Biometrics in Healthcare

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Biometrics and Healthcare

This report examines how biometric technology is applied to the

health care industry, mainly in the United States. This report notes
that health care biometrics is utilized for access control, identification, workforce management or patient record storage. Biometrics in
health care often takes two forms: providing access control to resources and patient identification solutions. The growing demand for biometrics solutions is mainly driven by the need to combat fraud, along
with the imperative to improve patient privacy along with health care
safety. Biometrics are also increasing being used for medical monitoring and mobile health care.
Rawlson O`Neil King
Lead Researcher, Biometrics Research Group, Inc.

All information, analysis, forecasts and data provided by Biometrics Research

Group, Inc. is for the exclusive use of subscribing persons and organizations (including those using the service on a trial basis). All such content is copyrighted in
the name of Biometric Research Group, Inc., and as such no part of this content
may be reproduced, repackaged, copies or redistributed without the express consent of Biometrics Research Group, Inc.
All content, including forecasts, analysis and opinion, has been based on information and sources believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of publishing.
Biometrics Research Group, Inc. makes no representation of/or warranty of any
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2015, Biometrics Research Group, Inc.

Healthcare Providers Say Yes to Fingerprint Authencaon

No More Passwords

Leading hospitals and clinics along with group and private medical
practices are witnessing the benefits of fingerprint authentication.
Eliminate Passwords, Tokens, Cards and PINs

Achieve Complaint Two-Factor Authentication

Enhance Current Workflow Processes
Increase Time to Care for Patients

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Speaker/Voice Recognition and Speech
Recognition Differentiation
Speech Recognition
Speaker or Voice Recognition

Market Size

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Research Methodology
Biometrics Research Group, Inc. uses a combination of primary and secondary research methodologies to compile the necessary information for its research projections.
The conclusions drawn are based on our best judgment of exhibited trends, the expected direction the industry
may follow, and consideration of a host of industry drivers, restraints, and challenges that represent the possibility for such trends to occur over a specific time frame. All supporting analyses and data are provided to the best
of ability.
Primary Research
Biometrics Research Group, Inc. conducts interviews with technology providers, clients, and other organizations,
as well as stakeholders in each of the technology segments, standards organizations, privacy commissions, and
other influential agencies. To provide balance to these interviews, industry thought leaders who track the implementation of the biometric technologies are also interviewed to get their perspective on the issues of market
acceptance and future direction of the industry.
Biometrics Research Group, Inc. also applies its own proprietary micro- and macroeconomic modeling using a
regression analysis methodology to determine the size of biometric and related-industry marketplaces. Using
databases of both publicly and privately-available financial data, Biometrics Research Group works to project
market size and market potential, in the context of the global economic marketplace, using proven econometric
Secondary Research
Biometrics Research Group, Inc. also draws upon secondary research which includes published sources such as
those from government bodies, think tanks, industry associations, internet sources, and Biometrics Research
Group, Inc.s own repository of news items. This information was used to enrich and externalize the primary
data. Data sources are cited where applicable.

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Biometrics for the health care industry primarily
refers to staff authentication and patient identification
solutions. Most often, biometrics are used in
combination with passwords or smart identification
cards to secure access to sensitive patient records
and to assist with patient registration requirements.
Biometrics Research Group, Inc. estimates that the
entire global marketplace for biometric solutions in
the health care market will reach approximately US$5
billion by 2020. Biometric use will reflect the growing
demand for health care fraud prevention in the United
States, along with the need to improve patient privacy
and health care safety.
1. Health care in the United States
Health care is one of the most important expenditure
categories within the U.S. economy. According to
the World Health Organization (WHO), total health
care spending in the U.S. was 17.9 percent of its gross
domestic product (GDP) in 2011, the highest in the
world. The Health and Human Services Department
expects that the health share of GDP will continue its
historical upward trend, reaching 19.5 percent of GDP
by 2017.
In 2013, U.S. health care spending reached US$2.9
trillion, or US$9,255 per person and generated
billions of claims from millions of health care service
and product providers. Medicare alone represents
47 million beneficiaries, which pays over 4.4 million
claims each working day through 1.5 million

