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Alchemists and Magicians of Prague

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Alchemists and magicians of ol Prague here ave manp xp to wie, ‘ot only one stan. Alchemy ~ science or not science? More scetife reflection of serioanet snd uneriouinest ‘What was (and was not) alehemy Pro RD. Vidi Karp, CS ‘Te prefab the wor alchemy in Ale eit ai. Tis i hy xagenated tel ey hat rescaled of tay exit Tl thd, thre inn ssh deft sheng, which al exprs wold are on, and ited nucle toda troy dl len based ce Serwen commie devcopmen, at's mento the ft ht ot appen none Pee on conne: In ado, he sey ote histo leben al eg, 20 {netbeans re mae han engl Ph, ten desc oF Fate complet station, Theeie we nee wih otng canon mgs ‘oftmore cous Ramu, ert ctegaril one Bre history of Ahem ins the chrono of chen This eld of ty speared, spaeny Independencia Chinn sod Helin Egypt, whch ven unde ttetue Pole day is ef to dacs bath of the reap eres epee, sls wih fost o Ind sche’ perbape was lo formed independent bat ne, ‘Spaxnaney inthe 8h ceny AD. Tas type of lhe Is qute pete, bt fee ‘the Sth entry B.C. n Byzativen, became substantial fr Europe, and also camtinued tobe evel Hayp at wal Heres waz the Ans ae With fr th a ine ing ane tes fans congue, which as tp in Burope in 732 the Bat of Poters| "Forte develpment ofslteny was sent! tht th Abe gine lowe fom cenqued tent Spal, sete serie nd manus uly of re ‘igin nore wesned wo Ale’ Shorly ofthe inion ep fs ail Ac Stings on slcbeny appeared and thee of td rated deveoging The Arb ‘tation was very spf, lo empath Aad wel rove ancient owas ot ine wen fu Gh fill fe Were npr in 476 A.D. Bape wes ial fing fer uv ‘Only ner medial ines ech its eka ieee of eda was ‘ated, sn people bg pay stenton tort snes Inthe Text Sehoken mayo ign stadt, veld oto Spin to telat roo ings ‘os Arbo Latin Lage aout of alo aston were esis wih he ‘0 famous oe bing mad ater cy of Tele sth orion seal of Flo. ‘Tos scolar wrt the uss Arable be ems tea, whieh alo ingest the wor chon The eamolgy ofthe term has mtb cle explored: ast oe ‘Seumiderdo te ecombinsuonoftwe tee of Greek fg, cymeia or chomea or tapi cme, mal ge, Worktg wih els ws en of oe ky che in {he slam ih Arai te word wears ar ain poss ost aso ‘ie roi tems tht eaten Bros, sch av ala igebr,bras, lak ut Aesth rt pid, semaine nde a the prod of testers, Epon slchemots thse ep expetinerting and veloped wie aiid acpi of ery, wich eekred on he coo never pe Ia othe hems that i permenant thy veloped ad prove ait of [ubutory engi, al expec focsed on sd cane umber of chee cepa, a etd thin ht apt he rectly of se copa 2 ‘Foo ackinweone ofthe oa of ahem, chamilia o tal eno. ‘pula! maemo sts tl speci tl pecially le bd {01 Alte haven oud out and cone this st possible, However they {eudseoly re th pth sre fo hoist sy had release ‘hone of bonis whe conde taremtion This ple theo a of ‘he 18h Can and the developmen! war ended 0 ah he ey expermans aid ‘util by th French lami, Aras Laret Lavose (783-1799), Cananpory ‘hemity nes onside tr oth hand 19 enti consed sd ths prod [stadkrsond she of ela len. Iismodet contain, een il presen ‘es can ot be ese 8 pea nny sce Here, a eis ‘Evelopmant of lean. ‘A fort teeta ea goals tio to doa septal Chins nd ‘atop lon olchineies al the boven developmen commencing Eom ‘Haat tins). ropean Resse Know oly even tpl ive cope, iro, lead and sera i npr 0 Europ tn ne ml Ages, sock ‘sa sth wae uid athe Reise ater etl ninony wax eed ‘thse substance ret cnsdred lt we wl dot Ot of he ‘tl gud occupa nue pono cicactezd ty «very sal emia entity = ‘nani ied oe belly etd or hg even under igh angers Sonam with ad whch eis, Theis golds bees oe scribed aan “immoral met Dug hoe esa he ea tl wan dames i empl hen tea et it ginal ok, fr example, fd rng xin, rns ope “ietaconoion Chow Alchemy "The ution af imal” of gl Indo an ia that if propey eve te esi «cul to een han Le. Twas be ky oo of Chee ley hich Sito supper by Cisse legate exitnc immortal” haman binge who fate ‘ached trata. Cina chemin a ted fo mao anne mei whlch ‘ul rola be ie, be wold actly edo nearly. Aer qs empl setence ef speculatns ud asoptons te ae on ceekson a old ‘erved wi this ton woud foo easly anu, ed nt ntl Sie ‘hen vos elieies wee ed wae ales oh dealt cpanel a ‘labs eee pide iS) mare ao asc eompouns wich somes “aoranaly reed in ragiccomegenees nt he fr cna elie Chinen lchaniat wre cen in Scoresing © sultans hat rotenone wad Nt = apeximsaly nh th conta BC ‘hey pee lnk gunpowder Chines nec ja xn bo lly ald "sdcne wich Bur, wich agg th de aga am ofthe ance was ined edie ge “Chines albany was tased on eively cope eet tockgrour fom wich ve willony meat te pau compensa yung, Whee yin st cal aie ‘ems sntyng be Bry soln seman For abosoy work twas ert 2 ‘wk withthe five pans ore hy ar fen cals he rap of see wih ie otan enely scat ero bio retro fa our br explant tine Feria fre» earth» metal > wet» be» ire As ts ptm suggest Ile pseu chd eel ante by arto, whish ne wil now bey defi, Fre when ume cll erases ath ashes Now tp ase more open ‘nr snce ancien ne tw bleed ttl ar "orf ated sls tat neath thy mati and change fren bse mate int old So ti sep ‘epost how me is"brn” ot earth, Whe eed, th tl es, sd ows ke ‘ler Acar waegstirts wood wien wating» lt Obi r Incrrtaton cobs th ens wih genualized rat This [napa ently are tt testes conve pose if eter it compost ofthe lent nd ty om tanto thesver wong eck eer, hat ‘th he appoints eevee wth clanging trai af ements nth oboe, ‘Sok tl at tant, eases to soar Throne of th jo spas ‘Selim fava of acest of tl Afi cetes ald tens to roduc the lof marty, the China atch soy diverted Go erty pact, and moved toward yc, The ait ‘rata improv he lcm msl, hs kaon Thea one on shit worng ‘a cen exyvinei in abr ppeninatly om be 1 oy. Devclpmen of Theoret Alchemist Projections "Withrepnd tte there! bskgourd, te sume mage ebony an Chin so sree Henle The eugene of alchemy Eaope tl ing ‘Gres howerer inp ceo eign oes of te deveopmea ms Bly Grek ral plsophy, wich cited in thes of Aral Stpie {364323 BC) hat ded, pt fom te ton, four ements which were wae, fren and sr ven th ae he rosy of tal Wan fects es ‘snd anlgiely oth Chines ton th lemons re meta ie te ao of tlemene nacre hanged he ele wiles ito aoe on. Only chic spect othe proces nd oe, wich le ang es oe ‘serve ssh vage of Sian whan ying prepare some oe lst in pie ben. “Ang ote concepts involved in deveapnent of Halli len, we canna it slog erocmy (atthe hse Hels wer dng, epectly now opi oh Menpotmian ces, ut were iterated, I a he ft hat Ses ct tng enn on we fio cs did ‘ih rn dteiinginflvence en some crn on Ht, Mir, reap, Was nit wt war, Vena wh ove, Gray the varios ane (tl Sluding the Stand he Moon wee ssc Wf Se eta, aproinally inthe Mh ony AD. able py ere ease Surg, Mootle, Mealy ~ itr, Veno-coppe Marne a Sst ead Thi aca oe as (Goat f acho - hastened he bbavoer of efor tempt ‘test tn at end the afc of hte eaveny bales. On the ather band ne, ‘nmath nantmony sal lo nthe Rerance “Were ot cil scp. ‘etal Kena ad na essed plans This an eal of how dogma ‘Scone tinting Te est os hat alc cane bed ay ire of ‘The fit al covey, apedcaly of sal as ear et by Sesh ‘hit oor Bran (1694 1968) soon 1738. Th ly ese element dsovted le sche was popius Tiscover was mde ya Hamburg lhe, emigre rund ea 1669 (soso inet nt te) wh ly ‘hatgt he invented the Arinlan element of ie ‘Teeecl projections of abet gly developed, while Ari less moe he Arson rele, nl eplced hen Wa a ond of ‘mercy and sph Atta ine he cele a a een of aeey ae Ibip ees rere age cna) fa oo oars and oh eso {hetcaled mercuric upd thy alk abot eran pips cal lsopis ‘mer andplsophieal sae Lae Ewope was uly ete os ecury {dmg (grin, ofen th th spac athe). Based tas eo ales ‘Bouldbe componod of maoiy aol alpha and depesingonfow goed he ensues ‘vee sich aly mt war ated Is vi a old Was food om he est smeery ad spr ani gy of tv copes wa “se ood quay of he [nll dared Even thi thoy ofr pss of wnsmatao neh uit of iaaton of merry sulphate, pret of ese ‘Steps ie mal connect, ding wc gold wa supe be ces. “Aba a prota wth eee spt ofthe reser apparel ecse macys spe wee ual eid Very Vg ‘Theoot ofthe mereury-spurhery can lo be ced in praca bean tein compton ot slice ne, caring wich pagent pa etbon Sons) ‘senpes tal wa crested towed ie eve, Tis tery was Yr vibe, ad ‘Se obs oft rest alent a al an, lao Newta (162/1643 172 wat "ying i mong ter things le "Mero ou of aon mele: We mst i however, tha ssc said hat lea can mae You ch od is wy ‘oul be oly rocco in ore odie Wha te Gaston of ete al Heeleve ve, "Theil lca ory of ater wa rete bythe funn Renae dared ‘Tope von Hoenn, bate aan 8 Pres (14971094 54} wh ded sal ao meray al par. Sl epee an it oem of ater, which as we ‘we Tok tack to etary sinply land slg This heey boca an a aria it rma, ayo tee pees, ‘So ar ine are be tee mae thas of cnpostn of mater, which alchemy prt wi ras fms Aa ie went vou dian ad ombinsions pee Lineage of European Alchemy arose tok fom be Arab world hei bjetv ofthe natin of tase mets io precnws cl, which wa laguy of Hales cen. The ee "pila stor" alkeay appeared in stig mai mon ic on Cave eam objets Another erm, "ak, peed a ahr comple evasion, ‘lc en beac itn ocr A reps Hoo ives cope ing be apae® ‘fe golden om” cane fod ine Haya pay, een X, whch eed ‘pproinsaly om Secon A.D, andi callecton of ai ot alchoiel mul Roars simple pols copper nce ar covered ie micas of Es gol nd Iced ast ond eel eee ws bse conon ging In rec rion, ‘hee paella ved ing te woud ond ake was pace ay ode ar aed Xero Arb that nated Grek tents evel won em Shai whh lose ie meaning fr powde, which soe soe a gld ‘© oon whic can a gino gold. Ti shi of mening erste is Efe ‘rete was nce gan phonticaly eater td he Ae er bose "sini" minevlous bts apeble of ransmantion, which ner was ascited wih ‘alin tbo however nt mica sna oor. “Attia moment Exrpes alchemy dees wry sey consved iis ‘ean he eimai and moti. The ond Seton rally Dogan oopcar rot he 3th cetay, tt evel wos wed ne Toth xa by Parcels ‘Sil for Tat ced ta ‘fsa onthe amas Body aren schol as acme very infin cond a of tL cen, ba ard up yong amos depts betwen hs propane opens: ‘One ofthe mifenaiong ae cic rath called anny ma whe ie yin waif atin composed be da este eget Paes arnt. These compound served a daisies, ‘ch easly ie wth the Pasi reqaed pp the il ly spc he th cntuy jel prone sare henclern aropean slchan. Repreestvesof thee overt ane th th wor nthe abort ik ftmtcl ana of unig ti ova sit elite, harry ‘aueen was oes be ho light cation be ed eg {elton on alte thay wel as tl etary es weed 8 State exes fs ogre rocoto eghenseat Te outs of sic ‘ends can acl Be fund sea ath le allenic em, whi red in ‘Byam ad abo isthe Arb wa However nesses Vopr eee ‘ache speak Weave o mete inn fous Europes ya Heck ‘Coreln Api of Neeru (1486-1535) adh weed eons ‘Php These wend cote pees ne, td we i a ‘ht pul enenment ante grevere’ haa soy ery ‘rsa, btw Be revanrhisory of mnlid Ie aber stl Result of Eeropeansekemy ‘Alchonin, wre ver hy a, wor calle ahr of abrir ong” At ‘heir tores inset covering chemist acl ffted te, wich mean tha he ‘sccurlaton of sowed abate fa tear offer! ences piel ‘chemist irainey speaking "et th anh of th el fy. Alsen mee Tinie y he aga of evn metal ad ot ache ey eave he mae However is indquble at, fr exaple, lo of varios ates cored fom te bay baat is yery ly tt jas Barpea aches ceed sound he yer 1300 inh tne tleand posit of wan ours. Very smely mec sommes hese eles der abe of apni, From hs nce may es nd Beas sSuvivd eve ate the nto oa reo, hich sometimes aod om, ‘omen nie her ih rca estan movers nin Ute for al ‘nl tay. Th dees been vaio magi practise ols not ave sn "seo wher ny old hart pope or vce sao rigged people far ‘amps opt pono our ood ites were npr into ti in ‘ro fmf plinth Cal Chacha ped the hb of nein Proecon ncetsin ston hes sng th ies fst Sot fh oe ‘ls ware integrate into lars by ang no interpretations om sh he flag item Maca, or inthe meio pear orn, Drawing vig ie ween i’ and cgi wae ot lye posible given he mide ange ‘ems andes atl varied ith hangs nity Inthe flowing et wll ‘alas only Christy waa olan ne doves separate “The Biles how malts ou not standup blr th power he Lr which sported Mons ad ah Sila, Simon Magu, tealegd arte rato, Who dk ‘tine a seers hen, nd bused ot he pnp, the bude gross, ad ‘ont wi the pst, expecially Peer (ets 89:20 Christi codename Sen eflove ands propre ea tht human sul aa be sbjeed | ‘pera an iva fores, Attest toe en reviewer exter ‘Chestinaty inte ile Ages thal hgh that acy allege mag re aod on ‘perion Hower, inh poplar European nggaton hat developed cole mology fh with conn and yaegy wis vi Inthe century doting (stare echarch and