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Orjada 1

What is as strong as a copper wire (Hair Strength) , and can hold up to
10 tons when tied together like a rope (The Anchoring Strengths) ? The hair
connected to your scalp can do that, (that is assuming that your neck would not
break and that all your hairs are perfectly, exactly the same). A single hair is as
strong as a copper wire of the same diameter as the hair, which is about 0.03mm
(Facts About Hair) . Researchers, like Morton Walker, inform us that the hair
shaft itself is even stronger(Stop BaldnessRegrow Hair) than its anchoring
root strength (Root). This is something researchers would like to prove true
even when hair undergoes different, extreme climate treatments. The stepping
stone to proving that the information stays true is testing the tensile strength, (this
is the resistance of a material to longitudinal stress, measured by the minimum
amount of longitudinal stress required to rupture the material) itself when it
undergoes the extreme climate treatments (Tensile). To prove the rest of the
information stays true, or turns false, more experiments would need to occur,
only this time the anagen, (the growth phase of the hair cycle during which new
hair is formed) would be tested and then compared to the data collected from the
tensile strength tests (Anagen).
Taking the research a step further, such as testing different hair types
undergoing the process, would provide a wide variety of data that could benefit
anagen structure studies for different types of hair. Or, it could also benefit those
who suffer from Loose Anagen Hair Syndrome(List of Diseases: ).
Accomplishing this would provide a great background for those studies, and

Orjada 2
ways to improve the lives of those who suffer from the syndrome. To test the
tensile strength when the hair undergoes the different climate experiments,
researchers would need to find a way to first place the hair strand into the
separate climates, and then test them as soon as the allotted time given, in that
climate, was up. The process explained below that was used in this particular
experiment could also be used for further research attempts.
To test the hair when it has been frozen, and then thawed, researchers
would be able to fill a small baggie with approximately 45.14 F water, and place
one to several hairs inside. The researchers would then place the bag into a
freezer and wait an allotted amount of time; they would thaw the bag after that
allotted amount of time was up, and attach the hair to a milligram/Newton spring
scale using cardboard and hot glue. To test the tensile strength, the researchers
could attach the opposite end of the hair to a second piece of cardboard secured
with hot glue, and loop a bucket through a hole punched. They would then fill the
bucket with pennies one by one, (these are one gram each) and keep adding
more pennies until the hair breaks. The same process would occur after the hair
had been through the extreme heat climate. To put the hair through the extreme
heat, the researchers could attach both ends of the hair to two separate pieces of
cardboard with hot glue. After doing so, the researchers would be free to secure
the pieces down with a weight, and then blow dry the hair for an allotted amount
of time.
To find the difference between the extremes data and an average data
collection from this experiment, the researchers would need to also have had

Orjada 3
tested hair that had not been subjected to any sort of climate change. Meaning,
the researchers would need a middle ground of data, this would be an average
climate, and a medium between the different hair types, thus a standard is
needed. This would subject the standard hair to undergo the tensile strength
testing without any change to the hair from the time it was collected/donated.
The testing of this experiment occurred and in those results the
researchers found the answer to the problem they faced. A hair had been
subjected to either the extreme heat or extreme cold climate conditions
described. In order to keep the hair intact when the freezing occurred, the hair
had been allowed to thaw; thus a manipulation of the extreme cold. The ends of
the hair will be coated with the hot glue against the cardboard, (to ensure it is
secured) this is also changing the temperature at the ends, thus another
manipulation of the hair properties in the experiment.
Color is the first factor in this experiment. Open polls interested in hair
thickness and color having interaction with the other have shown results that
imply most darker haired people, (such as brunettes and black haired people)
have thicker, coarser hair. While, on the opposite hand polls have shown that
blondes and red heads have thinner, finer hair (Hair Color and Thickness).
Color should add more variety to the data collection and help broaden the
horizon for any future research that could be done. Since color appears to have a
role in the thickness of a hair, this should make the data results imply that darker
brunette virgin hair would be healthier, stronger, and therefore have greater
tensile strength. While as should be the opposite, the blonde virgin hair should

