Safe Road Design Manual Amendments To WB

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Project ID: P075207
IDA Credit No. 3909-YF, IBRD Loan No. 7463-YF

Consulting Services for Safe Road Design

Safe Road Design Manual

to the WB Manual






Consulting Services for Safe Road Design in Serbia

Safe Road Design Manual

to the World Bank Manual


World Bank manual Sustainable safe road design
Need for amendments
Overview of amendments




Design considerations
Safety considerations
The four-stage principle




Alignment choice and terrain adaptation
Overtaking lanes
Median separation
Type of separation
Roads with reinforced centre line marking
Roadside barriers
Forgiving roadside




Safety Problems
Design principles
Example on design of roads through built up areas
Traffic calming
Speed control measures



Intersection types
Selection of intersection type



Bus stops
Rest areas




Separation of vulnerable road users
Pedestrian crossings
Sidewalk and walk ways




General requirements


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As part of the project Consulting Services for Safe Road Design in Serbia a Safe Road Design Manual
based on the World Bank manual Sustainable safe road design (September 2005) will be produced. It consists of two parts:

The World Bank practical manual Sustainable safe road design

Amendments to the World Bank manual

The WB manual is written to:

give designers guidance to find adequate solutions for a problem area
provide decision makers with proof of the possible benefits of a specific solution
use as a reference book
use as teaching material
The Amendments are based mainly on:

PIARC Road Safety Manual (2003)

Best practices in road safety, Handbook for measures at the country level, EU 2010
(The SUPREME project (SUmmary and publication of best Practices in Road safety in the Eu
MEmber States)
RiPCORD-iSEREST, European Safety Project
Swedish Design Guidelines (VGU, Vgars och Gators Utformning)

Purpose and target group

The purpose with the Safe Road Design Manual is to emphasize safety considerations in mainly the design
of rural roads. The target group is road designers and road administrators engaged in road planning and road
The manual contains general safety principles and typical examples on safety aspects in the design of different road elements.
The purpose is not to give detailed design rules for different road elements. Such rules can be found in Serbian and international Design Guidelines in which not only safety but all other design aspects are considered.
The report is prepared by Rolf Lvkvist [email protected] and Lars Thuresson [email protected].
Solna and Bankeryd, Sweden

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1.1 World Bank manual Sustainable safe road design
The World Bank manual Sustainable Safe Road Design, a practical manual (WB manual) is presented
in a separate document. This section presents a short description of the purpose and the contents.

1.1.1 Purpose
The WB manual has been created during the project Safe Road Design, funded by the World Bank and in
cooperation with the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management.
Sustainable Safe Road Design, a practical manual is a manual to assist when developing national roads
outside urban areas. The three core aims are to:
1. provide an overview of relevant safe road design practices;
2. provide material for future training courses;
3. guide experts in applying safer road design measures in different countries
This manual is not a guideline on road design for one specific country. The manual is based on both the
Dutch philosophy of sustainable safe roads based on the Dutch standards and guide lines and on the training
sessions given in Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Turkey in autumn 2004 and
spring 2005.
Every location, every country and every culture is distinct in its own way and an appropriate solution needs
to be found for each location. The information contained in this manual should always be adapted for the
specific situation.
Not all weather and geographical conditions are treated separately from each other. It is important to develop country guidelines which consider the specific conditions encountered on the roads.
The manual is written:

to give designers guidance to find adequate solutions for a problem area

to provide decision makers with proof of the possible benefits of a specific solution
to use as a reference book
to use as teaching material

1.1.2 Contents
The manual Sustainable safe road design a practical manual contains information on the principles of
sustainable road design, looking at the specific engineering implications. This manual focuses on the engineering principles of sustainable road safety, and covers to a lesser degree the principles that education and
enforcement play in sustainable safety. The manual focuses only on two-lane roads (single carriageway)
outside built-up areas.
The WB manual consists of twelve chapters. The first three chapters present a strategy for the management
of safety problems and general principle for safe road design.
The following five chapters present general principles and examples of the design of different road elements.


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The last four chapters present examples on and principles for the identification of safety deficiencies and the
evaluation of countermeasures as well as other measures than design.



1.1.3 Recommendations and changes to strengthen the WB manual

According to the Contract the assessment of the Manual of Safe Road Design should consider the following:

Content of the Safe Road Design manual in terms of completeness of aspects covered, the information per aspect, the quality of case studies and additional information;
Ease of use of the Safe Road Design manual in terms of clarity of the manual, accessibility of
information, balance between aspects, logical order of aspects presented, flexibility in use, etc;
Practical use of the Safe Road Design manual in terms of usefulness of manual elements for
practical work;
Application of the Safe Road Design manual in terms of being useful for the road administration, regional bodies and traffic police;
Transferability of the Safe Road Design manual in terms of the extent to which the manual
applies to the Serbian situation; and
An Amended Safe Road Design Manual, suitable for use in the Serbian Context

Some comments to those points and references are given below.

Content of the Safe Road Design manual
The need for amendments is described in the section 1.2 Need for amendments below. The case studies
presented in chapter 9 in the WB manual are to a great extent applicable in Serbia.
Ease of use of the Safe Road Design manual
The information in the WB manual is judged to clear and easily accessible. The aspects are presented in a
logical order, but some aspects are not treated sufficiently. Thus, there is a need for amendments. See section
1.2 below!
Practical use of the Safe Road Design manual
The manual should be used as a complement to other guidelines, e.g. for road design and traffic control, to
highlight the safety considerations in road design.
Application of the Safe Road Design manual
In practical work, the manual is foremost usable for designers and road administration staff working with
design. For others, e.g. the traffic police, the manual can be used for training and information about safety
aspects regarding existing road conditions and design.
Transferability of the Safe Road Design manual
All information in the manual is not directly applicable to Serbian conditions. However, the information in
the manual gives basic knowledge and understanding of safety problems related to existing road conditions
and design. For some sections, e.g. road types the information must be related to existing Serbian road conditions and guidelines.
An Amended Safe Road Design Manual, suitable for use in the Serbian Context
Together with the amendments proposed in this document the WB manual will hopefully be a usable tool for
in the upgrading of existing and design of new Serbian roads.

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1.2 Need for amendments

The WB manual is not adapted to specific conditions in every country and it does not cover all design items
important for safety. Thus, there is a need for amendments for two reasons:

Adaptations to Serbian conditions

Addition of design items not considered or only briefly discussed

Often the need for adaptation to Serbian conditions and the addition of design items coincide.

1.2.1 Adaptation to Serbian conditions

The need for adaptation must consider the existing road and traffic conditions as well as the current design
practices and existing Serbian guidelines.
Concerning the existing road and traffic condition the following has been noted:

The design of intersections are not according to modern standards

There are often obstacle too close to the road
There are generally no provisions for vulnerable road users (pedestrians and cyclists)
There are no speed control measures at intersections or roads passing through built up areas
Bus stops are often missing or have a low design standard
The standard on traffic signs and road markings is often low
There are sometimes too many signs
Speeding is a common problem
The road users respect for traffic signs seems to be low

The current design practices seem to be more focused on capacity for motor vehicle traffic than the safety for
all road users. Examples are e.g. the use of right turning lanes in intersections, the number of lanes in intersections (e.g. roundabouts) and the lack of facilities for pedestrians and cyclists and of speed control
The safety deficiencies in current design practices reflect the deficiencies in the Serbian design guidelines.
The official design guidelines are old. New, in some aspects rather comprehensive, design guidelines have
been worked out but are not yet adopted. Even the new proposed guidelines seem to be more focused on
capacity than safety and there is a lack of guidelines for some important safety items. The lack of or deficiencies concerning safety have been noted for the following design items:

Pedestrian facilities
Median separation
Design of road side areas
Bus stops
Traffic calming
Speed control measures
Local access roads (frequency, location and design)

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1.2.2 Addition of design items
Some design items important for safety are not included or only briefly discussed in the WB manual. For
others there is a need for amendments. The following design items are concerned:

Median separation
Clear roadside area
Roadside barriers
Traffic calming and speed control measures
Pedestrian and cyclist facilities
Road side facilities
Signs and markings

1.3 Overview of amendments

Based on the need for adaptations to Serbian conditions and for addition of design items not included or only
briefly discussed in the WB manual as well as considering discussions during the workshop, the following
amendments have been prepared.
Safety considerations in design
To focus on safety consideration in design some principles for general design consideration and for special
safety considerations are presented.
Rural road links
On Serbian roads there are many of the serious accidents are head-on collisions and run-off accidents. Important safety measures are to reduce the number of and mitigate the consequences of those accidents. Thus,
median separation, guardrails and the provision of a forgiving roadside are presented.

Road with many head-on collisions (M-19 Ostruznica)

A good alignment and ample possibilities for overtaking are also important safety factors. Therefore, some
general advice for alignment choice and terrain adaptation and for the use of overtaking lanes is presented.
Road links through built up areas
On road links through built up areas are conflicts between through traffic and local traffic and between motor
vehicles and vulnerable road users. On rural roads in Serbia there are many links through built up areas (linear villages) with big safety problems.
Important measures to deal with those conflicts are to control the speed and to separate vulnerable road users
from motor vehicle traffic. Speed control principles and measures as well as design principles and example
for different types of road links through built up areas are presented.

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Many accidents occur in intersections. Existing intersections in Serbia are generally not designed according
to modern safety standards.

Unsafe design of T-intersection (M-22, Barajevo)

To reduce the number of accidents and mitigate the consequences suitably selected and well designed standard intersection should be used. Thus a set of standard intersections to be used is proposed and a method for
selection of intersection type is presented.
Road side facilities
On most rural roads in Serbia there are bus lines. Bus stops are often missing or badly designed. Passengers
are sometimes waiting and dropped directly on the roadside or in the middle of intersection creating safety
problems for the passengers as well as for other road users.
The provision of well located and correctly designed bus stops is an urgent safety measure. Therefore, general recommendations and design examples are presented. From a safety point of view it is also important to
offer possibilities for drivers to safely stop for shorter and longer breaks to for example rest or use the mobile
Pedestrian and cyclist facilities
The perhaps most serious safety deficiency on rural roads in Serbia is the lack of facilities for pedestrians
and cyclists (vulnerable road users). Pedestrian crossings, if any, are generally not located or designed according to modern safety principles. There seems to be very few separate roads or lanes for pedestrians and
cyclists along rural roads.
An overview of different types of separation of vulnerable road users and examples on design of pedestrian
crossings are presented.
Signs and markings
Signs and markings can provide important information to improve road safety. Some general requirements
are presented.