encrraged wich nis Burings and ren he Cah ads ‘eh proses eine in 156, reset the Church ny apologies fr sdk Gupter ofehisery. Ache hadi we hey. Inaerovetiby rg po bask ‘alesse Bay whee inthe ext Gna oso was enpged nt The Cope ‘Goose Papi discovered in 1946 Nog Hanna ine No af Hays among othe ‘di ros a he ones Mari (are Hato), She conse he ‘ns of ng fininal bot water bts, and ober gpa ees for ‘ema expecments, Some oer dpe, wich ae nt preserved, ere ae uted "5 Zisineswho alieved so as My (ary) the siter OF Mona acon. Tse ‘2 la Ciiatian pele tat ave her etind er ith My Mapas. yoda lin of emale lccnsts goes downto Helle Aland, pecially © ‘Neonat pooper Hypa, who was ered in 5, won Cian deseo (he ld pupa al and ering, Resi laecence of lchumy ok place in medieval “Masi sce, wit revival na developer of Neo Psat ies of impovermen ‘he uy sae Th ef dtl devoted to Ara bey. Ti mie of | Dilan etoackoc snd ys ited Chris ropa neal in {enlns of Arbe work during the 12 cen. The bch di ot apes weeny, {en se impatant epeseutves othe meee! Chiat nd Few ospty eave {euch thought There wernt tat inary ter ez moves alchey sacl sare ae peret th secets fare smi he Snot Adum ua vein Pudi, who were tempol be wt of ade of Eeoledge Some dots wee ese by sae hort wel There were fue run charts dwindles mong thea. Aly as bec pated a Frope wl ‘ne 16 ery, bt nove shag a une, Wes peso nero a ‘ter sai Th Chchaclly rade aly nr 0 wea ot ead oem fom pious devote. Ox the conta ame of se ston ode bythe eel power feed he pte esac inc msl redton on ent. Achaia ‘ovr creed any lot ou, o wha etn thy wer daly ated ete, “rothaend sachs Roses il doce “nln sted in Europe es inlunnce corned nea hua os frms of ‘mage nf lhany wat pase aid by he dvelopneat of modem science. The spt ‘hat oh 19" tary sda hy he ath eveything cn anil perfec dete and stjpated. New evesonr thay antvopslogil hey, {tong ligt ir, knowlege sly coking oe of he ast aging ibeonceptons ht ee plagued mankind "EB. Ty). James raat ‘stncened an i ofthe id of ume hog and understood theft to dente ‘ature by: Map Ral Scecs. He prcelved magi ashe ox privet eve, ‘okie comatose consloanes th il boo te elle o aie al The ghee egon ht crops hun wakes nd ies inp t te ‘sd Te tad is competed by sce tha ive one ea power of careat owe of ‘hie and fet ‘Motivation sn gums fash concepts ae te Eoopen svn th owe of ‘ail dation of Asian sd sn com, npr awh of ene ‘vation over rite" peoples Fallow sal development ed the wr ino {total non slowing more scouts Knoop of tone ore wes, and eto ‘Motifetlon oh oe we ot nea elton Rnrty bdo iho ‘cago ths map dais in el nie pete pall iinet ‘penn, ow thy acl opted was fer eiborated ty he inet ‘now uct Lave Stas td ppd by hanes ted ‘Siepiogica researches Macha las ad tons a aca alle ood ecived weakness in pare society nd rail of "Thomo fom of natn of sme tind wee scampi y Hop’ (Gen pafl enericceef te ward was td tlre rane eos opens st ‘igi ive inmany ew fos many sae in Aiea as erined wit ‘rans Cs so gve rs te so-called dopant Charces tht ‘Eagle by ft lag Ilo wed eran ays in publics iat fi ncoig oceans pies or prs. n Buoy sertion ad prices {thee rcved om ppm ies re poncho ne ew peo seeie mare ‘ese deal pai oles sats apt boiehing wn varios enon and active cl ul ply, ling fue ero ey alle End toga consti) pew ners sen seine bot yng sce or ‘ct dies be wor ead ra fom segecalatons fom the Be somos ‘Boe eae suces Jol Pa bel ary reasons ro fr sbeeening of ‘welened more el sens of pila al bul he defines of eon (Gooyta Fee Rao 1998), Benet XVI during isto Angola 2009 ‘donned he wdeoendAtcan ees edn vos rues and ei ods (owithen in Burope, inte clin ofboundls fed acceptable exresions of white magi and ‘a Bao ste sap ode. Sree eta wizard oo tcl gis stg ‘sputinn Alo saps fon rtm moves ala popula, soc te 1990's "Now Age muy. Ate begining of the new mae th Sis Kaba pebbly pls more tet ands wy cnclved wh he hep of elites hat romain ‘Seen oe sy tae Nant en ig ol ay ‘Sula mo ner vm, ever, sopetine on be ove witha wn ‘ero stg of god vers cl Sich as we ess in the ene of TK Rownes any Peter ey, whch the at, who as abat sls Chest, th ncrsitesdserbes by th expression "italy des emned tht her ‘os et our eral pees, emerging secu cral ck fhe he our tn ‘teamed expe Tie tlievers inode bra contemporain Inve to very earl engi bacon wha god and wha mya eine Prague wast politically and also mysticaly Two emperors alng with hermetie sence center of the world ~ (Charles 1V -Stars and the City of Prague Ma: Dv Aza “Tsce get ity whos glory wl toh the sty," myth Panes Lite i prone je pr vee aes Folch Praga wa he cy Fhe ly (Gra and a te esol nto werd. ‘Th sents lon of he whi Ibe a in be vison, wa secon by one ‘ofp he Rosa peer nd Kg of Bari, Chars V, lo known st. "he Fah ofthe Nato” and the at poplar petsoraly in Conch istry. His borscope a0 tong at oon toc soli fron ch th ig go’, {hese and partly the “dub pyran all athe sume inl hs sae, ‘apres aongndaly tat cn aller sry, Ande ely Gia «ental with “Moon in Agus hd an open mind an a prague fr gat edn, Claes Vad teen tg up tthe Preach cos whee GaicBorish te hey nd ean ners artomed. Tuer he ite enero eed odes’ ere isp, whit be inguin his plces and dvds ater moving o Prag. The fete on un mts seaman ea in acer with hich cet everts ‘ne being reflected on Earth eclaing the asolgil concept Crowe ins bescope tea et ony Hise robles (6g spon! ur), bt ao i ig al Chale V was rained at al ns wee ey St Asti, who be egy hehe He beloved tht he ownodin fr ony things whic mete doe fr in, or trample ht he yas sted Eos deh con, rs anata bos pooing ‘He simply rained teres tga” nt cng th etre Ee sd i iy a el He travel tad te peo i of ise was toalays ok at th ‘awe nis ence, Prague wis ecome te second mo poet eee of Cesanty e Rome, That ws oe fe nan why fe pos monarch ong 0 anys of nse He ved ysl reed Pheer te and rors to Pai, ober echt adie He een jt tem when Syn hem) and sag, wish eased oh ey end and which obeyed who easing port monuments: olin Pg, bata i th et of Babee {nd Naavia. The epr of oro keh rss wel On oh met rs tes [sth oan dt of he Chars Bridge on he thy, 1357 #531 am All igs {ogi oem sens america pram neolpsly scat wh eS dhe ant Sarr, gen es tht teil oe ge test it of rage, ad ‘isthe sptul ont of Burope And thre ae fr ser hie in re 0. ‘ppl aseetht thebig, nd hate ali puedo ote Prague wal ee ‘Mle Boe, Ts funtion stan of be Cabal of St Vit, Wonca ‘Adatbt wa de he aia nte f 2a November, 1344 near he tomb of SVN, ‘wher the rereennves ofthe nd et By his ct Prage care he Cp of oe npr, domined bythe Royle th Cat adh Catedral Not alin te St ‘Wenceas Chupa bit so a Karte Chapels he balers often ed ame ‘symbols, The mbes rine and oe mot "wee symbole spel lmpltenes ed pericton -“el0" Dino the number of ptt ie Sis hows fom non ult and als the mt of he yar, When Cas TV ‘hd aroha Kanes, nel eens ook plc 2 ye afar eth oh 12th of December Golden canopy above te ie was bel by 12 ais, edhe be ted wih [212 (48) cence canes ighed te wy fr tem ‘New Serato ‘Symbasm anda cerain ype ofan istil ving Prague mores bit ring ‘heregn of Care 1V. upped at what rng 0 mary curt wh spy ‘ie it Aad we eo thik te pret Enger coegh Cha IV wed tara ‘rg in he Mote of Ce; an mpl eect wa he our of Rome th Far, sd reese Prag’ walsh ere abe ‘ect Constipation of green ce ofthe pe fr ie {nro Secs lchers aoeg chee leaders ed unversy share od oe prota da forthe omneaoenca of bldg ev of herpes comin [oft On 26 Norch 148 te npr he oon tore ore New Tow Fonction. When charging crests wns in deta copying thet dsrton of he "New Jesse om he Bok o/ Retro (as when balding S. Wee cap!) He "sind at Page wl pay an inp rl dig the weaning Galen Aas ot kind He a alos prt cabernt pln of New Towns, rts oda Stet which hd these tenth wd cy Ero Thou were othe ac beets fr thse fh 2 tate cy wl pos end ‘go withthe aporanc ofthe ach clement of bres tc nde ie lo got enoagh pace for acral onsen wich eae dre of cy, bat ‘ota presente joe The Eeprer bn ham symbols eins vic ‘mfornaaly were nt so srae ow. Never pore te pect Fe ofthe ney wha cme oat hr moktaons. Tee fs nace td rcs ul nth New Towne dizated oS. Calin, he Virgin Mir on Grass "ue, Chaves Pace ant. Apolaaire Capel Doe hint te Reig of ‘he Cros wh bo Red Sw, eth “purane oth aly Sauls allowed him tll where waved. Thin wa ed fr vlopent of te New Town, data ‘eas beady dood oS. Ares of Bote in th pth tie ol nd a |nporan npr! pinto, The onsen of Ne Town was apne 0 ag the ire "Spendr imperil and meaner Dut Chalet NV rags ‘ne contal le te Laxenbour governtl adel fhe "on of ti epite ott wed" [sarphing ofthat inte sist of Prague? Father of he nation “Father ofthe Naor, bts he aon of schemas ats ow wef my ‘snember hat fous Caching, Chasis IV However nha of he Been {int away tae such pod relat wth is Ling, Ons tt th ay 1318 "to Agila consis sea Leo al the rte Crown ta ulation Air much singin Boba where he tye eee math sone inte cell, te ‘strane to France ed bout atte Pench br nthe crac of Goi ‘drs, lheny and eae Fro hers be rough oben the afasanding of ‘tr incpeso ie. artatouy, nhs heh onthe nape eth srr ime, which ie tibuted toe pectin af sa, a whe dK og devout, Eg lenravin went aos, stead of ated nner which iy nen he catoung were pooped. Asa Catch ey, fo 17 yu ofa, ho ests the ‘uy esanamial ry, adc hog shat the cmmoweret of ve ‘mytique od the mys oh owns coun. Care TV ha geal don ‘which eel evens reve in erty eer Tat why be she ads ‘xp in slay end slchon inhi closet strove or fxn ohn of DDomtach Man hems were os mre fhe Church, ech or ep he ‘Arabibap Amol of Parc. Thai shared x somon expres when ming ‘pat pega wich Ure tee of wins th caper tna tees, Bt 1h ama stay camo esac with ing pinto te dnd, mate wil toe secre The giles, wich ie Lacambrk yt suppor whee ling ‘Monument Prague nd hein, ws Obsessed wil ie enc ime, ‘sry Phra in meet Egy beak ce ad ra ib scaly oied 8 ‘use nchuehes which allows alec! reat of he ha so ar ‘Spl nthe Cahedeal of Saint Vi May retary ge that non forthe ‘le ean be fundin he ard Valeo Kings and he pyramids, where ery we ‘ote bom ant lo ray Snings uf Chars IV. Ths fr exo inthe 17 cet in ‘he Holy Coss Chapel at Kurta, sears ve disor a cade al wih ‘tes sigan to ed byte king dng neve meaton, Teepe ac, Ineorproed sta and kena as nah whan fame fe capt “ose it died Be ofthe tas of lng tron Ot ot Ara Pees Puc) to Pag, log wl rs a mttaer (ace ‘Toedor), lvopbers (Pee) sd eniversty profesor ho desde chon an solos yin, Tse er actly sae a uiveries eing ‘he dte Age! Aer Chas was owned as parr an th Ap 1353 be though moe sot ling he ya centre of epi an he eon tpt cent of (Chaat af ome ie cesedan extensive cllecon of les th ooh ht af ‘the emp no he cet of may plage. So all nowadays people fm all ‘verte worl velo Page te the over of moments dese by Che V ‘thie he mainly erpanizedon the ba of rand rtelony, especialy th fm of ‘ross Ep wocan nce tin edt when te foundation oe ofthe Css Brie san 357,97 5:31 which tpt forms ato eae pram, ‘cite with th Sunn te plat Sati. The empresa govenmnt se dcaraton oth OM Town Tower Big, Th oun soe of ‘Vie Cathal snd giao mie dt, 20111344 now he oe of St VU, wher terpenes ofthe cory mel Noon he chapel of Sin Wences, Batata in ander Cape! at Kasei, the Chapel be Hay Clos, he wot plting alc! symbolism, ert by Mae Teor; especialy tele Timbers of person, wc ws ens svveinvarna pacer Praga He eleed har Bai wt ple an inorat le ding the upeoing Glen Age of ‘sind, The enon of he New Tow ws supposed to being te "Splendor npn” ‘lane and te seins af the Hie md create New Jelem. The loved er ‘Godin 1376 ae poutptng a lang ba aol he wel cous mae. Ae is. ‘Gath people of Prague of tts lowed ie dees body al ‘ccompanying i on is igs” Hee beni asonshng onan isan ‘ind th reson why Page led the Glen ey. Golden she xa ht every schon ward o ahve. ‘Rudolf HL and his Prague Btu Varn ‘The psol ofthe ign of Ro br sso he ime bere ended theta, sudan ater reigns rely sein our oer acon uch hey. ‘Stology tnd gi The cer fn scenes wae mcrdng eee he "ee ‘ines great Homes Tioga leprosy Vpn Gan. beled author ‘of emata, which tll xe Hom a ear ea. Acton, ntl, mae ad he ‘ie Hayton din wr ing hs ud ie undrstacd more an ao ‘len For Redo nd herr me Ky to tndestaning he ins oes the ‘wean therefore algo the ky tc con, anda solution tt could ans he {laced woo lf fei sword il oFbatmonys eth mye Golsn Age ‘ese by Ovi ins Mao, Prap tt cold bet ie mass why Gis ‘Acinold porsayed Rolph Is Verne, he Roman god of al senon, tine ‘when Radlpe eed nel Dus Mahe er of he we By honing Praga ae reveal tow nd making tthe conte oth Holy ‘Rowan pt, Rudo lowed he legacy of Cars IV. Chas bed Ms once of| Inge ag on ing th cy ace ta would expres eas of wie ‘aie This war sno ptt fer Rl stone king. sens fer sing ‘Prague as eet own