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Maya Panchakam

(The Pentad on Illusion)

Adhi Shankara Bhagwat Pada
Translated by
Nirupam anithya niramaskhepya khande
Mayi chithi sarva vikalpanadhi soonye,
Ghatayathi Jagadheesa jeeva bhedham
Thwagathitha ghatanaa patiyasi maya.

The illusion which can weave events that were not intended by you,
Can make them appear in the emptiness of the consciousness,
Which does not have an equal, which is perennial
And which cannot be divided in to parts,
The differences between the soul and the master of universe.
Sruthi satha nigamatha sodhakan
Apyahaha dhanadini darsanena sadhya,
Kalushayathi chathush padadhyabhinna,
Na ghatitha gatana patiyasi maya.

Does not illusion which can weave events that were not intended,
Make even those who have researched Vedas and hundreds of treatises,
Not very different from the four legged beings , by spoiling their mind,
By offering them riches and other tempting possessions, alas.
Sukha chidha kanda vibodhamadwitheeyam,
Viya danaladhi vinirmathe niyojya,
Bhramayathi bhava sagare nithantham,
Thwagathitha ghatanaa patiyasi maya.

The illusion which can weave events that was not intended by you,
Makes the pleasant , indivisible and second to none consciousness,
Appear as if it is associated with the body of the five elements,
And makes it confused and drown forever in the ocean of births.
Apagatha guna varna jathibhedhe,

Sukhachithi vipra vidadhyaham akruthim cha,

Sphutayathi sutha dara geha moham,
Thwagathitha ghatanaa patiyasi maya.

The illusion which can weave events that was not intended by you,
Makes the consciousness which is devoid of differences in quality, colour
and caste,
Feel within itself differences in form of people such as Brahmin and Vaisya,
And create attachments such as wife , son and house.
Vidhi hari hara vibhedha mapya khande,
Batha virachayya budhaana api prakamam,
Bramayathi hari hara bhedha bhava,
Nagathitha ghatanaa patiyasi maya.

Does not illusion which can weave events that was not intended,
Makes even the well read wise men of the world,
Who know that laws do not tell of the differences between Vishnu and
Delude themselves and make them see differences in Shiva and Vishnu.

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