Formal Lesson Plan Lesson 9 Social Studies

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Social Studies Lesson Plan Day 9

Goals: Students will explore various sources of propaganda to uncover the underlying motives
of the actors promoting propaganda. Students will demonstrate the uses/needs of propaganda
through creating an iMovie.
Objective: Given an article on Holocaust survivors and the graphic novel Maus, students will
create a cartoon depicting a message of propaganda on a day in the life a Holocaust victim,
relating to current events or create a cartoon combining a current event, which parallels with the
Holocaust after completing an analysis web on the article and Maus.
Common Core Standards
RH.9-10.3 Analyze in detail a series of events described in a text; determine whether earlier
events caused later ones or simply preceded them.
WHST.9-10.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and
style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Common Core Social Studies Framework
10.5a International competition, fueled by nationalism, imperialism, and militarism along with
shifts in the balance of power and alliances, led to world wars.
New York State Learning Standards
Standard 2- World History
Standard 3- Geography
Pre-assessment data: The pre-assessment data will be measured in the anticipatory set. The
teacher will walk around the classroom to examine individual students answers to what is
genocide on their anticipatory set daily logs. If sensitive diversity considerations for personal
background of students arise in the measure of pre-assessment data, as they might be likely to if
a student has personal experience with something as traumatic as genocide, then the teacher
can take the time to ensure that the mood of the classroom is appropriate for that student to
share their experience if they wish to.
Modifications: Providing two articles with different lexile reading levels, also one video with
captions for English language learners.
-Give clarification and repetition regularly in directions and tasks
- Extended time for the completion of assignments
Diversity considerations:
Some students may not be able to relate to current events within the United States based on their
prior knowledge and cultural background. In addition, it should be considered that some students
might be sensitive to certain current events based on their families past. These factors need to be
considered and sensitized before starting the lesson.

Maus text
Analysis web templates
Technology to get on the padlet word wall
Storyboard templates
Daily anticipatory set logs
Interview with Arek-Hersh
Summary of Arak Hershs experience
Article on sister survivors
Laptop and internet

Arrangement of physical space:

Student desks will be placed in groupings, as most of the Social Studies lessons are done in
groups. The teachers role is a facilitator during this lesson not a teacher-directed lesson.
Anticipatory set: Students will come in and sit down before the bell rings. One the smart-board
at the front of the classroom students will see Day nine anticipatory set: What is genocide?
Please list any known examples of genocide. In this anticipatory set students will write down any
example of genocide that they can think of.
After about 3 minutes and teacher monitoring by walking around the class and taking in
observation of individual work on the anticipatory set the teacher will open the question for the
class to share their responses orally. The teacher will take notes on the smart board when the
students make notable additions to the discussion. Students will be encouraged to do the same
on their own papers. Discuss as a class, what justifies these as examples of genocide?
Transition: Students will add genocide to their padlet vocabulary word wall. Students will work in
small groups to create a work in progress definition of genocide.
Have students individually read and mark up an article on sisters who survived the Holocaust.
In the analysis web students will answer the following questions: Give examples of how Maus
depicts the attitude of Holocaust survivors, separating examples into mood and tone.
In the analysis web of the interview/story students will answer the following questions: What were
some of the experiences that the article/interview described about the concentration camps, and
did they add to mood or tone?
Closure: Next using their examples of mood and tone, the students will create a political cartoon
relating to either current events that parallel examples of persecution, or a historical cartoon
depicting the difficulties of victims of the Holocaust. The students will make political cartoon in
small groups (same as iMovie groups), this will be an introductory activity to storyboarding.
Student groups will present their story boards to the class. This will allow students to see the
other ways groups perceived or portrayed an event, or how they used certain details within their
storyboards to convey meaning. This can give students a start in thinking about their iMovies.
These storyboards will be displayed in the classroom for further reference for students.
Assessment: Students will complete a 3-2-1 exit slip, and hand it in as they leave class.
Follow-up activities: If there any questions or issues indicated on the last question of the exit
slip then, the teacher will address/adjust the following days anticipatory set to clear any
remaining issues or questions.
utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=link_fb20150415newsholocaustsurvivors&utm_campaign=Content&sf8609888=1 -organizer titled

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