Course Reflections

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Course Reflections

Nutrition Courses
NUTR 1000- Introduction to Nutrition
This class focused on the nutrients, their food sources and functions in the body and application of
planning an adequate diet. This class was important for me because it solidified my interest in becoming
a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. This class made me want to learn more and more about nutrition and
how it affects the body. I have two memorable assignments from this class. The first was my food diary;
I had to record what I ate for three days and analyze my intake with the MyPlate recommendations. The
second was a grocery store challenge; I, along with a group of two other students, had to plan a dinner
party under a specific budget. The meal had to include a main dish, a side dish, dessert, and drinks. I
really enjoyed learning the fundamentals of Nutrition from this class.

NUTR 1100- Introduction to Food Systems/EH 275- Environmental and Occupational Safety
This class focused on the food system and other occupational safety standards, along with the safety
measures and temperatures of preparing food. This class also went over how food affects the
environment. This class was very interesting and I learned a lot of valuable information for my future
career and cooking in my own home.

NUTR 2000-Lifespan Nutrition (Taking fall 2015)

This class examined the nutritional needs and unique concerns to foster optimal growth and
development throughout the lifespan including maternity (pregnancy and lactation), infancy, childhood,
adolescence, adults, and elderly. Principles from nutrition, as clarified by current research, were used to
plan and implement recommendations for dietary change during these stages of the life cycle.

NUTR 2200- Science of Food I

This class discussed scientific principles applied to selection, storage and preparation of foods with
emphasis on the macromolecules. It also introduced consumer food regulation and sensory analysis.
This class was particularly interesting for me because it showed me the science behind food. It allowed
me to understand why meat turns brown when cooked, or what affect acid has on pigments. The lab of

this class was also very beneficial because I got to use the principles I learned in the classroom, in a real
life setting: the kitchen. This class helped me understand the science makeup of food.

NUTR 2220-Science of Food II (Taking Spring 2015)

This class used the principles learned in Science of Food I and took them to a deeper level.

NUTR 2990-Professional Development in Food and Nutrition Sciences

This class allowed me to become aware of the philosophy, goals, organizations, and requirements of the
dietetic profession. It also taught life lessons through resume writing, personal statements, and how to
succeed in an interview.

NUTR 3000/5080- Nutrient Metabolism (Taking Fall 2015)

This class examined the macronutrients and micronutrients from a scientific standpoint. This included
their digestion, metabolism, and utilization at the cellular level. It also evaluated the recommended
intake for the prevention of chronic disease and health maintenance.

NUTR 3100/5100- Medical Nutrition Therapy I (Taking Spring 2015)

This class taught medical nutrition therapy associated with the prevention and treatment of diseases,
including overweight/obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and kidney disease.

NUTR 3300- Principles of Quantity Food Production and Purchasing (Taking Summer 2015?)
This class focused on food purchasing and preparation principles applied to a large quantity of food
production, menu planning, recipe standardization, food costs, and service in institutions.

NUTR 3350- Introduction to Food Production (Taking Summer 2015)

This class applied the knowledge learned from Principles of Quantity Food Production and Purchasing. It
allowed me as a student to learn food purchasing, quantity food production, and food management
principles in a commercial kitchen. Also the food safety and sanitation principles were applied. Finally, I
learned standardization of recipes and used food service equipment in the production of food.

NUTR 3600/5600-Nutrition Counseling (Taking Spring 2015)

This class introduced the theory of Medical Nutrition Therapy; communicating health and nutrition
advice to consumers; and behavior change models used in Medical Nutrition Therapy.

NUTR 3910/5910- Food and Nutrition Sciences Field Experience (Taking Summer 2016)
This class offered professional experience in acute healthcare, long term care, community nutrition
programs, school nutrition programs, and food industry under daily supervision of a Registered Dietitian.

NUTR 4000/5000- Nutrition in the Community (Taking Spring 2015)

This class focused on the application of the Nutrition Care Process in the community, including:
assessment of community nutrition needs, policies and interventions to prevent and improve nutritional
well-being of individuals, families, and community; and agencies providing services. It also looked at the
role of the environment, food systems, and nutrition on community nutritional health. Finally it
examined public and health care policy affecting nutritional care.