care. In addition, three percent is allocated to other

retail products, three percent to government public
health activities, seven percent to administrative costs,
seven percent to investment, and six percent to other
professional services, such as physical therapists and
optometrists. Despite high levels of spending on
health care, relative to other industrialized countries,
most analysts rank the United States last in the quality
of care provided, on the basis of economic investment
versus actual health outcomes.
Reasons are myriad for poor performance when
compared to high levels of investment. The health
care system in the United States has traditionally been
bifurcated between those who have insurance and
those who do not. Unlike other industrial nations,
the United States has not adopted a singular, national
health care system provided by public insurance,
funded through taxation. Instead, health care
provision is fragmented between an inefficient mix of
public and private insurance.
Health care facilities are largely owned and operated
by private sector businesses. Health insurance for
public sector employees is primarily provided by the
government. It is estimated that approximately 65
percent of health care provision and spending comes
from government programs, including Medicare,
Medicaid, TRICARE, the Childrens Health Insurance
Program, and the Veterans Health Administration.
However, most of the population under 65 is insured
by a family members employer, or under a privatelypurchased health insurance policy. The remainder are

In 2013, households accounted for the largest share

of health care spending (28 percent), followed by the
federal government (26 percent), private businesses
(21 percent), and state and local governments (17
percent). Of each dollar spent on health care in
the United States, it is estimated that 31 percent is
allocated to hospital care, 21 percent is allocated to
physician and clinical services, 10 percent is allocated
to medication, four percent to dental, six percent
to nursing homes and three percent to home health
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Around 84.7 percent of Americans have some

form of health insurance; either through their
employer or the employer of their spouse or
parent (59.3 percent); purchased individually (8.9
percent); or provided by government programs
(27.8 percent; there is some overlap in these
figures). All government health care programs
have restricted eligibility, and there is no one
government health insurance policy that covers all
Americans. Americans without health insurance
coverage in 2007 totaled 15.3 percent of the
population, or 45.7 million people.

2. Health care fraud in the United States

Due to the complexity of a fragmented health
insurance regime in the United States, the
system is highly susceptible to fraud. Health
care fraud is a white-collar crime that involves
the filing of dishonest healthcare claims in
order to turn a profit or to access services
illegitimately. Health care fraud has been defined
as an intentional deception or misrepresentation
that an individual or entity makes knowing
that the misrepresentation could result in some
unauthorized benefit to the individual, or the
entity or to some other party.
Fraudulent health care schemes come in many
forms. In the United States, the most common
kind of health care fraud reportedly involves a
false statement, misrepresentation or deliberate
omission made by a health care recipient that is
critical to the determination of benefits payable.
Fraudulent activities are almost invariably
criminal, although the specific nature or degree of
criminal acts vary from state to state.
The degree of health care fraud throughout the
United States is such that it is estimated that the
amount of money the American health care system
loses could pay for insurance for the uninsured,
keep premiums from rising and could improve the
general health of Americans.

While there are no exact figures on the cost of

health care fraud in the United States, estimated
annual losses are in the billions of dollars. The
FBI estimates that between US$75-$250 billion is
lost annually in health care programs nationwide,
based on the assumption that fraudulent billings
to public and private health care programs
totals three to 10 percent of total health care
expenditures. Other estimates have placed total
annual losses to health care fraud at between
US$125-$175 billion. The Coalition against
Insurance Fraud, an anti-fraud watchdog group
consisting of consumers, insurers, legislators and
regulators estimates that US$80 billion is lost
annually in Medicare fraud alone. According to
the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association,
an organization of approximately 100 private
insurers and public agencies, US$69 billion is lost
annually in all health care programs nationwide
(based on 2010 calculations of three percent of
national health care spending).
Taxpayers bear the burden of Medicare fraud,
waste, and abuse. In addition, the fraud numbers
for private health insurance plans, secondary
payers, and Medigap plans, or private insurance
policies, are likely to be high as well, though that
data is not publicly available.
During the 2011 fiscal year, the Justice
Department, working in collaboration with the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
was able to recover nearly US$4.1 billion in funds
stolen or taken improperly from federal health
care programs. This reportedly represents the
highest amount ever recovered in a single year.
However, this record breaking recovery accounts
for only less than one percent of the total funds
lost through fraud waste and abuse in 2011.
A report published by the U.S. Government
Accountability Office (GAO) discovered that
medical facilities and durable medical equipment
providers were the most frequent subjects of
criminal fraud cases involving Medicare or
Medicaid, with hospitals and medical facilities

