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Capabilities Locate,
generate and
access data

Locate and retrieve
information using
WebQuest and organise
information on Glogster.

Locate, retrieve and
generate information using
WebQuest and organsie
information in meaningful
ways on Glogster.

Locate, retrieve and
generate information using
WebQuest, other search
facilities and organise
information in meaningful
ways on Glogster.

Use historical
terms and

Can define several terms

and concepts but lack the
ability to connect them to
the historical context of
Medieval Europe.

Understanding the different

meanings of particular
terms and concepts, and
can link several of them to
their historical context of
Medieval Europe.

Understanding the different

meanings of particular
terms and concepts when
viewed in their historical
context of Medieval Europe.


Are able to formulate a

question about the past to
inform a historical inquiry
using limited

Identify a few limited

questions about the past to
inform a historical inquiry
using few
concepts, when drafting a
question, to develop a
research focus.

Identify a range of
questions about the past to
inform a historical inquiry
experimenting with
concepts, when drafting a
question, to develop a
research focus.

Analysis and
use of sources

Drawing conclusions from

sources listed on WebQuest
recognising that
information is limited,
however still unable to
distinguish between fact
and opinions.

Drawing conclusions about

the usefulness of sources recognising that, while
evidence may be limited.
Distinguish between fact
and opinion, or
interpretation are

Drawing conclusions about

the usefulness of sources recognising that, while
evidence may be limited for
a particular group of
people, such evidence can
provide useful insights into

Locate, retrieve and
generate information using
WebQuest, and other
search facilities and
organises information in
meaningful ways on
Glogster, providing
information with critical
analysis and encouraging
further research.
Understanding the different
meanings of particular
terms and concepts when
viewed in their historical
context of Medieval Europe.
On top of which, students
are able to draw links to
periods before and after the
Confidently identify a range
of questions about the past
to inform a historical
inquiry experimenting
with different
concepts, when drafting a
question, to develop a
research focus which
assists in deepening their
Drawing conclusions about
the usefulness of sources recognising that, while
evidence may be limited for
a particular group of
people, such evidence can
provide useful insights into



Identify and describe two

points of view, attitudes
and values revealed by a

Identify and describe two

points of view, attitudes
and values revealed by a
source, and using
additional sources to show
how they are broadly
representative of the values
and attitudes of the society.


Develop a range of texts,

using ICT programs
Glogster, CoSketch, Lucid
Charts and Comic Creator,
incorporating one type of
multimedia source, with
limited sources

Personal and

Contributing little to the

group work, and taking
little responsibility for their
individual tasks within the

Develop a range of texts,

using ICT programs
Glogster, CoSketch, Lucid
Charts and Comic Creator,
incorporating texts,
descriptions and
explanations that use
evidence from a range of
sources that are
Working collaboratively
within a team, and taking
little personal responsibility
for their individual tasks
within the group.

the period.
Distinguish between fact
and opinion, or
interpretation are
Identify and describe three
of more points of view,
attitudes and values
revealed by a source, and
using additional sources to
show how they are broadly
representative of the values
and attitudes of the society.

Develop a range of texts,

using ICT programs
Glogster, CoSketch, Lucid
Charts and Comic Creator
incorporating texts,
descriptions and
explanations that use
evidence from a range of
multimedia sources that are
Working collaboratively
within a team, as well as
taking personal
responsibility for their
individual tasks within the

the period.
Distinguish and critically
analyse between fact and
opinion, or interpretation
are representations.
Identify and describe three
of more points of view,
attitudes and values
revealed by a source, and
using additional sources to
show how they are broadly
representative of the values
and attitudes of the society.
Using several specific
individual and/groups as
their focus.
Develop an interactive
poster using Glogster
incorporating texts,
descriptions and critical
explanations that use
evidence from a range of
multimedia sources that are

Working collaboratively
within a team - displaying
both leadership and team
work skills. Excelling
themselves as they take
personal responsibility for
their individual work tasks.

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