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The kids guide to


5 D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4 V O LU M E 3 4 6 I S S U E 6 2 1 4





The structure beneath a surface

is a key factor in its electronic and
chemical function By S. A. Chambers

Years of writing about genetic testing

did not prepare me for my own foray
into this rapidly changing world
By J. Couzin-Frankel


REPORT P. 1215


Retrotransposable elements may be
agents of somatic diversity, disease,
and aging By V. Gorbunova et al.





Regular, institutionalized updating

and review are essential




By W. Pizer et al.




Warming of the water that flows
under Antarctic ice shelves is key
to their melting By S. Gille
REPORT P. 1227

Lysosome-based signaling machine

regulates cell growth By L. Bar-Peled


By R. Buckley and F. de Vasconcellos Pegas



1158 Roundup of the weeks news

Cell competition is linked to innate

immunity mechanisms to eliminate
unwanted cells and maintain healthy
tissue By G. Morata and L. Ballesteros-Arias

By C. Banks-Leite et al.





Neurological warning signals in
animals drive push for new studies
and public outreach By K. Servick


Vandalism, looting, and collateral
damage erase history By A. Lawler


A priori calculations can accurately
predict rates of methane formation
from radicals By M. J. Pilling



1195 From Science and other journals

The region of the mantle directly below

the tectonic plates plays a key role in
mantle flow and volcanism


By D. L. Anderson and S. D. King


The lunar dynamo
B. P. Weiss and S. M. Tikoo

In Liberias Ebola outbreak, star

statistician Hans Rosling is facing
the intellectual challenge of a
lifetime By K. Kupferschmidt

$100 million grant came as a surprise

to many By E. Underwood


REPORT P. 1212







An ancient defense system eliminates
unfit cells from developing tissues
during cell competition S. N. Meyer et al.

1181 & 1199



5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


1186 & 1215


A close-up look at the surface

of magnetite

5 D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4 V O LU M E 3 4 6 I S S U E 6 2 1 4

Chromatin decondensation is sufficient
to alter nuclear organization in
embryonic stem cells P. Therizols et al.


Time-resolved serial crystallography
captures high-resolution intermediates
of photoactive yellow protein
J. Tenboer et al.

The measure of research merit
By Marcia McNutt


Finally free
By Vincent F. Scalfani



Dominance hierarchy arising from

the evolution of a complex small RNA
regulatory network E. Durand et al.

Summer jobs reduce violence among

disadvantaged youth S. B. Heller



Ultrafast generation of pseudo-magnetic
field for valley excitons in WSe2
monolayers J. Kim et al.


Two-dimensional Fermi surfaces
in Kondo insulator SmB6 G. Li et al.


Predictive a priori pressure-dependent
kinetics A. W. Jasper et al.

Coherent changes of southeastern

equatorial and northern African rainfall
during the last deglaciation
B. L. Otto-Bliesner et al.

Multidecadal warming of Antarctic
waters S. Schmidtko et al.


The shocking predatory strike of the
electric eel K. Catania



Subsurface cation vacancy stabilization of
the magnetite (001) surface
R. Bliem et al.

An electric eel
electricus) can generate
up to 600 volts using
modified muscles that
act as batteries. This
electrical weapon
allows the eel to
remotely activate the
muscles in nearby prey to cause either
involuntary movement or involuntary
immobility, depending on the eels needs.
See page 1231 for details and links to
movies that illustrate these findings.
Photo: Kenneth Catania

Neutrophils scan for activated platelets
to initiate inflammation
V. Sreeramkumar et al.

Science Staff .............................................1154

New Products ........................................... 1247
Science Careers .......................................1248

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5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS



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A. Paul Alivisatos, Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Laboratory, Ernst Fehr, U. of Zrich

Susan M. Rosenberg, Baylor College of Medicine, Michael S. Turner, U. of Chicago

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Adriano Aguzzi, U. Hospital Zrich

Takuzo Aida, U. of Tokyo
Leslie Aiello, Wenner-Gren Foundation
Judith Allen, U. of Edinburgh
Sonia Altizer, U. of Georgia
Virginia Armbrust, U. of Washington
Sebastian Amigorena, Institut Curie
Kathryn Anderson, Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Peter Andolfatto, Princeton U.
Meinrat O. Andreae, Max-Planck Inst. Mainz
Paola Arlotta, Harvard U.
Johan Auwerx, EPFL
David Awschalom, U. of Chicago
Jordi Bascompte, Estacin Biolgica de Doana CSIC
Facundo Batista, London Research Inst.
Ray H. Baughman, U. of Texas, Dallas
David Baum, U. of Wisconsin
Kamran Behnia, ESPCI-ParisTech
Yasmine Belkaid, NIAID, NIH
Philip Benfey, Duke U.
Stephen J. Benkovic, Penn State U.
Carlo Beenakker, Leiden U.
Gabriele Bergers, U. of California, San Francisco
Christophe Bernard, Aix-Marseille U.
Bradley Bernstein, Massachusettes General Hospital
Peer Bork, EMBL
Bernard Bourdon, Ecole Normale
Suprieure de Lyon
Chris Bowler, cole Normale Suprieure
Ian Boyd, U. of St. Andrews
Emily Brodsky, U. of California, Santa Cruz
Ron Brookmeyer, U. of California Los Angeles (S)
Christian Bchel, U. Hamburg-Eppendorf
Joseph A. Burns, Cornell U.
Gyorgy Buzsaki, New York U. School of Medicine
Blanche Capel, Duke U.
Mats Carlsson, U. of Oslo
David Clapham, Childrens Hospital Boston
David Clary, U. of Oxford
Joel Cohen, Rockefeller U., Columbia U.
Jonathan D. Cohen, Princeton U.
James Collins, Boston U.
Robert Cook-Deegan, Duke U.
Alan Cowman, Walter & Eliza Hall Inst.
Robert H. Crabtree, Yale U.
Roberta Croce, Vrije Universiteit
Janet Currie, Princeton U.
Jeff L. Dangl, U. of North Carolina
Tom Daniel, U. of Washington
Frans de Waal, Emory U.
Stanislas Dehaene, Collge de France
Robert Desimone, MIT
Claude Desplan, New York U.
Ap Dijksterhuis, Radboud U. of Nijmegen
Dennis Discher, U. of Pennsylvania
Gerald W. Dorn II, Washington U. School of Medicine
Jennifer A. Doudna, U. of California, Berkeley
Bruce Dunn, U. of California, Los Angeles
Christopher Dye, WHO
Todd Ehlers, U. of Tuebingen
David Ehrhardt, Carnegie Inst. of Washington
Tim Elston, U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Gerhard Ertl, Fritz-Haber-Institut, Berlin
Barry Everitt, U. of Cambridge
Ernst Fehr, U. of Zurich
Anne C. Ferguson-Smith, U. of Cambridge
Michael Feuer, The George Washington U.
Kate Fitzgerald, U. of Massachusetts
Peter Fratzl, Max-Planck Inst.
Elaine Fuchs, Rockefeller U.
Daniel Geschwind, UCLA
Andrew Gewirth, U. of Illinois
Karl-Heinz Glassmeier, TU Braunschweig
Ramon Gonzalez, Rice U.
Julia R. Greer, Caltech
Elizabeth Grove, U. of Chicago
Kip Guy, St. Judes Childrens Research Hospital
Taekjip Ha, U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Christian Haass, Ludwig Maximilians U.
Steven Hahn, Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center
Michael Hasselmo, Boston U.
Martin Heimann, Max-Planck Inst. Jena
Yka Helariutta, U. of Cambridge
James A. Hendler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.
Janet G. Hering, Swiss Fed. Inst. of Aquatic
Science & Technology
Michael E. Himmel, National Renewable Energy Lab.
Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, U. of Bremen
Kei Hirose, Tokyo Inst. of Technology
David Hodell, U. of Cambridge
David Holden, Imperial College
Lora Hooper, UT Southwestern Medical Ctr. at Dallas
Raymond Huey, U. of Washington
Steven Jacobsen, U. of California, Los Angeles
Kai Johnsson, EPFL Lausanne
Peter Jonas, Inst. of Science & Technology (IST) Austria
Matt Kaeberlein, U. of Washington
William Kaelin Jr., Dana-Farber Cancer Inst.
Daniel Kahne, Harvard U.
Daniel Kammen, U. of California, Berkeley
Masashi Kawasaki, U. of Tokyo
Joel Kingsolver, U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Robert Kingston, Harvard Medical School

Eitonne Koechlin, Ecole Normale Suprieure

Alexander Kolodkin, Johns Hopkins U.
Roberto Kolter, Harvard Medical School
Alberto R. Kornblihtt, U. of Buenos Aires
Leonid Kruglyak, UCLA
Thomas Langer, U. of Cologne
Mitchell A. Lazar, U. of Pennsylvania
David Lazer, Harvard U.
Thomas Lecuit, IBDM
Virginia Lee, U. of Pennsylvania
Stanley Lemon, U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Ottoline Leyser, Cambridge U.
Marcia C. Linn, U. of California, Berkeley
Jianguo Liu, Michigan State U.
Luis Liz-Marzan, CIC biomaGUNE
Jonathan Losos, Harvard U.
Ke Lu, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Christian Lscher, U. of Geneva
Laura Machesky, CRUK Beatson Inst.
for Cancer Research
Anne Magurran, U. of St. Andrews
Oscar Marin, CSIC & U. Miguel Hernndez
Charles Marshall, U. of California, Berkeley
C. Robertson McClung, Dartmouth College
Graham Medley, U. of Warwick
Yasushi Miyashita, U. of Tokyo
Richard Morris, U. of Edinburgh
Alison Motsinger-Reif, NC State U. (S)
Sean Munro, MRC Lab. of Molecular Biology
Thomas Murray, The Hastings Center
James Nelson, Stanford U. School of Med.
Karen Nelson, J. Craig Venter Institute
Daniel Neumark, U. of California, Berkeley
Timothy W. Nilsen, Case Western Reserve U.
Pr Nordlund, Karolinska Inst.
Helga Nowotny, European Research Advisory Board
Ben Olken, MIT
Joe Orenstein, U. of California
Berkeley & Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Harry Orr, U. of Minnesota
Andrew Oswald, U. of Warwick
Steve Palumbi, Stanford U.
Jane Parker, Max-Planck Inst.
of Plant Breeding Research
Giovanni Parmigiani, Dana-Farber Cancer Inst. (S)
Donald R. Paul, U. of Texas, Austin
John H. J. Petrini, Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center
Joshua Plotkin, U. of Pennsylvania
Albert Polman, FOM Institute AMOLF
Philippe Poulin, CNRS
David Randall, Colorado State U.
Colin Renfrew, U. of Cambridge
Felix Rey, Institut Pasteur
Trevor Robbins, U. of Cambridge
Jim Roberts, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Ctr.
Barbara A. Romanowicz, U. of California,Berkeley
Jens Rostrup-Nielsen, Haldor Topsoe
Mike Ryan, U. of Texas, Austin
Mitinori Saitou, Kyoto U.
Shimon Sakaguchi, Kyoto U.
Miquel Salmeron, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Jrgen Sandkhler, Medical U. of Vienna
Alexander Schier, Harvard U.
Randy Seeley, U. of Cincinnati
Vladimir Shalaev, Purdue U.
Robert Siliciano, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Joseph Silk, Institut dAstrophysique de Paris
Denis Simon, Arizona State U.
Alison Smith, John Innes Centre
Richard Smith, U. of North Carolina (S)
John Speakman, U. of Aberdeen
Allan C. Spradling, Carnegie Institution
of Washington
Jonathan Sprent, Garvan Inst. of Medical Research
Eric Steig, U. of Washington
Paula Stephan, Georgia State U. and National Bureau
of Economic Research
Molly Stevens, Imperial College London
V. S. Subrahmanian, U. of Maryland
Ira Tabas, Columbia U.
Sarah Teichmann, Cambridge U.
John Thomas, North Carolina State U.
Shubha Tole, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Christopher Tyler-Smith, The Wellcome Trust
Sanger Inst.
Herbert Virgin, Washington U.
Bert Vogelstein, Johns Hopkins U.
Cynthia Volkert, U. of Gttingen
Douglas Wallace, Dalhousie U.
David Wallach, Weizmann Inst. of Science
Ian Walmsley, U. of Oxford
David A. Wardle, Swedish U. of Agric. Sciences
David Waxman, Fudan U.
Jonathan Weissman, U. of California,
San Francisco
Chris Wikle, U. of Missouri (S)
Ian A. Wilson, The Scripps Res. Inst. (S)
Timothy D. Wilson, U. of Virginia
Rosemary Wyse, Johns Hopkins U.
Jan Zaanen, Leiden U.
Kenneth Zaret, U. of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Jonathan Zehr, U. of California, Santa Cruz
Len Zon, Childrens Hospital Boston
Maria Zuber, MIT


David Bloom, Harvard U., Samuel Bowring, MIT, Angela Creager, Princeton U.,
Richard Shweder, U. of Chicago, Ed Wasserman, DuPont SCIENCE

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


The measure of research merit


ach year, $1.4 trillion are invested in research by

governments, foundations, and corporations. Hundreds if not thousands of high-profile prizes and
medals are awarded to the best researchers, boosting their careers. Therefore, establishing a reliable
predictor of future performance is a trillion-dollar
matter. Last month, the Alexander von Humboldt
Foundation convened an international assembly of leaders in academia, research management, and policy to
discuss Beyond Bibliometrics: Identifying the Best.
Current assessment is largely based on counting publications, counting citations, taking note of the impact factor
of the journals where researchers publish, and derivatives
of these such as the h-index.
These approaches were severely
criticized for numerous reasons,
with shortcomings particularly
apparent when assessing young
scientists for prestigious, interdisciplinary awards. It is time
to develop more appropriate
measures and to use the scientific method itself to help in this
The difficulty with assessing
young scientists is well known.
Their short career to date yields
a brief publication record, making differences in the numbers
of publications between candidates statistically questionable. Faced with the challenge
of gauging the worth of limited
publications, evaluators might
turn to journal impact factors.
Using this as a proxy for the importance of a paper is just plain
wrong. As compared with a paper published in a higher-impact journal, there is no assurance that a paper published in a lower-impact journal
is less important.
Citations are a better proxy for how much impact a
paper is having, but for young scientists and interdisciplinary awards, this metric also has several limitations.
For example, recent publications from young scientists
have not yet accumulated citations. Altmetrics have been
proposed as a possible solution: measuring downloads,
page views, tweets, and other social media attention to
published research. Analyses conducted by HighWire
Press, the publisher of Science and many other academic

journals, suggest that downloads of online papers poorly

track eventual citations. This could indicate that some
papers were found unworthy of being cited, or that some
papers were influential, but just not cited because the
author did not feel that the concept required a citation.
Adding more context in referencing could reduce some
ambiguity and encourage more appropriate referencing,
but such proposals have not gained traction. Counting
citations is also quantitatively inconsistent. If an author
publishes a better method or an improved estimate for
a physical parameter, other researchers who use those
improvements are obligated to cite that paper. On the
other hand, if a researcher publishes a novel idea, it can rapidly
move from unknown to common
knowledge such that its citation
lifetime is exceptionally brief.
Furthermore, citation counts
scale with the publications in
a field. The lowering of quality
barriers by some open-access
publishers has generated a citation explosion in some fields,
boosting citation counts by publishing papers that otherwise
might not have been published.
Consider a rather outrageous
proposal. Perhaps there has
been too much emphasis on bibliometric measures that either
distort the process or minimally
distinguish between qualified
candidates. What if, instead, we
assess young scientists according to their willingness to take
risks, ability to work as part of a
diverse team, creativity in complex problem-solving, and work
ethic? There may be other attributes like these that separate the superstars from the
merely successful. It could be quite insightful to commission a retrospective analysis of former awardees with
some career track record since their awards, to improve
our understanding of what constitutes good selection criteria. One could then ascertain whether those qualities
were apparent in their backgrounds when they were candidates for their awards.
It is time to remedy a flawed bibliometric-based
assessment for young scientists. After all, the future performance of a trillion-dollar enterprise is at stake.

Marcia McNutt
Science Journals

It is time to remedy a
flawed bibliometric-based
assessment for young

Marcia McNutt



5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS



No one really wants to admit I exist.

James Watson, who co-discovered the structure of DNA but has been criticized
for making racist remarks, explaining why he is auctioning his Nobel medal.



EC plan diverts research money

| European
Commission President Jean-Claude
Juncker has sparked criticism with plans
to raid the European Unions science
budget to fodder a new Investment Plan
for Europe, aimed at boosting Europes
sluggish economy. Juncker, who presented
the plan to the European Parliament in
Strasbourg on 26 November, proposed
diverting 2.7 billion from Horizon
2020, the blocs 70 billion, 7-year
research funding program, to contribute to a 21 billion investment
pot. Juncker said this could multiply
15-fold to 315 billion over 3 years
with contributions from industry
and national governments and suggested this would eventually benefit
research. But critics have expressed
skepticism of this. Lets stick with
the Horizon 2020 budget, which we all
welcomed in 2012, said Kurt Deketelaere,
secretary-general of the League of
European Research Universities, in a statement.

Did Homo erectus engrave this shell?

Homo sapiens probably began engaging in a rudimentary form of
symbolic behavior at least 100,000 years agomuch earlier than once
suspectedetching abstract patterns onto pieces of ochre and animal
bone. But in this weeks issue of Nature, researchers report evidence
that such behavior may go even
farther back, to our predecessor
species, Homo erectus. The scientists found a geometric zigzag
pattern (inset) engraved on a
freshwater mussel shell from the
famous Homo erectus Trinil site
on the Indonesian island of Java.
The shell comes from an assemblage dated to at least 500,000
years ago. The team is cautious not to call this relatively simple engraving symbolic behavior, however, and some skeptics point out that
the shell was dug up 120 years ago, leading them to question whether
the pattern is the handiwork of Java Man or a modern human who
came by hundreds of thousands of years later.


Merck in race for Ebola vaccine


| Pharmaceutical giant Merck

has jumped into the race to develop an
Ebola vaccine. On 24 November, Merck
of Whitehouse Station, New Jersey,
announced a licensing agreement with
NewLink Genetics of Ames, Iowa, to
research, develop, manufacture, and
distribute an Ebola vaccine. Now in small
human trials, the vaccinedeveloped by
the Public Health Agency of Canada and
licensed to NewLinkcontains a gene for
the Ebola surface protein engineered into
a crippled version of a livestock pathogen,
vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). The marriage puts the VSV Ebola vaccine on equal
footing with another in phase I studies
being developed by GlaxoSmithKline and
the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases. Both vaccines could
move into large-scale efficacy trials in West
Africa in January, but their safety and efficacy wont be determined before April.

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


This engraved shell was part of

an assemblage of shells dated to
500,000 years ago.

CSIRO to cut a fifth of its staff

| The bad news just
keeps coming for scientists at Australias
leading research organization. A new
analysis of management documents
by the union representing staff at the
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organisation (CSIRO) reveals that
one in five employees will be out of a job
by June 2015. This figure is higher than initially announced in May by management.
In the previous financial year, CSIROs
workforce declined by 513 positions. The
union forecasts that another 878 people will
be let go, which combined with last years
job losses represents a 21.5% cut to the
workforce. Broadly speaking, science and
research positions will compose 57% of the
878 jobs set to be cut by June 2015, with the
remaining losses coming from support or
management roles. The cuts are a result of
the governments decision in May to slash
AU$115 million, or 16%, from the organizations budget over 4 years.

New U.S. rules to curb ozone

WA S H I N GT O N , D.C .

| The United States on

26 November proposed tightening the countrys standard for smog-producing ozone

from 75 parts per billion to between 65 and
70 parts per billion. The Environmental
Protection Agencys (EPAs) science advisory
board has endorsed lowering the threshold since the late 2000s, but 3 years ago
the Obama administration shelved a draft
proposal to impose a lower standard, suggesting that it would be too onerous during
the countrys recovery from a severe recession. The new proposal, announced by EPA,
essentially renews much of that earlier proposal. States will be required to comply by
2020 to 2037, depending on the severity of
their ozone problem. EPA will accept public
comment on the proposal until the end of
February 2015 and says it plans to finalize
the new rules by 1 October 2015.

of Venezuela, according to the newspaper

El Nacional. The bill is completely absurd,
says Margarita Lampo, an IVIC ecologist.
If this law passes, 55 years of scientific
work will be thrown in the trash. Lampo
and other IVIC representatives met with
the peoples minister for higher education,
science, and technology on 24 November in
hopes of reforming the proposal. A date for
the final vote has not been set.

and imaging, computing and simulation,

and sensing and metrology. Physicist Kai
Bongs, who will lead Birminghams effort,
envisions a U.K. quantum valley where the
industry will flourish and develop an ecosystem. Companies are very hungry for atom
devices, Bongs says. We might see products
coming out in the 5 years. The government
announced the 5-year, 270 million National
Quantum Technologies Programme last year.

U.K.s bid for quantum tech lead


| The United Kingdom announced

26 November the creation of a 120 million network of four quantum technology

hubsinvolving 17 universities and
132 companiesto create commercially
viable technologies based on quantum
mechanics. Each hub, led by the universities
of York, Glasgow, Oxford, and Birmingham,
will focus on different applications of quantum technology: communications, sensing

Nature tries paper sharing

| Nature Publishing Group (NPG)
has unveiled a new approach to freely
sharing papers normally behind a paywall.
The initiative, announced 1 December, is
meant as an alternative to dark sharing, in which scientists download PDFs
of their own papers and e-mail them to
nonsubscribersproblematic to publishers,
who cant accurately gauge how often the

Crowdfunding boost for dancing spider study

ike eight-legged birds of paradise, male jumping spiders flash red, blue, green,
and orange patches as they circle, lunge, and wave their legs in a courtship
dance. Taking advantage of the spiders antics (and YouTube fame), researchers have raised more than $7000 from the public to study how well the spiders
see color. Vision ecologist Daniel Zurek of the University of Pittsburgh in
Pennsylvania and colleagues had found a red filter in the eyes of five Habronattus
species of jumping spiders that greatly expands the diversity of color they see. To
find out how widespread the red-filter adaptation is among the 100 Habronattus
species, the team turned to, a crowdfunding website for scientists. Having reached their goal last week, the team plans to head to Arizona and
southern California next spring to collect 12 to 25 species of the spiders; theyll test
the spiders eyes for color sensitivity and determine whether improved color vision
coincides with flashier displays.

Some male jumping

spiders are quite

Science center on chopping block

| On
18 November, scientists in Venezuela awoke
to a surprise: The National Assemblys
Commission on Science, Technology, and
Innovation had introduced and approved
a bill that would abolish the Venezuelan
Institute for Scientific Research (IVIC),
founded in 1959. IVIC would be replaced
by a new institute devoted to science that
serves the people rather than science
that wallows in itself, said Representative
Guido Ochoa of the United Socialist Party


A LT O S D E P I P E , V E N E Z U E L A


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS




Fraction of the estimated 100 billion

galaxies in the universe in which
complex life is possible. The rest
are sterilized by gamma ray bursts.
(Physical Review Letters)


Number of zoonotic pathogens (which

can jump from animals to humans)
out of 150 studied that show visible
symptoms in animals. In the past
60 years, only 13 disease outbreaks
were preceded by wildlife reports
suggesting many early warning signs
were missed. (EcoHealth)

Another boost for cosmologys standard model

he latest study of cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiationthe afterglow

of the big bangconfirms even more precisely the standard model of cosmology, researchers with Europes Planck spacecraft reported at a press conference
on 1 December in Ferrara, Italy. That victory for the theory leaves researchers
with no puzzles to lead to a deeper understanding. I was hoping to find an
anomaly, says Nazzareno Mandolesi, a Planck team member with Italys National
Institute for Astrophysics in Bologna. But the results do not touch on the biggest controversy in cosmology. In March, researchers using the BICEP2 telescope at the South
Pole reported swirls in the polarization of the CMB that could be proof that the infant
universe underwent an exponential growth spurt called inflation. In September, Planck
researchers showed that much of that signal likely comes from dust within our galaxy.
The teams are now working on a joint analysis, but Planck researchers wouldnt say
when it might be complete.

articles are read. NPGs initiative, to last

1 year, will allow subscribers to share a
link to a read-only version of the paper;
the link will encode the identity of the
sharer and of the paper and will lead to
a full version of the paper that can be
annotated but not downloaded or printed.

Move faster, NSABB tells U.S.

| The
e U.S. government needs to move quickly to clarify
and grant waivers to a recently
announced moratorium on
funding for potentially risky
research involving three
types of virusesinfluenza,
MERS, and SARS. Those
are two main points in a



25 November statement from the National

Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity
(NSABB), which advises the government on
problematic research. The pause, which
was announced 17 October and has affected
18 projects at 14 institutions, has created
confusion among researchers. It applies to
so-called gain-of-function studies that
could make a pathogen more dangerous,
but researchers can apply for a waiver to
continue studies that are deemed important for protecting
public health. NSABB
members, however, are concerned that
the g
government has been slow to
rule on waiver requests.
A moratorium on funding some
research on the flu, MERS, and SARS
viruses is confusing researchers.


Years ago that a common ancestor of
humans, chimps, and gorillas evolved
a protein that could efficiently
metabolize alcohol. (Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences)


Surgeon under investigation

The Karolinska Institute in Stockholm
is investigating misconduct allegations
against surgeon Paolo Macchiarini,
who led high-profile attempts to implant
artificial tracheas in patients (Science,
19 April 2013, p. 266). Macchiarini operated on three patients at Karolinska
University Hospital, replacing their
damaged tracheas with an artificial scaffold seeded with stem cells. Two patients
died; a third has been hospitalized since
the operation 2 years ago. Four doctors
involved in the patients care have said
that patients did not give proper consent
and Macchiarinis papers left out serious complications. An external experts
report is expected in January. Meanwhile,
Karolinskas ethics council is investigating
questions raised by an outside surgeon
about whether Macchiarini accurately
described patient outcomes. Macchiarini
says both sets of charges are baseless. SCIENCE

E 6214

Published by AAAS


The Planck spacecraft has mapped the polarization of the CMB radiation across the sky.


Commonly used anesthetics in children have been

associated with brain damage in animal studies.



Most surgeries performed in children

under 3when animal data suggest the developing brain is most vulnerableare not
optional, however. And there is no triedand-true alternative to the drugs that have
raised safety concerns. Based on the current knowledge, were kind of stuck, says
David Warner, a pediatric anesthesiologist
at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota,
whose recent analyses of a database of local
children point to increased risk of learning
disabilities and lower test scores after multiple anesthesia exposures.
Further work has not been easy to fund.
FDA can often compel companies to do
safety studies of new drugs because they
have massive investments at stake. But
most current anesthetics have lost patent
protection and are sold at low prices by
generics manufacturers, says Russ Altman,
a biomedical informatics specialist at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, and
the FDA science boards outgoing chair.
Regulatory pressure on these companies
would just scare them away from creating
these drugs.
To help fill the information gap, FDA
in 2010 formed Strategies for Mitigating
Anesthesia-Related neuroToxicity in Tots
(SmartTots), a partnership with the International Anesthesia Research Society
(IARS). The initiative has struggled to
animal data alone. At the same time, more
scrape together money from foundations,
direct studies of anesthesias risks in chilprofessional societies, and private donors.
dren are plagued by confounding factors,
It has given out $600,000 to four ongoing
lack of funding, and ethical issues.
projects that evaluate children previously
We have to generatevery quicklyan
given anesthesia.
action item, because I dont think the staBut such studies cant separate the
tus quo is acceptable, Freire said at the
effects of anesthesia from other factors
19 November meeting. Generating an acthat might cause neurological damage,
tion item without having the data is where
such as the stress of the surgery
things become very, very tricky.
itself or the childs underlying
Concerns first arose after
condition. SmartTots
a 1999 study, in which drugs
is now shifting its focus to
that block N-methyl-D-asparanesthesia use designing a large multicenter
tate (NMDA) receptors in the
in the U.S.
trial, which would randomize
brain, including the common
kids to receive different types
anesthetic ketamine, appeared
of anesthesia, then follow up
to trigger the death of neurons
with cognitive testing over
in newborn rats. Similar results
several years.
emerged for drugs that act on
A task force assembled this
-aminobutyric acid (GABA) respring proposed that the trial
ceptors, including sevoflurane,
Children under
compare sevoflurane with a sedone of the most commonly
15 years old
ative called dexmedetomidine
used anesthetics in children. A
an agent that in animal studies
2011 FDA-led study also found
does not appear to be neurotoxic
that rhesus monkeys exposed
and that may even mitigate the
to certain anesthetics in the
damaging effects of other drugs.
first 6 days of life had permaAnesthesiologist and task force
nent cognitive deficits, as meamember Dean Andropoulos of
sured by lab tests of learning
Infants under
12 months
Baylor College of Medicine in
and motivation.


Researchers struggle to gauge

risks of childhood anesthesia

Neurological warning signals in animals drive push for new

studies and public outreach
By Kelly Servick, in Silver Spring, Maryland

nesthesiologists and surgeons who

operate on children have been
dogged by a growing fearthat being under anesthesia can permanently damage the developing brain.
Although the few studies of children
knocked out for surgeries have been inconclusive, evidence of impaired development
in nematodes, zebrafish, rats, guinea pigs,
pigs, and monkeys given common anesthetics has piled up in recent years. Now, the
alarm is reaching a tipping point. Anything that goes from [the roundworm]
C. elegans to nonhuman primates, Ive got
to worry about, Maria Freire, co-chair of
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) science advisory board, told attendees at a meeting the agency convened here
last month to discuss the issue.
The gathering came as anesthesia researchers and regulators consider several
moves to address the concerns: a clinical
trial of anesthetics in children, a consensus
statement about their possible risks, and an
FDA warning label on certain drugs. But
each step stirs debate. Many involved in the
issue are reluctant to make recommendations to parents and physicians based on




5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS



Houston, Texas, estimates that the study

will need to include about 700 children, at a
cost of $5 million to $10 millionwhich the
SmartTots leadership hopes will come from
government sources in the United States
and abroad.
Planning the trial and navigating ethical concerns has been daunting, to say
the least, says IARS Executive Director
Thomas Cooper, who manages the SmartTots initiative. Despite the scientific appeal of a randomized study, investigators
are obligated to not place children into a
treatment group that may increase the risk
of harm, he says, or give care that deviates
from what is already accepted as safe and
Because dexmedetomidine hasnt been
widely used or studied in children, SmartTots collaborators are preparing a preliminary study in 50 kids to check that its
suitable for long surgeries; warning signs
would include slowed heartbeat, low blood
pressure, or a child who stirs too much
while under, Andropoulos says. He also
anticipates a nonhuman primate study to
scrutinize the drugs effects on the brain.
Warner, also an adviser on the project,
notes that because the preliminary study
would be on a tightly controlled populationchildren getting urological procedures is one favored optionany findings
might not apply to kids getting anesthesia
under other circumstances. You would, in
theory, need to do a different trial in every
group of kids, which nobodys going to do.
With even this limited evidence years
away, SmartTots is crafting a short consensus statement, planned for December
release, to convey current knowledge about
risks of childhood anesthesia. A draft, unlike its 2012 predecessor, explicitly suggests
delaying or postponing surgical procedures
that require full anesthesia if possible.
That suggestion sparked lively discussion among the FDA science board. Postponement is really bad medicine, argued
pediatric orthopedic surgeon Laura Tosi
of Childrens National Health System in
Washington, D.C. With surgeries for congenital defects, she said, any delay can lead
to worse outcomes.
Several advisers supported the idea of a
new FDA warning on the anesthetics that
have been called into question. But others,
including Tosi, vehemently opposed adding
the most severe black box warning, which
signifies a risk of serious adverse effects.
Some parents wary of cognitive damage
are already resisting necessary procedures
for their children, Tosi noted. We have to
be very careful about how we present that
data, she said. I think the fear of anesthesia in the public is already out there.


Satellites track heritage loss

across Syria and Iraq
Vandalism, looting, and collateral damage erase history
By Andrew Lawler, in San Diego, California

ore than 4000 years ago, the

Bronze Age metropolis of Mari on
the banks of the Euphrates River
bustled with trade and boasted a
half-dozen temples and a royal palace. But for millennia since then, its
eroding walls and buried artifacts remained
undisturbed until French archaeologists began excavating in the 1930s.
Today, this Syrian site just 10 kilometers from the Iraqi border is once again a
busy place. A satellite image of Mari taken
on 11 November shows alarming signs of
massive, orchestrated looting, according
to Scott Branting, an archaeologist at the
Boston-based American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR). Trucks and backhoes
traverse the site, systematically uncovering
artifacts while destroying the ancient structures. Looters have even built what may be
a large storage depot for sorting and storing

It is all seemingly neverending and disheartening.

Michael Danti, Boston University

the valuable goods before they are exported

for sale abroad.
Such destruction is widespread across
Syria and northern Iraq, Branting and
other researchers lamented at ASORs annual meeting here. Part of the ancient
Fertile Crescent, the region holds archaeological riches spanning thousands of years.
Since 2011, however, it has also been a battleground, fought over by the Syrian government and opposition groups, the radical
Islamists of the Islamic State group, and
their various opponents including Iraqi,
Kurdish, and U.S. forces.
In an initiative funded by the U.S. State
Department, ASOR is monitoring and assessing the damage. Recent satellite photos,
as well as reports from observers on the
ground, indicate that the artifacts and sites
face multiple perils: Islamists who destroy
ancient sites for religious reasons, systematic looters like those threatening Mari, and
the collateral damage of war. It is all seem-

ingly never-ending and disheartening, says

Michael Danti, a Boston University archaeologist who helps lead the ASOR project.
Shut out of a region plagued with competing armies, humanitarian crises, and hostile
ideologies, archaeologists have largely been
distant and anguished bystanders to the
wave of ruin. But by tracking the damage,
the ASOR researchers hope they can help
raise a global outcry and lay the foundation for salvage and reconstruction when
the wars end. Even if what we are doing is
largely ineffectual, it is better than sitting on
our hands, Branting said at a special 23 November session on the crisis.
The Islamic State group has emerged as
a particular threat, making concerted efforts to destroy the sacred sites of groups it
views as heretical. The group has publicized
its intentional destruction of dozens of sacred sites online or in its glossy magazine,
Dabiq. A soldier of the Islamic state clarifies
to the people the obligation to demolish the
tombs, states one caption in a recent issue
that includes images of exploding shrines.
It is all very choreographed, Danti says.
He adds that the biggest spike in destruction took place in May, with nearly 20 sites
demolished, followed by a half-dozen or so
incidents each month thereafter. Almost
half of the destroyed sites are associated
with Shia Muslims, while the remainder are
places sacred to Sufis, a mystical branch of
Islam, as well as Christians and Yazidis, an
ancient ethnic group centered in northern
Iraq. More than 15% are statues and buildings predating Islam; images on the Internet, for example, show a yellow front loader
toppling and pulverizing two massive black
stone lions dating to the 9th century B.C.E.
in the Islamic State provisional capital of
Raqqa in northern Syria.
But researchers say that even more damage to archaeologically important sites stems
from military action by all parties in the conflict, including the Syrian government and
perhaps Iraqi and U.S. forces. There is a lot
of damage from military garrisoning, says
Jesse Casana, an archaeologist at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, who is part of
the ASOR team and has been closely examining dozens of Syrian sites. Tells, remnants of
ancient settlements that dot the Syrian and
Iraqi landscape, offer high ground for SCIENCE

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


tary units, which wreak havoc with heavy

equipment as they fortify the sites. Archaeologists also fear that the warring forces
are heavily mining strategic tells, creating a
daunting threat for future excavators.
In October, Kurds captured Tell Shair, a
site near the hotly contested Syrian town of
Kobane. Images taken by the victors showed
that the ousted Islamic State group fighters
had dug trenches 2 to 3 meters deep on the
mound, devastating the upper layers of the
millennia-old settlement. The images also
showed signs of bomb craters, possibly from
U.S. raidsin the first half of October alone,
the U.S. military reported conducting more
than 135 airstrikes in the area. A Defense
Department advisory group provides data to
the U.S. military on important cultural heritage monuments so it can limit bomb damage. But whether such protection extends
to smaller sites such as Tell Shair is unclear,
several U.S. archaeologists say.
Casana is also using satellite photos to
track another major source of damage: looting. At the important classical city of Apamea outside Hama in western Syria, for
example, areas largely undisturbed in images from 2011 are pocked with large holes
in 2012holes big enough to suggest that
they were dug by heavy machinery such as
backhoes rather than shovels. Looting has
since spread across the site in what looks
like a very organized fashion, Casana says.
The Syrian government built a major military garrison, complete with bunkers and
artillery emplacements, at the site of the
former tourist restaurant at Apamea. This
strongly implicates the military as complicit
or participating in looting, Casana adds. At
another tell nearby, the looting holes are located within a few meters of military tents.
Classical sites like Apamea and Bosra, an
ancient city in southern Syria that has also
suffered significant damage, are more prone
to looting than older sites because their artifacts are more sought-after on the international market. Archaeologists have observed

a massive expansion
in looting between
August 2013 and April
2014 at Dura-Europos,
a sprawling Roman-era
city on the Euphrates
in Syria. But Bronze Age cities like Ebla in
the westdamaged by a Syrian government
military garrisonand Mari, which is under
the Islamic State groups control, are not immune. There are rumors that armed groups
are undertaking the work, ASORs Branting
says about Mari. Other reports suggest that
the Islamic State group is profiting from the
business, possibly by exacting a tax as well
as by overseeing looting operations. But
Danti adds that most looting appears to be
the work of desperate Syrians attempting to
survive in a devastated economy.
Massive looting, bomb craters, and damage by military garrisons can be spotted
on satellite images, but smaller thefts, kidnapping, and violence against guards and
inspectors at sites are difficult to confirm

Damage assessment
Many of Syrias ancient sites have sustained
damage (red), as shown on a map based on
satellite data. Sites in blue appear undamaged.



Saudi Arabia


In a December 2012 satellite

image of Apamea in Syria,
holes dug by looters pepper
the site of the ancient Roman
city (inset).

without on-the-ground intelligence. Sources

told Science that Islamic State group forces
kidnapped and tortured at least one antiquities inspector in northern Iraq before
releasing him a few weeks ago. A 24 September circular from the group declared
archaeology to be un-Islamic and closed the
archaeology department at the University of
Mosul, effective 18 October. And the Islamic
State groups forces now occupy the Mosul
Museum, which houses a collection of statues, friezes, and inscriptions from the Assyrian capital of Nimrud and Hatra, a classical
site 110 kilometers southwest of Mosul. One
source said the occupiers have emptied the
museum and smashed objects too large to
move. Many Iraqi archaeologists in Islamic
State groupcontrolled areas are in hiding or
have fled to Kurdistan.
Western colleagues hope that by gathering data on the situation, they will be ready
to help rebuild cultural heritage sites and
institutions once peace returns. And they
hope that some of the regions heritage will
survive the conflict. Archaeologists at the
meeting were relieved to see a recent image
of Hatra; Branting says it shows few signs of
destruction or looting at the site, home to a
large number of intact statues and buildings.
It is incumbent on those of us who have
built a research career in Syria to help, says
Graham Philip of Durham University in the
United Kingdom, who is organizing European archaeologists to analyze the situation
and plan for the future. The human toll of
the conflict is immense, but Abdal-Razzaq
Moaz, a Syrian art historian at Indiana University, Bloomington, says the destruction of
thousands of years of history inflicts its own
pain. We must consider cultural heritage as
part of the humanitarian crisis.
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS



The old man and the disease

In Liberias Ebola outbreak, star statistician Hans Rosling is
facing the intellectual challenge of a lifetime
By Kai Kupferschmidt, in Monrovia

ans Rosling is a global health celebrity, a former head of the Division

of Global Health at the Karolinska
Institute in Stockholm whose riveting lectures have made him a star of
TED talks, and a fixture of the World
Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
But since 20 October, he has occupied room
319 of Liberias Ministry of Health & Social
Welfare, a large yellow building not far from
the Atlantic Ocean. Working alongside the
countrys head of Ebola surveillance, Luke
Bawo, he is helping the ministry make sense
of the largest Ebola outbreak ever recorded.
Rosling has come without any affiliation,
which he says helps him stay independent.
He just walked into the office and introduced himself, Bawo says.
He feels bad about not coming earlier.
Ebola arrived in Liberia from Guinea in
March, then spread south to Monrovia,
where it exploded in August. Hospitals were
closed and Ebola treatment units were overwhelmed. I thought the Ebola outbreak
could be stopped locally, Rosling says. I
just wasnt smart enough.
When he saw the epidemic curve go up in


Sierra Leone and down in Liberia in October, he was skeptical, and he decided to find
out firsthand what was happening. He canceled his lectures and contacted the Liberian government. Im not a virologist and
Im not a clinician, but I have considerable
experience investigating messy epidemics
in poor parts of Africa, he says.
A quarter-century ago, he faced a threat
that seemed even more terrifying than Ebola. In August 1981, Rosling was working as
a district medical officer in northern Mozambique when he faced a line of 30 women
and children whose legs had become paralyzed over the past month. I had this big
neurology book, and their disease did not
exist in that book, Rosling says. A South
African submarine had been spotted in a
nearby bay a few weeks earlier. It was fully
possible that it was biological warfare.
When he came home that evening, he
told his wife to take their kids and drive
them to a safer place a few hours away. He
didnt sleep the next 48 hours. When you
face a disease that may be infectious, 98% of
your intellectual capacity becomes blocked.
You become so scared, thinking you will
die, thinking you may be crippled, thinking about your children. It took 2 weeks

before it became clear the affliction wasnt

contagious. (Now called konzo, its caused
at least in part by toxic compounds in cassava roots.) A group of Italian nuns helped
Rosling overcome his fears. I dont think I
could have done this without them, he says.
The experience left Rosling with a cool approach to health crises and a keen sense of
what it takes to fight a disease in one of the
poorest parts of the world. Soon after he arrived in Monrovia, he became convinced that
the Liberian decline is real, driven in large
part by changes in behavior that reduce the
risk of infection. Liberia now reports only
some 10 new cases a day. Thats good news,
but it also presents big new challenges. While
Ebola was the main cause of death, safe burials were essential. Now that new infections
are less common, people could in principle
resume traditional funeral practices, which
include contact with the body, for deaths not
due to Ebola. But spreading that message
could cause people to drop their guard with
Ebola victims, too, leading to new infections.
Any decision will have many complicated
consequences, Rosling says.
Rosling learned that lesson, too, in the
konzo outbreak. Because he was initially
unable to rule out an infectious disease,
the Mozambican government set up a roadblock to stop the disease from spreading.
A group of people took a boat along the
coast to evade the blockade, and it sank. I
have stood there and seen the bodies of 18
women and children who drowned because
of that roadblock, he says. That stays with
you. Eighteen bodies of people you killed.
After he arrived in Monrovia, Rosling
started by doing simple things, such as
proofreading the ministrys epidemiological reports, which he says nobody had time
for. He changed an important detail in
the updates: Rather than listing 0 cases
for counties that had not reported any
numberswhich could be misleadinghe
left them blank. Next, he tackled the problem behind the missing data. Some health
care workers couldnt afford to call in their
reports, because they were paying the
phone charges themselves; Rosling set up a
small fund to pay for scratch cards that gave
them airtime.
Now, hes focusing on how to get the
number of new cases down to zero. That
means finding every single case, tracing
that patients contacts, and isolating all of
those who show symptomsa huge challenge in a country where many villages are
hours away from a road, Ebola symptoms
like diarrhea and fever are common, and
the fear of the deadly virus drives some SCIENCE

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


Hans Rosling canceled his lectures and Christmas

with his family to help fight Ebola in Liberia.



tacts to skip town and seek out a traditional

healer. We have to make a meticulously
perfect system work in a country where
such a system cannot exist, he says. This
is the biggest intellectual challenge I have
participated in in my life.
On a whiteboard in his office, Rosling has
drawn a complicated flow chart to show
how the information about patients and
their contacts moves through the system.
Data are lost at several steps. Some people
die on the way to the hospital; others give
different ages or names at different points.
Roslings aim is to know how many of the
newly discovered Ebola patients are already
on one of the contact lists. But so far he
has been struggling even to find out what
county every patient is from.
Others on the front lines welcome
Roslings help. Kevin De Cock, who leads
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) field team in Liberia,
calls him an eminent epidemiologist with
immense African experience. He provides
strong technical and intellectual input.
Bawo says he admires Roslings commitment but worries that hes overstretching
himself. He is welcome to stay, but I make
it my business that he takes one day off a
week, Bawo says. Every Sunday I dont call
him, he does not call me, and I do not want
him to send me an e-mail.
Rosling says hes tired of the portrayal
of Africa as a continent of incompetence,
superstition, and rampant corruption. I
am astonished how good people are that I
work with here, how dedicated, how serious, he says. When The New York Times
reported that governmental infighting was
hampering the Ebola response, Rosling
tweeted: Don McNeil misrepresents Liberias EBOLAresponse to win the MOST
EBOLA AWARD. His self-assurance and impatience with
opinions he disagrees with can
grate on others. I find him
quite irritating, says one Western colleague. Mostly because
he turns out to be right about
most things.
Rosling is critical of Western
nations response to the crisis.
Whereas experts from elsewhere in Africa have come as
colleagues and stayed for long
periods of time, for instance,
agencies like CDC replace their
staff every few weeks, which
Rosling says hampers continuity. (CDC is like Cuba, Rosling
says: Amazing people, bad system.) The U.S. military wont

A declining epidemic
The number of reported new Ebola cases in
Liberia has dropped to about 10 per day, which
poses new challenges.





Number of new cases (526 Nov.)





Total cases






transport patients or even blood samples

in their helicopters, he adds: Welcome to
the continent of less superstition.
Rosling eventually wrote his Ph.D. thesis
about the konzo outbreak, helped set up
the Swedish chapter of Doctors Without
Borders, and became a professor of global
health at the Karolinska Institute, where
he retired in 2012. His talks still garner
obscene fees, he sayssome $600,000
annuallywhich he uses to finance the
Gapminder Foundation, a nonprofit he
set up to bring development statistics to a
broad audience. His talks have been viewed

by millions, 200,000 people follow him on

Twitter, and he has rich and powerful fans.
Mark Zuckerberg called me yesterday, he
says at one point, to ask how his money
could help fight Ebola.
In his talks, which feature dazzling graphics, Rosling is fond of emphasizing that
most peoples view of the world is wrong.
He often asks how many children get the
standard childhood vaccinations20%,
50%, or 80%? Most people answer 20%, but
its 80%. The problem is that the education
systems in North America and Europe and
the media have not conveyed a fact-based
view of the world.
Similarly, many people lump everything
from Turkey to Somalia together as the
developing world, blurring the differences
between middle-income countries and
those dominated by extreme poverty. He
likes to say that 1.5 billion people have a
light bulb and a washing machine, 4 billion have only the light bulb, and about
1.5 billion have neither. The populations of
Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone mostly
fall into the last category, he says. And
that is one reason we can have such a huge
Ebola outbreak here.
Eradicating extreme poverty should be
a top priority, says Rosling, who has been
critical of programs that focus on a single
disease, such as the multibillion-dollar initiative to eradicate polio. That has put him
at odds with Bruce Aylward of the World
Health Organization (WHO), who heads the
campaign. Now, Aylward is also in charge
of WHOs Ebola response, but in this case,
theres no disagreement: Ebola is different, Rosling says, adding that Aylward gave
him important guidance. Aylward praises
Rosling as great added value.
Although he does not come
into contact with Ebola patients,
Rosling had one moment when
his fear of infectious diseases
returned. One night in his Monrovia hotel, he developed diarrhea. He skipped dinner and
locked himself up in his room.
I had to plan. Should I tell my
family? Should I not? he says.
He decided to take his temperature every 2 hours and watch for
additional symptoms. But I did
finish my report before I went to
bed. He felt fine the next morning, and hes not planning to return to Sweden soon. I canceled
Christmas with the family, he
says. But I hope to be home for
Midsummers Eve.
Rosling shares an office with Liberias
head of Ebola surveillance, Luke Bawo.


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS




929). Frederico Graeff, a neuroscientist at

the University of So Paulo, is among those
unimpressed by the fledgling research institutes scientific productivity. Any of us
showing its record to a funding agency at
the end of a grant would not get a single
extra cent, he says.
Some Brazilian researchers attribute the
new funding to Nicoleliss close contacts with
powerful officials within the federal governour knowledge, the initiative having been
ment. Overall, the sense I get from my fellow
vetted according to the scientific policies
Brazilian colleagues is the feeling that Miguel
currently in effect represents a serious
is benefiting from unfair access to the higher
breach of protocol, the group writes.
echelons of our federal government, when
Few knew about the large grantit equals
everyone else must go through the regular
roughly half the value of the competitive
channels, says Suzana Herculano-Houzel, a
grants being offered this year by Brazils maneuroscientist at the Federal University of
jor research infrastructure funding agency
Rio de Janeiro.
ProInfra, SBPC writes in its letteruntil
Nicolelis says that the Campus of the
months after it was awarded in July. The
Brain was awarded its grant through the
news broke on 4 November in the Brazilsame mechanism used to form other large
ian paper, Estado, says Paulo
scientific institutes throughout
Saldiva, a pathologist who
Brazil. Facilities such as the
works for the science and
Brazilian Synchrotron Light
technology ministry. Saldiva
Laboratory in Campinas and
says that he and colleagues
the National Institute for Pure
were so upset about the lack
and Applied Mathematics in
of discussion surrounding the
Rio de Janeiro were created
grant that they are circulating
without extensive peer review,
a letter of complaint intended
he says. He adds that the new
for ministry officials.
grant is comparable in size to
Critics also argue that the
those awarded for other large
neuroscience insitute that is
science infrastructure projects.
Miguel Nicolelis
part of the Campus of the
These institutes receive simiBrain effort has failed to live
lar contracts on the order of
up to expectations thus far. Launched in
hundreds of millions of Reais, he says. They
2005 with a mishmash of private and fedare outstanding and when they were created
eral fundingup to $50 million by some
I do not remember any protest at all. Why the
reportsthe initiative has suffered from
protests now?
construction delays for its new buildings,
Nicolelis pins some of the discontent on
as well as the exodus in 2011 of 10 principal
geographic rivalries. In 2011, more than 60%
investigators, who complained of mismanof the Brazilian National Research Councils
agement by Nicolelis and left for a sepabudget went to the more developed south and
rate neuroscience research center 25 km
southeastern regions, he notes. Our project
away in Natal (Science, 19 August 2011, p.
helps decentralize the scientific infrastructure of the country and this severe inequality, Nicolelis says. Not surprisingly, most of
our critics come from the southeast. Graeff
counters that other projects have boosted science in Brazils northeast and north without
spending huge amounts of money and making overstated advertisements.
Nicolelis says that such criticisms miss
the broader social value of the Campus of
the Brain, such as the prenatal care and
schooling it is providing for roughly 1500
local children per year. For any scientist
worth his or her salt to complain about
something like that is shameful, he says.
As Science went to press, Brazils government had not yet responded to SBPCs
letter. SBPC President Helena Nader, however, has requested a face-to-face meeting
with the minister of education.

Scientists protest funding

bonanza for brain campus
By Emily Underwood

Nicolelis has won global attention for
experiments with brain-controlled
prosthesesand for masterminding
a controversial World Cup kickoff
by a paralyzed man in a robotic
exoskeleton. But back home, controversy
over the high-profile researchers recent
windfall has reached a boiling point. Last
week, Brazils largest scientific organization wrote a letter on behalf of more than
120 scientific societies questioning the
federal governments decision to invest
roughly U.S. $100 million in the Campus
of the Brain, the neuroscience research and
education initiative in rural northern Brazil spearheaded by Nicolelis.
According to Nicolelis, the funding provided by Brazils Ministry of Education
will cover operational costs over the next
4 years for the campuss health and education efforts and for its several dozen neuroscience research laboratories. The money
is not being taken out of anyone elses pot,
he stresses. These funds do not come from
annual federal research moneythis is
new money, a new appropriation.
Yet the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC) argues that the nations entire scientific community should
have been given a chance to compete for
the funding. Allocating substantial resources for an ad-hoc initiative without, to

The near-complete building in

Macaba, Brazil, that will hold
30 neuroscience laboratories.


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


$100 million grant came as a surprise to many

Downloaded from on December 5, 2014



Years of writing about genetic testing did not prepare me

for my own foray into this rapidly changing world


By Jennifer Couzin-Frankel

arely could I be described in a

headline in The New York Times,
which explains why I lingered
over one earlier this fall. Study
of Jewish Women Shows Link to
Cancer Without Family History,
announced the 5 September story.
Uneasily, I read on: Women of
Ashkenazi Jewish descent who
tested positive for cancer-causing genetic
mutations during random screenings have
high rates of breast and ovarian cancer even

when they have no family history of the disease, researchers reported Thursday.
Science has been my professional home
for the past 13 years, and in that time Ive
written extensively about genetic testing
and spoken with dozens of experts at the
fields cutting edge. Ive chronicled the scientific advances, the ethical quandaries,
the lives testing saves, the angst it ignites. I
had never turned the lens on my own DNA.
Abruptly, there was no escaping it. My


parents are both of Ashkenazi descent. To

my knowledge, no one on either side of my
family has ever had breast or ovarian cancer. But suddenly I saw how a mutation in
the genes discussed in that article, BRCA1
and BRCA2, might have slipped unnoticed
through my fathers small family, heavy on
the Y chromosomethrough him; his older
The author and her two children at play. She sought
genetic testing, as many do, in part to protect her
own health as they grow up.
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS




from ovarian cancer and 50% less likely to

die from breast cancer. Prophylactic mastectomy appears to cut risk of breast cancer
by at least 95%.
But many other genes for which testing was discouraged just a few years back
because their impact on health was uncertain are now being routinely offered,
says Kenneth Offit, chief of the clinical genetics service at Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center in New York City. This is
the paradox weve fallen into. Just as more
cancer risk genes were being uncovered,
the cost of sequencing them plunged. The
result is a proliferation of panels designed
to decipher DNA.
How much each of these genes raises
risk in individuals, and at what age, is often fuzzy. The clinical work got out ahead
of us, says Fergus Couch, an authority on
BRCA and other breast cancer genes at
the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
The [sequencing] technology
changed so quickly that we did
not have time to develop answers to the questions patients
and doctors are now asking.
In the summer of 2013, GeneDx
launched its Breast/Ovarian Cancer Panelspurred partly by the
Supreme Court ruling against the
Myriad Genetics patent claims
on the BRCA genes. Other companies, including Myriad itself
and Ambry Genetics, along with
academic medical centers, have
jumped in with panels of dozens
of genes linked to an array of
cancers. Were really looking at
things that will provide the physician with the ability to make
a treatment plan, for example,
by adding increased surveillance, says Sherri Bale, managing director
of GeneDx. The genes on the companys
panels are a moving target, she says,
with culprits added and sometimes deleted
based on the available scientific evidence.
Bale believes the panels, which cost in the
neighborhood of two or three thousand
dollars, are suitable for high-risk families
but not yet for the general population.
THE LIST OF 21 GENES sits between us,

and I consider all I could learn by simply

saying yes. The counselor isnt advocating
I sign up for the full panel. But she draws
my attention to one gene in the moderaterisk purple grouping, CHEK2. The list of
cancers beside it is long: Female Breast,
Male Breast, Colon, Prostate, Thyroid, Renal,
Endometrial (serous), Ovarian. Im vaguely
familiar with CHEK2 as a breast cancer gene
from my own reporting. Is CHEK2 more SCIENCE

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


brother; my three cousins, two of whom

curly hair and glasses approaches me, smilare male. I remembered that my paternal
ing, clipboard in hand. In her office, she
grandfather had suffered from prostate canpulls out a pedigree of my family sketched
cer, which eventually spread to his bones
in pencilsquares for males, circles for feand killed him. My uncle had the disease,
males, diagonal slashes through anyone
too. Along with their storied role in breast
who has died with the cause of death jotted
and ovarian cancers, BRCA mutations are
next to them. I thought Id come prepared
associated with prostate cancer in men. Id
after all, Im here only for BRCA testing, and
long known that Ashkenazi Jews are more
only because of my ancestrybut it turns
likely to carry mutations in those genes. But
out I havent. Did my grandmothers hysterthat was as far as my knowledge went.
ectomy include removal of her ovaries? (I
When I probed the numbers, they
hazard a guess and query family members
were not particularly reassuring. A quick
after the fact; none knows whether I got
Google searchwhy had I never done this
it right.) Did my great-grandmother die
before?revealed that one in 40 Ashkenaof stomach or colon cancer? She was in
zis carry BRCA mutations, compared with
her 90s, I say. I still carry a dim memory
as few as one in 800 in the general populaof visiting her in the hospital, as a 3-yeartion. Like nearly all genes linked to cancer,
old, shortly before she died. Does it matter
BRCA1 and BRCA2 were first found in famiwhen someone is that old?
lies riddled with the disease. But the SepThe counselor pulls out a sheet of patember study, led by Ephrat Levy-Lahad,
per and lays it on the table. Its a list of
a medical geneticist at Shaare Zedek Medi21 genes associated with breast and ovarcal Center in Jerusalem, argued
that other families shared a similarly high risk if they carried the
same mutations.
Several of the authors, among
them Mary-Claire King of the
University of Washington, Seattle,
BRCA1s discoverer, say all women
regardless of family history should
learn whether they carry dangerous mutations in BRCA1 and
BRCA2. Other experts are not yet
convinced. Perhaps even more
contentious is whom to screen for
dozens of risk genes uncovered in
the past decade, some only tenuously linked to cancer. I might
have written a nuanced Science
story laying out both sides of the
The newspaper article that started it all, published in early September.
debate. But when it came to my
own health, 486 Israeli women
with BRCA mutations, half without a family
ian cancer. Eleven are shaded pink and lahistory but all highly vulnerable to cancer,
beled high-risk; three are in the purple
was all I needed.
moderate-risk category; and seven others
Time seemed of the essence. I am
are turquoise and described, obliquely, as
38 years old; ovary removal in BRCA carnewer genes. This is the Breast/Ovarian
riers is recommended by 40. I called the
Cancer Panel from the company GeneDx
suburban Philadelphia hospital where my
in Gaithersburg, Maryland, but as is often
children, now 2 and 5 years old, were born
the case in oncology, many of the genes conand spoke with a genetic counselor. She
tribute to other cancers, too. One confers a
took a family history and agreed that yes,
40% to 83% risk of stomach cancer. StomBRCA testing was worthwhile, and yes, inach removal is recommended if you test
surance would likely cover it in my case.
positive. Another, TP53, confers a nearly
I booked an appointment. I was about
100% chance of cancer in women and a 73%
to experience my own sliver of the brave
chance in men; TP53 cancers include brain
new world of cancer genetic testing, which
cancers and sarcomas.
would take me beyond BRCA and into more
When it comes to two of the genes on
uncertain terrain.
the panel, BRCA1 and BRCA2, theres little
doubt that in cancer-prone families, testing
THE AUTOMATIC DOORS SWISH soundsaves lives: Extensive study of BRCA carlessly open as I step into the hospitals canriers has found that those who have their
cer center. A genetic counselor with brown,
ovaries removed are 80% less likely to die

common in Ashkenazis? I ask, still stuck on

heritage as my cancer driver and the reason
The calculus of risk
Im in this room to begin with.
No, the counselor replies. But in addiHow much a BRCA1 mutation raises a womans risk of breast cancer depends on her age, family
tion to prostate, my paternal grandfather
history, and other variables, as the examples below illustrate.
had colon cancer. He was in his 70s! I
protest. Nonetheless, CHEK2 testing for me
is worth considering, the counselor says. A
CHEK2 mutation could roughly double my
Years old
Years old
Years old
Years old
risk of breast cancer, to at least 20%. Annual breast MRIs and mammograms would
likely be recommended.
Im stymied. Adding another gene for
No family history;
Two afected sisters,
No family history;
Two afected sisters,
testing had never occurred to me. And
two sisters
two brothers, no sisters
afected mother
afected mother
yet, if the test is positive, the course of
action sounds relatively benign and potentially lifesaving.
Risk in the next
Risk in the next
Risk in the next
Risk in the next
Lets do it, I say. Weve been talking for
10 years
10 years
10 years
10 years
about 40 minutes.
The counselor pulls out a consent form.
Theres one more thing, she explains. A
block of text is titled Variant of uncertain
Lifetime risk
Lifetime risk
Lifetime risk
Lifetime risk
significance (VUS). It reads, in part: I may
learn that a VUS was identified by this test.
Source: Courtesy of Antonis Antoniou/University of Cambridge/BOADICEA
This means that a genetic change (variant)
was identified, but it is unknown whether
the variant may cause cancer. A given cancer gene can have thousands of variants,
She writes back quickly and kindly. She
tive and their families. What percentage
some showing up in just a handful of famihas checked with GeneDx and learned that,
of the time does it really add anything to
lies worldwide. Certain variants are a major
for regulatory reasons, they are obligated
the situation? I dont mention that my
contributor to disease, whereas others are
to share information if a VUS is found. She
own CHEK2 test is in process. Instead,
benign changes in DNA that, practically
will ask her medical director whether the
I inquire about the frequency of CHEK2
speaking, mean nothing.
hospital can keep a VUS finding from me.
mutations in the general population.
Again, my years of medical journalism
But she wonders, too, whether you will feel
Domcheks response that only about one in
have failed to prepare me. How common
anxious not knowing whether or not you
200 people in the United States is a carrier
are these in BRCA and CHEK2? I demand.
may be recontacted in the future regarding
helps me exhale.
For BRCA1 and BRCA2, the counselor exa reclassified VUS. Chances are you will
Domchek is one of many researchers
plains, about 2% of people have a VUS.
not have a VUS and then you may feel relief
trying to illuminate the interplay between
(I later learn that VUS rates fluctuate deto know you do not have one.
cancer genes and disease. Along with
pending on the company
Later, she writes to say
Offit, Couch, and others, she has developed
offering the test.) She is
that her medical director
an online registry called PROMPT that
not sure about CHEK2 but
is comfortable withholdopened earlier this fall. It aims to regisis happy to find out. She
ing a VUS if no pathogenic
ter thousands of people who have had the
stresses, too, that finding a
variants turn up. And
panel testing offered by a host of compaVUS would not affect meditheres more good news:
nies, including GeneDx, Ambry, Myriad,
cal guidance and that the
She has learned that the
Quest Diagnostics, and Pathway Genomhospital will recontact me
VUS rate for CHEK2, per
ics. Their goal is a database that will help
if a VUS is later reclassiGeneDx, is only 1.6%, far
them examine how specific gene variants
Sharon Plon, Baylor College
fied as either harmless or
lower than she originally
affect health.
of Medicine
estiWe need to get the worlds experience
I push aside my hesitamates vary depending on
with all these panels, Couch says. He also
tion, sign the forms, and am off to the lab
whom you ask. I shelve my inner dialogue
points out an irony: Despite some uneasifor a blood draw.
over which information I want.
ness, scientists like him need panel testing
Driving home, my intolerance for uncerto continue, because its their best shot to
tainty rears its head. Do I really want to
TWO DAYS LATER, while GeneDx is parsgather enough data to tackle research quesknow if I have a VUS? Whats the point?
ing my DNA, Im on the phone with Susan
tions. At the same time, You dont want to
That afternoon, I send the counselor an
Domchek, an oncologist studying breast
do science at the cost of the patient, he
e-mail. I tell her Im worried that learncancer genes at the University of Pennsylsays. Couch is part of an international coning about VUSs will cause me anxiety and
vania. We are discussing cancer risk genes
sortium called ENIGMA thats working to
there will be no benefit to having this inin people without a family history of dissequence breast cancer genes from 40,000
formation. Im wondering whether its posease. Unprompted, Domchek brings up
cancer patients and healthy people. The
sible not to receive information about any
CHEK2 testing. We dont know how to
project will nail down the risk conferred by
VUS that may turn up in testing. Is this
incorporate it into patient care, she comdifferent mutations, and study the impact
an option?
plains, referring to women who test posiof VUSs on disease.













People need to
become more
comfortable with


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS



out, CHEK2 is quite common in Sweden.

We do not return it.

Multigene panels for cancer risk are proliferating and evolving, including this one of 21 genes associated with breast, ovarian, and other cancers, shared with the author prior to her own testing.




Female breast (5784%), ovarian (2454%), prostate (1620%), male

breast (4%), pancreatic (3%), melanoma, fallopian tube, primary peritoneal,
endometrial (serous)


Female breast (4184%), ovarian (1127%), prostate (2034%),

pancreatic (57%), male breast (47%), melanoma, fallopian tube,
primary peritoneal, endometrial (serous)


Female breast (3952%), diffuse gastric cancer (4083%), colon


Ovarian (424%), colorectal (2080%), endometrial (1260%), stomach,

pancreatic, biliary tract, urinary tract, small bowel, brain, sebaceous


Female breast (2550%), thyroid (10%), endometrial (510%), colon,

renal, melanoma


Female breast (3254%), ovarian tumors (21%), colorectal (39%),

pancreatic (1136%), gastric (30%), lung (15%), small intestine (13%),
cervical (10%), endometrial (10%), testicular tumors (9%)


Female breast, ovarian, soft tissue sarcoma, osteosarcoma, brain tumors,

adrenocortical carcinoma; overall risk for cancer: nearly 100% in females,
73% in males



Female breast, colon, pancreatic


Female breast, male breast, colon, prostate, thyroid, renal

endometrial (serous), ovarian


Female breast, male breast, pancreatic, ovarian


Female breast, ovarian


Female breast, ovarian


Female breast


Female breast, melanoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma


Female breast, ovarian


Female breast, ovarian


Female breast, colon, pancreatic

Outside the United States, panels of cancer genes are largely restricted to research
settings, and investigators often dont share
information about mutations that carry
a modest or unknown risk. Theres much
debate over what to tell volunteers. We
struggle with it, says Hans Ehrencrona, a
clinical geneticist at Lund University Hospital in Sweden. Where to draw that line, no

one knows for sure.

Every woman in Sweden who receives
BRCA testing is now also offered the chance
to sign up for a study in which shes tested
for 63 other cancer genes. Results from only
seven of those are shared with the participants. Many moderate-risk genes are not
on the list, says Ehrencrona, whos helping
lead the effort. As an example, he points


minutes after a work conference call ends,

my phone rings. I have your results, the
counselor announces. Its been 19 days since
I met with her. What do you want to know?
Well, the pathogenic mutations, of course,
I say.
Theres great news, she tells me: No
pathogenic mutations were detected in any
of the three genes.
Relief rushes through me. Do you want
to know about any VUS? she asks. I think
about CHEK2, and the 1.6% VUS rate she
quoted. What are the chances? Sure, I say.
There were no variants of unknown
significance detected in BRCA, but a variant of unknown significance was detected
in CHEK2, she tells me. Reading from the
GeneDx report, she explains that my VUS is
a deletion of 15 DNA nucleotides. The variant has been found in two men with prostate cancer, and in vitro analysis suggests it
causes a partial loss of function of the gene.
I expected distress, a ringing in my ears,
fear coiling in the pit of my stomach. Instead, Im almost laughing. I think, Thats
it? Thats whats being shared with patients
these days? Two men with prostate cancer,
cells in a petri dish, a loss of function that
may or may not translate into pathogenicity: This does not merit my mental energy.
People need to become more comfortable with uncertainty, Sharon Plon, a clinical geneticist at Baylor College of Medicine
in Houston, Texas, tells me a few days later.
But she stresses that acknowledging uncertainty does not mean that we dont know
anything. For many families with cancer,
large panels provide constructive guidance.
I write to my cousin in San Francisco to
share my test results; she is the only close female relative on my fathers side, where the
cancer cases cluster. And shes more familiar than most with the panels: Her mother,
my nonbiological aunt, is fighting ovarian
cancer and signed up for a panel of 41 genes
offered by the University of Washington, Seattle. She tested negative for all of them.
My cousin had urged me to consider the
same panel, which has now expanded to
48 genes. In the end, I explain in my message to her, it wasnt something I wanted. I
know the panels are often discouraged, she
writes back. Its a view she doesnt share.
Even without a clear-cut action plan, she
wants to know whatever message her DNA
carries for her future. The only reason shes
eschewed testing for herself is because insurance is unlikely to pay for it. Knowledge
is power, she writes. I dont see any downside at all. SCIENCE

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


A menu of cancer genes

Downloaded from on December 5, 2014


B O OKS et al .

Lee & Low Books,

2013. 44 pp.

Have You Heard

the Nesting Bird?
Rita Gray, illustrated
by Kenard Pak
HMH Books for Young
Readers, 2014. 32 pp.

Tiny Creatures:
The World of Microbes
Nicola Davies,
illustrated by Emily
Candlewick, 2014.
36 pp.

Buried Sunlight
Molly Bang and
Penny Chisholm,
illustrated by
Molly Bang
The Blue Sky Press,
2014. 44 pp.



Mars, microbes, and

mastodons oh my!
Do you know an aspiring astronaut or have a son or daughter whos fascinated with
physics? Know a kid who cant stop talking about parrots or one who loves a good
mystery? If so, then this years finalists for the 2015 Science Books and Films Prizes
for Excellence in Science Books will likely be of great interest. The prizes, sponsored
by AAAS and Subaru, celebrate books that offer clear and engaging discussions of
scientific topics for children and young adults. The finalists were chosen by a panel
of librarians, scientists, and science literary experts from 175 submissions, all of
which were published between September 2013 and September 2014. The winners for
each category will be announced at the upcoming AAAS Annual Meeting in San Jose.
We hope that you and your young readers will enjoy them as much as we did.

Parrots over
Puerto Rico
Reviewed by Yevgeniya Nusinovich, Solomon
Nusinovich Ucko, Hadassah Nusinovich Ucko

This is one of those rare books that are

meant for young children but are interesting
enough to be read by the whole family. In

it, authors Susan Roth and Cindy Trumbore

tell the true story of Puerto Ricos parrots,
which almost vanished as a result of human
development and habitat destruction and
are now being brought back from the brink
of extinction. The history of Puerto Rico is
interwoven throughout the story, giving
readers a glimpse into the political and
cultural context that led to the parrots predicament. The book is illustrated with beautiful collages by Susan Roth, a professional
artist and author. The story is followed by SCIENCE

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


Parrots over
Puerto Rico
Susan L. Roth and
Cindy Trumbore,
illustrated by
Susan L. Roth

from microbial diversity (in size, shape,

habitat, and energy source) to the parallels that exist between microbes and other
forms of life. For example, we learn that the
number of microbes in a teaspoon of soil is
comparable to the number of people in India. Suttons illustrations include pinwheel
shapes and colorful squiggles, which make
microbes vibrant and fun rather than frightening. Daviess text also reassures readers
that microorganisms should not be feared,
because most do not make us sick. In fact,
they are the invisible transformers of our
worldthe tiniest lives doing some of the
biggest jobs. This book makes the invisible familiar and provides a foundation for
a friendly, not adversarial, relationship between tiny people and tiny creatures.

Buried Sunlight
Reviewed by Brent Grocholski

an afterword, which contains photographs

of the parrots and other species of birds that
call Puerto Rico home, as well as the scientists and equipment involved in protecting
the parrots and restoring their habitat. Although the primary audience for this book
would be budding nature lovers, youngsters
who are interested in history and culture
will likely enjoy it as well. In addition, we
recommend this book to families with children who are too young to read, because the
exciting story and beautiful collages will entertain parents and their little ones.

Have You Heard the

Nesting Bird?


