IELTS Writing Correction: Task 1

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IELTS Writing Correction

Teacher :

Task 1

Question: some people think painting anddrawing are as important as other subjects, they should be compulsory in highschool education, to what
extent do you agree or disagree?

In most schools, painting and drawingclasses are regarded as optional courses. However, some people believe
thatthese courses play an important role in curriculum. Personally, I am convincedthat other courses are more vital
than painting and drawing classes.
Undeniably, learning how to draw a picturecan improve students sense of arts. It is worth noting that painting is a
goodhabit for students under high pressure on their study. For instance, afterfinishing a large amount of homework,
drawing a simple picture makes it easyfor students to relax so as to releasing their pressure. Hence, setting uppainting
and drawing as compulsory courses in the school seems like a wisedecision.
On the other hand, students already have alarge number of compulsory courses and many tests in the school, adding
to anothercourse will increase their burden on study. In other words, although paintingcan cultivate students sense of
study, it is important for students to getenough rest time, which is benefit to growing up. Thus, schools can
encouragestudents to do more exercise or have a rest rather than enforce them to attendother courses like art.
Furthermore, students have their own right to choosewhether attending painting and drawing courses according to their
interests. Thereis no doubt that interest is benefit to boost ones study efficiency. This isparticular for students who
dislike painting will believe that learningpainting just waste their time.
In conclusion, I suppose that painting anddrawing courses cannot become compulsory courses, it is not only because of
theheavy study works students already have but also because of students interestsand hobbies.



Task Responce

Coherence and Cohesion

Lexical Resources

Grammetical Range and




1. Sentences
2. Vocabularies
3. IELTS writing tips

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