UT Dallas Syllabus For Ee6360.001 05f Taught by Louis Hunt (Hunt)
UT Dallas Syllabus For Ee6360.001 05f Taught by Louis Hunt (Hunt)
UT Dallas Syllabus For Ee6360.001 05f Taught by Louis Hunt (Hunt)
OFFICE: EC 4.224
OFFICE HOURS: 10:00 am - 11:00 am,TR, and 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm, TR, or by appointment
PHONE: (972) 883-2191
FAX: (972) 883-2710 (please inform me of a FAX and put my name in the address)
EMAIL: [email protected]
COURSE OBJECTIVES: To study discrete time signals and systems, z-transforms, DFTs
and FFTs, and digital filters
PREREQUISITE: EE 3302 Signals and Systems or equivalent
TEXT: J. Proakis and D. G. Manolakis, ”Digital Signal Processing,
Principles, Algorithms, and Applications”, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, 1996.
COURSE OUTLINE: (subject to variations as needed)
• Chapter 1: Introduction
• Chapter 3: The z-transform and Its Application to the Analysis of LTI Systems
• Homework - 10% of grade - there will be no late homework; the three lowest grades will
be dropped. Homework will be handed in at the first of class. Homework will be sample
graded by the Teaching Assistant.
REMARK: The Teaching Assistant will create a web page for homework
assignments, etc.
REMARK: Missed examinations can be made up in the case of extenuating
circumstances (proof will be required) such as a medical emergency,
pressing work travel that cannot be rescheduled, etc.
REMARK: Students are reminded to look at the class schedule and the catalog
for information on withdrawals, incompletes, and academic dishonesty.