Reviewed by Sacha Vignieri

As children begin to engage with the world

around them, often one of the things they
are most attracted to are the birds that surround our homes and live in our parks.
They point as they fly by or turn their heads
at the interesting calls that sometimes
seem to come from thin air. Author Rita
Gray and illustrator Kenard Pak address
these budding birders and naturalists with
the simple prose and lovely illustrations in
this book, which centers around one of the
quietest birds in the yard, a nesting robin.
The story showcases the chirps and trills of
other common garden birds, giving young
listeners their first exposure to the complexity of bird calls. By the end, readers and

listeners learn why the robin has stayed so

quiet throughout the story and gain some
understanding of the diversity of birds and
calls that surround us. The final pages feature an interview with the storys robinA
Word with the Birdthat provides more
detailed information about nesting for the
curious reader.

Tiny Creatures: The

World of Microbes
Reviewed by Trista Wagoner

Since the late 19th century, scientists have

been urging people to view microorganisms
as not just agents of disease but also
critical components of our ecosystem. Yet, even today, we
continue to deploy a large
arsenal of antimicrobial
chemicals in a quest
to become germ-free.
Perhaps, then, we
should try engaging
children, who are often naturally drawn
to things that adults
avoid. In Tiny Creatures, author Nicola
Davies and illustrator
Emily Sutton offer a charming introduction to the smallest forms of life, engaging young
primary-school children in topics ranging


Sunlight is the thread that ties together

several concepts related to anthropogenic
climate change in this childrens book. The
goal is to get children thinking about the potential consequences of burning hundreds
of millions of years of fossil fuels, which
authors Molly Bang and Penny Chisholm
refer to as buried sunlight. The book
highlights the difference in time scale between how long it has taken to produce
fossil fuels and the rate at which humans
consume them. In the process, it does not
shy away from introducing complex scientific concepts, including photosynthesis
and the carbon cycle. The illustrations are
thoughtful and necessary for a book that
sets out to explain such a challenging set
of ideas to a younger audience. To reinforce
the theme of buried sunlight, dark pockets
of fossil fuels are shown, laced with tiny
golden suns. Large, wavy arrows illustrate
changes in oxygen and carbon dioxide
in Earths atmosphere. The darkness of the illustrations gives
the book a bit of an ominous tone as it hints at
some of the negative
consequences of climate change, but it
closes on an optimistic note, encouraging
us to work together
to find alternative
energy sources and reduce greenhouse gases.
The final pages contain a
more detailed notes section
aimed at answering additional
questions about the link between fossil fuel use and climate change.
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS



The Case of the

Vanishing Honeybees:
A Scientific Mystery
Sandra Markle
Milbrook Press,
2014. 48 pp.

Eyes Wide Open:

Going Behind the
Paul Fleischman
Candlewick, 2014.
208 pp.

Millbrook Press,
2014. 48 pp.

Handle with Care:

An Unusual Butterfly
Loree Grifn Burns,
photography by
Ellen Harasimowicz
Millbrook Press,
2014. 36 pp.

Mission: Mars
Pascal Lee,
illustrated by
Ryan Hobson
Scholastic, 2013.
48 pp.

The Kids Guide to

Exploring Nature
Brooklyn Botanic
Garden Educators,
illustrated by
Laszlo Veres
Brooklyn Botanic
Garden, 2014. 120 pp.



The Case of
the Vanishing
A Scientific Mystery

Eyes Wide Open:

Going Behind the

Reviewed by Beverly Purnell

Reviewed by Julia Fahrenkamp-Uppenbrink

Honeybees have been disappearing at an

astonishing rate since 2006. In this book,
former elementary school science teacher
Sandra Markle informs young (late elementary to early middle school) readers about
this crisis, termed colony collapse disorder
(CCD). In the beginning of the book, we
learn that in recent years, as many as 30
to 50% of honeybees have vanished from
hives, with few clues as to the cause. Because one-third of crops are pollinated by
bees, this represents a serious problem.
Cast as a mystery, the book includes informative explanations of plant and bee
biology as well as a description of the
partnership between bees and plants and
the reliance of humans on this association.
Throughout the book, Markle quotes scientists and beekeepers who theorize that CCD
may be due to mites, a fungus, pesticides,
altered farming and beekeeping practices,
or a combination of assaults. Beautiful photographs and diagrams illustrate concepts
as diverse as the bee life cycle, commercial
beekeeping, and challenges in the bee habitat. A broad range of readers with interests
in insects, agriculture, or the workings of
science will likely find this book to be engaging and informative.

Modern technology, from smart phones

to air travel, is pervasive in todays society, making it inconceivable how humans
could ever have lived without them. Yet,
as childrens writer Paul Fleischman explains in this book, the advances of the past
250 years have changed the world beyond
recognition. Writing in an accessible and
engaging style, he explains the environmental problems caused by climate change
and the growing world population, including those that result from our consumption
of goods and products, energy use, and
food production. He highlights the vested
interests and social mechanisms that
prevent change and helps the reader to
recognize environmental problems and
their causes, both in their own cities and
in the wider world. In the margins, numerous images, nuggets of information, and
suggestions for further reading provide
context. Aimed at teenagers, the book
provides what the author calls the basic
vocabulary for following the environmental debatedefining terms such as carbon
capture, normalcy bias, and greenwashing.
Its clarity and scope provide an excellent
starting point for classroom discussion or
independent reading. SCIENCE

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


Plastic, Ahoy!
Investigating the
Great Pacific
Garbage Patch
Patricia Newman,
photography by
Annie Crawley

Plastic, Ahoy!
the Great Pacific
Garbage Patch
Reviewed by Marc Lavine


When we think of large-scale waste disposal, we often think of giant, stinky landfill sites where garbage is buried. However,
the largest collection of garbage isnt on
land but rather in the Pacific Ocean. Known
as both the Pacific trash vortex and the
Great Pacific Garbage Patch, it is located
in a part of the ocean called the North Pacific Central Gyre and spans waters from
the west coast of North America to Japan.
Here, the convergence of four currents
creates a pocket of relatively calm water,
which causes large quantities of small,
primarily plastic, debris to accumulate. In
this book, author Patricia Newman follows
three young scientistsMiriam Goldstein,
Chelsea Rochman, and Darcy Taniguchi
on an ocean voyage to explore the garbage
patch as part of the Scripps Environmental
Accumulation of Plastic Expedition (SEAPLEX). Despite its size, which both is hard
to quantify and can vary through the year,
the patch cannot be seen by satellites because most of the garbage is in the form of
small particles and a large fraction may lie
on the sea floor. Scientists hoping to study
it must take to the open ocean, which also
gives them the opportunity to study the impact of the patch on the local marine life
and food chain. Newman narrates the book
from the perspective of the researchers and
crew and their daily activities, including
anecdotes about the voyage itself, as well as
the exploration of the garbage patch. She
uses these adventures to show the reader
what it means to be a scientist and to use
scientific methods.

Handle with Care:

An Unusual Butterfly
Reviewed by Michael D. Crabtree

A mysterious package arrives at the Museum of Science in Boston from a farm

in Costa Rica. What could it be? Bizarrely
enough, its butterfly larvae! Using stunning
images and informative text, author Loree Griffin Burns and photographer Ellen

Harasimowicz describe the life cycle and

journey of these beautiful insects. The story
begins at El Bosque Nuevo, a Costa Rican
farm that grows butterflies for museums
so that people around the world can learn
more about them. Because El Bosque Nuevo
is somewhat different from a normal farm,
Burns describes some of the farmers daily
tasks, from preparing meals of crushed bananas and sugared water to wrapping the
butterfly larvae in cotton and tissue paper
for transport. According to Burns, the farmers work hard so that they can earn money
to protect the forest around their property. The life cycle and metamorphosis of
the blue morpho butterfly is wonderfully
described, with superb photographs and
useful diagrams. In the back of the book,
readers will find an interesting comparison
with other insects and their life cycles and
a valuable glossary that explains some of
the more technical words. This is an ideal
book for an aspiring entomologist or those
who are curious about the logistics behind
museum exhibits.


The Kids Guide to

Exploring Nature
Reviewed by Marc Lavine

Do you know a kid who is more interested

in identifying wildflowers than in pulling them to make a bouquet? Are you out
of your league when it comes to answering
questions about why leaves change color or
identifying rocks, leaves, birds, and insects?
If so, help is available from the experts at the
renowned Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Broken
down by seasons, this book invites readers
to explore the biodiversity around them in
a wide range of locations, from the woods,
to meadows and ponds, and even in the city.
Packed with detailed, well-labeled illustrations, the book explores everything from
wonder weeds and awesome amphibians to rocks that will knock your socks
off. Career profiles are woven throughout

Mission: Mars
Reviewed by Maria Cruz

This short but instructive and visually rich

book is written as a training manual for
budding Mars-bound astronauts. Aimed at
children ages 9 to 12, it is packed full of information about the red planet, including
what it would take to travel there and back.
The author, Pascal Lee, is a planetary scientist who studies the history of water on
Mars. As chairman of the Mars Institute,
a nonprofit research organization whose
mission is to further the scientific study,
exploration, and public understanding of
Mars, he has plenty of experience thinking
about potential human missions to Mars,
and he draws on this experience to engage
the reader. Throughout the book, we see
photographs of Lee testing a spacesuit in
a simulated Martian dust storm and climbing down a steep Mars-like cliff on Devon
Island in northern Canada. Lee expertly
guides future Mars explorers through six
phases of training, including basic facts
about the planet, preparing for launch,
navigating space, understanding what to
expect aboard the spacecraft, landing on
Mars and exploring its surface, and planning future steps in exploration. As in any
training, there are a number of drills
short quizzes that test the readers mastery
of the topicthroughout the book. Those
who successfully complete the final drill
are invited to sign and date a certificate of


the book and discuss a number of jobs that

relate to exploring and preserving nature,
including field biologist, nature educator,
and botanical illustrator. The book also
features a number of nature activity guides
and scavenger hunts, as well as a detailed
glossary of technical terms that are used
throughout. Parents of young naturalists
may especially appreciate the final pages of
the book, which offer tips for adult caregivers that include ways to plan a successful outing and plants that are best avoided,
complete with helpful photographs.
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS



Reviewed by Brent Grocholski

The paper clips, batteries, rubber bands,

straws, and other junk you cant bear to
throw away are about to come in handy. In
this book, high school physics teacher Bobby
Mercer presents 50 fun projects that exploit
principles of basic physics to fling objects,
spin things, make noise, and amaze your
friends. The experiments are broken down
into topic sections of force, energy, sound,
light, electricity, and fluids. Each project has
a clear list of required objects and pictures
to help the reader understand the setup instructions. A simple breakdown follows to
explain the science behind how the experiment works. Although adult supervision is
necessary for a few of the experiments, most
of the projects can be tackled by older children (middle school and up) with ease. The
book also has plenty to offer teenagers and
adults, as many of the experiments double
as cool party tricks and science fair inspiration. This book has something for everyone
to enjoy, whether you want to build a pinhole camera, burn steel, make an air horn,
construct a clothespin catapult, or impress
your friends with a coin trick. These engaging experiments provide a fun way for everyone to learn a little bit of physics.

Plant a Pocket of
Reviewed by Barbara Jasny

This is a book about the vanishing prairie

and what children can do to preserve pockets of it. Although the message is delivered
in a gentle manner with charming illustrations, the author, Phyllis Root, speaks to the
disappearance of an entire ecosystemthe


prairie that once covered 40% of the United

States. Her recommendation is to begin
small, by planting once-common species
such as bluestem or butterfly weed or coneflowers and watching as they attract insects
and small animals that have been looking
for food and a home. From butterflies and
chickadees to skinks and spadefoot toads,
Root encourages children to dream big
when it comes to restoring biodiversity,
closing the story with a picture of bison,
which could conceivably repopulate our
landscape if our prairie pockets grow
large enough. The final pages offer greater
detail about the prairie, practical planting
tips, and descriptions of animals and plants
that are native prairie dwellers.

The Tale of
the Dueling
Reviewed by Valerie Thompson

Macabre medical cases, including a deadly

disease that evokes maniacal laughter in its
victims and an addled alcoholic who lies
compulsively, feature prominently in this
book, which tells the story of the strange
circumstances that have led to important
breakthroughs in our understanding of the
human brain. The cast of characters will be
familiar to any brain enthusiast, including
the infamous H.M., who never formed a
new memory after undergoing an experimental surgical procedure, and the incredibly unlucky Phineas Gage, who wasnt the
same after a railroad spike blasted through
his frontal lobe. Each chapter begins with
a built-in brain teaser that hints at the
chapters theme. The reader is also treated
to some enjoyable trivia about some big
names in early brain research. For example,
in addition to shaping our understanding
of the brains anatomy, we learn that pathol-

ogist Santiago Ramn y Cajal was jailed at

the age of 11 for building a cannon from an
oil drum and using it to destroy a neighbors
gate and that Wilder Penfield, the neurosurgeon who meticulously mapped the brain,
only became convinced of his calling after
a German torpedo nearly claimed his life in
1916. The most compelling part of the narrative, however, is the way that it encourages
the reader to internalize the information
presented. What might it feel like to lose
memories of holidays and lovers and times
we fell short, implores author Sam Kean,
and in cases where questionable medical
decisions led to great insights about the
brain, does the end justify the means?

The Sixth Extinction:

An Unnatural History
Reviewed by Julia Fahrenkamp-Uppenbrink

In this book, New Yorker staff writer Elizabeth Kolbert presents compelling evidence
that we are in the midst of a human-caused
mass extinction. According to Kolbert, this
sixth extinction is of a similar magnitude
to previous mass extinction events, including the Cretaceous event that famously
spelled the end for the dinosaurs. The author is at her best when recounting her
personal encounters with species or ecosystems in peril. Her account of the demise of
North American bats from an introduced SCIENCE

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


Junk Drawer

fungal disease, for example, is harrowing.

She describes entering a cave that was covered with the remains of dead bats, making it impossible to avoid stepping on them.
The next winter, she returns, and all that is
left of the dead bats is a carpet of delicate
bones. She goes on to describe how bat species that counted in the millions less than
10 years ago are now officially listed as endangered. She also swims with researchers
off the coast of a small Italian island to provide readers with a firsthand account of the
effects of ocean acidification and travels to
a Panamanian frog hotel devoted to saving frogs from a fungal disease that threatens to wipe out vast numbers of amphibian
species. As Kolbert explains, mass extinction events are extremely rare because life
is extremely resilient but not infinitely so.
She offers numerous examples to show how
globalization and global warming are outpacing species ability to adapt, with disastrous results for Earths biodiversity.

the growing of skin grafts for burn victims.

Fongs accounts of what happens to the
body in zero gravity and what challenges
this presents for getting humans to Mars,
a topic he explores in great detail at the
end of the book, is fascinating, although it
remains to be seen whether this will have
a significant effect on the practice of medicine. With its gripping accounts of human
survival and compelling first-person anecdotes, Extreme Medicine will likely interest
young adult readers (who may get more out
of it if theyve had some high school biology) and adults alike.

Extreme Medicine:
How Exploration
Medicine in the
Twentieth Century

Anna, 29, loses control of her skis, crashes

down a slope, falls through a sheet of ice,
and is trapped underwater in a frigid, fastflowing mountain stream for 80 min. When
she is finally rescued and arrives at the hospital, she appears to be dead, but 5 hours
later her heart is coaxed into beating, and
10 days later she wakes up with only minor nerve damage. Florence, 82, already
chronically ill, suffers a heart attack in her
retirement apartment, and within a very
short time a team of paramedics arrives
and restarts her heart. Unlike Anna, Florence never wakes up and, roughly 2 weeks
later, dies. In this book, author David Casarett, himself a medical doctor, uses these
and other near-death incidents to illustrate
a lively, often humorous, and occasionally gruesome exploration of the science
and history of resuscitation. He guides us
through scientific successes and failures,
explores the cutting edge of suspended animation research and the promise it holds
for stabilizing patients until they can reach
the hospital, and investigates how CPR
likely really works (surprisingly, it may not
be by restoring circulation). He illustrates
the power that cheating death holds over
us with discussions of coffins equipped
with mechanisms to alert the outside
world, should you revive from apparent
death and find yourself entombed, and optimistic cryonauts who have their bodies
frozen after death in the hope of future resurrection. Nor does he shy away from some
of the moral issues raised by trying to save
people, such as Florence, from death. For
older teens (and adults), this book represents a fascinating window into the science
of staying alive.

Reviewed by Kristen L Mueller

If youre trapped in a sinking vehicle, youre

more likely to survive if its daytime. This is
because beyond a certain depth, you need
sunlight to know which way is up. Kevin
Fong weaves survival trivia throughout
this book, which also features historical vignettes and personal accounts from his experiences as an anesthesiologist, intensive
care specialist, and NASA researcher. The
book is a grippingalthough sometimes
meanderingread, taking readers everywhere from Robert Falcon Scotts ill-fated
expedition to the South Pole to the burn
wards of a British hospital during World
War II and, finally, to Mars (at least as a
thought expedition). Fong uses these and
other examples of extreme circumstances
to argue that our species urge to explore
has driven critical advances in medicine.
Our urge to explore, however, only accounts for some of these advances, as many
of the examples described in the book fall
far afield of an endeavor one might undertake in a recreational capacity. Among
others, the breakthroughs that were precipitated by war, alone, included heart surgery, standardized trauma protocols, and

Shocked: Adventures
in Bringing Back the
Recently Dead
Reviewed by Guy Riddihough


Junk Drawer Physics:

50 Awesome
Experiments That
Dont Cost a Thing
Bobby Mercer
Chicago Review Press,
2014. 203 pp.

Plant a Pocket
of Prairie
Phyllis Root,
by Betsy Bowen
University of Minnesota
Press, 2014. 40 pp.

The Tale of the Dueling

Neurosurgeons: The
History of the Human
Brain as Revealed
by True Stories of
Trauma, Madness, and
Sam Kean
Little, Brown,
2014. 416 pp.

The Sixth
An Unnatural
Elizabeth Kolbert
Henry Holt,
2014. 330 pp.

Extreme Medicine:
How Exploration
Transformed Medicine
in the Twentieth
Kevin Fong
Penguin Press,
2014. 304 pp.

Shocked: Adventures
in Bringing Back
the Recently Dead
David Casarett
Current, 2014.
270 pp.

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS



From you to the universe

and everything in between
With the swipe of a screen or the click of a mouse, children now have access to
more information than ever before. But when it comes to more advanced topics,
the resulting information overload can leave a child with more questions than
answers. Enter the six finalists for this years Royal Society Young Peoples Book
Prize, which break down complex concepts from fractals to personalized medicine
into age-appropriate, kid-friendly servings. From a shortlist compiled by a jury
of adult judges, young readers on judging panels throughout the United Kingdom
ultimately chose Clive Giffords Eye Benders: The Science of Seeing and Believing
as the recipient of the top 10,000 prize. With engaging illustrations and smart,
but playful, text, you wont go wrong with any of these fine books.

readers will learn about the satellites that

fly around Earth, the recently discovered
icy dwarf planets that orbit beyond Pluto,
and new tools for space study. But it is not
all about what professional telescopes and
space probes can see and do. The last two
pages encourage young readers to discover
the night sky for themselves.

How Animals Live

Reviewed by Caroline Ash

The Usborne
Big Book of Stars
and Planets
Reviewed by Maria Cruz

Stars and galaxies in all shapes and forms, as

well as rockets, spacecraft, and telescopes,
all feature prominently in this exquisitely
illustrated book, which conveys the beauty
and richness of the universe to young children. The illustrations of planets and stars
are very detailed and true to the astronomical images on which they are based. Fourpanel foldouts provide a sense of scale and
offer readers insight into everything from
the solar system to the rockets and spacecraft that help us study it. The foldout that
showcases stars and galaxies is particularly
breathtaking, featuring art based on images
taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. The
text is clear, concise, and up to date. Young

Life on Earth is ubiquitous, multidimensional, and complex, and what better medium
to convey this than a pop-up book? This book
devotes a full-page spread to six of the earths
biological regions, taking the reader from
grassland savannahs to tangled rainforests,
through chilly polar regions and dry deserts,
and to fresh and saltwater environments. The
book opens with some basic concepts and
random facts about seasonality, biomes, and
the evolution of the elephants trunk. Opening the next page makes a rainforest spring
upcomplete with tapirs, macaws, and jaguars. The desert pages are covered with flaps
that show that arid biomes are not as devoid
of life as they may first appear (although why
there is a jerboa in the dung beetles burrow is not immediately clear). Subsequently,
salmon leap out of a river against a backdrop of coniferous forests, and polar animals
plunge off icebergs and bask in their blubber.
Theres even a colorful coral reef and its inhabitants. Here, flaps lift to reveal what animals can be found in the depths of the seas,
and on other pages, the flaps show those that
take over the habitats at night. The book
is also peppered with intriguing facts: For

example, the female ocean sunfish can lay

300 million eggs at a time, and the wingless
midge can live without oxygen for as long as
a month. The illustrations are free-form and
quite impressionistic, but the overall effect is
dynamic and should inspire a budding ecologist to ask questions.

What Makes You YOU?

Reviewed by Michael D. Crabtree

If you want to know what makes you you,

at least at the biological level, then you have
to start by looking at your DNA. However,
as author and former biology teacher Gill
Arbuthnott points out, over 99.9 percent
of your DNA is exactly the same as every
other person on the planet. Whats more,
you also share the same, seemingly simple,
four-letter code with all other life on earth.
How can this be? Beginning with a brief
overview of Charles Darwin and evolution,
and a short introduction to DNA, Arbuthnott breaks down how, together, DNA and
natural selection have led to the emergence
of all of the different species of plants and
animals on Earth today. She then explains
how and why genes are manipulated for
medical, agricultural, and scientific purposes, covering topics ranging from gene
therapy to GMOs to tissue engineering. A
wide range of other applications is also covered, including DNA fingerprinting, cloning, and stem cells. For budding scientists,
an experiment to extract DNA from fruit is
detailed at the end of the book. The cartoon
illustrations help to explain some of the
more complex points, making the informative and engaging text more accessible for
younger children, although some of the topics may still be a bit advanced. This book
would be a fantastic and enlightening read
for anyone, child or adult, who desires to
learn about the biological building blocks
that make us who we are.

Questions and
Answers About
Your Body
Reviewed by Jennifer Sills

How do cuts get better? What are freckles?

Do we all dream at night? Lift the flaps on
the pages of this colorfully illustrated book
to find the answers to these questions and
many more. Chapters are organized by type SCIENCE

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS



of question (e.g., Who? What? Where?), and

each page covers a variety of topics, from
breathing to blood to germs. Fun trivia is
sprinkled throughoutinsect blood is yellow and lobster blood is blue, for example,
and children take more breaths a minute
than adults. Author Katie Daynes exercises restraint in introducing vocabulary.
She provides simple definitions for some
terms, such as antibodies and ligaments,
but refers to pores only as tiny holes and
to bacteria as germs. Children will learn
about a healthy lifestyle through answers
about balanced diets and teeth brushing,
and they will undoubtedly want to share
their new knowledge about nose picking,
burps, and poop. The final page continues
the interactive spirit of the book with questions for the child to answerWhat was
your first word? for example, and How
many teeth do you have at the moment?

is aimed at 10- to 14-year-olds, but the delight that comes from putting one over on
our own brains knows no ageall should
find some fun surprises in this book.

Weve Got Your

Before kids can read or recognize letters,
they know their numbers. Dont believe me?
Just offer a child any number of cookies, and
Im sure shell ask for that number plus at
least one more! Some numbers are quite familiar to young childrenone nose, mouth,
or bellybutton; two ears, eyes, hands, or feet;
and 10 fingers or toesbut the significance
of others may not be so obvious. If you string

How Animals Live

Christiane Dorion,
illustrated by
Beverley Young
2013. 18 pp.

What Makes
You YOU?
Gill Arbuthnott,
illustrated by
Marc Mones
A & C Black,
2013. 64 pp.

Questions and
Answers About
Your Body
Katie Daynes,
illustrated by
Marie-Eve Tremblay

Reviewed by
Margaret Moerchen


2013. 28 pp.

Reviewed by Marc Lavine

Eye Benders:
The Science
of Seeing
and Believing
Cant believe your eyes? It
could be your brain thats
lying to you. In this book,
journalist Clive Gifford
leads a tour of optical illusions that make you look twice and think
one more time. Gifford begins by laying out
the mechanics of how our eyes and nervous
system collect and process information. Using colorful and clever images that elicit
specific illusions, he goes on to explain
the shortcuts the brain usually takes that
lead it down the wrong path. We learn that
optical illusions exploit everything from
the brains propensity to fill in the gaps
when it receives inadequate sensory information, to its methods for estimating size
and distance, to the curious way it recognizes edges. At times, the brains strength at
a given skillsuch as facial recognitionis
what brings about its momentary lapses.
We see faces on Mars where only a broad
mountain exists, for example, thanks to a
phenomenon called pareidolia. On another
page, two upside-down photos of human
faces appear to be identical, but on upending the book, its impossible not to see that
the features in one photo have been rightside up all along, a phenomenon known as
the Thatcherized illusion. The slim volume

The Usborne
Big Book of Stars
and Planets
Emily Bone,
illustrated by
Fabiano Fiorin

2013. 14 pp.

together a series of numbers, for example, a

pattern may emerge, and if you think about
how numbers connect to each other, you can
start to develop relationships and theorems.
Using numbers as his building blocks, Mukul
Patel constructs his book around an exploration of how math intersects with the natural
world, from the way we count and the reasons we count in different ways to the math
that underlies many geometric objects and
patterns. He also delves into the mathematical reasons behind the shapes and sizes of
living objects, as well as the physics of sports
and space travel. In addition to the basic
concepts, the pages are packed with cartoons
that illustrate the topics being discussed and
activities to try at home. The careful reader
will also notice that the pages are numbered
in both decimal and hexadecimal. While
youll need to flip through the pages in the
proper order if you wish to crack the number
sequence puzzles that appear on the upper
right-hand corner in each chapter, it is just
as much fun to explore this book in a random, and perhaps unaccountable, way.


Eye Benders: The

Science of Seeing
and Believing
Clive Giford
Ivy Press, 2013.
64 pp

Weve Got
Your Number
Mukul Patel,
illustrated by
Supriya Sahai
2013. 96 pp.

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS



Edge of Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica.

The glacier is at top left, with sea ice and open
water (blue) at bottom and right. [Photographed
in the 2005/2006 summer season.]


How ice shelves melt

Warming of the water that flows under Antarctic ice
shelves is key to their melting

obody lives permanently in Antarctica. At first glance, studies of Antarctic climate might thus seem like
a curiosity without obvious societal
implications. Yet, if the entire West
Antarctic Ice Sheet were to melt,
global sea level would rise by 4.8 m, with
major effects on coastal populations. Two
studies published earlier this year offered
convincing evidence that the West Antarctic
Ice Sheet is indeed melting irrevocably (1, 2).
What are the processes behind this melting?
On page 1227 of this issue, Schmidtko et al.
(3) show that the water flowing under the ice
shelves has warmed in recent decades and
that upwelling winds at the continental shelf
break may contribute to this process.
Because sea ice floats on water, melting or
freezing of sea ice has no major effect on sea
level. Ice sheets are a different story, however, because they sit on land and thus keep
water frozen and out of the ocean. Ice shelves
are the oceanic extensions of ice sheets (see
the photo). Like sea ice, they float. However,
they can be 200 to 1000 m thick (4) and can
serve as buttresses, retaining the ice shelves
on land (5, 6).
Ice shelves may disintegrate by calving
icebergs off the leading edge or by melting through warming from above or below.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San
Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0230, USA. E-mail [email protected]


Warming from above is relatively ineffective

because snow-covered ice reflects sunlight
rather than absorbing it. Calving can reduce
the size of ice shelves, but basal melting has
by far the biggest effect on ice shelf melting
(5, 7). Ocean currents that circulate water into
and out of the cavity under an ice shelf can
carry a substantial amount of heat even if the
ocean waters themselves are near freezing,
and these currents are effective at melting ice

Wind from east helps

to drive fow onto shelf
from open ocean
Wind from west drives
upwelling and blocks
circulation across shelf
Ice sheet
Ice shelf

Calved ice

Sea ice
Circumpolar deep water

Basal cavity

Antarctic shelf bottom water

Continental shelf

Shelf break

Melting from below. The Antarctic ice shelves are the ocean extensions of the Antarctic ice sheets. Ice shelves
buttress the ice sheets onto the land. Comparatively warm water that circulates under the ice shelves can lead to basal
melting of the underside of the ice shelves, ultimately breaking up the ice shelves. Schmidtko et al. (3) show that wind
patterns at the continental-shelf break influence the properties of water on the continental shelf and in the basal cavity. SCIENCE

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


By Sarah Gille

from below. By analogy, if your Thanksgiving

turkey is still frozen hours before you need to
cook it, you can thaw it relatively rapidly by
placing it under cold running water.
Water dense enough to circulate in basal
cavities under the Antarctic ice shelves flows
just above the sea floor on the Antarctic continental shelf (see the figure). This water, a
combination of Circumpolar Deep Water
and Winter Water, is referred to as Antarctic
Continental Shelf Bottom Water. Circumpolar Deep Water, as its name suggests, comes
from the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and
is distributed all the way around Antarctica.
Winter Water is cold water near the ocean
surface that gains its properties as a result of
wintertime convective cooling (8, 9).
Glaciologists have long pointed to ocean
circulation as a likely source of heat to


drive basal melting (2, 57, 10). The details

of circulation in the basal cavity remain
elusive, however, because there is no easy
way to drill through hundreds of meters of
ice to deploy oceanographic instruments in
the cavity. Schmitdko et al. avoid the challenges of in situ measurements in the basal
cavity by instead evaluating the properties
of the water that can be transported into
the cavity. Their analysis of hydrographic
ocean data collected since 1975 shows that
over the past 40 years, Circumpolar Deep
Water has warmed at all longitudes around
The authors also report that in some regions of the Antarctic continental shelf (for
example, near the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas, adjacent to West Antarctica),
changes in the Antarctic Continental Shelf
Bottom Water appear to mirror changes in
Circumpolar Deep Water. Other regions appear protected from the warming Circumpolar Deep Water. The critical difference is
that in warming regions, Circumpolar Deep
Water slopes upward to the shelf break, possibly as a response to strong winds from the
west that are expected to induce upwelling (see the figure). In contrast, in regions
without shelf warming, including the Ross
and Weddell Seas, Circumpolar Deep Water
slopes downward to the shelf break, consistent with winds from the east that limit onshore flow. An analysis of mooring data in
the Amundsen Sea (11) also concluded that
local winds play a key role in bringing water
onto the Antarctic Shelf.
Schmidtko et al.s results highlight the
critical role of wind forcing. Winds north of
the shelf break determine the properties of
water that in turn influence basal melting of
ice shelves. Both greenhouse warming and
ozone depletion can intensify the Southern
Hemisphere westerly winds and displace
them southward (12). Although current wind
conditions appear to shield the Ross and
Weddell Seas from the melting effects associated with Circumpolar Deep Water, future
changes in the winds could modify that and
thus alter the ice-shelf buttresses, with further effects on global sea level rise.




E. Rignot et al., Geophys. Res. Lett. 41, 3502 (2014).

I. Joughin, B. E. Smith, B. Medley, Science 344, 735 (2014).
S. Schmidtko et al., Science 346, 1227 (2014).
J. A. Griggs, J. L. Bamber, J. Glaciol. 57, 485 (2011).
S. S. Jacobs et al., Nat. Geosci. 4, 519 (2011).
H. D. Pritchard et al., Nature 484, 502 (2012).
M. A. Depoorter et al., Nature 502, 89 (2013).
A. P. S. Wong, N. L. Bindoff, A. Forbes, Ocean, Ice, and
Atmosphere: Interactions at the Antarctic Continental
Margin Antarctic Research Series 75, 173 (1998).
Y.-H. Park et al., J. Mar. Syst. 17, 233 (1998).
E. Rignot, S. S. Jacobs, Science 296, 2020 (2002).
A. K. Whlin et al., J. Phys. Oceanogr. 43, 2054 (2013).
S. Lee, S. B. Feldstein, Science 339, 563 (2013).


Death to the losers

Cell competition is linked to innate immunity mechanisms
to eliminate unwanted cells and maintain healthy tissue
By Gins Morata and
Luna Ballesteros-Arias

nsects use the innate immunity signaling pathways Toll and IMD to fight infections by foreign pathogens, bacteria, or
fungi (1). These pathways induce the expression of powerful antimicrobial- antifungal peptides (AMPs) that are released
from the fat body cells. On page 1199 of this
issue, Meyer et al. (2) report that fruit flies
make use of components of both pathways
to build another pathway that removes its

Imaginal disc. An image of a wing imaginal disc

(Drosophilia melanogaster) is shown, containing
marked pairs of sibling cell clones generated by mitotic
recombination. Cells expressing extra Myc protein
(green) are competing against neighboring cells,
including those in the sibling clones (red). Nuclei (blue)
are stained with the DNA dye Hoechst.

own cells that are abnormal and may impair

tissue fitness or compromise the survival of
the organism. In contrast to the antimicrobial operation, the killing signal does not
come from outside the tissue; it originates
from interactions of the doomed cell with
neighboring cells through the process of cell
Cell competition is an interactive process
originally reported in the imaginal discs


(the precursors of the adult cuticle) (see the

first figure) of Drosophila melanogaster (3,
4), but more recent studies with mouse cells
(57) indicate that it is a conserved mechanism in animal tissues. Cell competition is a
general surveillance process that identifies
and eliminates cells that are weaker than
their neighbors, or are abnormal or not well
adapted to their developmental context. Its
function ensures genetic uniformity of cell
populations and also contributes to the
general fitness of developing tissues (8). As
part of its surveillance function, cell competition exerts a therapeutic role by destroying oncogenic cells that may arise during
development (911).
Cell competition is a context-dependent
phenomenon. It describes interactions between two types of viable cells that lead to
the death, by apoptosis (12), of one of the
cell types. As reported in the classical experiments (3, 4), slow-dividing cells (losers) are perfectly viable on their own; they
are eliminated only if residing in the same
population as faster-dividing cellsthe
winners. This is the characteristic feature
of loser cells: They are viable but die under
the influence of their neighbors. Another
feature of interest is that it is a short-range
phenomenonthe winners and losers lay
very close to each other, possibly in physical contact.
A simple scenario for cell competition is
a crosstalk between winner and loser cells
that triggers apoptosis (12) in the losers
and possibly activates engulfment genes in
the winners; winners appear to consume
(phagocytose) the losers (13). But what
mechanisms underlie this interaction?
What are the events leading to apoptosis
in the loser cells? The study by Meyer et al.
opens a new avenue of research into the
molecular mechanism linking cell competition to innate immunity. They make the
unexpected discovery that in the wing imaginal disc, loser cells are treated as foreign
pathogens in their resident populations.
The destruction of the loser cells is effected
by the innate immune system, and presumably this activation is carried out by neighboring winner cells.
Centro de Biologa Molecular CSIC-UAM, Universidad
Autonoma de Madrid, 28049 Madrid, Spain. E-mail: gmorata@
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS









Loser cell is
engulfed by
winner cell





Loser cell dies

through apoptosis




Aberrant cell arises in

normal tissue
Elimination. A proposal for how components of the innate immunity Toll and IMD
signaling pathways are used in a different pathway (shown in yellow) to eliminate aberrant
cells (purple) that have arisen within a normal tissue (in Drosophila). By a mechanism
that is still unknown, aberrant cells are detected as different by their neighbors and are
determined to be losers. The end result is the activation of the proapoptotic genes hid

Meyer et al. assayed cell competition by

looking at the cellular response to different
amounts of Myc protein (a transcription factor that promotes cell proliferation) and/or
the ribosomal protein RpL14. The rule is that
viable cells with low amounts of either Myc
or RpL14 become losers when surrounded by
cells with higher amounts. The key finding
of Meyer et al. is that loser cells are rescued
from elimination when the wing imaginal
disc is mutant for one of various components of the Toll and IMD signaling pathways. It is intriguing that some components
of the Toll and IMD pathways are required
but not others; this finding suggests that cell
competition functions through a cascade
of events different from the canonical Toll
and IMD pathways (see the second figure).
A key factor in the immune response is the
cytokine Sptzle (Spz), a ligand of the Toll
receptor; upon its absence, cell competition
is suppressed. However, the loss of Toll still
allows cell competition, which suggests that
Spz functions through other Toll-related receptors (TRRs), of which there are several in
Drosophila. The loss of some of them is very
effective in suppressing cell competition. At
the bottom of the cascade, the transcription
factors Relish, Dorsal (Dl), and Dif are activated differentially, depending on the assay.
These transcription factors activate the
expression of AMPs during the antimicrobial response, and Meyer et al. show that

and rpr, and death of the loser cells. They are subsequently engulfed by the neighboring
winner cells, thereby restoring a healthy tissue. PGRP-LC, peptidoglycan recognition
protein LC; IMD, immune deficiency; TAK1, transforming growth factor betaactivated
kinase 1; DREDD, death-related ced-3/Nedd2-like caspase; FADD, FAS-associated death
domain; TAB2, TAKI-associated binding protein 2; IRD5, immune-response deficient 5.

they also activate apoptosis in the loser

cells. The proapoptotic genes called head
involution defective (hid) and reaper (rpr)
become activated by Relish and either Dl or
Dif, although the requirements for hid and
rpr appear to be different according to the
cell competition assay used. The triggering of apoptosis by Toll and IMD factors is
itself a new finding that may have general
implications in the understanding of innate
immunity and also of the regulation of programmed cell death.
The study of Meyer et al. poses some
challenging questions about the mechanisms of cell competition. One concerns
the activation of Spz in the loser cells in the
wing disc. Normally Spz is expressed in several larval tissues, including hemocytes, the
fat body (similar to the mammalian liver),
and salivary glands but not in the imaginal
discs. Because Spz is a secreted molecule,
it could originate elsewhere and become
accessible to wing cells, or it may be specifically produced and secreted by the winner cells. Moreover, its activation involves
several proteolytic steps. How this process
occurs autonomously in the loser cells is an
intriguing problem.
Another question concerns the generality of the phenomenon. The two assays
reported, the amounts of Myc or of the ribosomal protein RpL14, are based on the
comparison of the metabolic activity of

the interacting cells. It will be of interest

to determine whether the innate immunity
pathway also functions in other distinct
cases of cell competitionfor example,
the elimination of cells with wrong identity (14) or the removal of oncogenic cells
(9, 10). The latter is especially appealing in
view of recent evidence (11) that cell competition has an antitumor role also in the
mouse thymus. Given the conservation of
the innate immunity systems in Drosophila
and mammals (1), it seems possible that innate immunity might have a similar antitumor role in mammals.

1. L. A. ONeill, D. Golenbock, A. G. Bowie, Nat. Rev. Immunol.

13, 453 (2013).
2. S. N. Meyer et al., Science 346, 1258236 (2014).
3. G. Morata, P. Ripoll, Dev. Biol. 42, 211 (1975).
4. P. Simpson, Dev. Biol. 69, 182 (1979).
5. E. R. Oliver, T. L. Saunders, S. A. Tarl, T. Glaser,
Development 131, 3907 (2004).
6. C. Clavera, G. Giovinazzo, R. Sierra, M. Torres, Nature 500,
39 (2013).
7. M. Sancho et al., Dev. Cell 26, 19 (2013).
8. M. Amoyel, E. A. Bach, Development 141, 988 (2014).
9. C. L. Chen, M. C. Schroeder, M. Kango-Singh, C. Tao, G.
Halder, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109, 484 (2012).
10. L. Ballesteros-Arias, V. Saavedra, G. Morata, Oncogene 33,
4377 (2014).
11. V. C. Martins et al., Nature 509, 465 (2014).
12. E. Moreno, K. Basler, G. Morata, Nature 416, 755 (2002).
13. W. Li, N. E. Baker, Cell 129, 1215 (2007).
14. T. Adachi-Yamada, M. B. OConnor, Dev. Biol. 251, 74
10.1126/science.aaa2345 SCIENCE

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


Calculating the pressure dependence

of chemical reactions
A priori calculations can accurately predict rates of methane formation from radicals
volving relatively small numbers of atoms,
including OH + H2 (2).
Other reactions, such as those between
two radicals, involve bond formation, e.g.,
CH3 + H CH4. There is no energy barrier to the reaction (see the figure), and
the potential energy decreases as the new
bond is formed. The reaction bottleneck is
now more difficult to locate and depends
on a combination of the decreasing potential energy and reductions in the freedom
of movement of the reactants as they are
constrained by the forming bond. The transition state is not fixed, but lies at smaller
CH3H distances for more energetic reactants. The rate constant is very sensitive
to the radial part of the calculated potential energy surface (the separation of CH3
and H), and high-level, computer-intensive
methods are needed. It also depends on the
angular component of the potential energy,
which describes the way in which the rotation of CH3 becomes increasingly constrained as the reactants approach. Despite
these difficulties, reliable methods have

been developed for calculation of the rate

constant which, arguably, are more accuomplex chemical processes that occur
rate than experiment (3, 4).
during combustion and in the atmoThe total energy (kinetic + potential) of
sphere involve a large number of elCH3 + H is conserved in isolation, and the
ementary reactions. Models of these
newly formed CH4 has sufficient energy
processes require knowing the rate
to dissociate and will do so on a relatively
of every relevant reaction, captured
short time scale (typically nanoseconds) unby the rate constant k, which traditionally
less at least some of this energy is removed.
has been determined experimentally. The
The main route for removing energy is by
vast number of reactions involved makes
collision with another molecule, a third
this approach daunting, but as theoretibody, M. In both combustion systems and
cal methods have become increasingly acthe atmosphere, M is nitrogen or oxygen,
curate, they may provide a practical route
the majority species in the reaction envifor some reactions where k depends solely
ronment. The collisions are said to be weak
on temperature. For an important subset
if only some of the energy of the newly
of reactions, k also depends on pressure;
formed methane, labeled CH4* in the figure,
accurate a priori calculation of this depenis removed in a single collision, and several
dence has proved elusive. On page 1212 of
collisions are needed to ensure formation
this issue, Jasper et al. (1) have developed
of stable CH4. As a result, the overall rate
a methodology that overcomes the difficulconstant depends on pressurecollisions
ties and provides a general approach for
are more frequent at higher pressures, and
the accurate prediction of rate constants
the rate of stabilization increases.
for pressure-dependent reactions.
The calculation of the rate constant now
Many elementary reactions involve the
requires a model in which the competition
transfer of an atom from
between dissociation of
one reactant to the other,
CH4* and its collisional
e.g., OH + H2 H2O +
stabilization is recogReaction paths with radicals
H (2). The reactants and
nized, which is achieved
products are separated by
with a master equation
an energy barrier, caused
that describes the evoAngular momentum, J
Angular momentum, J
by the reorganization
lution of the system in
of the electrons as one
energy and time (5). The
Dissociation and association
bond is broken and the
model requires the rate
CH3 + H
other forms. This barrier
constants for reaction of
locates the so-called tranCH3 and H and for dissosition state (TS) for the
ciation of CH4*, together
Potential energy
reaction, which acts as a
with the rate constant
for collisional stabilizaCollisional energy and angular momentum transfer
of the rate constant with
tion. All are necessarily
transition state theory recalculated at an energyquires an accurate deterdependent level, because
mination of the energy of
the evolution of the reacthe TS and its properties
tion depends on energy.
(geometry and vibrational
Crucially, however, the
frequencies), which is devalues of k also depend on
manding but feasible. Acthe angular momentum
CH3 H distance
curate results have been
of methane, J.. The J deachieved for a number of
Energy lost means products gained. As a methyl radical CH3 and a proton H approach, the potential
pendence arises because
important reactions inenergy of interaction decreases as the C-H bond is formed. The newly formed, highly excited methane,
of a centrifugal barrier beCH4*, will dissociate back to the reactants unless some energy is lost in collisions with a third body,
tween the reactants that
M. In modeling the overall reaction and calculating the pressure- and temperature-dependent rate
increases in magnitude
School of Chemistry, University of
constant for formation of CH4 from CH3 + H, Jasper et al. determined quantitatively how the energy
as J increases. The master
Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK. E-mail:
and the angular momentum of CH4 are changed in collisions with M.
equation must recognize
[email protected]
By Michael J Pilling

Energy, E


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS



the evolution of both the total energy and

the angular momentum as collisional stabilization takes place.
As discussed above, the calculation of the
energy-dependent rate constants is computer intensive but proven. The theoretical
description of collisional energy transfer
has been more elusive. Two components are
required: the collision frequency and the
magnitude of the changes in E and J, E
and J, occurring upon collision. A theoretical framework has been available for some
timeit is recognized that large values of E
and J are less likely than small valuesbut
previous approaches have been empirical.
Jasper et al. calculated the magnitude and
probability distributions of E and J using large numbers of trajectory calculations,
in which methane molecules collide with
a third body such as He. The results were
used in the master equation calculations,
and the final values of the temperature- and
pressure-dependent rate constants for CH3
+ H were then compared with existing experimental data (6) and showed excellent
accord. This is a substantial achievement,
in that no fitting of the calculations to experiment was usedthe calculations were
entirely ab initio, and their work provides a
means of accurately predicting rate parameters for pressure-dependent reactions.
There is still some way to go before predictions can be routinely made for all pressuredependent reactions. Some such reactions
involve multiple potential energy wells as the
initial adduct isomerizes by intramolecular
atom transfer. Dissociation from the isomers
to several products is often possible, and the
rate constants for the different product channels depend in different ways on the total
energy and angular momentum. Such reactions are central components of, for example,
models to increase the efficiency of automotive engines (7). The extension of the methodology described by Jasper et al. to such
reactions places considerable demands on
the quantitative description of the E- and Jdependent energy transfer processes and on
the master equation modeling. Although extension to such reactions is challenging, their
work shows that it is achievable.

1. A. W. Jasper et al., Science 346, 1212 (2014).

2. T. L. Nguyen, J. F. Stanton, J. R. Barker, J. Phys. Chem. A
115, 5118 (2011).
3. S. J. Klippenstein, L. B. Harding, J. Phys. Chem. A 103, 9388
4. S. J. Klippenstein, Y. Georgievskii, L. B. Harding, Phys.
Chem. Chem. Phys. 8, 1133 (2006).
5. J. A. Miller, S. J. Klippenstein, J. Phys. Chem. A 110, 10528
6. M. Brouard, M. T. Macpherson, M. J. Pilling, J. Phys. Chem.
93, 4047 (1989).
7. J. Zador et al., Pror. Energy Combust. Sci. 37, 371 (2011).



Driving the Earth machine?

The region of the mantle directly below the tectonic plates
plays a key role in mantle flow and volcanism
By Don L. Anderson1 and Scott D. King2

he asthenospherederived from the

Greek asthenes, meaning weakis
the uppermost part of Earths mantle,
right below the tectonic plates that
make up the solid lithosphere. First
proposed by Barrell 100 years ago (1),
the asthenosphere has traditionally been
viewed as a passive region that decouples
the moving tectonic plates from the mantle
and provides magmas to the global spreading ridge system. Recent studies suggest that
the asthenosphere may play a more active
role as the source of the heat and magma responsible for intraplate volcanoes. Furthermore, it may have a major impact on plate
tectonics and the pattern of mantle flow.
Earth is a thermodynamic engine powered by its own finite internal reserves of
fossil and radiogenic heat that are gradually
brought to the surface and radiated to space.
Mantle convection cannot be compared with
a coffee percolator or a lava lamp, which are
systems heated from below by outside energy sources. As Earth cools, the lithosphere
cools and sinks (in the form of cold subducting slabs), displacing warmer material
in the deeper mantle, which rises as broad
passive updrafts. Recent convection simulations show that the region beneath the
lithosphere is hotter than expected, and this
has rekindled interest in the asthenospheres
role in Earths engine.
Although comparatively thin, the asthenosphere has a remarkable impact on the
mantle. Numerical simulations without an
asthenosphere show a pattern of narrow
plumes through which material wells up
from the bottom of the mantle. When the
simulations include a weak asthenosphere,
this pattern changes to just two broad upwellings (2). These upwellings are consistent
with large lowshear velocity provinces seen
at the base of the mantle in global tomography models (see below) (3). Although some
researchers have called these upwellings
superplumes, we feel that this term is confusing, because fluid dynamicists describe
plumes as features driven by their intrinsic
buoyancy. Convection simulations with an
asthenosphere show that these anomalies
instead form in response to plates and subducting slabs (2, 4, 5). Indeed, the asthenosphere may be a necessary component of any

self-consistent model of plate tectonics (6, 7).

Caught between the mobile lithospheric
plate above and the rest of the mantle below, the asthenosphere is a region of concentrated shear. Shearing and the resulting
weak coupling between plates and the mantle have a profound influence on the composition of lavas. Near mid-ocean ridges, lavas
tend to have homogeneous compositions,
whereas lavas that erupt in the middle of
tectonic plates are geochemically heterogeneous. The latter have been attributed to

the asthenosphere is by far

the largest, most accessible,
and most plausible source for
hot spot magmas.
plumes that upwell from the deeper mantle,
with the heterogeneity of the lavas thought
to reflect heterogeneity in the mantle plume.
However, Samuel and King (8) have shown
that these differences may instead arise from
differences in the degree of asthenosphere
mixing. This mixing is very efficient near the
ridge axis, but far from the ridge, the degree
of mixing can drop by orders of magnitude.
Geochemically heterogeneous lavas may be
derived from these poorly mixed domains in
the asthenosphere (9), and a plume may be
Geophysical observations have long indicated the existence of a region of low
material strength and low seismic velocities beneath the lithosphere, but the depth
range of these properties (which define the
asthenosphere) and a physical explanation
for the seismic and mechanical properties
have proven more elusive. These properties
are consistent with the presence of partial
melt (10). However, some melting experiments did not produce sufficient melt to explain the observations (11). In a remarkable
series of experiments, Li and Weidner have
shown that a solid with pockets of melt oriented by the shearing can produce the kind

Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,

Pasadena, CA 91125, USA. 2Department of Geosciences,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg,
VA 24060, USA. E-mail: [email protected] SCIENCE

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS

Depth: 150 km

those of the deep mantle, and magmas from beneath ridges can erupt
at lower temperatures than magmas
extracted from the asthenosphere be2
neath the middle of large plates.
Whereas Earths interior has traditionally
been viewed as a series of
uniform layers, seismic tomography
has enabled mapping of complex
three-dimensional structures. French
et al. (3) have resolved horizontally
elongated, lowwave speed struc60
tures at depths of 200 to 350 km ex3
tending from the East Pacific Rise to
the middle of the Pacific plate; they
similar features beneath other
Depth: 2700 km
oceans. These lowwave speed structures occur below the average depth
of the asthenosphere and represent
the interaction of broad, passive up30
wellings with the base of the asthenosphere. Most hot spots occur above
these lowwave speed regions (see
the figure, panel A), and the correlation between hot spots and the edges
of the lowshear velocity large struc1
tures at the core (see the figure, panel
B)a recent observation used to sup60
port the existence of deep mantle
plumesis no better than the correla2
tion with the lowwave speed regions
beneath the asthenosphere (15).
Top or bottom? Seismic anomalies in the asthenosphere (A) and at the base of the mantle, just above the core (B); the anomalies
Plate tectonics and midplate volare relative to a one-dimensional reference model. The correlation between hot spots (triangles) and the edges of the slow (red)
canoes are the natural results of
anomalies in the lower mantle has been used to argue that hot spots originate from plumes at these depths. However, hot spots
processes in the asthenosphere and
correlate as well if not better with slowwave speed anomalies in the asthenosphere, the region where the lavas originate.
lithosphere of the cooling Earth.
Given that the hottest part of the mantle lies
of lowwave speed, low-viscosity anisotropic
sphere may be as much as 200C warmer
directly beneath the lithosphere (2, 4, 13),
material that is consistent with the observed
than beneath mid-ocean ridges (4) and even
there is no need for heat from the core to be
properties of the asthenosphere (12). Interachotter than the core-mantle boundary, when
carried up in narrow plumes (4). As a result,
tion of seismic waves with this material percorrected for adiabatic cooling (the coolthe asthenosphere is by far the largest, most
turbs the material and further reduces the
ing that results from transporting material
accessible, and most plausible source for hot
seismic wave speed (12). Density measurefrom high to low pressure). This is imporspot magmas. Although many authors have
ments of volatile-containing alkali basalts
tant because the asthenosphere is at or near
ruled out this obvious source on the basis of
show that these melts are neutrally buoyant
its melting point, and a large temperature
geochemical assumptions, it is not ruled out
at the pressure and temperature conditions
increase would thus produce a substantial
by any data or theory.
of the asthenosphere under continents (10),
amount of melt. Most researchers have asadding to the evidence that the asthenosumed that the hottest material should be
sphere is a zone of partial melt. Because both
below ridges, leading them to invoke plumes
1. J. Barrell, J. Geol. 22, 28 (1914).
seismic and mechanical properties are used
to explain 200C lateral temperature varia2. N. Zhang et al., J. Geophys. Res. 115, B06401 (2010).
3. S. French et al., Science 342, 227 (2013).
to describe the asthenosphere, the bottom
tions. Yet in the mantle, where a substantial
4. D. L. Anderson, J. H. Natland, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
boundary remains poorly defined.
fraction of the heat is generated by the decay
111, E4298 (2014).
There is also evidence that the asthenoof radiogenic elements, such lateral varia5. B. H. Hager, R. J. OConnell, Tectonophysics 50, 111 (1978).
6. T. Hoink et al., Geophys. J. Int. 191, 30 (2012).
sphere is hotter than the mantle below it
tions in temperature can arise without the
7. J. W. Crowley, R. J. OConnell, Geophys. J. Int. 188, 61
(2, 4, 13). Average temperature profiles from
need to deliver heat from the deep mantle
H. Samuel, S. D. King, Nat. Geosci. 7, 602 (2014).
three-dimensional global mantle convection
via a plume (4).
9. D. L. Anderson, J. Petrol. 52, 1547 (2011).
simulations show a local thermal maximum
Further information on mantle tempera10. C. Crpisson et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 393, 105 (2014).
beneath the lithosphere because of the inture comes from absolute seismic wave
11. R. Dasgupta et al., Nature 493, 211 (2013).
12. L. Li, D. J. Weidner, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 222, 1 (2013).
sulating properties of the tectonic plates (4,
speeds, which can be coupled with a ther13. W. B. Moore, J. Geophys. Res. 113, B11407 (2008).
13). This increase in temperature can reduce
modynamic description of mantle minerals
14. J. Ritsema et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 277, 244 (2009).
the mechanical strength, lower the seismic
to estimate temperature. This approach con15. B. R Julian et al., paper to be presented at the American
Geophysical Union fall meeting, 15 to 19 December 2014;
wave speed, and eliminate the need to bring
firms that the asthenosphere is anomalously
heat directly from Earths core to the asthehot, whereas the deep mantle is anomalously
nosphere to explain volcanic activity at hot
cold (14). Thus, the highest temperatures
spots. The hottest regions in the asthenoin the asthenosphere can be greater than

Shear velocity variation (%)

Shear velocity variation (%)



5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS



On the surface. From minerals that react

with molecules in the environment (A),
to advanced electronic devices (B), to
nanoscale heterogeneous catalysts (C),
metal oxide surfaces with their sometimes
unexpected structures (D) play a key role.


Stability at the surface

The structure beneath a surface is a key factor in its
electronic and chemical function
By Scott A. Chambers

etal oxides are ubiquitous as minerals in the terrestrial environment,

as well as in a variety of technologically important structures such
as electronic devices and heterogeneous catalysts. Within these various contexts, interfaces between oxides and
gases, liquids, and solids drive many critically important phenomena ranging from
the uptake of contaminants in groundwater by redox-active minerals to the switching of the millions of transistors found in
every cell phone and computer. Function
is tied to structure. Therefore, fundamental understanding of the structure of oxide
surfaces and interfaces is crucial to the
comprehension of a plethora of phenomena
involving this broad class of materials (see
the figure). On page 1215 of this issue, Bliem
et al. (1) report a remarkable structural insight into the surface of the (001)-oriented
crystal face of magnetite (Fe3O4), the first
magnetic material discovered in antiquity.
Physical Sciences Division, Pacifc Northwest National
Laboratory, Richland, WA 99352, USA. E-mail: sa.chambers@


It is most convenient to think of solid

surfaces as simple truncations of the bulk
crystal structure. However, by combining
experimental and theoretical methods,
Bliem et al. make a convincing case for the
absence of Fe atoms at certain lattice sites
in the third layer below the surface where
they are expected, and the presence of Fe
at certain interstitial sites in the second
layer below the surface where they are not
expected. The chemical composition within
the first three atomic planes reported here
(Fe11O16) is intermediate between that of
bulk Fe2O3 and Fe3O4, and is driven by the
oxidative environment in which the surface
is prepared.
Bliem et al. used highly surface-sensitive
electron diffraction and scanning probe microscopy, along with first-principles modeling, to establish the detailed atomic structure
within the top ~0.4 nm. What they found
was not at all expected based on the simple
models of surface structure found throughout the literature. In conventional thinking,
the surface is modeled as a termination of
the bulk on some atomic plane, with lateral
and/or transverse displacements within the
top few layers. Such displacements generally
have minimal impact on the electronic, mag-

netic, and chemical properties

of the surface. As a result, limiting the descriptions of surfaces
(and the interfaces these surfaces
form when in contact with other
materials) to such simple models
has led to predictions of everything from chemical reactivity to
electronic properties to magnetization that are often far from
The study by Bliem et al. reminds us that nature does not
always generate the simple, easily conceptualized structures
that we like to envision. Rather,
nature does what must be done
to achieve equilibrium, which is
that minimum-energy configurational space in which materials typically
exist and function. In the case of oxides, the
implications are far-reaching. For example,
the optimized deposition of Cr metal onto
semiconducting SrTiO3(001) should lead to
an atomically abrupt interface in which the
Cr atoms crystallize into the body-centered
cubic structure found in bulk Cr, but with
a 45 rotation relative to the perovskite lattice of SrTiO3 to minimize the interfacial
energy. This electrical junction should be
rectifying. However, even though the two
lattices line up as expected, the junction is
perfectly ohmic, and the contact resistance
is as low as any measured for any metal on
SrTiO3 (2). The reason for this completely
unexpected electrical behavior is an unanticipated interface structure in which a
fraction of the first atomic layer of Cr atoms
diffuses into the SrTiO3, occupies interstitial sites in the lattice, transfers charge to
the adjacent Ti ions, and metallizes the interface (3). To what extent does this process
occur because of Sr metal vacancies present
in the subsurface region of the SrTiO3? We
do not yet know.
Or consider the observation of conductivity at the interface of two oxide insulators,
SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 (4), which has been the
subject of more than 300 scientific journal
articles and conference proceedings over
the past decade. The original explanation,
which still has many adherents, involves
the assumption of an abrupt or nearly
abrupt interface of two perfectly stoichiometric oxides. The nonzero charges on alternating layers of (LaO)+ and (AlO2) are
thought to generate a diverging electric SCIENCE

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS

potential within the LaAlO3, which triggers

what is essentially dielectric breakdown
and charge transfer to the SrTiO3 at some
critical thickness, thereby producing free
carriers and conductivity. Yet, the expected
potential drop across the LaAlO3 film has
not been detected by the most sensitive
and direct techniques (58). Moreover, the
interface has been shown to be chemically
diffuse rather than atomically sharp (9, 10),
strikingly so at times (6), and certain cation
rearrangements can eliminate the diverging potential that is thought to drive charge
transfer and conductivity (6). To what extent does cation mixing depend on defects
in the SrTiO3? Again, we do not yet know.
Additionally, recent experiments reveal
that defects related to nonstoichiometry
in the LaAlO3 themselves play a crucial if
not enabling role in activating conductivity,
even though a comprehensive mechanistic
understanding has not yet been developed
(11, 12).
The problem is that accurate detection
and characterization of defects are hard
work. Point defects, such as vacancies, are
often detected indirectly by the structural
perturbations they cause to surrounding
atoms in the crystal lattice. If the defect
structures do not exhibit long-range crystallographic order, as is often the case, their
detection, and the theoretical treatment
of their effect on structure and functional
properties, is more difficult. However, with
a combination of definitive experimental
characterization and accurate theoretical
modeling, like that presented by Bliem et
al., defects can be detected, understood,
and eventually harnessed for scientific
and technological advantage. In the case
of metal oxides, defects are an important
component of the associated equilibrium
structures that are typically present. The
sooner we acknowledge that surfaces and
interfaces are not necessarily simple terminations and junctions of the bulk material, the sooner we can come to a realistic
understanding of these important material
structures and engineer metal oxides to the
fullest possible extent.



1. R. Bliem et al., Science 346, 1215 (2014).

2. C. Capan, G. Y. Sun, M. E. Bowden, S. A. Chambers, Appl.
Phys. Lett. 100, 052106 (2012).
3. S. A. Chambers et al., Adv. Mater. 25, 4001 (2013).
4. A. Ohtomo, H. Y. Hwang, Nature 427, 423 (2004).
5. Y. Segal et al., Phys. Rev. B 80, 241107(R) (2009).
6. S. A. Chambers et al., Surf. Sci. Rep. 65, 317 (2010).
7. M. Takizawa, S. Tsuda, T. Susaki, H. Y. Hwang, A. Fujimori,
Phys. Rev. B 84, 245124 (2011).
8. E. Slooten et al., Phys. Rev. B 87, 085128 (2013).
9. P. R. Willmott et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 155502 (2007).
10. A. S. Kalabukhov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 146101 (2009).
11. M. P. Warusawithana et al., Nat. Commun. 4, 2351 (2013).
12. E. Breckenfeld et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 196804 (2013).


Sleeping dogs of the genome

Retrotransposable elements may be agents of somatic
diversity, disease, and aging
tive retrotransposon called long interspersed
nuclear element1 (LINE-1) Homo sapiens
(L1Hs). The L1Hs-encoded proteins, includetrotransposons have a way of staying a reverse transcriptase, are essential for
ing under the radar. These mobile
the retrotransposition process and form a
DNA elements are well-known agents
ribonucleoprotein particle with the mRNA.
of genome instability and evolution
A second abundant human retrotranspobut are mostly thought of as oddities
son, the Alu element, depends on L1Hs for
occasionally associated with an interits movement as it does not encode any
esting phenotype or worse, because of their
proteins, and its transcripts are assembled
high copy number, confound the analysis
with L1Hs-encoded proteins. Both L1Hs
of genome sequences. However, as much as
and Alu ribonucleoprotein particles then
two-thirds or more of the human genome is
enter the nucleus and by a process called
derived from repetitive sequences (1). Most
target primed reverse transcription, insert
of these are retrotransposon sequences that
new DNA elements at quasi-random sites
throughout the genome (see the
second figure).
Stable genome
As the selfish gene theory
L1 repressed
predicts (2), for a transposable element to succeed in the
evolutionary race, the critical
battleground is the germ line.
Defense mechanisms:
There are numerous examples
of insertions that affect human
Stress, DNA
SIRT6, small RNAs
health (3). Because of this conAging telomere
DNA methylation
stant threat of genetic mayhem,
Antiviral defenses
cells have an impressive armaAutophagy
mentarium to combat mobile
elements. Where does this battle
Weakened defenses
stand today? On one hand, the
human retrotransposon load has
L1 activated
been reduced to perhaps as few
as 100 active elements; yet, twothirds of the human genome is
Genomic instability
scarred by the evidence of milDeregulated transcription
lions of years of warfare against
Cancer, Aging
mobile DNA elements, and new
insertions occur at a frequency
Aging guards invite a jailbreak. With aging, increased stress, DNA
of 1 per 95 to 270 live births for
damage, and telomere shortening weaken the multiple systems that keep
L1Hs, and 1 in 20 for Alu (3).
retrotransposons in check. Aged cells lose repressive heterochromatin,
What happens outside the
SIRT6 relocalizes away from L1 promoters, and autophagy becomes less
germ line, in somatic tissues?
efficient. Other defense pathways (see box) may also lose their effectiveHistorically, little attention has
ness. The consequent unleashing of L1 elements could lead to profound
been given to this question, besomatic damage, driving age-associated cell and tissue dysfunction.
cause somatic retrotransposition
is evolutionarily a dead-end prowere active in the distant evolutionary past
cess. However, rampant genomic instability
and are now present as fossils that litter our
and mutagenesis are deleterious to all cells,
genomes. But this image belies the damage
and somatic cells mount the same spectrum
that can be wreaked by evolutionarily recent
transposable elements.
Department of Biology, University of Rochester, Rochester,
NY 14627, USA. 2Institute for Systems Genetics, New York
Retrotransposons can be copied into
University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY 10016,
mRNA and then back to DNA that can inteUSA. 3Department of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and
grate into the genome. The human genome
Biochemistry, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
harbors ~100 copies of an autonomously acBy Vera Gorbunova,1 Jef D. Boeke,2
Stephen L. Helfand,3 John M. Sedivy3


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS




remain a puzzle. Retrotransposon activation

brings in yet another dimension: We may be
bogged down in a complex hostparasitelike struggle (with evolution acting on both
parties), leaving open the possibility for profound collateral damage on our soma.
What can be done against this broad attack? Clearly, letting sleeping dogs lie by
keeping them mired in heterochromatin is a
compelling strategy. For this we need drugs
targeted at chromatin regulators that could
maintain distinct euchromatin and heterochromatin characteristics of the youthful state. Shoring up other processes that
may decrease in effectiveness during aging,
like small RNA pathways (12) or autophagy,
should also help to rein in retrotransposons.
In addition, reverse transcriptase inhibitors
can prevent the spread of new elements
throughout the genome. These drugs have
been highly successful in treating HIV/AIDS
but have side effects. However, experiments
in mice are a feasible way to explore the
merit of the overall strategy, and may warrant the development of new drugs highly
specific to L1Hs.
Many questions remain. For example,
the landscape of somatic retrotransposition across our tissues is unclear. It is also
uncertain how the mechanisms that oppose
retrotransposons change with age. Most
importantly, investigating the impact of
somatic retrotransposon activation on cellular physiology, disease, and aging should
be a high research priority. Could controlling retrotransposons have beneficial therapeutic effects?

1. A. P. de Koning, W. Gu, T. A. Castoe, M. A. Batzer, D. D.

Pollock, PLOS Genet. 7, e1002384 (2011).
2. R. Dawkins, The Selfish Gene (Oxford Univ. Press, New
York, 1976).
3. S. Solyom, H. H. Kazazian Jr., Genome Med. 4, 12 (2012).
4. G. J. Faulkner, FEBS Lett. 585, 1589 (2011).
5. E. Lee et al., Science 337, 967 (2012).
6. S. Solyom et al., Genome Res. 22, 2328 (2012).
7. M. De Cecco et al., Aging Cell 12, 247 (2013).
8. P. H. Maxwell, W. C. Burhans, M. J. Curcio, Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. U.S.A. 108, 20376 (2011).
9. W. Li et al., Nat. Neurosci. 16, 529 (2013).
10. M. De Cecco et al., Aging 5, 867 (2013).
11. M. Van Meter et al., Nat. Commun. 5, 5011 (2014).
12. Y. A. Savva et al., Nat. Commun. 4, 2745 (2013).
13. S. Kugel, R. Mostoslavsky, Trends Biochem. Sci. 39, 72
14. H. Guo et al., Nat. Commun. 5, 5276 (2014).
AC KN OWL ED G M E N TS: We gratefully acknowledge the

National Institute on Aging program staff (M. Guo, R. Kohansky,

F. Sierra) for organizing a workshop in August 2014 where
many of these ideas were discussed and consolidated. We
acknowledge the following funding sources: National Institutes
of Health (NIH) grants R01AG027237 and P01AG047200 (V.G.);
NIH grant P50GM107632 (J.D.B.); NIH grants R37AG016667
and R01AG024353 (S.L.H.); NIH grants R37AG016694,
P30GM103410, and T32AG041688 and Samsung GRO program
grant (J.M.S.); and Ellison Medical Foundation (V.G., S.L.H.,
J.M.S.), Life Extension Foundation (V.G.), Glenn Foundation for
Medical Research (V.G., S.L.H., J.M.S.), and Glenn/American
Federation for Aging Research BIG award (S.L.H. and J.M.S.).
10.1126/science.aaa3177 SCIENCE

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


and several mouse tissues, including liver, muscle, and brain

(10, 11). In several contexts, derepression was associated with
increased retrotransposon copy
number and genome instability.
Mutations in flies that derepress
L1 ribonucleoprotein
retrotransposons exacerbate agecomplex
dependent memory impairment
and shorten life span (9). Calorie
restriction delays age-related disorders and extends life span in
most species, and also opposes
the derepression of retrotransposons in mouse liver and skeletal
muscle (10). A genetic intervention that increases surveillance
by small interfering RNA reduces
Reverse transcription
retrotransposon expression and
and integration
extends life span in flies (12).
What could be the processes
that fail and awaken these sleeping dogs? One prime candidate
is the maintenance of repressive heterochromatin. Repetitive
regions lose DNA methylation
during aging, and widespread
changes in chromatin modifications are increasingly being documented. Recently, a connection
between aging, chromatin, and
L1 has been established through
Integration. L1-encoded RNA and proteins assemble into ribonucleoSIRT6 (11). SIRT6 is a prototypiprotein particles. Reverse transcription of L1 RNA is coupled to insertion
cal longevity genemice without
into DNA at random sites throughout the genome.
Sirt6 age prematurely, and mice
overexpressing Sirt6 exhibit
of defenses as those of the germ line. These
life-span extension (13). SIRT6 is a protein
include epigenetic chromatin modification,
deacetylase and mono-ADP ribosyltransferinterfering RNAs, repression systems based
ase that promotes chromatin silencing and
on specific DNA-binding proteins (with zinc
facilitates DNA repair. SIRT6-deficient cells
finger motifs), and autophagy. But these
show a marked derepression of L1 transcripsurveillance mechanisms are not foolproof.
tion. SIRT6 silences L1 by binding to its proDerepression of L1 loci, L1 transcription,
moter and recruiting additional silencing
L1 proteins, and de novo L1 insertions have
factors. Interestingly, upon DNA damage,
been detected in a variety of somatic conSIRT6 leaves L1 promoters and relocalizes to
texts, including early embryos, adult brain,
the sites of DNA breaks. It is likely that a simand certain stem cells (4). In the context of
ilar process plays out during aging: Chronic
cancer, new L1 insertions have been found in
DNA damage and short telomeres accumua variety of tumor types, including coloreclate, SIRT6 is redeployed, and the dormant
tal, prostate, and ovarian tumors (5). Intriguretrotransposons are left unguarded.
ingly, the incidence of retrotransposition in
Beyond generating new insertions, rettumors appears to increase with age (6).
rotransposons can result in aberrant expresAging presents an especially complex situsion of nearby genes through the promoters
ation. Retrotransposon surveillance needs to
and cryptic splice sites that they harbor.
be high in reproductively active individuals.
Ribonucleoprotein particles that they form
However, because natural selection drops
in the cytoplasm could trigger immune rein the postreproductive period of life, host
sponses (antiviral defenses) or overwhelm
defense mechanisms may begin to fail with
the capacity of homeostatic mechanisms
age. Could this allow the activation of retsuch as autophagy (14), and contribute to
rotransposons (see the first figure)? Indeed,
neurodegeneration or autoimmune disorderepression of retrotransposons was docuders. Further, abortive retrotransposition can
mented during replicative senescence of hucause DNA damage and genotoxic stress.
man cells (7) and aging in yeast (8). It was
Although aging is perhaps the most basic
also observed in the fly nervous system (9)
aspect of life, the mechanisms that explain it


Using and improving the social cost of carbon

Regular, institutionalized updating and review are essential

he social cost of carbon (SCC) is a

crucial tool for economic analysis of
climate policies. The SCC estimates
the dollar value of reduced climate
change damages associated with a
one-metric-ton reduction in carbon
dioxide (CO2) emissions. Although the conceptual basis, challenges, and merits of the
SCC are well established, its use in government cost-benefit analysis
POLICY (CBA) is relatively new. In light
of challenges in constructing
the SCC, its newness in government regulation, and the importance of updating, we
propose an institutional process for regular
SCC review and revision when used in government policy-making and suggest how
scientists might contribute to improved
SCC estimates.
Although regulations issued by U.S. federal agencies have been subject to CBA for
four decades, those analyses largely ignored
economic benefits of carbon reduction until a federal court held in 2008 that carbon
emission reductions have nonzero value.
After a brief period during which different
U.S. agencies used different SCC numbers,
an interagency working group established
a single set of government-wide values in
2009 and 2010, with an update in 2013 (1).
Such updates arise because the science,
impact estimates, and socioeconomic models used to develop the SCC continue to
evolve, as do expert opinions about how
it should be synthesized. The results for
CBA are consequential (see the graph). Using the most recent central value of interagency SCC estimates, a proposed U.S. rule
on emissions from existing power plants
would pass a CBA on climate benefits alone
(2); using the central value SCC from a single agency in 2008 (3), it would not.
Estimating the SCC in a particular year,
say 2015, involves four steps: (i) projecting a future path of global greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions; (ii) translating this emissions path, along with an alternative that
adds 1 ton in 2015, into alternate scenarios
of climate change; (iii) estimating physical
impacts of these climate changes on hu-

mans and ecosystems; and (iv) monetizing

these impacts and discounting future monetary damages back to 2015. The SCC is the
difference in damage valuations with and
without the extra ton of CO2 in 2015.
Integrated assessment models [IAMs;
e.g., DICE (4), FUND (5), and PAGE (6)],
perform all four steps. Underlying step
(i) are assumptions about future climate
change policies and their effects on GHG
emissions and about population, GDP
growth, and technology. In step (ii), a simplified representation of the climate system
translates emissions to metrics of climate
change (e.g., change in global average
temperature). Steps (iii) and (iv) require
a damage function that relates climate
change metrics to climate impacts and
to valuations. Valuation of impacts often
aggregates and/or extrapolates detailed
climate impact studies and relies on population and economic assumptions from

Costs and benefts of emissions


Billions of 2011 dollars

By William Pizer,1,2* Matthew Adler,1

Joseph Aldy,2,3 David Anthoff,4 Maureen
Cropper,2,5 Kenneth Gillingham,6 Michael
Greenstone,7 Brian Murray,1 Richard
Newell,1,2 Richard Richels,8 Arden Rowell,9
Stephanie Waldhoff,10 Jonathan Wiener1,2




2013 SCC

2008 SCC

Climate-only beneft
estimates based on diferent
government SCC values
Benefits of regulations vary. Estimated costs and
climate change benefits of emission reductions in 2020
from proposed U.S. power plant regulations using 2008
(3) and 2013 (2) government SCC estimates. Estimates
from table 18 in (2) using a 3% discount rate averaged
over state and regional approaches. SCC estimate from
table V-3 in (3), rising 2.4% per year to $8.67 in 2020,
multiplied by avoided emissions estimates averaged
over state and regional approaches from table 10 in (2),
and inflation adjusted using the implicit GDP price index
from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.


step (i) to project the level of human and

economic activity exposed to these impacts
in the future.

