Mplads Guidelines Eng 2012

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Members of Parliament
Local Area Development Scheme

lR;eso t;rs

Government of India
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
Sardar Patel Bhavan, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001
Website :
August 2012


Message from Hon'ble MOSPI
Preface by Secretary MOSPI
Message from Special Secretary
Important Telephone Nos.
Fund Release & Management
Accounting Procedure
Application of the Guidelines
Annexure - I
Annexure - II
Annexure - IIA
Annexure - III
Annexure - IVA
Annexure - IVB
Annexure - IVC
Annexure - IVD
Annexure - IVE
Annexure - V
Annexure - VI
Annexure - VII
Annexure - VIII
Annexure - IX
Annexure - X
Annexure - XA
Annexure - XB
Annexure - XC
Annexure - XI
Annexure - XII

Page No.

lR;eso t;rs

Srikant Kumar Jena


lR;eso t;rs




lR;eso t;rs


Special Secretary



Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation

Telephone (O)


23340884, 23340739,
23367245, 23747135 (Fax)


23340884, 23340739
23367245, 23747135 (Fax)


23340884, 23340739
23367245, 23747135 (Fax)

Secretary, MOSPI

23742150, 23344689, 23742067 (Fax)

Special Secretary, MOSPI

23344551, 23362878(Tele fax)


23384360, 23389388 (TF)

Deputy Director General (PI)


Director (MPLADS)


Deputy Secretary (MPLADS)


Deputy Director (MPLADS)


Under Secretary (MPLADS)


Under Secretary (MPLADS)

Lok Sabha Committee on MPLADS


23034115, 23017576 (Fax)



Deputy Secretary


Under Secretary

Rajya Sabha Committee on MPLADS


23017371, 23034689, 23012559 (Fax)

Deputy Director



Prime Ministers Office

Prime Minister of India

23012312, Fax 23019545, 23016857

23018939, 23011156
Council of Ministers

Cabinet Ministers
Minister for Finance

23094399, 23092810, 23093289 (Fax)

Minister for Agriculture, Food Processing Industries

23782691, 23383370, 23384129 (Fax)

Minister for Defence

23012286, 23019030, 23015403 (Fax)

Minister for Home Affairs

23092462, 23094686, 23094221 (Fax)

Minister for External Affairs

23011127, 23011165
23013254, 23011463(Fax)

Minister for Health & Family Welfare

23061647, 23061751, 23061661, 23061648 (Fax)

Minister for Civil Aviation

24610350, 24632991, 24610354 (Fax)

Minister for Corporate Affairs , Power

23073804, 23073805, 23073806 (Fax)

Minister for New & Renewable Energy

24360774, 24361193, 24360396, 24362554 (Fax)

Minister for Petroleum & Natural Gas

23381462, 23386622, 23386118 (Fax)

Minister for Urban Development

23063495, 23062089 (Fax)

Minister for Micro. Small & Medium Enterprises ,

Overseas Indian Affairs , Earth Sciences ,
Science and Technology
24676839, 24197985 (Fax)

24676836, 24676837

Minister for Information and Broadcasting

23384782, 23394340, 23384286 (Fax)

Minister for Labour and Employment

23717515, 23710240, 23711708 (Fax)

Minister for Human Resource Development ,

Communications & Information Technology

23782698, 23782387, 23382365 (Fax)

Minister for Commerce & Industry , Textiles

23061008, 23061492 23062223, 23062947 (Fax)

Minister for Road Transport and Highways

23711252, 23710121, 23719023 (Fax)

Minister for Culture, Housing and

Urban Poverty Alleviation

23381539, 23386765, 23384173, 23385115 (Fax)

Minister for Tourism

26110201, 26110606, 23731506 (Fax)

Minister for Shipping

23710356, 23356711, 23356709 (Fax)

Minister for Water Resources , Parliamentary Affairs

23714200, 23714663,
23711780, 23710804, 23766212 (Fax)

Minister for Social Justice & Empowerment

23381001, 23381390, 23381902 (Fax)

Minister for Chemicals and Fertilizers

23386519, 23386364, 23384020 (Fax)

Minister for Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises

23063598, 23061339,
23061782, 23062662 (Fax)


Minister for Coal

23385946, 23384498, 23386219 (Fax)

Minister for Minority Affairs , Law and Justice

24364273, 24364274, 24364275, 24364276 (Fax)

Minister for Tribal Affairs , Panchayati Raj

23388482, 23381499, 23070577 (Fax)

Minister for Steel

23061486, 23061477, 23061395 (Fax)

Minister for Railways

23386645, 23381213 23387333 (Fax)

Minister for Rural Development ,

Drinking Water & Sanitation

23782373, 23782327, 91 11 23385876 (Fax)

Ministers of State (Independent Charge)

Ministers of State (IC) for Parliamentary Affairs,
Development of North Eastern Region


Ministers of State (IC) for Mines

23388121, 23381280, 23383011 (Fax)

Ministers of State (IC) for Women and Child Development

Ministers of State (IC) for Youth Affairs and Sports

23022401, 23062753, 23062754

23074052, 23074053, 23074054 (Fax)

23384183 ,23386520, 23381898 (Fax)

Ministers of State (IC) for Consumer Affairs,

Food and Public Distribution

23070637, 23070642, 23386098 (Fax)

Ministers of State (IC) for Statistics and

Programme Implementation

23383686, +91 11 23382364

Ministers of State (IC) for Environment and Forests

24361727, 23463958, 24362222 (Fax)

Ministers of State
Minister of State for Human Resource
Development, External Affairs

23386442, 23384359, 23382689 (Fax)

Minister of State for Home Affairs

23093235, 23092595, 23094896 (Fax)

Minister of State for Prime Ministers Office ,

Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions

23010191, 23013719, 23017931 (Fax)

Minister of State for Commerce & Industry

23061194, 23062166 (Fax)

Minister of State for Human Resource Development

23381567, 23387771 (Fax)

Minister of State for Railways

23388190, 23382490, 23381634 (Fax)

Minister of State for Textiles

23063113, 23061298, 23063312 (Fax)

Minister of State for Finance

23092076, 23093592, 23094936 (Fax)

Minister of State for Defence

23794621, 23792128, 23016255 (Fax)

Minister of State for Urban Development

23061999, 23061474, 23061103 (Fax)

Minister of State for Finance

23094108, 23092377, 23092680 (Fax)

Minister of State for Road Transport and Highways

23718575, 23351280, 23351281 (Fax)

Minister of State for External Affairs

23011141, 23014070, 23011425 (Fax)

Minister of State for Agriculture ,

Food Processing Industries , Parliamentary Affairs

23381341, 23386631 (Fax)


Minister of State for Railways

23382323, 23384413, 23385025 (Fax)

Minister of State for Tribal Affairs

23062468, 23062469, 23062771 (Fax)

Minister of State for Rural Development

23782063, 23782211, 23782328 (Fax)

Minister of State for Tourism

23061650, 23061651, 23061653 (Fax)

Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting

23073423, 23073424,

Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting

23384214, 23385583, 23384597 (Fax)

Minister of State for Social Justice & Empowerment

23383757, 23383745, 23074097 (Fax)

Minister of State for Health & Family Welfare

23061887, 23063793, 23061108 (Fax)

Minister of State for Road Transport and Highways

23731522, 23715159, 23718568 (Fax)

Minister of State for Communications &

Information Technology

24368757, 24368758, 24360958 (Fax)

Minister of State for Coal

23070522, 23070524, 23070529 (Fax)

Minister of State for Corporate Affairs,

Petroleum & Natural Gas

23381664, 23381687

Minister of State for Water Resources, Minority Affairs 23325996, 23730719, 23354496 (Fax)
Minister of State for Rural Development

23388823, 23388859, 23388827 (Fax)

Minister of State for Rural Development

23386595, 23383614, 23383539 (Fax)

Minister of State for Planning Commission ,

Science and Technology , Earth Sciences

23096561, 23096562, 23096563, 23096713 (Fax)

Minister of State for Power

23723700, 23705903, 23705902 (Fax)

Minister of State for Health & Family Welfare

23061016, 23061551, 23068157 (Fax)

Minister of State for Agriculture

23388165, 23782565

Minister of State for Home Affairs


Minister of State for Communications &

Information Technology

23372246, 23372247, 23372278 (Fax)

Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs

23017651, 23034642, 23013495 (Fax)

Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilizers

23383686, 23382364




The general public approach Members of Parliament (MPs) for provision of certain basic facilities to
meet the felt needs of the people.


On 23rd December 1993 Prime Minister had announced the Members of Parliament Local Area
Development Scheme (MPLADS) in the Parliament. Initially the MPLADS was under the control

of the Ministry of Rural Development. The 1 Guidelines were issued in February 1994, covering the
concept, implementation and monitoring of the Scheme. The MPLAD Scheme was transferred to
the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation in October 1994. The Guidelines were
subsequently revised in December 1994, February 1997, September 1999, April 2002, November
2005 and lastly in August 2012. The present comprehensive revision of guidelines is based on the
experience gained over 18 years, and having considered the suggestions made by the various
stakeholders including Members of Parliament, both the Committees of the Lok Sabha/Rajya
Sabha, NABARD consultancy services (NABCONS) and Comptroller and Auditor General of India
in its Reports.

