Article Summary
Article Summary
Kent Jones
March 5, 2015
five collies, and the other five golden retrievers. The dogs MRIs were then
compared to twenty-two humans. Training the dogs to hold completely still
was done by rewarding one experienced dog by resting its head in the MRI
machine and rewarding him while the other less experienced dog watched.
This made the other dogs learn quickly to hold still while the MRI was taken.
while a firm pillow was placed below their jaws to help lower the amount of
movement. Treats were given at the completion of each MRI taken. The
humans and the dogs were instructed to lay motionless in the MRI scanner
for three to six minute runs. While the MRI was being taken, both the dogs
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were found to have very similar brain regions. These regions are the auditory
cortex and sub cortex regions. Stated in the article Sound sensitivity in dogs
was localized in persylvian regions, including the SG along the SF and the
ESG along the ESS, and extending dorsally to the SSS. This fit the human
brain as well. Found in the human brain was STS in in the IFC. In both
species auditory activity extended ventrally towards the TP, i.e., the most
basal part of the SG in dogs, and the anterior tip of the temporal lobe.
Although the comparative part of the brain was very similar, it showed that
size was a large issue. The dogs localized auditory regions total size was
12cm3, while the human brain was much larger at 95cm3.
were shown to have specific spots within the regions of their brain that were
maximized for communication for their own species, this made up about 39%
of all auditory, communication with response to human communication
voices were at 13%, with the majority of their auditory regions for non-vocal
sounds were at 48%. This showed that dogs responded most when they were
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Emotional sensitive
areas were found in both the dog and human brain. The findings found that
humans responded to the effect of emotional sounds, including dogs and
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Evolutionary History These findings show strong evidence that the human
species may be much closer related in the evolutionary sense than earlier
assumed. Originally it was assumed that dogs were separated by humans
over some 100 million years ago, while this evidence shows that it may be
much closer than that.
Emotional Findings Research done through these MRIs also shows that
dogs experience emotions very similar to how humans do. Being so similarly
close in emotions shows that humans and dogs are able to relate with each
other on a deeper emotional level than was assumed.