Unit 23: Multi Camera Techniques Production Booklet: Order of Contents (Italics Show Areas You Must Add in Yourself)
Unit 23: Multi Camera Techniques Production Booklet: Order of Contents (Italics Show Areas You Must Add in Yourself)
Description of scripts
Multi-Camera Production roles
Assigned Roles for each interview
Mind-map for the content of your show
Defining the format of your programme
Defining the Presentation style
Defining the Visual style
Script: (add in the first draft of your script)
Writing links for your segments
Describing any footage/interviews/images/quotes to be inserted
in the interviews
Final draft of script using a highlighter show what has
changed since your first draft. Write a small paragraph explain
these changes.
Equipment List
Set Design
Lighting Design
Studio Management plan
Location Recce forms
Risk Assessment
Production Booklet
Describe their job - Reference your research
A director in a studio is responsible for translating the final programme onto the screen from the
script they are given: they define the whole structural style of the programme with theyre style
of directing and their ideas as to how the script will be best acted out. Additionally they have to
control a lot of what is happening on the studio floor as it is their job to make sure everything
goes smoothly.
Which part of the studio do they work in? (ie control room, studio floor)
A director will generally work on the studio floor, but will also have to communicate with the
control room in order to make sure the programme comes together as they want it to.
Production Booklet
Camera Person
Describe their job - Reference your research
A camera operator works with a wide range of cameras in any setting that they are assigned;
they are responsible for recording everything that the director wants.
Which part of the studio do they work in? (ie control room, studio floor)
A camera person will generally operate on the studio floor, recording what they are told to; or
on location where there function is exactly the same.
What skills do they need to do their job well?
A camera operator will need to be able to follow the instructions of the director; correctly
operate the cameras that they are given and understand completely how they work; also they
will need to be able to maintain a good working relationship with the people around them so it
makes the environment of the studio easier to work in.
Sound Mixing
Describe their job - Reference your research
A sound mixers job is to successfully edit together all the sounds as specified by the director and in
the script, they also have to be able to correctly edit every live sound that they receive together;
especially in the case of live concerts and television programmes.
Which part of the studio do they work in? (ie control room, studio floor)
A sound mixer would work in the control room, so that they have instant access to every sound that
is recorded and required by the director from the production that is being filmed.
What skills do they need to do their job well?
They will need to be able to work well under pressure, especially in a live environment, so that they
can accurately and successfully edit together all the required sounds; they also need to be able to
understand the directors instructions so that the final programme will be appealing and so that the
aural part of the production will be successful.
Production Booklet
Vision Mixing
Describe their job - Reference your research
Vision mixers are responsible for live editing a production and keeping the programme moving at
the rate and in the required way as according to the director.
Which part of the studio do they work in? (ie control room, studio floor)
A vision mixer will typically work in the control room or wherever the main visual mixing desk is; they
will also work closely with the director to achieve the final cut.
What skills do they need to do their job well?
They will need to be able to work with a variety of visual mixing desks of varying abilities; be able to
react quickly and calmly to everything that is happening and have quick and accurate reflexes; have
effective team working skills; be extremely organised and have an excellent eye for detail.
Graphics Generator
Describe their job - Reference your research
A graphics generator is responsible for designing the graphics for TV programmes, such as title
sequences, credits, transmissions and captions or subtitles.
Which part of the studio do they work in? (ie control room, studio floor)
They will generally work in the control room, and will be called in nearer the end of the editing
process so that they can make sure that everything they have created is acceptable to the director
Lighting Desk
Describe their job - Reference your research
A person who works on a lighting desks job is to live mix the lighting, in a similar way that the
sound or visual mixer does. They follow the direction they are given in order to correctly light the
Production Booklet
Which part of the studio do they work in? (ie control room, studio floor)
They would work in the control room alongside the other mixers, and would have direct
communication with the director in order to receive their instructions.
What skills do they need to do their job well?
They would have to be able to work well with other and follow instructions directly, quickly and
accurately in order to keep the lighting suitable throughout the production; additionally they would
have to have a high level of technical knowledge in regards to all the equipment they would be
working with.
Floor Manager
Describe their job - Reference your research
The floor manager takes charge of what is happening on the studio floor, and works closely with the
director in order to make sure everything is organised and runs smoothly.