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People working with road design should have sufficient knowledge about three different aspects of road safety:
1. General understanding of the road safety problem
2. How to handle safety problems find the problems and the countermeasures
3. How to take safety considerations in design and equipment of roads
The first aspect includes e.g. the understanding of the need to adapt the infrastructure to the human capabilities and the importance of speed for accident risks and consequences.
The second aspect includes programs like RSA (Road Safety Audit), RSI (Road Safety Inspection), and
BSM (Black Spot Management).
The third aspect includes the design of different road elements - like cross section and intersections - and the
equipment with signs, markings, guardrails etc.
The World Bank manual Sustainable safe road design and consequently these amendments, describes different parts of those three aspects.

2.1 Design considerations

2.1.1 Introduction
The road network is an integrated part of the society. Thus, road design is influenced by many interacting
factors. The objectives with roads are to achieve positive effects for example to make services and other activities available and contribute to the development of the society. However, the construction and use of
roads also causes negative effects. It consumes monetary and natural resources, and creates problems like
accidents and environmental impacts. Roads must also be adapted to different kinds of restrictions like the
capabilities of road users and vehicles, the intended function and the location. Considering the restrictions
roads should be designed to meet the objectives and to avoid the negative effects.
The objectives, restrictions and demands on roads, and consequently in road design, can be illustrated by the
picture below.











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2.2 Safety considerations

2.2.1 General Principles
The view on traffic safety and traffic safety work has changed with the development of traffic and the role of
road traffic in the society. In the early years of motorization, cars were looked upon as horse drawn carriages.
Safety measures were mainly focused on vehicle requirements. The development of technology, especially
increased power and speed of motor vehicles, made the comparison with horse-drawn carriages out-of-date.
Safety measures were focused on adapting people to this new traffic situation.
Today, the whole transportation system, of which the road traffic system is one part, is contemplated. Safety
measures are focused on reducing the exposure of risks, eliminating risk factors and reducing the consequences of accidents. Typical measures are speed limits and separation of motorized traffic from other types
of traffic. With this approach, the purpose of traffic safety work in road design is mainly to eliminate the risk
factors and mitigate the consequences of accidents. The long-term objective is that no one should be seriously injured or killed when using the road traffic system as long as the traffic rules are followed.
Injury risks
The risk of being injured or killed in an accident increases considerably with increased speed. In summary,
many studies have shown that:

The number of injury accidents increases with the square of the vehicle speed
The number of fatal accidents increases with the fourth power of the vehicle speed.

The figure on the next page shows how the risk of being killed in a crash varies with collision speed. The
graph for pedestrians is well supported by research results, while the graphs for vehicle collisions are partly
based on expert assessments.
The graph shows that the risk of being killed increases rather slowly up to a speed where the risk of being
killed is around 10 percent - and then the risk increases rapidly. The conclusion is that a road transport system should be designed to avoid conflicts at speeds where the risk to be killed is higher than around 10 percent. This means that speeds should not exceed:

30 km/h in a pedestrian/vehicle collision

50 km/h in a side-on vehicle/vehicle or vehicle/object collision
70 km/h in a head-on vehicle/vehicle or vehicle/object collision.

From this, some basic planning and design rules can be derived, for example:

Vulnerable road users should be separated from motor vehicle traffic

At points of conflict between vulnerable road users and motor vehicles, speeds should be low (preferably 30 km/h or lower)
Intersections should be designed to reduce collision speeds, especially for side-on collisions (preferably
to 50 km/h or lower)
The risk for head on collisions and collisions with rigid objects must be reduced to the greatest possible
extent especially where speed is 70 km/h or higher.

However, measures to lower the speed, for example in intersections, are not sufficient. Measures to reduce
the risk of conflicts and the consequences of collisions must also be taken. Examples of such measures are:
the use of standard type intersections and reducing the number of potential conflict points and the sizes of
conflict areas.

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Risk of being killed, %



Side collision
Head on collision




Collision speed, km/h

The risk of being killed in traffic accidents depending on collision speed

Safety responsibility
Research has shown that the human being is an unreliable operator in the road traffic system. The most typical mistakes made by drivers and other road users are common to almost all drivers and not limited to only a
few. Consequently, all road users can be expected to make mistakes which can lead to accidents. A road
traffic system in which such common human mistakes leads to fatal and serious injuries cannot be accepted.
Common human mistakes should not lead to catastrophes.
The responsibility for road safety must be shared between the road users and the road transport system providers (mainly road authorities and vehicle manufacturers as well as legislative, surveillance and enforcement bodies). The road users responsibility is to follow the system requirements i.e., to obey the traffic
laws and regulations, use available protection equipment and behave with good judgement and responsibility. The responsibility of the system provider is to provide a road system designed to minimize the risk of
accidents and to only allow accidents imposing forces to the human body that can be resisted without serious
injuries. This responsibility lies to a great extent with the road designer.

2.2.2 Safety considerations in design

Designing safety into roads is one of the main objectives of geometric design. It is important that safety features are built into the road from the very start of the design. To make corrections afterwards are often more
expensive and difficult to introduce.
Safety considerations in roads have the two objectives to:

Prevent accidents
Reduce the seriousness of the accidents that occur.

Accident prevention
For the prevention of accidents the following points are especially important:

Creating a road design and environment that is self explaining for the road users, so they understand
what is expected from them and how to behave
Provision of physical separation between motor vehicles in opposing directions and also with other road
users (especially pedestrians and cyclists)
Avoidance of surprise elements for the drivers, for example abrupt changes in standard, insufficient
visibility or poor phasing of horizontal and vertical alignment
Avoidance of situations where drivers must make more than one decision at the time
Provision of design features that reduce speed differentials between vehicles, for example flat grades
and speed change lanes
Proper location and design of intersections

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Proper design, application and location of traffic signs, road markings and other traffic control devices
Provision of design elements compatible with traffic volumes and type of traffic
Provision of road design compatible with the roads traffic function
Provision of proper drainage of the road surface.

Reducing the severity of accidents

A lot can be done to reduce the severity of accidents that we fail to prevent. The basic principles are:

There should be a clear zone (safety zone) along each side of the road that is free from hazards such as
lighting columns, other utility poles, rocks, drainage structures, etc.
Roadside slopes should be as flat as feasible (1:4 or flatter)
Sign posts and other supports which must be located within the clear zone should be of a breakaway
type or protected by guard rail

Safety barriers should be provided to protect vehicles from hitting dangerous obstacles that cannot be removed or made breakaway and also to protect vehicles from running off the road down embankments.
Ripcord WP3 - Best practice on Road Design and Road Environment:
One prerequisite for a safe traffic is that the road design is in accordance with the function of the road. The
road user has to be informed about the function of the road by the road design. To achieve that road users
choose their traffic behaviour in accordance with the function of the road, the design of the road must be self
As a second prerequisite, the road and the roadside environment must be designed in such a way that mistakes of the drivers do not lead to serious accidents (forgiving roadside environment). Based on information
on road classification in European countries as well as information on road design, the design of the roadside environment and traffic regulation best practice guidelines on road classification and the design of self
explaining roads will be formulated.
Since most fatalities on rural roads are caused by two types of accidents, information on measures to avoid
and to reduce the severity of head-on-collisions and run-off-the-road-collisions will be collected. Based on
validated established measures in European countries the best practice concerning these aspects will be
worked out.

2.3 The four-stage principle

2.3.1 Overview
The four-stage principle should be seen as a general approach to analyses of measures for the road transport
system and not as a strict model that should be applied at some specific planning stage. It was originally
launched in order to manage investment funds, but has been developed to a general planning principle for
management of resources and reduction of the road transport systems negative effects.
The principle is constructed on a general transport-type approach, but primarily deals with deficiencies and
problems within the road transport system. A basic consideration is that measures outside the road transport
system can reduce the demand for road transport, and thus the requirement for measures within the road
transport system. As a first step therefore, measures outside the road transport system should be tried. After
that, the principle is, to a very large extent, concerned with analyses of measures within the road transport
The four steps involve measures being analysed in the following order:

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2.3.2 Step 1
Measures which reduce the demand for transport and the choice of modes of transport
This step include planning, control, regulation, effect and information bearing on both the transport system
and society at large, in order to reduce the demand for transport or transfer transport to less space-requiring,
safer or more environmentally friendly means of conveyance.

2.3.3 Step 2
Measures that give more efficient utilisation of the existing road network
This step include input within control, regulation, effect and information directed towards the various components of the road transport system, in order to use the existing road network more efficiently, more safely
and in a more environmentally friendly way.

2.3.4 Step 3
Road improvement measures
This step include improvement measures and rebuilding of existing segments, for example, traffic safety
measures or load-bearing capacity measures.

2.3.5 Step 4
New investment and major rebuilding measures
This step include rebuilding and new building measures, which often demand new land, for example, new
segments of road.

2.3.6 Application
The four-stage principle describes an approach in the analyses of measures for solving identified problems and deficiencies. It therefore presupposes that an analysis of deficiencies has been carried out, in
which the existing situation is compared with the transport-policy goals.
An accessible transport system
High transport quality
Positive regional development
Safe traffic
Good environment
2.3.7 Example
Problem: Many head-on collisions on a 13.0 m wide 2-lane main road.
Possible measures
Step 1

No measure found

Step 2

Reduce speed

Step 3

2+1 road with median barrier

Step 4

Reconstruction to motorway

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Evaluation and suggestion

- immediate: speed reduction
- short-term: 2+1
- long-term: motorway

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3.1 Alignment choice and terrain adaptation
3.1.1 Introduction
To locate a road in a landscape is a challenge with constraints and possibilities. It is a technical and also an
architectural process.
The main principle is to adapt the road to the surroundings considering technical requirements on sight distances such as sufficient overtaking possibilities, minimum geometric elements and visual guidance not to
adorn or to emphasize.

