Math Lesson Plan 3

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University of Utah, Department of Special Education: Lesson Plan

Content Area: Math Multiplication

Grade level:
Core Standard:
Represent and solve problems involving
multiplication and division.
Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g.,
interpret 5 7 as the total number of objects
in 5 groups of 7 objects each.
Interpret whole-number quotients of whole
numbers, e.g., interpret 56 8 as the number
of objects in each share when 56 objects are
partitioned equally into 8 shares, or as a
number of shares when 56 objects are
partitioned into equal shares of 8 objects
Use multiplication and division within 100
to solve word problems in situations
involving equal groups, arrays, and
measurement quantities, e.g., by using
drawings and equations with a symbol for
the unknown number to represent the
IEP Goal:
By June 12, 2015, when given math numbers,
operations, and algebra problems representing the
scope of 4th grade level for math computation,
students will be able to correctly answer 15/16
correct problems (75th percentile) in 2 out of 3 trials
as measured by curriculum-based measurements.
By June 12, 2015, when given multiplication
problems, students will be able to correctly represent
situations using different models of multiplication
with 90% accuracy on 2 out of 3 trials.
1. 1. Get students attention (1
2. State instructional objectives
(1 min.)
3. Review behavior
expectations (1 min.)
4. Academic review /Gather

Instructor Name:
Jessica Twombly
Date: 12/4/14
Instructional Objective:
Behavioral Objective:
Students will apply one of the four multiplication
Follow directions within five seconds.
strategies in order to solve multiplication problems
Be respectful
and word problems.
Be prepared
Be responsible
Earn a golden ticket!

Content (concepts, information, skills, new vocab,

Models of multiplication
Repeated Addition
Number Line
Groups of Objects
Understanding word problems

Instructional Materials Needed:

- crayons
- dots
- number lines
- squares

Teachers Role/What Im doing:

1. 1. Eyes on me!
2. Today we are going to do some multiplication!! We are going to use dots, crayons,
number lines, and squares to help us find the answer to the multiplication problem. Then we
are going to do some word problems.
3. Eyes on the board! Remember to follow directions, be prepared, be respectful, be
responsible, and someone will earn a golden ticket!
4. Review:

Students Role/What theyre

1. Choral response: Eyes on you!
(Students put eyes on the teacher)
2. Students look at the teacher.
3. Choral Response: Eyes on the
board. Students look at the board
as we review behavior objectives.

background knowledge (35mins)

5. Instruction Problems (17-20
mins total)
a. Model (2 mins.)
b. Guided Practice (2
c. Representative (2 mins)
d. Abstract (2 mins)
e. Independent Practice (57mins)
f. Error Correction
6. Instruction Word problems
(17-20 mins total)
a. Model (2 mins.)
b. Guided Practice (2
c. Representative (2 mins)
d. Abstract (2 mins)
e. Independent Practice (57mins)
f. Error Correction
7. Wrap up
a. Review key concepts/
Check for understanding
b. Review objectives
c. Clean up

a. Who can tell me one of the four models of multiplication? What else? What else?
What else?
5. Instruction:
a. Students have a blank piece of paper on their desk. Fold your paper into four equal
parts. Fold it in half. Then fold it in half again. We are going to do these four
problems. One in each part of our paper. We must write down the problem. Decide
how to solve it. Use any of the manipulatives to figure out the answer. Draw the
picture on our paper and write the answer to the multiplication problem.
a. 4 X 4
b. 3 X 2
c. 4 X 2
d. 5 X 3
b. Model: Lets do the first one together. I am going to write 4 X 4 at the top of my first
box. I think I want to use the dots in an array to figure out the answer to the
problem. I am going to make how many rows, class? How many are in each row
class? Great. Here is my array. Now what am I going to do? Great! What is our total
number of dots, class? Lets say the whole number sentence together, get ready!
c. Independent Practice: Now do the rest of the problems on your own. Make sure to
use the manipulatives, draw your picture, and circle your answer!
d. Sharing: Each student shares one of the ways they did the multiplication problem.
6. Instruction: Word Problems
a. We are going to do some word problems. Let do the first one together. How many
trees are in each group? Good 2. Lets circle 2 trees. How many groups are there?
Good lets circle 12 blocks. What multiplication model do you think we should use
for this word problem? Lets do it. As a class we all make 12 groups of 2. What is
our total class? Now lets all draw the picture and write the number sentence.
b. I will read the next problem. Then you do it one your own. After we will have one
student share with the class. Dont forget to draw a picture and write a number
sentence. Stop after you are done.
a. A city wants to plant 2 trees on each block. How many trees will the city need
for 12 blocks?
b. A camp owns 7 vans. There are 3 seats in each van. How many seats in total are
there in the camp's vans?
c. Micah went to the grocery store and bought 5 boxes of donuts. There were 5
donuts in each box. How many donuts did Micah buy?
d. A chef prepared 4 plates of tamales. There were 2 tamales on each plate. How
many shrimp did the chef prepare?
7. Wrap Up
a. Check out card. Complete 5 X 6 any way you want.
b. What are we finding out when we find the answer to a multiplication problem?
c. What are four ways that we can solve multiplication problems?
d. Please place all of your materials away.

4. Review:
a. Groups of objects, arrays,
repeated addition, and
jumps on a number line.
5. Instruction:
a. Students fold their paper
into four equal parts.
b. Students eyes are on me
as I model how to do the
first problem. Choral
responses: 4! 4! Count the
total! 16! 4 X 4 = 16!
c. Students work for 5-7
minutes to finish the rest
of the multiplication
d. Students raise their paper,
one by one to share. They
pick the one they are most
proud to show their peers.
e. Error Correction: If
students struggle, we will
do the problems together
on the board.
6. Instruction: Word Problems
a. Choral response: 2! 12!
Call on a student:
Grouping objects. Choral
response: 24!
b. Students complete one
problem at a time. 10
7. Wrap Up
a. Students compute 5 X6.
b. Individual responses: The
total number of objects if
the objects are in equal
c. Grouping, repeated
addition, arrays, number
d. Students clean up the
supplies and pass in their

I have one ELL student in my
class who does not speak English
yet, so instructions will be given
in Spanish. Word problems will
also be written in Spanish. A
student that speaks Spanish will
sit next to him to help translate
as well. Modeling how to create
groups will help students see
what is expected. Manipulatives
and drawings will help students
to understand the concept behind
the procedure of multiplication.
Word problems will be read out
loud to the students so that they
are being texted on their
multiplication skills and not their
reading skills.

Reinforcement Procedures:
When students are doing what is expected, I
specifically praise them for following one of
the classroom rules.
When the whole class does well, we chant
This class is boom dynamite
When individuals do a great job, we chant
Way to go Lizbeth, way to go clap, clap
When students are not following the
classroom expectations after multiple
reminders, they put their name on the board
and stay in for 5 minutes lunch detention.

Pre: During the review, I will see how well
the students remember the previous days
models of multiplication.
During: Observing students use of
manipulatives as well as seeing their written
drawings. Students ability to translate the
picture into a number sentence will show
me how well they are understanding the
concept of multiplication.
Post: Students will compute a check out
card to show their understanding of

Follow-up Activities:
Students will use their choice of
model to help solve word
problems and begin to fade the
use of manipulatives. Students
will just draw what the story
problem is representing.
The next Unit will be division.

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