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cited as the most frequent subjects of civil fraud

cases resulting in judgments or settlements.
Only 11.1 percent of the cases investigated
and prosecuted for health care fraud involved
individual citizens as the perpetrators. Typically,
fraud schemes are executed by medical
Practitioner schemes include: individuals
obtaining subsidized or fully-covered prescription
medicine that is unneeded and then selling
them on the black market for a profit; billing by
practitioners for care they never rendered; filing
duplicate claims for the same service rendered;
altering the dates, description of services, or
identities of members or providers; billing for
a non-covered service as a covered service;
modifying medical records; intentional incorrect
reporting of diagnoses or procedures to maximize
payment; use of unlicensed staff; accepting or
giving kickbacks for member referrals; waiving
member co-pays; and prescribing additional or
unnecessary treatment.
Individuals can commit healthcare fraud by
providing false information when applying
for programs or services, forging or selling
prescription drugs, using transportation benefits
for non-medical related purposes and loaning or
using anothers insurance card.
Typically, when health care fraud is perpetrated,
the provider passes the costs along to its
customers. Due to the pervasiveness of healthcare
fraud, statistics currently estimate that 10 cents
from every dollar spent on health care in the
United States goes toward paying for fraudulent
health care claims.
Congressional legislation requires that health
care insurance pay a legitimate claim within 30
days. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the
U.S. Postal Service, and the Office of the Inspector
General all are charged with the responsibility of
investigating health care fraud. However, because

of the 30-day rule, these agencies rarely have

enough time to perform an adequate investigation
before an insurer has to pay. A successful
prosecution of a health care provider that ends in
a conviction can have serious consequences. The
health care provider faces incarceration, fines, and
possibly losing the right to practice in the medical
industry. Violators may be prosecuted under: 18
U.S.C. 1347.
The deleterious effects of health care fraud and
system inefficiency are therefore driving the
deployment of biometric security solutions in the
sector. Biometrics Research Group, Inc. defines
biometrics as measurable physical and behavioral
characteristics that enable the establishment and
verification of an individuals identity. Biometric
patterns can be anything from fingerprints, iris
scans, palm prints, gait, facial recognition or even
voice recognition.
Biometrics is the science of recognizing an
individual based on his or her physical and
behavioural traits. Biometric-based authentication
systems are widely considered to be more reliable
than established password systems for verifying
individuals and ensuring they are who they say
they are.
3. Health care Biometrics
Biometrics Research Group, Inc. uses the term
health care biometrics to refer to biometric
applications in doctors offices, hospitals, or for
use in monitoring patients. This can include access
control, identification, workforce management or
patient record storage. Biometrics in health care
often takes two forms: providing access control to
resources and patient identification solutions.
Many hospitals and healthcare organizations
are currently deploying biometric security
architecture. Secure identification is critical in the
healthcare system, both to control logical access to
centralized archives of digitized patients data, and

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to limit physical access to buildings and hospital

wards, and to authenticate medical and social
support personnel.
There is also an increasing need to identify
patients with a high degree of certainty. Identity
verification solutions based on biometric
technology can provide identity assurance
and authentication, thereby lowering health
care fraud instances, while increasing privacy
and security. Biometric technology can add
operational efficiencies to the healthcare system
that reduce costs, reduce fraud, and increase
patient satisfaction by reducing medical errors.
As electronic health records (EHRs) and
personal health records (PHRs) become more
commonly used, biometrics are being utilized as
an authentication mechanism by both medical
facilities and insurers.
Under U.S. federal legislation, specifically the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act, records must be kept every time a patients
electronic record is accessed. Biometrics permit
medical professionals to do this easily since their
use of a biometric identifier can be automatically
and digitally recorded each time a medical record
is opened. A number of biometric equipment
manufacturers and service providers therefore
offer turnkey applications that maintain and track
access to EHRs.

