Saginaw Bay Watershed and Aoc Handout Web

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Saginaw Bay Watershed and Area of Concern

March 2012

he Saginaw Bay Watershed consists of the entire

land and water area that drains into Saginaw
Bay. Encompassing over 8,700 square miles, it
is the largest and one of the most diverse watersheds in
Michigan. Its rich resources support agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, outdoor recreation, and a vast variety of
wildlife. It contains Americas largest contiguous freshwater coastal wetland system. This wetland complex extends
along the shores of Saginaw Bay and provides habitat for
large populations of waterfowl, birds, and over 90 fish
species. The Saginaw Bay Watershed also contains more
than 175 inland lakes and about 7,000 miles of rivers and
streams, and drains approximately 15 percent of the state.
The Saginaw Bay Watershed is home to about 1.4 million
people in 22 counties. Land use is diverse, ranging from
relatively undisturbed natural areas to intensive agricultural and heavily industrialized urban settings. Most of
the industrial activity is in, or adjacent to, the four major
urban centers: Bay City, Flint, Midland, and Saginaw.
The region began to see steady development and changes
in land use beginning around the mid-1860s. It is no coincidence that the regions largest communities grew along
waterways in the Saginaw Bay Watershed. Many of these
communities formed where rivers converge. Before railroads and roadways, waterways were the major thoroughfares, frequently providing the fastest and most efficient
mode of transportation by boat.

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Midland grew along the Tittabawassee River near the area

where the Chippewa and Pine Rivers meet. These rivers
and their tributaries connect the northern and western
areas of the watershed. On the southeastern side of the
watershed, the city of Flint grew along the Flint River,
which joins the Shiawassee River just upriver of Saginaw.

The city of Saginaw grew near the juncture of the Cass,

Shiawassee, and Tittabawassee Rivers, where they form
the Saginaw River and flow to the Saginaw Bay. Bay City
grew along the Saginaw River in the area just before it
joins Lake Huron and Saginaw Bay. The Saginaw River is
one of the deepest rivers in Michigan. This allows a wide
range of Great Lakes vessels to engage in regional and
global commerce.
The growth of agriculture, cities, manufacturing, and
industrialization around these waterways provided jobs,
homes, and resources for society but also had a drastic and lasting impact on natural resources within the
Watershed and the Saginaw Bay. Just as the waterways
connected these communities, they also transported and
saginaw bay watershed and area of concern

concentrated pollutants from throughout the Watershed

in the Saginaw River and Bay.

History of Contamination
The Saginaw Bay Watershed has experienced a variety of
environmental impacts since the area began to be settled
around 1820. Extensive lumbering occurred between
1850 and 1890; urbanization from 1860 to 1900; and rapid
growth, including agriculture and industrialization, from
1900 to modern times. As early as the 1930s fish kills were
reported almost annually on the Saginaw and Cass Rivers
due to discharges from beet processing facilities. By 1965,
levels of dissolved oxygen had fallen so low in the Saginaw
River that it was uninhabitable for nearly all fish species.
A Bay City Times report from the mid-1960s indicated that a
single industrial spill along the Tittabawassee at Midland
killed an estimated 14,000 fish. In the 1970s, contaminant
testing methods had improved and showed that chemicals
such as DDT and PCBs were accumulating in fish at high
enough levels that they were not safe to eat.
While some environmental laws had already passed,
significant legislation emerged beginning in the 1960s
and 1970s which developed the institutional framework
for environmental protection and restoration of natural
resources. Over time new laws and programs have developed to address complex and changing conditions in order
to better protect and enhance the environment.

Institutional Framework for Resource

Management, Protection, and Restoration
In the Great Lakes Basin the benefits of, and responsibilities for, Great Lakes resources are shared among eight
American states and two Canadian provinces. Even without considering the Canadian involvement, the management and protection of the riparian shorelands, wetlands,
bottom lands, fisheries, wildlife, and water resources
of the Great Lakes and their tributaries depend upon a
complex nested jurisdictional system involving numerous
federal agencies, the eight states, and literally thousands
of local governments.
The eight states exercise primary ownership and responsibility for the integrity of natural resources and therefore
manage their respective portions of Great Lakes submerged
bottom lands, as well as fisheries and wildlife. Federal
agencies exercise direct or indirect control of matters
that involve interstate commerce, navigation, hydropower
generation, and compliance with federal statutes, particularly those related to treaty obligations. Local governments

