A Role of Play

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How Is Play Important In A Childs Development?

Play Essay
Raven Bouye
Victor valley Community College

Author Note:
This paper was prepared for Child Development 110, Taught by Sandy VisserJones

How Is Play Important In A Childs Development?

The Role of Play

Play is based on real life event. Play is also an act, way, or manner of proceeding
(Merriam-Webster). A child in play can learn things that can be better understood then doing
paper based activities. In a quote by Mark Twain he states, Work consists of whatever a body is
obliged to do. Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do.(Mark Twain). Children
may do worksheet based activities and may not understand what they have learned. If you allow
a child to play in one activity the child can learn and experience varies things. It is important that
the child is able to be free and participate in different types playing and being in control of their
environment. I believe that play speaks louder then worksheets. We are able to observe what
the child wants and needs are, educational wise in the play experience. Play is essential to a
childs development because it helps with their cognitive, physical, and social-emotional growth.
The Role of Play in Cognitive Development
In the process of play, the brain has its part. Cognitive part in development involves
conscious intellectual activity such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering information
(Merriam-Webster). Child should be able to think. The child should be able to use reasoning in
varies situations. Remembering information is not easy for a child to obtain but it should still be
practiced. Children can exercise their brains in varies activities. For example, when a child is
riding a bike, he or she has to use their hand, eye, and feet coordination. The childs brain has to
generate those movements in which the child is trying to perform. The child brain has to tell the
hands to hold the handle bars. Then the brain has to tell the eyes to focus on the path. Then
finally the brain tells the legs to move up and down, so the child can paddle with their feet.

How Is Play Important In A Childs Development?

Cognitive development also helps child with problem-solving. In the text it states,
problemsolving skills are developed as the children solve the problems of balance and
symmetry inherent in construction (Who I am in the lives of children, Feeney, pg.417). In
play, the child may come across a situation where they have a dilemma. For example, while
riding a bike it may be a stick in the road. The child may have to think of a way to get around the
stick, or to move it.
Cognitive development plays a part in a childs growth.
The Role Of Play In Physical Development
In the process of play, the movement of the body has its place in development. Physical
development is relating to the body of a person instead of the mind and also existing in a form
that you can touch or see (Webster). Being able to move the body is mandatory in a childs
development. The child gets a chance to use their fine and gross motor skills during physical
play. Fine motor skill is using ones fingers and hands to accomplish (Feeney, pg.450). Gross
motor skills consist of large body movements such as running, jumping, and crawling (Feeney).
When the child is cutting with scissors they are using the fine motor skills, and when a child is
running they are using their gross motor skills. In an example of physical play a child will be
exercising their abilities. A child is running a race outside. The child is using their legs, arms,
and torso to move in a fast pace. They are also using energy and exercising. For children,
physical activity includes play, games, sports, transportation, recreation, physical education, or
planned exercise, in the context of family, school, and community activities (Who.int). Children
need to be active throughout life, so starting young is essential. Children at play develop physical
competence efficiently and comprehensively. The vigorous activity of childrens own

How Is Play Important In A Childs Development?

spontaneous play builds the strength, stamina, and skills they need to succeed as learners (Feeney
pg.414.) Physical development is essential in a childs development.

The Role Of Play In A Childs Social Development.

In the process of play, the child should be able to interact with others in important. Social
is relating to or involving activities in which people spend time talking to each other or doing
enjoyable things with each other (Webster). Children in a group setting are around other children
for a certain amount of time. Children should be able to interact positively with each other. For
example, two children are in parallel play in the dramatic play area. One child without being
coached to share, shares the doll they have with the other child. That example shows that
children with no previous notion can play together. Pretend play allows them to think out loud
about experiences charged with both pleasant and unpleasant feelings (Education.com). For
example, a child in a dramatic play area pretends to be on the phone and doing dishes with a
peer. The child is modeling a behavior they have seen before, while being social with a
classmate. Social play leads to increased social interaction skills. Children learn how to initiate
play with relatives, family friends, and peers (Feeney, pg.415.). A childs social development
helps them be more tolerant of people throughout life. A childs who is socially developed has
less behavioral problems (Feeney). A childs social development in play is a way to learn how to
interact with people.
The Role Of Play In A Childs Emotional Development
In the process of play, the child should be able to express feelings. Emotional is a
strong feeling such as love, anger, joy, hate, or fear (Webster). Children in play can

How Is Play Important In A Childs Development?

express themselves in varies ways. For example, when a child is in play he or she may
get angry when someone interrupts their play. It is okay to allow the child to express their
feelings rather than ignore them. Children in play devise and confront challenges and
anticipate changes (Feeney, pg415). In the process they master their fears; resolve
internal conflicts; act out anger, hostility, and frustration (Feeney, pg.415). When a child
is in play they are emotional invested in their activity. If or when a problem arises they
will solve it, so they can continue to enjoy they play. For example, a child is playing and
becomes very angry during play because they cannot get the toy to do what they need it
to. The child will keep trying until they are satisfied. Emotional development is a apart of
a childs growth that needs to be presented.
In conclusion, play is an act, way or manner that children should be allow
involving themselves in. It is essential for a child to play, so they can express themselves
and all their domains can growth. In one activity a childs developmental domains are
integrated. We refer to the development of the whole child, at play more than at any other
time, children engage in all aspects of themselves (Feeney, pg.417). For example,
children riding bikes together are involving cognitive because they have to think about
the process of paddling and riding. Physically, the children are using gross motor skills
by using large movements. Socially, the children are interacting with the people around
them. And emotional, the children may express joy and excitement in the play. Play is
very essential to a childs development because their main domains have the chance to

How Is Play Important In A Childs Development?

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