The Word Vol. 1 No. 7

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D.E.A.C.E. IS: COMING THE NATIONAL NEWSPAPER OF THE NATION OF GODS AND EARTHS: “ WORD CRN Aun (ONE WORD CAN CHANGE THE COURSE OF A NATION volt _NO.? ‘31.00 HAY 1988 HG IS THE GRIGINAL MAN ? ich appears on the back coves. Fisst of «9 part series om “bihat We Teach’ SUE: Wieepe OU weee oS ee ee 4 Jockson Action eo ps Soum ati val Rote ee Saas Aportheld: banite upeemacyy Ps Who is the Original Man? Seles Eee et. Food Additives Wigonometyy 2... THE WORD ~ Moy 1980 WHATS THE WORD THE WORD LETTERS TO THE EDITOR PUBLISHER & NATIONAL EDITOR we are inced with Deoe tveings, toute alia mitten HOt (Hct SSL we wend sep vs on att rn Pocnenemne cress’ feces ibaa me te wageaa onto Seat S Be ee ihe Eats Sar aah ia a SHAHID 4, ALLAH (per. sec. Enclosed with this latter plenase Party supported Malcolm X and the ieee ma eas fo irre area as oe reer peg a re fry ae etiam Pree ne Se Se eee ee “sn nee Eni ets antes uci ee ive SESS nae te seeg ch Sue ne ne nse o com we ua Supne 21 Sc ee, Caen on Ke, copa, oat Becca, Sear atta a ene aan % Ss sagaved you tate ond roaeben" atten cme ‘36 ene ae et tines Cine | ici ow te aces 9 SETS SO te ee nc ave ALLA ey oe aan ios Sree ae renee smennde suet alta Eos coe seereenin oat covranay ages ronan he From: 5. Cuenmings #83-8-4243 is when we build together in cm Own a a Kennet: interdependent cukural. econor ‘anc HA EHALI GHALIEDH a ee Somea heres tk we ones the (itlay kegnicltosrenanes “Ree Ne rice eee of: cee mae ag Peon, tate a tr et ceo «98 alee emer eats near er cies are te oy 1a aid me a gg | eee eee cu see teseey grail ate ere a Steen Soe ae Gate ‘alate, Ses eee eee eae he teres SiGe set Sted ees Caras Bene ye SS on yas Se gates ne act to cote cod tothe tho Godse a's md gas! Nee Gee GS sees eres bg ne odminiaion i charged with be [alsa cblect vary strongly to homonos et sso ete aser peed oe, eemecepnseerener menor Feece ex oe ween, ce aunt sopution "SNe MESS eciogdlt BE nithatde he Shan fee nh da Baal ota Ti Sa op epee STO and SSI cenetans Sk, en cate or va rete i er ta STE SATS ene Ge ee Eee e's Ore oe Baier tees Se Sm itaee Se ee piers Beste ean ate oy eyes cali ook to cone SSE, MSM intl nea weer dant te tucen ch ounber ted peope'hy SePRag Reoutneat SEY La hope tage vou naur"hoe 6 Sacre ‘cor coat Soe em oe nan ees nae Shite et cahstwestion SF uae hae mcg ec mee Ree we eat chien, how tes ceva OSes oe ies Sathny to ate ae Se ee eee ere ai eat falletvaly. Tels © BUEN fOr UE OC es cceage el Me bene Huterneticy Sete euctats" ato oe iy Tagen “te, tea Beta, fe teed, Sete, anh ce Pa es wi, ee Shelter ourselves. Mang of ou people Ganicioves te me unos thot unt FOR A YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION 10 we zuttaing om tase indgnkie of haoeen heads Equally rears to be eduel 16 4 the pizonar that oe THe soRD everthing, Soci) equolty ir whan gon the vious conmiess.” thot is ‘oun of man ond omen re eating uppores fe Be Gur Uvslee 12) is Seno 5.00 10: ‘Seater tS ane semmon eure Some Sasa, hanks Sained Oribete Sas penore we wenied Sere thorn tek recpectes copaces fox The Hoed Publication Inc. Strrer wedes. some ove economical fring feloulnd rassonevaionm shove, 0. Box 30036 fedvortaged) end some are ling to | "charge Noe achninvaton wh os Sek OaME foicpats in" mmgouee, "et atouient chon St ceo Jamaica. mY 11930 fre guollled In Buldng. ond nung the i upset of the hove mentioned will Ntion at Unale. Th more Ue come PE Mabiy ceeaptes ans pracies ogethar and. work toate’ the more eens Ce ual apprasist each ther Conmtinu ge 4 THE WORD - May 1988 Youth in Power By Allah Supreme Mathematics from the youthe of Mea York Cty ou a ean hy ers tem ot tafe, oy Que ore ne vad Bax 95 Wel as wan to @ veal eotmmunny problera. Once they The fs added to there lowed back, into zone, Ube old ets For the past” sight years, the commune ot Rew York chy and Lang tm souriee Iiond have Gean bereiged By come ond este fie0 the praveletce OF Stay Walla The Seas tlonuade outh in there ens, nmol reasonably be expected to This is becouse of the art ivcie and dd ‘lots octoeecrnotge the youl for year There exiee an atmosphere of touDh now, eruction an ug Genie cred pus Ba yo Gesperote stele of Wig. ficcioaud jaspovsts the samety thd respact of the socnt viuance of tale pee raeone thot, Seannunkies or the bloek coramanies ond damaged the thar fala, only hoki store the poten of the yung) af Ue ene shave’ prabarns have exited THe, Vouth In Power Instat, Vets fiom the yor 1% suggest a major netional Brock youth C vlnwions, thudhr. and son Reve teen showy rasta mueresentional, cual and ‘ur rgtbmhoess, sea tha excluelon edvomionnl eettarh Ow ara to Ue Ths county ond ote fe hove fun Boising rate pleone We not the ones Ine fteartivet ond tha pojehologied and ‘uovntee of eaiceralon o death, ines including ovement, thar wil forte, buld ond cle, "uecouse vot de Mqande! cd St. fapevtont. resientanalfoelties ke protrn, la cane prevalilon progam, Flovado ‘and succers enplited ty these there naifboshoods man ond” Women, ho’ ae constantly San freting upon the. youth Tor manstay Goeth esance. the axles a'ind' of cents {Shing marcos ‘on he. sets, esi Gold going to. jl, becouse of the Imoge ‘hel FELSE HERES tnve pserted other The ciint many ns Giensy o8ses to the Re ot opelasiness ond unetshedness tht hes fitta mona out eiasten im te port fo thera seo Fee to ually ea no ine prebe pont whe Byers, tye. Hom igbewhoad parks ond ater schoo! cial and upltt thar edbuia and Tneniceation ie nat the 9 be Whe Sonal well ever 100,000 in Heut fer of what i youre people "we ore Jing ow children GAD. FORTHE CHOLITH' AND. ext ce ue ae produchg ten. in OELELOOMENT OFTHE ve no applcble letivy sks COMMUNITIES, (HE CREATE AND @AOLEhENT fer the labor maket ive tor Prous: beyond. the Welle upon and uch 