could ne ee ives. roast View, Prague wast ‘ta dance fn he Oo Tusa wan dated Bop, Atherton col ave ‘oo tpl! nd alps sbi. Cry an tnportat le was aj y ‘ress of Coch nd Morvan nobility to th person pees of th King Among he “razon esos we can not rea Pgs gpa enon md mel eto oe Frau th domino! ete fh Cat as as para sion a heat ‘agile aint aso at here be gograpial cent of Eros, sd Prap ithe ete ofthis cet; magia pace the betwee the vile, Saini word A sheboi(Prage, im Cach Pa cones oe th word pe = ‘which sas threshold in gh whih ou can pus betwoos ot words, bers as ‘ls og bes conse he "ent of Bests dose a coteporey avin dis meng pace llr cues Ti charter, log ith Smet of lel ation sds ack Kn of oping mn rine pom, oul hema the sae ing fr Raph, ws Was fois wale, Pip, Inpesonsed by 1 Eso using he ign of Ral Mt Prague was icon rot spt ergs, whch 's for mony rete in any port ulgs ht wee const a hat ne ‘When long atte mocumerte sd ectea sy ality wee eng ‘fom on ain maar hich even ar far nde yas cosines vel fe secs Widen teferacs omy part ace, at, ad we se woof he ‘at importa tals inthe eo: th Spnish ll adopts Gallary hat ma ‘gia bl for psintings nd sep of Rol lege clletin Bt hd 0 ‘fan ost hare, nly ain Page th above" an hallow” ae intervie, ttn of ‘Rudi tan scene Bend. Tae wasn corraston bomen rena sete ‘scepfon pit example and en xprasion of such wou et fovs Rae (Colleton Ia at jt apelin bt a ce ol rset an ‘slay. The prevalent feneton of ations sa provider of exo per, wae ‘conde. salen met far Roi on pestle ou of knee a2 ‘sueelopuode mer of he weer "eae of earn satel ‘ized eolectn which wast sere tothe uy of rate, of tn cel and ‘tite pheno othe werd ape, a fot of uy in the ait of ‘mae ofthe ster Wore However, epura a oly sta 0 (ul dea fom tis easy The Epa ss allowed is atitod rl say ere. Ine yt of deel aon he stay was ot on Fredo ated Werk ‘heals, ut an ge ptf te posi asa the tly ofr cen Rel (Colt sing ran wear moe of he worl nd sianey sctve component. Ricoh and al tts who created te colton ad ao rw mt ‘ere can an inter prt of ti calle Iran apace ough wich ene old {str the mjuare of th nvr nd reveal sees oar and not nye si Spenser bt ara co-restor The colton hd anny han Sts be ‘ep marl mage at was tele he hice ntrcnnetity of obj cing in Therese wer "Ades wists appeed atthe of Russ an ote Matas wat puting pessre 0 Rui nang car igs, by ying. ae sso conser how yo gator, hw youve raed mh ontoon teh God nd you dont wo It no spenk obi, Indio Lend owcompany youre wien sere, let, Kal shins tha * irl epost lowed i Resp fh tread before is al assed poe eee cure oe Prague rap, gral Prag have made yo ao, hos bat ea me ot, 8 tenet Revenge of Go al come upon hese sal be cae ad ete Bohemia ol Mysticism and the Emperor Rudolf 1. Mer. David Ade “Ter ofthe pron of elem te pomotio fom he Kinga he peor i loaly ‘Stacie wida strange cet pssttnon, When the King ed Hangin ‘Sova in 172, stones reopens rin the sonsalton of Cason ‘ie igh sising, nr changed clos edt te the King was ac ‘he Crh tom in 1574 st suey appre Act cloral Dy ta. pean 157, cone, as cesered by Tyeb0 essing ft he ‘le wo wl pera naire” Bre comected hs tonal errtation Wit st ‘logis on wich sane ohn ell In ig vo aly peeved he ‘string of i led str, ane a ck ed aor of Mate Ral so ‘rnd a th mystical St Ce exp Whe ed of Cr or tos fallen om beaver This apis cx cous was ones, acurigo ome crc he one at ‘tetd he Cash bain ith Pag is cae Three mong he mo vl thls fm he emperors colton wan apse cup wich polyp fen the Crd nde tin imrbed fe mame of Crs nic binge he so the Gra Radaph pie! he xp fom his own ele eran nd Elie waned [Aerthe epee tha the o Vins’ ens, “Sehatammer in Hoss, he lnpeal Place Thre yu can seit day. City fall of magical places Prague asa gate to another word Prague asa place and a city created especially for magle Bohai Vic exis or in oe wor he aspera sry ected by ez tht rants nach pce. Tiss tered yh ten a et ‘sents hinting taal hs Cachan as exis by hago metre impact which bo get inenet ty tek ha cons anor ic elonents of gle al ptiene och cna woe of rn a, ‘Prague in gt enn of he ecg ofheren oie pound The ter shape th Cauca ca so ind ascnton wiheegend of he oly Gath 2 ety, men my of he log abs, Wal fom Exaesach, ete te Grae era tt el ou of Lasers sot {sound daring his elon spit hve leo Od Decne hal ie olde wi rsa eeted he Coch ben Api of gen el ao ie ‘Vystar, wre itil no, avery py ate yh geologist Val Ck: “Ta Bote re gy ah a yw en ‘yer cel at lp elt tne etre om ray pa el ‘longs fara mee ‘rage then oi of ow, cextin meng plac. nips, whee res may sak ops sad atin and eee way eat es, ‘ich such meting plac ier ie robles Ad indeed aly no other trope coun fad ih compos lilt tno Dea Te Cathy ‘heft pmaoen eents worl survives pot snp fcr orp defniion ofthe oun Inthe ours of itary beni ued int eng plc dw ale hd reactor wih ove dint "Te spa sects of rage was detrei the Mle Agen Tw ty ound it for in acodies wih is atl ewer ovement, Cals TV was of "he fat th ath eo an nsbed a band, sir ete ie of he Sy Insribd nts pogapy, geomet ad geology. Al hate bul a Praga was in cordance withthe trace of tance rag, dl well in exordance with "soli! iss and mineral or sysbol prone fl of oss pd ecgan “esc consis of} empanents das option nthe lower Prague pling he amin Caste wp te il wo the ver hat uth vides end ona the we ‘kent Verh fo nocn nh tun tower and cys adhere the [Doel sired internal ate of Cu A Rese re ar ep ove Slayer ofhinory. Archaeal the ros re xpress by henry apd mane [Gow Mors ow aces mad ep eboded eases Hee ama nds sel" ‘he teronapace hat yh od can, tpt a heat ee ‘tnd of is esol posi fom he Balan Word Cat" Cusrdan. ‘Wl walking lang the er Vln nth ees of OL Towa one ofthe Prag ‘alley you gt a he ing Ut you are somewhere athe ey "baton te vey ‘ge foe every exponen at You re sci tater world the ‘worl rams boyad our Word ad oui youre in te Page ewer. Tis Felina seit werdin wich ie soe wich om nds pee th ee of ‘mara elingaahiaden space, sbi an reise youndwor Pew ese arse ‘t Prague velit thy ee o hbo fh ioral cen wih ie we tien ‘The most mysterious places in Prague Mar Flip Jn Zo, IS 0 cle easy tind pace on with mtr in Praga Pag a couse ‘umber ofthe. Con ecu mang tbe aes Whe poss doh eens ‘pea, snd you ay ensues them ev ep you th. Mytius plce ae ao those ‘shlong st pg as ta wh lao gh tack fr or ‘aun and rae the psrius energy of Prag. We cna sou whe eases we ep ie those ut beloged oth Princes Lise, be eo ingly vaso aces of god wang te dcovered ai und ecm fret many fos le the (a ts nd yoo. Very nesting se a es Atte Goloen a Wel, the oe er the O18 Town asl gold Biden ai nthe ter ten = gle ‘rncuring stone ru errno and everyone vo want ake ino & ‘spp oscar. But when were ating abt pl we cn anit he ces ‘tance with ales couse he Gen Lae be Fast hse o Hoa of Donkey he Cle Lats clr lk at sme of te meri ple om ts Howe belongs othe mex magi plas in Prog, ant ijt ‘ecu tection tsb on. Nae of he set, "Mora refering th pagan ‘oles Mra oi ber sce rove wh sed to be need o ha exe pee of an ‘All sed pgan lace ad lays ten il mys neg, expec a plc a ‘ms dei oe dark, meget defined dis, Ths place bs ala acted prople ag for nove af th sry of mater pd te iene “Tet peso ped was he Duke of Opa, Wen. The aly of Opava Dates ws conaeoed ough he egitim 2m of Praja tka I witht pera (Chea IV. That why he ba the ight deri ol Shveva Hous tee "tence wall ote cy Prague, and ul splendid rescence thee, However dung ‘he Hesse Wart was re othe royal fry, toh ands of Wena bl, lay a Fade by Opty, a schon abr, nd dele experiments the. What ie scerded in retin ole ato, but tally ‘So teense ofthe lognd of Dr Fat in Page wa eed. Evenly Dal ‘Wenceslas obs dnt Poke, who et monet the Det ‘epithe owe so ined peting he money bck be gt owe hes mater ‘fr ache. “Atter mysterious fr of he Howe was he epse Earl Key, made od ut ofthe soperbly expe bores ved tee atthe peak of oe, {ogetc wih i spdaupher Weston, who was apo Aa te Kel sole veryone by aloe tuna of comrmon mets sgl ramely to oe Poster's Stee, wc be pune in Wales om arc tomb of nko Catotiebitop. Kelley eer tempi court was very sep: Ro at cnly ‘ssn i psn ofthe opera eourell sn out slebomsy bt abo poms inn ‘Soibe Knight offnar. Kelley med nt pal sled xii pssesions nd oper espeil in thet of Mow ea Pag In Pag, he taupe wo Bae, ‘ov of ih wast Past House ware Kelly, however experece bhi and au ‘ther mysrous owner of he Howe wr erin Antonin is on oe Pete Mido Soop, While Fern! was devo scan ad chen, ‘ison vas kerr on vos machine ard deve, ndash ive he ‘nfo epetm mobile Alou they ted weep pope by nea oft om ‘melee ey worl coir tabs ei maga Fats Howe was not aways inhabited by mages, bt alo by an tloger nes rua, who do sos, who wer ke the spiting imager of Cain and Abs. ‘ruin of his oes wee upp beens ic he very is day fr bh, ad ‘nthe tars wt te awa ho, oer bad hy wo desey he wong loo, wasnt possible. One day he younger tr murdered the er ne fr mene “jeaetha eis te sleet Evard Kell ha god rch ae "However, the younger ter did tive lng, the someday arte ude he was ‘iocutdan arstlag oma coe th Hose Mart ad ss ead the "aus Howe; erp to lok fo ttn, pcp are fr whale ed doe In ‘ts case ede so mh ase tat the on people who coud svt te Howe ine ‘est fr es wae neers of ie deta aaa at wae un by Frese, However one ged mystha a oung ti! as decided sep aves the ‘becuse had oy nd wes no aldo os Ihe moming be ound ler ‘oa dh nthe alcemiclabrry He tay th wand i od he i ed her ther ler ead rtm nth en ay ethers, be went ad ual Be ‘money he gine e could get conch, wd seed enfin Dok aoa agi od sods Soul the doi wo aly took tel ee "he at ofa seri of cents ving in th Huse wat DK Jai, forme phi ofthe sighing cbr ofa Jo one Rock Dy. ag ved nd ‘ote threat tu of 19" an 20 cent Hear ery pla yd i ‘hase with everything sociated wit eth, He evr hi al at ove, remnng, ‘ofthe patos sa supose he sleep nn coin ‘Aor Dor Fans, whose ame th bose bes, wl te oer en of mae snd aero rar, bo dint ved in te hon ny cnet in teeing avon Dring the Second Wael War, when he Alles allege by mse Pome Prague a bomb ad New oagh Fas Hate ut ald w explode Preted by sven Src, an th bose vase, ut bol in te ing cos athe dev ‘oversee: Perhp bcrs thre nr psnge it ea fom Fst Husothe New Town Hal opr rom the Now Ton Hal Fass ae? Howe of the Dene in the Crate ose of te Dos inthe Cea, wich a teased you eter its wr ot ‘nly ue othe mal win dig he asf Hard Kall eo Be nding aloe oe he wy om the Cat tothe llons tht mee ono of Pain i. At ee ony = Partie howe wa cig the stet anda lc cf Dt oft wings house ood sable, Edvard Kaley lived bce wis aay, and spa um these ced Ima brary othe ate. Rural pal stars ch resem te lenis pra - tee of fe. The sic el oa pon view of ‘he allovs aswel asthe Cs, which suppers the sempton ht Kelle wa ab sy oft ng gen. ‘The osm, Hower ao ha eed tary th gave tt ame Oe dy, Kelley recived infomation tat he meri Majesty ba esti tas wah i, wich woud ‘ea untae nd efi cl AL a ate ch of wl ened gee At "ral, waster i the woman dein at "e pest wie Kel, of whom she of aed bots a iformed te ere ese Town, fv hep, When she funda ‘some, be was very ny, severhus skein fr alpand Kl sgl ‘ibd he ty sankey hed. When a nce home, sh od oo atthe ‘ny in th ele uly bens a donkeys bend According ota versin of as ged ‘hed Aa doe cal shouted a Maser Kelly om th cura he oko er, into ad hh wind Hew and see under isang bis ot of as, Which ‘ett att ine an ting that wos pe fe soretng. Kel s ‘ery aap, eens shame was fread al ets th pot ile ch wih “ones eed Bath versions of ieee conmon ending. or dye paced mad ‘Ans Her oa thc to Sunt Tomar charch onthe yf et te Land Se knsed in font ofthe ota of he Vig My, nd payed he ips he ce sarted 0 move Wie Anaad at bj sain, aly bo. Since thn nobody cals t house fic ue hn house te dk nthe re Dy later Kelle escaped os Prague, ut is esl wander te How sof ply ect tbl ven he ‘Setowe Mua whee tear, nd wre upon ascot lek el of vty was nthe wal Thre ee pps {ote over to hundred sehr win a Catlett el amber fv et ‘mal. Tore aeraoars grand cay of ashi le ih ete ‘rogue Cast Crain fences so of Vis Lane whe shaped ow Marlex de elle ad hi secret ab. Suppowedl be ws asising he emperor hel lings exprients fst we leu ae ee ing tees ‘Mateos were ery minora faemoltd fr hm in he 1 etary by ‘Abe Magn Accord othe ie, armarer of lca srt be it nt tut beable to ep sees nd secondly, hy at have a lc a prt bos, Ban fom ees fam which mst ave wot tex ex humbets Tr ocery prany ih vars uae “Tine of Rudolph, however, wll ews to may ter laces. The mut Hone or House ofthe Doeey in tn Cra ck wa inte by ard Kelly base athe Behar Chapel where Toe Hj ed ove, he war ofthe rei fthe epee beri andrea he help the “enperern he plese, ote Fat Matt, hr isthe Louse of ugh Ker, Mil