Stewart County Band Booster By-Laws Revised 050614

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Stewart County Band Booster By-Laws (revised May 6, 2014)

Article I Name
The name of the organization shell is the Stewart County Band Boosters, here and after to be
referred to as SCBB.

Article II Mission
The mission of SCBB shall be to support, financially and otherwise, the musical and educational
endeavors and to promote interest in all the Stewart County Schools Music Programs.

Article III Membership

Section 1: The members of SCBB shall be open to anyone interested in the progress and development
of the music programs of the Stewart County Schools.
Section 2: Music Directors, Parents, and legal guardians of current music students shall be voting
Section 3: All other members shall be non-votinghonorary members including, but not limited to,
alumni and former Directors.

Article IV Officers
Section 1: The officers of SCBB shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer and CoTreasurer.
Section 2: Only voting members shall be eligible to serve as officers, Music Directors are not eligible. If
no voting members desire to hold an office, then honorary members can be nominated to serve until
the position can be filled by a voting member. They will continue to be non-voting members.
Section 3: Positions are for one (1) year, and will not be held for more than 2 consecutive terms in the
same position.

Section 4: A Nominating Committee (NC) will be selected at the regular February meeting to have
nominations ready for the March meeting. The committee will consist of four (4) regularly attending
voting members, with no more than two (2) current officers. The NC shall present the names of at least
one (1) candidate for each office at the regular March meeting. Nominations can be made from the
floor. Anyone interested in a position can submit their name to the NC before the March meeting to be
Section 5: Officers will be elected by secret ballot at the regular April meeting, and will take office
May 1st. Votes will be counted by two (2) people who preferably are not current elected Officers or
nominees. A majority vote shall constitute an election. Current officers will assist in the transition of
the new officers.
Section 6: In the event the office of President becomes vacant, the Vice-President assumes the office.
In the event that any other office becomes vacant, it will be filled at the next regular meeting by a
majority vote of the members present.
Section 7: In the event that no active member of the SCBB has expressed a willingness to serve as an
officer, the members may elect an honorary member. See Article IV, section 2.
Section 8: Officer Resignationany officer may resign at any time upon written notice to the SCBB.
The resignation becomes effective upon the SCBB acknowledgement of the officers resignation at the
next meeting. An End of Year report must be submitted along with the resignation (see Article V, section
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5). All vacated elected offices will be filled by a special election which will consist of nomination of
prospective candidates by the SCBB and a vote by the SCBB at either the next scheduled meeting or a
special meeting called by the President for the purpose of filling the position.

Section 9: Any Officer or Music/Band Director that is a SCBE employee may not enter into any binding
agreement or contract on behalf of the SCBB.
Section 10: Removing officer/s from position/san officer of the SCBB may be removed from their
position by two-thirds majority vote of the meeting quorum. Five days notice must be given to the
officer prior to the vote for removal of said officer. The reasons for removal must be cited at the voting
meeting and opened for discussion, defense, or explanation from said officer. Removal may be
necessary in any of the following circumstances:

The officer has neglected the duties set forth herein

The officer did not comply with the policies and procedures set forth by the SCBE.

Article V Duties of Officers
Section 1President:
Will preside and conduct all SCBB meetings.

Responsible for being the liaison between the Music Directors and Booster members.

Will help and be supportive in SCBB fundraising events.

Will sign any contracts or forms for SCBB along with one more officer (i.e. School, fund raising,

Will be the ex-officio for committees and sub-committees.

Other committees shall be appointed by the President to carry out the mission of the SCBB as
needs arise.

Will be classified as a key holder. Keeps keys to the SCBB USPS mailbox, the SCBB lock box in
the H.S. Directors office, and any other item/location for the SCBB that requires a lock and/or
key for security against fraud and theft.

Section 2 Vice-President:
Will assume all duties of the President in their absence.

Will help and be supportive in SCBB fundraising events.

Will perform any other necessary duties.

Will sign any contracts or forms for SCBB along with one more officer. (i.e. School, fund raising,

Section 3 Secretary:
Will keep up-to-date membership records (including contact information).

Will record the minutes and keep detailed record of each meeting and attendee, to be kept on
file for 5 years, according to law.

Will help and be supportive in SCBB fundraising events.

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At each subsequent meeting, shall present at least one copy of the written minutes for the
previous meeting to the members of SCBB.

Will submit contact information of all elected members to the Stewart County Board of
Education (SCBE) as required by the SCBE agreement, no later than August 15th, or sooner if
changes occur.

Notifies attendees of changes to meeting locations and/or dates. See Article VII, Section 1.

Will provide each member of the Nominating Committee with a copy of the current by-laws and
any other information necessary for the Nominating Committee to complete its task.

Will keep record of and retrieve SCBB documents as requested (by-laws, charter, SCBE
agreement, amendments, etc.).

Will keep in close contact with the Communications Committee to ensure information is
communicated to parents and the public.

Section 4 Treasurer(s):
Will not be an employee of the SCBE or the Stewart County School System (SCSS).

