Microbilology - Unknown Lab Report

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Alden Schulte

Unknown Report
Dr. Anderson ASUB 2013

Alden Schulte
Lab Unknown

When I received my unknown mixed culture I decided the first thing I needed to do was
separate the bacteria in the culture. First I performed a streak plate to isolate colonies of the
different bacteria. While I was waiting for my streak plate to incubate, I carried out a gram stain
in order to get a better look at what I was dealing with. Looking at the gram stained mixed
culture I could clearly see purple cocci shapes and pink bacillus shapes. When my streak plate
was finished incubating I could clearly distinguish between the two bacteria from the physical
variations of the colonies they formed. At this point I gram stained both colonies separately to
make sure I had the same results as before, I did. Gram positive cocci and gram negative
bacillus were plainly visible. Now that I had separate colonies I inoculated the two colonies on
different slant agars, as to obtain a pure culture for testing each. After my slants were done
incubating I once again gram stained both sets of bacteria, this time to ensure I had successfully
obtained pure cultures, which I had. Now that I had my cultures, I decided it best to test both
bacteria for their preferred oxygen usage, both of which were found to be fermentative. After
that I realized there was quite a bit of difference in the bacteria overall on the various sugar
tests. So I decided that to get more valuable information I would run the glucose, lactose,
sucrose, and mannitol tests on both cultures.
In organism 1 (gram + cocci) all of the sugar tests results were positive. After this I
decided that to narrow down the few organisms I had left I needed to run the catalase and
coagulase tests, the results of which were both positive. After these two tests I had ended up
with one organism that matched all the data I had collected. My gram + cocci were
Staphylococcus aureas.
In organism 2 (gram - bacillus) all of the sugar tests results were positive. The lactose
test made a huge difference in my search, taking me from 13 organisms to 4. I decided to
perform the methyl red and VP tests to take some possibilities away from the equation. My
methyl red test turn out positive, while my VP test showed negative. After all these tests I had
one organism that matched all the data I had collected. My gram - bacillus was Escherichia coli.

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