Important Supreme Court Cases

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Kevin Howard

Important Supreme Court Cases

Baker v. Carr (1962)

The Tennessee Legislature set the amount of representatives per county in 1901 but certain
counties grew into urban areas but had the same amount of representatives
The Nashville Mayor (Baker) sued the Secretary of State of Tennessee (Carr) citing the 14th
The Federal Courts refused to hear the case
The Supreme Court said that Federal Courts could say if sate districts were constitutional or not

Barron v. Baltimore (1833)

John Barron owned a successful dock in Baltimore

As the town grew, sand accumulated at the bottom and denied him the deep water he needed
He sued Baltimore for his lost profit siting the 5th amendment for just compensation for taking
public lands
The Supreme Court didnt hear the case but said that the 5th amendment and bill of rights didnt
apply to the states but only to the national government

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)

The schools at that time were segregated between white and black children by law. They were
separate but equal under the law
Linda Brown and her family sued the Board of Education of Topeka to attend a white school
closer to their house
The Supreme Court Ruled that segregated school violated the 14th amendment which
desegregated public schools

Buckley v. Valeo (1976)

After the Watergate scandal the government tried to stop corruption

They limited how much a single person could donate to a campaign and required that
campaigns disclose donations over a certain amount. This created the Federal Election
Commission to enforce this.
Senator James Buckley filed suit against Francis Valeo citing these new laws violated the 1st
amendment rights of free speech
The Supreme court reached a decision stating that restricting donations from a single person did
not violate the 1st amendment
However they also said that limiting total campaign funds, candidates using their own money
and what campaigns can spend money on did violate the 1st amendment

Kevin Howard

Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)

Dred Scott was a slave from 1833-1843

He resided in Louisiana and Illinois
He returned to Missouri and sued for his freedom
The Supreme court ruled he was a slave under article III of the constitution and held up slavery
in the south

Engel v. Vitale (1964)

A school in New York sated a short prayer at the beginning of the school day
The Jewish families in the school district sued saying it violated the 1st amendment
The Court ruled that it indeed violated the 1st amendment which started the trend of getting rid
of all religious practices

Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)

New York had a law for letting selected individuals operate steamboats within the state
Tomas Gibbons, who operated between New York and New Jersey, challenged the licenses of
Aaron Ogden and the monopoly
The court ruled in favor of Gibbons and said the monopoly was unconstitutional and allowed
more power under the commerce act

Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)

Clarence Earl Gideon was charged with a felony and denied a lawyer in court because it was not
a capital offense
He found guilty but he filed a habeas corpus but was denied by the state. Then the supreme
court picked up the case
The court ruled that for any crime you have the right to be represented

Gitlow v. New York (1925)

Benjamin Gitlow who was a member of the socialist party was handing out his manifesto and
was arrested for anarchy
He argued that his manifesto posed no real threat because no one did anything.
The court ruled that the law was constitutional, people could be convicted if their works
resulted in violence, and set the standard that states could convict publications

Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)

Griswold was a director at a plan parenthood center that offered counseling for presenting
She was convicted under a law that prohibited counseling

Kevin Howard

The Supreme Court ruled that the Bill of Rights, even though it doesnt say it, has a right to
privacy in marital affairs

Grutter v. Bollinger (2003)

Barbara Grutter, a white student at the University of Michigan, applied for the universitys law
school and got denied. The school admitted to using race as a factor in admissions
The school said they used it to achieve diversity among the students
The Court ruled that using race in determining admissions does not break the Equal Protection
Clause and protected affirmative action

Korematsu v. United States (1944)

During WWII an executive order moved people of Japanese ancestry from areas around the
country to avoid espionage
Korematsu refused to move from his home in California and sued the government
The Supreme Court ruled that the protection from espionage was more important than his

Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971)

In Rhode Island and Pennsylvania funds were given to private Christian school
The Court ruled that funding Christian schools violated the 1st amendment and set up the
Lemon Test that dealt with religious laws

Mapp v. Ohio (1961)

Dollree Mapp was convicted of having obscene materials

This was after an illegal search by police
She argued that she had protection under the 1st amendment
The Court upheld the 4th amendment saying any evidence found illegally couldnt be used in any

Marbury v. Madison (1803)

John Adams named forty-two justices of the peace and sixteen new circuit court justices for the
District of Columbia under the Organic Act to try to keep power with the federalists

Thomas Jefferson refused to honor the commissions, claiming that they were invalid because
they had not been delivered by the end of Adamss term.
Marbury who was supposed to be appointed sued the Secretary of State James Madison to
deliver the commissions

The Marbury v. Madison decision resulted in establishment of the concept of judicial review

Kevin Howard
McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

The Bank of the United States opened a branch in Baltimore, Maryland

Maryland imposed a tax on the bank which cause a lawsuit
The Court ruled the government had no power to create the bank and that Maryland could not
tax national government institutions

Miranda v. Arizona (1966)

Ernesto Miranda was arrested but not read his rights by the police
He confessed but his attorney said the confession should not count because he was not read his
The supreme court ruled that the confession could not be used and that police had to say the
Miranda rights while arresting people

New York Times v. Sullivan (1964)

