Week 32 Lesson Plans Math 4-13-15 To 4-17-15

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Supporting Unit #:

Hogan, La Tour, Pope, Morris,

Number of Days for Lesson Monday 4/13/15 through 4/17/15


Use arrays, area models, and manipulatives to develop

understanding of properties Solve problems involving measurement
and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of
MCC. 3.MD.1 Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure
time intervals in minutes. Solve word problems involving addition and
subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the
problem on a number line diagram.
MCC.3.MD.2 Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of
objects using standard units of grams (g), kilograms (kg), and liters (l).
Add, subtract, multiply, or divide to solve one-step word problems
involving masses or volumes that are given in the same units, e.g., by
using drawings (such as a beaker with a measurement scale) to
represent the problem. Represent and interpret data.
MCC.3.MD.3 Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to
represent a data set with several categories. Solve one- and two-step
how many more and how many less problems using information
presented in scaled bar graphs. For example, draw a bar graph in which
each square in the bar graph might represent 5 pets.
MCC.3.MD.4 Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using
rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch. Show the data by
making a line plot, where the horizontal scale is marked off in
appropriate units whole numbers, halves, or quarters
Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area
to multiplication and to addition.
MCC.3.MD.7 Relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition.
Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane
figures and distinguish between linear and area measures.
MCC.3.MD.8 Solve real world and mathematical problems involving
perimeters of polygons, including finding the perimeter given the side
lengths, finding an unknown side length, exhibiting rectangles with the
same perimeter and different areas or with the same area and different



The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that
Practice (SMP)

mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These
practices rest on important processes and proficiencies with longstanding importance
in mathematics education.
This section provides examples of learning experiences for this unit that support the
development of the proficiencies described in the Standards for Mathematical Practice.
The statements provided offer a few examples of connections between the Standards
for Mathematical Practice and the Content Standards of this unit. The list is not
exhaustive and will hopefully prompt further reflection and discussion.
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students make sense
of problems involving rounding, addition and subtraction.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Students demonstrate abstract reasoning
by connecting quantity to the relative magnitude of digits in numbers to 1000.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students
construct and critique arguments regarding mental math strategies focusing on
multiplication strategies..
4. Model with mathematics. Students are asked to use Base Ten blocks to model
various understandings of place value and value of a digit. They record their
thinking using words, pictures, and numbers to further explain their reasoning.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically. Students utilize a number line to assist
with rounding, addition, and subtraction and fractions.
6. Attend to precision. Students attend to the language of real-world situations to
determine appropriate ways to organize data.
7. Look for and make use of structure. Students relate the structure of the Base
Ten number system to place value and relative size of a digit. They will use
this understanding to add, subtract, and estimate.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Students relate the
properties and understanding of addition to subtraction situations

Literacy for CCGPS


McGraw Hill Math Books, pencils, paper, dry erase boards, worksheets from math
book, Promethean Board, Online at www.connected,mcgraw-hill.com flip charts and

Essential Question(s)

Telling Time

What does it mean to tell time to the nearest minute?

What strategies can I use to help me tell and write time to the
nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes?
What connections can I make between a clock and a number line?
How can I use what I know about number lines to help me figure out
how much time has passed between two events?
How can we determine the amount of time that passes between two
events? What part does elapsed time play in our daily living?
How can I demonstrate my understanding of the measurement of
How can you prove to your parents you do not spend too much time
watching television? Volume and Mass
What happens when your units of measure change?
Why is it important to know the mass of an object?
In what ways can we determine the mass of an object?
What is the difference between a standard and non-standard unit of
What units are appropriate to measure mass?
How are units in the same system of measurement related?
What strategies could you use to figure out the mass of multiple
What happens to an items measurement when units are changed?
About how heavy is a kilogram?
What items in the classroom weigh close to a kilogram?
How are grams and kilograms related?
What everyday items weigh about a gram? About a kilogram?
What is the tool best to use when measuring liquid volume?
What connection can you make between the volumes and your
everyday life?
Does volume change when you change the measurement material?
Why or why not?
How can estimating help me to determine liquid volume?
What are some ways I can measure the liquid volume? Graphing and
Data How are tables, bar graphs, and line plot graphs useful ways
to display data? How can you use graphs to answer a question?
How can surveys be used to collect data?
How can surveys be used to gather information?
How can graphs be used to display data gathered from a survey?
How can data displayed in tables and graphs be used to inform?

How can graphs be used to compare related data?

How can data displays be used to describe events?
How do I decide what increments to use for my scale?
Differentiate Instruction to Meet the Needs of All Learners by Process, Product, or Content
(10 minutes)

Have students do provided worksheet from GOFAR with examples of the Math work
for the GA Milestones test we will be giving in 3 weeks. Todays topic is measurement
and data.

Engagement or
Pre-Instructional Activity
Work Period:
(55 minutes)

We will be working with the other 3rd Grade classes and making stations(each with
their different standards) for the students to work in differentiated by ability groups in
each classroom. We will be using 11/2 hr class time for math each day this week.
Standards we are working on were determined from data and IDMS on the results of
the practice Ga Milestones Math test.

(10 minutes)

Pass out HW Math worksheet for review practice.

Extended Learning Activity Have the students read about Money Around the World pg. 31-32 of the Real World
Problem Solving Readers. Have students explain how they can use graphs in
everyday situations. Have them complete pg. 31 in the teacher practice book. Real
World Problem Solving Readers Teacher Edition.
Formative Assessment(s)
Summative Assessment(s) Independent practice and homework will be observed and checked for understanding.

