodent hair and excreta.
as to what should be the Butyro-refractometer reading at 40 0 C in
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1687 dated 14.7.1956.
respect of the extracted oil or Cashewnuts and another oil. (Ramesh Kumar 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1809 dated 3.10.1970.
Bhandoola Vs. N.D.M.C.) DELHI HIGH COURT-FAC 1991 (1) 210. 3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 109 dated 26.2.1983.
* Should be not more than 25"C" (not less than 250C appears to be a misprint) 4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 55(E) dated 31.1.1979 (w.e.f. 31.1.1979).
5. Added by Noti. No. GSR 425, dated 4.4.1960.
1. Amended GSR 241(E) dt. 5.4.1999 (w.e.f. 5.10.1999) 6. Added by Noti. No. GSR 41(E) dt. 29.1.1997 &286(E) dated 29.5.1997.
2. Amended GSR 895 (E) dt 11.12.2001 7. Ins. GSR 67 (E) dt 5.2.2001
311 312
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[A.18.01.02- PROTEIN RICH (PAUSHTIK) ATTA means the (c) Ash insolubel in dilute.........Not more than 0.1 per cent.
product obtained by mixing wheat atta with groundnut flour 2[or soya HCI (on dry weight basis)
flour or a combination of both up to an extent of 10.0 per cent 7,2[Soya (d) Gluten (on dry weight basis)........... Not less than 7.5 percent.
flour which is a solvent extracted flour used in such mix shall conform to (e) Alcoholic acidity (with 90......Not more than 1[0.12] percent.
the standards of Soya flour laid down under time A 18.15. It shall be free per cent alcohol) expressed
from insect or fungus infestation, odour and rancid taste. It shall not as H2SO4 (on dry weight basis).
contain added flavouring and colouring agents or any other extraneous 5
It shall be free from Rodent hair and excreta.
matter. It shall conform to the following standards :- 2
[If the product is to be used for bakery purposes, the following
Moisture................................. Not more than 3[14.0] per cent. flour treatment agents, in the quantities mentioned against each, may be
Total ash................................. Not more than 2.75 per cent on used, namely :-
dry basis. (i) Benzoyl peroxide (Max)........ 40 p.p.m
Ash insoluble in dilute HCI.... Not more than 0.1 per cent on (ii) Potassium bromate (Max).....20 p.p.m
dry basis. (iii) Ascorbic acid (Max)............. 200 p.p.m.
Total protein (Nx6.25)............ Not less than 12.5 per cent on
[A.18.02.01- FORTIFIED MAIDA means the product obtained by
dry basis. adding one or more ot the following materials to maida, namely:-
Crude fibre............................. Not more than 2.5 per cent on (a) Calcium carbonate (preparated chalk popularly known as creta
dry basis. preparata),
(b) Iron,
Alcoholic acidity.................... Not more than 0.12 per cent].
(with 90 per cent alcohol) (c) Thiamine,
epressed as H2SO4 (d) Riboflavin, and
It shall be free from rodent hair and exereta. (e) Niacin.
The calcium carbonate powder, if added for fortification, shall
[A.18.02- MAIDA means the fine product made by milling or
be in such amount that 100 parts by weight of fortified maida shall
grinding clean wheat free from rodent hair and excreta and bolting or contain not less than 0.30 and not more than 0.35 parts by weight of
dressing the resulting wheat meal. It shall conform to the following calcium carbonate. It shall he free from Rodent hair and excereta.
standards :- 4
(a) Moisture..............................Not more than 14.0 percent
the product obtained by mixing maida (wheat flour) with groundnut
(when determined by heating
flour6[or soya flour or a combination of both] up to an extent of 10.0
at 130-1330C for 2 hours). per cent.7,6[Soya flour which is a solvent extracted flour used in such
(b) Total ash (on dry weight basis)...Not more than 1.0 per cent. mix shall conform to the standards of soya flour laid down under item
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1533, dated 8.7.1968. A: 18.15 ]. It shall be free from insect or fungus infestation, colour
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 731 (E) dated 10.12.1991. 1. Subs. by Noti. No. 63(E), dated 5.2.1976 (w.e.f. 5.8.1976).
3. Corrected by Noti. No. GSR 2163, dated 2.12.1968. 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1417 dated 20.9.1976 (w.e.f. 2.10.1976).
4. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 1809, dated 3.10.1970. 3. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 425, dated 4.4.1960.
5. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 41(E) dated 29.1.1972. GSR 286 (E) dated 29.5.1997. 4. Added by Noti. No. GSR 1533, dated 8.7.1968.
6. The words wheat flour omitted by Noti. GSR 179 (E) dt 6.4.98 5. Added by Noti.No. GSR 41 (E) dated 29.1.1997 and 286 (E) dated 29.5.1997.
7. Sub GSR 7 (E) dt 4.1.2001 6. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 731 (E) dated 10.12.1991.
8. Subs GSR 67 (E) dt 5.2.2001 7. Amended GSR 7 (E) dt 4.1.2001
313 314
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
and rancid taste. It shall not contain added flavouring and colouring 5
It shall be free from Rodent hair and excreta .
agents or any other extraneous matter. It shall conform to the following 1
[A. 18.04- BESAN means the product obtained by grinding
standards:- dehusked Bengal gram (Cicer aritinum) and shall not contain any added
Moisture................................... 2Not more than 14.0 per cent]. colouring matter or any other foreign ingredient].
Total ash................................... Not more than 1.4 per cent. 2
[Besan shall conform to the following standards :-
Ash insoluble in dilute HCI....... Not more than 0.1 per cent on Total ash................................. Not more than 5 per cent
dry basis. Ash insoluble in 7dilute
Total protein (Nx6.25)............... Not less than 12.5 per cent on hydrochloric acid.............. Not more than 0.5 per cent
dry basis. 6,3
[A.18.05. PEARL BARLEY or Balrey (Jau) shall be the product
Crude fibre............................... Not more than 0.53 per cent obtained from sound and clean barley (Hordeum vulgare or Hordeum
on dry basis. distichon). It shall be whitish in colour and shall be free from fermented,
Alcoholic Acidity...................... Not more than 0.12 per cent. musty or other objectionable taste or odour, adulterants and insect and
(with 90 per cent alcohol-) fungus infestation and rodent contamination. It shall not contain other
expressed as H2 SO4 foodgrains more than 1 per cent by weight].
Gluten...................................... Not less than 7.0 per cent on Barley powder shall be the product obtained by grinding clean
dry basis.] and sound dehusked barley (Hordeum vulgare or Hordeum distichon)
It shall be free from Rodent hair and excreta. grains. Barley starches shall not be less than 98.0 per cent be weight.
[A.18.03- "SEMOLINA (Suji or Rawa) means the product Barley powder shall also conform to the following standards,
prepared from clean wheat free from rodent hair and excreta by process of namely:-
grinding and bolting. It shall be free from musty smell and off-odour and (i) Total ash (on dry basis)...............Not more than 1.0 per cent.
shall be creamy yellow in colour. It shall conform to the following (ii) Ash insoluble in dilute................Not more than 0.1 per cent.
standards:- hydrochloric acid (on dry basis)
(a) Moisture...................... Not more than 14.5 per cent (iii) Crude fibre (or dry basis)...........Not more than 0.5 per cent.
(when determined by heating (iv) Alcoholic acidity (expressed.....Not more than 0.10 per
at 130-1330C for 2 hours). cent as H2SO4) with 90 per cent alcohol
(b) Total ash (on dry weight basis).. Not more than 1.0 per cent. 8,6,4
(c) Ash insoluble in dilute......... Not more than0.1 per cent. BARLEY FLOUR OR CHOKER Yukt Jau ka Churan means the
HCI (on dry weight basis) product obtained by grinding clean and sound dehusked barley
(d) Gluten (on dry weight basis)...... Not less than 6.0 per cent. (Hordeum vulgare or Hordeum distichon) grains free from rodent
(e) Alcoholic acidity.................. Not more than 0.18 per cent. hair and excreta It shall conform to the following standards:-
(with 90 per cent alcohol) 1. Added by Noti. No. GSR 1211, date 9.12.1958.
expressed as H2SO4 (on 2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1340 dated 24.10.1961.
dry weight basis) 3. Ins. by noti. No. GSR 74, dt. 31.12.1965.
1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 731(E) dated 10.12.1991. 4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 938, dated 26. .5.1971.
2. Corrected by Noti. No. GSR 2163, dated 2.12.1968. 5. Added by Noti. No. GSR 41 (E) dt. 29.1.1997 (E) dated 29.5.1997.
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1809, dated 3.10.1970. 6. Added by Noti. No. GSR 223 (E) dt. 20.5.1996. (w.e.f. 20.11.1996)
4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 41 (E) dated 29.1.1997. 7. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 179 (E) dt 6.4.98.
5. Amended GSR 67 (E) dt 5.2.2001 8. Amended GSR 67 (E) dt 5.2.2001
315 316
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(a) Moisture...............................Not more than 14.0 per cent impurities of animal origin".
(when determined by heating (iii) Other edible grains – Not more than 6 per cent be weight.
at 130-1330C for 2 hours) (iv)Damaged grains – Not more than 6.0 per cent by weight
(b) Total ash (on dry weight.......Not more than 3.0 per cent. including karnal bunt affected grains
basis). and ergot affected grains. The limit of
(c) Ash insoluble in dilute..........Not more than 0.5 per cent. Karnal bunt affected grains, ergot
HCI (on dry weight basis) affected grains shall not exceed 3.0 per
cent and 0.05 per cent by weight,
(d) Alcoholic acidity....................Not more than 0.17 per cent. respectively.
(with 90 per cent alcohol)
expressed as H2SO4 (on (v) Weevilled grains – Not more than 10 per cent by count.
dry weight basis) (vi)Uric acid – Not more than 100mg. per kg.
(vii) Aflatoxin – Not more than 30 mircrograms per kg.
(viia) Deoxynivalenol (DON) – Not more than 1000 mircrograms per kg.
[A.18.06- FOODGRAINS meant for human consumption shall 3
(viii) Omitted (Rodent –
be whole or broken kernels of cereals, millets and pulses. In addition hair and excreta)
to the undermentined standards to which foodgrains shall conform,
they shall be free from argemone maxicana and kesari in any form. They shall Provided that the total of foreign matter, other edible grains and
be free from added colouring matter. The foodgrains shall not contain any damaged grains shall not exceed 12 per cent by weight.
A. 18.06.02- MAIZE :
insecticide residues other than those specified in column (2) of the
table of rule 65 and the amount of insecticide residue in the foodgrains Maize shall be the dried mature grains of Zea mays Linn, shall be
shall not exceed the limits specified in column (4) of the said Table. sweet, hard, clean and wholesome. It shall also conform to the following
standards, namely :-
The foodgrains meant for grinding/processing shall be clean, free from
(i) Moisture – Not more than 16.0 per cent by weight
all impurities including foreign matter (extraneous matter)."
(obtained by heating the pulverised
A. 18.06.01- WHEAT : grains at 1300C–1330C for two hours).
Description -Wheat shall be the dried mature grains of Triticum (ii) Foreign matter – Not more than 1 per cent by weight of
aestivum Linn. Or Triticum vulgare vill. Triticum durm Desf, Triticum (Extraneous matter) which not more than 0.25 per cent by
sphaercoccum perc. Trticum dicoccum schubl, Trticum Compactum Host. It weight shall be mineral matter and not
shall be sweet, clean and wholesome. It shall also conform to the following more than 0.10 per cent by weight shall
standards, namely: be impurities of animal origin."
(i) Moisture ................ Not more than 14 per cent by weight (iii) Other edible grains – Not more than 3 per cent by weight.
(obtained by heating the pulverised (iv) Damaged grains – Not more than 5 per cent by weight.
grains at 1300C–1330C for two hours). (v) Weevilled grains – Not more than 10 per cent by count.
(ii) Foreign matter ....... Not more than 1 per cent by weight of (vi) Uric acid – Not more than 100mg. per kg.
(Extraneous matter) which not more than 0.25 per cent by 2
(vii) Aflatoxin – Not more than 30 micrograms per kilogram:
weight shall be mineral matter and not 3
(viii) Omitted (Rodent –
more than 0.10 per cent weight shall be hair and excreta)
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 281(E) dated 29.5.1991 (w.e.f. 29.11.1991) 1. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 792(E) dated 13.12.1995.
2. Omitted GSR 67 (E) 5.2.2001 2. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 692(E) dated 11.10.1999.
3. Amended/Omitted GSR 165 (E) dt 7.3.2001 (w.e.f 7.6.2001) 3. Amended/Omitted GSR 165 (E) dt 7.3.2001 (w.e.f 7.6.2001)
317 318
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Provided that the total of foreign matter, other edible grains and (ii) Foreign matter
– Not more than 1 per cent by weight of
damaged grains shall not exceed 9 per cent by weight. (Extraneous which not more than 0.25 per cent by
A.18.06.03- JAWAR AND BAJRA : matter) weight shall be mineral matter and not
more than 0.10 per cent by weight shall
Jawar and Bajra shall be the dried mature grains of Sorghum be impurities of animal origin."
Vulgare Pers, and Pennisetum-typhooidum Rich, respectively. These shall 2
(iii) Damaged grains – Not more than 5 per cent by weight
be sweet, hard, clean and wholesome. These shall also conform to the
(iv) Weevilled grains – Not more than 10 per cent by count.
following standards, namely :
(v) Uric acid – Not more than 100 mg. per kg.
(i) Moisture – Not more than 16.0 per cent by weight 3
(vi) Aflatoxin – Not more than 30 micrograms per
(obtained by heating the pulverised grains kilogra:
at 1300C-1330C for two hours). 4
(vii) Omitted (Rodent –
(ii) Foreign matter – Not more than 1 per cent by weight of hair and excreta)
(Extraneous which not more 0.25 per cent by 2
Provided that the total of foreign matter, other edible grains and
matter) weight shall be mineral matter and not damaged grains shall not exceed 6 per cent by weight.
more than 0.10 per cent by weight shall A. 18.06.05- MASUR WHOLE :
be impurities of animal origin."
Masur whole shall consist of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik or Ervem
(iii) Other edible grains – Not more than 3 per cent by weight. lens esculenta Moench). It shall be sound, dry, sweet, clean and wholesome.
(iv) Damaged grains – Not more than 6 per cent by weight out of It shall conform to the following standards, namely:
which ergot affected grains shall not exceed (i) Moisture – Not more than 14 per cent by weight
0.05 per cent by weight. (obtained by heating the pulverised grains
(v) Weevilled grains – Not more than 6 per cent by count. at 1300C-1330C for two hours).
(ii) Foreign matter – Not more than 1 per cent by weight of
(vi) Uric acid – Not more than 100mg. per kg.
(Extraneous matter) which not more than 0.25 per cent by
(vii) Aflatoxin – Not more than 30 micrograms per kilogram: weight shall be mineral matter and not
(viii) Omitted (Rodent – more than 0.10 per cent by weight shall
hair and excreta) be impurities of animal origin."
(iii) Other edible grains – Not more than 3 percent by weight.
Provided that the total of foreign matter, other edible grains and
damaged grains shall not exceed 10 per cent by weight. (iv) Damaged grains – Not more than 5 per cent by weight.
(v) Weevilled grains – Not more than 6 per cent by count.
A. 18.06.04- RICE : (vi) Uric acid – Not more than 100 mg. per kg.
Rice shall be the mature kernels or pieces of kernels of Oryza 3
(vii) Aflatoxin – Not more than 30 micrograms per
sativa Linn. obtained from paddy as raw or parboiled. It shall be dry, kilogram:
sweet, clean wholesome and free from unwholesome poisonous substance. 4
(viii) Omitted (Rodent –
It shall also conform to the following standards namely : hair and excreta)
(i) Moisture – Not more than 16.0 per cent by weight Provided that the total of foreign matter, other edible grains and
(obtained by heating the pulverised grains damaged grains shall not exceed 8 per cent by weight.
at 130 0 C-133 0 C for two hours).
1. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 792(E) dated 13.12.1995.
1. Amended vide Not. GSR 792(E) dated 13.12.1995. 2. The words "excluding discolouredtips" omitted by Noti. No. GSR 179
2. Amended vide Not. GSR 692(E) dated 11.10.1999. (E) dt.6.4.1998
3. Amended vide Noti. GSR 692 (E) dt. 11.10.1999
3. Amended vide Not GSR 165 (E) dt 7.3.2001 (wef 7.6.2001) 4. Amended vide Noti GSR 165 (E) dt. 7.3.2001 (wef 7.6.2001)
319 320
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
A. 18.06.06- URD WHOLE : (iii) Other edible grains – Not more than 4 percent by weight.
Urd whole shall consist of seeds of the pulses (Phaseolous mungo (iv) Damaged grains – Not more than 5 per cent by weight.
Linn). It shall be sound, dry, sweet and wholesome. It shall also conform (v) Weevilled grains – Not more than 6 per cent by count.
to the following standards, namely :
(vi) Uric acid – Not more than 100 mg. per kg.
(i) Moisture – Not more than 14 per cent by weight 2
(vii) Aflatoxin – Not more than 30 micrograms
(obtained by heating the pulverised grains
at 130 0 C-133 0 C for two hours).
(ii) Foreign matter – Not more than 1 per cent by weight, (viii) Omitted (Rodent –
(Extraneous of which not more than 0.25 per cent hair and excreta)
matter) by weight shall be mineral matter and not Provided that the total of foreign matter, other edible grains and
more than 0.10 per cent by weight shall damaged grains shall not exceed 9 per cent by weight.
be impurities of animal origin.
(iii) Other edible grains – Not more than 4 percent by weight. A. 18.06.08 - CHANA WHOLE :-
(iv) Weevilled grains – Not more than 6 per cent by count. Chana whole shall be the dried grains of gram (Cicar arietinum
(v) Uric acid – Not more than 100 mg. per kg. Linn). It shall be sound, clean, sweet, wholesome and free from
(vi) Damaged grains – Not more than 5 per cent by weight unwholesome substances. It shall also conform to the following
(vii) Aflatoxin – Not more than 30 micrograms per standards, namely:
(viii) Omitted (Rodent - (i) Moisture – Not more than 16 per cent by weight
hair and excreta) (obtained by heating the pulverised
pulses at 1300C-1330C for two hours).
Provided that the total of foreign matter, other edible grains and
damaged grains shall not exceed 9 per cent by weight.
(ii) Foreign matter – Not more than 1 per cent by weight of
(Extraneous matter) which not more than 0.25 per cent by
A. 18.06.07- MOONG WHOLE : weight shall be mineral matter and not
Moong whole shall consist of seeds of green gram (Phaseolous more than 0.10 per cent by weight shall
aurules Roxb., Phaseolous radiatus Roxb.). It shall be sound, dry, sweet, be impurities of animal origin."
wholesome and free from admixture of unwholesome substances. It shall (iii) Other edible grains – Not more than 4 percent by weight.
also conform to the following standards, namely :-
(iv) Damaged grains – Not more than 5 per cent by weight.
(i) Moisture – Not more than 14 per cent by weight
(obtained by heating the pulverised (v) Weevilled grains – Not more than 10 per cent by count.
pulses at 1300C-1330C for two hours). (vi) Uric acid – Not more than 100 mg. per kg.
(ii) Foreign matter – Not more than 1 per cent by weight of 2
(vii)Aflatoxin – Not more than 30 micrograms per
(Extraneous which not more than 0.25 per cent by kilogram:
matter) weight shall be mineral matter and not
more than 0.10 per cent by weight shall (viii) Omitted (Rodent –
be impurities of animal origin. hair and excreta)
Provided that the total of foreign matter, other edible grains and
damaged grains shall not exceed 9 per cent by weight.
1. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 792(E) dated 13.12.1995.
1. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 792(E) dated 13.12.1995.
2. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 692(E) dated 11.10.1999.
2. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 692(E) dated 11.10.1999.
3. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 165 (E) dt 7.3.2001 (wef 7.6.2001)
3. Amended by Noti No. GSR 165(E) dated 7.3.2001 (wef 7.6.2001)
321 322
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
A.18.06.09 - SPLIT PULSE (DAL) ARHAR : 3
(viii) Omitted (Rodent –
Dal Arhar shall consist of husk and split seeds of red gram [Cajanus hair and excreta)
cajan (L) Millsp]. It shall be sound, clean, sweet, dry, wholesome and free Provided that the total of foreign matter, other edible grains and
from admixture of unwholesome substance. It shall also conform to the damaged grains shall not exceed 8 per cent by weight.
following standards, namely :-
(i) Moisture – Not more than 14 per cent by weight A. 18.06.11- SPLIT PULSE (DAL) URD :
(obtained by heating the pulverised Dal Urd shall consist of split seeds of pulse (Phaseolus mungo Linn).
pulses at 1300C-1330C for two hours). It shall be sound, dry, sweet, wholesome and free from admixture of
(ii) Foreign matter – Not more than 1 per cent by weight of unwholesome substances. It shall also conform to the following standards,
(Extraneous matter) which not more than 0.25 per cent by namely :
weight shall be mineral matter and not (i) Moisture – Not more than 14.0 per cent by weight
more than 0.10 per cent by weight shall (obtained by heating the pulverised pulses
be impurities of animal origin. at 1300C-1330C for two hours).
(iii) Other edible grains – Not more than 0.5 per cent by weight.
(iv) Damaged grains – Not more than 5 per cent by weight.
(ii) Foreign matter – Not more than 1 per cent by weight of
(v) Weevilled grain – Not more than 3 per cent by count. (Extraneous matter) which not more than 0.25 per cent by
(vi) Uric acid – Not more than 100 mg. per kilogram. weight shall be mineral matter and not
(vii) Aflatoxin – Not more than 30 micrograms per kg. more than 0.10 per cent by weight shall
(viii) Omitted (Rodent – be impurities of animal origin."
hair and excreta) (iii) Other edible grains – Not more than 4 per cent by weight.
Provided that the total of foreign matter, other edible grains and
damaged grains shall not exceed 6 per cent by weight. (iv) Damaged grains – Not more than 5 per cent by weight.
A. 18.06.10- SPLIT PULSE (DAL) MOONG : (v) Weevilled grains – Not more than 3 per cent by count.
Dal Moong shall con ds of green grams (Phaseolus aureus Roxb. (vi) Uric acid – Not more than 100 mg. per kg.
Phaseolus radiatous Roxb). It shall be sound, clean, sweet, wholesome 2
(vii) Aflatoxin – Not more than 30 micrograms per killogram:
and free from unwholesome substances. It shall also conform to the
following standards, namely : 3
(viii) Omitted (Rodent –
(i) Moisture – Not more than 14 per cent by weight hair and excreta)
(obtained by heating the pulverised Provided that the total of foreign matter, other edible grains and
pulses at 1300C-1330C for two hours). damaged grains shall not exceed 8 per cent by weight.
(ii) Foreign matter – Not more than 1 per cent by weight of
(Extraneous matter) which not more than 0.25 per cent by A.18.06.12 - DAL CHANA:
weight shall be mineral matter and not Dal Chana shall consist of split grains of gram (Cicer arietinum
more than 0.10 per cent by weight shall Linn). It shall be sound, clean, sweet, dry, wholesome and free from
be impurities of animal origin. admixture of unwholesome substances. It shall also conform to the
(iii) Other edible grains – Not more than 4 per cent by weight. following standards, namely:
(iv) Damaged grains – Not more than 5 per cent by weight.
(v) Wevilled grains – Not more than 3 per cent by count. (i) Moisture – Not more than 16 per cent by weight
(vi) Uric acid – Not more than 100mg. per kg. (obtained by heating the pulverised
(vii) Aflatoxin – Not more than 30 micrograms per pulses at 130 0C-133 0C for two hours).
kilogram: 1. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 792(E) dated 13.12.1995.
1. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 165 (E) 7.3.2001 (wef 7.6.2001) 2. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 692(E) dated 11.10.1999.
2. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 692 (E) dt 11.10.1999 3. Amended by Noti No. GSR 165 (E) dt 7.3.2001 (wef 7.6.2001)
323 324
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(ii) Foreign matter – Not more than 1 per cent by weight of (viii) Omitted (Rodent –

