Mysore Care Sheet

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Common Name Indian Mysore scorpion

Scientific Name Heterometrus mysorensis
Description A large black forest scorpion. These have massive claws, These scorpions have an almost
armoured appearance. Probably one of the best scorpions for a display enclosure available. They can be
kept in a communal set up but the enclosure will have to be very large. Ideally keep in individual housing
unless breeding is the aim. Not a particularly defensive scorpion and the venom is not considered
harmful to humans.
Housing An ideal size enclosure would be 18x10 inches of ground space for a single scorpion. For a
substrate either a complete covering of coco humus or a 70% coco humus 30% orchid bark mix is ideal.
The substrate should preferably be at least 3 inches deep, deeper if possible. A selection of hides should
be available artificial reptile hides or cork bark are fine. The scorpion will naturally burrow under cork
Climate Humidity should be approx. 70-80%, not lower than 70%. Temperature should be a gradient in
the enclosure, 28C at the hot end. This is easily attained by fixing a heat mat to the outside wall of one
end of the tank and controlling it with a Mat Stat or On/Off stat, The probe should be inside the tank
close to the heated wall. Use a digital thermometer / hygrometer to accurately manage the climate.
The substrate should be damp to the touch and regular spraying with tepid water will hold the humidity.
At regular intervals the substrate will need to be watered to maintain humidity.
Feeding Mysore scorpions like their food. It is essential not to over feed these. One prey item once a
week is enough for a maintenance diet. Large crickets, Locusts and roaches are taken well, an occasional
Morio worm is also devoured with enthusiasm. These must have a good size water dish available with
clean water at all times.
General These are incredible invertebrates and are available in small numbers most of the time. For
those wanting to have a display scorpion this would be a very good choice. Mostly active morning and
evening it and set up in an enclosure well decorated with hides caves and artificial plants it is easy to
maintain and rewarding to keep.
Nick Cousins

This care sheet and photographs are the property of the author. However permission is given to share
and copy it in its entirety as long as the author is credited.

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