Approaches Finally

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Teacher 1 Name _Tugadi Orlando


Teacher 2 NameCo Jean Carol




: Lawrence Kohlberg: Moral Dimension: must discern how to choose what is
right and what is wrong and refine ones motives
Dimension & Value: MORAL Love and Goodness
Materials: Paper , pen, Board Marker, LCD projector, Laptop
1. Coon Dennis., Introduction to Psychology , Brooks/Cole Publishing
Company , 1998.
2. Rathus Spencer A., Psychology Fifth Edition , Harcourt Brace College
Publishers , 1981.
1. Each student will have a chip.
Moral Dilemmas
2. Each student will choose a Through the moral development we
classmate and intake the chip in acquire values, beliefs, and thinking
his/ her mouth
Processing Question:
behavior: to study moral development,
1. Did you enjoy the activity?
Kohlberg posed dilemmas to children of
2. It is easy for you to choose?
different age. The following is one of the
3. If will be given a chance to
moral dilemmas he used (Kohlberg.
choose again who is it and why?
1969, adapted).
4. Did you expect that he/she will
A woman was near death from
intake to you the chip?
cancer, and there was only one drug
5. It is happen to you that you
that might save her. It was discover by
need to choose one between two
a druggist who was charging 10 times
important person and things in
what it cost to make drug. The sick
your life?
womans husband could only pay
$1,000, but the druggist wanted $2,000.
He asked the druggist to sell it cheaper
or to let him pay later. The druggist said
no. so the husband became desperate
and broke into the store to steal the

drug for his wife. Should he have done

that? Was it wrong or right? Why?
Each child was asked what action the
classified the reasons given for each
choice and identified three levels of
moral development. Each is based not
so much on the choices made, but on
the reasons given for the choices.
At the pre-conventional level,
moral thinking is determined by the
consequences of actions (punishment,
reward, or an exchange of favors). In
the conventional level, actions are
directed by a desire to comfort to the
expectations of others or to accepted
rules and values. The advanced moral
postconventional level is directed by selfaccepted moral principles. In addition to
the three major levels Kohlberg
development. In time, Kohlberg found it
necessary to combine stages 5 and 6
because it prove difficult, in practice, to
separate them (Kohlberg, 1981b). He
remained firm in his belief; however,
preconventional, conventional, and postconventional phases.
Stage 1: Punishment Orientation.
Actions are evaluated in terms of
possible punishment, not goodness od
badness; obedience to power is
Example: he shouldnt steal the drug
because he could get and sent to jail
(avoiding punishment).

Proper action is determined by ones
own needs; concern for the needs of
others is largely a matter of You
scratch my back and Ill scratch
yours, not of loyalty, gratitude, or
Example: it wont do him any good to
steal the drug because his wife will
probably die before he gets out of
jail. (Self-interest).
Stage 3: Good boy/good girl
Good behavior is that which pleases
others in the immediate group or
which brings approval; the emphasis
of being nice.
Example: He shouldnt steal the drug
because others will think he is a thief.
His wife would not want to be saved
by thievery (avoiding disapproval).
Stage 4: Authority orientation.
In this stage the emphasis is on
upholding law, order, and authority,
doing ones duty, and following the
Example: although his wife needs the
drug, he should not break the law to
get it. Everyone is equal in the eyes of
the law, ad his wifes condition does
not justify stealing (tradition morality
of authority).
Support of laws and rules is based on
analysis and mutual agreement; rules
are recognized as open to question,

but are upheld for the good of the

community and in the name of
democratic values.
Example: He should not steal the
drug. The druggist decision is
reprehensive, but mutual respect for
the rights of others must be
maintained (social contract).
Stage 6: Morality of individual
Behavior is directed by self-chosen
ethical principles that tend to be
general, comprehensive, or universal;
high value is placed on justice,
dignity, and equality.
Example: He should not steal the
drug and then inform the authorities
that he has done so. He will have to
face a penalty, but he will have saved
a human life (self-chosen ethical
People advance through the stages at
different rates and many fail to reach
the postconventional stage. In fact,
conventional level. For instance, survey
in England revealed that 11 percent of
men and percent of woman would
commit murder for $1 million they were
assured of getting away with the crime
(They kill, 1991).
The pre-conventional stages (1
and 2) are most characteristics of young
children and delinquents (Nelson, Smith
and Dodd, 1990). Conventional, grouporiented morals stage 3 and 4 are
characteristics of older children and
most adults Kohlberg estimated that
only 20 percent of the adult population

achieves postconventional morality,

represents self-direction and higher
Graphic Organizer

Related value to the theory

Dimension: Moral
Core Value: Love and Goodness
Value: Goodness
Because when we talk about the
moral it means the rightness of an
action and the theory is discussing
about the development of moral or
moral development of Lawrence
Kohlberg. Besides of moral the next one
that questioning or very related is the
conscience which means choosing
between right and wrong and as a
human we are born with the nature of
being good which means that its our
nature to do good to do moral in our
lives. And the discussion is about the on
how we develop our moral values by
decision making and how do we act in
our decision. Its too related because by
this theory the students developing how
they make their decision making or how
they reason or thinking in every
situation they encounter which the main
goal of the discussion is to achieve the
postconventional which is the higher

level of reasoning of a person. Which is

by that level we us a person we are
totally matured that have self-directed
and knowing and doing the higher
principles that we have should follow. Its
means that by that level we already
achieve the goodness that we possess
and apply in our daily lives. The
totalities of self-actualization are we
already achieve as a person. But
according to Lawrence that many
people are fail to achieve the
postconventional so because of that
things are always become incongruent
to us its always become complicated to
us but committing such immoral acts
and there is no goodness that we should
or must be develop according in theory
of Kohlberg.
Direction: The students will create a
slogan about morality.

PowerPoint (attach slide version of the Ppt.) (another page)

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