SCC for government CBA requires specific choices, beginning with the selection
of which IAMs to include. Models vary in
terms of breadth of use, degree of public access and available peer review, and incorporation of latest scientific results. New IAMs
may emerge. How should a government select among models? Should selection evolve
over time? Should models be weighted? If
so, how?
Next, one must choose what, if any, assumptions to harmonize across models.
Such assumptions may be important for
consistency between the SCC and other
elements of a government CBA, to reflect
important uncertainties, or to address possibly outdated assumptions.
This harmonization requires more tough
choices. For example, the SCC will measure
incremental policy benefits relative to a
baseline or range of baselines, which must
be explicitly selected. One must decide
whether emissions are forecast on the basis of an ambitious climate policy (such as
the scenario in which polluters are already
forced to pay the estimated SCC), a scenario
where only policies already on the books
remain in place, or something in between.
There are also credible differences on
analytic and ethical grounds regarding the
appropriate discount rate. Previous government guidance for CBA suggested discount
rates of 3 and 7% for most projects, with
possibly lower rates for phenomena (like
climate change) with important intergenerational effects (7). Such differences have
enormous implications; federal SCC estimates tripled as the discount rate changes
from 5 to 3% (1). For practical CBA, it is important to have distinct SCC estimates for
different discount rates that can be paired
with cost estimates based on a particular
discount rate(s).
Each IAM will have its own internal discount rate determined by model parameters and socioeconomic forecasts. Low
discount rates typically follow from low
economic growth (8), and economic growth
is tied to climate impacts. Given this connection, how problematic is it to impose a
discount rate in the SCC that is different
from the rate used within the IAM itself ?
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS



Should socioeconomic scenarios in the IAM

be made consistent with the selected SCC
discount rate, or vice-versa?
Finally, one must choose how much
weight to give to climate change impacts
outside the jurisdiction considering the
SCC. In the United States, some have questioned the legality of using global SCC estimates (9). Unless a relevant statute clearly
requires otherwise, the President and agencies have latitude to choose between domestic and global SCC values for regulatory
analysis [including the authority to interpret silent or ambiguous statutes under the
Chevron doctrine (10)]. Key U.S. statutes
(e.g., Clean Air Act and National Environmental Policy Act) refer to global impacts in
some sections and do not preclude a Presidential judgment that U.S. interests are best
served via a global SCC.
Traditionally, regulatory CBA has used
domestic impacts. However, unlike virtually all other regulated pollutants and
risks, GHG emissions are overwhelmingly a
problem of the global commons. A global
SCC, used worldwide to determine policy,
would maximize global net benefits. U.S.
emissions cause the bulk of their damages
beyond U.S. borders, and U.S. damages will
largely depend on mitigation choices in
other countries where emissions are larger
and growing (11).
Beyond the moral, ethical, and security
issues this raises, there is a strategic foreign relations question. The United States
is engaged in international negotiations in
which U.S. emission reductions are part of a
deal for abatement by other countries. Benefits to each country are determined by the
global effort. Even if the U.S. government
cares only about domestic impacts, this potential to leverage foreign mitigation supports a domestic SCC estimate augmented
by the expected foreign leverage. Our view
is that these are compelling reasons to focus on a global SCC but, more important,
to make a strategic choice and to conduct
periodic review.

U.S. government practice is vague regarding when and how a process of reviewing
and updating the SCC might occur, which
makes it difficult for stakeholders and re1

Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, USA. 2Resources for

the Future, Washington, DC 20036, USA. 3Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. 4University of California Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 5University of Maryland, College
Park, MD 20742, USA. 6Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511,
USA. 7University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA. 8Electric
Power Research Institute, Washington, DC 20036, USA.
University of Illinois, Champaign, IL 61801, USA. 10Pacifc
Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99354, USA.
*The views and opinions expressed in this paper are those of
the authors alone. E-mail: [email protected].


searchers to anticipate future reviews and

to plan for useful engagement in the process. A regularized and institutionalized
process would allow both groups to align
their activities more sensibly.
We see four components to an improved
institutional process. First, revisions to the
SCC should follow a regular schedule. A
5-year cycle would balance the need to respond to evolving research with the need
for a thorough process.
Second, SCC revisions should continue
to be an interagency process, led by an appropriate group within the Executive Office
of the President. This emphasizes the need
for consistent values across the whole of
government and allows the process to draw

Current U.S. practice

is vague regarding when
and how reviewing and
updating the SCC might occur.
on expertise from multiple agencies, as well
as reflecting the strategic considerations
noted above. The process should include
public notice and comment.
Third, government SCC estimates should
be regularly reviewed by the National Academy of Sciences National Research Council
(NRC). This would enhance the scientific
credibility of the SCC and provide an avenue for experts to suggest changes for
the next iteration. Such review could begin
with the current estimates.
Finally, the entire process should be institutionalized through an executive order
or an Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) memorandum or circular. This
would communicate the aforementioned
components and achieve reasonably stable
expectations about future practice. Moreover, a regular procedure with high-quality
external review would help reduce any potential politicization of the SCC.
A regularized process for updating the
SCC allows researchers to direct efforts toward policy-relevant issues. First, there is
research on socioeconomic and emissions
scenarios, climate science, and physical impacts, which are necessary inputs to IAMs
and SCC estimates. Second, there is translation of physical impacts into human and
ecosystem consequences, monetization of
those consequences, and synthesis of this
information into a consistent modeling
framework to estimate the SCC. We believe
there are especially appealing opportunities
in the second area, which has not been as

strongly supported as the physical science

Currently, estimates of human and ecosystem consequences of climate change,
particularly in less-studied regions and
impact categories, come from a small
number of studies. Recent work suggests
that temperature change may have differentand largerimpacts in poorer
countries (12). Estimating damage from
extreme climate change is a research area
with particularly high value (13). Increased
efforts to synthesize such studies for use
in IAMs can facilitate their incorporation
into SCC estimates.
SCC estimates could be improved by increasing opportunities for peer review of
IAM development. This could be through
model intercomparison projects focused
specifically on the SCC, special journal
issues to compare sector-by-sector impact
valuations, and the NRC review process
proposed earlier. This will require redirection of research time and funding, adjustments more easily planned in conjunction
with a regularized updating schedule.
As the world makes progress in GHG
mitigation, governments will need decision-making processes and information
tools that reflect important trade-offs. That
requires a regularized, transparent, and
credible process that ensures that the SCC
is reliable, well-supported, and up to date.

1. Interagency Working Group on Social Cost of Carbon,

Technical support document: Social cost of carbon for
regulatory impact analysis under Executive Order 12866
(White House, Washington, DC, 2013); http://1.usa.
2. Environmental Protection Agency, Fed. Regist. 79(117),
34830 (2014).
3. National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration, Fed.
Regist. 73(86), 24352 (2008).
4. W. D. Nordhaus, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107, 11721
5. D. Anthoff, R. S. J. Tol, Clim. Change 117, 515 (2013).
6. C. Hope, Clim. Change 117, 531 (2013).
7. U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Circular A-4:
Regulatory analysis (White House, Washington, DC,
8. K. Arrow et al., Science 341, 349 (2013).
9. T. Gayer, W. K. Viscusi, Determining the Proper Scope
of Climate Change Benefits (Brookings Institution,
Washington, DC, 2014):
10. Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, 467 U.S.
837 (1984).
11. G. Blanford, J. Merrick, R. Richels, S. Rose, Clim. Change
123, 527 (2014).
12. M. Dell, B. F. Jones, B. A. Olken, Am. Econ. J. Macroecon 4,
66 (2012).10.1257/mac.4.3.66
13. S. C. Newbold, A. L. Marten, J. Environ. Econ. Manage. 68,
111 (2014).

The authors acknowledge Dukes Nicholas Institute for

Environmental Policy Solutions and the Center for Law,
Economics, and Public Policy for sponsoring the workshop
where these ideas were developed and the Global Technology
Strategy Program for supporting S.W. We appreciate many useful intellectual contributions from the workshop audience.
10.1126/science.1259774 SCIENCE

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


Size does matter

Lysosome-based signaling machine regulates cell growth
By Liron Bar-Peled

rom Nanoarchaeum equitans, a microbe barely measuring 400 nm across,

to Balaenoptera musculus, the blue
whale that often exceeds 30 m in
length, one of the most distinguishing characteristics of an organism is
its size. Animal size is determined by total
cell number, which is achieved through cell
proliferation. Proliferation in turn depends
on cell growth, a process regulated by both
genetic and environmental factors.
When nutrients are plentiful, cells engage key programs to increase their size and
mass, whereas a dearth of nutrients triggers opposing programs that release muchneeded cellular building blocks to maintain
homeostasis. To couple nutrient availability
to cell size regulation, eukaryotic organisms
rely on signaling pathways that concomitantly sense environmental nutrient availability and control downstream processes
required for growth.
In the past 20 years, the mechanistic target of the mechanistic target of rapamycin
The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA 92122, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]

(mTOR) complex 1 (mTORC1) has emerged

as the central signaling pathway that regulates cellular, organ, and organismal size (1).
mTORC1 has major roles in controlling food
intake, insulin sensitivity, and life span and,
when deregulated, is implicated in the pathogenesis of common cancers and diabetes.
mTORC1 responds to a wide variety
of stimuli, including growth factors, oxygen availability, energy,
and amino acid levels to control
anabolic and catabolic processes
(2). Although amino acids are
absolutely essential for mTORC1
activation, surprisingly little is
known about how they are sensed
and activate mTORC1.
As a first-year graduate student in David Sabatinis laboratory at MIT, I contributed to finding the first pieces of the amino
acidsensing pathway. Amino acids promote
mTORC1 translocation to the lysosomal surface, where it becomes activated. This translocation is mediated by Rags, a family of
small guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases)
(3, 4) that are localized to the lysosomal surface by a mechanism that had not been elucidated. Unique among small GTPases, Rags
are obligate heterodimers: the highly related

Amino acid deprivation

RagA and RagB (RagA/B) bind to RagC or

RagD (RagC/D), which are also very similar to each other. Amino acids regulate the
binding of nucleotides to RagA/B, such that
amino acid stimulation increases their guanosine triphosphate (GTP) loading, which
leads to the recruitment and binding of
mTORC1. Thus, a critical event in the amino
aciddependent regulation of mTORC1 is
the conversion of RagA/B from a guanosine
diphosphate (GDP) to a GTP-bound state
(36). My graduate thesis focused on identifying the protein factors that positively or
negatively regulate the function of Rags by
controlling their nucleotide state as well as
their lysosomal localization.
I hypothesized that proteins that regulate
Rags would do so through a direct interaction. By purifying Rags under
several conditions, we identified
five proteins that form a novel
complex, which we named Ragulator (5, 6). There is a mutation in humans that partially
reduces the expression of one of
the Ragulator components, and patients carrying this mutation are substantially smaller in size than their peers, a
characteristic of mTORC1 pathway inhibition
in model organisms (1, 2, 7).
Ragulator localizes to the lysosomal surface and specifically interacts with Rags.
Through loss-of-function and mislocalization studies, we determined that Ragulator is
both necessary and sufficient for Rag localization, and, as expected, mTORC1 could no
longer localize to lysosomes and remains inactive in cells depleted of Ragulator proteins.
Furthermore, the Rag-Ragulator interaction
Amino acid stimulation


Growth factors
energy oxygen


Amino acids

GAP activity




GEF activity






GAP activity

Lysosomal lumen

The pathway of amino acid sensing by mTORC1. (Left) During amino acid deprivation, Ragulator is found as an inactive complex with the v-ATPase. GATOR1 GAP activity toward
RagA keeps this GTPase in an inactive GDP-bound state that cannot recruit mTORC1. (Right) After amino acid stimulation, GATOR1 is inhibited by GATOR2, and Ragulator and the
v-ATPase undergo a conformational change releasing the guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) activity of Ragulator toward RagA. At the same time, the FLCN-FNIP complex
activates RagC, by promoting its GTP hydrolysis. The now-active Rag heterodimer (RagA-GTP, RagC-GDP) recruits mTORC1 to the lysosomal surface, where it interacts with and is
activated by the small GTPase Rheb, which is itself controlled by growth factor, energy, and oxygen levels (1).

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


is regulated by amino acids, which suggests

that Ragulator might also control the nucleotide loading of the Rag GTPases (6). Rags
pose a particular experimental challenge for
identifying factors that regulate the nucleotide state of a single Rag, as they exist as
obligate heterodimers, and so we developed
several methods that allowed us to analyze
the nucleotide binding state of one Rag at a
time. This led to the discovery that Ragulator
is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for
RagA/B that promotes GTP binding and activation (6). Although this exchange activity
of Ragulator provides a mechanism by which
amino acids activate the Rag GTPases, how
amino acid deprivation inactivated Rags remained a mystery.

Negative regulators of small GTPases

have short-lived interactions with their cognate GTPases (8). Thus, to identify negative regulators of Rags, we purified them in
the presence of a chemical cross-linker that
preserves transiently interacting proteins.
This led to the identification of a complex
of eight Rag-interacting proteins that we
refer to as GATOR [GTPase-activating protein (GAP) activity toward Rags]. GATOR
is defined by two distinct subcomplexes:
GATOR1 and GATOR2. GATOR1 negatively
regulates mTORC1, and its loss increases cell
size, whereas GATOR2 positively regulates
this pathway by inhibiting GATOR1. Subsequently, we discovered that GATOR1 directly
interacts with the Rag GTPases and inhibits

2014 Grand Prize Winner

Cell and Developmental Biology: Liron Bar-Peled for his essay Size does
matter. Dr. Bar-Peled received his Bachelor of Science degree from the
University of Georgia and his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, where he studied amino acid sensing in David Sabatinis lab. He
received the 2014 Weintraub Award for Graduate Research, the 2013 Gary
Bokoch memorial award from the American Society for Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology, and the 2012 Abraham J. Siegel Fellowship Award from
the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research. He is investigating how
cells respond to oxidative stress in the laboratory of Benjamin Cravatt at the
Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla. He is a Lallage Feazel Wall Fellow of
the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation.

Category Winners
Genomics and Proteomics: Dan Dominissini for his essay, Roadmap to the
epitranscriptome. Dr. Dominissini received his Bachelor of Medical Science degree from Tel-Aviv University, Israel, in 2007. He went on to study
RNA posttranscriptional modifications for his Ph.D., focusing on adenosine
deamination and methylation, with Gideon Rechavi at Tel-Aviv University. He
is currently a Human Frontier Science Program postdoctoral fellow in the
laboratory of Chuan He at the University of Chicago, where he develops novel
chemistries for the study of nucleic acid modifications.
Translational Medicine: Simon C. Johnson for his essay, A target for pharmacological intervention in an untreatable human disease. Dr. Johnson is an
American Federation for Aging Research Fellow at the Albert Einstein College
of Medicine in New York. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree at Oregon
State University and received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington.
He was a 2009 Howard Hughes Medical Institute EXROP scholar and was
previously supported by the Nathan Shock Center Genetic Approaches to
Aging predoctoral and Mechanisms of Cardiovascular Diseases postdoctoral
competitive training grants. His work is centered on characterizing the role of
genetic variation in insulin/IGF-1/mTOR signaling genes on human longevity.
Environment: Chelsea Wood for the essay, Environmental change and the
ecology of infectious disease. Dr. Wood received her Bachelor of Arts degree
from Dartmouth College and her Ph.D. from Stanford University. She did
postdoctoral research in Pieter Johnsons lab at the University of Colorado
at Boulder, and is currently a Fellow in the Michigan Society of Fellows and an
Assistant Professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at
the University of Michigan. She is interested in how parasites and pathogens
respond to human impacts on the environment.
For the full text of all winning essays and further information, see

their function through its GAP activity for

RagA/B, by stimulating GTP hydrolysis (9).
Upstream negative regulators of mTORC1
are commonly mutated in cancer and, indeed, inactivating mutations in GATOR1
genes are found in in a subset of glioblastoma and ovarian tumors. Moreover, the
mTORC1 pathway is insensitive to amino
acid starvation in cancer cell lines missing
GATOR1 components and hypersensitive to
treatment with a U.S. Food and Drug Administrationapproved mTORC1 inhibitor,
rapamycin (9). Thus, GATOR1 proteins may
serve as useful biomarkers to help identify patients likely to respond to clinically
approved pharmacological inhibitors of
mTORC1. In addition to its role in cancer,
the GATOR complex has also been implicated in epilepsy (10). Two recent studies
uncovered that mutation of a GATOR1
component underlies familial focal epilepsy
with multiple foci (11, 12) and provides a
molecular etiology for this disease.
After the identification of Ragulator and
GATOR1 as the first positive and negative
regulators of the Rag GTPases, respectively,
additional studies highlighted the complexity of this signal transduction network with
the identification of new members needed
to integrate the amino acid signal with size
regulation. These components include the
lysosomal vacuolar adenosine triphosphatase (v-ATPase), which mediates the amino
acid signal to Ragulator and is required for
amino aciddependent mTORC1 activation
(13), as well as the folliculinfolliculininteracting protein (FLCN-FNIP) tumor
suppressor complex, which is responsible
for activating RagC/D (14). These studies
reveal the presence of a lysosome-based
signaling machine that is required to sense
nutrient availability for the spatiotemporal
regulation of mTORC1 (see the figure), offering us a window into how the size of a
cell is influenced by its environment.


L. Bar-Peled, D. M. Sabatini, Trends Cell Biol. 24, 400 (2014).

M. Laplante, D. M. Sabatini, Cell 149, 274 (2012).
Y. Sancak et al., Science 320, 1496 (2008).
E. Kim et al., Nat. Cell Biol. 10, 935 (2008).
Y. Sancak et al., Cell 141, 290 (2010).
L. Bar-Peled et al., Cell 150, 1196 (2012).
G. Bohn et al., Nat. Med. 13, 38 (2007).
J. L. Bos et al., Cell 129, 865 (2007).
L. Bar-Peled et al., Science 340, 1100 (2013).
R. J. Shaw, Science 340, 1056 (2013).
L. M. Dibbens et al., Nat. Genet. 45, 546 (2013).
S. Ishida et al., Nat. Genet. 45, 552 (2013).
R. Zoncu et al., Science 334, 678 (2011).
Z. Y. Tsun et al., Mol. Cell 52, 495 (2013).


I am grateful to my Ph.D. adviser D. M. Sabatini for his mentorship. I would also like to thank all the members of the Sabatini
lab past and present and especially L. Chantranupong, Y.
Sancak, L. Schweitzer, and R. Zoncu.
10.1126/science.aaa1808 SCIENCE

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS



Edited by Jennifer Sills

Conserving Brazils
Atlantic forests


IN THEIR REPORT Using ecological

thresholds to evaluate the costs and benefits

of set-asides in a biodiversity hotspot
(29 August, p. 1041), C. Banks-Leite et al.
calculate that Brazil could protect the most
biodiverse 30% of its 143 million hectares
of endangered Atlantic forests by reallocating 6.5% of its agricultural subsidies to pay
landowners to set aside land for restoration.
Reallocations are unlikely, however, because
agrosubsidies serve different political constituencies than conservation incentives(1).
Meanwhile, a successful and much cheaper
stepwise program could be expanded.
The region is subdivided into small,
scarcely viable, private farm holdings,
which are partially forested and partially
cleared.For rural properties in this biome,
the current Brazilian Forest Code (2)
requires 20% of the land to be set aside
as protected Legal Reserves (Reservas
Legais). These are managed for sustainable use, which includes selective logging.
A voluntary land covenant program (3,
4) allows an owner to establish a Private
Natural Heritage Reserve (Reserva
Particular do Patrimnio Natural) at the
federal, state, or municipal level. Private
Natural Heritage Reserves must be managed only for conservation, ecotourism,
or education. Because the land is already
required to be set aside as a Legal Reserve,
opportunity costs for establishing the
more conservation-friendly Private Natural
Heritage Reserves are minimal. However,
landholders are deterred by application and establishment costs.The state
government pays conservation incentives
to municipalities but not to landholders
(5).A few Private Natural Heritage Reserve
landholders meet costs through ecotourism, but as yet, only 4% nationally (6).
A partnership of local and international
nongovernmental organizations (7, 8) has
provided strategic small grants known as
editais to cover application and management costs for Private Natural Heritage
Reserves. For one-third of Private Natural
Heritage Reserves nationally, editais were
critical in lifting landholders over this final
hurdle for forest conservation. To date, this
includes 57,000 ha in the Atlantic Forest
biome, where the cost of this stepwise
approach (7) is only 1 to 5% of the cost of

Private Natural Heritage Reserve

in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

outright land purchase.Expanding this

approach may provide the best practical
short-term prospect to conserve remaining
biodiversity in Brazils Atlantic forests.
Ralf Buckley* and Fernanda de
Vasconcellos Pegas
Grifth University, Gold Coast, QLD 4222, Australia.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

1. D. Kleijn, W. J. Sutherland, J. Appl. Ecol. 40, 947 (2003).

2. Government of Brazil, Cdigo Florestal, Lei 12.651 (2012);
3. Government of Brazil, Lei 9.985 (2000); www.planalto.
4. ICMBio (
5. ICMS Ecolgico, Repasses (
6. F. Pegas, G. Castley, J. Sust. Tour. 24, 604 (2014).
7. SOS Mata Atlntica (
8. Associao Mico Leo Dourado (

BUCKLEY AND PEGAS claim that it would

be politically difficult to reallocate agricultural subsidies to conservation. In our

Report, we compare the economic costs
of a strategy in which land is set aside for
restoration to what is currently spent on
agricultural subsidies. We do not suggest
that agricultural subsidies be reallocated
to conservation, but we also do not believe
that such a strategy is improbable, as
this has already been implemented in the
United States (1, 2) and is currently being
discussed in Europe (3).
Buckley and Pegas then suggest that
creating more Private Natural Heritage
Reserves would be a more cost-effective
strategy to protect the biodiverse regions
of the Atlantic Forest. However, as we
explained in our Report, preserving the
Atlantic Forest is not enough; this biome
needs to be restored to fully protect
biodiversity. Private Natural Heritage
Reserves are essentially a mechanism to
preserve existing areas of pristine habitat
inside private property and are only rarely
used to set aside land to reforestation.
The reserves are often managed to attract
ecotourism, but it is unclear how degraded


land undergoing restoration would serve

such a purpose.
Private Natural Heritage Reserves would
protect additional, pristine land, but the
most biodiverse regions of the Atlantic
Forest are already protected. One of our
main conclusions is that 30% is the minimum amount of habitat needed to preserve
biodiversity, and that restoration should be
focused on landscapes that currently have
between 20 and 30% forest cover. To this
end, the protection of remaining Atlantic
forest areas through private or public
reserves has to be complemented with
incentives for forest restoration.
Cristina Banks-Leite,1,2* Renata Pardini,3
Leandro R. Tambosi,2 William D.
Pearse,4 Adriana A. Bueno,5 Roberta T.
Bruscagin,2 Thais H. Condez,6 Marianna
Dixo,2 Alexandre T. Igari,7 Alexandre C.
Martensen,8 Jean Paul Metzger2

Grand Challenges in the Ecosystem and Environment,

Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College
London, Silwood Park Campus, Ascot SL5 7PY, UK.
Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de Biocincias,
Universidade de So Paulo, 05508090, So Paulo
SP, Brazil. 3Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de
Biocincias, Universidade de So Paulo, 05508090,
So Paulo SP, Brazil. 4Department of Ecology, Evolution,
and Behavior, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
55108, USA. 5Fundao Florestal, 02377000, So
Paulo SP, Brazil. 6Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto
de Biocincias, Universidade Estadual Paulista,
13506900, Rio Claro SP, Brazil. 7Curso de Gesto
Ambiental, Escola de Artes, Cincias e Humanidades,
Universidade de So Paulo, 03828000, So Paulo SP,
Brazil. 8Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3B2, Canada.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

1. S. S. Batie, A. G. Sappington, Am. J. Agricult. Econ. 68, 880

2. R. A. Kramer, S. S. Batie, Agricult. Hist. 59, 307 (1985).
3. H. van Zeijts et al., Greening the Common Agricultural Policy:
Impacts on Farmland Biodiversity on an EU Scale (PBL
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, 2011).

Erratum for the Report: Washing away your
sins: Threatened morality and physical
cleansing by C.-B. Zhong and K. Liljenquist,
Science 346, aaa2510 (2014). Published online
21 November 2014; 10.1126/science.aaa2510
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS




Chinas balancing act

n his Editorial Chinas private universities (24 October, p. 401), H. Jin expresses hope that the Chinese government
will soon treat public and private universities equally, giving private institutions the funding and opportunities they
need to flourish. Readers analyzed the trade-offs involved in such a decision in the online comments section. Excerpts
from their comments are below. Read the full comments, and add your own, at

A selection of your thoughts:

[I]f youreceive any funds from government, then it is impossible to get [around] its constraints. [W]hy are there no investors interested in the private universities? Whats more, nearly all the talented students in China are enrolled in the best public
universities. Thus, it seems unwise to distribute the education funds to the private universities rather than the public ones
for the government, as the money is always insufficient.
Tong Ruif
From the private universitys perspective, its hardly possible to get any funding from the government, which results in
extremely high tuition; from Chinas common families perspective, the bad environment of study is [not worth the] expense,
[so] the public school will be the priority; from the governments perspective, lots of private universities are supported or funded
by commercial companies or groups (e.g., [Jin] is the president of Sanlian Group), and how tomanage such connections [and
potential resulting conflicts of interest] remains to be considered.
Eniac Gui
While students and faculty are both eager to embrace an U.S. private university model, in which philanthropists often seed the
initial development, such a high-profile, high-impact private university hasnt flourished. I believe the private universities need
to rely on innovative educational models and show their national stature in attracting bright faculty and students first. Without
doing so, [moving] money from any public sources to private [institutions] would be hard to justify for Chinese taxpayers.
Jake Chen

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Published by AAAS


X-ray free electron lasers

reveal protein dynamics
Tenboer et al., p. 1242

Edited by Stella Hurtley

Bringing up the problem

of ice shelf melting

arm water intruding from below is heating

up the ocean that covers the continental
shelf of Antarctica. Schmidtko et al. report
that Circumpolar Deep Water has been
warming and moving further up onto the
shelf around Antarctica for the past 40 years,
causing higher rates of ice sheet melting (see the
Perspective by Gille). These observations need
to be taken into account when considering the
potential for irreversible retreat of parts of the
West Antarctic Ice Sheet. HJS
Science, this issue p. 1227; see also p. 1180



Eels shock their prey

into risky behavior
Electric eels can deliver a shock
powerful enough to immobilize a
horse, but their true targets are
smaller fish and invertebrate prey.
Now, Catania suggests that electric eels remotely control their
preys movements. The electrical
discharge causes whole-body
contraction and twitch in the
prey by affecting motor neurons
rather than muscles directly. This
first stimulates prey to move and
reveal itself and then to freeze,
allowing its capture. SNV
Science, this issue p. 1231


A two-cell collaboration
for inflammation
Immune cells called neutrophils
are first responders to infection. Neutrophils move within
and through blood vessels to
get to sites of infection quickly.

Sreeramkumar et al. found

that mouse neutrophils rely
on platelets to help find such
sites. Neutrophils extended
protrusions into blood vessels.
When these protrusions came
into contact with platelets, the
neutrophils migrated into the
surrounding tissue to carry out
their inflammatory functions.
Preventing these neutrophilplatelet interactions alleviated
collateral inflammatory damage
to tissues in several injury models in mice. KLM
Science, this issue p. 1234

neutrophil (green)
and platelet (red)


Theoretical chemistry can

withstand the pressure
Theoretical methods can predict
the chemical consequences of
a discrete molecular collision
in exquisite detail. However,
practical chemistry, whether in a
flame, in Earths atmosphere, or
in an industrial reactor, involves
billions of trillions of such collisions. Predicting the aggregate
reaction rate requires an
accurate means of treating the
pressure dependence. Jasper
et al. present
such a method,
which shows
strong agreement with
(see the
by Pilling).
Unlike past
that require


derived from empirical fits to

data, the new technique relies
strictly on simulations. JSY
Science, this issue p. 1212;
see also p. 1183


Epigenetic control during

herpes virus infection
Epigenetic modifications are a
sort of genetic metadatathey
alter gene expression without changing the underlying
DNA. Hill et al. hypothesized
that epigenetic modification
could be exploited for treating
herpes virus infection. Herpes
virus infection and reactivation
from latency depends on the
histone demethylases LSD1 and
JMJD2, which are responsible
for making epigenetic marks on
chromosomes. Epigenetic modifications inhibited viral infection
in animal models that represent
three different stages of herpes
simplex virus infection: suppression of primary infection, a block

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


Downloaded from on December 5, 2014

Ice shelf melting

in the Antarctic



Sci. Transl. Med. 6, 265ra169 (2014).


An ounce of prevention
is better than violence
Children and adolescents spend
a large fraction of their lives in
schools. Many discussions about
improving adult behavior focus
on improving cognitive skills.
Nevertheless, retrospective analyses also highlight the importance
of noncognitive skills. Heller
reports on the positive effects of
a Chicago program that offered
disadvantaged youths 25 hours
per week of summer employment. Youths enrolled in this
program committed fewer violent
crimes for at least a year after the
summer job ended. GJC
Science, this issue p. 1219


Using light to manipulate

atomic valleys
The electronic structure of
atomic layers of transition-metal
dichalcogenides, such as WSe2,
has two distinct valleys with equal
energies. Knowing which valley an
electron comes from can make
it a carrier of information. Kim
et al. used optical methods to
distinguish between the valleys.
They shone circularly polarized
light on a sample of WSe2, which
caused the energy needed to
create an excitona bound state
of an electron and a holeto shift
in one valley but not the other.
The method may enable the
manipulation of the valley degree
of freedom for use in quantum
information processing. JS
Science, this issue p. 1205


Unpacking for travel

to the nuclear interior
The position of a gene within
the cell nucleus is correlated
with its activity. Those near the
nuclear periphery are generally
repressed, whereas those in the

center are (or will be) active. It is

not clear whether this relocalization is a cause or a consequence
of gene regulation. Therizols et
al. found that transcriptional
activation or simply chromatin
decondensation both drove
the relocation of genes to the
interior of the nucleus. The
nuclear position was maintained
in daughter cells, suggesting
that the cell has an epigenetic
memory of the genes position
within the nucleus. GR


Edited by Kristen Mueller

and Jesse Smith

A shipworm
removed from its
wooden burrow

Science, this issue p. 1238


Dominance cascades in
Plants often cannot use their own
pollen to set seed. This is known
as self-incompatibility. Although
some of the underlying genetics
and mechanisms of self-incompatibility are understood, the
evolution and maintenance of the
system have remained mysterious. Durand et al. identified a
collection of small RNAs and
their respective matching targets
within a self-incompatibility locus
in Arabidopsis halleri. A subset
of these alleles functioned in a
dominant manner, which helps to
explain how self-incompatibility is
maintained. LMZ
Science, this issue p. 1200


Cancer by activating
a binding partner
Some cancers are associated
with mutations that increase
the activity of members of the
EGFR family of tyrosine receptor
kinases, such as HER1. Although
HER3 has little kinase activity, it
can contain cancer-associated
mutations. HER3 binds to other
EGFR family members that do
have kinase activity. Littlefield
et al. crystallized the kinase
domain of HER1 bound to the
kinase domain of normal HER3
or HER3 with cancer-associated
mutations. Cancer-associated
mutations in HER3 increased
its binding to and allosteric
activation of HER1. NRG
Sci. Signal. 7, ra114 (2014)


Aiding shipworms
appetite for destruction

hipworms are in fact mollusks that consume wood.

They can cause devastation to wooden ships but they
also clean up wreckage. Mollusks cannot eat wood
unaided (the lack the right enzymes) so OConnor
et al. puzzled over the absence of symbiotic wooddigesting organisms in the gut of shipworms. To their
surprise, they discovered that the gills of a shipworm called
Bankia setacea harbored Teredinibacter turnerae bacteria,
which produce several wood-digesting enzymes. It seems
the shipworms tissues not only tolerate but also selectively
transfer these foreign enzymes into their guts for digesting
its formidable meals. CA
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 10.1073/pnas.1413110111 (2014).


An inhibitor to expand
mouse stem cells
Among their many side effects,
treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation deplete
stem cells. Therapies to boost
their numbers may positively
affect patient outcomes. One
possible therapeutic target is
the protein phosphatase SHIP1.
Hematopoietic stem cells
expand in mice lacking SHIP1;

however, they also develop

inflammatory disease. To boost
stem cells numbers while hopefully avoiding inflammation,
Brooks et al. developed a SHIP1
inhibitor. Adult hematopoietic
and mesenchymal stem cell
numbers increased in normal
mice treated transiently with
the inhibitor. The inhibitor
also helped mice recover their
hematopoietic-lineage cells after
radiation treatment. BAP
Stem Cells 10.1002/stem.1902 (2014). SCIENCE

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


to subclinical shedding, and

reduction in recurrent lesions.

Mellado Lagarde et al. found

that supporting cells can regenerate during a brief time period
after birth. When they selectively eliminated supporting
cells in newborn mice, nearby
cells rapidly replaced them,
thereby preserving hearing. The
next step is to find a drug that
induces regeneration. PAK


Beefing up thin-film
Conventional superconductors,
such as lead, owe their exotic
properties to the interaction of
electrons and lattice vibrations.
In contrast, in the more recently
discovered iron-based superconductors (IBSs), magnetic
interactions are thought to play
a major role. Lee et al. show
that in thin films of the IBS FeSe
deposited on SrTiO3, a combination of the two mechanisms may
be at play. Using angle-resolved
photoemission spectroscopy, they
discovered a vibrational mode of
the SrTiO3 substrate that interacts
with the electrons in FeSe. The
interaction roughly doubles the
temperature at which the film
becomes superconducting, when
compared with bulk IBSs with
similar electronic structures. JS
Nature 515, 245 (2014).



Gray seals: the North

Seas great whites?
Harbor porpoises with missing
bellies first appeared on Dutch
beaches in 2006; soon, dozens
of mutilated porpoises began
mysteriously and gruesomely
washing ashore each year. Now,
Leopold et al. have cracked the
murderers identity: gray seals.
Photographs and autopsy results
of more than 1000 stranded
porpoises from 2003 to 2013
revealed torn blubber, scratch
marks, and canine teeth marks
all pointing to seals. Finding the
smoking gunseal saliva DNA in
the woundsseemed impossible,
as seawater should wash it away.
But the team did find seal DNA
at the bottom of deep narrow
bite marks on three porpoises.
Humans may be to blame for the
change in seal hunting targets:
With rising gas prices, fishermen
switched from trawling to cheaper
nets anchored to the seabed,
which can also trap porpoises.
The seals may have stumbled
onto them and then gone on to
hunt this larger, fattier prey. JY
Proc. R. Soc. London ser. B, 10.1098/

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 10.1073/

pnas.1408064111 (2014).

Hair cells (green) and supporting cells
(cyan) in a neonatal mouse cochlea

Supporting cells take

on a starring role
Supporting cells in the inner
ear have more to offer than
their uninspiring name suggests. Studies of deafness often
emphasize the role of hair cells,
the sensory cells that transmit
sound signals to the brain. Loss
of hair cells causes permanent
deafness, because these cells
cannot regenerate. Loss of
supporting cells also causes
deafness, but a new study suggests that there may be hope.

Ionic charge manages

One way to create nanoparticles
that otherwise are difficult to
synthesize de novo is to swap out
the cations of existing nanoparticles. De Trizio et al. show that
the transformation of colloidal
copper selenide (Cu2-xSe)
nanoparticles with tin (Sn) ions
leads to vastly different products for Sn2+ versus Sn4+. The
smaller Sn4+ ions move readily
through the Cu2-xSe lattice. The
homogeneous transformation
stops at Cu2SnSe3 and retains
a cubic lattice. The larger Sn2+
cations are blocked, and regions
of SnS form at the surface; the
stress created at the interface of

this heterogeneous nanoparticle

drives the distortion of Se anion
lattice that allows orthorhombic
SnS to form. PDS
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 10.1021/
ja508161c (2014).


Revealing the forests of

an ancient landmass
The biogeographical history
of Southeast Asia is complex.
During the Pleistocene glacial
cycles, sea levels repeatedly
fell, exposing large areas of land
and linking islands to the Asian
mainland. Especially notable
was Sundaland, which united
Borneo, Sumatra, and the Malay
Peninsula. But what kind of
vegetationforest or savannah
dominated this now-submerged
landscape? To find out, Raes et al.
combined geographical distribution models for species of the
dominant dipterocarp tree family
with models of past climates.
They found that continuous
rainforest was the most likely
vegetation of much of Sundaland
during the Pleistocene glacial
cycles. AMS
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 10.1073/
pnas.1403053111 (2014).


Getting a bigger jump

on earthquakes

eveloping better earthquake early

warning (EEW) systems, which
could help lessen earthquake damage, requires operational testing.
Grapenthin et al. present a performance analysis of ShakeAlert, an EEW
demonstration system along the western
coast of the United States, during the
2014 magnitude 6.0 Napa earthquake. The
system uses a real-time GPS network to pick
up very early shaking and quickly estimate
earthquake size and location. ShakeAlert
successfully provided a slip model of the
earthquake after only half a minute of shaking. The Napa quake shows that ShakeAlert
works well and provides vital information on
how EEW systems can be improved. BG

Cleaning up after the 2014

Napa, California, earthquake


Geophys. Res. Lett. 10.1002/

2014 GL061923 (2014).

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS





Lunar magnetism
persisted via dynamo
Today the Moon has no magnetic
field, but this was not always the
case. Remnant magnetization
in lunar rock and crust samples
indicates that substantial fields
existed billions of years ago.
Weiss and Tikoo review how
modern magnetic studies have
established that these fields were
powered by a magnetic dynamo
that lasted from 4.2 to 3.56 billion
years ago. However, the possible
mechanics behind the dynamo,
such as mantle precession or
core crystallization, remain under
investigation. To find out how
and when the dynamo came
and went now requires improvements in magnetohydrodynamic
models and more accurate
paleointensity measurements,
possibly even those that show
the field direction. MMM
Science, this issue p. 1198


Cell competition and

Even in what appears to be
homogeneous tissue, cell variability exists. The presence of
mutant cells can compromise the
functional integrity of a tissue and
ultimately the organisms health.
Cell competition is an internal
cell surveillance mechanism that
monitors cell fitness to eliminate
compromised cells and prevent
them from contributing to the tissue. However, how cells recognize
fitness differences has remained
elusive. Meyer et al. report that
this recognition uses signaling pathways from the innate
immune response system. Cellcell differences in fitness activate
distinct NF-B/Rel factors in the


Edited by Stella Hurtley

weaker population that lead to

activation of distinct pro-apoptotic genes, leading to cell death
in the losing cells. BAP
Science, this issue p. 1199


Teasing out the

topological character
When theoretical physicists
proposed the existence of an
exciting class of materials called
topological insulators (TIs),
they had in mind a material that
is electrically insulating in the
bulk but conducts electricity on
its surface. Experimentally discovered TIs, however, still have
considerable bulk conductivity.
Theoreticians then noticed that
the material SmB6, which has
long been known as an insulator
with peculiar conduction properties, may be a TI. However,
confirming that SmB6 is a TI has
been an arduous process. Li et
al. traced the electronic structure of SmB6 in high magnetic
fields and found that it does
indeed have two-dimensional
surface states. JS
Science, this issue p. 1208


Stabilization of the
surfaces of magnetite
Accurate structures of iron oxide
surfaces are important for understanding their role in catalysis,
and, for oxides such as magnetite, applications in magnetism
and spin physics. The accepted
low-energy electron diffraction
(LEED) structure for the surface
of magnetite, in which the bulk
surface termination undergoes
an undulating distortion, has a
relatively poor agreement with
experiment. Bliem et al. show

that the LEED structure is much

more accurately described
by a structure that includes
subsurface cation vacancies
and occupation of interstitial
sites (see the Perspective by
Chambers). Such cation redistribution occurs in many metal
oxides and may play a role in
their surface structures. PDS
Science, this issue p. 1215;
see also p. 1186


Greenhouse gases drove

African rainfall
Much of equatorial Africa suddenly became much wetter
~14,700 years ago, ushering
in an African Humid Period
that continued well into the
Holocene. Why? Otto-Bliesner
et al. use a climate model to
show that a reduction in the
Atlantic Meridional Overturning
Circulation (AMOC) at the
beginning of the last deglaciation
caused a reduction in precipitation in northern and southeastern
equatorial Africa. When the
AMOC became stronger again,
wetter conditions developed in
response to a combination of
increasing greenhouse gas concentrations and strong summer
sun. As atmospheric greenhouse
gas concentrations continue
to increase, these results may
have implications for the future
of African hydroclimate, water
resources, and agriculture.
Science, this issue p. 1223


Watching a protein
molecule in motion
X-ray crystallography has
yielded beautiful high-resolution

images that give insight into

how proteins function. However,
these represent static snapshots of what are often dynamic
processes. For photosensitive molecules, time-resolved
crystallography at a traditional
synchrotron source provides
a method to follow structural
changes with a time resolution of
about 100 ps. X-ray free electron
lasers (XFELs) open the possibility of performing time-resolved
experiments on time scales as
short as femtoseconds. Tenboer
et al. used XFELs to study the
light-triggered dynamics of photoactive yellow protein. Electron
density maps of high quality
were obtained 10 ns and 1 s
after initiating the reaction. At 1
s, two intermediates revealed
previously unidentified structural changes. VV
Science, this issue p. 1242


What drives Earths

thermodynamic engine?
The asthenosphere lies right
below Earths tectonic plates.
The asthenosphere is a thin
layer of partially molten rock
that has long been thought
to play a minor role in Earths
thermodynamic engine. In a
Perspective, Anderson and King
highlight recent studies that
point to a much more active role
for the asthenosphere. They
argue that this layer is hotter
than the mantle below. It may
thus be a source of hotspot
volcanoes that have been
widely attributed to plumes
rising up from the lower mantle.
Furthermore, model studies
suggest that the asthenosphere
has a strong effect on patterns
of mantle flow. JFU
Science, this issue p. 1184 SCIENCE

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


understanding its interior structure, thermal history, and mechanism of formation,

as well for our understanding of the physics of planetary magnetic field generation.


The lunar dynamo

ADVANCES: A new generation of labora-

Benjamin P. Weiss1* and Sonia M. Tikoo2,3

BACKGROUND: It is unknown whether the

Moon has a fully differentiated and melted

structure with a metallic core or retains
a partially primordial, unmelted interior.
The differentiation history of the Moon is
manifested by its record of past magnetism
(paleomagnetism). Although the Moon today does not have a global magnetic field,
the discovery of remanent magnetization in lunar rocks and in the lunar crust

demonstrated that there was a substantial

lunar surface field billions of years ago.
However, the origin, intensity, and lifetime of this field have been uncertain. As
a result, it has been unclear whether this
magnetization was produced by a dynamo
in the Moons advecting metallic core or by
fields generated externally to the Moon. Establishing whether the Moon formed a core
dynamo would have major implications for

The interior structure of the Moon and the lunar dynamo. New magnetic measurements of lunar rocks have demonstrated that the ancient Moon generated a dynamo
magnetic field in its advecting liquid metallic core (innermost red shell). This dynamo may
have been driven by convection, possibly powered by crystallization of the core (innermost red sphere) and/or stirring from the solid mantle (thick green shell). The magnetic
field was recorded as magnetization by rocks on the lunar surface. [Image created by
Hernn Caellas]

tory magnetic studies of lunar rocks and

spacecraft measurements of lunar crustal
magnetic fields have produced major advances in our understanding of the evolution of ancient magnetic fields on the
Moon. It has now been established that a
dynamo magnetic field
likely existed on the
Moon from at least 4.5
Read the full article
billion to 3.56 billion
at http://dx.doi
years ago, with an inscience.1246753
tensity similar to that
at the surface of Earth
today. The field then declined by at least
an order of magnitude by 3.3 billion years
ago. The early epoch of high field intensities may require an exceptionally energetic
power source such as mechanical stirring
from mantle precession. The extended
history of the lunar dynamo appears to
demand long-lived power sources such as
mantle precession and core crystallization.
OUTLOOK: Measurements of the intensity

of the ancient lunar dynamo have shown

that it was surprisingly intense and longlived. The next phase of lunar magnetic
exploration will be to obtain more accurate measurements of field paleointensities and to determine when the dynamo
initiated and finally disappeared. This will
be coupled with the continued development of magnetohydrodynamic models
for characterizing mechanical and other
unusual dynamo mechanisms and further
investigations into the thermal, structural,
and geodynamical history of the lunar
core and mantle. The eventual availability of absolutely oriented samples and in
situ spacecraft measurements of bedrock
should enable the first measurements of
the paleo-orientation of lunar magnetic
fields. Such directional data could determine the lunar fields geometry and reversal frequency, as well as constrain ancient
local and global-scale tectonic events.

Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts
Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 2Department of Earth
and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA
94720, USA. 3Berkeley Geochronology Center, 2455 Ridge Road,
Berkeley, CA 94709, USA.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]
Cite this article as B. P. Weiss, S. M. Tikoo, Science 346,
1246753 (2014); DOI: 10.1126/science.1246753


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS



netic fields are a powerful and potentially

illuminating challenge to dynamo theory.
Over the past decade, a burst of experimental
and theoretical advances has greatly improved
our understanding of the lunar paleomagnetic
record, global geophysical properties, and dynamo theory. Here, we review how these coupled
discoveries have confirmed the existence of an
ancient lunar dynamo, defined its temporal evolution and lifetime, and stimulated a new view
of planetary magnetic field generation.


The lunar dynamo

Benjamin P. Weiss1* and Sonia M. Tikoo2,3
The inductive generation of magnetic fields in fluid planetary interiors is known as the
dynamo process. Although the Moon today has no global magnetic field, it has been
known since the Apollo era that the lunar rocks and crust are magnetized. Until recently,
it was unclear whether this magnetization was the product of a core dynamo or fields
generated externally to the Moon. New laboratory and spacecraft measurements strongly
indicate that much of this magnetization is the product of an ancient core dynamo.
The dynamo field persisted from at least 4.25 to 3.56 billion years ago (Ga), with an
intensity reaching that of the present Earth. The field then declined by at least an order
of magnitude by 3.3 Ga. The mechanisms for sustaining such an intense and
long-lived dynamo are uncertain but may include mechanical stirring by the mantle
and core crystallization.

ne of the most important events in planetary history is early global differentiation,

the large-scale melting and sequestration
of compositionally distinct materials into
a radially layered structure with a central
metallic core and silicate mantle. The terrestrial
planets inevitably differentiated during the first
~10 million to 100 million years (My) of their
history due to their large sizes (radii > 2400 km),
which led to the release of large quantities of
gravitational energy during their accretion (1). By
comparison, the gravitational energy of formation of even the largest asteroids (radii < 500 km)
is only sufficient to have globally heated these
bodies by up to few tens of degrees Celsius.
The fate of the Moon, which has an intermediate radius (1737 km), is less certain: Formation by gradual accretion of small planetesimals
would not heat the body above the solidus
(melting temperature) unless most energy was
retained during accretion. In contrast, formation
by the impact of a Mars- or larger-sized planetesimal on the early Earth would likely produce a
Moon at or above the solidus (2). The latter giant
impact scenario might naturally lead to the formation of an early molten core and dynamo
magnetic field (3).
The Moon today does not have a global magnetic field, but the Apollo-era discoveries of
remanent magnetization in the lunar crust and
returned samples demonstrated that there were
substantial lunar surface fields billions of years
ago (4). However, it has long been unclear whether
this magnetization was produced by a core dynamo and/or by magnetic fields generated externally to the Moon. Establishing whether the

Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts
Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 2Department of Earth
and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA
94720, USA. 3Berkeley Geochronology Center, 2455 Ridge
Road, Berkeley, CA 94709, USA.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]


Moon formed a metallic core and dynamo would

have major implications for the Moons origin,
igneous and thermal history, and large-scale interior structure. Furthermore, the Moons small
size makes it a unique natural laboratory for
studying the physics of dynamo generation in a
parameter regime not represented by other
known planetary bodies. In particular, the apparent persistence and intensity of lunar mag-

Scientific understanding of the Moon by

the end of the Apollo era
Before the Apollo missions, there were two disparate views of the nature of the lunar interior.
Urey (5) conceived of the Moon as largely a primordial, undifferentiated relic from the early
solar system, whereas Kuiper (6) and others conceived of the Moon as a differentiated body with
endogenic volcanism and a metallic core. Early
magnetometry measurements by the Luna 1 and
2 spacecraft appeared consistent with Ureys
view, finding no evidence of an intrinsic lunar
field (7); we now know that the lunar dipole
moment is 8 109 that of the Earth [using
recent Lunar Prospector spacecraft measurements and the sequential model of (8)]. Furthermore, early measurements of the Moons gravity
and physical libration (i.e., three-dimensional
temporally varying rotation) observed that its
normalized polar moment of inertia appeared
indistinguishable from that of a uniform sphere

Fig. 1. Apollo-era paleointensity measurements of the lunar magnetic field and their perceived
difficulties. Each point represents the inferred field intensity for a single lunar rock. Points with arrows
represent upper limits. Both the intensity values and their ages are uncertain. The apparent rapid rise in
paleointensities between 4.0 and 3.9 Ga has been taken as evidence that the origin of the lunar dynamo,
and perhaps of the core itself, were delayed by 500 My (3) (blue), apparently at odds with a giant impact
origin of the Moon. Energy flux scaling (Eq. 2) predicts maximum paleointensities of only less than ~12 mT
(green), apparently well below many measured values. Early thermal evolution models (25, 27) predicted
that a core dynamo powered by purely thermal convection is unlikely to have persisted beyond ~4.1 Ga,
before virtually all measured paleointensities (red). The weakest surface fields today are <0.2 nT (29).
Paleointensities are obtained from the IRM normalization method as compiled by (4, 17).
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



(for which C/MR2 = 0.4, where C is the polar moment of inertia and M and R are the lunar mass
and radius). However, the subsequent discovery
that the mare plains are basaltic by Surveyor 5
(9) and that the lunar highlands are anorthositic
by Apollo 11 (10) confirmed that, beginning with
an early post-accretional large-scale magma ocean,
the Moon repeatedly experienced igneous processing over >2 billion years. Furthermore, improved
spacecraft tracking in the mid-1970s established
that C/MR2 ~ 0.392 T 0.003 (11), consistent with
(although not requiring) the existence of a small
metallic core (1 to 4% of the lunar mass) (12, 13).
Finally, the discovery of natural remanent magnetization (NRM) in the lunar crust and Apollo
samples from spacecraft and laboratory measurements hinted at the possibility of an ancient but
now extinct lunar dynamo.
Paleomagnetic measurement methodology
NRM is a vector quantity that reflects the macroscopic, semipermanent alignment of electron
spins within ferromagnetic minerals. The major
ferromagnetic minerals in unbrecciated lunar
rocks are the metals kamacite (a-Fe1xNix for
x < ~0.05) and martensite (a2-Fe1xNix for ~0.05 <
x < ~0.25) (4, 14, 15). Igneous rocks become magnetized when they cool in the presence of an
ambient magnetic field below their Curie temperature (780C for kamacite), a form of NRM
known as thermoremanent magnetization (TRM).
For weak planetary fields, the TRM intensity,
M, is given by
M = cTRM Bpaleo


where Bpaleo is the ancient magnetizing field

and cTRM is the TRM susceptibility, a sampledependent constant that quantifies the abundance
and magnetization efficiency of the ferromagnetic grains. Other forms of NRM, such as crystallization remanent magnetization (CRM) (acquired
when ferromagnetic minerals crystallize) or shock
remanent magnetization (SRM) (acquired when
rocks experience transient high pressures), are
presently more difficult to relate quantitatively
to ancient field intensities. NRM in typical planetary materials can persist for longer than the
age of the solar system, well after any ancient
field has decayed away.
Because essentially all returned lunar rocks
are regolith samples, their original orientations
are largely unknown (16). Therefore, laboratory
measurements of Apollo samples have usually
sought to obtain the paleointensity, and not
paleodirection, of past lunar fields. To obtain
Bpaleo, the first step is to measure the quantity
on the left side of Eq. 1, MNRM [after removing
any partial magnetization overprints using alternating field (AF) or thermal demagnetization].
Then, because cTRM is difficult to measure, the
sample is remagnetized in a known laboratory
field, Blab, and the resulting magnetization, Mlab,
is measured. If cTRM is unchanged by this process, then the two resulting equations can be divided to obtain MNRM/Mlab = Bpaleo/Blab and then
solved for Bpaleo. In principle, the most accurate

paleointensity estimates for igneous rocks could

be obtained if Mlab were produced as a TRM, because this would resemble the form of the NRM.
Doing so is the basis of Thellier-Thellier paleointensity experiments. However, heating-induced
chemical alteration, combined with magnetostatic interactions between ferromagnetic grains,
can change cTRM in a way that is difficult to
quantify, leading to experimental failure (4).
Such problems have frustrated Thellier-Thellier
experiments of lunar rocks for decades, such
that essentially none have been able to meet
the standards of success typical for Earth rocks
(17, 18). As a result, most paleointensities have
been inferred using nonheating methods to
produce Mlab. In particular, either a saturating
field [to produce an isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM)] or weak field superposed on
a strong AF [to produce an anhysteretic remanent
magnetization (ARM)] is applied to the samples
as a proxy for TRM. Using these methods, Bpaleo
can usually be estimated with a factor of ~5 uncertainty (2 SD) (tables S2 to S4).
Apollo-era measurements
By the end of the Apollo era (the early 1980s),
analyses of hundreds of samples seemed to indicate the existence of ancient magnetic fields
with intensities ranging from 0.1 to 120 mT over
the period <200 million years ago (Ma) up to 4.0
billion years ago (Ga) (4) (Fig. 1). This huge range
of intensities far exceeds the expected surface
variations for a constant, selenocentric (i.e., Mooncentered) dipole moment, suggesting that the
Moons magnetic field may have experienced
dramatic temporal variations (19).
Despite the wealth of data, there was no consensus on the origin or meaning of lunar magnetization. One reason is that many samples
were complex breccias that experienced multiple shock and brecciation events (Fig. 2). Not
only is it uncertain when such rocks became magnetized, but it is often not clear that the NRM
being measured is actually a TRM (17, 18). For
some samples, it was apparent that the NRM
was contaminated during sample handling by the
astronauts and/or after return to Earth (14, 20, 21).
Furthermore, even apparently unshocked materials (i.e., those that never experienced peak
pressures exceeding the 5-GPa threshold at which
petrographic effects become evident), which include most mare basalts, yielded uncertain results
because their constituent ferromagnetic minerals
are usually in the form of multidomain crystals
that have poor magnetic recording properties.
As a result of these problems, both the age of the
NRMs and the associated paleointensities were
uncertain for the majority of analyzed samples.
Attempting to account for the nominal paleointensity record from a theoretical perspective
is also very challenging. Perhaps most surprising
is that the inferred paleointensities for many
lunar samples are up to 1 to 2 orders of magnitude greater than the maximum surface fields
predicted by dynamo scaling laws. For example,
analysis of a diversity of numerical simulations
of Earth-like dynamos powered by convection

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

suggests that the mean dipole magnetic field

intensity at the Moons surface may be estimated as


aG 1=3
2m0 cf r1=2
4pR2c qa 1=3

where d is the ratio of the dipolar field to the

total field at the core-mantle boundary, Rc is
the core radius, R is the planetary radius, m0 is
the magnetic permeability of free space, f is the
ratio of ohmic dissipation to total dissipation, r
is the core density, a is the volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion for the core, G is the
gravitational constant, CP is the heat capacity
at constant pressure for the core, qa = qd qt is
the power flux available to power the dynamo,
qd is the power flux dissipated at the core
mantle boundary, qt is the threshold power
flux for dynamo generation, and c is a constant
of proportionality (22, 23). The major difficulty
is that the tiny radius of the lunar core, Rc
[estimated to be only ~0.2 R (24)], means that
core dipole fields are highly attenuated at the
planetary surface, given their (Rc/R)3 dependence. Using Rc = 250 to 450 km (see below)
and otherwise assuming approximately Earthlike values scaled to lunar core pressures for
the remaining parameters, B is predicted to be
below 12 mT, and most likely no more than ~3 mT,
for essentially all estimated power sources (see
table S5). This is well below many of the paleointensity values inferred from the Apollo-era data
for the period ~3.6 to 3.9 Ga (Fig. 1).
Furthermore, the data seemed to suggest that
lunar paleointensities increased rapidly during
the period ~4.0 to 3.9 Ga, such that the field perhaps did not originate until more than ~400 My
after lunar formation. It has been argued that the
apparent lack of an early dynamo conflicts with
the giant impact hypothesis for the origin of
the Moon, which would have likely produced a
hot, rapidly cooling lunar interior just after formation (3). Moreover, until very recently, essentially all lunar evolution models were unable to
explain why the dynamo was apparently able to
persist well beyond ~4.1 Ga (2527).
Another unresolved issue was when the dynamo declined. Fuller (28) argued that the dynamo ceased abruptly sometime between 3.6
and 3.7 Ga, implying that younger paleointensity values are within error of zero field, while
Runcorn (3) proposed that the dynamo declined
in intensity to ~1 to 20 mT but persisted until at
least ~3.2 Ga and possibly much longer. Particularly problematic for the latter viewpoint
are the youngest paleointensity values, which
are derived from impact melt samples that
formed from 1.5 Ga to as little as <200 Ma. If
these are accurate, the lack of a field today
[<0.2 nT at many surface locations (29)] would
seem to suggest that we are observers in a special time window occurring just after the decay
of the dynamo.
These issues collectively led to a suspicion that
the lunar paleointensity data may not in fact be SCIENCE


Fig. 2. Petrography and geologic history of Apollo 16 feldspathic polymict

breccia 67915. Apollo-era paleomagnetic measurements of this rock, which
inferred near-null (<3 mT) paleointensities at ~4.0 Ga, were interpreted as evidence that the initiation of the lunar dynamo was delayed by 500 My after the
Moons formation. However, the magnitude and age of this paleointensity
constraint are highly uncertain, given the protracted and complex history experienced by the rock and its constituents. (A) Photograph of slab cut at NASA
Johnson Space Center in 1972 (NASA photo S72-52255). Numerous diverse
clasts are visible, including large (50 by 20 cm) white clast at lower left. Closeup of boxed region is shown in (B). (B) Close-up image of large white clast in
(A). The large clast is actually itself a polymict breccia composed of numerous
rounded white clasts.The thin section shown in (C) was subsampled from below
the approximate location shown by the dashed box. (C) Photomicrograph in
transmitted light with crossed polars of thin section 67915,76 taken from a single

a record of an ancient dynamo. The young

paleointensity values, all of which are associated with impactites, motivated an alternative
hypothesis that some or perhaps even all lunar
paleofields were the products of plasmas transiently generated by meteoroid impacts on the
lunar surface (30, 31). Theoretical models have
suggested that such fields might reach tens or
even hundreds of mT but would be short-lived,
lasting up to a day for the largest, basin-forming
impacts and less than seconds for most smaller

rounded white clast at the location shown in (B) (JSC photo 02973-x2). The
rounded clast is revealed to be itself a breccia composed of shocked fragments
of plagioclase (gray) and pyroxene and olivine (brown, green, and purple grains).
The rock is also crosscut by fine-scale (<0.1 mm thick) young, glassy melt veins
(dark, sinuous, branching channels) that postdate assembly of the breccia (one
example identified with white arrows). (D) Summary of radiometric and exposure ages (top) and inferred geologic events (bottom) for 67915.The Pu/Xe and
oldest 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate that the oldest materials crystallized at 4.3 Ga.
Ar/39Ar age spectra from a diversity of clastsincluding granulitic breccias,
pristine troctolites, and sodic ferrogabbrosexhibit a range of apparent ages
from 4.3 to <0.26 Ga, thought to correspond to multiple thermal events recorded
by clasts with different Ar diffusivities. 81Kr/Kr, 38Ar, and 21Ne cosmic ray exposure ages are thought to date the impact that formed Cone Crater and
excavated 67915. Ages and paleomagnetic data are presented in table S7.

impacts. Although impact fields would only be

capable of imparting a full TRM on samples that
cool from the Curie temperature to surface temperatures more quickly than these time scales
(32), an SRM could be readily acquired by virtually any rock shocked in the presence of such
fields, given the near instantaneous pressure
changes associated with shock waves (33). If correct, the impact plasma fields hypothesis would
have profound implications for all of extraterrestrial paleomagnetism, because it implies that

NRM may not be a record of internal geophysical

processes on planetary bodies.
The impact plasma fields proposal appeared
to be critically bolstered by Apollo subsatellite
magnetometry, which mapped the lunar field
between latitudes of 35N and 35S and identified numerous crustal magnetic anomalies (34).
These anomalies can be interpreted as either localized crustal regions with anomalously high
cTRM (resulting, for example, from high metal
abundances) and/or regions exposed to locally
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



intense magnetizing fields. The origin of the

anomalies was enigmatic because they did not
appear to have clear associations with geological features. A major exception was the most
spatially extensive and intense anomalies, which
are located on the southern lunar farside in a
region that is approximately antipodal to the
four youngest large (>600 km in diameter) lunar
basins: Imbrium, Serenitatis, Crisium, and Orientale (Fig. 3). This association led some inves-

tigators to interpret this association as the result

of magnetic field amplification (i.e., locally high
Bpaleo) by impact-generated plasmas in these
regions (34). Regardless of the formation mechanism, the southern farside and other strong
anomalies indicate that large volumes of the
crust must have extremely high mean NRM:
Assuming a 1-km-thick source layer, the NRM is
~1 to 10 A m1, which is ~1 to 3 orders of magnitude larger than the NRM of most Apollo mare

Fig. 3. Lunar crustal magnetic anomalies and their geologic relationships.

(A) Lunar Prospector total magnetic field map at 30-km altitude from the sequential model of (8). Prominent magnetic anomalies (southern farside, Reiner
Gamma, and Descartes) are identified. Nested ellipses denote the inner basin
floor and outer structural rim of the SPA basin (82). Arrows denote a possible
linear dike, as identified by (71). Circles and stars represent impact basin centers
and impact basin antipodes identified in (B). (B) Topography from the Lunar


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

basalts and breccias and 3 to 5 orders of magnitude larger than the NRM of pristine feldspathic rocks, which are thought to make up the
majority of the lunar crust (35).
By the end of the Apollo era, it was certain
that there were magnetic fields on the ancient
Moon, but the intensity, timing, and, most important, physical origin of these fields were
unclear. Whether the magnetization in lunar
materials was the product of a core dynamo

Orbiter Laser Altimeter (83), showing centers of selected major impact basins
(circles) and the antipodes of the eight youngest impact basins (stars). Basin
centers are identified by the following: B, Bailly; C, Crisium; M, Moscoviense; MR,
Mendel-Rydberg; He, Hertzsprung; Hu, Humboldtianum; I, Imbrium; O, Orientale;
N, Nectaris; Sc, Schrdinger; Se, Serenitatis; Sm, Smythii; SPA, South PoleAitken; and SR, Sikorsky-Rittenhouse. Basin antipodes are identified with the
previous abbreviations appended by A. [Modified from (72)] SCIENCE


or impact-generated plasmas remained unresolved.

A key difficulty was that criteria for distinguishing
between these two field sources from measurements of NRM had not been firmly established.
Modern developments
Since the end of the Apollo era, there have been
major improvements in analytical techniques in
geochronology, petrology, and paleomagnetism
and a deepening understanding of rock magnetism and global lunar geophysics. Beginning
about 6 years ago, a new generation of paleomagnetic analyses, thermal evolution models, and
dynamo simulations have applied these advances
toward resolving the origin of lunar magnetism.
The broad goal of these efforts has been to answer the following questions: Did the Moon form
a dynamo? If so, how strong was the dynamo?
When did it form? When did it decline? And
what were the physical field-generating mechanisms and power sources? We begin by discussing
recent theoretical advances in our understanding
of the lunar dynamo and then compare their predictions to new magnetic measurements of Apollo
samples and the lunar crust.
Lunar dynamo mechanisms
A dynamo requires organized advection of conducting fluid, which generates magnetic fields
by the process of electromagnetic induction
(36). For the terrestrial planets, this is thought
to occur in their liquid metallic cores. Therefore,
if the Moon once had an internally generated,
global magnetic field, this implies the existence

of an ancient advecting lunar metallic core.

The case for the existence of such a core has
been greatly strengthened over the past two decades. Lunar Prospector estimates of the lunar
moment of inertia (37) and induced dipole moment (38, 39) are consistent with a core of radius
~220 to 450 km. Lunar rotational dissipation
inferred from four decades of laser ranging further suggests that the core is at least partially in a
fluid state (40). Recent reprocessing of Apollo
seismic data suggests the presence of a ~250- to
420-km radius liquid Fe outer core possibly surrounding a ~200- to 240-km radius solid inner
core (24, 41).
Fluid motions in all known dynamos in the
solar system today are generally thought to be
powered by convection. The buoyancy flux in
Earths core is provided by secular heat flow, as
well as by latent heat release and compositional differences arising from crystallization of the
core (42). The fields intensity (22) and longevity (36) are thought to depend on the heat flux
at the core-mantle boundary (Fig. 4). The heat
flux out of the core is in turn strongly controlled
by the thermal evolution of the overlying mantle.
Purely thermal convection in the core (i.e., occurring in the absence of core crystallization) requires that the core-mantle boundary heat flux
exceed that which can be conducted along a
core adiabat. Estimates for the lunar core adiabatic heat flux range widely (between ~2 and
10 mW m2) (43).
For a dry lunar interior, thermal evolution
models assuming a monotonically cooling core-

Fig. 4. Estimated longevity of various lunar dynamo mechanisms versus

time. Shown is the estimated core-mantle boundary energy flux supplied by
purely thermal core convection, thermochemical convection driven by core
crystallization, and precession. Solid curves depict a variety of end-member
convective dynamo power models demonstrating the effects of: (i) an initially
stably stratified (all curves except light red curve) or unstably stratified (light
red curve) mantle; (ii) a completely anhydrous (all curves except purple and
orange) or hydrous (40 ppm H2O) (purple and orange curves) mantle; (iii) an
initial temperature difference between the core and mantle (DTCMB) of either 0C
(green and purple curves), 100C (light blue and orange curves) [models D07, D09,
D37, and D39, respectively, of (46)], 200C (dark blue curves) [model TB-0 of


mantle boundary typically find that a pure thermal convection dynamo can persist at most until
sometime between ~4.3 and 4.1 Ga (25, 26, 44).
Enrichment of the lower lunar mantle by 40
parts per million (ppm) H2O [below that recently inferred from mare basalts (45)] may lower
the mantle viscosity by ~2 orders of magnitude,
thereby enabling a thermal convection dynamo
to persist until perhaps ~3.4 Ga (46). Additionally, it is possible that at the end of magma ocean
crystallization, the core was surrounded by a
radiogenic element-rich cumulate layer. Thermal
models (26) have estimated that radioactive heating from such a layer could delay initiation of a
thermal convection dynamo (47) until sometime
between 4.2 and 4.0 Ga and postpone the dynamo cessation until perhaps ~3.5 Ga. The generally short lifetime predicted for a purely thermal
convection dynamo has motivated alternative
hypotheses that the lunar dynamo was powered
either by thermochemical convection from core
crystallization or mechanical stirring by differential rotation between the mantle and core.
Mechanical dynamos have yet to be definitively identified to operate in any planetary body
today. At least two forms of these exotic mechanisms have been described for the Moon. The
first proposes that large meteoroid impacts, by
driving transient large-amplitude mantle librations or even temporarily unlocking the mantle
from synchronous rotation, powered dynamos
lasting for up to several thousand years after
each impact event (48, 49). However, because
this mechanism requires highly energetic impact

(26)], or 400C (dark red curve); and (iv) inner core crystallization (light red and
dark red curves) [model H50E100V5e19 of (54) and DTCMB = 400 K, 4 wt % S
model of (56), respectively]. Dashed curves depict estimated power from mantle
precession for the three orbital models considered by (23): Nominal (green),
Model 2 (light blue), and Model 4 (dark blue). Gray boxes indicate the estimated
range of critical core heat flux values required for field generation in thermal
convection dynamos (3 to 10 mW m2). Dynamos driven by precession and
compositional convection may operate subadiabatically. (Inset) Magnified
model results for the time spanning 3.9 to 2.4 Ga. Because the models shown
here assumed modestly differing properties of the lunar interior (e.g., core radius
and sulfur abundance), their results should only be compared qualitatively.