The objective of the scheme is to enable MPs to recommend works of developmental nature with
emphasis on the creation of durable community assets based on the locally felt needs to be taken up
in their Constituencies. Right from inception of the Scheme, durable assets of national priorities viz.
drinking water, primary education, public health, sanitation and roads, etc. are being created.


In 1993-94, when the Scheme was launched, an amount of Rs. 5 lakh per Member of Parliament
was allotted which became Rupees one crore per annum per MP constituency from 1994-95.
This was stepped up to Rs. 2 crore from 1998-99 and now it has been increased to Rs.5 crore
from the financial year 2011-12.


The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has been responsible for the policy
formulation, release of funds and prescribing monitoring mechanism for implementation of the
Scheme. A Department each in State/UTs is designated as the Nodal Department with the overall
responsibility of supervision, monitoring and coordination of the MPLADS implementation with
the districts and other Line Departments. The Government of India informs the State Nodal
Department about the MPLADS funds released to the District Authorities. The District Authorities
report the status of MPLADS implementation to the Government of India and State Nodal



The MPLADS is a Plan Scheme fully funded by Government of India. The annual MPLADS
fund entitlement per MP constituency is Rs. 5 crore.


Lok Sabha Members can recommend works within their Constituencies and Elected Members of
Rajya Sabha can recommend works within the State of Election except as provided in paras 2.8 and
2.9. Nominated Members of both the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha can recommend works, anywhere
in the country.


A Member of Parliament shall give his choice of Nodal District in Annexure I of the guidelines to
the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation with copy to the State Government and
to the District Magistrate of the chosen District. If a Lok Sabha Constituency is spread over
more than one District, the Member of Parliament can choose any one of the Districts as Nodal
Districts in his/her constituency. The Rajya Sabha MP can choose any District in his/her State of
Election as Nodal District. Nominated Members of both Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha can
choose, any District in the country as Nodal District.


All works to meet locally felt infrastructure and development needs, with an emphasis on creation of
durable assets in the constituency are permissible under MPLADS except those prohibited in
Annex-II. Expenditure on specified items of non durable nature are also permitted as per list in the


Development of Areas inhabited by Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe There is a greater need
to develop areas inhabited by Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in order to give special
attention for the infrastructure development of such areas. MPs are to recommend every year, works
costing at least 15 per cent of the MPLADS entitlement for the year for areas inhabited by Scheduled
Caste population and 7.5 per cent for areas inhabited by S.T. population. In other words, out of an
amount of Rs.5 crores, a M.P. shall recommend for areas inhabited by S.C. population, Rs.75 lacs out
of the annual Rs.5 crores and Rs.37.5 lacs for areas inhabited by S.T. population. In case there is
insufficient tribal population in the area of Lok Sabha Member, they may recommend this amount
for the creation of community assets in tribal areas outside of their constituency but within their State
of election. In case a State does not have S.T. inhabited areas, this amount may be utilized in S.C.
inhabited areas and vice-versa. It shall be the responsibility of the district authority to enforce the
provision of the guideline. In order to facilitate implementation of this guideline, it will be
responsibility of the district authority keeping in view the extant provisions of State and Central
Government's to declare areas eligible for utilization for funds meant for the benefit of SC & ST
(The additional amount of 12.5 lac is to be spent in tribal areas only)

Sub clause (a) In order to encourage Trust and Societies to work for the betterment of tribal
people, the ceiling of Rs.25 lacs stipulated for building assets by trusts and societies in para 3.21


of the guidelines will be enhanced by 50 per cent to Rs.37.5 lacs subject to the conditions (a) the
community building works are primarily for the benefit of tribal people in tribal areas (b) the
works undertaken and the beneficiary trust/society should satisfy all other conditions of the
MPLADS guidelines.

Recommendation/Sanction of the works: Each MP will recommend works up to the annual

entitlement during the financial year in the format at Annex-III to the concerned District Authority.
The District Authority will get the eligible sanctioned works executed as per the established
procedure of the State Government. (in the matter of technical sanction, tender/non-tender,
schedule of rates, etc. However, powers to grant administrative sanction/approval will continue to
remain with District Authority).


Natural & Man-made Calamities: MPLADS works can also be implemented in the areas prone to
or affected by the calamities like floods, cyclone, Tsunami, earthquake, hailstorm, avalanche, cloud
burst and pest attack, landslides, tornado, drought, fire, chemical, biological and radiological
hazards. Lok Sabha MPs from the non-affected areas of the State can also recommend permissible
works up to a maximum of Rs.10 lakh per annum in the affected area(s) in that State. The funds
would be released by the Nodal district of the MP concerned to the District Authority of the affected
district. MPLADS funds may be pooled by the District Authority of the affected district for works
permissible in the Guidelines. The amount so transferred from the nodal district to the natural
calamity affected district may be shown in the UCs as well as MPRs as amount transferred to natural
calamity affected district for rehabilitation work. The Works Completion Report, Audit Certificate
and Utilization Certificate for such works and funds will be provided by the District Authority of the
affected districts directly to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation for overall
reconciliation. No separate UC/AC/Completion Report in respect of the transferred amount would
be required from the Nodal District authority in this regard while processing release of subsequent
installment of MPLADS funds.


In the event of Calamity of severe nature in any part of the country, an MP can recommend works
up to a maximum of Rs.50 lakh for the affected district. Whether a calamity is of severe nature or
not, will be decided by the Government of India. The funds in this regard will be released by the
District Authority of Nodal district of the MP concerned to the District Authority of the affected
district to get permissible works done. The amount so transferred from the nodal district to the
natural calamity affected district may be shown in the UCs as well as MPRs as amount transferred to
natural calamity affected district for rehabilitation work. The Works Completion Report, Audit
Certificate and Utilization Certificate for such works and funds will be provided by the District
Authority of the affected districts directly to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme
Implementation for overall reconciliation. No separate UC/AC/Completion Report in respect of the
transferred amount would be required from the Nodal District authority in this regard while
processing release of subsequent installment of MPLADS funds.


Contribution of MPLADS funds to a place outside MPs constituency or outside his State/UT:If

an elected Member of Parliament, finds the need, to contribute MPLADS funds, to a place outside
that State/UT, Or outside the constituency within the states or both, the MP can recommend eligible
works, under these Guidelines upto a maximum of Rs.10 lakh in a financial year. Such a gesture on
the part of an MP will promote national unity, harmony, and fraternity among the people, at the grass
roots level. In such cases, the Nodal District Authority will be fully responsible for coordination and
other functions, bestowed on him in the Guidelines. The works Completion Report, Utilization
Certificate and Audit Certificate, for such works, will be provided by the Implementing District
Authority, to the respective Nodal District Authority from whom the funds were received.

District Authority: District Collector/District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner will generally be

the District Authority to implement MPLADS in the district. If the District Planning Committee is
empowered by the State Government, the Chief Executive Officer of the District Planning
Committee can function as the District Authority. In case of Municipal Corporations, the
Commissioner/Chief Executive Officer may function as the District Authority. In this regard, if there
is any doubt, Government of India in consultation with the State/UT Government, will decide the
District Authority for the purpose of MPLADS implementation.


Implementing Agency: The District Authority shall identify the agency through which a particular
work recommended by the MP should be executed. The executing agency so identified by the
District Authority is the implementing agency. The Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) will
preferably be the Implementing Agency in the rural areas and works implementation will be done
through Chief Executive of the respective PRI. The Implementing Agencies in the urban areas
should preferably be urban local bodies and works implementation will be done through
Commissioners/Chief Executive Officers of Municipal Corporations, Municipalities. Further, the
District Authority may choose either Government Department unit or Government agency or
reputed Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) as capable of implementing the works
satisfactorily as Implementing Agencies. For purposes of execution of works through Government
Departments, District Authority can engage agencies such as, Public Health Engineering, Rural
Housing, Housing Boards, Electricity Boards, and Urban Development Authorities etc, as
Implementing Agencies. However, whenever an NGO is selected as implementing agency, it should
have the requisite expertise in the chosen field of execution. The NGO should preferably be of
National repute and should be selected by a Committee under District Authority. The
Implementation through NGO thereafter can follow State procedures.





Each M.P. shall recommend eligible work on the M.Ps letter head duly signed by the M.P. A letter
format from the M.P. to the district authority is at Annex-III. Recommendations by third parties and
representatives of M.Ps are not admissible and cannot be acted upon.


In case a constituency comprises of more than one district, and the MP wishes to recommend works
in the district other than the Nodal District, in such cases the works list in the prescribed format shall
be given to the District Authority of the Nodal District with copy to the District Authority in whose
jurisdiction the proposed works are to be executed. The District Authority in whose jurisdiction, the
proposed works are to be executed, will maintain proper accounts, follow proper procedure for
sanction and implementation for timely completion of works. The District Authority will furnish
monthly progress reports, work completion reports, and audit certificates for such works to the
Nodal District Authority.


