Free Range Snail Farming in Australia

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in Australia
A report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation

by Sonya Begg

August 2006
RIRDC Publication No 06/104
RIRDC Project No SFI-1A

2006 Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.

All rights reserved.
ISBN1 74151 367 7
ISSN 1440-6845
Free-range Snail Farming in Australia
Publication No. 06/104
Project No. SFI-1A
The information contained in this publication is intended for general use to assist public knowledge and discussion
and to help improve the development of sustainable industries. The information should not be relied upon for the
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This publication is copyright. However, RIRDC encourages wide dissemination of its research, providing the
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Researcher Contact Details

Mrs Sonya Begg
2 Sunrise Way

(02) 6361 8104

[email protected]

In submitting this report, the researcher has agreed to RIRDC publishing this material in its edited form.

RIRDC Contact Details

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Published in August 2006

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The production of edible snails in Australia has been conducted by a small number of people operating
cottage industry businesses since 1985.
In most cases the snails were collected and grown in small enclosures or greenhouses, a labourintensive process that was unsustainable. Few people carried out a snail breeding program and the
operations often failed. This was due to either lack of livestock numbers and/or not maintaining
continuity of production.
This report provides detailed information and self-explanatory graphics on the subject of mass
producing snails utilising the Italian method of farming snails in pasture production or free range
production. It explains the process of farming snails in large numbers, necessary for a sustainable,
viable, commercial operation.
Potential snail farmers in Australia will gain valuable insight into successful breeding of the edible
snail, Helix aspersa. The report highlights the importance of the full biological cycle of breeding
snails as a requirement for a successful, sustainable commercial operation.
Included in this report is important information about the purging process and research results
regarding nutritional analysis and product shelf life information.
This project was funded from RIRDC core funds which are provided by the Australian Government.
This report is an addition to RIRDCs diverse range of over 1500 research publications. It forms part
of our New Animal Products R&D sub-program which aims to accelerate the development of viable
new animal industries.
Most of our publications are available for viewing, downloading or purchasing online through our

downloads at
purchases at

Peter OBrien
Managing Director
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation


Without the encouragement and support of many people, the possibility of creating Australias first
model commercial, free-range snail farm would not have been possible. I greatly appreciate the
following people who have contributed their time and physical assistance, allowing me the opportunity
to make it happen.
Thank you to Dr Peter McInnes for his continuing support and encouragement for my proposals. His
subtle guidance and calm suggestions have played an important part in the success of this project.
I wish to acknowledge Joanne Bobbitt and Jemma Isaac from Primary Industries Research, Attwood
Victoria, for their keen interest and work carried out on the microbiological analysis of the snails.
Thank you also, to Peter and Terri Robson of Ross Hill Vineyard who agreed to supply, without
charge, the land and water for the project and to Bob Lewis for his great builders ideas and his work
in the initial establishment of the farm.
I wish to pay tribute to my husband Col. His unfailing energy and his enthusiasm to work long hard
days are greatly appreciated. Without his strive for excellence attitude and physical assistance, a lot
of the work could not have been done.
Finally, without the financial support of the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
the project would not have got off the ground. I appreciate the single, most significant resource it
provided to assist the emerging snail farming industry in Australia.

About the author

The principal researcher Sonya Begg, is Australias pioneer
commercial snail farmer and has been committed and dedicated to snail
farming activities since she became a Charter Member of the Snail
Club of America in 1986.
Her early enthusiasm for raising and farming snails peaked in 1987
when she launched Australias first successful, commercial snail farm
in Gunnedah NSW.
She is a recognised Helicicultural Consultant and has written three
manuals on farming snails in Australia, two research reports and has
refereed an international scientific paper on the subject. The Rural
Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) funded
her first research project in 1988.
In Cherasco, Italy in 2003, Sonya was made a Meritorious Associate of Associazione Nazionale
Elicicoltori and was presented with the coveted Silver Snail award at the annual Conference of
International Snail Farmers for her contributions to the industry over many years.
Sonya has continued to research snail production methods, conduct feasibility studies and has offered
practical assistance to numerous people who are interested in learning about snail farming in their own
region or country.


Foreword .................................................................................................................................iii
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................vii
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1
Objectives .................................................................................................................................1
Method ......................................................................................................................................2
Model pasture production or free range snail farming trial ................................................................ 2
Helix aspersa Mller (1774)................................................................................................................. 3
Reproduction ....................................................................................................................................... 3
The site ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Soil....................................................................................................................................................... 5
External fencing................................................................................................................................... 5
Fencing the pasture production fields ................................................................................................. 7
Pathways ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Snail predators .................................................................................................................................... 9
Crop predators................................................................................................................................... 10
Good bug bed.................................................................................................................................... 10
Irrigation............................................................................................................................................. 11
Preparation of seed bed .................................................................................................................... 11
Crops ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Supplementary feeding...................................................................................................................... 14
Planting times .................................................................................................................................... 14
Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................... 15
First Production Year 2004/2005 ...........................................................................................16
Production Schedule (First year 2004/2005) ................................................................................ 16
Selecting breeding snails................................................................................................................... 17
Introduction of snails to reproduction field......................................................................................... 17
Growing fields.................................................................................................................................... 17
Winter hibernation ............................................................................................................................. 18
Springtime.......................................................................................................................................... 18
Second Production Year 2005/2006 ......................................................................................19
Production Schedule (Second year 2005/2006)........................................................................... 19
Activities for 2005/06 ......................................................................................................................... 20
Mortality ............................................................................................................................................. 21
Harvesting snails for transfer or purging ........................................................................................... 21
Tips for harvesting or transferring snails ........................................................................................... 21
Purging .............................................................................................................................................. 21
Marketing ........................................................................................................................................... 25
Discussion ..............................................................................................................................26
Implications ............................................................................................................................30
Appendices .............................................................................................................................32
Appendix A: Statistics of snail imports to Australia ........................................................................... 32
Appendix B: Microbiological and chemical analysis of snail products .............................................. 33
Appendix C: Proposed Australian Snail Breeders Association ........................................................ 38
Appendix D: Health safety ................................................................................................................. 39
References ..............................................................................................................................40
Resources...................................................................................................................................... 40

List of Tables and Figures

Table 1: Method..................................................................................................................................... 28
Table 2: Labour requirements ............................................................................................................... 28
Table 3: Establishment and production cost estimates for two-year establishment phase .................. 29
Table 4: Comparison of production systems ......................................................................................... 29
Table 5: Financial year 2003-2004........................................................................................................ 32
Table 6: Financial year 2004-2005........................................................................................................ 32
Table 7: Tests performed ...................................................................................................................... 33
Table 8: Certificate of Analysis.............................................................................................................. 37
Table 9: Comparison of cholesterol between snails other molluscs and crustacean.......................... 37

List of Figures
Figure 1: Microbiological examination of chilled snails ......................................................................... 34
Figure 2: Microbiological examination of shelf stable snails ................................................................. 35
Figure 3: Shelf life of snails, total viable count ...................................................................................... 36


Executive Summary
The report its reason and purpose
The existence of technical and practical information about farming edible snails on a large scale is
limited, especially for Australian environmental conditions.
This report provides information on the viability of an alternative method of producing edible snails
by mass production.
The report gives details about the suitability of raising snails
in pastures rather than the more labour-intensive growing
methods in small enclosures and greenhouses.
The information is important because it offers an alternative
to create sustainable, viable snail production for import
replacement and for an expanding domestic market.