Will deposit monies in an approved depository under the name Stewart County Band

Will pay all bills in a timely manner.

Will keep an accurate and complete record of all receipts and disbursements for five (5) years.

Will give an oral or written monthly report at each regular meeting, to be voted on and
accepted as official for record keeping with the minutes. The current monthly bank statement
must be available at each meeting.

Will help and be supportive in SCBB fundraising events.

Will count all money and document it with another Officer that is not an employee of the SCBE.

Will maintain and produce records upon request for student accounts. Treasurer will have 5
business days to comply with requests, weather permitting.

Will be classified as a key holder. Keeps keys to the SCBB USPS mailbox, the SCBB lock box in
the H.S. Directors office, and any other item/location that requires a lock and key for security
against fraud and theft.

Maintains articles of incorporation and files all required tax returns in order to retain the
exempt status of the SCBB.

Section 5End-of-Year Reports: It is the responsibility of each out-going officer to submit a yearend report to the SCBB newly elected officers by May 31st of each year summarizing committee
activities for the completing school year. The report should also highlight any successes, lessons
learned, and/or opportunities for improvement experienced or observed during the year. These reports
can be submitted through the facebook page and/or the Band Web site.

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Article VII Meetings
Section 1: SCBB will have regular monthly meetings from August until May. Meetings are held on the 1st
Tuesday of each month and are set at each regular meeting. Meetings will be held in the SCHS band
room unless another location is agreed upon. Changes to location/time (or cancelations) must be
communicated to the Secretary at least 24 hours prior to the originally scheduled meeting. In case of
school closings, the regularly scheduled meetings will fall on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Section 2: Meetings are open to everyone.
Section 3: A quorum shall consist of those members present.
Section 4: Anything brought up for discussion at meetings will need to be motioned, seconded, and
then voted on. The majority vote wins.
Section 5: The March meeting shall serve the purpose of nominating Officers for the upcoming year in
addition to regular business issues. The April meeting shall serve the purpose of electing Officers in
addition to regular business issues.
Section 6: Under special circumstances (illness, family emergency, etc) that voting members cannot be
present for regular meetings, they may choose to attend in proxy by electronic means (i.e.
conference call, Skype, video chat, etc.). No more than one voting member may participate by
electronic means during a meeting. The first to call in has preference as a voting member.
Section 7: Special meetings can be called by the President as the need arises. The reason for the
meeting will be conveyed in the message so members of the SCBB can be prepared to discuss any issues.
Section 8: Fiscal year runs from July 1st-June 30th.
Section 9: Music Directors will have consensus veto power. If at any time the Directors, as a whole,
believe the SCBB has agreed/voted on a motion that would be detrimental to the students, school, or
band programs in general, the Directors may use a consensus veto to change or negate the motion.
Vetoes must be exercised in the presence of the SCBB Officers. Special meetings can be called to instill
the veto.

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Article VIII Committees
It is the interest of the SCBB to select responsible supporters, preferably voting members, of the
organization to chair and co-chair the committees in each of the sections below.

Section 1Fundraising Committee: A Fundraising Committee (FC) will be assembled and voted on
at the regular May meeting.
A: FC will consist of the Chairperson and Co-chairperson and any other willing volunteers. Chairs will
initiate and organize a group (or groups) of volunteers to help facilitate the implementation of
accepted fundraiser projects.
B: FC members must communicate in writing to the SCBE (or their appointed representative) each
fundraiser accepted by SCBB prior to the event start date, with details as to the specific function
and expected outcome of the event (per the SCBE agreement). For example: The FC will submit a
written form to the SCBE for approval with the name of the event, the date and times, and where
the monies are to be allocated. Proceeds allocations will be voted on at the meetings that the
fundraising activities are presented. All forms (accepted and denied) and fundraising reports will be
kept on file with the Secretary for five (5) years, according to law. This information will be
submitted at the conclusion of each fundraiser to the Secretary at the next regularly scheduled
meeting. This information will be known as the packet.
C: FC Chairperson will maintain a separate ledger reflecting an account balance for each student as
a way to record money allotted to the individual student for fundraising activities. FC Chairperson
works with the Treasurer to ensure accounts are accurate. A record of attendance will be required
at each fundraising event, to be kept on file with the written report packet.
D: Once a vote has been cast and is accepted, FC will have the authorization to fulfill their duties as
necessary without having to vote on minor details. Minor changes to projects must be noted and
filed with the written report packet. Any unexpected expenditures will need to be voted on prior
to the event taking place. Executive Approval can be made by three or more Officers/Co-s,
provided there are funds available. See Article IX.
E: FC members are required to take inventory of all merchandise purchased for the sole purpose of
resale. Inventories should be scheduled at the beginning/conclusion of each fundraising event.
F: Donations collected for SCBB have to be documented for tax purposes. All items that are not cash
need to have monetary value issued to them and a receipt (a template will be created) given to the
donor for their tax records. Each receipt will have the following information

SCBB contact information, including Officers names (this will change yearly with new
Donation date
Donation amount
Donation reason (event)
Signature of the SCBB member receiving the donation

Section 2Finance Committee:

Will consist of the following members by default: Music/Band Directors, President, and
Committee Chairs. Three (3) other voting members will be asked to be on the (continued)
Finance Committee to ensure representation of the voting assembly. Default members will
select a committee Chair.