to medicine cabinets and in laboratories. The

use of such systems also streamlines workflow by
adding sign-off capacity for diagnostic results,
patient medication and treatments and for data
capture for pharmaceutical trials.
3.1 Workflow Improvement
As an example, BIO-keys fingerprint biometric
authentication solutions support the security,
workflow and compliance requirements for
hospitals and clinics along with group and
private medical practices. BIO-key International
is a leading provider of fingerprint biometric
identification, secure mobile credentialing and
user identity verification solutions.
The company recognizes that biometrics are
becoming a preferred authentication option that
can replace passwords, tokens, cards and PINs
and acknowledges that one of the key challenges
every health care organization faces is managing
the security infrastructure and protecting patient
records. Healthcare IT executives are finding that
password resets and managing token, card and
PIN programs include subtle hidden and recurring
costs, which in time, become significant. They
also bear intrinsic risk factors such as the ability
to be lost, stolen or shared; unlike any biometric
BIO-keys NIST rated software is natively
embedded in leading EHR platforms such as
EPIC and Allscripts and Single Sign-on providers
like HealthCast. BIO-key is also integrated with
leading security providers and is offered within the
IBM, CA and Oracle security suite. The companys
software is interoperable across all devices; fully
embracing the bring-your-own-device (BYOD)
environment and BIO-key is currently developing
the mobile authentication ecosystem for healthcare

Such access to resource applications include

secured authentication protocols for log-in to IT
applications in a clinical environment, along with
access to modalities and control applications. A
benefit of such applications is that they prevent
administrative fines and penalties associated
with unauthorized access to confidential patient
medical information. Such applications also
combine high security with convenience and
eliminate costly password support by adopting
biometric authentication. The use of biometric
authentication tools provides the option for health In 2006, George Washington University Hospital,
care facilities to extend physical control over access became BIO-keys first customer in the healthcare
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space. Today, BIO-key fingerprint authentication

solutions can be found in thousands of hospitals
providing security for McKessons AcuDoseRx
cabinets along with protecting patient records and
providing compliant two-factor authentication
for EHR platforms. BIO-key future proofs its
customers technology by integrating its software
with more than 40 different fingerprint readers;
offering a variety of performance and price options
for customers.
Recently, one of the worlds leading hospitals
wanted to improve its existing process for twofactor authentication in order to meet U.S. Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA) and State
Board of Pharmacy compliance requirements.
BIO-keys project was specific to the pharmacy
department within the hospital, which generated
thousands of prescriptions each month. Prior
to selecting BIO-key, providers would respond
to Challenge Response Knowledge Based
Questions each and every time they wanted to
provide two-factor authentication for an electronic
BIO-key tracked utilization within the department
for 30 days. The results were profound. The
pharmacy departments staff authenticated
251,447 times during a thirty-day period. Imagine
answering the question What was your first
pets name a quarter of a million times in a
month. BIO-key delivered a 99.34% first-attempt
authentication rate. One staff member scored a
perfect 5,999 in one touch authentications. This
ultimately improved workflow while providing
optimum convenience enhancing the overall user
In another example, a well-recognized clinic in
Ohio wanted to address workflow challenges
within the EHR process. Providers were constantly
voicing their displeasure about entering lengthy
sophisticated passwords, which were impeding
workflow and causing undue stress. The clinics

IT director conducted password resets frequently

in an attempt to remain compliant and to enhance
security. Yet the ever changing passwords were
near impossible to remember, therefore causing
staff to write them down and store them in open
BIO-key worked together with its integration
partner Allscripts to deliver a seamless two-factor
authentication solution, enabling the clinics to
reduce their reliance on passwords and develop a
more efficient streamlined approach to accessing
patient records. BIO-keys presence and history
position them as a leading provider of biometric
authentication and identification solutions in the
healthcare market.
3.2 Patient Identification Solutions
Another key use of heath care biometrics is for
patient identification solutions. Such solutions
allow healthcare organizations such as hospitals
and clinics to track clientele. Patient identification
solutions can be used for client registration,
treatment tracking, walk-through of departments
and for scheduling and self-services.
Patient identification solutions can accommodate
national and private health insurance cards,
ambulant treatment documents, wrist bands
and most important biometric identification
modalities, including fingerprint and palm-vein
Biometrics Research Group, Inc. expects that
patient identification solutions will quickly be
adopted in private clinics in the United States on
a small scale. In terms of large-scale adoption,
we expect that will happen internationally, as
governments in emerging nations such as India
and developing nations such as Ghana, adopt
biometric technology to grant access to public
health care programs.

