Mbti Usefulness
Mbti Usefulness
Mbti Usefulness
My sister and I are exact opposites on the spectrum (this makes her an ENTP). Therefore, we see
life through very different eyes. However, through studying the personality types, we have both
learned to validate and understand each others viewpoints.
This knowledge also helps quite a bit in dating and marital relationships. Both parties should
seek to understand their areas of commonality and difference. The benefits reaped from this can
prove to be mind-blowing.
Some psychologists and analysts disagree with the test, the types of questions it asks and its
method of scoring. While we should acknowledge no test can ever fully explain the complexities
of a human being, we should still recognize some come as close as possible to doing the task.
The MBTI is straightforward and full of finesse when it comes to profiling a persons
personality. We should appreciate its usefulness and take advantage of the insight it provides.
New Vocabulary: Choose up to 5 new vocabulary words that you want to remember,
and write their definitions here.
After Reading:
How many personality types does the Myers-Briggs have? What do the 8 different
letters stand for?
What does the knowledge of the test help with? Why is it useful?