(Extraneous matter) which not more than 0.25 per cent by hair and excreta)
weight shall be mineral matter and not Provided that total of foreign matter, other edible grains and
more than 0.10 per cent by weight shall damaged grains shall not exceed 7 per cent by weight.
be impurities of animal origin."
A.18.06.14 - ANY OTHER FOODGRAINS not specified
(iii) Other edible grains – Not more than 2 percent by weight. above shall conform to the following standards, namely:
(iv) Damaged grains – Not more than 5 per cent by weight
(i) Moisture – Not more than 16 per cent by weight
(v) Weevilled grains – Not more than 3 per cent by count. (obtained by heating the pulverised
(vi) Uric acid – Not more than 100 mg. per kg. grains at 1300C - 1330C for two hours).
(vii) Aflatoxin – Not more than 30 micrograms per (ii) Foreign matter
– Not more than 1 per cent by weight of
(Extraneous matter) which not more than 0.25 per cent by
(viii) Omitted (Rodent – weight shall be mineral matter and not
hair and excreta) more than 0.10 per cent by weight shall
Provided that total of foreign matter, other edible grains and be impurities of animal origin."
damaged grains shall not exceed 7 per cent by weight.
(iii) Other edible grains – Not more than 6 percent by weight.
A. 18.06.13 - SPLIT PULSE (DAL) MASUR:
(iv) Damaged grains – Not more than 5 per cent by weight.
Dal masur shall consist of dehusked whole and split seed of
the lentil (Lens esculenta Monech or Lens culinaris Medik or Ervem (v) Weevilled grains – Not more than 10 per cent by count.
lens linn) It shall be sound clean, sweet, dry, wholesome and free from (vi) Uric acid – Not more than 100 mg. per kg.
admixture of unwholesome substances. It shall also conform to the
following standards, namely: (vii) Aflatoxin
– Not more than 30 micrograms per
(i) Moisture – Not more than 14 per cent by weight
(obtained by heating the pulverised Provided that total of foreign matter, other edible grains and
pulses at 130 0C - 1330C for two hours). damaged grains shall not exceed 12.0 per cent by weight.
(ii) Foreign matter – Not more than 1 per cent by weight of Explanation - For the purpose of item 18.06 to 18.06.14:
(Extraneious matter) which not more than 0.25 per cent by (a) "foreign matter" means any extraneous matter other than
weight shall be mineral matter and not foodgrains comprising of -
more than 0.10 per cent by weight shall
be impurities of animal origin. (i) inorganic matter consisting of metallic pieces, sand,
(iii) Other edible grains – Not more than 2 percent by weight. gravel, dirt, pebbles, stones, lumps of earth, clay and mud,
animal filth and in the case of rice, kernels or pieces of
(iv) Damaged grains – Not more than 5 per cent by weight.
kernels, if any, having mud sticking on the surface of the
(v) Weevilled grains – Not more than 3 per cent by count. rice, and
(vi) Uric acid – Not more than 100mg per kg.
(ii)organic matter consisting of husk, straws, seeds and
(vii) Aflatoxin – Not more than 30 micrograms per other inedible grains and also paddy in the case of rice.
1. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 792 (E) dated 13.12.1995. 1. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 792(E) dated 13.12.1995.
2. Amended vide Noti. No. GSR 692 (E) dated 11.10.1999. 2. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 692(E) dated 11.10.1999.
3. Amended vide Noti GSR 165 (E) dt 7.3.2001 (wef 7.6.2001) 3. Amended by Noti. No. GSR 165 (E) dated 7.3.2011 (wef 7.6. 2001)
325 326
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(b) Poisonous, toxic and/or harmful seeds means any seeds (ZZZ) (1) (A) and (ZZZ) (1) (B) of rule 42:
which, if present in quantities above permissible limit, may
have damaging or dangerous effect on health, organoleptic Provided also that it shall conform to the following standards,
properties or technological performances such as dhatura namely:-
(D.fastuosa linn and D. Stramonium linn). corn cokle (a) Ash insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid (on dry basis) shall
(Agrostemma githagol. Machai Lalilium remulenum linn). not be more than 0.1 per cent.
Akra (Vicia species).
(b) Acidity of extracted fat (as oleic acid) shall not exceed 1.5
(c) "Damaged grains" means kernels or pieces of kernels that
are sprouted or internally damaged as a result of heat, per cent."
microbe, moisture or weather, viz ergot affected grain and 1
[A. 18.08-CORN FLOUR (Maize Starch) means the starch
karnal bunt grains. obtained form maize (Zea mays L). It shall contain no added colour,
(d) "Weevilled grains" means kernels that are partially or flavours or other chemicals. It shall be free from dirt, insects, larvae and
wholly bored by insects injurious to grains but does not impurities or other extraneous matter.
include germ eaten grains and egg spotted grains;
It shall conform to the following standards:-
(e) "Other edible grains" means any edible grains (including
oil seeds) other than the one which is under consideration. Moisture................................... Not more than 12.5 per cent
[A. 18.07-BISCUITS including wafer biscuits shall be made Total ash................................... Not more than 0.5 per cent
from maida, vanaspati or refined edible oil or table butter or deshi on dry basis.
butter or margarine or ghee or their mixture containing any one or
more of the following ingredients, namely:- Ash insoluble in dilute HCI...... Not more than 0.1 per cent
on dry basis.
Edible common salt; butter, milk powder; cereals and their
products; cheese, cocoa; coffee extract, edible desiccated coconut; alcoholic acidity........................ Shall be equivalent to not ( w i t h
dextrose; fruits and fruit products; dry fruit and nuts; egg; edible 90 per cent alcohol) more than 2.0 ml. N NaOH
vegetable products; ginger; gluten; groundnut flour, milk and milk per 100 g. of dried starch.
products; honey; liquid glucose; malt products; edible oilseeds, A. 18.09 - CORN FLAKES means the product obtained from
flour and meals; spices and condiments; edible starches such as dehulled, degermed and cook corn (Zea mays L.) by flaking, partially
potato starch and edible flour; sugar and sugar products; invert
drying and toasting. It shall be free from dirt, insects, larvae and impurities
sugar; jaggery, protein concentrates, vinegar and other nutrients,
and any other extraneous matter.
and vitamins:
It shall conform to the following standards:
Provided that it may contain food additives specified in these
rules and in Appendix C: Moisture..........................Not more than 2[7.5] per cent.
Provided further that it may contain artificial sweetener as Total ash excluding salt...... Not more than 1.0 per cent on dry basis.
provided in rule 47 under label declaration as provided in sub-rules
Ash insoluble in dilute HCI...Not more than 0.1 per cent on dry basis.
1 Ins, by Noti No. GSR 109(E), dated 26-2-1983.Corrected by GSR 539(E)
dated 1.7.1983. 1. Ins by Noti No. GSR 1533, dt. 8-7-1968
.2 Amended Noti GSR 388(E) dated 25.6.2004 2. Ins by Noti, No, GSR 63(E) dated 5-2-1976
327 328
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Alcoholic acidity (with ......Shall be equivalent to not more cereal grain and wheat flour or any other cereal flour or malt extract
90 per cent alcohol) than 2.0 ml. N NaOH per 100g. with or without additon of flavouring agents and spices, emulsifying
of dried substance. agents, eggs, protein isolates, edible common salt, sodium or potassium
[A. 18.10-CUSTARD POWDER means the product obtained bicarbonate, minerals and Vitamins and without added sugar in such a
manner as to secure complete hydrolysis of starchy material and
from maize (Zea mays L.) or sago/tapioca with or without the addition
prepared in a powder or granule or flake form by roller drying, spray
of small quantities of edible starches obtained from arrowroot, potato
drying, vacuum drying or by any other process. It may contain cocoa
or jawar (sorghum vulgare) and with or without the addition of edible powder. It shall be free from dirt and other extraneous matter. It shall
common salt, milk and albuminous matter. It may contain permitted not contain any added starch (except starch natural to cocoa powder)
colours and flavours. It shall be free from any other foreign matter. It and added non-milk fat. It shall not contain any preservative or added
shall be in the form of the fine powder, free from rancidity, fermented colour. Malted milk food containing cocoa powder may contain added
and musty odour. sugar.
It shall conform to the following standards namely :- Malted milk food shall also conform to the following standard
Moisture ............................... Not more than 12.5 per cent namely:
Total ash excluding added Malted milk food Malted milk food with
salt (on dry basis).................... Not more than 0.5 per cent without cocoa powder cocoa powder
Ash insoluble in dilute............. Not more than 0.1 per cent (a) Moisture Not more than 5 Not more than 5 per
hydochloric acid (on dry basis) per cent by weight cent by weight.
A. 18.11- MACARONI PRODUCTS- (Macaroni, spaghetti, (b) Total protein Not less than 12.5 Not less than 11.25
vermicelli) means the products obtained from suji or maida with or without (N X 6.25) per cent by weight per cent by weight.
addition of ingredients like edible groundnut flour, tapioca flour, soya (on dry basis)
flour, milk powder, spices, vitamins, minerlas, by kneading the dough (c) Total fat Not less than 7.5 per Not less than 6 per
and extending it. It shall be free from added colour, dirt, insects, larvae (on dry basis) cent by weight cent by weight
and impurities or any othe extraneous matter. (d) Total ash Not more than 5 per Not more than 5 per
It shall conform to the following standards :- (on dry basis) cent by weight. cent by weight
Moisture.............................. Not more than 12.5 per cent. (e) Acid insoluble Not more than 0.1 Not more than 0.1
Total ash.............................. Not more than 1.0 per cent on dry ash (in dilute per cent by weight. per cent be weight.
basis. HCI) (on dry basis)
Ash insoluble in dilute HCI.....Not more than 0.1 per cent on dry (f) Solubility Not less than 85 per Not less than 80 per
basis. per cent be weight cent by weight.
Nitrogen............................. Not less than 1.7 per cent on dry
(g) Cocoa powder — Not less than 5.0
(on dry basis) per cent by weight.
[A. 18.12 - MALTED MILK FOOD means the product
obtained by mixing whole milk, partly skimmed milk or milk powder (h) Test for starch Negative —
with the wort separated from a mash of ground barley malt, any other malted (i) Bacterial Count Not more than Not more than
50,000 per gram. 50,000 per gram
1. Ins by Noti, No. GSR 1417 (E) dt. 20-9-1976 (w.e.f. 2-10-1976). (j) Coliform Count Not more than 10 Not more than 10
2. Subs by Noti, No. GSR 543 (E) dated 2-7-1985 per gram per gram].
329 330
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
k) Yeast and mould count......................................absent in 0.1 gm j) Alcoholic Acidity
l) Salmonella and Shigella.....................................absent in 0.1 gm (expressed as H2So4) with
90 per cent alcohol
m) E.Coli................................................................absent in 0.1 gm
(on dry weight basis) - Not more than 0.30 per cent
n) Vibrio cholera and V. Paraheamolyticus.............absent in 0.1 gm 1
k) Vibrio cholera and V. Paraheamolyticus.............absent in 0.1 gm
o) Faecal streptococci and Staphylococcus aureas..absent in 0.1gm
l) Faecal streptococci and Staphylococcus aureas....absent in 0.1gm
"A. 18.12.01 - MALT BASED FOOD (MALT FOOD) means the
A. 18.13 - ROLLED OATS (quick-cooking oats) means the product
product obtained by mixing malt (wort or flour or malt extract) of any
made from sound hulled oats (Avena sativa). It shall be free from added
kind obtained by controlled germination of seeds (cereals and/or grain,
colours, rancidity, flavouring agents. It shall be in the form of thin flakes
legumes), involving mainly steeping, germination and kiln drying
of uniform size having a light cream colour. It shall be free from dirt,
processes with other cereal and legume flour with or without whole
insects and insect fragments.
milk or milk powder, flavouring agents, spices, emuloifying agencs,
eggs, egg powder, protein isolates, protein hydrolysates, edible common It shall conform to the following standards:-
salt,liquid glucose, sodium or potassium bicarbonate, minerals, amino Moisture ..........................Not more than 10.0 per cent
acids and vitamins. It may contain added sugar and/or cocoa powder
Total ash .................................Not more than 2.0 per cent (on dry basis)
and processed in such a manner to secure partial or complete hydrolysis
of starchy material in the form of powder or granules or flakes by Ash insoluble in dilute HCI ...Not more than 0.1 per cent (on dry basis).
drying or by dry mixing of the ingredients. The grains, legumes and Nitrogen.............................. Not less than 1.8 per cent (on dry basis).
their products used in preparation of malt shall be sound, uninfested
and free from insect fragments, rat excreta, fungal infested grains or Crude fibre.............................. Not more than 2.0 per cent (on dry basis).
any other type of insect or fungal damage. Alcohlic acidity............Shall be equivalent to not more
It shall also conform to the following standards, namely:- (with 90 per cent alcohol) than 1[8.0] ml. N NaOH per 100gm.
a) Moisture - Not more than 5 per cent by weight of dried substance.
b) Total Protein (Nx6.25) - Not less than 7.0 per cent, by A. 18.14 - Bread whether sold as white bread or wheat meal
4, 2

(on dry basis) weight bread or fancy or fruity bread or bun or masala bread or milk bread or of
any other name, shall mean the product prepared from a mixture of wheat
c) Total ash (on dry basis) - Not more than 5 per cent,by weight
atta, maida, water, salt, yeast or other fermentive medium containing one
d) Acid insoluble ash - Not more than 0.1 per cent, by or more of the following ingredients, namely:
(in dilute HCl) weight
Condensed milk, milk powder (whole or skimmed), whey, cured,
e) Total plate count - Not more than 50,000 per gram gluten, sugar, gur or jaggery, khandsari, honey, liquid glucose, malt
f) Coliform count - Not more than 10 per gram products, edible starches and flour, edible groundnut flour, edible soys
g) Yeast and mould count - Not more than 100 per gram flour, protein concentrates and isolates, vanaspati, margarine or refined
edible oil of suitable type or butter or ghee or their mixture, albumin,
h) E.Coli - Absent in 10 gram
1. Ins, by Noti No. GSR 310(E) dated 1.5.2002 (wef 1.11.2002).
(i) Salmonella and Shigella - Absent in 25 gram 2. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 1228(E) dated 27-11-1986
1. Added Vide GSR 297 (E) dt 26.4.2001 (wef 26.10.2001 3. Ins by Noti, No GSR 284 (E) dated 29-5-1997
2. Added Vide GSR 310 (E) dt 1.5.2001 (wef. 1.11.2002) 4. Amended Noti GSR 388(E) dated 26.6.2004
331 332
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
lime water, lysine, vitamins, spices and condiments or their extracts, (c) Ash insoluble - Not more than 0.4 per cent by weight
fruit and fruit product (Candied and crystallized or glazed), nuts, nut in dilute HCI on dry basis.
products and vinegar. (d) Protein (Nx6.25) - Not less than 48 per cent by weight
Provided that it may also contain food additives specified in these on dry basis.
rules and in Appendix C: (e) Crude fibre - Not more than 4.2 per cent by weight
Provided further that it may also contain artificial sweetener as on dry basis.
provided in rule 47 under lable declaration as provided in sub-rule (ZZZ) (f) Fat - Not more than 1.5 per cent by weight
(1) (A) and (ZZZ) (1) (B) of rule 42; on dry basis.
Provided also that it shall conform to the following standards, namely:- (g) Total bacterial count - Not more than 50,000 per gm.
(h) Coliform bacteria - Not more than 10 per gm.
(a) Alcoholic acidity (with Shall be not more than equivalent
90 per cent alcohol) of 7.5ml. N NaOH per 100g of (i) Salmonella bacteria - Nil in 25 gm.
dried substances. (j) Hexane (Food grade) - Not more than 10.00 ppm
(b) Ash insoluble in dilute HCI on dry weight basis- A.18.15.01 - SOLVENT EXTRACTED GROUNDNUT
FLOUR means the product obtained from fresh, clean, degermed groundnut
(i) Bread except masala
bread or fruit bread....... Not more than 0.1 per cent kernels which have been decuticled after mild roasting. The kernels shall
be first expelled followed by solvent extraction with food grade hexane or
(ii) Masala bread by direct extraction of kernels. It shall be whitish to light brown in colour
or fruit bread................ Not more than 0.2 per cent". of uniform composition and shall be free form rancid and objectionable
Provided also that it shall be free from dirt, insect and insect odour, extraneous matter, insect, fungus, rodent hair and excreta. It shall
fragments, lervae, rodent hairs and added colouring matter except any be free form added colour and flavour. It shall conform to the following
permitted food colours present as a carry over colour in accordance with standards namely :-
the provision of rule 64C, in raw material used in the products.
(a) Moisture - Not more than 8.0 per cent by weight.
A.18.15 - SOLVENT EXTRACTED SOYA FLOUR means the (b) Total ash - Not more than 5.0 per cent by weight
product obtained from clean, sound, healthy soyabeans by a process on dry basis.
of cracking, dehulling, solvent extraction with food grade hexane and
grinding. It shall be in the form of coarse or fine powder or grits, white (c) Ash insoluble - Not more than 0.38 per cent by weight
to creamy white in colour, of uniform composition and free from rancid in dilute HCI on dry basis.
and objectionable odour, extraneous matter, insects, fungus, rodent (d) Protein (Nx6.25) - Not less than 48 per cent by weight
hair and excreta. It shall be free from any added colour and flavour. It on dry basis.
shall conform to the following standards, namely:- (e) Crude fibre - Not more than 5.0 per cent by weight
(a) Moisture - Not more than 9.0 per cent by weight. on dry basis.
(b) Total ash - Not more than 7.2 per cent by weight
(f) Fat - Not more than 1.5 per cent by weight
on dry basis.
on dry basis.
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 243 dated 1.3.1980. 1. Added Vide Noti GSR 7 (E) dt 4.1.2001
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The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(g) Total bacterial count - Not more than 50,000 per gm. (j) Hexane (Food grade) - Not more than 10.00 ppm
(h) Coliform bacteria - Not more than 10 per gm. A.18.15.03 - SOLVENT EXTRACTED COCONUT FLOUR means
the product obtained from fresh coconut Kernels or dried coconut copra of
(i) Salmonella bacteria - Nil in 25 gm.
good quality and free from mould. Food grade hexane shall be used for
(j) Hexane (Food grade) - Not more than 10.00 ppm extraction of the oil. It shall be of white or pale brownish yellow colour, of
uniform composition and free from rancid and objectionable odour,
extraneous matter, insects, fungus, rodent hair and excreta. It shall be free
means the product obtained by pressing, clean, sound, healthy and
from added colour and flavour. It shall conform to the following standards,
decuticled sesame seeds followed by solvent extraction with food grade
namely :-
hexane or by direct extraction of kernels. It shall be in the form of
flour of white or pale creamy white colour, of uniform composition (a) Moisture - Not more than 9.0 per cent by weight.
and free from rancid and objectionable odour, extraneous matter,
insects, fungus, rodent hair and excreta. It shall be free from added (b) Total ash - Not more than 6.0 per cent by weight
colour and flavour,. It shall conform to the following standards, on dry basis.
(c) Ash insoluble - Not more than 0.35 per cent by weight
(a) Moisture - Not more than 9.0 per cent by weight. in dilute HCI on dry basis.
(b) Total ash - Not more than 6.0 per cent by weight
(d) Protein (Nx6.25) - Not less than 22.0 per cent by weight
on dry basis.
on dry basis.
(c) Ash insoluble - Not more than 0.15 per cent by weight
in dilute HCI on dry basis. (e) Crude fibre - Not more than 9.0 per cent by weight
on dry basis.
(d) Protein (Nx6.25) - Not less than 47 per cent by weight
on dry basis. (f) Fat - Not more than 1.5 per cent by weight
on dry basis.
(e) Crude fibre - Not more than 6.0 per cent by weight
on dry basis. (g) Total bacterial count - Not more than 50,000 per gm.