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Photos published with permission from RightPatient


As reported in October

2014, the Indian government plans to use its
national Aadhaar biometric database to deploy its
newly-proposed universal healthcare program. As
part of the new national governments manifesto,
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has promised
radical reforms in healthcare with the introduction
of the National Health Assurance Mission
(NHAM) scheme. The new programs goal is to
provide accessible and affordable healthcare to
every Indian citizen.
In order to achieve this goal, the Indian
government intends to use Aadhaar as a means
of identification for healthcare insurance
beneficiaries. The new government decided
to extend the use of the system to other social
programs and to make Aadhaar the primary
national identity scheme after extensive review.
A government source told the Economics Times
newspaper that: The government has planned to
seed Aadhaar numbers with its universal health
program. Experts think that this would help in
keeping a check on any fraudulent insurance
claims or ghost beneficiaries.
Aadhaar, the worlds largest biometric database, is
governed by the Unique Identification Authority
of India (UIDAI), and is currently used to
authenticate delivery of social services including
school attendance, natural gas subsidies to Indias
rural poor, and direct wage payments to bank
The introduction of universal healthcare to Indias
citizens will arguably be the most ambitious use
of the biometric database. To date, India only
spends 1.04 percent of GDP on publicly funded
health, which is one of the lowest amounts in the
world. Higher amounts of public health finance
are pivotal to provide a wider range of essential
basic health services, along with access to lifesaving drugs and expanded health care facilities,
such as hospitals and health centers. Because the
government plans to make the healthcare plan

accessible through Aadhaar, it has committed to

accelerate resident registration. In its first budget,
the government allocated $340 million to speed
the Aadhaar registration process. The Indian
governments objective is now to enroll 100 million
more residents with Aadhaar. UIDAI has already
enrolled about 700 million people and issued
unique identification numbers to 650 million.
In Ghana, a National Health Insurance Scheme
(NHIS) was introduced in 2003 to improve access
to basic health care for all Ghanaians, with a
special emphasis on the underprivileged. By 2013,
the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA)
had 10 million active subscribers representing
38 percent of the population. Remarkably, there
were 26 million names in its central database 2
million more than the national population and a
strong indication that there was a problem with
multiple registrations. Other challenges that
plagued the scheme included an increase in the
number of claims and the average claimed amount
as well as ID card management issues. To clean
up its membership database and to deal with
card management challenges and claim fraud, the
NHIA engaged GenKey through its partner, STL
Technologies, to introduce biometric membership
registration, database deduplication, instant
issuance of ID cards and biometric verification at
the healthcare provider.
GenKey is a leading provider of large-scale
biometric identity management solutions for
digital health care, with a focus on emerging
economies. Building on its unique strength of
high-speed deduplication, GenKey has developed
complete solutions for both medical identification
handling and claim processing, along with largescale ID management. More than 50 million
people use GenKeys high-quality solutions.
The biometric registration process begins with
subscribers visiting a NHIA Scheme (Registration)
Office and providing their biographic information
and fingerprint samples. Before member data

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is permanently added to the member database,

GenKeys Automated Biometric Identification
System (ABIS) compares the fingerprint samples
with all persons already in the database. Any
duplicates detected by the ABIS are manually
adjudicated by an adjudication officer who,
supported by a dedicated software application,
inspects all potential duplicates and decides which
of them to accept as genuine. Once this process
is completed, the system retrieves the relevant
biometric and biographic information from
the central database and instantly personalizes
and prints a smart card for the member. The
entire process of capturing a members data,
deduplication, card personalization and printing is
typically completed within 7 minutes.
To curb the rising cost of claims and medical claim
fraud, the NHIA is also introducing biometric
verification at the health care provider. When a
card holding member visits a health care provider,
their fingerprint data is captured and matched
against the fingerprint template stored on their
member card during registration. If verification is
successful, an irreversible claim verification code
(CVC) is generated and entered on the members
claim form. The CVC is based on biographic
data, context information (such as health care
provider ID, service date and membership ID)
and the result of the biometric verification.
Because the CVC can only be generated correctly
if the member is present at the time the claim is
generated, it acts as a biometric proof-of-presence,
thus eliminating fake and duplicate claims from
healthcare providers.
A nation-wide rollout of the biometric
membership registration and instant issuance of
the ID card system started in January 2014 and is
currently running in four regions of Ghana. So far,
over 4 million subscribers have been successfully
registered using the new system. The initiative
to adopt biometric technology in the healthcare
system is expected to lead to a duplicate-free
member database, protection of data integrity
and improved efficiency in service delivery.