Orjada 4
give results that would be healthy, but frail, breakable and not have as great of
tensile strength as the darker brunette hair. This is if the two hair types have had
the same sort of treatment and are from the same sections of the head.
The second factor in the experiment is temperature. Research has shown
that heat of any form is damaging to your hair (Effects of Thermal
Treatments). The damage done can only be seen under a microscope, and
the damage consists of cuticle damage along with large cracks running up and
down the hair shaft (The Cracking of Human Hair). While in complete
contrast using cold water improves the hair; making it silkier, shinier and healthier
in general, also less prone to common damage like tangles, and hair loss is
reduced itself (4 Reasons Why You). So, because cold water is such a huge
damage preventer, the tensile strength should be great after the hair has been
soaked in cold water. The freezing process may cause this to reverse itself,
however no research has been done before on frozen hair and the effects.
Also, heat is a big damage creator to hair. Thus, the hair should have a
weak tensile strength after it has been through the extreme heat process.
Unprotected hair, or hair that is subjected to such heat, will eventually have its
cuticle layer damaged by the excessive heat. The cuticle layer covers the shaft of
the hair strand and protects your hair fibers. Once this layer is removed or
damaged, it cannot be fixed. Therefore, your hair fibers are exposed and
vulnerable. Split ends will look like a "Y" shape at the end of the hair strand, and
there can be multiple splits on the same strand.
The response variable would be measured in Newton.

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Problem Statement
What will happen to a blonde hairs, and a brunette hairs tensile strength
if they are subjected to an extreme heat climate, or if they are subjected to an
extreme cold climate?

Experimental Design
Spring Scales (N)

Blow Dryer (187

Freezer (Approx. 0 C )
Bucket of Pennies (200) Plastic Bags
(0.946352946 L)
Hole Puncher
Hot Glue Sticks
Hot Glue Gun
Cardboard Pieces
(5cm x 2.5cm)

Water (1.89270589 L, 7 C)

26cm Length Hair (Blonde, Light Brown, Dark


Preparation for Cold Hair:
1. Separate hair into single strand pieces
2. Pour 0.05 liters of 7 C water into a bag
3. Take a strand of hair and place into bag
4. Close bag and place in freezer for approx. 24 hours.

After the Hour is Up . . .


Take bag out of freezer and get hair out


Let hair thaw for half an hour

Orjada 6

Preparation for Hot Hair:


Get another piece of hair out


Hot-glue to cardboard pieces


Attach cardboard to spring scales through punched holes


Blow dry for seven minutes

After the Half-Hour of Thawing is Up . . .


Take a single strand of hair apart from the rest


Place on the table

Preparation for Room-Temperature Hair:


Take a strand of hair apart from the rest


Place on the table

Final Procedure for All Hair:


Take a strand of hair and hot-glue to cardboard piece on either end (unless it
is hot hair and it is already done)


Wait until dry; then attach one end to spring scale using punched hole


Attach other end to the basket using bent paper clip


Holding spring scale in the air so basket is not touching the table, place
pennies into the basket one at a time


When hair breaks, weigh basket including pennies and cardboard


Convert grams to Newtons


Record data findings (in Newtons)


Repeat for all other hair (hot, cold, room temp.; every color)

Orjada 7

Data and Observations

Table 1
Data and Observations
Hair Strength (Milli-Grams/Newtons)
Hair Color, Temperature















































Seven DOEs were completed in all, they were done in random orders, we
determined the random order based on what we had prepared the day before;
such as freezing the hair or which color of hair we had glued to the cardboard.
Table 2
Design of Experiment Values
Hair Color

Temperature (C)



Dark Brown

Light Brown





The hair colors above were chosen because it has been said (Hair Color and
Thickness) that darker hair is thicker and therefore stronger. While blonde hair

Orjada 8
has been scientifically proven to be more in number on a blonde persons head
than a brunette or redhead, the strands are also known to be thinner and
therefore frailer. To get a median between the two, the light brown was chosen
because this is most common when a brunette and a blonde have a child,
creating the balance between the two. Thus giving the perfect median which is
also why it was chosen as the standard.
It has been proven by DM Chapman (The Anchoring Strength of Chest Hair)
that cold, wet hair is stronger than hot hair, (such as if the hair was just blowdried or if it was just straightened). The experiment was taken a step further with
cold hair and it was placed into a bag of cold water, and then frozen for 24
hours to see if the science behind cold, wet hair would hold true for cold,
frozen/thawed hair. Room temperature would be the median between these two
Table 3


March 16, 2012 Dark, hot hair broke nearly right away when weight was added.
Dark, cold hair held up to nearly 1.5 N.
March 19, 2012 Blonde, hot hair broke nearly right away when weight was added,
in great contrast to the previous day of testing.
March 20, 2012 The dark brown, hot hair is showing good scientific results for
being heated so much (51C). It has reached 1.5 N.
March 21, 2012 Dark brown, cold hair seems to be giving worse results which is
much different from first run, however in contrast, blonde, cold
hair is showing great results along with blonde, hot hair.
Standards seem to vary largely with only two similar results so

