Lbs 400 My Lesson Plan Draft

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Irma Ruiz-Bazan

LBS 400
Lesson Plan Form - LBS 400
Revised 08/05/14



Grade level(s):


Irma Ruiz-Bazan

Language Arts



RL.2.5 Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the
story and ending concludes the action.
W.2.4 With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organization
are appropriate to task and purpose.
SL.2.2 Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally or
through other media.
SL.2.4 Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details,
speaking audibly in coherent sentences.
I. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT & CONTENT TYPE (Fact, Procedure, Concept, or Principle):
What are students learning? Underline content type.
How to retell (summarize) a story.
a flow map and pictures
, students will
know and comprehend ____(level of cognition)
the story_ Tops and Bottoms by Janet Stevens (1995) __ (content) by
retelling the story and organizing
the pictures and filling out their flow map (students will share orally and in written form)_______(proving
behavior or activity)
DOK/Cognitive Rigor Level: Comprehension/Knowledge
Language Demands (What demands in terms of language does this lesson require of students,
particularly English Learners?):
For the students to read/listen carefully, understand all the vocabulary used, and organize thoughts and use
proper English language and writing skills learned throughout the lesson.
III. CURRICULUM CONNECTION (How lesson fits into larger unit sequence): What lesson comes
before this lesson? What lesson comes after this lesson?
Before: A lesson of vocabulary building to help all the students understand the words used in the story;
vegetables, harvest, debt, profit, characters Hare and Bear, planting and fictional text. As well as
understanding the importance of a storys beginning, middle, and end.
After: A lesson of writing, building on writing skills by writing a personal narrative to insure students
understand the importance of sequence in a story; beginning, middle, and end.

A. ENGAGEMENT (Motivational Activity):
Anticipatory Set: activate student prior knowledge
Tell the students that they will be listening to a fiction story that they already heard in Spanish with the
Spanish teacher but this time they will hear it in English and on the smart board as if it were a movie.
Explain to them that after the story they will get to use images to organize the story as they heard it.
Student friendly objective: By the end of our lesson you should
be able to retell_____(level of
cognition) ____the story____ (content) by
organizing the images in a flow map by sharing
(talking) and writing what happened in the story________(proving behavior or activity)
Purpose: Why are students learning this? Why is it important?
The students should be able to organize images to go along with a story that they just read in order to
later be able to find the main idea and sequence of events in an informational text.
B. INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE (Teaching Methodology With Student Activities):
Step #1:
Go over English vocabulary words.________________
a. T input: Go over the words such as: vegetable, harvest, profit, and debt as well as explain what a
fictional text is and who the characters Hare and Bear are and why they are important to the story.
a. T model: Stress fluency: Tell the students how to pronounce the words, read the definition, and then
give them examples of what these words are or look like in the real life.
b. Student response: Check for understanding: active participation by having the students tell a
partner what harvest and debt meansthink pair share, then ask students to individually or choral
respond to my questions
Step #2: _____I will (in English) read the story/or play the video on the smart board to the students.
a. T input: I will have the students sit on the carpet for story time, and then I will either read or play
the video to the students.
a. T model: I will then think out loud and ask questions as I read the story.
b. Student response: Check for understanding: active participation: think pair share, choral response,
etc. I will then turn to the images on the E.L.M.O and ask the students question about the order of the
story. I will have some volunteers or pick some students to help put the images in order from beginning
to end.
Step #3: _ Explain why characters, problems, and sequence of a story is important___
a. T input: Give an example or share a personal story.
a. T model: Demonstrate the importance of sequence in retelling a story to someone who was not
b. Student response: Check for understanding: I will ask questions about the story.
Step #4: __ Demonstrate how to use a Flow-Map with image and written sentences._
a. T input: I will ask for volunteers to tell me what happened and then write a sentence under each
image on the Elmo for the students to see.
a. T model: Then I will have the students arrange their images and write a sentence under each on
their own white board.
b. Student response: Check for understanding: active participation: think pair share, choral response,

etc. As they finish copying I will again walk around to verify their work if anyone needs help I will
again guide them and help them individually.
Step #5: __Assess the students by having them retell the story in written form. _________
a. T input: I will read the sentences that I wrote under each images and explain to them that I am
retelling the sequence/order of the story.
a. T model: Then I will choose some students to read or tell me what happened while I write it in
paragraph form on the overhead for the students to see.
b. Student response: Check for understanding: active participation: think pair share, choral response,
etc. After a few students read what is written on the board or share what they wrote I will have the
students pull out their journal and have them rewrite/retell the story in correct order using the flow-map
and the words that I used or in their own words.
C. APPLICATION ACTIVITY (Practice and/or Reflection): Guided practice (students working with
teacher support on proving behavior or activity).
When students are sharing orally I will model what they should be writing under each picture. Then, I will
the students write in their own words or copy mine while I walk around to help struggling students.
D. MATERIALS & RESOURCES: What do you need for the lesson? Make a list.
Smart board with access to the story or the book Tops and Bottoms
Students white boards
Copies of the pictures
White board, ELMO, or any overhead to display the flow-map.
V. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES (Methods For Obtaining Evidence Of Learning):
Formative: During Lesson, Check for Understanding, Teacher observation
Having them share orally before they work independently to rectify any misunderstanding and by looking
at their flow maps on their white boards when they are working individually.
Summative: (at the end of the lesson) (Closure, exit slip, ticket out the door, quiz, test)
The paper that they write after filling out their flow (I will treat it as an exit slip since
they will be going to recess after they are done).
Instruction, Practice): How can we provide equal access for all students? (Accommodation)
How will you help struggling learners or differentiate (challenge) high achievers? (Modification)
I will attempt to capture all learning styles visual, auditory, and hands-on in order to
prove equal access to all the students. I will help struggling learners or high
achievers by allow them to work on their own paste either by allowing extra time to
finish their work, work in a small group as support, or giving them more challenging
VII. HOMEWORK (if appropriate):

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