Ict Assignment 1 Lesson Plan 2

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Appendix 1


Year Level: Year 5 Time: 50 minutes Date: Term 1, week 4
Learning Area: Humanities and Social Sciences
Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum

How the stories of families and the past can be

communicated, for example through photographs,

Students Prior Knowledge:

Students will have an understanding of where
different countries are situated on a world map.
Students recognise the book The Arrival by
Shaun Tan(2006).
Students will be able to use an iPad
Students will have a basic understanding of

artefacts, books, oral histories, digital media, and

museums (ACHHK004)

Interact with others with respect, identify different

points of view and share personal perspectives and
opinions (ACHCS031)

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Critical and

creative thinking


Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson )

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)

Asia and Australias engagement with Asia

Personal and




Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Create a narrative blog entry that describes their arrival and first day in Australia.
2. Create an iMovie trailer to introduce the story of their arrival in Australia and embed it into their blog entry.
Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:
Provision for students at educational risk:

Ensure that the Interactive Whiteboard is working

Ensure that the iPads are charged and have the
application iMovie and Word installed
Photos of set countries are easily accessible for
Students are able to take photos of themselves to
be able to insert into iMovie.
Students will require access to the classroom

Student with vision impairment requires seating close

to whiteboard and magnification equipment for viewing
Students with physical impairments that impede the
use of the iPad may require assistance from an
Educational Assistant
Students who have difficulty with the use of ICT tools
will receive assistance from the teacher.
Students with low literacy levels will be able to access
information with a lower literacy level and will receive
assistance with editing the narrative.

Students who require extension will be able to

complete the narrative independently and will be
encouraged to use more features in the iMovie tool.

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:
A checklist will be used to determine:
Could the students recognise the changes that an immigrant to Australia would experience?
Could the students use the iPads appropriately?
Could the students use iMovie efficiently?
What was the standard of iMovie trailer that was produced by the students?
What were the limitations of using iMovie compared to other applications that produce a trailer for a movie?
Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:
Anecdotal notes will be kept on:
Were the students interested in the lesson that you presented them with?
Did each student participate?
Were all objectives met? Could students produce a narrative of an acceptable level?
Could the students produce an iMovie trailer based on the narrative that they wrote?
What aspects of the lesson did the students complete?
How can this be improved?
[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

20 mins

Motivation and Introduction:

1. Students are reminded of the information that they have gathered
about the country of origin of people who have immigrated to Australia.
2. A member of the school community who has immigrated to Australia is
asked to be a guest speaker. They will speak to the students about
where they came from, what it was like in their country, why they
decided to come to Australia and what it was like on their first day in
Australia. Emphasis on the sights, sounds, smells and people that
they encountered on their first day.

20 mins

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

1. Students take an iPad and open Word.
2. Students talk to the student next to them about the country that they
have chosen as their country of origin and what it was like to be there,
why they were coming to Australia and what it would be like to arrive in
3. Students then write a narrative about what happened on their first day
in Australia. Everything that they could remember about that first day

Guest Speaker from
the community who
has immigrated to

Acess to iPads with

Word and iMovie

as if they were retelling the story to a group of students.
4. Students then post their story to the classroom blog. Students are
then able to read other students narratives.
5. Students then take the photos that they have collected in past research
lessons and make an iMovie trailer that introduces what their narrative
will be about. It must contain a photo of the student inserted into it and
photos of the country of origin. It must state how they arrived, for what
reason and by what means.
6. Students must upload their trailer on to the class kidblog.

10 mins

Photos of countries of
origin to be uploaded
to the iPads.
Teacher will assess
the narratives and the
iMovie trailers using
the rubric provided.

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

1. To conclude the lesson, reassemble in front of the whiteboard.
2. Students are asked questions pertaining to the use of iPads and
3. Students will watch some of the other students trailers.
Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)
1. Students return to their desk, quietly and sit and wait for further
2. iPads will need to be put back in the charging station if not required for
the next lesson.
Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
- Teacher rubric for assessing the narrative and the iMovie.
- Are the students able to show an understanding of what it may be like
to immigrate to Australia?
- Are the students able to iMovie and Word?

Interactive whiteboard
with all students sitting
around. Sight
impaired students will
be allowed to sit closer
to the board.
Tan, S. (2009). The
arrival. Sydney,
Australia: Lothian

Collect iPads and

return to their charging

Australian Curriculum(2014) retrieved from:
Tan, S. (2009). The arrival. Sydney, Australia: Lothian Books.

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