Instant issuance of member ID cards at the point

of registration has also eliminated delays in ID
card production. These benefits, together with the
drastic reduction in fraudulent claims through
biometric authentication at the point of service
delivery offer long-term benefits to Ghanas health
In terms of adoption, the appeal of biometric
health care for patient identification solutions
obviously lies with its inherent benefits. Patient
identification solutions offer the option to identify
proper insurance status, thereby increasing fraud
protection. Another key benefit is safety. With
the use biometrics, a verified patient obtains the
correct treatment. Further, the use of biometrics
is quick and efficient, eliminating the need for
keying in data which can lead to unreliable data.
These systems are also beneficial since they work
for unresponsive patients. The driving objective
behind biometric health care is therefore to
combine high security with convenience.
As organizations adopt technological roadmaps
that embrace higher security through biometrics,
the next hurdle will be implementing patient
identification solutions and creating open
networks for patients to access their medical
records across a multitude of providers and
With imminent changes to the U.S. health system
and as medical record management capabilities
change with technology, patient identification
mechanisms will undoubtedly follow suit. The
capabilities and scalability of biometrics with
regard to patient identification removes many risks
of forgery, misidentification and record security.
BIO-key, as an example, has been building the
foundation for patient ID through the firms
longstanding relationship with blood centers in
the United States. To date, the company has issued
more than three million donor identification
licenses, which is more than any other biometric

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company. GenKey also provides a powerful integrated

medical claim management solution, which is outlined
4. Medical Biometrics
In contrast to health biometrics, personal medical
data, which includes digital images and biorhythm
recordings, are referred to as medical biometrics.
Such data is produced in ever-increasing quantities and
is used for diagnostic and therapy purposes. Medical
biometric research aims to use personal medical data
sets, such as images and biologically-measurable
signals, for solving medical problems and to provide
high-performance services in the medical field.
Medical biometric systems integrate multiple
technologies from the fields of biology, medicine,
consumer electronics, statistics and ubiquitous
computing to create systems of computer-aided
diagnosis and therapy. Previously such systems were
expensive and contained to medical facilities, but
increasingly, such systems are becoming miniaturized
and integrated into wearable technologies, such as
bracelets, headbands and watches. These devices will
be able to provide medical diagnostic data through
Internet-based cloud applications in the near-term.
In a previous Biometrics Research Group research note,
we determined that the next generation of consumer
electronics will focus on measuring biorhythms.

Biometrics Research Group, Inc. estimates that

wearable health and fitness sensors will exceed 40
million shipments by 2015. Currently, the research
firm projects that well-known sportswear firms
such as Adidas and Nike will drive early adoption,
companies such as Proteus Digital and BodyMedia
will drive cutting edge technological developments,
and devices will be mainstream by the end of the
Nike is well-known for its Nike+iPod sports kit,
which measures and records the distance and pace
of a walk or run through embedded shoe sensors
that connect to an iPod. Adidas has a similar system
entitled miCoach, which tracks running space,
distance, time and calories through GPS-enabled
mobile phone devices.
As reported previously in, a
wide range of other biometric fitness and healthcare
applications have entered the market, including
wireless and wearable activity and sleep trackers
and even smartphone-enabled cardiograms.
The next stage in the technical revolution will
be biochemical sensors that monitor and record
biorhythms from within the body. Proteus Digital
has developed wearable and ingestible sensors that
work together to detect ingestions and physiologic

Biorhythms are defined simply as the rhythms of life,

and include vital body functions, including heart rate
and blood pressure. Medical chronobiologists have
found that biologic rhythms can affect the severity of
disease symptoms, diagnostic test results, and even the
bodys response to drug therapy.