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



events, it seems only likely to have occurred before the final basin-forming impact that formed
the crater Orientale at 3.72 Ga (50).
A mechanical dynamo could also be powered
by mantle precession (40, 51). Although initially
locked, the lunar core and mantle began to precess around different axes when the Moons orbit
migrated to beyond >26 to 29 Earth radii (52).
The power associated with this differential motion should have been extremely large compared
to that driving thermal convection (Fig. 4) but
declined over time as the angle between the core
and mantle spin axes decreased. The lifetime
of the precession dynamo is highly uncertain
because it could operate subadiabatically and
because the lunar orbital evolution is poorly
constrained. Nevertheless, for a typical choice
of lunar physical parameters (23), it is estimated
that such a dynamo could be sustained until the
Earth-Moon distance reached ~43 to 48 Earth
radii (i.e., until ~3.4 to 2.0 Ga, depending on
which lunar orbital evolution model is assumed).
Considering a broader range of acceptable lunar

parameters, it is conceivable that a precession

dynamo could even last until as late as ~0.6 Ga
(14). Not only is a precession dynamo potentially
very long-lived, but very recent magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations (53) also have found
that it might have produced surface fields up
to the ~100 mT intensities suggested by the
Apollo-era paleointensity record for the period
before 3.6 Ga (Fig. 1). Interestingly, this MHD
model also finds that the dynamo would terminate at about the same time that the Apollo-era
paleomagnetic data suggest a decline in paleointensities (i.e., after 3.6 Ga).
None of the above mechanisms currently appear capable of powering a dynamo beyond ~0.6
to 2 Ga. However, they do not take into account
the main power source for Earths dynamo, core
crystallization. Thermal evolution models predict that a solid core should have formed within
the Moon for core sulfur contents of less than
~12 weight percent (wt %) (44, 54). Given possible seismic evidence for a solid inner core (24)
and recent modeling of lunar mantle siderophile

element depletions suggesting a bulk core sulfur

abundance of ~6 wt % (55), core crystallization
could have played an important role in sustaining a late lunar dynamo.
Two lunar thermal evolution models (54, 56)
have recently emerged that consider the effects
of core crystallization on the dynamo (Fig. 4).
However, only one of these models (56) considered the central advantages of core crystallization for prolonging the dynamo: the ability to
drive convection even for subadiabatic heat
coremantle boundary heat fluxes and the high
efficiency by which these heat fluxes are transmitted into buoyancy fluxes by compositional
convection. Given the uncertainties on the core
sulfur content, it was found that a dynamo could
be powered for billions of years and perhaps even
until the present day.
However, core crystallization again appears
only able to generate surface fields of just a few
mT or less and is therefore apparently unable to
explain the high paleointensities from the period before 3.56 Ga. Furthermore, the longevity

Fig. 5. NRM of two mare basalts

that formed during and after the
high-field epoch. (A and B)
Equal-area stereographic projection
showing the most stable
magnetization component directions
observed for mutually oriented
subsamples of 10049 (A) and 12022
(B). Insets contain transmitted light,
crossed polars photomicrographs
of thin sections of each rock
(10049,40 and 12022,110), showing
their unshocked and unbrecciated
textures (JSC photos 04194-x3 and
04491-x2, respectively). Visible are
plagioclase (gray), pyroxene and
olivine (brown, green, and purple
grains), and oxides (opaque grains).
The sizes of these plagioclase grains
indicate that these rocks cooled
slowly relative to putative impactgenerated magnetic fields (C and D)
AF demagnetization of 10049
subsample 102-1 (C) and 12022
subsample 310a (D). Shown is the
NRM intensity during AF demagnetization
compared with that of a laboratory
ARM, a TRM proxy. Horizontal
dashed lines indicate the magnetic
moment at which the sample was
effectively completely demagnetized
(as indicated by instability of the
magnetization direction). For 10049,
the unidirectional NRM (A) and its
persistence to similar AF levels as
reached by the ARM (C) are
consistent with a primary TRM origin
(Box 1). For 12022, the nonunidirectional orientation of the NRM (B) and
its complete removal at AF levels
lower than that for ARM (D) are inconsistent with a primary TRM origin. Rather, the stable magnetization in 12022 is interpreted to be an overprint from sawcutting and long-term exposure to Earths field. [Data from (14, 50)]




of power from core crystallization may open a

new problem of explaining why there is apparently no lunar dynamo today. A possible solution
is that the core crystallization models discussed
here assumed that the lunar core began by crystallizing from the bottom up like the Earths core.
In fact, early lunar core conditions were likely
close to the threshold that could permit bottomup or top-down (Fe snow) crystallization (which
depends critically on the poorly known sulfur
content of the liquid core and thermal expansion
of iron-sulfur liquids) (57, 58). Given that the Moon
presently lacks a detectable dynamo field, it was
proposed that as the liquid core became progressively enriched in sulfur, a shift from bottom-up
to top-down crystallization occurred that induced
dynamo shutoff. However, the expected timing
for such a transition remains unknown (56).
In summary, it is possible that a lunar dynamo
powered by core crystallization could have persisted for far longer than permitted by any other
mechanism and for as long as the Apollo-era data
seem to require. However, only precession dynamos currently appear capable of accounting for
the high apparent paleointensities measured during the Apollo era for the period before 3.6 Ga.
We now reassess the fidelity of this paleointensity record in the light of modern laboratory and
spacecraft magnetometry measurements.
New paleomagnetic measurements
Modern paleomagnetic studies have taken advantage of new, highly sensitive and automated
magnetometry technology and four decades of
continued geochemical and petrologic studies
of the Apollo samples. A particularly important
contribution has been the development of several criteria for identifying high-fidelity dynamo
paleointensity records (Box 1). Critically, rocks
have been studied that are unbrecciated and
unshocked and with cooling time scales from the
kamacite Curie point to ambient surface temperatures far longer than any putative impact plasmagenerated fields, requiring that any primary TRM
be the product of a long-lived field like a core
dynamo (Fig. 5).
Such studies have now provided strong evidence for the existence of a lunar core dynamo.
Analyses have found that the lunar troctolite
76535 recorded a dynamo field with intensity a
few tens of mT at 4.25 Ga (32, 59). This is the
earliest record of the lunar magnetic field and
demonstrates that a dynamo existed as far back
in history as we have records (Fig. 6). This early
period is exactly the time when thermal evolution models predict that a purely thermal
convection dynamo could have been active. Furthermore, this result marginally excludes the thermal blanket convection dynamo models (26, 54),
which predict that dynamo initiation would be
delayed until ~4.2 to 3.9 Ga and would perhaps
coincide with the onset of major mare volcanism
(~4.0 Ga).
Subsequent studies of mare basalt 10020 identified evidence for a core dynamo field with an
intensity of 66 mT at 3.72 Ga (60). Additional
evidence for a similarly substantial field at 3.7 to

Box 1. Sample criteria for lunar dynamo studies.

Lunar dynamo paleointensity studies should target samples containing a high-fidelity
TRM acquired in a temporally stable field at a well-constrained time in lunar history.
This motivates the following selection criteria:
1. TRM origin. Current experimental procedures are most accurate for inferring paleointensity
estimates from samples containing TRM. Samples containing total TRM (i) are igneous
in origin and/or were at least heated above the Curie temperature during the last remagnetization
event and (ii) show no petrographic evidence for shock (pressures <5 GPa) or brecciation
after the last major remagnetization event. To help ensure that their NRM has high stability and
can be cleaned of overprinting magnetization, samples should also (iii) contain the finest
ferromagnetic grains (ideally pseudosingle domain or smaller). Other key characteristics of total
TRM are (iv) unidirectionality within the samples, (v) high stability against laboratory
demagnetization, and (vi) demagnetization in the laboratory like a laboratory-produced TRM.
2. Core dynamo field. To ensure that any observed TRM was acquired from a long-lived
field like a dynamo, samples should have cooled from 780 to ~0C more slowly than the
estimated lifetimes of impact-generated fields [~1 day for the largest impacts (30) and at most a
few seconds for the smaller impacts after 3.7 Ga (14)]. A lack of major shock
effects (criterion ii in 1) will also help to exclude an impact-generated field source.
3. Known age. To enable the assignment of accurate ages to paleointensity estimates, samples
should have geochronologically constrained thermal histories. Identification of a TRM origin
(criteria i to vi in 1) is important for assigning radiometric ages to the NRM.

3.8 Ga was also provided by a study of three

Apollo 17 mare basalts (61). The existence of a
dynamo at 3.8 to 3.7 Ga likely excludes a purely
thermal convection dynamo (25), unless the lunar
mantle is H2O-rich (46) (Fig. 6).
The lifetime of the dynamo was then found to
persist until at least 3.56 Ga, with similarly
strong intensities (71 to 77 mT) from analyses
of mare basalts 10017 and 10049 (Fig. 5, A and C)
(50). Given that these samples are 160 My younger than the last basin-forming impact, they likely
exclude an impact-driven mechanical dynamo at
this time in lunar history in favor of a precession,
core crystallization, and/or thermal convection
dynamo in an H2O-rich lunar interior (Fig. 6).
After these studies, the question remained as
to when the dynamo declined and ultimately
ceased. A key recent step toward addressing this
has been the realization that the poor magnetic
recording properties of most mare basalts preclude retrieval of TRM acquired in fields less than
~20 mT using typical AF demagnetization methods, which introduce spurious magnetization
that can obscure the underlying NRM (62). This
limit is barely within the range of the Apollo-era
paleointensity values after 3.5 Ga, strongly suggesting that most of those values are simply
upper limits and are consistent with a weak to
null field. Therefore, establishing the history of
the late lunar dynamo requires measurements of
samples with unusually high magnetic recording
fidelity. Recent analyses of two such samples,
mare basalts 15597 and 12022, demonstrated that
the dynamo field had declined to below ~7 mT
by ~3.3 Ga and below ~4 mT, and possibly even
vanished altogether, by 3.19 Ga (Fig. 5, B and D,
and Fig. 6) (14). These values are broadly consistent with a possible 5-mT upper limit obtained
for Thellier-Thellier measurements of <3.46 Ga

anorthositic breccia 60015 (14, 18) (Fig. 6). Finally, a recent paleomagnetic study of a <7-Ma
impact melt glass demonstrated that lunar surface fields likely remained below ~7 mT into the
recent past (62, 63) (Fig. 6).
The 4-mT upper limit inferred for the Moon
at 3.19 Ga is nevertheless at the upper end of
the range predicted by the energy flux scaling
(Eq. 2). In particular, for typically assumed lunar parameters, essentially all published thermal and evolution models of the lunar dynamo
(23, 26, 44, 47, 48, 56) predict surface fields
>0.1 mT for more than ~90% of the time period
in which the dynamo is active in the models.
Such a minimum field is comparable to estimates of the strongest lunar crustal surface fields
(64) and below even the weakest known dynamo surface field in the solar system today
(65). Therefore, the current paleointensity constraints do not at all exclude a lunar dynamo
after 3.56 Ga. Determining when the dynamo
truly ceased requires a sample with extraordinary magnetic recording capabilities. Tikoo et al.
(66) very recently suggested that the melt-glass
matrix of regolith breccia 15498 (which contains
a population of high-fidelity single-domain ferromagnetic grains) was magnetized in a ~2-mT
core dynamo field. The age of the TRM is uncertain but must be less than the 3.3 Ga age of
basalt clasts in the breccia, whereas trapped Ar
data suggest a lithification age of perhaps only
~1.3 Ga (67). If confirmed, this result would extend the lifetime of the lunar dynamo by at least
0.2 to 2 billion years, suggesting that the dynamo
operated in two different intensity regimes: a
pre-3.3-Ga high-field epoch and a post-3.3-Ga
weak-field epoch. Depending on the age of the
NRM in 15498, precession and core crystallization are the only mechanisms currently thought
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



Fig. 6. Paleointensity measurements of the lunar magnetic field using modern methods and estimated lifetimes of various lunar dynamos. Each point represents measurements of a single Apollo
sample. Circles represent actual paleointensities, downward arrows represent upper limits on paleointensity, and right arrows represent upper limits on age. Green and blue points were measured using the
IRM and Thellier-Thellier methods, respectively, and the upper limits were derived from the ARM method.
Note the datum at <7 Ma at the extreme right of the figure.The shaded green box encompasses the mean
paleointensity value for the period 3.56 to 4.25 Ga (central green line) and its estimated 2 SD uncertainty
(upper and lower lines) (see table S6). The paleointensity value for 76535 (leftmost green point) is
currently not well constrained due to spurious demagnetization effects. Vertical dashed lines show
estimated maximum lifetimes of various proposed lunar dynamo mechanisms: purely thermal convection
in a dry mantle (with and without an early thermal blanket surrounding the core); impact-driven mantle
rotational changes, purely thermal convection in a wet mantle; precession; and thermochemical core
convection driven by core crystallization. The horizontal line shows the maximum lunar surface field as
estimated from Eq. 2. The lifetimes of the precession and thermochemical dynamos are highly uncertain.
Paleointensity data set is from (14, 18, 50, 5961, 63, 66) and is also listed in table S6.

to be able to power a dynamo this late in history

(Figs. 4 and 6).
These results confirm some Apollo-era conclusions and refute others. Modern paleomagnetic
measurements have now demonstrated that a
core dynamo likely existed on the Moon at least
as far back in time as 4.25 Ga, in contradiction to
the hypothesis of a late origin (i.e., after 4.0 Ga).
On the other hand, modern measurements have
confirmed the existence of a high-field (mean of
~77 mT from six samples) epoch lasting from at
least 3.85 to 3.56 Ga, as originally recognized
during the Apollo era. However, we now see that
the dynamo subsequently declined precipitously
to <4 mT by 3.2 Ga. In particular, modern analyses of samples 3.3 Ga or younger suggest that
most or all of the Apollo-era paleointensity analyses from this late epoch, which ranged up to apparent values of 20 mT, are only upper limits on
the lunar field and therefore do not require a
dynamo at this time. Finally, a recent analysis
of a potentially very young lunar sample (66)
hints that the dynamo may have nevertheless

persisted in a weakened state (surface field of

~2 mT) until sometime after 3.3 Ga.
The global context of crustal magnetism
Coincident with these new paleointensity experiments, there have also been important recent investigations of the lunar crustal magnetic
anomalies. As discussed above, a key finding
from the Apollo-era measurements was the discovery of several intense magnetic anomalies,
including those on the southern farside, that
apparently require crustal materials with NRM
larger than that of nearly all known Apollo
samples (35). Global magnetic field maps from
the Lunar Prospector spacecraft, which only became available 6 years ago (8, 29, 68), have now
confirmed the unique size and intensity of the
southern farside anomalies and their spatial
correlation with antipodes of four, or perhaps
even five (69), of the eight youngest basins. However, the acquisition of the first high-resolution
global topography data in 1993 by the Clementine laser altimeter (70) led to the identification

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

of another geologic association with the southern farside anomalies: They lie on the northern
edge of the vast South Pole-Aitken (SPA) basin,
the largest known impact crater on the Moon.
This discovery has led to two explanations
for these anomalies as alternatives to the impactplasma fields hypothesis. Both propose that rather than reflecting locally high Bpaleo, they are a
manifestation of materials with locally high cTRM
that were magnetized in a dynamo field. The first
of these proposals (71) identifies the anomalies
with the inferred locations of <4.0 Ga basaltic
dikes located within the SPA (Fig. 3). The assumed
great vertical thickness (30 km) of these dikes
enables them to produce the strong SPA anomalies despite the weak NRM of typical mare basalts.
The second proposal (72) emphasizes that
the anomalies are in the expected locations of
ejecta and impact melt derived from the SPA
impactor (Fig. 3). The key advantage of this
proposal is that typical chondritic impactors,
which are far more Fe-rich, have cTRM ~100
and 104 times that of mare basalts and pristine
feldspathic rocks, respectively. Therefore, deposition of relatively thin layers (perhaps just tens
to thousands of meters thick) of such material
should have fundamentally enhanced the magnetic properties on the surface. SPA ejecta, as well
as that from more recent impacts, could also account for most of the other isolated crustal anomalies. However, thus far no evidence has yet been
identified indicating that at least the surface layer
(top ~30 cm) of the southern farside anomaly
region is anomalously iron metal-rich (73).
Both of these new proposals require only dynamo fields rather than plasma fields to explain
the magnetic anomalies. Yet more evidence for
a dynamo comes from the recent identification
of many anomalies within the interiors of most
Nectarian (i.e., ~3.85 to 3.92 Ga) basins and some
pre-Nectarian (i.e., more than ~3.92 Ga) basins
(Fig. 3) (7476). These impacts likely demagnetized any existing NRM, producing impact melt
sheets that should have cooled from the kamacite Curie point to ambient lunar surface temperatures far more slowly (given their >1 km
thicknesses, over a period of >104 years) than
any impact-generated field. Therefore, these
central basin anomalies likely require a steady
field like that expected from a core dynamo
during the Nectarian and pre-Nectarian periods.
However, once again, the inferred TRM intensities (~1 A m1) exceed what is achievable with
known endogenous lunar materials and may reflect the addition of Fe-rich impactor materials.
It has been suggested (29) that the apparent
lack of anomalies in the centers of Imbrian basins (<1 nT at the surface, suggesting that the
central impact melt layer has an NRM less than
~103 A m1) may indicate that the dynamo was
no longer active by the time of their formation
(i.e., after ~3.85 Ga). However, this proposal is
not consistent with the strong evidence for a
core dynamo from paleomagnetic analyses of
3.56 to 3.85 Ga (Imbrian-aged) Apollo 11 and 17
basalts (see above). In fact, the sample and orbital data sets are consistent if the composition SCIENCE


of the impact melt in these locations is similar to

that of pristine feldspathic rocks or if the dynamo reversed during the cooling time of the
impact melt (perhaps several My, assuming a
10-km thickness). Therefore, the lack of central
basin anomalies does not exclude the existence
of a dynamo during the Imbrian epoch. The strong
anomalies observed in the older Nectarian basins
(see above) could still be explained by impact
melts with higher cTRM (although it is unclear
why these would only occur in the older basins)
or perhaps a longer reversal period during this
earlier time.
Key unknowns about the lunar field
The new data make it clear that a dynamo once
existed on the Moon. A central remaining mystery is now the nature of the physical mechanism(s) that powered it. The challenge is to find a
dynamo-generation mechanism that can account
for several outstanding features of the lunar
paleointensity record. Foremost is the extremely
high paleointensities (average of 77 mT) inferred
for the period 3.56 to 3.85 Ga (table S6). Even
though we estimate that these individual paleointensities each likely has a 2-SD uncertainty of a
factor ~5 (tables S2 to S4), the mean value should
only have a 2-SD uncertainty of factor ~2.2 if the
samples formed in a field of constant intensity
(table S6). Therefore, we consider that any successful dynamo model must predict a minimum
paleointensity of ~35 mT for the high-field epoch,
at least three times the maximum value estimated by the energy flux scaling (Fig. 6).
One possibility is that the lunar dynamo field
strengths are underestimated by Eq. 2. This is
conceivable given that this relationship was inferred from convective dynamo models only and,
moreover, that these models operate in a highly viscous regime not found in planetary cores
(77, 78). Given the possible recent prediction by
a precession MHD model of paleointensities
up to 100 mT (53), this seems to be likely for at
least some mechanical dynamos. Another less
likely possibility is that Eq. 2 is applicable to
the lunar dynamo, but one or more of the assumed parameter values are inaccurate. Although
the values of many of these parameters are indeed uncertain, the form of Eq. 2 shows that B is
only strongly dependent on Rc/R (and to a lesser
extent, on d). For example, even simultaneously
lowering the adiabatic power threshold to its
minimal value of 0 W m2 while increasing the
dipolarity d to its maximal value of 1 would be
insufficient to explain the paleointensities during the high-field epoch. Increasing the core size
to an Earth-like value of about half the lunar radius could account for the high paleointensities,
but this appears to be incompatible with the moment of inertia and bulk density data (12, 13).
A related problem is presented by the order
of magnitude decline in paleointensities during the period 3.56 to ~3.3 Ga. This is because
no single lunar dynamo model has yet been able
to account for such a rapid decline while simultaneously enabling the dynamo to persist in a
weakened state (if we accept the evidence for a

~2-mT dynamo persisting until sometime between

3.3 and 1.3 Ga from sample 15498). If we assume
that this rapid paleointensity decrease was a
manifestation of a declining power source, then
the energy flux scaling law (Eq. 2) predicts a
rapid relative drop in paleointensities only when
qa approaches 0 (i.e., when qd approaches qt).
Thus, unless the absolute magnitude of the time
derivative of qd rapidly dropped after 3.56 Ga, a
given power source is likely to become insufficient to power dynamo action (i.e., to maintain
qd > qt) for another 0.2 to 2 billion years after
the paleointensities declined. A possible solution is to postulate at least two distinct dynamo
mechanisms, one during the high-field epoch
[perhaps with field intensities described by a
relationship distinct from Eq. 2, as may be the
case for the precession dynamo (53)], and a different dynamo mechanism afterwards. This is
appealing because the apparent ~2-mT paleointensities during the later history of the dynamo
are well predicted by scaling relationships for the
core crystallization dynamo scenarios in late
lunar history (56) (Fig. 6). A second speculative
explanation is that only a single dynamo mechanism acted over the entire period from 4.2 to
1.3 Ga but that this dynamo was bistable, transitioning from a strong, dipole-dominated geometry to a weaker, multipolar state between 3.56
and 3.3 Ga. Bistable dynamos have been observed
in dynamo models when the local Rossby number,
which quantifies the ratio of inertial to Coriolis
forces, is less than ~0.1 (79, 80). Although the nature of the physical events that would have caused
the Moon to transition from the strong to weak
branch is uncertain, such transitions have been
observed to occur spontaneously after reversals
(81). Paleomagnetic records constraining the geometry of the lunar paleofield and its evolution in
time would be an important test of this mechanism.
A final problem is the persistence of the lunar
dynamo. The new evidence for a dynamo lasting
until at least 3.3 Ga, and perhaps as late as 1.3 Ga,
makes extreme demands on the longevity of the
power source. At present, only thermochemical
convection driven by core crystallization can supply such long-lived power, but that may open a
new problem of explaining how the dynamo subsequently turned off.
A diversity of geophysical and geochemical evidence now indicates that the Moon formed a ~1
to 4 wt % metallic core. This core was once advecting and generated a dynamo magnetic field.
As far back in time as we have paleomagnetic
records (4.25 Ga), it appears that the Moon had a
dynamo, consistent with an early, partially molten
body like that expected after a giant impact origin. The Moon is therefore a highly differentiated object like the terrestrial planets.
The surface field intensity was in the range of
several tens of mT from at least 4.25 to 3.56 Ga
but then declined precipitously (by at least an
order of magnitude) between 3.56 and 3.19 Ga.
The only mechanism that has yet been proposed
to be capable of generating such high intensities

in the early period is precession. The next major

steps in the magnetic exploration of the Moon
should be to obtain better constraints on global
geophysical parameters (particularly the adiabatic heat flux and sulfur content of the core
and a better understanding of the thermal evolution of the mantle) and accurate measurements
of the field intensity in time. Furthermore, a determination of the time when the dynamo finally
ceased would have major implications for constraining the power mechanism for the late dynamo. Eventual measurements of the absolute
orientation of the lunar magnetic field from laboratory measurements of oriented samples and
in situ measurements of lunar bedrock should
provide transformative constraints on the geometry of the field, its time variability (reversal
frequency and secular variation), and local and
global-scale tectonics like crustal deformation
and true polar wander.

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5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214


























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We thank the NASA Lunar Advanced Science and Exploration

Program, the NASA Solar System Exploration Research Virtual
Institute, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology International
Science and Technology Initiatives Global Seed Fund, and the
Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science for support. We
thank M. Fuller, M. Laneuville, M. Wieczorek, I. Garrick-Bethell,
A. Scheinberg, J. Buz, S. Stanley, and B. Tian for sharing their
unpublished manuscripts and thoughts with us. We also thank
L. Hood, R. Harrison, and an anonymous referee for thoughtful
reviews; J. Gattacceca, C. Suavet, B. Buffett, and M. Purucker for
helpful discussions; and B. Carbone for administrative help.

Tables S1 to S7
10.1126/science.1246753 SCIENCE

nonredundant roles. By contrast, elimination of RpL14/+ cells in Minute-induced

competition required only Toll-3 and Toll9. Furthermore, the NFB factor activated
downstream of the TRRs was also contextdependent. Signal transduction within
wild-type loser cells led to selective activation of Relish, whereas
the death of RpL14/+
loser cells in MinuteRead the full article
at http://dx.doi
required Dorsal and
Dif. These results suggest that signaling
from the different TRR subsets influenced
which NFB factor was activated. Finally,
although in each competitive context
apoptosis of the relatively less-fit cells was
induced, the specific death-inducing gene
expressed was determined by the specifically activated NFB factor.



An ancient defense system eliminates

unfit cells from developing tissues
during cell competition
S. N. Meyer,1* M. Amoyel,2* C. Bergantios,2* C. de la Cova,2 C. Schertel,1
K. Basler,1 L. A. Johnston2
INTRODUCTION: The function of a tissue

and, therefore, the health of an organism can

be compromised by the presence of mutant
or unfit cells. Cell competition is a mechanism that has evolved to prevent such cells
from contributing to tissues. Two widely
studied models of cell competition are Mycinduced supercompetition, whereby cells
with increased levels of Myc outcompete
and actively kill neighboring wild-type cells,
and competition in which wild-type cells
eliminate cells carrying a Minute mutation,
a class of mutants in Drosophila affecting
ribosomal protein genes. Minute cells are
viable, but when surrounded by wild-type
cells they are eliminated by apoptosis. Relative cell vigor or fitness is believed to be
a critical feature assessed in cell competition, but the mechanisms that underlie the
recognition and elimination of the less-fit
loser cell remain mysterious.

teresting differences between the signaling

module deployed in each competitive context. In Myc-induced competition, elimination of wild-type loser cells required four of
the nine TRRs encoded in the Drosophila
genome (Toll-2, Toll-3, Toll-8, and Toll-9) in

RESULTS: Analysis of both Myc-induced

and Minute-induced cell competition revealed requirements for two related but
distinct cohorts of components from the
IMD and Toll pathways. Both signaling
cohorts required the extracellular ligand
Sptzle and noncanonical Toll-related receptors (TRRs) and led to elimination of
the less-fit loser cells by inducing NFBdependent activation of proapoptotic
genes. However, our analysis uncovered in-


RpL14-/+ WT

TRRs 3,9

RATIONALE: The recognition and elimi-

nation of unfit or mutant cells in cell competition is reminiscent of the detection of

pathogens by the innate immune system.
In Drosophila, the Toll and immune deficiency (IMD) signaling pathways govern
the innate immune response to a broad
range of pathogens and activate the NFB
transcription factor homologs Relish (Rel),
Dorsal (dl), or Dorsal-related immunity
factor (Dif ). The conceptual similarities
between innate immunity and cell competition led us to investigate whether the Toll
and IMD pathways were required for cell
competition in Drosophila wing discs.

CONCLUSION: In two ge-




TRRs 2,3,8,9


Dredd Ect4

netically distinct contexts of

cell competition, the ancient
innate immune defense response system is activated
and drives the elimination
of the cells perceived as relatively less fit. In each competition paradigm, different
signaling modules are employed, suggesting that the
genetic identity of the competing cell populations influences the pathway that is
activated. Our results thus
provide evidence for evolutionary adaptation of TRRNFB signaling modules in
an organismal surveillance
system that measures internal tissue fitness rather
than external pathogenic
G. Morata, L. Ballesteros-Arias, Death
to the losers. Science 346, 11811182







TRR/NFB modules mediate the elimination of loser

cells in two distinct contexts of cell competition. (Top)
The relatively less-ft cells in mosaic tissues (green) are
eliminated via cell competition. (Bottom) The competitive
context infuences the TRR/NFB signaling module that is
triggered in the loser cells. This module then selectively
activates a proapoptotic inducer that kills the loser cells.


Institute of Molecular Life Sciences,

University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
Department of Genetics and
Development, Columbia University, New
York, NY 10032, USA.
*These authors contributed equally to
this work.
Present address: Department
of Biochemistry and Molecular
Pharmacology, New York University School
of Medicine, New York, NY 10016, USA.
Corresponding author. E-mail: konrad.
[email protected] (K.B.); lj180@ (L.A.J.)
Cite this article as S. N. Meyer et al.
Science 346, 1258236 (2014). DOI:

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS





An ancient defense system eliminates

unfit cells from developing tissues
during cell competition
S. N. Meyer,1* M. Amoyel,2* C. Bergantios,2* C. de la Cova,2 C. Schertel,1
K. Basler,1 L. A. Johnston2
Developing tissues that contain mutant or compromised cells present risks to animal health.
Accordingly, the appearance of a population of suboptimal cells in a tissue elicits cellular
interactions that prevent their contribution to the adult. Here we report that this quality control
process, cell competition, uses specific components of the evolutionarily ancient and conserved
innate immune system to eliminate Drosophila cells perceived as unfit. We find that Toll-related
receptors (TRRs) and the cytokine Sptzle (Spz) lead to NFkB-dependent apoptosis. Diverse
loser cells require different TRRs and NFkB factors and activate distinct pro-death genes,
implying that the particular response is stipulated by the competitive context. Our findings
demonstrate a functional repurposing of components of TRRs and NFkB signaling modules in
the surveillance of cell fitness during development.

uccessful development of multicellular

animals requires cooperative cell-cell interactions that ensure tissue integrity. Mechanisms exist to enforce this behavior (14).
One such mechanism monitors genetic
identity so that potentially noncooperating mutant cells are prevented from contributing to the
tissue (5, 6). How genetic disparities are recognized is unknown, but evidence points to cell
vigor or fitness as a critical component. For instance, mutation of genes encoding ribosomal
proteins (Rp), known in Drosophila as Minute
mutants, or of the Myc transcriptional regulator, which controls numerous genes involved
in metabolism and growth, can occur without
inherently compromising cell viability. However,
when surrounded by wild-type (WT) cells, the
mutant cells are recognized and actively eliminated (710). This cell selection process, known
in Drosophila and in mammals as cell competition, promotes tissue fitness by recognizing and
eliminating genetically different or suboptimal
somatic cells. Supercompetition, a variation of cell
competition, occurs when cells with activated
oncogenes like Myc compete with neighboring
WT cells (1118). Short-range signaling between
Myc supercompetitor cells and WT cells instructs
the latter to die, whereas the supercompetitors
win and colonize the tissue. Cell competition
can therefore be homeostatic (WT versus unfit
cells) or potentially pathologic (supercompetitors
versus WT cells, which may promote cancer).

Institute of Molecular Life Sciences, University of Zurich, Zurich,

Switzerland. 2Department of Genetics and Development,
Columbia University, New York, NY 10032, USA.

*These authors contributed equally to this work. Present address:

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology,
New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY 10016, USA.
Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (K.B.);
[email protected] (L.A.J.)


Myc-regulated cell competition has been documented in Drosophila wing imaginal discs and
among mouse epiblast cells, where fluctuations
in Myc expression precede the transition of cells
to a more limited developmental potential and
correlate with survival (9, 11, 14, 19).
The Toll signaling pathway was first identified
as a developmental regulatory module that patterns
the embryonic dorsoventral axis in Drosophila
but was subsequently recognized to also function
in host defense against infection. Toll-like receptors and NFkB transcription factors are key signaling and transcriptional mediators of the
ancient and broadly conserved innate immune
recognition system activated in response to nonself (e.g., microbial infection) or altered-self cells
(e.g., viruses, cancer) (2024). The early appearance of these factors in metazoan evolution and
their conserved use in altered-self recognition in
a process akin to cell competition led us to probe
whether they mediate the response to mutant
or otherwise compromised cells in developing
tissues. We report here that components of the
innate immune system function to eliminate cells
recognized as unfit during cell competition.
Mutations in the Toll and IMD pathways
prevent Myc-induced cell competition
To test for involvement of innate immune factors
in cell competition, we used a simple genetic assay in wing discs for Myc-induced competition,
wherein cells constitutively express a Myc transgenic FRT cassette (>Myc>), increasing the expression of Myc ~1.5-fold above the endogenous
level (11, 13). Removal of this cassette via Flp/
FRT-mediated recombination generates clones
of WT cells and concomitantly allows expression
of the Gal4 transcriptional activator and the
Gal4-regulated upstream activating sequence
green fluorescent protein (UAS-GFP) (Fig. 1A).

Cells in these clones are WT for Myc expression

but because they are surrounded by cells that
retain the Myc cassette, they become losers
and are competitively eliminated via apoptosis.
Within 24 hours of clone induction, cell death
increased within the loser clones (fig. S1, A and B).
Over time, this led to a significant reduction in
clone size relative to control clones generated in a
noncompetitive environment (Fig. 1B, green versus gray bars, respectively) (11, 12, 25). Genetic
studies have shown that in the absence of the
proapoptotic factor, Hid, WT loser clones grow to
the same size as controls, implicating Hid as a critical mediator of loser cell elimination (11, 12, 25).
In Drosophila, two signaling pathways and
three NFkB family members govern the innate
immune response. Infection by Gram-negative
bacteria induces the immune deficiency (IMD)
pathway (26, 27), which activates the NFkB homolog Relish (Rel) (28), whereas the Toll pathway
is activated upon infection by Gram-positive
bacteria and fungi and leads to activation of the
other NFkB homologs Dorsal (dl) and Dorsalrelated immunity factor (Dif) (Fig. 1D) (29, 30).
We induced loser clones in genetic backgrounds
mutant for genes in the IMD or Toll pathways
and measured their size after a defined period of time. Loss of the receptor PGRP-LC, the
adaptor BG4/FADD, Dredd, the apical caspase
implicated in Rel cleavage and activation, and
Rel itself suppressed the loss of loser cells and
increased the size of the clones (Fig. 1B), indicating that their competitive elimination was
blocked (11, 12, 25). However, mutations in key
(kenny, encoding IKK-g), ird5 (immune response
deficient-5, encoding IKK-b), and dTak1, all necessary for infection-induced Rel activation, did
not prevent elimination of loser cells (Fig. 1B).
Because dTak1 is a homolog of transforming
growth factorb activated kinase and is an activator of Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling
(31), this result is consistent with the previous
demonstration that, although activated, JNK is
not essential for Myc-induced competition (11).
Loss of imd, encoding a protein that links FADD
and Dredd to PGRP-LC, also did not prevent loser
cell elimination (Fig. 1B). From the Toll pathway,
Myc-induced competition was not suppressed
in genetic backgrounds that lacked the NFkB
factors Dorsal or Dif, the kinase Pelle, or the Toll/
interleukin-1 receptor (TIR)domain containing
adaptor MyD88 (Fig. 1B). By contrast, mutation
of Ect4, which encodes the TIR-domain protein
dSarm, completely suppressed loser cell elimination
without affecting the growth of control clones (Fig.
1C). tube encodes an IRAK-4 homolog in the Toll
pathway (32), and heterozygotes displayed dominant
genetic interactions with Rel that were specific to
the competitive context (table S1), suggesting that
Tube also functions during cell competition.
Activation of innate immune pathways
in cell competition involves noncanonical
receptors and the ligand Spz
Loser cells were also not eliminated in Sptzle
(spz) mutant backgrounds (Fig. 1B and table S1).
Spz is a secreted cytokine and a ligand for the
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



These observations suggest that a cohort of

components of the IMD pathwayPGRP-LC, Fadd,
Dredd, and Relcould be united in a functional
circuit with four noncanonical TRRs, the Toll
ligand Spz, the Tube adaptor, and the TIR domain protein dSarm to eliminate WT loser cells
in response to Myc-induced competition. Toll-8
(tollo) mutants were especially efficient at suppressing the loser fate (Figs. 1, E and F, and 2, A
and B). Consistent with this, Toll-8DLRR, an
activating truncation of Toll fused to Toll-8 transmembrane and intracellular domains (36), enhanced competition when expressed in loser
cells, without altering control clones (fig. S2B).
This outcome suggests that Toll-8 activity is
specific to the competitive context and implies
that factors not present under noncompetitive

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

conditions are also required. It is possible that

if, as our data suggest, a Toll-8dependent signaling pathway leads to death of loser cells, it
requires heterotypic interactions with Toll-2,
Toll-3, or Toll-9. Notably, expression of Toll-2,
Toll-8, and Toll-9 mRNA was down-regulated
in Myc-expressing S2 cells (fig. S2D), which
could bias signaling to the loser cells.
Transcriptional up-regulation of hid
via the nuclear mediator Rel
Based on the TRR signaling components required for the elimination of WT loser cells,
we postulated that Rel could be the nuclear mediator of their death. Consistent with this idea,
loser clones generated in a Rel mutant background contained many fewer dying cells than

Toll pathway













Dredd B118/Y

67 59 42 53 70 108 35 48 34 21 36 98



Loser clones in mutant backgrounds







*** ***


*** ***





30 56







43 47






68 39 56 81 72




WT Ctl



135 135 96 79








*** ***

Clone size, pixels2

*** ***


IMD pathway

imd shadok


WT Ctl


WT loser

Clone size, pixels2

Fig. 1. Select compo3000

nents of the IMD and
Toll pathways are
required to eliminate
WT loser cells in
Myc-induced cell
competition. (A)
Schematic of the
assay for Myc-induced
cell competition. See
the materials and
18 47 68
methods section for
details. (B) Mean
clone size in wing
discs of the indicated
genotype. In all figures,
gray bars show the
mean size of control
clones (generated in
IMD pathway
Toll pathway
the absence of cell
competition), green
bars show the mean
size of loser clones in
WT wing discs, and
white bars show the
mean size of loser
clones in wing discs of
the indicated genoCas
type. The number of
Dif, dl
clones scored for each
genotype is indicated
in each graph. Mutations in PGRP-LC,
BG4/FADD, Dredd,
Dif, dl
and Rel of the IMD
pathway and mutaAMP genes
AMP genes
tions in the Toll
pathway gene spz
suppress elimination
of the loser cells, resulting in a significant increase in clone growth. Mutations
in most genes in the Toll pathway (including dl, Dif, and MyD88) encoding a
TIR-domain protein do not alter the outcome of WT loser cells. (C) The TIRdomain protein Ect4/dSarm is required to eliminate WT loser cells in wing discs.
The Ect44273 mutant does not affect control wing disc clones but completely suppresses elimination of loser cells. (D) Simplified schematic of the
Drosophila innate immune pathways. In the IMD pathway, signaling from the
transmembrane protein PGRP-LC, IMD/RIP, FADD, and DREDD/Caspase-8
causes endo-proteolytic cleavage of Relish (Rel), removing an autoinhibitory
domain and allowing the Rel-homology domain (RHD/Rel-68) to translocate to

Clone size, pixels2

Toll receptor in innate immunity and in embryonic dorsoventral patterning (30, 3335).
However, RNA interference (RNAi)mediated
knockdown of Toll itself (Toll-1) had little effect
on competition (fig. S2C). The Drosophila genome
encodes nine Toll-related receptors (TRRs), but
most are poorly characterized. Notably, loss of
Toll-2 (18wheeler), Toll-3 (Mst-Prox), Toll-8 (tollo),
and Toll-9 blocked elimination of the loser cells
and significantly increased clone size (Fig. 1, E
and F, and fig. S2A) but did not affect growth
of control clones (Fig. 1E and fig. S2A). RNAimediated knockdown specifically in the loser
population indicated that the receptors were
required within the loser cells (fig. S2A). By contrast, RNAi directed against Toll-4, -5, and -7 had
little effect on competition (fig. S2C).



the nucleus and activate AMP genes. In the Toll pathway, binding of Spz to the
Toll receptor recruits a complex consisting of Myd88, Tube/IRAK-4, and Pelle/
IRAK-1, which phosphorylates Cactus/IkB and targets it for degradation. This
releases Dorsal or Dif for activation of distinct AMP genes in the nucleus. Components outlined in red denote those also required for Myc-induced cell competition. P, phosphorylation. (E and F). Null mutations in Toll-3, Toll-8, or Toll-9
suppress elimination of loser cells, increasing loser clone size (E) and cell number
per clone (F), but do not alter control clones. Error bars in this figure are SEM. All
P values are relative to WT loser clones except in (E) at leftthey are relative to
WT control clones. ***P < 0.001. ns, not significant (Mann-Whitney test). SCIENCE


specific to the competitive context. In addition,

dominant genetic interactions between Dredd
and Rel compound heterozygotes blocked elimination of loser cells as effectively as complete
loss of Dredd (Fig. 2D). Thus, loser cells have
heightened Dredd activity, which could lead to
Rel activation during cell competition. Dredd
overexpression in Drosophila S2 cells leads to
cleavage of Rel (39), and expression of UAS-Dredd
in cell clones in WT wing discs induced cell death
and reduced clone size (Fig. 2E and fig. S3, D to F),
phenocopying cell competition. Dredds effect on
clone size required Rel, as it was prevented by
concomitant expression of Rel-RNAi (Fig. 2E).
These results suggest that TRR activation increases Dredd activity and leads to activation of
Rel, which results in the elimination of loser cells.
To determine whether cell competition led
to nuclear translocation of Rel and activation
of antimicrobial target genes, as occurs during
innate immunity, we used a cell-based competi-



5 ***

WT ctl


144 103


Clone size, pixels2





WT ctl

18 51 75 56 27 42 14



Rel RNAi

Dredd B118/Y



RelE20/Dredd B118


Rel RNAi
+ dcr-2

42 35 81 63 32

Rel RNAi


Dredd B118/+
















Clone size, pixels2





ns ***

Rel RNAi

Clone size, pixels2



Dredd B118/Y








+Rel RNAi





Losers in RelE20 Losers in tolloR23B


Losers in WT

TUNEL(+) cells/clone

WT controls


WT loser clones (Fig. 2, A and B). To determine

whether Rel functioned within the loser cells,
we expressed Rel-RNAi (or Rel-RNAi and Dicer-2
to increase RNAi efficiency) specifically in that
population. Indeed, Rel-RNAi suppressed the
loss of loser cells, consistent with a role as a
regulator of their fate (Fig. 2C). Moreover, Rels
effect on the cells was specific to the competitive condition, because neither a Rel mutant
nor Rel-RNAi altered growth of control clones
(Fig. 2C and fig. S3A). Rel undergoes proteolytic
cleavage by the caspase Dredd after pathogenic
infection, which releases an active, N-terminal
Rel68 fragment and allows its nuclear translocation (37). Null alleles of Dredd suppressed
the elimination of loser cells (Fig. 2D), as did
overexpression of the Dredd inhibitor Caspar
(Casp) (38) in loser cells, whereas mutants of
casp enhanced their loss (fig. S3, B and C).
Again, these treatments did not affect cells in a
noncompetitive environment and thus were

Fig. 2. Dredd-mediated Rel activation eliminates loser cells. (A) Rel and Tollo are required for death
of loser cells. TUNEL assays showing cell death in control clones, WT loser clones, and loser clones in
RelE20 and tolloR23B mutant backgrounds 24 hours after clone induction. Many WT loser cells are TUNELpositive, but their death is suppressed in the mutant backgrounds. (B) Quantification of data from (A).
(C) Expression of Rel-RNAi (or Rel-RNAi and Dicer to enhance RNAi efficiency) within loser cells
suppresses their loss but does not affect control clones. (D) Dredd and Rel are critical for elimination of
WT loser cells. Loss of Dredd suppresses the loss of loser clones but does not affect the growth of
control clones. Whereas DreddB118/+ has little effect on loser death, in combination with RelE20/+ it
strongly suppresses death. (E) Expression of Dredd in the absence of competition reduces clone size,
but this is blocked by coexpression of Rel RNAi. The number of clones scored for each genotype is
indicated. All P values are relative to WT loser clone size except in (C): ***P < 0.001. ns, not significant
(Mann-Whitney test).


tion assay (12). Conditioned medium (CM) from

cocultures of competing WT and Myc-expressing
Drosophila S2 cells contains diffusible factors
that confer the outcomes of the competitive interactions, including Hid-dependent cell death,
on nave S2 cells (12, 25). Consistent with our
genetic results in vivo, double-stranded RNA
(dsRNA)mediated knockdown of Rel prevented
the death of nave S2 loser cells (Fig. 3A). To
examine the subcellular localization of Rel, we
transfected S2 cells with GFP-tagged Relish (GFP::
Rel). In control experiments, treatment of the
transfected cells with bacterial peptidoglycan
(PGN) increased the fraction of cells with nuclear
GFP::Rel (Fig. 3B) and also induced expression of
several AMP genes (fig. S4A). Treatment of the
transfected S2 cells with competitive CM (cCM)
also increased nuclear translocation of GFP::Rel,
but cCM was unable to activate expression of
AMP genes, in contrast to PGN challenge (fig.
S4A). Likewise, AMP gene expression was not
activated in wing disc cells or in any larval tissue in animals in which cell competition was
induced in vivo (fig. S4F). Disc cells may lack
factors necessary to activate an immune response,
because although infection of larvae with Erwinia
carotovora induced expression of several AMP
genes (fig. S4, B and C) and reporter transgenes in
larval immune tissues (fig. S4, D and E), they were
not expressed in wing disc cells. IKKb phosphorylation of Rel is required for induction of AMP
gene expression during the immune response (39);
thus, the lack of AMP induction may reflect
Rel-dependent transcriptional programs that
are accessed by diverse signaling pathways: IKKdependent for immune response activation of
AMPs and IKK-independent for cell competition. The absence of requirements for ird5/IKK-b
and key/IKK-g in cell competition (Fig. 1B) is
consistent with this notion.
In considering relevant transcriptional targets
of Rel during cell competition, we examined hid,
given its role in elimination of WT loser cells
(11, 12, 25). Bioinformatic analysis identified
consensus NFkB binding sites in the Wrinkled
(W) locus, which encodes Hid (fig. S5). Expression of Rel68 (the active form of Rel) in wing
disc cells activated hidP-lacZ, a transcriptional
reporter inserted in the W locus (Fig. 3, C and
D). Rel68-expressing cell clones were small and
underrepresented in the disc, as expected because Hid expression leads to cell death (Fig. 3,
E and F). Notably, the presence of the hidP-lacZ
insertion, not only a transcriptional reporter but
also a mutant allele, allowed clones to grow as
well as GFP-expressing control clones (Fig. 3, E
to G). Expression of Rel68 in wing discs upregulated hid mRNA approximately threefold
above the WT level (Fig. 3H) but did not induce
expression of reaper (rpr), a proapoptotic gene
in the same chromosomal region, indicating
that Rel induces death of wing disc cells by the
selective activation of Hid. Both Rel and Hid
are required in the loser cells for their elimination; thus, we infer that Rel activation during
competition triggers loser cell death via its induction of Hid expression (11, 12, 25).
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



Elimination of Minute loser cells

requires a partially overlapping
signaling module
A defining feature of cell competition is its context dependence, so that cells perceive themselves
as more or less fit as a direct result of interactions
with their neighbors (5, 6). To determine whether
the TRR-NFkB signaling module that we identified was specific to competition induced by Myc
or was a more general mechanism, we examined
the Minute competition paradigm. We used larvae
in which all cells carried one mutant copy of the
RpL14 gene (MRpL14/+cells) but were rescued to
WT by expression of a genomic RpL14 transgene (gRpL14) (Fig. 4A). In this background,
we generated GFP-marked wing disc clones of
MRpL14/+ cells through Flp-FRT-mediated removal of the gRpL14 transgene. These clones
were competitively eliminated at high frequency,
as scored by counting how many GFP-positive
MRpL14/+ clones persisted in larvae (Fig. 4, A and
B). Using this assay, we targeted individual genes
in the Toll and IMD pathways with RNAi to determine if their loss prevented the competitive
elimination of the GFP-MRpL14/+ loser cells

(Table 1 and fig. S6A). We identified a group of

innate immune genes that prevented loss of
MRpL14/+ loser cells that were also required for
Myc-induced competition [including spz, Toll-3,
Toll-9, and Rel (Table 1)], indicating that this
signaling mechanism was not restricted to Mycinduced competition or due to oncogenic effects
of Myc supercompetitor cells. However, the assay
also revealed an interesting difference between
the two competitive contexts: RNAi targeted
against dl or Dif or expression of their inhibitor,
cact, strongly suppressed MRpL14/+ clone loss.
Likewise, compound heterozygotes carrying the
dl1 allele and a deficiency that removed both dl
and dif suppressed their elimination, whereas
RNAi against cact enhanced it (Table 1 and Fig.
4B). Thus, although in each competitive context
the outcome for the loser population was elimination, the signaling module required for this to
occur was only partially overlapping.
Competitive context determines selection
of NFkB factor and apoptotic inducer
Because the loser cells were WT in one of our
competitive paradigms and in the other they were

MRpL14/+, we considered the possibility that

the specific signaling module activated within
the loser cells was influenced by the identity of the
competing populations, similar to the response of
innate immune signaling to diverse pathogens. In
particular, the NFkB factor required for the elimination of the loser population in the two contexts appeared to be different. To investigate this
further we measured clone size and cell number
in GFP-MRpL14/+clones in wing discs and found
that Rel RNAi only mildly suppressed competition
against MRpL14/+ cells. Loss of both Dif and Dorsal
activity (achieved by cact overexpression) strongly
blocked elimination of MRpL14/+losers, and coexpression of Rel RNAi with cactus enhanced this
effect (fig. S7, A and B). Dif and Dorsal therefore
appear to be the predominant NFkB mediators
of MRpL14/+ loser elimination, in contrast to the
exclusive requirement for Rel in triggering death
of WT loser cells (Figs. 1B and 2, A to C). Elimination of the MRpL14/+cells depended upon
apoptosis and was suppressed by expression of
cact (Fig. 4, C and D), as well as a chromosomal
deficiency called H99 that removes hid, rpr,
and other pro-death genes or expression of the











Clone size, pixels2

% C3-positive cells



GFP Rel68


GFP, Rel68

% nuclear Rel-GFP






hid PlacZ/+









GFP, Rel68

Fig. 3. Rel triggers death of WT loser cells by inducing the proapoptotic

factor Hid. (A) Rel is required to kill nave S2 cells. cCM from control cocultures or those treated with dsRNA against GFP increased death of nave
cells, as measured by activated caspase-3 staining. Cell death was prevented
by dsRNA against Rel. Both cocultures and nave cells in these assays were
treated with the indicated dsRNA. Error bars denote SD. (B) Cell competition
increases nuclear translocation of Rel. Nuclear localization of Rel-GFP in transfected WT-S2 cells treated T PGN, noncompetitive (nc) CM, or competitive (c)
CM for 4 hours is shown. Error bars indicate SD. (C and D) Wing disc with
control, GFP-expressing cell clones (C) and cell clones expressing UAS-Rel68
(activated Rel) and UAS-GFP (D) from animals carrying a lacZ reporter insertion


hid lacZ/+

Fold change mRNA

dsRNA: -

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

GFP, Rel68



in the hid locus (hid-lacZ, red). DNA is stained with Hoechst (blue). hid-lacZ is
not induced in control clones (C and C). Rel68-expressing clones activate expression of hid-lacZ (D and D), grow poorly, and are small compared with controls (E and G) but are rescued by the mutation caused by the hidPlacZ
insertion (F and G). Clones in (D) are shown at higher magnification to facilitate
resolution of hid-lacZ expression. (G) Average clone size of control clones (GFP),
Rel68-expressing clones in a +/+ background, and Rel68-expressing clones in the
hidPlacZ/+ mutant background. Error bars denote SEM. (H) Expression of UASRel68 in WT wing discs induces hid mRNA but not rpr mRNA in quantitative RTPCR experiments on RNA isolated from wing discs. Error bars indicate SD.
***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05. ns, not significant (Mann-Whitney test). SCIENCE



nc MRpL14-/+ controls

MRpL14-/+ losers






MRpL14-/+ losers+cactus







Fig. 4. Competitive context influences selection of the TRR-NFkB signaling

module and proapoptotic inducer. (A) Scheme for larval screening of innate
immune pathway components in competition between WT and MRpL14/+ cells.
GFP-positive wing disc clones (MRpL14/+ loser cells) are generated in a background of essentially WTcells (MRpL14/+ rescued with gRpL14); see materials and
methods for details. The GFP-MRpL14/+ loser clones are competitively eliminated
and thus not present in larvae. If competition is suppressed by overexpression or
RNAi, the GFP-positive wing disc clones persist in the larvae. (B) Competitive
elimination of MRpL14/+ loser cells is predominantly triggered by Dorsal and Dif.
Overexpression of Cactus, RNAi against dl or Dif, or dl1/Df(2L)TW119, a deficiency
that removes both dl and Dif, each suppress loss of MRpL14/+ loser cells. Overexpression of UAS-RpL14 was used as a control for clone survival. See fig. S6 for
the full data set. (C and D) Cell death mediates MRpL14/+ cell competition. (C)
Apoptosis, marked by TUNEL staining, is high in MRpL14/+ loser cells but is
reduced when Dorsal and Dif activity are blocked by UAS-cactus expression. (D).
TUNEL staining of wing discs with UAS-GFPexpressing clones, quantified in (C).






Fold change mRNA


















/+ clones


nc ctl




No competition:
GFP+ clones present


103 84 44 23 125 139 67


% larvae with M




Clone size, pixels2




MRpl14 -/+
+ cactus



MRpl14 -/+

*** ***

MRpl14 -/+


TUNEL positive cells



GFP+ clones eliminated







MRpl14 -/+


% larvae with M


M RpL14-/+

Altogether, our results demonstrate that the conceptual resemblance between cell competition
and innate immunity is matched with genetic
and mechanistic similarities. Thus, cells within
developing tissues that are recognized as mutant or compromised are competitively eliminated
via a TRR- and NFkB-dependent signaling mechanism. Although similar core signaling components are activated in both processes, cell

than hid (Fig. 4G). In contrast, Hid is required for

Rel68-mediated elimination of WT cells (Fig. 3, G
and H) and WT loser cells in Myc-induced
competition (11, 12, 25). Thus, in two genetically
distinct competitive contexts, partially overlapping signaling components activate different
NFkB factors and prompt expression of distinct proapoptotic target genes yet trigger the
same outcome: the death and elimination of the
loser cells.



caspase inhibitor p35 (Fig. 4E). However, whereas

expression of RNAi targeted specifically against
rpr prevented loss of MRpL14/+ loser cells, RNAi
against hid did not (Fig. 4E). This suggested that
distinct apoptotic regulators were induced by the
selective activation of a NFkB factor within each
loser population. Like Rel, dl expression reduced
clone size in wing discs (Fig. 4F) and induced
pro-death gene expression, except that dl (and
Dif) led to preferential expression of rpr rather









Left to right: control noncompetitive (nc) MRpL14/+ wing disc rescued by gRpL14
expression; control nc act>Gal4, UAS-GFP clones generated in unrescued
MRpL14/+wing disc; MRpL14/+ loser clone generated in MRpL14/+ salE>gRpL14
disc; and MRpL14/+ loser clone expressing UAS-cactus generated in MRpL14/+
salE>gRpL14 disc. (E) Competitive elimination of MRpL14/+ loser cells requires cell
death induced by Reaper (Rpr). Elimination of MRpL14/+ loser clones is prevented
by expression of the apoptosis inhibitor p35; by one copy of the H99 deficiency
that removes hid, rpr, and other proapoptotic genes; and by RNAi against rpr, but
not RNAi against hid. Number of larvae scored per genotype is indicated. (F)
dorsal-expressing clones are smaller than WT sibling clones. Mitotic recombination generated GFP-positive clones that express UAS-dorsal and WT GFP-negative
sibling clones. The graph shows the mean clone size of the indicated number of
clones. (G) Expression of UAS-dorsal and UAS-Dif induces expression of rpr, but
not hid, in quantitative RT-PCR experiments on RNA isolated from wing discs.
Error bars in (B) and (E) to (G) denote SD; error bars in (C) indicate SEM. ***P <
0.001, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05 (Students t test).
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



competition culminates in local expression of

proapoptotic genes rather than systemic induction of antimicrobial genes. Because cell competition is initiated by the emergence of cells of
different fitness than their neighbors in a tissue,
we surmise that the initiating signal is common
to many competitive contexts. Our genetic data
lead us to propose a model for how this signal is
detected and transduced. Our results point to a
role for Spz in signal detection, as it is a secreted
protein that is required for the killing activity of
cCM (fig. S8A), is a known ligand for the Toll
receptor, and is produced by several tissues in
the larva (fig. S8B). Thus, we speculate that Spz
functions as a ligand for one or more TRR in cell
competition. Because Spz must be activated
through a series of proteolytic steps, the relevant
proteases may respond directly to the initiating
signal in cell competition. We propose that the
genetic identity or context of the competing populations influences activation of different TRR
signaling modules and that the precise configuration of TRRs on loser cells dictates which of
the three Drosophila NFkB proteins is activated
(Fig. 5). How signaling to the NFkBs is restricted
to the loser cells is not known, but higher expression of Toll-2, Toll-8, and Toll-9 in loser
cells (fig. S2D) could bias signal transduction.
PGRP-LC, a receptor known to bind only bacterial
products, also plays a role in Myc-induced competition. As commensal gut microflora is known to
influence larval growth (4042), this raises the
possibility that it also contributes to the competitive phenotype.
Throughout evolution, signaling modules
have adapted to fulfill different functions even
within the same species. Here we have provided
evidence for adaptation of TRR-NFkB signaling modules in an organismal surveillance system that measures internal tissue fitness rather
than external stimuli. It is noteworthy that the
killing of WT cells by supercompetitor cells is a
potentially pathological form of cell competition
that could propel expansion of premalignant
tumor cells. If so, activated TRR-NFkB signaling
modules in nonimmune tissues could be diagnostic markers, and their competitive functions
could serve as therapeutic targets for cancer
Materials and methods
Bacterial infection
To elicit an immune response as a control for
AMP gene induction, we orally infected larvae
with E. carotovora carotovora15 as in (43). 200 ml
of bacterial pellet was added to 400 ml of crushed
banana into a 2-ml microfuge tube. Thirty third
instar larvae were placed inside the tube and fed
the banana-bacteria mixture for 30 min at room
temperature. The larvae and bacteria-banana
were then transferred to standard molasses food
and allowed to feed overnight at 29C. At 24 hours
after infection, larval tissues were examined for
AMP gene expression by quantitative real-time
polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) or reporter
activity. Similar results were obtained with septic
infections of larvae with Escherichia coli.

Rel binding sites were identified in the hid/W
locus using the Web-based program Genome
Surveyor (44).
Cell culture and generation of
conditioned medium
Drosophila S2 cells were maintained at 25C in
Schneiders Drosophila Medium supplemented

with 10% fetal bovine serum, 0.5% yeast extract,

and penicillin and streptomycin (50 IU/ml each).
cCM and noncompetitive cCM (ncCM) were generated as described in (12). Briefly, direct cocultures of either WT S2 cells with pMT-HA-Myc S2
cells or WT S2 cells with WT-S2 cells were plated
at a density of 4 105 per ml per cell type for a
total density of 8 105 cells per ml, as described
(12). Conditioned medium was collected after

Table 1. Suppression of MRpL14/+ loser clone elimination by Toll and IMD pathway genes. P values
are compared with that of MRpL14/+ (t test).


Fig. 5. A model of the
role of TRR-NFkB
modules in cell competition. A model for
TRR-NFkB function in
cell competition,
incorporating data from
both competitive contexts. See text for full
description. We propose
that in both Minute- and
Myc-induced competitive
contexts, loser cells are
eliminated through a
signaling pathway mediated by Spz, TRRs, and
NFkB function. Contextand/or geneticdependent interactions
that cause Rel activation
trigger expression of Hid,
whereas those activating
Dif and Dorsal trigger
expression of Rpr.
Apoptosis is the ultimate
fate of both loser populations. Red denotes genes
required for Myc-induced
competition, blue indicates those required for
competition in M/+
mosaics, and orange
denotes shared

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

% larva with GFP+ clones





MRpL14/+ + overexpression
MRpL14/+ + RNAi

P value


4.30 105
4.40 107







TRRs 3,9



TRRs 2,3,8,9


Dredd Ect4







24 hours T 125 mM CuSO4 treatment and centrifuged at 1200 revolutions per minute for 3 min.
125 mM CuSO4 was added to the conditioned
medium without CuSO4 to control for inducer
effects (12). The CM was then used for treatments
in experiments. Activity of the CM was verified by
C3 activity measurements as described (12). For
Rel-GFP assays, S2 cells were transfected with a
pMT-Rel-GFP transgene (gift from E. Foley) as follows: WT S2 cells were seeded in a 12-well plate with
one coverslip per well at 8 105 cells per ml and
cultured at 25C overnight. Transfection was done
using Cellfectin II Reagent as directed (Invitrogen).
Subcellular location of pMT-Rel-GFP in WT-S2
cells or Myc-S2 cells was scored after treatment T
50 mg/ml LPS as a source of PGN (Sigma) + 125 mM
CuSO4, cCM, or ncCM. At least 200 cells per condition were scored per experiment. The ratio of cells
positive for nuclear localization of GFP-Relish to
total GFP-positive cells was calculated.
Drosophila stocks and care
The following mutant strains were used in this study:
RelE20 (gift from D. Hultmark); imdshadok and imd1
(gifts from D. Ferrandon); key1, tak11, tak12, and Dif1,
(gifts from B. Lemaitre); FADDf06954 (BG4), DreddB118,
ird5KG08072, pll2, pll7, tube2, spz2, dl4, dl1, Df(2L)
TW119, Df(2L)J4, cact1, cact4, hidW05014 (Plac-Z),
Ect44273, and RelE38 (from Bloomington Drosophila
Stock Center,; caspP1
(gift from J. Chung); Tollo145 (gift of J. Kim);
TolloR23B and TolloR5A (gifts from P. Simpson);
PGRP-LCTotemD5 and PGRP-LCE12 (gifts from
B. Matthey-Prevot); and spzrm7 (gift from C. Hashimoto).
For Myc competition, control or loser clones were
generated in wild type, mutants, or with UAStransgenes using these strains: yw hsflp;;act>y>Gal4,
UAS-GFP (controls), ywhsflp;;tub>Myc>Gal4,
UAS-GFP, ywhsflp;UAS-GFP tub>Myc>Gal4
(11), and ywhsflp;;UAS-Myc (7). ywhsflp;;FRT82B
ubi-GFP, ywhsflp;;FRT82B RelE20/TM6B was
used for fig. S3. FRT82B RelE20 was generated
by recombination and screened for presence
of the mutation by PCR using primers from
(45). For MRpL14/+ competition, UAS-transgenes
were driven in a ywhsflp UAS-GFP::CD8;;
MRpL14(w+)/+salE>gRpL14(w+)>Gal4/TM6B strain.
UAS-RNAi lines were from the Vienna Drosophila
Resource Center ( or the
Transgenic RNAi Project (TRiP) collection (BDSC)
and are listed in table S3. Other strains include
UAS-Toll-8DLRR (gift from J.-L. Imler), UAS-dicer2
(BDSC), yw;;UAS-cactus-HA/TM3 and yw;;UAScactus,
yw UAS-GFP hsFLP; tub-Gal80 FRT40, Ubi-GFP
FRT40; tubGal4, UASdorsal, w P(w+, Dros-LacZ),
yw P(w+,Dipt-LacZ), and UAS-Dredd (gifts from
B. Lemaitre), yw;;CecA-lacZ (gift from S. Stven),
UAS-Rel68 (gift from N. Silverman), and UAScaspar (gift from J. Chung). Null mutants were used
when possible. A complete list of mutant strains
is included in table S1. Flies were raised at 25C
on cornmeal-molasses food supplemented with
penicillin and streptomycin, as indicated below.
dsRNA treatment of S2 cells
The sequences for dsRNA against Relish and Spz
were obtained from the Drosophila RNAi ScreenSCIENCE

ing Center (DRSC 37194 for Relish and DRSC

17065 for Spz). The dsRNA was synthesized
in vitro with T7 RNA polymerase as directed
(Roche). Single cultures of WT or pMT-HA-Myc
S2 cells were seeded at 8 105 cell per ml in 12well plates. Sixteen hours later dsRNA was transfected using Cellfectin II Reagent (Invitrogen), as
described (12). Three days after the dsRNA transfection, WT S2 cells with pMT-HA-Myc S2 cells
(cCM) or WT S2 cells with WT-S2 (ncCM) were
seeded at a density (4 + 4) 105 cell per ml, and
CM was obtained as described above. Nave WT
S2 cells were also transfected with dsRNA 72 hours
before the treatment with CM. Efficiency of the
dsRNA treatment was assayed by RT-PCR.
Heat shock induction of loser clones
In the Myc competition assays, eggs from appropriate crosses were collected on yeasted grapeagar plates for 2 to 4 hours. After hatching, larvae
were transferred to standard molasses food vials
(50 per vial) supplemented with Pen and Strep
and fresh yeast and raised at 25C. The tub>myc>Gal4 transgene was used to generate random
UAS-GFP-marked tub>Gal4 clones via FLPasemediated recombination, as described (11). tub>Gal4 clones were induced by heat shock (HS) of
larvae at 37C for 10 to 15 min at 48 hours after
egg-laying (AEL), and progeny were allowed to
grow at 25C for either 48 or 96 hours. The
act>y>Gal4 transgene was used to generate random UAS-GFP or UAS-Rel68expressing act>Gal4
clones in WT wing discs. act>Gal4 clones were
induced by larval HS at 37C for 6 min at 48 hours
AEL and larvae were treated as above. These heat
shock times were optimized to generate only a
few clones per disc, to avoid merged clones. Clone
area (in square pixels) was scored for clones in the
central area of the wing disc (wing pouch and
proximal hinge). For some genotypes, cell number
per clone was also counted. The MARCM (mosaic
analysis with a repressible cell marker) technique
(46) was used to generate mitotic clones that expressed UAS-GFP as a lineage marker T UAS-dorsal.
Expression of hs-CD2 was used to mark the
sibling clones (11). Nonparametric Mann-Whitney
tests were performed for statistical significance.
In the MRpL14/+ competition assays, the driver
strain carried a Minute mutation in the gene
RpL14 (MRpL14/+), the salE>gRpL14(w+)>Gal4
flip-out transgene (salE is a wing pouchspecific
enhancer), and UAS-GFP::CD8 (CD8 targets GFP
for membrane localization). In MRpL14/+ clones,
Gal4 is expressed instead of the RpL14 genomic
rescue construct, and GFP expression is activated. The driver strain was crossed to RNAi or
overexpression transgene strains, and flies were
allowed to lay eggs for 12 to 16 hours. Parental
flies were removed, and larval progeny were
heat-shocked 24 hours later for 15 min at 37C
and analyzed using a fluorescence binocular or
confocal microscope 76 to 80 hours later (for larval clone assays) or 48 to 52 hours later (for clone
measurements and cell counting assays). The
UAS-GFPmarked MRpL14/+ clones are generally
eliminated from larvae within 80 hours, resulting
in the absence of GFP in late third instar wing

discs. In cases where the induced transgene rescues the clones, GFP is readily visible through the
larval cuticle. Each transgene was tested in biological triplicate, and the average number of larvae with surviving clones was compared to the
WT control. yw, yw;;UASRpL14(w+)/TM6B, and
yw;Sp/CyO;UASP35 (w+) strains were used as
controls. Nonparametric t tests were used to test
for statistical significance.
Imaging, image analysis,
and quantifications
Cell clones were imaged in larvae with a Zeiss
MZFLIII and in fixed wing discs with a Zeiss
Axiophot, Leica SP5, or Leica LSM710 confocal
microscope. Clone area was measured (in square
pixels) using ImageJ or Photoshop software. Cells
per clone were counted in the GFP and/or DNA
channels. Only clones in the wing pouch and proximal hinge area were measured; in the MRpL14/+
assays, this corresponded to the salE expression domain. Significance was determined using
Students t and Mann-Whitney tests.
Wing disc cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde/phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) for 20 min
at room temperature and washed with PBS 0.01%
Tween-20. Hoechst 33258 or 4,6-diamidino-2phenylindole was used to stain DNA. The primary antibodies used include mouse anti-Relish
(DHSB), rabbit anti-b-galactosidase (Cappel), and
rabbit anticleaved Caspase-3 (Cell Signaling Technology). Secondary antibodies were Alexa-conjugated
anti-mouse and anti-rat and Cy3-conjugated
anti-rabbit (Molecular Probes). For cell culture,
cells seeded on glass coverslips were fixed in 4%
paraformaldehyde/PBS for 30 min. Coverslips
were washed with PBS once, permeabilized in
0.5% TX-100/PBS for 5 min, then blocked for
30 min in 3% BSA, 0.1% Tween-20/PBS. After
blocking, each coverslip was flipped onto 50 ml of
primary antibody in blocking buffer for 1 hour at
room temperature. Coverslips were washed 3
with PBS, and primary antibodies were incubated
in AlexaFluor 546 goat anti-rabbit or goat anti-rat
immunoglobulin G (Molecular Probes) for 45 min
at room temperature. Coverslips were washed 3
for 5 min each with PBS, counterstained for DNA
with Hoechst 33258 for 4 min, washed 3 for 5 min
each, then mounted on slides. TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferasemediated deoxyuridine triphosphate nick end labeling) assays
were carried out on fixed discs using either
TUNEL TMR (Roche Diagnostics) or ApopTag
Red (Chemicon).
RNA isolation and qRT-PCR
Total RNA was isolated from wing disc using the
Nucleo SpinII RNA isolation kit (Machery Nagel)
or Trizol (Invitrogen). RNA quantity was measured
using a NanoDrop ND-1000 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies, Wilmington,
DE). For qRT-PCR of Rel-expressing cells, yw;;
tub>CD2>Gal4 flies were crossed either with yw;;
UAS-GFP or yw;;UAS-Rel68 and heat-shocked for
30 min at 37C. At 24 hours after clone induction,
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



the wing discs were dissected, and total RNA was

isolated. qRT-PCR was performed using Applied
Biosystems 7900HT Real-Time PCR Systems (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Primer sets were
obtained from either Microsynth (Microsynth AG,
Balgach, Switzerland) or MWG (Huntsville, AL).
For qRT-PCR, total RNA was treated with RNAsefree DNaseI, and cDNA was synthesized by using
oligo-dT primers and Superscript RT-III (Invitrogen).
Samples were then used for qRT-PCR with the
ABI SYBR green system. Measurements of transcript level were normalized to actin5c and/or
tubulina1. The following primers were used for
The following primers were used for dsRNA