The joint management of resources by two countries can add a

layer of complexity in dealing with unique state and provincial laws, and differing federal laws. Historically, formal agreements between Canada and the United States on the shared
Great Lakes natural resources related primarily to the use of the
Great Lakes connecting waterways where navigation, lake level
control, and hydropower generation were of critical importance
to both nations. Informal agreements between states and provinces and even between local communities of the two countries
were a common means of addressing mutual concerns related to
the allocation and protection of locally important Great Lakes
natural resources. However, beginning in the mid-1950s there
was a growing recognition that more formal agreements and
joint commitment of resources would be needed to address Great
Lakes natural resource management issues on a binational basis.
The principal treaties, organizations, and programs involved in
Great Lakes management and restoration efforts include:
1909: Boundary Waters Treatyestablished the International Joint Commission (IJC) to mediate and resolve
transboundary issues related to Great Lakes Resources.
1954: Convention on Great Lakes Fisheriesestablished the Great Lakes Fishery Commission to control
invasive sea lampreys, coordinate fishery research, and
facilitate cooperative fisheries management among the
state, provincial, tribal, and federal management agencies, including development in 1981 of A Joint Strategic Plan
for Management of Great Lakes Fisheries.
1972: Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1972
administered through the International Joint Commission in cooperation with U.S. and Canadian federal governments, eight Great Lakes states, and two Canadian
provinces to restore the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Great Lakes.
1978: Revised Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of
1978, as amended by Protocol in 1987facilitated development of Remedial Action Plans (RAPs) and Lakewide
Management Plans (LaMPs) to restore beneficial use impairments in Areas of Concern (AOCs).
1992: First biennial State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference (SOLEC)administered through the U.S.


1909 Boundary Waters TreatyEstablished the International Joint


1920s through 1960s

Selected State and Federal Environmental Laws and Programs Relating to Environmental Quality

exercise natural resource management and environmental protection responsibilities delegated by the individual states and are
responsible for many of the land use decisions that affect riparian
lands on tributaries and shoreline areas of the Great Lakes. On
the Canadian side of the Great Lakes, a similar sharing of responsibility for management and protection of Great Lakes resources
exists between the two provinces, several Canadian federal agencies, and a large number of local governmental units.


Michigan Water Resource Commission Act

Federal Water Pollution Control Act
National Air Pollution Control Act
Clean Air Act (amended in 1965, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1977, 1990)
Solid Waste Disposal Act
National Environmental Protection Act


Clean Air Act extended

Environmental Protection Agency established
Michigan Environmental Protection Act
Michigan Shoreland Protection and Management Act
Michigan Natural Rivers Act
PCB Source Control Program instituted by the state of Michigan
Michigan Phosphate Control Law
Michigan Inland Lakes and Streams Act
Michigan Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Act
Michigan Wilderness and Natural Areas Act
DDT use banned in the United States
Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments
(Clean Water Act)
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between the US & Canada
Coastal Zone Management Act
Michigans Act 245Promulgation of Water Quality
Standards Part 4
Endangered Species Act
Safe Drinking Water Act
Michigan Farmland and Open Space Preservation Act
Michigan Endangered Species Act
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
Toxic Substances Control Act
Michigan Sand Dune Protection and Management Act
Michigan Pesticide Control Act
Michigan Land Trust Fund Act
Michigan Ban on Phosphate Detergents
Clean Water Act Amended Federal Water Pollution Control
Act of 1972
Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement revised
Michigan Solid Waste Management Act
Michigan Wetlands Protection Act
PCB Manufacturing banned by EPA
Michigan Hazardous Waste Management Act


1980 Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act

1980 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and
Liability Act (CERCLA)
1981 A Joint Strategic Plan of Management of Great Lakes Fisheries
1982 Michigan Environmental Response Act
1983 Michigan Nongame Wildlife Fund Act
1985 Phosphorus reduction strategy developed by Michigan for the
Saginaw Bay
1985 Great Lakes Charter
1985 Michigan Great Lakes Protection Act
1986 Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments
1986 Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA)
1986 Clean Michigan Fund Act
1987 Water Quality Act Amended FWPCA of 1972
1987 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between US & Canada
revisedDevelops the Area of Concern FrameworkSaginaw River
and Bay identified as an Area of Concern
1987 Michigan Waste Reduction Act
1987 Michigan Hazardous Waste Act Reduction Amendments
1988 Michigan Environmental Protection Bond Authorization Act
1988 Michigan Recreation Bond Authorization Act
1988 Michigan Clean Water Assistance Act
1989 Michigan Wildlife Conservation Act
1989 Michigan Sand Dune Conservation Act