The District Authority shall identify the Implementing Agency capable of executing the eligible
work qualitatively, timely and satisfactorily. The District Authority shall follow the established work
scrutiny; technical, work estimation, tendering and administrative procedure of the State/UT
Government concerned in the matter of work execution, and shall be responsible for timely and
effective implementation of such works


The work and the site selected for the work execution by the MP shall not be changed, except with the
concurrence of the MP concerned, but change will not be allowed once the work has commenced and
expenditure liability incurred.


Where the District Authority considers that a recommended work cannot be executed due to some
reason, the District Authority shall inform the reasons to the MP concerned, under intimation to the
Government of India and the State/UT Government as early as possible but not later than 45 days
from the date of receipt of the proposal.


The District Authority should get in advance a firm commitment about the operation, upkeep and
maintenance of the proposed asset from the User Agency concerned before the execution of the
work is sanctioned


The District Authority may sanction works as per the recommendation of the MP up to the full
entitlement. However, the release of funds will be regulated as specified in these Guidelines.


If the estimated amount for a work is more than the amount indicated by the MP for the same,
MP's further consent is necessary before the sanction is accorded


The work should be sanctioned and executed only if the MP concerned has allocated the full
estimated cost of the work in the year. If the commitment for the full estimated amount is not
forthcoming and the amount recommended by the MP is less than the estimates for the work and
there are no other sources from which the deficit can be made good, then the work should not be
sanctioned, as in such an eventuality, the project will remain incomplete for want of sufficient funds.

The shortfall in the estimated cost vis--vis the one recommended by the MP should be intimated to
the MP as early possible but not later than 75 days of the receipt of the proposal.

In case, recommendations received by the District Authority exceeds the entitlement of the MP,
priority will be as per the principle of first received to be first considered.


All works for which recommendations are received in the office of the District Authority till the last
date of the term of the MP are to be executed, provided these are as per norms and within the
entitlement of MPLADS funds of the MP.


All recommended eligible works should be sanctioned within 75 days from the date of receipt of the
recommendation, after completing all formalities. The District Authority shall, however, inform
MPs regarding rejection, if any, within 45 days from the date of receipt of recommendations, with
reasons thereof.
In case of the time limits mentioned in the section falling within the period of operation of model
code of conduct notified by the Election Commission, then such period as notified by model code of
conduct will not be included in the reckoning of time limits.


The sanction letter/order shall stipulate a time limit for completion of the work to the
Implementation Agency. The time limit for completion of the works should generally not exceed one
year. In exceptional cases, where the implementation time exceeds one year, specific reasons for the
same shall be incorporated in the sanction letter/order. The sanction letter/order shall also include a
clause for suitable action against the Implementation Agency in the event of their failure to complete
the work within the stipulated time as per the State Government Procedure. A copy of the sanction
letter/order shall be sent to the MP concerned.


Decision making powers in regard to technical, financial and administrative sanctions to be

accorded under the Scheme, vest in the district level functionaries. To facilitate quick
implementation of projects under this Scheme, full powers should be delegated by the State/UT
Governments to the district functionaries. The District Authorities will have full powers to get the
works technically approved and financial estimates prepared by the competent district functionaries
before according the final administrative sanction and approval. The District Authority should,
before sanctioning the work, ensure that all clearances for such works have been taken from the
competent authorities and the work conforms to the Guidelines.


The work, once recommended by the MP and sanctioned by the District Authority may be cancelled
if so desired by the MP, only if the execution of the work has not commenced and the cancellation
does not lead to any contractual financial liability/ cost on the Government. If for some compelling,
reasons, stoppage/abandonment of a work in progress becomes inevitable the matter should be
referred to the State Nodal Department with full justification for a decision under intimation to the
Government of India and to the MP concerned.
Such works cannot be changed by MP even if the MP is reelected. It shall be the responsibility of the


Nodal District Authority to scrutinize all such recommended works within 75 days of the last date of
the term of office of the MP to accord necessary sanction as per the Guidelines and rejection, if any,
to be intimated to the outgoing/former MP within 45 days with reasons.
Nothing in this clause will allow any successor MP to cancel any otherwise eligible works
recommended by his predecessor.

On receipt of the recommendation of the works from the MP, and issue of the work sanction order by
the District Authority, the District Authority should ensure that details of the work sanctioned are
entered in the Input Format (Annex-IV A,B,C,D, and E) and uploaded in the MPLADS website
( All works already executed or under execution need to go through similar
process and all entries would be made in a time bound manner. The Software Manual for Monitoring
of Works under MPLADS is available on the website.


MPLAD Scheme can be converged in individual/stand-alone projects of other Central and State
Government schemes provided such works of Central/State Governments Schemes are eligible
under MPLADS. Funds from local bodies can similarly also be pooled with MPLADS works.
Wherever such pooling is done, funds from other scheme sources should be used first and the
MPLADS funds should be released later, so that MPLADS fund results in completion of the project.

3.17.1 Special provision for convergence of Member of Parliament Local Area Development
(MPLADS) with MGNREGA : Funds from Member of Parliament Local Area Development
Scheme (MPLADS) can be converged with MGNREGA with the objective of creating more durable
(The detailed procedure may be seen at Annexure II A).
3.17.2 Special provision for convergence of Member of Parliament Local Area Development
(MPLADS) with Panchyat Yuva Krida Aur Khel Abhiyan (PYKKA) and Urban Sports
Infrastructure Scheme (USIS) of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports : Funds from
Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) can be converged with
Panchyat Yuva Krida Aur Khel Abhiyan (PYKKA) with the objective of creating more durable
(The detailed procedure may be seen at Annexure II A).

The MPs may recommend augmentation by certain amount out of his MPLADS funds in a Centrally
sponsored Scheme against central plus State share indicating the geographical area where to be
implemented and the amount recommended, but will not be permitted to indicate the beneficiaries,
who will continue to be as per any prior list /priority list already drawn up by the District Authority,
and the list would not require a change on the request of the MP.


Public and community contribution to the works recommended by MPs is permissible. In such
cases, MPLADS funds will be limited to the estimated amount minus the public and community



There are Central and State Government Schemes which provide for the public and community
contribution. MPLADS funds shall not be used to substitute the public and community contribution
in any Central/State Government Programme/Scheme, which includes a component of such


Community infrastructure and public utility building works are also permissible for registered
Societies/Trusts under the Scheme, provided that the Society/Trust is engaged in the social
service/welfare activity and has been in existence for the preceding three years. The existence of
the Society/Trust shall be reckoned from the date it started its activities in the field, or the date of
registration under the relevant Registration Act, whichever is later. The beneficiary Society/Trust
shall be a well established, public spirited, nonprofit making entity, enjoying a good reputation in the
area. Whether such a society/trust is well reputed or not, should be decided by the District Authority
concerned on the basis of relevant factors, like performance in the field of social service, welfare
activities, non-profit orientation of its activities, transparency of its activities and sound financial

3.21.1 The ownership of the land may remain with the Society/Trust, but the structure constructed with
MPLADS funds shall be the property of State/UT Government. The Society/Trust shall undertake to
operate, maintain and up keep at its cost the asset created under MPLADS. If at any time, it is found
that the asset created with MPLADS funds is not being used for the purpose for which the asset was
funded, the State/UT Government may take over the asset and proceed to recover from the
Society/Trust, the cost incurred from MPLADS for the creation of asset along with interest at the rate
of 18% per annum calculated with effect from the date of use of MPLADS fund for the works
concurred. A formal agreement (a model agreement form is at Annex-V) will be executed by the
Society/Trust with the District Authority in favour of the Government in advance for the purpose.
This agreement will be registered under the relevant Registration Act on a non judicial stamp paper
of Rs.10 or more, as is applicable in the State/UT. No stamp duty would be required to be paid for
registration as there is no formal transfer of assets.
3.21.2 Not more than Rs.25 lakh, can be spent from MPLADS fund, for one or more works of a particular
Society/Trust in the lifetime of that society/trust . If a Society has already availed of MPLADS funds
up to Rs. 25 lakh, no more funds can be recommended for that Society/Trust under the Scheme.
From the financial year 2011-12, an MP can recommend funds, only upto Rs.50 lakh in all, in a
financial year from MPLADS funds for works to Societies/Trusts. The recommendation made by
Hon'ble MPs for the period prior to the financial year 2011-12 is to be regulated as per the guidelines
existing before the issue of the Circular dated 15.06.2011. The recommendations made after issue of
the Reform Circular dated 15.06.2011, though in respect of earlier years, will be regulated as per
Circular dated 15.06.2011.
3.21.3 The MPLADS funding is not permissible to a Society/Trust, if the recommending MP or any of
his/her family members is the President/Chairman or Member of the Managing Committee or
Trustee of the registered Society/Trust in question. Family members would include MP and MPs


spouse which would comprise of their parents, brothers and sisters, children, grandchildren and their
spouses and their in-laws. MPs may ensure the spirit of the guidelines is maintained by avoiding
circular or mutual funding of Trusts/Societies.
3.21.4 Further, when funds are recommended towards a Society/Trust by a Member of Parliament and
clarifications/documents as required under the Guidelines for scrutiny before sanctioning are
requested by the District Authorities, the said Society/Trust should provide the requisite documents
within a maximum period of three months from the date of receipt of the letter from the district
administration. In case the documents are not received even after a period of three months, the
district administration can send two reminders within a month. If the required information is still not
received, the recommendation by the MP towards the Society/Trust may be treated as cancelled by
the district administration and intimation of the same may be given to the recommending MP.