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doi: 10.1073/pnas.97.7.3376; pmid: 10725405
M. Kazemian, M. H. Brodsky, S. Sinha, Genome Surveyor 2.0:
cis-regulatory analysis in Drosophila. Nucleic Acids Res. 39
(suppl.), W79-W85 (2011). doi: 10.1093/nar/gkr291;
pmid: 21593125
M. Hedengren et al., Relish, a central factor in the control of
humoral but not cellular immunity in Drosophila. Mol. Cell 4,
827837 (1999). doi: 10.1016/S1097-2765(00)80392-5;
pmid: 10619029
T. Lee, L. Luo, Mosaic analysis with a repressible cell marker
(MARCM) for Drosophila neural development. Trends Neurosci.
24, 251254 (2001). doi: 10.1016/S0166-2236(00)01791-4;
pmid: 11311363


We thank numerous colleagues for providing fly strains and

reagents; L. Alpar, J. DArcangelo, S. Park, E. Bates, and
F. Mayer for discussions and assistance with some experiments;
J.-M. Reichhart, T. Ip, N. Silverman, and P. Meier for helpful
discussions early in the project; and D. Littman, S. Reiner, and
members of the Johnston and Basler labs for advice. Stocks
obtained from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center
(NIH P40OD018537) and the Harvard TRiP collection (National
Institute of General Medical Sciences R01-GM084947) were used
in this study. This work was supported by a European Molecular
Biology Organization Long-Term Postdoctoral Fellowship (M.A.), the
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (C.B.), the European Research
Council (K.B.), the Swiss National Science Foundation (K.B. and
S.N.M.), and the NIH (L.A.J.). The S2 cells used in the cell-based
competition assays in this study are available under a materials
transfer agreement from Columbia University.
Figs. S1 to S8
Tables S1 and S2
2 July 2014; accepted 31 October 2014
10.1126/science.1258236 SCIENCE




Dominance hierarchy arising from

the evolution of a complex small
RNA regulatory network
Elonore Durand,1* Raphal Mheust,1* Marion Soucaze,1 Pauline M. Goubet,1
Sophie Gallina,1 Cline Poux,1 Isabelle Fobis-Loisy,2 Eline Guillon,2 Thierry Gaude,2
Alexis Sarazin,3 Martin Figeac,4 Elisa Prat,5 William Marande,5 Hlne Bergs,5
Xavier Vekemans,1 Sylvain Billiard,1 Vincent Castric1
The prevention of fertilization through self-pollination (or pollination by a close relative)
in the Brassicaceae plant family is determined by the genotype of the plant at the
self-incompatibility locus (S locus). The many alleles at this locus exhibit a dominance
hierarchy that determines which of the two allelic specificities of a heterozygous genotype
is expressed at the phenotypic level. Here, we uncover the evolution of how at least 17 small
RNA (sRNA)producing loci and their multiple target sites collectively control the
dominance hierarchy among alleles within the gene controlling the pollen S-locus
phenotype in a self-incompatible Arabidopsis species. Selection has created a dynamic
repertoire of sRNA-target interactions by jointly acting on sRNA genes and their target
sites, which has resulted in a complex system of regulation among alleles.

porophytic self-incompatibility (SI) is a

genetic system that evolved in hermaphroditic plants to enforce outcrossing (by
preventing self-fertilization) and involves
a polymorphism in which multiple alleles
are maintained and display dominance-recessivity
relations. In the genus Arabidopsis, SI is controlled by a single genomic region the S locus,
which contains two tightly linked genes that encode the pollen S-locus cysteine-rich (SCR) and

stigma S-locus receptor kinase (SRK) recognition

proteins, whose ligand-receptor molecular docking leads to self-pollen rejection (14). The pollen
recognition phenotype is controlled by the diploid paternal parents genotype, but even though
most plants are heterozygous at this locus (5), the
pollen recognition phenotype is typically determined by one of the two alleles only, according to
the alleles relative positions in a hierarchy or
network of dominance-recessivity interactions

Fig. 1. Models for the control of dominance-recessivity by sRNA-target

interactions in a multiallelic system. (A) Two models were tested to explain
how a simple mechanistic model (12) can be generalized to a multiallelic system.
Under model 1, dominant S alleles carry a larger set of sRNA precursor genes,
whereas, under model 2, the same linear hierarchy is achieved by a larger set of
sRNA targets carried by recessive S alleles. Under model 1, sRNA targets of
recessive alleles are also more generalist than those of dominant alleles,
whereas, under model 2, it is the sRNA precursors of the dominant alleles
that are more generalist. (B to E) Likelihood distributions of Bayesian models if


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

between S alleles (6). Selection is expected to

favor genetic elements (dominance modifiers),
which establish dominance-recessivity interaction rather than codominance, because individuals with a codominant genotype can produce
pollen rejected by more potential mates than
would occur in a dominant-recessive system (7, 8).
On the basis of modeling (8), the large nonrecombining region composing the S locus (911)
is a strong candidate region for hosting such genetic elements.
Until recently, the dominance modifiers assumed in models (7, 8) remained hypothetical. A
particular small RNA (sRNA) has been identified
(12) within the S locus of dominant alleles in
Brassica (called Smi). This sRNA acts as a transmodifier of the gene controlling pollen specificity
via de novo methylation of the promoter of recessive alleles, which leads to transcriptional silencing of recessive alleles by dominant alleles
(13, 14). However, the mechanism in the more
complex dominance-recessivity networks in species that have many levels in the dominance
hierarchy (15, 16) is unknown. Indeed, balancing
selection typically leads to the maintenance of
a large number of S alleles in self-incompatible

Laboratoire Gntique et Evolution des Populations

Vgtales, CNRS UMR 8198, Universit Lille 1, F-59655
Villeneuve dAscq cedex, France. 2Reproduction et
Dveloppement des Plantes, Institut Fdratif de Recherche
128, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut
National de la Recherche Agronomique, Universit Claude
Bernard Lyon I, Ecole Normale Suprieure de Lyon, F-69364
Lyon, Cedex 07, France. 3Department of Biology, Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology Zurich, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland.
UDSL Universit Lille 2 Droit et Sant, and Plate-forme de
gnomique fonctionnelle et structurale IFR-114, F-59000 Lille,
France. 5Centre National des Ressources Gnomiques
Vgtales, INRA UPR 1258, Castanet-Tolosan, France.
*These authors contributed equally to this work. Deceased.
Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

one assumes no correlation or allows for some level of correlated evolution

between: (B) dominance and the number of sRNAs precursors expressed; (C)
dominance and sRNA generalism, defined as the average number of targets used
per sRNA precursor; (D) dominance and the number of target sites; and (E)
dominance and target sites generalism, defined as the average number of distinct
sRNA precursors using each target.The Bayes factor (BF) comparing both models
is given on each panel as asterisks, as well as the distribution of correlation coefficients. *BF > 2: evidence for the dependent model, **BF > 5: strong evidence,
and ***BF > 10: very strong evidence (38). SCIENCE


species, and the >50 S alleles observed in outcrossing Arabidopsis species (17) are predicted
to form up to 1225 distinct heterozygous genotypes. In Brassica, class II alleles similarly show a
linear dominance hierarchy that cannot be explained by the action of Smi alone (12, 18). Under
the mechanistic model involving sRNAs and
their targets within the SCR gene, two hypotheses
could explain an allelic series of n distinct S alleles
in a linear dominance hierarchy. First, the mostdominant allele might produce n 1 distinct sRNAs,
each specifically targeting a given more-recessive
S allele, whereas the next-most-dominant allele
might produce sRNAs targeting all S alleles more
recessive than itself, and so on (with the bottom
recessive producing no sRNAs but having targets
for all more-dominant alleles). This model predicts that the top dominant allele produces the
largest number of sRNAs and that the bottom
recessive allele carries the fewest but is targeted
by the largest number of sequences; we refer to
this as model 1 (Fig. 1A). Alternatively, the most
dominant allele might produce a single sRNA,
as in Brassica (12), and all subsequent morerecessive S alleles might carry a specific target
that interacts with the most-dominant allele in
a manner that results in nonexpression (Fig. 1A);
the next allele in the hierarchy (that is recessive
to the top dominant, but dominant to other classes) might produce a different sRNA, whose target sequence is present in all alleles recessive to
itself, and so on. This model (model 2 in Fig. 1A)
predicts that only a single sRNA is produced in
all but the most-recessive allele, where the mostrecessive allele carries the largest number of

target sequences (each targeted by a different

dominant allele).
Phenotypic characterization of the
dominance network
To determine the mechanisms of S-allele dominance in the self-incompatible plant Arabidopsis
halleri, we first phenotypically characterized the
dominance network between six S alleles, by crossing each of the 15 heterozygous genotypic combinations to both of its respective tester lines
(i.e., lines that express a single S allele) (19).
Overall, combining these results with those from
previous studies (16), we determined all possible
pairwise relations and observed dominance in
14 cases (93.3%) and codominance for a single
case (Fig. 2A). The resulting network is fully transitive and takes the form of a simple linear hierarchy with two alleles at the top of the hierarchy
(Ah13 and Ah20) (Fig. 2B).
S locusspecific sRNA
precursor genes
We then examined the highly differentiated
nonrecombining region within the S locus (9)
(Fig. 3A) and deep-sequenced sRNA populations
of floral buds (19) from 11 individuals carrying
the six S alleles in various heterozygous combinations. Applying a set of criteria for annotating
plant micro-RNA (miRNA) genes (19, 20), we
identified a total of 17 sRNA precursor sequences
among the six tested alleles (Fig. 3B and fig. S2),
with an average of about 2.8 sRNA precursors per
allele (Fig. 3B). Given the large number of S alleles

Fig. 2. Phenotypic network of dominance-recessivity interactions between alleles. (A) Dominance

network obtained by controlled crosses and comparison with the molecular model. Below the diagonal,
the proportion of compatible crosses on female tester lines of the column allele is given first for each
heterozygote combination, followed by the proportion of compatible crosses on female tester lines of the
row allele. Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of replicate crosses to determine the proportion
in each type of crosses. Superscripts indicate the source of the data: 1, present study; 2, (16). Above the
diagonal, pairwise dominance interactions, as inferred from the crosses, are represented in red and
codominance in green. Blue arrows indicate that the column allele is producing a sRNA that is predicted
to target the row allele. Yellow arrows indicate that the row allele is producing a sRNA that is predicted to
target the column allele (Smith and Waterman stringency threshold = 18). (B) Controlled crosses (detailed in Fig. 2) can be represented as a linear dominance hierarchy among the six S alleles.

segregating in natural populations of A. halleri

(17), this is fewer than expected if dominant alleles targeted each individual recessive allele by a
distinct sRNA gene (as predicted from model 1).
The 17 expressed motifs (Fig. 3B) can be classified into eight distinct families on the basis of
sequence divergence (fig. S3). Three of these
families (mir1887, mir4239, and mir867) have
clear homology to miRNA genes annotated in the
A. thaliana genome and are present in the miRBase
database (21), although it is unclear whether they
should be considered bona fide miRNA genes,
especially because it has been suggested that
Smi might achieve silencing through a different
largely uncharacterizedsRNA pathway (22). In
A. thaliana, these miRNA genes were all in the
region flanked by At4g21350 and At4g21380, which
contains the relics of the degenerate S locus (23).
Although their function has not been assessed
so far, our results suggest that these motifs may
have served as modifiers of S-allele dominance,
consistent with the fact that the A. thaliana S locus
has only recently undergone degeneration (24).
The five other families we identified have no homology to any sequence in miRBase.
Identification and functional validation
of sRNA-target interactions
The model proposed in Brassica was from observations of specific targeting of the promoter
region of recessive SCR alleles involving sequences in recessive alleles showing similarity with
the 24nucleotide (nt) sRNA produced by dominant ones (12). We therefore searched for similarities between sRNA sequences produced by
the 17 sRNA precursors identified above and
sequences within 1 kilobase (kb) on either side
of the six SCR alleles, where the majority of regulatory elements and, thus, potential target sites
of the sRNAs are most likely to be found (2527).
In total, with stringent alignment criteria (28)
(alignment threshold = 18), we identified potentially strong signals for 21 pairwise sRNA-SCR
interactions (Fig. 3B and fig. S4), greater than
expected on the basis of randomized sequences
with nucleotide composition identical to that of
real SCR sequences (fig. S5). Thus, SCR sequences
appear to be highly enriched in sRNA target sites.
We focused on one specific sRNA-target interaction to validate in planta the regulatory
effect of the sRNA gene on its target. The SI
system can be transferred in A. thaliana, a selffertile species, by transformation with the SRKSCR genes from self-incompatible Brassicaceae
(29), and the SI response is particularly robust
and stable on stage 13 stigmas from the C24 ecotype (30, 31). We thus transformed C24 A. thaliana
plants with either AhSRK01 or AhSCR01, i.e.,
the female and male determinants, respectively,
of the most recessive S allele, Ah01 (19). Pollen
from the hemizygous AhSCR01-transformed line
was rejected on stage 13 stigmas from the AhSRK01transformed line but was functional on wild-type
(WT) stigmas, which demonstrated a reconstructed
SI response (Fig. 4A and table S1) (19). We then
tested the effect of the mirS3 sRNA precursor
gene produced by Ah20 (Ah20mirS3), which we
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



predicted to be the genetic element causing dominance of Ah20 over Ah01 (Figs. 2A and 3B). We
generated Ah20mirS3 A. thaliana transgenic lines,
which we crossed with the AhSCR01 line to obtain
hybrid plants containing the two transgenes in
hemizygous state (i.e., as biologically relevant for
S alleles) (table S1) (19). Pollen from these hybrid
plants could germinate on AhSRK01 stigmas, which
showed that the presence of Ah20mirS3 was
sufficient to abolish the SI response conferred
by AhSCR01 alone (Moods median test P value =
2.2 104 and 3.2 105 on two replicate Ah20mirS3
insertion lines) (Fig. 4A). Finally, we produced a
mutated AhSCR01 line (AhSCR01*) in which we
introduced a set of four point mutations specifically in the Ah20mirS3 predicted target (located
in the intron of AhSCR01) (Figs. 3B and 4B), which
we crossed with lines containing Ah20mirS3. As
expected, pollen from the AhSCR01* Ah20mirS3
hybrid plants was insensitive to the effect of
Ah20mirS3 and was rejected on AhSRK01 stigmas.
Hence, our data demonstrate that our predicted
target site for AhSCR01 was necessary for the regulatory effect of Ah20mirS3 (Fig. 4B). Note that
sRNA target sites within introns of genes have already been observed and validated experimentally,
in a different context (32). Overall, our validation
procedure provides direct experimental support

to identify sRNA genes and their target sites, although a complete experiment involving all 21
predicted sRNA-target interactions would arguably be required to fully validate the proposed
regulatory mechanism between the six S alleles.
Power and accuracy of the
molecular model
We evaluated power and accuracy of our model
of dominance-recessivity interactions by comparing molecular predictions with the phenotypic observations from controlled crosses. With
two exceptions, most (93.1%) of the predictions
connect a sRNA produced by a dominant allele
to a target present in a more-recessive allele above
the proportion expected by chance alone (about
63 to 79%, obtained by 100,000 random permutations) (fig. S6), which suggests that our molecular prediction of target sites is reliable, with a low
false-positive rate. Overall, 13 of the 14 dominancerecessivity relations observed in our tests (93%)
were predicted by at least one sRNA targeting
prediction (Fig. 2A), which suggests that sRNAs
can explain the majority of the interactions we
observe at the phenotypic level. Thus, a simple
molecular model explaining the control of dominance through factors closely linked to the S locus
can predict observed dominance phenotypes.

Fig. 3. Regulatory network determined from sRNAs and their predicted

targets in A. halleri. (A) Flowchart of the annotation procedure of sRNA precursors. (B) Repertoire of sRNAs precursors and their predicted targets.
sRNA precursors carried by each S allele are represented on the left. Precursor families are color-coded, and the correspondence between colors and
precursor families is given in the box on the bottom left. sRNA targets on the
SCR gene (T1 kb) are represented on the right. S alleles are displayed according to their position along the dominance hierarchy represented on Fig. 2B


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

A single interaction (Ah04>Ah03) remains unexplained by this simple mechanism. We thus

enlarged our search to sRNA reads in the S locus
that are not derived from hairpins. Because of the
high transposable element (TE) content of the
S locus (9), such small interfering RNAs (siRNAs)
are particularly abundant in the region. Collectively, siRNAs seem to target dominant alleles about
as frequently as recessive alleles (fig. S6) and are
very close to random expectations, which suggests
that, even though some of them may indeed regulate dominance, most of them are probably derived
from the TE control machinery with no specific
role in controlling dominance-recessivity interactions. In the case of the unexplained Ah04>Ah03
interaction, none of the siRNAs produced by Ah04
is predicted to target AhSCR03 (fig. S7). It is possible that another sRNA, whose low abundance may
remain undetected, is controlling dominance of
Ah04 over Ah03.
Dominance and recessivityMore
sRNAs or more targets?
Given the diversity of both sRNA precursors and
their targets, we asked whether the position of
S alleles along the dominance hierarchy is explained by models 1 or 2 (Fig. 1A), i.e., by number
or by generalism (the ability of their resulting

(dominant alleles on top, recessive alleles at the bottom). Red boxes on the
target side correspond to the two exons on SCR, with arrows giving the direction
of transcription. For clarity, length variation of the SCR intron is not represented.
A line joins a precursor with a target whenever the precursor produces a sRNA
that is predicted to use that target (based on an alignment threshold of 18). Black
and red lines represent targeting relations that are and are not consistent with
the phenotypic network, respectively. The star symbol indicates the sRNA-target
interaction that we functionally validate in Fig. 4 (Ah20mirS3 on AhSCR01). SCIENCE


sRNAs to target a broader spectrum of S alleles)

of the sRNA precursors and the targets they
carry. Taking the phylogeny of the S alleles into
account, we compared with Bayes factors (BFs)
if the sRNA precursors or their inferred targets
evolve in a correlated manner with dominance
or if they are independent. We detected an asymmetry between the functional evolution of sRNAs
and that of their targets. Overall, we confirmed
that sRNA precursors in dominant S alleles are
predicted to target more S alleles than those of
recessive alleles [BF = 21.7***, correlation coefficient (r) = 0.99] (fig. S8) [for the explanation
of asterisk indications, see the legend to (Fig. 1)].
However, dominant S alleles do not do this by
increased total numbers of sRNA precursors
[BF = 0.78 (not significant), r = 0.33] (Fig. 1B)
but rather by greater sRNA precursor generalism (BF = 3.53*, r = 0.64) (Fig. 1C). In contrast,
the observed increased degree to which recessive alleles are targeted by sRNAs (BF = 21.7***,
r = 0.99) (fig. S8) appears to have involved both
increased total numbers of targets (BF = 5.87**,
r = 0.81) (Fig. 1D) and increased generality of
each target (BF = 5.94**, r = 0.84) (Fig. 1E).
Overall, our results support model 2, with the
addition that several sRNA precursors cooperate to provide the full targeting spectrum of

dominant alleles. However, targets carried by

recessive alleles have wider spectra than those of
more-dominant alleles, a feature of model 1.
Evolution by gain and loss
To infer the evolutionary changes in the regulatory network in a broader phylogenetic context, we inspected the repertoire of sRNA precursors
and their targets on a set of 14 additional S alleles
from bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) sequences for the S locus [(9, 10, 33) and this study].
sRNA precursor genes were inferred from sequence similarity with the 17 sRNA genes examined, plus the Smi sRNA precursor of Brassica
(12). Overall, the 20 S alleles yielded 86 putative
sRNA genes with sequence similarity to either
Smi or one of the eight sRNA families (Fig. 5
and fig. S3). From the six S alleles for which
small RNAsequencing (sRNA-seq) data were
available, 23 sequence motifs were detected
from this homology search. Hence, six motifs
were present in addition to the 17 sRNA precursors in Fig. 3B but not supported by sRNA
reads, which suggested that some of these elements may be expressed at levels too low to
detect by sRNA-seq. Notably, although significant hits of Smi motifs were identified in seven
different A. halleri S alleles, none of them was

Fig. 4. In planta functional validation that Ah20 controls phenotypic expression of SCR01
through specific targeting by mirS3. (A) Ah20mirS3 is sufficient to abolish the SI response of AhSCR01.
(B) The mutated target makes AhSCR01* insensitive to the effect of Ah20mirS3. Pollen compatibility was
estimated by the number of germinated pollen grains per stigma. Incompatible crosses (SI) are colored in
yellow-orange, compatible controls (SC) in green, and tests of the mir-target interactions in blue (see table
S1). Mir-target interactions were tested on hybrids produced from two Ah20mirS3-independent insertion
lines, named lines 6 and 12. Thick bars represent the median, boxes the interquartile range, whiskers
extend out 1.5 times the interquartile range, and individual points are outliers.The number of replicates (n)
is indicated above each cross. (A) (Top) The most abundant targeting sRNA produced by the Ah20mirS3
precursor is aligned with the SCR01 predicted target; in (B), it is aligned with the mutated target. Mismatches are represented by x, and G:U wobbles by o. Mutated bases are underlined.

expressed at a detectable level. In some S alleles,

several of these silent motifs have as many predicted targets as expressed motifs from the same
family (fig. S9), but on average, these motifs tend
to have fewer predicted targets than those that
are expressed (fig. S9). This finding suggests that
these sRNA genes may have undergone functional degeneration with decreased targeting
ability, which may suggest a turnover of active
sRNA genes on the S alleles.
The presence or absence of the 86 putative
sRNA genes was consistent with the phylogeny of the different alleles from the SRK gene,
which suggested that interallelic recombination
at the S locus in SI lineages is infrequent (911).
Accordingly, ancestral states reconstruction inferred the most likely scenario of gains and losses
of the different precursors in a Bayesian framework (Fig. 5 and fig. S10) (19). This reconstruction indicates that some sRNA precursor families
(mirS2, mirS3, and mir4239) are ancient and
can be traced back to the most recent common ancestor of all extant S alleles. In contrast, several precursor families seem to have
evolved more recently, during the diversification of this species S alleles (mirS1, mir867,
mirS4, and mirS5) and are found only in the
two lineages of more-recessive alleles [classes II
and III, according to (15)] (Fig. 5). For the two
remaining families (mirSmi and mir1887) ancestral reconstruction indicates multiple independent origins on different alleles, although
horizontal transfer by occasional recombination
between S alleles may also potentially explain
this pattern. Repertoires of precursors on the different S alleles were also modified in the course
of evolution by repeated deletions, and we infer
at least eight independent deletion events. Finally, some precursor families seem to have been
expanded by duplication, as several S haplotypes
have multiple paralogs of a given sRNA precursor family (up to four mir4239 precursors on
allele Al13) (Fig. 5).
Reconstruction of ancestral states is more
challenging for the sRNA targets, because of
their more-variable phylogenetic distribution.
From our analyses, we observed that evolution of
the newly arisen mir867 precursorfrom the common ancestor of Ah04, Ah10, and Al16and
acquisition of the mirS4 precursor by Ah04 are
both associated with the acquisition of their
cognate targets on the respective branch from
the same ancestral node, which indicated that
allelic diversification was closely followed by
the emergence of sRNA-target interactions. At
least one target is also inferred to be ancient
(that of mirS3 in the intron of SCR), which suggested that there may be functional constraint
over evolutionary times. No putative target could
be identified for mirS1 and mirS5, which may
control dominance over currently unidentified
alleles known to exist in the species (17, 34).
Evolutionary conservation of the sRNA genes
To evaluate functional constraints of the sRNA
motifs, we compared sequence divergence between functional orthologs of the S-locus region
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



the results with further theoretical expectations

based on evolutionary arms race or mutualistic
interactions models.

Fig. 5. Repertoire of sRNA genes and their targets along the phylogeny of S alleles. The
Bayesian phylogeny is based on full A. halleri and A. lyrata SRK amino acid sequences. Node support
was assessed by posterior probabilities (PP), and nodes with PP > 0.95 are represented by white
circles. Phylogenetic classes are reported (I, II, III, and IV) (15). The scenario of gain and loss for
sRNA precursors and their targets is represented on the branch where each event is inferred. Solid
and open squares indicate precursors that are inferred to have been present and absent from the
ancestral repertoire, respectively. For each precursor, asterisks for BFs indicate the level of
confidence on the presence or absence from the ancestral repertoire. *BF > 2: some evidence,
**BF > 5: strong evidence, and ***BF > 10: very strong evidence (38).

in A. halleri, A. lyrata, and A. thaliana (17). As a

whole, this nonrecombining region includes
large amounts of noncoding and repetitive sequences and displays extremely high levels of
sequence divergence (9) (fig. S11). However, the
two protein-coding genes in the region, SCR
and SRK, as well as the set of sRNA precursors,
form islands of sequence conservation, even in
the comparison with A. thaliana, over at least
10 million years, which suggests that substantial
functional constraints exist on these motifs, at
least comparable to that acting upon the proteincoding genes controlling SI specificity.
The molecular mechanisms of genetic dominance (and its flip side, recessivity), integral to
Mendels discoveries, have been strongly debated. For deleterious mutations, this debate
was largely resolved by the understanding that
physiological properties of metabolic pathways
rather than dominance modifiers (i.e., genetic
elements controlling the dominance of genes)
explain many, if not all, dominance-recessivity
interactions in genomes (35). For balanced polymorphisms, however, dominance modifiers could
evolve under natural selection in theoretical
models (36, 37), and our analysis now provides a
molecular basis for most of the control of dominance levels for SI. Although regulatory networks

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

have typically been viewed as arising between

genes in a genome, we present a surprisingly
complex example of a regulatory network among
alleles at a single genetic locus. Moreover, as
predicted theoretically, the sRNA genes that
we identified as involved in the control of dominance are found within the S-locus region.
An interesting question is how natural selection has shaped the genetic elements controlling
this network. Although our empirical results
support the theoretical predictions cited above,
there is a major difference between the single
dominance modifiers assumed by the models
and the system of interacting sequences that
produce the actual SCR dominance relations in
A. halleri; the system of sRNAs and their targets
entails a coevolutionary process between the two
interacting partners, which is not found in previous models (7, 8). Such a coevolutionary process could potentially correspond either to an
evolutionary arms race (with dominant S alleles
accumulating sRNA genes, whereas recessive
ones escape silencing by mutations in their targets) or to a mutualistic system. One can argue
that the latter is more likely because the models
show that natural selection on this type of SI
system mostly acts against codominance and that
dominance and recessivity are both equally advantageous (7, 8). When such data will be extended
to more alleles, it will be interesting to compare

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We thank D. Charlesworth, T. Tsuchimatsu, M. Boccara, D. J. Schoen,

and M. Mirouze for advice and comments on the manuscript and J. Kitt,
A. C. Holl, E. Schmitt, B. Huss, G. Neutelings, A. Achard, G. Laroche, and
D. Achour for technical assistance. We acknowledge financial support
from Agence Nationale de la Recherche Jeunes Chercheurs
BRASSIDOM (ANR 11 JSV7-008-01), Bonus Qualit Recherche
Universit Lille 1 and Rgion Nord Pas de Calais (program projets SCIENCE


mergents MICRO2). R.M. was supported by an apprentice grant from

CNRS. R.M. and E.D. contributed equally to this work. E.D. contributed
to the crossing design and the phenotypic analysis. R.M., E.D., M.S., P.M.G.,
and S.G. contributed to the bioinformatics analysis. E.D., I.F.-L., E.G., and
T.G. performed the functional validation experiment. C.P. performed the
phylogenetic analysis. M.F. performed the sRNA-seq experiments. E.P.,
W.M., and H.B. constructed the BAC libraries and performed the screening
and BAC sequencing. V.C., S.B., X.V., I.F.-L., and T.G. designed the
experiments. All authors discussed the results. E.D., R.M., I.F.-L., X.V.,


S.B., and V.C. wrote the paper. V.C. and S.B. coordinated the project.
S-locus sequences have been deposited on the European Molecular
Biology Organization public database, sRNA sequences on the GEO
public database (see table S2 for accession numbers), and data
matrices and phylogenetic trees on the TreeBASE database (http:// BAC clones
produced in this project will be distributed through http://cnrgv. upon signature of a material
transfer agreement for in-house academic research.


Ultrafast generation of
pseudo-magnetic field for valley
excitons in WSe2 monolayers
Jonghwan Kim,1* Xiaoping Hong,1* Chenhao Jin,1 Su-Fei Shi,1,2 Chih-Yuan S. Chang,3
Ming-Hui Chiu,4 Lain-Jong Li,3,4 Feng Wang1,2,5
The valley pseudospin is a degree of freedom that emerges in atomically thin
two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (MX2). The capability to manipulate it, in
analogy to the control of spin in spintronics, can open up exciting opportunities. Here,
we demonstrate that an ultrafast and ultrahigh valley pseudo-magnetic field can be
generated by using circularly polarized femtosecond pulses to selectively control the valley
degree of freedom in monolayer MX2. Using ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy, we
observed a pure and valley-selective optical Stark effect in WSe2 monolayers from the
nonresonant pump, resulting in an energy splitting of more than 10 millielectron volts
between the K and K valley exciton transitions. Our study opens up the possibility to
coherently manipulate the valley polarization for quantum information applications.

MX2 monolayers, giving rise to a valley degree

of freedom that is analogous to electron spin (3).
Recent polarization-resolved photoluminescence
(PL) studies show that the valley pseudospin in
MX2 can couple directly to the helicity of excitation photons (47) and that the pseudospin polarization between two valleys exhibits coherent

Energy (eV)
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S12
Tables S1 and S2
References (3957)
31 July 2014; accepted 17 October 2014

behavior (7). It raises the intriguing prospect of

valleytronics, which exploits the valley degree of
freedom to carry information (1, 39).
Just as spin manipulation is essential in spintronics, the capability to control the valley pseudospin is essential for valleytronics based on
MX2 materials. In spintronics, the electron spin
can be manipulated through any external perturbation that breaks the energy degeneracy of
two orthogonal spin polarizations. This can be
achieved either through an external magnetic field
(10, 11) or through a pseudo-magnetic field generated by other stimuli. For example, circularly
polarized light can produce a pseudo-magnetic
field that can be used to manipulate electron
spins in semiconductor quantum wells and quantum dots (12, 13) through the optical Stark effect.
(The optical Stark effect, a well-established phenomenon in atomic physics and quantum optics,
describes the energy shift in a two-level system
induced by a nonresonant laser field.) It is highly desirable to realize similar control of valley
excitons in MX2 by using light-induced pseudomagnetic field for valleytronics.

Department of Physics, University of California at Berkeley,

Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 2Material Science Division,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
94720, USA. 3Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences,
Academia Sinica, Taipei 10617, Taiwan. 4Physical Sciences
and Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science
and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia. 5Kavli Energy
NanoSciences Institute, University of California Berkeley
and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley,
CA 94720, USA.
*These authors contributed equally to this work, Corresponding
author. E-mail: [email protected]

Fig. 1. Valley exciton transitions in monolayer WSe2.

(A) The optical reflection spectrum of a WSe2 monolayer
on a sapphire substrate at 77 K. It shows strong A- and
B-exciton resonances at 1.68 and 2.1 eV, respectively.
(Inset) Optical microscopy image of the sample. Scale
bar, 25 mm. (B) Polarization-resolved PL spectra of a
WSe2 monolayer at 77K. For a 1.8-eV excitation laser with
left circular polarization, the PL spectra show a prominent
emission peak at the A-exciton resonance (1.68 eV), and
the PL intensity with left circular polarization (red curve)
is about four times stronger than that with right circular
polarization (blue curve). It demonstrates that valleypolarized A-exciton population can be created by circularly polarized resonant excitation and it can be detected
with polarization-resolved PL spectroscopy.

PL (a.u.)

Reflection contrast (%)

tomically thin layers of transition metal

dichalcogenides (MX2) have emerged as
an exciting two-dimensional semiconductor platform for nanoelectronics and optoelectronics (1, 2). In particular, a pair of
degenerate bands are present at the K and K
valleys in the momentum space of hexagonal


Energy (eV)
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



Here, we demonstrate a valley-selective optical

Stark effect in monolayer WSe2 to generate an
ultrafast and ultrahigh pseudo-magnetic field for
valley excitons. Previously, resonant pump-probe
spectroscopy has been used to probe ultrafast
carrier dynamics after the pump photons are absorbed by exciton transitions in MX2 monolayers
(1417). We used nonresonant circularly polarized laser pumping with photon energies below
the bandgap, which induces a coherent and dissipationless valley-selective optical Stark effect for
pseudospin manipulation.
We used triangular monolayers of WSe2 grown
by means of chemical vapor deposition on sap-

phire substrates (Fig. 1A, inset) (18). The optical

reflection spectrum of monolayer WSe2 at 77 K
exhibits two prominent resonances at 1.68 and
2.1 eV (Fig. 1A), which correspond, respectively, to
the A- and B-excitons split by the spin-orbital
coupling (19, 20). In this study, we focused on the
lowest-energy A-exciton transition. This A-exciton
is well separated from other excited states in energy thanks to strong electron-hole interactions in
monolayer WSe2. As a result, we can approximate
the ground state and the A-exciton as a two-level
system and neglect the effect from other excited
states. In monolayer WSe2, the A-exciton states at
K and K valleys are time-reversal pairs and have

degenerate energy levels. However, they have distinct optical selection rules and couple to photons
of opposite helicity (3, 4). The dipole transition
matrix element of the K valley A-exciton is characterized by PKsT K jp^x Tip^y j0, where jK and j0
correspond to the K valley A-exciton and ground
state, respectively; p^x ; p^y are momentum operators;
and s+/s corresponds to left/right circular light.
In MX2 monolayers, PKs has a finite value, but PKs
is approximately zero. Consequently, the A-exciton
at the K valley couples exclusively to left-circularly
polarized light. The A-exciton at the K valley, on
the other hand, couples only to the right-circularly
polarized light. This dipole selection rule for valley

Fig. 2. Valley-dependent optical Stark effect with nonresonant circularly

polarized pump. (A) Schematic of the optical Stark effect for valley transitions
with nonresonant, left circularly polarized s+ pump. The dashed black and
yellow lines denote the unperturbed ground and exciton states, respectively,
and the pump photon energy is lower than the exciton resonance energy (red
arrow). In the dressed atom picture, the dressed ground state (with N s+
photons) and the K valley A-exciton (with N-1 s+ photons) are coupled by dipole
transition, which results in energy-level repulsion (left, solid black and yellow
lines) and an increased exciton transition energy. On the other hand, s+ pump

does not affect K valley A-exciton resonance because of the optical selection
rule (right). (B and C) Transient reflection spectra of A-exciton resonance at 77 K.
The color scale, horizontal axis, and vertical axis represent the relative reflectivity change DR/R, the probe photon energy, and the pump-probe time
delay, respectively. For atomically thin WSe2 on sapphire substrate, DR/R is
proportional to absorption change. Nonresonant s+ pump of photon energy
at 1.53 eV leads to (B) a strong transient absorption signal for probes with the
same polarization s+, but (C) produces no transient response for probes with
the opposite polarization s.

Fig. 3. Time evolution and spectral lineshape of the valley-dependent

transient reflection spectra for s+ pump and s+ probe configuration.
(A) Time evolution of the pump-induced transient reflectivity DR/R at probe
energies of 1.65 eV (blue line) and 1.7 eV (red line). Both signals reach the
maximum magnitude at the pump-probe delay t = 0 with symmetric rise
and decay dynamics (limited by our pulse width ~250 fs), which is
characteristic of an instantaneous optical response. The transient reflectiv-

ity has opposite signs for 1.65 and 1.7 eV probes. (B) The transient reflection
spectrum at t = 0 (green circles). The transient reflectivity signal changes
sign at the A-exciton resonance energy EA = 1.68 eV, and it shows a
dispersive line shape. This transient reflection spectrum matches well with
the derivative of linear absorption spectrum in monolayer WSe2 and can be
fully accounted for by a 4-meV blueshift of the K valley A-exciton resonance
(magenta line).




transitions in monolayer WSe2 governs both resonant and nonresonant excitations, which can have
different manifestations in valley physics.
The valley-dependent resonant excitation enables both the generation of a valley-polarized
exciton population through the absorption of
circularly polarized light and the detection of
valley-polarized excitons through polarizationresolved photoluminescence (PL) (46). Displayed
in Fig. 1B are polarization-resolved PL spectra of
our WSe2 samples upon laser excitation at 1.8 eV
with s+ circular polarization, in which the PL intensity with helicity matching the excitation light
(s+; Fig. 1B, red curve) is about four times stronger than that for the opposite helicity (s; Fig. 1B,
blue curve). This behavior is similar to that reported in previous studies (47) and verifies the
valley-selective excitation and emission in our
WSe2 monolayers. The nonzero s polarized PL
is presumably caused by a finite intervalley scattering because the excitation energy is ~120 meV
higher than the A-exciton resonance.
To manipulate the valley polarization, however, nonresonant coupling based on the optical
Stark effect is more advantageous because it
avoids the dissipation and dephasing naturally
accompanying real excitations. The optical Stark
effect is widely used in quantum optics to control
a rich variety of quantum systems, ranging from
the manipulation of cold atoms (21) and individual trapped ions (22) to coherent control of superconducting qubits (23) and electron spins (24). In
a two-level system, the optical Stark effect can be
readily understood by using the dressed-atom
picture (25). Consider the two-level system composed of the ground state and A-exciton state at
the K (or K) valley in a monolayer WSe2. Illustrated in Fig. 2A is the effect of a left circularly
polarized (s+) pump with photon energies below
the exciton resonance (Fig. 2A, red arrow). In the
dressed-atom picture, the dressed-ground state
(with N s+ photons), and the K valley A-exciton
(with N-1 s+ photons) are coupled by the dipole

transition, which leads to wave function hybridization and energy-level repulsion. It effectively
shifts down the ground-state energy and shifts
up the K valley exciton energy. The A-exciton at
the K valley, on the other hand, cannot couple to
the ground state with an extra s+ photon because
of the optical selection rule, and the related states
are not shifted by s+ polarized light. As a result,
the energy degeneracy between K and K valley
states is lifted by the valley-selective optical Stark
effect, which can be characterized by a valley
pseudo-magnetic field.
We measured the valley-selective optical Stark
shift in WSe2 monolayers with nonresonant
circularly polarized excitation using pump-probe
spectroscopy. Femtosecond pump pulses with
tunable photon energies below the A-exciton resonance were generated with an optical parametric amplifier. Optical Stark shifts of the WSe2
exciton transitions induced by the pump pulses
was then probed in transient reflection spectra
over the spectral range of 1.59 to 1.77 eV by using
a laser-generated supercontinuum light. Displayed
in Fig. 2, B and C, are two-dimensional plots of
transient reflection spectra in a monolayer WSe2
with s+ and s polarized probe light, respectively,
upon s+ polarized pump excitation. Here, the
nonresonant pump photons are at 1.53 eV, which
is 150 meV below the exciton resonance and do
not excite any real transitions. The color scale
in Fig. 2, B and C, represents the pump-induced
change of the probe beam reflectivity DR/R, the
horizontal axis shows the probe photon energy,
and the vertical axis shows the pump-probe time
delay. For atomically thin WSe2 layers on a transparent sapphire substrate, the reflection change
DR/R is directly proportional to the change in
the absorption coefficient (26, 27). It is apparent that strong changes in the exciton absorption
are present only for s+ probe pulses (Fig. 2B),
and no pump-induced signals can be detected
above the noise level for s probe pulses (Fig. 2C).
This indicates that the nonresonant s+ pump

Fig. 4. Pump detuning and pump intensity dependence of the valley-selective optical Stark
shift. (A) The transient reflection signal at 1.7 eV (left axis) and the corresponding optical Stark
shift (right axis) as a function of the pump detuning energy (green dots). The dependence can be
nicely described by an inverse proportional relationship (magenta line). (B) The transient reflection
signal at 1.7 eV (left axis) and the corresponding optical Stark shift (right axis) as a function of the
pump laser intensity (green dots), which shows a linear scaling behavior (magenta line). The optical
Stark shift can selectively shift the K valley exciton transition by as much as 10 meV, which
corresponds to a valley pseudo-magnetic field of ~60 T.


substantially modifies the A-exciton transition at

the K valley, but not at the K valley.
To better examine the time evolution and
spectral lineshape of the photo-induced transient reflection spectra in WSe2 monolayers, we
plot in Fig. 3 vertical and horizontal linecuts of
the two-dimensional plot for the s+ pump and s+
probe configuration (Fig. 2B). Displayed in Fig.
3A are the transient reflection signals at the
probe photon energy below (1.65 eV; Fig. 3A, blue
line) and above (1.7 eV; Fig. 3A, red line) the exciton resonance at different pump-probe delay t
(Fig. 2B, vertical linecuts). Both signals have the
largest magnitude at t = 0 and show a symmetric
rise and decay dynamics. This is characteristic of
an instantaneous response, with the rise/decay
time limited by the laser pulse width of ~250 fs.
It shows that the exciton absorption is modulated only when the pump radiation is present.
In addition, the transient reflectivity has opposite signs for probe energies at 1.65 and 1.7 eV.
Detailed transient reflection spectrum DR/R,
which is proportional to the transient absorption change (26, 27), is shown in Fig. 3B (green
circles) for t = 0 through a horizontal linecut in
Fig. 2B. We observed that the transient absorption signal changes sign exactly at the A-exciton
resonance energy (EA) = 1.68 eV. The pump
laser leads to reduced absorption below EA and
increased absorption above EA, which matches
well the linear derivative of the WSe2 monolayer absorption spectrum (Fig. 3B, magenta
line). Quantitatively, the photo-induced absorption change can be perfectly described by a simple blueshift of ~4 meV of the K valley exciton
resonance. The blueshift in transition energy,
instantaneous time response, and valley selectivity demonstrate unambiguously the optical
Stark effect in monolayer WSe2 upon nonresonant pump excitation. The photo-induced signal
becomes nondetectable immediately after the
pump pulses, indicating negligible dissipative processes associated with real exciton absorption.
We also performed the pump-probe spectroscopy using linearly polarized pump and probe
pulses (fig. S1). Here, photo-induced absorption
changes are of similar magnitude, independent
of the pump and probe polarizations. This is
because the linear-polarized pump has both s+
and s components, which lead to optical Stark
shifts for both K and K valley exciton transitions.
Next, we examined how the valley-selective
optical Stark shift varies with the pump laser
intensity and detuning. The pump detuning W
is defined as the difference between the exciton
resonance energy (w0) and the pump photon
energy (wp). Shown in Fig. 4 is the transient
reflection data (Fig. 4, left axis) and the corresponding energy shift of the A-exciton energy
(Fig. 4, right axis, and supplementary text) at
the K valley for s+ pump and s+ probe configuration with different pump detuning (Fig. 4A,
green dots) and pump intensities (Fig. 4B, green
dots). We observed that the optical Stark shift
is inversely proportional to the pump detuning
(Fig. 4A, magenta dashed line) and scales linearly
with the laser intensity (Fig. 4B, magenta dashed
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



line). Such scaling matches well with the theoretical prediction of optical Stark shift dw0
2SEp2 =W, where S is the optical Stark shift constant related to the transition dipole moment
and Ep is the electric field of the pump pulse
(25, 28). From the experimental data, we can determine an optical Stark shift constant S ~ 45 D2
for A-exciton in monolayer WSe2, which is of
similar magnitude to that for exciton transition
in semiconductor quantum wells (29).
The valley-selective optical Stark shift breaks
the degeneracy of valley exciton transitions in
monolayer WSe2 and defines an effective valley
pseudo-magnetic field. In our experiment, the
photo-induced energy splitting between K and
K exciton transitions can be as large as 10 meV
(Fig. 4 and supplementary text). The corresponding pseudo-magnetic field Beff for valley excitons can be
estimated with Beff

2g m , where mB is the
ex B

Bohr magneton and gex is the effective g-factor

for valley exciton transitions in WSe2. The effective
exciton g-factor gex combines contributions from
both electrons and holes and has a theoretically
predicted value of ~1.5 for WSe2 (supplementary
text). Using this g-factor, we estimate a pseudomagnetic field Beff as high as 60 T for a 10-meV
splitting of valley exciton transitions. A real magnetic field of this magnitude is difficult to achieve
even with superconducting magnets, but such a
pseudo-magnetic field for MX2 valley excitons
can be produced conveniently and with femtosecond temporal control by using light pulses.
It has been reported recently that excitons in
different valleys in monolayer WSe2, resonantly
excited by linear polarization light, can maintain
their phase coherence over extended time (7).
The valley-dependent optical Stark effect offers
a convenient and ultrafast way to lift the valley
degeneracy and introduce a controlled phase difference between the two valley states, therefore
enabling coherent rotation of resonantly excited
valley polarizations with high fidelity (fig. S2). In
analogy with spintronics, such coherent manipulation of valley polarization can open up fascinating opportunities for valleytronics.

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This work was supported by Office of Basic Energy Science,

U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-SC0003949 (Early
Career Award) and DE-AC02-05CH11231 (Materials Science
Division). L.J.L. thanks the support from Academia Sinica and
National Science Council Taiwan (NSC-102-2119-M-001-005-MY3).
F.W. also acknowledges the support from a David and Lucile
Packard fellowship. All data described in the paper are presented
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Materials and Methods
Supplementary Text
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References (3034)
30 June 2014; accepted 5 November 2014


Two-dimensional Fermi surfaces in

Kondo insulator SmB6
G. Li,1 Z. Xiang,1,2 F. Yu,1 T. Asaba,1 B. Lawson,1 P. Cai,1,3 C. Tinsman,1 A. Berkley,1
S. Wolgast,1 Y. S. Eo,1 Dae-Jeong Kim,4 C. Kurdak,1 J. W. Allen,1 K. Sun,1 X. H. Chen,2
Y. Y. Wang,3 Z. Fisk,4 Lu Li1*
In the Kondo insulator samarium hexaboride (SmB6), strong correlation and band
hybridization lead to an insulating gap and a diverging resistance at low temperature.
The resistance divergence ends at about 3 kelvin, a behavior that may arise from surface
conductance. We used torque magnetometry to resolve the Fermi surface topology in
this material. The observed oscillation patterns reveal two Fermi surfaces on the (100)
surface plane and one Fermi surface on the (101) surface plane. The measured Fermi
surface cross sections scale as the inverse cosine function of the magnetic field tilt
angles, which demonstrates the two-dimensional nature of the conducting electronic
states of SmB6.

he recent development of topological insulators is a triumph of single electron band

theory (18). Kondo insulators can be used
to explore whether similar exotic states of
matter can arise in the presence of strong
electronic interactions. In these strongly correlated heavy-fermion systems (9), the hybridization
between itinerant electrons and localized orbitals opens a gap and makes the material insulating. Once the sample temperature is cold enough,
the electronic structure can be mapped to a state
that resembles a normal topological insulator (TI)
(10), with a bulk insulating state and a conductive
Department of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
MI 48109, USA. 2Hefei National Laboratory for Physical
Science at Microscale and Department of Physics, University of
Science and Technology of China, Hefei Anhui 230026, China.
Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California
at Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697, USA.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

surface state. In samarium hexaboride (SmB6),

the existence of the surface state has been suggested by recent experimental observations of the
surface conductance as well as a mapping of the
hybridization gap (1113). We report the observation of quantum oscillations in Kondo insulator SmB6 using torque magnetometry via the
de Haasvan Alphen (dHvA) effect. The observed
Fermi surfaces are shown to be two-dimensional
(2D) and arise from the crystalline (101) and
(100) surfaces.
One major difference between SmB6 and the
conventional topological insulators is the crystal
structure, which for SmB6 is simple cubic (Fig.
1A). SmB6 single crystals were grown by conventional flux methods. Each sample was etched with
acid to remove the leftover flux. Figure 1B shows
a photo of a piece of SmB6 single crystal. Beside a
flat (001) surface, there are four (101) planes.
We use torque magnetometry to resolve the
Landau Level quantization and the resulting SCIENCE


quantum oscillations in magnetization. Electronic transport measurements have been used to

detect quantum oscillations in conventional topological materials (1422). In contrast, magnetization is simply the derivative of the magnetic
free energy G with respect to magnetic field
H. Therefore, torque magnetometry probes the
oscillations in the free energy and is sensitive to
Fermi surface (FS) topology of both 3D and 2D
electronic systems (2327). Torque magnetometry measures directly the anisotropy of the
magnetic susceptibilityof a sample (25). With the
tilted magnetic field H confined to the a - c
plane, the torque t of a paramagnet is shown as

t m0 ca Ha Hc m0 cc Hc Ha
m0 DcH 2 sinfcosf

where 0is the vacuum permeability, f is the tilt

angle of H away from the crystalline a - c axis,
and Dc = ca cc is the magnetic susceptibility
anisotropy. Therefore, any change of the FS topology caused by the Landau Level quantization
is revealed by torque magnetometry.

In our experimental setup, an SmB6 single crystal is glued to the tip of a thin brass cantilever
(Fig. 1C, inset). The magnetic torque t is measured by tracking the capacitance change between the cantilever and a gold film underneath.
An example torque t versus magnetic field m0H
curve (Fig. 1C), taken at temperature T = 0.3 K
and f ~ 44, is quadratic overall, reflecting the
linear H dependence of the sample magnetization and the paramagnetic nature of SmB6.
Large oscillations and small wiggles start to
appear as the magnetic field goes beyond 5 T;
for m0H > 10 T, the fast oscillation patterns
The first question that arises is whether it is
possible for the thin atomic layer of the surface
state to be responsible for the observed magnitude of the magnetic torque and magnetization. The magnitude of the observed magnetic
torque was recorded by the relative capacitance
change, then converted to absolute values using
the calibrated spring constant of the cantilevers
(see supplementary materials). Figure 1D shows
the field dependence of the effective magnetic
moment M m tH in a magnetic field H as high

(001) c

(101) plane

(100) a
(011) plane
(011) plane


(101) plane
(001) plane

Fig. 1. Experimental setup. (A) The crystal structure of Kondo insulator SmB6. The B6 cluster and rare
earth element Sm form a simple cubic structure. (B) Photograph of an SmB6 single crystal. Guide lines
are drawn to label the crystalline plane of each surface. (C) The field dependence of the magnetic torque
t in SmB6. The data were taken at temperature T = 300 mK. Inset: sketch of the measurement setup.

The sample stage is rotated to tilt magnetic field H in the crystalline a - c plane. The magnetic field was
applied to the sample with a tilt angle f ~44 relative to the crystalline c axis. The spring constant of the
cantilever was determined using the sample weight. (D) The field dependence of the magnetic moment
M, taken at 0.3 K and under a magnetic field as high as 45 T. The low-field linear MH dependence
reflects the paramagnetism in SmB6. The vertical gray scale bar shows the M value corresponding to
0.5 mB per surface unit cell.


as 45 T. The maximum oscillatory M is around

3 1012 Am2. Using the total area of all the
surfaces of the SmB6 sample, including the
dominating top and bottom (100) surfaces and
other small edge surfaces, we can estimate that
there are 7.5 1011 unit cells on the sample
surfaces. By normalizing the magnetic moment
M to the number of surface unit cells, we find
the maximum change of oscillatory M is around
DM ~ 0.4 mB per surface unit cell, where mB is the
Bohr magneton. The gray scale bar in Fig. 1D
marks 0.5 mB per surface unit cell for comparison.
Our measured oscillatory M is consistent
with the surface carrier density measured by
the Fermi pocket size. As we will demonstrate
later, the measured pocket size (300 T ~ 400 T)
leads to a total carrier density of ~1 1014/cm2,
which is ~0.17 electrons per unit cell. The theoretical value of the oscillatory M is 2 mB per
electron in 2D electronic systems, confirmed
experimentally in (26). The carrier density implies a magnetization oscillation of 0.34 mB per
surface unit cell. Our observed maximum DM ~
0.4 mB per surface unit cell is consistent with this
simple estimate.
Figure 2 presents the oscillation pattern of the
magnetic torque. The oscillatory torque tOSC is
defined by subtracting a quadratic background
from the torque t. tOSC is periodic in 1/m0H (Fig.
2A), reflecting the quantization of the Landau
Levels. The magnetic torque is measured in H up
to 45 T. For metals, the oscillation frequency F is
determined by the cross section area A of the
Fermi surface (23):


where is the reduced Planck constant, and e

is the electrical charge. The fast Fourier transformation (FFT) of the oscillatory tOSC, measured at 0.3 K and f ~ 32 (Fig. 2B) shows a
number of peaks, including a small pocket a at
F a ~ 35 T, a larger pocket b at F b ~ 300 T, and
the largest pocket g at F g ~ 450 T. In the higherfrequency range, we observed a series of new
features: the second harmonic of the b pocket
at 2b ~ 600 T and the third harmonic of the b
pocket at 3b ~ 900 T. Most notably, the other
peak (marked as b) appears at ~520 T and
arises from the oscillation due to the b pocket
in a neighboring (101) surface plane. This determination is based on the angular dependence of
the oscillation frequencies, as discussed in detail
below and in Fig. 3.
The electronic properties of these three Fermi
surfaces are revealed by tracking the temperature and field dependence of the oscillatory
torque tosc (Fig. 2C). Even though an insulating gap is observed in the temperature dependence of the conductivity of SmB6 (1113), the
temperature dependence of tosc is very much
like that of a normal metal. In metals, the oscillating magnetic torque is well described by
the Lifshitz-Kosevich (LK) formula (23). The
temperature and magnetic field dependences
of the oscillation amplitude are determined
by the product of the thermal damping factor
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



RT and the Dingle damping factor RD, defined as

RT aTm*=BsinhaTm*=B
RD expaTD m*=B

where the effective mass m = m*me and the

Dingle temperature TD =2pkB tS . tS is the
scattering rate, kB is the Boltzmann Constant,
me is the bare electron mass, B = m0H is the
magnetic flux density, and a 2p2 kB me =e
~14.69 T/K (23).
Fitting the temperature dependence of the
normalized oscillation amplitudes to the thermal damping factor RT (Fig. 2C) yields m =
0.119me for Fermi surface a, m = 0.129me for
Fermi surface b, and m = 0.192me for Fermi surface g. Figure 2D displays the field dependence
of the oscillation amplitude, normalized by the
thermal damping factor RT. Fitting the curves
to RD yields TD ~15.9 K for Fermi surface a, TD
~18.6 K for Fermi surface b, and TD ~ 29.5 K for
Fermi surface g. Based on the extracted oscillation frequencies, effective masses, and Dingle
temperatures, we are able to characterize the
observed Fermi surfaces in SmB6 (Table 1).
The long mean free path l measured for all three
pockets (Table 1) supports the idea of intrinsic
metallic surface states. The mean free path is
two orders of magnitude larger than the crystal
lattice constant of ~0.4 nm. Such a long mean
free path is incompatible with the surface/bulk
conductance arising from hopping between
The low effective mass that we measured
(Table 1) is quite surprising, because most of the
theoretical work on the topological Kondo insulator predicts a heavy mass of the surface

states (28). The observed mass in SmB6 is also

much smaller than that of the divalent hexaboride compounds such as La-doped CaB6 and
EuB6 (29, 30). Pockets with heavier masses may
still exist but could not be observed in our experimental conditions because of the thermal
and Dingle dampings. Measurements in higher
magnetic field and in colder temperatures would
help resolve such extra Fermi pockets.
The most important feature of the observed
quantum oscillations is the two-dimensionality
(2D). For a 2D planar metallic system, the magnetic field projected to the normal axis of the
plane determines the Landau Level quantizations.
Thus, the oscillation frequency versus tilt angle
curve generally follows the inverse of a sinusoidal function (1517). We rotate the whole cantilever setup to track how the oscillation frequency
F changes as a function of the tilt angle f in a
broad range of more than 180. Using the complete FFT plots (figs. S3 to S5), we obtain the angular dependences of the oscillation frequencies
of all the Fermi pockets on the (100) and (101)
family surfaces, as displayed in Fig. 3, A to C.
For the dominating oscillatory pattern from
pocket b, the oscillation frequency F b not only
displays a large angular dispersion but also
closely tracks the 2D angular dependence from
the (101) surface families. There are four branches
of the Fb f patterns, as a result of the fourfold
crystalline symmetry of the SmB6 cubic structure. At each f, there are two appearances of
the b family. For example, at f ~ 30, there is one
Fb from the (101) plane and another one from
the neighboring 101 plane (the latter contribution is marked as b in Fig. 2B). Most notably, all
the Fb points track the solid lines of the function
F0b =cosf 45 , F0b =cosf45 , F0b =cosf135 ,

and F0b =cosf225 . We observe F b at frequencies as high as 900 Ta more than 200% increase
from the minimum value of 286 T. Such large
divergence and the close tracking of the inverse
cosine dependence strongly support the 2D nature of the observed b pocket on the (101) surface
plane families.
In contrast, the angular dependence of the
oscillation frequency of the a pocket F a follows
a different pattern. In Fig. 3A, the F a values are
plotted against the tilt angle f of two SmB6 single
crystals. The uncertainty of Fa is determined by
the half width at half-height of the F a peak in the
FFT plot. Similar to F b, the F a pattern has a
fourfold symmetry, but the minima are located
at f = 0, 90, and 180, that is, along the (100)
crystalline axes. Fitting the data to the 2D form
for this family, F0a =cosf0 , F0a =cosf90 ,
and F0a =cosf180 , with F0a = 30.5 T (solid
lines in Fig. 3A) results in reasonable agreement.
This suggests that the observed a pocket arises
from a surface state on the (100) plane families.
Similarly, Fig. 3C shows that the angular dependence of the g pocket Fg follows the functional form of F0g =cosf0 , F0g =cosf90 ,
and F0g =cosf180 with F0g ~385 T, suggesting the two-dimensionality of the g pocket on
the (100) surface plane.
Further, given the small value and large uncertainly of Fa, there is still a chance that an
extremely elongated 3D ellipsoidal Fermi surface
may fit the Fa versus f dependence. Experiments
with cleaner SmB6 crystals may resolve the issue.
The angular dependence of the oscillation frequency suggests that the Fermi surface b is twodimensional and likely arises from the crystalline
(101) plane. In contrast, most of the theoretical
modeling focuses on the surface states in the

Fig. 2. Quantum oscillation pattern observed by torque magnetometry. (A) The oscillatory magnetic torque tosc is plotted as a function of 1/m0H. tosc is calculated by subtracting a polynomial background from the full torque signal. (B) The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the oscillatory torque tosc
shows three major peaks, labeled a, b, and g. The higher harmonics of the b peak are also observed,
together with the b peak from the neighboring surface plane. (C) The temperature dependence of the
FFTamplitude of the three major peaks, normalized by their 0 K limit.The magnetic field tilt angle f ~ 32.
Fitting the oscillatory amplitude to the LK formula (solid lines) yields the effective mass m = 0.119me for
the low-frequency a pocket, m = 0.129me for the high-frequency b pocket, and m = 0.192me for the
higher-frequency g pocket. (D) At 0.3 K and f ~ 30, the oscillation amplitude is tracked as a function of
field H, generally known as the Dingle plot. Solid lines are fits to the Dingle factor.




emission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements

on SmB6 revealed two Fermi pocket areas on the
(100) surface Brillouin zone (3236). Our measured Fermi surface area and the mass of pocket
g are comparable to those of a small Fermi sur-

F (T)

F (T)

(100) planes (31), in which the mapping of the

band inversion X-point gives two Fermi pocket
cross sections on the (100) surface plane. Our
observed a and g pockets may be the two predicted pockets. Recent angle resolved photo-


F (T)


Fig. 3. Angular dependence of the oscillating frequencies in SmB6. (A) Oscillation frequency Fa
of the observed Fermi surfaces a is shown as a function of f. The error bar of Fa is defined as the halfwidth at half-height of the peak in the FFT plot. To improve the statistics, two SmB6 samples were
cooled down twice. All the oscillation frequencies are inferred from the FFTspectra at many tilt angles f
from 30 to 180 (figs. S3 to S5) (37).The data are in agreement with a fit to the solid lines (described
by F0 =cosf f0 , where f0 = 0, 90, and 180). The lines correspond to 2D Fermi surfaces on the
surface planes (100), (001), and (1 0 0). (B) Oscillation frequency Fb of the observed Fermi surfaces
b measured in two SmB6 samples. Fb is consistent with the expected 2D Fermi surface sitting at the
four surface planes of the (101) surface family. The solid line is the fitting curve F 0 =cosf f0 , where
f0 = 45, 45, 135, and 225. (C) The angular dependence of the oscillation frequency Fg of the
pocket g. Solid lines are fits to F 0 =cosf f0 with f0 = 0, 90, and 180. (D) Sketch of the Brillouin
zone of SmB6. Band inversion occurs at the X points. The projection of these X points to the (101)
plane shows a possible location of the Fermi surfaces in the (101) surface state.
Table 1. Parameters in the three Fermi pockets in SmB6. The oscillation frequency F and Fermi
wavevector kF are obtained from the dHvA period. The effective mass m, Fermi velocity vF, mean free
path l, and the mobility m are inferred from the T and H dependences of the oscillation amplitude. The
Landau level index plot yields the infinite field limit d.

F (T)
Crystalline surface Origin
kF (nm1)
vF (105ms1)
l (nm)
m (103 cm2/Vs)


29.3 T 4
(1 0 0)
0.30 T 0.02
0.119 T 0.007
2.90 T 0.39
22 T 8
1.1 T 0.5
6.6 T 2.9
0.45 T 0.07

286 T 5
(1 0 1)
0.941 T 0.008
0.129 T 0.004
8.45 T 0.33
52 T 6
0.84 T 0.10
49 T 6
0.44 T0.06

385 T 5
(1 0 0)
1.080 T 0.011
0.192 T 0.005
6.50 T 0.21
25 T 4
0.36 T 0.05
27 T 4
0.32 T 0.07

face centered at the G point and measured by

ARPES. For a detailed comparison of our dHvA
result and the ARPES results, see (37).
Questions remain as to the origin of the observed Fermi surface in the (101) plane. In the
(101) plane, there arepfour
high symmetry
p points
[(0, 0), (0, p/a), (p= 2a, 0), and (p= 2a, p/a)].
For example (Fig. 3D), projecting the bulk band
X points to the (101) plane leads to a pocket
at (0,
p/a) p

(p= 2a,0). Based on the time-reversal symmetry, only (0, p/a) has a Dirac point, which is
consistent with the experimental observation.
However, the topological theory does not prohibit pairs of Dirac points at low symmetry points
(37), which offers another possible origin for the
observed pockets.
The other important question is whether
the 2D electronic state on the surface follows
the Dirac dispersion. A general test is to track the
Landau Level index plots to find out the infinite
field limit, i.e., the geometric Berry phase factor.
Using 45 T, the quantum limit is reached for
pocket a, which, in the infinite magnetic field
limit, points to 0.45 T 0.07, very close to 1/2,
the geometric Berry phase contribution, similar to other 2D Dirac electronic systems such as
graphene (18, 19). As the oscillation frequencies
of Fermi pocket b and g are quite close, filtering
is needed to isolate the H dependence of the
oscillation patterns for each Fermi pocket. This
filtering may cause additional uncertainty of
the oscillation phase, and the Zeeman effect and
correlations may lead to some nonlinear effect
of the Landau level index plots (37).
Because Al flux is used in the sample growth,
the observed effective masses, oscillation frequencies, and angular dependence bear some
similarity to those of pure aluminum (Al) (38).
However, the oscillation periods of all the observed Fermi surfaces are symmetric about crystalline symmetry axes in the rotation plane. The
observed fourfold symmetry and the behavior
F a ~ 1=cosf, F b ~1=cosf45 and F g ~ 1=cosf
cannot be explained by a residual Al impurity
[for more details, see (37)]. Therefore, the observed quantum oscillation pattern is an intrinsic property of single-crystalline SmB6.
We note also that our observed quantum oscillation feature is quite robust against oxidization, as the samples were always in atmosphere
for storage. The ordinary surface states known to
occur for vacuum clean surfaces of metal hexaborides such as LaB6 disappear under even modest oxygen exposure (37, 39).

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8. X.-L. Qi, S. C. Zhang, Rev. Mod. Phys. 83, 10571110

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



9. A. Menth, E. Buehler, T. H. Geballe, . Phys. Rev. Lett. 22,

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14. J. G. Checkelsky et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 246601
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36. J. D. Denlinger et al., Temperature dependence of linked gap
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37. Additional information may be found in the supplementary
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38. C. O. Larson, W. L. Gordon, Phys. Rev. 156, 703715
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This study is based on work supported by the U. S. Department of

Energy (DOE) under Award no. DE-SC0008110 (high-field torque
magnetometry), by the startup fund and the Mcubed project at the
University of Michigan (low-field magnetization characterization),
and by the NSF DMR-0801253 and Univ. of CaliforniaIrvine
CORCL grant MIIG-2011- 12-8 (Z. F. group, sample growth). Part of
the work performed at the University of Michigan was supported
by NSF grant DMR-1006500 (C.K. group, device fabrication)
and by NSF grant ECCS-1307744 (L.L. group, device transport
characterization). Z.X. and X.H.C. thank the China Scholarship
Council for support and the National Basic Research Program of
China (973 Program, grant no. 2012CB922002). B.L. thanks the
NSF graduate research fellowship (F031543) for support.
T.A. thanks the Nakajima Foundation Scholarship for support.
The Corbino samples were fabricated at the Lurie Nanofabrication
Facility (LNF), a member of the National Nanotechnology
Infrastructure Network, which is supported by the NSF. The
high-field experiments were performed at the National High
Magnetic Field Laboratory, which is supported by NSF
Cooperative Agreement no. DMR-084173, by the State of
Florida, and by the DOE.
Materials and Methods
Supplementary Text
Figures S1 to S14
Table S1
Equation S1
References (4050)
2 January 2014; accepted 5 November 2014


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214


Predictive a priori
pressure-dependent kinetics
Ahren W. Jasper,1 Kenley M. Pelzer,2 James A. Miller,2 Eugene Kamarchik,1
Lawrence B. Harding,2 Stephen J. Klippenstein2*
The ability to predict the pressure dependence of chemical reaction rates would be a
great boon to kinetic modeling of processes such as combustion and atmospheric
chemistry. This pressure dependence is intimately related to the rate of collision-induced
transitions in energy E and angular momentum J. We present a scheme for predicting this
pressure dependence based on coupling trajectory-based determinations of moments of
the E,J-resolved collisional transfer rates with the two-dimensional master equation. This
completely a priori procedure provides a means for proceeding beyond the empiricism of
prior work. The requisite microcanonical dissociation rates are obtained from ab initio
transition state theory. Predictions for the CH4 = CH3 + H and C2H3 = C2H2 + H reaction
systems are in excellent agreement with experiment.

ressure-dependent reactions are ubiquitous in applications of gas-phase chemical kinetics to practical problems, such
as combustion (<100 bar), atmospheric
chemistry (1 bar), and chemical vapor
deposition (<<1 bar). These reactions can take
various forms involving chemical or thermal activation, single or multiple unimolecular potential
wells, and single or multiple sets of bimolecular
products. Such reactions are enormously complicated problems to treat theoretically, even for
a single-channel, single-well dissociation, which
is the case we focus on here. The accurate firstprinciples prediction of pressure-dependent rate
coefficients would dramatically improve the utility
of theoretical kinetics as a tool for global chemical modeling.
There are two constants of motion in an isolated dissociating molecule: the total internal
(vibrational-rotational) energy, E, and the total
angular momentum, J. A physically correct description of the kinetics requires a quantitative
understanding of the rate of collision-induced
transitions in these two variables, kc(E,J;E',J'),
and the corresponding E- and J-resolved dissociation/isomerization rate constant, k(E,J). The
master equation treats the time dependence of
the state-resolved species populations arising from
collisions and dissociation. This time dependence
can be directly related to pressure-dependent
thermal dissociation rate constants k(T,p) (14).
Although many of the foundational formulations of reaction rate theory considered pressure
dependence, subsequent theoretical developments
have almost exclusively focused on pressureindependent reactions. Such pressure-independent
rate coefficients are generally obtained from a
thermal average of k(E,J) and are independent
of the collisional transition process. Many classes
of pressure-independent reactions can now be
Combustion Research Facility, Sandia National Laboratories,
MS 9055, Livermore, CA 94551-0969, USA. 2Chemical
Sciences and Engineering Division, Argonne National
Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439, USA.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

treated with very high accuracy. For example,

quantitative first-principles kinetics calculations
for pressure-independent bimolecular reactions
of three- and four-atom (57) and larger systems
(8) have been highlighted as milestones in the
development of reaction rate theory. For larger
systems, ab initio transition state theory provides
high-accuracy predictions for the high-pressure
addition rates as illustrated, for example, in our
recent studies of O(3P) + alkenes (9), of 1CH2 +
alkenes (10), and of alkyl radical + alkyl radical
reactions (11), where a priori theory and experiment agreed to within 20%. In contrast, accurate
first-principles methods for predicting pressuredependent reaction rates have not been similarly developed.
In the low-pressure limit, k(T,p) is independent of k(E, J) and is instead determined by the
details of the collision-induced transitions in E
and J (12). At intermediate pressures, both the
collision-induced transition rates and the decomposition rates play an important role in the
kinetics. Prior theoretical kinetics work has employed simple empirical models for the collisional transition rates, with parameters adjusted
to reproduce available experimental data (13, 14).
This empiricism severely limits the utility of theoretical kinetics as a mechanism development
tool. Empirical theories are effectively limited
to interpolations and extrapolations of the
pressure and temperature ranges for reactions
that have already been studied experimentally.
Correlation of the energy transfer parameters
with physical properties (e.g., molecular size, collision bath gas, reaction temperature) provides
some predictive ability, but currently such correlations are not well determined and introduce
additional uncertainties in the rate estimates of
at least a factor of 2. For example, information
regarding the temperature dependence of the
energy transfer parameters is very limited, especially for temperatures that deviate strongly
from 300 K. Furthermore, for complex multiplewell, multiple-product reactions, the effects of
the uncertainties in such correlations are greatly SCIENCE


amplified, particularly for higher-energy channels and well-skipping reactions that involve
dynamical passage over intermediate wells with
only partial stabilization (15).
The most commonly used model (1, 3) for the
energy transfer process neglects the dependence
of the kinetics on the total angular momentum J
and employs a so-called exponential down form
for the probability of a collision-induced transition
from E' to E (16):

; E < E0
PE; E exp
In Eq. 1, DE = E E', and a is a fitting parameter, which represents the average downwards energy transferred, <DEd>, in a single
deactivating collision. The energy transfer rate
kc(E;E') is then generally represented as the
product of a Lennard-Jones collision rate, ZLJ,
with P(E;E'). Within this one-dimensional master equation (1DME) model, k(T,p) may be obtained via empirical estimates for the parameter a.
An obvious shortcoming of this simple approach is its neglect of J. Explicitly including J
requires the solution of the two-dimensional
(in E and J) master equation (2DME) and some
characterization of the four-dimensional function kc(E,J;E',J'), which we also write as the product of a total collision rate, Z, and a normalized
probability, P(E, J;E',J'), of a collision producing
the state (E, J) from an initial state (E', J'). The
2DME reduces to a 1DME if one assumes the
distributions in E and J are separable and then
makes a microcanonical strong collider in J assumption (i.e., the final rotational state is assumed
to be independent of the initial rotational state
with its probability determined by the J dependence of the microcanonical density of states)
(17, 18). In this 2D/ model, we write P(E,J;E',J')
as P(E;E') (E,J), where (E,J) = r(E,J)/r(E), with
r(E,J) and r(E) as the E,J- and E-resolved density
of states for the molecular complex, respectively.
A priori kinetic predictions were recently obtained within this 2D/ model for CH4 dissociation via classical trajectory calculations of the
parameter a = <DEd> (19). However, detailed
comparisons with experimental data indicate
that such predictions are not highly accurate,
being about a factor of 2 too high, at least once
anharmonic effects on the vibrational state densities are accounted for (19).
The assumption in the 2D/ model that single
collisions produce microcanonical statistical distributions of J is clearly not valid; kinetically
relevant distributions of J typically are much
wider than the average J-transferred in a single
collision (12) (e.g., by a factor of 5 or more; compare fig. S2, a and b). One might also question the
use of classical mechanics in the estimation of the
energy transfer rates. However, the Ehrenfest
theorem states that averaged quantum mechanical variables increasingly obey classical laws as
the classical (high-E) limit is approached. The
sensitivity of kinetic predictions to collisional
transfer rates only at energies near the dissociation threshold then suggests that quantum
effects on these rates should be negligible (20).