1990 Clean Air Act Amendments

1994 Michigan Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act,
1994 PA 451 (MNREPA)
1996 Safe Drinking Water Act amended
1998 Clean Michigan Initiative


2001 Annex to the Great Lakes Compact

2002 Great Lakes Legacy Act
2005 Great LakesSaint Lawrence River Basin Water Resource
2008 Great LakesSaint Lawrence River Basin Water Resource Compact
signed into federal law


2010 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative

2012 Michigan Ban on Phosphorus-containing lawn fertilizer takes effect

Environmental Protection Agency and Environment Canada in cooperation with state and
provincial governments to provide independent
scientific reporting on the state of aquatic communities in the Great Lakes ecosystem.
2010: The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
(GLRI)initiated by the U.S. federal government
through an Action Plan that was developed collaboratively with stakeholders throughout the
Great Lakes Basin to achieve restoration goals. Between 2010 and 2012 the GLRI authorized over $1
billion for restoration efforts in the Great Lakes.

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The 1987 amendments to the Great Lakes Water Quality

Agreement identified regions of significant environmental
degradation throughout the Great Lakes, known as Areas
of Concern, or AOCs. The AOC program is non-regulatory
and creates a framework to assess and improve the environmental quality of these designated areas by identifying
beneficial uses of Great Lakes resources. Specific impairments were identified as beneficial use impairments,
or BUIs. When the AOC program was first developed,
43 AOCs were identified throughout the United States
and Canada. As of 2011, one Canadian and one American
AOC reached established restoration targets and were
subsequently delisted.

Beneficial Use Impairments in the Saginaw

River and Bay Area of Concern
The 12 beneficial use impairments that were originally
identified in the Saginaw River and Bay AOC were the
result of a few main sources of pollution and environmental degradation; these included elevated bacteria levels,
excessive nutrients, habitat loss, and toxic chemicals.
Excessive pollution and environmental degradation result
in the impairment of Great Lakes resources and the ways
that society and individuals use these resources to their
benefit. The BUI designations help answer questions such
as: Why is elevated bacteria a problem? How do toxic
chemicals manifest themselves in the environment? What
does excessive nutrient loading do to our waterways and
ecosystem? What happens when wildlife lose places to live
and reproduce?
These important questions help us understand the effects
of excessive pollution and environmental degradation on
beneficial uses of Great Lakes resources.
Table 1 shows each of the beneficial use impairments identified for the Saginaw River and Bay Area of
Concern and major contributing factors that led to their
impaired designation.

The Saginaw River and Bay is one of the remaining AOCs

and one of 14 in Michigan. When first identified, the
Saginaw River and Bay AOC was described as having 12
of 14 possible BUIs. Since the region was
originally designated as an AOC in 1987,
environmental conditions have improved
through planning, targeted restorative
actions, and stakeholder involvement such
that two of the beneficial use impairments
have been removed. There are currently ten
BUIs remaining for this Area of Concern.
The AOC program is one of many policy
and programmatic mechanisms used to
address environmental concerns. The
program has clearly defined goals and priorities and does not attempt to address every
environmental issue.

Independence Bridge over the Saginaw River, Bay City, Michigan

saginaw bay watershed and area of concern

Table 1: Beneficial Use Impairments and Their Major Contributing Factors

Problems Leading to BUI Designation
Beneficial Use Impairment (BUI)
Restrictions on fish or wildlife consumption
Tainting of fish or wildlife flavor (BUI removed)
Degradation of fish and wildlife populations
Loss of fish and wildlife habitat
Bird or animal deformities or reproductive problems
Degradation of benthos
Restrictions on dredging activities
Restriction on drinking watertaste odor problems
(BUI removed)
Beach closings
Degradation of aesthetics
Degradation to phytoplankton and zooplankton



Habitat Loss




BUI removed since first listed.

Source: Public Sector Consultants.