Stn) raked on his reser, Wen slo come ln tothe Sax Laombak Palace, ‘whereupon er Vat bared ble wth scr pation tht pve th en wo anki ei ad oh ous, ott Church of St Thoma, former cat nd, ‘wr es Ralph's lela are cd wba dd wi ther lel ae ‘ol et inthe However, ack wil cet len so the New Wor, Were may albenists we ie, an he ataplee roe the amoxper of he ‘Golde Lane The New Word i try gee, act ens thenarses of i ue tat sod thre: The Hout he Goen Fot, tbe Galen Pen, = Golden Bs the ‘Gola Grp, he Glan Acre Galen Se he Golden Pough tthe Glen Sun Istersting othe very sume he uate =the New Weel asp teen cose ‘psn eum othe Glden Lane a he Prague Cast, wher int bse a the tant roca find thetold it seer world satrap eo oe the “ho wel The heal ofthe oe which revel el ol ing sain hs, ‘worsened by Asn eset th Soa Bh aly No wade at oe {osu aol the We rane Kaha odo ie, rove moor Prag fret: ‘Madan de Taber Who nowy ater uc taco however ro osted n t inthe New Wor Jerusalem, Jews, and the "Al Tenaj" Synagogue Mer David Ate ‘New Josten cen plays en npr oe pool of evish ath May Inteesng stores mainly eo the Ou Now Syngopu in aro. A legend ns {he Kut sees wore with he ep of Gad anes steed ety fm he ‘imaged temple of Solomon in Jrusoln, Jah, Thee stone wre oe plael Pague ‘ny underaondionty wich a Hebrew eae sale Tat yell ees Mes wil th Hart Then ern, hs we om a the at ofa te Temple wl bs eal, ad the ores lb wasted bck isorgal oaton th Wain Wall May ever Hope in so cae a. “Thtlre, Paine very npr fr ate Based ns een the msn m8 raed be lol fei community ales whch by mize Wes fee 0 the German te alte" hc onli Engl he" New However he ae bi dese ia psn actly. Out of al ar nfo were te the eet, famous the Mitral of rage, ah Loew ben Bezalel ote il eng visited people oma aan the wea Suppsely be ad de he boas Goer ‘tie ati of Syongopoe, bt tht wa roll no Mesh a ees ppl ar ‘ond lle a Page Places with mysterious energy Maslin Zoey, Dis Many paces perceived tod 8 sed pace of Citi cle femeey ‘longed ts pga ele. agus, wh al gating of the force of ext ees treble sce pores wo sin places Whi reserved et Signin il pee ns, forts hare hare npr open f Chetan ‘ate busy of he se al, wich ek ver may deta fom he ol i, Dat {stot peopl teams beter sequins ‘Weta ot start om tea impetatpit, ht s the omer pga il Zon ‘opine moun nthe shape a tated cna, Delpin Who cad ply dee law Woe oad place be soa looking fr il whee he rg Castes where he Ctl of Vit, Wenceslas No wonder that ‘St Wenculus ctl te stun e bul inthe ame of St Vi Doo his ae ‘eoomed he span God Staci Wena Mf pated ra fet har, ting nthe frat chr ult the Cale groans te Chacha he Vign Mary, Sehichrepiced ts alt of hearth ges Bo bck he moe 2, whe heal ‘irons sod and where tbemst part cemenierok place ven nines of| (Christine roe remind tom and io oly the neo the Kingdom of Bote, bt iso ofthe Hey Roman Eni, ud was treo he cane of rag fo the iain by Contes V. Hes al oe cated pled tere props the ‘at myc ejet hata be fond Se Wonca rom yo phage Ff modelo he Heavenly Pres akan rm ea Apap ‘tit as ot thon aga plac that Cates IV Chstaned We st ot {erga he Monsey an the Sav (Eau), wah suds Inthe eect sa apo the sacred gove fie godess Mora, alo couse he whale New iy, pat of ch ‘etme dette rpc ofthe eran. Aste fal Seton of ‘Cvstmzation Ces bul an else Gam churches dove Pag, sa plsed ‘he cnt oft cas th Rotana of he Hal oom, which alo soo on tof Ferner aga sired groves ht of ples we must ont Kempe, whee rg stood satu ‘Pern ns nec yt of reeves pls ht sped be a ‘surge cet o! Pgs or maybe ene Hatem nd pss oes the whole of trope Teeny Pain il sth st suing pga roe, ede Chestnaton ia ‘nent be ese bythe Church of St Lawrence tat tan nthe plan of former ‘uum fees. An of cure, gent fergethe venerable Vad string oer = Flee of gem rom cer fren, lng ata wy sd sous wes Prague city with Churches forming a Cross MgrDavid Ate ‘rose inatesymbol of Chistian. And Chas 1V ba iowa chapel of Seat ‘Cos at Kris Clit bea eoledance) Apparel nok items of dich Fetcpe Papas acted on ree Alogsnrthey ens Sight ams anys of [Eeroran osagon whch sconce ty anny. eis perape why Pass being cose th crs of ape wher pep tt ‘cpg on he west eh tara tsa met The spot cae of {bec famed ty he Cate, th Pe land the Old Town, eugh sometimes (Chase Saar ln nll. The min ai omnesting then oh mth ose ‘hrogh Ler) Hew, whee ist Mais xm Ben, de to Zea, ee ‘econ som of berm eT aus rn he st oe Wea cnnets aunt, ‘wich nt syle importa! ater fhe Cech nation Ate op fhe Vito ‘phere Fst ough withe Crandell reser mer lay sum and itis meri seated thre. On th contr th eat tthe White Msn 1620 mat th el of matin ndepenees The rss ced arses the ing, ‘nds of eat imprance fi te cout. Asis apo as bea repented is Prag, ‘hos ely bun lt Som hose, nly char Cron and slice ait “Ta aslo cen of raga ie supposed ti i lie nconpicne buling ‘The Suet Croat tuna as been ave onto he At For; ily ws spd tote domaihedas chat wars which was ins desolate it Jt Manes hay ‘Shrine oe esoraton sl the Ratan reset mes elope O18 {Cah Chr However clus religions vale ae lst ect ih ‘mya one Ime cof uta wre te cet of henge anit ‘frags sae. Te tte if te eran annette Cats of St Vins ‘nh Steps Cash New Town), Papen fossa the Komanesqee ‘rcs ofS: Clement (OM Town) end alte Catch af St Philip an Stes, {Gomes tng a todays ues Arbes Sr, but unfrtastely erased in 1891). ‘Thecmat has a symbol length of te ans comepondng 02400 str Se Cis ‘ond n Kove Sect sn ne wit Logis (Ooty St Spa’) Rohs (New Town). Bath fw he clip of Pag, amor of les, whe 8 21 uw the sn sty and on 21" Derr he cary Hes Avot pt on he ws isthe Laser Too Tower which gill was he oreo J's ed flowed by theres ofthe 2 al tte Prague Caste actu te sresdig bsnex “Th const as bse ry strous fondo aed in Rane tine WA sevelped do deed wits Who bul th St Vi Caedra wa peoret ‘Gabe pein Pag. Ts "sre geomety" was ala labored from he hema Polat view To St Cress Rounds ued oa ail romans mail ple ha sounded by pair eres The orn of he ling gos dm to urges foe ‘noe the oa was bel who wet nthe Holy Lan, bt a espe sn ned Isoa deve snd to around ower Ar pood Cin, be vey payed ft rion lind sured Fre at the beng the 19 cen eres wae ald that the ou resembles Torksh moe inthe Arabic ye. side thre ae besa ‘Crs fetes, and he trie costly Sig neve. Alough te bling or some initrd ose erga purport pote Begs Dt ok {Sev of Thats wy in be closesteiphoutnod yu ca do expe Hay ‘Gt ar. Ever ate was of et elped. Once rin th ine of Kaine Sl Timous Coch mal 1° etary sete fa aberdeen the deri chapel scoring tome ass il Ting ei ich se op ‘owed barman too. Note wanted ole down, deena wall of asl ‘udensvoded Ti dsr tnd dsfitely worth 4 Prices Lie Cross agus “Thre isanoe existing cos whih oe neteonsted with Leas Town and Hada, bts toed to mystical papa leatos, The otewane spot of his lcm one fs in the fore place of Lible'sTowe aa he 2 Hat he ‘rdf Glen ane. Soposeal ho, blow te Syne 1, Feces ie Founda eCity of Page Thai shu sot the rv dered hh 0 St Pip nd Sees (Pape 5 ~Sichov); whee wer orga sted saci ‘pounds nda red rove wih Rotoica Ook wee Toe western rm of eos med by the Chr ofS Lares on Putin il ch war ul in te vat pk her soo aan ok te decid w the papas Go Peon, According ge St. Vojestew dom. Te wot ofLess Tom bling str sna ofS. ‘Letra (Ol Tovar Templar commander, ssl (ac in St Ame's {Ghar here the Coed nesta Cane war fended by he Cato ros, Viel Havel, o prota did ot hone hs plac by ade. Te cei of {he enie rouss in othr, farmer church ofS Lawes, Nabi onthe Laser “Town, wheres dp pl yae, wes fnctoned a crmzton teres he wor of ‘boning nthe dead Supponealy thine al conre hana, wll aie Pain i The ex wasted abe te "esl wang boty wel essing on ‘heres om th dep below, a wesw n pagan nes. Thane pounds ere ‘aud fr eis or Slavic Zee nition tal. Atal eve Prices Lita waste ave ow private sourt bere cll Libs She stenaly presi th energy of his space. Thilo altted the prophecy ofthe glory of Page, wc asd anh word ‘rato "ach th srt” However, cache pagan rte oe les at ion Intesof lige proses anya a0 al ead sociated with them ae ed) ‘covered wi te caso ine. Neverles, wean la Li's sent bas Prague in Seas ops Aiden erst ora star? ‘syn gt fm wih okie em a int ow ‘Towmof got. oacepr as proce y te Lavembourg Dyna cay eg ela thelizy King Wena V. The ete of spel power yin te Cote chapel of | Corps Crist, which was ult inthe sape of str. ras led o cys Chiles ‘Sau, det eppsi othe Chrch of Sins, bt wes ae eed benoit Served ats Protran rege lo fntond oan inorct ptnage si, ware (Gn to th egal Wooden aver of Chase 1V) many pilin fom lve ap esd te oni faut The pce sho cto eae he Brathbood oon Hand sl Hamer tat ws Lud by blr hci to baer where ven he King ple Apparel tse to be hiding ee, where eas othe Huss Movement were tor acl tela, roms fe ode was contd wf the Knights ofthe Rou Table and aly Gr wich i ed {Bemba of te cain Cosh Masons conser hemertes beige llower of 5 ‘Wotberod The Chucho Cathrine ad th Crh of the Vein Mary, 8 (Charenapr (Rl) nd te Again onstage, a Chas 1 they becuse the ne cet ofthe Holy Raman Emp as dao thei Seton tie "Emp rs). The Chr of he Vir Mayon Gres ne Cher of St. ‘Apulia mot agate, bt at one ot inet hse we plats people ‘rere eqn sang Petpet tai al runing wel despise toning ‘ising te Wed War lls pak el fe ined by thes in he City of mysterious persons and fates, Prague ata cen of insiders ‘Mag. David Atenbryt ova fe. Rudolph's Prague This sce "pped ou of nate” he a of planetary motions a aed on i yi Prague wth isc ao decease san a boop hovered (hein ofthe ennssnce hs wa tinted 60) Wet th oak "The Fandaernls of AstalonySesous Dae ide sae bi sroronia keratin ‘ih Kepieand ed wor wh float yt overegn rds, Based on it ‘Stoves be yet ty pele ings fr al cour nd tase on ae ltr rete The Mtr of he Comore ras tre feat inpatnc te modem steno As astonome aes me With osenists and Rss Sch 15 Te jek een ad Cheops Tycho Babe "Frage ial for my des. Tee ail ironclad Rado pave him cheno Venice ve I th ofc an oe, rae creted aren ber nd pron uml pray tre e0 vey devoted atone Hoare a he Golen Wel eta vn ht Ssh fot hs sie sonnel seh Unfors Ye i eoy ‘aretha vo ys ir fe nage and paral chose a pennant peo, “Tadeo fom Bek 0, when You Ealy oak he go?" Te decor ofthe tence wring tthe Calon ado Fs seh quesana. He bequest impose who pred ‘qc ils ad sts, Water ws ee ech ahr gi He el was ‘ualeuit who was a nity amoag his eleagus a st cout plate eno ‘merida asrooory sw nveratymatbenaetn nih fron mes be eapportd Mh ety haem. His meine sils were fn appre byte Exper ‘Manila ich the wounds be got wile Big with Turks He war one: of tornado wrote bok totaal Cashel, ese ned Abo” edt recon, Micha (Meter Mier ‘The personal pyscan athe erty of Rol asa porn fase in mail Pragie, Asa rofessy ul en cli achat he eee he grey eminence ote four As compo ela the emperor ing peso Latin mil eee ‘re ctl inscriptions aw ahem tet at were sing ding he pedo ltrs. He ao iveed a numba exc nd snes In Prag, ho win ‘cut wh Shakespearean afer deth of Rolin 612 he le or Eagan to ‘net great playright pain. n Landon epic ever sehen bok ‘iecaly his mls ours "Att Pugin Alls Fina combston of msi, {eran nage As Rsircan he avlodo,o ed of pau n Mag, Jehu Loe hen Berle In ketnay 1592 the emperor ete nled with hala Loo bon Bele sbost chen. Thy watched oe tno of Ga With he lp he age tr ty ‘ured Ate, swe wd cab bck oi none nap heer, Ralph sated huh andl was shred io poes ad hey wes lst eee yt cling tat vtacaning dom Bu te Kab aed hi la tre frm a oped the ing om coming down" Novel repress of he evi comminsy ee ‘tse with hi and aed hi fr racing th Kati. Te rest sel til ‘masined cle elation with Tycho Brae ah ther emis work ws 8 inspitn tof Ama Comenius he ar wll the Rab bot eae ‘meets of theta the Rar anh Cree Toe gol aati on ‘kematc homunculus elled "osl’ wel aly ton. The pring of ‘evving oma’ oso combate ofthe Lars ame a i won eal ae ‘estined aval othe goles wn popularized by Gustav Metin Jahn Amor Comes ‘hetero atone abo the "oh the Bap of reason Heinen the sce snes. Thr ae pssge ln "Th Labyrinth of he Word a Pai th ear? devoted rat. Sos mich 2" Lato th Path Lig tna "Pawophie Prana” preset se lens tchy an arma England hr oe book ete "The Dine Lip Raita, Ase mera ‘Swed cul up bo pbs gener boot nth aia er 160, che "Pongo, ch ped he tena a Adon toe hak OM Oigatons of remain a “Didactca Magn Comenis deste Dr. Jee Fuss the ‘aver ofthe" ck at of yoga. His granon Dani ms bona a dae ‘ie aval of Fecnaony inte 1 cota Batam; be Wasa cv map fe Ut descend be dua of 3 Vite Fig Til resent mes th Comoe IIIA age il opts in Prague Wiliam Stakerpenre isos tbe as vied Pogue te resides of te Bape, apron "velvet, Siu Jon Dee ed Eel Rely be lenge in be Engin crow ‘hint py tor. He asinine ont wth te lst