Furthermore, as thermal energies are generally

much larger than relevant rotational energy-level
spacings, quantization of J is also not expected
to be important. Thus, the key question is, how
much does the deviation from the microcanonical strong collider in J assumption affect the
kinetic predictions (12)?
As a first exploration of this question, we approximated the four-dimensional collision kernel
as a product of independent energy, P(E;E'), and
angular momentum, P(J;J'), kernels. Further approximating each of these kernels with exponential down functions [Eq. 1 and P(J;J') = exp(DJ/g)]
provides a simple model for exploring the role of
weak collisions in J. The plots in Fig. 1 illustrate
the effect of varying the parameter g on the predicted rate constant for CH3 + H (+ He) recombination at 600 K. The predictions for g 2 are
in excellent agreement with the experimental
data. Meanwhile, the predictions for higher g values
converge to the 2D/ model, which lies about a
factor of 2 higher than experiment. However, trajectory calculations predict g = 5. This discrepancy
demonstrates the need for detailed nonseparable
models of the collision kernel, as considered next.
Here we use a direct coupling of classical
trajectory-based explorations of the full collision
kernel kc(E,J;E',J') with solutions to the 2DME to

obtain completely a priori predictions of pressuredependent kinetics. A full characterization of the

four-dimensional collisional kernel kc requires a
large number of trajectory simulations (e.g., 106)
because of its high-probability elastic peak and
low-probability long tails. However, the rate constants are expected to depend most sensitively
on the low-order moments of DE and DJ (21, 22).
Thus, we avoid here a detailed characterization
of kc and instead develop a practical model for
kc that reproduces its low-order moments.
The low-order moments of P for the changes
in E and J are defined as
DE m DJ n E ; J

dJ dE PE; J; E ; J DE m D J n


Although these moments are dependent on

the initial energy, E', and initial angular momentum, J', a detailed characterization of the initial
state dependence of <DE m DJ n> is not pursued
here. Instead, we define and evaluate double

DE m DJ n dJ hJ DE m DJ n E0 , J 3

where h(J') are reference (e.g., thermal) J' distributions, and E'0 is the rotationless threshold
Fig. 1. Plot of the pressure-dependent
rate constant for CH3 + H (+He) CH4
(+He) at 600 K for various approximate
models: the simple separable twoparameter 2DME model as a function
of the DJ range parameter g, the
one-parameter 2D/ model, and the
one-parameter 1DME model. Symbols
denote experimental results and error
bars from Brouard et al. (29).

Fig. 2. Plot of the full 2DME a priori

predictions (lines) for the pressuredependent rate constant for CH3 +
H CH4 for a variety of temperatures,
all with He as a bath gas. Symbols
denote experimental results and error
bars from Brouard et al. (29).

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



energy for dissociation. We have explicitly neglected to characterize the E' dependence in P
because the solution to the 2DME depends only
on E' values near the dissociation threshold,
where the dependence of P on E' is very weak.
These low-order moments may be readily evaluated with a limited number of trajectories (e.g.,
103), which facilitates routine implementation
of the approach and even suggests the feasibility of performing direct trajectory evaluations.
To solve the master equation, we use an ad
hoc analytic representation of the energy transfer function that is simple, yet flexible enough to
reproduce the low-order double moments defined in Eq. 3. Details are given in the supplementary material. Briefly, the functional form
allows for the modeling of weak collisions in J,
the nonseparability of DE and DJ, long tail (nonexponential) collisions in both DE and DJ, and an
explicit dependence on J'. The analytic functional
form has nine parameters that are determined
such that the analytic representation reproduces 135 low-order double moments of the energy
transfer function (Eq. 3) calculated using classical trajectories.
Barker and Weston have recently explored
the mapping of the four-dimensional collisioninduced transition kernel with trajectory simuFig. 3. Plot of the 1DME, 2D/f, and full
2DME predictions for the pressuredependent rate constant for H +
C2H2 C2H3 at room temperature
with He as a bath gas. Symbols denote
experimental results and error bars from
Keil et al. (30) and Payne and Stief (31).

Fig. 4. Plot of the 2DME a priori predictions for the temperature-dependent

rate constant for C2H3 H + C2H2 at a
range of densities that correlate with
pressures of ~ 6, 12, 24, and 48 Torr, all
with He as a bath gas. Symbols denote
experimental results and error bars from
Knyazev and Slagle (32).


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

lations in a study of the energy deactivation process for excited pyrazine and ethane (23). These
and earlier trajectory studies cited therein elucidated important details of P, but these details
have not found their way into kinetics calculations. Some prior master equation studies have
implemented the full 2DME (2426), but these
studies used empirical separable models owing
to the absence of data for the collision kernel.
The details of the present theoretical calculations are provided in the supplementary material, where the (i) implementation of the 2DME,
(ii) ab initio transition state theory calculations,
(iii) representation and fitting of the collisional
energy transfer kernel, and (iv) classical trajectory simulations are each discussed at length.
These descriptions include an illustration of the
quality of the present moment-fitting procedure
in fig. S2 and in table S2.
As a demonstration of our approach, we obtained a priori predictions for three representative classes of reaction, focusing on specific
reactions for which the experimental record appears fairly definitive. In particular, we studied
CH3 + H radical-radical recombination, H + C2H2
radical-molecule recombination, and C2H3 radical decomposition. Each of these reactions has
also been the subject of previous theoretical

studies by our team where the pressure dependence was treated empirically via adjustments
of a to reproduce the experimental k(T,p) using
the 2D/ model (18, 27, 28). Although the present
comparisons serve as a useful test of the approach, its true power will be in making predictions of rate coefficients for cases where there
are little or no experimental data. In this regard,
it is important to emphasize that the present approach is readily applicable to essentially arbitrary reactions and bath gases.
The pressure dependence of the CH3 + H recombination rate coefficient was considered at
four temperatures ranging from 300 to 600 K.
The predicted rate coefficients (Fig. 2) are seen to
be in excellent agreement with the experimental
data of Brouard et al. (29), generally within the
error bars. Although there are a few discordant
points at the lowest pressures for the two lowest
temperatures, there are some apparent irregularities in the experimental data in that range.
For example, the value near p = 25 Torr for 300 K
is below that for 400 K, which is difficult to
rationalize theoretically. Aside from that irregularity, theory and experiment generally agree to
within 20%.
The pressure dependence of the room temperature rate coefficient for the H + C2H2 radicalmolecule recombination to form C2H3 has been
studied experimentally over an exceptionally
broad range of pressures (from 1 to 1000 Torr)
by Keil et al. (30) and by Payne and Stief (31).
Meanwhile, the related reverse dissociation of
vinyl was studied by Knyazev and Slagle (32) for
a range of pressures at temperatures near 1000 K.
Taken together, the two sets of data provide a
stringent test for the present a priori approach.
As shown in Figs. 3 and 4, the predictions for
both the low-temperature recombination rate
constants and the high-temperature dissociation
rate constants are in very good agreement with
the experimental data, with maximum deviations
of about 20%.
In summary, the present pressure-dependent
kinetic analysis solves the two-dimensional master equation for the representation of the collisional E,J transition kernel specified by eqs. S1
to S5, with the parameters in the representation
obtained from fits to trajectory-based determinations of its low-order moments (Eq. 2). The
requisite (E,J)-resolved dissociation rate constants are obtained from ab initio transition
state theory calculations. The excellent performance of this fully a priori J-resolved pressuredependent kinetic analysis for these three test
cases strongly suggests that the present representation of the collision kernel (eq. S3) is accurate enough for obtaining kinetic estimates and
that the trajectory-based prediction of the underlying parameters is also quantitatively accurate. Thus, this method should prove highly
effective for predicting the pressure dependence
of experimentally unstudied reactions and will
serve as a great boon to the development of
chemical models for complex gas phase environments. It should also allow for the quantitative
prediction of the bath gas dependence of the rate SCIENCE


coefficients, a topic of considerable current interest in combustion kinetics, for example.

For more complex reactions, involving multiple product channels and/or multiple wells, the
competition between channels is strongly dependent on the details of the energy transfer process.
It is likely that prior empirical master equationbased calculations for such reactions have largely
yielded poor representations of the kinetics, at
least for the higher-energy channels. The quantitative prediction of such rate coefficients may
require the development of more complete representations of the collision kernel. For example,
the competition between two channels with widely
disparate rotational constants may require an
improved representation of the J' dependence
of the kernel, which could perhaps be achieved
through quadratic rather than linear expansions
of the parameters in eq. S5. Meanwhile, the
quantitative modeling of the competition between two channels with quite different thresholds requires an accurate description of the DE
dependence of the kernel over a broad range of
E. Although the stretched exponentials allow
some flexibility in this regard, it may also prove
necessary to employ a more general representation incorporating, for example, a sum of terms
of the form of eq. S3. Such double exponentials
have proven useful in studying the effect of highenergy tails (supercollisions) (33) in prior 1DME
studies (3, 18, 34). The present single-well singleproduct case study provides a roadmap for such
multiple-product multiple-well analyses.

23. J. R. Barker, R. E. Weston Jr., J. Phys. Chem. A 114,

1061910633 (2010).
24. S. J. Jeffrey, K. E. Gates, S. C. Smith, J. Phys. Chem. 100,
70907096 (1996).
25. S. H. Roberston, M. J. Pilling, K. E. Gates, S. C. Smith,
J. Comput. Chem. 18, 10041010 (1997).
26. P. K. Venkatesh, A. M. Dean, M. H. Cohen, R. W. Carr, J. Chem.
Phys. 111, 83138329 (1999).
27. S. J. Klippenstein, Y. Georgievskii, L. B. Harding, Proc.
Combust. Inst. 29, 12291236 (2002).
28. J. A. Miller, S. J. Klippenstein, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 6,
11921202 (2004).
29. M. Brouard, M. T. Macpherson, M. J. Pilling, J. Phys. Chem. 93,
40474059 (1989).
30. D. G. Keil, K. P. Lynch, J. A. Cowfer, J. V. Michael, Int. J. Chem.
Kinet. 8, 825857 (1976).
31. W. A. Payne, L. J. Stief, J. Chem. Phys. 64, 11501155
32. V. D. Knyazev, I. R. Slagle, J. Phys. Chem. 100, 1689916911
33. N. J. Brown, J. A. Miller, J. Chem. Phys. 80, 55685580
34. V. Bernshtein, I. Oref, J. Phys. Chem. 97, 1281112818 (1993).


This work is supported by the Division of Chemical Sciences,

Geosciences, and Biosciences, Office of Basic Energy Sciences,
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE-BES). The work at Argonne was
supported under Contract no. DE-AC02-06CH11357 as part of the
Argonne-Sandia Consortium on High-Pressure Combustion Chemistry
(FWP no. 59044). Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by
Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the U.S. DOE
under Contract no. DE-AC04-94-AL85000. Software development was
supported by the AITSTME project as part of the Predictive Theory and
Modeling component of the Materials Genome Initiative of DOE-BES.
K. Pelzer acknowledges the support of the DOE Computational Science
Graduate Fellowship under grant no. DE-FG02-97ER25308.
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 and S2
Tables S1 and S2
References (3545)
5 September 2014; accepted 28 October 2014


Subsurface cation vacancy

stabilization of the magnetite
(001) surface
R. Bliem,1 E. McDermott,2 P. Ferstl,3 M. Setvin,1 O. Gamba,1 J. Pavelec,1
M. A. Schneider,3 M. Schmid,1 U. Diebold,1 P. Blaha,2 L. Hammer,3 G. S. Parkinson1*


1. B. Widom, Science 148, 15551560 (1965).

2. K. A. Holbrook, M. J. Pilling, S. H. Robertson, Unimolecular
Reactions (Wiley, West Sussex, 1996).
3. R. G. Gilbert, S. C. Smith, Theory of Unimolecular and
Recombination Reactions (Blackwell Scientific, Oxford, UK,
4. J. A. Miller, S. J. Klippenstein, J. Phys. Chem. A 110,
1052810544 (2006).
5. D. C. Clary, Science 279, 18791882 (1998).
6. D. H. Zhang, M. A. Collins, S.-Y. Lee, Science 290, 961963
7. S. L. Mielke et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 063201 (2003).
8. T. Wu, H.-J. Werner, U. Manthe, Science 306, 22272229
9. H. Sabbah et al., Science 317, 102105 (2007).
10. D. Polino, S. J. Klippenstein, L. B. Harding, Y. Georgievskii,
J. Phys. Chem. A 117, 1267712692 (2013).
11. S. J. Klippenstein, Y. Georgievskii, L. B. Harding, Phys. Chem.
Chem. Phys. 8, 11331147 (2006).
12. A. W. Jasper, J. A. Miller, S. J. Klippenstein, J. Phys. Chem. A
117, 1224312255 (2013).
13. V. D. Knyazev, J. Phys. Chem. 99, 1473814741 (1995).
14. R. Sivaramakrishnan et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 115, 33663379
15. C. F. Goldsmith, A. S. Tomlin, S. J. Klippenstein, Proc.
Combust. Inst. 34, 177185 (2013).
16. In many works, the total internal energy E is replaced with
the active energy e, which represents the vibrational energy
of the molecule.
17. S. C. Smith, R. G. Gilbert, Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 20, 307329
18. J. A. Miller, S. J. Klippenstein, C. Raffy, J. Phys. Chem. A 106,
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19. A. W. Jasper, J. A. Miller, J. Phys. Chem. A 115, 64386455
20. G. C. Schatz, G. Lendvay, J. Chem. Phys. 106, 35483557
21. J. Keck, G. Carrier, J. Chem. Phys. 43, 22842298
22. J. Troe, J. Chem. Phys. 66, 47454757 (1977).


Iron oxides play an increasingly prominent role in heterogeneous catalysis, hydrogen production,
spintronics, and drug delivery. The surface or material interface can be performance-limiting
in these applications, so it is vital to determine accurate atomic-scale structures for iron oxides
and understand why they form. Using a combination of quantitative low-energy electron
diffraction, scanning tunneling microscopy, and density functional theory calculations, we show
ordered array of subsurface iron vacancies and interstitials underlies the well-known
p an
( 2 2)R45 reconstruction of Fe3O4(001). This hitherto unobserved stabilization mechanism
occurs because the iron oxides prefer to redistribute cations in the lattice in response to oxidizing
or reducing environments. Many other metal oxides also achieve stoichiometry variation in
this way, so such surface structures are likely commonplace.

he properties of metal oxide surfaces are

inextricably linked to their atomic-scale
structure, which makes obtaining a precise
structural model a vital prerequisite to understanding and modeling surface processes. The typical starting point to guess the
structure of a metal oxide surface is the Tasker
surface polarity criteria (1). These simple and
convenient rules have proven remarkably successful for predicting the stable terminations
of model systems such as TiO2, MgO, and ZnO
(2, 3). A second guiding principle to emerge
from 20 years of metal oxide surface science is
the vital role played by oxygen vacancies (VOs).
Institute of Applied Physics, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10,
Vienna University of Technology, 1040 Vienna, Austria.
Institute of Materials Chemistry, Getreidemarkt 9, Vienna
University of Technology, 1060 Vienna, Austria. 3Chair of
Solid State Physics, University of Erlangen-Nrnberg,
Staudtstrasse 7, 91058 Erlangen, Germany.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

The surface VO concentration is usually in equilibrium with the bulk, where such defects form
when the oxide is reduced. At the surface, VOs
strongly affect the electronic structure, are active
sites for chemical reactions (4, 5), and play a
central role in surface reconstructions. There
exists another class of metal oxides, however,
in which stoichiometric variation is accommodated primarily via the cations; the iron oxides
are the prototypes. Wstite (FeO), magnetite
(Fe3O4), and hematite (a-Fe2O3) are all based
on a close-packed O2 anion lattice and differ
primarily in the number, oxidation state, and
distribution of the cations among octahedral
and tetrahedral interstitial sites, Feoct and Fetet
(6). Near the phase boundaries, FeO can incorporate up to 17% of Feoct vacancies, whereas the
metastable phase maghemite (g-Fe2O3) is essentially Fe3O4 with 1/6 of the Feoct removed.
We now show that an ordered array of subsurface cation vacancies and interstitials underlies
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



p p
the well-known ( 2  2)R45 reconstruction of
Fe3O4(001). This stabilization is driven by the
material adopting a stoichiometry compatible
with its environment. The oxides of Co, Mn, and
Ni exhibit similar cation redistributions in reducing and oxidizing environments, so such reconstructions may be a common occurrence.
In the (001) direction, Fe3O4 consists of alternating planes of Fetet and (Feoct)2O4 and thus
appears to be a classic Tasker typep

(1, 3). Indeed, early studies of the ( 2  2)R45

reconstruction considered only structures compatible with polarity compensation (79). However, Fe3O4 is metallic, so it is not clear why the
polar catastrophe should occur at all. In fact,
the current model for the Fe3O4(001) surface is
based on a nominally polar bulk truncation at
the Feoct-O plane. For this termination (Fig. 1A),
density functional theorybased calculations
(DFT+U) (1012) find pairs of surface Feoct
relaxed in opposite directions perpendicular to
structure produces the requisite
p row.

( 2  2)R45 periodicity and is in qualitative

agreement with undulating rows of Feoct atoms
observed in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)
images (7, 8). The emergence of orbital order
among the Feoct cations in subsurface layers
has been likened to the Verwey phase of Fe3O4
(11), which forms below a transition temper-

ature of 125 K. This structure has been widely

accepted, largely on the basis of low-energy electron diffraction (LEED IV) (12) and surface x-ray
diffraction (SXRD) (10) measurements, which purport to confirm the structure. However, the
quantitative measure of agreement between experimental and theoretical LEED IV curves, the
Pendry R-factor (RP) (13), was poor (RP = 0.34) in
comparison with what is achieved for metal and
elemental semiconductor surfaces (RP < 0.2). This
classic study, and several others (1416), suggest
that the achievable RP is limited for metal oxide
surfaces, either because the scattering calculations
fail to account for ionic bonding (1416) or because oxides contain many defects (12).
Perspective (Fig. 1B) and top (Fig. 1C) views of
the subsurface cation vacancy (SCV) structure of
Fe3O4(001), as determined
p with
p DFT+U calculations, show that the ( 2  2)R45 periodicity
arises from replacing two Feoct from the third
layer by an interstitial Feint with tetrahedral coordination in the
p layera net removal of
one cation per ( 2  2)R45 unit cell. The subsurface reorganization distorts the surface layer,
and the resulting undulations in the Feoct rows
are more pronounced than in the bulk truncation model (Fig. 1, A and B). All cations in the
four outermost layers possess a magnetic moment
of 3.85 to 4.01 mB. This is indicative of an Fe3+-like

Fig. 1. DFT+U calculations

p show
p that an ordered array of cation vacancies underlies the ( 2 2)R45 reconstruction of the Fe3O4(001)
surface. (A) Minimum-energy structure of the distorted bulk truncation
model (10, 12). (B and C) Perspective and plan views of the subsurface cation
vacancy structure. A pair of Feoct cations from the third layer is replaced by
an interstitial Fetet (labeled Feint) in the second layer. (D) Au adatoms bind


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

character that is also observed in x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) (9); angle-resolved
XPS spectra are provided in fig. S1 (17). The Feoct
and Fetet sublattices remain antiferromagnetically
coupled as in the bulk, yielding a reduced net
magnetic moment in the SCV reconstruction. The
absence of Fe2+ suggests that the contribution
of the orbital moment should be small. The magnetic moments of all atoms in the surface region
are contained in table S1 (17) together with their
optimized DFT+U coordinates. The energetic
preference for the SCV structure is borne out by
atomistic thermodynamics calculations (Fig. 1E)
(18). The distorted bulk truncation is only favored
below an oxygen chemical potential of 3 eV, corresponding to an O2 partial pressure of <1020 mbar
at 900 K. Under such reducing conditions, however, Fe-rich surface phases occur (19). Although
a-Fe2O3 is predicted to take over as the thermo9
p p stable phase above 10 mbar, the
( 2  2)R45 reconstruction persists up to
105 mbar. It has been shown that a-Fe2O3 inclusions grow slowly at 106 mbar O2 (20), whereas
conversion of the surface to g-Fe2O3(001) requires
extremely oxidizing conditions (9).
A key success of the SCV structure is that it explains the extraordinary thermal stability of Au,
Ag, and Pd adatoms at the Fe3O4(001) surface,
which resist agglomeration into clusters up to

strongly (2.03 eV) to surface O at positions without second-layer Fetet atoms.

These sites, marked with an in (C), result in a nearest-neighbor Au
distance of 8.4 (21). (E) Surface energy as a function of oxygen chemical
potential, mO, for both structures. The mO is converted to an O2 pressure for a
nominal annealing temperature of 900 K. The cation vacancy structure is
stable in all experimentally accessible conditions. SCIENCE


700 K (19, 2123). Adatoms exclusively occupy just

one of
available bulk continuation sites
per ( 2  2)R45 unit cell. This finding is difficult to reconcile with the distorted bulk trunca-

tion model because the two sites are identical save

for the subtle relaxations and the subsurface orbital ordering. Unsurprisingly, DFT+U calculations
for Au adatom adsorption on the bulk-truncated

surface reveal no clear preference for one specific site. On the SCV structure, the interstitial
Feint blocks the adsorption of an adatom in the
bulk continuation site directly above. For Au, a
Fig. 2. Quantitative low-energy electron diffraction measurements unambiguously confirm
the subsurface cation vacancy termination of
Fe3O4(001). (A) Comparison of selected experimental LEED IV spectra and theoretical curves for
the optimized subsurface vacancy structure. The
final RP for the best-fit structure is 0.125; the selected beams have an individual RP close to this
average. (B and C) Experimental LEED patterns
for electron energies of 149 and 285 eV, respectively. Diffraction spots highlighted with yellow circles
correspond topthe
in (A). The red square
indicates the ( 2  2)R45 unit cell.

Fig. 3. STM images of the Fe3O4(001) surface are dominated by electronic

effects. (A to C) Empty-state STM images obtained on the same sample
area in (A) constant-height and constant-current mode with (B) tunneling
current (It) = 0.15 nA and (C) It = 0.15 nA. The bias voltages are given in
each panel. An Fe adatom defect in the top left of each image defines a
constant position (equivalent to the position of the yellow ). As the STM
bias is increased, the apparent undulations in the Feoct rows reverse phase. (D
to F) Simulated STM images at scanning conditions corresponding to (A) to (C).


(G to I) Electronic charge density contour plots in cross section at the position

indicated by the red line in (D). The t2g orbitals of the surface Feoct atoms (blue
dashed circles) are distorted, resulting in a density that is asymmetric about the
atom core position. (J) Electronic density of states above EF for the surface Feoct
atoms. As the tunneling bias is increased, different Fe d orbitals contribute to the
STM images. At 0.17 V, only part of the t2g orbital is accessed, followed by more
spherically symmetric dz2 and dx2y2 eg orbitals at higher bias. The higher bias
gives a more realistic indication of the atomic core positions.

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



stable binding configuration (2.03 eV) is found

only in the twofold coordinated site located above
the bulk-like subsurface region (Fig. 1D), which
results in nearest neighbors 8.4 apart (19, 2123).
To independently confirm the SCV structure
of Fe3O4(001), we conducted LEED IV experiments. Selected experimental spectra are shown
in Fig. 2A, together with best-fit curves resulting
from optimized structural parameters. [The supplementary materials contain the full set of curves
(fig. S3), the optimized coordinates (table S2),
their associated error estimates, and a structure
file that can be opened by most visualization
software programs (17).] The best-fit structure
achieved RP = 0.125, a vast improvement over
the 0.34 obtained previously for the distorted
bulk truncation model (12). Moreover, the agreement between the LEED IV parameters and the
DFT+U optimized structure is excellent (table S3)
(17). In the surface layer, all atoms relax toward
the nearest interstitial Feint atom in the second
layer (Fig. 1, B and C). The largest relaxation
(0.28 in the surface plane) occurs for the O
furthest from Feint. In DFT+U calculations, this
atom has a large magnetic moment (0.35 mB) and
is close to a 1 charge state. The lateral relaxations of the surface Feoct atoms (0.11 ) produce
a peak-to-peak undulation of 0.22 in the Feoct
rows. Whereas the Feint atom resides 0.08
below the bulk-like Fetet atoms, a slight rumpling
in the neighboring Feoct-O layers preserves the
Fe-O bond lengths within 2% (1.889 ).
Because STM is the method of choice for
monitoring dispersed adsorbates, it is important to establish the appearance of adsorption
sites in the SCV structure. Three empty-state
STM images taken at the same area with different tunneling voltages are shown in Fig. 3, A to C.
An Fe adatom [a typical defect after sputter/
anneal cycles (24)] in the upper left corner served
as a marker. Fe occupies the same adsorption
site as Au, Ag, and Pd adatoms (19, 2123), the
bulk continuation site marked with the yellow
in Fig. 1C. At low sample bias, the undulations
in the Feoct row appeared pronounced, and the
is located where the Fe rows apparently come
closest together. [In our previous work (19, 2123),
we called this position the narrow site.] When
the bias was increased to 2.0 V, the Feoct rows
appeared almost
and it was difficult to
p straight,
discern the ( 2  2)R45 periodicity. At 3.4 V,
the undulations returned, but the was located
in the opposite phase of the reconstruction, where
the Feoct rows were furthest apart.
This trend was borne out in STM simulations
(Fig. 3, D to F) and can be understood by examining the density of states (DOS) of the surface
Feoct atoms (Fig. 3J) and the corresponding
charge density contour plots (Fig. 3, G to I). At
positive sample bias, electrons tunnel from the
tip into empty states above the Fermi level (EF).
The d states are split by the crystal field, and the
t2g orbitals straddle EF. At 0.17 V, electrons can
tunnel only into a t2g orbital, which is tilted offaxis because of an antibonding interaction with
the underlying O-atom (Fig. 3G). Thus, the imaged
electron density is not symmetric about the atom

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

cores. At 3.4 V, when tunneling is dominated by

the symmetric dz2 and dx2y2 eg orbitals, the STM
images are more in line with the true relaxations
as determined with DFT+U and LEED IV.
The SCV structure described here could not
have been predicted by using polarity compensation rules (3). The driving force of the reconstruction is the oxygen chemical potential, which
is consistent with previous reports of reduced
terminations on the Fe3O4(111) (25, 26) and
Fe2O3(0001) (27) surfaces. Although the bulk is
restricted to the FeO (rocksalt), Fe3O4 (spinel),
and Fe2O3 (corundum) structures, the lack of threedimensional periodicity at the surface permits
the formation of the SCV structure, a distinct
phase with an intermediate
p pFe11O16 stoichiometry.
In this light, the ( 2  2)R45 reconstruction
must be seen as the first stage in the oxidation of
Fe3O4. With all cations in a bulk-like environment,
it is a highly stable configuration. It is unlikely
that the structure penetrates deeper because
there the interstitial Feint would prevent the occupation of a bulk Fetet site in the next layer above.
The same effect is at work in the surface layer
(Fig. 1D), where the Feint blocks Au adsorption
in one of the bulk continuation Fetet sites.
The RP of 0.125 achieved in our LEED IV experiments strongly supports the SCV structure
and also shows that there is no inherent problem
in the LEED IV methodology that limits the obtainable agreement for complex metal oxide surfaces. Although it is of course important to ensure
that the surface under investigation is of the
highest quality (ideally cross-checked with in situ
imaging), and to minimize damage by the LEED
electron beam, using the correct trial structure
in the calculations is essential. To reinforce this
point, we also analyzed the experimental data
set acquired in a previous LEED IV study of this
surface (12). Despite the crystals, vacuum system,
measurement temperature, and preparation
conditions differing between the measurements,
a similar RP of 0.124 was obtained.
p the
p true structure of the
Fe3O4(001)( 2  2)R45 surface is vital to
correctly interpret experimental results acquired
for this surface. For example, the observation
of a surface band gap was taken as evidence for
a surface Verwey transition (11). Our results
show that the modified electronic structure is in
fact due to an entirely different iron oxide phase
being present at the surface and is not related to
charge/orbital ordering. The SCV reconstruction
also likely explains why spin-polarized photoemission does not yield the 100% spin polarization
predicted for the bulk (28). This surface-sensitive
technique mainly probes the Fe11O16 phase, which
has little DOS at EF, no pronounced spin polarization (Fig. 3J), and a reduced net magnetization.
Such a magnetic dead layer has been blamed
for the poor performance of Fe3O4-based spintronics devices (29, 30). Perhaps the most exciting consequence of the SCV structure is that it
supports isolated metal adatoms that remain stable against agglomeration until the reconstruction is lifted at 700 K (23, 31). This distinctive
property, which represents the ultimate limit of

the adsorption template phenomenon, provides

a well-defined initial state for fundamental studies
of cluster nucleation and growth (22, 23) and offers an ideal model system with which to uncover
the mechanisms of single-atom catalysis (32).
Given that the oxides of Co, Mn, and Ni exhibit
a similar tendency to rearrange the cation lattice
as the iron oxides, and even traverse the same
oxidation pathway (from rocksalt structures
through spinel to corundum), cation vacancy
reconstructions are likely commonplace.

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15. V. B. Nascimento et al., Phys. Rev. B 75, 035408 (2007).
16. K. Pussi et al., Surf. Sci. 606, 16 (2012).
17. Materials and methods are available as supplementary
materials on Science Online.
18. K. Reuter, M. Scheffler, Phys. Rev. B 65, 035406 (2001).
19. Z. Novotny et al., Phys. Rev. B 87, 195410 (2013).
20. S. Nie et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 1009110098 (2013).
21. Z. Novotn et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 216103 (2012).
22. G. S. Parkinson et al., Nat. Mater. 12, 724728 (2013).
23. R. Bliem et al., ACS Nano 8, 75317537 (2014).
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U. Diebold, Surf. Sci. Lett. 605, L42L45 (2011).
25. N. G. Condon et al., Phys. Rev. B 55, 1588515894 (1997).
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K. R. Poeppelmeier, Surf. Sci. 603, 25742579 (2009).
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G.S.P. and O.G. acknowledge support from the Austrian Science

Fund project number P24925-N20. R.B. and E.M. acknowledge a
stipend from the Vienna University of Technology and Austrian
Science Fund doctoral college SOLIDS4FUN, project number
W1243. U.D. and J.P. acknowledge support by the European
Research Council advanced grant OxideSurfaces. P.B. was
supported by the Austrian Science Fund project SFB-F41 ViCoM.
The computational results were achieved (in part) using the Vienna
Scientific Cluster (VSC). All authors acknowledge Z. Mao and
T. J. Liu (Tulane University) for the synthetic sample used in this
work. We thank W. Moritz for sharing experimental LEED IV spectra.
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S3
Tables S1 to S3
References (3335)
Database S1
28 August 2014; accepted 17 October 2014
10.1126/science.1260556 SCIENCE



Summer jobs reduce violence among

disadvantaged youth
Sara B. Heller1,2*
Every day, acts of violence injure more than 6000 people in the United States. Despite
decades of social science arguing that joblessness among disadvantaged youth is a key
cause of violent offending, programs to remedy youth unemployment do not consistently
reduce delinquency. This study tests whether summer jobs, which shift focus from
remediation to prevention, can reduce crime. In a randomized controlled trial among 1634
disadvantaged high school youth in Chicago, assignment to a summer jobs program
decreases violence by 43% over 16 months (3.95 fewer violent-crime arrests per 100
youth). The decline occurs largely after the 8-week intervention ends. The results suggest
the promise of using low-cost, well-targeted programs to generate meaningful behavioral
change, even with a problem as complex as youth violence.

very day in the United States, acts of violence kill almost 150 people and injure over
6000 more (1, 2). This public health crisis
(3) disproportionately involves youth, who
are twice as likely as adults to be both victims and perpetrators of violence (4). The problem is most concentrated among disadvantaged
minority youth; violent-crime arrest rates for
African-American juveniles are five times as high
as that of their white counterparts (5).
Poverty scholar W. J. Wilson identifies one major
cause of these racial violence disparities among
young people: joblessness (6). His argument adds
to decades of social science investigating how poor
job prospects cause crime, from weakening social
bonds to generating psychic strain to reducing
the perceived cost of punishment (710). Policy
discussions often conclude that public employment and training programs are a solution to
youth violence on the grounds that nothing stops
a bullet like a job (11).
The empirical literature on youth employment
programs, however, suggests that the practical applications of this idea are limited (12). Several major
employment programs fail to reduce delinquency
among youth (13, 14). The two experimentally evaluated interventions that do lower crime, at least
during the program, involve such intensity and expense that their benefits fail to outweigh their costs
(15, 16). Attempts to provide shorter, more scalable
employment services have, if anything, increased
adolescents criminal behavior (17). The theoretical
promise of using employment interventions to fight
youth violence does not appear to translate easily
into empirical reality; only very high levels of investment seem able to reduce crime (supplementary
materials, section 2.1) (18).
But, one widespread type of youth employment program has not yet been rigorously evaluated: summer jobs (19, 20). Despite some
promising observational studies (21), there is little convincing causal evidence on the effects of
Department of Criminology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, USA. 2University of Chicago Crime Lab,
Chicago, IL, USA.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]


these short-term, low-cost programs and, to my

knowledge, no experimental evidence on whether
summer jobs can reduce crime (supplementary
materials, section 2.1).
This paper presents the results of a large-scale
randomized controlled trial that tests a public
summer jobs program in Chicago called One Summer Plus (OSP). OSP offers 8 weeks of part-time
summer employment at Illinois minimum wage
($8.25/hour). Local community organizations place
youth in nonprofit and government jobs (for example, summer camp counselors, workers in a community garden, or office assistants for an alderman).
Youth are assigned job mentorsadults who help
them learn to be successful employees and to navigate barriers to employmentat a ratio of about
10 to 1. Half the treatment group also receives
social-emotional learning (SEL) based on cognitive
behavioral therapy principles, aimed at teaching
youth to understand and manage the aspects of
their thoughts, emotions, and behavior that might
interfere with employment (supplementary materials, section 2.2).
The study randomly assigns 1634 8th- to
12th-grade applicants enrolled in 13 high-violence
Chicago schools to program (jobs-only or jobs +
SEL) or control conditions (22). Youth in the
jobs-only group are offered 25 hours per week of
paid employment; youth in the jobs + SEL group
are paid for 15 hours of work and 10 hours of SEL
weekly. Control youth are excluded from the program but free to pursue other opportunities.
The existing employment literature might suggest that this kind of low-dosage jobs program is
unlikely to change criminal behavior. But, there is
an important difference between summer jobs for
in-school youth and the previous literature: The
well-studied youth employment programs generally act as tertiary prevention, targeting youth already out of school and struggling in the labor
market. Research in domains such as education
and health, however, suggests that for many negative outcomes caused at least in part by prior behavior (for example, poor school performance and
dropout, or certain types of cancer), primary and
secondary preventionintervening before onset

rather than managing or trying to reverse a problem once it occurscan improve outcomes more
effectively, with less intensive treatment (2325)
If this well-established idea that prevention can
be more effective than remediation also applies to
the employment domain, teaching adolescents how
to be successful employees, facilitating connections
to employer networks, and providing work experience before they drop out of school might reduce
crime with less intensive intervention than is required for already disconnected youth. Offering
summer employment at this key point in the life
course could make crime a relatively less attractive option, strengthen social bonds, and develop
soft skills such as self-efficacy and impulse control
(7, 2628). Waiting until after dropout to intervene
may make it more difficult to reduce violence in
particular, given the apparently causal relationship
between school dropout and criminal behavior, especially murder and assault (29). Limiting the intervention to summer avoids direct conflicts
between work and school. Summer jobs also provide wages and structured activity during a highcrime season when youth might otherwise be idle,
both of which may affect crime (30, 31).
However, the theory on summer jobs is not entirely clear-cut. Additional income could be spent
on crime-inducing goods such as drugs and alcohol, and time spent traveling to and from work
might increase exposure to criminal opportunities.
Even the attempt to keep youth busy (the incapacitation effect) may be poorly targeted because
most jobs are during business hours, whereas most
crime occurs during evenings and weekends. More
broadly, a short-term subsidized job might not be
enough to generate behavior changes beyond the
summer itself. The effects of summer jobs are
therefore an empirical question.
Data come from matching study youth to
administrative data sources (supplementary materials, materials and methods). Program participation is from provider-tracked attendance
records. Student-level administrative records from
the Chicago Public Schools capture pre- and postprogram academic outcomes from the 20112012
and 20122013 academic years, respectively. Demographic information on applicants neighborhoods comes from matching the Census tract of
youths home addresses to the 2010 American Community Survey. The main outcome measures are
from individual-level Chicago Police Department
arrest records covering both juveniles and adults
(32). The study uses data through 25 September
2013, which is 16 months after randomization
(13 months after the end of the program).
The analysis categorizes arrests by offense type
(violent, property, drug, and other). It is common
for social interventions to have differential impacts
on these different types of crime (31, 33, 34), likely
because some of the underlying causes differ.
Violent crime stems from conflicts between people, so problematic cognitive and emotional responses to social interactionsincluding hostile
attribution bias, uncontrolled anger, and hot
decision-makingare thought to be proximal
causes of youth violence in particular (35, 36).
Nonviolent crimes, which involve property or
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214




5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Table 1. Mean preprogram characteristics for treatment and control groups. To test baseline
equivalence, each characteristic was regressed on treatment indicator and blocking variables using
heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors; the P value column reports statistical significance of
treatment indicators coefficient. Demographic and schooling data are from Chicago Public Schools
administrative records on pre-program year (20112012 school year). Free/reduced price lunch is
proxy for family poverty. Days absent are reported as a percentage of days enrolled (average missed,
29 days). Arrest and victimization data are from Chicago Police Department administrative records.
Neighborhood characteristics are from 2010 American Community Survey and Chicago Police
Departments community-area crime rates. Percent unemployed is percent of civilian labor force over
age 16 years looking for work but without a job. Table uses nonmissing data only (5 youth missing school
attendance data, 60 missing fall GPA, 1 missing neighborhood violent-crime rate). Gender is not included
in the table because it is captured by the blocking variables; 38% of the sample is male.

Control mean

Treatment mean

(n = 904)

(n = 730)



Percent Black
Percent Hispanic
Percent free/reduced price lunch

P value


Percent days absent
GPA in fall 2011 (4 point scale)
Percent enrolled in summer school 2011




Crime and victimization

Percent ever arrested
No. of violent-crime arrests
No. of property-crime arrests
No. of drug arrests
No. of other arrests
Percent ever victimized
No. of victimizations







Neighborhood characteristics
Percent unemployed
Percent below poverty line
Median household income (US$)
Violent crime rate (per 100,000)


Treatment mean

.02 .04 .06 .08


0.123 0.122






Average # arrests per youth

Control mean









Fig. 1. ITT program effect on

crime by arrest type. Shown
are the control group mean,
regression-adjusted treatment
mean, difference between the
two (ITT), and 95% confidence
interval for the difference by
arrest type. Data are from Chicago Police Department administrative arrest records through
16 months after randomization.
ITT was calculated by using
ordinary least squares regression with heteroskedasticityrobust SEs, controlling for
baseline covariates and
blocking variables. Percent
change is relative to the control
mean. ***P < 0.01, **P < 0.05,
*P < 0.10

Intenttotreat program effect

drugs more often than interpersonal conflict, may

be relatively more responsive to situational and
economic factors (37, 38). Because OSP could affect
how youth perceive and respond to social interactions differently from how it affects their economic
situations, opportunities for crime, or drug use, the
study estimates program effects separately by
crime type.
Average applicant characteristics on a variety of
preprogram measures are shown in Table 1. None
of the differences across the columns is statistically
significant, nor are they jointly significant (F31,1517 =
0.37, P = 0.9995), confirming the success of
Applicants are on average just over age 16 years
(minimum, 14 years; maximum, 21 years), and
almost all are African-American. Over 90% are
eligible for free or reduced price lunches (a proxy
for family poverty), with average grade point
averages (GPAs) around a C in the prior fall
semester. Study youth missed 18% of the preprogram school year, or around 6 weeks. About
20% had been arrested at baseline, and just
over 20% had been victimized. Applicants live in
highly disadvantaged neighborhoods: Unemployment averages over 19%; a third of households
are under the poverty line; and violent crime
rates are extremely high (more than 2100 incidents per 100,000 people).
The main text presents intent-to-treat (ITT) estimates, which measure the average difference between those randomly assigned to treatment and
control groups. Three quarters of treatment youth
actually participate (supplementary materials, section 2.3, and table S1). Because not all youth who
are offered the program enroll, the ITT understates
the effect of the program on those who choose to
participate. This treatment-on-the-treated effect is
discussed and estimated in the materials and
methods section and section 2.4 of the supplementary materials. Program impacts are shown both
for the treatment group as a whole and each treatment arm.
During the 16-month follow-up period, ~17%
of the control group (n = 155 youth) is arrested
for any crime, with an average of 0.30 arrests
per youth. The main ITT results are presented
in Fig. 1. Violent-crime arrests among the treatment group decrease by 43% relative to the control group (0.0395 fewer arrests, or almost 4 fewer
per 100 youth; P = 0.022). There are no significant changes in other types of arrests (39). The
results are robust to accounting for the number
of hypothesis tests conducted, allowing youth
outcomes to be correlated within schools and
using a nonlinear specification for count data
(supplementary materials, section 2.5). Although
the study was not powered to detect heterogeneous treatment effects across subgroups, there
is suggestive evidence that arrests fall more among
youth at higher risk of violence (supplementary
materials, section 2.7).
An important question concerns what mechanisms drive this considerable behavioral change.
One hypothesis for why prior youth employment
programs require high intensity to succeed is that
disadvantaged adolescents may lack the soft skills

Difference (ITT)
95% confidence interval SCIENCE


to engage with less intensive pro-social programming (40). If so, OSPs SEL curriculumwhich
focuses on emotion and conflict management,
social information processing, and goal setting
could be a key driver of the violence decrease. Because SEL was randomly assigned, the study can
separately identify any additional role of SEL.
ITT violence effects by treatment group are
shown in Table 2. Not only is the difference between groups statistically insignificant, but the
magnitude is also tiny (1% of the control mean).
The nearly identical point estimates suggest that
the statistical similarity across groups is not just
the result of limited power to detect subgroup
differences. Instead, it appears that both groups of
youth experienced very similar drops in violence. The same is true for other crime types (supplementary materials, section 2.6, and table S4).
Although the experimental design can only directly isolate the role of SEL, another potentially
important mechanism is testable indirectly: whether the decrease in violence is a mechanical result of
youth having less time to engage in crime while
working over the summer (an incapacitation effect). If so, and youth returned to their prior behavioral patterns immediately after the program

Table 2. ITT effect on violent-crime arrests by

treatment group. Results are from regression of
number of violent-crime arrests on separate treatment group indicators, baseline covariates, and
block fixed effects. Bottom row shows the magnitude and SE of the difference in effect across
treatment arms. Heteroskedasticity-robust standard
errors are in parentheses. ***P < 0.01, **P < 0.05,
*P < 0.10




Jobs + SEL


Fig. 2. Time path of

violence decrease.
Shown is the regressionadjusted cumulative
difference in the number
of violent-crime arrests
between treatment and
control youth by month.
Random assignment lottery occurred at month
0; program ended at
month 3. Regressions
include baseline covariates and blocking variables. Confidence intervals
were calculated by using
heteroskedasticityrobust SEs.


Cumulative decrease in violentcrime arrests


Difference between groups

ended, one would expect to see a large violence

drop during the program period, after which there
would be no treatment-control difference. This is
not the case. The ITT violence decrease during the
3 months between random assignment and the
end of the program is proportionally large but statistically insignificant (0.005 violent-crime arrests,
P = 0.39, control mean = 0.01). During the following 13 months (excluding the program period),
treatment reduces the number of violent-crime arrests by 0.035 (P = 0.03, control mean = 0.08).
The time path of the violence decrease is shown
in Fig. 2 in greater detail. It graphs the cumulative
treatment effect over time, with each point adding
an additional month of data to the prior effect.
The drop in arrests becomes statistically different
from zero around month 6, 3 months after the end
of the program, and continues to grow through
month 11, after which it flattens out. The downward slope of the effect makes it clear that the
bulk of the drop in violence accrues between
months 5 and 11, well after the end of the program
at month 3.
One way the program might have changed behavior during these later months is by increasing
time spent in school, either by developing prosocial attitudes or providing information on
how the labor market values education. However, schooling data suggest that this is unlikely
to be the key mechanism. There is no treatment
effect on days present (or other academic outcomes) during the following school year, with
confidence intervals small enough to make changes
in attendance an implausible cause of the drop
in violence (supplementary materials, section
2.10, and table S7).
Prior research on youth employment suggests
that only costly and intensive employment programs can reduce crime. The current study demonstrates that when offered to youth still in school, an
intervention need not be lengthy to change behavior; an 8-week summer jobs program reduces violence among an adolescent population living in
some of the most violent neighborhoods in the
The results are consistent with the idea that employment programs can have a larger impact at

End of program

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Months since random assignment

Intenttotreat program effect

95% confidence interval

lower cost when offered to disadvantaged youth

before school exit. There are, however, other possible reasons why this study finds larger effects
than previous work. For example, OSP involved an
adult job mentor making regular visits to the workplace, whereas most of the evaluated U.S. youth
programs do not. The measurement of crime may
also matter. If reaching youth before school exit is
the key difference, one might expect multiple-year
interventions for high school youth that aim to
improve both education and employment outcomes
to generate even larger impacts than seen here. In
fact, they generally find no effects on crime (41, 42).
But, the evaluations of those two programs use
self-reported overall crime rates, separating only
drug and alcohol use. Given that effects are heterogeneous by crime type, it is possible that these
programs also reduced violence, but that the
studies aggregated crime outcomes to a level that
masked the effect.
The estimates in this paper rely on administrative arrest records, which only capture offenses
known to the police. Nationally, about half of violent incidents are reported to police, about half of
which result in an arrest (43, 44). As such, the estimates here may considerably understate the
number of violent crimes prevented (supplementary materials, section 2.9).
The fact that both the jobs-only and jobs + SEL
versions of the program were equally effective
means that SEL cannot be the only operative
mechanism. A similar SEL program has reduced
violence on its own (45), but the jobs-related programming was enough to generate the steep drop
in violence independently. Because replacing
2 hours of work with an SEL curriculum neither
improved nor reduced the interventions impact,
the relevant mechanism is likely to be something
common across the two types of programming.
One possibility is that the substance of the
SEL curriculumteaching youth to process social
information, manage thoughts and emotions, and
set and achieve goals more successfullywas
taught equally well on the job. Youth could have
learned these skills from interactions with the
job mentors, who were part of both treatment
arms. Reports from the program providers suggest that the mentors play a large part in helping
youth learn to manage conflict in the workplace,
in addition to teaching basic job skills. The process of working itself might also be enough to
improve self-control, develop self-efficacy, and
reduce frustration (all potential determinants
of how youth perceive and respond to conflict).
One study, which randomly assigned adults to an
earnings subsidy program to increase employment, found that treated individuals report a
greater sense of control over their lives and less
anger about their lack of opportunities (46).
Another possibility is that the relevant mechanism was something else that both groups received: income, a caring adult, job skills, and/or
employer connections. The experimental design
cannot tease out which program element or
elements generate the decrease in violence. Nonetheless, because schooling outcomes show little movement, it is unlikely that changes in
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



perceptions about the value of schooling, or

simply the amount of time in school, are the
main drivers of the violence drop. The program provides a relatively large income shock,
averaging $1400 in neighborhoods where one
third of households are below the poverty line
and median income is about $35,000. Additional income could change criminal behavior
directly or increase parental supervision by reducing how much parents need to work away
from home. It is also possible that improved postprogram employment plays a role, although the
direction of that effect is theoretically ambiguous.
Working more could reduce all types of crime
through incapacitation or by making it more
costly to be incarcerated. But, the increased income could also have mixed effects, for example by reducing economically motivated crimes
such as theft while increasing the ability to purchase drugs.
The fact that OSP only reduces violent crime is
perhaps most consistent with a role for improvements in self-control, social information processing, and decision-making, which as discussed
above are more central to violent behavior than
to other types of crime. Other interventions that
target these skills through either explicit curricula or mentorship have also reduced youth
delinquency with very few contact hours (47, 48).
One key insight from the data is that incapacitation alonethe mechanical reduction in free
time during the summercannot explain the programs success. Violence reductions are large and
statistically significant during the 13 months after
the program is over, and the point estimate is 7
times larger at the end of the follow-up period
than at the end of the summer. This pattern is not
consistent with the idea that behavior only changed
during the initial 8 weeks of the program; something about youths summer experiences also
changed their future behavior.
As in any social experiment, external validity
is not guaranteed. The study sample is fairly
representative of low-income, African-American
youth living in urban neighborhoods who are
still enrolled in school. Many other cities have
successfully implemented summer jobs programs,
suggesting that the basic approach is one that
may not be difficult to scale (although displacement effects that reduce the number of jobs
available to nonprogram youth become a bigger
concern in larger-scale programs). A better understanding of how broadly these results will
generalize requires replications in other cities
with different service environments and youth
populations. Policymakers should proceed with
caution until future studies can establish exactly
what works for whom, how long effects persist,
and whether the programs benefits outweigh its
costs (supplementary materials, section 2.11).
In the meantime, this study provides causal
evidence on the effects of a widespread but understudied intervention. The results echo a common
conclusion in education and health research: that
public programs might do more with less by shifting from remediation to prevention. The findings
make clear that such programs need not be

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

hugely costly to improve outcomes for disadvantaged youth; well-targeted, low-cost employment policies can make a substantial difference,
even for a problem as destructive and complex
as youth violence.

1. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Web-based Injury

Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) (2014).
2. Numbers are daily averages from the 5 most recent years of
violence- related fatalities (from death certificates) and
nonfatal injuries (from emergency room reports).
3. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, STRYVE to Prevent
Youth Violence Website, 2014; available at
4. Authors calculations for ages 10 to 24 years versus over 24
are from 2012 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Uniform
Crime Reports, Census data, and (1).
5. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, OJJDP
Statistical Briefing Book, U.S. Department of Justice,
Washington DC, 2014; available at
6. W. J. Wilson, When Work Disappears: The World of the Urban
Poor (Alfred Knopf, New York, 1996).
7. G. S. Becker, J. Polit. Econ. 76, 169217 (1968).
8. T. P. Thornberry, R. L. Christenson, Am. Sociol. Rev. 49,
398411 (1984).
9. R. J. Sampson, J. H. Laub, Am. Sociol. Rev. 55, 609627
10. R. K. Merton, Am. Sociol. Rev. 3, 672682 (1938).
11. P. J. Cook, J. Ludwig, in Controlling Crime: Strategies and
Tradeoffs, P. J. Cook, J. Ludwig, J. McCrary, Eds. (University
of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2011), pp. 139.
12. The focus here is on youth programs because disadvantaged
youth are at such disproportionate risk of violent offending.
There have been many public efforts to provide vocational or
on-the-job training, job search assistance, and remedial
education to adults as well. Those programs crime effects are
also mixed (49), perhaps in part because the largest
employment impacts tend to be among adult womena group
with very low levels of criminal involvement (supplementary
materials, section 2.1).
13. M. Millenky, D. Bloom, S. Muller-Ravett, J. Broadus, Staying on
Course: Three-Year Results of the National Guard Youth
ChalleNGe Evaluation [Manpower Demonstration Research
Corportation (MDRC), New York, 2011].
14. C. Uggen, Am. Sociol. Rev. 65, 529546 (2000).
15. P. Z. Schochet, J. Burghardt, S. McConnell, Am. Econ. Rev. 98,
18641886 (2008).
16. G. Cave, H. Bos, F. Doolittle, C. Toussaint, JOBSTART. Final
Report on a Program for School Dropouts (MDRC, New York,
17. H. S. Bloom et al., J. Hum. Resour. 32, 549576 (1997).
18. Although there is a consensus that generating measurable
changes in youth outcomes requires comprehensive and
expensive intervention, conclusions about how much
investment is desirable differ by author (19, 40, 49, 50).
19. R. J. LaLonde, in Means-Tested Transfer Programs in the United
States, R. A. Moffitt, Ed. (Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago, IL,
2003), pp. 517586.
20. A. L. Fernandes-Alcantara, Vulnerable Youth: Federal Funding
for Summer Job Training and Employment (Congressional
Research Service, Washington, DC, 2011).
21. A. E. Schwartz, J. Leos-Urbel, Expanding Summer Employment
Opportunities for Low-Income Youth (Brookings Institution, The
Hamilton Project, Washington, DC, 2014).
22. Youth were individually randomized within a blocked design,
in which blocks were defined by school and gender.
All analyses control for the blocking variable. Materials
and methods are available as supplementary materials on
Science Online.
23. E. I. Knudsen, J. J. Heckman, J. L. Cameron, J. P. Shonkoff,
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103, 1015510162 (2006).
24. D. M. Cutler, J. Econ. Perspect. 22, 326 (2008).
25. The emphasis on those already exhibiting symptoms of the
underlying problem is true of most major programs focused on
youth employment. The youth elements of the National
Supported Work Demonstration, JOBSTART, the National
Guard ChalleNGe, and the Job Training Partnership Act all
focus on high school dropouts (13, 16, 17, 51). Job Corps
requires applicants to need additional education, training, or
vocational skillsall signs that they are already experiencing















difficulties in the labor force (15). Year Up serves youth no

longer in school (52). There are well-evaluated programs for
high school youth that integrate employment programming
with long-term educational interventions [such as (41, 42)].
However, because they are also lengthy and intensiveand
aim to improve educational attainment directly, which may
have an independent impact on crime (29)they do not
provide a test of the hypothesis proposed here: that low-dose,
low-cost employment interventions could have a larger effect
than suggested by the existing employment literature when
used as primary and secondary prevention.
R. J. Sampson, J. H. Laub, Crime in the Making: Pathways and
Turning Points Through Life (Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge,
MA, 1995).
R. Agnew, Criminology 30, 4788 (1992).
P. Moss, C. Tilly, Work Occup. 23, 252276
L. Lochner, E. Moretti, Am. Econ. Rev. 94, 155189
J. Grogger, J. Labor Econ. 16, 756791 (1998).
B. A. Jacob, L. Lefgren, Am. Econ. Rev. 93, 15601577
Additional results on violent victimizations are provided in
supplementary materials, section 2.7.
D. Deming, Q. J. Econ. 126, 20632115 (2011).
J. R. Kling, J. Ludwig, L. F. Katz, Q. J. Econ. 120, 87130
K. A. Dodge, D. Schwartz, in Handbook of Antisocial Behavior,
D. M. Stoff, J. Breiling, J. D. Maser, Eds. (John Wiley & Sons,
Hoboken, NJ, 1997), pp. 171180.
J. Ludwig, A. Shah, Think Before You Act: A New Approach to
Preventing Youth Violence and Dropout, Discussion Paper
2014-02 (The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution,
Washington, DC, 2014).
A. M. Piehl, in The Handbook of Crime and Punishment,
M. Tonry, Ed. (Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 1998), pp. 302319.
S. Raphael, R. Winter-Ebmer, J. Law Econ. 44, 259283
The reliance on official arrest data means that violent crime
is a better-measured outcome; nationally, violent crimes are
2.5 times more likely to result in an arrest than are property
crimes (43). Differential arrest probabilities also help explain
why the control means for property and drug arrests are
around half as large as for violent-crime arrests, despite the
fact that nonviolent crimes are more common (43). The
supplementary materials, section 2.9, discusses how
underreporting might affect the results.
C. J. Heinrich, H. J. Holzer, Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci. 635,
163191 (2011).
J. J. Kemple, C. J. Willner, Career Academies: Long-Term
Impacts on Labor Market Outcomes, Educational Attainment,
and Transitions to Adulthood (MDRC, New York, 2008).
A. Schirm, E. Stuart, A. McKie, The Quantum Opportunity
Program Demonstration: Final Impacts (Mathematica Policy
Research, Washington, DC, 2006).
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States
2012, Uniform Crime Report (U.S. Department of Justice,
Washington DC, 2012).
L. Langton, M. Berzofsky, C. Krebs, H. Smiley-McDonald,
Victimizations Not Reported to the Police, 20062010
(Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice,
Washington, DC, 2012).
S. Heller, H. A. Pollack, R. Ander, J. Ludwig, Preventing Youth
Violence and Dropout: A Randomized Field Experiment, NBER
Working Paper no. 19014 (National Bureau of Economic
Research, Cambridge, MA, 2013).
P. Gottschalk, J. Policy Anal. Manage. 24, 485498 (2005).
J. B. Grossman, J. P. Tierney, Eval. Rev. 22, 403426 (1998).
R. Barnoski, S. Aos, Outcome evaluation of Washington
State's research-based programs for juvenile offenders
(Washington State Institute for Public Policy, Olympia, WA, 2004).
S. Raphael, in Controlling Crime: Strategies and Tradeoffs,
P. J. Cook, J. Ludwig, J. McCrary, Eds. (Univ. Chicago Press,
Chicago, 2011), pp. 521565.
J. J. Heckman, A. B. Krueger, Inequality in America: What
Role for Human Capital Policies? (MIT press, Cambridge, MA,
Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation, Summary
and Findings of the National Supported Work Demonstration
(Ballinger Publishing Company, Cambridge, MA, 1980).
A. Roder, M. Elliott, A Promising Start: Year Ups Initial Impacts
on Low-Income Young Adults Careers (Economic Mobility
Corporation, New York, 2011). SCIENCE



This project was supported by award B139634411 from the U.S.

Department of Labor and grant 2012-MU-FX-0002 from the Office of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice
Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The study received approval
from the University of Chicagos IRB (protocol 12-1112) with secondary
approval from the University of Pennsylvanias IRB (protocol 818707). I
gratefully acknowledge the City of Chicago and Mayor R. Emanuel, the
work of the Chicago Department of Family Support Services, especially
E. Diaz, J. Axelrod, A. Fernandez, and J. Welch, and the organizations
that implemented the program: Phalanx Family Services, Sinai
Community Institute, Saint Sabina Employment Resource Center, SGA

Youth and Family Services, and Youth Guidance. I thank Chicago Public
Schools partners J. Foreman, K. Klein, J. Loudon, and S. Norris;
Chief R. Tracy, T. Lavery, and the Chicago Police Department; R. Goerge
and Chapin Hall; R. Ander, S. Coussens, J. Davis, G. Cusick, M. Egan,
H. Pollack (Chicago PI), R. Harris, N. Hess, A. Mtivier, and J. Rountree
for project support; and K. Charles, J. Guryan, C. Loeffler, J. Ludwig,
J. MacDonald, E. Owens, S. Raudenbush, S. Sotelo, and D. Tannenbaum
for helpful comments. Replication data are posted at the University of
Michigans ICPSR data depository (;
see supplementary materials section 1.5 for details. All content is
the responsibility of the author and does not represent the official
position or policies of the Chicago Police Department, Chicago Public


Coherent changes of southeastern

equatorial and northern African
rainfall during the last deglaciation
Bette L. Otto-Bliesner,1* James M. Russell,2 Peter U. Clark,3 Zhengyu Liu,4,5
Jonathan T. Overpeck,6 Bronwen Konecky,3,7 Peter deMenocal,8 Sharon E. Nicholson,9
Feng He,4 Zhengyao Lu5
During the last deglaciation, wetter conditions developed abruptly ~14,700 years ago in
southeastern equatorial and northern Africa and continued into the Holocene. Explaining the
abrupt onset and hemispheric coherence of this early African Humid Period is challenging due
to opposing seasonal insolation patterns. In this work, we use a transient simulation with a climate
model that provides a mechanistic understanding of deglacial tropical African precipitation
changes. Our results show that meltwater-induced reduction in the Atlantic meridional
overturning circulation (AMOC) during the early deglaciation suppressed precipitation in both
regions. Once the AMOC reestablished, wetter conditions developed north of the equator in
response to high summer insolation and increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations,
whereas wetter conditions south of the equator were a response primarily to the GHG increase.

he future response of African rainfall to increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations is a critical socio-economic issue, with
implications for water resources, agriculture,
and potential conflict (1), but uncertainties
among model projections remain (24). African
hydroclimate changed substantially during the
last deglaciation, the most recent time period
during which natural global warming was associated with increases in GHG concentrations.
Numerous proxy records from Africa indicate
that dry conditions during the Last Glacial Max1
Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for
Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA.
Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary
Sciences, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA.
College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon
State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA. 4Center for
Climatic Research and Department of Atmospheric and
Oceanic Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison,
WI 53706, USA. 5Laboratory for Climate, Ocean and
Atmosphere Studies, School of Physics, Peking University,
Beijing 100871, P. R. China. 6Department of Geosciences and
Institute of the Environment, University of Arizona, Tucson,
AZ 85721, USA. 7Cooperative Institute for Research in
Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder,
Boulder, CO 80309, USA. 8Department of Earth and
Environmental Sciences, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027,
USA. 9Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science,
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306, USA.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]


imum (LGM) (~21,000 years ago, or 21 ka) were

rapidly replaced by a much wetter interval, referred to as the African Humid Period (AHP),
starting ~14.7 ka over much of Africa. Over North
Africa (NA), the start of the AHP has been
widely recorded in lake-level records (5, 6) and
proxies of aeolian and fluvial processes preserved in marine sediments from the eastern
Atlantic Ocean (710). At the same time, a nearcontemporaneous precipitation increase is also
recorded in southeastern equatorial Africa (SEA)
(to 9S) by lake-level records (1114), as well as
in pollen and geochemical records from lake
sediments (1416).
Models and data establish that the initial increase of NA summer monsoonal rainfall occurred
in response to increasing local insolation associated with orbital variations (17), amplified through
feedbacks with the ocean and possibly vegetation (1820), but the cause of the abrupt start of
the AHP remains unclear. Proposed triggers include a nonlinear threshold response to gradually changing summer insolation (8) and/or the
recovery of deep convection in the North Atlantic
following cessation of a Northern Hemisphere
meltwater event (21). Similarly, the cause for the
synchronous onset of the AHP in the SEA region
has remained enigmatic, as models and theory
suggest that orbital forcing of local summer in-

Schools, Chicago Department of Family and Support Services,

U.S. Department of Justice, or U.S. Department of Labor.
Materials and Methods
Supplementary Text
Tables S1 to S8
References (5396)
23 June 2014; accepted 7 November 2014

solation at these latitudes should have reduced

precipitation (22).
Here, we analyze transient simulations of the
climate evolution from the LGM to the early Holocene (11 ka) with a global coupled atmosphere
oceansea iceland general circulation model
(CCSM3) to assess possible mechanisms for the
abrupt, synchronous onset of the AHP in NA and
SEA. The model has a latitude-longitude resolution of ~3.75 in the atmosphere and ~3 in the
ocean and includes a dynamic global vegetation
module (supplementary text). The model successfully captures the large-scale observed modern
features of African climate, including seasonal
shifts of winds, the intertropical convergence
zone (ITCZ), and precipitation to the summer
hemispheres (figs. S2 and S3). To characterize
the regional precipitation responses during the
deglaciation, we examine model changes in the
NA region defined by 11.1 to 18.6N and 5.6 to
20.6E and in the SEA region defined by 0 to
7.4S and 24.4 to 43.1E (see supplementary
text and fig. S7 for sensitivity of model results
to the definitions of the regions).
The prescribed forcings and boundary conditions for the full-forcing simulation (TraCE)
include orbitally forced insolation changes, increasing atmospheric concentrations of the
long-lived GHGs, and retreating ice sheets and
associated meltwater release to the oceans (23, 24)
(fig. S1). We also explore the individual contributions of orbital forcing and GHGs during the
deglaciation with two sensitivity experiments:
(i) TraCE orbital-only, where only the orbital
forcing is allowed to vary, with all other forcings
kept at their values for 17 ka, and (ii) TraCE GHGonly, where only the concentrations of the GHGs
change, increasing from low concentrations at
17 ka to close to their pre-industrial concentrations by 10 ka. In both sensitivity experiments,
the ice sheets and meltwater release are held
constant at 17-ka conditions, and this meltwater
maintains a strongly reduced Atlantic meridional
overturning circulation (AMOC) afterward.
The temporal evolution of the simulated deglacial precipitation shows good agreement with
individual proxy records. TraCE and a proxy
record of humidity (9) both show dry conditions
in the central Sahel at the LGM, a decrease in
precipitation at ~17 ka, an abrupt increase at
the onset of the Blling-Allerd warm interval,
an episode of drying during the Younger Dryas
(YD) (12.9 to 11.7 ka), and an increase during
the early Holocene (Fig. 1B). The total leaf-area
index of simulated vegetation over the Sahel
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



























Humidity Index



NA Precip















BIT index



Fig. 1. TraCE simulation with all deglacial forcings

(fig. S1) in comparison to proxy data. Model variables
are plotted as decadal means (light red) and as sampled
at temporal resolution of data (darker red). See Fig. 3 for
definition of model NA and SEA regions. (A) 231Pa/230Th
ratio at Bermuda rise (GGC5 core, 3342N, 5735W) as a
proxy for AMOC export (black) (32) and model maximum
AMOC (Sv). (B) GeoB7920-2 (2045N, 1835W) continental humidity index (black) (9) and model NA precipitation (millimeters per year). (C) Ocean Drilling Program
site 658C (2045N, 1835W) terrigenous percentage
(black) (8) and model NA total leaf area index (TLAI)
(square meters per square meters). (D) Lake Tanganyika
(642S, 2950E) hydrogen isotopic composition of leaf
waxes (dDwax) (per mil versus Vienna standard mean ocean
water, black) (16), Lake Challa (319S, 3742E) branched
and isoprenoid tetraether (BIT) index (blue) (14), and model
SEA precipitation (millimeters per year). (E) GeoB6518
(535S, 1113E) dDwax (black) (25) and Congo Basin (7.4N
to 11.1S, 13.1E to 28.1E) model precipitation (millimeters
per year). Green shading delineates AHP.

The second EOF modes of the data and TraCE

(16.4 and 17.2% of total variance, respectively)
both indicate an in-phase relation of much of
NA and SEA (Fig. 2, C and D). The character of
the data PC2 is similar to that simulated by the
model, particularly when the model PC2 is sampled at the same resolution as the data to account for potential aliasing artifacts (Fig. 2, C
and D), although the model has a more muted
recovery from the YD. There is a clear relation
between the model PC2 (Fig. 2D) and the simulated AMOC (Fig. 1A), supporting arguments
for a strong millennial modulation of African precipitation by changes in the AMOC (21, 27, 28).
We next assess the model responses to deglacial forcings that caused the AHP. In NA, our
TraCE model results suggest that the AHP is
largely associated with increased precipitation
during the boreal summer (fig. S5A). From 17 to
11 ka, the summer monsoon over NA intensifies and shifts northward due to the combined
effects of orbital and GHG forcing, though, as
for all comparable climate models (18), not as
far northward as the data suggest, highlighting
a shortcoming of the models in simulating the
AHP climate of this northerly region. Sea-level
pressure decreases over NA, and attendant increased southwesterly flow brings moisture from
the Atlantic into NA and enhances precipitation in a broad east-west band over the Sahel and
southern Sahara to ~22N (Fig. 3A). For the
other seasons, simulated precipitation remains


ture balance from proxy data (table S1). The first

EOF mode (EOF1) (48.0% of total variance) of
the proxy data shows an in-phase relation over
most of Africa that extends southward to the
latitude of Lake Malawi (9 to 14S, 34 to 35E),
whereas the associated PC1 indicates increasing moisture from the LGM to early Holocene
(Fig. 2A). EOF1 of model precipitation (39.2%
of total variance) and its associated PC1 (Fig. 2B)
reproduce the overall spatial and temporal behavior seen in the data, except in southeastern
Africa. A record of the Zambezi River discharge
from this part of Africa (26) that is not included
in the EOF analysis because of its shorter length
(<17 ka) shows an out-of-phase relation with the
north, consistent with the TraCE simulation.
Because seasonal insolation trends are antiphased between the two hemispheres, the inphase relation over most of Africa shown by
the data and model suggests that some other
forcing must be driving precipitation change
during the deglaciation. A primary role for GHG
forcing of this spatially coherent hydroclimatic
change is evident from the similarity of the
EOF1 fields for the TraCE GHG-only (fig. S4B)
and TraCE experiments (Fig. 2B). Although EOF1
for the TraCE orbital-only experiment indicates
that local insolation played an important role in
explaining increasingly humid conditions over
NA, it has negligible loadings over the SEA region (fig. S4A), in contradiction with both proxy
data and the TraCE simulation (Fig. 2).