(f) Fat - Not more than 1.5 per cent by weight (h) Coliform bacteria - Not more than 10 per gm.
on dry basis.
(i) Salmonella bacteria - Nil in 25 gm.
(g) Total bacterial count - Not more than 50,000 per gm.
(j) Hexane (Food grade) - Not more than 10.00 ppm
(h) Coliform bacteria - Not more than 10 per gm.

(i) Salmonella bacteria - Nil in 25 gm. A.18.15.04 - SOLVENT EXTRACTED COTTON SEED
FLOUR means the product obtained by solvent extraction of oil with
(j) Oxalic Acid content - Not more than 0.5 per cent by weight food grade hexane from oil cake immediately following the single
on dry basis. pressing, from cotton seed of good quality which have been pre-cleaned
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The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
and are free from infected or otherwise damaged materials and 1
[A.19-2[***] VANASPATI means any refined edible vegetable
extraneous matter. It shall be in the form of flour of white or pale oil or oils, subjected to a process of hydrogenation in any form. It
brownish colour, of uniform composition and free from rancid and shall be prepared by hydrogenation from groundnut oil, cottonseed oil
objectionable odour, extraneous matter, insect, fungus, rodent hair and and sesame oil or mixture thereof or any other harmless oils allowed
excreta. It shall be free from added colour and flavours. It shall conform by the Government for the purpose. 3[ Refined sal seed fat, if used,
to the following standards, namely :- shall not be more than 10 per cent of the total oil mix]. It shall conform
to the standards specified below.
(a) Moisture - Not more than 8.0 per cent by weight. (i) It shall not contain any harmful colouring, flavouring or any
other matter deleterious to health;
(b) Total ash - Not more than 5.0 per cent by weight (ii) No colour shall be added to hydrogenated vegetable oil
on dry basis. unless so authorised by Government, but in no event any
colour resembling the colour of ghee shall be added;
(c) Ash insoluble - Not more than 0.35 per cent by weight
(iii) If any flavour is used, it shall be distinct from that of ghee,
in dilute HCI on dry basis.
in accordance with a list of permissible flavours and in such
quantities as may be prescribed by Government:-
(d) Crude Protein - Not less than 47 per cent by weight
(Nx6.25) on dry basis.
[Provided that diacetyl to the extent of not more than 4.0 p.p.m.
may be added to Vanaspati exclusively meant for consumption by the
(e) Available lysine - Not less than 3.6 g. per 100 g. of crude Armed Forces];
protein. (iv) It shall not have moisture exceeding 0.25 per cent;
(v) The melting point as determined by capillary slip method shall
(f) Crude fibre - Not more than 5.0 per cent by weight be from 5[310C] to 6[41 0C] both inclusive;
on dry basis. 8
(vi) Omitted, (Butyro-refractometer reading,
(g) Free gossypol - Not more than 0.06 per cent by weight Refractive index at 600C)
on dry basis. (vii) It shall not have unsaponifiable matter exceeding 3[2.0] per cent;
but in case of Vanaspati where proportion of rice bran oil is
(h) Total gossypol - Not more than 1.2 per cent by weight more than 30 per cent by weight, the unsaponifiable matter shall
on dry basis. be not more than 2.5 per cent by weight provided quantity of rice
bran oil is declared on the label of such vanaspati as laid down in
(i) Fat - Not more than 1.5 per cent by weight clause (ZZZ) (4) of rule 42;
on dry basis.
1. Ins by Noti, No, SRO 1687, dated 4-7-1956.
2. Omitted by Noti, No GSR 1211 dt. 9-12-1958
(j) Total bacterial count - Not more than 50,000 per gm.
3. Ins, by Noti, No, GSR 245 (E), dt. 11-3-1982
4. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 425, dated 4-.4.1980.
(k) Coliform bacteria - Not more than 10 per gm. 5. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1211 (E) dated 9.12.1958.
6. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 744 (E) dated 27.10.1984.
(l) Salmonella bacteria - Nil in 25 gm. 7. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 481 dated 16.9.1993 & GSR 512 (E) dt.15.6.1994.
8. Amended GSR 319(E) dt. 6.5.1999
(m) Hexane (Food grade) - Not more than 10.00 ppm 9. Omitted GSR 438 (E) dt. 19.6.2002
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The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(viii) It shall not have free fatty acids (calculated as Oleic acid) 1
[A.20 VINEGAR means a liquid derived from alcoholic and
exceeding 0.25 per cent); acetous fermentation of any suitable medium such as fruits, malt,
(ix) The product on melting shall be clear in appearance and molasses, sugarcane juice, etc.
shall be free from staleness or rancidity, and pleasant to Vinegar shall conform to the following standards:-
taste and smell.
1. It shall contain at least 3.75 grammes of acetic acid per
(x) It shall contain raw or refined seasame (til) oil in sufficient
quantity so that when the vanaspati is mixed with refined
groundnut oil in the proportion of 20:80, the colour produced 2. It shall contain at least 1.5 per cent w/v of total solids and
by the Baudouin test shall not be lighter than 2.0 red units 0.18 per cent of ash.
in a I cm. cell on a Lovibond scale; 3. It shall not contain (i) sulphuric acid or any other mineral
(xi) It shall contain not less than 2[25 I.U. of synthetic Vitamin acid (ii) lead or copper (iii) arsenic in amounts exceeding
'A' per gram at the time of packing and 3[ shall show a 1.5 parts per million, and (iv) any foreign substance or
positive test for Vitamin A when tested by Antiomony colouring matter except caramel.
Trichloride (Carr-Price) reagent (as per I.S. 5886 - 1970]; 4. Malt vinegar, in addition, shall have at least 0.05 per cent of
(xii) No anti-oxidant, synergist, emulsifier or any other such phosphorus pentoxide (P205) and [0.04] per cent of nitrogen
substance shall be added to it except with the prior sanction Brewed vinegar shall not be fortified with acetic acid].
of the Government. 2
(xiii) It shall not have nickel exceeding 1.5 ppm. ; 3
[A. 20.01- SYNTHETIC VINEGAR means the product
Test for Aegemone oil shall be negative prepared from acetic acid. It shall not contain less than 3.75 grammes
[ A. 19.01- BAKERY SHORTENING means vanaspati of acetic acid per 100ml. It shall not contian :-
conforming to standards prescribed in item A.19 except that:- (a) sulphuric or any other mineral acid.
(a) The melting point as determined by the capillary slip method (b) lead or copper.
shall not exceed 41 0C. (c) arsenic in amounts exceeding 1.5 parts per million
(b) if aerated, only nitrogen, air or any other inert gas shall be (d) any colouring matter, except caramel.
used for the purpose and the quantity of such gas
incorporated in the products shall not exceed 12 per cent by Synthetic vinegar shall be distinctly labelled as SYNTHETIC-
[A.21 - CATECHU (Edible) shall be the dried aqueous extract
(c) It may contain added mono-glycerides and diglycerides as
prepared from the heart-wood of Acacia catechu. It shall be free from
emulsifyiung agents].
infestation, sand or other dirt and shall conform to the following
Test for Aegemone oil shall be negative standards:-
1. Added by Noti. No. GSR 1687 dt. 14.7.1956. (a) 5 ml. of 1 per cent aqueous solution, and 0.1 per cent solution
2. Subs by Noti No. GSR 790 (E), dt. 10.10.1983 of ferric ammonium sulphate shall give a dark green colour,
3. Ins. by Noti No. GSr 910 (E), dt. 27-6-1986 which on the addition of sodium hydroxide solution shall
4. Subs by Noti No. GSR 1340 dated 24-10-1961
change to purple.
5. Added by Noti No. GSR 425 dated 4.4 1960
6. Ins; by Noti No. GSR 245 (E) dated 11.3.1982 1. Ins by Noti No. GSR 1687 dated 14-7-1956
7. Ins by Noti No. GSR 481 dated 16-9-1993. GSR 512 (E) dated 15-6-1994 2. Omitted by Noti No GSR 425, dt. 4-4-1960
8. Ins by Noti No. GSR 481 dated 16-9-1993 (w.e.f. 16-3-1994) 3. Ins by Noti No. GSR 425, dt. 4-4-1960
9. Ins by Noti No. GSR 895 (E) dated 11.12.2001 4. Ins by Noti No. GSR 1687 dated 14-7-1956.
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The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(b) When dried to constant weight at 100 0C, it shall not lose 1
[ A. 23 and 24 - Omitted.]
more than 1[ 16 per cent of its weight]. 2
(c) Water insoluble residue (dried at 100 C) shall not be more
0 3
[ A.25.01- SUGAR BOILED CONFECTIONERY whether sold
than 25 per cent by weight. as hard boiled sugar confectionery or pan goods confectionery or toffee or
[Water insoluble matter shall be determined by boiling water]. milk toffee, modified toffee or lacto-bon-bon or by any other name shall
mean a processed composite food article made from sugar with or without
(d) Alcohol insoluble residue in 90 per cent alcohol dried at doctoring agents such as cream of tartar, by process of boiling whether
100 0C ....Not more than 30 per cent by weight. panned or not. It may contain centre filling, or otherwise, which may be in
the form of liquid, semi-solid or solids with or without coating of sugar or
(e) Total ash on dry basis ...Not more than 8 per cent by weight.
chocolate or both. It may also contain any of the following:-
(f) Ash insoluble in HCI ...Not more than 0.5per cent on dry (i) Sweetening agents such as sugar, invert sugar, jaggery, lactose,
weight basis]. gur, bura sugar, khandsari, sorbitol, honey, liquid glucose;
[ Provided that in case of Bhatti Katha, the ash insoluble in dilute
(ii) milk and milk products;
hydrochloric acid on dry basis shall not be more than 1.5 per cent.
(iii) edible molasses;
The Bhatti Katha shall be marked as required in sub-rule (12) (iv) malt extracts;
of rule 49].
(v) edible starches;
[ A.22-GELATIN shall be purified product obtained by partial
(vi) edible oils and fats;
hydrolysis of collagen, derived from the skin, white connective tissues
and bones of animals. It shall be colourless or pale yellowish and translucent (vii) edible common salt;
in the form of sheets, flakes, shreds or coarse to fine powder. It shall have (viii) fruit and fruit products and nut and nut products;
very slight odour and taste but not objectionable which is characteristic (ix) tea extract, coffee extract, chocolate, cocoa;
and bouillion like.It is stable in air when dry but is subject to
microbial decomposition when moist or in solution. It shall not contain:- (x) Vitamins and minerals;
(xi) Shellac (food grade) not exceeding 0.4 percent by weight,
(a) more than 15 per cent moisture; beeswax (food grade), paraffin wax (food grade), carnauba wax
(b) more than 3.0 per cent of total ash; (food grade), and other food grade wax or any combination
(c) more than 1000 parts per million of sulphur dioxide;
(xii) edible desiccated coconut;
(d) less than 15 per cent of nitrogen, on dry weight basis.
(xiii) spices and condiments and their extracts;
Gelatin meant for human consumption should be labelled as "Gelatin Food (xiv) candied peels;
(xv) enzymes;
1. Subs. by Noti No. GSR 11 (E) dated 4-1-1995
2. Subs by Noti. No GSR 74, dated 31-12-1965 1. Omitted by Noti. No GSR 1533, dated 8-7-1968
3. Ins by Noti No. GSR 290(E), dt. 13-4-1981 (w.e.f. 13-10-1981) 2. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 74 dt. 31-12-1965
4. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 205, dated 13-2-1974 (w.e.f. 23-5-1974). 3. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 437 (E) dt. 8-4-1988 (w.e.f. 8-10-1988)
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The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(xvi) sodium bicarbonate; are used as centre filling, the ash sulphated shall not be more than 3 per
(xvii) Lubricants such as calcium, magnesium or sodium salts of cent by weight.
stearic acid, talc (not exceeding 0.2 per cent), icing sugar, or (ii) Ash insoluble (in dilute
mineral oil (not exceeding 0.2 per cent by weight), stearic acid hydrochloric acid).........Not more than 0.2 per cent by weight.
(food grade), glycerine (food grade); Provided that in case of sugar boiled confectionery where spices
are used as centre filling, the ash insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid
(xviii) permitted anti-oxidants;
shall not be more than 0.4 per cent.
(xix) permitted colouring matter; Where the sugar boiled confectionery is sold under the name of
(xx) permitted stabilizing and emulsifying agents; milk toffee, and butter toffee, it shall conform to the following additional
(xxi) flavouring agents; reqirements as shown against each :
(1) Milk toffee....
(xxii) acidulants, such as citric acid, tartaric acid, malic acid (food
grade); (i) Total protein (NX 6.25) shall not be less than 3 per cent by
weight on dry basis;
(xxiii) jellifying agent, such as gelatine (food grade), agar-agar, (ii) Fat content shall not be less than 4 per cent by weight on
sodium carboxy methyl cellulose; dry basis.
(xxiv) permitted preservatives. (2) Butter toffee... fat contant shall not be less that 4 per cent by
(xxv) edible foodgrains, edible seeds; weight on dry basis,
(xxvi) calcium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate; It may contain sulphur dioxide in concentration not exceeding 350
parts million;
(xxvii) baking powder; 2
Provided that it may contain food additives permitted in Table 2
(xxviii) gulkand, gulabanafsha, mulathi; of Appendix C of these rules.
(xxix) puffed rice; Provided further that if artificial sweeterner has been added as
(xxx) china grass; provided in rule 47, it shall be declared on the label as provided in sub-rule
(ZZZ) (1) (A) and (ZZZ) (1) (B) of rule 42;
(xxxi) eucalyptus oil, camphor, menthol oil crystals, peppermint oil; 1
" A.25.02 LOZENGES : Lozenges shall mean confections made
(xxxii) thymol; mainly out of pulverised sugar, or icing sugar with binding materials such
(xxxiii) edible oil seed flour and protein isolates; as edible gums, edible gelatine, liquid glucose or dextrin and generally
(xxxiv) gum arabic and other edible gum. made from cold mixing which does not require primary boiling or cooking
of the ingredients. It may contain any of the following :-
It shall not contain artificial sweeteners. (i) Sweetening agents such as dextrose, dextrose monohydrate,
honey, invert sugar, sugar, jaggery, bura sugar, khandsari,
Mineral oil (food grade) if used as a lubricant, shall not exceed
sorbitol, liquid glucose;
0.2 per cent by weight.
(ii) milk and milk products;
It shall also conform to the following standards, namely :
(i) Ash sulphated.......... Not more than 2.5 per cent by weight. (iii) nuts and nuts products;
(on salt free basis ) 1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 437 (E) dated 8.4.1988 (w.e.f. 8.10.1988).
Provided that in case of sugar boiled confectionery where spices 2. Subs. by Noti No GSR 388(E) dated 25.6.2004
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The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(iv) malt syrup ;
(v) edible starches;
(vi) edible common salt;
(vii) ginger powder or extracts;
(viii) cinnamon powder or extracts :
(ix) aniseed powder or extracts;
(x) caraway powder or extracts;
(xi) cardamom powder or extracts;
(xii) cocoa powder or extracts;
(xiii) protein isolates;
(xiv) coffee extracts or its flavour;
(xv) permitted flavouring agents;
(xvi) acidulants such as tartaric acid, malic acid and citric acid
(food grade);
(xvii) permitted emulsifying and stabilising agents;
(xviii) permitted colouring matter;
(xix) vitamins and minerals;
(xx) sodium bicarbonate;
(xxi) Lubricants such as clacium, magnesium or sodium salts of
stearic acid, talc (not exceeding 0.2 per cent), icing sugar,
mineral oil (food grade), stearic acid (food grade), glycerine
(food grade);
It shall not contain artificial sweeteners.
Mineral oil (food grade), if used as lubricant, shall not exceed 0.2
per cent by weight.
It shall also conform to the following standards;
(i) Sucrose content.............Not less than 85.0 per cent by weight.
(ii) Ash sulphated..............Not more than 3.0 per cent by weight
(salt free basis)
(iii) Ash insoluble in dilute.....Not more than 0.2 per cent by weight
hydrochloric acid.
It may contain sulphur dioxide in concentration not exceeding
350 parts per million."
be prepared from chewing gum base, or bubble gum base, natural or
synthetic, non toxic; cane sugar and liquid glucose (corn syrup).