Micaela, ‘nd Ros sprays His cea scons Dea pt of exe “sire ls treble werd. Ta fa xp Hane ee character ‘fase, nine name comes forte myhialfendet of Rosca Interesting bo the figure of Presper, hs magica al lent fo The Teper, “nbn sot he forex of atari he sage Calta Acta soa ‘ve ben de ain Dees mom Ed Kelly who sped Shaker Inte ‘hy The Wnts Tee ates the Kingdom of Boba by the wai bat hs ws pobihly doe jt ome Caos pe. Albrecht of Wallenstein an his horecope ‘Roar erste in 68 by leanots Kepler Wallensin nly red htop ed Sty ook upto he sei He adage cnn nth af te Thirty Yrs ‘War and became the Osneraissno, te Duke of Fin he Wallen Palce In conmenoreedhishotcope wih an astonomca-stlogieal tall Fuhr just tt horacope were made by Kepler esol 1624 eae a warsng ‘tat Walestn ight bo etd by the Dane sn the Swed ng Gs Adit ‘Therefore, Wali gta vith eng and Protas, hich er bss fal fori Seely hy ofthe he Cad coe, Bed en he preiton se opposition: es flonming apis ince 132, nd a mcs was tobe expected 1632 Keplet ‘sed repre the contain oe hoop: Wo, ep a sare, ‘Wats nd mpcniaely oe more Bott ive due to spi A dot by tenon wa 26cm bss erm of milan Bona, ‘Apoetand estepaugtr of Master Kalle, Biosbeh Jbuana Weston, cameo Page itr fay, deported om Engl. He fer lieved te power ofc and fondue epee Ineo cpa he ated a cob Wich exploded nd be ‘int Toe inpoveibd ter mae he amon lt adh ger Westin ‘oud devote ection, an wing poy. Her setter Kelley dso ht ‘wes ntin favour at cout anya ded, andthe eat sovereign confide of is Pope. Wesal sed langungesit po codons and ied sn ee Ral eat herve pls forthe eer phe oper, and inthe end ha ecired ‘aly nino compenetion When she mui the Pris of Anal the asda ob ‘Lo oflsence, se become ore ote to pty an soil, Her wrk was old ‘ros the Reninane and ke ese mera eebration mario cos She ‘vein i sven centred when se was hey Yous ok » ‘Alchemists and Magicians Across Centuries Pete Part He was one oft pretest rit ding nthe in of Chace TV. wash who ‘ted thet oar lings Prague, wh tee wri comes a omen ays He designed the Sit Vitus Caer 5 eleboiclweek wis ay iden yl soca sus, sas, pope ad ste ved in Prague a 4 eR thes yea os tte posed al of te valle and see pam a is bl ‘siete workshop. Tse inoged to Bul he tee, the chapel, te South Gale ‘uth choi of Sse Vins Catal Tho vl steno sil ing died by eve ‘He was aio a rent carver ad vel, Pae® lo suprised te cotracion oe ‘Stone Bie, and the Chi Belge over the Vea River is Olé Town ripe ‘owe incon ob th mst ental mesival ower in Erope, The war oe ‘nr ed flowers was evenly iarpted by he Haste was. Wottag Amadeus Morar "My apuersandetandme (eine Prag verse mic ine af the most anu _guoler ofthe vite compe. He syed m Proguea fe tie an slob emp ret mau ep, De Giovanna ben working on bs li sel alchemist Ava young man ened Aizen a megs cave er Sls, ‘nbc he ref ler inthe water cave sare of The apc Fe. Aer sing ie ‘Vienna n Doane 1764 ews ied sited othe Wont Ze chaity lodge was oe of rt eta wd be lo pete age es He ‘more albert forall Pal Mac end the Lite ‘Matec Cara. The tesa the mot parfomed ith ong Mons oy (De ‘Mesrerrende). After avrg in Prag, in 7H, Moat ved te Lest Tow th {Cost ota Jeep Th, eof te ina nagisanason who 2 Tobit tak car of Mearns achinennt in Prag: The comp vio coe mer of Misi noi ate earls of Pac's Rilo, Ceol de Malle wh ‘whom he canted many cronies and itn: The Magi Fle witb crested with ‘helvetist Sitanedzen wrapped up is camic gi bt i fl of alerts “Mason ens hen vr, io and mus sabolisn of Premasuay- Same lags ar cals en agile Tho chores of Sas wa pied >y Tents Bon od te prope! Zarate, The Lay of Nght reeset te Bayan des Is Supe Mora sled by aa Tain” red thin oa of "he Mian, ects Inti opr eh reveled tony ser fhe er, na to rane Kath "Ifea wap. Pago wl ee et an go This dst mothers clays" Thi was city employee of inane: company towpt abou te iy, wie wing and ‘cing in he dnver wos Ie Metamorph sad The Cal With he apart of it ‘elite bo wle is mga! books ane Galen Lane. Thin he even ted isc roupt Kron eps wl he pos of sion of nyt leet fis wor is pre Mien Jsesks wrt: "The Wood be sa asl isle deme the desea snl ip gota people sat He observed tina alot prope biter fossa liane fine Hae the wd an exer espe, chums ns a xtancary nd ofa wrd ois own" A book Wa witonom abe ed abla wie pores the srs of en ley. Gastay Meyrin ‘There linked colour ie Once when he wa youth and ing with {nat his temple econ iid, sone slips ude on oes nie he Jo ‘Rus cual so hn, he tare prac youn andbs boga wig Meyrin ks wr sl id of ous f copes, nd bought hen ge Were ‘zon The book "dnel of the We Window” desi with ohn Dos an Edward Kelle a {he cout of he Enpaor Ril I fl of sbeneal mb sod rltnshipe ‘ocised withthe Remisnce.Anoter Bolen Clea ska wash sablet ‘farang mapas and Miso who ve sr alors nth aldon sna. Topetr th Sas Zeyer he ws armen oft Sah Ba, the Asan Broth or, ond be never ‘hugh rag dite han of hci tht as peeve in my hes Bre, ‘mon myers ad mya” Alfons Mash chs yas dereed prin and magi nd was fen of many oaks. At ‘ov of he had th cntecrd Mason nt county, he ropond st yb, ‘Sg end reed ho wel-inowe Slav Ep Macha dove hina o easing magic ‘nce became a membs ofthe "Lsinsprabls ds posession’ lodge Pain 198. ‘When Pari he conducted many expres wth Fue Palndina, hr mere ‘mel, Viewers were suppstd a the "eed Up fh ies works“ The ‘Bona ecardgs de pope who nae sae eed volte of [gels sd of ie afer deh, Moca oe by ape prefered pat etic ‘Saracte somone work bore symbol of etl Ressucanian ma Maso. Karel Cape isi Fst Republi (1918 193 he novelist was fea refered tos the "Gand ‘Mas by ct pres. Capt ofound sola. Hl wok ts tt concerns of noving the conser, when sey becomes chia mage ‘ecomes pss, he most cbvios emanple tat fexrsn be elt The ‘aleoponas (192) Th be ein ofthe sngex Ea My show at aoalty ‘setlly see omens. Br le eres the als consclesoes finest of ‘ule. Te pny RU (1920) he psi of he mie modem sen nthe ply {obo re eeing swe gis heme ea ngs Sr ans whi ithe ol dl Arar (1924) debs a ovaating um the corey ‘of exploie, woe replareupions ing inal arm ‘Neovo withthe Os dit mys He wth Gr of Sah Bay he ‘sin raters Orde. Ys leery an gal execs were atid inthe odes ‘ftir Hse oft rr was aed) peje a he Parente Tol, is ‘nyt igure of he pst and egy ans are esd ina Bock by On Chery and The Novel nthe Rat ena ofA and, lo Th Tee “Lege ofthe Cnc he gives bute people feet clas, Who by We of power of dese cet males anton every ie ping amet Siprsniy, ht show rl exper ea tafoemation ‘Au Alebemistic Queen? "sakes o Pomerania was wel ova a Nora ht old nd oe wi ie ‘oe bands" Ie ks the mci logical wig yay hs mom nt ht funds oda amaing oh. Sho ead hae shape hem na eee ert slcheiea!abntoy cst Araceae dss Queen Elza tht oe he Babenin Queens wa apie of a lms dee Hoyer, most probably he refrain wie of Sista af Tanenbour. Init thee ay ros of hr se of Cash Kings wha we ‘ery abana seve nein ith lnk and Hine Keslne ‘The most fone Caech? "Tu ove ma pel oe i ind hated” Tht he ncet Masai os usar bt tea wed yer tas Cane. Way ee este ins Feros because he onde he Crna nematnal Cone the Church ofS Anns, ‘which stands oa the te of omer Tel conmend Tepes lo pet ato ‘oe wth alo and agi a welt Mas, Te fer of tt oo ‘Cnc wast ft Couch had of x Mason inde sn heh eth several pot plist son Seam meni ofthe Msn Lodge when sting Ht Nokon in New Yorkin 968 He asd ito be loge by Arie Mile, a te he reside ofthe wor PEAT, The ecb dp ruled eed on The USS schaoe) Be 30 deo of ddkaton, snd ie “Kal Ka Hee ad rssh sa diet, best my spective of te iter 7 wee oflen hidlen member of Mason lager wha were spotty hk bee as frond. Ar th ovo they cool ely et ly. ‘The lmao omy of Mac los hm a tn word fe, “Ihe devi ki ha spec dep win sya share th ylay Tompato, Aner Import chracer of his py ithe Mephitopheln dvi aes Fs ho my" wold ave psunded you al you yous woul nave dened of ‘Sen Ins se anon aire stay eps emery ou of wr, wich Insc assiion with agli of te Masons Legends and true sto About alchemists and magicians of old Prague CHIL gine, ‘Myth of faust (and reality of Prague) Prof PADe Vidi Jt Wz hat vey in pet and in ou art of he wal ever rglon a alwys ona saya Pass Tee ete Potay Fast (maou ocr toe De ‘Kite, Fost of Susy, Fest so Krai Moun snd ofcoune Fat of Prague, The legend of Fat lane on Chale Square previo, eve, legend cat aur loge abode Ose st och Cs! Mar a tie ica plas where tdny we ca nd hope oe) Beto fom AtoZ, at Inara! corn the see ht in hn lcs lhe actly stage ring te rslgn of aol Uh ny 196s be ges of Fest’ Hons iad rere ‘comedy femake, Zee Pods, who rane an exe comey leg, Who the Dev Cant Come wih one Haat and le aviv =e xy ety yer lath esd psn bce npr fore gia asic by Su nd Fen Hl ell Doctor lla Pato Super othe Pastas Howe Legd ates pened i Sonar Ths ate trian pod reget {so itr ofthe mous eunte,a war eal Cosh a seared cat of Fost in tae ply Temparion (983), ‘Sic 1587 ests th it ery interpretation of he tory the Pb, mae eitly Hit of th Lio Jo Fat Aad hee theo mesa rags Several inert the yi des as oso major Etope es which Pauses oboe on diy gical and lo he peril rags Rada pajeun sopra le ar evidence feral aie of ae who so “Mephisopbees opeblies manag a bop in tw plats ig ove even — ‘hiking hmang hi Bods etal filing hi cot ae se peel gt Tose ll don Pret Gt opt asboch asst dana in btn gland (Chop Mason; The ‘Tra ty of Doctor Pasay, 1392) te it Can anltion of thee ae en 2 Ge vse and styl de the glden gs of gist ches, te ‘fremetoned ume of Rul (Narn Cachet, 611) Butane of be austin myth be urd lady nthe Oi Testament, fer exapl King Soleo, who was wl kw fr hs wisdom many lepde exil hat hain ch ‘eit suet gl oureys of ccovry wel ar of plese Bat wea go ‘ren ther aed ibe Book of Gees We cn Sn on fh fist aus ‘etter Adu, nd he ear epitope pred in snk ithe et "tractive cosmid the spl oftmoedge tt tema fers to A a ‘ethan bigs tl: yo ike Go, you il en ah oa es est ‘ren er we co eb sata Fan seb ht somes called he is helper = wor: nay when th devi et ss sat and most poe eon fling mesa of persuasion, woman nth ca, vy cs wl be ‘Helena or ino Maran). Anchr pe-Fasn biz who re had he ihn, ‘Rot apps contenpeny a Ct nds ame war Simon Maga of ‘Sanarin He primed miles ed clained hime oe rmaval ho sn wae companied ya woman Hele ho he fod te sacks of te, in single ‘td: whoke baught oat rom aro A few cetar: ner ges et type reed: Oral the ged ls a sol ho wicker le for he vice "ie, nding er sls hist dev Inti ee Fialy comes 0 ‘eae Wl ther ant forthe pie oie dst and surfers ‘Chris marred ad ol ima a eco mints The mo fara il ‘fore tea ven fh try the wel on Bau by Cale, The Great Magician (1638, ‘Als an fhe ost popu mola legends esd of Sit Tp te bishop of Adan, bers th Sige af Fastin myn rer athe nightly ened ‘hrs, he Dp oa yet we devi a wins epee te Vie “May temove the case Aled hte Wee est core the fal ings of Fastin mth, deserted inthe aparenly most mows vse of he myth al ne in Goethe's wg dma ox Fas (1808 Pat Pr IT 131) ove, whoa vorkeon Fast lls if, bepn wing Soy ter etre wey aoa 75 ‘rson called he Uf) apd fied ita ang yoda mente ‘ers eth Ase aid n'y now afr ted te aa ane in race Te rn es cules skal vsions (by Hatt Schnan, Coats Gon, Hector Besa, Aig Rio, Guy Maer the fos eg Sympny of hd) sd ‘im vaso (he mot aca ses version bythe cor. Mare on 1926, fom Czach fi nnpenons ofthe yt we veto mention te cos eon Rau by fn Sakae (1998. Te best-known navel verso he th nay ‘Goat unt rt Marr and Marga by Mal alse esi ‘the woe on hi ops for decades, bt enfin was chart doen yt ‘Sti reime, od didnot se bis ose pith). One Cah stage inthe sco aloft 19 cant signed on adpaton of Getto bythe lagen Cae oan ar, Kel, wo acl ted Mephesto sory conte that ‘he ley sir sa cect at in Kis aging te rates Coch ato nad Vojn on even as in ras staging Bois Rose. The wr ost ance “Mepistopbaes was potabiy pertomed by» Geran mcr and age dear sta Grindgens he wrayer iv tha iverson fhe eld ‘Gowns och hat be had tre he rn he intend of Geman eae ‘Grandes’ stay ar cmd in trary wok by Klas Man hed no 2 ‘novel ald Mephinps that was ater tured et Oscar ny tn ‘Seah with KM rant ae no). ‘eas te rina exiting irl gic, who gave bith othe Bist tay ‘veson fhe my ws medi Guan lr, De Georg at Selon, ‘who supposed in Geman Gam 1450 58th German avn of Kite oucan at his atacand mbes of ces fom Wiener, Lele Eris Senseo Krakow, Pad wil oer you prance” leds a thre De Fatss ‘serine red thee Vaus marlon ess opts fm bt set, ‘ogy, Fauduck, a well fom Malo’ st damon Cone popes “ndtion however deine he myacieo te Fasta igre runes im ‘Gaspar ow gnraton fen overcentre ele tte win ove Fes, Mepis ed al inply teacher of Gp TE ich Heine ed th er a irl to Gath an is Faust, hold wt hsbar won own ves ofthe mth he we hae oat ever inept. {esl eionally fas