3.1.2 Design concepts

Three basic concepts unite and constitute the technical and the architectural process to locate the road in the

Scale and form


Scale and form

The landscape can be large-scaled or small-scaled as illustrated in the figure below.

Large-scaled landscape

Small-scaled landscape

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Landscapes can be differentiated in types such as:
Flat landscape

Slightly hilly landscape

Hilly landscape

The space or room is a defined part of the landscape as far as you can overview from a specific point. The
limitations of the space or room could be:

Terrain (mainly topography), vegetation, buildings

Road design, i.e. cross-section, horizontal and vertical alignment
Crossing bridges and road embankments.

Drivers space or room concept:

Space limited by ridges and trees

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The eye view angle decreases with speed


100 km/h



80 km/h


60 km/h



Space building

The rhythm of a trip along a road the experience and enjoyment depends on the design and how this design is located in the landscape. The designer should use the landscape combined with the road alignment,
cross-section and road side area to create a variation, rhythm, in impressions and outlooks. The objective is
to create a road that is enjoyable to drive.

Some examples on rhythmical landscape adaptation

3.1.3 Design requirements

The alignment should, together with the cross-section, the roadside area, and the surroundings, create variation in outlooks for the driver and also support him in his driving task with visual guidance. Outlooks should
be long enough to be comprehensible at the design speed. A simple rule of thumb is that outlooks should
have at least the same length in metres as the design speed in km/h representing 4 to 5 seconds driving time.
The alignment is three-dimensional. It is of utmost importance to look at and treat the alignment design as a
space curve following as far as possible the laws of perspectives.
The road should have an inner and an outer harmony. The inner harmony means that the road should have a
satisfying, calm and graceful geometric form considered only as a space curve without terrain. The outer
harmony requires the space curve to be tuned with the terrain and in harmony with the landscape. The geometric elements should have the same scale as the surrounding terrain.

No harmony


Example of adaptation to the landscape

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3.2 Overtaking lanes

3.2.1 Definition and design principle
An overtaking lane is an extra lane to left of the through lane to facilitate overtaking in steep ascents or descents or on roads with limited overtaking possibilities.
The widening to create space for the extra lane can be made in different ways. Important is that the traffic is
kept in the through lane and that the extra lane is used for overtaking only.

Widening to the right

Widening to the left

Symmetric widening

Offset of the centre line

3.2.2 Climbing/descending lanes

The use of climbing/descending lanes
Climbing lanes should be considered if the design truck speed decreases more than 20 km/h under the truck
speed limit, normally 80 km/h in rural conditions. This gives the threshold criteria shown in the table below
on combinations of grade and length. For example, an average grade of 2% requires a length of 1500 m before the design vehicle speed has dropped 20 km/h.
grade (%)

Minimum length

Threshold criteria for climbing lanes

Descending lanes should be used on long, steep, downgrades due to risk of overheating and brake failures. It
is recommended that downgrades longer than 1000 m with average grades over 5% are reviewed for the need
of descending lanes.
It is difficult to give specific traffic flow warrants when to justify climbing/descending lanes. Improved level-of-service and traffic safety should be weighed against costs and intrusion. The traffic safety effect is estimated to be some 20 30 % according to a number of studies. Level-of-service effects could be estimated
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using the US Highway Capacity Manual and depends to a large extent on traffic flow, ratio of heavy vehicles
and over all alignment. The traffic flows in the table below are suggested.

design year

AADT-volumes to justify climbing/descending lanes

The climbing lane should have full width over the section with design truck speed below 60 km/h with entry
and exit tapers according to the table below. The design should be smooth. At lane-drops the sight distance
should exceed that required for no overtaking centreline markings, and should preferably be much more
than this.

Entry taper (m)

Exit taper (m)




Entry and exit taper widths

The climbing lane width should normally be 3.5 m. but this can be relaxed to 3.0 m where space is limited.
The paved shoulder width should be unchanged, as the shoulder will continue to be used by pedestrians and
Speed profile
The speed profile graph can be used to assess truck speed behaviour on combined vertical alignments as
shown in the following example.
H (m)


Real profile
Approximate profile



Approximative profile


Element L (m) L (m) i (%)



0% Rv 5000












2000 L (m)

Rv 7000




Example profile

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3.2.3 Overtaking lane
Overtaking lanes can be used on roads with median separation (see 2+1 or 1+1 roads) or with limited overtaking possibilities. A typical design of an overtaking lane is shown in the figure below.

Typical design of an overtaking lane

3.3 Median separation

3.4 Type of separation
The separation can be made with or without a median barrier. From a safety point of view a median barrier is
preferred, and should always be used when the road is wide enough.

Separation with median barrier

Separation without median barrier

If the road width is not sufficient to install a median barrier, centre line crossings can be limited by a centre
line marking reinforced with cat-eyes or milled rumble strips. Based on Swedish experiences milled rumble
strips is recommended for Serbia based on problem with cat-eyes for winter maintenance.

Median barrier

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Milled median rumble strips

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3.4.1 2+1 roads with median barrier
Two plus one (2+1) road construction is a measure where an existing road is updated to have a middle lane
changing direction every 1 2.5 kilometre. Alternatively the construction method can be applied to new
roads. The distinctive advantage of the 2+1 solution is that a median barrier prevents the head-on collisions.
Number of lanes
A 2+1 road can have road links with 2+1, 1+1 or 2+2 lanes. The main alternative is 2+1 where a central
overtaking lane changes directions.
The overtaking lane should be between 1 and 2.5 kilometres according to the figure below. The difference
between successive sections should not be too big. From a capacity point of view the sections should be short
when the traffic volume is high.
The length of overtaking lanes in each direction should not be less than 35% of the total road length.

Normal section length on a 2+1 road

The length and location of overtaking lanes should consider:

if possible, transitions from 1 to 2 lanes should be located at intersections
1-lane sections should not be located at steep ascents
transitions from 2 to 1 lane should be easily visible
Road sections with 1+1 lanes should be considered:

if the separation of pedestrians and cyclists is difficult or too expensive

if roadside measures are too expensive
if there are bridges or other conditions limiting the total width
if the overtaking lane will be too short

Road sections with 2+2 lanes should be considered:

to balance the length of overtaking lanes in both directions

to avoid 1-lane road sections in long ascents
if the proportion of slow moving vehicles are high

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Cross section
2+1 sections
Typical cross sections for existing and new or widened roads are shown below.

Existing roads

New or widened roads

Typical cross sections

One lane sections should be 5.15 5.85 m wide with:

0.50 1.0 m wide outer shoulder

3.50 3.75 m wide traffic lane
0.90 1.10 m wide median shoulder

1+1 sections
The design should deterr from overtaking. Thus, wide lanes and shoulders should be avoided. Shoulders
wider than 1.0 m should be separated from the traffic lane by e.g. a milled edge line.
The total width should not be less than the recommended width for 1-lane sections (see above).
2+2 sections
The design should be symmetric and have the same lane widths and shoulder widths as connecting road sections.
For reconstruction of existing roads the2+2 sections can be designed with the total width of 15.25 m. For
new roads the total width should normally be 15.75 16.75 m.
Transition sections
A typical design of a transition section is shown in the figure below.

Typical design of a transition section

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Intersections should normally be designed as standard T-intersections. The figures below show some typical
design examples.

Typical design of a T-intersection with a left turn lane

Typical design of a T-intersection with a left turn lane and provisions to facilitate left turn from the
secondary road

Typical design of a T-intersection with a left turn lane and bus stops

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Access roads
At access roads between intersections only right turns to and from the major road should be allowed. Then
there is a need to turn back around at the nearest intersections. See figures below!

The principle for connection of access roads

Typical design of a T-intersection with possibilities to turn around on the secondary road

Alternatively left turns can be made possible at access roads by constructing a shepherds hook and allowing perpendicular passing of the median.

Typical design of a connection of an access road with left turn possibilities

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3.5 Roads with reinforced centre line marking

On roads with road widths less than 12.5 metres the risk for head-on collisions can be decreased by reinforcement of the centre line markings and provision of overtaking lanes.
The reinforcement of the centre line marking is described above. The principle for provision of overtaking
lanes is shown in the figure below.

The principle for provision of overtaking lanes on roads with reinforced centre line markings

The use of milled median rumble strips is a standard design in Sweden since 5 years. Below some experiences are presented.