1. Ins. by Not. No. GSR 109(E) dated 26.2.1983.

The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
The following sources of gum base may be used:- It shall be free from dirt, adulterants and harmful ingredients. It
(1) Babul, Kikar (Gum Arabic) shall also conform to the following standards, namely :-
(2) Khair Ingredients Chewing gum Bubble gum
(3) Jhingan (Jeal) (i) Gum Not less than 12.5 Not less than 14.0
(4) Ghatti per cent by weight. per cent by weight.
(5) Chiku (Sapota) (ii) Moisture Not more than 3.5 Not more than 3.5
(6) Natural rubber Iatex per cent by weight. per cent by weight.
(7) Synthetic rubber Iatex (iii) Sulphated Not more than 9.5 Not more then 11.5
Ash per cent by weight per cent by weight.
(8) Glycerol ester of wood rosin
(iv) Acid Not more than 2.0 Not more than 3.5
(9) Glycerol ester of gum rosin insoluble ash per cent by weight. per cent by weight.
(10) Synthetic resin (v) Reducing sugars Not less than 4.5 Not less than 5.5
(11) Glycerol ester of partially hydrogenenated gum or wood rosin (calculated per cent by weight. per cent by weight.
(12) Natural resin as dextrose)
(13) Polyvinyl acetate (vi) Sucrose Not more than 70.0 Not more than 60.0
(14) Agar (food grade) per cent by weight. per cent by weight.]
It may also contain any of the following ingredients, namely:- 2
Provided that it may contain food additives permitted in Table 2 of
(a) Glycerine Appendix C of these rules
(b) Malt Provided further, if artificial sweetener has been added as provided in
(c) Milk powder rule 47, it shall be declared on the label as provided in the sub-rule (ZZZ) (1)
(A) and (ZZZ) (1) (B) of rule 42.
(d) Chocolate
Provided also that, if only artifical sweetner is added in the product as
(e) Coffee sweeteners the parameters namely, reducing sugars and sucrose prescribed in
(f) Gelatin, food grade the table above shall not be applicable to such product.
(g) Permitted Flavours 1
A.25.03 CHOCOLATE means a homogeneous product obtained
(h) Permitted Colours by an adequate process of manufacture from a mixture of one or more of
(i) Permitted anti-oxidants the ingredients, namely, cocoa (cocoa) beans, cocoa (cocoa) nib, cocoa
(j) Permitted Preservatives (cocoa) mass, cocoa press cake and cocoa dust (cocoa fines/powder),
(k) Permitted Emulsifiers including fat reduced cocoa powder with or without addition of sugars, cocoa
(l) Sorbitol butter, milk solids including milk fat and non-prohibited flavouring agents.
The chocolates shall not contain any vegetable fat other than cocoa butter.
(m) Lubricants, such as starch, talc, strearic acid, icing sugar, paraffin
The material shall be free from rancidity or other off odour, insect and
wax or liquid paraffins, food grade, or other food grade mineral oil. fungus infestation, filth, added colouring matter, adulterants and any harmful or
(n) Water, potable injurious matter, Provided that filled chocolates may contain permitted food colours.
(o) Acidulants, food-grade The chocolates shall be of the following types :-
(p) Nutrients like vitamins, minerals, proteins MILK CHOCOLATE is obtained from one or more of cocoa nib,
(q) Titanium dioxide, food-grade (Maximum 1 per cent by weight). cocoa mass, cocoa press cake, cocoa powder including low–fat cocoa
(r) Calcium carbonate powder with sugar and milk solids including milk fat and cocoa butter.
(s) Magesium carbonate MILK COVERING CHOCOLATE – as defined above, but suitable
(t) Phosphated starch for covering purposes.
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 283(E) dated 29.5.1997 (w.e.f. 29.11.1997)
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 109(E) dated 26.2.1983. 2. Amended Noti. No. GSR 388(E) dated 25.6.2004
346 347
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
PLAIN CHOCOLATE is obtained from one or more of cocoa nib, Chocolates shall also conform to the following standards, namely :
cocoa mass, cocoa press cake, cocoa powder including low fat cocoa powder Sl. Characteristics Requirements for
with sugar and cocoa butter. No Milk Milk Plain Plain White Blended
PLAIN COVERING CHOCOLATE– Same as plain chocolate but Chocolate Covering Chocolate Covering Chocolate Chocolate
suitable for covering purposes. Chocolate Chocolate
BLENDED CHOCOLATE means the blend of milk and plain 1. Total fat (On
chocolates in varying proportions. dry basis)
WHITE CHOCOLATE is obtained from cocoa butter, milk solids, percent by weight.
including milk fat and sugar. Not less than............... 25 25 25 25 25 25
2. Milk fat (on
FILLED CHOCOLATES means a product having an external dry basis)
coating of chocolate with a centre clearly distinct through its composition percent by weight.
from the external coating, but does not include flour confectionery, pastry Not less than................ 2 2 — — 2 —
and biscuit products. The coating shall be of chocolate that meets the 3. Cocoa solids
requirements of one or more of the chocolate types mentioned above. The (on moisture -free
amount of chocolate component of the coating shall not be less than 25 and fat-free basis)
percent of the total mass of the finished product. percent byweight.
Not less than............... 2.5 2.5 12 12 — 3.0
COMPOSITE CHOCOLATE-means a product containing at least
4. Milk solids
60 per cent of chocolate by weight and edible wholesome substances such (on moisture-free
as fruits, nuts. It shall contain one or more edible wholesome substances and fat-free basis)
which shall not be less than 10 per cent of the total mass of finished product. percent by weight.
Provided that it may contain artificial sweeteners as provided in Not less than............... 10.5 10.5 — — 10.5 —
rule 47 of these ruels under label declaration as provided in sub-rule (ZZZ) Not more than............ — — — — — 9
(1) (A) and (ZZZ) (1) (B) of rule 42. 5. Acid insoluble
ash (on moisture, fat
Provided further that in addition to the ingredients mentioned above, and sugar free basis)
the chocolate may contain one or of the substances as outlined below, percent by weight.
under different type of chocolate. Not more than............ 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
1. Milk Chocolates, Plain Chocolates, Blended Chocolates, White A.26. FOOD COLOURS :
Chocolates and Composite Chocolates 1
(a) edible salt,
(b) non-prohibited flavouring agents, Common Name - tartrazine
(c) permitted emulsifying agents, Synonyms - FD and C Yellow No. 5.
(d) spices and condiments. E.E.C. Serial No. E 102,"
2. Filled Chocolate :- L; Gebb 2, C.I. Food Yellow 4.
(a) permitted antioxidants, Colour of the 0.1 per cent
(b) permitted emulsifying and stabilising agents, (m/v) solution in
(c) permitted preservatives, distilled water. - Yellow
(d) permitted food colours and non-prohibited flavouring agents,
(e) permitted sequestering and buffering agents, Colour Index Number - No. 19140
(f) permitted acidulants such as citric acid, tartaric acid, malic (1975)
acid (food grade). Class - Monoazo.
1. Amended GSR 388(E) dated 25.6.2004 1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 550(E) dated 17.9.1997 (w.e.f. 17.12.1997)
348 349
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Chemical Name - Trisodium salt of 5-hydroxy-l- p- Chemical Name - Disodium salt of 1.(4 sulphophenylazo)
sulphophenyl -4-(p-sulphophenylazo) 2- napthol-6- sulphonic acid
pyrazol-3-carboxylic acid. Empirical formula - C10H10 N2O7S2Na2
Empirical formula - C16H9 N4O9S2Na3 Molecular Weight - 452.37
Molecular Weight - 534.37 Solubility - Soluble in water.
Sparingly soluble in ethanol.
Solubility - Soluble in water.
Sparingly soluble in ethanol.
The material shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table below:-
The material shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table below:- Requirements for Sunset Yelow,FCF
TABLE Sl.No. Characteristic Requirement
Sl.No. Characteristic Requirement 1 2 3
1 2 3 1. Total dye content, corrected for sample dried at
105 ± 10C for 2 hours, per cent by mass, Min.......................... 87
1. Total dye content, corrected for sample dried at
2. Loss on drying at 1350C, percent by mass and
105 ± 10C for 2 hours, per cent by mass, Min........................ 87
Chlorides and Sulphates expressed as sodium
2. Loss on drying at 135 C and Chlorides and Sulphates
salt, per cent by mass,Max......................................................13
expressed as sodium salt, percent by mass, Max.................... 13
3. Water insoluble matter, percent by mass, Max........................ 0.2
3. Water insoluble matter, percent by mass, Max...................... 0.2
4. Combined ether extracts, percent by mass, Max..................... 0.2
4. Combined ether extracts, percent by mass, Max................... 0.2 5. Subsidiary dyes (lower sulphonated dyes
5. Subsidiary dyes, percent by mass, Max................................ 1.0 including traces of orange II) percent by mass, Max.............. 3.0
6. Dye intermediates, percent by mass, Max............................ 0.5 6. Dye intermediates, percent by mass, Max............................ 0.5
7. Lead, mg/kg, Max................................................................. 10 7. Lead, mg/kg, Max................................................................. 10
8. Arsenic, mg/kg, Max............................................................... 3 8. Arsenic, mg/kg, Max.............................................................. 3
9. Heavy metals, mg/kg.Max..................................................... 40 9. Heavy metals, mg/kg.Max.................................................... 40
It shall be free from mercury, copper and chromium in any form, aromatic It shall be free from mercury, copper and chromium in any form,
amines, aromatic nitro compounds, aromatic hydrocarbons, and cyanides. aromatic amines. aromatic nitro compounds, aromatic hydrocarbons, and
A.26.02 SUNSET YELLOW cyanides.";
Common Name - Sunset Yellow
A-26.03 Omitted
Synonyms - FD and C Yellow No. 6 Jaune Orange
S;C.I. Food Yellow 3/ Orange 2 Janune Common Name - Erythrosine
soil./ EEC Serial No.E IO Synonyms - FD and C Red No, 3; C.I Food Red 14.0
Colour of the 0.1 per cent - Orange LB-Rot-I.
(m/v) solution in distilled water. Colour of the 0.1 per
Colour Index Number - No. 15985 cent (m/v) solution
(1975) in distilled water. - Red
Class - Monoazo. 1. Omitted vide Noti. No. GSR 550 (E) dt. 17.9.1997 (w.e.f 17.12.1997)
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 550(E) dated 17.9.1997 (w.e.f. 17.12.1997) 2. Subs by Noti. No. GSR 550 (E) dt. 17.91997 (w.e.f. 17.12.1997)
350 351
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Colour Index Number - No. 45430 It shall be free from mercury, copper and chromium in any from, aromatic
(1975) amines, aromatic nitro compounds, aromatic hydrocarbons, and cyanides.
Class - Xanthene. A.26.05 INDIGO CARMINE
Chemical Name - Disodium or dipotassium salt of 2' Common Name - Indigo carmine
4',5',7', tetraiodo - fluerescein. Synonyms - Indigotine, FD and C Blue No.2,
Empirical Formula - C20 H6O5I4 NO2 CI Food Blue 1, EEC Serial
Molecular weight - 879.87 (Disodium Salt) No. E 132, L-Blau2
Solubility - Soluble in water. Colour of the 0.1per cent - Blue
Soluble in ethanol. (m/v) solution in distilled water.
GENERAL REQUIREMEMENTS Colour Index Number - No. 73015
The material shall conform to the requirements prescribed in (1975)
Table below :- Class - Indigoid.
TABLE Chemical Name - Disodium Salt of indigotine-5,
Requirements for Erythrosine 5'-Disulphonic acid.
Sl.No. Characteristic Requirement Empirical Formula - C16H6N2O6S2Na2
1 2 3 Molecular weight - 466.36
1. Total dye content, corrected for sample dried at Solubility - Soluble in water, sparingly soluble
105 +10 C for 2 hours, per cent by mass, Min..............................87 in ethanol.
2. Loss on drying at 1350C, percent by mass and
Chlorides and Sulphates expressed as sodium
salt, percent by mass, Max...........................................................13 The material shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table
below :-
3. Water insoluble matter, percent by mass, Max...........................0.2
4. Ether extractable matter, (alkaline), percent by mass,Max.........0.2 TABLE
5. Inorganic Iodide, percent by mass as sodium iodide, Max.........0.1 Requirement for Indigo Carmine
6. Subsidiary colouring matters except flourescein, percent Sl.No. Characteristic Requirement
by mass,Max.................................................................................. 4 1 2 3
7. Fluorescein, mg/kg, Max............................................................. 20 1. Total dye content, corrected for sample dried at
8. Organic compounds other than colouring matter : 105±10 C for 2 hours, per cent by mass, Min........................ 85
(a) Tri-iodoresorcinol, percent by mass, Max.......................... 0.2 2. Loss on drying at 135 C, percent by mass and

(b) 2.(2,4-dihydroxy-3, 5-di-iodobenzoyl) benzoic acid, Chlorides and Sulphates expressed as sodium
percent by mass, Max......................................................... 0.2 salt, percent by mass, Max...................................................... 15
9. Lead, mg/kg, Max....................................................................... 10 3. Water insoluble matter, percent by mass, Max......................... 0.4
10. Arsenic, mg/kg, Max.................................................................... 3 4. Combined ether extracts, percent by mass, Max....................... 0.4
11. Zinc, mg/kg, Max........................................................................ 50 5. Subsidiary dyes, percent by mass, Max.............................. 3.0
12. Heavy metals, mg/kg, Max.......................................................... 40 6. Isatin sulphonic acid, percent by mass,Max........................... 1
1. Sub by Noti. No. GSR 550 (E) dated 17.9.1997 (w.e.f. 17.12.1997) 1. Sub by Noti. No. GSR 550(E) dated 17.9.1997 (w.e.f. 17,12,1997)
352 353
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
7. Lead, mg/kg, Max................................................................ 10 A. 26.07-CHLOROPHYLL : Chlorophyll, the green pigment of plants
8. Arsenic, mg/kg, Max.............................................................. 3 is extracted and widely used as a colouring matter for various food items.
9. Heavy metals, mg/kg. Max................................................... 40 Synonyms–C.I.Natural Green 3; Lebensmittel Green No. 1.
It shall be free form mercury, copper and chromium in any form, Colour - Green.
aromatic amines, aromatic nitro compounds, aromatic hydrocarbons, and Colour Index Number - (1956)- No. 75810.
cyanides."; (1924)- No. 12499.
[A.26.06-ß- CAROTENE.
Class - Phorbin (dihydroporphin)
ß-Carotene is obtained as dark violet hexagonal prisms when
Chemical name - Chlorophyll a- magnesium complex of
crystallised from benzene methanol solution; or as red rhombic almost
1,3,5,8- tetramethyl 4 ethyl-2-vinyl-9
quadratic plates, from petroleum ether.
Synonyms—C.I. natural yellow 26. propionate.
Colour Index Number (1956) — 75130.
Chlorophyll b-magnesium complex of
Class—carotenoids. 1,5,8 trimethyl -3 formyl - 4 - ethyl
Chemical name— all trans ß-carotene. - 2 -vinyl-9 keto-10 carbomethoxy
Empirical Formula—C40H56 phorbinphytyl -7- propionate.
Molecular weight —536.89 Empirical formul - Chlorophyll a -C55H72O5N4 Mg
Melting point — 1830±10C Chlorophyll b - C55H70O6N4Mg.
Solubility- Soluble in carbon disulphide, benzene and chloroform, Molecular weight - Chlorophyll a-893.54
moderately soluble in normal hexane, cyclohexane, ether, petroleum ether Chlorophyll b-907.52
and oils; Practically insoluble in methanol and ethanol; insoluble in water. General- The material shall be an intensely dark green, aqueous,
Spectrophotometric Requirement- The wavelengths of absorption ethanolic, or oily solution of chlorophyll degradation products. It shall be
maxima of all trans ß-Carotene in cyclohexane (0.2 mg, per 100 ml. soluble in ethanol, ether, chloroform and benzene. It shall be insoluble in
approximately) and in 1 cm cell shall be 456 mµ to 484 mµ region. There water.
shall be no cis-peak in the 300 mµ to 355 mµ region. Identification test-A solution of chlorophyll in ethanol shall be
A solution of ß-carotene in chloroform on addition of antimony blue with deep red fluorescence.
trichloride solution shall give a dark blue colour having maximum Brown-phase Reaction-When green ether or petroleum ether
absorption at a wavelength of 590 mµ. solution of chlorophyll is treated with a small quantity of a 10 per cent
Colour Reaction- When 2 ml. of concentrated sulphuric acid is solution of potassium hydroxide in methanol, the colour shall become
added to 2 ml. of 0.2 per cent solution of ß carotene in chloroform, the brown quickly returning to green.
acid layer shall turn blue. Note-This test is applicable only when chlorophyll has not been
The material shall have minimum purity of 96.0 per cent. treated with alkalies.
Maximum limit of metallic impurities shall be:- Maximum limits for metallic impurities shall be :-
Arsenic (as As) 5 p.p.m. Arsenic (as As) 5 ppm.
Lead (as Pb) 20 p.p.m. Lead (as Pb) 20 ppm
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 1417, dated 20.9.1976 (w.e.f.2.10.1976). 1. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 1417 dated 20.9.1976 (w.e.f. 2.10.1976)
354 355
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Copper (as Cu) 30 ppm Where the sulphite compounds are used, they are one or more of
Zinc (as Zn) 50 ppm the following
A.26.08, CARAMEL- Caramel shall be prepared from the food Sulphurous acid; Potassium, Sodium and Ammonium sulphites
grade carbohydrates or their combinations in the presence of food grade and bisulphites. (omission in orignal)
acids, alkalies or salts. It shall be of four types, namely:- It shall be a dark brown to black liquid or solid materials having
the characteristic odour of burnt sugar and a pleasant, bitter taste. Its
Type- I- Plain Caramel – It shall be prepared by heating solution, when spread in a thin layer on a glass plate should appear
carbohydrates with or without acids or alkalies, or their salts. No. homogeneous, transparent and have reddish brown colour. It shall be
ammonium or sulphite compounds are used. miscible with water. It shall be free from any other extraneous colouring
Type-II- Caustic sulphite caramel – It shall be prepared by matter. It may contain permitted emulsifying and stabilising agents.
heating carbohydrates with or without acids or alkalies or their salts in the It shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table 1 below.
presence of sulphite compounds; no ammonium compounds are used. All requirements shall be on solids basis, except metallic impurities.
Type-III-Ammonia Process Caramel – It shall be prepared by TABLE 1-ROUTINE TEST REQUIREMENTS FOR CARAMEL
heating carbohydrate with or without acids or alkalies or their salts in the
Sl.No Characteristics Type I Type II Type III Type IV
presence of ammonium compound; no sulphites are used. Plain Caustic Ammonia Sulphite
Type-IV- Ammonia Sulphite Caramel – It shall be prepared by Sulphite process ammonia
heating carbohydrates with or without acids or alkalies or their salts in the (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
presence of both sulphite and ammonium compounds. 1. Solid content, per cent 62–77 65–72 53–83 40–75
Raw Materials by mass
2. Colour intensity, per cent 0.01–0.12 0.06–0.10 0.08-0.36 0.10-0.60
1. Carbohydrates-Caramel shall be prepared from the following
3. Ammoniacal nitrogen 0.01 0.01 0.40 0.5
carbohydrates or their mixtures :- per cent by mass, max.
Sucrose, glucose, fructose, invert sugar, lactose, malt syrup, molasses, 4. 4-Methylimidazole — — Max. 300 Max1000
starch hydrolysates and fractions thereof and /or polymer thereof. mg/kg & mg/kg &
Max.200 Max.250
2. Acid and alkalies- The acids used are sulphuric acid, phosphoric mg/kg on mg/kg on
acid, acetic acid and the alkalies used are sodium, potassium or calcium equivalent equivalent
hydroxide or mixture thereof. colour colour
basis basis
Where the ammonium compounds are used, they are one or more 5. Lead (as Pb), mg/kg, Max. 5 5 5 5
of the following. 6. Arsenic (as As) mg/kg. 3 3 3 3
Ammonium hydroxide Note :- Requirement of ammonical nitrogen is based on a product
Ammonium Carbonate and Bicarbonate colour having a minimum colour intensity prescribed at Sl.No. (2)
Ammonium phosphate Proportionately higher values of ammoniacal nitrogen apply for products
Ammonium sulphate of higher colour intensity.
TYPE TEST – The material shall also conform to the requirements
Ammonium Sulphite, Bisulphite, Metasulphite.
prescribed in Table 2 below.
1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 550 (E) dated 17.9.1997 (w.e.f. 17.12.1997) All requirement shall be on solid basis except metallic impurities.
356 357
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
TABLE 2- TYPE TEST REQUIREMENTS FOR CARAMEL The material shall be of the following two types :
(a) Solution in oil for use in butter and other food products, and
Sl.No Characteristics Type I Type II Type III Type IV
Plain Caustic Ammonia Sulphite (b) Solution in water for use in cheese and other food products.
Sulphite process ammonia General
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) The material shall be derived only from the plant Bixa orellana L.and
1. Total sulphur Max.0.3 1.3–2.5 Max.0.3 1.4–10.0 shall not contain any extraneous colouring matter. It shall be processed, packed,
per cent by mass. stored and distributed under hygienic conditions in licensed premises.
2. Sulphur dioxide- (as SO2) — Max.0.2% — Max.0.5% (1) Solution of Annatto Colour in Oil for Use in Butter and other
3. Total nitrogen, percent by mass Max.0.1 Max.0.2 1.3-6.8 0.5-7.5
food products :
4. Heavy metals, mg/kg (Max.) 25 25 25 25
5. 2, Acety1-4-tetraphydroxy — — Max.40 mg/kg — Annatto extract in oil, as solution or suspension, is prepared by
butylimidazole & Max. 25 mg/ extraction of the outer coating of seeds with vegetable oils. In the
(THI) kg on an equiva- preparation of the solution of annatto colour in oil, only the edible vegetable
lent colour basis
oils shall be used, either singly or in a mixture.
6. Mercury (as Hg)mg/kg, Max. 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
7. Copper (as Cu) mg/kg, Max. 20 20 20 20 The solution of annatto colour in oils shall be clear and shall remain
The material shall be filled in amber coloured glass or high density so on storage in suitable containers at 150C except for a slight deposit of
polythylene containers or any other well closed suitable containers with stearine or shall be in the form of a suspension. The suspension on dilution
as little air space as possible. The containers shall be such as to preclude with hot oil to bring the bixin content to 0.24 per cent shall be a clear solution.
contamination of the contents with metals or other impurities. Colour
A.26.09 ANNATTO The colour of solution in amyl acetate at a dilution of 1 : 1000 (m/
Class - Carotenoids v), when measured in a Lovibond Tintometer with a1cm Cell
Code Number - CI (1975) No. 75120 Spectrophotometrically/colorimeterically shall be not less than the following:
CI(1975) Natural Orange 4 EECNo.E-160b Yellow units 5.0
Chemical Name - Annatto extract in oil contains several Red units 0.4
coloured components, the major single or be not less than the colour of the following inorganic solution
one being bixin which may be present in both at a liquid depth of one centimetre which may be employed for matching
Cis and Trans forms. Thermal degradation the stated dilution in a plunger type colorimeter using incident light closely
produts of bixin may also be present. approximating the normal day light :
Solubility - Water soluble annatto contains norbixin, the
Potassium Bichromate 0.320g
hydrolysis product of bixin, in the form of
Cobalt ammonium sulphate 2.02 g
sodium or potassium salt, as the major
(CoSO4, (NH4)2 SO4, 6H2O)
colouring principle. Both cis and trans
Sulphuric acid, Sp.gr/ 1.84 2ml
forms may be present.
Distilled water To make solution to one litre
Chemical Formula - Bixin C 25 H 30 O 4
Norbixin C24 H28O4 These reagents shall be of the analytical reagent grade. Although
Molecnlar weight - Bixin 394.50 the solution retains its tinctorial value for a considerable time, after
Norbixin 380.48 prolonged storage, its optical clarity shall be examined before use, to ensure
1. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 550(E) dated 17.9.1997 (w.e.f. 17.12.1997) that no alteration has taken place.
358 359
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Note1- Diluted solution of annatto colour in amyl acetate is not Synonyms – Vitamin B2, Lactoflavin and Lactoflavine.
stable in colour quality, particularly if exposed to light, and measurement Colour – Yellow to orange-yellow
shall be carried out on the diluted solution without undue delay. Class – isolloxazine
(ii) Solution of Annatto Colour in Water for use in Cheese and Chemical name – 6:7-dimethyl-9-(d-l-ribityl) – isoalloxazine
Other Food Products :
Empirical Formula – C17 H20 N4 O6
Water soluble annatto colour is prepared by extraction of the outer
Molecular weight – 376.38.
coating or the seeds with aqueous alkali (sodium or potassium hydroxide).
In the preparation of the solution, potable water shall be used. A little Identification - A solution of 1 mg of Riboflavin in 100 ml. water
quantity (0.5 to 3 per cent) of alkali may be added. is pale greenish yellow in transmitted light, and has an intense yellowish
green fluorescence which disappears on the addition of sodium dithionite
The solution shall be clear and shall remain so on storage in
and mineral acids or alkalies.
suitable containers at a temperature of 150C.
Colour Spectrophotometry - Absorption maxima of aqueous solution shall
be at 220 to 225, 226, 371 and 444 mµ.
The colour of the solution in 0.1 N sodium hydroxide or potassium
hydroxide at a dilution of 1:1000 (m/v) measured in a 1-cm shall be the Specific Rotation - It shall be determined in a 0.5 per cent w/v
same as that specified in (i) above. solution in a mixture of 1.5 ml. of 0.1 N alcoholic solution of potassium
hydroxide (free from carbonate) and sufficient freshly boiled and cooled
The material shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table
water to produce 10 ml. The specific rotation, when calculated with
reference to the substance dried to constant weight in the dark at 1050C ,
Table shall be, — 1220.
Requirement for Annatto The material shall have minimum purity of 97.0 per cent.
Sl. No. Characteristic Requirement Maximum limit of metallic impurities shall be: -
(1) (2) (3) Arsenic (as As) - 5 p.p.m.
1. Carotenoid Lead (as Pb) - 20 p.p.m.
(a) Annatto extract in oil, expressed as bixin, per cent 1
A.26.11 PONCEAU 4 R
by mass, Min. 0.24
Common Name - Ponceau 4 R
(b) Water-soluble annatto, expressed as norbixin, per cent
by mass, Min. 0.24 Synonyms - C1 Food Red 7, L–Rot No. 4, Coccine
2. Arsenic, mg/kg, Max. 3 Nouvelle, Cochineal Red A;
3. Lead, mg/kg, Max. 10 EEC Serial No. E 124
4. Copper, mg/kg, Max. 30 Colour of 0.1 percent(m/v)
5. Heavy metals, mg/kg. Max. 40; solution in distilled water – Red
Colour Index Number
A. 26-10-RIBOFLAVIN : Riboflavin is a yellow to orange-yellow (1975) – No. 16255
crystalline powder. Melting point about 2800C with decomposition. Class – Monoazo.
Solubility-slightly soluble in water, more soluble in saline solution Chemical Name – Trisodium salt of I-(4-sulpho- l-naphtyl-azo)
and in a 10 per cent (w/v) solution of urea, sparingly soluble in alcohol, - naphthol-6,8-disulphonic acid.
practically insoluble in chloroform and in solvent ether and soluble in Empirical Formula - C20 H11 N2 O10 S3 Na
dilute solution of alkali hydroxides. 1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 550 (E) dated 17.9.1997 (w.e.f. 17.12.1997)
360 361
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Molecular Weight - 604.5 Carmoisine shall also comply with requirements prescribed in Table below