As soon as a work under the Scheme is completed, it should be put to public use. For greater public
awareness, for all works executed under MPLADS a plaque (stone/metal) carrying the inscription
'Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme Work' indicating the cost involved, the
commencement, completion and inauguration date and the name of the MP sponsoring the project
should be permanently erected. A sample of plaque is at Annexure-XI.


List of all completed and ongoing works with MPLADS funds should also be displayed at the
District Authority Office and posted in the website for information of the general public. For public
awareness, details of completed works may be displayed at prominent places like
Tehsil/Niabat/Sub-Tehsil/ Block /Gram Panchayat offices also.


As per the provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005 and the Rules framed there under, all
citizens have the right to information on any aspect of the MPLAD Scheme and the works
recommended/ sanctioned/ executed under it. This may include any information on works
recommended by the MPs, works sanctioned/ not sanctioned, cost of works sanctioned,
Implementing Agencies, quality of work completed, User's Agency etc. The District Authorities are
responsible to provide such information to the public in the manner as required under the Right to
Information Act 2005.


Ambulances/Hearse Vans are already allowed to be purchased, by the District Authority/CMO/Civil

Surgeon of the District on the recommendation of a Member of Parliament. The scope is now
widened to allow operation of ambulance/hearse services through private organizations.
The detailed procedure may be seen at Annexure II A.


Minimum amount for a project: The minimum amount sanctioned under the MPLAD Scheme
for any project or work should normally not be less than Rs. 1 lakh. If, however, the District
Authority is of the considered view that the work of less amount will be beneficial to the public at
large, he/she may sanction the same, even if the cost of the work is less than Rs. 1 lakh


Shelf of Projects The District Authority shall maintain and make available a Shelf of Projects


including projects for SC/ST inhabited areas to MPs. The Shelf of Projects should be suggestive
only, so that it provides, flexibility to the MP, to go beyond the list in order to meet the felt needs of
the people. The district authority may receive suggestions from Panchayati Raj Institutions and local

Utilisation of MPLADS Fund for welfare of the differently abled persons MPs may
recommend upto a maximum of Rs.10 lakhs per year OR the consolidated entitled amount of their
balance tenure, effective from the financial year 2011-12, at any time from their MPLADS fund for
giving assistance to the physically challenged. Such assistance will be given only for the purchase
of tricycles (manual/battery operated), motorized/battery operated wheelchair and artificial limbs
for differently abled deserving persons.
(Detailed procedure may be seen in Annexure II A)


Purchased of books for schools, colleges and public library: Books to the extent of Rs. 22 lakh
can be purchased for schools, colleges and public libraries belonging to Central, States, UTs and
Local Self-Government from MPLADS Fund.
The details of ceiling for such purchase may be seen in Annexure II A.


Purchase of computers Purchase of computers is permissible for Government and Government

aided educational institutions.
(Detailed provision may be seen in Annexure II A)


Purchase of mobile library from MPLADS funds - Purchase of mobile library for educational
institutes belonging to Central, State, UT and Local Self Government are permissible. The recurring
expenses/other expenditure for running the mobile library vans shall be borne by the user agency


New borings in place of hand pumps installed under MPLAD Scheme New borings in lieu of
the existing non-functional hand-pumps using the re-usable components of the parts of the nonfunctional hand pumps are permissible.
The conditions on which new borings are permissible may be seen in Annexure II A


Special provisions for works in border areas, coastal and other environmentally sensitive areas (like
forests, wild life, CRZ, eco-fragile areas, etc.) appropriate permission from the concerned Ministries
and agencies will be needed.

3.33.1 Specific clearance from Ministry of Water Resources would invariably be required before
sanctioning any work for irrigation, flood control etc. under the MPLAD Scheme on any river within
8 kilometers of international border

Creation of a Facilitation Centre at each District : An MP would be entitled for setting up of

MPLADS Facilitation Centre in the Nodal District for which space/room would be provided by the
DC/DM in the premises of Collectorate/DRDA. The capital cost of setting up of such facilities
including equipments, furniture, etc. shall not exceed Rs 5 lakhs and will be met from MPLADS

Detailed functions and other instructions may be seen at Annexure II A)

Construction of Railway Halt Station: Funds from MPLAD Scheme if so nominated by MP can be
used for construction of Railway Halt Station to facilitate the local community for
boarding/deboarding from the train.
(Detailed instructions may be seen at Annexure II A)


One-MP-One Idea : In order to foster, a grass-root bottoms-up approach to innovation and

development and to arrive at solutions for local problems which are sustainable and scalable, there is
a need for seeking out and campaigning for ideas that have the potential to solve challenges.
Accordingly, based on the innovative ideas received from the local people regarding developmental
projects, an 'One MP One Idea' Competition may be held in each Lok Sabha constituency annually
to select the three best innovations for cash awards on the specific request of an MP to promote such
a scheme in his/her constituency. The guidelines in this regard are at Annexure X.
(Detailed procedure and instructions may be seen at Annexure II A)


Providing assistance to aided Institutions MPs may recommend their MPLADS funds to the
aided Institutions wherein the District Authority is in a position to give a certificate that they are
under the full control of the Government and are managed by the Government and may be treated at
par with the Government Institutions. Such aided Institutions will be allowed to have MPLADS
funds for all permissible activities under the MPLAD Scheme.

3.37.1 All other aided Institutions which are not under the control of Government but may be following the
prescribed requirement for recognition by the Government should be covered under the provision of
para 3.21 of the MPLADS Guidelines.

Assistance to Bar Associations MPs may recommend their MPLADS funds to the Bar
Associations at the Tehsil/Sub-division/District level for construction of Building of the Bar
Association provided the land for it belongs to the Central, State/UT or local self-Government and
subject to the provisions of para 3.21 of the MPLADS Guidelines. No MPLADS Funds will be
permissible for any recurring expenditure of the Bar Association..

3.38.1 Assistance to Bar Association Library for purchase of books : Subject to provisions of para 3.38
above and para 3.21 of the MPLADS Guidelines, MPs may recommend MPLADS funds to Bar
Association Library for purchase of books upto Rs. 50,000/- (Rs. fifty thousand only) per annum for
Lower and District Courts (courts at Tehsil/Sub-division/District level.
(Detailed procedure and instructions may be seen at Annexure II A)





The annual entitlement of Rs 5 crore shall be released, in two equal instalments of Rs 2.5 crore each,
by Government of India directly to the District Authority of the Nodal District of the Member of
Parliament concerned.


At the time of the constitution of Lok Sabha, and election of a Rajya Sabha Member, the first
instalment of Rs. 2.5 crore shall be released to the District Authority without the documents
stipulated under para 4.3 below. The subsequent instalments of the continuing Members of Rajya
Sabha and Lok Sabha will be released as per eligibility criteria indicated in Paragraph 4.3.


The first instalment of Rs. 2.5 crore at the time of constitution of Lok Sabha or election of Rajya
Sabha Member will be released in the beginning of the financial year.
In the remaining years, the first installment will be released in the beginning of the financial year
subject to the condition that the second installment of the previous year was released for the MP
concerned and also subject to furnishing of the provisional Utilization Certificate of previous year
covering at least 80% of the expenditure of the first installment of the previous year.
The second installment of the MPLADS funds will be released subject to the fulfillment of the
following eligibility criteria:(i) the unsanctioned balance amount available in the account of the District Authority after taking
into account the cost of all the work sanctioned is less than Rs.1 crore;
(ii) the unspent balance of fund of the MP Concerned is less than Rs. 2.5 crore; and
(iii) Utilization Certificate and Audit Certificate of the immediately concluded financial year ending
31st March have been furnished by District Authority (in format at Annexure viii & ix of the
guidelines respectively.
The above stipulations will be calculated from the Monthly Progress Report for each sitting and
former MP term-wise separately. The Monthly Progress Report is to be sent by the District
Authorities in the format at Annexure


Funds Non-lapsable: Funds released to the District Authority by the Government of India are nonlapsable. Funds left in the district can be carried forward for utilization in the subsequent years.
Further, the funds not released by the Government of India in a year will be carried forward for
making releases in the subsequent years subject to the fulfillment of criteria stipulated in Paragraph


The entitlement of funds of a Member of Parliament for a particular year is determined as under:
Period in the financial year as MP


Less than 3 months


Up to 9 months

50% of the annual allocation

More than 9 months

100% of the annual allocation


Funds will be released to Rajya Sabha/Lok Sabha MPs as per the eligibility criteria mentioned in
para 4.3 above. However, in case of sudden death or resignation of an MP, the works which may have
been duly recommended and duly sanctioned as per original eligibility, not anticipating the above
contingency, would have to be completed (to avoid wastage of Government funds) irrespective of
any reduced entitlement noted above due to death/resignation and the new incoming MP's full
entitlement would start afresh in accordance with the above formula.