Number of Days for Lesson

Supporting Unit #:
Tuesday(1 day)


See Monday

Standards for Mathematical

Practice (SMP)

See Monday

Hogan, Pope, LaTour, Woods,

Literacy for CCGPS


McGraw Hill Math Books, pencils, paper, dry erase boards, worksheets from math
book, Promethean Board, Online at www.connected,mcgraw-hill.com flip charts

Essential Question(s)

See Monday

Differentiate Instruction to Meet the Needs of All Learners by Process, Product, or Content

(10 minutes)

Have students do provided worksheet from GOFAR with examples of the

Math work for the GA Milestones test we will be giving in 3 weeks.
Todays topic is measurement and data.

Engagement or
Pre-Instructional Activity
Work Period:
(55 minutes)

We will be working with the other 3rd Grade classes and making
stations(each with their different standards) for the students to work in
differentiated by ability groups in each classroom. We will be using 11/2 hr
class time for math each day this week. Standards we are working on
were determined from data and IDMS on the results of the practice Ga
Milestones Math test.

(10 minutes)

Pass out HW worksheet for review.

Extended Learning

Have the students read the extended reading Populations on the Rise of
Math Real Problem Solving Readers provided at the beginning of the year.
Have students write the answers to the questions on the last page of the
book. Encourage students to write their responses and explain them to
one another.

Formative Assessment(s) .

Check students work as they are completing it to see if they understand

the concept. Teachers will ask questions of learners to see if they can
explain what they have learned.

Number of Days for Lesson

Supporting Unit #:

Mary K. Hogan


Wednesday (1 day)

See Monday

Standards for Mathematical

See Monday
Practice (SMP)
Literacy for CCGPS
Essential Question(s)

McGraw Hill Math Books, pencils, paper, dry erase boards, worksheets from math
book, Promethean Board, Online at connected,mcgraw-hill.com flip charts

See Monday

Differentiate Instruction to Meet the Needs of All Learners by Process, Product, or Content
(10 minutes)

Have students do provided worksheet from GOFAR with examples of the Math work
for the GA Milestones test we will be giving in 3 weeks. Todays topic is
measurement and data.

Engagement or
Pre-Instructional Activity
Work Period:
(55 minutes)

We will be working with the other 3rd Grade classes and making stations(each with
their different standards) for the students to work in differentiated by ability groups in
each classroom. We will be using 11/2 hr class time for math each day this week.
Standards we are working on were determined from data and IDMS on the results of
the practice Ga Milestones Math test.

(10 minutes)

Pass out HW worksheet review.

Extended Learning Activity Have the students read Making a Budget of Real World Problem Solving Readers
that were provided at the beginning of the school year. Have the students answer the
questions on the last page of the book. Have them write also about places they have
Formative Assessment(s)
Summative Assessment(s) Teachers will observe the work being completed in class. Homework will be collected

and graded.

Number of Days for Lesson

Standards for Mathematical

Practice (SMP)

Supporting Unit #:

Mary K. Hogan


Thursday (1 day)

See Monday

See Monday

Literacy for CCGPS


McGraw Hill Math Books, pencils, paper, dry erase boards, worksheets from math
book, Promethean Board, Online at connected.mcgraw-hill.com flip charts and videos.

Essential Question(s)

See Monday

Differentiate Instruction to Meet the Needs of All Learners by Process, Product, or Content
(10 minutes)
Engagement or
Pre-Instructional Activity
Work Period:
(55 minutes)

Have students do provided worksheet from GOFAR with examples of the Math work
for the GA Milestones test we will be giving in 3 weeks. Todays topic is
measurement and data.
Discuss several of the concepts we have learned this week.

We will be working with the other 3rd Grade classes and making stations(each with
their different standards) for the students to work in differentiated by ability groups in
each classroom. We will be using 11/2 hr class time for math each day this week.

Standards we are working on were determined from data and IDMS on the results of
the practice Ga Milestones Math test.
(10 minutes)

Pass out HW worksheet for review.

Extended Learning Activity Have the students read Think About it Margaret Knight in the Real World Problem
Solving Readers provided at the beginning of the year. Have students explain how
they can use graphs in everyday situations.
Formative Assessment(s)
Summative Assessment(s) Check the work they did in class and grade their homework.


Supporting Unit #:

Mary K. Hogan


Number of Days for Lesson Friday (1 day)


Standards for Mathematical

Practice (SMP)

See Monday

See Monday

Literacy for CCGPS


McGraw Hill Math Books, pencils, paper, dry erase boards, worksheets from math
book, Promethean Board, Online at connected,mcgraw-hill.com flip charts

Essential Question(s)
See Monday
Differentiate Instruction to Meet the Needs of All Learners by Process, Product, or Content

We will start each group with practice problems from the GA Milestones test.

(10 minutes)
Engagement or
Pre-Instructional Activity
Work Period:
(55 minutes)

We will be working with the other 3rd Grade classes and making stations (each with
their different standards) for the students to work in differentiated by ability groups in
each classroom. We will be using 11/2 hr class time for math each day this week.
Standards we are working on were determined from data and IDMS on the results of
the practice Ga Milestones Math test.

(10 minutes)

Ask the students about working word problems and why are they necessary? Are
they helpful? Have them do a ticket out the door with two different things they learning
in compacting this week.

Extended Learning Activity None assigned on Friday.

Formative Assessment(s)
Summative Assessment(s) Observing students as they complete their work.

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