Should not be used on roads with widths less than 7.0 m because heavy vehicles frequently cross the
centre line
Due to noise problems the distance to residential houses should be at least 150 m.
Road users are generally positive
The safety effect is not statistically proven

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3.6 Roadside barriers

3.6.1 The use of roadside barriers
The purpose of roadside barriers is to prevent vehicles from running off the road and hitting or falling into a
hazard - such as hitting an obstruction near the edge of the road or falling down a steep slope or into a river.
When a roadside hazard is identified measures should be considered in the following order:
1. remove the hazard
2. make it less hazardous
3. shield the hazard with a barrier
However, safety barrier is a hazard in itself. Collision with a barrier can cause serious injuries, particularly to
riders of two-wheelers. This means that safety barrier should only be installed when the consequences of an
out-of-control vehicle hitting the unprotected hazard are likely to be more severe than those of impact with
the safety barrier.
It is not economic to try and shield every hazard. The risk increases with traffic volume, traffic speed, and
road curvature. Cost-benefit analysis can help determine if it is advisable to install a barrier.
For roadside barriers on roads with speed limits over 50 km/h the following criteria should be used:

To shield any solid object within the clear zone

Where there is a risk that vehicles could fall into a body of water deeper than 1 m
On embankments as indicated in the figure below




10 12
Height of fill (m)




The need of guardrails on embankments

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3.6.2 Design
Length of need
To keep costs down roadside barriers are often too short to be effective. Generally the barrier must be at least
30 m to perform satisfactorily. On a two-way single carriageway road both directions of travel must be consider.
The calculation of the length of need according to the Swedish guidelines is shown below.
110 km/h

Length b (m)

90 km/h
70 km/h

50 km/h
50 km/h
low standard

Distance f (m)

Determining the length of need

The total length of the guardrail is a+b+c+2d where:
a = the length of the hazard parallel to the road
b = the needed length before the hazard according to the diagram below
c = b/2
d = terminal length (normally 12 m)

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Lateral placement
The area between the carriageway and the guardrail should normally be designed according to the general
rules for smoothed roadside areas, i.e. with maximum height differences of some 5 cm and slopes maximum
1:6 to allow a controlled guard-rail hit.
>=working width

height difference>5 cm
should be smoothed

max 1:6 recommended
1:4 absolute minimum

Normal lateral placement of barriers

The barrier should normally be placed at least 0.5 meters from the carriageway. Normal beam types should
have a back support of about 0.5 m before the slope starts.
The distance to the obstacle is determined by the working width for the barrier type. The clear zone between
the guardrail and the fixed object should be at least as wide as the working width of the guardrail.

Alternative lateral placement of barriers

Barrier terminals
The end of a steel beam guardrail is a major hazard, as vehicles can become impaled on it. There is no wholly safe way of terminating guardrail but the main options are:
flare the end section of the guardrail away from the edge of the shoulder and ramp the beam down into
the ground
use a special impact-absorbing terminals
On a two-way road both the upstream and downstream ends of the guardrail will need to be terminated in the
above way. One of the problems of ramped ends is that they can launch out-of-control vehicles into the air,
with disastrous consequences. Flaring is an effective way of reducing the risk of impact but this can be difficult to achieve in some situations, such as on narrow embankments.
1:10 Parabolic flare L=11400
Post spacing = 1905
End section to
be ramped

Direction of travel

Eample on flaring of the end of guardrail

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3.6.3 Barriers types
There are three main types of barriers:
steel beam guardrail
wire rope barrier
concrete barrier
Steel beam guardrail
Steel beam guardrail is the most common type of safety barrier. It consists of a W-shaped steel beam mounted on steel posts. A typical height is 550 mm above the height of the road surface. The containment capability can be increased by using two beams, one mounted above the other.
Concrete barrier
Concrete barriers are strong enough to stop most out-of-control vehicles, and being rigid there is no deflection on impact. This makes them suitable for use on narrow medians and where it is essential to keep vehicles on the road, such as at bridges. Small angle impacts usually result in little damage to the vehicle. However, large angle impacts tend to result in major damage to the vehicle, and severe injuries to the occupants.
Research has shown that the conventional profile (commonly called New Jersey Barrier) tends to cause small
vehicles to overturn, and the preferred shape is now a vertical or near-vertical wall. Concrete barrier generally requires very little routine maintenance except after very severe impacts.
Wire rope barrier
Wire rope barriers are often used as median barriers, but can also be used as roadside barriers. The barrier is
usually 550 -700 mm high and the diameter of the wires around 20 mm. There are several types of wire rope
barriers. The number and placement of wires and the post cross section vary. The figure to the right shows
some typical designs.

3.6.4 Barrier performance

The safety barrier should perform to prevent vehicles from passing through the barrier and enable the drivers
to retain control of the vehicle. In order to do so the barrier should absorb the impact of the vehicle without
injuring the occupants (no severe deceleration) re-direct the vehicle along the road parallel to the barrier.
Consequently, the performance is depending on barrier design and barrier material.
Impact speed and angle
Conventional safety barriers are designed for impacts by passenger cars travelling at 65 km/h hitting the barrier at a 25 degree angle. Barriers can be made that will cope with trucks and buses, but the high cost means
that they can only be justified in exceptionally risky situations.
Most barriers will not perform well when hit at a large angle - such as can happen when barrier is installed
on the outside of a sharp bend.
The maximum permissible deflection is an important consideration. The deflection varies with the type of
barrier. The table below shows a classification as to deflection.






Steel beam


Performs well in moderate-speed situations


Wire rope


Expensive; technically complicated; quick to repair

Expensive, low maintenance costs

Classification of safety barriers as to deflection

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3.7 Forgiving roadside

3.7.1 Definition
Forgiving roadside is also called clear roadside area or obstacle free zoon.
The clear zone is a safety zone adjacent to the traffic lanes. It provides space for a driver to recover control
of his vehicle if he is in danger of running off the road. The clear zone must:

Be free of hazardous objects (such as posts, trees etc) and other hazards
Have a smooth design with no steep slopes, open drains, etc.

There are a number of empirical studies in Europe and US indicating major safety benefits from clear zones.
It is obvious that the need for clear zones increases with speed and curvature.

3.7.2 Width
The following clear zone widths, measured from the edge of the traffic lane, are considered to give an acceptable standard of safety. Traffic volume is also a factor, as, generally, the higher the traffic volume the
greater the frequency of run-off-road incidents which supports the use of wider clear zone widths.



Clear zone widths

The clear zone widths given in table above should be increased at sharp bends on high-speed roads according
to the diagram below.
Correction factor

Speed limit 100 km/h

Speed limit 80 km/h

Radius (m)











Clear zone correction factor for bends


Radius 700 m and speed limit 100 gives the correction factor 1.6.
Desired clear zone is extended from 9 m to 1.6 * 9 = 14.4 m

Front slopes steeper than 1:3 cannot be counted as part of the clear zone because they are too steep. Slopes
that can be traversed safely by out-of-control vehicles need to be at least 1:4 or gentler. Slopes between 1:3
and 1:4 are marginal; the normal practice is that half the width of these slopes is counted as part of the clear
zone see the figure on the next page.
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Available clear zone:
1.5 + 4.0 + 0.5*3.0 + 2.0 = 9 m






Example how to calculate clear zones

3.7.3 Fixed Objects

There should be no hazardous objects, sometimes called fixed objects, in the clear zone. A fixed object is
rigid object close to the road, which constitutes a safety hazard for road users.
The object must be rigid to be a fixed object. Posts for traffic signs are normally not considered fixed objects.
The object should also be close to the road to be a fixed object. From a safety point of view that means up to
about 5 meters from the edge of the road depending on the speed.
The following objects are some examples on fixed objects:

Electricity Pole
Telecom Pole
Lamp Post
Other Rigid Post
Information Traffic Sign of Concrete
Bus Shelter
Tree (diameter >0.1 m)

Such objects should be removed, made softer (e.g. break-away lighting poles) or shielded by a safety barrier.

3.7.4 Road Side Design

Transition to carriageway
Safety zones should be designed with the objective to give a small risk for turnover and skid accidents. This
indicates that the height difference between the overlay and the adjacent strip should not exceed some 5 cm
without smoothing measures, which could be grades at least 1:6.
Side slopes
The shallower the slope, the safer it will be. And the transition from the shoulder to the front slope must be
smooth enough to prevent the vehicle becoming airborne. A safe transition is also needed between the front
slope and the back slope so as to avoid causing the vehicle to rollover. The figures on the next page show the
principles of smooth roadside area design. The front slope should be 1:4 or gentler. The transition at the top
and toe of the slope should be smooth. The height difference H between the shoulder and the support strip
should not be more than 50 mm

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Clear zone with slopes steeper
- than 1:3 excluded
- 1:3 - 1:4 included with
0.5 * the width

Traffic lane

Sf >= 4 if speed limit>= 80

Hard shoulder
Support strip

Hinge point
Toe of slope minimum bottom width
0.5 m and back slope 1:4

Design of clear zone on embankments

The back slope design in cuts with a cut drain should be designed with a 0.5 m wide ditch bottom followed
by a 1:4-backslope for half a metre and then a 1:2-backslope for 2.0 m. This will help to redirect a run-off
vehicle to the roadside area.
When the embankment (fill) height is greater than about 3.0 m, the 1:4 front slopes recommended above
become uneconomic. This is because a large amount of fill material will be needed and the structure will
extend over a large area thus increasing land acquisition costs. In these circumstances the front slope is best
determined by the natural angle of repose and erosion of the material (often 1:1.5). Where steep front slopes
have to be used, consider installing safety barrier.
Clear zone with slopes steeper
- than 1:3 excluded
- 1:3 - 1:4 included with
0.5 * the width

Traffic lane

Hard shoulder
Support strip


Sf >= 4 if speed
limit >= 80 km/h



Hinge point
Toe of slope


>= >=
0.5 m 0.5 m 1.0 m

Design of clear zone in cuts

The area in front of roadside obstructions such as bridge abutments, retaining walls, etc. should be smooth,
with a maximum change of deflection (w) of 24.5 degrees. Ensure that the lateral clearance is adequate, and
that the obstruction is outside the clear zone. If it is not, consider installing a safety barrier.
Width due to sight distances,
lateral clearances etc
Shallow change of
deflection w<24.5 degrees

Design of area in front of obstructions

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Side roads and culverts
Side roads are often built up on a little embankment so that they enter the main road on the same level. This
embankment can be an obstacle to vehicles that run off the road. And the culvert carrying the main road
drain under the side road will often have a large, solid headwall. Where there is a culvert under the main
road, the culvert headwall is often close to the edge of the carriageway, especially if the road has been widened at some stage. These are hazards. With side roads it is best to try and construct gentle embankment
slopes and move the culvert further away from the main road. In the case of the culvert under the main road
it should be extended in order to move the ends away from the carriageway edge. It is also important to assess if culverts really need large solid headwalls. It may be possible to provide a smooth opening instead.

Access road design

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Culvert end design

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4.1 Safety Problems
The specific safety problems for roads passing through or at the border of built up areas are mainly conflicts
between through traffic and local traffic and between motor vehicles and vulnerable road users (primarily
pedestrians). The demand for accessibility for the through traffic is often in opposition to accessibility and
safety for local traffic and vulnerable road users. This creates conflicts at intersections, for local access to
shops etc. and for pedestrians.