Solubility - Soluble in water TABLE

Sparingly soluble in ethanol. Sl. No. Characteristic Requirement
The material shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table (1) (2) (3)
below:- 1. Total dye content, corrected for sample dried at
TABLE 105 ± 10C for 2 hours, per cent by mass, Min. 87
2. Loss on drying at 1350C per cent by mass, Max.
Requirements for Ponceau 4 R and Chlorides and Sulphates expressed as sodium salt,
Sl. No. Characteristic Requirement per cent by mass, Max. 13
3. Water insoluble matter, per cent by mass, Max 0.2
(1) (2) (3)
4. Combined ether extracts, per cent by mass, Max 0.2
1. Total dye content, corrected for sample dried at 5. Subsidiary dyes, per cent by mass, Max 1.0
105 ± 1 0C for 2 hours, per cent by mass, Min 82
6. Dye intermediates, per cent by mass, Max 0.5
2. Loss on drying at 1350C, per cent by mass, Max 7. Lead, mg/kg, Max 10
and Chlorides and Sulphates expressed as sodium
8. Arsenic, mg/kg, Max. 3
salt, per cent by mass, Max 18
9. Heavy metals, mg/kg. Max 40";
3. Water insoluble matter, per cent by mass, Max 0.4
4. Combined ether extracts, per cent by mass, Max 0.4 A.26.13- Fast Red (E) Omitted

5. Subsidiary dyes, per cent by mass, Max 1.0 A.26.14- SYNTHETIC Food Colour - Preparation And Mixtures
6. Dye intermediates, per cent by mass, Max 0.5 Colour Preparation
7. Lead, mg/kg, Max 10 A Preparation containing one or more of the permitted synthetic
8. Arsenic, mg/kg, Max. 3 food colours conforming to the prescribed standard alongwith diluents
9. Heavy metals, mg/kg. Max 40 and/or filler materials and meant to be used for imparting colour to food.
It shall be free from mercury, selenium and chromium in any form It may contain permitted preservatives and stabilizers.
aromatic amines, aromatic nitro compourds, aromatic hydrocarbons, and The colour preparation would be either in the form of a liquid or powder.
cyanides," Powder preparations shall be reasonably free from lumps and any visible extraneous/
A. 26.12 - CARMOISINE : foreign matter. Liquid preparations shall be free from sediments.
Only the following diluents or filler materials shall be permitted to
Common name : Carmoisine.
be used in colour preparations conforming to the prescribed standards:-
Synonyms: Azorubine, C.I.Food Red 3, E.E.C. Serial No.E.—122.
1. Potable water
Colour of the 0.1 percent (w/v) solution in distilled Water— Red. 2. Edible common salt
Colour Index Number — (1956) No. 14720. 3. Sugar
Class — Monoazo 4. Dextrose monohydrate
Chemicat Name :— Disodium salt of 2 (4-sulpho-1naphthylazo) 5. Liquid glucose
-1- hydroxy-napthalene-4- sulphonic acid. 6. Sodium sulphate
Empirical Formula: — C20 H12 N2 O7 S2 Na2 7. Tartaric acid
Molecular Weight — 502.44 8. Glycerine
General Requirements : The material shall be free from mercury, 9. Propylene glycol
selenium and chromium in any form, aromatic amines, aromatic nitro 10. Acetic acid, dilute
compounds, aromatic hydrocarbons and cyanides. 1. Subs. by Noti. No. GSR 550 (E) dated 17.9.1997 (w.e.f. 17.12.1997)
362 363
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
11. Sorbitol The limits of impurities shall be as prescribed in Table below:-
12. Citric acid Table
13. Sodium carbonate and sodium hydrogen carbonate Limits for Impurities
14. Lactose 1. Water insoluble matter, per cent by mass,
15. Ammonium, sodium and potassium alginates (on dry basis), Max 1.0
16. Dextrins 2. Lead, (as Pb), mg/kg, Max 10
17. Ethyl acetate 3. Arsenic, (as As) mg/kg. Max 3.0
18. Starches 4. Heavy metals, mg/kg. Max 40
19. Diethyl ether It shall be free from mercury, copper and chromium in any form;
20. Ethanol aromatic amines, aromatic nitro compounds, aromatic hydroacrbons,
21. Glycerol mono, di and triacetate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, 2-naphthyl aminobenzidine, amino-4-
22. Edible oils and fats diphenyl (xenylamine) or their derivatives and cyanides."
23. Isopropyl alcohol
[A.26.15 Brilliant Blue FCF : Brilliant Blue FCF is hygroscopic
in nature and its shade changes with different pH. Suitable precautions
24. Bees wax
should, therefore, be taken in packing the colour.
25. Sodium and ammonium hydroxide
Colour Brilliant Blue FCF is described below, namely :-
26. Lactic acid
27. Carragenan and gum arabic Common Name............... Brilliant Blue FCF
28. Gelatin Synonyms....................... C.I. Food Blue, FD and C Blue No. 1 Blue
29. Pectin brilliant FCF
Colour Mixtures Class............................... Triarylmethane
A mixture of two or more permitted sysnthetic food colour Colour............................. Blue
conforming to prescribed standards without diluents and filler material Colour Index(1975)......... No. 42900
and meant to be used for imparting Colour to food.
Chemical Name.......... Disodium salt of (4-(N-cthyl - ß-
It may contain permitted preservatives and stabilizers. Sulfobenzyl - amino)- phenyl) (-(4-( N-
GENERAL REQUIREMNTS-FOR COLOUR PREPARATION & ethyl 1-3-sulfonatobenzylimino)
COLOUR MIXTURE. The total Synthetic dye content, per cent by mass cyclohexa-2, 5- dienylidence) toluence -
(m/v) in the colour preparation or in the mixture shall be declared on the 2- sulfonate.
label of the container. In powder preparations the declared value shall be
Empirical Formula C37H34N2Na2O9 S3
on moisture free basis and in case of liquid preparations on as is basis.
The total dye content shall be within the tolerance limits given below on Molecular Weight 792.86
the declared value: General Requirements The material shall conform to the
(a) Liquid preparations + 15 per cent requirement prescribed in Table below,
- 5 per cent namely:-
(b) Solid preparations ± 7.5 per cent 1. See Noti No. GSR 171 (E) dated 6.4.1998.
364 365
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Table for Brilliant Blue FCF Empirical Formula -- C37H34O10N2S2Na2
Sl.No Characteristic Requirement Molecular Weight -- 808.86
(1) (2) (3) Reuirements -- The material shall conform to the
following requirement prescribed
(i) Total dye content, corrected for sample dried
in the Table below, namely :-
at 105 ± 10c for 2 hours, percent by Mass, Minimum........... 85
(ii) Loss on drying at 1350C, and chlorides and sulphates Table for Fast Green FCF.
expressed as sodium salt, percent by Mass, Maximum......... 15 Sl.No Characteristic Requirement
(iii) Water-insoluble matter, percent by Mass, Maximum........... 0.2 (1) (2) (3)
(iv) Combined ether extracts percent by Mass, Maximum......... 0.2 (i) Total dye content, corrected for sample dried 85
(v) Subsidiary dyes, percent by Mass, Maximum........................ 3 at 105 ± 10c for 2 hours, percent by Mass, Minimum
(vi) Dye intermediates, percent by Mass, Maximum : (ii) Loss on drying at 1350C
(a) 0, sulpho-benzaldehyde, Maximum............................... 1.5 and
(b) N-N' ethyl-benzyl-aniline-3-sulphonic acid, Maximum. 0.3 chorides and sulphates
(c) Leuco base, percent by Mass, Maximum.......................... 5 expressed as sodium salt, percent by Mass, Maximum 13
(vii) Heavy metals, (as Pb), mg/kg, Maximum............................ 40 (iii) Water-insoluble matter, percent by Mass, Maximum 0.2
---- Lead, mg/kg, Maximum................................................. 10 (iv) Combined ether extracts percent by Mass, Maximum 0.2
---- Arsenic, mg/kg, Maximum............................................... 3
(v) Subsidiry dyes, percent by Mass, Maximum 1.0
---- Chromium, mg/kg, Maximum.............................................. 50
(vi) Organic compount other than colouring matter uncombined
Note :- The material shall be free from aromatic amines, aromatic nitro intermeditats and porduct of side reactions
compounds, aromatic hydrocarbons, and cyanides.
(a) Sum of 2-, 3-, 4- formyl benzene sulphonic acid,
A.26.16 Fast Green FCF : Fast Green FCF is hygroscopic in nature sodium salts, percent by Mass, Maximum 0.5
and its shade changes with different pH. Suitable precautions should, (b) Sum of 3-and 4-(ethyl (4-sulfophenyl)amino) methyl
therefore, be taken in packing the colour. benzene sulphonic acid, disodium salts, percent by
Fast Green FCF is described below, namely :- Mass Maximum 0.3
Commond Name -- Fast Green FCF (c) 2-formyl-5-hydroxybenzene sulphonic acid 0.5
Synonyms -- C.I. Food Green 3, FD and C Green sodium salt, percent by Mass, Maximum
No. 3, Vert Solide FCF (d) Leuco base, percent by Mass, Maximum 5.0
Class -- Triarylmethane (e) Unsulpbonated primary aromatic amines
Colour -- Green (calculated as aniline), percent by Mass, Maximum 0.01
Colour Index (1975) -- No. 42053 (vii) Lead, mg/kg, Maximum 10
Chemical Name -- Disodium salt of 4- (4-(N-ethyl-p- (viii) Arsenic, mg/kg, Maximum 3
sulfobenzyl-amino)-phenyl-(4- (ix) Chromium, mg/kg, Maximum 50
hydroxy-2-sulphonumphenyl)- (x) Mercury, mg/kg, Maximum absent
sulphobenzyl 2,5cyclohexadienimine) (xi) Heavy metals, mg/kg, Maximum 40
Note :- The material shall be free from aromatic nitro compounds,
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 171 (E) dated 6.4.1998. aromatic hydrocarbons, and cyanides.
366 367
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
A.26.17 Aluminium Lake of Sunset Yellow FCF; Food (a) Identy: Alumina (dried as aluminium hydroxide)
Yellow No. 5 Aluminium Lake is a fine orange yellow water is a white, odourless, testeless, amorphous powder
soluble, odourless powder. It is prepared by precipitating Sunset consisting essesntially of Aluminium hydroxide
Yellow FCF (conforming to specification under A 26.02 of (Al 2 O 3 x H 2O).
Appendix B to Prevention for Food Adulteration Rules, 1955) on
(b) Specifications: Alumina (dried aluminum hydroxide)
to a substratum of Alumina.
shall conform to the following specifications,
Chemical Name – Sunset Yellow FCF Aluminium Lake – 6 namely:-
hydroxy-5(4-sulfophenlyazo)-2 Naphthalensulphonic acid,
Aluminium Lake. (i) Acidity or alkalinity: Agitate 1 gm with 25 ml of
water and filter. The filtrate
Synonym – CI Pigment Yellow 104, FD and C Yellow No. 6, Aluminium shall be neutral to litmus paper
Lake (USA), Food Yellow No. 5 Aluminium Lake (Japan).
(ii) Lead (as Pb) .......... not more than 10 parts per million
(1) Sunset yellow dye used in preparation of lake colour shall
(iii) Arsenic (as As) ..... not more than 1 parts per million
conform to specifications laid down under A.26.02 of
Appendix B to the Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, (iv) Mercury (as Hg) ... not more than 1 parts per million
1955. (v) Aluminium ............ not less than 50 percent
(2) Pure dye content of Aluminium lake....not less than 17 oxide (Al 2O 3)
percent, weight by (c) Solubility: Lakes are insoluble in most solvents. They
weight are also insoluble in water in pH range from 3.5-9.0 but
outside this range and the lake substrate tends to dissolve
(3) Substratum of Aluminium oxide ......... not more than 83 percent
releasing the captive dye.
(4) Aluminium content in the lake ........... not more than 44 percent 1
[ A.27-Sliver Leaf (Chandi-ka-warq)-food grade-shall be
(weight by weight)
in the form of sheets, free from creases and folds and shall contain
(5) Sodium chlorides and sulfates ............ not more than 2.0 percent not less than 99.9 per cent of silver.
(as sodium salts) 2
[A.28-Groundnut Kernel (deshelled) for direct
(6) Inorganic mater (HCl insoluble) ......... not more than 0.5 percent human consumption commonly known as Moongphali are
obtained from the plant Arachis hypogols. The kernels shall be
(7) Lead (as Pb) ........................................... not more than 10 ppm free from non-edible seeds such as mahua, castor, neem or
(8) Arsenic (as As) ...................................... not more than 3 ppm argemone etc. It shall be free from extraneous matter, such as
stones, dirt, clay etc. The kernels shall conform to the following
Alumina used in colour shall conform to following, namely:- standards, namely:-

1. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 992, dated 4.6.1971

1. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 853 (E) dt 30.12.2002 2. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 18 (E) dated 15.1.1977 (w.e.f. 15.4.1977)
368 369
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(a) Moisture................................ Not more than 7.0 per cent A.31. Fat spread means a product in the form of water in oil

