Essay Assignment

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English 9

Ms. Bergman

Name: ____________________________

Midsummer Nights Dream Essay assignment

For this assignment, you will create three (3) outlines for an essay and then use one of them to write
an in-class essay. When you write you will use the SEXY paragraph format.
For each outline:
Step 1: Decide on your argument
- You have to decide what you think about the prompt, based on what happens in the play
- At this stage you are already thinking about evidence (details from the play)
Step 2: Write thesis statement
- Your thesis will include your argument and the three points used to support your argument
Step 3: Write topic sentences
- You will need three(3) topic sentences, one for each body paragraph
- Make sure they are different from each other
Step 3: Gather evidence
- Find specific places in the text that you can use for evidence
- You need two points of evidence, and at least one must be a quote
Step 4: Put it all together in an outline
- I have given you a sample outline on the back of this sheet
In-Class essay date: March 13th
Note: You must have all three outlines completed by March 13th. I will not be accepting outlines
after Spring Break, as you are writing them to support your essay writing, and if you do not compete
them your essay will suffer.
Outline prompt options:
1. What relationship in A Midsummer Nights Dream has the most impact on other characters and
the overall plot of the play?
2. What is the most powerful force in A Midsummer Nights Dream, love or magic?
3. How does Shakespeare use the idea of dream or dreaming in A Midsummer Nights Dream?
4. If one character had to be the root of all the problems in the play, who would it be?
5. Is the love between the four lovers in A Midsummer Nights Dream similar to the love you see
among teens today?
You only need to create outlines for three of these prompts,
and you only need to write one essay on one prompt.
Keep in mind that you must have evidence from the play to back up your argument.

W.J. Mouat

English 9

Ms. Bergman

Outline example:
Prompt: Are the characters in A Midsummer Nights Dream driven by the desire for power?
[you may not write about this prompt]
Essay outline by D. Bergman
The characters in A Midsummer Nights Dream are driven by their desire for
power, which can be seen in Demetrius desire for Hermia, Pucks use of the potion,
and Titanias refusal to give Oberon the Indian child.
Topic 1:
Demetrius desire to marry Hermia, even though she doesnt love him, shows that
he doesnt really love her but only desires to have power over her.
1. Relent, sweet Hermia: and, Lysander, yield/Thy crazed title to my
certain right (I. i. 91-92).
2. Evidence: Demetrius follows Hermia and Lysander into the forest,
knowing she is running from him.
Explanation: Even though he knows Hermia doesnt want him, and
Helena does, he wants what he cant have, to show that he is powerful
enough to get what he wants.
Topic 2:
When Puck uses the potion, he does it to show that magic has power over mortals,
and he has control of that magic, which makes him very powerful.
1. He puts the potion on Lysander instead of Demetrius, and then enjoys
watching their fight.
2. Rather than just letting Titania fall in love with a wild animal, Puck
shows his power by turning Bottom into an ass
- My mistress with a monster is in love . . . An asss nole I fixed
on his head (III. ii. 6,17).
Topic 3:
Titania shows that she likes having power over Oberon by not giving him the
Indian child and holding that against him.
1. She will let nature be destroyed, people killed, and food supplies for
people get ruined to avoid giving him the boy.
2. proud Titania (II. i. 60).

3. She shows her desire for power when she offers him the chance to stay if
he follows her rules: If you will patiently dance in our round/And see
our moonlight revels, go with us; If not, shun me, and I will spare your
haunts (II. i. 140-142).

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