NUTR 4100/5100 Medical Nutrition Therapy II (Taking Fall 2015)

This class assed medical nutrition therapy associated with the prevention and treatment of diseases,
including gastrointestinal, pulmonary, and wasting disease. It also taught enteral and parenteral

NUTR 4200/5200-Experimental Foods (Taking Spring 2016)

This class focused on factors which affect results of different methods used in food preparation, as well
as research techniques using subjective and objective evaluation of products.

NUTR 4901/5901- Food and Nutrition Sciences Senior Seminar (Taking Fall 2015)
This class examined the latest trends in the fields of food, nutrition, and applied nutrition.

NUTR 4920/5920- Nutrition Counseling Practicum (Taking Spring 2015)

This class offered the opportunity to counsel clients in a one-on-one and group format, under the
supervision of a registered dietitian; including assessment, treatment, evaluation, and follow-up in
outpatient care.

Science Courses
CHEM 1210- Principles of Chemistry
This class was an introduction to chemistry through study of atomic and molecular structure, periodic
table, states of matter, solutions, energy changes, acids and bases, equilibrium, and nuclear chemistry.
This class was beneficial because it allowed me to make the chemical connection to food and the make
up of the macromolecules.

CHEM 1220-Concepts in Chemistry (Taking Spring 2015)

This class surveyed organic chemistry and biochemistry and their impact upon daily existence.

CHEM 3010- Organic Chemistry (Taking Summer 2015)

This class taught the chemistry of the functional groups, an introduction to spectroscopy and the
importance of mechanism in organic synthesis.

CHEM 4890- Basic Biochemistry (Taking Spring 2016)

This course included introduction to biochemical concepts and techniques, metabolic pathways, and
information storage and transmission, with emphasis on directions of current biochemical research.

BIOS 1030- Human Biology I: Basic Principles

This class taught humans as biological organisms; our origins, ecology, and inheritance, and functioning
of our body systems. I enjoyed this class. It was interesting to learn the biology of humans.

BIOS 1700- Biological Sciences I: Molecules and Cells

This class focused on cellular and molecular biology. This class introduced the chemistry of life, cell
structure and function, and the principles of inheritance. This class was very helpful. It provided a solid
foundation of biology at the cellular level.

BIOS 1705- Biological Sciences I: Laboratory

This lab accompanied the BIOS 1705: Molecules and Cells lecture class. The lab allowed me to physically
see and evaluate different cells.

BIOS 1710-Biological Sciences II: Ecology, Evolution, and Animal Body Systems
This course focused on animal organ systems. It introduced multicellular life, organ systems, anatomy,
physiology, and animal development. It emphasized comparative strategies within the animal kingdom.
Introduced the principles of evolution, ecology, and behavior. This course was helpful because I learned
about the major organ systems and how they function within the body.

BIOS 1715-Biological Sciences II: Laboratory

This lab surveyed the major phyla of the animal kingdom to reveal evolutionary relationships and
structural and functional characteristics. This lab included microcopy and dissection. This lab was
beneficial because I got to physically see the organ systems and compare them to humans.

BIOS 1300- Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology I

This class introduced the structure and function of the human body in the study of cells, tissues, and the
integumentary, skeletal, muscular and nervous systems. This class was very interesting. It was helpful to
see all the intricate parts of the human body and how they function together.

BIOS 1310- Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology II

This course introduced structure and function of the human body in the study of digestive, urinary,
reproductive, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, endocrine systems, and acid-base balance. This
class was very advantageous to learn the inner workings of the human body and how all the systems
function together.

BIOS 2210- Microbes and Humans

This class was an introduction to microbiology. I was introduced to the history and life of
microorganisms with an emphasis on bacteria and viruses. I learned the interaction between humans
and microbes including vaccines, antibiotics, biotechnology, immunity, disease transmission, and food
spoilage. An overview of infectious diseases affecting human organ systems was also covered. This
course was interesting and will be beneficial in my career.
BIOS 2215- Microbes and Humans: Laboratory (Taking Spring 2016)
This lab focused on characteristics and activities of microbes of special relevance to human welfare, and
those affecting maintenance of environmental and food quality. There was an emphasis on human
immune cells and food production by microorganisms.