0s, sale! Grobichad ond tated by the young for tha young, thet wil pavers farther fiction levele-of the youre perer) 1 YOUTH I POH miSTIUTE IS A HOW-PROFT “OSGANZAIN THAT IS ‘anoRry Skeancariows fort te YOUN IN THE Vetation 2! COP-DINITES. na meaty 2, YOUIH mt POWER sTMURES PuRpOSE 5 TO. THAN INORIDUALS TO. 8 PROFESSIONALS AND TRADESMEN YOUTH BY Continued on page 12 Nation te Launch P.E.A.C.E. ‘By Dumer ailan PEACE is a progam designed to prove « postive Prosictios mdurdunts Sh ou Teton the tis soe 25"tnanea! Blaming. ang Manage 8) Eauennann ne Uscaonel Sh 1) To" rovide Fnenie! Aa and Scholashine to © Gute hominy c ain eee developer of atonn schewnap peive Mt project gesred San grade Crean Wie cole eve Bans “Educstonal “Saholahp rojas meets i ZShoaI eee ed Ane 1866, we towing 1 iseney Go3"dareentery Students Eten” (0) Jur high Senco! stunts aia, taucotnel Sahel. commitee mabe wa Pariipane wil be paged i the falwsna weet eS = Se etmton end hogese Gelating to zehood Scholasps wil be awarded on Ane 1, 199 0 ow Annual Shows and Prove, ties SHPO PIOPD EO ESEEEEEOOOOE PEACE POSITIVE EDUCATION ACHIEVEMENTS ‘THROUGH CREATIVE ENERGY presents FIRST ANNUAL Show & Prove Scholarship BENEFIT DANCE FRIDAY JUNE 10TH 1988 WOODBINE HALL. 2281 CHURCH AVE. BROOKLYN, 1. Open Bar 10 = 11 pam. BUFFET WILL BE SERVED PEALE ESOOEEOSEDOOS From 10 pm'til you say when SEMLFORMAL ATTIRE REQUIRED $20.00 PER PERSON POPGEOS OLED ESI LESS CEEEDEOEDEEEEEHOEEEE ES. ; 3 PROLEPESSS EPS SO OS SOGE Education is Key ‘8y Mupie Shaquan Earth avcten i the Ke’ i © quate sad “Uadaty "unt the Hi te Stover space fo hat. ete fecpereble Ppanete, coment igoneee one Murniona! cenches, we moot ret 'sute tet our ‘chaser, we Sing educied Hie cannot depend on the fenetegn stem cation astern, Scouse tay hve tean found ay oF Mpsceguentng "tnd. sisvoauerng” eon hidten wodutde. “in oxdr to rear, thor Stan chien tye being educated fod “thir” posse the. key) 3" the Antwan, tf aszenil that ana poet ne anetned povson become th ‘Ra eens busta ertutens Fiat, poets shoud be cau of the endinte tle tht tab hd fds ff Netiig” gecodng “to man gioge toot For stoner, the Ns school foster pores can toe an ifeation Pine" Eeiles “Seep and Sequence RED cums. thes ski" seer heute povems sul compas Lite the Shad’ Thoud_ be ley othe Srigurat: ech. ings Bor ad tick they orden in dos, By dong thin the paret tl bebo veo the hs ther thay hi ering ond Sipore the” cid fo mect thot te iocing ita oro ease Mas al Giro anche the pone be vowed tee specs etaigen bau. hel tds SSicaton when retin) nh shoot pavtonsl Provided below isha tysaudouim 9f whet ou childern, sould Be teeing es overot east fire ot ed, educator shld ceoch the chit t@ onmte and to" be clea {Mieer they shold cece rans hot “eueerve bot’ thal gh ad’ et Brain fhe, ahauld deel aa te Spits, enolic, ond marl heath Of the Pca ie gs te, erect fond tat bubding “componants et tha Sr, the ight tom ie vaspanable forthe mamatection, feet “teen,” tne Cea eden pinay ‘Dastin eduction’ Bul Upon the att frocion Gita sci tnae, our een eeome “ane dee, ‘ha ho amarze Rou No weehe Yat tos lek Seotve thou deyelopes trough the venga ot te Het Sern iis‘ here the notre eae, futher mpiel, dence. and at come tote "aio. cres ims oot deveeps Than et ion asoge Yew staan fie gen tn cppaturiy to velop or uhcle, thot ie thet thay len {hn eis omnis oad pond Ypem the Hlormaton they veecve, Weave ‘ssusmion,” bay con unlock door? ot Speen ond ser the Ig Tey con BEES or se one aavelop tr ndepandent fenplie of yung block rote and ferele The’ gon of eauosion shuld not be to compiteize ‘tnd westemie ou ghjen Ws not sult te knoe AEC ond not out the foundetion of {0 “hvomoton tare npcyders ond the salty of In sranta, trouedge lutnour“unéectonding Insult ad fats eet ot the Sica earn ot Incepandent "winiee and bulérs Gotu Continued on page 14 THE WoRD - Moy 1988 Hi Teoh 4ge Poses Evonomic Challenge for Blacks By Forever ftiah tung, the tte seventies ehiough te sige, Brmaien ar bean moving fm O° production toc srviee olatied Ceonomy, fe_@ terdt ot the wonton finconsBmarzan: ‘have some to vedlse (he otblty of che economy. ond. the Impact te wil face on tha faire fsonamle 2s, frmesice’s transition fram o produstn to (a seivice aconomy ee hod te feoneequences, “The October 18,1937, fock meet cotopse In hich the Neu! Vote ‘Stack Exchange eruer dropped Pe. andthe fnding toarket eee, the Dou ones Indust Average, Gioppec 388 pats: In one coy Is one of the consequencey suffered by an feenceny ih tanetion Protrinent feecamit thaoize thot the ro! problem is the Netisnet Debt The US. Grad t9 ‘be the works rectest credo. ith “Saoacimentssbiond. exceeding foreign insastsent In tie US eesnorny by eppimataly $100 tiller. is now the Worde lagest debtor with foraion feuestmnnt exceeding US. hugs breed by, en aguonomleal $200 bien. fe inewnatle thet Ne woul ence Ungertaty In the Hock mavkat The Us Congest ond the Reagnn asministiovon fre masting to dscuse towering the Puge Budge and trode. deflate in cider to ovis the ran fs 6 reeu of thie eccnarnla astity we atgected it an aconomle SSoudoum Cacession) is nthe horizon Uuhleh probably means ¢ Hghat rote of Unerplaumnent’ "ie the iter of the bove that cones Atleon-tmeiome Because hay oe une he et es Bremer and Aesaeloter aster, tht the” elullan unemployment rote could yaen 65% f thar i vacesson. The Wea “mean “0 1s “Iorene ia the employment rate for Aiean-Aeneleas fiore to 8%, compared toa 3% Inereose for uinkes trom "5% to. 35% The unanplogment rate is meray the tie of the lesberg The median income fer a fries in co U5. B86 wer R296. For ficon-fimaricans the median Income in B86" uns 31t.604, "eompeves With 50,809 "tor utes” Gina, Exterpse den. '88). Ean futher, aceacing to the US: cereus Burcu. in 1568 the enlncted median net arth for ehicanameraree {ont 0 dsnentening 33397, for