Disruptive School Students Have A Negative Influence

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The key takeaways are that separating disruptive students into separate classes may do more harm than good and that a more constructive approach is to address the underlying causes of disruptive behavior through interventions like working with parents and psychologists.

Arguments made for separating students include that disruptive behavior negatively impacts others' learning. Arguments against include that separated students may feel abnormal and develop social/psychological issues. It is also costly and disruptive students may be influenced positively by mixing with others.

Solutions proposed include looking at factors like teaching quality, student interest, and home life that could contribute to behavior. Punishments could also be made more constructive like community service. Increased support for parents and students is also suggested.

Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others.

Students who a noisy and

disobedient should be grouped together and taught separately. Do you agree or disagree?

It is widely claimed that school children with bad behavior should be separated from others and study
in a special group. However, in my view, they would better study together with others.

First of all, pupils with destroyed behavior can be influenced in a good way by other children if they
are taught together. Being in one team, problematic children can pick up right manners especially if
teacher encourage works, games and other activities in mixed group of pupils. Moreover, it can be the
easiest way to help disobedient students come to normal behavior.

What s more, creation separate groups of students is costly. An additional class means an additional
teacher and room. Not only that, but specially developed courses for children with problems in
behavior will be required. As a result, it is the additional expenses for school authorities that can be
spend for another purposes. It can be, for instance, new equipment for school gym or an interesting
excursion tour for all school students.

Last but not least, children separated from others can feel themselves not fully normal. They can
think, for example, that something seriously wrong with them. It can deeply affected. Therefore,
separate treatment can be the reason fro unsocial behavior or depression in a future. Nobody can say
how exactly it can influenced them.

Taking everything into account, there are several strong negative aspects in separate education for
difficult school students. It seems to me that it would be better to develop special approach how to
adapt pupils with improper behavior to usual class system.

Writing Unit 10 Model answer for Supplementary activity,

GT Writing Task 2
Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others. Students who ARE noisy and
disobedient should be grouped together and taught separately. Do you agree or disagree?Give
reasons for your answer.

There is no doubt that some students in schools behave badly and their behaviour causes difficulty for
others either because it has a negative effect on the group or because ordinary students find it difficult
to study with them.(First paragraph agrees in part with the proposition in the question and builds on it
to form an introduction.)

One solution is to take these students away and teach them on their own. However, if we simply have
them removed after one or two warnings, we are limiting their educational opportunities because it
seems to me that a school which caters for difficult students is a sort of "prison" whatever name you
give it and the people who go there may never recover from the experience. This can then cause
problems for the wider society.
(Second paragraph outlines a problem arising from the solution offered in the question and poses a
new problem.)

Perhaps we need to look at why the disruptive students behave badly

before we separate them. Disruptive students may be very intelligent and find the classes boring
because the work is too easy. Perhaps these students need extra lessons rather than separate
lessons. Or perhaps the teachers are uninspiring and this results in behavioural problems so we need
teachers. (Third paragraph looks at possible reasons why students may behave badly and suggests
other solutions from the one in the question.)...On the other hand, (A counter argument is put
forward for balance) most students put up with this situation rather than cause trouble, and some
people argue that we have to learn to suffer bad teachers and boring situations and that students who
can't learn this lesson need to be taught separately.

So before we condemn the students to a special school, we should look at factors such as the
teaching, because once the children have been separated, it is very unlikely that they will be brought
back.(Fourth paragraph sums up the suggestions in third paragraph and suggests further
Disruptive school students have negative influences on others.

Students who are noisy and disobedient should be grouped together and taught separately.

Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.

Model Answer:

The discussion about whether or not the disruptive students have negative influence on others is a very controversial one.
There are people on both sides of this argument who have strong feelings.

It is true that some students in schools behave badly and their behaviour is so badly that is impact to others students. It is
very clear that for their negative behaviour the other ordinary students are not feeling comfort to study with them and do
their activities properly. Most of the students who are made noise and disobedient to their responsibilities should be
grouped together and taught separately. Their thinking is very deadly and harmful for society.

