Phil Export Loan Case
Phil Export Loan Case
Phil Export Loan Case
March 31, 2003
Lessons Applicable: No conflicts rule on essential validity of
contracts (conflicts of law)
This case is an offshoot of a service contract entered into by a
Filipino construction firm with the Iraqi Government for the
construction of the Institute of Physical Therapy-Medical Center,
Phase II, in Baghdad, Iraq, at a time when the Iran-Iraq war was
SOB and the joint venture VPECI and Ajyal executed the
service contract for the construction of the Institute of Physical
Therapy Medical Rehabilitation Center, Phase II, in Baghdad,
Iraq. It commenced only on the last week of August 1981
instead of the June 2 1981
In the United States and Europe, the two rules that now
seem to have emerged as "kings of the hill" are (1) the parties
may choose the governing law; and (2) in the absence of such
a choice, the applicable law is that of the State that "has the
most significant relationship to the transaction and the parties