SEA Precip

closely parallels changes in precipitation, starting from low values signifying primarily bare
ground followed by increasing values starting
at ~16 ka (Fig. 1C). To the extent that precipitation and vegetation cover influence availability
of sediment for aeolian transport, the temporal
evolution of these simulated properties can be
used to explain a record of terrigenous dust flux
sourced from subtropical NA (8) (Fig. 1C).
Simulated deglacial changes in SEA hydrology
are similar to those simulated for NA, including a near-synchronous start and subsequent
persistence of the AHP. After peak dry conditions at ~17 ka, TraCE simulates a gradual increase in precipitation starting at ~16.5 ka and
a large, abrupt increase at ~14.7 ka associated
with the start of the AHP (Fig. 1D). These changes
are observed in two SEA proxy records from
Lakes Tanganyika (16) and Challa (14) (Fig. 1D),
which show an abrupt onset of the AHP synchronous within a few hundred years of the
precipitation increase simulated by the model.
Rainfall changes in the Congo basin of western
equatorial Africa, which integrate precipitation
changes north and south of the equator, indicate drying from LGM to 17 ka and then increasing precipitation in both TraCE and proxy data
(25) (Fig. 1E).
We use empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs)
and their associated principal components (PCs)
to extract the dominant modes of precipitation
variability from the TraCE simulation and mois-








Congo basin Precip

















Age (ka)




low throughout the entire simulation from the

LGM to the early Holocene (fig. S5A).
Results from our single forcing experiments indicate that GHG and orbital forcings each contributed to the enhanced summer monsoon and
precipitation increase across NA from 17 to 11 ka
seen in the TraCE results. TraCE GHG-only shows
an increase in precipitation in the southern Sahel
but little broadening of the tropical rainbelt (Fig.
3B). TraCE orbital-only similarly shows enhanced
precipitation in the Sahel while additionally expanding the monsoon precipitation northward
(Fig. 3C). In the central Sahel, orbital forcing ex-

plains ~60% of the precipitation increase from 17

to 11 ka and GHG forcing explains the remaining ~40% (fig. S6).
The simulated AHP in SEA is associated with
increased precipitation from the austral spring
through fall, whereas simulated precipitation remains low during the austral winter [June-JulyAugust (JJA)] throughout the deglacial period (fig.
S5B). TraCE suggests a different seasonal nature of
SEA precipitation at LGM than during the AHP,
with austral summer [December-January-February
(DJF)] precipitation explaining proportionately
more of the annual precipitation (fig. S5B). In gen-

Fig. 2. EOFs and associated PCs for the deglacial period 20 to 11 ka. EOF1 and PC1 of (A) proxy data
for moisture availability and (B) TraCE annual precipitation (millimeters per year). (C and D) Same as (A) and
(B) except for EOF2 and PC2. Model results and proxy records (table S1) are interpolated to the same
100-year resolution.


eral, DJF precipitation increases from 17 to 11 ka

throughout the southern tropics, extending from
the Atlantic Ocean, across Africa, and into the Indian Ocean (Fig. 3D). The single forcing experiments indicate that most of this response (90%) is
from the increase in GHGs (fig. S6), which caused
DJF precipitation over the SEA region to increase
from 17 to 11 ka (Fig. 3E). In the TraCE orbital-only
experiment, on the other hand, decreased DJF insolation cools the land relative to the ocean, slightly
weakening convection and precipitation over SEA
near Lake Tanganyika while enhancing convection
and precipitation over the Indian Ocean from 17 to
11 ka (Fig. 3F).
Proxy records and TraCE also exhibit consistent
patterns and amplitude of changes in sea surface
temperature (SST) around Africa from 17 to 11 ka
(Fig. 4A and table S2). The differential warming in
the northern Atlantic Ocean relative to the south,
and in the western Indian Ocean relative to the
east, is important in driving the increased precipitation in NA and SEA, respectively. The single
forcing experiments indicate that increases in
GHGs are primarily responsible for the overall
SST increases and their regional patterns (Fig.
4B). Orbital forcing further reduces the meridional SST gradient in the North Atlantic, with warming north of the equator and slight cooling at and
south of the equator (Fig. 4C).
Although our single forcing experiments demonstrate that GHG forcing played an important
role in the moistening trends over NA (and particularly SEA), linking precipitation changes between the hemispheres, our TraCE simulation
shows that millennial-scale changes in the AMOC
are critical in synchronizing the onset of the AHP
in these regions (Figs. 1 and 2). Our simulation
agrees with other modeling studies (2729) in
finding that freshwater added to North Atlantic
sites of deepwater formation reduces the AMOC,
with an attendant shift in the ITCZ southward
over the Atlantic Ocean in response to higher
SSTs south of the equator and cooling north of
the equator and a reduction of precipitation over
NA. The bipolar Atlantic SST response and southward shift in the ITCZ also explain the opposite
loadings of model EOF2 between North Africa
and western equatorial Africa (Fig. 2D).
Cooling over the North Atlantic is also rapidly transmitted eastward into Europe and Asia
through the atmosphere (30), enhancing the boreal winter Mediterranean-Arabian anticyclone.
This results in northerly wind anomalies advecting cool and dry air over East Africa and the
western Indian Ocean. This in turn results in
cooler western Indian Ocean SSTs both north
and south of the equator and a reduction of SEA
precipitation (supplementary text and fig. S8).
At ~14.7 ka, the cessation of meltwater forcing,
the rapid resumption of AMOC, and the associated SST changes triggered abrupt and synchronous increases in precipitation in NA and SEA
associated with the start of the AHP.
The spatial pattern of precipitation in EOF1 (Fig.
2B) is markedly similar to the historical patterns
(31), as well as CMIP5 ensemble projection for precipitation changes over tropical Africa by the end
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



Fig. 3. Deglacial precipitation change (millimeters

per month), 11 ka minus 17 ka, as simulated by the
model. (A and D) TraCE, (B and E) TraCE GHG-only,
and (C and F) TraCE orbital-only. The box in (A)
represents the NA region used to characterize model
results (11.1 to 18.6N, 5.6 to 20.6E); the box in
(D) represents the SEA region (0 to 7.4S, 24.4
to 43.1E). NH, Northern Hemisphere; SH, Southern
Hemisphere. JJA, June-July-August; DJF, DecemberJanuary-February.




4.7, 5.7

30 N







1.7, 3.2

1.3, 0.8





30 S

45 W

45 E

90 E


135 E








30 N

Fig. 4. Deglacial annual SST change (C), 11 ka minus 17 ka, as simulated by the model and from proxy records. (A) TraCE, (B) TraCE GHGonly, and (C) TraCE orbital-only. Proxy records plotted in (A) are tabulated
in table S2.


30 S




5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214




of this century (3). Although multiple forcings influenced African climate during the deglaciation,
the agreement between proxy records and our
simulated evolution of rainfall indicates that the
processes and sensitivity of GHG-driven rainfall
change are well simulated in our fully coupled
global climate model. This lends confidence to
the CMIP5 climate model ensemble projections
of future precipitation change over tropical Africa
at the continental scale.

Computing Facility, located in the National Center for

Computational Sciences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
which is supported by the DOE Office of Science. The
observed data are downloadable from the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration Paleoclimatology
and/or Pangaea ( The model data are
downloadable from the Earth System Gateway at NCAR

Supplementary Text
Fig. S1 to S8
Tables S1 and S2
References (3372)
4 August 2014; accepted 6 November 2014


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17. J. E. Kutzbach, B. L. Otto-Bliesner, J. Atmos. Sci. 39, 11771188
18. P. Braconnot et al., Nat. Clim. Change 2, 417424 (2012).
19. J. E. Kutzbach, Z. Liu, Science 278, 440443 (1997).
20. O. Timm, P. Kohler, A. Timmermann, L. Menviel, J. Clim. 23,
26122633 (2010).
21. F. A. Street-Perrott, R. A. Perrott, Nature 343, 607612 (1990).
22. Z. Liu, B. Otto-Bliesner, J. Kutzbach, L. Li, C. Shields, J. Clim.
16, 24722490 (2003).
23. Z. Liu et al., Science 325, 310314 (2009).
24. Z. Liu et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109, 1110111104 (2012).
25. J. W. H. Weijers, E. Schefu, S. Schouten, J. S. Sinninghe
Damst, Science 315, 17011704 (2007).
26. E. Schefu, H. Kuhlmann, G. Mollenhauer, M. Prange,
J. Ptzold, Nature 480, 509512 (2011).
27. M. Kageyama et al., Clim. Past 9, 935953 (2013).
28. R. J. Stouffer et al., J. Clim. 19, 13651387 (2006).
29. S. Mulitza et al., Paleoceanography 23, PA4206 (2008).
30. B.-W. Dong, R. T. Sutton, Geophys. Res. Lett. 29, 18-118-4 (2002).
31. S. E. Nicholson, Holocene 10.1177/0959683614551230 (2014).
32. J. F. McManus, R. Francois, J.-M. Gherardi, L. D. Keigwin,
S. Brown-Leger, Nature 428, 834837 (2004).

We thank the reviewers for comments that improved the manuscript.

The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is
sponsored by the NSF. This research was also supported by the
Office of Science (Biological and Environmental Research), U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE), the NSF Paleo Perspectives on
Climate Change (P2C2) program, and NSF grant AGS 1160750.
This research used resources of the Oak Ridge Leadership


Multidecadal warming of
Antarctic waters
Sunke Schmidtko,1,2* Karen J. Heywood,1 Andrew F. Thompson,3 Shigeru Aoki4
Decadal trends in the properties of seawater adjacent to Antarctica are poorly known, and the
mechanisms responsible for such changes are uncertain. Antarctic ice sheet mass loss is
largely driven by ice shelf basal melt, which is influenced by ocean-ice interactions and has
been correlated with Antarctic Continental Shelf Bottom Water (ASBW) temperature. We
document the spatial distribution of long-term large-scale trends in temperature, salinity, and
core depth over the Antarctic continental shelf and slope. Warming at the seabed in the
Bellingshausen and Amundsen seas is linked to increased heat content and to a shoaling of
the mid-depth temperature maximum over the continental slope, allowing warmer, saltier water
greater access to the shelf in recent years. Regions of ASBW warming are those exhibiting
increased ice shelf melt.

he Antarctic ice sheet is the largest reservoir of terrestrial ice and is a significant
contributor to sea level rise in a warming
climate (1). Massive ice shelf disintegration
and rapid acceleration of glacial flow have
occurred in recent decades (2) or are potentially
looming (3). These events are generally linked to
enhanced basal melt (4, 5), which reduces buttressing and accelerates glacier flow. An increase
in basal melt may be linked to stronger subice
shelf circulation of Circumpolar Deep Water
(CDW). It is not known whether changes in the
delivery of warm water to the underside of the
ice shelf are caused by increased heat content,
increased volume flux responding to changes
in wind and buoyancy forcing, or some combination of the two (6, 7). Here, we focus on documenting long-term temperature and salinity
changes in ocean properties over the continental
shelf and slopes.
We refer to the water occupying the sea floor
on the Antarctic continental shelf as Antarctic
Continental Shelf Bottom Water (ASBW) and
the temperature minimum layer, representing the remnant of the winter mixed layer, as
Winter Water (WW). Atmospheric processes,
adjacent water masses, ice shelf and continental
Centre for Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, School of
Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich
NR4 7TJ, UK. 2GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean
Research Kiel, Dsternbrooker Weg 24, 24105 Kiel, Germany.
Environmental Science and Engineering, California Institute
of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA. 4Institute of
Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo
060-0819, Japan.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

freshwater fluxes, and bathymetry-dependent

cross-shelf water exchange at the shelf break determine the hydrographic properties of ASBW.
Hence, ASBW is a mixture of CDW, WW, and
waters originating from continental runoff, ice
shelf melting, or sea ice formation. Temporal
changes in ASBW may represent changes either
in formation processes or in properties of source
waters. ASBW has freshened in the Ross Sea (8)
and northwest Weddell Sea (9), with the former
generally linked to enhanced upstream ice shelf
melt. Recent research has identified large-scale
warming of both CDW north of 60S (10) and
Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) (11). However,
statistically significant long-term warming of
ASBW has been observed only in localized regions (12), and trends in CDW properties over
the Antarctic continental slope have not previously been described in detail.
Using a comprehensive compilation of observational data sets (table S1) [(13) and supplementary materials], we found that temporal trends
in ASBW temperature and salinity have a distinct regional pattern (Fig. 1). The Bellingshausen
Sea and Amundsen Sea shelves show significant warming (0.1 to 0.3C decade1; Fig. 1, C
and E) and salinification (0.01 to 0.04 g kg1
decade1; Fig. 1, D and F) since the 1990s, when
sufficient observations became available (fig. S2).
The Ross Sea is freshening (0.027 T 0.012 g kg1
decade1), and the western Weddell Sea reveals
a slight cooling (0.05 T 0.04C decade1) and
freshening (0.01 T 0.007 g kg1 decade1); older
measurements allow these trends to be calculated from the 1970s. The Cosmonaut Sea is
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



freshening (0.05 T 0.03 g kg1 decade1). These

trends agree with the available but limited regional observations (12). The previously documented regional Ross Sea freshening (8) (0.03 g
kg1 decade1) is within the range of the locally
mapped values obtained here (0.01 to 0.05 g
kg1 decade1; Fig. 1D). Focusing only on data
since the mid-1980s (Fig. 1F) produces a more pronounced average Ross Sea freshening (0.05 T
0.02 g kg1 decade1). The freshening trend in
the western Weddell Sea shelf changes sign when
only data from the 1990s are used (Fig. 1E and
fig. S10). Freshening is observed in the northwestern Weddell Sea (Fig. 1D), although the trend
doubles and is similar to reported values when
only data from the late 1980s to the mid-2000s
are considered (9).
Temperature trends are typically uniform
across the width of the shelf up to the shelf break.
In contrast, salinity trends show a cross-shelf
gradient with freshening generally intensified
close to the coast (Fig. 1D); this is particularly
pronounced over the Ross Sea and Weddell Sea
continental shelves. A cross-shelf salinity trend
gradient points to physical processes that induce
a larger change in salinity than in temperature
near the continent. For example, changes in surface meltwater runoff and changes in sea ice
melting or freezing would be seen primarily in

salinity, whereas changes in ocean-induced ice

shelf basal melting would be seen in both temperature and salinity; atmospheric cooling would
be seen in temperature but not salinity, unless
sea ice is formed. Although changes in meltwater
runoff and sea ice formation are consistent with
the observed temperature and salinity trends,
our analysis cannot distinguish between these
mechanisms. Lateral variations of the trend vary
according to the time period analyzed. The shoreward intensification of the freshening is significantly stronger when all data are used than
when only data since 1990 are used (Fig. 1D and
fig. S10). This difference may originate in poor
data coverage from recent decades (figs. S1 and
S2) or may indicate multiannual variability in
any combination of processes described above
(Fig. 1, E and F).
We next assessed the origins of ASBW property trends (Fig. 1, C and D) by analyzing changes
in the properties and the depth of source water
masses: the temperature maximum layer approaching the continental shelf break (CDW
core; Fig. 2) and the temperature minimum layer
(WW; Fig. 3). CDW shows significant warming and shoaling in most regions around Antarctica (Fig. 2, D and F), with trends on the order
of 0.1C decade1 and 30 m decade1, respectively. These values are similar to those of iso-

pycnal heave found farther north (10) and at

depth (14). There are few significant changes in
CDW salinity close to Antarctica; the most pronounced freshening is observed in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) in the Indian
Ocean sector, likely owing to variations in front
location in regions of large meridional gradients
(Fig. 2, B and E).
In addition to regional changes in water mass
properties, changes in the depth of the CDW core
also show spatial variability. Deepening of the
CDW core only occurs along the northern limb
of the Weddell Gyre and in the Cosmonaut Sea
(Fig. 2F). Areas where the CDW core deepens
tend to be correlated with cooling. The strongest
shoaling of CDW is found in the Bellingshausen
and Amundsen seas, where temporal shoaling
rates locally exceed 50 T 18 m decade1. Around
the Antarctic margins, the core of CDW typically
deepens approaching the continental shelf, as in
the Weddell and Ross gyres (Fig. 2C and Fig. 4B).
However, in the Bellingshausen and Amundsen
seas, the core of CDW slopes upward approaching the shelf (Fig. 4A).
The other water mass present over the shelf
and slope is WW (Fig. 3). WW is freshening along
the southwestern limb of the Ross Gyre and in
the western Indian Ocean sector, while WW is
becoming saltier in the northwestern Weddell

Fig. 1. Temporal means, linear trends, and multiannual variability in Antarctic Continental Shelf
Bottom Water (ASBW). (A to D) Conservative temperature [(A) and (C)] and absolute salinity [(B) and
(D)] at the seabed for depths shallower than 1500 m for the period 1975 to 2012 are shown in terms of
temporal means [(A) and (B)] and linear trends [(C) and (D)].Trends not significantly different from zero are
hatched. (E and F) Multiannual variability as shown by 5-year median properties since 1975, interquartile
ranges, and median trends for selected areas. Abbreviations for surrounding seas: BS, Bellingshausen Sea;
AS, Amundsen Sea; RS, Ross Sea; CS, Cosmonaut Sea; WS, Weddell Sea (excluding the Antarctic Peninsula).




Sea (Fig. 3E). Significant shoaling of WW is

present in the eastern Indian Ocean sector and
Amundsen Sea (Fig. 3F). Origins of the salinity
changes in WW are likely to differ among regions,
including changes to sea ice concentration caused
by ice motion trends (15) and changes to sea ice
concentration caused by increased accumulation
of ice shelf meltwater (16).

The trends in Figs. 1 and 2 show a link between changes in the properties of ASBW and
those of CDW over the continental slope. The
CDW thermal structure may be broadly categorized into two regimes, shown schematically
in Fig. 4: CDW (i) sloping upward or (ii) sloping
downward toward the shelf break. The Weddell
and Ross gyres are subject to a large-scale cy-

clonic wind stress, leading to strong easterly

winds over the shelf break that depresses isotherms (Fig. 4B). Cyclonic wind patterns are
also found over the Amundsen and Bellingshausen
seas, but the center of the low-pressure systems
is found over the continental shelf. Thus, in these
regions, weaker easterly or even westerly winds are
found at the shelf break, causing upward-tilting

Fig. 2. Temporal means and linear trends in Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW). (A to F) Conservative temperature [(A) and (D)], absolute salinity [(B) and
(E)], and core depth [(C) and (F)] of CDW between 1975 and 2012 are shown in terms of temporal means [(A) to (C)] and linear trends [(D) to (F)]. Trends not
significantly different from zero are hatched. Fronts (28) related to the ACC are shown as black lines. Only regions where the ocean depth exceeds 1500 m and the
underlying CDW is cooler than 2.8C are shown. (G) Trends and data for selected locations.




WW Sabs (g kg1)

WW (C)




WW P (dbar)






(dbar yr

yr )





WW S t (mg kg


WW t1 (mC yr1)




Fig. 3. Temporal means and linear trends in Winter Water (WW). (A to F) Conservative temperature [(A) and (D)], absolute salinity [(B) and (E)], and core
depth [(C) and (F)] of WW between 1975 and 2012 are shown in terms of temporal means [(A) to (C)] and linear trends [(D) to (F)]. Trends not significantly
different from zero are hatched. Fronts (28) related to the ACC are shown as black lines. Only regions where the ocean depth exceeds 1500 m and the
underlying CDW is cooler than 2.8C are shown.


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



CDW and enhanced onshore intrusions (17, 18)

(Fig. 4A). Furthermore, the Bellingshausen and
Amundsen seas do not export a significant volume of AABW, and a bottom-intensified alongslope Antarctic Slope Current does not form
(Fig. 4A).
Although warming and shoaling of CDW is
present around Antarctica, the regions that have
experienced the most intense warming and shoaling are associated with areas where CDW has
greater access to the shelf break (Fig. 4A). Additionally, in all regions where CDW both slopes
upward toward the shelf break and is shoaling
over time, ASBW temperatures are rising. This
link suggests that changes occurring to CDW
offshore in the Bellingshausen and Amundsen
seas (Fig. 2, D and F) are more likely to be transmitted onto the shelf and to be reflected in regional ASBW properties. By contrast, in regions
where CDW slopes downward toward the shelf
break, offshore trends in CDW properties show
no correlation to bottom water masses on the
continental shelves (e.g., near the Ross, Amery,
Filchner, and Ronne ice shelves) (Fig. 4B). Thus,

the segments of continental shelf in the Weddell

and Ross seas are in effect shielded from offshore changes in CDW. The one possible exception, though, is the intense shoaling of CDW in
the southern Weddell Sea, which raises questions about the future stability of ASBW temperatures in front of the Filchner and Ronne ice
shelves (19) (Fig. 2, F and G).
Recent dynamical studies have highlighted the
importance of surface forcing on links between
offshore and onshore properties. In Ross and
Weddell gyre idealized model configurations,
surface forcing by the polar easterlies controls
onshore transport of WW and CDW as well as the
characteristic slope of mid-depth density surfaces
toward the shelf break (17). In the Amundsen
Sea, offshore atmospheric anomalies modify the
thermal gradient across the continental shelf
and under the ice shelf (18). Buoyancy forcing
may also be critical to long-term trends. A simple
balance model (6) suggests that regional properties are largely set by atmospheric patterns of
heating and cooling, but changes in ASBW may
depend on the penetration depth of convection.

Finally, over the continental slope, mesoscale

variability plays a critical role in setting temperature distributions and is sensitive to changes
in wind forcing (20). It is critical to note that
these dynamical processes occur at scales that
are necessarily smoothed by our analysis. However, the large-scale trends point to key regions
that require more intense analysis through highresolution modeling with improved bathymetric
data to determine the mechanistic cause of these
Because ice shelf melting and ice sheet collapse depend on the delivery of warm water by
ocean currents, ice sheet predictability requires
accurate estimates of oceanic heat transport.
Shoaling CDW has the potential to significantly increase this heat transport and must be represented in climate models for future ice shelf
predictions. Current climate models still have
limitations in Southern Ocean mixed layer processes (21) and are thus unlikely to represent WW
and the underlying CDW shoaling correctly. In
addition to onshore transport, capturing changes
in exported AABW properties is also critical for
modeling the global circulation. The changes in
ASBW salinity taking place in AABW formation
regions such as the Weddell and Ross seas (Fig.
1D) resemble the observed freshwater changes
in AABW around Antarctica (14, 22). AABW has
freshened in the Indian (22) and Pacific sectors
and to a lesser extent in the Atlantic sector (14).
Temperature changes seen in AABW (11, 23) are
not apparent in ASBW (Fig. 1C).
The observed trends in water mass properties
have a number of implications. Changes in ASBW
may influence Southern Ocean ecosystems through
the distribution of salps and krill (24), although
the impact of warming oceans on Antarctic krill
is still debated (25) because of their spatially
diverse life cycles. We expect that megafaunal
communities (26) on the shelfin particular,
in the Bellingshausen Sea and Amundsen Sea
sectorshave experienced warmer and more
frequent warm-water intrusions of CDW. Further shoaling of CDW will increase both the
number of ice shelves and the area of each ice
shelf that are influenced by offshore warming.
This has the potential to increase the spatial
extent of enhanced basal melt and to lead to
irreversible retreat of a portion of the West
Antarctic Ice Sheet, which will have an impact
on global sea level (3, 27).

Fig. 4. Schematic differences of shelf water masses. (A) Schematic of the Amundsen and Bellingshausen
seas with warm water at the bottom of the water column on the shelf. (B) Schematic of the shelf in the Ross
and Weddell seas, with a strong Antarctic Slope Current.


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

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2. H. De Angelis, P. Skvarca, Science 299, 15601562 (2003).
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5. H. D. Pritchard et al., Nature 484, 502505 (2012).
6. A. A. Petty, D. L. Feltham, P. R. Holland, J. Phys. Oceanogr. 43,
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7. P. Spence et al., Geophys. Res. Lett. 41, 2014GL060613 (2014).
8. S. S. Jacobs, C. F. Giulivi, J. Clim. 23, 45084524 (2010).
9. H. H. Hellmer, O. Huhn, D. Gomis, R. Timmermann, Ocean Sci.
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10. S. T. Gille, J. Clim. 21, 47494765 (2008).
11. S. G. Purkey, G. C. Johnson, J. Clim. 23, 63366351 (2010).
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Res. Oceans 118, 42134227 (2013). SCIENCE


13. S. Schmidtko, G. C. Johnson, J. M. Lyman, J. Geophys. Res.

Oceans 118, 16581672 (2013).
14. S. G. Purkey, G. C. Johnson, J. Clim. 26, 61056122 (2013).
15. P. R. Holland, R. Kwok, Nat. Geosci. 5, 872875 (2012).
16. R. Bintanja, G. J. van Oldenborgh, S. S. Drijfhout, B. Wouters,
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17. A. L. Stewart, A. F. Thompson, Geophys. Res. Lett. 39, L18604
18. P. Dutrieux et al., Science 343, 174178 (2014).
19. H. H. Hellmer, F. Kauker, R. Timmermann, J. Determann,
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20. M. S. Dinniman, J. M. Klinck, E. E. Hofmann, J. Clim. 25,
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21. C. Heuz, K. J. Heywood, D. P. Stevens, J. K. Ridley, Geophys.
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22. S. R. Rintoul, Geophys. Res. Lett. 34, L06606 (2007).
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25. A. Atkinson et al., Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 362, 123 (2008).
26. L. J. Grange, C. R. Smith, PLOS ONE 8, e77917 (2013).
27. E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, M. Morlighem, H. Seroussi, B. Scheuchl,
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28. A. H. Orsi, T. Whitworth III, W. D. Nowlin Jr., Deep Sea Res. I 42,
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Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) project

MiKlip (S.S.); NERC Antarctic Funding Initiative research
grant GENTOO NE/H01439X/1 (S.S. and K.J.H.); a Grant-in-Aid
for Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science and Technology, Japan, and a Daiwa Foundation
Small Grant (S.A.); and NSF award OPP-1246460 (A.F.T.).


All data used in this manuscript are publicly available; data

sources are detailed in the supplementary materials. We thank
all officers, crews, and scientists involved in collecting and
calibrating the data in the often harsh Southern Ocean
environment, as well as everyone involved in making the data
publicly available. We thank three anonymous reviewers for
helpful discussions and feedback. Supported by the German


The shocking predatory strike

of the electric eel
Kenneth Catania
Electric eels can incapacitate prey with an electric discharge, but the mechanism of the
eels attack is unknown. Through a series of experiments, I show that eel high-voltage
discharges can activate prey motor neurons, and hence muscles, allowing eels to remotely
control their target. Eels prevent escape in free-swimming prey using high-frequency
volleys to induce immobilizing whole-body muscle contraction (tetanus). Further, when
prey are hidden, eels can emit periodic volleys of two or three discharges that cause massive
involuntary twitch, revealing the preys location and eliciting the full, tetanus-inducing volley.
The temporal patterns of eel electrical discharges resemble motor neuron activity that
induces fast muscle contraction, suggesting that eel high-voltage volleys have been
selected to most efficiently induce involuntary muscle contraction in nearby animals.

he electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) is

one of just a few species that uses electrical discharges to capture prey and defend
against predators. It is the most powerful
electrogenic fish, with most of its body composed of electrocytes (muscle-derived biological
batteries), providing a combined discharge of up

to 600 V (1). Early attempts to understand electricity made use of electric eels (2), and more
recently, eels were important for identifying acetylcholine receptors (3) and for providing insights
into the evolution of electric organs (4), but little
is known about how the eels electrical discharge
affects prey. In this study, I designed a set of expe-
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S11
Table S1
References (29, 30)
15 May 2014; accepted 27 October 2014

riments to explore the impacts of the electric eel

discharges on potential prey and the mechanism
that operates during such attacks.
Electric eels emit three distinct types of electric
organ discharges: (i) low-voltage pulses for sensing
their environment, (ii) pairs and triplets of highvoltage pulses given off periodically while hunting
in complex environments, and (iii) high-frequency
volleys of high-voltage pulses during prey capture
or defense (movie S1) (59). Under most conditions, eels attack free-swimming prey with the latter strategy, using high-voltage volleys combined
with a suction-feeding strike. To explore this more
common behavior, I simultaneously recorded eel
behavior and electric organ discharges in a naturalistic experimental environment (10). Eels began
their attack with a high-frequency (~400 Hz) volley of high-voltage pulses 10 to 15 ms before their
predatory strike. In response to these volleys, prey
voluntary movement was completely arrested 3 to
4 ms after the first strong discharge (Fig. 1 and
movie S2). Fish that were not successfully captured
during this period of immobility were often able to
Department of Biological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, VU
Station B, Box 35-1634, Nashville, TN 37235, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]

43 cm/s














2 cm

0 ms

20 ms

40 ms

60 ms

80 ms

15 cm/s


100 ms

120 ms

140 ms

160 ms

180 ms



55 cm/s

Fig. 1. Eels discharge and strike. (A) Electric organ discharge corresponding to plates below. Arrow indicates low-amplitude discharge. (B) Video frames
showing that fish movement is arrested by discharge. Red frames indicate electric organ discharge (movie S1). (C) The utility of the discharge illustrated. Shown
are the prey fish at 40 ms (green) and later, the position and velocity of the eel and fish at 160 ms (red fish). Green dotted fish outline shows velocity and location of
uninterrupted escaping fish matched in time, size, and position from 40 ms, suggesting that the eel would have missed without the discharge.


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



return to previous movement patterns and escape

(movie S2).
To characterize the mechanism by which highvoltage volleys cause this remote immobilization
of prey (10), anesthetized fish were pithed (to destroy the brain), the hole was sealed with cyanoacrylate, and the fish was attached to a force
transducer. An eel in the aquarium was separated from the fish by an electrically permeable

Agar Barrier

agar barrier (Fig. 2A) (11) and fed earthworms,

which it attacked with volleys of its high-voltage
discharge. The discharge directed at the earthworms induced strong muscular contractions in
the fish preparation, precisely correlated in time
with the volley (no tension developed during the
weak discharge). A steep rise in fish tension occurred with a mean latency of 3.4 ms (n = 20
trials) after the first strong pulse (Fig. 2B), which


is similar to the 2.9-ms mean immobilization

latency (n = 20 trials) observed in free-swimming
fish. Tension induced by the eel in the fish preparation was similar to the maximum that could
be induced experimentally (fig. S1) (10). This result
indicates that fish are immobilized by massive, involuntary muscle contraction.
To further investigate the fidelity of prey muscle contractions relative to the electric organ

20 ms

3.7 ms

3 45 6 7 8 9





10 ms

23 4 5 6 7 8 9

100 ms

Fish Tension
Time 2:40










Fish 1



Fish 2

Fig. 2. Paradigm for investigating strong electric organ discharge. (A) An agar barrier separated eels from pithed fish. Eels shocked earthworms
while fish tension was recorded. (B) All eels induced whole-body tension, occurring 2 to 4 ms after strong discharge onset. No tension was developed
from weak discharge. At low frequencies, individual twitches emerged for each discharge (top right) (fig. S2). (C) Two pithed fish (fish 1, 19 g; fish 2, 21 g)
preparation. (D) Effect of curare. Red trace indicates strong electric organ discharge matched in time to unnormalized fish tension (green). Arrows
indicate time of injections (fig. S3). Bar in (D) = 500 ms.

Voltage Tension


200 ms


Expanded Doublet
5 ms

Weak EOD




Agar Barrier

Prey Movement

2 3

6 7

Prey Movement

3 4

5 6



25 ms




Fig. 3. Doublets during hunting. (A) Examples of doublets and corresponding tension responses. (B) Expansion of the first doublet and corresponding
tension trace (off-scale peaks were estimated). (C) Schematic of attack sequence. (D) Example of high-voltage electric organ discharge for an attack
preceded by a doublet. (E) Video frames from volley shown in (D). Numbers correspond to numbers in (D). (F) Timing of the high-voltage discharge for
attack preceded by a triplet. (G) Video frames for volley shown in (F).




Carbon Electrode

Agar Barrier
EOD Recording
PowerLab 8/35

Plastic Bag

Conditions B through G Below Agar Barrier




(Movie S6 Clip 6)

Plastic Bag

Eel Attack
By Doublet


Plastic Bag

Fish Twitch

(Movie S6 Clip 1-2)

Eel Attack


Plastic Bag

Fish Twitch

(Movie S6 Clip 3-4)


By Doublet


Plastic Bag

By Doublet


(Movie S6 Clip 5)

Plastic Bag


No Plastic Bag

Below Plexiglas

Fish Twitch


(Movie S6 Clip 7)

Fig. 4. Paradigm and controls showing eels attack doublet-generated movements. (A) Movement
in electrically isolated pithed fish (below agar) was generated through stimulator. (B) Without fish twitch,
eels did not follow doublets with attack (10 trials each for two eels). (C) When stimulator triggered fish
twitch after doublets, eels attacked (10 trials each for two eels). (D) Without doublets, fish twitches also
elicited attack volleys (10 trials each of two eels). (E) Doublets that triggered stimulator leads in bag did
not elicit attack (10 trials for each of two eels). (F) Likewise, no attack volleys were elicited after stimulation
of a freeze-thawed fish (10 trials each of two eels). (G) Doublets directed at a freeze-thawed fish under
agar without the plastic bag or stimulator did not elicit eel attack volleys or strikes (10 trials each of two
eels). These latter conditions, along with (H) trials with Plexiglas barrier, show that visual cues did not
generate eel attacks. Examples are provided in movie S6 and (10).


discharge, and the mechanism of the contractions

induction, two pithed-fish preparations were stationed side by side (Fig. 2C). The high-voltage
discharge reliably created muscle tension with
similar form and time course in both fish (fig. S2).
As the discharge frequency decreased, individual
fish twitches often emerged on the tension trace,
each corresponding to a single discharge (Fig. 2B
and fig. S2). To determine whether the discharge
induced muscle contractions by initiating action
potentials directly in prey muscles or through activation of some portion of fish motor neurons, one
of two similarly sized fish was injected with curare
(an acetylcholine antagonist) so as to block the
acetylcholine gated ion channels at the neuromuscular junction, whereas the other fish was
sham-injected (Fig. 2D). In each of four cases,
tension responses in the curarized fish dropped to
near zero, whereas the sham-injected fish continued to respond (fig. S3). These findings indicate
that fish motor neuron activation is required to
induce tetanus in prey. To determine whether this
activation of prey motor neurons was the result of
central nervous system (spinal) activity or activity in
efferent branches of motor neurons, the dual tension experiment was repeated twice with extensively double-pithed fish (in which both the brain
and spinal cord were destroyed, but the branches
of motor efferents were left intact within the fish
body) and compared with a brain-pithed fish. No
diminution in contractile response, or difference
in contractile response latency, was observed for
the double-pithed fish relative to the brain-pithed
fish (fig. S2). These experiments suggest that the
electric eels strong electric organ discharge remotely activates motor neuron efferents of its
prey, although this activation could occur anywhere between the spinal cord and the presynaptic side of the neuromuscular junction. Given
that the eels strong electric organ discharge
remotely activates prey motor neurons, it was
useful to consider the form of this pulse train in
the context of prey muscle activation. Analysis of
the first 11 impulses from strong discharge volleys from each of four eels showed that each begins with a doublettwo pulses with a shorter
interpulse interval (fig. S4). Doublets at the onset of
motor neuron trains have been shown to induce
high rates of muscle tension (1215). Moreover, the
overall distribution of pulses in the eels strong
discharge resembles motor neuron trains found
to be near optimal for muscle tension development (16, 17). These observations raise the possibility that eel volleys have been selected to
efficiently induce rapid muscle tension.
As described above, hunting eels often pause
and give off isolated high-voltage doublets (9),
particularly in complex environments, when seeking hidden prey or when exploring conductors
(movie S3). In the course of the present study,
eels stationed behind the agar barrier in the fish
tension experiments occasionally emitted such
isolated doublets or triplets and then attempted
to break through the barrier to reach the fish preparation (movie S4). This suggested that eels were
able to detect fish movements through the thin
agar barrier, which was not designed to mask
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



mechanosensory cues. To identify the function

of this additional behavior, eels were presented
with prey hidden below a thin agar barrier (Fig.
3C). In some cases, eels detected prey through
the barrier and attacked directly, but in other
cases, the eel investigated the agar surface with a
low-amplitude electric organ discharge and then
produced a high-voltage doublet. The doublet invariably caused prey movement. Stimulated prey
movement was closely followed (in 20 to 40 ms)
by a full predatory strike consisting of a strong
electric discharge volley and directed attack
(Fig. 3 and movie S5), as characterized in the first
experiments. The distinct form of the discharge
trace in these trials consisted of a doublet (or
triplet) followed by a 20- to 40-ms pause (during
which prey moved) and then a full discharge
volley (Fig. 3, D and F).
The results of the doublet experiment suggest
that the eels may use doublet and triplet discharges to detect cryptic prey by inducing movement. To test this hypothesis, a pithed fish was
placed in a thin plastic bag to isolate it from the
eels discharge. The electrically isolated fish was
positioned below an agar barrier, with electrical
leads embedded in the head and tail region (10)
that allowed production of artificial fish twitch by
the experimenter. Artificial fish twitch was triggered remotely through a stimulator (Fig. 4A), allowing control over its timing and occurrence.
When the stimulating electrodes were inactive, eel
doublets caused no response in the pithed fish
and eels did not attack the preparation (Fig. 4B
and movie S6). However, when the stimulator was
configured to trigger fish twitch when the eel produced a doublet, the eels full doublet attack behavior was replicated (Fig. 4C and movie S6). The
attack pattern consisted of a doublet, followed by
a short pause, during which the prey moved (resulting from the triggered stimulator), followed by
a high-voltage volley and strike. This key experiment showed that eels never (10 of 10 trials for
each of two eels) followed a doublet with an attack
volley without a mechanosensory echo from the
prey, but attacked in response to the stimulatorgenerated fish twitch (10 of 10 trials for each of
two eels; P < 0.0001, binomial test). Experimentertriggered twitches, in the absence of eel hunting
doublets, also generated attacks (movie S6) with
the time course observed above (Fig. 4D and supplementary materials). Thus, prey movement,
whether doublet-generated or independently generated, elicited short latency (20 to 40 ms) attacks. Eels also appeared to use either active or
passive electrolocation to detect live prey under
agar and often attacked without a preceding doublet. But in no case did an attack volley follow a
doublet in the absence of prey response. Thus, the
doublet appears to answer the question, Are you
living prey? when information is limited. Preliminary observations suggest that doublet hunting
is most common in complex environments (movie
S7). A range of controls confirmed that eels were
responding to twitch-generated mechanosensory
cues in this paradigm (Fig. 4 and movie S6).
Together, the results of these experiments show
that high-voltage discharges of electric eels re1234

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

motely activate motor neuron efferents in nearby

animals. Prey that have been detected can be immobilized and captured. Hidden prey can be induced to twitch, revealing their location. The
latter strategy, which often triggers an escape response, depends on the eels short reaction time.
An eel can discharge its high-voltage train 20 ms
after a mechanosensory stimulus, allowing it to
cancel the very escape response it has generated.
Overall, this study reveals that the electric eel has
evolved a precise remote control mechanism for
prey capture, one that takes advantage of an organisms own nervous system.

1. H. Grundfest, Prog. Biophys. Biop. Chem. 1957, 185 (1956).

2. S. Finger, M. Piccolino, The Shocking History of Electric Fishes:
From Ancient Epochs to the Birth of Modern Neurophysiology
(Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 2011), p. 5.
3. J. Keesey, J. Hist. Neurosci. 14, 149164 (2005).
4. J. R. Gallant et al., Science 344, 15221525 (2014).
5. R. Bauer, Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 4, 311319 (1979).
6. C. W. Coates, R. T. Cox, W. A. Rosemblith, M. B. Brown,
Zoologica 25, 249 (1940).
7. S. Hagiwara, T. Szabo, P. S. Enger, J. Neurophysiol. 28,
775783 (1965).
8. T. H. Bullock, Brain Behav. Evol. 2, 85101 (1969).

9. G. M. Westby, Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 22, 341354 (1988).

10. Materials and methods are available as supplementary
materials on Science Online.
11. A. J. Kalmijn, J. Exp. Biol. 55, 371383 (1971).
12. R. Hennig, T. Lmo, Nature 314, 164166 (1985).
13. K. K. Pedersen, O. B. Nielsen, K. Overgaard, Physiol. Rep.
1, e00026 (2013).
14. A. J. Cheng, N. Place, J. D. Bruton, H. C. Holmberg,
H. Westerblad, J. Physiol. 591, 37393748 (2013).
15. J. Celichowski, K. Grottel, Acta Neurobiol. Exp. (Warsz.) 58,
4753 (1998).
16. F. E. Zajac, J. L. Young, J. Neurophysiol. 43, 12061220 (1980).
17. F. E. Zajac, J. L. Young, J. Neurophysiol. 43, 12211235 (1980).

I thank E. Catania for suggesting experimental designs and

manuscript comments. This work was supported by a Pradel
Award from the National Academy of Sciences, a Guggenheim
Fellowship, and NSF grant 0844743. Raw data are available in
the supplementary materials.
Materials and Methods
Supplementary Text
Figs. S1 to S4
Movies S1 to S7
4 September 2014; accepted 13 November 2014


Neutrophils scan for activated

platelets to initiate inflammation
Vinatha Sreeramkumar,1 Jos M. Adrover,1 Ivan Ballesteros,2 Maria Isabel Cuartero,2
Jan Rossaint,3 Izaskun Bilbao,1,4 Maria Ncher,1,5 Christophe Pitaval,1 Irena Radovanovic,1
Yoshinori Fukui,6 Rodger P. McEver,7 Marie-Dominique Filippi,8 Ignacio Lizasoain,2
Jess Ruiz-Cabello,1,4 Alexander Zarbock,3 Mara A. Moro,2 Andrs Hidalgo1,9*
Immune and inflammatory responses require leukocytes to migrate within and through
the vasculature, a process that is facilitated by their capacity to switch to a polarized
morphology with an asymmetric distribution of receptors. We report that neutrophil
polarization within activated venules served to organize a protruding domain that engaged
activated platelets present in the bloodstream. The selectin ligand PSGL-1 transduced signals
emanating from these interactions, resulting in the redistribution of receptors that drive
neutrophil migration. Consequently, neutrophils unable to polarize or to transduce signals
through PSGL-1 displayed aberrant crawling, and blockade of this domain protected mice
against thromboinflammatory injury. These results reveal that recruited neutrophils scan for
activated platelets, and they suggest that the neutrophils bipolarity allows the integration of
signals present at both the endothelium and the circulation before inflammation proceeds.

eutrophils are primary effectors of the immune response against invading pathogens
but are also central mediators of inflammatory injury (1). Both functions rely on
their remarkable ability to migrate within and through blood vessels. The migration of
neutrophils is initiated by tethering and rolling
on inflamed venules, a process mediated by endothelial selectins (2). Selectin- and chemokinetriggered activation of integrins then allows firm
adhesion, after which leukocytes actively crawl
on the endothelium before they extravasate or
return to the circulation (3). A distinct feature
of leukocytes recruited to inflamed vessels is the

rapid shift from a symmetric morphology into

a polarized form, in which intracellular proteins and receptors rapidly segregate (4). In this
way, neutrophils generate a moving front or
leading edge where the constant formation of
lamellipodia (actin projections) guides movement, and a uropod or trailing edge where highly glycosylated receptors accumulate (5, 6). We
deemed it unlikely that this dramatic reorganization served to exclusively generate a frontto-back axis for directional movement, and we
explored the possibility that neutrophil polarization functions as an additional checkpoint
during inflammation. SCIENCE


We performed intravital microscopy (IVM) imaging of venules in cremaster muscles of mice

treated with the cytokine tumor necrosis factora
(TNF-a), an inflammatory model in which the
vast majority of recruited leukocytes are neutrophils (fig. S1). Within seconds after arresting, leukocytes formed a lamellipodia-rich domain, or
leading edge, and a CD62L-enriched uropod,
which we could identify by its localization opposite to the leading edge and the direction of cell
movement (movie S1 and Fig. 1A) (68). Confirming previous reports, we observed numerous interactions of platelets with the leading edge of
adherent neutrophils [Fig. 1A and fig. S2A (810)].
During these experiments, we noticed that the
uropod underwent continuous collisions with circulating platelets, a fraction of which established
measurable interactions that were usually transient (Fig. 1B and movie S2). Because platelets
captured by the uropod represented a substantial fraction of all interactions (31%), we searched
for the receptor(s) mediating these contacts. We
reasoned that PSGL-1, a glycoprotein ligand for
P-selectin (11) that segregates to the uropod of
polarized neutrophils (12), could be responsible
for these interactions. Analysis of mice deficient
in PSGL-1 (Selplg/ mice) revealed marked reductions in platelet interactions with the uropod,
whereas those at the leading edge remained
unaffected (Fig. 1B). In contrast, deficiency in the
b2 integrin Mac-1 (Itgam/) resulted in reductions at both the uropod and leading edge (Fig.
1B). In vivo labeling of Mac-1 and PSGL-1 confirmed these functional data, with Mac-1 localized
throughout the cell body and PSGL-1 exclusively
at the uropod (Fig. 1C). Specifically, PSGL-1 clustered in a small region of the uropod, whereas
CD62L was widely distributed in this domain
(Fig. 1C). Analyses of mice expressing a functional
Dock2-GFP protein (GFP, green fluorescent protein), a guanine nucleotide exchange factor of
Rac GTPases (13), revealed colocalization of Dock2
with PSGL-1 clusters on crawling neutrophils
(fig. S3 and movie S3), suggesting active structural dynamics within this region. This observation together with the high frequency of platelet
collisions with the PSGL-1 clusters suggested that
this domain might be actively protruding into
the vessel lumen. Using high-speed spinning-disk
Department of Atherothrombosis, Imaging and Epidemiology,
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC),
Madrid, Spain. 2Unidad de Investigacin Neurovascular,
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad
Complutense and Instituto de Investigacin Hospital 12 de
Octubre (i+12), Madrid, Spain. 3Department of Anesthesiology
and Critical Care Medicine, University of Mnster and Max
Planck Institute Mnster, Mnster, Germany. 4Ciber de
Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERES), Madrid, Spain. 5Faculty
of Science, Medicine and Health, University of Wollongong,
New South Wales, Australia. 6Division of Immunogenetics,
Department of Immunobiology and Neuroscience, Kyushu
University, Japan. 7Cardiovascular Biology Research Program,
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Oklahoma City, OK,
USA. 8Division of Experimental Hematology and Cancer Biology,
Cincinnati Children's Research Foundation, University of
Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH, USA. 9Institute
for Cardiovascular Prevention, Ludwig-Maximilians-University,
Munich, Germany.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]


IVM, we could obtain three-dimensional (3D)

reconstructions of polarized neutrophils within
inflamed venules of Dock2-GFP mice (Fig. 1D),
demonstrating that the PSGL-1 clusters indeed
projected toward the vessel lumen in about 40%
of adherent neutrophils, whereas in the remaining 60% of the cells, it extended laterally, parallel
to the endothelial surface (Fig. 1, D and E, and
movie S4). As a consequence, the luminal space
of inflamed venules was populated by multiple
PSGL-1bearing clusters suitably positioned to interact with circulating cells (Fig. 1F and movie S5).
The observation that only a small fraction of
circulating platelets engaged in interactions with
the uropod prompted us to search for subsets
of platelets prone to this behavior. In vivo labeling for P-selectin or for active b3 integrins
revealed that virtually all platelets interacting
with the uropod were activated (P-selectin+ or with
active b3 integrins), whereas a fraction of those
engaging the leading edge were not (Fig. 1G and
figs. S2B and S4). These findings further suggested that P-selectin present on the surface of

activated platelets might be mediating the interactions with the PSGL-1 clusters. Analyses of
mice deficient in P-selectin (Selp/ mice) indeed
demonstrated patterns of platelet interactions
with the two leukocyte subdomains that were
similar to those found in mice lacking PSGL-1
(Fig. 1B). These results indicated that neutrophils recruited to inflamed vessels extend a PSGL1bearing microdomain into the vessel lumen
that scans for activated platelets present in the
bloodstream through P-selectin.
During the course of our IVM experiments,
we also noticed alterations in the intravascular
behavior of adherent neutrophils in the different
mutant mice. Deficiency in Mac-1 severely compromised neutrophil crawling on the inflamed
vasculature (Fig. 2, A and B), a process previously reported to be mediated by this integrin
(3). Surprisingly, although PSGL-1 was excluded
from the area of contact with the endothelium
(Fig. 1, D and E), neutrophils deficient in this glycoprotein also displayed reductions in crawling displacement and velocity (Fig. 2, A and B),

Fig. 1. Neutrophils recruited to inflamed venules interact with activated platelets via protruding
PSGL-1 clusters. (A) Micrographs of polarized neutrophils interacting with platelets (red; yellow arrowheads) through the leading edge or the CD62L-labeled uropod (blue). (B) Quantification of total or domainspecific platelet interactions in wild-type mice or mice deficient in P-selectin (Selp/), PSGL-1 (Selplg/),
or Mac-1 (Itgam/); n = 5 to 8 mice, 38 to 133 interactions. (C) In vivo receptor distribution on polarized
wild-type neutrophils. (D) Examples of luminal and lateral projections from 3D reconstructions of polarized
Dock2-GFP neutrophils (see also movie S4). (E) Frequency of neutrophils extending PSGL-1 clusters into
the lumen (Lu), laterally (La) or between the cell body and the endothelium (En). n = 6 mice, 251 cells. (F)
3D reconstructions of an inflamed vessel showing the distribution of PSGL-1 clusters (movie S5). (G)
Representative micrographs of neutrophils interacting with nonactivated (arrow) or activated P-selectin+
platelets (arrowhead), and quantification of interactions of each domain with P-selectin+ or JON/A+
platelets. n = 3 to 4 mice, 66 to 116 interactions. Scale bars, 10 mm. Bars show mean T SEM. *P < 0.05; ***P <
0.001, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukeys post-hoc test.
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



and these defects were cell-intrinsic (fig. S5 and

movie S6). To exclude potential defects originating from PSGL-1 contributions in the early
steps of leukocyte recruitment by binding endothelial P-selectin (14), we prevented PSGL-1
binding to P-selectin using a blocking antibody
injected after neutrophils had adhered. Inhibition
at this stage did not affect leukocyte adhesion
to inflamed venules but specifically decreased
interactions with the uropod (fig. S6) and caused
reductions in crawling kinetics (Fig. 2, A and B).
We thus speculated that the engagement of
PSGL-1 at the uropod might promote crawling
of polarized neutrophils. To test this hypothesis,
we first induced transient depletion of platelets,
a treatment that resulted in virtual suppression
of crawling (Fig. 2, A and B, and fig. S7A). We next
analyzed two models in which neutrophil polarization or signaling through PSGL-1 was impaired.
In the first model, we induced hematopoieticspecific deletion of the gene encoding Cdc42
(fig. S8A), a small Rho-GTPase required for neutrophil polarization (15). Confirming previous in
vitro observations, Cdc42-deficient neutrophils
were unable to form a leading edgetouropod
axis and instead formed multiple protrusions,
lacked a distinguishable uropod, and failed to
form PSGL-1 clusters in vivo (fig. S8B). Impaired
polarization in these mutants compromised interactions between neutrophils and circulating
platelets (fig. S8C), and neutrophils in these mice
displayed severely impaired crawling kinetics
(Fig. 2, C and D). In the second model, we analyzed mice in which PSGL-1 is normally distributed at the cell surface and can interact with
P-selectin but cannot propagate outside-in signals because of the absence of the cytoplasmic
domain [PSGL-1DCyt mice (16)]. Although neutrophil adhesion to TNF-astimulated vessels was
partially compromised in PSGL-1DCyt mice because
of reductions in the surface levels of PSGL-1,
those cells that adhered polarized normally (fig.
S9A) and displayed marked reductions in crawling kinetics (Fig. 2, C and D) despite elevated
levels of Mac-1 on the surface (fig. S9B). Thus,
polarization of a signaling-competent PSGL-1
drives the intravascular migration of neutrophils.
To search for possible mechanisms by which
PSGL-1derived signals promoted crawling, we
analyzed the in vivo distribution of Mac-1 and
the chemokine receptor CXCR2, two receptors
required for the intravascular migration of neutrophils (3, 17). In wild-type cells, Mac-1 was homogeneously distributed throughout the cell
body, whereas CXCR2 preferentially localized at
the leading edge (Fig. 2E and movie S7). Neutrophils deficient in PSGL-1 exhibited a mislocalization of both receptors (Fig. 2E, fig. S10, and
movie S8). These alterations were even more
dramatic in wild-type mice upon platelet depletion (figs. S7B and S10 and movie S9), which
agreed with the suppression of crawling in these
mice (Fig. 2A). The absence or inhibition of
PSGL-1 in Mac-1deficient mice did not lead to
further reductions in platelet interactions or
crawling kinetics (fig. S11), indicating that these
receptors function along the same pathway and

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Fig. 2. PSGL-1 controls intravascular motility and

the distribution of Mac-1 and CXCR2. (A) Tracks of
crawling neutrophils within inflamed vessels in untreated
wild-type mice, mice deficient in PSGL-1 (Selplg/) or
Mac-1 (Itgam/), and mice depleted of platelets by
antiplatelet serum or treated with a PSGL-1blocking antibody. (B) Quantification of the crawling displacements and instantaneous velocities of neutrophils in the same groups as (A); n = 50 to 56 cells, 4 to
9 mice. (C) Tracks of neutrophils with conditional deletion of Cdc42 or expressing a mutant form of PSGL-1
that lacks the cytoplasmic tail (PSGL-1DCyt) and (D) quantification of the displacement per minute and
instantaneous velocities of adhered neutrophils. n = 50 to 55 cells, 3 to 5 mice. (E) Representative
micrographs and quantification (F) of the in vivo distribution of CXCR2 and Mac-1 in polarized neutrophils
from wild-type and PSGL-1deficient mice; n = 17 to 19 cells, 3 mice. Scale bar, 10 mm. Data show mean T
SEM. *P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ANOVA with Tukeys multigroup test (B) or unpaired t test (F).

Fig. 3. PSGL-1 at the uropod becomes a preferred docking site for platelets during pathological
inflammation. (A) Survival curves of Balb/c mice treated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) alone or LPS
plus antiMHC-I (MHC, major histocompatibility complex) to induce ALI. Neutrophils were depleted using
anti-Ly6G, and platelets using antiplatelet serum before the induction of ALI; n = 5 to 20 mice. (B) (Left)
Representative micrographs of inflamed venules during ALI. The asterisks indicate platelets interacting
with the uropod of neutrophils. (Right) Quantification of platelet interactions with the leading edge or
uropod in control (LPS only) and ALI-induced mice. Scale bar, 10 mm. n = 3 to 4 mice, 32 to 73 interactions.
(C) Frequency of interactions with the leading edge or uropod in TNF-atreated or ALI-induced mice, and
distribution of interactions in wild-type mice and mice deficient in PSGL-1 (Selplg/) or Mac-1 (Itgam/);
n = 3 to 5 mice, 23 to 137 interactions. (D) Frequency of interactions with the leading edge or uropod during
sepsis in wild-type mice and mice deficient in PSGL-1 or Mac-1. n = 3 to 4 mice, 32 to 56 interactions. Bars
show mean T SEM. *P < 0.05; ***P < 0.001 as determined by ANOVA with Tukeys multigroup test. SCIENCE


Fig. 4. PSGL-1mediated
interactions trigger vascular
injury. (A) Survival curves of
Balb/c mice treated with LPS
alone or LPS plus antiMHC-I
to induce ALI. The absence of
Mac-1 or inhibition of PSGL-1
protects from death; n = 5 to
19 mice. (B) Representative
axial slices of the thorax of
Balb/c mice at different times
after induction of ALI. The
white signal in the pulmonary
space identifies edema,
which is quantified in (C); n = 7
to 8 mice per group. (D)
Quantification of hepatic injury
as levels of AST and ALT
transaminases in plasma of
the indicated group of mice
24 hours after treatment with
LPS; n = 7 to 11 mice. (E)
Representative brain sections
of wild-type mice 24 hours
after inducing ischemia,
showing vessels at increasing
magnifications and intravascular neutrophil (Ly6G,
green)platelet (CD41, red)
aggregates. Scale bars, 10 mm. (F) Percentages of infarcted hemispheres 24 hours after arterial occlusion in control wild-type mice, mice deficient in Mac-1 (Itgam/),
and wild-type mice after blocking PSGL-1. Images are representative brain sections stained with TTC, showing the extent of ischemia as white areas with a red
outline; n = 5 to 8 mice. Bars show mean T SEM. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001, ANOVA with Tukeys multigroup test.

that additional platelet-derived mediators and

unknown neutrophil receptors that mediate platelet interactions can regulate crawling. Thus, intact distribution of and signaling through PSGL-1
at the uropod regulates neutrophil crawling, at
least in part by orchestrating the appropriate distribution of adhesive and chemotactic receptors.
We next explored how this phenomenon might
contribute to pathogenic inflammation. We used
a model of acute lung injury (ALI) in Balb/c mice
that closely simulates transfusion-related ALI
(18). In this model, the transient elimination of
neutrophils or platelets protects from death
[Fig. 3A and (19)], indicating that this might be
an appropriate model to study the functional
partnership between these cells. Intravital analyses of the cremaster microvessels in ALI-induced
mice confirmed the findings in crawling kinetics,
receptor distribution, and luminal or lateral projections made using TNF-a (fig. S12 and movie
S10) and further revealed that during ALI, the
uropod becomes the predominant domain for
platelet interactions, which contrasted with the
preferred use of the leading edge in the nonpathogenic TNF-ainduced model (Fig. 3, B
and C). Interactions at the uropod during ALI
were mediated by PSGL-1, whereas Mac-1 mediated interactions with both domains (Fig. 3C
and fig. S13). We obtained similar responses in
a model of endotoxemia (Fig. 3D), indicating that
during pathological inflammation, the uropod
becomes the dominant interacting domain for
circulating platelets.

To test whether the engagement of PSGL-1 at

the uropod was causally related to neutrophilmediated vascular inflammation, we explored
its contribution in the model of ALI. Intravital
imaging of the pulmonary microcirculation revealed a rapid increase in platelets captured by
recruited neutrophils that were strongly inhibited by blocking PSGL-1 (fig. S14). In addition,
deficiency in PSGL-1 or Mac-1, or inhibition of
PSGL-1, resulted in moderate protection from
ALI-induced death (Fig. 4A and fig. S15A). The
use of computed tomography to track pulmonary edema over time revealed partial protection from ALI in mice deficient in Mac-1 and
almost complete protection when PSGL-1 interactions were blocked (Fig. 4, B and C). This
protection correlated with reduced neutrophil
infiltrates in the lung (fig. S16) and suggested
that interactions at the uropod critically contribute to vascular injury. Deficiency in either
receptor or inhibition of PSGL-1 also prevented
hepatic damage during endotoxemia (Fig. 4D
and fig. S15B). Consistent with previous reports
(20, 21), we detected elevations in the plasma
levels of neutrophil-derived extracellular traps
(NETs) during ALI and sepsis. These elevations
were completely blunted when platelets were
depleted, by blocking PSGL-1, or in the absence
of Mac-1 (fig. S17), suggesting that other forms
of neutrophil activation can be triggered upon
platelet interactions through PSGL-1.
Finally, we examined whether PSGL-1mediated
interactions also underlie ischemic injury, a prev-

alent form of vascular disease (22). We used a

model of stroke triggered by permanent occlusion of the middle cerebral artery, in which neutrophil depletion significantly reduces tissue death
as measured by the percentage of infarcted hemisphere [fig. S18 and (23))] Interactions between
neutrophils and platelets within the microvasculature of infarcted brains were inhibited by
blocking PSGL-1 (Fig. 4E and fig. S19), and this
correlated with significant reductions in infarct
volumes when PSGL-1 was inhibited or in the
absence of Mac-1 (Fig. 4F).
We have uncovered a critical checkpoint during the early stages of inflammation: Neutrophils
recruited to injured vessels extend a domain into
the lumen, where PSGL-1 clusters scan for the
presence of activated platelets. Only when productive interactions occur do neutrophils organize additional receptors needed for intravascular
migration or generate NETs, and inflammation
ensues (fig. S20 and movie S11). Our findings
reveal that the dynamic reorganization of neutrophil domains and receptors allows simultaneous interactions with both the vascular wall
and activated platelets in the circulation to provide a rapid and efficient regulatory mechanism
early during inflammation.

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18. M. R. Looney, B. M. Gilliss, M. A. Matthay, Curr. Opin. Hematol.

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M. R. Looney et al., J. Clin. Invest. 119, 34503461 (2009).
A. Caudrillier et al., J. Clin. Invest. 122, 26612671 (2012).
S. R. Clark et al., Nat. Med. 13, 463469 (2007).
G. A. Donnan, M. Fisher, M. Macleod, S. M. Davis, Lancet 371,
16121623 (2008).
23. M. I. Cuartero et al., Stroke 44, 34983508 (2013).



We thank G. Crainiciuc, J. A. Quintana, I. Ortega, and A. Santos for

technical support and D. Sancho and S. Gonzlez for insightful
comments. The data presented in this manuscript can be found in
the main paper and supplementary materials. This study was
supported by NIH grants HL03463, HL085607 (R.P.M.), and
HL090676 (M.-D.F.); German Research Foundation grants
ZA428/8-1, ZA428/6-1, and SFB 1009-TP A05 (A.Z.); FP7 Marie
Curie (ITN-264864; p-net) and S2010/BMD-2326 from Comunidad
de Madrid (J.R-C.); Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from
the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Y.F.); CSD201000045 and SAF2012-33216 from Ministerio de Economia y
Competitividad (MINECO) and S2010/BMD-2336 from


Chromatin decondensation is
sufficient to alter nuclear
organization in embryonic stem cells
Pierre Therizols, Robert S. Illingworth, Celine Courilleau, Shelagh Boyle,
Andrew J. Wood, Wendy A. Bickmore*
During differentiation, thousands of genes are repositioned toward or away from the
nuclear envelope. These movements correlate with changes in transcription and replication
timing. Using synthetic (TALE) transcription factors, we found that transcriptional
activation of endogenous genes by a viral trans-activator is sufficient to induce gene
repositioning toward the nuclear interior in embryonic stem cells. However, gene relocation
was also induced by recruitment of an acidic peptide that decondenses chromatin without
affecting transcription, indicating that nuclear reorganization is driven by chromatin
remodeling rather than transcription. We identified an epigenetic inheritance of chromatin
decondensation that maintained central nuclear positioning through mitosis even after
the TALE transcription factor was lost. Our results also demonstrate that transcriptional
activation, but not chromatin decondensation, is sufficient to change replication timing.

adial nuclear organization of the genome

is conserved in eukaryotes (1), with an accumulation of heterochromatin, gene-poor
and late-replicating chromatin domains
found near the nuclear envelope (2). Laminassociated domains (LADs) are gene-poor, show
low levels of transcription, and are depleted for
active histone marks (3). Artificial tethering to
the nuclear envelope has demonstrated that a
peripheral nuclear environment is sufficient to
induce transcriptional down-regulation of both
reporter genes and some endogenous genes in
somatic cells (4, 5), and during differentiation
many genes change their association with components of the nuclear laminaoften correlated

MRC Human Genetics Unit, Institute of Genetics and

Molecular Medicine, University of Edinburgh, Crewe Road,
Edinburgh EH4 2XU, UK.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

with altered gene expression (6). However, these

correlations do not determine whether relocalization relative to the nuclear periphery is a
cause or a consequence of gene regulation during differentiation.
Two-thirds of the genes that lose lamin B1
association during differentiation of embryonic
stem cells (ESCs) to neural precursor cells (NPCs)
are transcriptionally up-regulated. The others
are more likely to be strongly activated later
in differentiation (6). Ptn, Sox6, and Nrp1 are
three genes that are up-regulated during ESC
differentiation (7); they exhibit some of the largest
losses of lamin B1 association during ESC-to-NPC
differentiation (6) and, concomitantly, Ptn loses
its peripheral nuclear position (8). The expression of Ptn and Nrp1 begins to increase as ESCs
differentiate into epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs)
(Fig. 1B). Although there are no data on LADs
in EpiSCs, fluorescence in situ hybridization

Comunidad de Madrid (M.A.M.); and a Ramn y Cajal Fellowship

(RYC-2007-00697), SAF2009-11037 and 2012-31142 from
MINECO, S2010/BMD-2314 from Comunidad de Madrid, and
246655 from FP7-People-IRG Program (A.H.). The CNIC is
supported by the MINECO and the Pro-CNIC Foundation. R.P.M.
is cofounder of Selexys Pharmaceuticals, which is developing
monoclonal antibodies to PSGL-1 and P-selectin to treat
inflammatory and thrombotic diseases. A patent application
for the blockade of PSGL-1 in thromboinflammation has been
filed by V.S. and A.H. (EP14382425.8). The authors declare no
other conflicts of interest.
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S20
Tables S1 and S2
References (2429)
Movies S1 to S11
27 May 2014; accepted 7 November 2014

(FISH) showed that Ptn, Sox6, and Nrp1 loci relocate away from the nuclear periphery and
toward more central nuclear positions, correlated
to their expression changes, during the differentiation of ESCs to EpiSCs or to NPCs (P <
0.01; Fig. 2B and fig. S1).
To directly address the role of transcription in
nuclear reorganization, we ectopically activated
Ptn, Sox6, or Nrp1 in ESCs by means of synthetic
transcription factors composed of TALE (transcription activatorlike effector) DNA binding
domains with specificity for the respective gene
promoters (9) fused to VP64, a tetramer of the
VP16 acidic transcriptional activator (10, 11) (Fig.
1A). When transfected into ESCs, tPtn-VP64
induced expression of its target by a factor of
>30 to 90 (Fig. 1, B and C). Other than Ptn, only
two additional genes (Il33 and Nnmt) were significantly up-regulated, and genes involved in
ESC pluripotency or differentiation were not
significantly changed. This suggests that Ptn
up-regulation is not just an indirect consequence
of differentiation triggered by transfection or
the nonspecific expression of an acidic activator (Fig. 1C and fig. S2). Specific activation of
Nrp1 or Sox6 in cells transfected by tNrp1-VP64
or tSox6-VP64, respectively, also showed no expression signature of differentiation (Fig. 1B).
Control plasmids lacking the VP64 domain
(tPtn-D, tSox6-D, and tNrp1-D) had almost no
effect (Fig. 1, B and C). Moreover, we did not
detect any changes in the expression of genes
neighboring those targeted by the TALEs (Fig. 1C
and fig. S3).
As well as activating Ptn, Nrp1, or Sox6,
FISH showed that tPtn-VP64, tNrp1-VP64, and
tSox6-VP64 caused specific relocalization of the
targeted loci toward the center of ESC nuclei,
relative to control [enhanced green fluorescent
protein (eGFP)] transfection (tPtn-VP64, P =
4.6 109; tNrp1-VP64, P = 5.3 1014; tSox6VP64, P = 6.4 1012) or to constructs lacking
the activation domain (tPtn-D, P = 3 106;
tNrp1-D, P = 8.1 1010; tSox6-D, P = 8 1012)
(Fig. 2, A and B). The extent of this relocalization was similar to that seen upon normal SCIENCE


differentiation of ESCs to EpiSCs or NPCs (Fig.

2B and fig. S1). tPtn-VP64 and tNrp1-VP64 did
not significantly affect radial positioning of
Sox6 (tPtn-VP64, P = 0.56; tNrp1-VP64, P =

0.06), and tSox6-VP64 did not affect Nrp1 positioning (P = 0.08) (fig. S4, A to C). This reinforces the idea that TALE transfection does
not simply induce differentiation. We conclude

Fig. 1. TAL effector (TALE) transcription factor induces transcriptional

activation in mouse ESCs. (A) Schematics of TALE constructs specific for
Ptn, Nrp1, and Sox6. DNA binding domains were fused to either four repeats of
VP16 (VP64) or DELQPASIDP peptide (13). Constructs (D) with the VP64 domain
removed served as a negative control. Expression of eGFP from the same
construct via a self-cleaving (2A) peptide allows for isolation of cells expressing
the construct by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Amino acid abbreviations: A, Ala; D, Asp; E, Glu; F, Phe; I, Ile; L, Leu; M, Met; P, Pro; Q, Gln; S, Ser.
RVD, repeat variable diresidue. (B) Mean (T SEM) log2 mRNA level, established by
quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), for TALE


that forced Ptn, Nrp1, or Sox6 expression induces relocalization of the targeted loci toward
the center of the nucleus, independent of differentiation. This is consistent with a report

target genes (Ptn, Nrp1, Sox6), genes involved in pluripotency (Klf4, Oct4), or
genes involved in differentiation (FoxA2, Nestin, Fgf5) in ESCs transfected with
the different TALE vectors. Expression is shown relative to eGFP transfection.
Expression changes are also shown for the differentiation of ESCs to EpiSCs
or NPCs (n = 3 biological replicates). (C) Heat map showing 27 genes from the
expression microarray selected to represent different differentiation states, as
well as genes surrounding the regions targeted by the TALEs. Log2 transformed
mRNA ratios for ESCs transfected by the different tPtn constructs relative to
eGFP transfection, or for cells differentiated into NPCs relative to levels in
ESCs, are displayed using the color code shown.

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



Fig. 2. Synthetic chromatin decondensation

causes gene relocalization. (A) FISH with probes
flanking Ptn (left), Nrp1
(center), and Sox6 (right) in
nuclei of ESCs transfected
by eGFP or the -D, -VP64,
and -DEL TALEs targeting
Ptn, Nrp1, and Sox6. Nuclei
were counterstained with
(DAPI; blue). Scale bars,
5 mm. (B) Distribution of
Ptn, Nrp1, and Sox6 hybridization signals across five
concentric shells eroded
from the periphery (shell 1)
through to the center
(shell 5) of the nucleus
(fig. S1A) in ESCs transfected
by eGFP or the different
TALE constructs, or for
ESCs differentiated to
EpiSCs and NPCs (n = 100
to 150 nuclei for at least two
biological replicates).
(C) Box plots showing the
distribution of normalized
squared interprobe
distances (d2/r2) at Ptn
(left), Nrp1 (center), and
Sox6 (right) in ESCs
transfected by eGFP
(open bars) or the
corresponding TALEs.
Untransfected EpiSCs
differentiated from ESCs
are shown for comparison
(dark gray). Shaded boxes
show the median and
interquartile range of the
data (n = 100 to 150 nuclei).
See table S1 for statistical
analysis. (D) ChIP for
RNAPII (8WG antibody) at
Actb, Ptn, and Nrp1 promoters and at an intergenic negative control, in ESCs transfected by tPtn-D, tPtn-VP64, tPtn-DEL, tNrp1-D, tNrp1-VP64, or tNrp1-DEL.
Enrichment is shown as mean percentage input bound T SD over three technical replicates of biological replicate A (replicate B is shown in fig. S5).

showing that targeting of VP16 to lamin B1

associated sequences disrupts chromatin at the
nuclear periphery in somatic cells, although in
that case, this could not be linked to specific
effects on transcription (12).
To dissect which step of gene activation is
required for gene repositioning, we replaced
the VP64 domain of the TALE transcription
factors with an acidic peptide, DELQPASIDP,
which is known to decondense chromatin when
targeted to an artificial transgene array in somatic cells but without activating transcription;
this yielded the constructs tPtn-DEL, tNrp1-DEL,
and tSox6-DEL (Fig. 1, B and C) (13). We confirmed the absence of significant gene expression changes in cells transfected with t-DEL

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

constructs (Fig. 1, B and C, and fig. S2). Analysis

of normalized mean squared interprobe distances
(d2/r2) (14) between FISH probes flanking Ptn,
Nrp1, and Sox6 revealed that DEL peptide recruitment caused significant chromatin decondensation across the targeted loci relative to the
eGFP control (tPtn-DEL, P = 2.4 106; tNrp1DEL, P = 6.1 1010; tSox6-DEL, P = 3.6 106;
Fig. 2C and table S1). In contrast, constructs
lacking a trans-activation domain had no effect.
The effect of the DEL peptide on chromatin decondensation was similar to that observed with
VP64 and to that seen at Ptn and Sox6 upon
differentiation of ESCs to EpiSCs (Fig. 2C and
table S1). Chromatin decondensation at Ptn,
Nrp1, or Sox6 induced by their respective t-DELs

was accompanied by relocation of the respective loci toward the nuclear center (tPtn-DEL,
P = 6.22 106; tNrp1-DEL, P = 3.4 1023;
tSox6-DEL, P = 1.8 108; Fig. 2B). The nuclear
repositioning induced by DEL peptide was similar to that induced by VP64 (tPtn-VP64, P = 0.93;
tNrp1-VP64, P = 0.03; tSox6-VP64, P = 0.9). Neither tPtn nor tNrp1 affected Sox6 condensation,
and Nrp1 condensation was not affected by
TALEs targeting Sox6 (fig. S4D and table S1).
We also did not observe any off-target effects
for TALE-DEL proteins on radial positioning
(fig. S4, A to C). Using chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) for RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) (9), we confirmed that the effect of the DEL
peptide was independent of the transcription SCIENCE


machinery. We observed RNAPII recruitment at

Ptn and Nrp1 promoters in cells transfected by
tPtn-VP64 and tNrp1-VP64, respectively; no significant enrichment was observed with tPtnDEL or tNrp1-DEL (Fig. 2D and fig. S5).