In 2000, stakeholders from across the Watershed came

together to develop specific and measurable restoration
targets for each of the beneficial use impairments in the
foundational Measures of Success: Addressing Environmental
Impairments in the Saginaw River and Saginaw Bay report that
was prepared by Public Sector Consultants. Measures of
Success was a key planning tool to advance restoration
Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Remedial Action Plan for
Saginaw River and Saginaw Bay Area of Concern, September 1988, Lansing,

and delisting of the BUIs. In 2006 and 2008, the Michigan

Department of Environmental Quality developed and
released the statewide Guidance for Delisting Michigans Great
Lakes Areas of Concern. The revised restoration targets in
this document were accepted by the Partnership for the
Saginaw Bay Watershed, which is the local Public Advisory
Council that oversees efforts to reach restoration targets
and remove the regions Area of Concern designation. In
addition to these reports, the Partnership for the Saginaw
Bay Watershed, in coordination with Public Sector
Consultants, the Michigan Department of Environmental
Quality, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and
local groups, has developed tracking reports and identified specific action steps for addressing the remaining
beneficial use impairments. This information informed the
development of the 2012 Saginaw River and Bay Stage 2
RAP, which serves as a primary tool for documenting and
communicating progress to the public and agencies. This
document also provides updates on recent restoration
actions and assessments specifically related to the beneficial use impairments listed for this AOC.

Hazardous Chemicals

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While many of the beneficial uses of Saginaw Bay Watershed

resources became impaired because of a few causes that
can be generalized into these categories, a number of other
factors influence the quality of the environment and affect
the ways that resources can be used. Many reports have
been issued by federal and state agencies, local governments, and non-governmental organizations that provide
region-specific details about natural resource concerns in
the Saginaw Bay Watershed and AOC. One key report is
the 1988 Remedial Action Plan (RAP) for the Saginaw River and
Saginaw Bay Area of Concern.1 The report was jointly prepared
by a number of groups including the Michigan Department
of Natural Resources, the East Central Michigan Planning
& Development Regional Commission, the National
Wildlife Federation, the Saginaw Basin Natural Resource
Committee, and a technical work group. This first RAP
goes into specific detail about the causes of the use
impairments and is updated periodically by the Michigan
Department of Environmental Quality.

As the nation industrialized, communities within the

Saginaw Bay Watershed experienced a boom in manufacturing facilities including automobile factories, chemical
plants, forges, and others that provided jobs and goods
to society. Although it was not necessarily known at the
saginaw bay watershed and area of concern

time, many of these facilities used practices and substances now recognized to
be of concern to human health and environmental quality.
Before current laws were passed, manufacturing facilities discharged untreated waste directly into rivers. Others
sent their untreated waste through the
sewer system to treatment plants. Some
of these discharges contained hazardous chemicals such as those in the DDT
chemical family, PCBs, and heavy metals
such as cadmium, chromium, mercury,
and copper.
Hazardous chemicals and heavy metals
such as these can persist in the environment long after the source has
been removed and can manifest themselves through bioaccumulation, which
magnifies their concentration as the
compounds move up the food chain.
These conditions led to the degradation of fish and wildlife
populations, restrictions on fish and wildlife consumption,
tainting of fish and wildlife flavor, bird or animal deformities or reproductive problems, degradation of benthos,
restrictions on dredging, and degradation of fish and wildlife habitat, all of which are beneficial use impairments
identified in the Saginaw River and Bay AOC.
Many of the hazardous chemicals used in the early to midtwentieth century and discovered to cause significant
damage to the environment have been banned from use
and manufacturing. Others have been controlled through
state and federal laws passed since the 1970s that regulate
their storage, handling, transport, and disposal.

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Habitat Loss

As communities in the Saginaw Bay Watershed grew and

the landscape was altered, a substantial amount of natural habitat was lost. Wetlands were drained for mosquito
control and to create more agricultural land. Key spawning areas for fish were blocked by dams and low-head
barriers. Runoff from agricultural operations and urban
areas increased sediment levels in waterways. All of these
changes decreased available habitat for wildlife and were a
factor in wildlife population declines.

saginaw bay watershed and area of concern

Gulls nesting on dredge confined disposal facility Saginaw Bay.