No research has been

conducted in Australia before on
the widely accepted Italian
pasture production system that
has proved less labour intensive
and more cost efficient in Italy
and other European countries.

It provides detailed information about management principles, reproduction and yield of a sustainable,
commercial snail farming enterprise.

The report is targeted at people seeking ways to diversify farming operations away from traditional
livestock, cropping and horticultural enterprises or to specialise in a niche market.

The Australian snail industry was pioneered in 1986 but did not progress past cottage industry status.
It continued to struggle to gain acknowledgement as an accepted agricultural activity as most snail
producers were unable to maintain continuity of production.
During the last few years however, interest in snail farming has escalated. This may be due to the
growth of multicultural restaurants in Australia and the culinary tastes of people becoming more
adventurous. And, chefs are now creating interesting recipes that differ from the traditional European
methods of serving snails.
It was timely to investigate an alternative method of snail cultivation and management in Australia.
The Italian method of the full biological cycle of breeding snails and pasture production was chosen to
gauge the suitability of raising large numbers of snails in Australia.

The aims of the research project

The primary aim of the research project was to assess the viability of an alternative method of mass
producing edible snails for domestic trade and international trade.
Research was conducted on the practical and technical aspects of pasture production and to create a
model as a trial of the pasture production system for containment and cultivation of edible snails.
A secondary aim of the project was to support the results with a PowerPoint presentation as a resource
for potential snail producers and users and consider the feasibility and value of the formation of an
Australian Snail Breeders Association.


The research project was implemented for three years and practical and technical research was studied
in detail at the International Snail Farming Institute and Conference of International Snail Farmers in
northern Italy in 2003.
Results of the fact finding trip were published by Rural Industries Research and Development
Corporation (RIRDC) in a report titled Farming Edible Snails lessons from Italy.
A site was chosen in Orange, in central western NSW for the physical trial and in October 2004, the
Italian method of pasture production was commenced.
The initial breeding stock (1,087 adult snails) was introduced to the first reproduction field in early
November 2004. It is estimated that approximately 25,000 snails were hatched by the end of February
Approximately one third of the snails that were hatched in early January 2005, reached an acceptable
marketable size (average 32mm) by the end of April 2005. The remainder continued to grow and then
hibernated during the winter months of June, July and August 2005. They finished their growing in the
following spring (October/November 2005) and the biological cycle commenced again with new
season breeders selected from these snails.
During 2005/06 10 fields (total area of 535.5 sq m) were completed as part of the rotational system for
cropping and snail production. Some of these fields were sown with crops suitable for grazing and
habitat for the snails and some were fallow at any one time during the season.
One field was used for reproduction and a total of seven were used for growing during January to
Another field was utilised in early spring for adult snails that were harvested after the clearing of the
2004/05 production fields.
An additional field was utilised as a good bug bed and was planted with a mix of herbs and flowers
to attract predatory insects to assist in the biological control of unwanted crop pests.
Because of the high through-put of snails, it was necessary to have an efficient and effective purging
facility as the final stage of production
As an extension of the research project, existing building facilities were modernised and the purging
capacity was expanded. An atmosphere-controlled environment was deemed necessary to keep the
temperature below 23C, to assist in the efficient purging of commercial quantities of snails and
reduce snail deaths.
One thousand five hundred snails were prepared as four separate products and sent to Primary
Industries Research Victoria (PIRV) for microbiological testing to determine shelf life and nutritional
analysis an important extension of the project. Results attached at Appendix B.


The objectives of the research project were met. It was found that it
was possible to successfully breed and grow large numbers of snails
in a pasture production system in Australia.

A very positive outcome

of the research project
was the successful
breeding program.

Estimates showed the pasture production method was more cost effective to establish and produce
snails than the current method of farming snails in Australia today.
The majority of the snails that were bred were consistent in size and there was a very low mortality
rate due to acclimatisation to the environment that existed in the pasture production fields.
The benefits of the full biological cycle
of breeding snails in natural conditions
in open pastures far outweigh current
methods of indoors or greenhouse

Approximately one third of the newly bred snails reached

marketable size before they were 12 months old in the
first year of production. This number increased to
approximately half the number of newly bred snails in
the second year of production.

This offers serious producers a significant marketing advantage over snails that are collected and
grown out in enclosures or greenhouses. Collected snails are often aged and therefore are not as
palatable as younger snails.
The snails were bred and grown in natural environmental conditions and it was observed that the snails
responded sensitively to environmental factors. While the snails remained reasonably active during
unusually hot weather, they became lethargic and lost some body weight, in spite of multiple water
misting applications. As soon as the weather cooled and rain was received, the snails resumed their
normal growing activity.
It was determined that snail farming in the pasture production
system in Australia is a seasonal occupation. Snails must have
winter hibernation as part of the full biological cycle in order to
breed successfully in spring.
The results of the microbiological testing showed that fresh
snail meat contained in spring water has a shelf life of nine
days when refrigerated at 4C. Two other products were tested
along with the nutritional analysis and the results are shown at
Appendix B.

A key finding of the research

project was the results of the
microbiological shelf life and
nutritional analysis. These
analyses have not been
conducted before in Australia,
so it was an important factor to
investigate as an addition to the
physical aspects of the main

Relevance to stakeholder groups

Now that the research project has been completed, Australias fledgling snail production industry has
reliable, practical data to inject into business plans of a new entrant to Australian new animal product
industries edible snails.
Interest in the research project has been extensive and numerous requests for information have been
received by the principal researcher.



The details of this report are aimed at providing

all stakeholders with information to produce
snails in large numbers that will help establish a
sustainable, lower labour method of
commercially viable, Australian fresh snail
production for the gourmet food industry and
restaurant trade.

Communities will benefit from the completion of

the project as there now exists potential for a
reduction in exposure to garden pesticides with
the commencement of demand for live
foundation stock from the domestic garden.

Policy makers
With some vision and subtle lobbying it may be possible to encourage policy makers to apply
disincentives to importers of processed snail meat from various overseas areas, as a means of assisting
a domestic snail industry to replace imported product.

The completion of the RIRDC funded research project provides hard data to further underpin 20 years
of practical experience in Australian snail production, processing and marketing by the principal
Australia now has a local intellectual resource that is backed up with scientific data and research
results, conducted in Australian conditions, that is equivalent to that offered by some traditional
European snail production and marketing organizations.

This report and its associated PowerPoint presentation be promoted to the following target groups:

potential Australian snail producers
regional and city-based media
local government authorities
rural research and extension specialists
commercial farm consultants
farmer organizations.