4.2 Design principles

4.2.1 Basic safety principles
Speed control
In order to reduce the risk for severe accidents, the planning and design of roads and streets in general should
be made so as to minimize the number of conflicts and to make sure that the speeds do not exceed:

30 km/h in pedestrian/vehicle conflicts,

50 km/h in side-on vehicle/vehicle conflicts,
70 km/h in head-on vehicle/vehicle conflicts

The control of speed is the most important design question. To ensure that the intended speed is not exceeded, the design must be based on a proper design speed and the expected traffic volume. In addition, some
kind of speed control measure must often be applied. There are many different speed control measures available, such as:

measures at intersections,
single measures along a road section,
general measures along a road section

Separation of road user categories

The collision-casualty diagram shows that the risk for pedestrians to be killed is high even at speeds lower
than generally accepted from an accessibility point of view. Consequently, the fundamental safety principles
are that:

vulnerable road users should be separated from motor vehicle traffic,

at points of conflict between vulnerable road users and motor vehicle traffic, the speed should be low
(preferably 30 km/h)

4.2.2 Cross-section
The cross-section must be adapted to the expected traffic volume and the intended speed limit. Too wide
sections will make it difficult for drivers to keep the speed limit. The need for parking/stopping and for restrictions for pedestrians must also be considered. In principle:

the number of lanes should be decided by the traffic volume,

the widths of lanes and shoulders etc. should be decided by the design speed

Needed widths
The width of traffic lanes, shoulders, pedestrian lanes, separators etc. can be determined by tables showing
widths needed at different speeds. The table on the next page shows examples of values according to the
Swedish guidelines.

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30 km/h

50 km/h

70 km/h

to obstacle higher than 0,2 m




to kerbstone




heavy vehicle and bus width




passenger car width




between meeting or passing vehicles




between parked vehicle and kerbstone




Example on vehicle widths and needed cross-section widths

For example, the width between the curbstones for a two-lane road or for one roadway of a two-lane divided
road according to the figure (except for the walls) will be:

Design speed 30 km/h:

Design speed 50 km/h:
Design speed 70 km/h:

0,2+2.6+0.7+2.6+0.2 = 6.3 m
0.4+2.6+1.0+2.6+0.4 = 7.0 m
0.7+2.6+1.3+2.6+0.7 = 7.9 m

4.2.3 Intersections
Reduction of number of intersections
One way to increase the safety on through roads is to reduce the number of intersections. However, too long
distances between intersections may increase the speed and also increase the traffic volumes in the local
Replacement of 4-way intersections
Two 3-way intersections are generally safer than one 4-way intersection. Uncontrolled 4-way intersections
should therefore be avoided and if possible replaced by a roundabout or split into two 3-way intersections.
If possible, every intersection on through roads should be designed as a roundabout, because:

It is the safest intersection type. Both the number and the severity of accidents are decreased compared to other types of intersections
It reduces the vehicle speed for all traffic and allows the traffic to flow smoothly.

Signalized intersections
Signalized intersections can be used if:

there is a system of coordinated signalized intersections

the available space is too limited for a roundabout
the traffic volume is very high on the through road and low on the secondary road

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4.2.4 Pedestrian crossings
Need and location
The need for pedestrian crossings is depending on the number of crossing pedestrians and the traffic volume.
The following diagram shows a Swedish recommendation for when pedestrian crossings are needed.
Pedestrians / h


Pedestrian crossing needed


Pedestrian crossing not needed





Vehicles / h

Example of a diagram to determine the need for pedestrian crossings

Pedestrian crossings should be located to places where the vehicle speed can be reduced to 30 km/h. Generally, pedestrian crossings are located at intersections.
Design of separate pedestrian crossings
Pedestrian crossing on a 2-lane through road
Pedestrian crossings should be constructed with a traffic island to make it possible to pass the road in stages
and to make the crossing clearly visible to drivers. On roads with low traffic volumes and few heavy vehicles, the crossing can be raised over the travelled way to reduce the speed and to make it more convenient for
the pedestrians.
Pedestrian crossing on a 4-lane through road
On divided roads, pedestrian crossings can be designed with a side displacement in the median to force the
pedestrians to turn and face the oncoming traffic before crossing the road.

Pedestrian crossing on a 2-lane through road

Pedestrian crossing on a 4-lane through road

Restrictions for pedestrians

On through roads class I and II, pedestrians are not expected to cross the road in other places than at intersections and special pedestrian crossings (through road class II). To ensure this, it can be necessary to install
fences or other kinds of barriers along the road or in the median on sections were pedestrians otherwise can
be expected to cross the road.

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4.3 Example on design of roads through built up areas

This section presents an example to show how roads through built up areas can be classified and designed. It
should not be used in Serbia without adaptation to Serbian conditions.

4.3.1 Classification
For the application of priority rules and design criteria, through roads should be classified into different
groups depending on the contact with the urban network and pedestrians. Three classes are suggested.
Contacts with

Through road I

Urban streets

Only major streets


Only at intersections

Through road II

Through road III

Major and minor streets

At intersections and
pedestrian crossings

At intersections and
along sections

Suggested classes of through roads

4.3.2 Design criteria

The main design criteria are the separation of pedestrians from motor vehicles and the speed regulations.
Through road I
Pedestrian separation
has separated lanes for pedestrians,
has no at-grade pedestrian crossings between intersections
Speed regulations
the speed between intersections is 50 or 70 km/h,
the speed at intersections is 50 km/h,
physical speed control measures are not accepted
Through road II
Pedestrian separation
can have pedestrians close to the roadway,
pedestrians are expected to use at-grade crossings between or at intersections
Speed regulations
the speed between intersections is 50 km/h if pedestrians are separated,
the speed at intersections is 30 km/h,
physical speed control measures can be accepted, but are generally not used
Through road III
Pedestrian separation
has always pedestrians close to the roadway,
pedestrians are not expected to use at-grade crossings between or at intersections
Speed regulations
the speed between intersections is lower than 50 km/h, preferably 30 km/h,
the speed at intersections is 30 km/h,
physical speed control measures are accepted

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4.3.3 Suggested cross-sections
Based on the needed widths and the Swedish guidelines, the standard cross-sections below are suggested.
The figures show two-lane roads, but can be applied for one direction of a four-lane divided road.
Through road I
Pedestrians are completely separated. At places where there are pedestrians close to the road, for example at
houses and where there are pedestrian lanes, fences should be installed.
Side reserve
(with fence)


Travelled way






Side reserve
with fence




8,0 m

Proposed standard cross-section for through road class I (70 km/h)

Through road II
Pedestrians are expected to use pedestrian crossings. If necessary, fences should be installed to direct the
pedestrians to these crossings.


Travelled way





Side reserve Pedestrian

(with fence)





7,0 m

Proposed standard cross-section for through road class II (50 km/h)

Through road III

Pedestrians can be expected to cross the road anywhere. If necessary, parking lanes can be accepted.






3,0 m

Travelled way

0.2 0,4



Sidewalk or




7,0 m

Proposed standard cross-section for through road class III (50 km/h)

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4.4 Traffic calming

4.4.1 Introduction
Traffic Calming is a term often used for speed management in built-up areas. The basis for speed management should be created by road planning, e.g. a by-pass for the long-distance traffic, and by a road design
adapted to the desired speed, e.g. cross-section and intersection design. Nevertheless, sometimes special
speed control measures are necessary.
Speed control measures are mainly used in built-up areas. However, some of the measures can also be used
in other situations, such as in advance of hazardous bends or bridges.

4.4.2 General principles

The standard sequence of speed control measures is:

Rumble strips


Speed controlled section with humps, narrowings or chicanes



Speed limit zone

Central speed
control section




Standard speed control layout

The preferred and maximum intervals between speed control measures for different desired speeds are given
in the table below.
Desired speed

Interval between speed control



30 km/h

50 m

125 m

50 km/h

125 m

175 m

Maximum intervals between speed control measures

Speed control should preferably be located where judged reasonable for drivers. Pedestrian crossings can be
combined with humps. Speed control is most effectively achieved by humps. Other measures are rumble
strips, gates, narrowings and chicanes.

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4.5 Speed control measures

4.5.1 Rumble strips
Use of rumble strips
Rumble strips are transverse strips across the road used to alert and warn drivers with a vibratory and audible
effect before a hazard such as a sharp bend, an intersection or a lower speed limit at the entry to a built-up
area. Warning signs are not normally needed when the strips are built to the specifications given below.
Research in other countries indicates that speed reduction effects tend to be minor and also erode over time.
Therefore, rumble strips should not be used alone to reduce speeds.
Rumble strips should be used as an introduction to a speed control zone but can also be used for example in
the following situations:

before a local speed limit

at an approach to a dangerous intersection
before a sharp bend
before a hump

Rumble strips create disturbing noises and can cause vibration problems on soft ground and should be avoided near dwelling-houses, schools, hospitals, etc.
Design of rumble strips
The following principles should be observed when designing rumble strips:

rumble strips should normally be in groups of 4 strips

the height of the strips shall be no more than 10 15 mm
the strip width should be 0.5 m
one set of rumble strips is usually enough within 50 km/h sections
the last or only strip should be located 30 to 50 m before the hazard
pre-warning sets can be located 20 to 80 m before the hazard depending on speeds
rumble strips should have yellow thermoplastic lines across the top for better visibility
strips should continue across the full width of the carriageway, including the shoulders but be terminated
so that they do not interfere with drainage

10 - 15 mm
Width 0.5 m
Length of rumble strip zone

50 km/h

20 m

80 km/h

80 m

Distance between rumble strips

0.5 1.0 m

Distance to obstacle

30 50 m
Design of rumble strips

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4.5.2 Gates
Use of gates
The speed limit change at the entrance to the built-up area can be emphasised by a gate to signal very clearly
that driving conditions are to change.