If a Lok Sabha constituency is spread over more than one district, funds for the constituency shall be
released to the opted Nodal District Authority, who will be responsible for transfer of funds to the
other districts within the constituency as per the requirement of funds in those districts


In respect of elected Members of Lok Sabha, the balances of MPLADS funds left by the predecessor
MP in a Lok Sabha constituency (funds not committed for works of the predecessor MP) would be
passed on to the successor MP from that constituency. (In case of fresh delimitation, separate orders
will be issued).


In respect of elected Members of Rajya Sabha, the balance of funds (funds not committed for the
recommended works) left in the Nodal District by the predecessor Member in a particular State on
his demitting office will be equally distributed by the State Government among the successor elected
Rajya Sabha Members in that State. The unspent balance of even earlier elected Rajya Sabha MPs if
not already distributed, will be equally distributed among the sitting Rajya Sabha Members of the
States concerned by the State Government.


The balance of funds (funds not committed for the recommended and sanctioned works) left by the
nominated Members of Rajya Sabha in the Nodal District will be equally distributed amongst the
successor nominated Members of Rajya Sabha by the State Government with the approval of
Government of India..


The balance of funds (funds not committed for the recommended and sanctioned works) left by
Anglo-Indian nominated Lok Sabha MPs will be equally distributed among the successor AngloIndian nominated Lok Sabha MPs by the State Government with the approval of Government of

4.10.1 Completion of works/settling of accounts- The work of MPLADS shall be completed within 18
months from the date of demitting office in case of Rajya Sabha MPs or dissolution of the Lok Sabha.
District Authorities shall settle and close the account of the concerned MP after completing all other
formalities in another 3 months time, under intimation to the Govt. of India and with detailed
information in the Monthly Progress Report (MPR). If the District Authority does not finish the
projects within 18 months of demitting of an MP or dissolution of Lok Sabha, the District
Authority will be required to complete the balance work out of State/District funds. In no case,
any extension will be given and District Authority shall be held responsible in case of any lapse
in this regard.

The unreleased fund by the Government of India will follow the pattern stipulated in clauses 4.7 to

4.10 as the case may be and the fund release will be done by the Government of India.

Generally a vacancy caused prematurely due to resignation, death, etc. of an elected/nominated MP

is filled up by election/nomination for the remaining term of the MP vacating the seat. The total term
of both the MPs in such cases remains for the period of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha respectively.
Therefore, the new MP will be treated as a successor of the MP vacating the seat prematurely and
balance funds will not be distributed among other MPs but transferred to MPLADS Account of the
successor MP.


The District Authority can sanction works up to the entitlement of the MP for that year without even
physical availability of funds. Funds will be released by the Government as per the eligibility criteria
stipulated in paragraphs 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5 above.


The District Authority shall maintain a separate bank account in nationalized bank for each MP for
the purpose of MPLAD Scheme. The Bank account will not be changed without the approval of
MOSPI. The details of the bank account shall be intimated to MOSPI for release of funds as per
format at annexure XII. Physical and Financial Progress for each MP (sitting and former) will be
sent by the District Authorities, separately as per Annexure VI every month (called MPR) which will
also show the balance funds available with the Nodal Authority in the bank account.

4.14.1 The Implementing Agencies shall also deposit the funds only in a nationalized bank . Separate
account will be opened for each MP for the purpose

The District Authority shall release, 75% of the estimated cost of a sanctioned work in advance as a
first instalment, if the implementing agency is a Government Agency, and 25% as second
installment after sufficient progress has been achieved.
In case of all MPLAD works upto Rs.2 lakh being undertaken by Government Agencies, the entire
amount shall be released as advance in a single installment. In cases even exceeding this amount, if
the State Government rules permit giving advance of 100%, then the same would be applicable to the
MPLADS work also.
In case of MPLAD works, where either the user agency or the implementing agency is private, the
district authorities are authorized to release funds upto 60% of the sanctioned amount, as first
installment and balance amount of 40% would be released as second/third installment as follows:-



25% after 3/4th of the work is over and


Last 15% after satisfactory completion of works.

The interest accrued on the funds released under the Scheme, to the District Authority is to be used
for permissible works recommended by the MP concerned. The interest accrued on the funds
released under the Scheme to the Implementing agencies shall be calculated while arriving at the
savings for each work. The savings for each work shall be refunded to the District Authority within
30 days of the completion of the work.



Administrative Expenses - The existing contingency funds of 0.5% have been increased to 2% as
Administrative Expenses, of the annual entitlement of MPLAD funds. The 2% of Administrative
fund shall be part of annual entitlement of Rs. 5 crore of an MP and will be distributed among the
Nodal District, Implementing District(s) and the State Nodal Department and is applicable from the
financial year 2011-12.


Administrative expenses constituting 2 per cent of the MPLADS fund shall be distributed in the
following manner.
On receipt of each installment of MPLADS funds, the nodal district authority shall immediately
allocate and send to the State/UT Nodal Department 0.2 per cent of the amount for use by the
State/UT nodal department. The balance amount will be retained by the nodal district for utilization
as specified below.
The nodal district will on communicating any recommendation to an implementing district transmit
one per cent of the recommended amount in addition towards administrative expenses to the relevant
implementing district. The balance money will be retained by the nodal district for its own
administrative expenses as described in sub-section(ii).


The administrative expenses will be utilized by the nodal departments, nodal districts and
implementing districts in the following way :


The nodal department can use the amount for their administrative expenses and for the following
activities :
(1) Third party inspection-physical audit and quality check;
(2) Monitoring of works at State level; and
(3) Translating the MPLADS guidelines in their respective regional language except in Hindi.
The State/UT nodal department will carry out third party inspection- physical audit and quality
check of MPLAD works in their States in the following manner.
In each district, a selection of MPLAD works will be taken up for inspection and physical audit as per
the following criteria.
(i) All works costing 25 lacs and more will be compulsory covered.
(ii) 50 per cent of all works costing 15 to 25 lacs must be covered. For the remaining works, a
sample of at least 50 works shall be drawn up involving the judicious balance of various
parameters like cost, works in the area of SC/ST, M.P. wise work and works of societies and trust.
The nodal department will also monitor compliance of the district authorities in terms of the
guidelines for the scheme.
All complaints received from MPs in the Ministry should also required to examine and report sent to


(b) By the Nodal District, for executing the following activities,


Hiring of services/consultants for handling Accounts, Data Entry, uploading of data on website,


Creating awareness among public about the Scheme and dissemination of information of
ongoing and completed works,


Purchase of stationary,

iv) Office equipment including computer hardware/software for MPLADS planning/monitoring

(excluding laptop),

Telephone/fax charges, postal charges,

vi) Expenses incurred (a) to make MPLADS Works Monitoring Software and other MPLADS
portal(s) operational, (b) to get the audit of the accounts done and obtain audit certificate, and
vii) Out sourcing of technical estimates (if found necessary) in specialized cases.
(c) By the Implementing Districts for executing the following activities,

Creating awareness among public about the Scheme and dissemination of information of
ongoing and completed works,


Purchase of stationary,

iii) Office equipment including computer hardware/software for MPLADS planning/monitoring

(excluding laptop),
iv) Telephone/fax charges, postal charges,

Hiring of services/consultants, for maintenance of accounts and monitoring of works, and

vi) Out sourcing of technical estimates (if found necessary) in specialized cases.

A separate bank account for administrative funds will be open in a Nationalized Bank as well as a
separate cash book will be maintained for administrative expenditures incurred during the year by
the Nodal Department at State level, as also by Nodal District and by the implementing district.
For purpose of Utilisation Certificate, the administrative expenses once distributed by Nodal
District would be considered as spent, and separate Utilisation Certificate will not be necessary for
these expenses



The District Authority and Implementing Agencies shall maintain accounts of MPLADS funds, MPwise. Cash Book and other Books of Accounts shall be maintained as per the State/UT Government
procedure. MPLADS funds received by the District Authority from the Government of India and the
Implementing Agencies receiving the funds from the District Authority shall be kept only in Savings
Bank Account of a nationalized Bank. Only one Account shall be maintained per MP. Deposit of
MPLADS funds by the District Authority and Implementing Agencies in the State/UT Government
Treasury accounts is prohibited.


The District Authority shall also maintain different head wise list of works executed( Head and Code
of Works may be seen in Annex IV E) in an Asset Register for all the MPLADS works created in the
district and the Constituency for which the MPLADS funds were received.


On completion of a work, the Implementing Agency shall quickly finalize the accounts for that work
and shall furnish a work completion report and utilization certificate and return the un-utilized
balance (savings) and interest amount within 30 days to the District Authority concerned. The model
work completion report is at Annex-VII. The District Authority and the Implementing Agency
would arrange to transfer the asset to the User Agency without any delay. The User Agency should
take it on its books for normal operation and maintenance.

