Reflection Paper

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Reflection Paper

My PowerPoint presentation is about the eight planets in our solar system and the
dwarf planet, Pluto. Each slide has a list of facts that help describe and summarize each planet
as well as descriptive pictures. In order to summarize each planet I focused on highlighting
unique facts, atmospheric and lithospheric compositions, weather, and orbits. I created this
presentation hoping to get a better picture of each planet and hoping to teach others a little bit
more about the planets too.

I presented my PowerPoint to my mom, dad, and older brother. Their most common
reaction was awe to the things they didn't know. The most interesting planet to them was
Neptune. They were surprised that it isn't a solid body and were also fascinated by how fast
the wind can be there. In general with every planet they were surprised by how long the orbital
periods are and how short or long the days on each planet are compared to days on Earth.
Another point of interest for them was how Saturn is considered the flattest planet because
they thought they all have the same round shape. They also thought it was interesting how
Venus and Earth are considered sister planets, but how inhospitable Venus's atmosphere is.
The idea of the runaway greenhouse effect on Venus was especially interesting to them
because it seems like a very extreme outcome. I thought they would think it's interesting how
the planets are divided into Terrestrial and Jovian and how each group is characterized, but
they all already knew the basics for each group. Even though they had a basic idea of how they
were divided I think they learned a lot about how each one is unique.

I chose to make my presentation about the eight planets in our solar system and the
dwarf planet, Pluto, because I thought the differences between the planets were interesting
and I wanted to learn about what makes each planet unique. I started with mainly an interest
in the differences between the Terrestrial planets and the Jovian planets. After researching
what makes each planet fall in either the Terrestrial or Jovian category I wanted to learn more
about what makes each planet different from the others. I was amazed and fascinated by how
extremely different each planet is. Although the Terrestrial planets have similarities in
compositions and size and Jovian planets also have similarities in composition and size, each
planet is still vastly different. When I created my PowerPoint I hoped to highlight just how
different each planet is as well as give a picture of what each planet is like. I also wanted to be
able to show my family how interesting each planet is. I wanted to focus on details like
weather, composition, orbit, and size to give a clearer picture of each celestial body. I focused
on those details as well as unique facts and comparisons to Earth to show how uniquely
different each planet is.

I made my PowerPoint hoping to learn more about each planet in our solar system and
what makes each one unique. I successfully summarized the key qualities of each planet while I
learned even more about the planets. My family was also able to learn more about each planet
through my presentation. Their awe for the extreme qualities the planets in our solar system
poses inspires me to learn even more about our solar system. I enjoyed making this
presentation and sharing it with my family while learning all about the planets at the same
time. After making this presentation I can safely conclude that the celestial bodies in our solar
system are very unique.

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