Workshop 26 Bsocratis

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Unexpected Battles: An Exploration of Gareth Hinds graphic novel of

The Odyssey
and the graphic novel of Anthonys Horowitzs

by Antony Johnston and Kanako and Yuzuru
by Socratis Lioupis, 6b
Both Odysseus and Alex have missed many of parts of their lives, Alex
Rider lost his parents at a small age and he lost his uncle the last family
member and now he is the last one of his family. Odysseus left his home
for Troy and his son was just born the war ended after ten years and it
took him another ten years to return so his son had heard stories of his
bravery and how he fought on Troy. At the beginning Odysseus's son
even thought that Odysseus wasn't even his father. In the Odyssey and
Alex Rider both characters lost parts of their life, which changed their
personality and made them more harsh.

call to adventure is totally different as they begin in different

places. For Alex it begins at London 21st century and for Odysseus it
starts in ancient Greece. Odysseus left for Troy and he is trying to
But what of that great man Odysseus? Does he deserve to live out his
days trapped and groaning on the Island of Ogygia, far from home,
held there by the nymph Calypso? What do you have against him,
Father? Book 1- Ithaca and Olympus
Calypso doesnt want Odysseus to leave. Unlike Odysseus, Alex is not at
sea and his call to adventure starts when hes uncle dies. He has to fight
against four tough men:
What sort of people are you?
He is informed that he is up against people
who normally get their way.
Alexs adventure is tough and hes only a young man. In both texts the
characters must face enemies.

In the Odyssey and Alex Rider both protagonists need assistance to

accomplish their mission the assistance is different because of the year.
The year influences what kind of assistance. In Alex Rider they use
machines, guns and gadgets that Odysseus could not use because they
were in different years. You think that Zeus is the good one but he won't
after this
Athena: O Father, if it now please the blissful gods that Odysseus should
reach his home again, then let Hermes go and tell Calypso to send the
hero home.
This happens at mountain Olympus the tallest mountain in Greece. They
choose this mountain because it is over the clouds and the people
could not see them. up next is Alex Rider. In Alex Rider, life is easier
and at the same time harder. Alex is just a 15 year old kid what do you
think they will give him
Not used by many young people these days, alas
The Nib can be fixed from a range of six metres, and the ink is sodium
pentathol. Whoever you hit will do exactly what you tell them for the
next six hours.
Ok that is crazy does he even know how to use them. In both books
both characters need assistance in what they are doing. Alex got
assistance to catch the villain and Odysseus got assistance to return to
In every book something goes wrong. In most of the books the
something goes wrong and changes the characters personality. Maybe
the character did something that made him have problems. But I am
Poseidons son he will hear my prayer: poseidon, earth-shaker, god of
the sable locks, if I am indeed your son, grant me revenge on Odysseus
of Ithaca! Let him never reach his home, or if the other gods decree
that he must, let him come late, after long suffering, with all of his
comrades dead, and let him find trouble waiting for him at home
. Odysseus he hasnt seen his son for 20 years plus his son thinks he is

not his son. lets move on to Alex Rider. Alex Rider also had some
problems with his life. Alexs family was just his uncle, his mom and dad
died when he was small. Uncle Ian:
Hey ,Alex!
Alex: Are you coming HOME!
Uncle Ian: yeah,Im on my way now
Alex: How was the conference?
Uncle Ian: It was fine. You know how they are
Alex: No, I dont. You never tell me. Theres nothing to tell. Look, Im
really sorry about last week. I know I said Id be there, but this trip just
came out of nowhere. Same as always
Ian: Yeah. But ill be back for dinner, and then weve got the whole
Alex : Really?
Uncle Ian : Come on! when did I let you down?
Alex: you want me to answer that?
Uncle Ian: Yeah, I know. ill see you soon, ok
Alex: Im glad you called
Uncle Ian: me too. bye
Uncle Ian: What the?
. Will he go for dinner with his family. both characters had to face
something to get where they are today.

Both returns are really different from one another and you will see why.
The first one is with Odysseus he has returned to Ithaca but no one
knows he is there just his son and 2 or 3 other people:
It seems I still have some strength left in these limbs. Now Apollo guide
my next shot!
. Odysseus was the only one who could shoot and aim with his bow so

that proved that he was Odysseus. Now what happened with Alex is
different. ALEX:
You dont have to walk with me to school.
JACK : I just want to make sure you get there you know?.
Even she is not part of his family but Jack acts like she is and she helps
Alex every time he needs help. The people who you get help most of
the time are your closest friends or family.

Now, they're resolution is not the same. Odysseuss resolution was

somewhat of violent until this
Stop, son of Laertes! You must put away your sword if you would live in
peace. Fulfill the prophecy of Tiresias, and you will die gently in old
age, and your name will live forever in story and song.
Athena can be mean too to Odysseus. Ok, to Alex Rider he is keeping a
secret and only few people know that
Alex: It wont. Im not a spy Im just me..
Ok that is logical why he does not want people to know he's a spy,
because all the children at his school will follow him even to the
bathroom. And this is how both of the stories end

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