white owahelde he wer 38.08. The mont forcing Tost ie that tha madn ech of tizen-trmlzny hour of on even greter depety ot the ful Income level, unieh Ie tof the white Nourahelds” Wot to wanton he fact (hoe Aleon-tenelean: no!d more. debt pet dol ef "aries thon. tha white Ebunerpas Ther goes Yo. show the, while we ge bl gant cto pion "thie Intttlons, housing. recurs: frble toraponation and tha She, te i St no use to us te long af there ontnuas. to 'be ‘an “overt eeongene depression cmona Acon-feneieans hiss" synonemour lth the whlch tune eperended i te Elden brace, 4 citer the signing ef the Emncipation roslenaisn in 1063. Once pysestly faiaasea torn inven the tenn Fimerican did rot hove the tools with lotieh to. Subeet in mecca, hich wor ‘Sipeliereing the "ngurs! Ravaiation Faas the eiean-emercen wine dapenant on that. ame fous master Once ‘Educated, change earn slowly. fdvemlon ir ingotent # we ae to ear the Lot Century a6 "0. people. ot Senta, the quantum tens token the Gouh |e Vereeconertd aucae ‘egore mote ailes ond _edvemed otter, "hE ghar eduction tet ul “rete us to lm the Infomaus wal ot Fovatry The US. Oapavmant of Uno" Feport tht eican-Arerne ond het ‘hvotes ual rake up loge segment St ner etn nthe le tose, ace eipeced to" tke tp Er ot the inboe force, But Task You. ow Soe’ ba oie tote eevarage ot there due oppenunes the hah schoal Shop oi tote canine: 0 von? "he tgtSetocl op “oct ecu mon oustoneng (0 Biicmeémescons, "or compared wh Dee tor iis” The tie fanaa! drop Gut ete lence one to, ek tov young ficocameeers seive "9 eon out & fenoel, bur ir mot the ce. They iw “trae dacrpt “constiont hes tha re ich ore aurcepible 19 the ie ee ona the stat tot Dene thot hres | asd sot meston thot the leo tase Conception, Yor ks sat et Of ecnats tak “navet go. *0. pina Genial euky cout not” provide ne ity the secunty thot" condo to Snes Guach gush snd development wn addon, the "ndmisvetr of ule acueoton so fot oe al Bamineweton tsuaiy "nave ny Teekea-ansea! ottide towdr edveating ‘Biconcemercare. They hr tet fperpetiane the gh school dp out ere Pre vcr et ie ales, Py igh ‘hoot ‘counsel. ether than encourage fe 10 90 to school, ad.oud te to et Toto, Moore ne agua not eng erat Wedd betel re once. T Sone eo the wos Moracue, —oftan times “the ftlearwAmetican woman aig 9 tomy fy haze The lower clos povast may cen show «rac deal of Soncary for the ld gong to. shoo) bu de net fetudhy show leterast ih the ehid's ‘Gppressive and depressive sgelonconomie conditions havea npes St pathological eflacte. A history of ‘geuclonal neglect." permectes the flcen-Areicen Temily Susie, hot find of nection ean ie teke to erste hat Women ave not felt aiended ith tha. casponsbiny. of ising a tardy by, themselves? ia con ert begin by baing neers, honest. nd) coureou tunan 'R' tomes to. desing. uth our Waren, and” we “must Becothe mare responsible for ou tions, South Africa's Global Role By Prince Rohlem Aian The iit in South Aton deserves sgaciel™ tartion bescure Sts (Ernoneip to. tha present "were Sigorcer”” The post_fve hundred yeas of topean global “doranation. hove proven to be the. wore five hunses Meme in the plonats Hatory.” During the time period at of the. nen-furopecn of tha, “earn “hove. exseienced he Opwetive, expiotalve natue of the Edrapam (ot one poht oF srather). ‘ha stisan cominant hoe gene through tua confecutve pends of Eurepean oppression ond splaiion, the fis period b bnown ar pre-coternlem the facond ie noun ¢_ealonialim The conrinanes_praverdy_ goa though {hid period knotun ae nadccolenalar. Under pre-colerialzm Europe sxuastad le Insor ong varoucer tram Biden. Euepe vied these, to. develop thes Setanta y The end casuk evetonment Underdevelapment for twepe Use ond Ie tr poet, people pot and routes poor for this veoeon. they heeded ond stl need continent such Sr tion wish le an in o8 te. ore Eucpe i pcr hs Dung sinvery the futopeon decided te make Sane seraisn in thet ‘Sepotenion “aohame, They." bagen te Gave Allee up into tevttofag Ie aston the Eopeany tat up thar oun overnmante to sun thelr tates. The Steretan wot made. Ih Order to manimice “the “etiseney of the ‘Serotetion. “Under “colenislen Boge grew Indio, none, mt we The piesane svangin of Euvope fe aveety falead to the exploclen Aiton and Re pesple, fom the G04 to the preset European response to the African seagga sani vaoshed jeg uth a Bogle, Moztmmbique Besau 9 ‘hel Neoscolcniaizm dows for the fora. nat better resute tan clon, the ifecance ‘betsean the {wo | that tha actual oppressors or not Gnbie inder” neansstonaerm, the sopeens il Support seme cone Aiizon. who. ir subscring to buropean elise, 0 "do thei ity. work for thar, ah thay an £04 thet Edens ae ppressing themrsives. pee exemple Sie he tense "taba h 2oire, _ Wen under apeties pratante& spacial bend et colsraisen hd neo-cotoniasm, "eed Sout Fleas conuoled by @ gfoup of Europeans. “But the {uropeane’ do. not contiel the afes trom ona poster Continued on page 14 THE WoRD - may 1985 APARTHEID: WHITE SUPREMACY BY ANY OTHER NA&ME By Forever Allah Accchled Is @ pottnantecy concent and he bean subjected to bewildering Seviety of Tntrpstanons, The Ideclay of ‘porte hay alten’ been “eeen tz 9 brecse ond” sitar Bape fee the Complete seperction in econcrni, paltesl, ond tuto)” sphere et Gnetie facia groups. me eehove feoures ‘of epathied can be rtibuted sole to the Ulumpn of the ga, feaetionery, and. vocict dealt of ‘moneltie’ and” inversgent Aanardor Over the modemizing and. iterative Siecte "ot “eeonome glowth the Brckana’s (ume son Afleans) Sioisan plecetlng. ha entity ct on mberted “hie tbe” motivated by the ‘iagedes luslons of rac) super, Iobeled parties, Fedeiek Jotnatons ct he Tonal Pony isthe key eure Ih ee whe implantation of the pated stem” He made clear the goat of Fparmies poles is the ~ pragmatic Gavelopment. of an ecchormlaly