Most of the cases, those types of students are very smart and intelligent. They know very well about their curriculum and
the syllabuses were boring to them. For that reason they are spoiled at growing age. So we need to study of their mind
separately and give them extra task to do and also give them extra care about their improvement. Then it will be good for
them and their family and the wide society. If we avoid them or separate them after two or three warning then they have
no chance to recover themselves. In this situation the consequence will be impact our society and they will be drop out
from the school at very beginning. That time they never realize the situation but after few years later they clearly
understand their condition and realize that it was great mistake for them. When they realize their situation they have no
enough time to recover then the situation will more worse. They are addict with drugs and crimes.

So, this is my opinion that as a child they have no idea about their future and behaviour. So, this is our responsibilities to
give them time to realize about their morality. If they are not able to improve themselves then we can separate them from
the ordinary students so that they can easily understand about their activities and can get the chance to improve from
present circumstances.

There is no doubt that some students in schools behave badly

and their behaviour causes difficulty for others either because it
has a negative effect on the group or because ordinary students
find it difficult to study with them.

One solution is to take these students away and teach them on

their own. However, if we simply have them removed after one or
two warnings, we are limiting their educational opportunities
because it seems to me that a school which caters for difficult
students is a sort of "prison" whatever name you give it and the
people who go there may never recover from the experience. This
can then cause problems for the wider society.

Perhaps we need to look at why the disruptive students behave

badly before we separate them. Disruptive students may be very
intelligent and find the classes boring because the work is too
easy. Perhaps these students need extra lessons rather than
separate lessons. Or perhaps the teachers are uninspiring and
this results in behavioural problems so we need better teachers.
On the other hand, most students put up with this situation rather
than cause trouble, and some people argue that we have to learn
to suffer bad teachers and boring situations and that students
who can't learn this lesson need to be taught separately.

So before we condemn the students to a special school, we

should look at factors such as the teaching, because once the
children have been separated, it is very unlikely that they will be
brought back.
Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others.
Students who are noisy and disobedient should be grouped together and taught
separately. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.

There is no doubt that some students in schools behave badly

and their behaviour causes difficulty for others either because it has a negative effect on
the group or because ordinary students find it difficult to study with them.

One solution is to take these students away and teach them on their own. However, if
we simply have them removed after one or two warnings, we are limiting their
educational opportunities because it seems to me that a school which caters for difficult
students is a sort of “prison” whatever name you give it and the people who go there
may never recover from the experience. This can then cause problems for the wider

Perhaps we need to look at why the disruptive students behave badly before we
separate them. Disruptive students may be very intelligent and find the classes boring
because the work is too easy. Perhaps these students need extra lessons rather than
separate lessons. Or perhaps the teachers are uninspiring and this results in
behavioural problems so we need better teachers. On the other hand, most students put
up with this situation rather than cause trouble, and some people argue that we have to
learn to suffer bad teachers and boring situations and that students who can’t learn this
lesson need to be taught separately.

So before we condemn the students to a special school, we should look at factors such
as the teaching, because once the children have been separated, it is very unlikely that
they will be brought back.

Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others. Students who are noisy
and disobedient should be grouped together and taught separately.
Do you agree or disagree. Give reasons for your answer.
(Write minimum 250 words)

I do not agree that children of same school be grouped and taught separately because
some of them are disruptive. In this essay I will narrate the pros and cons of splitting up
of groups and condemning of a particular group of students.

No doubt in a mass of students, some may be with indifferent temperament and

attitudes. However a school’s basic function is to educate and correct their attitudes and
behavior. Secondly forming groups and teaching separately may cause a feeling of
disparity among students that is unhealthy and undesirable. Furthermore formation of
groups may result into development of feelings of inferiority and superiority among
students that is quite detrimental to either group. Feelings of inferiority with the time turn
into Inferiority Complex. Such Inferiority Complex Syndrome is a very serious condition
and it is most difficult to treat. Similar is the case with feelings of superiority and thus
Superiority Complex Syndrome.

In many cases genius boys or girls may behave indifferently because they pickup the
things very fast and thereafter they find the class to be very slow moving and boring.
There can be many reasons for a particular behavior of student that must have
intervention and correction by parents and educators both. If necessary, expert
psychologists and psychiatric intervention can be sought. But forming separate groups
sounds wrong.

In conclusion forming separate groups and teaching separately may not be the right
solution to the problem. Splitting into groups shall do much more harm than any good.
Disruptive students must be dealt with love and care during the process of education.