found soma Fats Fes ended ao saved a ‘ond heath the iran errant xe, mati ti he Cie ‘the Helin poletaci and otposopis agin, exe, Phenomenol clos, sperteily postmodern toate {neta aso was nodied and peed by tr yells of he teeth entry which deme pos smpifon ot yt roved he eral avery of ‘beFnsiag myth The coy of he chlarand ted both deo eg. Itcampareaod mse aa rman oa oo he ldo, on ih sy ‘ven conittngmphs of he Evopean cian twas experience by rep in cunts variates fom ate! ines and Mie Ages a cul bing sapere’ Uyrmacy even nove wh et fal af has never boon coat way son promising instant las of oh the body td hal without any ta or anthine teste payessomenbor out fou sig? Who has never ated my probed ‘nang forthe intaconce of stl, omarjmm, gmbing, love owe? Se tine ago you col eal loo your nly useing othe oie he ‘pone communi party, oy ith spon to many oo omer ofthe men [isabouving ae expen he tre, Atal not ope bt etic ard Ibow acl fund he mie of Fsian myth ogi the cs by cha ‘Scion a ito om cvespeig at ard wok ture doar cena, by test weat finds and ni cout! And oe der (ete tele eas, mover, clam, AIDS or tam) wil ome fe hs stbocpan unity ‘iin tis» smetines the ont dy tnt a ee, somes 24 yeas, bt he wil nese be ite “Tetfo theinlines of waning o he Fesion ey shal ere ae. Legends about mysterious Prague persons Ms Flip an Zvey, DS ‘The Mpstrius Doctor Kyt (Pats Stree “The mysteries Doctor Kyl ws bot fa pcre vlan rraé Mose calle Sb hie now berth ame of Bent Krkend) Peps bea thie Iirclos ily o care cv ls, pens baie thre vay ome thin ery sya our cans ht eine ont wh te dv He appeal came to ion ay whe doctor wa nan aang mood fr several ned baa heh actaly ree sap dex. Ont way hone Bon ane ptt i vag & fozzn ek. He was sted by an urkaown man wh afer fo day taredn o e ae dv himself nd ofeed Kyl esesueing woo Ky te wed on msl and ‘sadly recovered at fri, pls he mamaged er ali patie ove se ‘who were abot oe. However the evil oer noting fre, afr ping the ‘magical need Ky ka to meri i sl othe dvl uo op fab pt, ‘magia cou wikh alowed his oy adhe devs prove ona ook of ls Spal? whic xsd th dvs bey tne fhe yong. The oat was ‘ned fara period of 4 year and fom the ging Ky eatin wasnt lp pl fom dieses, Th someting at he ei aly not bate iene that ater so many eure Ky wl she hiner poet tr ees wi ‘el up imo sad ath cata However, Kt snot pled by ang een ‘th Word thn by ping people and us hbo oer danas irate Mourns, snus well os in Praga wee oes es on is eae "Ath end td's Pu (Pas) ots bythe water, oda be ks ‘Squne whore Kytishooe wed nan ad wh ete oe ile Donein ‘rage He esjoyed te ambiguous epi o he Coach Mountn Fase The hetiy ‘edt condemnbin fr adhe on theconry raed hi nd Whar sty wa of various xin they were happy tu Kimour ys fit oe e eran OM To al too clos to dts bad onthe vc of hs ovat dv fr De Kl He win on aged ola, od hist wa elt ct i oth Ba He rere Ko change it at's wor oat Kyl Bod ot fs, bt thon cepa, nd etre the Ear bea a hit ldcon He tod y the bd lence, nut ok st tpl i tT sl wat wondering who type of dca was tht and aed ihe wath one ho ‘ame fo eae hi Kyl al that beware to ive priory to ving, bt ad exlange ifr inthis new con which was doin mar parts nT Et Called sat, eri reon eS sgl an The eect "rough the dyad ny asker, od Kyl pes al inion rot and ‘Forts oo ake fo an dso ay, se could wat he oo for bd of wp, rj ail ors Kind wor “Ter ae rmy gens about amass hing bit ht org nis ‘ative ein, On otha fr eal says tht is be amos filled in very ‘rk inte wale could fe so ht De coat ve ay posi neers Inst ser ony gear am owners any ded lone ode th wal of ‘hee exe He etd sown house sine ion, and Whur he wana ode bad to mov onary presytry. Another een speak bot ama ke is and ‘Doct Kyt ton blr we fhe farmer cst rch hi, Wi he red tack hone, te fer wes pil rning around, wit ign of cs, ‘Suh we wavigsomewer show te ors a he Ueto whee Dose Ky jt “epred. Aoter ies sae drorned hima n west wer oe Sten one ove. Over ight Dec: Kyt managed obo te watering ho ‘rp He okt cl elton he fo dated examination ogre ling ‘hil nh water inthe wel ma cen apn. However, scoring t= legend he bad toon espasbie or ether mit hat ad ning soon Wi lng people or ‘erp ht filed oer wh ed ose sagged te gh ad be ve wings ans atyte,wic einsel was ey interested bt wich was abet {ote een by some ele and alo deo his bok of gio Tamer vs ele in te the who tl te wheel oni a, and many oie ded, Karel hy te ules Soe Maroc, at tinny abot hi yin ces, Kt wand shen {be pba’ jury from Pag nek ome le opened te cloak, the flow wales st ove md Ky woe ie scat tnd oo they wld ae ded his howe in Korte Movi, bot unfotauilyhisllow avery aed he [ees fhe Cec nea, as ny aed he Jot somewhat cae to ene, Vance by Jib tl rw fo hoe. Thalscons 9 resi ht one wonder ha fhe nah an itera ats ‘tine uous So the qs omg wir Ky uly food pack wih he ovo was sadam good dco When soma hd aked Ky about Bo pack hey rep nha mischevous mie" Whe knows" Rather an he poe Ini eee his enh fom is rowdy of bt power wes sone, ‘maybe eral ae knowledge of mag: Tt non boca fri when on of ‘sees je wit tr apc bok, and raacl aon soe et pA sgpept nner of ravens peed nd the hore, sy hey excharged int sal ‘evs oer neal vermin. Ty woul abot ppd creas pos ut Tel De Kj sel drag ms in Pago fl tere ose even i ie ‘theme, nde ed as cow ad ew bak tine Bnd ra oa the Before ental Dnshed tenth dis a ops, which you an se ven ‘oda bcase hy re aed ct the ly Stee eed flr tbe bared is mgil book Alto be ot ssp aie, eid ot lows chen, nhc irs wee bore all wich Props the Pook ws nt bus aera De ‘nied endo in Sub, a ged says tht ott ie een oy 0 ‘nein weds ps and tly th tr fh chr chan to th Bi eps conn fling dn, Wht sca at he cach wos Dull by Ky sel. ‘Aang, nga be wasted o bla sll shgel, cathe eres fy ‘tat would ever Hn be cape ob ache, The paso ec aso ‘thi own sons ad it eed ht Ky soul was nen ee oO oe church bes ‘as donate te Ol Ten El Moe a ners of har fr hing, Sound of ttl mag see say he dv thereat aso de is ‘ory. The el however, i at ie. Heese tallow Kyo hgh teers ‘ns, bet tye end Ky eng to se ie tiesto there sod is Sal wat ed tpt the adobe abst ad assay ering raters ‘nthe reming blr died to seit wan meron xl. The ming er i athe ost ent yt the sade ong sng by oss was eed ough oo he ‘te Kokoote Moai Johana Joseph Anton least Kitel (1121703~ 161.3788) ‘Ashe ends he coated aly tio mec, ik his west gained mst fi sil: Go tying, bt rom exis Peas a ‘Sty mos oF is medical aproaches came dey om mats - esto log ower offers. Nevers n odo hel people nd deo tet a ie ‘Medi School. He vad he tr "ter in dosumet In ube an & sary» ul boiled bata renbone fr ring bt ay cot ‘nay bois about meine and hes, His ils for wean were ey aw sd hit, tilings to eta ick pate am his bse at as cone ribo his ‘owing clsk: The ous tht Ketel went se ptt launder to Prague, ‘tnd anos patents wee a prominent eb a te ab He wa ley ‘ton adc lod tos ears be survives an ed in wh eat ‘owned hima 1927 leh an lor mod Ana Marie Gur dag of| {bel cats rom Kokonin, hy bad 1015 eiden (hse dase eget) ‘His se Pip Janes tea Dect pasta in cre whch ella Sr, 0 that pep wuld no: ate to waves own alo athe oe oti ie ‘hres elevated Sumburkchurch to pestya. Pip fame car of eating eno tells The els wre mode and ae doieaton they were nse inthe cach owe on {5th epember 1788 Tw months ter the ells sponge Kiel nisl Jeune The fn of he mous dst Bote anor eve fr ete ein wat scored iy tet pris, nag wis hm sls bytes of th aby and cons of preiie people wh od the tar fr tis btn an vying he (fort emai, espe of he giana ew soins, ‘The Mage! Baron 1728 Mot of Solr bough das Fanta Howe moved tr inane his ni ray, hich sl fag Books a ach el Hs fi at of sty, wi rot ateton of Preguntas ht he anaped the fate int celing wich we afer Parr dope. Baers fate vengeuce ofl, bt heir es fr xing were songs then epi when te ‘Baron oka msi ook an pes thm By this dod of cue aed spt ead ‘epuitinn of «gic, wich nea tne Was ot psi evaaten, Son tee tere ru tat hes ots with dean ht why he peta magi ‘Soke decided preset his magico Prague bres to prove tem a ty no mt ave anything feral He ted Wits maeshow ch were eng ‘han ighening vistors. Once cee ay in ak she ha lf peal aed for keto te evening peroeaoes. ne evening sth asec, sd th Bon fe very uray specially whe hi serva ‘l a t boy of auch es aoe ‘ad wasting where th Baro thought ow he, Mla sod many afb cenit elo it pero my of hens esha ed pad sede hin thse waite soeting mare. Then she tod inhi dole a tte fring te moa ihn pels: The rooe was led wih dela shelton, it si wae hor andthe auence le wit ar Whon ths Bon sed be wh a, $e reple tha she as "be King fl mapa” Tat vening te Dae fer eae ‘hate was vise by Sunn ins nthe perfomance, wll rial were “reed prove tha he wa Uying not tet ay devel hve dane eee ‘pp and ura th tp rpeertave offre. When be reeves, be neve ‘nthe anthing in nm wth mae Ferdinand Anton Mladta rom Slopysk and hin Jouph Petr ‘The Mita unl fom Sloysky ovaed Fuss hase nc 18 cet, ad pease have dase sel Dae ofr davon omyeron ences, ‘Slr He many povious owners. Ths however hve edhe re tse als ‘ith he dev bt re for eexing il pol, wel a tc om enc. edna Anon Miata fom Sloys became own ea rest eee nds ‘ing inure neal sens nd expec ety msc When he fama hs hemi expinents Dats Dazed fom he windows o hs bose {eft was nt wring tt sen everybody in Page lke stout he aages of tte deviin ts howe. ven is son, Joep Pat Mla om Sop i acl the lp of pope ‘siglo by. Any hs eds nly conime th at ly pk nth he el iste wore aay fan magi be war barnes econ Opis ao ‘heel senses pring td's rena of ech ines often jst chen ther srt scence droping th et tal hy soo ith of ons Selous ance inthe house op had merous devi ich were mone tsps ops clacty, magna, danny moving the per elon os ‘coring ein he cose rt with vo ron har peeing the as ‘gmat, era dol whichspajed wate oo jane who ered te om “The member f te Mista aly were ot jue wed, ut hey wee ccs working nt led af aracy Ud the Huse thy fs dst fete, ad ‘ine min-rysln sa ich were boned erence, hl he membre of he {iy colle solr cas neh ae! rin a isla hy {edit produce hve difrerilvery pope medtes- sie wate oad sl “They were aed for skin no eit, Thi die we dat go a over had antigo do ith deviled ira mi, lhe Mat ay a the owe nat by Dying trough the sing bt by sling ‘Carsoper Berguer— tne Last Aebemyst ‘Aged ths a “lechol” schist was Christopher Bearer From td’ perspective al his wark an be regu tas pre chemi and py. He, however, in {hospi of lat ches, eed tht lo ntl cual nd pyc! rouse wz big peor o ets of hs power tt they re bing one by ‘gic movers. In niton, depth vast apne inh el of net sence be Urleved ine poy of amentaion a ple wanforton ol se mean somes Bere ms pharmacist nd right ae ishing hi sh edn acepted ‘atte eve of Cott Vio fran Fewest, who war ao wry ch nee slcheny. Ths cunt wasn aso concn o Henan a he resid an cui ibn Pagal Bennet worked int ters seeing "the aonb Sone" Hele sed ve pit ly sae i coil ‘sce abrary, whee eaedted cen nd yelp eying ad ‘cond ne wire pode nth ate chaicls an parcel poo Bere’ set dove wash even of ese whic fe seve se ste he sly managed prodce, However when he wet a passive be ‘ened fo age th inspite any sseor he i at dor Not nl "ht his pert ws a seed, ut event hy tune imo te cer oft vce tthe stove, and te alot wos ingrid. Pardo on of fone ‘ead nds of key was inde by amas misundreanding sed tmnine Begs inves wee oma, itm i ol edn Aten The on Lav sn en se wi Rca iano shies Atego os cha sy ya ih i tend neon nanan gruel Poo tence ‘no wot eps wh ey ed pe cn le ce Sine Onset Spe eae geo Scetu Thyhre ay ihn see po to Gn sea ‘es tol easel te ests eas needy mea {unt a ny sso Oe seb ‘cl ied operon apangng omer Te at yn gra? chat erp eo cop one teas oes ‘aria pal we wo wlio fo wai cops tae es ‘ee logs tore eid odes oe tr sd ‘os ch ied ine Sigh Ma ay wo np a So Mon aemadtywocwee ce Tyran pas tC wit nish Maa Toe, al nn ne niece ane Te ict alte ln he Sg Monn seu nase a ‘vette lee heb To he sree pee ae a fmt boiy. Dig nex eta sea scr ose ee mp ‘The Ol Alchomit from Kanovaleké Street. Netto thechrch of Sit Jol of Neyo, wate ed be he fost oye pal ofS. Antony, «gat fn od nat wang whiter appears He als down th et ey says yng tl te pste ty src wih hi ‘let ou is apt of nlc whe oh ls efor he cod a otk fs shams hod ich canbe sned ty span who wl fl sad empl 1 wok, Te ec fr the production of pl perap nist pe en "seach i ew uni al of his rt expade ed ft ite Sos thn he, ‘Fahne pry oar te Chea Soe ah pts inhc hd yey fice ity rpl Hewes o make bt tina be we deed ocho Instendothihioee coy igh sey myerosy gow winged ye, Iohaune the Alchemist ‘Ao ales, ao sans and chatted Penge ding the ign of Bop RoL, Among them nar acta ohare wh aston Wis ae ‘eran ther poisnaos lids peopl, ne