Snails are a healthy food, high in protein with almost no fat. While they contain a small amount of
cholesterol they are low in kilojoules and also contain amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

During the last 20 years, culinary tastes of people living in Australia have changed significantly.
Australia is now home to a large number of ethnic groups which has contributed to an increase in the
growth of multicultural restaurants. Consequently, todays chefs are creating exciting and different
types of cuisine with a unique blend of innovation and tradition. And, they are now willing to create
their own Australian snail recipes.
The production of snails in Australia is limited to the species Helix aspersa Mller a snail imported
to Australia around 1888. Other species have not been established due to strict quarantine restrictions
that totally prohibit importation of live snails into Australia from other countries.
In Italy, farming large numbers of snails (including Helix aspersa) in open pastures has been carried
out for many years. It appears this method of farming snails is less labour intensive than the
conventional and current method of producing snails in Australia.
The Italian pasture production method was studied by the principal researcher on a study trip to
Cherasco in northern Italy in 2003.
A report titled Farming Edible Snails lessons from Italy describing
the techniques, was published by RIRDC in December 2003. The
report is available from RIRDCs website at
In the financial years 2003/2004 and 2004/2005, figures from the
Australian Bureau of Statistics (International Merchandise Trade
Imports of Snails) based on information provided to the Australian
Customs Service show that 9,797 kilograms of snail meat was
imported to Australia with a value of $79,179.00. (See Appendix A).
There is limited exposure of fresh Australian snails to restaurants.
With the advent of mass production of snails on a commercial basis
in Australia, there may now be an opportunity for import
replacement, domestic and international trade in fresh Australian
Outcomes and information about the three-year research project and an outline of the model pasture
production or free-range system is described in the section Method.

This research project was conducted to assess the viability of an alternative method of mass producing
edible snails for domestic and international trade. Up until now, snail farming in Australia has been
conducted on a cottage industry basis using an intensive and high labour process of farming.
A physical model of the Italian snail farming method of pasture production was established to
determine if this system is suitable as a sustainable viable operation for mass producing snails for the
gourmet food industry.

Model pasture production or free range snail farming trial
The following sections describe the technical and
practical aspects of the model pasture production
trial and the full biological cycle of breeding snails.
Pasture production is the Italian method of breeding
and growing snails in fields of fresh vegetables and
forage crops.
In Australia this method of growing snails will be
known as free-range snail farming.

Helix aspersa Mller (1774)

The edible snail Helix aspersa Mller (1774) is
the scientific name for the European brown snail or
the common brown garden snail. It was first
described in Italy by Mller in 1774.
It was introduced to many countries by man, either
for use as food or by being accidentally transported
on plants. Records that date back to 1888 indicate
Helix aspersa Mller was introduced during the
colonisation of New South Wales in Australia.

Helix aspersa Mller belongs to the great

animal group phylum Mollusca (or molluscs). It
is one of around 80,000 known species of
It is a member of the family Helicidae and
belongs to the order Pulmonata encompassing
terrestrial, air-breathing molluscs.
In general conversation, it is mostly referred to
as simply Helix aspersa.

Helix aspersa is an hermaphrodite and each individual snail possesses both male and female
reproductive organs. During mating, mutual fertilisation takes place and one or both snails will usually
lay eggs.
Before mating begins, the snails have a gentle courtship where they circle and touch each other.
Eventually they discharge a calcium love dart
that sometimes protrudes for a while before
becoming lodged in the partner. Mating usually
begins during the night but can take from four to
fourteen hours before it is complete.
Mating usually begins in spring but can continue
through to autumn if the environmental
conditions are correct.
Around six to ten days after mating, the snail
makes a hole in the soil where it lays its eggs in
batches of 30 to 100 eggs at a time.
It then covers the hole with a mixture of soil and
mucus before leaving to rest.

The eggs are round and measure approximately 3mm in diameter. They are pearly white in colour and
have a rubbery texture. The eggs hatch within three weeks of being laid and the newly hatched baby
snails are exact replicas of the adult snails.

The site
An area of around one hectare was selected as the
potential site for the pasture production trial. The
site was chosen at a north-facing position at an
elevation of 700m in Orange, central western NSW.
Because of its north to south layout, it was an ideal
position for growing crops as food and shelter for
the snails.
It was situated on a slight slope and protected from
the prevailing westerly winds by a large hill.
The ground cover consisted of native and
grasses and weeds.
The one hectare area was cleared and a fence line
that ran down the middle of the block was
The ground was worked up with a scarifier several
times over a six-month period from January to
June 2004.
An area of 850 square metres was fenced with
galvanized iron as the perimeter fence for the
production area. A compromise on space was
made due to large trees growing at the end of the
site that may have contributed to loss of nutrients
to the crops.
Prior to the erection of the external fence the
ground was prepared with a rotary hoe. Any germinating seeds were sprayed with a contact herbicide
such as glyphosate.

A soil sample corer or tube was used to extract soil samples for testing acidity and for nutrient
A total of 15 soil cores at a sampling depth of 10cm were collected across the site. The nutrient
analysis was conducted by Pivotest Laboratory in Werribee, Victoria.
The soil consisted of red clay loam and was a little low in sulphur necessary to grow forage crops. The
addition of organic mulch helped make the soil more friable. The pH values were considered
acceptable for snail production.
Soil testing took place every third year to monitor the chemical properties of the soil.
To avoid chemical residues in the soil or snails, disinfection or fumigation of the soil was not carried
out so there was no detrimental compromise to the concept of a biodynamic growing system.

External fencing
Materials required for fencing external fence

sheets of galvanized iron (second-hand)

pop rivets and bolts
iron posts (second-hand)

A trenching contractor was hired to dig channels for the preparation of the external boundary fence.
The fence was constructed from galvanized iron sheeting and supported by iron posts. The sheets were
pop-riveted together and bolted to the posts.

Fencing the pasture production fields

Materials and tools required for fencing internal fences

iron posts
open-weave, windbreak material, sewn as described above
fencing wire
mattock and shovel

Once the external fence was in place, the first of the internal mesh fences was constructed for the
pasture production fields.
Nine pasture production fields measuring
17 metres by 3.5 metres and one
measuring 15 metres by 3 metres were
erected as the trial breeding and growing
Paths in between the fields measured
around 80cm.
An open-weave, windbreak mesh was
sourced as suitable for the internal
fencing material as it provided good

Two downward facing flaps were integrated

into the design to help prevent snails from
climbing up the sides of the fencing.
A pocket was sewn at the top of the mesh and
threaded with fencing wire so it could be easily
attached to the iron posts.
Iron posts were placed in the ground 2 metres
apart to support the mesh.
Trenching was dug around the perimeter of
each field to allow the remainder of the mesh to
be buried in the ground. At the completion of
the fences, they stood 70cm high.

Pocket for wire

The material was purchased in rolls measuring

1.8m x 50m. Each flap measured 20cm.
Because the flaps were sewn as pleats, it was
necessary to allow 40cm of material for each
pleat. 30cm was buried into the ground. The
completed fence stood 70cm high above the



At least 80cm of space was allocated for the paths between
the internal fences. One metre of space was allowed
between the internal fences and the external galvanized iron
The paths were kept clear of weeds and vegetation.
There were times when some snails climbed over the nets,
especially after it had rained.
Helix aspersa is territorial and because the snails were born
in their field, they usually made their way back before the
day became too warm
If there were any large clumps of weeds or vegetation in the
pathways, the snails were inclined to go only as far as the weeds, rather than go back to the nets.
Clear spaces on either side of the external fence were also essential so that any sign of predators
(eg: mouse and frog holes) could easily be seen.

