My Story of Self

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Christine Lord
Mr. Yoon
18 August 2014
My Story of Self
There are various things in my life that I believe made me the person I
am today, some of which are: my family, friends, my goals, etc. I feel I am
this way because of all the love and support I have gotten over the years
came from people I love. Education has always been a part of my life thanks
to my parents whom has inspired me to achieve the highest education
possible. They also said that with achieving the highest education knowledge
is gain and with more knowledge you have more responsibilities that I have
always admire about them. All these factors have really been beneficial in
my life. These are the key things in my life that give me the motivation and
encouragement to do what I needed to do to be responsible. I would not be
the way I am without their inspirations.
Not only have their inspirations inspired me but importantly knowing
what I wanted to do in my life as well. I will never forget the moment in my
life where I found out what I really wanted to do with my life. It was a black
history project I had in 4th grade. I was going to do my project on the
infamous Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., but my teacher would not allow me to
initiate this project because she already had five other students giving a
presentation on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I told my mom and she told me to
do my project on Paul Revere Williams. Paul Revere Williams was a black
world renowned architect. He designed beautiful, extraordinary houses and


other buildings. The building that he is most famous for is the Los Angeles
International Airport (LAX) Theme Building in the LAX airport. Everything that
he built he did a phenomenal job on all the design of theses buildings but the
sad thing is since he was a person of color he was not able to live in any of
the homes he built. This was very discouraging to me when I found this out.
Besides, he worked so diligently while he was going to college, got his
degree in engineering, and became one of the most famous architects of his
time and not having the ability to live in houses you personally designed
must have been depriving. This was rather devastating but I view it as
encouraging and uplifting. It inspired me to at least try my best at whatever I
do even if circumstances are against me. It should not matter as long as I am
resilience and doing my hearts desire to benefit all. From that day forward, I
wanted to become an architect and designed remarkable buildings that will
make people feel the same I did about Paul Revere Williams. After that, I
have been striving to do the best I possibly can and no matter what people
might say I know I can do it while succeeding anyway. This was an pivotal
milestone in my life which I will cherish always. Another aspiration Ive had is
when I was the valedictorian in eight (8th ) grade. It was a huge honor to be a
valedictorian, I gave a wonderful speech and that day was so emotional for
me. After that, I always knew I could do great things. This leads me to my
goals in life.
My goals and ambitions have always been extremely high. I want to
graduate high school with a 4.0 with honors. Get accepted into the University


of Southern California (USC) while studying architecture for five years and
studying abroad at the same time. I also plan to graduate from USC with
honors. Then go to grad school and get a PhD in architecture. Have a dual
citizenship for the United States (US) and England, work for a huge
architecture firm in England, being under a good mentor, and become CEO of
an architecture firm. This is what I want to do in the future and I have it all
planned out. Furthermore, this contributes to my identity because these
events were created after I found out what I really want to do in my life. This
shows my persistency with my life plan. I am confident in what I do and I
know I believe in myself. My goals and ambitions have always been a part of
who I am and they will never leave. I dont fear anything about what I plan to
do with my life because I know I can and will accomplish anything with the
help of my loving, supportive family and God. Fear is not in my vocabulary as
a student, scholar, and child of God. I will continue to push through even
though I might face obstacles I will endure the challenge and get through
with my head held high.
The factors that keep me strong in the times of need are family,
friends, and God. I would not be able to do anything without the help of my
family. My mom and dad give me all the love and support in the world. I am
so grateful to have them in my life because they do so much for me. I would
not be the person I am today without my mom and dad. I literally do not
know what I would do if I didnt have them in my life. Even though my
parents give me all the love in the world my friends give me advice, advice


to stand by me, and always be there to support me in any situation. My

friends are not only my friends they are like my sisters that will always be a
part of me. They always love me and would never hurt me in any way
possible. I love the sweet things they say to me to inspire me just as I do
them in other ways. The most important thing that keeps me strong is God.
God has always been there through the ups, downs, good times and bad
times. He knows me better than I know myself. He always gives me
encouraging words reminding me that I can do all things through Christ
which strengthens me. He never fails me. I love Him with all my heart, mind,
body, and soul. God has always been there for me and I will never let Him go.
God has done so many wonderful things in my life that I would not have been
able to do them. I would not be anything without the help from God. This is
reason why these key factors in my life are important: God, family, and
friends. They are all very important in my life. I dont know what I would do
without them. They are the reasons why I can get up in the morning and go
to sleep at night. I love all of them so much and I know they all feel the same
way about me. The story of self is a way for me to tell you who I really am.
This explain my confidence, determination and persistency as a person who
loves what she does and nothing is going to get in my way because I know I
can do it all with the help for my family, friends and most importantly God.

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