(b)Damaged kernel including .....Not more than 5.0 per cent. emulsion, of an aquous phase and a fat phase of edible oils and fats
slightly damaged Kernel by weight. excluding animal body fats. The individual oil and fat used in the spread
(c) Aflatoxin content.................. Not more than 30 parts per billion.] shall conform to the respective standards prescribed by these rules.
[ A.29-BEVERAGES - ALCOHOLIC:] Fat spread shall be classified into the following three groups :-
A. 29.01-TODDY: Toddy means the sap from coconut, date, toddy
(a) Milk fat spread..............Fat content will be exclusively milk fat.
palm tree or any other kind of palm tree which has undergone alcoholic
fermentation. It shall be white cloudy in appearance which sediments on (b) Mixed fat spread.....Fat content will be a mixture of milk fat
storage and shall possess characteristic flavour derived from the sap and with any one or more of hydrogentated,
fermentation without addition of extraneous alcohol.It shall be free from unhydrogenated refined edible vegetable
added colouring matter, dirt, other foreign matter or any other ingredients oils or interesterified fat.
injurious to health. It shall also be free from chloral hydrate and (c) Vegetable fat spread..Fat content will be a mixture of any two
paraldehyde. 4sedative, tranquilizer and artificial sweetener. or more of hydrogenated, unhy-
It shall also conform to the following standards, namely:- drogenated, refined vegetable oils or
(a) Alcoholic content..............Not less than 5 per cent (v/v) interesterified fat.
(b) Total acids as tartaric acid The fat content shall be declared on the label. In mixed fat spread,
(expressed in terms of 100 the milk fat content shall also be declared on the label along with the total
litres of absolute alcohol)..Not more than 400 grams. fat content.
(c) Volatile acid as acetic acid The word 'butter' will not be associated while labelling the product.
(expressed in terms of 100
litres of absolut alcohol)....Not more than 100 grams. It may contain edible common salt not exceeding 2 per cent by
A. 30 Pan Masala means the food generally taken as such or in weight in aquous phase; milk solids-not fat, 2lactic acid, butyric acid valeric
conjunction with Pan. It may contain:- acid, cinnamon oil, and ethyl butyrate may also be added as flavouring
Betelnut, lime, coconut, catechu, saffron, cardamom, dry fruits, agent upto 0.08 per cent m/m"; Diacetyl may be added as flavouring agents
mulethi, sabermusa, other aromatic herbs and spices, sugar, glycerine, glucose, not exceeding 4.0 ppm, permitted emulsifiers and stabilisers; permitted
permitted natural colours, menthol and non-prohibited flavours. antioxidants (BHA or TBHQ) not exceeding 0.02 per cent of the fat content
of the spread; permitted class II preservatives namely sorbic acid including
It shall free from added coal-tar colouring matter, 2and any other
its sodium, potassium and calcium salts (calculated as sorbic acid) or
ingredient injurious to health.
benzoic acid and its sodium and potassium salts (calculated as benzoic
It shall also conform to the following standards, namely :-
acid) singly or in combination not exceding 1000 parts per million by weight;
Total ash...............................Not more than 8.0 per cent by weight and sequestering agents. It may contain annatto and/or carotene as colouring
(on dry basis) agents. It shall be free from animal body fat, mineral oil and wax. Vegetable
Ash insoluble in dilute..........Not more than 0.5 per cent by fat spread shall contain raw or refined Sesame oil (Til oil) in sufficient quantity
hydrochloric acid weight (on dry basis) so that when separated fat is mixed with refined groundnut oil in the proportion
of 20:80 the red colour produced by Baudouin test shall not be lighter than 2.5
1. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 128(E) dated 8.3.1990 (w.e.f. 8.9.1990). red units in 1 cm cell on a Lovibond scale.
2. The words 'artificial' sweetener omitted vide GSR 695 (E) dated 6.11.1993.
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 243 dated 1.3.1980. 1. Ins by Noti. No. GSR 481 dt 16.9.1993 GSR 512 (E) dt 15.6.1994.
4. Amended GSR 380(E) dt. 9.7.1988 2. Amended vide Noti. No. GSR 284(E) date 29.5.1997.
370 371
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
It shall conform to the following standards, namely :- (i) Natural mineral water is water clearly distinguisehed from
(i) Fat .......................................... Not more than 80 per cent ordinary dirinking water because -
and not less than 40 per cent (a) it is characterized by its content of certain mineral salts and
by weight. their relative proportions and the presence of trace elements
(ii) Moisture ................................. Not more than 56 percent or of other constituents.
and not less than 16 per cent (b) it is obtained directly from natural or drilled sources from
by weight. underground water bearing strata and not from Public water supply
(iii) Melting point of extracted ............. Not more than 370C for which all possible precartions should be taken within the
fat (Capillary slip method) protected perimeters to avoid any pollution of, or external influnce
in case of vegetable fat spread. on, the chemical and physical qualities of natural mineral water.
(c) of the constancy of its composition and the stability of its
(iv) Unsaponifiable matter of
discharge and its temperature, due account being taken of the
extracted fat-
cycles of minor natural fluctuations.
(a) In case of milk fat and............... Not more than 1 per cent by
(d) it is collected under conditions which guarantee the original
mixed fat spread weight
microbiological purity and chemical composition of essential
(b) In case of vegetable fat spread...Not more than 1.5 per cent components.
(v) Acid value of extracted fat........... Not more than 0.5
(e) it is packaged close to the point of emergence of the source with
It shall be compulsorily sold in sealed packages weighing not particular hygienic precautions.
more than 500g. under Agmark certification mark. (f) it is not subjected to any treatment other than those permitted by
(vi) The vegetable fat spread shall contain not less than 25 IU this standard.
synthetic vitamin 'A' per gram at the time of packing and shall (ii) Naturally Carbonated Natural Mineral Water - A naturally
show a positive test for vitamin 'A' when tested by Antimony carbonated natural mineral water is a natural mineral water which,
Trichloride (Carr-Price) reagents (as per I.S. 5886-1970)" after possible treatment as given hereunder and re-incorporation of
It shall contain starch not less than 100 ppm and not more gas from the same source and after packaging, taking into
than 150 ppm. consideration usual technical tolerance, has the same content of
[Note - Without prejudice to the standards laid down in this carbondioxide spontaneously and visibly given off under normal
Appendix, whenever water is used in the manufacture or preparation conditions of temperature and pressure.
of any article of food, such water shall be free from micro-organism (iii) Non-Carbonated Natural Mineral Water - A non-carbonated
likely to cause disease and also free from chemical constituents which natural mineral water is natural mineral water which, by nature and
may impair health.] after possible treatment as given hereunder and after packaging taking
A.32-1 MINERAL WATER means includes all kinds of Mineral into consideration usual technical tolerance, does not contain free
Water or Natural mineral water by whatever name is called and sold. carbon dioxide in excess of the amont necessary to keep the hydrogen
2. Description and Types of Mineral water. carbonate salts present in the water dissolved.
(iv) Decarbonated Natural Mineral Water - A decarbonated natural
1. Ins. by Noti No. GSR 1533 dated 8.7.1968. mineral water is a natural mineral water which, after possible
2. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 807 (E) dated 14.11.1994. treatment as given hereunder and after packaging, has less carbon
3. Ins. by Noti. No. GSR 284 (E) dated 29.5.1997. dioxide content than that at emergence and does not visibly and
4. Amended GSR 759(E) dt. 29.9.2000 (w.e.f. 29.3.2001) spontaneously, give off carbon dioxide under normal conditions of
372 373
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
temperature and pressure. foodgrade polycarbonate or sterile glass bottles suitable
(v) Natual Mineral Water Fortified with Carbon Dioxide from the for preventing possible adulteration or contamination of
Source - A natural mineral water fortified with carbon dioxide the water.
from the source is natural mineral water which, after possible All packaging materials of plastic origin shall pass the
treatment as given hereunder and after packaging, has more carbon prescribed overall migration and colour migration limits."
dioxide content than that at emergence. 4. All Mineral Water shall conform to the following standars, namely:-
(vi) Carbonated Natural Mineral Water - A carbonated natural SI. No. Characteristics Requirements
mineral water is a natural mineral water which, after possible
(1) (2) (3)
treatment as given hereunder and after packaging, has been made
effervescent by the addition of carbon dioxide from another origin. 1. Colour, Hazen Unit/True not more than 2
3. Treatment and handling:- Treatment permitted include separation Colour Unit
from unstable constituents, such as compounds containing iron, manganese, 2. Odour Agreeable
sulphur or arsenic, by decantation and/or filtration, if necessary, 3. Taste Agreeable
accelererated by previous aeration. 4. Turbidity Not more than 2
The treatments provided may only be carried out on condition that nephelometric turbidity
the mineral content to the water is not modified in its essential constituents, unit (NTU)
which give the water its properties.
5. Total Dissolved Solids 150-700 mg/litre
The transport of natural mineral waters in bulk containers for
packaging or for any other process before packaging is prohibited. Natural 6. PH 6.5-8.5
Mineral water shall be packaged in clean and sterile containers. 7. Nitrates (as NO3) Not more than 50 mg/litre
The source of the point of emergence shall be protected aginst risks 8. Nitrites (as No2) Not more than 0.02 mg/litre
of pollution. 9. Sulphide (as H2S) Not more than 0.05 mg/litre
The installation intended for the production of natural mineral waters 1
10. Mineral oil absent
shall be such as to exclude any possibility of contamination. For this
purpose, and in particular 11. Phenolic compunds absent
(as C6H5OH)
(a) the installations for collection, the pipes and the reservoirs shall
be made from materials suited to the water and in such a way as 12. Manganese (as Mn) Not more than 2.0 mg/litre
to prevent the introduction of foreign substances into the water; 13. Copper (as Cu) Not more than 1 mg/litre
(b) the equipment and its use for productin, especially installations 14. Zinc (as Zn) Not more than 5 mg/litre
for washing and packaging, shall meet hygienic requiremetns. 15. Fluoride (as F) Not more than 1 mg/litre
(c) if, during production it is found that the water is polluted, the
16. Barium (as Ba) Not more than 1.0 mg/litre
producer shall stop all operations until the cause of pollution is
eliminated. 17. Antimony (as Sb) Not more than 0.005 mg/litre
3A 1Packaging materials : It shall be packed in clean, hygienic, 18. Nickel (as Ni) Not more than 0.02 mg/litre
colourless, transparent and tamperpoof bottles/containers 19. Borate (as B) Not more than 5 mg/litre
made of polyethylene (PE) conforming to IS : 10146 or 20. Surface active agents Not detectable
polyviny1 chloride (PVC) conforming to IS : 10151 or
polyalkylene terephthalate (PET and PBT) conforming to 21. Silver (as Ag) Not more than 0.01 mg/litre
IS :12252 or polypropylene conforming to IS 10910 or 22. Chlorides (CI) Not more than 200/ mg/litre

1. Ameded by Not GSR 439 (E) dt 19.6.2002 (wef 1.9.2002) 1. Added by Noti. No. GSR 349 (E) dt 19.6.2002 (wef 1.9.2002)
374 375
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
23. Sulphate (as SO4) Not more than 200mg/litre 5. Labelling Prohibitons No claims concerniong medicinal (preventative,
24. Magnesium (as Mg) Not more than 50 mg/litre alleviative or curative) effects shall be made in respect of the properties
25. Calcium (as Ca) Not more than 100 mg/litre of the product covered by the standard. Claims of other beneficial effects
26. Sodium (as Na) Not more than 150 mg/litre related to the health of the consumer shall not be made.
27. Alkalinity (as HCO3) 75-400 mg/litre
28. Arsenic (as As) Not more than 0.05 mg/litre The name of the locality, hamlet or specified place may not form part
29. Cadmium (as Cd) Not more than 0.003 mg/litre of the trade name unless it refers to a natural mineral water collected
30. Cyanide (as CN) alesent at the place designated by that trade name.
31. Chromium (as Cr) Not more than 0.05 mg/litre The use of any statement or of any pictorial device which may create
32. Mercury (as Hg) Not more than 0.001 mg/litre confusion in the mind of the public or in any way mislead the public
33. Lead (as Pb) Not more than 0.01 mg/litre about the nature, origin, composition and properties of natural mineral
34. Selenium (as Se) Not more than 0.05 mg/litre
waters put on sale is prohibited.
35. Poly nuclear aromatic not detectable
hydrocarbons A.33
Packaged drinking water (other than Mineral water):-
36. Polychlorinated not detectable “Packaged drinking water” means water derived from any source of
biphenyle (PCB) potable water which is subjected to treatments, namely, decantation,
37. Pesticide Residue below detectable limits filteration, combination of filteration, aerations, filteration with membrane
38. “Alpha” activity Not more than 0.1 Bacqueral/
filter, depth filter, cartidge filter, activated carbon filteration,
litre (Bq)
demineralisation, remineralisaton reverse osmosis and packed. It may be
39. 4
“Beta” activity Not more than 1 Bacqueral
litre (Bq) disinfected to a level that will not lead to harmful contamination in the
40. Yeast and mould counts absent dirnking water. It may be disinfected by means of chemical agents and/or
41. Salmonella and Shigella absent physical method of the number of micro-organism to a level that does not
42. E. Coli or thermotolerant absent compromise food safety or suitability.
Coliforms It shall be packed in clean, 2hygiene colourless, transparent and
1 x 250 ml tamperproof bottles/containers made of polyethylene (PE) conforming to
43. Total coliform bacteria absent
IS:10146 or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) conforming to IS:10151 or
A x 250 ml
44. Faecal streptococci and absent polyethylene terephthalate (PET and PBT) conforming to IS:12252 or
Staphylococcus aureus polypropylene conforming to IS:10910 or foodgrade polycarbonate or
1 x 250 ml sterile glass bottles suitable for preventing possible adulteration or
45. Pseudomonas aeruginosa absent contamination of the water.
1 x 250 ml All packaging materials of plastic origin shall pass the
46. Sulphite-reducing anaerobes absent overall migration and colour migration limits as laid down in the
1 x 50 ml relevant Indian Standards for products for respective packaging
47. Vibrocholera absent
1 x 250 ml
48. V Paraheamolyticus absent
1 x 250 ml
1. Added GSR 760(E) dt. 29.9.2000 (w.e.f. 29.3.2001)
1. Added by Not GSR 349 (E) dt 19.6.2002 (wef 1.9.2002) 2. Ameded GSR 439 (E) dt 19.6.2002 (wef. 1.9.2002)
376 377
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
It shall conform to the following standards namely :- 27. Alkalinity (as HCO3) Not more than 200 mg/litre
SI. No. Characteristics Requirements 28. Arsenic (as As) Not more than 0.05 mg/litre
29. Cadmium (as Cd) Not more than 0.01 mg/litre
(1) (2) (3) 1
30. Cyanide (as CN) absent
1. Colour not more than 2 Hazen Units/ 31. Chromium (as Cr) Not more than 0.05 mg/litre
True Colour Units 32. Mercury (as Hg) Not more than 0.001 mg/litre
2. Odour Agreeable 33. Lead (as Pb) Not more than 0.01 mg/litre
3. Taste Agreeable 34. Selenium (as Se) Not more than 0.01 mg/litre
4. Turbidity Not more than 2 nephelo- 35. Iron (as Fe) Not more than 0.1 mg/litre
metric turbidity unit (NTU) 36. Poly nuclear aromatic Not detectable
5. Total Dissolved Solids Not more than 500 mg/litre hydrocarbons
6. PH 6.5 - 8.5 37. Polychlorinated biphenyle (PCB) Not detectable
7. Nitrates (as NO3) Not more than 45 mg/litre 38. Aluminium (as Al) Not more than 0.03 mg/litre
8. Nitrites (as (NO2) Not more than 0.02 mg/litre 39. Residual free chlorine Not more than 0.2 mg/litre
9. Sulphide (as H2S) Not more than 0.05 mg/litre 40. 2
(i) Pesticide Residues Not more than 0.0001 mg/litre
10. Mineral oil absent considered individually (The analysis shall be conducted
by using internationally
11. Phenolic compounds absent
established test methods meeting
(as C6H5OH) the residue limits specified herein)
12. Manganese (as Mn) Not more than 0.1 mg/litre (ii) Total Pesticide Residues Not more than 0.0005 mg/litre
13. Copper (as Cu) Not more than 0.05 mg/litre (The analysis shall be conducted
14. Zinc (as Zn) Not more than 5 mg/litre by using internationally
15. Fluoride (as F) Not more than 1.0 mg/litre established test methods meeting
16. Barium (as Ba) Not more than 1.0 mg/litre the residue limits specified herein)
17. Antimony (as Sb) Not more than 0.005 mg/litre 41. “Alpha” activity Not more than 0.1 Bacquerel/litre (Bq)
18. Nickel (as Ni) Not more than 0.02 mg/litre 42. “Beta” activity Not more than 1 pico curie/litre (pCi)
43. Yeast and mould counts 1 x 250 ml Absent
19. Borate (as B) Not more than 5 mg/litre
44. Salmonella and Shigella 1 x 250 ml Absent
20. Anionic surface active agentsNot more than 0.2 mg/litre
45. E. Coli or thermotolerant bacteria Absent
(as MBAS)
1 x 250 ml
21. Silver (as Ag) Not more than 0.01 mg/litre
46. Coliform bacteria 1 x 250 ml Absent
22. Chlorides (as CI) Not more than 200 mg/litre
47. Faecal streptococci and Absent
23. Sulphate (as SO4)Not more than 200 mg/litre
Staphylococus aureus
24. Magnesium (as Mg) Not more than 30 mg/litre 1 x 250 ml
25. Calcium (as Ca) Not more than 75 mg/litre 48. Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1 x 250 ml Absent
26. Sodium (as Na) Not more than 200 mg/litre
1. Amended GSR 439 (E) dt 19.6.2002 (wef 1.9.2002)
1. Added by Noti. No. GSR 437 (E) dt 19.6.2002 2. Amended GSR 554 (E) dt 18.7.2003 (wef 1.1.2004)
378 379
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(1) (2) (3) the product is shelf stable. The sealed containers shall not show any
change on incubation at 35oC for 10 days and 55 oC for 5 days.
49. Sulphite-reducing anaerobes Absent
1 x 50 ml The product shall be in the form of a solid pack capable of being
50. Vibrio cholera and Absent sliced.
V. parahaemolyticus The product shall be free from any added colour and natural and
1 x 250 ml artificial flavour. The product shall be clean and substantially free
51. Aerobic Microbial The total viable colony count from staining and contamination from the container, foreign matter
Count shall not exceed 100 per ml and objectionable odour.
at 200C to 220C in 72 h on agar - The product shall conform to the following requirements, namely:–
agar or on agar - gelatin mixture,
Sl. No. Characteristics Requirements
and 20 per ml at 37 0 C
in 24 h on agar - agar. (1) (2) (3)
Labelling Prohibitions (1) Total Plate Count 1000/ gram maximum
No claims concerning medicinal (preventative, alleviative or curative) (2) E.Coil Absent in 25 gram
effects shall be made in respect of the properties of the product covered
by the standard. Claims of other beneficial effects related to the health (3) Salmonella Absent in 25 gram
of the consumer shall not be made. (4) Staphylococcus aureus Absent in 25 gram
The name of the locality, hamlet or specified place may not form (5) Clostridium perfringens and
part of the trade name unless it refers to a packaged water collected at Clostridium Botulinum Absent in 25 gram
place designated by that trade name.
A 34.02 LUNCHEON MEAT means the product prepared from
The use of any statement or of any pictorial device which may create edible portion of meat of mammalian animal, slaughtered in an a
confusion in the mind of the public or in any way mislead the public
abattoir, which have been subjected to antimortem and postmortem
about the nature, origin, composition, and properties of such waters
inspection and/or edible meat of poultry, birds, including chickens,
put on sale is prohibited.
turkeys, ducks, geese, guinea fowl or pigeons slaughtered in an
A 34 - MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS: abattoir.
" 34.01 CORNED BEEF means the product prepared from boneless The product shall be uniformly cured with edible common salt
meat of caracase of bovine animals including buffalo meat, which have and sodium and / or potassium nitrite. The product may be with or
been subjected to antimortem and postortem inspection. without binders such as cereal flour/starch, bread, biscuits or bakery
products, milk powder, whey powder, egg protein, vegetable protein
The product shall be uniformly cured with edible common salt and products, glucose, invert sugar, dextrose, lactose, maltose, glucose
sodium and / or potassium nitrite. The product may contain ascorbic
syrup, including corn syrup, spices, seasoning and condiments and
acid, sodium ascorbate or isoascorbic acid/ sodium isoascorbate singly
water soluble hydrolysed protein.
or in combination not exceeding 500 mg/kg. The product may also contain
sucrose, dextrose, lactose, maltose and glucose syrup including corn syrup. The product may be smoked and flavoured with natural and natural
indentical flavours and permitted flavour enhancer.
The product shall be packed in hermetically sealed containers and The product may contain ascorbic acid / isoascorbic acid and its
subjected to heat treatment followed by rapid cooling to ensure that sodium salts singly or in combination not exceeding 500 mg/kg
1. Ameded GSR 439 (E) dt 19.6.2002 (wef 1.9.2002)
380 381
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
expressed as ascorbic acid as antioxidant and sodium and or potassium expressed as P205 as antioxidant and water retention agents respectively.
mono - di - polyphosphates singly or in combination not exceeding The product may also contain Sodium/Potssium alginate not exceeding
3000 mg/kg expressed as P 2O5 as water retention agents. 10 mg/kg and/or agar, carrageenan and sodium citrate as emulsifying
The product shall be packed in hermetically sealed container and and stablizing agents.
subjected to heat treatment followed by rapid cooling to ensure that the The product shall be packed in hermetically sealed containers and
product is shelf stable. The sealed container shall not show any change on subjected to heat treatment followed by rapid cooling to ensure that the
incubation at 35oC for 10 days and 55oC for 5 days. product is shelf stable. The sealed containers shall not show any change
The product shall be clean and substantially free from stains from the on incubation at 350C for 10 days and 550C for 5 days.
container and foreign matter and shall be capable of being sliced. The product shall be free from any stains from the container/package,
objectionable matter and shall be capable of being sliced.
The product shall conform to the following requirement, namely:-
The product shall conform to the following requirement, namely:-
(1) (2) (3)
(1) (2) (3)
(1) Total Fat content:
(1) Total Plate Count 1000 / gram maximum
a) Product without binder Not more than 30.0 percent
(2) E.Coli Absent in 25 gram
b) Product with binder Not more than 35.0 percent
(3) Salmonella Absent in 25 gram
(2) Total Plate Count 1000/ gram maximum
(4) Staphylococcus aureus Absent in 25 gram
(3) E.Coli Absent in 25 gram
(5) Clostridium perfringens and
(4) Salmonella Absent in 25 gram
Clostridium Botulinum Absent in 25 gram
(5) Staphylococcus aureus Absent in 25 gram
(6) Clostridium perfringens and A 34.04 CHOPPED MEAT means the product prepared form edible
portion of meat of mammalian animals slaughtered in an abattoir, which
Clostridium Botulinum Absent in 25 gram
have been subjected to antimortem and postmortem inspection and /
A.34.03 COOKED HAM means the product prepared from meat of or edible meat of poultry birds including chickens, turkeys, ducks,
pigs which have been subjected to antimortem and postmortem geese, slaughtered in an abattoir.
inspection. The product shall be free from bones, detached cartilage The product shall be uniformly cured with edible common salt and
tendous, ligaments and may be with or without skin and fat. The product Sodium or Potassium Nitrite. The product may be with or without
shall be uniformly cured with edible common salt and sodium and / or binders such as cereal flour/starch, bread, biscuit, or bakery product.
potassium nitrite. Vegetable protein product, fructose, invert sugar; dextrose, lactose,
The product may contain sucrose, invert sugar, dextrose, lactose, maltose, glucose syrup including corn syrup, spices, seasoning and
maltose, glucose syrup including corn syrup, honey, spices, seasoning condiments and water soluble hydrolysed protein.
and condiments, water soluble hydrolysed protein and food grade The product may be smoked and flavoured with natural and nature
gelatin. The product may be smoked and flavoured with natural identical flavours and permitted flavour enhancer.
flavouring substances and nature identical flavours as well as permitted The product may contain ascorbic acid / isoascorbic acid and its
flavour enhancers. The product may contain ascorbic acid / isoascorbic sodium salts singly or in combination not exceeding 500 mg/kg
acid and its sodium salt singly or in combination not exceeding 500 expressed as ascorbic acid and sodium and or potassium mono-di-
mg/kg expressed as ascorbic acid, sodium and or potassium mono - di polyphosphate, singly or in combination not exceeding 3000 mg/kg
- polyphosphates singly or in combination not exceeding 3000 mg/kg expressed as P205 as antioxidants and water retention agent respectively.
382 383
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
The product shall be packed in hermetically sealed containers and The contents shall have the characteristic colour, free from
subjected to heat treatment followed by rapid cooling to ensure that objectionable odour, discoloration and excessive disintegration.
the product is shelf stable. The sealed containers shall not show any
The product shall conform to the following requirements, namely:-
change on incubation at 350C for 10 days and 550C for 5 days.
The product shall be clean and substantially free from staining SI. No. Characteristics Requirements
and contamination from the container, foreign matter and shall be
capable of being sliced. The product shall conform to the following (1) (2) (3)
requirements namely:- (1) Total Plate Count 1000 / gram maximum

(1) (2) (3) (2) E.Coli Absent in 25 gram

(1) Total Fat content: (3) Salmonella Absent in 25 gram
a) Product without binder Not more than 25.0 percent (4) Staphylococcus aureus Absent in 25 gram
b) Product with binder Not more than 30.0 percent (5) Clostridium perfringens and
(2) Total Plate Count 1000 / gram maximum Clostridium Botulinum Absent in 25 gram

(3) E.Coli Absent in 25.0 gram A 34.06 CANNED MUTTON AND GOAT MEAT means the
(4) Salmonella Absent in 30.0 gram product prepared from edible portion of meat of Bovine animals
slaughtered in an abattoir, which have been subjected to antimortem
(5) Staphylococcus aureus Absent in 25 gram
and postmortem inspection. The product shall be free from bones, blood
(6) Clostridium perfringens and clots, skin, hair, strings and fibrous tissue, bruised material, viscera,
Clostridium Botulinum Absent in 25 gram tendons and excessive fat.