BIOS 2250/3250- Genetics in Human Society

This class discussed the basic principles of inheritance in humans. I learned normal and abnormal
chromosome constitutions, gene-protein interrelationships, and factors that cause mutations of genes
and chromosomes. This class focused on the significance of genetics in life of human society. I got a lot
out of this class. I learned about genetics in humans and how genes can affect a persons health.

Other Required Classes

ANTH 101-Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

This class taught the core concepts used in cultural anthropology and how anthropologists study human
cultures and societies. There was a focus on the relevance of anthropological theories, methods and
ethics in the context of contemporary culture change, taking into account processes of colonialism,
globalization, and development. I gained an appreciation of the broader goals of cultural anthropology,
recorded cultural patterns and behaviors, represented a variety of voices and perceptions, explained
cultural processes, and developed a fundamental understanding of human diversity. This class was
useful because it allowed me to appreciate cultural differences and how to better understand them.

COMS 1010- Fundamentals of Human Communication

This class analyzed oral communication in human relationships with focus on variety of contexts
including dyadic, small group, and public communication experiences. This class taught me how to
communicate with others which will be very beneficial in my career and life in general.

MGT 2000-Introduction to Management

This class taught an understanding of and practice in solving problems facing managers and
administrators using concepts and principles from behavioral sciences and other applicable disciplines.
This class was very helpful and allowed me to learn how to be an effective manager or administrator.

MGT 3300-Human Resource Management

This class surveyed human resource management practices in areas of human resource planning,
recruitment, selection, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation, disciple, safety
audits, and personnel research. This class included applications in employment law and discussion of

interface of line and staff responsibilities in organizations. This class was beneficial because I will be a
member of the workforce. This class taught very valuable workforce related information.

MKT 2020-Marketing Principles

This class provided a broad understanding of marketing activities, decisions, and terms with an emphasis
on the practices and problems of marketing managers and the analysis of the marketing environment.
This class was valuable as a consumer, as well as a future dietitian. As a dietitian, I will need to using
marketing strategies to figure out what will work on educating patients and what will not.

PSY 1010- General Psychology

This class was an introduction to psychology. The class focused on topics in experimental and clinical
psychology including physiological bases of behavior, sensation, perception, learning, memory, human
development, social processes, personality, and abnormal behavior. This class was advantageous
because in a career working with people, it is helpful to understand certain behaviors and perceptions.

PSY 2110/EDRE 7200-Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (Taking Spring 2016)
This class was an introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics with emphasis on inferential
statistics. This class was helpful because I will be doing research in my career. Also, in order to read
current research articles, it helps to have a basic understanding of statistics.

ACCT 1010- Foundations of Accounting

This class was an introduction to the accounting process, external financial reporting, and analysis. This
class presented compound interest concepts, financial literacy concepts and budgeting. Some
managerial concepts were also discussed. This class was effective because it taught me some basic skills
in finances.

ACCT 1020-Decision Making with Accounting (Taking Summer 2015)

This class used accounting information for making managerial decisions. Cost behavior, overhead cost
allocation, basic cost accumulation systems, elementary capital budgeting, master and flexible budgets,
and cost control were also studied.

ECON 1030- Principles of Microeconomics

This class focused on basic theory and economic analysis of prices, markets, production, wages, interest,
rent, and profits. It also analyzed the capitalistic system and determined what, how, and for whom to
produce. This class was useful because understanding basic economic principles is important to anyone
in the workforce.

HLTH 2300-Medical Terminology

This class taught medical terms associated with body systems, disease process, laboratory tests, and
clinical procedures commonly used in the health care setting. This class was very helpful and I learned a
lot. I will be working in the healthcare field and it is important to be able to understand the language.

MATH 2301-Calculus
This class taught calculus and analytical geometry with applications in the sciences and engineering. It
included basic techniques of differentiation and integration with applications including rate of change,
optimization problems, and curve sketching; including exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric
functions. This class was helpful because it is a foundation for being able to do calculations needed in my

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