Design of gates
The figure below shows the design of speed control gates. The following principles should be used:

The toughest vehicle path for a passenger car through the gate should have an entry radius R1 below 100
m for 50 km/h speed control and 50 m for 30 km/h speed control.
Curves that follow (R2, R3) should have a radius greater than or equal to the entry radius.
The gate can be one-sided with speed control only in the entry direction or two-sided with speed control
also in the exit direction.
The design should be tapered or smoothed with curves.

2 m passenger
car track
Entry radius

Entry radius

Separated foot
and cycle way

2 m passenger
car track

Separated foot
and cycle way

Exit radius
Exit radius

One-sided, entry speed control gate

Double-sided speed control gate

Speed control gate

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4.5.3 Humps
Use of humps
The installation of hump is the most efficient measure to reduce speeds, but humps should only be used on
roads with speed limit 50 km/h or lower. Two alternative designs have proved to be most effective.
Length profile
Alternative design of humps

The circular hump is normally recommended for local roads. For roads in residential areas the following is
Speed level:
Plateau hump:
Circular hump:

30 km/h
4.0 m long hump with 1.0 m ramp length
4.0 m long hump with 20 m radius

For roads with a large number of buses a 6.5 m long circular hump or a 6.0 m long plateau hump is recommended to ease discomfort for bus passengers.
The plateau hump can be used in combination with pedestrian and cycle crossings.

Plateau humps combined with pedestrian crossing

Design of humps
The hump can be made of pre-fabricated concrete elements with asphalt ramps or entirely of asphalt. If made
of asphalt a template must be used to ensure the right height and shape. On a road with shoulders the hump
should be extended about 1.0 m over the shoulder to discourage drivers from going around the hump.
On roads with kerbed sidewalks the hump should be stopped 100 150 mm before the kerb to create a drain.
This solution cannot be used at a raised pedestrian crossing.
Humps should be clearly marked with chequerboard markers and hump information signs in each direction
of the road. Hump warning signs might also be needed.
The recommended detailed design is based on empirical studies into hump dimensions, speed, and driver /
passenger discomfort. The design of the hump is base on the desired passing speed for passenger cars.

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Chequerboard markers
100 - 150 mm



1.5 m

Hump length

Drainage design at kerbed sidewalk

Markings and signing of humps

Plateau hump
The height of the plateau hump should be 0.10 m. The table below gives recommended ramp lengths and

r 4-6m
Speed level
< 25

0.10 m
Ramp length r

Grade i (%)

Detailed design of plateau humps

Circular hump
The height of the circular hump should be 0.10 m. Hump radii and chord lengths are given in the table below. The traffic level-of-service, especially for buses and trucks, can be improved if the hump entry and exit
is smoothed as shown below.

Height = 0.10 m


Speed level



Detailed design of circular humps

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4.5.4 Narrowings
Use of narrowings
Road narrowings can be used to control speeds, but they are less effective than speed humps.
The table below can be used to judge the relationship between speed and needed width for different meeting
situations. The table shows that a narrowing must be very tough to have some speed impact. For one-way
traffic 3.5 m is the recommended width between kerbs.

Meeting situation


Truck and bicycle

Two cars

Truck and car

Two trucks


4.0 m

4.15 m

4.95 m

5.9 m


4.5 m

4.5 m

5.5 m

Road width for different speeds and meeting situations

Design of narrowings
The basic design principles of one-sided and double-sided road narrowings are illustrated the figure below.
Shoulder or footway


Design of one-sided narrowing

Shoulder or footway


Design of double-sided narrowing

An alternative is to build a kerbed island (min.

width 1.2 m and length 5 m) in the centre of the
road, with 3.0 m 3.5 m wide traffic lanes either
side. This could also function as a pedestrian refuge, perhaps combined with a raised pedestrian
crossing. The island must be well-signed to avoid it
becoming a hazard.


3 - 3.5 m

3 - 3.5 m

Road narrowing with central island

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5.1 Intersection types
5.1.1 Proposed intersection types
This Manual covers only at-grade intersections. At-grade intersections can be classified into two main intersection categories depending on the form of control used. For each category, there are a number of intersection types.
Intersection category

Traffic control
Intersection types
Major road

Minor road

Priority intersection


Stop or give way



Control intersection

Traffic signals or give way sign


Unchannelised T-intersection
Partly Channelised T-intersection
Channelised T-intersection
Signalised intersection

Classification of at-grade intersections

5.1.2 Priority intersections

Priority intersections will be adequate in most rural situations. This Manual gives advice on the design of
three types of T-intersection:


Partly channelised


Typical design of T-intersections

Unchannelised T-intersection (A)

The unchannelised design is suitable for intersections where there is a very small amount of turning traffic. It is the simplest design and has no traffic islands.
Partly Channelised T-intersection (B)
The partly channelised design is for intersections with a moderate volume of turning traffic. It has a traffic
island in the minor road arm. In urban areas, the traffic island would normally be kerbed in order to provide a
refuge for pedestrians crossing the road.

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Channelised T-intersection (C)
The fully channelised design is for intersections with a high volume of turning traffic or high speeds. It
has traffic islands in both the minor road and the main road.
Four-leg priority intersections (crossroads) must not be used. It has a very high number of conflict
points, and has a much higher accident risk than any other kind of intersection. Existing crossroads should,
where possible, be converted to a staggered intersection, or roundabout, or be controlled by traffic signals.

5.1.3 Control intersections

Control intersections are mostly used in towns and trading centres. However, roundabouts can be used in
rural areas in intersections between major roads or other intersections with high traffic volumes. There are
two types of control intersections:
Roundabout (D)
Roundabouts are controlled by the rule that all entry traffic must give way to circulating traffic. The ratio of
minor road incoming traffic to the total incoming traffic should preferably be at least 10 to 15%. Roundabouts can be of normal size, i.e. with central island radius 10 m or more, or small size, i.e. with central island
radius less than 10 m.
Signalized intersection (E)
Signalised intersections have conflicts separated by traffic signals. No conflicts are allowed between straight
through traffic movements.


Signalised intersection

Alternative design of roundabout (normally used at diamond interchanges)

Typical designs for control intersections

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5.2 Selection of intersection type

This section presents an example from Sweden to show principles for the selection of intersection type. It
should not be used in Serbia without adaptation to Serbian conditions.

5.2.1 General
These selection guidelines mainly deal with traffic safety. Other important impacts such as capacity / road
user costs, environmental issues, investment and maintenance costs should also be taken into consideration.
Capacity, delays, queue lengths, road user costs and also exhaust emissions could be estimated using standard software such as Oscady, Picady and Arcady (UK) SIDRA (Australia) or Capcal (Sweden) but they have
not been calibrated for Serbian conditions, so they could give misleading results. Some traffic flow threshold
values for capacity are given in figure 6.6.
The safety requirement for intersections can be defined as an interval where the expected number of accidents should not exceed a desired level and must not exceed a maximum level. If the expected number of
accidents does not exceed the desired level, a priority intersection should be selected. If the number exceeds
the maximum level, a control intersection should be selected. Between the two defined levels, a control intersection should be considered. The traffic flow threshold values presented in the following Figures 6.5 and 6.7
are based on this concept using general European traffic safety research results on the relationship between
speed and incoming traffic flows on the major and minor road.
The selection is divided into two steps; selection of intersection category (priority or control) and selection of
intersection type. It is based on the following assumptions:

Priority intersections can be safe and give sufficient capacity for certain traffic volumes and speed limits
If a priority intersection is not sufficient for safety and capacity, the major road traffic must also be
Depending on location, traffic conditions and speed limits, different types of priority or control intersection should be selected.

5.2.2 Selection of intersection category

The selection of intersection category should mainly be based on safety. The selection can be made by using
diagrams with the relationships between the safety levels and the average annual daily approaching traffic
volumes (AADT in veh/day) based on accident statistics. The diagrams shown in below are for Tintersections on 2-lane roads with 50, 80 and 100 km/h speed limit. The diagrams are, as already stated,
based on general European experience on relationships between speed, safety and traffic flows. They are
judged reasonable to be used in Serbia until sufficient local research is available.
Minor road approaching AADT, Q3 veh/day

50 km/h



Select control

Consider control

Select priority

Major road approaching AADT, Q1+Q2 veh/day

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Minor road approaching AADT, Q3 veh/day

Select control

80 km/h



Consider control

Select priority

Major road approaching AADT, Q1+Q2 veh/day
Minor road approaching AADT, Q3 veh/day

100 km/h


Select control





Select priority

Major road approaching AADT, Q1+Q2 veh/day

Selection of intersection category as to safety

The selection of intersection category based on safety should be checked for capacity. It can primarily be
made by using diagrams with the relationships between the capacity and the approaching traffic volumes
during the design hour (DHV in pcu/design hour, see section 3.2.2 and 3.3.3). The diagrams shown in below
are for T-intersections on 2-lane roads with 50, 80 and 100 km/h speed limit. The desired level refers to a
degree of saturation (actual traffic flow/capacity) of 0.5. The acceptable level refers to a degree of saturation
of 0.7.
The diagrams are based on Swedish capacity studies with findings similar to other European countries. It is
judged reasonable to be used in Serbia until sufficient Serbian research is available. Capacity could be
checked more in detail using standard capacity software as already stated with the general drawback that
Serbian capacity studies are as yet not available.