ad aif ing tom se ‘poplars Els of lupe armed, vin wash a fy a eae steel fees ad tenth, Th nthe lr Ibe elo paoss ‘at lini yout bens eke fat fom elas peopl ntl grow ee ‘Orrin, pope ond tat oly tec thi cn hve eth of tong ‘adn the tring. S they went the Epes Jeune on the Bane ‘hin lintel pot ose sha ony kon prep. Hoc, {he sacedenprer fagt spl) when be gold sabe jose te duo ccs, and Jolames ved ia pea closed ath Mia Toe wioyed te best des, ens upponel Eo he ors a sly exe pions ‘an get tbs rhe rodcton a ad. An apace isnt poset dos ‘sid wot pls and so hbase of gid bout int eve in nga 'No woe the ler wo gare in (ho uly se ely edo rack pest emp ao yo fs with Feb, vo mae th du with hes of bis els aod edt wien onthe an ep oer at gland dee “Sime fiom head oo, imately hy Toa him bce ipl toe ey. tod headed hin te next dy. How mich hater ws ody he loge as ae ‘sounds the shiny golden case got. Who koe, yb be mow sel lait ‘teal ing ands aod nowy sven Swe. ‘The mysterious Doctor Ube One ofthe aes inthe Golden ane called the Ca, even ought was and sslis ja tie Bouse stall maybe snl tan le ec One ya myst ‘ld man eed he oar, ad orth weg he ight ws ona eso ‘ok came aut ofthe lay: veryone Was wong who Be send athe ‘tly doing in it hose, bt ay ad eer to ae Wet he was, fetch conned othe dei Fal evry wes revel ene tn od Jey man anno he set nd sod, "Gl al, gol pl ally The od ‘man inped pad dn the eet teary twenty ye, bs brn be fe ‘tive th ie of youth Dut gl, shart ol ot ea te as fi ad non ‘yoke The alld gars poety apc the ho ound dase ich pred state oldman vas Bae Une Dosa of Pilon, wha owned pet el a ‘South Rhea He wed texan hat wel fori ascendant bedded hat ie wl invert gol Thats wy ewes sekon othe Gls ane whore he ‘hough thar is bebo wil pot apie yo He never wanes is reaies o oni being cece, so al he shadow of csnsy wld ot fal on ht ‘len Thr why he ese n sere in he vena Coles Lae, When eames tothe cl gold sone as od inte Boe. But how an you ea someare wo ‘archer the fose of dad oro ve thre war rly woe at 2 ‘oly th infos ps “een ldo ‘simi ft cosred to Uhl, he dot ofpiosophy. Drie the ft fing 0, sed ede no, pray ee fs plen ach yes the Magan King Weocees1V had vous magi cal Rye (ito in Cz. The eg andi sje ved him his pant and mag ik tt sed thes every ‘ay. One was ing cat pully sx coving roses, wh sometime cared tends fhe royal ter io ax hore, he menage change mpl oa nl be feng af dep Gos doe omer te King, done be mage to henge bands of stain pg Ast ty ah pradicton he tna ste paso aca oer ec But Li to kowere and ot hh i ta tr owen, Michel i thins bt kody aa cera ot kn’ clown il ln whale isandis at alowed doa raed the is no the wate Thre thy tne ack ‘raw The Bakr dint wat opt up wt hi and ban to Lk frye ond ik sSlesping nthe pu sel bg wake him pb paling ie, wich ney ‘Senne in his nd. Toe Be son eld ate we eye Rye as ‘sling hin eat of tess fateh eo Ml srecd with i oo [ilo gla Rye von the ag, fed slo, ee sackon solders md Wis is ead pik, accom bya alta season ee pb (One Geta ages ave rd ey halen te fous Rye so a magic ul yas mays showed someting andy ai te ne, semi ven Rye wat ats zd end feed tha hin his pranks te Cale wa abut nd and hat he wl have be sewers toe, Aoi dng ch ie managed "bce, nbn ed the Germ ln a the winds eno hl Yr ot he je eso tetas so hy cul ote. whe ache te ome the winds wh ote Spl i Oarans waned he sae things to pve tht beino fete tan es, Rye cana. Aral ye wn aaa the Germs bis spon naseiere ws creed wiht ip fein a He wat ‘ood and wasianhing when Rye of, ons “Cone on ye hr cr ices you wl salts ye ond wen the Gmc eso ag ad Feared betes pple nding yes muh cdo ga aed Erle one of he Gama. Orsi debian They we aes rein ‘ye wiht end nly aed thy pad whe cad pt ie fen But baked te ings ge bon whl ap ie Whe tha hoped, ‘yesited othe Geman into ad wh ew red mag he decd {hte g down Caste othe Vale kage ist ec letting German map rer uk to Gory ne Vira Ee River, But re day Rye at nits wera a ep ays wa te dy hee the dei ae fr Recast hits ye cout perl fis mae lB ‘devil wckao ese ni The ei ot pulled outcasts in feeling ato Tori vos you cami el cr Rye Mitra? ‘Were hd rea cout jester, rong which wa low named Miser, ‘athe wat mora comedan, Hye was ousiing tng hem ell apes Hs pan ete Gan he wad of magic ad pel. But ws wastrel Ret And ht he With cern degre of probity it could have en Hey Rye ovens, who as cptred aa sale bl manage? i ese fn onic ck ey ‘fconfemponsy sons. Subsequent Me Rye was endowed by Si Stoel, 2 ‘ine th Pinca Cane, Aol, which ad very compen hays pr he ‘ket extant cae bling inthe Cash Repl dao toca on ey sell Inperin wade ote Eom he Cosh Repo Germany. Such speeded tgs int oc ond ss, and ile tat Sigh a and oe Inds Sigmund ims wot be deceted the can to eater Tec, au ean sss und an that Ryo yf Sigman Laceby hc ca ‘Wenesa V; ane vod his agi aise, stay army sous hee (tie De) to digs ists mien = pin One fhe pm ht ‘nehuon might be it he nobleman tt oe never et ayn Toes lnm ae the death of WeoselsV. Me Rye syste oh sec Sigsmu Kelley, Dee, Shakespeare and Prague Prague by the Vincent Bridges "The Life of Sir Bdward Kelley: A brief outline of the facts concerning his sudden rise and meteorie fall award Kelley's ie story falls into thee separate acts or tine periods: 1) Frm ite 1582 abou which alot oing town wi any erty; 2158201589 ~ the yar th Do mich recovered in Dr's da, 5) 158911397 the ours in Praga, fr ch we ae any gen bw fy ce "1555, a hi ches Wore Tors Earn of Pati Kel ws cscs on 2 Ait 588 tS Swi’, Wert owen i fr Kal wo ws ptt ied in 57 on was phys n 6° cetry eson of ey the tov vr alley ‘Soppng far courting However, sory ot conersporry and ie eto aly {cle by Nah nie Coleco for he Hasty of Worcester pie 1782. In ft n assis, eventhough every sepcows an drs of ‘Talbot in th sme of 112, there no mention fry rope cr ven ‘ees ofthe neti highly ull tht De wal fa oan such on hvu bby ewe, leery nectomaney ident inthe cared ‘Wotionie Dalen Lancaster also ansopporedby my evidence bat th Cea ‘estimonyofhis purported accompie, Pd Wang Kelley would er ti ote Lad of any thio ina feet ‘Secon ites hypothesis tht eal impossible fo proved batt oul Edward Key eal ste egies o pth ast aid noe ‘phew of aps O'Kali, th igh hist. so of Urns, teach gh King. Tht is wht he cats wish te Lard of eayy which mos sla oe ‘Chariots Fel Sho Ptr och ad ances Yates has Prev conred be Jas ate etn of Kall’ Bt he place i et eni ish adeno nd oar y The O'Kelly, ead oth clan, For nieuw el Act Tv0— Kets years with Ds, Jaa Dow ar een det in D's, They ot in Macht 56, wit Kalle inode a Edad Talbot aimed gan a esl convertion. These cominud after ey le orb esas of Cnt Eas ose (Cesc and ted yp seam inte mmr of 1584 wien fey even Prag, De ak ‘eye neings with Rul an hill ect apaing ha ogee Isis, wile Kelley worked at hill. By 58, th plies a Cut ha shied ‘ed De an Kelley were ised cong py tht stata Raber settee ‘Trebon Kaley ened nl daronsted isle scan at [386 and stounced proty a Reamer» ween in 187 Ths agai ean cota, ‘aud the intous wfesvanping episod, Cough 8h By (58, when Dee departs ‘or Enghnd, Kelley iets Kal of be pit anda Bobenan nobleman, "var Kelly wos ast in May f 19 andl il Osta 1593 a Kilt ‘salle ws te pardoned md essed back hi lyin Prague. Arse gin a 1596 nd he was cosine Hein Case vetoing he th of Mat He died ee stomping f scape om pls on Nove Py 97, Edward Talbot, and the transformation into Edward Kelley ‘iad Ket sp tomato the sage othe labthn ea th 8° of March 1582, arivng at Marae in answer woke erent ayes fen De, Quen liabuh 1s mec, court sstoloey, reso oft eo" lish npn” ond ‘spl thot eed man in ope. Dr. De, a9 Cite Mowe would sie Doster Fast ha ee th ceo amon eng ong foe Wt he ‘aw oa igh oon of leaning communion wih angle eae Te cree ‘suvivngctpy of ews pit dies opens wth ie beat ls he ey a of ‘se pus Wie ond exper poste” What ened was god bend 6 ‘hye ofr paitintincotalin rece” Inthe rth oun vad Tabor sont be Rly, was ak of rer sa the tnd gh DB fund i Doctor leh Deo was brn 1527 ad bis formative yas wore cle yt lions tao rug ony the Reformation De uly, though le he woul le can ‘iat icp ith Queen Ela, pohly aed abandon abe eis of Foy “Todors conan ony VI-By tein he wot wo Cmbdeo ion he searching fora epltion the peoblon of ligiousaubacy, seing = ype of rl ‘Since tha old spy igh ioe waking este yang ert word ithaca! mang ‘Aer spa Cant nd Lown De chved h stof Rea ly {2Ssomtm insu ontnentc le ta spe of mote ayo ais bun te oo uot Vi Die rte ed inte lel moerrng ‘Sound trove ny sone snd inetn pram onan peed ‘csc charge Abr Cabos Quon May, Bley May ones ‘Spc Layee vgs Gano oy Rng, {ier wer thr nova Pots eal males elnino capesly toe knw arect horns he Qu Des pense ms a Feiner sched oar wenn ater wns ender, pup own Dirtown tar Deo survied th pug of 55,8 hi ow pao, Qubn za who ad io Pik an supiciou te fr craton. Cus sea pve hs widowed mote on Sdhowean thes of an makes house woe ies eyes wo far no Dede ii which wry ar ee ay ofits tne inal of Eope, On het ata clears ef i xt cenry Spec The pe obiasl sale” onytng fon eer perma ciel Dyfology o Gach sh usstn nodal xs fers Agia cao hin "abate eign” and plop in at pci Renae ott ering es eran ology tn Des, aking ‘Tho logicof tengo spel foes for anlage sot the vee seme mags ‘ow moden sie sits Ths rs eaopry of experience thao” be, labled sbjtive ad their sped. To Does eortenpore sumed ls st ‘Ths posiy of ling kway even oe pesos War vial expen ofthe Revalsaceprain I the "thn tae? t ston of esl Doe ‘ses that ma pris wih pst, and Angele: ands made the nage nd Similtude of Go" He also nots at eae powell recedes aga ernmuiaoe: te tos oF nora a, Abalarn ni jh ond Most, an "Sdy oer thy good apa were st) yy Smporton, ons em" (On th night of Mah 1882, a8 a Mr Cao toda is he fin Dr. Dos Poet a ae spi dipey of he Neer ips acoared In dy, Dos tet etiam acini ten overhead from the northeast ‘Dee a an wih he ply ope gored EEhcicmncesape nmetteen rane Reotasarenti tineceen ree See cee eae a Se aeeieeeeee mes Sohne ites canoes sensations eeu ‘Me Cro nd hs end, ow itodued a vad Talbot, mete ex evening Allert, Mr, aac atate De ineret by caning fo leith send ‘S08, 24 baring fairy with ios He was il bc he ea dy soy his ‘ut saying in Dee's yal al Tins econ wes pecially sal ‘gs td lon sabia relaosip was antl betwee ti es a eae ler stra, lady living ped al he yang, nar ores a laey {tongue von. Fok etenhip weld come "wat specs he mon ia ‘maga ites of the Renee," ecard Geof es fl moder thos oy oak tthe imay arg ttt cae se a ‘pcs misionsy jos w te Holy Roman Hinge wel same he ero he Rosca movement andthe Hemet Reoltion, iced Europ war ‘oes prior Werld War. the Thirty Yas War And wt as sche hy ‘may beve lp dete Spa eat Arta in 385, $0 wo wa ar Talbot o Kalyan wy do we ao eso i? appanage aan pyre con mi. io cen Knight ae Holy Roan "Emp ned ol of Bohemia anlar abies he pl emer ogni co olen noe Ma of what we noth Key soe eh tele ofr: Des, who's at anys that lable souce Ona eee eta, ten stesving hs eign, Michiel Wadng's“A Bop of Ede Rat Eglth Abert tn Ase a De So Dnt coma dt fe “res eu, Satins, and earns exsng ota it of Edd Kee) aoe ‘ony fr ind ft, Ten the ot response commtar adn ve gn ling with Kel pened hve esate ca pec doo store Ante, Wiking imlpson tomas vnc at can mes ‘The fist mistaen sumption comes or hen, Tabby which Kl wa Inte to De. The Tbs were point aly in Wren aio there a9 reco fa dad Tallon Kelston, Weer aes Std as his ihe. Thee are ore ofan Lad Thoms Rely esc te wet once seston rs ead nd Kaley ‘sel wou itr ela the was brn newer fn, of oa cain "hats noe tresonsble it of Wort Worcester ial cited sth cto of Keys play near epping fo atrtng, However, th sry se comonparay an steno ca ead by shin Collection ote Hato of Worchetar pedis 78D, ‘nes di een hohe is very sic and ttl of Tabu in oe Sse o 1580, dete so eatin any cope ent ety fo fe $1583, ‘bea oppnans of Tas Kelley, Edvard’ spel ete whee nate ose ly for sty and coming common care eveled at ate i ‘Sree hrs bse no weno ny peo com ono pitt, Given he este ofthe mae highly ail at Dee weal ito eton aan ‘Sv bay ‘Likewise prpred mecomane eth hac at Wako JeDale ie Lancaster i sls unzipped by ny eviecs lh Dyer od estinony of ipod ‘compe, Pan Waring, The ster) opeae iJon Wee's Perea Monuments, lida U1 The niga the tory pation cram Edd Rey was, ot wel iow in Eland ir the work o ls Aso and arc Cau ne 100s hccone we might gv thal ai ie ence. These ars wee ne «alee by Lous Figur his 1860 compen "Alki Ahi" Thereer became prof te ond ws stores oo god ghar, eae oat Inde hi silty to sole eyes of gs sem tbe mn eon ya scorer senna en diig ere Wn wei ‘vay en bck we eon he pages of Do's are, wit he ty ‘anaaig tabasco Tato ey vee hinslfe Edvard Kel ‘verti cae of han yur “Toa angel ssions ted om uty March, 