Sample English Prayer

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O Lord, my God,

Creator and Ruler of the universe,

it is Your Will that human beings accept the duty of
May the work I do bring growth in this life to me
and those I love and help to extend the Kingdom of
Give all persons work that draws them to You
and to each other in cheerful service.
I unite all my work with the Sacrifice of Jesus
in the Mass that it may be pleasing to You and give
I beg Your Blessing upon all my efforts.
With Saint Joseph as my example and guide,
help me to do the work You have asked
and come to the reward You have prepared.

pour wisdominto my mind today. Thank you!

Lord, I offer you my work
I give you the dissappointment I feel
I surrender by dissillusionment
I confess my weakness
Reconnect me with You
I want to live again
To be fully alive
Stir in me a new song
May I sing for joy
Envision my mind
Equip my hands
Anoint my feet
Empower my voice
For your service
and your work
This day and everyday

model of all those who are devoted to labor, obtain for

me the graceto work conscientiously, putting the call
of duty above my many sins; to work with thankfulness
and joy, considering it an honor to employ and
develop, by means of labor, the gifts received from
God; to work with order, peace, prudence and
patience, never surrendering to weariness or
difficulties; to work, above all, with purity of intention,
and with detachment from self, having always death
before my eyes and the account which I must render
of time lost, of talents wasted, of good omitted, of vain
complacency in success so fatal to the work of God.
All for Jesus, all for Mary, all after thy example,
OPatriarch Joseph. Such shall be my motto in life and
death. A

I humbly implore You to grant Your special graces to

our family.
May our home be the shrine of peace, purity, love,
labor and faith.
I beg You, dear Jesus, to protect and bless all of us,

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