Snail predators
The main predators of snails are rodents such as rats and mice and reptiles such as lizards and frogs.
Other predators include birds such as currawongs, crows, ducks, butcherbirds, chicken hawks and
Some beetles and centipedes can also be a threat to snails (especially
carnivorous beetles such as carabids, and staphylinids), that attack and kill
small snails. The beetles live in the soil and enjoy the same moist
environment as the snails.
Snail species such as Strangesta capillacea are cannibalistic and care should
be taken to make sure that when introducing initial breeding stock, they are identified as Helix
The research project did not experience any significant problems with snail
Because the habitat of the snails was dense any movement by snails went
undetected by birds. While currawongs were seen in the area, they did not attempt
to rummage in the snail fields.
Some centipedes and slugs and small frogs were seen in the fields and
a few frog and mouse holes were found (eight mice were trapped). No
further mice (or holes) have been detected and a decrease in snail
numbers was not identified.
As soon as any type of predator threat was noticed, this was removed by hand. Once the fields were
cleared out and left fallow, nature appeared to take its course and further threats disappeared.

Crop predators
The main crops grown were silverbeet, forage
brassicas, chickory and clover.
In the first year of production the brassicas in the
initial reproduction area were attacked by aphids
and white cabbage moths.
This was a major problem as no chemicals could be
used and the brassicas were the main food source
for the breeder snails.
Hosing with a strong jet of water managed to
dislodge a lot of the aphids and most of the white
cabbage moth caterpillars were removed by hand.

Infestation of aphids

After about three weeks nature once again took its course and the aphids were significantly reduced in
number by ladybirds and small wasps attacked and killed the caterpillars.
The desiccated plants were trimmed back and watered and new leaves grew well enough to sustain the
snails for another two months.

Good bug bed

Due to the infestation of aphids, it was
realized that a strategy was required to
enhance and encourage the natural biological
agents and controls already present in the
garden ecosystem to allow biodynamic
principles to be followed.
To improve the natural balance and reduce
harmful insect pest outbreaks, particular
flowers and herbs known as insectary plants
were introduced. These plants provided a
nectar source for beneficial insects and acted
as an attractant for natural biological control
of pest insects.

The mix included annual and perennial flowers such

as red clover, alyssum, cosmos, marigolds, Queen
Annes lace, buckwheat, lucerne, dill, caraway,
coriander and gypsophila. These plants provided
nectar, pollen and habitat for beneficial insects such as
predatory mites, micro wasps, ladybirds, lacewings,
hoverflies and predatory beetles.
The insects helped to control aphids, scale, red spider
mite, caterpillar and other pests without the use of
The good bug bed was planted in early spring and its
biological control has been successful in controlling many of the pests in the crops grown for snails.


An abundant supply of water is necessary for
irrigating crops and misting snails to encourage
night-time activity.
A polythene pipe irrigation system was
integrated into each field and connected to water
tanks filled with dam water.
Irrigation outlets were placed every two metres
and consisted of a riser standing 90cm with a full
circle sprayer on the top.
Water misting was carried out each evening for
20-30 minutes.
The watering time was adjusted according to the
Extra water was required during January and
February when the weather was hot and dry.
During periods of extreme weather conditions such
as strong, drying winds, around 10,000 litres of
water was used for crop watering and misting in
the purging pod each week.

Preparation of seed bed

Ten kilograms of agricultural lime and 20kg of organic blood and bone was spread in each field and
incorporated into the soil with a rotary hoe.

A commercial hand-pushed seeder was trialed but it was found unsuitable for sowing small seeds at
high rates.
As an alternative, seed rills were made at 30cm row spacing and the seed was trickled by hand into the
furrows. A light covering of soil was raked over the seeds and water applied to the rows to germinate
the seed.


A horticulturist and agronomist from NSW Agriculture were consulted regarding the most appropriate
cool season varieties of crops to plant, suitable for the climate of Orange NSW.
The following crops were trialed and grown as a food source for the snails as well as providing shelter
from the sun.

White clover (Trifolium repens)

Strawberry clover (Trifolium fragiferum)
Forage rape (Brassica napus)
Forage brassica hybrids (Brassica campestris spp.)
Plantain (Plantago lanceolata)
Silverbeet ( Beta vulgaris)
Beetroot (Beta vulgaris)
Chickory (Cichorium intybus)
Endive (Cichorium endiva)
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa)
Radicchio (Red chickory) (Cichorium intybus)
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
English or common spinach (Spinacia oleracea)
Radish (Raphanus sativus)

Interestingly, some of the plants well liked by snails in Italy were not as well tolerated in Australian


leafy turnip



forage rape



Sunflowers grown in the first year but were not like by the snails
chickory useful only as shelter and was not eaten by the snails
radicchio and dandelion unpopular as food but also provided shelter.

Forage brassicas, leafy turnips, silverbeet, plantain, English spinach and clover were the most
successful and most liked food and shelter source for the snails.

Forage brassicas
The brassicas proved to be suitable for the cool region of the NSW central tablelands and were planted
in spring and autumn. They provided high quality feed and withstood low temperatures, frost and
snow during winter. The leaves provided high levels of protein and that resulted in high weight gain
and fast snail growth rates.
The brassica crops grew quickly and were dense enough to smother most germinating weeds.
The forage brassicas were not resistant to attack by aphids and white cabbage moths and the first crops
planted were infested badly. However, ladybirds and wasps appeared and quickly reduced the
offending insects.
After a few weeks, the crops regenerated and grew new fleshy leaves.

Leafy turnip
Leafy turnips are a hybrid cross between various species of the brassica family and are less resistant to
attack from insects such as aphids. They are a smaller plant and are well-liked as snail food but have a
reduced growing period.
The plants need trimming to maintain new growth and they need to be planted densely as the snails
quickly strip the fleshy leaves.

Silverbeet produces prodigious volumes of leaves and has proved to be an ideal crop for shelter and a
minor food source. The leaves retain moisture from evening irrigation and dew and provide a cool
microclimate and shelter for the snails.
With consistent trimming of the old leaves, fresh and tender leaves appear quickly. The vigorous
growing variety Fordhook survived winter temperatures and new shoots grew again the following
spring. It is planted in spring and autumn.

Both white and red clover proved to be a useful and easily
grown plant and was well liked by newly hatched snails.
Clover is a perennial legume and has a high nutritive value.
After the snails were hatched, they reduced the leaves to a
lacy effect before moving on to the brassicas
Clovers also provide shelter and it was observed that eggs
were often laid in the areas planted with clover. The
condition of the soil is also improved with the use of clovers
as a green manure crop. Clover can be planted in spring or


Lacy effect of clover leaves

English or common spinach

English spinach is an ideal plant if sown in autumn. It grows best during cooler months and is a useful
source of vitamins A, B and C and calcium. The leaves are smaller and softer than silverbeet. English
spinach provides some calcium for growing snails to assist with shell development.

Plantain is mineral rich and also contains calcium. It has a strong cool season growth and is useful as a
rotation crop with brassicas. It appears to be well liked by snails.

Supplementary feeding
The Italian snail farming method of feeding snails
recommends that supplementary crops be grown as
an additional food supply when the crops have been
eaten out or are at the end of their life.
The recommended crops include sunflowers,
brassicas and kale.
In the Australian trial, supplementary crops were
not grown as a supply of green waste leaves from
local fruit and vegetable suppliers was readily
The leaves consisted of fresh lettuce and cabbage. Second-grade carrots were purchased in 20kg bags
as an additional supplement.
In times of low feed or high density of juvenile snails, conventional feeders containing custom snail
mix were also used as supplementary food. The custom snail mix consisted of extruded grains such as
maize and soybean, whey powder, limestone and vitamins and minerals.