1582 wi May, witha mons ‘weak btween Mach 2" and Api 2 Ice Ape 26 session, TalorKeley ‘tonencer tha te angola wt i omy, Te et seen on May et 8 whi enil Novenber 1524 ie Be apart encore tha Tso hs beng {0 tum, Dee begins oak ngs and yi ly as covered he deta oft {scp However on November 10 De nde etving Kees nord ee, er ‘no mention ais and ts enh o gst Dow's une. Soon three the 2 of Novemb, tengo contin. ‘Inca seasion he glo Kelly by gave Deane saying yt Ti ceystal ‘ald ised ra few manhunt susie a at unl March 30 Inte Interval oa Febery 11, Dee dvr with te Quon ichnon, wher be preted the deh the Duke Aleem, anda sve convertion wih Si rs ‘Walsingham, Qos leas’ Secretary ofS and head sponte Its possible hat be nce by th Queso continu the ng eins amt of otal eu. ‘The eso on Match 2% coves th ist st at De wos ig of eng Ep vets teginto move sity ater Kely spare eoovers an bie toil Ian sal ate prc wl race ones aca, {Posie suc forth nctnoroy ee The Own esl and Mi Rae Dee Spl i stops frst Pree Ae «Plo Impl ler, of Foland apse May jane angi ns ere med hat be ‘lb iro Kinga aad which neapeny sly. On doe 5 Thess Kelley anives, long wih ths ote ht Kelle i row mid thogh is wile as ets endo motes wen CBpping Naor Suet wer, Key “snprey mand the youg law, Johar Cope Waren, of on of Do's woul sel ed, fhn Wes, No mage brs or tie cat a hen tee el deport conntin Seerer on n er omg ce a Wa wc ic ha ho redig of e's ine slag sid ptic ed sca ory of the xy 15s in nga its ht Kely was fe oly Yeu shoul have emed the characters perf an ther ‘mame tha you maw om hae rely mad tn 0 thotdsce hm A pce Say wht how thinks. (Deh ray 00 10 EK) BK -Myhed on foe A veyce What the ie ay word hat peck, BK Lean read al mo, mes prt and nthe Todo {hs fase Peles dma ge na can hog (Sloane MS 8185 At 2, 1585) | vat appenes ere? The gel “What ho hiker every wont tht peak nd Kelly mise began red Keley's “ny ad ison fie" comme gests sexeting very sng appeed tat stercon, Dd tee, the aetna Toclimeigees fre Kebeysconscoumes ino esoraee wih nggs ptr ‘ded itor ey DNA “heels it Kaley genre fom th table shown oie by hanged ene he ‘nt ey manda of het od ke hem ae il of ponte ates een, ‘hymen siteaton. This ype of val ating ict ard inno speck bs ‘Sracteratie of psy and apical chara swell a5 "pking in tng laa ht slgumge pred ver wre codons Ter bo qs at [alloy wa in some Ud of tas ding thee eno: De ses man eons Ineatv of dep tance ste op Kellys ar Howeve, hs des not men tht “angng” pod inthe: sons Ws tetings pet The poet ptr ‘salou to ve ease adthe rarnatil eis. Pape Kaley, i hp of ‘hese gels” ws cotton ina tance nt, the ings ik is tnemscios| ‘meedin order oes a nae comple froth sel lengua, os at ‘eveloped rm tee ginal xed sue, “Tne squares of be Lier Lathe "Dock fhe Speech fom Ga x Kelley mt ee cll teat oak ois vison, dined ee bas Fano sts of 9 ‘nvocans tied nth sing 15 se Dead Kelley een Cracow, Pol Untrtstey tedeif So ths verona ts Enoch angugs developed he pres irvey unde All mecante tro sth wae eared sos ot of he [vines whe oh squares, hs Use alan ms provided gt om he sta "Was hese ealsons, we bgin find el lnngage emerging The pa ota are sito Engh, peep teem of Kelley's unenins ngc posse, ‘weal clone rots nd pei encase das, ae not Geel dale ftom Eni ede Latino ae Some wer sige Sees a nce yp, oa lungs conletly known neither De Kel. 11586 Kelly and Doe ond th pacongeof te wey Boba out Vien ‘RounbeThey ted inthe own of Tebo nd cotned tir snes Dy the, ‘Kelley bd raed ue Cooper (nd aoe hr Sage he Rare poses Elva Sine Wena) ni Kelly revealed De tt the angel a odd tno sae ‘ering ty halite wives a en cae tht sw ey Kelly tera thefts spit! confeencs so athe ould consecte nlc, ied under he pomp of Kode, wa ean oaks Kaley wey. Den, agulbed byte oer of angel, stooge tok of the pital conferees ren tough hed sare his wif He i eps Key again air 158, nd rene © England be flowing ys. ‘Shakespeare in Prague??? ‘On Her Majesty's Secret Service: Francis Garland and Wiliam Shakespeare Drag Doha Des ad Siva Kelley's stein Praga aber pies woking for vrs tons of the Bal goverment follows or rhs companied ‘he isin Asis ape fom Dee's Sst he and ein weeding 8 lie eetiasoe wer, ths comes so spn. Te mre ver ote dey of af thae weet get ‘Could the man weno kw a Witam Sakesper: ve been working a on Engh ‘oiey om he te 1580s teas wl he i! 590? Col be hve ben whom Dr.John De calle “rans Catan" who realy ised Dee wn Edward ‘ely in Tieban athe belo tlc exerts ‘rnc Gain appears Dr. Dus dary rom Devaar 1586 tough Mach of 1595s inal haine weld nats ingle nance of Sakespeetiag same le whe Francs Garand wa visng Deon De pnts thai Garant [Eshote” Bard Gland were pres fr Edvard ely blic demonstra a "he pnp stone Ever and Francs Grand alo specially eee en ‘neangelc"anetti,” whee hy oe caged a si Mor of te tes or Frans Garo ln Shstcpet'g “Lost Yous Skee Jen Stand inthe tune 188, and we know ting wt he ws ding nl Api 18,1593, when poo Vem and Ada eeed in Lent Nt long at Shakespee's it of bgu, "rane Gln” dpened, By Grant iit ‘oes in 1595 ti posible at tth Rano an lt simmer Ng» Dre ‘wee ibd ad ead wth pov by Des ‘Sone kind orl ofl rao comming Edvard Kelly al Shepenre ems tote survived lng eogh for Ha Ana the id 17° ctype upon nhs 162 anelogy deat of Ear Kel po "Caceming the Pisoes ‘Stone o Kelley's “spel ood Fiend, G'S Gant aling Willa Stckemene "GS woul nx be mach of set epeciliy sie Shalasuar's pte recede ia Satan Aven, for Apl25, 56 leis uae a “Gens Salaper=| “As father i of eens there ape ty tts oer baa int te rk of Sloe ‘mans 319, canning Des, ha ae ged Guin, These hve be ‘roy sted o Desa Kalle’ pon Willa Roeebr, bt cnt pt ‘opt then The re bach by «serio of he arf ancl Grin, Seton at vane Kn of meses fo Kaley and Edad Dye ater lah y Abeer spin wouldbe tat tse arenes fo Fanci Grn signed wits ee atin version of sel ae, Wil, ‘if wemake the kdetfeaon of De's Frac Gcang” wih he rising payee ‘Will Saker thn mt fhe tres soning Seay sie spree ‘ie ats tthe of sy. A sud ight ono tesa oye ad ‘el penn, nt acper oa mas nara. This young Wil aft waste itis hlng ‘has oat of pleas and apres abe went del othe sure of ‘oratna ery Renssnes Sit Philip Sidney's up And int snl he et Edvard yer, who was prays in ned fant ight oung pst who old wie chy oceans, Arelo,o to Prague s ancl Garand (On The Coasts of Bohemia Many of Stakespese's plays ave rece eyes evens an peopl at he wold ave ocountsed a Page ois eaves wits De. Den Perhaps moat promise” ‘Boherian war the ys presersd athe royal weg of Prog “Winer King deck Hector ofthe Palani abd Eval, dah of ame, he Worl, ih tly Bonen lo, nd The Tempe woof cou sapget thie ‘oy viewers tho ecely deasd Bree ar rsp Rath ofthe pny oho of {nd efleions on fs Page experiences In The Wine’ Tale, Shabapeace gives Dahan esc, Rath: hn sain tat ‘Shakespeare new hing sou! he el Bob, hint suze that eo gate 8 ‘btabot Bates sory. At height of he renga days poe inthe 3 ‘etry, Hani i in ft have an Aditi cnt eal fo Sl ss Shakespesee ‘Sets ry, ch ft cnn ben tk Sie {tats apprent instr, lone eine he igh of Pape cess Cathe ‘St Vit at Sica sinned Prag by Hey The Fern 925 AD, te ‘are St Val bl he Roun tha would over int bore the Cabal. oe King ‘of Boers’ ns, Poycor, aongly agg person tat Shakespeare probaly tne Pljrem Perstn Romer. Tw mame alm roger» King who eave ary ‘tanger mn tht wa aplsbe bth othe Presa th Holy Resa Epo “Thee ate ents ramos or ognd concern Saket’ vio Prag th ave survived his dy alos nny. Test eget sees ha Sepa vst Prague times, whch mates very elsly on har ime rai Gan” ‘sted Pri, [coun tips rm Tebo, These ogend sn comet Shaespea wth both Vale Rsdover md Tades Hae, bth Known ob Eas wi Desa. ely Tere are many prt conmtons ang te Pag Aches ghd, fu Bodorec and He dettly balers tere Mishel Mair a st oe ‘gpd as eof Shaeapene's cnt, ep ven sisting In Ma's gran {o Engin ar Radnph cot sven fen yn Societe reeraect serach a mcrae, Eeoe pres stem naeaetg ea gata tcp ee uae Sener, Sr incantation A Midsummer Night's Dream and Romeo and Juliet Innay way Midna. Nigh's Dre Shakespear’ fining work. tie sho ae fhe ew pays by Shakespeare at haven Goyette ce, ‘Acorn tts bs gusts of Shkespencan sculpts Dream ‘ve writ ssn twee 395 ad 1885, the yes inch Prac Garand a {tveling bck and fos batwoon gn an Prog aking megs an eters een ‘Deesanpeaps Lord Berghe, ao Baas Kel Ina 1590, Baad Kelly pursed several outs in Pages ect one on oh i, jslow teat Like oxo te ite quart, th pete of 134 had rnd ‘ot i's HL The emis oie Ghat hue tah en ped he fe ‘rebut the mi 1540 int someting clos oa mal ee, with selon nl oyu ad ang are sexs oly by atower wha pr ese, At wascstaniny, he os id ae, and posi sg a et i ‘Theme ofthe ebuilNose 0 Jo's il was “The Donkey in (oa) Crate Tai spol aaeence othe oes a ashe, ieee al eng wiles {Je bin woul ave ben known yh ame when Francis Gard aries ‘been 190s wit meses fr Koley. Aer Kelley's eth i eution bce veh ne inflated ad cof witha of Fut uae ty dele ‘ac! woman spp intsrupehm tia sues an a punishment ae ar ‘ld donkey's and hace tbe Doky he Cade Key, wh clas of rsh ‘ili Lor ofan was one oh oi itn, wold hasbeen ey Ein wih "he Cais oa th agen isto ct net main tat ely Malt sted te tnreoneing the dks had igh is nigh, We ca ee lnagin fim relung ¥ an evening ver some prod Caech pn eng een Prac Galo Wil hater, wth sabe elton ‘Wisat Prague Cae if tht we nd he stating oi of lay, Romeo ae “it Ont 11 of aay 1587, Vil Roza, Wiliam Rosen the Barre ‘of Bohemia Dee pd Keys at pao tht po, ade ach oe uch younger an very fiscal Plyns Pease na eemoey a Se Vite” ated, Aerated n labret the Reema Plc, jst ‘crs St, Gene Squire fom he Cathedral ol uke oentatvaly boi te Ok Royal une a tis onc the frame ais int Hg. As part ofthe ‘reins eve, he rig ain version of the tasgu,asoffeon show ond ‘oe wise pes ren mised of"Raco nd Tt” wos pod \Wekow om Dewey ht Kelley tended: ered Tea wth ge res fi Jahans Frome des woud i par ht rns Gti ‘cumpnid him t Prag nd inl lho Rormrs wading. Three, Shakey as Gran mached te ognal "Ronan ite na seting ha wat ‘srt vehi the young oot. The sane of Rove's wedding magus echoed Insane fv ofthat et of ameo andi Te ete sane witht efron of ‘ak ogee the vig tng ad csunes de which Shakes aed Kelley, Shakespeare and the Dark Lady ‘The sone of uzembuk's wedding sue is ecood in sen ofthe Fis at of ones out The sane ia prersance afamask specs he orga ‘etn ool croutances under which Shoespenr ved nth ese We agit Be ‘igivenif we ook more clay otha amet far theses of Rome's aot Romeo describes ert fis glances “angng on he chek of igh sac jewel nan [tlop'eardalrig tht be nve sw ve ast hs righ” As Rona mover ‘omake cot thule and isoberved by Tybalt aionslows dows, allowing Romeo anal perm ssonnet a ht amon Skamania ce. lo, ought today symbol, pts sox te mysetow fre [Stakspes’s net yt nob he Dak Ly, Ctl ith Shakespeare et. his Du Lady, obo sone his ox power vrs and deepest enon a he Reems weddag? nseene ditty posible Palys eaten wa the cont of mal cl fot ‘sug, andthe would liar bas at her wedog The best cals one ok Pola closet Sled, Be aun wile cure peal Coane, Catala do Monto Header: Sch limps, orev gure ie ply abe ctse sale ave om nog produce an extn of oto rea To Shakespeare, ied wih (Ovid and iy id by neva emacs such nectar cual bv neg onthe oe ‘When we examin the Dat Lady sons, numbered 127 hough 152 nthe 1609 eon, eid worn who mths, ny way cur kl cat Sh dar, at ‘tinal wih Sk jes and arty rascal in fr nser nsemen operons ‘due, a wel smart teal, as cos. Sone 13 shows ia ‘Bo Dent Lady ia mer ond the spare age fe a putes at af eal oun ‘Aa rads, Catar's e,Slonpeaea cols, sch as Dr Lee Hoon hve. ‘ese hth Bl of he someting th Dark Lay eq, were compel inthe ae 158s od ea 1590, ood te pod een 195, Ths dig alge Lon Yes and Pcl Garand yrs Pago alo sto ok orb ona Dk ‘Lady inPeyvess cit in Prag ‘Buti Ci Hides Sap’ DeLay, then wh of i thi ome f ‘sgl fan inthe sonnets, th Rial Pet The sgcence of sont fom 75 86, Inca is kwm she Rival Pot Smt In dott the ny of te Rival Poet, (Cray itis t Gongs Clap, who bs boon sugested da ssn srt 86 ons fniiaghos. Ths however itn bovis Arms referee in ‘hesame sont The Rivel Post slo mttved int ter Dark Lady sme 69 96 ‘ight poe ta ae onl ert ta pron ot wel evar Kel, she i Pilosopher's one pom dite a GS. or Gels ‘Shakeysr, i much ote sty spec fo th le Rial oat a Chapa or 207 of Snape’ comme. The cul eferencan snr! pp he ‘eaeston Wan aptly apis to write nun mich mo hs Kelly'saneliconesatons han Chaps gouty mings. Def Kelley id ‘te Rinl Pot tha be ao mast hve ad vm Kind of elton the Dak a. {ies wetave min, he Dut Lay was nner Un th we fe pei Chancel, autre na second mat power manne Eng ts nal coneson shed moh ight on Kelly's mori tf

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