--(263 Words)-

Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others. Students who are
noisy and disobedient should be grouped together and taught separately.
Do you agree or disagree. Give reasons for your answer.
(Write minimum 250 words)
--------------------Section 2: Crime and violence
1) "Should criminals be punished with lengthy jail terms or re-educated and rehabilitated using, for
instance, community service programmed, before being re-introduced to society." -; Answer: Insight into
Ielts – 186. - Long Term Jail Sentences - Not as expensive as rehab - Criminals don’t deserve special funding and
education - Deters future crime - Satisfies the public - Criminals are inherently bad - they will always re-offend -
Rehab programmes ineffective - criminals re-offend - time before criminals get the chance to re-offend -
Rehabilitation - Keeping prisoners is expensive anyway - longer jail term higher the cost - Rehab programmes can be
used to make or save money - eg. build things - Has been found that heavy sentences (and even death sentence)
have no effect on crime rate - Long-time inmates are most likely to re-offend - Rehab programme is better than
nothing - Long term jail sentences create "us" and "them" situation - Crime and criminals are social problem, we have
to try and re-integrate criminals into society, rehab tries to do this 2) Everybody has the right to carry gun
--Preparation and practice –168
3) Patriotism is the biggest cause of war –-Preparation and practice –168.
4) The crime rate among teenagers has increased dramatically in many countries. Discuss some possible
reasons for this increase and suggest solutions to this problem. (Discuss a problem and suggest solutions)
5) Why should not take drugs? - All drugs are addictive. - Sooner or later your habit will get out of control. -
Drugs make you boring. - Drugs cost a lot of money. - Drugs take up a lot of time. - Drugs make you hate your self. -
Drugs destroy your social faculties. - Drugs damage your health. - You never know what you are talking. - Sooner or
later you will find yourself on a recovery programme. 6) Discuss some of the reasons for and effects of drug use
amongst young people in modern society. What can governments do to prevent and fight youth drug abuse?
– 202 exercises –124. Drug, cuc(5).. english-net_com.htm ..\..\comprehensive site\task1-task2.htm; 101
hints166. Why teenagers use more drug? - Teenagers are under increasing pressure - peer pressure or pressure
to succeed ; Pressure to perform well at school. - Drug use may help them escape reality, forget their problems, or
simply feel more accepted by their friends. - One way t express dissatisfaction with those pressures - In addition,
through the media we are exposed to information that glamorizes drug use and makes it look attractive, particularly to
young people. - Furthermore, teenagers are usually naturally curious about drugs, and drug dealers can take
advantage of this curiosity for their own profit. - Parents who drink and smoke to excess are, in effect telling their
children that it is acceptable to abuse their bodies with drugs. - The widespread availability of drugs mean teenagers
are faced with the temptation to experiment
What are the effects? The increase in drug abuse has had far-ranging effects. - There are obvious health risks
associated with drugs, such as AIDS. - Many young people’s talent are wasted, and addiction to hard drugs can cost
a user his or her life. - Those who drink and drive may be involved om fatal road accidents. - What is more, addicts
need money to support their habits, and may need to turn to crime or prostitution to raise it. - They may then have
criminal records and become even more isolated from society. - Drug abuse among young people can also lead to
family break-up.
What are solutions: - High fines and prison sentences should also be imposed on drug dealers and users. -
prevention is better than cure and so a good education programme about the dangers of drug abuse is one of the
most important steps any government should
7) Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence
increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this opinion? Death pd6 Cambridge 2 – 161; Advantages of death punishment? • capital
punishment is a symbol of justice: people must pay for their actions. • show law power to people->threaten
people exp. drugs sellers or treasonable people - this method can make people scared to do something against the
law. - Secondly, capital punishment can save money. - A government has to budget for prisoners. - In contrast, a
government does not need to provide money to feed prisoners who are sentenced to capital punishment.
What are disadvantages? - Nevertheless, there is an argument about human rights. No one has the right to kill
other people. - inhuman: deprive the right to live - possibility for killing potential good citizens: after being
rehabilitated. - No use for crime reduce: terrorist. - Moreover, some people ask how to be certain that a decision of a
judge is suitable. The wrong decision by the judge could not rescue the death of the prisoners. - Furthermore, many
prisoners become good people after leaving jails. - In prisons, there are many activities which rehabilitate all
prisoners. - Prisoners can practice special skills which help them to find jobs when their punishment is over, such as