A 34.05 CANNED CHICKEN means the product prepared from edible The product shall be cut into pieces of reasonably uniform size
portion of meat of poultry birds, slaughtered in an abattoir, which have and cured with a mixture of edible salt and sodium nitrate and / or
been subjected to antimortem and postmortem inspection. The product sodium nitrite. The product shall be free from added colour, flavour
shall be free from bones, blood clots, skin, hair, viscera and bruised / and meat tenderizer. The packing medium and other ingredients shall
disintegrated material. be of food grade quality.
The product shall be cured with a mixture of edible common salt
The product shall be packed in hermetically sealed clean and sound
and sodium nitrite. The product shall be free from added colour flavour
tin containers and subjected to adequate heat treatment followed by
and meat tenderizer. The packing medium and other ingredients shall
rapid cooling to ensure that the product is shelf stable. The container
be of food grade quality.
shall not show any change on incubation at 350C for 10 days and 55 0C
The product shall be packed in hermetically sealed clean and sound
for 5 days.
tin containers and subjected to adequate heat treatment followed by
rapid cooling to ensure that the product it shelf stable. The sealed The contents shall have characteristic colour, free from objectionable
containers shall not show any change on incubation at 350C for 10 odour, discoloration and excessive disintegration.
days and 550C for 5 days.
384 385
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
The product shall conform to the following requirements, namely:- Appendix C (See rule 5)
Table 1
SI. No. Characteristics Requirements
List of Food additives for use in bread and biscuit
(1) (2) (3)
SI. No. Name of Additive Bread Biscuits
(1) Total Plate Count 1000 / gram maximum (1) (2) (3) (4)
(2) E.Coli Absent in 25 gram A Acid Regulators
(3) Salmonella Absent in 25 gram 1. Sodium Fumarate GMP GMP
(4) Staphylococcus aureus Absent in 25 gram 2. Potassium Malate GMP GMP
(5) Clostridium perfringens and 3. Sodium hydroxide GMP GMP
Clostridium Botulinum Absent in 25 gram 4. Acetic acid or Lactic Acid 2500ppm GMP
MEAT means the product prepared from edible portion of meat of Bovine 5. Citric Acid – GMP
animals including buffalo meat slaughtered in an abattoir, which have 6. Malic Acid – GMP
been subjected to antimortem and postmortem inspection. 7. Tartaric Acid – GMP
B Emulsifying and stabilising – Emulsifying
The fresh meat meant for freezing shall be clean, free from any foreign
agents sigly and Stabilzing
matter, objectionable odour/flavour and evidence of deterioration. Meat
agent listed in
shall be prepared by quickly freezing in an appropriate equipment in such
rules 60
a way that the range of temperature of maximum crystallization is passed
sustable for
quickly and the product attains a temperature of ---- 180C or colder at the
this products
thermal centre after thermal stabilization. The product shall be kept deep
may be used
frozen so as to maintain its quality during transportation, storage and sale.
1. Sucroglycerides – 1000pmm
The product shall conform to the following requirements, namely:- maximum
SI. No. Characteristics Requirements 2. Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose GMP GMP
3. Sucrose esters of fatty Acid GMP GMP
(1) (2) (3)
4. Di-Acetyl tartaric Acid Esters of GMP 1000ppm
(1) Total Plate Count 100000 / gram maximum Mono and di-glycerides maximum
(2) E.Coli 100 / gram maximum 5. Guar Gum 5000ppm –
(3) Staphylococcus aureus 100 / gram maximum maximum
6. Sorbitol GMP –
(4) Clostridium perfringens and 30 / gram maximum
7. Lecithin GMP –
Clostridium Botulinum
8. Glycerine GMP –
(5) Yeast and mould count 1000 / gram maximum 9. Glycerol Monosterate GMP –
(3) Salmonella Absent in 25 gram 10. Sodium Steroyl 2 lactylate
(7) Listeria monocytogenes Absent in 25 gram Calcium Stearoyl 2 Lactylate 5000ppm
(singly or in combination) maximum –
386 387
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955

(1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

11. Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids 3. Ammonium Phosphate 2500 ppm –
and polyglycerol esters of 2000ppm – maximum (on
interesterified Recinoleic acid maximum flour mass basis)
C Improver 4. Benzoyl Peroxide 40ppm 40ppm
1. Fungal Alpha amylase 100ppm maximum maximum
maxium (on E Antioxidant – As per Rule 59
flour mass 1. Ascorbic Acid GMP GMP
basis) F Preservatives/Mould inhibitors
2. Baterial Amylase GMP GMP Singly or in combination
3. Amylases and other Enzymes – GMP 1. Calcium or sodium propionate 5000ppm –
4. Ammonium Persulphate 2500ppm maximum
maximum(on 2. Sorbic acid or its Sodium, 1000ppm –
flour mass basis) – Potassium or calcium salts maximum
5. Calcium phosphate 2500ppm (calculated as sorbic acid)
maximum (on 3. Acid Calcium phosphate 10000ppm –
flour mass maximum
basis) – 4. Sodium diacetate 4000ppm –
6. Calcium Carbonate 5000ppm maximum
maximum (on 5. Acid Sodium pyrophosphate 5000ppm maximum –
flour mass
basis) – G Colours (can be used singly in
7. Potassium Bromate and/or Potassium combination within the specified limits)
lodate 50ppm – (a) Natural
maximum (on 1. Chlorophyll
flour mass 2. Caramel
basis) 3. Curcumin or turmeric
D Flour Treatment Agent 4. Beta-carotene
1. Ammonium Chloride 500ppm – 5. Beta apo-8 carotenal – GMP
maximum (on 6. Methylester of Beta-apo-8 carotenoic acid
flour mass basis)
7. Ethylester of Beta-apo-8 carotenoic acid
2. L-cystein Mono Hydrochloride 90ppm –
8. Canthaxanthin
maximum (on
flour mass basis) 9. Riboflavin, a Lactoflavin
10. Annatto
11. Saffron
388 389
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955

(1) (2) (3) (4)


(b) Synthetic
1. Ponceau 4 R
2. Carmoisine Synthetic syrup for dispensers

3. Erythrosine

4. Tartrazine – 100ppm
5. Sunset Yellow FCF


6. Indigo Carmine
7. Brilliant Blue FCF
8. Fast Green FCF Sugar based/Sugar free confectionery

maximum –

H Artifical Sweeteners (Singly)

List of Food additives for use in foods

1. Aspertame 2200ppm 2200ppm
maximum maximum Chewing gum/Bubble gum

2. Acesulfame Potassium 1000ppm 1000ppm
maximum maximum
3. Sucralose 750ppm 750ppm Ready-to-Serve Berverages Tea/Coffee based

maximum maximum

Table 2
I Leavening Agents
1. Baking Powder GMP GMP Rice and Pulses based Papads
2. Ammonium bi-carbonate GMP GMP

3. Ammonium carbonate 5000ppm 5000ppm
maximum maximum pongal mix, gulab jamoon mix, jalebi mix, vada mix
J Flavours

maximum maximum –
Instant Mixes:- Idli mix, dosa mix, puliyogare mix,
1. Natural flavours and natural

3. Butylated Hydroxy- 200ppm 200ppm

Similar milk product based sweets sold by any name
flavouring substances/nature – GMP

Khoya Burfi, Peda, Gulab Jamun, Rasogolla, and
identical flavouring substances/ based): Halwa, Mysore Pak, Boondi Ladoo, Jalebi,

artifical flavouring substances Sweets (Carbohydrates based and Milk product

K Flavour improver/Enhancer – GMP

banana chips and similar fried products sold by any name
L Nutrient Dalmoth, Kadubale, Kharaboondi, Spiced & fried dals,

Snacks/Saoutiries (Fried Products):- Chiwda, Bhujia,
1. Calcium and Ferrous Salts – GMP
2. Potassium lodate – GMP

2. Lecithin GMP

anisole (BHA)
A Antioxidants
M Dough Conditioners

1. Tocopherol

1. Sodium bisulphite – GMP
2. Sodium metabisulphite – GMP

O Jellifying Agents – GMP
39 391
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

4. Tertiary 200ppm 200ppm

butyl hydro maximum maximum – – – – – – – –
quinone (TBHQ)
1. Methyl Cellulose 0.5% 0.5%
maximum maximum – – – – – – – –
2. Carboxymethyl 0.5% 0.5%
Cellulose maximum maximum – – – – – – – –
1. Sorbic Acid – 100ppm 0.5% 0.1% 300ppm
maximum maximum maximum maximum – – – – –

2. Benzoic Acid – 300ppm – – – – – – – –
D.Anticaking Agent
1. Carbonates of Calcium Not more
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955

and Magnesium than 2.0%

2. Phosphates of Calcium } singly or in
and Magnesium combination
3. Silicates of Calcium, ---------------
Magnesium or Sodium Should have been
or Silicon dioxide Clubbed with 1& 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
4. Myristates, palmitates Not more
or stearates of 2.0% maxium
Aluminium, Calcium, singly or in
Potassium or Sodium combination
E. Artificial Sweetener (Singly)
1. Aspertame 200ppm – – – 10000ppm 10000ppm 2000ppm 3000ppm –
maximum maximum maximum maximum maximum
2. Asesulfame K 500ppm – – – 5000ppm 3500ppm 50ppm 1500ppm –
maximum maximum maximum maximum maximum
3. Saccharin Sodium 500ppm 3000ppm 3000ppm 500ppm 450ppm –
maximum – – – maximum maximum maximum maximum –

4. Sucralose 750ppm
maximum – – – – – – – –
F. Polyols (singly or in combination)
1. Sorbitol – GMP – – – GMP GMP GMP – GMP
2. Manitol – GMP – – – GMP GMP GMP – GMP
3. Xylitol – GMP – – – GMP GMP GMP – GMP
4. Isomalt – – – – – GMP GMP GMP – GMP
5. Lactitol – – – – – GMP GMP GMP – GMP
6. Maltitol – – – – – GMP GMP GMP – GMP
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Table 3
Use of Food additives in foods not Specified
Sl. Name of theProduct Colour Preservatives Emulsifier/Stabliliser Flavour Anticaking Acid Improver/
Enhancer Agent Regulators Leavening
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Desert Jelly – – Carageenan-GMP – – – –
2. Dairy based drinks, – – Carageenan-Singly-GMP – – – –
flavoured and/or Pectin-Singly-GMP,
fermented(e.g. Mono & diglycerides of Fatty
chocolate, milk, Acids-Singly-GMP,
cocoa, eggnog)- Lecithin-Singly-GMP,
UHT Sterilised Sodium Alginate and Calcium
milk shelf life more Alginate-Singly-GMP,
than 3 months Xantham Gum-Singly-GMP,
Microcrystalline cellulose-

Guar gum-Singly-GMP
3. Powdered soft drink Titanium – – – Sodium – –
concentrate mix/fruit Dioxide- Aluminium
beverage drink 100ppm Silicate-0.5%
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955

maximum, maximum
Ponceau 4R/
Sunset Yellow FCF,
Indigo Carmine
Brilliant Blue FCF
Fast Green FCF
100 ppm

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4. Soups, Bullions – – – Di-Sodium – – –
and Taste Makers 5 Guanalate
5. Custard Powder, Ponceau 4R/Carmoisine – – – – – –
Jelly Crystal, Erythrosine/Tartrazine/
ice-candy, Sunset Yellow FCF/
Thread candies, Indigo Carmine/
Wafers Brilliant Blue FCF/
Fast Green FCF-
100ppm maximum
6. Flavour Emulsion, Ponceau 4R/ Carmoisine/ – – – – – –
Flavour Paste (for Erythrosine/ Tartrazine/
carbonated and Sunset Yellow FCF/

non-carbonated Indigo Carmine/

water only) Brilliant Blue FCF/
Fast GreenFCF/
100ppm maximum-
on dilution as per ins-
truction on the label
7. Sausages and – Sulphur dioxide – – – – –
Sausage meat 450ppm maximum
containing raw
meat, cereals
and condiments
8. Corn flour and – Sulphur dioxide – – – – –
such like starches 100ppm maximum
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9. Corn syrup – Sulphur dioxide – – – – –
450 ppm maximum

10. Canned rasgolla – Nisin-5 ppm – – – – –

(the cans shall maximum
be internally
lacquered with
sulphur dioxide
resistant lacquer)
11. Gelatine – Sulphur dioxide – – – – –
12. Beer – Sulphur dioxide – – – – –

13. Cider – Sulphur dioxide – – – –
14. Alcoholic wines – Sulphur dioxide – – – – –
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955

15. Non-Alcoholic wines – Sulphur dioxide – – – – –
16. Ready-to-serve Sulphur dioxide – – – – –
beverages – 70ppm
maximum or
Benzoic Acid-
120 ppm

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
17. Brewed ginger beer – Benzoic Acid- – – – – –
18. Coffee extract – Benzoic Acid- – – – – –
19. Danish tinned caviar – Benzoic Acid- – – – – –
20. Dried Ginger – Sulphur dioxide – – – – –
21. Flour confectionery – Sorbic Acid – – – – –

Potassium and
Calcium Salt
(Calculated as
Sorbic Acid)-
22. Smoked fish (in – Sorbic Acid- – – – – –
(wrappers) only wrapper
may be
with Sorbic
23. Dry mixes of – Sulphur dioxide – – – – –
Rasgollas 100ppm
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
24. Preserved Chapaties – Sorbic Acid- – – – – –
25. Fat Spread – Sorbic acid – – – – –
and its Sodium,
Potassium and
Calcium salts
(calculated as
sorbic acid) –
maximum or
Benzoic Acid
and its Sodium
and Potassium

salts (Calculated
as benzoic acid)
or both – 1000ppm
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955

26. Prunes – Potassium – – – – –

(Calculated as
sorbic Acid) -
27. Baked food & – Ammonia – – – – –
confections Carbonate-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Baked Food & Bi-carbonate
Confections -GMP,
Baking Powder
28. Flour for baked – Sodium – – – – –
food Diacetate-
2500 ppm
or Mehyl
- 500ppm

29. Fruit, fruit pulp – – – – – – –
or juice (not dried)
for conversion
into jam or
crystallised glace
or cured fruit or
other products
a) Cherries – Sulphur – – – – –
dioxide-2000 ppm
b) Strawsberries Sulphur – – – – –
and Raspberries dioxide-2000 ppm
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955


Carbonate –



500 ppm


– GMP,

BYE-LAWS, 1986




(Department of Health)

New Delhi, 5th September, 1986

S.O.657(E)- In exercise of the Powers conferred by Sub-section

(6) of section 3 of the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 (37of

1954) and after previous approval of the Central Government, the Central

Sucroglycerides –

Committee for Food Standards (hereinafter referred to as the Committee)

(only in cakes),

hereby makes the following Bye-laws for regulating its procedure and
propyl Methyl

transaction of its business, namely:–


Fatty Acid

Ester of

1. Short title and Commencement-

(1) These Bye-laws may be called the Central Committee for Food


standards (Procedure and Transaction of Business) Bye-laws,

dioxide-1000 ppm

dioxide-2000 ppm

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in
Nisin-5000 IU

Nisin-5.0 ppm
Potassium and

(Calculated as

the Official Gazette.

Calcium Salt

Sorbic Acid)
– 1500 ppm
Sorbic Acid





12.5 ppm


2. Time and place of meetings of the Committee. The Committee



Nisin -

shall meet at such time and place as the Chairman of the Committee
(hereinafter referred to as the Chairman) may from time to time

3. Power to call meeting of the Committee. The Chairman may, at


any time, call a meeting of the Committee and shall also do so, if a
requisition for that purpose is presented to him in writing by not
less than fifty per cent of the members of the Committee specifying
33. Canned Rasogula

the subject of discussion at the meeting proposed to be called.

Coconut Water
d) Dehydrated
c) Other fruits


4. Notice for meeting.

32. Prepacked
31. Cakes and
30. Paneer

(1) A notice of not less than twenty-one clear days' in respect of

every meeting of the Committee, shall be given to each of its

members who is for the time being in India.


400 401
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
(2) The aforesaid notice may be served on any member of the (2) No business other than the business included in the agenda
Committee either through a person or by registered post or for that meeting shall be transacted at any such adjourned
telegram sent to each such member at his latest address meeting except with the consent of the Chairman.
intimated by him in writing to the Secretary of the 8. Voting.-
(1) Each member of the Committee shall have one vote.
(3) Any incidental omission to give the aforesaid notice to any (2) All matters submitted for consideration at a meeting of the
of the members of the Committee shall not invalidate any Committee shall be decided by a majority of the members
decision taken or resolution passed at any such meeting of present and voting at such meeting; and in case of equality
the Committee. of votes on an issue, the Chairman or the person presiding
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), a meeting at the said meeting shall have second or casting vote.
of the Committee may be called by the Chairman at a shorter 9. Transaction of business by circulation of papers.-
notice of not less than seven clear days if he is of opinion (1) Any business, which in the opinion of the Chairman, is
that the matter to be discussed at the proposed meeting is of necessary for the Committee to transact before the next
such a nature that it requires to be considered urgently by meeting of the Committee, may be transacted by circulation
the Committee. of papers sent to all the members of the Committee, for the
5. Quorum- time being in India, in the manner and at the latest address
(1) No business shall be transacted at a meeting of the as is specified in clause (2) of bye-law 4, and any decision
Committee unless at least one-third of its members are taken or resolution passed by a majority of the members
present. through such circulation shall be as affectual and bindings
(2) If there is no quorum within half an hour from the time as if it has been taken or, as the case may be passed at a
appointed for holding the meeting, the same shall stand meeting of the Committee.
adjourned till such time to the same day as the Chairman (2) When any papers mentioned in clause (1) are sent to the
may decide. members by circulation, a period of not less than 30 clear
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), if there days shall be communicated to all the members of the
is no quourm at any such adjourned meeting also, members Committee.
present at the meeting shall form the quorum. 10. Record of business. - A record of all business transacted by the
6. Chairman to preside at meetings of the Committee.- Committee, shall be maintained including the issue of the
minutes. The said minutes duly approved by the Chairman shall
(1) The Chairman of the Committee shall, when present, preside
be circulated to all the members, for their approval or comments
at all meetings of the Committee.
within 30 days of the date of which the minutes are issued.
(2) If for any reason, the Chairman is not present in an meeting Comments received on the minutes, if any, should be put at the
any other member duly authorised by the Chairman shall next meeting of the Committee for confirmation of the said
preside at the meeting of the Committee.
7. Adjournment of meeting.-
(1) The Chairman may, with the consent of the members present
at any meeting of the Cimmittee, adjourn the meeting from
time to time.
402 403
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955

Notification SCHEDULE
Sl. No. Officer Local-area
Section 2(VI) 1. Health Officer of major port The area within the limits
appointed under sub-clause (a) of the major port for which
1. Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), Noti : No. G.S.R. 1454, clause (5) of Rule 2 of the Indian he is appointed.
dated August 26, 1976. See 1976 Current Central Legislation. Port Health Rules. 1955
Part III, p. 250 [129].
2. Health Officer refrred to in clause The area within the airport
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (vi) of Section 2, (8) of Rule 2 of the Indian Aircraft for which he is appointed.
the Central Government in the Ministry of Railways hereby empower (Public Health) Rules, 1954.
the Chief Medical Officers of the Zonal Railways to exercise the powers
and perform the duties of the Food (Health) Authority with respect to
the local area as notified in the Gazette of India under G.S.R. No. 282, Section 4
dated 28.2.70, which falls within their respective jurisdication.
4. Noti. No. S.O. 80 (E), dated February 8, 1978, See 1978
Current Central Legislation, Part III p. 161 (200).
Section 2(viii a)
2. Ministry of Railways (Railways Board), Noti. No. G.S.R. 1453, In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to sub-
dated August 26, 1976 Current Central Legislation, Part III section (1) of Section 4, the Central Government hereby specifies each
p. 250 [128]. of the following Institutes as a Central Food Laboratory for the purpose
of this Act with effect from 1st April, 1978, namely:
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (viii a) of Section
2, the Central Government in the Ministry of Railways hereby appoint 1. The Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore.
all Medical Superintendents/Divisional Medical Officers of the Zonal
Railways to be the Local (Health) Authority in relation to a local area 2. The State Public Health Laboratory, Pune.
as notified in the Gazette of India under the G.S.R. No. 282, dated
3. The Food Research and Standardisation Laboratory, Ghaziabad.
28.2.70 in respect of the portion of the local area falling within their
respective jurisdication.
Section 20
3. Noti. No. G.S.R. 650 (E), dated October 13, 1977. See 1977
Current Legislation, Part III, p. 398 [423]. 5. Ministry of Railways (Railways Board), Noti. No. G.S.R. 237,
dated January 20, 1977, See 1977 Current Central Legislation,
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (viii a) Section
Part III, p. 29[37].
2, the Central Government hereby appoints the officers mentioned
in column (2) of the Schedule annexed hereto be the Local (Health) In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of section
Authority incharge of the Health administration in the local area 20, the Central Government hereby authorises the Chief Medical
respectively specified against him in coloumn (3) of the said Officers of the Zonal Railways within their respective jurisdications
Schedule:- for the purpose of the said sub-section.
404 405
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955