Dams and River Barriers

Watershed, an estimated 315 dams and
other man-made barriers that impede
Nesting gull, Saginaw Bay.
fish passage to spawning areas were
identified as one of the major factors
contributing to the decline of various fish species such as
salmon, steelhead, walleye, and lake sturgeon. Despite the
negative impact that dams have had on the environment,
many still play an important role in power generation,
flood control, and water-based recreation. Fish passage
structures such as rock ramps have become recognized
as an option to allow Great Lakes fish species increased
access to critical spawning areas, either by removing dams
or allowing fish to bypass dams.
The Chesaning Dam, located along the Shiawassee River,
was originally built in the 1860s to generate electricity for a
local mill. The dam outlived its original purpose and, with
time, was no longer used as a source of electricity. The dam
deteriorated, reaching a point where the potential for a
failure become so great that the community responded by
removing the dam and putting in place a rock ramp that
has helped reconnect 37 miles of river habitat. Similarly,
the Frankenmuth Dam, located along the Cass River, was
built in the 1850s for a local mill. This barrier has prevented fish passage to approximately 73 miles of river habitat.
Through local efforts and support from state and federal
partners, a restoration project is expected to be implemented that will install a rock ramp to restore connectivity to areas upriver of the Frankenmuth Dam. While dams
and other river barriers were identified as contributing to
the loss of fish and wildlife habitat and degradation of fish
and wildlife populations BUIs, current AOC restoration
targets are based on other factors, including the amount of
preserved coastal wetlands.

Prior to European settlement of the Watershed, the
Saginaw Bay contained one of the most extensive wetland
complexes in the Great Lakes. The Saginaw Bay Watershed
was estimated to be covered with roughly 700,000 acres of
wetlands, with nearly 37,000 acres of emergent vegetation
around Saginaw Bay.

including the Saginaw Bay and its tributaries, are phosphorus-limited, meaning that the amount of phosphorus
determines the basic productivity of the Bay. Higher levels
of phosphorus lead to dense growth of algae and other
plant material, which eventually dies. The decomposition
of organic debris has a high dissolved oxygen demand,
which decreases dissolved oxygen levels available to fish
and benthic organisms (those living at the bottom of rivers
and lakes). When dissolved
oxygen levels fall too low,
benthic organisms and other
aquatic populations can
be reduced. This process is
called eutrophication.

The 1988 RAP and subsequent planning efforts to

advance restoration goals identified wetland preservation and restoration as a goal for the region because of
the importance of wetlands
for fish and wildlife habitat and nonpoint pollution
control. In 2001, Ducks
The increased nutrient
inputs also enhance the
analysis with local stakegrowth of blue-green algae
holders (published in the
that has been known to
2008 Habitat Restoration
have foul odors and result
Plan report by Public Sector
in water with an unpleasConsultants) which estiant taste. Increased growth
mated that 2030 percent
can lead to more algal mats
of Saginaw Bay coastal
that wash up on Saginaw
wetlands were preserved.
Bay beaches; these are
Upper photo: Silver water lapping at beach, Tawas Point State Park.
Since that time additionLower photo: Purple loosestrife, Saginaw Bay.
aesthetically unpleasant and
al wetlands have been
can harbor bacteria.
acquired and protected
through conservation easements by the state and local
In the Saginaw River and Bay Area of Concern, excessive
groups active in the Watershed. A 2010 update of the
nutrient loading was a contributing factor in the identifiHabitat Restoration Plan assessment suggests that the
cation of many BUIs including the degradation of benthos,
amount of preserved wetlands in the region has increased
eutrophication, restrictions on drinking water-taste and
to more than 55 percent of Saginaw Bay coastal wetlands.
odor problems, degradation to aesthetics, and degradation
to phytoplankton and zooplankton BUIs.
In addition to efforts to preserve existing wetlands, a

Excessive Nutrients and Bacteria

Excessive nutrients and bacteria frequently enter the
ecosystem from the same sources and are commonly
addressed together. Excessive nutrient loading affects
many aspects of the environment. Most aquatic ecosystems,

Elevated bacteria levels can occur as a result of untreated

discharges of human and animal waste into waterways,
which poses a risk to human health and can result in beach
closings along the Saginaw Bay and its tributaries.
The means by which excessive nutrients and bacteria
enter the Watershed can be categorized by point sources and nonpoint sources. Point sources originate from
single locations that are relatively easy to identify, such as
a wastewater treatment facility. Nonpoint sources originate from less easily identified sources, such as agricultural fields, golf courses, or subdivisions, that can contribute nutrients, sediment, and contaminants through storm
water runoff after a heavy rain or snow melt.