cooking, art, electronics and fixing cars. - Lastly, crimes do not decrease in some countries ever though capital
punishment is used.
8. The crime rate among teenagers has increased dramatically in many countries. Discuss some possible
reasons for this increase and suggest solutions to this problem. (Discuss a problem and suggest
9. Reasons for crime and suggestion What are reasons? - Crime is frequently connected to poverty. - Those
at the bottom of society, with few opportunities and perhaps little education, are more likely to be tempted into a life of
crime as a solution to their problems, financial and otherwise. - The problems of poverty are magnified when the gap
between rich and poor widens. When the rest of society has access to a comfortable lifestyle, it surely makes
hardship even more difficult to bear; again, crime may seem a tempting alternative. - Social factors may also have led
to crime increases. - Family structures have changed, and feelings of community have vanished. - As social units
become less and less close-knit, the unspoken rules that guided behaviors and kept everyone in check disappear,
and one of the results may be crime. - Many criminals commit crimes after having been in prison. - This clearly
suggests that prison has little or no effect. - Violent scenes on TV -> consider common thing -> try imitating - Lack of
parents’ proper up-bringing (busy earning money). - Mature crime increase ->affect juvenile crime - Government not
succeed enforcing the law or give little attention to this problem
Solutions: • Governments can certainly make great efforts to close the gap between rich and poor, and
offer everyone a reasonable education which will bring them greater opportunities in the future. Social welfare and
education systems exist in many countries that succeed in doing this. Of course, they must be funded by tax-
payers'''''''' money, and increases in taxation will always be difficult for any government to introduce. However,
increases in crime are also a heavy burden on the taxpayer, as prison systems are extremely expensive and already
under enormous pressure. • What governments must do is accept these changes and respond to them in a
practical way. If there are more one-parent families, there is little point harking back nostalgically to the days when
everyone had two. What governments must do is try to ensure that such families do not live in poverty or experience
discrimination that might remove their opportunities to lead fulfilling and law-abiding lives. • A further
suggestion is that our punishment systems should be made to fit the crimes, so that a vandal could be forced to clean
the streets as part of his punishment. This may bring the message home more clearly than a few months in prison.
• enhance censorship for media means. • call for the corporation among parents, school, and
government to put the children in strict education. • send young criminals to rehabilitation school.
10. "When teenagers under the age of 18 commit crimes, their parents should be held responsible." Write
an essay discussing this statement and suggest ways to combat teenage crime. Why parents should be held
responsible? • Not mature enough to identify the justice -> not eligible to be responsible for their action
• Parents responsible for child-rearing, unadequate up- bringing -> commit a crime -> reasonable to hold
responsibility • Educational term: parents’ undesirable situation affect the children ’s thought ->possibly stop
11. Criminals who commit serious crimes should be sentenced to death. 12. The welfare state makes people
less self-reliant. 13. Do you think that punishment for violent cri


I do not agree that children of same school be grouped and taught separately because
some of them are disruptive. In this essay I will narrate the pros and cons of splitting up
of groups and condemning of a particular group of students.

No doubt in a mass of students, some may be with indifferent temperament and

attitudes. However a school’s basic function is to educate and correct their attitudes and
behavior. Secondly forming groups and teaching separately may cause a feeling of
disparity among students that is unhealthy and undesirable. Furthermore formation of
groups may result into development of feelings of inferiority and superiority among
students that is quite detrimental to either group. Feelings of inferiority with the time turn
into Inferiority Complex. Such Inferiority Complex Syndrome is a very serious condition
and it is most difficult to treat. Similar is the case with feelings of superiority and thus
Superiority Complex Syndrome.

In many cases genius boys or girls may behave indifferently because they pickup the
things very fast and thereafter they find the class to be very slow moving and boring.
There can be many reasons for a particular behavior of student that must have
intervention and correction by parents and educators both. If necessary, expert
psychologists and psychiatric intervention can be sought. But forming separate groups
sounds wrong.

In conclusion forming separate groups and teaching separately may not be the right
solution to the problem. Splitting into groups shall do much more harm than any good.
Disruptive students must be dealt with love and care during the process of education.

--(263 Words)--

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