Planting times
In line with biodynamic principles, planting
time of seeds was planned to coincide with
the fertile phases of the moon.
Plans for planting were formulated by using
lunar phases for sowing seeds so the
connection between the solar system and
natural biological cycles was maximized.
Leafy vegetables were planted when the
moon was waxing and root vegetables were
planted when the moon was waning.
Harvesting was carried out when the moon
was in its waning phase
Because the lunar phase is said to control the moisture in the soil, it was noticed that the seeds
germinated quickly and the plants grew strong and healthy in a relatively short time.
An astrological calendar was used as a guide to plant crops.


One of the biggest jobs in the pasture production system was maintenance.
As well as keeping the pathways clean, the crops were trimmed at least three times during the growing
season. This was done to encourage new growth of fresh, clean leaves for the growing snails.
The use of a line trimmer was effective for this
task but a pair of good hedge shears was also
useful for crop trimming.
The removal of old or decaying leaves helped to
avoid the attraction of unwanted insects.

As the crops were grown without the use of

chemicals, weeds were a problem and were
removed by hand and destroyed.
The importance of good preparation of the seed
bed, to make sure the soil is well worked to
prevent weeds from growing is essential.
Internal fences were checked regularly for holes
and weeds growing at the base.
The base of the external fence was monitored for
the intrusion of predators such as rats and frogs.
A daily check was carried out for any snails that
had been transferred to the growing fields that may
climb up to the top of the nets for the first day or
These snails were placed back
in their field so they did not
dehydrate in the sun. The
snails settled down and
remained in their field after a few days as their new territory was recognized.
The water holding tanks (providing 30m head of pressure) were monitored
regularly to make sure they were filled with water for the evening irrigation.
The irrigation filter was frequently flushed to prevent a build-up of foreign material. Spray nozzles
were regularly checked and replaced when necessary.


First Production Year 2004/2005

Production Schedule (First year 2004/2005)
October 2004. First reproduction
field planted.

November 2004. Breeders selected from snails collected from

community introduced to reproduction field.

Mid-December 2004. Hatchings


January 2005. Three fields planted

for growing.

End February/March 2005. Juvenile snails

transferred from reproduction field for
growing and over wintering.

March/April 2005. Supplementary

food given. Adult snails picked up
for purging and processing.

April/ May 2005. Activity of snails


June/ July/ August 2005. Young

adult snails in winter hibernation.


Selecting breeding snails

The initial breeding stock was carefully
selected from a large collection of snails
sourced from the community of Orange.
Members of the local garden club supported
the research project by collecting and
donating their snails.
Gardeners who choose not to use chemicals or
poison baits in their garden were keen to pick
up their unwanted snails.
Large snails measuring 30-32mm were
selected as the first years reproduction

Introduction of snails to reproduction field

When the forage brassica crops were around 20cms in height, it was considered that it was time to
introduce the snails for reproduction.
The collected snails were sorted and culled and 1,087
of the largest of the snails were chosen as the initial
breeding stock.
These snails were placed in the reproduction field in
early November 2004.
They continued to mate and breed and the first
hatchlings were noticed in mid December 2004.
It was estimated that 25,000 snails were hatched
from mid December 2004 to end February 2005.

Growing fields
Three growing fields were planted in January 2005 in readiness for the transfer of the juvenile snails
for growing.
As a trial, one field was planted densely with chickory, silverbeet and white clover and the other two
with forage brassicas and white clover. The forage brassica has an extended growing period during the
central tablelands winter climate and it tolerated frost and snow.
The juvenile snails were transferred between February and March 2005 and supplementary food was
added to the fields for extra sustenance in preparation for winter hibernation.
The stocking density of the growing fields was around 140 snails to the square metre.
Adult snails and others that had reached suitable size for harvesting were picked up from the
reproduction field for purging and processing in March and April 2005.
The remaining juvenile snails were left in the growing fields for winter hibernation and to complete
their biological cycle.


Winter hibernation
The activity of snails decreased dramatically when the temperature dropped below 6C.
As the weather progressively became colder, the
snails completely closed off the opening of their
shells with a hard, calcareous cover called an
During the first year of production, the snails
activity started to slow in late April and hibernation
period began in May. Full hibernation occurred in
June, July and August.

A special environmental cloth was placed over the

crops and snails during winter. This cloth allowed
sun and water to penetrate but kept the
temperature of the soil around 7C higher than it
would be without the covering.

The juvenile snails that over-wintered in the growing fields emerged from their winter hibernation
after the first shower of rain at the beginning of September 2005.
As soon as they emerged from hibernation they were fed with lettuce leaves, carrots and custom snail
mix. Small hills of around 500 grams of calcium carbonate were placed in the fields as a supplement
for strong shell development.
The snails grew quickly and by mid October, they
had reached adult size (32mm). By early November
the shells had developed a hard lip and the snails
were considered ready to be purged and processed.
The construction of all the fields necessary for next
years production was completed during winter.

The old reproduction field was cleared and left

fallow as part of the rotational system for
cropping and snail production in the following
Once a field was cleared of snails and depleted
crops, it was left fallow until needed.


Second Production Year 2005/2006

Production Schedule (Second year 2005/2006)


Activities for 2005/06

Three fields were planted in September 2005.
One was used as the reproduction field and was planted with hybrid turnip, silverbeet and clover. The
second field was used as a holding area for the adult snails from the previous years production and the
third field was utilised as the good bug bed
A total of 850 of the biggest snails for
reproduction were chosen from the 10-12
month-old snails that were produced in the
first season. They were introduced to the
reproduction pen in early November 2005.
Because the new breeding snails were
acclimatised, a reduced number of snails for
reproduction was acceptable.
To accommodate the anticipated volumes of
baby snails, another three growing fields were
planted in December 2005, mainly with
silverbeet, hybrid turnip and clover.
Some small trial patches were also sown with radish and beetroot but these were found to be mostly
unpalatable to the juvenile snails.
The first batch of juvenile snails was transferred in mid January 2006 and most of these snails grew to
a marketable size by the end of March 2006.
Stocking density in the growing fields was 90 snails
to the square metre.
Another four fields were established two in March
2006 followed by two more in April 2006.
These were planted with plantain and silverbeet in
rotation with the previous crop of brassicas.
The juvenile snails will be left in these fields for over
Hibernation will take place during June, July and
August 2006.

In September 2006,
the biological cycle will
begin again.


Deaths of snails were mostly adult snails and usually
occurred at the end of the mating season or during hot
dry conditions, especially in the first year.
Others were culled during the growing season if a hard
lip had formed on the shell edge and they were found to
be undersized.
Some snails died in the purging bins, once again in the
first year of production because of the unusually hot, dry
Overall, the mortality rate was not as significant as occurs in other types of production. In the second
year snail deaths were greatly reduced as the locally bred snails were suitably acclimatised.

Harvesting snails for transfer or purging

Harvesting for purging was carried out as soon as the juvenile snails reached maturity. This was
determined by the accepted mature size of 32cm and the hardness of the lip of the shell. The
measurement is taken across the underside of the shell. The shell lip is the outer edge of the shell.
If the outer edge of the shell (or lip) is soft and
pliable, it means that the snail has not finished
growing. To determine maturity, the shell lip
should be hard and resistant to touch.
Sometimes undersize snails developed a hard shell
lip so those snails were discarded. They are not
suitable for reproduction or processing and if left
will eat valuable food.
It was found that harvesting was a time consuming
task as the snails have to be selected and picked up
by hand. The best time for harvesting is at dawn
and dusk, especially after rain or water misting.