Orjada 9
March 22, 2012 Blonde, hot hair is showing tremendously good results in contrast
to our predictions, it has reached 1.5 N.
March 26, 2012 Blonde, cold hair has reached the same results as the second
trial from the 19th. Dark, cold hair continues to give worse results.
Dark hot hair is much worse in contrast to blonde, hot hair.
March 28, 2012 Blonde, hot hair has reached 1.25 N, blonde, cold hair reached 1
N which a .25 N improvement from the day before. Dark, cold hair
has reached its highest strength of 1.55 N, while in the other
extremity is did well again. Dark, cold hair came with a strength of
1.12 N.


Figure 1. Dark Hair in the Process of Heating (-,+)

Figure 1 shows the process of heating a dark brown sample from DOE 3, (the
hair is pointed at by the yellow arrow). The results, shown in Table 1, was 1.52
Newtons, this was the highest strength result. The blow dryer was kept at best in
a constant movement up and down the strand and blown over the entire strand
from a sideways direction. For each DOE the two ways of heating were switched
between them sporadically throughout the 7 minutes.
Due to the method of testing hair strength was changed in the middle of the
experiment, we started using pennies instead of weights, the numbers may not
be as accurate during the first three to four DOEs. The hair length used overall
was 26 cm long, shown under the materials; however the lengths given to us for

Orjada 10
the experiment would have the chance of being a few millimeters or so off. This
could have affected any data collection for any of the DOEs, including the
standards, but it is highly unlikely that a few millimeters would cause the drastic
variations shown. The bucket used to measure the strength, after whatever
process was being done to the hair, weighed about 7 grams, this is equivalent to
adding 7 N in strength to the hair, as long as the hair holds it up.

Rapunzels Data Analysis and Interpretation

Data Analysis:
Table 4
Key Factor Levels
Hair Color

( C )


Dark Brown Light Brown





The key factor levels are shown in Table 1, were the hair colors and
degrees chosen are shown in their proper order and places; whether they
were -, +, or S.
Table 5
DOE Runs: (Hair Color, Temperature) (N)

(+ , +)

(+ , -)

(- , +)

(- , -)

(S , S)





Orjada 11

The DOE runs and results are shown above in Table 2, there was
randomization based on what had either been prepared the day before, such
as freezing hair, and what amount of time was available.
Graph of Standards (N)

(S , S)

Figure 2.
In Figure 2, there are roughly two outliers. These outliers were likely
caused by the donor, by this it is suggested that those hairs may have been
from a different section of the head where there was less wear and tear.

Hair Color Effect Graph

Effect Value : 0.163214 N

Hair Color
(-) Dark
0.924286 1.16143
0.929286 1.01857
Avg. =
Avg. =

Orjada 12

Figure 3.
From this close-up view of the effect on the hair color in Figure 2, when the
hairs went through its challenges the slope appears to be very steep,
however, notice the effect values are .926786 and 1.09. Those numbers are
actually very close.
Hair Temperature Effect
Effect Value: 0.06893 N
(-) 11C
(+) 51C
0.924286 1.16143
0.929286 1.01857
Avg. =
Avg. =

Figure 4
The view of the effect on the hair temperature in Figure 4 is also close
up, which helps to view the slope and the actual points. The slope also
appears to be very steep, however, notice the effect values are .973928 and
Interaction Effect Graph between Hair Color and Hair Temperature
(-) 11 C (+) 51 C

(-) Dark 0.929286
Figure 5.


Orjada 13
The possibility of an intersecting of the two effect slopes in Figure 4
appear to be close on the frozen end. We can predict that with further testing the
two effects would have overlapped at about 0.96.
Interaction Effect Value Dot Plot
Test of Significance






Temp &
Figure 6
From the interaction effect value dot plot in Figure 6, it can be concluded
that sadly there were no significant values. The values were also extremely
spaced-out suggesting that there could have easily been issues with how the
experiment was run.