Rule 6(i) SCHEDULE

Sl. No. Officer Local-area
6. Noti. No. S.O. 858 (E), dated December 28, 1977, See 1977
Current Central Legislation Part III, p. 408 (404). 1. Every Officer appointed as the Local The area are
(Health) Authority by the notification within the limits
In pursuance of the provision of Rule 6(i) of the Prevention of of the Govt. of India in the Ministryof of major port or
Food Adulteration Rules 1955, the Government of India hereby recognises Health and Family Welfare (Dept. of Airport for which
Central Food Laboratories established under Section 4 of the Preventation Health) No.P.15014/12/76-PH(F&N), appointed
of Food Adulteration Act 1954, and all laboratories where Public Analysts dated 22.10.77 published in Gazette of
are appointed under the provision of the Prevention of Food Adulteration India (Extraordinary), Part II, Section 3
Act 1954 for purpose of considering experience gained therein for Sub-Section (i) under G.S.R. No 650 (E)
appointment as Public Analyst.
9. Ministry of Health and Faamily Welfare (Department of Health)
No. GSR 550 (E), dated 4th December, 1996.
Rule 8
GSR 550(E)– In pursuance of the sub-rule (2) of rule 6 of the
7. Noti No. G.S.R. 634(E), dated October 7, 1977,See 1977 Current Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 the Central Government
Central Legislation, Part III, p. 397 [420] hereby appoints the Board comprising following members, till further
orders, for the purpose of considering the candidates suitable and qualified
In exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (iii) and (iv) of to hold the post of Public Analyst under the provisions of the Prevention of
Rule 8, the Central Government hereby approves the Food (Health) Food Adulteration Act, 1954 (37 of 1954) and the rules made thereunder,
Authorities of all State and Union Territories except Manipur, Nagaland, namely:–
Meghalya, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, (1) A representative not below the rank of a Deputy Director in the Central
Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Goa Daman & Diu, Lakshadweep Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore.
and Mizoram, for providing training in Food Inspection and Sampling work (2) A Professor not below the rank of an Assistant Professor of one of the
as provided in the said clauses for a period of one year from the date of Universities/Institutes imparting training in Food Science/Analysis.
publication of the notification in the official Gazette (i.e.dated October 7,1977).
(3) A Public Analyst or a Director of a Central Food Laboratory other
than the Director, Central Food Laboratory, Calcutta.
8. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Department of Health),
(4) An expert in-charge from one of the Food Laboratories established by
Noti. No. SO 31(E), dated January 21, 1978, published in the
the Government of India in the Ministries of Defence, Railways, Civil
extraordinary Gazette of India Part II, Section 3 (i) dated
Supplies, Commerce, Food & Agriculture or Rural Reconstruction.
January 21, 1978.
(5) The Secretary, Central Committe for Food Standards, Directorate
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 20 of the Prevention General of Health Services, New Delhi.
of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 (37 of 1954) the Central Government (6) Director of Central Food Laboratory, Calcutta.
hereby authorise the person specified in column (2) of the schedule – Member Secretary
annexed hereto in respect of the local area respectively specified against The Board may hold examinations of the candidates as and when considered
him in column (3) thereof for the purpose of the said section 20. necessary in theory, practicals or in any other manner it deems fit.
406 407
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955

Commodity Index Cardamom Seeds, A.05.03.01,210 Chutney, Fruit, A.16.11,287

Cardamom Powder, A.05.03.02,210 Cinnamon Powder, A.05.06.01,213
The following is a commodity-wise guide to Appendix B of Rules. Cardamom Amomum Powder, Cinnamon Whole, A.05.06,212
The name of the commodity is followed by the item number as classified A.05,04,02,211
in the Rules and thereafter is given the page on which it appears. Cloves Whole, A.05.07,213
Cardamom Amomum Seeds,
Cloves Powder, A.05.07.01,213
Acesulfame K, A.07.13,235 Barley Powder, A.18.05.01,316 Cube Sugar, A.07.06,230
Cardamom Ammomum whole,
Ginger (South Adrak Powder), Barrey-ka-tel, A.17.09,295 A.05.04, 211 Cumin Black Whole, A.05.10,213
A.05.13.01,217 Bean, A.06,228 Carmoishine, A-26.12,362 Cumin Black Powder,
Adrak whole, A.05,13,217 Beef Fat, A.10.01,238 Carob Powder, A.10.08,240 A.05.10.01,213
Ajowan, A.05.23,225 Besan, A.18.04,316 Carum bulbocastanum, Cumin Powder, A.05.09.01,213
Almond Oil, A.17.16,303 Beverages-Alcoholic, A.29,370 A.05.02,207 Cumin Whole, A.05.09,213
Aluminium Lake of Sun Set, Beverages, Non-alcohlic, A.01,204 Cassia (Taj) whole, A.05.06.02,213 Curd, A.11.02.04,251
A.26.17,36 Binola-ka tel, A.17.02,292 Catechu, A.21,340 Curry Powder, A.05.21,223
Amchur, A.05.25,227 Biscuits, A.18.07,327 Cereals, A.18,312 Cocoa Butter, A.10.05,239
Annatto, A.26.09,358 Bishop's weed, A.05,23,223 Chakka, A.11.02.22,272 Cocoa Powder, A.10.06,239
Aniseed, A.05.22,225 Black Pepper whole, A.05,17,218 Chandi ka warq, A.27,367 Coconut Oil, A. 17.01,294
Any Other food grains, Black Pepper Powder, A,05,17,01,219 Chana whole, A.18.06.08,322 Coffee, green, raw unroasted
A.18.06.04,326 Blended edible veg.oil, A.17.24,308 Cheese Hard, A.11.02.07,252 A.08.237
Arhar split pulse (dal), Boiled Milk, A.11.01.04,244 Cheese Processed, Coffee-Chicory mixture,
A.18.06.09,323 Bread, A.18.14,332 A.,251 A.08.03,237
Arrowroot, A.03.01,207 Brilliant Blue FCF A.26.15,365 Chewing gum, A.25.02.01,345 Colour Preparations & Mixtures,
Aspertame, A.07.12,235 Bubble gum, A.25.02.01,345 Chhana, A.11.02.05,251 A. 26.14, 361
Asafoetida, A.04,207 Buffalo Milk, A.11.01.11,245 Chhoti Elachi Powder, Common Salt Edible, A.15,278
A.05.03.02,208 Compounded Asafoetida,
Atta, A.18.01,312 Bura sugar, A.07.02.01,230
Chhoti Elachi Seeds, A.04,205
Butterfat, Butter oil, A.,272
B A.05.03.01,208
Butter Toffee, A.25.01,340 Condensed milk Unsweetened,
Badi Elachi Powder, A.05.04. 02,209 Chhoti Elachi Whole, A.05.03,208 A.11.02.10,256
B-Carotene, A.26.06,354
Badi Elachi Seeds, A.05.04.01,209 Chicory, A 08.02,236 Condensed Milk Sweetened,
Badi Elachi Whole, A.05.04,209 C Chillies Powder, A.05.05.01,212 A.11.02.11,256
Bajra, A.18.06.03,319 Caramel, A.26.08,356 Chillies Whole, A.05.05,212 Condensed Skimmed Milk
Bakery Shortening, A.19.01,339 Caraway Black, A.05.02,209 Chlorophyll, A 26.07,355 Un-sweetened, A.11.02.12,256
Bakery & Industrial Margarine Caraway Powder, A.05.01.01,209 Chocolate, A.25.03,347 Condensed Skimmed Milk
A.12.01, 276 Caraway Whole, A.05.01,207 Chocolate Ice Cream, Sweetened, A.11.02.13, 257
Carbonated water, A.01.01,204 A.11.02.08,254 Confectionery, A.25,340
Baking Powder, A.02,206
Cardamom Whole, A.05.03,210 Choker, A.18.05.01,314
Bandhni Hing, A.04,205 Cooking butter, A.11.02.20,267
408 409
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Cariander Powder, A.05.08.01,214 Dhania Whole, A.05.08,212 Foodgrains, A.18.06,317 Hing, A.04,205
Coriander Whole, A.05.08,214 Dhupa Fat, A.10.11,242 Fortified Atta, A.18.01.01,312 Hingra, A.04,205
Corn Oil, A.17.14,298 Double Toned Milk, Fortified Maida, A18.02.01,314 Honey, A.07.03,231
Cornflour, A.18.08,328 A.11.01.09,245 Fruit Beverage, A.16.05,286 I
Cornflakes, A.18.09,328 Double Toned Milk, Fruit Chutney, A.16.11,289 Ice-candy, A.07.04.01,232
Cottonseed Oil, A.17.02,294 A.11.01.11,249 Fruit Drink, A.16.05,286 Ice-Cream, A.11.02.08,254
Cow milk, A. Dried Glucose Syrup, Fruit Jelly, A.16.15,292
Cream, A.11.02.02,251 Ice-lollies, A.07.04,229-231
A.07.11,234 Fruit Juice, A.16.01,283
Creamery Butter, A.11.02.19,267 Icing Sugar, A.07.09,234
Dried Ice Gream Mix., Fruit Product, A.16,283
Cube Sugar, A.07.06,232 A.,255 Imported Rapeseed oil,
Fruit Squash, A.16.04,285 A.17.18,304
Cumin Powder, A.05.09.01,215 Dried Mango Slices, A.05.24,226
Fruits Syrup, A.16.03,285 Indigo Carmine, A26.05,353
Cumin Whole, A.05.09,215 Dried Mango Powder,
Full Cream Milk, Infant formula, A.,263
Cumin Black Powder, A.11.01.10A,245,249 Infant Milk Food, A.11.02.18,261
A.05.10.01,215 E G Instant Coffee-chicory mixture,
Cumin Black Whole, A05.10,215 Edible Common Salt, A.15,280 A.08.05,238
Gelatin, A.22,341
Curry Powder, A.05.21,221 Edible fat, A.10,238 Interestified Veg. fat, A.17.15.01,301
Ghee, A.11.02.21,270 Iodised Salt, A.15.01,281
Custard Powder, A.18.10.329 Edible ices, A.07.04,231
Gingelly Oil, A.17.11,296 Irani Hing, A.04,205
Edible Oils, A.17,294
D Ginger Powder, A.05.13.01,217 Iron Fortified Common Salt,
Erythrosine, A.26.04,351
Dahi, A.11.02.04,251 Ginger Whole, A.05.13,217 A.15.02, 283
Evaporated Milk, A.11.02.10,254
Dal Arhar, A.18.06.09,323 Goat Fat, A.10.03,238 J
Evaporated Skimmed Milk,
Dal Moong, A.18.06.10,323 A.11.02.12,254 Goat or Sheep milk, A.11.01.11,248 Jaepatri Powder, A.05.14.01,216
Glycerol Esters of wood rosin, Jaepatri Whole, A.05.14,216
Dal Urd, A.18.06.11,324 F A.01.01,205 Jaggery, A.07.05,232
Dal Chana, A.18.06.12,324 Fast Green FCF/A.26.16,366
Golden Syrup, A.07.08,231 Jaiphal Powder, A.05.16.01,218
Dal Masur, A.18.06.13,325 Fat Spread, A.31,371 Jaiphalwhole, A.05.16,218
Groundnut Kernel, A.28,369
Dalchini Powder,A.05.06.01,211 Fennel Powder, A.05.11.01,216 Jam, A.16.07,287
Groundnut Oil, A.17.03,295
Dalchini Whole, A.05.06,210 Fennel Whole, A.05.11,216 Jawar, A.18.06.03,319
Gur, A.07.05,232
Deshi (Cooking) Butter, Fenugreek Powder, A.05.12.01,217 K
A.11.02.20,269 Fenugreek Whole, A.05.12,216
Kalimirch Powder ,A.0517.01,219
Dextrose, A.07.07,233 Flavoured Milk, A.11.01.05,244 Haldi Powder, A.05.20.01,221
Kalimirch Whole, A.05.17,218
Dhania Powder, A.05.08.01,212 Food Colours, A.26,349 Haldi Whole, A. 05.20,221
Kalonji Powder, A.05.10.01,213
410 411
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Kalonji Whole, A.05.10,213 Malted Milk Food, A.18.12,329 Non-alcoholic Beverages, Pepper Black Powder,
Kangra Tea, A.14.01,279 Mango Kernel Fat, A.10.10,241 A.01,202 A.05.17.01,221
Katha, A.21,338 Margarine, Table, A.12,273 Nutmeg Powder, A.05.16.01,220 Pepper Black Whole,
Kèsar, A.05.19,220 Marmalade, A.16.09,289 Nutmeg Whole, A.05,16,220 A.05.17,220
Khandsari Sugar, A.07.02,229 Masur Whole, A.18.06.05,320 O Pepper White Powder,
Khas-Khas whole, A.05.18,220 Meat & Meat Product, Oats, Rolled, A.18.13,330 A.05.26.01, 228
Khoya, A.11.02.17,264 A.34 to A.34.07, 380 to 386 Olive Oil, A.17.07,297 Pepper White Whole, A.05.26,227
Kokum fat, A.10.09,241 Masur Dal, A.18.06.13,323
Other Foodgrains, A.18.06.14,324 Phulwara Fat, A.10.12,242
Kulfi, A.11.02.08,254 Methi Whole, A.05.12,214
Methi Powder, A.05.12.01,215 P Pickle, A.16.16,292
L Pinheads, A.05.17.03,205
Milk, A.11.01.01,243 Packaged Drinking Water,
Lal mirchi Powder, A.05.05.01,210 A.33,377 Plantation White Sugar, A.07.01,228
Milk and Milk Products, A.11,243
Lal Mirchi Whole, A.05.05,210
Milk Cereal Based Weaning Palm Oil, A.17.19,305 Ponceau 4R, A.26.11,361
Laung Whole, A.05.07,211 Foods, A., 266 Palmolein, A. 17.20,305 Poppy Whole, A 05,18,222
Laung Powder, A.05.07.01,211 Milk Ices, A.11.02.09,255
Lard, A.10.04,238 Palm Kernel Oil, A.17.21,306 Potassium iodate, A.15.01.01,282
Milk Lollies, A.11.02.09,255
Light Black Pepper, A.05.17.02,221 Milk Powder, A.11.02.14,258 Pan Masala, A.30,353 Poppyseed Oil, A.17.08,297
Lineed Oil, A.17.04,295 Milk Products, A.11.02,250 Paneer, A.11.02.05,251 Processed Cheese,
Low and High Fat Cocoa Powder, Milk Toffee, A.25.01,340 A.,253
Partly Skimmed Milk Powder,
A.10.06,237 A.11.02.16, 260 Processed Cheese Spread,
Mineral Water, A.32,372
Low Birth Weight Infact Milk A.,253
Mixed Milk, A.11.01.05A,244 Partly Skimmed Sweetened
Substitute A.11.02,1801,205 Processed Cereal based weaning food,
Mixed Milk, A.11.01.11,249 Condensed milk
Lozenges, A.25.02,344 A., 267
Mixed Masala Whole, A.05.21.01,225 A.,257
M Protein Rich Atta, A.18.01.02, 313
Misri, A.07.01.01,229 Partially hydrogenated &
Protein Rich Maida,
Macaroni Products, A.18.11,329 Moong Whole, A.18.06.07,321 winterised soybean oil, A.17,25,309
Mace Powder, A.05.14.01,218 Moong Dal, A.18.06.10,321 Partially hydrogenated soyabean
Mace Whole, A.05.14,218 Moonghaphali-ka-tel, A.17.03,293 oil, A. 17.26,310 Q
Mahua Oil, A.17.05,296 Mustard Oil, A. 17.06,294 Pasteurisation of Milk, Qucik- cooking Oats, A.18.13, 316
Maida, A.18.02,313 Mustard Powder, A.05.15.01,219 A.11.01.02,243 R
Maize, A.18.06.02,318 Mustard Whole, A.05.15,219 Pathani Hing, A.04,207 Rai Powder, A.05.15.01,203
Maize Oil, A.17.14,300 Mutton Fat, A.10.02,238 Paushtik Atta, A.18.01.02,313 Rai Whole, A.05.15,203
Maize Starch, A.18.08,326 N Rapeseed Oil, A.17.06,296
Paushtik Maida, A.18.02.02,314
Malai, A.11.02.03,251 Naryal-ka-tel, A.17.01,292 Rapeseed Oil imported,
Pearl Barley, A.18.05,316
Malt Based Foods A.18.12.01, 331 Niger seed Oil, A.17.12,299 A,17.18,288
412 413
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955
Rawa, A.18.03,299 Sesame Oil, A.17.11,282 Suji, A.18.03,315 Tomato Paste, A.16.14,275
Recombied Milk, A.11.01.07,244 Sharbat, A.07.08.01, 233 Sunflower Oil, A.17.22,307 Tomato Puree, A.16.14,291
Recombined Milk, A.11.01.11,249 Shrikhand, A.,273 Sunset Yellow, A.26.02,350 Tomato Relish, A.16.06,271
Refined salseed fat, A.10.07,239 Siahjeera, A.05.02,193 Sweetening Agents, A.07,228 Toned Milk, A.11.01.08,244
Refined Sugar, A.07.01.02,229 Siahjeera Powder, Sweets and Confectionery, Toned Milk, A.11.01.11,249
Refined Vegetable Oil, A.17.15,301 A.05.01.01,193 A.25,342 Toria Oil, 17.06,280
Riboflavin, A.26.10,360 Siahjeera Whole, A.05.01,192 Synthetic Vinegar, A.20.01,340 Turmeric Powder, A.05.20.01,223
Rice, A.18.06.04,319 Silver Leaf, A.27,369 Synthetic Syrup, A.07.08.01,333 Turmeric Whole, A.05.20,223
Rice Bran Oil, A,17.23,307 Skimmed Milk, A.11.01.10,245 Soyabean Oil, A.17.13,300 U
Roasted coffee,A.08.01,236 Skimmed Milk, A.11.01.11,249 Soyabean Sauce, A.16.12.01, 275 Urd Whole, A.18.06.06,321
Rolled Oats, A. 18.13, 332 Skimmed Milk Powder, Synthetic food colour preparation Urd Dal, A.18.06.11,308
A.11.02.15,259 & Mixtures, A.26.14,363
Soluble Coffee Powder, T V
Saccharin Sodium, A.07.10.234 A.08.04, 237
Table (creamery) Butter, Vanaspati, A.19,338
Safed Jeera Powder, Solvent Extract Soya Flour & other
A.05.09.01,199 A.11.02.19,269 Vegetable oil, Refined, A.17.15,285
Flours, A.18.15 to A.15.04, 318 to
Safed Jeera Whole,A.05.09,199 322 Table Margarine, A.12,275 Vermicellie, A.18.11,313
Safflower seed Oil, A.17.09,297 Sonth Powder, A.05.13.01,200 Taj, A.05.06.02,197 Vinegar, A.20,340
Saffron, A.05.19,222 Soyabean Sauce, A.16.12.01,291 Taramira Oil, A.171.10,298 W
Sago, A.03.02,207 Sonth Whole, A.05.13,201 Tartrazine, A.26.01,349
Warq Chandi-ka, A.27,352
Sal seed fat, A.10.07,223 Spices and Condiments, A.05,208 Tea, A.14,278
Water-melon seed Oil, A.17.17,303
Salt Edible Common, A.15,264 Spices Based Sauce, A.16.13,291 Til Oil, A17.11,298
Wheat, A.18.06.01,317
Sargiya-ka-tel, A17.12,283 Spaghetti, A.18.11,313 Tisi-ka-tel, A.17.04,279
Wholemeal Barley Powder,
Sarson Powder, A.05.15.01,203 Standardised Milk, Toria tel, A.17.06, 280 A.18.05.01,316
Sarson Whole, A.05.15,203 A.11.01.06,244,249 Toddy, A.29.01,370
Standard for different Milk, Toffees, A.25.01,344
Sarson-ka-tel, A.17.06,280
A.11.01.11,229 Tomato Juice, A.16.02,284 Yoghurt, A.11.02.23,274
Sauce, A.16.12,290
Starchy Foods, A.03,191 Tomato sauce, Ketchup,
Saunf Imported, A.05.22,225
Sterilisation of Milk, A.11.01.03,244 A.16.06,287
Saunf Powder, A.05.11.01,200
Sugar, A.07.01,212
Saunf Whole, A.05.11,200
Sugar boild Confectionery, œœœ
Semolina, A.18.03,315 A.25.01,342 œœ
414 415

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