Power unite supremacy. the whites Wart contnued prosper ond continued upremeey, and the government dashing to sasure Both St these eae ‘ogame: ea result, tote ievestmants in bavi inteastuetue served as an engi Gf copkalit economic growth, The sate fegulaion of the labor market nt ‘nly shateted nen-properied whe wooecenmers, but as ensured supple St inexpeteneed. cha undeted black (ahor' the paints 3! producticn By the 1960s, the havenal pasty trod Yuecthered the ator at Unprecedented popular sual The Intioduston of on avzand sl diacerion seewity menses coupled with savage Pole repression hed lfectively crtaled fSbove ‘ound. moss. pala! compalgne fend fotced’ te lending. oppastional pepsi orgorigstionn, the aican Frotiondl Congress (ste) ond Pan Phiri Conaiess GAC), to go Andereiound ana into eda sthe 1976 Sowers upting oiked the Spering sound of a long wove of popder potest thar has cornered South flee end Kept the white mncrty olf balence tor clmost 9. desde, het Begon on June 6, 1976 af 0. udent emonstowon against the “effisl Sipuition that atiKaans ihe lenquege ot the whites) be used as the pngple medium "ef inguin became an Sutbieck of vastonce to the eeutled Sonar continu fon page 1 JACKSON ACTION Bu Allah Supcome ssi “Jeolour, sutedainge, roast eden in Geese" uous not sony sig priory, Uss” loved second Gye pore of paling station ng population. Por to. election ey a eet ot haw Vale tee aca {WD ine publ stent that any deus (Gok Rew Vou Cau'bu sein nn Jackson condicoeyseroe. nl te shoe Continued on pege 12 s “i 20 Of) Anis pag uy SIND AO sg wuboo weusncul pronbuen ey °) ioe fons ‘uno yo. ducapum aun pan Sto] bby si Jo PaeyeNorg Ug ea" peewee AEN SA isrrooeu suomu hu fa sonip Jo spor ay dois eo 1 semuby J pub saryrauyy ezUEb/O uvmpuos “ea Sw ueUNoO [nur fomo ef 30y wm hauruawes or Su eucyjon bp 204) 9 -uonems Ba 95 ROOM od aes Ba 2p 10 saUsio}gp aun Suis sun poy B oy oy weer tsjod suing. oun {ou 7) aeany 9g. uD syion Butoh hee 1) ues 9 FOYE PINE LO} ay IOWA {uUN0 JOtO| Ine fo ALES 40 UOIINDUDD bubs oun ot sh pom) ea (0m1ad) 30000) Sondre aur fa” voddns fununsoo 1 bunbpduds aritdeoup ait pub edhy peur aka moje 1S 34 Sn buou peuiaies pw EMorues Mul fq povonsons Novos 9g sous waNDDIet igen pup a2qed Guppse) in pub Dut sang oye a 40 OUI PUL pu dn sip uo taryooy sunnhsens das 61 pp vio sna b 84 pANOM JoWa OF 40 ser fuene soup "(eyo s9nODmL wba ma) DoE A eADNUDD, {ory Sn ye doy 3th 30 Bu jo ub ura Yoo ay MeN 30) sso ports w possounen vane | Suyou butep ftv ‘Sous Curr Suogoosuon inp bumvesqo. feptieny hg pit Dao soqod paysien MOLOSRG | 90045 Youn uo Joumo huedoid Use DUH aumed jo. yénoveg an u_sayens ftuneujon bnip 20 requ au sem H “vaUIT uy "PH MOS 72. HO-I86NE YOST goo orobony so) “aut” mun ct fhyuruawo> youg A or snp yo sesuerbrue ooo: “Sruonasep” pub Suan “aps fu) suyson of 3} sogod ayy 40 uopeUN) found sul “furs mou sbmp oo spndes iy Rtesroqve Ma} fo eImsod Su) inoge wap 9a Ib pour sh “obo uous pianas pb bunon -b jo. april Sw pedins © 0m. yoqy yO” 9uD ‘chop uanas Jo Janous 0 Uy papunudd sam noo a UP Heeaine furanuos jrousb aa 6% veriudos uy umweojod ‘oJ mh acer Newson may Moy yo ues et eupom OF O5-0p G1 aysap-b: fod ijoer heyyy ususuons ey PLD pep Divp hub ig0o or foosseseu HAOWUONN uo "seomote) “modes aia ano Foped ‘sw sty uesss| hub enc $umg oye #2yod Jo epi Fa ypo@ wows jo squaul pirat $2500 us UL OUD F910 NS “s0u04 O) sto) “soyod susan. meee fipssodans yo seh an 2 sii) UONBDO UI ‘Tojenig soles uf sesera us poe neh pope mmusouoy soqed uf sseesou, Up satnog. sounseid "soyOo pasos Sia tana “fsiununoe one in sous 3ohed" pesoevou 19} uonooUnStY B42 Sens hyunuawoo oe may MRL Buu “oN “paTUDbIS ” Abey jo vouniene 941 Su) sung proms med jo each wn A uae pouretied soul 30 bro wie DEO pk sonst paqs-cs sun jo 1009, bujvond? Sao “tn bres bug 20, lunar 3a "wo “tome pevonbp) bua Seino bp of amp uowopenp. eau pewps bhp a soy a) harunce Sut 49 ube ay) seounizu) Maou Ur -onoy, apuig sa Jo. HOS PB Sian) ayn hovwep ox server waneh >a fq sep jo. ojos pus aan oi) “puooes Cusvouey hues 46) buwaul "aD. pom a pune edomd ein jo. eM Bh Suojéxe pup “samuon shoes Sououy 21 paepuno, gou0 "Ads poss sun so.a Gorn spe JOHOR Soman 3) fuses mabe GT ship jo ep4 2g vsns fumawe> 0g way yO. bmp my JO sIMIDY Popent wn pocsepun st ‘gob oo}, sub fuvshy amyod parosioy 9} sieydroun vies puD "AM "OHO o-GubA 0} 250% wD 50 nguranse liacsoyus ma) ay 29 BOE Ube oy sung Aye 12 MURR SU re prow pamepin jo sie o smiojue {ason bravo, sisum ceo py Mustue Je uojosn sin pue “wngl BuNortee po Wen a ue wu oR Bunch Eotdoye go ‘eros os je tases ‘ouubosiy “aul gunuauos ue Bi je buouowy top 2% hu MYL ID TEP ancrme'o poy fou ang pores Raye "yo weap oueour =u) ewordns omy ha Su deg vr yswpyoug sdvey MyUNUUOD yOUTA bused 24 yin serouebo xssusascyue. Mey Wot is "vepey h4 Yeo. pennon sm ona dei dey voWye. 5m)09 puD fuog psy unr “aug 02 WN IO Pouswecdoap ey. eos a FaeL eM) ML Bjpbane sory au dois cy Yemed Got 1 Rap oo} “fas 00) srt SpOqM CHL Peabion eg in jouoncus jouceusn fae rouge Bon abn hyumuaeD ‘ou leietnns operg hi Bayes 12 8U5 fun usassubngo IR 01 Orn ag ts panjorns sunpinipa 2 90.8 a Joi) aged sae ch wep som -posna3e fusor amma mos say pesunts sve 2a pamper a. uos Ags “SOUND TO fsmego som sd -3 ese YO. HORAUeL fu “repos incor Oty “CANS ub spop. 70 UCtoHl SINS) olERL BS ey oso pub fied Bey uno, Tsao Ming myg HOB AM “CHOWD Spl fe von sul “TID SOURED fsnupresy women wane en “CHE Seiya eunoupieog mmoIn-UoN, fnpris sy, "seen pape, Sanco au. yo suuog ‘nanos mg woxbhona spe fasaoo hai “Toumoues pg a tr GudTaINO) 9K sapURe OS sive pe 9 ‘ea jo suis mon or poo. neyaddnr pao dyueque Vueeyed? “anesepoa, ay sbuNHOS uo cucnwzunee chy soy “ampuey Ypoq Jo sateen au) amano Samepo 22. apecap “ieeapins ‘adewsp “ssodbe, Sot NgTNaOD powiny sesuste yasaroioya ey feoe pub Sie gy ain “Neue ng ‘ydobd bunah BuD0) wow