Tips for harvesting or transferring snails

Feeders containing custom snail mix were put out to attract snails.
Once the snails gathered on the feeders they were easily picked up
and transferred to other fields or to the purging bins.
After rain and watering, the snails climbed up the sides of the
netting fences. This allowed the snails to be easily picked off the
nets early in the morning.
Cost of set-up of production fields, during twoyear establishment phase $17,974.


Purging is the process of the passing of any soil and grit from the
digestive systems of the snails. This is to ensure they are palatable,
safe and clean for human consumption. It is not necessary to trim
any part of the snail so proper purging is an important final activity
before snails are cooked and sold.

Snails are purged to make

sure they are perfectly
clean and safe for human

The snails were given a purging formula for three days before leaving to dry. When the colour of the
faeces changed, it was considered that the snails were properly purged of soil and grit.

Purging pod
Due to warm to hot climatic conditions during the summer months it was necessary to construct a
separate, environmentally controlled enclosure, or pod, to ensure the initial activity of the snails during
the purging process.
The purging pod was constructed inside an
existing shed from insulating material used
for cool rooms and electricity and water
were connected.
A skylight was added for daytime light and
neon lighting for use at night. A window and
stable door were also incorporated into the

Large deciduous trees were planted on the western side of the existing
shed to provide shade and natural thermal comfort. In line with the
researchers commitment to environmental sustainability, the trees
will help reduce the daytime temperature, thus the pod will becomes
more energy efficient
A portable evaporative cooling system was
installed and modified. A float valve was
added to its tank to ensure a continuous
supply of water to the
A specially designed
digital temperature
controller was added.
It was set to cool
when the temperature
rose above 16 C and
it turned the cooler off
when the temperature dropped below 16C.
It was observed that there was a significant improvement in the activity of the snails that resulted in
more effective purging and a lower mortality rate.


Construction of purging pod

A timber frame was constructed and food quality
plastic bins were mounted in two tiers on each
side of the purging pod.
Household guttering was used along the rear to
support the bottom edge of the bins and allow the
waste water to drain. The waste water was drained
to the exterior of the shed and utilised on the
newly planted trees.

An automatic misting system

was installed on the timber
frame. Misters were directed to
the inside of the bins through the
wire mesh on the bins lid.

Purging containers
Forty 25 litre white plastic bins accommodated the snails during purging operations. These bins were
selected for ease of cleaning and more efficient management of snails. The bins were modified for
drainage and air circulation.
A portion was cut from the lid of the bins to leave a square hole. This was covered with wire mesh
(about 10mm) and secured by heavy duty staples on the inside of the lids.

Several holes were drilled in the bottom edge of the bins for water and waste drainage.
A flexible security cord was attached to the side of the rim of the bins to keep the lid in place. (When
large numbers of snails congregate together on the lid, it can easily come off).


Method of purging

Day 1
harvested snails sorted by size and placed into the bins 30 snails to a 25 litre bin.
snails left overnight for the initial flush of soil and grit from their digestive systems
Day 2
automatic misting system activated for one minute
snails removed from the bins while the waste material hosed out by hand
snails returned to the bins
purging formula given
Day 3
automatic misting system activated for one minute
faeces and uneaten food hosed out
purging formula given
Day 4
automatic misting system activated for one minute
faeces and uneaten food hosed out
purging formula given
Day 5
faeces hosed out
no purging formula given
Day 6
snails left dry (no misting or purging formula given)
Day 7
dry snails ready for processing were transferred from purging bins to netting bags early
morning and hung in a well ventilated, cool area for 24 hours in preparation for the cooking
The bins and lids were thoroughly cleaned with a portable cold water high pressure cleaner after snails
were removed for processing. Each bin and its lid took 2.5 minutes to clean thoroughly.


Purging formula
A mixture of 50% organic unprocessed
wheat bran and 50% organic oat bran was
used as a high-fibre purging formula.
The mix was sprinkled lightly on the floor
of the bins after the final hosing in the

Any dead or dying snails were removed

from the purging bins to avoid attracting
When purging was complete, the snails
were removed to netting bags and hung in
a well ventilated area for 24 hours prior to
Cost of purging pod and associated
expenses, $9,780.

With the ability to mass produce large numbers of
snails, consistent and regular supply of snails is now
a possibility.
It is suggested that market research and good
marketing principles be conducted before
undertaking commercial snail production.
Experience gained by the principal researcher from
many years involvement with snails and snail
farming suggests that as long as a snail farmer
provides a consistent high-quality product and helps
educate and promote the product, chefs are willing to
try fresh snails and to have them on the menu.
At the time of writing this report, pre-cooked snails were selling for $9.50 per dozen.


The purpose of this research project was to assess the viability of an alternative method of mass
producing edible snails and to reduce the high-labour content of the current method of cultivating
snails in Australia.

Current method Gal-ring enclosures

The conventional and current method
of producing snails outdoors in
Australia is where snails are
contained in smaller enclosures
(galvanized iron rings) and hand fed
custom snail mix in covered feeders.
The snails are also provided with
roofing tiles as daytime retreats.
As stock numbers increase, the number of enclosures is increased to provide breeding and growing
It is an ideal way for beginners entering the snail farming industry or for people wishing to grow snails
for home consumption and can be managed by one person. This method is gives an inexperienced
farmer the opportunity to learn about snail behaviour and associated problems that may occur and to
gain some practical experience an important factor that should be considered before undertaking a
large commercial operation.
The labour component becomes higher as the operation grows. The food must be renewed each day,
and any leftover vegetable leaves removed to avoid attracting insects and flies. The feeders need to be
washed regularly and the soil in the containers refreshed periodically. Juvenile snails need to be culled
and transferred to growing rings throughout the season.
This type of snail production has proved to be an excellent method for beginners and for people who
wish to farm snails as a hobby or cottage industry. The rings can be maintained without difficulty and
the snails can easily be monitored its a good starting point.

Pasture production or free range

With careful management, free-range
snail farming is significantly more time
Importantly snails grow in a shorter time
with noticeably more consistent growth in
the pasture production system.

There are certain prerequisites that are essential before pasture production or free-range snail
production is commenced.


abundance of water
good soil with adequate drainage
suitable environmental conditions cool to temperate climate
access to snails in the community
space to establish and expand
sunshine for good crop development
time, patience, energy and good health.

Free-range snail farming has many benefits for raising high-quality snails but nevertheless it involves
a high degree of labour content.
As well as the practicalities of farming the snails, there are other matters to be considered such as
processing and marketing that may make the project too large for one person to manage efficiently.
After establishment of the fields, on-going
maintenance necessitates a lot of physical
work and time to ensure the correct
environment and conditions for effective
snail production.

preparation of soil
sowing the seeds
rotating crops
trimming the crops
maintaining clean paths
transferring and harvesting snails.

After initial establishment (over two years), production costs decrease and become stable. Financial
overheads may only include:
repairs and maintenance
The results of the research project showed that
supplementary food
substantial profit returns are realised during the third
year of production.
contractors if required.