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Minor road approaching DHV, Q3 pcu/design hour



Control or grade-separated
intersection needed









Major road approaching DHV,Q1+Q2 pcu/design hour

Minor road approaching DHV, Q3 pcu/design hour



Control or grade-separated
intersection needed








Major road approaching DHV,Q1+Q2 pcu/design hour

Minor road approaching DHV, Q3 pcu/design hour




Control or grade-separated
intersection needed






Major road approaching DHV,Q1+Q2 pcu/design hour

Selection of intersection category as to capacity

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5.2.3 Selection of intersection type
Priority intersections
The selection of priority intersection type should mainly be based on safety. The selection can be made by
using diagrams with the relationships between the safety levels and the average annual daily approaching
traffic volumes (AADT in veh/day, see section 3.2.2) based on accident statistics. The diagrams shown in
below are for T-intersections on 2-lane roads with 50, 80 and 100 km/h speed limit. Crossroads should be
avoided. The number of right turners should obviously also impact the decision.
The diagrams are based on general European findings on safety effects of right turn lanes. It is judged reasonable to be used in Serbia until sufficient Serbian statistics are available. Note however they are only a
starting point for determining the most appropriate form of intersection.
Minor road approaching AADT, Q3 veh/day

50 km/h


Select channelised


Select unchannelised
or partly channelised


Major road approaching AADT, Q1+Q2 veh/day
Minor road approaching AADT, Q3 veh/day

80 km/h




Select channelised

Select unchannelised
or partly channelised

Major road approaching AADT, Q1+Q2 veh/day
Minor road approaching AADT, Q3 veh/day

100 km/h






Select channelised

Select unchannelised
or partly channelised T-intersection

Major road approaching AADT, Q1+Q2 veh/day

Selection of priority intersection type as to safety

Partly channelised should normally be used if needed to facilitate pedestrian crossings and also if the minor
road island is needed to improve the visibility of the intersection.

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Control intersections
Roundabouts are suitable for almost all situations, provided there is enough space. Roundabouts have been
found to be safer than signalised intersections, and are suitable for both low and medium traffic flows. At
very high traffic volumes they tend to become blocked due to drivers failing to obey the priority rules. Welldesigned roundabouts slow traffic down, which can be useful at the entry to a built-up area, or where there is
a significant change in road standard, such as the change from a dual carriageway to a single carriageway.
Traffic signals are the favoured option in the larger urban areas. Co-ordinated networks of signals (Area
Traffic Control) can bring major improvements in traffic flow and a significant reduction in delays and stoppages. However, they must be demand-responsive, in order to get the maximum capacity from each intersection. Observance of traffic signals by Serbian drivers is reasonably good, and could be improved through
enforcement campaigns.
For some traffic distributions, for example high traffic volumes on the major road, the total delay can be
shorter in a signalised intersection than in a roundabout. The diagram in below shows the traffic conditions
for which signalised intersections are most suited, based on Kenyan and UK experience.
Minor road approaching AADT, veh/day
15 000

10 000

5 000


10 000

20 000

30 000

Major road approaching AADT, veh/day

Selection of control intersection type

If a signalised intersection is considered due to planning conditions or traffic volumes, a capacity analysis
and economic analysis should be made. This should include road construction and maintenance costs, accident costs, travel time costs, vehicle operating costs and environmental costs.

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6.1 Bus stops
6.1.1 Bus stop types
On rural roads there are generally four types of bus stops to be used.

Separated bus stop

Bus stop in the traffic lane
Bus stop on the shoulder
Bus lay-by

In rural areas, especially on high speed roads, it is important that buses entering or leaving the bus stop not
obstruct other road users. Consequently, the type of bus stop to be selected depends primarily on the traffic
volume and the number of buses using the bus stop. Other factors influencing the selection are the speed
limit, visibility, vulnerable road users, the number of lanes and shoulder width.
Buses per hour


Traffic lane

Average daily traffic

6.1.2 Design of Bus stops

The figures in this section show recommended design from the Swedish guidelines.
Separated bus stop
Separated bus stop should be used on high volume roads, especially on roads with more than two lanes. It
should be separated from the travelled way by a fence, a traffic island or a grass strip. Acceleration and deceleration mainly take place on the entry and exit and the obstruction to other vehicles is minimized.



LI, m
LII, m
v = shoulder width
p = platform length



Separated bus stop

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Bus stop in the traffic lane
Bus stop in the traffic lane can be used on low traffic two lane roads without or with narrow shoulders. There
is generally no platform for the passengers. Busses at the bus stop lane block and obstruct the sight for all the
vehicles behind.

Bus stop in traffic lane

Bus stop on the shoulder

Bus stop on the shoulder can be used where the shoulder is at least 2 meters wide. There is generally no platform for the passengers
Busses at the bus stop lane block and obstruct the sight for vehicles using the shoulder, for example cyclists.

Bus stop on shoulder

Bus lay-by
A bus lay-by outside the travelled way is the preferred bus stop on rural roads with high traffic volumes.
There is generally no platform for the passengers
Busses at the bus stop do not generally block or obstruct the sight for vehicles behind.

Bus lay-by on roads with speed limit < 80 km/h

Bus lay-by on roads with speed limit 80 km/h

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6.1.3 Location of bus stops
Location at pedestrian crossings
Bus stops should normally be located at least 5
metres after a pedestrian crossing.
If located before the pedestrian crossing the
distance should be at least 10 metres.
Bus stops should be sited after intersections, to
avoid stopped vehicles from obstructing the
view of drivers entering the main road from the
minor road.
Grade-separated crossing
The bus stops should be connected to the pedestrian road network e.g. to a pedestrian underpass
as shown in the figure to the right.
The spacing between bus stops on opposite sides of the road should be at least 15 m.
The sight distance should be at least 1.5 x the
stopping sight distance for the speed limit. The
sight distance should be checked from a point
2.0 m from the edge of the traffic lane with 1.2
m eye height.

b = 1.5 x Stopping sight distance

Distance between bus stops

The distance between bus stops on the same side of the road should normally not be less than according to
the table below.
Speed limit


60 km/h

300 m

80 km/h

500 m

100 km/h
700 m
Distance between bus stops

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6.2.1 The use of lay-bys

A lay-by is an area adjacent to the road for temporary parking of vehicles. Lay-bys should be used for short
rests etc and/or information to road users. Adjoining the lay-by there should be an area for rest and recreation, preferably equipped with seats and tables.
A lay-by for rest and/or information should normally not be used as a bus-stop. For lay-bys designed as busstops see the previous chapter!

6.2.2 Location
Lay-bys can be used on all roads except motorways. They should normally be used for traffic in one direction only. To avoid median crossings they should be located in pairs. On roads without medians, the lay-bys
should be placed with at least 10 meters displacement with the right hand lay-by first.

Lay-bys in pairs

Considering the road users disposition to use lay-bys the driving time between two facilities should be about
20 minutes. On roads with a high proportion long distant traffic the distance can be extended to about 30
minutes driving time. That means that the distance can vary from around 20 km (normal roads with 60 km/
speed limit) to around 50 km (national roads with 100 km sped limit).

6.2.3 Design
All types of vehicles should be able to use the lay-bys. Consequently, they should be designed for all normal
vehicles including buses and trucks. The figure below shows a suitable design for all normal vehicles.







4.5 m

15 m

20 m

25 m



20 m

20 m

35 m

Design of lay-bys

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Rest areas

A rest area can be used for traffic in one or two directions. The figure below shows a typical design of a rest
area used for traffic in one direction.

Voitures touristiques


Camion (24 m)

Typical design of a rest area for traffic in one direction

If the rest area is used by traffic in both directions the entry and the exit should designed as normal Tintersections

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7.1 Separation of vulnerable road users
Separation of vulnerable road users from the motorized traffic has great safety benefits.
On many rural roads there is no physical separation of pedestrians or cyclists. On some roads, especially in
urban areas, there are sidewalks for the pedestrians while cyclists must use the carriageway in one of the
following ways:
A. In the traffic lane mixed with the motorized traffic
B. In a marked cycle lane
C. On the shoulder

A. Mixed traffic

B. Cycle lane

C. Shoulder

No separation of vulnerable road us

The main ways of separation of vulnerable road user are the following:
D. Separate lane divided by a curbstone
E. Separate lane divided a separator
F. Separate pedestrian-/cycle way located away from the main road

D. Separated by a

E. Separated by a separator

F. Separate

Separation of vulnerable road users

General recommendations on separation should be worked out for different types of roads and traffic volumes.

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7.2 Pedestrian crossings

7.2.1 Background and safety considerations
It is difficult to set down criteria for the provision of pedestrian crossing facilities. Factors to take into account include:

the volume of pedestrians crossing the road

the speed of the traffic
the width of the road
if there are a lot of children crossing
if there are significant numbers of disabled pedestrians

7.2.2 Pedestrian bridges and tunnels

Bridges and tunnels for pedestrians and cyclists should be used on high-speed and / or high-volume roads.
On normal roads bridges and tunnels are not generally recommended, because they are inconvenient to use,
and have a number of other problems, including crime, vandalism, and maintenance. However, they are appropriate where the terrain is such that pedestrians can use the bridge or tunnel without having to climb or
descend. Thus, the provision of a pedestrian bridge or tunnel depends on:

The possibilities to locate and design the bridge in a way it will be used
The costs for the bridge in relation to the number of pedestrians
The traffic volume

For example, if the terrain is favorable a bridge should be provided even if the traffic volume and/or the
number of pedestrians are low. On the other hand, if the traffic volume and/or the number of pedestrians are
very high a pedestrian bridge should always be built.
Whenever possible the bridge or tunnel should be in line with the normal path that pedestrians and cyclists
take when crossing the road. If they have to diverge from their direct route they will be discouraged from
using the facility. Barriers can be used to try and force them to use the facility if the detour not is unreasonable.
Bridges should normally be 2-3 meters wide. The width and height of tunnels depend on the length of the
tunnel. Recommended minimum dimensions for tunnels are given in the table below.
Type of tunnel



Narrow (short)
Wide (long)



Minimum tunnel dimensions

Ideally, there should be a both stairs and ramps. Ramps should not normally be steeper than 5% and should
have a non-slip surface. If there are many disabled persons the ramp should not be steeper than 3%.
To avoid unreasonable detours steeper ramps can be accepted.