shore seein taeid, 0} SND jpeds.tucjenap “ha "uymoh 8u0U yoisedes “suo sosbio. eran 42 non stun) Busy oy wsnoM OL ( spe) onbm, swag, oy jus Rewruues sin or -fyunuauco. ose wa oh tien Sinpercap: he bwjauemsess, “bawob won Snpust pub tino soerd OL > { paveba uoog soot sary > tuoopnt red aat dod eM Somer vo) phented i eI fae" Siopa” iow bajo, poo meurammon. pruned, SusOs ja wranos * yapuoneu" Seg 9 Yd sun Ue eouR} Were OF COD pun ps ES eiStoce “ioveie wn tisurened Nigra sat Jo. wonwoonm. wewenoxdan of “peony pom arin sno) WON W203 POUR (Rg pas aha uber tang ‘Sha hacsupads bon umunous ince pa hin, ROD Sun Fe wep ean aa Worsid ol “a ap psoyas won 03 98) padey sen nd wahuoy)) pe aa am SPO AOL SYD) DOHBURY UL FLL FOL, jer e piomey dain em ah oe oun, “sdhow® ieouonow spe oun jp usiqwen, mg yea’ ol Gy vob sbuwi-Buer Beno! ang sero pun Sapo pea OShannesp sin y auoyys poe hysuoie) ij fs 300-103) POPS Tea HH 12 pon ire secon eps “896 Mh Feup wrpuiousu wewo wo =) 9. soueimey “OEE tisorbo.gcis Ryn a pune) vq wo) “sanD Peby woe wsuwend a9) 0. cpustout tin "buoo “ooray ves suwo Fon soins spyetBI0o 9b fmwen swuomep) Hope WITS VBS Say paw pow og mo ded H gbaeiiny (hero) “sn0) su % ujpopes “f Ssr eum) buoy, en Seen "soamnacy eae omg tad 9 mqunus 24 yon 2m. Fetouonod 700 wforenestelae ox dno 8 0) vaya te ti, sano smu" rapuenee Beja, Poues"gy sa exer 0b fovttip "hosuonds Zam "Cone GD conborg aousbyeay une Ser novty pouusyan nierg “us iiasrons an Jo abr snow neh Div "inwom mp Suede pow aeewpiy pu snow Fora wo Se pw Se. sms Roweute Tage aa “GusI0D beet nos ob Zonet pt) mgt 9224 wo 64 mou 2310811 Surwadey fiao1stH ST PISaG ASVIA 51004 AON 9961 Soni - aur SHI THE WORD - May 1969 THE SCIENCE OF FOOD ADDITIVES any i teods DD Ta preserve them and 2) To enhance favo. 3) “tn peavent the grown of harmful bacteria ore cditives in ‘To. give foods move eye-eppeating color > To" impos the texture of food? for eye-appect fend palatability Provi that wit positive ODITIUES, 6 below ave (3) fists fealighten you to the and negative of FOOD A a at Part i: 248.0 fry oF sight Caution momo TEN eee The Pig. Hinderance 2 Posie” danse. Later auldence ving cn thet pammited dogs: of nin Al OF the nid ets clay The other thug Adumeh meaning "ehild “oF bloc ca | Both root point coneltar | me engin mar nat binsemsn The Bible ond Quan agree upon the nar ing ea the fast ron fram. This covers Wedd” saigians of ie vadtion aves recond vetce, footnotes THE WoRD ~ May 1988 soy = "Adorn is ganesaty taken to be the proper name for the fst man, but rather ace or anywhere alse in the Quran Is Te affumned thot Adam was the fet men or thot there wae na creation beter Bn fon the othar hand great muslin tneoloaians ‘hove held. that there were tony Adore = thousands of" Adares betore the great ancestor of mankind known by this name, So. whan the Honorable. Eljah Muhammed taught that hele was more than one Adar, he neu hot he aioe taking bout. He the bible says in Acts Th25 ~ “And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on the face of the earth, ond ‘mined the times before ‘ond the bounds of their hobitation.” hot dows tht mens? "Rt means that fromthe fist Bidam some. si the other dons. sn each one of these Adarns meant the begining of another people in a sitterent pit of the woes hat ‘appotate Further cesaovch veveats that both me Honky cHabrews) ond the Aladans owowed lor ince of a batter tarrn) ther ciestion. stots ond even thal apt of a fist man from the Ancient Accans of the Nia Unley. "Atumn at fin, tke Plan ot PIERNphs, Woe che fone god in the two charectars of father tnd Son; the eternal Taree who we Petconalged in tine of the eusi-serring Son Inthe cut cf Ptah both cheiacters ef the tether ond zon were combinad in one god. ond both were miinued in atu. Thus the dual Shovacter of Peaheki was “continued in Satums-o¢ the divine tether ond son filo, there ore tuo. hums, eouespording "to the twa. twpes of Adam, one humen, one ging, Ona ‘oe luna’ diag = tha Adorn in shorn afl men die, as Poul expresses the jet Nefes-Atumn, oF WW the 23h. © ehthigs the earthly into the wvaniy. man, in whom the dend were be made olive again in Benarta, a2 lcs tought in Egypt tome, ten thousand 1 Hebeous erion tures hae been divkdad and Brought On Ih se characters which vaclly eosrsepond to the fio fons. humar: end diving, the thet fiom cf man, who. vine al the seth We ghaig lutro becamns AturhRo the "holy Cn” me Khatitezznatology ight of the Held, Gest Urwin, London, 1907) the second deen oe mon IE of heaven hetvenly,t As we con sae. the original adam Qetuaily me anclent Khometie {bion Eggptinn) “ged that wae eyenboie of the cleation (earthy) and paitection heavenly) of ron.” bihen vepvezantes in the. teroplas oF Khamatftum wns 9 men of Ambar of bronze tue Fram fur to duran to Rddoradh ts agar Te Atom, they af ave names for the vigil biockeon, who iz fab Ih Sugnal Men. Fle nave found toile the sedpturee pposting ond smong the esearch Of waster sclentst, now let us ‘slous the Universal Bio-Chernien! Physical ‘compestion of the blackman to. speck! forse A> we all now, within. toe biackrnan's body. thelr exist a panei substance that precedes us in time ang Wangeends us is power, this carbon Dased black plment Is the basis of human inteligence. This substonce is s0 dominant in’ ts reproductive copackty that in order for o people to emerge on this plarat deficient ‘in pigmentation they would have to evoke ina state of Falotive Teaition from ll other nations for on exceedingly. lengthy perlod ot In the embyonie stages of man's evelopment, this pigment (melanin) is uutnessed sucounding the ehster of newly divides cels of the blast, brought on by fediization I is known today that melatonin, a ho«mone preduced by the pineal gland, plays a Critical role in stienuating the activity. of Figher brein centers This early