Statistical analysis
Table 1: Method








Area designated for reproduction and

growing fields
Each measuring 17 x 3.5m (59.5 sq m)

Each measuring 17 x 3.5m (59.5 sq m)

Holding and good bug bed fields

Number of breeding snails



Number of hatchings (est)















Reproduction analysis
Total area for site of pasture production
(sq m)
Total area utilised for snail production
(sq m)
Total number of reproduction fields
Total number of growing fields planted
Other fields planted

Density of breeder snails (to each sq m)

Density of juveniles in growing fields
(to each sq m)
Mortality/culling rate
Mortality rate in purging bins

Final results of reproduction

Area within external fence

Second years breeders acclimatised,

so reduced number acceptable
Increased reproduction due to second
years acclimatised farm bred snails
Second years adults acclimatised
Lower density produced better snails
in shorter time
Fewer deaths in second years
The addition of environmentally
controlled purging pod in the second
year reduced deaths in purging bins
Dramatic increase in reproduction and
decrease in mortality in second year

Table 2: Labour requirements



Farming activity (person hours per week)

Number of hours for harvesting


Picking up or transferring snails

Number of hours for crop and weeding

Number of hours in purging pod


Trimming crops, weeding,

monitoring fencing and predators
Cleaning bins and feeding purging

Other associated tasks (person hours per week)


Number of hours processing


Number of hours packaging/labelling






Total person hours for all

labour per week




Pre-cooking snails, shelling and

Packing snails into insulated boxes
for transport and associated labelling
and invoicing
Communication with existing and
potential customers
Phone calls, email enquiries,
correspondence etc

Table 3: Establishment and production cost estimates for two-year establishment



Compost mulch/fertilizers


Fencing materials


Irrigation costs












Supplementary food/purging formula


Construction of purging shed and associated



Total establishment costs


The estimates (calculated to rounded figures) were associated with the complete setting up and
production of the model open pasture production site and its associated expenses over the two-year
period of establishment.
Labour costs were not calculated in the establishment costs, except for the hire of contractors for
heavy equipment operation and maintenance of fields when required.
Table 4: Comparison of production systems
Establishment and production over two years
Open pasture
or free-range

Establishment and
production cost estimates

Output snail yield




Snail Farming in Australia a practical guide for beginners


The outcomes of this research project demonstrate that the trial of pasture production
or free-range snail production is unquestionably viable as a means of producing large
numbers of high-quality Australian snails.
Estimates indicate the pasture production or free-range method is more cost effective
to establish and produce snails than the current method of farming snails in Australia
The biological cycle of breeding snails in open
pastures allow snails to grow and develop in a
natural biodynamic environment they can
breed and grow as nature intended.
It produces clean, healthy, well developed,
consistent-sized snails rapidly. After the first
year of production the mortality rate is very low
compared with indoor and green house farming
During the first two years of establishment,
the model pasture production method
demonstrated a 75c/snail cost of production,
compared to $1.04 for the gal-ring system
for the same period.
See Table 4

The outcomes of the research project were successful and its objectives were met. Pasture production
or free-range snail farming appears to be an ideal system for breeding and growing large numbers of
From this trial, it was observed that some streamlining with management of crop planting and rotation
is needed to help reduce the work load, especially when the operation is expanded in the future.
In the third year of production some minor changes will be made to planting times to coincide better
with the growing of juvenile snails.
Because the second year of reproduction generated acclimatised snails, it resulted in a higher number
of snails hatched in the second season.
Therefore the area for growing fields will be increased to at least four times larger than the area
allowed for reproduction. This will assist in accommodating the large numbers of new snails
The trial also verified that spring time is the optimum time when snails are at their highest quality.
They grow quickly and evenly and there are thousands ready for harvesting in November and
December. Snail tasting trials proved that young, plump snails are better presented to the consumer
and are more palatable.
This could mean that the snail season may be reduced
to spring and autumn to guarantee quality assurance
standards are met consistently unless refinement to the
processing and packaging procedures is made.


To maximize the flush of spring snails,

the management of processing and
packaging needs to be reviewed so
shelf life can be extended.

Snail farming in Australia is in its infancy so there is no infrastructure for commercial processing in
place. It is up to the snail farmer to provide purging and processing facilities which add to the high
labour requirement.
Considerable thought should go into the area allocated for growing as an extensive area of fresh crops
is required for the hungry juveniles. Overcrowding causes problems with the development of the
young snails and excess slime in the growing fields can also be detrimental to the effective growth and
development of young snails.
It is suggested that the area for a commercial-sized snail farm should be chosen and developed
gradually in size from approximately half to one hectare for the first year and expanding to greater
than one hectare in the second year. After this time, the possibility to expand further is feasible.
This recommendation of slow expansion will allow the inexperienced farmer to obtain a good
understanding of the complexity of the biological cycle of snails, the farming principles and
progression to the processing and marketing phase.

The model pasture production or free-range trial demonstrated that snail farming on a large-scale
basis requires a considerable investment in time, equipment, and financial resources.
To be successful the potential snail producer should carefully consider the environment in which they
intend to farm snails, the timing, growing and rotation of suitable crops.
As this is the first time in Australia that a trial has been conducted in close replication of the Italian
snail farming system, the positive outcomes will help pave the way for a sustainable, commercially
viable snail farming industry in Australia.
The demand for fresh snails on the domestic market is very positive but is not unlimited. However,
many enquiries from overseas countries imply there is a good future for international trade.
With the advent of the prospective Australian Snail Breeders Association (see Appendix C), standards
for production, processing and supply will set precedents for the supply of high-quality snails and
improve the image and quality of snails produced in the future, in Australia.


Appendix A: Statistics of snail imports to Australia
International trade statistics published by the Commonwealth Governments Australia Bureau of
Statistics are based on information provided to the Australian Customs Service (ACS) by importers,
exporters or their agents.
The source of the data was provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) on 30 September
2005 for the reference period FIN YR 2003-2004 and 2004-2005. Tariff code for the data is 0307 6000
23 and the information provides country of origin, Australian state of destination, quantity and
customs value.
Harmonized tariff item statistical classification: Snails (excl. sea snails), live, fresh, chilled, frozen,
dried, salted or in brine.

The quoted value figures for Country of Origin, Hong Kong (SAR of China), financial year 2003-2004
appeared to the researcher to be very high compared to other figures quoted so the value may distort
the average.
This figure was queried with ABS and the researcher was referred by its consultant to its booklet
International Trade, Insuring Data Quality that states: While the ABS receives many queries on
detailed data from clients, it isnt cost effective to investigate or practicable to investigate all of them.
Further information about data checks can be obtained from the booklet available from the ABS
Table 5: Financial year 2003-2004
Country of Origin
State of final
Hong Kong (SAR of

Quantity (Kilograms)

Customs Value

New South Wales

New South Wales



New South Wales

Western Australia



Quantity (Kilograms)

Customs Value

New South Wales



New South Wales

New South Wales




Table 6: Financial year 2004-2005

Country of Origin
State of final
Hong Kong (SAR of


The figures provided show total imports over two years 9,797 kilograms at a value of $79,179.


Appendix B: Microbiological and chemical analysis of snail

No investigation of storage, shelf life and nutritional analysis had been conducted in Australia prior to
commencement of this project. Due to the potential viability of mass rearing snails and the future
development of a commercial snail farming industry in Australia, there was a strong need to
investigate these important areas.
Microbiological testing was conducted to determine shelf life and was implemented by Primary
Industries Research Victoria (Attwood). The nutritional analysis was carried out at Primary Industries
Research Victoria (Werribee).