By capturing objective information and providing

actionable insights, patients using the technology
can take control, communicate with caregivers and
clinicians, and improve their health. The company
has developed an ingestible sensor, which is
completely made of ingredients found in food, and
that is activated when swallowed.

Now these investigators are working to measure

how the rhythms of life can be monitored through
microtechnology to improve the practice of medicine
and health. The result is the emergence of wearable
and even ingestible sensors developed by firms such as
Proteus Digital and BodyMedia.

The sensor is taken alongside medications, and

is powered by the bodys biochemistry. The body
therefore actually powers the sensor. With no
battery or antenna, stomach fluids completely
power the device and organically transmits the data
generated by sensor.

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A patch, body-worn and disposable, captures and

relays the bodys physiologic responses and behaviors.
The patch receives the data from the ingestible sensor,
detects heart rate, activity and rest and forwards that
information to a Bluetooth enabled mobile device.
The device, which can be carried in a purse or pocket,
provides secure access to metrics that can be used by
consumers, caregivers, clinicians, caseworkers, drug
and device makers and health management systems.
The company caters to consumers to help them
better manage their health and improve how they
communicate with their care network. Family
caregivers can use the technology to stay connected
and monitor the health of their loved ones. A great
beneficiary of the technology are clinicians who can
make better decisions about their patients through
more accurate monitoring between doctor visits.
In terms of corporate and organizational users,
caseworkers in the social welfare, corrections and
healthcare sector can leverage Proteus Digitals
digital health feedback system. Caseworkers
can manage multiple clients at once, monitoring
mandated or illicit drug use. Health systems can use
the technology to understand demographic patterns
and determine how to improve overall health care.
Drugs and device makers are also able to utilize
Proteus Digitals technology to improve health
outcomes by measuring pharmaceutical and device
In terms of newer wearable technologies, body
monitoring pioneer BodyMedia unveiled a newer
generation of its BodyMedia CORE device, the
activity and health armband used on the Biggest
Loser television show.
Incorporating four sensors into a housing smaller
than an iPod Nano, the CORE 2 is the worlds smallest
wearable multi-sensor device, as well as the first to
offer a choice of interchangeable jewelry and other
accessories, including faceplates, straps and even

The device also features a new heart rate monitoring

option; Bluetooth technology enabling live activity
updates on a smartphone or tablet, as well as longer
battery life; and data-rich mobile and online apps that
can help users make smart food, exercise and lifestylerelated health decisions daily.
With a literal explosion of new biorhythm monitoring
technologies, Biometrics Research Group, Inc.
expects the biorhythm monitoring market to reach
$100 million in sales by 2015, thereby enhancing
the bottom line for consumer electronics retailers.
Indeed, wearable computing was a key highlight at
the at the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show.
The Consumer Electronics Association, which
organizes the annual trade show, projects that U.S.
wearable unit sales will reach 30.9 million units, up
61 percent, and generate US$5.1 billion in revenue
in 2015. This represents a 133 percent increase in
revenue streams.
According to CEA, most of these wearables will be
fitness bands and trackers, along with smart watches
and eyewear. A wide number of products based on
biorhythms were demonstrated at the show.
For example, Garmin announced and demonstrated
new additions to its wearable product selection,
including its new Vivoactive smartwatch. Building
upon Garmins Vivofit sports band, the new
smartwatch offers consumers lifestyle tracking
functions, as well as built-in GPS functionality and
smartphone notifications.
Another impressive device that debuted was the
second iteration of heart rate monitors from Mio
Global. The award-winning company claims to be the
first to have introduced a wrist-based monitor that
does not require sensors strapped to the chest.
The companys Mio Alpha 2 device features a heart
rate monitor that connects via Bluetooth to Android
mobiles and iPhones to feed heart rate data directly
into the app that consumers have installed onto their

