Report On Business Communication
Report On Business Communication
Report On Business Communication
The main idea behind this report is to share the knowledge, I gained during my course of Business
Communication in an effective and efficient manner. Communication is necessary to convey an idea,
knowledge and information successfully, this can be intentional or unintentional and can take place in
several forms like verbal, non-verbal, signs, symbols and in written form therefore Business
Communication is essential for any MBA graduate to become a successful manager since it aids in learning
effective communication skills.
Communication is life blood of an organization, when communication stops, organized activity ceases to
exist. Business Communication.
Business Communication Skills gives you a clear insight into what constitutes effective oral and written
business communication in a fast-paced global business environment, and provides you with the
opportunity to develop your own workplace communication skills.
In Business, parties communicate with the help of several means like business letters, memos, notice,
agenda, publications and emails. Business Messages can be positive with convincing facts and figures and
they can be negative with critical points.
Sometimes it is also needed to right reports either informal or formal in an organization these reports can
be memos, show cause, incidental report, request for proposals and quotations etc.
All above are formal business documents, written with the intention to grow business and achieve the
desired objective. Business Communication is an essential tool and an art to convey any sort of message
clearly positively and under pressure. If one learn this art, can become a successful manager in his/ her
The main objective of writing this report is to convey my knowledge and understanding which I
have gained regarding business communication in classes conducted at Muhammad Ali Jinnah
University by Mr. Ramman Rajput.
Telling the benefits of learning this course and its importance in the business organizations as well
as non-profit organizations.
With the help of this proposal I recommend and put forward a necessary need of business
communication to become successful manager or an entrepreneur in the modern business world.
Every student striving to seek higher degrees must have some dreams, similarly I took admission in
Muhammad Ali Jinnah University to become a successful manager after getting my MBA degree. Although
I have done B.E in Industrial Engineering & Management but it gives me technical skills to deal with work
and people in work life, for conceptual and human skills to develop and for becoming a successful and
knowledgeable manager MBA has become very important now a days in this competitive world.
During my course of study I am required to learn many managerial skills out of them one is Communication
Skills, which is the basic need today to get a separate identity and to highlight yourself in a crowd. Business
Communication is the course which aids Graduates in developing effective communication skills. In
Business Communication, I learned several techniques and skills of listening, speaking, communicating,
writing and responding. Every mean of communication in business has separate importance and
requirements. For example while writing an email, memo, letter, tags and brochures there is a separate
requirement of each, having alike patterns, methods and most importantly audience.
Every document in business should have positive appeal, attention grabbing tactics and a proper format.
This report is based on all these techniques and methods which I learned during four months trimester,
required to seek the attention of audience and making message clear, concrete, concise and complete.
Communication is a life blood of any business. If we somehow remove communication from the
organization it would be dead since businesses all around the world are running on the basis of information
flow with the help of several means and channels like
internet, media, advertisements, publications and
It is exchange of information from one to one or one to
many. It is an act by which one person gives or receives
from another person, information, ideas and opinions in
written, verbal, symbolic and signs form.
Business Communication is any communication held
with an aim of the promotion of product, service or organization to fulfill the objective of making sale.
Communication in businesses take place for several other purposes too but all has the same goal of making
business profitable.
Internal Communication
Communication held within the organization is called internal communication. For Example
communication between employees, managers and other staff. This communication is helpful to achieve
the goal of the organization. Internal Business Communication is further divided into sub types
a. Upward Communication: This communication is sort of requests, feedback and outcome which
a subordinate give to its supervisor. When a first line or lower level employee communicates with
his/ her superior such type of communication is referred to as upward communication.
b. Downward Communication: When Manager, top level managers commands their subordinates
than downward communication takes place.
c. Horizontal/ Literal Communication: When two equal level employees have conversation and
communicate with each other they are in literal communication with each other.
External Communication
Communication with people outside the organization is called External Communication, For example,
purchase managers talking to vendors and sales force communicating with customers etc.
It is a communication tool used to express positive and negative ideas and information in an open, honest
and direct way. This method of communication can be perceived as aggressive at times when one deliver
some negative message openly and directly. It gives self-satisfaction to the sender of information and
reduces anxiety of the receiver. It enables sender to express any sort of feelings and thoughts, verbally and
non-verbally but assertive communicates does not has warranty of successful positive desired feedback.
Minutes of Meeting
Public Addressing
Press Releases
Sender: Person having an idea and an intention to share an information
Sender Encodes an idea in a message: Sender converts his/ her idea into a verbal written or any other
transferable form.
Message travels over a Channel: Channel or medium is the means through which message is transferred
from encoder to decoder
Receiver Decodes Message: Receiver as gets message his/her brain converts the message into
understandable form.
Feedback: It is a response from the receiver after getting the message. It is the sign of completion of any
Noise is the disturbance or distortion which stops message to successfully deliver to the receiver and as
a result required feedback is not received by the sender.
Business Writing are referred to as the documents we write for the transfer
of information within or outside the organization. Such documents are
named as business letters, notice, memo, agenda, minutes of meeting and
Resume showcases an individual in an efficient manner. Resume writing is an essential part of job search.
