Educational Philosophy
Educational Philosophy
Educational Philosophy
to all the world has to offer. They will see all of their potential and understand what they can
accomplish when they think critically, reflect deeply, and express themselves creatively. The
methods I use in my classroom will work simultaneously current New York State Common Core
Standards and as a result my students will be on or exceed the state level expectations.
As a future educator, I hope to be a culturally competent teacher by aiding my students in
the understanding of American culture while simultaneously fostering the growth and pride in
the many cultures that make up their classrooms and communities. I hope to utilize the ideas of
James Banks by creating a community both within my classroom and throughout the school. In
the creation of this community, I see it as essential for all students and staff to view and respect
each other in a positive and equal way while at the same time commend one another on the
different and unique qualities that make us who we are. Children must be taught to appreciate
and value the cultural and educational differences they see within their peers and it is the
responsibility of the teachers to pave the way for this sort of awareness. With a mutual respect
and understanding of one another, students will have to the tools to prosper academically,
socially, and inter-culturally.
I strongly believe that being a teacher and an advocate involves more than teaching
content. We are contributing to who these young children will become in the future. It is
essential to demonstrate and aid in the formulation of positive student character. The hope is that
all of my students can be competent both within the walls of my classroom and in their own
personal lives and communities. I wish not to show them what I think positive moral fiber is, but
simply to guide them so that they may make that distinction on their own. I hope that by finding
these qualities in an organic way, students will deem them important, and in the future they will
be able to have a firm understanding of who they are as people and who they would like to
Just as my student's characters are evolving, I hope to evolve my teaching strategies by
becoming an effective reflective practitioner. I understand that excellence is only achieved
through dedication to one's profession. Thus, I hope to consistently analyze aspects of my
teaching. I will constantly evolve by continuing to learn both within my classroom and from my
colleagues. I will do my best to meet the needs of students, parents, and administrators, and will
inquire about what I can do better to meet their expectations when necessary.
Ideas about education are constantly being developed and I am aware that new
philosophies and theories will accompany and influence my beliefs. My hope is that with my
strong character and desire to succeed, I can continuously adopt ideas that will further my
students on their own paths to academic success.