Utilization and Audit Certificates


The District Authority and Implementing Agencies will properly maintain MPLADS accounts.
District Authority will furnish Utilization Certificate every year in the form prescribed in the
Guidelines (Annex- VIII) to the State Government and the Ministry of Statistics and Programme
Implementation. These accounts and Utilization Certificates will be audited by the Chartered
Accountants or the Local Fund Auditors or any Statutory Auditors as per the State/UT Government
procedure. The Auditors should be engaged by State/UT Government for each District Authority on
the basis of the recommendation of the Accountant General of the State/UT concerned. The District
Authority will submit for every year the audited accounts, reports and certificates to the State
Government and the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. The normal audit
procedures would apply under the Scheme for auditing the accounts of the District Authority and
Implementing Agencies. In addition, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India will undertake
test audit and send reports to the District Authorities, the State Government and the Ministry of
Statistics and Programme Implementation.


The Audit Report should be prepared MP wise and should inter alia cover the following aspects: (i)
number of Savings/other Bank Accounts being maintained by the District Administration and the
Implementing Agencies; (ii) if any fund held in fixed deposits(Fixed deposits are not permissible);
(iii) whether interest accrued in Savings Account has been taken as receipt and utilized for the
Project; ( iv) delay, if any, in crediting the Accounts of the District Authority and the Implementing
Agencies by the receiving Bank - if so, the period of delay; (v) Whether Bank reconciliation in


respect of Cash Book balance and Pass Book balance is being done every month; (vi) The Bank
reconciliation should also cover interest accruals. The Bank reconciliation statement as on 31st
March should be attached to the Audit Report; (vii) Proper maintenance of Cash Book by the District

Authority and Implementing Agencies; (viii) Cheques issued but not encashed as on 31 March as
per Bank reconciliation; (ix) Actual expenditure incurred out of advances to the Implementing
Agencies; and closing balances with them; (x) Diversion of funds, works prohibited and
inadmissible items of expenditure (The details along with the views of District Authority in each
case shall form part of the audit report for the District Authority to get such audit objection settled
and follow up audit in succeeding year); and (xi) Utilisation of earmarked fund for SC and ST areas.

The Audit Certificate furnished by the Chartered Accountants shall be submitted for every year by
the District Authority along with replies to each of the audit objections on or before 30th September
of the same calendar year. It will be the responsibility of the District Authority to ensure that all audit
objections are settled forth with. The Implementing Agencies are to submit works completion report
and associated fund utilization report to the District Authority. The Chartered Accountants will audit
all such reports and records and furnish their certificate in a model Audit Certificate prescribed in
these Guidelines (Annex-IX). The audit fee may be paid under administrative expenses as per item
II-b(vi) of paragraph 4.17.


There are former elected and nominated Members of Rajya Sabha and nominated Member of Lok
Sabha who recommended works under MPLADS. Those are yet to be completed, for which works
Completion Report, Utilisation and Audit Certificate are to be furnished by the District Authorities
along with Monthly Progress Report (Annex-VI).


The District Authorities have been implementing MPLADS since 1993-94. They are to submit
periodically works Completion Report, Utilization Certificate, and Audit Certificates. These
Certificates are to be furnished to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation right
from inception.



Role of MPLADS Parliamentary Committees: There are two Committees of Parliament (Rajya
Sabha and Lok Sabha) on Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme which receive
representations from MPs and the proposals submitted by the Government of India to advise the
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India for appropriate action.
The role of the Committees is decided by the Speaker, for Lok Sabha Committee, and Chairman
Rajya Sabha for Rajya Sabha Committee on MPLADS.


Role of the Central Government


The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation shall monitor the overall position
of funds released, cost of works sanctioned, funds spent etc.


The Ministry will monitor the receipt of Completion Reports, Utilization Certificates, and
Audit Certificate from the District Authorities.

(iii) The Ministry will bring out Annual Report on the implementation of MPLADS including the
facts relating to physical and financial progress.
(iv) The Ministry will, hold meetings in the States and also at the Centre at least once in a year to
review the implementation of the MPLAD Scheme.

The Ministry shall provide training materials for conducting training of district officers, on
MPLADS as and when these are organized by the State Governments.

(vi) The Ministry will review the utilization of funds by the District Authorities in SC and ST areas.
(vii) The Ministry will review the audit objections and issues arising out of the Audit and Utilization

Role of the State/UT Government:


The Nodal Department will be responsible for coordination with the Ministry and proper and
effective supervision of the MPLADS implementation in the State. The State Government will
assign coordination and monitoring of MPLADS work to a department/dedicated cell under a senior
officer who is hierarchically senior in rank to the district authorities described earlier in the
guidelines. To this effect a committee under the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary/Development
Commissioner/ Additional Chief Secretary should review MPLADS implementation progress with
the District Authorities and MPs at least once in a year. The Nodal Department Secretary and other
Administrative Department Secretaries should also participate in such meetings. State/UT
Government should furnish the minutes of the State/District Monitoring Committee meetings to the
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.


The States/UTs in which Divisional Commissioner arrangements exist, the Divisional

Commissioners should be empowered to review the MPLADS implementation progress and guide
the District Authorities.


The State/UT Government will review (a) the utilization of funds by the District Authority in SC and
ST areas; and (b) the audit objections and issues arising out of the audit and utilization certificates.


The State/UT Government, by specific order, shall empower the District Authorities and other
District functionaries technical and administrative powers for implementation of MPLADS.


The State/UT Government may make arrangements for training of district officers concerned with
the implementation of the MPLAD Scheme.


The State/UT Government, by specific order, shall empower the District Authorities and other
District functionaries technical and administrative powers for implementation of MPLADS.


The State/UT Government may make arrangements for training of district officers concerned with
the implementation of the MPLAD Scheme.


The State/UT Government may authorize its officers not below the rank of Deputy Secretary /
Executive Engineer to inspect MPLADS works as and when they make official field visits. It may
also check and review the number of MPLADS works inspected by the District Authorities. The
District Authority shall mandatorily maintain inspection registers one for details of inspections of
works carried out by trusts/societies under para 3.21 and the second for showing details of works
given to other implementing agencies, including NGOs as implementing agencies
State Nodal Officials should inspect a minimum of 1% of the MPLADS works in a District every
year and an inspection register should be maintained at the State Level and follow up action should
also be taken on the findings during those inspections


The State/UT Government shall, out of the panel of auditors approved with Accountant General of
the State/UT, engage an Auditor for auditing of MPLADS accounts of each District Authority. For
purpose of continuity, the same auditor may (if the State desires) continue for three years and any
fresh appointments should be made by January of a calendar year for the succeeding three financial


The State/UT Government shall hoist data on MPLADS implementation in the state on their web


The State/UT Government shall distribute the unspent balance of Rajya Sabha MPs as stipulated in
paragraph 4.8.


The Nodal Department in the States should coordinate with the District Authorities for timely
submission of Utilization Certificates and Audit Certificates. Wherever, there is a delay in
submission of these documents, the Nodal Department should take up the matter with the District
Authorities and ensure timely submission of these documents to the Ministry of Statistics and
Programme Implementation.


Role of the District Authority:- The District Authority's role has been outlined in different
paragraphs of the Guidelines. Here the District Authority's role on coordination and supervision is


being indicated.

The District Authority would be responsible for overall coordination and supervision of the works
under the scheme at the district level, and inspect at least 10% of the works under implementation
every year. The District Authority should involve the MPs in the inspections of projects to the extent


The District Authority shall enforce the provisions made in the Paragraph 2.5 on the earmarked 15%
and 7.5 % of funding for MPLADS works in the SC and ST areas respectively.


The District Authority shall maintain the work-registers indicating the position of each work
recommended by the MPs and shall furnish work details along with a photograph of each work
costing Rs.5 lakh or more, to the Ministry in the prescribed format and hoist the same on MPLAD


The District Authority shall also maintain a register of all the assets created with the Scheme funds
and subsequently transferred to the User Agencies.


The District Authority will inspect all works executed by/for societies and trusts under MPLADS
and ensure that the agreement conditions are being complied with. In case of violation of any of the
provisions of the agreement, action as per the agreement shall be taken by the District Authority.


The District Authority shall review every month and in any case at least once in every quarter
MPLADS works implementation with the Implementing Agencies. The District Authority shall
invite the MPs concerned to such review meetings, and send a report of such a review meetings to
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.


The District Authority shall be responsible to settle audit objections raised in the Audits Reports.


The Nodal District Authority shall submit Monthly Progress Report to the Government of India,
State/UT Government and the MP concerned for each MP separately in the format available at
Annex-VI on or before 10th of the succeeding month. With regard to the execution of works in the SC
and ST areas, physical and financial details shall be furnished in part IV and V of format available at


As per paragraph 4.8, the Nodal District Authority shall report to the State/UT Government about the
unspent balance of the elected Rajya Sabha MP concerned. He shall also report to the Government of
India the details as per paragraphs 4.9 and 4.10.