It consist of summary on education, experience, contact details, skills and bio data of the job seeker. Resume
writing is also an effective communication skill necessary to get an ideal job. Business Communication
helps in writing a good resume. In a competitive world one must know how to write a complete and concise
resume so that he/ she can be chosen among several candidates on the basis of the effectively written
summary of work life.
An agenda is a list of the items to be discussed at a meeting. Agenda is as important as a captain is important
for a ship. Agenda serves as a guide to the members of the meeting, it is routed in an email or is displayed
before a presentation to acknowledge the participants of the main idea behind the discussion and meeting.
A well written agenda serves many functions like participants prepare before the meeting with necessary
deliverables and updates.
Written Communication needs a good vocabulary and grammar knowledge therefore in business
communication it is also taught to the graduates to write messages correct without any spelling and
grammatically mistakes.
Simple Sentences are independent sentences having a complete thought and expressing a complete idea in
simple words. Simple sentences have one subject and one predicate.
Example; I have my own car
Two or more independent sentences join to form a compound sentence.
Example; It is a cloudy day today and it is expected to rain heavily.
One independent clause when joins with one or more dependent clauses they form a complex sentence.
Example; He reached late to school because van came late.
When two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses join together they form a
compound complex sentences.
Example; Mr. Ahmed was a good cricket player and he played for international team but leg injury caused
him to retire.
Marry Ellen Guffey, introduced this writing method in which there are three steps and each steps consists
of further three steps. These steps are prewriting, writing and revising as mentioned in the picture
It is the stage before writing when sender Anticipate of the audience and analyze the purpose of writing
and finally adapt the best possible method to appeal the audience with effective writing.
It is the process of scripting when sender research using several means the best possible ways and words
and sample scripts and then organize the material in a suitable manner and compose an attention seeking
document for the audience.
After writing the draft version sender/ writer revise the document and edit and remove the further
irrelevancies and make a document fulfilling the 7Cs of communication and then again proofread the
written script after editing for grammar, punctuation, format and overall appearance and finally evaluate
the document as per the readers perspective and anticipate that whether the final document will achieve its
objective of writing or not.
Persuasive messages are information for convincing audience with the help of facts and figures. For
example, suggesting a more efficient production process to the manager with research and past data
graphical represented so that managers belief can be frequently change after viewing the message.
Persuasive requests are to two types:
1. Persuasive requests for action
2. Persuasive requests for adjustments.
In business writing, a letter, memo, or email that conveys negative or unpleasant information or information
that is likely to disappoint, upset, or even anger a reader is termed as negative messages.
Bad-news messages include rejections (in response to job applications,
promotion requests, and the like), negative evaluations, and announcements
of policy changes that don't benefit the reader.
A bad-news message conventionally begins with a neutral or positive buffer
statement before introducing the negative or unpleasant information. This
approach is called the indirect pattern.
Report is a self-explanatory statements of facts relating to a specific subject and serves the purpose of
providing information for decision making. Reports are a commonplace way of communicating in a variety
of professions and academic disciplines. Many scientists, for example, write lab reports and research
reports; social scientists write field reports and research reports; and people in business write a range of
formal and informal reports. Each type of report has its own conventions, its own customary ways of
Characteristics of Reports
Informal report is more condensed than formal but it is just as important. The writing style and audience
for the short report are the same as the formal report.
Activity reports
Minutes of meetings
Information reports
Justification/ Recommendation Reports
Feasibility Reports
Policy or procedural directives
Progress or status reports
Survey reports
Trip reports
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Formal report is the term used for a group of documents that informed, analyzed or recommend.
1. Analytical reports convey information accompanied by the writer's analysis or interpretation of it.
Progress reports, for example, are usually analytical, reporting not only what has taken place but
the writer's analysis of it.
2. Informational reports convey information (results, facts, and data) alone, with no commentary.
Both formal and informal reports may be solely informational; Minutes of meetings, for example,
convey only the events and conversations of a meeting--nothing more.
3. Recommendations convey information; the writer's analysis; and the writer's ideas about
appropriate actions that might be taken. Policy directives, in which one or more people announce
policy by which the members of a group or organization will abide, are an example of this type of
business report.
Formal Reports
Often External or distant within organization
Usually long sections and sub-sections
More impersonal
Appears on separate title page
Content page is useful if report is over 5 pages
Informal Reports
Often Internal
Usually Short several sections
Appears as subject line in Memo heading
Content page in not required
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In order to be a successful business writer and achieve a good position in the work life it is necessary for
every graduate and even every person to be a good listener, speaker, reader and writing. Now a days, in
business world it is necessary to be an effective communicator. Business Communication embosses the
individuals as well communication skills of corporations. It is a foundation of becoming an entrepreneur
and helpful for managers while they plan, organize, lead and control. It is a key to success if one has the
ability to write for his organization a concise and complete business letter to the peers, persuasive letter to
the customers, negative responses to the external and internal parties and the agreements, formal Request
for proposals and show cause reports. Business Communication gives knowledge of all these mandatory
letter, requests and writing to an individual so it is an obligatory course which institutes must teach their
students with and organizations also facilitate their employees with seminars, workshops and trainings to
develop effective communication skills in them.
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