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Brock Jones

WRTG 2010
Sam Glantz
Heather Bowen
Salvador Juarez
Steroid Use.. Pros and Cons
"History of Steroids." RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2015.
This is a website giving the history of the use of steroids. It talks about when they
first started being used back in the 20th century and it also talks about how common they
are now in sports. This website also covers the different types of steroids, legal and
nonlegal, and where someone can purchase these drugs. This website also has videos on
how to inject steroids and also gives a list of the multiple different types of steroids one
can use. This is a good website to get a quick overview and get a basic understanding for
what steroid use is all about.
"Steroids 101 (History of Steroids) - Steroid Abuse .com." Steroids 101 (History of
Steroids) - Steroid Abuse .com. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2015.
This article also gives an overview on the use of steroids. This article talks more
about the negative side effects of steroid use and abuse. It describes the dangers of the
drug and what it does to the body. It also describes the use and abuse it has on the athletes
and also for women.
"Anabolic Steroid Abuse." What Are the Health Consequences of Steroid Abuse? N.p.,
n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
This article talks about all the negative consequences to steroid abuse for men and
women. It talks about how women can lose their hair, their voice deepens, and they may
develop male characteristics like baldness and a smaller chest. For the men, the side
effects include, breast development and shrunken testicles. The drug can cause AIDS and
heart attacks.
"Anabolic Steroids and Sports: Winning at Any Cost." Anabolic Steroids and Sports:
Winning at Any Cost. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2015.
This article talks about how steroid use is very commonly used in order to
enhance performance within sports. Even though it may cause health problems, athletes
still take those chances in order to succeed in their sport. Steroids may be used as
painkillers and injury preventions as well.
ESPN. ESPN Internet Ventures, n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
This article was written by ESPN and it describes how the athletes use the
steroids. Athletes use the steroids in order to perform better. Steroids add power and
prevent injury so the athletes can perform at a high level without going out for injury.
This drug is especially common in boxing and baseball.

"Top 10 Pros and Cons - Drug Use in Sports -" ProConorg Headlines. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
In this website there are pros and cons of using performance enhancing drugs
regarding athletes. The pros involve the excitement of the game being spiked up for fans,
the drugs being available for all athletes to bring their game to a higher level. The cons
will include the obvious health risks, and also the side effects of anger related to the drug.
This could conclude in more fights between players.
"Positive Effects of Steroids." Positive Effects of Steroids. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2015.
This article gives the reader an idea of how the performance enhancing drugs
work whether the user is using pills or powder. Also given, is the side effects that follow
with the use of these drugs. Most importantly the positive effects of athletic performance
and appeal, which attracts more people to sporting events.
"Doping Effects Can Last a Decade." BBC News. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2015.
This article involves the long term effects of using steroids, which was tested on
experimental mice. It was shown that three months after being injected with steroids the
muscles were still growing up to thirty percent more. Studies showed that even a brief
exposure to the drug can have a long term effect up to a decade.
"Cons of Performance-Enhancing Drugs." LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM,
05 July 2010. Web. 23 Feb. 2015.
This article provides readers with the negative effects of using performance
enhancing drugs. It is said that it can decrease the athletic performance because the drug
flushes the body of fluids. This can lead to muscle cramping, exhaustion, and
dehydration. Steroids can lead to sexual effects including shrunken male testicles,
enlarged breasts in men. Using the drug can increase risk of heart attacks strokes.
N.p., n.d. Web.
This website features a debate on whether performance enhancing drugs should
be legalized or not. There is the con side where someone debates why athletes should be
given the choice to enhance their performance. There is also the con side that states that it
may give younger children the idea of using these drugs. Another point is that if a group
of professional athletes use the drugs then they will have an advantage over others, and
the others will feel forced to take the drugs as well.
Buckley, William E., et al. "Estimated prevalence of anabolic steroid use among male
high school seniors." Jama 260.23 (1988): 3441-3445.
An alarming rate of of high school students are beginning to use entry level
steroids as early as middle school. With little or hardly any documentation of
professional usage, it is hard to teach the younger generation the harms and negative
repercussions of steroid usage.
Br J Sports Med 2010;44:26-31 doi:10.1136/bjsm.2009.068924
This article depicts of not just the physical cons of steroid use but the mental and
broader problems of achieving success. the reading shows examples of going against

traditional manners of winning and targeting adolescents before professional competition

and moving them away from steroid use.
Hoffman, Jay R., et al. "Nutritional supplementation and anabolic steroid use in
adolescents." Medicine and science in sports and exercise 40.1 (2008): 15-24.
This article is about research done on high school students concerning steroid use.
In the end, researchers found that males are more likely to use steroids than females even
after being told that usage would cause health problems or shorten life span. Study
recommends more coach and teacher involvement in students lives.
Hoffman, Jay R., et al. "Nutritional supplementation and anabolic steroid use in
adolescents." Medicine and science in sports and exercise 40.1 (2008): 15-24.
A study given to high school students show that out of 850 athletes, eleven
percent used an illegal form of steroids. The reasons used were from unfamiliarity of the
effects, complications from usage, mental and physical illness by partaking. Research
recommends some sort of educational program installed or medical attention brought in
to teach students about it.
Choi, Precilla YL, and Harrison G. Pope. "Violence toward women and illicit androgenicanabolic steroid use." Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 6.1 (1994): 21-25.
This research was done to a group of athletes to see if Steroid usage increased
violence with their significant other. Evidence showed that there was a significant
increase in violence with steroid users in a three month span than nonusers. That the drug
not only affect the users themselves but those around them.

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