Role of the Implementing Agencies:-


It will be the responsibility of the officers of the Implementing Agencies to regularly visit the works
spots to ensure that the works are progressing satisfactorily as per the prescribed procedure and
specifications and the time schedule.


The Implementing Agencies shall furnish physical and financial progress of each work to the
District Authority every month with a copy to the concerned State Department. The Implementing

Agencies should provide the report also in the soft format. A work register should also be maintained
by the implementing agencies showing details of the physical and financial progress of projects
being undertaken by them. This register should also contain the details of spot visit made by the
implementing agencies. Implementing Agency must inspect 100% of the works.

The Implementing Agencies shall furnish completion report/certificates and utilization certificates
to the District Authority within one month of completion of the works.


The Implementing Agencies shall also refund to the District Authority the savings (balance
amounts) including interest if any, at their disposal within one month.




The Guidelines will come into force with immediate effect. These Guidelines on MPLADS
supercede the extant Guidelines and instructions issued thereunder.


Clarification, if any, on the Guidelines on the MPLADS or interpretation of any provision of these
Guidelines shall be referred to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation and its
decision shall be the final.


(For all Members of Parliament)
I am elected/nominated Member of Rajya Sabha/Lok Sabha with effect from (date, month,
year). My Choice of the Nodal District for implementation and release of MPLADS funds is:
District Opted

District Address :

State/UT in which the district falls :
Full Name (In capital Letters) :
Permanent Address

Delhi Address



Telephone with STD



E mail

(Any change in the addresses in future may also be intimated immediately)

Director (MPLADS),
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,
Government of India,
Sardar Patel Bhawan, Parliament Street, New Delhi 110001.
Copy to Shri/Smt............................................................Secretary,.Nodal Department,
State Government.............................................................................
Copy to Shri/Smt..............................District Authority (District
Collector). District, At. P.O .


Annexure II

Office and residential buildings belonging to Central, and State Governments, their Departments,
Government Agencies/ Organizations and Public Sector Undertakings. However, construction of
Railway Halt Station, subject to provision of para 3.35 and 3.35.1 will be permissible.


Office and residential buildings, and other works belonging to private, cooperative and commercial


All works involving commercial establishments/units.


All maintenance works of any type. However, re-boring of hand pumps,subject to

para 3.32 will be permissible.


All renovation, and repair works. (However, works of retrofitting of essential lifeline buildings, viz
Govt. hospitals, Govt. Schools and public buildings to be used as shelters in an emergency and
heritage and archeological monuments and buildings with specific permission available from the
Archeological Survey of India will be permitted under MPLADS).


Grants and loans, contribution to any Central and State/UT Relief Funds.


Assets to be named after any living person.


Project of movable items except as those provided in Annexure II-A.


Acquisition of land or any compensation for land acquired.


Reimbursement of any type of completed or partly completed works or items.


Assets for individual/family benefits.(However, as per para 3.28 and 3.28.1 of the guidelines, tricycle (including motorised, artificial limbs and battery operated motorized wheelchair to differently
abled deserving persons are permitted). MPs may also provide MPLADS funds to Centrally
Sponsored Schemes providing assets for individually family use, with the proviso that the M.P. will
not add or change the priority list or any of the criteria for selection declared in the centrally
sponsored scheme. He may not nominate specific individuals as beneficiaries, but can nominate the
geographical area where these MPLADS funds would be spent.


All revenue and recurring expenditure.


Works within the places of religious worship and on land belonging to or owned by religious


provision of

Annexure II-A
List of (i) special items of works and (ii) works of non durable
nature permissible under the MPLADS Guidelines


Convergence of Member of Parliament Local Area Development (MPLADS) with

MGNREGA. (Para 3.17.1) Funds from Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme
(MPLADS) can be converged with MGNREGA with the objective of creating more durable assets.
MPs may recommend under MPLADS, works from out of the shelf of MGNREGA projects
approved by the Zilla Panchayat for the year when recommendation is being made, and should have
been sanctioned by the District Programme Coordinator which constitutes the approved Annual
Work Plan under MGNREGA of the district. As far as possible, the MPLADS Funds shall be used in
respect of material component only.


Once a work is recommended for MGNREGA, MPs will not be authorized to withdraw the same. In
case of request of withdrawal of MPLADS Funds, NOC from MGNREGA would be required. The
guidelines of MGNREGA including all non-negotiables, such as, no contractors, no use of
machinery, social audit, etc. shall be strictly followed. The Gram Panchayat shall be nominated as
the Implementing Agency by the District Planning Committee (DPC) for the convergence works
under MPLADS. The DPC shall provide adequate technical support to the Gram Panchayat to
implement the works. Since the material and labour components are expected to flow
simultaneously, it will not be necessary in these convergence cases for MPLADS Funds to be used
only at the end.


The accounts of Expenditure will be strictly maintained separately for both MPLADS and
MGNREGA. A joint plaque (stone/metal) indicating the cost involved, contribution from
MPLADS/ MGNREGA, commencement, completion and inauguration and the name of the MP
sponsoring the work under MPLAD Scheme/MGNREGA should be permanently erected


Convergence of Member of Parliament Local Area Development (MPLADS) with Panchyat

Yuva Krida Aur Khel Abhiyan (PYKKA) and Urban Sports Infrastructure Scheme (USIS) of
the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. ( para 3.17.2) : Funds from Member of Parliament
Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) can be converged with Panchyat Yuva Krida Aur
Khel Abhiyan (PYKKA) with the objective of creating more durable assets. MPs may recommend
under MPLADS, works such as Development of playfields under PYKKA including leveling of
playgrounds in hilly areas, construction of boundary wall, etc. in villages and blocks from out of the
shelf of PYKKA projects if otherwise eligible under MPLAD Scheme. Similarly, in the urban areas,
convergence with the Urban Sports Infrastructure Scheme (USIS) will also be permissible for
creation of durable sports assets such as multi-purpose sports halls, athletic tracks, football, hockey
turf, etc. as per the provisions of guidelines on MPLADS. This will be subject to the provision of the
USIS for creation of urban sports infrastructure, amended from time to time



The accounts of Expenditure will be strictly maintained separately for both MPLADS, PYKKA and
USIS. A joint plaque (stone/metal) indicating the cost involved, contribution from MPLADS/
PYKKA, USIS, commencement, completion and inauguration and the name of the MP sponsoring
the work under MPLAD Scheme/PYKKA/USIS should be permanently erected


Utilisation of MPLADS Fund for welfare of the differently abled persons ( para 3.28 ) MPs
may recommend upto a maximum of Rs.10 lakhs per year OR the consolidated entitled amount of
their balance tenure, effective from the financial year 2011-12, at any time from their MPLADS
fund for giving assistance to the physically challenged. Such assistance will be given only for the
purchase of tricycles (manual/battery operated), motorized/battery operated wheelchair and
artificial limbs for differently abled deserving persons. All applications for such assistance shall be
examined and approved by a Committee under the Chief Medical Officer of the District to ensure
proper eligibility. The District Authority will be fully involved in the selection of such eligible
persons. The Committee will also certify the reasonability of the rate. No recurring expenses will be
admissible .No cash grant will be permissible, but the item would be obtained and given to the
deserving differently abled person in a public function


Purchase of computers (para 3.30) Purchase of computers is permissible for Government and
Government aided educational institutions. MS-office Software (Standard Edition with Microsoft
Licence Agreement) with media which comprises MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-Power Point, MSAccess, MS-Outlook as per DGS&D rate contracts is also permissible. Imparting of training on
these software (Window Operating System and MS-Office) to two teachers per school in also
permissible. The training may comprise 24-48 working hours of learning period which may be spilt
over a period ranging from one week to 2 weeks to provide flexibility in learning. The training shall
be imparted by an authorized agency at the district level with approved rates (approved and accepted
by District Authority


Purchase of Mobile Library for Educational Institute belonging to Central, State, UTs and Local Self
- Government subject to provision of para 3.31.


Purchase of vehicles, including school buses/vans, earth movers, and equipments meant for
hospitals, educational, sports, drinking water and sanitation purposes belonging to Central, State,
UT and Local Self Governments.


Works of retrofitting of essential lifeline buildings, viz Govt. hospitals, Govt. Schools and public
buildings to be used as shelters in an emergency and heritage and archeological monuments and
buildings with specific permission available from the Archeological Survey of India.


Utilisation of MPLADS funds to Centrally Sponsored Scheme providing assets for individual or
family use with the proviso that the M.P. will not add or change any of the criteria for selection
declared in the centrally sponsored scheme.


Creation of a Facilitation Centre at each District (para 3.34) : An MP would be entitled for
setting up of MPLADS Facilitation Centre in the Nodal District for which space/room would be

provided by the DC/DM in the premises of Collectorate/DRDA. The capital cost of setting up of
such facilities including equipments, furniture, etc. shall not exceed Rs 5 lakhs and will be met from
MPLADS funds.

