Leggett S 7 3 14 Final

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Five-Step Lesson Plan Template


Sabrina A.


Lila Jonas

Plan Date:








What is your objective?

What key ideas and understandings are represented by

this objective?
What knowledge and skills do students need to access
these key ideas and understandings?

SWBAT identify pairs of numbers to find the sum of

10. Find sums to 10 for any two addends. Solve
word problems with sums to 10.

What: Sum- What you get when you add two

numbers together.
Addends-Any numbers that are added together.
Equation- A math statement with an equal sign
to show two things are equal.

Identify pairs of numbers that will make

up sums of ten.
Put tiles on blocks of ten-frame to help
show the sum of ten or more using
number pairs.
Identify numbers in word sentences that
are important to write and solve an
Why: Being able to identify number pairs and
add them quickly allows us to be smart
spenders, complete our homework quickly and
will even help us answer questions that the
teacher might ask like: If I have 2 packs of
m&ms and I buy 1 more pack of m&ms how
many packs do I have to share with the class?
Describe, briefly, what students will do to show you that they have mastered (or made progress toward) the objective.
Attach your daily assessment, completed to include an exemplary student response that illustrates the expected level of rigor.

And an exit ticket. Exemplar response for Exit ticket: 1. Addend: 7. Equation 7+7=14. #2.
Equation: 7+4=11
How does the objective connect to the summer achievement goal?


Students will have fun learning the skill of how to identify and add numbers, which they can apply to their daily life and meet
grade level standards.

4. OPENING (5 min.) How will you communicate what is about to happen?

How will you communicate

how it will happen?
How will you communicate its importance? How will you communicate connections to previous lessons?
How will you engage students and capture their interest?


Good morning. Today we are going to continue using ten-frames to help us find the
sum of numbers. And today we are going to start breaking down word problems, to get
the important numbers out so that we can solve problems like: If Ms. Leggett has 2
packs of m&ms and she buys 1 more pack of m&ms how many packs do I have to
share with the class? Who can tell me that answer? (3) Great job! Today if we pay
attention, work hard and follow our expectations then maybe we can see if I really have
3 packs of m&ms. Let me remind you of the expectations in this room. We are to
follow directions at all times, this means that we should have listening ears in order to

M&Ms, and
brain power

Five-Step Lesson Plan Template

hear the directions. We also should be kind to our classmates and teachers. If we are
kind to one another that is less time that we have to stop the lesson and more time we
can have fun learning and eating our special treat.if I really have them. Who
can tell me the expectations that I just said we should have in this class? (Be kind,
listen and follow directions). Great, right on target. So when I say go, I would like
everyone to come to the rug and sit in STAR position using 0 inch voices. When we
walk to the rug we do not need to play with our classmates or talk with them, I want
you to walk to the carpet and have a seat in STAR position. In what position? (Star
position). Ok, GO! (Students will move to rug).
How will you explain/demonstrate all knowledge/skills required of the objective, so that students begin to
actively internalize key points?
Which potential misunderstandings do you anticipate? How will you proactively mitigate them?
How will students interact with the material?
How/when will you check for understanding? How will you address misunderstandings?
How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations? Why will students be engaged?

So weve been learning about equations which is a math statement with an equal sign
to show two things are equal. Any numbers that we add together are called addends
and when we add them together we get the sum of that number. So the sum is what
you get when you add two numbers together. I will then read the book Ten Friends and
follow the Do the Math script.
2. GUIDED PRACTICE (15 min.)
How will students practice all knowledge/skills required of the objective, with your support, such that they
continue to internalize the key points?
How will you ensure that students have multiple opportunities to practice, with exercises scaffolded from
easy to hard?
How/when will you monitor performance to check for understanding? How will you address
How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations? Why will students be engaged?

Following Do the Math, Students and I will work together to write out equations from
the words in the book and practice how to check equations together using ten frames.
How will students independently practice the knowledge and skills required of the objective, such that they
solidify their internalization of the key points prior to the lesson assessment?
When and how would you intervene to support this practice?
How will you provide opportunities for remediation and extension?
How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations? Why will students be engaged?

Students will complete the worksheet provided by Do the Math

Lesson Assessment: Once students have had an opportunity to practice independently, how will
they attempt to demonstrate mastery of the knowledge/skills required of the objective?

Ok, I have to tell you guys something. I really do have 3 packs of m&ms which means
that I can share it with you all! But FIRST we have to complete your exit tickets. Do not
start your exit tickets until I say start, after I hand them out. I will read the instructions
to you, and then I would like you to work independently, which means by yourself. You
should be using a 0 inch voice, what voice should you use? (0 inch) and you should
have quiet hands and feet. You may start your exit ticket.
5. CLOSING (8 min.)
How will students summarize and state the significance of what they learned?
Why will students be engaged?

When you are done please raise your hand silently and the expectation for the exit
ticket is that you work independently. You are using a 0 inch voice, and when you are
done that you will sit with your back straight, feet flat on the floor and hands folded on
the desk.
HOMEWORK (if appropriate). How will students practice what they learned?
Homework is sent home weekly.

Five-Step Lesson Plan Template

Name: ___________________________________________

Date: _________________

Read the word problem. Identify the addends. Then write and solve the equation.
1. If there are 7 bottle caps in a box and Linda puts 7 more bottle caps inside, how many bottle caps
are in the box? Addends: _________

Fill in the ten-frame to match your answer. Write g in the box for green and y in the box for yellow. Then
write the equation below for number 2.
2. Brenda starts with 7 Skittles. She gets 4 more. How many Skittles does Brenda have now?


Name: ___________________________________________

Date: _________________

Read the word problem. Identify the addends and solve the equation.
1. If there are 7 bottle caps in a box and Linda puts 7 more bottle caps inside, how many bottle caps
are in the box? ? Addends: _________

Draw your answer and write the equation below for number 2.
2. Brenda starts with 7 Skittles. She gets 4 more. How many Skittles does Brenda have now?


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