Which part of the studio do they work in? (ie control room, studio floor)
They would work on the studio floor to make it easier for everyone to hear them and understand
which instructions they are all required to follow.
What skills do they need to do their job well?
As the role of floor manager includes a lot of responsibility, they will have to have a good level of
confidence and patience in regards to what they are doing and also related to the other people who
are working on the production. Additionally they would need to be completely aware of all the floor
positions and what all of their jobs are, and would need a god sense of timing and continuity so that
the production runs accurately.
Production Booklet
Interview 1:
Camera Production
Directing and Sound
Vision Mixing and
Graphics Generation
Lighting Desk and
Floor Management
Interview 2:
Camera Production
Directing and Sound
Vision Mixing and
Graphics Generation
Lighting Desk and
Floor Management
Interview 3:
Camera Production
Directing and Sound
Vision Mixing and
Graphics Generation
Lighting Desk and Floor
Sarah and Adam
Sarah and Adam
Ben and Sal
Production Booklet
Create a mindmap showing all the things you would like to include in your interview/chat show.
Production Booklet
Production Booklet
Production Booklet
Add research of other interview/chat shows where the presenter has a similar style.
Graham Norton, very relaxed, friendly and funny presenting style. Puts all the interviewees at ease and
organises the one screen events seemingly with ease.
Blue Peter, friendly presenting style; different presenters with regular on location segments. Often have one
central theme for each episode which the additional interviews are based round.
Production Booklet
Stick in relevant images of previous shows, interiors you would like to emulate, lighting style etc.
Production Booklet
How will you link each interview to each
(You may use cut away to clips of them
doing something relevant. Remember you
will all be swapping roles so you may not be
able to film live at this point.)
Okay! Thanks Adam, were really grateful that you took the time to have
a chat with us about something that clearly means a lot to you, and its
really interesting to find out more about the history of such an
incredibly popular festival. Right, so were now going back to the
studio with Sal, who is going to be discussing songwriting and
production with Steve Morano.
Third link, from Sal to Ben
Okay thanks Sal! Right, and now, were going to have Steve play us out
Production Booklet
Production Booklet
What clips/images/quotes etc will you insert while the interviews are taking place?
Insert no. 1
When will it happen? (ie.during which interview/segment)
After Sals interview
What is the insert? (clips/images/quotes)
VT of next time on the show
Equipment List
Camera 1
Camera 2
Camera 3
Sofa 1
Sofa 2
Chair for Steve
Production Booklet
Set Design
Production Booklet
Draw a plan of your set. Mark on the position of lights, cameras, props and Green-screen
Add in photographs of your final set, including props etc.
Production Booklet
Lighting Design
Take photographs of the lighting set up for the following sections of your show;
a) The presenter introducing the show
b) Interviews (the lighting may be different for different interviews)
c) The end of the show
Stick the photographs in and add notes explaining the setup.
Production Booklet
The floor manager will be located on the studio floor, along with the camera operator who will also
be functioning as a director. The vision and sound mixer will be in the control room.
Production Booklet
Production Booklet
You must complete one of these for the studio and every location in which you film any prerecorded segmentsRisk Assessment
State the potential risk of your multi-camera production. Check all precautions are in place and tick off
during your set up for your show.
Interview in the
Working in the
Slipping over in
bad weather
Walk carefully,
be careful of any
Wear sensible
Tripping over
things, breaking
Activity :
Hazard :
Production Booklet
Production Booklet
Shot List
Use your timed script to write a shot list. You will need copies of this to go to your Vision mixer.
Type of shot
Camera No.
Current Action
Duration of shot
Medium shot
3 mins
Medium shot
On location
1 min
Long shot
2 min
Long shot
1 min
Long shot
2 min
Close up
1 min
Long shot
3 min
Production Booklet
Type of shot
Camera No.
Current Action
Duration of shot
Long shot
1 min
Medium shot
On location
Second interview,
Darcey talking to Adam
in the field
6 min
Long shot
1 min
Long shot
3 min
Close up
1 min
Long shot
3 min
Medium shot
1 min
Production Booklet
Type of shot
Camera No.
Current Action
Duration of shot
Medium shot
On location
Innuendo bingo
3 min
Medium shot
1 min
5 min