The main function of this facilitation centre would be to provide to the Hon'ble M.Ps all the
information at one place relevant for the effective implementation of the scheme. If a District has
been opted by more than one MP, the Facilitation Centre will provide service to all these Members of
Parliament. This facilitation centre should work under the direct control of the District Authority and
should have persons on contract with adequate computer operating knowledge to manage the
Centre. The strength and number of these persons managing the Centre would be minimum one and
can be more than one in case the nodal district is serving more than one M.P. However, the district
authority can decide upon the number of persons required for the facilitation centre in consultation
with the MPs.


This facilitation centre should have computer with internet facility and other related facilities. The
persons managing the facilitation centre should ensure that all the information about the on-going
MPLADS works in the district, information on all the completed works, up to date financial
information and up to date MPLADS guidelines and circulars are available in the facilitation centre.
Apart from this, the facilitation centre should also display details of on- going MPLADS works and
should also maintain details of shelf of projects.


The facilitation centre should have theirown e-mail address. If required, the district authority
should take the assistance of the district NIC cell in establishing such a facilitation centre. Further
district authority should ensure that the persons engaged on contract for managing the facilitation
centre should be well behaved and courteous.


The recurring running expenses will be booked under 2% administrative charges, of which the
Nodal Districts gets 0.8%.


Ambulances/Hearse Vans. (Para 3.25) - Vans are already allowed to be purchased, by the District
Authority/CMO/Civil Surgeon of the District on the recommendation of a Member of Parliament.
The scope is now widened to allow operation of ambulance/hearse services through private

Ambulance/Hearse vans will be purchased with the recommendation of the CMO/Civil

Surgeon/District Magistrate on the proposal of the Member of Parliament;


The ownership of the ambulance/Hearse vans so purchased would rest with the District
Authority/CMO/Civil Surgeon and will be under the general supervision of the CMO/Civil
Surgeon. The CMO/Civil Surgeon may outsource it for running/operation for a two years period
at a time to National/State level trusts/societies of repute under a management contract after
following a transparent process and on the recommendation of a 3 member Committee
consisting of CMO/Civil Surgeon and two other representatives of District Magistrate and duly
approved by District Magistrate;



The said Trust/Society operating the ambulance/Hearse van would be responsible for
maintenance, POL and driver and user charges would be fixed by the District Authority(on the
recommendation of a committee) who would be responsible to ensure that the charges so fixed
are reasonable and affordable for the common man;


The District Collector/Deputy Commissioner/District Magistrate shall monitor the services

provided, by these Ambulances/Hearses vans, to ensure maximum benefit to the public; and


Each Ambulance/Hearse van so purchased, shall have bold markings on both sides, stating as:
'Ambulance/Hearse Van, purchased with Government of India, MPLADS Funds, contributed


The District Authority shall put up public notices at prominent places in the Government
hospital, Municipal/Panchyayat Offices, etc. together with contact numbers, about the provision
of ambulance by the Member of Parliament from his/her MPLAD Scheme funds to enable the
public to avail the services of the ambulance in the event of an emergency and to lodge
complaints in the cases of misuse or non-use so as to enable the District Authority to take
necessary action after proper enquiry into those complaints

Purchase of books for schools, colleges and public library : (Para 3.29) Books to the extent of Rs.
22 lakh can be purchase for schools, colleges and public libraries belonging to Central, States, UTs
and Local Self-Government from MPLADS Fund. The ceiling of purchases is as follows:

Purchase of books for schools upto middle level

(ii) Purchase of books for schools upto high school/

- Upto Rs.6 Lakh

- Upto Rs.8 Lakh

Higher secondary level

iii) Purchase of books for colleges/other technical

- Upto Rs.8 Lakh

institutes/ITIs/Public Libraries
While recommending purchase of books to schools, colleges and other technical institutes etc., the
following monetary ceiling shall be adhered to for a particular school/college/other technical

Upto Middle School Level

- Rs. 10,000/-

ii) Upto High School/Higher Secondary Level

- Rs. 25,000/-

iii) For colleges/other technical institutes/it is

- Rs. 50,000/-

/Public Libraries
These Schools/Colleges/Institutes will not be entitled for recommendation of books in the

subsequent year but will be entitled in the 3 year again.

The recommendations made by the Hon'ble MPs shall be examined/ approved by a Committee


consisting of:(i) District Education Officer - Chairman

(ii) A representative of District Magistrate/District Collector;
(iii) Two Principals/Head Masters; and
(iii) Co-opt Head Master/Principal of the School/college /institution to whom the books are
proposed to be supplied

New borings in place of hand pumps installed under MPLAD Scheme .(para 3.32)New borings in
lieu of the existing non-functional hand-pumps using the re-usable components of the parts of the
non-functional hand pumps are permissible subject to the following conditions :1.

New borings may be allowed subject to techno-economic feasibility and as per laid-down
procedures of the State/UT concerned.

All usable components/parts of the defunct hand pumps must be used in the new borings.

New borings should be only for water required for drinking and household purposes and in no
circumstances should water be diverted for any purpose such as agricultural, industrial,
commercial, horticultural etc.

New borings may be allowed only in need-based cases and not as a matter of routine and it
should in no case be detrimental to the water table.

The proposals for new borings should satisfy all other conditions stipulated in the Guidelines on


Construction of Railway Halt Station (Para 3.35): Funds from MPLAD Scheme if so nominated
by MP can be used for construction of Railway Halt Station to facilitate the local community for
boarding/deboarding from the train. The implementation will be carried out as per the provisions of
the Railways, subject to the provisions of the MPLADS Guidelines.


If Railways are also contributing for such activities, the accounts of expenditure will be strictly
maintained separately for both MPLADS and Railways and a strict check be maintained to avoid any
duplication/duplicate accounting. A plaque (steel/metal) indicating the cost involved, contribution
made from MPLADS/Railways, if any, commencement, completion and inauguration and the name
of the MP sponsoring the work should be permanently erected.


One-MP -One Idea (Para 3.36) : In order to foster, a grass-root bottoms-up approach to innovation
and development and to arrive at solutions for local problems which are sustainable and scalable,
there is a need for seeking out and campaigning for ideas that have the potential to solve challenges.
Accordingly, based on the innovative ideas received from the local people regarding developmental
projects, an 'One MP One Idea' Competition may be held in each Lok Sabha constituency annually
to select the three best innovations for cash awards on the specific request of an MP to promote such


a scheme in his/her constituency. The guidelines in this regard are at Annexure X. The
announcement calling for applications in prescribed format would be made by the Nodal District
Authority through various media print, radio, television or others. It must be ensured that the
announcement details are put up on the relevant website(s) as well. The Competition will invite
innovative solutions in the areas of education and skills, health, water and sanitation, housing and
infrastructure, agriculture, energy, environment, community and social service, etc. The innovative
solutions can be submitted either directly (as per Annexure X A) by any individual for himself or by a
group of individuals, industry, industry consortia, academia, NGO or other institution from the
constituency for themselves. Or else innovations can also be nominated by reputed people in the
constituency (as per Annexure X B) by using the relevent nomination form as per annexure in the
capacity of third party having knowledge of the nominated innovative solution. All entries, whether
by self-application or nomination, will follow the same screening process.

A Selection Committee headed by the DC/DM of the Nodal District and consisting of other six
Members from (i) Engineering, (ii) Finance, (iii) Health and sanitation, (iv) Academia,(v) Industry
and (vi) Banking and Financial Institutions may be set up with the mandate to screen all applications.
The members from Engineering, finance, health and sanitation sectors should belong to the
Central/State/UT Government. The lead banks and financial institutions may want to finance good
innovations. The Selection Committee will select the three best innovations from this competition
through a transparent process and submit its recommendations to the State Government.


Cash awards of Rs. 2.5 lakhs, Rs. 1.5 lakhs and Rs. 1 lakh will be awarded to the first, second and
third prize winner respectively. The other administrative expenditure involved in arranging such
events, including giving advertisements, holding meetings, etc., subject to a maximum of 10% of the
total awards' amount of Rs. 5 lakhs, i.e. 50,000/-, will be also permissible under the MPLADS
Guidelines. The total amount of awards of Rs. 5 lakhs and administrative expenditure of 50,000/will be provided from the MPLAD Scheme and be debited to the MPLADS funds of the MP
promoting the Scheme. The awards should be given away by the MP in a public function with
adequate media coverage in the presence of DC/DM where the award winners should speak about
their innovations and the DC/DM along with the MP should inspire people to find innovative
solutions to social /developmental problems. A Certificate of honor (as per Annexure X C) will be
given to the awardees. The Certificate of appreciation will also be given to the next 5 best
innovations based on the list prepared by the Selection Committee.




Report Month



Implementing Agency











(To be furnished by the Implementing Agency to the District Authorities)
It is certified that work No., (description of work) sanctioned vide order No..
dated//. to be executed under MPLADS at a cost of Rs..(in figures and words) at
(place) has been completed at a cost of Rs.. and has
been handed over to the User Agency...(Name and
address) under intimation to the District Authority for use on.............(date).
The amount of savings i.e Rs...(in figures and words) has been
remitted to the MPLADS Account of the District Authority vide Cheque
No.dated....drawn on... (Bank with address). Details of the
work are in the enclosed format.
Signature of the Implementing Agency






















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