Civil rights leader bought an ad in the New York Times saying that they arrested MLK to stop his
mission to desegregate public facilities
City commissioner L.B. Sullivan sued citing a libel offense and won $50,000 in the case because
he didnt have to prove he was harmed
The Supreme Court ruled that anything can be printed about public officials as long as it wasnt

Oregon v. Smith (1990)

Two Native Americans were fired for using drugs during a religious ceremony
They were denied unemployment benefits because they were fired
The Court ruled that the state could deny benefits because citing religious beliefs does not grant
you amnesty from the laws

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

Homer Plessy was arrested while sitting in a white only train car even though he was 7/8th white
The Supreme Court ruled that the law separating white and blacks on trains was constitutional
and upheld segregation

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978)

Allan Blakke twice applied for the University of California medical school and was twice rejected
even though his scores and GPA exceeded those of the minorities accepted
This was a part of the affirmative action at the University of California
The court ruled that racial quotas were unconstitutional however using race as a part of
admissions was constitutional

Kevin Howard
Reynolds v. United States (1879)

George Reynolds was convicted of polygamy under a Utah law

He argued that disallowing plural marriage was against the first amendment
The Supreme Court Ruled that no the state could convict someone of a crime regardless of their
religious beliefs. This upheld the separation of Church vs. State

Roe v. Wade (1973)

Jane Roe was pregnant in Texas and unmarried

She sued to have an abortion during the first trimester citing a bunch of amendments
The court agreed and said any law prohibiting abortions during the first trimester was unlawful

Roth v. United States (1951)

Roth owned a book selling business in New York that sold obscene books
She was convicted under an anti- obscene law which she argued violated the 1st amendment
The Supreme Court ruled that the law was constitutional and that the 1st amendment didnt
cover all forms of expression

Schenck v. United States (1919)

Schenck refused to take part in the draft and encouraged people to do the same and protest
He was arrested by violating the Espionage Act
The Supreme Court ruled that he was guilty and during wartime, utterances tolerable in
peacetime can be punished

Texas v. Johnson (1989)

Gregory Johnson, as a form of protest, burned the American flag in front of a Texas court
He was sentenced to a year and prison and a fine
The Supreme Court ruled that he was protected by the 1st amendment
They said that Government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society
finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable."

Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District (1969)

A group of students were suspended after wearing armbands as a protests of Vietnam

The students sued the school for denying their right of expression
The Supreme court ruled that the school did violate their right of free speech
The dissent said that the free speech applies if they distract from their work

Kevin Howard

United States v. Nixon (1974)

After the Watergate scandal the special prosecutor tried to find the missing tapes
Nixon stated he didnt have to hand them over because of his executive privilege
The Court ruled that the president cannot have an executive privilege. This lead to Nixons

Weeks v. United States (1914)

The police seized papers used to convict weeks of a crime without a warrant
He fought citing the 4th amendment
The court agreed the police need a warrant to seize property and was the first application of the
exclusionary rule

Wesberry v. Sanders (1963)

James Wesberry sued the governor of Georgia against the voting districts
His larger county had the same amount of representatives as a much smaller county
The Court ruled that the appointment scheme violated the 14th amendment and reinforced
everyones vote is equal

Important Acts of Congress

Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)

Prohibits discrimination of disabled people in employment, employment, transportation, public

accommodation, communications, and governmental activities
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Department of Transportation, the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Department of Justice all enforce the laws
Positive Impact: Set regulations for and reduced discrimination of disabled people in the United
Didnt effect states much

No Child Left Behind Act (2001)

Kevin Howard

Education reformed that aimed to make all schools in the US give a good education
More funding to poor schools and high achieving for minority students
Standardized testing became more prevalent
Negative: Too much emphasis on standardized testing
Required the states to set accountability standards and set standardized tests

The Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974

Changed budget laws in the US

Created sub-committees in both house and senate, created the Budget Office and moved the
fiscal year from July to October
Negative: Congress has to work together to make one which doesnt always happen
Doesnt really effect states

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

Ended Segregation in public places

Banned discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin
Positive: It was a major milestone in equality in America
Many southern states resisted this new act and racism was still an issue. For example, Governor
Wallace and the national guard

The Clean Air Act (1970)

Regulated air emission and gave the EPA the power to create the National Ambient Air Quality
Standards (NAAQS)
Positive: Helps with hazardous air pollution for the public health
Forced the states to make implementation plans

The Federal Election Campaign Act (1974)

Set limits on contributions by individuals, political parties and PACs in presidential campaigns
Positive: Reduced how much money and donors can play a role in campaigns
Didnt affect the states

The Voting Rights act of 1965

Prohibited the denial or discrimination against voting nationwide

Positive: made voting for minorities a lot easier and followed up on the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Stopped voting fraud and discrimination in the southern states which again caused some

Kevin Howard
The War Powers Resolution (1973)

Requires the president to notify congress within 48 hour of sending the armed forces into
Negative: Lets the president go into any conflict without a declaration of war
States have people, President sends people, people die

USA Patriot Act (2001)

After 9/11 this act allowed better anti-terrorism capabilities and powers
Negative: Increased surveillance and the NSAs powers
Asked states and local law enforcement to conduct interviews and questionings

Welfare Reform Act (1996)

Changed welfare for families to a time-limited program, assisted need families, reduced
dependency of parents on aid
Positive: Increase in work and income for single household families
Let the states decide their own models for welfare

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