A 320 Procedures
A 320 Procedures
A 320 Procedures
(IAE V2527-A5)
The information provided in this document is to be used during simulated flight only
and is not intended to be used in real life. Attention VA's - you may post this file on your site for
download. Please do not post this information as a web page on your site. To all others: This
information is provided for your personal use only. Distribution of this information in any form
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The A320 should normally be flown in fully automatic flight, using the flight management and
autoflight systems. However, when traffic/workload is light and the use of the autoflight system is
not mandated by other procedures, you are encouraged to hand-fly the airplane. When hand
flying, the use of the autothrottles is optional.
Engine No.1 is started first using the automatic engine start procedure. In order to reduce taxi
time and conserve fuel, subsequent engine starts may be initiated when starter cutout is
observed. Normal sea level ground idle indications (approximate) are:
N1 - 25%
N2 - 60%
EGT - 400C
After start, if the engines have been shut down for more that two hours, they should be operated
at or near idle for at least five minutes.
When turning, the nose should track to the outside of the centerline to keep the main gear
centered over it. The minimum pavement width required for a 180 turn is approximately 80 feet.
Use the ND groundspeed readout to monitor taxi speed. Maximum recommended taxi speeds are:
Straight - 20 knots
Turns - 10 knots
Little if any thrust above idle is needed to get the airplane moving. When adding thrust, 40% N1 is
the maximum limit without ground clearance of the area behind the airplane. The aircraft can be
taxied with idle thrust on both engines.
If a long taxi distance is required or an extended delay is expected, consider shutting down the No.
2 engine.
To prevent a pitch-up tendency at the beginning of the takeoff roll, maintain one-half
forward stick deflection until 80 knots, and then progressively release stick pressure to
reach neutral at 100 knots.
Maintain directional control throughout the takeoff roll by using the rudder to keep the
airplane on the runway centerline. Do not use the nosewheel steering tiller during the
takeoff roll.
During a crosswind takeoff, apply rudder as necessary to maintain runway alignment. If any
aileron input is applied on the ground, the side stick must be centered during rotation to
ensure that a zero roll rate command exists at liftoff.
At Vr, rotate the airplane smoothly using a continuous rate of approx 3 per second in order
to establish the required pitch attitude as directed by the SRS pitch command bar. Initial
pitch attitudes are approximately 15 on two engines and 12.5 on one engine.
If SRS guidance is available, autopilot 1 or 2 may be engaged at any time above 30 feet AGL.
If SRS guidance is not available, the autopilot may not be engaged until above 500 feet AGL.
After takeoff, the airplane is guided vertically by SRS (Speed Reference System) law and the
target speed is V2 + 10.
Periodically check the ECAM system pages for the following:
The normal method of initiating the descent is to use VNAV or OP DES. The preferred method of
increasing descent rate is by increasing indicated airspeed. Speedbrakes may be used to increase
the rate of descent. Do not use more than one-half speedbrakes above FL310 when less than .75
When using speedbrakes for descent, retract speedbrakes before adding thrust and allow sufficient
altitude and airspeed margins to ensure a smooth level off. The use of speedbrakes increases Vls.
With full speedbrake extension, Vls may be higher that Vfe for the flap configuration. In this
situation, it is necessary to retract the speedbrakes and allow the speed to decrease below Vfe
prior to selecting a higher flap setting. The landing gear may be extended out of sequence to aid
in deceleration.
Select desired autobrake setting. Use of autobrakes, combined with auto-spoiler operation and the
timely and effective use of reverse thrust is the most cost effective way to slow the airplane.
Available runway length, exit plan, weather and runway conditions should all be considered when
selecting an autobrake deceleration rate:
Use the following as a guide:
Off - Runway length/exit plan and conditions will allow the use of normal aerodynamic
forces and minimal braking to slow or stop the airplane, i.e., planned roll to the end.
LOW - Provides deceleration rates that are suitable for most routine operations where the
runway is dry or braking action is reported as good.
MED - Use when moderate deceleration rates are required or if the runway is reported wet,
slippery, or braking action reported poor.
At 10,000 feet and 250 knots, activate and confirm the approach phase manually on the PERF
page. Activating the approach phase affects speed reference only. The approach phase will
automatically activate when:
Retract the speed brakes prior to selecting flaps FULL to avoid an unexpected pitch down when
automatic speed brake retraction occurs.
It takes a minimum of three seconds after arming for the LOC and/or G/S to engage in the capture
mode. Managed speed is used unless a specific speed is required by ATC.
Do not arm ILS APPR mode above 8200' AGL. Radio altimeter signals are not available above this
altitude and with the APPR switch armed, the autopilot disengages at glideslope capture and the
flight directors revert to HDG-V/S or TRK-FPA mode.
ILS raw data must be displayed on the PFDs by selecting the ILS switch on.
A320 Non-Autoland ILS Approach
A320 Non-Precision Approach
A visual approach should be flown in the same manner as an ILS, with an approximate 3 vertical
path on the final approach. Visual approaches may be flown with or without the flight director,
and with either the standard display or the flight path vector. If flight director guidance is not
being followed, it is recommended to select both flight directors off.
The flare begins at approximately 20 feet. Do not delay the touchdown with a prolonged float.
Tail strike occurs at approximately 12 degrees of pitch with the landing gear compressed. The
"de-crag" technique should be used for crosswind landings.
After touchdown, lower the nosewheel smoothly onto the runway. Rudder and aileron input is
effective down to approx 60 knots. Avoid using the nosewheel tiller above normal taxi speeds since
abrupt inputs may cause nosewheel skidding.
Select reverse thrust after main gear touchdown. A slight pitch up may occur when the thrust
reversers are deployed before nose gear touchdown. Do not attempt to go-around after initiating
reverse thrust. Select REV IDLE when groundspeed approaches 80 knots. Select FWD IDLE prior to
reaching 60 knots and before leaving the runway.
When using autobrakes, manual braking is normally not required until the groundspeed approaches
80 knots. When autobrakes are no longer required, apply manual brakes as necessary to control
deceleration and to deactivate the autobrakes.
If an extended taxi or delay is required, consider shutting down the #2 engine. After operation at
thrust levels above 1.3 EPR, it is recommended the engine be operated at or near idle for five