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7.2.3 At-grade crossings (Zebra crossing)
If there is no bridge or tunnel, zebra crossings should be provided to give the pedestrians a reasonable safe
way to cross the road. However, zebra-crossings should not be used on roads with a speed limit over 50 km/h
since they give a false sense of safety.
Crossings on a separated highway should be staggered with short pedestrian road in the median parallel to
the roads. The purpose is to let pedestrians face the traffic before crossing the road, as shown in the figure
Detailed Design
Ramp entry is recommended to the crossing if there is a raised walkway along the road, see figure below.
Alternative material at crossing
Kerb for directional advice

Ramp to ease crossing for

wheel chairs

Recommended ramp entry to pedestrian crossing

The minimum width of the median island is decided by the sign width chosen, which is normally 0.6 m at
intersections m and 0.9 m at single pedestrian crossings. The additional margin would be minimum 2*0.3 m.
The minimum width of the markings should be 2.5 m. Wider crossings could be needed at large pedestrian
flows, see Highway Capacity Manual.
The island could be made wider to get the desired conflict zone width, which is recommended not to be
longer than preferably 4 m and maximum 5 m to avoid the possibility of overtaking. This means that this
type of crossing is not recommended on multilane highways.
The kerb height is recommended to be 0.1 m. The minimum length of the island is 1 m and the minimum
radius 0.5 m.
Pedestrian could be directed to the crossing by use of rails.
The geometric measures could be strengthened with humps. These could be applied as Watt humps upstream
the crossing. Another option is to elevate the crossing itself by use of a plateau hump. Hump design is described more in detail in a separate section.

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Road reflectors

Example of plateau pedestrian crossing

Zebra crossing with median island

The most common way two reduce the conflict zone for the crossing passenger is to introduce a median traffic island see figure below for a location on a section.

2 lane road

W<= 4 m


Min sign width + 0.6 m


10 cm
Min 1 m
Pedestrian crossing with median island on two-lane road

The speed limit should be decreased to maximum 50 km/h combined with a warning sign for pedestrian
crossing if the speed limit is higher. It is strongly recommended that the speed limit would be decreased further to at least 50 km/h. It is also recommended that the crossing should be illuminated.
The median island should be divided with the crossing area in the same level as the carriageway without any
kerbs to facilitate conditions for pedestrians. The median should have directional signs and pedestrian crossing signs to improve the visual impact for on coming vehicles.
The pedestrian road in the median between the zebra crossings must be designed to prevent bikes and motorbikes to cross the median, e.g. with a pedestrian gate according to the figure below.

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Example of the design of a pedestrian gate

(from Swedish Guidelines)

Staggered pdestrien crossing

(from Iranian design examples)

Location at intersections
Pedestrian crossings over the minor road in normal at-grade intersections should located in one of the following three positions:
1. Close to the main road
2. Withdrawn from the main road
3. Away from the main road
Location close to the main road gives good conditions for interplay between pedestrians and drivers turning right from the major road. The lateral displacement should be maximum 1 m, see figure below.
The stop line or give way line would be located up-stream the pedestrian crossing, which is an advantage for
the pedestrian but a disadvantage for the driver. It also requires a long sight distance from the minor road.

Location close to main road on minor approach

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Location withdrawn from the major road enough to ensure a right-angled conflict between a right turning
passenger car and a pedestrian crosser and also to give storage for one passenger car between the stop line
and the pedestrian crossing. The lateral displacement should approximately 6 m, see figure below. Locations
in the interval 1 to 6 m deteriorate possibilities for eye-contact between the car driver and the biker. The
driver might even have dead angles due to back mirror location on his car.
This solution gives better level-of-service for cars from the minor road, to catch gaps in the major road due
to the better overview. Pedestrian have to take a detour. Many safety researchers claim that the first solution
is better from a traffic safety point of view.

Location 6 m from intersection on minor approach

The intersection curve design is of outmost importance for the traffic safety of pedestrian crossings at intersections. Wide tapers and large radii to facilitate high speeds and to accommodate large trucks are obviously
hazardous for traffic safety. Speeds will obviously increase. Sight angles between pedestrians and drivers
will deteriorate and conflict zones will grow, see figure below. Right turn lanes are not recommended for the
same reason.

Impact of intersection curve design

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Location away from the main road aims at dividing the pedestrian crossing and the intersection to two
different conflict points. A standard recommendation is a 3 second process time, which would give a recommended distance of minimum 50 m.

>=50 m

Isolated location

Locations at bus stops

Pedestrian crossings together with bus stops are a common facility. The main principle would be to try to
locate the facility so that the pedestrians could walk as straight as possible to and from the bus stop.
Bus stops and pedestrian crossings at at-grade intersections would preferably be located after the intersection
to minimize the intrusion on sight conditions in the intersection, see figure below. The pedestrian crossing
should be located upstream the bus stop to avoid that the bus will intrude sight distances between pedestrians
and motor vehicles.


Recommended location after intersections

If located before the intersection the distance should be at least 50 m to give enough for sight distance.

Bus stop

50 m

Alternative location before intersection

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7.3 Sidewalk and walk ways

7.3.1 Background and safety considerations
In order to make the pedestrians use the provided bridge, zebra crossings and bus bays attractive walk ways
should be built between the pedestrian facilities as well as to and from points of destination for pedestrians.
Short cuts used by pedestrians, if any, should be blocked with pedestrian fences or other barriers.

7.3.2 The use of sidewalks and walk ways

In rural areas pedestrians often have to walk on the road shoulders. However, on high-speed and highvolume roads sidewalks or separated walk ways should be provided. Some criteria for the provision of sidewalks are given in the table below. These should be used with caution in some circumstances sidewalks
can be justified at lower pedestrian flows especially where children are present.
Location of sidewalk

Average daily
vehicle traffic
400 to 1,400
> 1,400
700 to 1,400
> 1,400

One side only

Both sides

Pedestrian flow per day

Speed limit
Speed limit
60 80 km/h
80 100km/h

Criteria for provision of sidewalks

7.3.3 Design of sidewalks and walk ways

General requirements
Sidewalks and walkways should generally:
have sufficient width (min 2.5 m)
be paved
have lighting
Standard widths are:
Absolute minimum:
Desirable minimum:
Light volume:
Heavy volume:

1.8 m
2.25 m
3.5 m +

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(two persons cannot pass each other)

(two persons can pass each other closely)
(two persons can pass each other comfortably)
(space for three persons)

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Signs and markings can provide important information to improve road safety. They regulate, warn and
guide road users. By letting people know what to expect, chances are greater that they will react and behave
appropriately. Signs and markings need to be applied in a consistent way, to be placed at logical locations,
and be easy to understand and visible.
This also means that underlying traffic regulations such as local speed limits need to be established on clear
and consistent principles. The visibility of signs and markings needs to be checked regularly to avoid them
being hidden by overgrown trees or blurred by sunlight. The use of retro-reflective material is needed to
ensure night-time visibility
Road side signs must be used sparsely. Road users are only able to process a limited amount of information
at a time. Too many signs at a particular spot may confuse and distract road users rather than help them.
Too many signs may also result in non-compliance and disrespect.
How effective and costly is it? Research from different countries has shown that the number of injury crashes
can be reduced by over 30 % by shoulder rumble strips and by over 10 % by centreline rumble strips. Estimations of costs vary largely. Cost-benefit analyses from Norway and USA have estimated that the benefits
exceed the costs by factor between ca 3 and 180.
(From: Best practices in road safety, Handbook for measures at the country level, EU 2010)

8.1 General requirements

8.1.1 Traffic Signs
Clear and efficient signing is an essential part of the road system, and a road with poor signing or with badly
maintained signs is not functioning well. Road users depend on signing for information and guidance, and
road authorities depend on signing for traffic control and regulation, and for road safety.
The key requirements for each traffic sign are that it should:

meet a need
command attention
be legible
convey a simple, clear meaning at a glance
be placed so as to give road users time to respond
command respect

Signs must only be used where there is a clear need for them. The incorrect or unnecessary use of a sign annoys drivers, and when this happens frequently, drivers lose respect for the sign, and it becomes ineffective
in situations where it is really needed. For the same reason, avoid using signs which impose a restriction
which will be unpopular and difficult to enforce. Drivers will stop taking signs seriously when they see others ignoring them without being punished.
Using standard signs assists in their quick recognition, as does uniformity of shape, colour and lettering for
each type. To obtain the full benefits of standardisation, the signs must be used in a consistent manner.
It is important that the message is presented in a simple way. The new signs make a great use of pictorial
symbols, as these are more effective than words, and can be understood by those who cannot read. Signs
with words should be used only where there is no alternative.
Signs must have sufficient impact to be noticed by drivers. This has been taken into account in the design of
the signs, but the size and siting of the sign are also relevant. For most signs there are several permitted sizes,
and it is largely the speed of the traffic at the site that determines which size is appropriate.

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Consulting Services for Safe Road Design in Serbia

The symbols and legends on signs must be easy to read. This has influenced the design of the symbols, lettering, letter spacing, colours, etc., but size is again of most importance, as drivers who are travelling fast need
to be able to recognise a sign from a long distance away. This means that the symbols and lettering need to
be large enough to enable drivers to recognise them at the required distance.
Traffic signs must be visible at night. They should preferably be reflectorized so that they show up clearly in
vehicle headlights.
Traffic signs should be constructed and erected so that they will last for many years without any attention
apart from occasional cleaning.

8.1.2 Road Markings

The purpose of road markings is to control, warn, or guide road users. They may be used to supplement traffic signs or they may be used alone. Their major advantage is that they can give a continuing message to the
driver. Thus they can be used to guide drivers in the correct positioning of their vehicles so that the traffic
flows smoothly and safely. Some help clarify or emphasise the meaning of signs.
The markings have the limitation that they get covered up by dirt, and they wear away quite quickly on heavily-trafficked roads. Nevertheless, they serve a very important function in conveying to drivers information
and requirements which might not otherwise be possible by post-mounted signs.
Where traffic congestion occurs, extensive use of road markings is essential to ensure that full use is made of
the available road space. In particular, widespread use of lane markings is desirable; by enhancing lane discipline they add to the safety of traffic, besides improving traffic flows. And at intersections road markings
can be very useful in showing drivers where to stop and look.
It is strongly recommended that road markings be considered in detail at the design stage of new or improved intersections.

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