biastua contains. thee lagers, cuter ectoderm, ond inner layer Sndedaitn ond mesoderm. Eusry part of the body fas R's orn In one of there thee nyees of calle Brotaurdly. the ‘outer layer of ectodeimn contains melanin throughout its outermnst layer. bythe Bath how “tolawing eeneeption- araizetion of tie femole 99) the ectoderm has. begun to. lnvaginete into the intelor of the cluster of ea fetal ele to foc along tube, Che nuefah lest mid-point) the brain, ahd. calls long > langth evolve into melanocytes tnd all of tha andsering gande. Ak the enter of auc bron thelr exist a Stusctue called the Locus Couleur “union Weraly mesons black aot. The locus cowulaus is bloake because it contning large amounts of- melanin, the Jotre cherrien) tok producer kin “colo, itis the upper most point in an all Blac. nuromelonin neue tract that rune. Worn (he bin stern into the zpinal aor Malonie present in the beaie ot a oriranis, “withthe degree of lamentation increasing of yo move Up fhe evolstionaiy Inddes. Mammals have the “greatest degiee of pigmentation ‘mong all animals, primates. having the gieatest degies of iain. lamentation feneng all cf mamrenals. Among primates the higher tie evolutionary type of bn Srganieatin ev the slovar the plate 4 the human type. the areatar the dearee of pigmentation within tha Benin. All hhumacs passes this blac intemal bein eoidence of thei somenan black Fenn vin u bio neuiomelonin nerve liost of the bisin ke profound peat that he tuman race iz a black race, wath rang superizial skin chader ‘of black, fiom Biaekableek to ‘whita-black, ol Internally footed in a) vast sea of ‘brain Diackness. Ons of the eitieal kays that @atingulehes cman trom all other enim is ths presence of intense Blecknese, reuromelacin.piamantetion of the locus goeruiews, focus coeruteus, Black Dot, the uppsfmost serter at plgthantetion fhe Block Bot, Oc Ricr «‘Kingdlloaus 2 No. 2 1982, pte This bret essay 2 only @ drop in the bucket “of evidence “coneesning the bloek, “ongins of the human amily Continued on page 2 Trigonometry by Belowse fie The, weed “ulgonomaty’ ‘aetved rom tw, tresk words whloh ombine to mean "Wiengle measureroent™ Ts, tigonomety is ¢ base and armentony science that determines Saluions to problems Inucivlng the Tangle These problems ove Ample, fun, and es we shall se6 find mary proctcn! nd useful eppletions. However, belore Ge teke @ look et some of these problems lets fortiaice ourselves with Somme Tocts about the tend. langle has three sides ond thee cenglat, “Bnglas ere mecsivad In dasleas fond redions. be wil only use the More ‘common mecsure whish if degrees ‘The sum of the angles of a euiangte ie” 100 “degree. The probleme thee we wil be iooking Invoive the ight telangle, tho i 6 langle thet Resa 90. degre ong or “Ham angle” a7 one of itr anges 6.90 degree encle or ht angle Is tomed by tuo Ines thet ve perpundiauler to each other ond eppenis fe '0 comer of « squore o1 cctengia I lentes ip mown probierns by 0 ite squave hs the comer of thie angle oe Broun “ine tgs ch the. tongs ete Spporte the (90 degree “angie. Ie the Tongest side of the Wcnele ora le eles the hypotenuse ro degree cr ght ongle The langh of the sides of ¢ doht longi it ivan by whe formula ee a ui poterure. © le the Example: Find the hupotenure of ‘igh logle thot hoe wena of 9 ond feat 3 hypotenuse Now that we nave ectblched how the, sides of ¢ tlnngle ore iented to fcch ther and how tha angler ofc tilangle oe ‘eles to neh sine we hove ene final huedie to cross 30 thet we con solve these. tnaia probles Namely, Row the sider oto tingle (alte Yo Re angle Yet tink abou tis for 9 moment Consider an engle formed. between tw Tes, We move alare ine {and stop et pole A Now sow @ line which moket 690 degree anale uth Ine 1 up to lne Call this point 0. ial, the eng of THE WORD - May 198 Tre AD. thet we just deur is cieady determined fom the given ange and fee 08 This shows us that given a tangle ‘wan 0°set angle and are sie. divan. the thar sida san be detained flown these This if the bess of sthe. scence of Uigonometny which “datemines talgtonships' between the ddet and fngles of tlonce the These rellonstips between the Sides 2h Wendie. and fa angles ve Given by whet are called trigonome functions. The then bare wigonomie finetions ve named sine, cosine. ond Thay 018 defined as follows the sing of eh ride I the length oF the soe poste thir engle vided by the fat of the hypotenuse. The cose ot an Sngie is the length of the side edincen (along the side of this orgie dvaded by the “hypotenuse of tie longa the tangent of an ange isthe lanth of side sopposte ihe angle vided by the lenath of the sige ogjocent to the onde Example: Fd the she, cosine, nd tangent of angle Ain the tend shown. The sine of angle urittan sin IS + 06 The cosine of oncie & ‘urttan eos A) 473 = OB The tangent of cngle & unten ton 8D #34 O75 ep Example determine the height of a. tamppost bythe length of @ shodow that casts, fins. Consider a man who is & feet tot tanding 10 feet ciey om 9 lampost. “the light oats shadows thet, Ie feet lone. See iivevetons Fst, Fock the oral tong siete by the mm ond Ne shadow, Since we neu We “Ses in thie wiongle “we can daterning the angie The de ‘opposte Ais Geet ond the side ‘djoeaent ongle ® is 8, Thavelove se 0 The Soience of Pool Ae you know, there 1 the odie continents on the planet sot fea," Ase, Neath” Armatieg, South fAmeles, Europe and Aural. Theve ele cso fix packels co the pool tole New, ede: cepiaseating Entiat tha" sr paste les vepavert ‘Sppieion, ond ja within the content, Tha cous or lek of the pool tables whot color? Green, ght? “The ‘Sesh sepresente the taney that evolves Sround Inthe. contests Now who fos the tule of the able (ey? None: ‘that than the white bal Gabe man), Nou athe begining ef the gome cit che Bole eanging Note 1B vated fogetter