The DOE runs and results are shown in Table 5, there was randomization
based on what had either been prepared the day before, such as freezing
hair, and what amount of time was available that day to work on the trials.
Now, in Figure 2 there are roughly two outliers. These outliers were likely
caused by the donor, by this it is suggested that those hairs may have been
from a different section of the head where there was less wear and tear, or
more wear and tear.
A place where there would have been more is on the back of the head,
and a place where less wear and tear would take place, is on the sides of the

Orjada 14

head. The hair donors could have also caused more damage due to frequent
blow drying, straightening, not using conditioner, or by keeping their hair in a
pony tail for long terms of time. (All About Damaged Hair)
The close-up view of the effect on the hair color in Figure 3, can be
misleading, for the slope appears to be very steep. However, notice the effect
values are .926786 and 1.09. Those numbers are actually very close in real
un-zoomed-in view. In Figure 4 the view is also very close up, which helps to
view the slope and the actual points. The slope also appears to be very steep,
however, notice the effect values are .973928 and 1.042858. These prove that
the effects were not too wildly different.
The possibility of an intersecting of the two effect slopes in Figure 5
appear to be close on the lower temperature end. We can predict that with further
testing the two effects would have overlapped at about 0.96. The effect slopes
between temperature and hair color in Figure 6 appear to intersect at about 0.93,
(this is about 0.03 N away from the previous guess from Figure 5) and the blonde
hair seems to have held its own during the heat trials, being only slightly more
than a tenth apart in N.
From the interaction effect value dot plot in Figure 6, we can conclude
that, sadly, there were no significant values. A value that came extremely close to
being significant would be the temperature effect value. The values were also
extremely spaced-out suggesting that there could have easily been issues with
how the experiment was run. There would be outliers if we had decided to

Orjada 15
classify them as part of the experiment, but these are only the effect values so
they have no meaning for the DOE results from the runs.

The researchers hypothesized that the brunette hair that was subjected to
the extreme cold climate, where it was later thawed, would provide the greater
tensile strength. The hypothesis was rejected. The data collected proved that
under the given climate conditions, the blonde hair that had been subjected to
the extreme cold climate, had a greater tensile strength. To decide whether
frozen/thawed hair or heated hair had a greater tensile strength, the researchers
created climates for the hair to experience and then later undergo the testing.
The researchers created the experiment in order to test the hair tensile
strength when it had been through different conditions, and to answer their
problem question. The researchers attempted to prove that their hypothesis was
correct, hoping the data would be able to benefit the lives of those with Loose
Anagen Hair Syndrome, and to widen the available information in the hair tensile
strength field.
The process used to complete the experiment was rather un-complex and
straight forward. To test the hair when it had been frozen, and then thawed, the
researchers had to place the bag filled with cold water into a freezer, and wait an
allotted amount of time. They would thaw the bag after that time was up, and
proceed with the rest of the regular testing process. When the hair had been
through an extreme heat climate, the researchers would attach both ends of the

Orjada 16
hair to two separate pieces of cardboard. After doing so, the researchers would
be free to blow dry the hair for an allotted amount of time. To test the tensile
strength, the researchers would loop a bucket through a hole in the cardboard;
they would fill the bucket with pennies until the hair breaks.
The results varied, but were as accurate as could be excluding human
error in the hair care; this is known because the process was taken step by step
with care. Hair care problems that could have occurred before donation would be
harsh shampoo; without the use of conditioner, washing with extra hot water or
never sealing the strands of hair with cold water. The use of a straightener, blow
dryer, or curling iron would also damage the hair cuticles. Brushing the hair when
it was wet, or brushing the hair roughly with a bare-bristle brush could crack the
strand, causing damage as well. This could have all affected the data gained.
(All About Damaged Hair)
A way to correct the flaws of the hair would be to ensure the donor had
been properly taking care of their hair. To use donated hair from a professional
salon would have ensured that the hair had been properly cared for before the
researchers received the donation. If the hair had been going to Locks of Love,
like the hair used for the standard, the researchers would have known the hair
had been taken care of properly, because the hair would have passed the wig
making test. Thus ensuring results would be accurate excluding any design
flaws by the researchers themselves.
Design flaws are possible especially since the method of obtaining the
results was changed in the middle of experimentation. This would have made

Orjada 17
any results before the change possibly less accurate, because that was when the
researchers switched to using pennies. Using hot glue to secure the hair strand
was not the best method because this could have also changed the outcome;
however, there was no better method within sight.
To correct the design flaws more research and testing with different
securing materials could have been made. More research could have also been
done on the most accurate way of measuring the hair tensile strength. A design
that had been first attempted, but absolutely did not work, was tying the hair
around the spring scale hook, and tying the hair through the hole in the
cardboard. These designs, due to lack of efficiency and keeping the hair well
secured, were immediately crossed off the possibilities list. To correct any other
design flaws the researchers would need to do more research on those topics.
To further understand hair tensile strength, it could be suggested that any
researcher interested in the topic should research what other people have found
out. Whether it is on chest hair or the hairs on the scalp, the information is useful
in multiple ways. The research that was conducted in this experiment had never
been recorded before, so this is a brand new addition to the field. This enhances
the understanding of hair tensile strength, such as that sometimes; harsh
conditions can reverse themselves and come out on top of another. It could even
imply, (with further research proven or rejected) that tensile strength can be
abused and/or modified to suit human needs.
Laboratories and disease researchers and doctors could benefit from this
data; it is the stepping stone to finding cures for Loose Anagen Hair Syndrome.