Land Policy Institute at MSU using data from National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration Coastal Services Center. Land Cover
Analysis webpage. Data source available online at:

saginaw bay watershed and area of concern

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number of groups throughout the region have restored

lands that had been altered from wetlands to another
use such as agriculture. A comparison of land cover data
available through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) from 1996 to 2006 showed
an increase of almost 7,500 acres of total wetlands
in the Watershed.2

Point Sources of Nutrients and Bacteria in the

Saginaw Bay Watershed

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The discharge of untreated wastewater (sewage) into

waterways throughout the Watershed represented one of
the most significant environmental threats to the Saginaw
Bay Watershed and Area of Concern. As development
occurred, many communities began to discharge their
waste to the rivers. Untreated sewage is a known source of
excessive nutrients including phosphorus and can harbor
harmful pathogens such as E. coli that can represent a threat
to human health.

was implemented, more than 40 loans totaling over $330

million have been invested in communities within the
Saginaw Bay Watershed (see Figure 1).4 The majority
of these investments have been directed to the counties
with the largest cities and the highest populations. These
investments are reducing waste flowing into these waterways and hence the Saginaw Bay.
These two programs represent more than $830 million of
investments in the Watershed since 1972 and are thought
to be responsible for significant declines in phosphorus
loading and bacteria levels in waterways.

Measures of Success noted that

as early as 1887, there were
14 miles of main sewer lines
and 10 miles of connecting
lateral sewer lines in Bay
City. Efforts to treat raw
sewage being transported to
the river from nearby urban
areas were under way by
the 1940s, although it was
not until 1954 that the last
large city on the river, Bay
City, constructed a wastewater treatment plant. It is
reported that as late as 1965,
several smaller communities were still dumping untreated
human waste into the river.

According to the Saginaw

Phosphorus Committee Report,
a study conducted for the
1991 Michigan Phosphorus
Reduction Strategy Update
estimated that point sources such as municipal wastewater treatment systems
accounted for approximately 50 percent of the
phosphorus load in the
Saginaw Bay and also found
Lake Huron beach, Port Austin
that investments to improve
wastewater treatment facilities had decreased phosphorus contributions from municipalities by 80 to 90 percent.5

Since that time significant investments have been made to

upgrade sewer systems to prevent untreated sewage and
other pollutants from entering the rivers that flow into
Saginaw Bay. The 1972 Federal Water Pollution Control
Act established a construction grants program to assist in
upgrading wastewater treatment systems. Between 1972
and 1988, this program helped fund wastewater treatment
system upgrades throughout the Saginaw Bay Watershed.
Total projects implemented in the Watershed during this
period amounted to more than $500 million.3

Nonpoint Sources of Nutrients and Bacteria in

the Saginaw Bay Watershed

Another program that helps communities address these

concerns is Michigans Water Pollution Control Revolving
Fund (commonly called the state revolving fund, or SRF),
which provides low-interest loans to upgrade and expand
infrastructure like wastewater treatment plants, retention
basins, and sewer systems that are needed to minimize
discharges of sewage into waterways. Since the program
Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Remedial Action Plan
for Saginaw River and Saginaw Bay Area of Concern, September 1988, Lansing, Mich.

saginaw bay watershed and area of concern

Nonpoint sources frequently represent the accumulation

of many small contributors that together can have a significant impact on the quality of the environment, particularly
in sensitive areas like waterfront property.
A number of nonpoint sources including agricultural
runoff and failing septic systems have been known to
contribute bacteria and nutrients to the Saginaw River
and Bay. Agricultural operations can add nutrients to the
environment in a number of ways. Confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) generate large amounts of animal
waste. If not properly managed, disposal of this waste
represents a concern due to its high phosphorus levels
PSC conducted a review of loans issued through the SRF to determine investments in the Saginaw Bay Watershed using information
available on the Internet at:
Saginaw Bay Coastal Initiative, Phosphorus Committee Report, June
2009. Available online at:

Figure 1: State Revolving Loans to Saginaw Bay Watershed

Communities from 1991 to 2011















Saginaw Bay
Watershed Counties


Source: PSC using data from the MDEQ State Revolving Fund, 2012.