Canty) Thus, which bo beck thers up The batite ball Each ball tem one tO alte ls oot nestor block, fed, ysl, ond (epcesents 4 difent ioce at pate ule in colos) Lelove they were’ taped fy the whte moon Aker the aight bok, (Ol the Dall ore rived uth ante hh Solois wlleh vapacants the roping of Out people by the while re In order to stor the gore, yo rent “bret the unity. (64) wh he hike ball The object ‘of the gama ie {or the cue bal co put ol the ahr Balle {eto @ pocket Gab Thus, the white tol ue ren) he enh Ba nthe tle Go) ong Out of the pocket to star al Durr sgn Ohe ule of the anme ie to save the eight ball Eckman) for Mes. How we vercon thay) leque. the ight all Gockman)) for iat le becnure the heron Gebate belD rouse thot they ‘ul aed all of thelr sength end Ie order “to wy ond congue us = Blocks» Eig bah Puasa! eb ne abe eve re) THE WORD - May 1900 Den ama eee gees ones | UETIIOAS Uh feeder whe Out of the bey ot the Hon Bess (3 reniizcng the post: die hey Wome tg fee for OF utah thnge were ey, froneston a fans ta nd yx, a tee To 322 2 ease | worked ers ot ON, Sifu ‘eh fast an. Baheaurese fut ait I uae roving too fast TM oe Ba ee coe Nees BOOKS Maia tStne ot Be ging "Mid see CAROS fore ad ry Ni ond Fess ngetndna of ls Merhaaes, CLOTHES sae ou 2 cea alate at Se wet es oe a eee es PERFUMES cen Jou Gok one Ita et je srawerur ed | A FASHION SHOW To the tests of the wh ond wl fRbaut wnethor you vin ot lose Sie’ on uptng il tht can ee G MORE igh te de uth th es ST oe ean SUNDAY, MAY | wee at a1PM Bere ayia alan Ne See AT (RR Se tcine he tungeto wer | APAINAN POETHY pore, elt wads nls THEATER lai Hel us, Sma otro, ein) | IGT DAMM. AVE, vu seas uc yey oer ait woe'ae| TEL BEE-EBID rit dom of of sevelonmerk of our fed comes fom the wisdom of oh catty expec uh ee, oo ec saa | SOP WT US Cough ts operation of inte Our ‘ People, wil lun be success 10s sexeet of tate % er hose rgnng which rong come to mind. 30 1110 bus to 176 Serect Tothing thats wirse nth « tinan Sbseraing Ove thre i feaan ri; faethe oc oF evan of ang other | s0NSORED a1: sum reoMEWDaoarses nee sovikes, rave recieve aa aie ue me fais coming ot of the Bisc init 0 et cit approach ts ier ' 7 A lutten by GOD in Hall theowy is relevant. Yo! |= WORD Sure ol odvneerants and vitories —————— Continued trom page Goucak, So add ono the upltment ot cin deterring the Tangent of angle OM Faion and be vey wie la “ Indore, teas 678s 07 AH Those who nove. gen the a in the ngion Oe pal ave your at Now fw look ete tow and hte te an iereey Seoete Set ually ESS nace, “bie mow teep in mind te the values for anglais eigonomatie SH Of 8 cuized pacson wth is to tems) “we tnd tht the tangent of 97 TIEN Re UD. is savage “che ton, Fee eee hat the cloree clue ag caNaouinest, the bneusladge of salt ond OB BS the scence of evenghing In ean ove. Potte: and: Happiness." thn a7 deqenes tnd only than” ull your power be 7 ‘exetied Mathematically Perfect, So lets te on the respncbity of uionge” since te ange ‘Bt nhs 0 teocher ond woz ‘re ised ange tc the tame nA asthe S84 tenth and its Geof ou! trl tengie “which ue setemines —puboses for eriina? dine ‘Jeger ‘dance the tn Thus, How lets look the larger Jamaica. WY. 11430 fon poge 14 N.Y. Block Desk Continued from page 6 Uunfovorele wiles ond docurwantavis Seow toegeed ous snd lesing Geroaweny invemintian | enced ta Ghaede Ividose, le #20 tot of thi oday in "atosks on the 3 Nation. Re. fiusheypton, taamerr ©. Usman Fason fron Mnddox ond asiuee Seng Clon Much ot mye For, CENTERS Stems) inunlund giving infounatan er fiteles 19 “tlendy" magia sowce who ould be lla upon not to fave! bureau's ieee recently, the Block: movement ae futocud wth the poceon ond soncain incr hid i the pat uihen the stuade fone then selowh, Yeu" beng mind fot the docuanted. peek, the question Sises! Can Ht be happening vain? New Menke ivy elie. Deptt: vatsion cf CONTELPR, the co-caled re sl eagge ac should be no wrangers 1 covefuly ther fede, aote and loco Ia teorcemen agencies cmd the mech Finve enomed in athe blac" cett Srder the guore of the F The "Bhck “Desk, the Pale eapermenn's spacih gioup or team cf pole “otleat whore pupore bt fther Intemnmion. ond “e-ifornmion Shes “pogienve Bock spckesman, tioren "and eodets. une enught Pecnteing blac eis station “VIL (AIM). Pole Corstetonas Gerjan iors) slong with Mayor Esward. Koch ‘sepanied. eh the HULR CAM) socio Eotisr to ty and eonvines. he Slane puble thot the povcaled Gack Gad dd Ft eos. Bah the Conriszioner ad the Finyerdetas thor nest pelos fcttaty if knot to therm, ar that they lew swine et CONTELERO did not exe, rocntht" olter the bioodsaets of HLL hae monitored tu the Black ack, the ipuice teat asite i New Wore One ioaee ot tar maven woe the ‘I Shovpton who on Jonvary 20, 9 wes sedges. by newpaper, feiensed one coy before another pinned Plotest Get tohesued. "Ihe" Bay ot basiooe The Rev. Al Shaxpron, one of the mmartion ta social nssouts aed muda Such ts,, the Sound Beach and Bencceruret ‘neideree ie mal now under etch tam Mayor Kath nd the Ines” Can History be repeating Inselr? Why this evortnonen om Sew A Shavplon jut Noure before the "ay. of ‘uoae” potest? fe seme er the COWTELERD tastes “beg ernponed fant Blacks involved mn the shugge though COMYTELDROeInek Desk fwattods are again being ured. the ovement has been aeshaped The flocks cuuagle Is e6% Today bated on the fis sctuve ot the eels, Whee been dueneed. Hopetuly, those, mathode ot GoIMTERD/Cinck, ask and teas ua fot be oe attesting i thay aie In the THe HORD - Hay 1900 pest fe Brclare Komite CEaypton saying) Een te: mentioned heres "lh you 2. hot Iain team the past you aie doomed to ath. tie formation wwe ea Heo ong at be go) quiek to separate ond divide among cuvalves Wn te stugae tor fesdom, justice ond equa. Block Pld, Bick respect, Boek Bavanceren rowtege fom Aizee Ah by. Kresulage Born