Orjada 18
This disease plagues all ages and no known cure has been found. There are
many conditions where physical damage to the hair fiber results in hair loss.
Sometimes hair fiber is damaged from previous experiences, such as fights
where hair is pulled out of head which can result in the hair shaft being torn from
the root or from the fiber walls surrounding the shaft, or due to the hair being
improperly formed by the hair follicles (Hair Loss: Hair Shaft Defects). It is a
rare disease where the hair is easily and painlessly plucked from the scalp, or
other body parts; a cure to the disease will help the lives of many people. It is a
scary disease for many children and teenagers because they do not know what
nor why it is happening.
To help aide the other researchers in the field working with this disease,
the data collected from this experiment could help the other researchers possibly
manipulate the anagen, (if with further research it is proven possible) to no longer
continuously fall out. The experimental data could also keep the researchers on
the stepping stone path to finding out whether the hair shaft data, compared to
the anagen data that could be collected from other experimentations, could
benefit finding the cure for the disease.
Hair is far more complex than it seems. It is not easily breakable, just like
fingernails. The experiment showed that the world has many things that have yet
to be discovered and it takes time and effort to open the door to those
discoveries. The rules of hair care are simple and finite, apply that knowledge to
an experiment based on hair, and with the knowledge gained many people could

Orjada 19
unlock discoveries that could save the hair from cancer treatments, hair
diseases, scalp diseases, much more.

If it werent for the following people, not only would this experiment be
non-existent, but this experiment would not have turned out as well as it has.
This researcher would never had known the true time, effort, and support needed
in order to organize, (and complete) an experiment of this magnitude. This
researcher would not know the true meaning of, hard work. The truth is: this
research paper is that this researcher would be nowhere without them. So, I
thank all of you wonderful, generous, gracious people:
Mr. Estapa, for not only the opportunity, but the guidance and assistance
with the basics, and beyond, of the research experiment itself.
Mrs. Duddles, the formatting of this paper, and details in-between the
lines, would not be complete without the insight and input provided on not only
the paper but the experiment itself.
Mr. Acre, who critiqued the math down to the very last digit creating a work
of math that would please even Albert Einstein, and provided helpful input on the
experiment and the paper.
Mr. Kuszpit, who provided great ideas on multiple things including the
experimental design and procedure, as well as providing some of the materials
needed for the experiment.

Orjada 20
Chris and Suzanne Orjada, whom both provided a silent place to work for
months, clear heads to bounce ideas off of, and support.
Theresa Polgar, whom partnered with this researcher, and helped during
the experimentation as well as with the beginnings of the research paper.
Mr. McMillian, whom provided some materials for the experiment.
Mrs. Brown, who gave support and kind words, as well as knowledge for
future reference about research partners and experiences.

Works Cited
All About Damaged Hair: Technically Speaking." CushBlog. Color Us Simply
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Anagen Ask. Web. 13 May 2012.

Carlin, Nicole. How to Test Hair Strength. Livestrong. 31 March 2011. Web. 10
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Chapman, D.M. The Anchoring Strengths of Various Chest Root Hair Types.
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"Facts About Hair" ILoveIndia. n.p. n.d. Web.13 May 2012.

Gamez-Garcia, M. The Cracking of Human Hair Cuticles by Cyclical Thermal

Stresses, J. Cosmetic Science, 49, 141-153 May/June 1998.

"Hair Loss: Hair Shaft Defects." WebMD. American Hair Loss Association. 1
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Hair Strength. Keratin. Web. 13 May 2012.


List of Diseases: Loose Anagen Hair Syndrome Ask. Web. 13

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Pyru Hosting, P., Fredrick, "4 Reasons Why You Need to Take Cold Showers"
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Root Ask. Web. 13 May 2012.

Ruetsch, S.B, et al, Effects of Thermal Treatments with a Curling Iron on Hair
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Tensile Ask. Web. 13 May 2012.

vBulletin, zift. Hair Color and Thickness-Is there Correlation?

TheLongHairCommunity. The Beauty Bottle, LLC and Contributors.
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Walker, Morton. How to Stop Baldness and Regrow Hair. Stamford, CT:
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