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phones. The company also demonstrated its Mio Fuse

sport activity tracking wristband, which provides EKGquality heart rate monitoring.
Another company making headway into the
biorhythmic wearable space is Valencell. Before the
show, the firm announced that it had licensed its
PerformTek biometric technology to a number of
technology companies including Intel, Jabra, Atlas,
and Scosche, many of which showcased its underlying
technology at CES.
Products include Jabras Sport Pulse Wireless Earbuds,
Scosches Rhythm+ and Rhythm Smart Heart Rate Arm
Band Monitors, SMS Audios BioSport In-Ear Wired
Ear Bud, irivers iriverON Heart Rate Monitoring
Bluetooth Headset, LGs Heart Rate Earphones, and
ATLAS Wristband.
In addition to current products on the market, Valencell
also announced that it has begun partnering with first
responder and gaming industries to integrate biometric
technology into various applications to provide an
improved and highly-connected experience.
The explosion of biorhythmic technology was highly
apparent at CES. Industry analysts from CEA and other
market research firms expect the fast pace of innovation
and product releases to continue unabated into 2015.
5. Securing Mobile Healthcare Applications
Mobile health, also known as mHealth, is a term
used for the practice of medicine and public
health supported by mobile devices. The term is
most commonly used in reference to using mobile
communication devices, such as mobile phones, tablet
computers and personal digital assistants (PDAs), for
health services and information.
mHealth is a subset of eHealth, which is the use of
information and communication technology (ICT),
such as computers, mobile phones, communications
satellite, and patient monitors for health services and

information. mHealth applications include the

use of mobile devices in collecting community
and clinical health data; delivery of health care
information to practitioners, researchers, and
patients; real-time monitoring of patient vital
signs; and direct provision of care via mobile
mHealth is an increasingly popular consideration
because of its capacity to increase access to health
care and health-related information, particularly
in hard-to-reach populations and in developing
countries. mHealth applications can improve
the ability to diagnose and track diseases and can
provide timelier, more actionable public health
information. Further, mHealth applications can
provide expanded access to ongoing medical
education and training for health workers.
Due to the sensitivity of the data being collected and
relayed vis-a-vis mHealth applications, Biometrics
Research Group, Inc. expects that biometric
technology will be highly leveraged to protect
mobile health devices, applications and resources
in the future. We anticipate that fingerprint
recognition technology will be utilized the most
since it is the primary biometric technology utilized
in smartphones and other mobile devices. Indeed,
fingerprint technology is in the limelight thanks to
Apple, Samsung and other device manufacturers,
who have removed the mystique around biometrics
by introducing the technology to the consumer.
Fingerprint recognition is therefore becoming a
globally accepted method for positive identification
and we expect it to be increasingly used in mHealth

Since inefficiency and fraud are overriding
administrative concerns for health care systems,
especially in the United States, we can expect
increased investment in health care security
protocols that involve biometrics. Adoption of

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health care biometrics will mainly take place in

hospitals, clinics and other facilities. In terms of
workflow, these tools will protect health care resources
and medical data. Concerning patients, biometric
systems will be used for patient identification. While
small-scale implementations will be used in the United
States, we expect that large-scale patient identification
systems will be rolled out in emerging and developing
countries. Medical biometrics will continue to
develop into a growth market due to the increasing
demand for wearable consumer electronics. The
increasing use of mHealth applications will also drive
the utilization of biometric authentication for security

About the Biometrics Research Group, Inc.

Biometrics Research Group, Inc. provides proprietary research, consumer and business data, custom consulting,
and industry intelligence to help companies make informed business decisions.
We provide news, research and analysis to companies ranging from Fortune 500 to small start-ups through market reports, primary studies, consumer research, custom research, consultation, workshops, executive conferences and our free daily news service.
Biometrics Research Group has positioned itself as the worlds preferred supplier of pure-play market research
and consultancy services focused on the biometric marketplace, which particular focus on the law enforcement
and national security sectors. Our portfolio of white papers and full research reports is based upon high-quality
quantitative analysis, allowing our clients to gain deeper understanding of the marketplace.
We customize our research design, data collection, and statistical reporting using proprietary micro- and macroeconomic modeling and regression analysis.
Through integration of our research results with qualitative analysis from our news service, we provide actionable business analysis.

Page 18 | Biometric Update Special Report | January 2015 |

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