Taber Eric Resume Two Pages
Taber Eric Resume Two Pages
Taber Eric Resume Two Pages
The Pennsylvania State University, 221 Walker Building, State College, PA 16803
M.S., The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Department of Geography
B.A., Colgate University, Hamilton, NY
Double Major: Biology & Geography
R Data manipulation, graphics and analysis including parametric and machine learning modeling
approaches such as artificial neural networks, classification and regression trees and mixed effect
ArcGIS Software Suite Automation, batch processing, cartographic production, change detection,
density analysis, digital image processing and image classification
M.S. Thesis Research, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania
Fall 2013 Present
Determined dengue fever transmission potential using a combination of biological
modeling and spatial analysis and quantified an invasive mosquito species spread
throughout Pennsylvania
Fit and evaluated generalized linear models and random forest models to determine the
extent to which protected areas (e.g. national parks) control malaria prevalence throughout
Sub-Saharan Africa
Developed expertise in GIS, spatial analyses, biological modeling and Python and R
Research Assistant, California Dept. of Public Health STD Control, Richmond, California
Summer 2014
Compiled socioeconomic and disease incidence data and created maps of disease burdens for
the state of California using a geographic information system (GIS) and R
Developed protocols to improve partner notification for patients diagnosed with STDs
Produced figures detailing STD risk factors for major California cities using CDC data and R
Research Student, The Polaris Project, Northeast Science Station, Siberia, Russia Summer 2012 Fall 2012
Member of NSF-funded, international research team focused on climate change in the
Quantified vegetation controls on soil CO2 respiration and permafrost characteristics
utilizing mixed methods including the operation of a gas flux chamber and electrical
resistivity imaging hardware
Presented results at American Geophysical Union Conference
Summer 2012
Spring 2014
Spring 2013
Spring 2013
Summer 2012
Spring 2012
Invited speaker for the Pennsylvania Vector Control Association Annual Meeting;
Fall 2014
presented The Spread of the Asian Tiger Mosquito and the Risk of Dengue Fever in Pennsylvania
Oral presentation Invasion of Aedes albopictus in Pennsylvania and Potential Risk of Dengue Spring 2014
given at the 29th Annual Symposium of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association
of Landscape Ecologists (U.S.-IALE)
Poster presentation Understory vegetation controls on terrestrial carbon flux in an Arctic boreal Fall 2012
forest underlain by continuous permafrost at the American Geophysical Union Conference