A total of 63 samples each consisting of 70 grams of snail meat were required for the three products
for shelf life testing. One 70 gram sample of Product 1 and 2 was required for the nutritional analysis.
All samples were prepared in accordance with the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code prior
to sending them to the laboratory for testing.
Table 7: Tests performed
Test performed on all samples
Escherichia coli and Coliforms

Total Plate Counts 25C

Listeria monocytogenes
Salmonella spp.
Staphylococcus aureus
Aeromonas spp.

Description of test
Coliforms are a group of organisms of similar
characteristics that inhabit the human or animal intestine
and some can inhabit foods and the environment. E.coli is
a member of the coliform group and is an indicator of
faecal contamination.
This test gives an indication of overall hygiene of the
product and gives count of all bacteria present on the
Spoilage organism under aerobic conditions
Food borne pathogen and is of ubiquitous origin
Food borne pathogen of faecal origin
Potential food borne pathogen and is associated with food
Potential pathogenic species in this genus also cause
spoilage organism which has been isolated from cold
blooded animals


Explanation of results
Product No 1:
Pre-cooked whole snails (out of shell) in spring water in a plastic
container (chilled snails).
Chilled snails stored at 4C and tested periodically over a nine-day storage period. Results are
summarised in Figure 1.
The Total Viable Count (TVC) of all bacteria, increased over the storage period as expected, but was
still of good microbiological quality.
Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes were not detected from any of the samples tested.
All other tests were below the limit of detection for the test period.
Suggested shelf life nine days at 4C

Figure 1: Microbiological examination of chilled snails



Log 10 cfu/g

log TVC
log E.coli
log Coliforms


log Pseudomonas
log S.aureus
log Aeromonas



Sampling day

Figure 1: Microbiological examination of chilled snails


Product No 2
Pre-cooked whole snails (out of shell) in ratio extra virgin olive oil to
white wine contained in a glass jar and sealed with a twist top lid.
Shelf stable snails stored at room temperature and tested microbiologically on day of arrival and then
on a monthly basis for a period of 4 months.
Results are summarised in Figure 2.
The TVC increased to high levels by month two and displayed off odours, and by month three had
developed a slimy texture. This product was organoleptically considered unacceptable at two months
Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes were not detected from any of the samples tested.
All other tests were below the limit of detection for the test period, except for coliforms which were
detected at low levels upon arrival in the laboratory and again at 2 months storage.
Suggested shelf life eight weeks

Figure 2: Microbiological examination of shelf stable snails


Log10 cfu/g

log TVC
log E.coli
log Coliforms

log Pseudomonas
log S.aureus
log Aeromonas


Sampling day

Figure 2: Microbiological examination of shelf stable snails


Product No 3
Pre-cooked whole snails (out of shell) with the addition of half quantities
of white wine and cider vinegar with pickling spices (cinnamon, allspice,
mustard seed, coriander, bay leaves, ginger, chillies, cloves, black
pepper, mace, and cardamom) contained in a glass jar with twist top lid
(shelf stable).
Shelf stable snails stored at ambient temperature tested on day of arrival and then at monthly intervals
for a period of 5 months. Results are summarised in Figure 3.
The TVC remained low throughout the test period and suggests good hygiene practices that had
occurred during the production of the snails.
Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes were not detected from any of the samples tested.
All other tests were below the limit of detection for the test period.
Suggested shelf life five months.

Shelf life snails, Total Viable count


log 10 cfu/g



Figure 3: Shelf life of snails, total viable count


Nutritional analysis
The Certificate of Analysis provided the following information regarding the results by test.

Sample 01- A
Pre-cooked snails with the addition of white wine and olive oil contained in a glass jar and sealed with
a twist top lid.

Sample 02-A
Pre-cooked snails in spring water in a plastic container.
Table 8: Certificate of Analysis
Work order: 04-04-029
Energy Value
FSC:Std R2
Total Fat (Acid Hydrolysis)
Total carbohydrate (calc)
FSC:Std A1
ICP elements

Reported: 8-Jun-04




















Test results apply only to the sample(s) submitted for analysis.

Ash and Moisture analyses were required to calculate Total Carbohydrate.
Energy value was calculated using the protein, fat and carbohydrate contents of the sample.
Protein calculated from nitrogen times 6.25.

Table 9: Comparison of cholesterol between snails (Helix aspersa) other molluscs and
Cholesterol mg/100
Snails (in natural spring water)



* Data show molluscs and crustacean have a similar fat, protein and energy count


Appendix C: Proposed Australian Snail Breeders Association

Now that it has been proved that snails can be bred successfully in large numbers in Australian
climatic conditions, and judging by the interest shown to the principal researcher, more people will
become involved in snail farming.
Clear standards regarding the production of the full biological cycle of breeding snails, processing,
marketing, promotion and safety and health will be set in place by the Incorporated Association. This
will guarantee consumers are assured of a high-quality, safe to eat, fresh Australian snail product.
Certain criteria regarding the breeding and production will apply regarding successful nomination of
membership of the Association.
A logo will be designed for use by members as an important indicator of quality assurance to
A number of potential and new snail farmers have indicated their interest in nominating for
membership of the Association and have been placed into a database for future consultation.
Snail Farming Information Service is currently cataloging snail farmers in Australia who are interested
in becoming members of the Association by submitting an expression of interest form that can be
found on website


Appendix D: Health safety

Advice is extended to people with a weakened immune system or who have a history of respiratory or
lung diseases considering working with soil and snails.
The use of potting mix and compost mulches has been associated with legionnaires disease, a
respiratory infection which, in susceptible individuals such as the elderly and those with particular
respiratory conditions can prove dangerous to humans.
Soil and certain contaminants that may emanate from animal protein (snails) can cause fungal
infections such as Aspergillosis and serious bacterial infections such as Nocardia.
People on chronic steroid therapy, those with cancer, organ or bone marrow transplants, or HIV/AIDS
are at risk of contracting these infections.
Refer to Department of Employment and Workplace Relations for information regarding Occupational
Health and Safety in the workplace.


Australian Bureau of Statistics (2005) International Merchandise Trade Imports of Snails. Code
307600023 ABS, Canberra. International Trade, Insuring Data Quality[email protected]/DetailsPage/5498.0.55.0012001?OpenDocument
Basinger, A.J. (1931) University of California College of Agriculture Agricultural Experiment Station,
Berkeley. The European Brown Snail in California. Bulletin 515:1-23
Begg, S. (2005) http:/
Snail Farming Information Service

NSW Department of Primary Industries
161 Kite Street
Ph: (02) 6391 3100
Australian Bureau of Statistics
National Information and Referral Service
ABS House
45 Benjamin Way
Ph: 1300 135 070
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Standards and OHS Legal Obligations
Astrological Calendar and Moon Planting Guide (2004, 2005, 2006)
Organics Australia On-line
Custom Snail Mix
Prydes Pty Ltd
Animal Feed Specialists
Quia Rd
Ph: (02) 6742 3966
Good Bug Bed Mix
Green Harvest Organic Gardening Supplies
Ph: 1800 681014
Soil testing laboratory
Incitec Pivot Limited
Pivotest Laboratory
Wilson Avenue


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