Together, point and nonpoint sources contribute a

substantial amount of phosphorus into Saginaw Bay.
During the 1970s and 1980s it is estimated that the Saginaw
River contributed almost two tons of phosphorus into
the Bay every day.6 The International Joint Commission, in
coordination with the State of Michigan, set a target load
of 440 tons of phosphorus per year, which is comparable to
approximately 15 micrograms of total phosphorus per liter.
Through environmental programs, investment in infrastructure, educational efforts, and improved land management practices, phosphorus levels in the Bay have declined
substantially since the 1960s (see Figure 2).

Great Lakes Restoration Initiative

The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI), a federal
initiative established in 2010, is one of the most significant
investments in environmental restoration of the Great
Lakes. The initiative grew out of collaborative efforts
among the Great Lakes states and federal agencies. In
2004, President George W. Bush created the Great Lakes
Interagency Task Force to promote regional collaboration
of restoration and protection efforts. In 2005, the Great
Lakes Regional Collaboration Strategy was established
and set forth recommendations to restore the health of the
Great Lakes.
In 2009, President Barack Obama included $475 million
in the FY 2010 budget for the Great Lakes Restoration
Initiative to address the most pressing environmental concerns in the Great Lakes. In February 2010, the
GLRI Action Plan was released. This plan laid out the
specific steps to advance restoration goals in the Great
Lakes between FY 2010 and FY 2014 and identified
five focus areas.

Saginaw Bay Coastal Initiative, Phosphorus Committee Report, June

2009. Available online at:

saginaw bay watershed and area of concern

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and bacteria. Commercial fertilizers can also be a threat to

environmental quality if they are over-applied, applied too
close to a watercourse, or applied just before a heavy rain.
Septic systems can also have a negative impact on environmental quality. Collectively, large numbers of failing septic
systems can contribute a relatively large quantity of bacteria and phosphorus to the waterways.

Great Lakes Restoration

Initiative Focus Areas
1) Toxic Substances and Areas of Concern (AOCs)
2) Invasive Species
3) Nearshore Health and Nonpoint Source Pollution
4) Habitat and Wildlife Protection and Restoration
5) Accountability, Education, Monitoring, Evaluation,
Communication, and Partnerships

The federal government has continued its commitment to

restore the environmental quality of the Great Lakes by
continuing to fund the GLRI at $300 million in FY 2011
and FY 2012. While these figures are less than the original
plan called for, the funding totals more than $1 billion over
three years and has led to significant restoration progress
throughout the Great Lakes Basin.
To improve the transparency of funding allocations and to
provide information about funded projects, the GLRI set
up the Great Lakes Accountability System (GLAS), which
is available online at Many projects throughout the Saginaw Bay

Watershed have received funding support from the GLRI

and are included in the GLAS. For example:
The Shiawassee Flats Wildlife and Fish Habitat
Restoration project, coordinated by Ducks Unlimited and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, will
restore water level management of approximately
3,700 acres of floodplain habitat. The project received $589,119 GLRI dollars from FY 2010 funding to assist in project completion.
The Rifle River Watershed Nonpoint Implementation Project received $382,000 of GLRI dollars
from FY 2010 funding to address sediment and
nutrient loading in the Rifle River Watershed,
which is a sub-watershed within the Saginaw Bay
Watershed. The project is coordinated by Huron
Pines, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, U.S.D.A.
Natural Resource Conservation Service, the
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, and the Saginaw Bay Resource Conservation
The Pigeon River Corridor Sediment Reduction
Project, coordinated by the Pigeon River Interagency Drainage Board, received $800,000 GLRI
dollars from FY 2010 funding. The project will design and implement best management practices to
address soil erosion and streambank stabilization
along the Pigeon River.

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Figure 2: Phosphorus Levels in the Saginaw Bay, 19682008

*Represents the target concentration level.

Source: Craig Stow at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab.

saginaw bay watershed and area of concern

The growth of communities in the Saginaw Bay Watershed
placed an increasing strain on the regions natural
resources and the environment. Significant degradation
of resources occurred from excessive nutrient loading,
elevated bacteria levels, habitat loss, and hazardous chemicals entering the environment; this was reflected in declining wildlife populations, water quality concerns, beach
closings, and the buildup of hazardous chemicals in the
food-web and environment.

