Call Money Market in India
Call Money Market in India
Call Money Market in India
No physical address
Within one fortnight, rates are known to have moved from a low
of 1 - 2 per cent to dizzy heights of over 140 per cent per annum.
After the deal is over, the lender issues FBL cheque in favour of
the borrower.
When the loan is repaid with interest, the lender returns the
discharged receipt.
The deal can be directly negotiated by routing it through the Discount
and Finance House of India (DFHI).
The borrowers and lenders inform the DFHI about their fund
requirement and availability at a specified rate of interest.
Call loans can be renewed upto a maximum period of 14 days only and
such renewals are recorded on the back of the deposit receipt by the borrower.
The entry into this field is restricted by RBI.
This will facilitate quick and timely debit and credit operations.
The call market enables the banks and institutions to even out their
day to day deficits and surpluses of money.
The lenders having steady inflow of funds (e.g. LIC, UTI) look at the
call market as an outlet for deploying funds on short term basis.
There must be not only an outlet for the employment of funds
temporarily idle, but a large volume of call and short-time money is
essential to the successful and economical conduct of business.
It is particularly essential to the international and domestic
commercial business, but the diversion of the use of the major
portion of such money to the securities markets is not in
accordance with sound banking principles.
In India call loans on securities lack the essential quality of liquidity
required for quick and certain realization, and that this fact has now
been more generally taken into consideration by our lenders.
But the safe and successful divorce in this country of the use of call
money from dependence upon investment securities as a basis
requires careful study in order that safe and adequate methods
may be substituted for the present methods of the securities
Call money market serves the role of equilibrating the short-term
liquidity position of the banks
Most active segment of money market
Maintenance of SLR