CH 15 Examples
CH 15 Examples
CH 15 Examples
Oscillatory Motion
Chapter 15
Oscillatory Motion: EXAMPLES
F = mg kxo xo = mg/k
If the resting position of the spring is defined as x
= 0, the same analysis as was done with the
horizontal spring will apply to the vertical
spring-mass system
x (0)= A
v (0) = 0
This means f = 0
The velocity reaches extremes of :
The acceleration reaches extremes of:
(a). E = k(2A)2 = 4( kA2)
So stretching A twice as far, quadruples the energy
(b). vmax = (2A) = 2A
So stretching A twice as far, doubles the maximum velocity
(c). amax = 2(2A) = 22A
So stretching A twice as far, doubles the maximum acceleration