Mitosis is followed by stochastic repositioning of LADs and late-replicating domains to

the nuclear periphery (12, 15, 16). However, it is
not clear to what extent this reestablishment
of nuclear organization depends on the per-

Fig. 3. Central nuclear positioning is maintained after loss of gene

induction. (A) RT-PCR of Gfp mRNA in ESC, 2 or 7 days after transfection
with tPtn-D, tPtn-VP64, or tPtn-DEL. Gapdh serves as a constitutively expressed control. (B) Mean (T SEM) log2 mRNA level for Ptn in ESCs 2 days
(left) or 7 days (right) after transfection with tPtn-D, tPtn-VP64, or tPtn-DEL.
Expression is shown relative to eGFP transfection (n = 3; one technical and

sistence of transcriptional states or chromatin

structure. We therefore examined nuclear repositioning of Ptn after loss of the original stimulus. TALE plasmid transfections of ESCs were
transient; hence, GFP expression from the

two biological replicates). (C) FISH at Ptn (green) and Sox6 (red) in ESCs
7 days after transfection by eGFP, tPtn-D, tPtn-VP64, or tPtn-DEL. Scale bars,
5 mm. Histograms below quantify the nuclear distribution of Ptn and Sox6
signals (as in Fig. 2B) for ESCs 7 days after transfection by eGFP, tPtn-D,
tPtn-VP64, and tPtn-DEL (n = 100 to 150 nuclei for each condition for each of
at least two biological replicates).

Fig. 4. Synthetic activation of transcription, but not nuclear repositioning, shifts replication timing. Mean (T SEM) log2 ratio of early/late
S phase fraction for Ptn, Nrp1, Sox6, Clec2l, and Mgam in ESCs after
transfection with (A) tPtn-D, tPtn-VP64, or tPtn-DEL; (B) tNrp1-D, tNrp1VP64, or tNrp1-DEL; and (C) tSox6-D, tSox6-VP64, or tSox6-DEL. For
comparison, changes in replication timing during differentiation of ESCs to EpiSCs or NPCs are included in all panels. Transfection with eGFP is also
shown at left of each group in all panels.


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



constructs was no longer detected after 7 days

in culture (Fig. 3A). Concomitant with overall
loss of the tPtn-VP64 plasmid, 7 days after
transfection Ptn expression had returned close to
its level in ESCs, although we cannot exclude
some cell-to-cell heterogeneity (Fig. 3B). However, Ptn remained in a more central nuclear
position at this time point after both tPtn-VP64
and tPtn-DEL transfections (P = 6.5 109 and
4.73 108 relative to eGFP; Fig. 3C). This
suggests that there might be epigenetic inheritance of an altered radial nuclear position, at
least for the tested Ptn locus.
Late-replicating DNA is concentrated around
the nuclear periphery; transcriptional activation
and gene relocation away from the nuclear envelope often correlate with a shift to an earlier
replication time during S phase (8, 17, 18). Indeed, replication timing of Ptn, Nrp1, and Sox6
shifts from late to early S phase during ESC-toNPC differentiation (18). We confirmed the late
replication timing of Ptn in undifferentiated
ESCs and its progressive shift to earlier time
points during differentiation (Fig. 4). Nrp1 and
Sox6 remained late-replicating in EpiSCs but became early-replicating in NPCs. Clec2l and Mgam
regions served as early- and late-replicating controls, respectively, and their replication timing
remained unchanged during ESC differentiation.
To dissect the relationships among transcription, chromatin decondensation, nuclear positioning, and replication timing, we measured the
effect of the different TALE constructs on the
replication timings of Ptn, Nrp1, and Sox6 in
ESCs (9). TALEs lacking an activation domain
(D) had no effect, but TALE-VP64mediated activation was sufficient to advance the replication timing of the targeted locus (Fig. 4), with
no detectable off-target effects on the other
tested loci. In contrast, the DEL peptide, which
decondensed chromatin (Fig. 2C) and relocated
(Fig. 2B) the targeted locus without inducing expression (Fig. 1, B and C) or recruiting RNAPII
(Fig. 2D), had no effect on replication timing
(Fig. 4). This demonstrates that neither chromatin decondensation nor nuclear relocalization are sufficient to shift replication time, and
suggests that the switch to early replication requires the activation of gene expression. This conclusion is reinforced by the analysis of replication
timing 7 days after tPtn-VP64 transient transfection, by which time Ptn activation was lost.
At this time point, Ptn had returned to a latereplicating state (fig. S6), even though it retained a central radial nuclear position (Fig. 3C).
We therefore conclude that altered replication
timing is likely to be a direct consequence of
Our data suggest that the global nuclear reorganization observed during early embryogenesis could be the consequence of chromatin
regulation. This could happen concomitantly with
transcription changes, as for Ptn or Nrp1 that
are both repositioned (Fig. 2B and fig. S1) and
up-regulated (Fig. 1B) in EpiSCs, or it could occur
independently, as for Sox6, which we found to
decondense and relocate in EpiSCs without any

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

detectable transcriptional changes. A full dissection of chromatin events mediated by the DEL
peptide, and those present at targeted genes after
loss of the original TALE transcription factor,
would give further insight into the mechanisms

1. P. Meister, A. Taddei, Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 23, 96103

2. A. Akhtar, S. M. Gasser, Nat. Rev. Genet. 8, 507517 (2007).
3. L. Guelen et al., Nature 453, 948951 (2008).
4. L. E. Finlan et al., PLOS Genet. 4, e1000039 (2008).
5. K. L. Reddy, J. M. Zullo, E. Bertolino, H. Singh, Nature 452,
243247 (2008).
6. D. Peric-Hupkes et al., Mol. Cell 38, 603613 (2010).
7. T. S. Mikkelsen et al., Nature 448, 553560 (2007).
8. I. Hiratani et al., PLOS Biol. 6, e245 (2008).
9. See supplementary materials on Science Online.
10. F. Zhang et al., Nat. Biotechnol. 29, 149153 (2011).
11. Q. Ding et al., Cell Stem Cell 12, 238251 (2013).
12. J. Kind et al., Cell 153, 178192 (2013).
13. A. E. Carpenter, S. Memedula, M. J. Plutz, A. S. Belmont,
Mol. Cell. Biol. 25, 958968 (2005).
14. R. Eskeland et al., Mol. Cell 38, 452464 (2010).

15. D. S. Dimitrova, D. M. Gilbert, Mol. Cell 4, 983993 (1999).

16. I. Thomson, S. Gilchrist, W. A. Bickmore, J. R. Chubb, Curr. Biol.
14, 166172 (2004). 10.1016/j.cub.2003.12.024
17. R. R. Williams et al., J. Cell Sci. 119, 132140 (2006).
18. I. Hiratani et al., Genome Res. 20, 155169 (2010).

We thank E. Freyer for FACS analysis, A. Tsakiridis and A. Lavigni

for cell culture assistance, P. Perry for help with image analysis,
and P. Madapura-Marulasiddappa and N. Gilbert for their
insightful comments. Supported by a Marie Curie Intra European
Fellowship (P.T.), Sir Henry Wellcome and Sir Henry Dale
Fellowships from the Wellcome Trust (A.J.W.), the UK Medical
Research Council, and European Research Council advanced grant
249956. The Gene Expression Omnibus accession number for
microarray expression data is GSE62379.
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S6
Tables S1 to S3
References (1925)
4 August 2014; accepted 29 October 2014


Time-resolved serial crystallography

captures high-resolution intermediates
of photoactive yellow protein
Jason Tenboer,1 Shibom Basu,2 Nadia Zatsepin,3 Kanupriya Pande,1
Despina Milathianaki,4 Matthias Frank,5 Mark Hunter,5* Sbastien Boutet,4
Garth J. Williams,4 Jason E. Koglin,4 Dominik Oberthuer,6 Michael Heymann,7
Christopher Kupitz,2 Chelsie Conrad,2 Jesse Coe,2 Shatabdi Roy-Chowdhury,2
Uwe Weierstall,3 Daniel James,3 Dingjie Wang,3 Thomas Grant,8 Anton Barty,7
Oleksandr Yefanov,7 Jennifer Scales,1 Cornelius Gati,6,7 Carolin Seuring,6
Vukica Srajer,9 Robert Henning,9 Peter Schwander,1 Raimund Fromme,2
Abbas Ourmazd,1 Keith Moffat,9,10 Jasper J. Van Thor,11 John C. H. Spence,3
Petra Fromme,2 Henry N. Chapman,6,7 Marius Schmidt1
Serial femtosecond crystallography using ultrashort pulses from x-ray free electron lasers
(XFELs) enables studies of the light-triggered dynamics of biomolecules. We used microcrystals
of photoactive yellow protein (a bacterial blue light photoreceptor) as a model system and
obtained high-resolution, time-resolved difference electron density maps of excellent quality
with strong features; these allowed the determination of structures of reaction intermediates to
a resolution of 1.6 angstroms. Our results open the way to the study of reversible and
nonreversible biological reactions on time scales as short as femtoseconds under conditions
that maximize the extent of reaction initiation throughout the crystal.

-ray structure analysis has successfully

determined high-resolution structures of
more than 100,000 proteins and nucleic
acids. But these structures represent static
pictures of the biomolecules, which during
their reactions engage in rapid dynamic motion.
Time-resolved macromolecular crystallography
(TRX) (1) unifies structure determination with
protein kinetics, as both can be determined from
the same set of data (2, 3). TRX is traditionally
performed using pump-probe experiments and
the Laue method at a synchrotron source, in

which light-sensitive molecules within a crystal

at near-physiological temperature are illuminated by a laser pump pulse to initiate their reaction, followed by a polychromatic probe x-ray
pulse. These experiments rely on the exceptional
stability of synchrotron sources to measure small,
time-dependent differences between diffraction
patterns with and without the pump laser pulse.
Synchrotron-based Laue diffraction experiments
are currently restricted by the x-ray beam brilliance to strongly scattering, relatively large (typically 6 105 mm3) crystals, whose optical density SCIENCE


makes high (>25%), uniform reaction initiation

difficult. Further, the time resolution is limited to
~100 ps by the duration of the probe x-ray pulse.
However, difference electron density (DED) maps
from synchrotron-based TRX experiments have
revealed that large structural changes occur in
times shorter than 100 ps (47). Important structural changes associated with key chemical processes such as isomerization evidently occur in
the range of femtoseconds to tens of picoseconds,
inaccessible to synchrotron experiments. The
advent of free electron lasers such as the Linac
Coherent Light Source (LCLS) and the SPring-8
Angstrom Compact Free-Electron Laser (SACLA)
has opened a new avenue for ultrafast timeresolved structural studies. These lasers emit
femtosecond pulses of hard x-rays whose peak
brilliance is higher than that available at the
most advanced synchrotrons by a factor of 109.
The method of serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) (8) has opened new opportunities
for time-resolved structural studies (9, 10). In
SFX, a stream of micro- or nanocrystals in their
mother liquor at near-physiological temperature is delivered by a liquid jet injector (11) to
the x-ray interaction region, where the diffraction pattern of a single tiny crystal is recorded
by illuminating the jet with an individual x-ray
pulse from the x-ray free electron laser (XFEL).
Diffraction patterns are obtained rapidly (e.g.,
at 120 Hz) at the LCLS. Although enormous x-ray
doses, up to 1000 times the room-temperature
synchrotron safe dose (12), are deposited in the
crystal by the femtosecond x-ray pulse, the processes that lead to destruction are sufficiently
slow that the crystals diffract before they are
destroyed (8, 13, 14). Structures are solved using
thousands of diffraction patterns of individual
crystals; these patterns extend to near-atomic resolution (15, 16). To conduct a time-resolved SFX
(TR-SFX) experiment at the XFEL with femtosecond time resolution, a reaction must be initiated in a light-sensitive crystal by a femtosecond
laser pump pulse, then probed after a time delay
Dt by a femtosecond x-ray probe pulse (9, 17).
TR-SFX is challenging because of the very different properties of the x-ray pulses emitted
Physics Department, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
53211, USA. 2Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA. 3Department
of Physics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA.
Linac Coherent Light Source, SLAC National Accelerator
Laboratory, Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550,
USA. 6Centre for Ultrafast Imaging, University of Hamburg,
22761 Hamburg, Germany. 7Center for Free Electron Laser
Science, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY, Notkestrasse
85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany. 8Hauptman-Woodward Institute,
State University of New York at Buffalo, 700 Ellicott Street,
Buffalo, NY 14203, USA. 9Center for Advanced Radiation
Sources, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA.
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and
Institute for Biophysical Dynamics, University of Chicago,
Chicago, IL 60637, USA. 11Faculty of Natural Sciences, Life
Sciences, Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ, UK.

by synchrotrons and by XFELs (10, 18). Timeresolved synchrotron studies take advantage of
an x-ray beam with exceptional stability, where
ideally a data set is collected on one large single crystal at essentially constant beam energy,
bandwidth, photon flux, and volume of the crystal exposed to the x-rays. The resulting data consist of sets of consecutive light and dark images
collected at the same orientation from the large
single crystal. This consistency of data acquisition is important, as structure factor changes between the light and dark states are often very
small. By contrast, several inherent pulse-to-pulse
variations make TR-SFX at atomic resolution
challenging: (i) The XFEL photon flux per pulse
can vary by up to an order of magnitude; (ii) the
peak energy and spectral content of the x-ray
beam changes from pulse to pulse; and (iii) the
crystal size is variable, and even if it were constant, the volume of the crystal interacting with
the beam can change. These factors give rise to
large fluctuations in the diffracted intensities.
However, the resulting total error is inversely proportional to the square root of the number of
diffraction patterns (18), and by collecting diffraction patterns from a large number of tiny crystals,
high-quality x-ray data can be obtained (15, 16, 19).
Despite these challenges, TR-SFX offers several advantages over time-resolved Laue crystallography at a synchrotron: (i) Time resolution,
largely set by the duration of the x-ray pulse in
the femtosecond time range, is substantially
higher; (ii) the diffraction-before-destruction
principle overcomes the x-ray damage problem;
(iii) each crystal diffracts only once and crystals
are rapidly exchanged, which provides an easy
way to address irreversible processes; (iv) the
quasi-monochromatic FEL x-ray beam allows
investigation of crystals with large unit cells;
(v) diffraction patterns are less sensitive to crystal
mosaicity than in the Laue method; and (vi) the
small size of the crystals (often <10 mm) allows
more uniform laser initiation of the reaction of
the molecules in the crystal. These advantages
were exploited in the first TR-SFX studies of
the large protein complexes, the photosystem
Iferredoxin complex and photosystem II, as
model systems (20, 21). Structural changes were

recently discovered in a pump-probe TR-SFX

study of the water-splitting complex in photosystem II at 5.5 resolution (22), but their interpretation remains provisional, in part because
of the limited resolution.
We demonstrate that high-resolution, interpretable DED maps can be determined by applying TR-SFX to a well-studied model system: the
bacterial blue light photoreceptor PYP (photoactive yellow protein). Upon absorption of a
blue photon, PYP enters a photocycle in which
numerous intermediates are occupied on time
scales from femtoseconds to seconds (Fig. 1A)
(2325). Structural changes on time scales longer
than 100 ps have been investigated to high resolution by time-resolved crystallography using
the Laue method at synchrotrons (4, 5, 26). Even
barriers of activation have now been determined
solely from temperature-dependent time-resolved
x-ray data (3). The photocycle examined by timeresolved crystallography contains six intermediates denoted IT, ICT, pR1, pR2, pB1, and pB2. The
strongest features appear in the DED maps when
pR1 and pR2 are substantially populated, because
the sulfur of Cys69 to which the chromophore is
covalently attached is considerably displaced in
both these intermediates. This occurs between
~200 ns and 100 ms (Fig. 1B). For our TR-SFX experiments, we selected a delay time of 1 ms in
order to clearly reveal these features. A second
data set was collected at a delay of 10 ns, where
three distinct intermediates are substantially
populated whose interpretation requires highquality data. The DED maps were calculated from
x-ray data analyzed by Monte Carlo integration
over a large number of diffraction patterns, each of
which is subject to all the stochastic fluctuations
outlined above (18). Comparison with synchrotron
Laue data established that the DED maps determined by the two methods are very similar. These
findings open the way to high-resolution TR-SFX
studies of light-driven processes and, by extension, to reversible and nonreversible reactions
that may be initiated by other methods.
We collected TR-SFX data for the dark and
excited states in an interleaved mode by using
two 20-Hz nanosecond lasers to initiate the
reaction. Every third x-ray pulse probed a laserFig. 1. Simplified PYP photocycle.
The cycle is shown from the perspective of
a time-resolved crystallographer
(3, 4, 26).The dark state pG is activated by
absorption of a blue photon (450 nm) to
pG* that begins the photocycle. The
crystal structures of longer-lived
intermediate states IT, ICT, pR1 (pRE46Q),
pR2 (pRcw), pB1, and pB2 are known.

*Present address: Linac Coherent Light Source, SLAC National

Accelerator Laboratory, Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025,
USA. Present address: Physics Department, University of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53211, USA. Corresponding author.
E-mail: [email protected]


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



excited crystal, resulting in a light-dark-dark

scheme (fig. S1). The time-resolved data sets were
obtained for pump-probe delay times of 10 ns
and 1 ms, at a laser pulse energy of 15 mJ focused
to a 150-mm beam diameter at the sample
(~800 mJ/mm2). The microcrystal hit rate varied
between 1% and 18%, and 60% of the resulting
diffraction patterns were successfully indexed
(table S1). Data quality, as judged by the R-split
values, progressively improved with the number of indexed patterns (table S2 and fig. S4).
R-split values for the dark data approached the
overall value of 6.5% for 65,000 indexed patterns, remained below 10% to ~2 resolution,
and was still acceptable (22.4%) at the highest
resolution of 1.6 . Because the data collection
scheme generated twice as many dark patterns
as light patterns, the light data showed a somewhat larger value of R-split (9.2% for 32,000
indexed patterns). DED maps were calculated
from weighted difference structure factor amplitudes (2) with phases derived from a structural model of PYP refined against the x-ray
FEL dark data (see supplementary materials).
The initial model was obtained from Protein
Data Bank (27) entry 2PHY.
The results are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Monte
Carlo integration robustly determines intensities for the strongly diffracting PYP crystals.
Synchrotron-quality DED maps with positive
and negative peaks around 10 standard deviations s (3) are obtained with only 4000 indexed
light patterns (see supplementary materials). Because the unit cell of PYP crystals is relatively
small and the crystals are a few micrometers in
size, intensity fringes between Bragg reflections
caused by the shape transform of the crystals
(28) are absent. In addition, the mosaicity of PYP
crystals is extremely small, so that many reflections may be collected almost as full reflections.
As a result, sufficiently accurate intensities are
obtained from fewer diffraction patterns. Strong
DED features can already be observed at very
large R-split values (table S2) corresponding to
higher experimental noise in the structure amplitudes. If the noise in the amplitudes is too
high, DED features deteriorate (29, 30). To extract faint DED features associated with small
structural changes of PYP, diffraction patterns
should preferably be collected with a laser-on,
laser-off sequence to accumulate an equal
number of light and dark patterns, aiming for
redundancies on the order of 1500 in the highestresolution shell.
Figure 2 shows an overview of the 1-ms lightminus-dark DED map superimposed on the refined PYP dark structure. The largest DED peak
is located on the sulfur of the chromophore (Fig.
2A) and has a highly significant negative value
of 22s (where s is the root mean squared value of
the DED across the asymmetric unit). The largest
positive DED peak (18s) is close to the same sulfur.
These features reveal substantial displacement
of the sulfur 1 ms after laser excitation, associated
with a change in chromophore configuration
from trans to cis. Chromophore isomerization
triggers further protein conformational changes

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Fig. 2. Stereo view of the light-dark 1.6 difference electron density map at 1-ms time delay,
superimposed on the dark PYP structure (cyan). Contour levels: red/blue 3s/+3s. Chromophore
and some important chromophore pocket residues are shown in yellow and marked in (A). (A) Red
arrow: Plume of structural displacements extends to Met18, close to the N-terminal helix, which may
be strongly displaced at longer times (26, 34). (B) View rotated by ~90. A large part of the molecule
does not display sizable DED features and remains structurally unaltered.

extending to the periphery of the protein (red arrow). The positive (blue) and negative (red) DED
peaks are contiguous and can be interpreted in
terms of atomic models (Fig. 3, B and C). When
the resolution is reduced below 3 , the difference
signal disappears (fig. S7) and clear interpretation
of structural changes in PYP becomes impossible.
We note, however, that the minimum resolution
needed to observe structural changes is likely
system-dependent, and an extension to other
systems must await further work.

In Fig. 3, A and D, the electron densities of

the dark PYP structure derived from SFX are
compared with those from the Laue method.
The maps are of comparable quality and can be
interpreted by the same reference structure
(yellow). Shown in Fig. 3, B and C, are DED maps
obtained at time delays of 10 ns and 1 ms from
TR-SFX data. The DED maps are initially interpretable with intermediate structures derived
from our earlier Laue experiments at BioCARS
beamline 14-ID at the Advanced Photon Source SCIENCE


Fig. 3. Comparison of electron density and DED maps in the chromophore pocket obtained by TR-SFX and the Laue method. The dark state
is shown in yellow in all maps. (A and D) Electron density maps for the PYP
dark state obtained with TR-SFX and Laue, respectively (contour level 1.1s,
1.6 resolution).The PCA chromophore and nearby residues are marked in
(A). Arrow: Double bond in the chromophore about which isomerization
occurs. (B) TR-SFX DED map at 10 ns. Light green structure: ICT interme-

(3, 4, 26). Negative DED features in both panels

are accounted for by the yellow reference (dark)
structure. Each DED map arises from a mixture
of intermediates. For the 10-ns map, we show
here only the ICT intermediate (4) in green as a
guide to the eye. Figure 3, D to F, shows corresponding maps collected by Laue diffraction at
0C. The Laue 32-ns DED map correlates well
with the 10-ns TR-SFX map. Many features are
present in both the TR-SFX and Laue maps, and
it is evident that they show the same mixture of
intermediates. Particularly intriguing is the displacement of Glu46 caused by the initial isomerization of the chromophore, shown in both maps.
Note that the mixture of intermediates, whose
concentrations change rapidly around 10 ns, prevents the refinement of individual intermediate
structures until a complete time series of DED
maps (35, 26) becomes available. In the 1-ms
map (Fig. 3C), two intermediates, pR1 and pR2,
are present with substantial occupancy (orange
and pink structures, respectively). Because the
concentration of these intermediates does not

diate. Features marked by dotted arrows belong to additional intermediates not shown. (C) TR-SFX DED map at 1 ms. Pink and red structures:
structures of pR1 and pR2 intermediates, respectively. (E) Laue 32-ns
DED map correlates best to the TR-SFX 10-ns map. (F) Laue 1-ms DED
map. Contour levels of the DED maps: red/white 3s/4s, blue/cyan
+3s/+5s, except for (C) where cyan is +7s. See fig. S8 for stereo versions
of (B) and (C).

change over several decades in time (fig. S5A),

structural characterization of this mixture is
possible. The refinement of this mixture with
an appropriate pair of conformations reveals
hitherto unidentified structural changes (compare fig. S8A with fig. S9). In the TR-SFX maps,
the DED features are much more pronounced,
with stronger positive and negative features
that are also much better connected spatially,
and thus are more readily interpretable than
the Laue maps.
The fraction of molecules that entered the
photocycle can be determined by fitting calculated DED maps of the two intermediates populated at the 1-ms time delay to the observed DED
map (see supplementary materials). About 22%
of the molecules populate the pR2 intermediate
and 18% the pR1. The extent of reaction initiation by the nanosecond laser pulse is therefore 40%, versus the 10 to 15% typically achieved
in synchrotron experiments (3). The higher extent of reaction initiation with the smaller crystals used in TR-SFX demonstrates one of its key

advantages for time-resolved studies and provides

an explanation for the higher-quality DED maps.
In a time-resolved Laue experiment on a large
single crystal of PYP, 3 to 10 complete pumpprobe sequences, with waiting times of a few
seconds between each sequence to allow completion of the photocycle, are necessary to accumulate a sufficiently exposed diffraction pattern
before detector readout. When the nanosecond
laser is used for reaction initiation, the laser
beam is usually smaller than the crystal size and
does not penetrate fully and uniformly through
the large, optically dense crystals. This localized
application of the repeated, intense laser pulses
induces transient strain in the crystals, which
results in radially streaked Laue spots. Strain imposes an upper limit on the useful laser energy,
which for PYP crystals is around 4 to 5 mJ/mm2
at 485 nm. This sets a practical limit on the extent of reaction initiation. Further, the repeated
laser pulses have a damaging effect on the crystals, which imposes a limit on the total number
of laser pulses that a crystal can tolerate (31).
5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214



Neither limit applies to TR-SFX. Because the

crystals are so small, the laser pulse can easily
penetrate through them. For example, the absorption length at 450 nm, where the crystal is
most optically dense, is ~3 mm (3). Most crystals
used in this study are smaller and can be nearuniformly illuminated with little local strain. The
quasi-monochromatic collimated x-ray beam results in a sharp intersection of the Ewald sphere
with each reciprocal lattice point. Even if the
crystal mosaicity were to increase transiently,
it would only increase the extent of partiality of
each spot. Indeed, radially streaked diffraction
spots do not appear in our data. In TR-SFX, each
microcrystal is illuminated only once by the laser
pulse, which allows the laser pulse energy to be
increased to otherwise unacceptable levels. For
example, the 0.8 mJ/mm2 laser energy density
at 450 nm used here would produce irreversible
bleaching if applied in a few repetitive pulses to
macroscopic crystals (32). Once excited, more
than 80% of the PYP molecules return to their
dark state on the picosecond time scale without
entering the photocycle (24, 33). At the laser
pulse power we used, each molecule in the microcrystals is matched by an average of about
24 photons. Thus, each PYP molecule has the
potential to be repeatedly activated within the
nanosecond pulse. Because the excited-state
lifetime is ~500 fs (24), the effective photolysis
yield with our nanosecond laser may in principle reach levels several times the primary quantum yield (fig. S6). The intermediates earlier in
the photocycle with lifetimes up to 10 ns have
red-shifted absorption maxima around 500 nm
(25). Because we excite at 450 nm, the probability
that one of these intermediates absorbs a second laser photon is negligible. Despite the very
high nanosecond laser flux, no sign of photoinduced damage is evident in our TR-SFX diffraction patterns. As a result, excellent DED maps
are obtained of the quality needed for structural
The way is now open to study reactions with
ultrafast time resolution (24). For example, using
femtosecond laser pump pulses to initiate the
reaction in PYP may allow time resolution in the
subpicosecond regime, as recently demonstrated
by wide-angle x-ray scattering experiments on a
bacterial photosynthetic reaction center at LCLS
(17). Reaching this time resolution would take
structural biology into uncharted territory (24).


5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

PYP displays rich femtosecond chemistry, but

little is known experimentally about the corresponding atomic structures and the way the
elementary chemical process of isomerization
proceeds. Moreover, on the femtosecond time
scale, coherent phenomena may become evident that bear on how the PYP chromophore
undergoes its primary photoabsorption. On the
ultrafast time scale, the penetration depth under intense femtosecond optical excitation may
be dominated by nonlinear cross sections while
the photolysis yield becomes fundamentally limited by the primary quantum yield of the PYP
chromophore. Intense optical pulses with very
short duration (e.g., 10 fs) will create only small
population levels, which might be substantially
increased by stretching and shaping the laser
pulse (24). To capture this small population,
every x-ray pulse must probe a crystalsuch as a
microcrystalthat has been excited as completely as possible. These experiments may elucidate
the elementary mechanism of light absorption in
chromophores, with implications for photosynthesis, light sensing, and the process of vision.
Our results establish that high-resolution
TR-SFX is readily possible. Reaction initiation by
light to explore fast and ultrafast isomerization
might be extended in the future to chemically
triggered reactions, which would open the door
to the application of high-resolution TR-SFX at
x-ray laser sources to a wide range of biologically
and pharmaceutically important proteins.

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Supported by NSF career grant 0952643 (M.S.), NIH grant

R01GM095583 (P.F.), NIH grant R24GM111072 (V.S., R.H., and
K.M.), and NSF Science and Technology Centers grant
NSF-1231306 (Biology with X-ray Lasers). The work of M.F.
and his team was performed in part under the auspices of the
U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory under contract DE-AC52-07NA27344 and supported
by LLNL Lab-Directed Research and Development Project
012-ERD-031. We thank T. White for making the newest version
of CrystFEL available to us, R. G. Sierra and H. DeMirci for
help setting up crystal preparation in their labs, S. Lisova for
making injector nozzles, and D. Deponte for help with the injector
setup. M.S. thanks R. Hovey and S. Tripathi for help on early
attempts to produce microcrystals. The TR-SFX measurements
were carried out at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. LCLS is an Office of
Science User Facility operated for the U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Science by Stanford University. J.S. is an inventor on a
patent applied for by Arizona State University that covers the
gas dynamic virtual nozzle. Coordinates and (difference) structure
factors are deposited in the Protein Data Bank under accession
numbers 4WL9 and 4WLA.
Materials and Methods
Supplementary Text
Figs. S1 to S10
Tables S1 to S4
References (3555)
29 July 2014; accepted 7 November 2014
10.1126/science.1259357 SCIENCE

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Director of the National Center for

Electron Microscopy at the Molecular Foundry
The Molecular Foundry at Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) invites outstanding applications and
nominations for the position of Director of the National Center
of Electron Microscopy (NCEM).

Theres only one

Science Careers
For full advertising details, go to and click
For Employers, or call one of
our representatives.
Tracy Holmes
Worldwide Associate Director
Science Careers
Phone: +44 (0) 1223 326525

E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 202 289 6742
Tina Burks
Phone: 202 326 6577
Nancy Toema
Phone: 202 326 6578
Marci Gallun
Sales Administrator
Phone: 202 326 6582

The Molecular Foundry is a U.S. Department of Energy User

Facility engaged in a broad range of nanoscale science
research programs. Scientic staff pursue projects of their
own design, and also collaborate with scientists (users) from
around the world whose own research efforts benet from the
Foundrys unique equipment, techniques, and staff expertise.
Responsibilities & Challenges:
Implement a vision for scientifc direction, structure,
organization, management, and operation.
Lead development and integration of new electron microscopy
and scattering techniques.
Recruit and retain staff; provide leadership for staff career
Applicants should have:
Distinguished record of excellence in electron microscopy
Breadth of expertise and vision in nanoscience and materials
Leadership ability to manage a complex and internationally
recognized scientic enterprise
This is a career appointment as either a Staff Scientist or Senior
Scientist. Please apply at

Discover potential at the nanoscale.

The Molecular Foundry is a DOEfunded nanoscience research
facility that provides users from
around the world with access
to cutting-edge expertise and
instrumentation in a collaborative,
multidisciplinary environment.

Online Job Posting Questions

Phone: 202 312 6375


E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +44 (0) 1223 326532
Axel Gesatzki
Phone: +44 (0) 1223 326529
Sarah Lelarge
Phone: +44 (0) 1223 326527
Kelly Grace
Phone: +44 (0) 1223 326528

Katsuyoshi Fukamizu (Tokyo)
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +81 3 3219 5777
Hiroyuki Mashiki (Kyoto)
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +81 75 823 1109


Ruolei Wu
Phone: +86 186 0082 9345
E-mail: [email protected]
All ads submitted for publication must comply with
applicable U.S. and non-U.S. laws. Science reserves
the right to refuse any advertisement at its sole
discretion for any reason, including without limitation
for offensive language or inappropriate content,
and all advertising is subject to publisher approval.
Science encourages our readers to alert us to any ads
that they feel may be discriminatory or offensive.

Postdoctoral Researcher
Computational Biology
Sarcoma Disease Management Program
Departments of Surgery, Medical Oncology and Pathology
New York, NY
The Sarcoma Disease Management Program and the Computational Biology Center at MSK is searching
for an outstanding scientist with a strong interest in developing and applying computational methods
to cancer biology. Specically we are seeking a candidate with experience in both bioinformatics - in
particular, the bioinformatics of next-generation sequencing and high throughput genomic analysis and systems biology to lead the effort to analyze high throughput and genomic data from an extensive
dataset of patients treated at MSK for soft tissue sarcoma.
The candidate will have the opportunity to interact with expert investigators in computational biology,
sarcoma biology, translational therapeutics, and molecular pathology. The candidate will also analyze high
throughput genomic data and work with computational and laboratory-based investigators to identify the
mutational programs and pathways involved in sarcomagenesis and to identify novel therapeutic targets.
Position requires a PhD or equivalent in biological science, mathematics, physics, bioinformatics, or a related
eld with a strong quantitative background. Prociency with scientic computing software (Matlab, R) and
scripting languages are also required. The ideal candidate will have solid programming skills and extensive
research experience in the biological sciences. For consideration, please send CV, bibliography, brief
statement of research interests, and names of 3 references to [email protected]. Please put
#sarcoma in the subject line of your reply.

*U.S. News & World Report, 2014-2015

MSK is an equal opportunity and afrmative action employer committed to diversity and inclusion in all aspects
of recruiting and employment.

The Johnson Family Chair in Water Resources and Watershed Ecology

Funded by the Johnson Family and an anonymous donor, the successful candidate will advance understanding of large-scale
aquatic systems in complex landscapes spanning urban to rural gradients, such as the Raritan River watershed of central
New Jersey. Areas of potential research expertise could include ecology, evolutionary biology, natural resource management,
environmental science and engineering, estuarine processes, and environmental policy.
The Eveleigh-Fenton Chair in Applied Microbiology
Named in honor of Distinguished Professor Emeritus Douglas Eveleigh, and funded by Linda and Dennis Fenton, the successful
candidate will provide leadership in microbial systems biology (microbiomes, metabolic engineering, synthetic biology, host
associated microbial communities, ecology and evolution of microbial communities).
The C. Reed Funk Chair in Plant Genetics and Genomics
Named in memory of the distinguished late professor and plant breeder who founded and led Rutgers Universitys internationally
acclaimed turfgrass research program (now the Center for Turfgrass Science;, this chair will be ;lled by an
individual with expertise in bioinformatics and comparative plant genomics. The successful candidate will focus research on
fundamental questions (e.g., reproductive biology, heterosis, apomixis, development, photosynthesis, evolutionary theory and modeling,
structural biology, genome structure) that might be addressed, for example, in studies of the graminoid family genomes.
Rutgers University is an Affrmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
Women, members of minority groups, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


Research Assistant Professor
University of Arizona, Tucson
These funded project(s) in the laboratory of Dr.
Andrew Kraft, Director of the Cancer Center
focus on the role of the Pim protein kinase in
regulating malignant transformation. Emphasis
will be given to understanding how Pim
regulates protein synthesis to stimulate prostate
cancer growth by modulating mTOR and eiF4B
(MCB 34:2517, 2014; Can. Res. 73:3402,
2013) and modulates the hypoxic response
of this tissue. Animal models, knockout and
transgenic mice and targeted small molecules
will be used in these studies. Experience in
molecular and cellular biology is required.
In a separate project, Pim as a driver protein
in acute lymphocytic leukemia (T-ALL) will
examine how this kinase controls the Jak/STAT
pathway (Blood 115:824, 2010) and modulates
tumor growth. These experiments will require
the transfer of manipulated bone marrow to
congenic mice and the study of hematopoiesis.
Please submit a letter of interest, curriculum
vitae, and the names of three references to
[email protected].
Applicants can apply on-line at:
The University of Arizona is an EEO/AA M/W/D/V Employer.

Become a member of an elite research and development community involved in basic and applied
scientifc research and advanced technological development for tomorrows Navy.


Senior Scientist for Soft Matter Physics
ST-1310 or 1320, $120,749 to 181,500* per annum
*Rate limited to the rate for level III of the Executive Schedule (5U.S.C. 5304(g)(2))
Serves as the technical expert in the physics of polymers, glasses, molecular liquids, and liquid crystals.
Provides vision and technical direction to a multidisciplinary research program pushing the frontiers of
soft matter physics, with particular emphasis in the areas of molecular dynamics, shock physics, phase
transitions of soft matter emphasizing liquid crystals, and polymer and glassy materials for armor and
infrastructure protection applications. This position is located in the Chemistry Division and has major
implications for the areas of warfghter and infrastructure protection, fuel economy, environmental impact,
life-cycle costs of military vehicles, and defense against terrorism - areas that are of great interest to both
the Navy and DoD.
He/she will play a key role in developing advanced programs in elastomer/glass armor, the shock physics
of soft matter, the physics of the glass transition, ultrahigh pressure dielectric relaxation, the properties of
liquid crystals and their application, and the multiscale dynamics of nanocomposite materials.
As a distinguished scientist and recognized leader in his/her feld, the incumbent will be called upon
to brief DoD senior offcials regarding Laboratory research efforts in the above areas, to serve as an
NRL liaison to the Navy and other national and international organizations, and to consult on important
scientifc and programmatic issues.
Applicants should be recognized as national/international authorities in the above areas of research, and
should have demonstrated the scientifc vision and organizational skills necessary to bring long term,
multi-faceted research programs to successful completion.
For information regarding this vacancy and specifc instructions on how to apply, go to www.usajobs.
gov, log in and enter the following announcement number NW413XX-00-1237706K9962074S. Please
carefully read the announcement and follow instructions when applying. Please contact Lauren Bowie at
[email protected] for more information. Vacancy announcement closes on December 31, 2014.
Navy is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


The Rutgers School of Environmental and Biological Sciences at Rutgers University - New Brunswick announces faculty searches
for three endowed chairs. We seek scholars whose records in teaching, research and service to society are consistent with anticipated
appointment as full Professor with tenure. Please visit the websites provided for further information and instructions for applications
and nominations.



Associate Dean
for Research

George C. Pafenbarger
Alumni-Endowed Chair in
Dental Research
The Ohio State University College of Dentistry seeks a
dynamic, experienced candidate for the position of
Associate Dean for Research.

the research mission of the college, while building its extramural
funding base and expanding its reputation for world-class research.
The National Science Foundation ranks Ohio State 10th in total
research expenditures among public and private universities;
seventh among public universities; and second in industrysponsored research. The College of Dentistry is well funded with a
diverse and dynamic research portfolio that includes basic, clinical,
and translational science programs that are supported by seven
institutes at the NIH and by industry and various foundations.
Research foci include cancer, oral and gut microbiome, taste and
feeding behavior, psychoneuroimmunology, hard tissue and
muscle biology, and dental biomaterials.
The successful candidate will be an established and funded
investigator who can develop a compelling research focus for the
college, lead and manage existing programs, and foster a collegial
work environment. Required qualifcations include an earned
D.D.S., D.M.D., Ph.D., or equivalent degree in a related feld with
experience in academic health sciences.
The Associate Dean for Research also will be eligible for the George
C. Pa0enbarger Alumni-Endowed Chair in Dental Research, which
provides additional compensation for the position and resources to
support scholarship and o1ce operations.
For more information about the college and
this position, visit
Initial screening of applications will begin immediately and will
continue until an appointment is made. Application materials
should include: a letter addressing how the candidates experiences
match the position requirements; curriculum vitae; and contact
information for fve references. Confdential inquiries, nominations,
and application materials should be directed to:
Betty Turner Asher or Jan Greenwood
Greenwood/Asher & Associates, Inc.
42 Business Center Drive, Suite 206
Miramar Beach, FL 32550
Phone: 850.650.2277 | Fax: 850.650.2272
[email protected]
[email protected]
The Ohio State University is an equal opportunity employer. All qualifed applicants will
receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual
orientation or identity, national origin, disability status, and protected veteran status.

Overseas Talents Recruitment

Nanjing Tech University, with a history of more than one
hundred years, is a multidisciplinary university with a particular
strength in engineering.
Aiming at excellence and innovation, Nanjing Tech University is
set to become a first-class research university with a global
vision. We are now seeking outstanding academic and research
leaders in the following and related fields: Basic disciplines from
within the Physical Sciences; Cutting edge disciplines from
within the Life Sciences; Applied disciplines from within the
Information Sciences; Humanities represented by Management
Applicants should have a Ph.D. with at least 3-years research
experience from leading universities or institutes. Candidates
should demonstrate an internationally recognized research
record and outstanding achievements. Successful candidates are
expected to develop vigorous research programs and lead an
independent research team. Successful candidates will be
provided with a competitive relocation fee and salary package,
generous start-up funds and spacious laboratories.
Interested candidates should visit
for application details.
Phone: Ms. Wang +86-25-58139148.
E-mail: [email protected]

Shanghai Jiao Tong University is establishing a

world-class research Center for Ultrafast Sciences
in physics, chemistry, materials and biology with
integration of both experimental and theoretical
efforts. The Center will provide state-of-the-art ultrafast
laser spectroscopy, electron diffraction and microscopy, and excellent multi-disciplinary environment
for cutting-edge research.
The Center invites applications for a number of
open-rank faculty positions to begin in the fall of 2015
(or earlier). Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree,
preferably with postdoctoral experience in a closely
related field, and a strong record of research
accomplishments. Previous experience in electron
microscopy and ultrafast sciences is favorable. The
successful candidates will be expected to develop
world-class research programs and teach classes at
both undergraduate and graduate levels. The
University will provide attractive annual salary,
start-up fund, housing allowance and other benefits.
All applicants should send a cover letter, a curriculum
vitae with a publication list, a research proposal (3-4
pages) and a statement of teaching interest in a
single pdf file by Jan. 31, 2015 to Dr. Jie Chen,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240,
China through e-mail [email protected]. Please
also arrange three reference letters directly to the
above e-mail address. Applications after the deadline
could be reviewed until the positions are filled.

Institutes of Biomedical
Sciences, Fudan University

Multiple Faculty Positions

in Ultrafast Sciences / Electron Microscopy

Shanghai Jiao Tong University,

Shanghai, China

Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU), founded in 1896, situates itself in Chengdu, the provincial capital of Sichuan.
It is a national key multidisciplinary 211 and 985 Feature Projects university directly under the jurisdiction of the
Ministry of Education, featuring engineering and a comprehensive range of study programs and research disciplines
spreading across more than 20 faculties and institutes/centers. Boasting a complete Bachelor-Master-Doctor education
system with more than 2,500 members of academic staff, our school also owns 2 first-level national key disciplines, 2
supplementary first-level national key disciplines (in their establishment), 15 first-level doctoral programs, 43 first-level
master programs, 75 key undergraduate programs, 10 post-doctoral stations and more than 40 key laboratories at national
and provincial levels.
Our university is currently implementing the strategy of developing and strengthening the university by introducing and
cultivating talents. Therefore, we sincerely look forward to your working application.
More information available at
I. Positions and Requirements
A.High-level Leading Talents
It is required that candidates be listed in national top talents programs such as Program of Global Experts, Top Talents
of National Special Support Program, Chang Jiang Scholars, China National Funds for Distinguished Young
Scientists and National Award for Distinguished Teacher.
Candidates are supposed to be no more than 50 years old. The limitation could be extended in the most-needed areas of
disciplinary development.
Candidates who work in high-level universities/institutes and reach the above requirements are supposed to be no more
than 45 years old.
B. Young Leading Scholars
Candidates are supposed to be listed in or qualified to apply for the following programs:

 J M

Candidates should have good team spirit and leadership, outstanding academic achievements, broad academic vision and
international cooperation experience and have the potential of being a leading academic researcher.
C. Excellent Young Academic Backbones
Candidates under 40 years old are expected to graduate from high-level universities/institutes either in China or other
countries. Those who are professors, associate professors and other equal talents from high-level universities/institutes
overseas could be employed as professors and associate professors as well.
D. Excellent Doctors and Post Doctoral Fellows
Candidates under 35 years old are supposed to be excellent academic researchers from high-level universities either in
China or other countries.
II. Treatments
The candidates will be provided with competitive salaries and welfares that include settling-in allowance, subsidy of
rental residence, start-up funds of scientific research, assistance in establishing scientific platform and research group as
well as international-level training and promotion . As for outstanding returnees, we can offer further or specific
treatments that can be discussed personally.
III . Contact us:
Contacts: Ye ZENG & Yinchuan LI
Telephone number: 86-28-66366202
Email: [email protected]
Address: Human Resources Department of SWJTU, the western park of high-tech zone, Chengdu, Sichuan, P.R.China,

The Institutes of Biomedical Sciences (IBS) at Fudan University, established in 2005pursues

cutting-edge biomedical research from an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional perspective.
Under the consistent and strong supports from Fudan University and various China government
funding agencies, Fudan IBS has now developed into a vibrant research institution consisting of
Epigenetics Research Center, Systems Biology of Medicine Research Center, Molecular Cell
Biology Research Center, with the intension to initiate innovative research fields that are
centered in China and emphasizing translational medicine.
Principle Investigators
Applicants should have a strong research profile to establish and conduct innovative research in
the areas of Epigenetics, Molecular Cell Biology, Bioinformatics and Big-data Analysis,
Proteomics, Electron Microscopy 3D ReconstructionStructure Biology, Small Active
Molecule for Drug Screening, Translational Medicine for Cancer, Cardiovascular Diseases,
Birth Defect and Stem Cell Technology.
As an eligible candidate for professorship, you should have:
PhD degree from overseas and more than 3 years working experience abroad or doctorate
degree obtained in China with 5 years working experience.
High-profiled publications as corresponding author
The university will provide munificent salary, internationally competitive start-up support,
laboratory construction and organizing the research team.
More recruitment information at


Contact person: Mr. Junhui Bie

WP ab Wc
adP dea
fPU ghiNjkNlLjmnmjl



opportunities in china

Southwest Jiaotong University, P.R.China

Anticipates Your Working Application


Director/CEO SAMS Group

Competitive salary plus benefits
The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) is one of the worlds oldest oceanographic institutions,
delivering innovative science for sustainable seas. Our activities incorporate research, education, consultancy
services and public engagement, tackling diverse interdisciplinary ocean research questions.
We invite applications for the role of Director of SAMS/CEO of the SAMS Group. The ideal candidate will be a
marine scientist of distinction: dynamic, with a compelling vision for the future, and with a track record of
delivering success and growth in the marine research environment. They will have excellent organisational,
communication and people skills. The post holder will be an accomplished strategist who will further develop
SAMS as a world class research organisation, a distinctive education provider and a successful business.

General enquiries should be directed to the SAMS President, Professor Geoffrey Boulton OBE
[email protected]; +44 131 667 2531 and/or Acting Director, Professor Axel Miller
[email protected]; +44 1631 559272.
Further information is available at, or e-mail [email protected],
or write to: Director/CEO SAMS Group, (D10/14.AM), Human Resources,
SAMS, Scottish Marine Institute, Oban, Argyll PA37 1QA
The closing date for applications is MONDAY 2ND FEBRUARY 2014
SAMS is a registered Scottish charity (SC 009206), has an equal opportunities policy and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.

University of Colorado
Denver Anschutz Medical Campus

Dean, Graduate School

The University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus invites applications and nominations for
the position of dean of the Graduate School. University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz is a comprehensive
research university with two locations, the Denver Campus and Anschutz Medical Campus.
As one of the universitys 13 major units, the Graduate School administers the graduate programs and
offerings across both campuses. The Graduate School serves approximately 2,400 students through
nearly 60 Masters and doctoral programs, in addition to a number of post-masters and certificate
programs. Several programs are multidisciplinary with faculty drawn from various departments.
The University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz is known for its distinctive and highly productive
research programs, its world-class health facilities at the Anschutz Medical Campus and its wellestablished partnerships in business, industry and government. The university grants more
graduate degrees than any other public institution of higher education in the state and continues
to enhance graduate education to support outstanding research programs.
This position requires an earned terminal doctorate degree and a record of scholarship, teaching and
service sufficient to be appointed to the rank of tenured Professor at the University of Colorado Denver |
Anschutz Medical Campus and a strong leadership background in a comprehensive research university.
A Ph.D. and scholarship in a science, technology, engineering or mathematics field is preferred.
For more information, visit:
Criminal Background investigations will be conducted for all prospective employees.
To apply, go to, search Jobs for Graduate School Dean.
Along with the application, attach a cover letter addressing the position requirements, current CV
and the names and contact information for at least three professional references. Preference will
be given to applications received by January 5, 2015. Applications will be accepted until finalists
are identified. For additional information, contact [email protected].

Faculty Position in Biomaterials at

Johns Hopkins University

The Department of Materials Science and

Engineering at Johns Hopkins University invites
applications for a junior-level, tenure-track faculty
position in biomaterials. Specifc areas of interest
include regenerative medicine, immunology,
neuroscience and neuroengineering, and aging.
Candidates are expected to have a demonstrated
record of innovative research spanning materials
science, bioengineering and medicine. Preference
will be given to applicants at the assistant professor
The successful candidate will be expected
to establish an independent, internationally
recognized research program and to contribute
fully to the undergraduate and graduate educational
missions of the department. Applicants should
have a Ph.D. or equivalent in materials science
and engineering or a related feld; post-doctoral
experience is desirable. Candidates must have
demonstrated ability to undertake independent,
interdisciplinary, and collaborative research.
Additional information about the department may
be found at
All applications should be submitted electronically
as a single PDF document to [email protected].
Applications should include a cover letter describing
the principal expertise and accomplishments of
the applicant, a complete resume, statements of
research and teaching interest, and the names and
contact information for at least three references.
For full consideration, applications should be
received by January 1, 2015.
The Department is committed to building a
diverse educational environment; women
and underrepresented minorities are strongly
encouraged to apply. The Johns Hopkins
University is an EEO/AA Employer.


Senior Scientist for Electronic Warfare Technologies
ST-1310, $120,749 to $181,500* per annum
*Rate limited to the rate for level III of the Executive Schedule (5U.S.C. 5304(g)(2))
Serves as the technical expert and plays a key role in the Tactical Electronic Warfare Division (TEWD) by researching, planning, and infuencing the direction of
programs in advanced technology for Electronic Warfare (EW) systems for both the Navy/Marine Corps and Department of Defense (DoD). Applicants should be
recognized as national/international authorities and have demonstrated the scienti4c vision and organizational skills necessary to bring long term, multi-faceted
research programs to successful completion.
As a distinguished scientist and recognized leader, the incumbent will provide vision and technical direction for the establishment and execution of coherent
research programs within the Naval Research Laboratorys Tactical Electronic Warfare Division to advance science and engineering concepts of EW systems.
Speci4c duties include:
Infuencing and directing the research undertaken by other members of the TEWD research team, advising them on potential solutions, planning experimental
procedures, providing advice on the interpretation of 4ndings, and formulating research programs.
Providing vision and direction for prototype systems for the NRL, the Department of the Navy (DoN), the Department of Defense (DoD) and other activities
and organizations that require the technology he/she is developing.
Performing research, development and application-oriented activities in all areas of electronic warfare and at all levels, including countermeasures techniques,
components, devices, subsystems and systems for the protection of Navy/Marine Corps, DoD and Military assets against electronically RF directed threats.
Designing EW capabilities, including advanced multi-bit, very broad band digital RF memories and supporting auxiliary circuits for target replication and/or
advanced complex signal jamming using a comprehensive understanding of modern digital signal processing components, methods and techniques, as well as
a comprehensive knowledge of components such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) and analog to digital converters and digital to analog converters
Brie4ng DoD senior of4cials regarding Laboratory research efforts in the above areas; serving as liaison among NRL, the Navy, and other national and international
organizations; and consulting on important scienti4c and programmatic issues.
Because of the sensitivity of some of the research application areas the incumbent must be eligible for TS-SCI security clearance.
For information regarding this vacancy and speci4c instructions on how to apply, go to, log in and enter the following announcement number:
NW41310-00-1237724K9964502S. Please carefully read the announcement and follow instructions when applying. The announcement closes on December 31,
2014. Please contact Tara Jamison at [email protected] for more information.
Navy is an Equal Opportunity Employer.



Become a member of an elite research and development community involved in basic and applied scientifc research and advanced technological
development for tomorrows Navy.


Jefferson Science
The National Academies is pleased to announce a call for
nominations and applications for the 2015 Jefferson Science
Fellows program. Initiated by the Secretary of State in 2003, this
fellowship program engages the American academic science,
technology, engineering and medical communities in the design
and implementation of U.S. foreign policy.
Jefferson Science Fellows (JSF) spend one year at the U.S.
Department of State or the U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID) for an on-site assignment in Washington,
D.C. that may also involve extended stays at U.S. foreign
embassies and/or missions.
The fellowship is open to tenured, or similarly ranked, academic
scientists, engineers and physicians from U.S. institutions of higher learning. Nominees/applicants must hold U.S. citizenship and
will be required to obtain a security clearance.
The deadline for 2015-2016 program year applications/
nominations is January 12, 2015. To learn more about the
Jefferson Science Fellowship and to apply, visit the website at:

Open Position in
Microbial Ecology: Microbiome/Infectious Disease
Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
The Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics at Michigan State
University seeks candidates at the Assistant or Associate Professor level for a
position in the microbial ecology of infectious disease including interactions
between host, microbiome, pathogen and environment. Of special interest
within the broad area of the microbial ecology of infectious disease are
systems biology and evolution at the molecular level, physiology and metabolic
networks of microbial consortia, interactions of pathogens with mammalian
hosts, insect vectors, and/or microbiota within them, host innate immunity
to microbes, and the application of omics technology to study these areas.
Signifcant opportunities exist for collaboration with faculty associated with
the NSF BEACON Center (Evolution in Action), the NIH Enterics Research
Investigational Network, the NIH International Center of Excellence for
Malaria Research, the RDP, and the Center for Water Sciences. A strong record
of research accomplishment and/or potential for an independent, externally
funded research program with national visibility is expected. Academic rank
will be commensurate with experience. Teaching in graduate, professional, and/
or undergraduate programs is expected. The offer will include a competitive
startup package and laboratory facility.
Applications should be submitted electronically at
(posting #0519) with requisite material (letter of interest, curriculum vitae listing
past and current funding if appropriate, a statement of future research goals,
and names of three potential references (not to be contacted until approval is
received from the applicant)) uploaded as a single PDF. Review of applications
will begin immediately and remain open until flled.
Additional information could be obtained via email to the Search Committee
Executive Assistant at [email protected].
MSU is an Affrmative-Action, Equal-Opportunity Employer and is
committed to achieving excellence through diversity. The University actively
encourages applications of women, persons of color, veterans, and persons
with disabilities, and we endeavor to facilitate employment assistance to
spouses or partners of candidates for faculty and academic staff positions.

Forensic Science Program
Middle Tennessee State University invites qualified
applicants for a tenure-track faculty position serving as
Director of the B.S. in Forensic Science program (rank
open). The Forensic Science degree program is an interdisciplinary program involving the departments of
Biology, Chemistry, and Criminal Justice Administration. Responsibilities for the director will include direction and evaluation of program activities, oversight of
internships, and management of initial program accreditation through FEPAC. The director will teach in undergraduate specialty courses. The director will also be
expected to direct his/her own research program involving undergraduate and graduate students. For more
information about the position requirements and application procedure, visit website: http://www.mtsu.

Stop searching
for a job;
start your career.

Department of Computer and Information Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
The UAB College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) invites applications for the position
of Chair of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences. For additional
information on the department, please visit
Computer and Information Sciences at UAB offers BS, MS, and PhD degrees. The
Department has a strong research focus, excellence in teaching, and a strong commitment
to outreach, innovation, and industrial partnerships. Research grants are growing
signifcantly, and the Department has a leading role in an Interdisciplinary Research
Center in Information Assurance and Computer Forensics. Departmental strengths
include research programs in diverse areas of Computer Science including programming
languages and software engineering, information assurance, natural language processing,
machine learning, data mining, computer graphics, visualization, 3D printing, computer
forensics, and high performance computing. Collaborations with UABs school of
engineering and the medical enterprise are strong and growing, with opportunities for
faculty to participate in interdisciplinary R&D.
The successful candidate will combine excellence in research and management with
a fundamental understanding of the operation and advancement of a research-focused
Computer Science department at a Carnegie Research Extensive University (RU-VH).
The chair is responsible for overall departmental administration and reports to the Dean
of the College of Arts and Sciences. The successful candidate will be expected to provide
strategic direction, vision, and leadership to the department and to participate actively
in development across the UAB campus and in the city of Birmingham. The University
is now embarking on the development of a 5 and 10 year plan to develop research
computing. There is an opportunity for signifcant growth of the department over the
next fve years and the new Chair is expected to play an active role in the development
of research computing infrastructure at UAB.
The Chair is the chief academic, fnancial, and strategic offcer for the Department. He or
she will work to recruit and retain outstanding faculty and students at all levels, contribute
to the intellectual life of the department as an active member of the faculty, and promote
the department within the University and, as importantly, outside the University to secure
support. A PhD in Computer Science or a closely related feld is required. Candidates must
possess a distinguished record of scholarship, grant funding, teaching, and professional
service consistent with appointment at the rank of Full Professor with tenure. Candidates
must exhibit excellent interpersonal, verbal, and written communication skills, and
interest in commercialization and entrepreneurship is welcome.
Applicants should submit (1) a cover letter summarizing qualifcations and explaining
interest in the position, (2) a complete curriculum vitae, (3) a statement of vision and
management style, and (4) contact information for at least fve references. References
will not be contacted without prior permission of the candidate.
Screening will begin on October 1, 2014, and will continue until the position is flled.
Please go to the following web-site to apply and upload application materials.
For more information or to make inquiries about this position, contact:
Yogesh K. Vohra, PhD
Professor/Associate Dean
Chair, CIS Chair Search Committee
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: (205) 934-6662
UAB is an Equal Opportunity/Affrmative Action Employer committed to fostering
a diverse, equitable and family-friendly environment in which all faculty and staff
can excel and achieve work/life balance irrespective of race, national origin, age,
genetic or family medical history, gender, faith, gender identity and expression as
well as sexual orientation. UAB also encourages applications from individuals with
disabilities and veterans.
A pre-employment background investigation is performed on candidates
selected for employment.


The Department of Biological Sciences (DBS) at the
University of North Carolina at Charlotte is seeking applicants for a tenure-track ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE
PROFESSOR position. Applicants should possess a
Ph.D. in the biological sciences with expertise in Protein functions in a biological context. Candidates are
expected to document expertise in their specialty by
a record of postdoctoral training, peer-reviewed publications, and plans for supporting an extramurally funded
research program. Higher consideration will be given
to applicants that bring needed expertise in large glycoprotein function (i.e., Chaperones, Receptor and
Adaptor complexes). Previous teaching and mentoring
experience is highly desirable. In addition to contributing to graduate programming in the DBS, this position is part of a long-term effort to establish a resident
BProtein Function & Biotechnology Research[ Group
and will be expected to also make contributions to
the Nanoscale Science Ph.D. Program (jointly with
the Chemistry, Math & Statistics, Physics & Optics
Departments, and academic units in the College of
The successful candidate is expected to contribute
to teaching and mentoring in our undergraduate and
graduate curricula with a focus on Protein function in
a cell biological context. The Department of Biological
Sciences supports B.S., B.A., M.S. (thesis and non-thesis),
and Ph.D. programs with a diverse body of faculty and
students and prides itself with hands-on training of its
students. The Department and College strongly support
and value diversity among their students and faculty.
Candidates must apply online at website: http://, position number: 6753. Please provide
complete curriculum vitae, philosophy statements for
research and teaching in an ethnically diverse environment, contact information for three references, and
three representative publications. Screening of applications will begin December 15, 2014, and continue
until the position is filled. The expected start date is
August 15, 2015.
For more information, please refer to the Department
of Biological Sciences website: http://biologicalsciences. for contact information.
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte is an Equal
Opportunity Employer/Affirmative Action Employer and an
ADVANCE Institution that strives to create an academic climate
in which the dignity of all individuals is respected and maintained.
Therefore, we celebrate diversity that includes, but is not limited to
ability/disability, age, culture, ethnicity, gender, language, race,
religion, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status.



IMETs mission is to study the biology of coastal marine biosystems and ensure their sustainable
use, as well as exploit marine-derived systems to improve human health (
IMET brings together faculty members from three major USM research institutions - the University
of Maryland Baltimore (UMB), the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), and the
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) - in an integrated state-of-theart research facility located at Baltimores Inner Harbor.

The Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS) is soliciting applications for a two-year POSTDOCTORAL
RESEARCH ASSOCIATE. Scientists whose research
interests fit within those of the Illinois Natural History
Survey are encouraged to apply. A salary of $42,000 per
year with benefits is provided as well as a $5,000/year
research stipend. Applicants should submit curriculum
vitae and Research Proposal. The Research Proposal is
limited to three pages, not including references, and
should address the research plan and budget proposed
for the two-year postdoctoral position. In advance of
the application deadline, applicants must identify and
contact a research sponsor at the INHS (website: http:// who is willing to sponsor the Postdoctoral Associate. Preference will be given to applicants
who can develop a strong research plan that merits
additional and continued external funding. Research
plans that build on existing INHS research strengths
by adding new directions or new analytical techniques
are encouraged.
Applicants should have completed a Ph.D. by the
start date of the position (expected before December
31, 2015) and within the last five years. In addition to
the Research Proposal and curriculum vitae, applicants
should arrange for two letters of recommendation to be
sent. Applications must be sent electronically to e-mail:
[email protected] by January 31, 2015.

A Ph.D. or equivalent terminal degree is required in molecular biology, microbiology, aquatic

pathology or related felds and candidates should have postdoctoral experience and a strong publication
record. Applicants should send the following in a single PDF fle to Russell Hill, Director, IMET; email
to [email protected]: (1) detailed curriculum vitae, (2) statement of research interests
and goals and (3) names and contact details of three to fve references. To receive full consideration,
application materials should be submitted by 15 January, 2015 (the position will be open until flled).

Help employers nd you.

Post your resume/cv.

Assistant Professor: Fish/Shellfsh Immunology

The Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology (IMET) of the University System of
Maryland seeks applications for the position of Assistant Professor (tenure-track) working on fsh/
shellfsh immunology. The successful candidate will have a track-record of outstanding research
using molecular biology/genetics approaches to study fsh and comparative immunity in species
that are important to aquaculture and fsheries, or in species that are established animal models (i.e.
zebrafsh) for immunological studies that are relevant to both fsh and human health. Candidates
with an interest in practical applications of their fundamental research, including interactions with
industry, are encouraged to apply. A demonstrated ability to establish a well-funded research program
is expected of the successful candidate. The primary focus of the appointee will be on research;
teaching at the graduate level is encouraged.

The USM is an Equal Opportunity, Affrmative Action Employer. The University of Maryland,
Baltimore is an Equal Opportunity/Affrmative Action Employer. Minorities, women, individuals
with disabilities, and protected veterans are encouraged to apply.

Assistant Professor: Basic biological processes at the interface between

human health and the environment
The Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology (IMET), University of Maryland seeks applications
for the position of Assistant Professor (tenure-track). The successful candidate will have a track-record
of outstanding research on basic biological processes at the interface between human health and the
environment. Focus areas of particular interest include but are not limited to marine natural products
discovery using (meta)genomic approaches to identify biosynthetic gene clusters and use of zebrafsh
or other model systems to study disease or development. Candidates with an interest in practical and
biomedical applications of their fundamental research, including interactions with industry, are encouraged
to apply. A demonstrated ability to establish a well-funded research program is essential, with strong
preference for candidates with active K99, RO1 or equivalent funded research programs. Primary
appointment is in the School of Pharmacy at the University of Maryland Baltimore, with a secondary
appointment at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. The primary focus of the
appointee will be on research; teaching at the graduate level is encouraged. Candidates should explicitly
outline the links of their research to human health and environmental applications.
IMETs mission is to study the biology of coastal marine biosystems and ensure their sustainable use, as
well as exploit marine-derived systems to improve human health ( IMET brings
together faculty members from three major University of Maryland research institutions - the University of
Maryland Baltimore (UMB), the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), and the University
of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) - in a dedicated state-of-the-art research facility
located in Baltimores Inner Harbor.
A Ph.D. or equivalent terminal degree is required in molecular biology, microbiology, biochemistry,
bioengineering or related felds and candidates should have postdoctoral experience and a strong publication
record. Applicants should send the following in a single PDF fle to Russell Hill, Director, IMET; email
to [email protected]: (1) detailed curriculum vitae, (2) statement of research interests and
goals and (3) names and contact details of three to fve references. The position remains open until flled;
to receive full consideration, applications should be submitted by January 15, 2015.
The USM is an Equal Opportunity, Affrmative Action Employer. The University of Maryland,
Baltimore is an Equal Opportunity/Affrmative Action Employer. Minorities, women, individuals with
disabilities, and protected veterans are encouraged to apply.

Join the Conversation!

Twitter is a great way to connect with
AAAS members and staff about the
issues that matter to you most. Be a part
of the discussion while staying up-to-date
on the latest news and information
about your personal member benets.
Follow us @AAASmember
and join the conversation
with #AAAS

To advance our mutual vision of creating new treatment options for

individuals with serious mental illness, Sheppard Pratt Health System, Inc.
and the Lieber Institute for Brain Development (LIBD) have established a
joint nonproft research institution. This institute will focus on translating
scientifc advances in genetics, neuroimaging, and other aspects of brain
research into clinical practice with the goal of improving patient care
and outcomes.
The SPL Research Institute will leverage the respective strengths of both of
the founding organizations. The Institutes collaborative research activities
will encompass the broad areas of human clinical research, including
genetics, neuroimaging, clinical trials, novel therapeutics, repurposing
of existing therapeutic agents, digital clinical record data mining, and
the creation of a biobank.
The SPL Research Institute Board of Directors is seeking a clinicianscientist to serve as a full time Executive Director (ED). This individual
will have overall strategic and operational responsibility for the staff,
programs, organization, and execution of the mission of this new
psychiatric research organization. Working with the Board of Directors
and an independent Scientifc Advisory Board, along with key partners
from the Sheppard Pratt Hospital and the Lieber Institute for Brain
Development (LIBD), the successful candidate will develop core research
and administrative programs, operations, and business plans as the frst
Executive Director.
The SPL Research Institute is located in newly renovated space on the
campus of Sheppard Pratt Health System in Towson, MD. Candidates
for this position must have an M.D. and a strong background in clinical
neuropsychiatric research. The SPL Research Institute is an equal
opportunity employer, and encourages candidate applications from
individuals with diverse backgrounds.
For more information about this opportunity, please contact Kathleen
Hilzendeger, Director of Professional Services at 410-938-3460 or
[email protected].

Faculty Positions
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
The Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR) at the University
of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) is committed to world-class excellence in
applications of agricultural and life sciences towards a sustained high
quality of life for the citizens of Nebraska, and for a quickly growing
global population. Early in 2013, refecting this commitment, IANR
launched an initiative to hire new tenure-track faculty members in strategic
impact areas of Science Literacy; Stress Biology of Plants, Animals, and
Agroecosystems; Healthy Humans; Healthy Systems for Agricultural
Production and Natural Resources; and Computational Sciences. This Phase
1 effort was very successful, resulting in the recruitment and hiring of 35
highly skilled tenure-line faculty members (with two searches still active).
We are pleased to announce Phase 2 of this effort with recruitment for
an anticipated 30+ additional tenure-line faculty positions. The focus for
Phase 2 will be to strengthen the six strategic impact areas in Phase 1,
with an additional focus area Drivers of Economic Vitality for Nebraska.
We invite you to view brief explanations of the positions currently being
released and those to be released soon at to explore
whether your skills and experience make you a good At for our team.
The positions will be advertised and posted beginning December 1, 2014.
We invite you to visit the UNL employment web site at http://employment. to learn which positions are posted.
The University of Nebraska is committed to a pluralistic campus
community through affrmative action, equal opportunity, work-life
balance, and dual careers.

AAAS is here

helping scientists achieve

career sucess.
Every month, over 400,000 students and
scientists visit in search
of the information, advice, and opportunities they need to take the next step in
their careers.



A complete career resource, free to the

public, Science Careers offers hundreds
of career development articles, webinars
and downloadable booklets lled with
practical advice, a community forum
providing answers to career questions,
and thousands of job listings in academia,
government, and industry. As a AAAS
member, your dues help AAAS make this
service available to the scientic community.
If youre not a member, join us. Together
we can make a difference.

To learn more, visit


Sheppard Pratt-Lieber (SPL) Research Institute

Executive Director

By Vincent F. Scalfani

Finally free

s a child, I found relief from the stress of stuttering by burying myself in numerous hobbies. I
built rockets and radio-controlled vehicles. I rebuilt engines. I did these things because when
I was building something, I did not have to think about speaking. My hobbies eventually
led me to study chemistry. After finishing a B.S. in chemistry at the State University of New
York, Oswego, I studied polymer chemistry and earned a Ph.D. at Colorado State University.
I enjoyed chemistry research for the same reasons I enjoyed my hobbies as a child: I could
do interesting things, free from the stress of speaking. In the laboratory, I could be alone and build
things, although now I was building molecules instead of model cars.
I noticed early on that when I forgot about stuttering, my speech became much more fluent. The first
few words of a question or first
few minutes of a presentation were
rough, but then I forgot about the
audience, forgot about stuttering,
and forgot about worrying. When
that happened, my speaking improved. I felt free.
I wanted to feel free all the time.
Unfortunately, there were always
new people to meet and presentations to deliver, so there were many
awkward beginnings. I was ashamed
of my stutter and did everything I
could to hide it. Far from forgetting
about it, I developed strategies for
dealing with it. Whenever I felt I was
going to stutter, I would substitute a
new word that was easier to say. I
obsessed over how to deliver a talk
or just hold a conversation. I studied every tiny detail and came up
with alternative explanations ahead of time so that I could
always change terminology or the direction of the conversation. It was a wonderful irony: My incapacity for spontaneous speech led to a highly developed skill for improvisation.
My adaptations were so successful that most of my peers and
professors probably did not even know I stuttered.
Later, I would learn that hiding my stutter only perpetuated my anxiety and frustration with my speech. The skills
I acquired by hiding it, though, never left me.
After graduate school, my interests shifted away from
the laboratory, and I started to investigate alternative career paths. I accepted a position as assistant professor and
science and engineering librarian at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. In my new job, I communicate regularly
and spontaneously with students, faculty, and staff. I knew
that if I wanted to succeed, I needed to change my attitude

toward stuttering. I could no longer

hide behind a lab bench.
I decided to check out the campus
Speech and Hearing Center. There,
I met an amazing group of therapists, scientists, and students. They
helped me realize that my success
was a consequence of my stutter,
not in spite of it. When I was a child,
stuttering had led me to explore certain hobbies. It forced me to become
an independent learner. It made me
a very hard worker. My largely successful attempts at hiding my stutter
led to a remarkable mental agility.
Strangely (but successfully) my therapists challenged me to try to stutter more. With all the useful skills
I had developed largely because of
my stutter, I felt unstoppable when
I no longer had to devote energy to
hiding it.
I have flourished in my new job.
I created and taught a semesterlong graduate chemical information course. I manage a 3Dprinting lab, edit the American Chemical Societys Chemical
Information Bulletin, and have published several research articles. Earlier this year, Library Journal named me a Mover
and Shaker, a prestigious early-career award for librarians.
I have accomplished more than I would have thought
possible in my first 2 years here because I stopped worrying about my stutter and decided instead to embrace it.
Sometimes the things you struggle with the most, Ive realized, end up making you who you are. Now that I know
that, I am ready for whatever is next in my career, because
I am finally free.


Vincent F. Scalfani is assistant professor and science and

engineering librarian at the University of Alabama.
For more on life and careers, visit SCIENCE

5 DECEMBER 2014 VOL 346 ISSUE 6214

Published by AAAS


My incapacity for
spontaneous speech led to
a highly developed skill for

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