While environmental conditions have improved in the

Saginaw Bay Watershed, there are ten remaining beneficial use impairments for the AOC that require continued
efforts in order to plan, implement, and monitor progress. The investment of the federal government through
the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative has continued to
support local efforts to restore the Saginaw Bay.

By the 1970s, environmental quality had declined to such

an extent that there was a call to action. In the following
decades some of the most significant state, national, and
international programs and laws were enacted to protect
and restore environmental quality.
The continued efforts of local, state, and federal organizations to plan and implement restoration projects have
substantially improved environmental conditions in the
Saginaw River and Bay Area of Concern such that restoration targets for two of the beneficial use impairments identified for the Area of Concern have been reached and the
impaired status removed.
Stream fishing in Michigan.

Resources Used
International Joint Commission. February 2012. Available online at:

Public Sector Consultants Inc. December 2005. Enhancing Fish Passage

over Low-head Barrier Dams in the Saginaw River Watershed. Lansing,
Mich. Available online at:

Land Policy Institute at MSU, using data from National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration Coastal Services Center. Land Cover
Analysis webpage. Data source available online at:

Public Sector Consultants Inc. June 2008. Saginaw River/Bay Area of

Concern Habitat Restoration Plan. Lansing, Mich. Available online at:

Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. January 2006.

Guidance for Delisting Michigans Great Lakes Areas of Concern. Report MI/
DEQ/WB-06/001. Lansing, Mich. Available online at: http://www.

Public Sector Consultants Inc. October 2010. Saginaw River/Bay Area

of Concern Habitat Restoration Plan Update and Target Review. Lansing,

Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. 2012. State

Revolving Fund. Available online at:
Michigan Department of Natural Resources. September 1988.
Remedial Action Plan for Saginaw River and Saginaw Bay Area of Concern.
Lansing, Mich. Available online at:
Public Sector Consultants Inc. 2000. Measures of Success: Addressing
Environmental Impairments in the Saginaw River and Saginaw Bay. Lansing,
Mich. Available online at:

Saginaw Bay Coastal Initiative. June 2009. Phosphorus Committee Report.

Available online at:
United States Environmental Protection Agency. February
2011. Saginaw River and Bay Area of Concern. Available online at:
United States Fish & Wildlife Service. November 2011. Great Lakes
Restoration Initiative. Available online at:
Photo credits: United States Environmental Protection Agency
Great Lakes National Program Office. Available online at: http://

saginaw bay watershed and area of concern

land policy institute

Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. 2010. Available online at:


This pamphlet was prepared by Public Sector Consultants
(PSC) Inc. under contract to the Planning & Zoning Center
(PZC) at Michigan State University (MSU), for initial
distribution at the Saginaw Bay Watershed Conference on
March 16, 2012, at Saginaw Valley State University. MSU
received financial support for this pamphlet by a grant
from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI), a grant
program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and
also received assistance from PZC staff funded from MSU
Extension, Greening Michigan Institute. The Planning &
Zoning Center is a part of the MSU Land Policy Institute and
both are affiliated with the MSU School of Planning, Design
and Construction. Project partners with PZC on this GLRI
grant include the Michigan Department of Environmental
Quality, the East Michigan Council of Governments, and
the Saginaw Basin Land Conservancy. Co-sponsors of the
March 16th conference include these project partners plus
The Partnership for the Saginaw Bay Watershed and the
Saginaw Bay Coastal Initiative.

PZC wishes to thank all of these entities for their longstanding commitment and support for improving water
quality throughout the Saginaw Basin. PZC would also
like to thank the nearly 100 jurisdictions in the Pigeon,
Pinnebog, Cass, and Rifle River sub-watersheds that are
working to update local master plans and zoning ordinances to make them more supportive of water quality protection and low-impact development; as well as the dozens of
other stakeholders in the region who work daily to protect
and improve water quality in the Basin.
For a directory of these groups visit: www.landpolicy. For more information on this project, visit:
SaginawBayProject. Contact PZC at MSU at: 310 Manly
Miles, 1405 S. Harrison Road, East Lansing, MI, 48823;
(517) 432-2222; (517) 432-3222 FAX; or [email protected].

Prepared by
Public Sector Consultants Inc.
600 W. Saint Joseph Street, Suite 10, Lansing, MI

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