Proposes budget for annual approval.

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Responsible for yearly audit prior to the end of the fiscal year. The audit will be completed by 3
non-Officers or Music/Band Directors (outgoing or in-coming).

Provides necessary documentation to SCBE, SCHS, etc. as directed or requested.

Section 3Communications Committee:

Reports to the SCBB President and Secretary.

Publicizes activities, achievements and other music-related information via Facebook, Band Web
page, and other media as appropriate.

Pursues media opportunities to promote awareness of the Schools Music program in the local

Prepares and sends mass communication emails to band families when requested by SCBB

Submits information to be printed in the seasonal concert programs (i.e. sponsors, supporters,

Section 4Equipment/Transportation Committee:

Coordinates and manages the handling & transportation of instruments, guard equipment,
chaperones, and other equipment for and during all off-campus Music activities. This includes,
but is not limited to the following: Band Camp, Concerts, Festivals, Parades, Competitions,
Games, Fundraisers, and Banquets.

Trains volunteers in procedures for loading, unloading and set-up.

Schedules and coordinates truck(s) and driver(s) to drive equipment truck and/or trailer(s).

Schedules and supervises pit crew for competitions and half-time shows.

Assists students in loading/unloading equipment and supplies as it pertains to performances.

Assists students in moving instruments on/off football field, stage, etc.

Prepares water coolers (or water supply) and loads them onto truck/trailer before travelling.

Will assist any other SCBB committee by coordinating and managing transportation for supplies
or equipment necessary to perform tasks that support and benefit SCBB.

Coordinates schedules and routes with Directors, bus drivers and chaperones.

Coordinates and manages the creation, handling and transportation of any set items.

Section 6Hospitality Committee:

Coordinates and hosts activities of a social nature which involve the serving of food and/or drink
refreshments or meals, as approved by SCBB.

Prepares refreshments for parent events, as approved by SCBB.

Monitors and replenishes water stock for competitions and game performances.

Monitors inventory of SCBB supply closet and restocks supplies as necessary (plates, napkins,
cutlery, cups, condiments, etc).

Section 7Unform Chair:

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Assumes responsibility for student fittings, cleaning arrangements, alterations, storage and
uniform assignment sheets.

Will recruit other volunteers as needed throughout the school year.

Will work with the Marching Band Director/s to ensure repairs, changes, etc. are accomplished
quickly in order to maintain consistency within the visual aspect of the shows.

Article IXExecutive Approval

Executive Approval constitutes the agreement between 3 or more officers to determine the
necessity and follow through with an immediate issue as it involves the distribution of funds from the
SCBB bank account. (i.e. more money for: a fundraising event; a hospitality event; transportation
issues). No more than $200 will be allowable at one time. Each occurrence of Executive Approval will be
disclosed to all SCBB members at the next regular meeting after the issuance of funds.

Article XStudent Accounts

Section 1: Students may access their accounts only for band related activities with limits set by the
Finance Committee. Examples are: Band Camp, band fees, travel to band functions or trips, any band
mandated expense.
Section 2: Students with excess funds in their account upon graduation or leaving the music program
will revert to the general fund. Students that have younger siblings currently in the music program or
will be entering the music program the following year may opt to donate their remaining balance to
their sibling/s account/s.

Article XIAudits
Section 1: All financial records will be audited annually.
Section 2: Outgoing Finance Chair is responsible for arranging the annual audit within thirty (30) days
after the end of the fiscal year.
Section 3: Audits will be conducted by a third party who was not a member of the outgoing Finance
Committee, is not a SCBE employee, and has the appropriate skills and experience necessary to do so.
Section 4: An audit committee (AC) of at least three persons shall be appointed by the Finance
Committee. The AC will review the financial transactions and results of fundraising of the fiscal year for
the purposes of making recommendations to the membership of any changes necessary with next years
budget. The review will begin after the May meeting and must be completed no later than June 30th.A
report will be prepared by the AC and presented at the regular August meeting.

Article XIIAmendments
These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any regular membership meeting of the
SCBB, provided the amendment was submitted in writing to the membership at the previous regular
membership meeting.
Notification of accepted amendments will be submitted at the next regular meeting and will be
posted publicly on the Band Web site (or other public media) prior to said meeting. Copies of
amendments must be kept with the current by-laws.

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Article XIIDissolution
In the event that the SCBB dissolves, all money in the bank account/s will be used to pay all
outstanding bills and the remaining balance will be distributed equally among the four schools music

These by-laws for the Stewart County Band Boosters are hereby accepted and approved as revised on
__________________________________, 20______.


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