Baas Flt (oben awiee Samuels RaADS inane B Sieammll, WY. RSE 9 Ge Dales! Dozonar in itn, Ste doing 8 yaare to Ma for snes he id Apartheid Continued from page 5 Despite the police shotngs, berrings, tear gas, chad massive. vest ‘ed delertons, the upishg.spreod and merce, eventuaiy involving “an eximmes “to hundred book Commeuniias throughout te county Though Nelson Mendela ond other leadeihip fawes vara Inearcreted, the Thrace bas. yet te tater i feet, the Strugdle is new on an intesrtional Seale ‘ix mony counties opposing the Spmeied ayers ane reposing esanomia actions on the (90 rage, Esonemle Jonione- ve no* enouatt tab. eT New York Tenes lone” stoves thatthe US. fe dependant eon. South Alea tor ten essarte Innere wet canoot be gotten enue Cleo thie fe thay wauscty ogonet the Brothers and sistets of south flen cha the minerle ‘uate exeliged om the ovesied sostone thet were plneed upon Seumh niga. Bpertued inhumane nd fhust fae must continue to race ‘evel ot coneiouinass iy South fiieds Epniad “aystem enologour. e> the Condhions thet persisted and continue to periit in Bimaiea ae. raquarde tha Ftuco-emeraan? You wow the Original Man Continued from poge 8 Nevathelete, we contend thot thie tauth Is. eerenelwo"the rassuetion ot te prythe of Back people werlduide, For Gly when ue bagin > dink fiom the Be el SE Bit oun odor and atic! heritage wil we find the serory rezouice! to east off fan Inferemty, and eai-etied ard dare 1S (ebuld the World In our oun image and Ho 1S THE omenaL Man? “The Usiginal Fan ts the siotic blackman. The maker, “Honorable Elijah Munammad Jockson Action . Continued from page ‘Rocke ite Beeisne f word Gn high mora ine wclahed pein! ‘Gh thay fal co foicw ts lak wath (Pine ugg soarmont “bess he Reguaidless of the ottempts by eu Ving sonal eit ston the Demonte Pam. “thoughout his campaign and Ne farce Jacke hae ataphesiead the need fo"Slace moral "pineipie sbexe maa ond” peiranenterere and ay made tae integrons cempalgn BY ‘Seina' 28 he" hee Suceetuly sepsced the Commndevone im Amence's comer nd ier pec e tuner othe e'cbeinion” composed of the victims of these sonvesictons. ln addtion Jackson her Yoreed the. ounes “condienes” Cua Eh them)" to stop bask bina ond Snnaering ‘one. nt ona atk oe Servet "Following the Hew York gximary aks tage sterner thot hed Sostzon ‘Gare Somnmtie’ to ‘keeping te orp cleo Tis wes 9 direct fara Sahat a nage. fee ne ha. had, play ao teen ait neo ow tay ‘Gasset the eine! eoncidate. Wie Sout S'S he people to. decidn trom which Sloss they teh to ain Untorunctely, NF whe" Spmuon St thie waster hoe wns fneisane "Wouter dink fromm fi oes. before eonstdeng, quonching thet “thuse Ter’ pomical change {Sirking™ from the gies ot the and of the rambo YOUTH IN POWER Continued {rom page 3 POLER INSRIUTE 1s CEDEAIED TO TEacHinc ENG IMBLEMENTN. POSTIVE QOH ‘SLs FOR THE FURTHER OEUELCeNENT” OF THE BLACK’ Faby eT HOE AND ose. 2. YOUTH POLER RSM, HALL so inIROguce VOUNG PEOPLE TS. Ne Tavs "TO Dea LAT ENUBONTPRHTeL SOCHL PROBLEMS buTHOUT RESULTING. 10 DeungueNt BEAAUOE. WE WLL DEAL ITH YOUIK FROM THe CES! CF Tar, Teaciane. THe HOM! TO 8& RESPECTAMLE FA KHOWLENGEADLE ness oirtere cee theory ‘urease mechani to ul oddest thera yout ond community problems few, dnd ih the future, Hts on, Yeath in» ewer tnstivite, teats that a ational block youth movement wil be & Slesnver end 8 "Renneene” Tov the black eorimuiier from ety to chy.and from sate to sate, SOME OF TH TRADES ano PROFESSIONS THA "WOU EY POVER INSTTUTE.BEMTEDS ARE Lal, ACCOLRING, SECRETARIAL, TeaGalG, FINANCIAL fae,” pub," eecrRicaess, tenoetiy, "pacetacrune AND PPORCULTURE. oF YOU Ae STEREO. TEACHING G@ LEAMAEG ANY -OF THE ROOUE PROFESSIONS SEND. RESUME OR Hae 10 YOUTH i ponee nNsTHUTE ATTN, EXECUTIVE OBECTOR OF fopenerioNs, NUBIA EARTH P0, Bax 281 HEMPSTEAD. MEAL YORK 1850 wore GI) 486 8500 THE Woro - May 1988 The Pia Continued trom wand the sine, because it id me coming ot Jeoye clause (which we so greatly depend upon) dividers the. heer, yet cheweth everyone Hom the “Ud Tevawent™ Ftopeston of fect a packing howses or ante the ead. it is ameteon waka fenednce? Enphal aly Nel « Inoteorares “deny oll nfectes pon” Oe gous ye shell mot cat of thelr Moats bates Maat ph thé Now Widnes soe st ir signficent (2 note flesh, mor touch thei dead" cestement ther ot he true of Ged? Gommans to eurcass."Ceubavonams 14) fim come to desuay the Rw oF the the Chien of lige!” un ths. decade, prophet | have tat come to. dectcy, Slows as. bad nc cate. for These sie tha weeds of Mosessctso Byt'to full For vee 304 ume OU, provers wilh wichinosss Wremtinant Roun ce Musa) as pot of the cet ail Newwen an eth: pas, one. jot oF Comets Of allvigior only ofthe Int hagave to i people thousands of One tide shot no wise pars. ror the Shimgeonrs “cousre by the upoumd vole: yser? ago. oedd cetmn a though Re Joy, til “al be fulfils o then daetucsion ot the soe Krew ‘te meh os we frou 1860 o Gmatove sl Sede one of these fart more chou the pg asthe the banat Svangaeats img anal wih Tat os These Wwe dostoss geen to be of modem tthwology fe shal be otted “the loot in the saying. riot 12 sat perk 6 fsky business it the pit cater madre to Be Ringhdoin “at Heaven" cram StI) titer ere sume other dongers of ting enten, then fer whet purpose was Re wemmns. thatthe laws ef the Od pork? “Ee tara ce other mks mwehied rout inn ssitenae? fecording tO. Testa wre atin effect fe tne ice go that | (Hoses) the Sainte Ghaleceisin, went Ita. Bape to being the rian ing 9 herd of anes Cais). THe ‘halite pd Signa the pia as the pares! place for ‘orluix Rhesiophathica — krowkye of hinsall chs on’. hie eal unleon “pi, ere he Crs scours) suc thy fd aye inet Yo the Tieton) of "Musa (ose) a! the Ge toouls toninue be In afect unt ob a haps woo Por cs told wp the ‘Homurable ah cheney tose oI fie 2 round warm Eton’. GHLBABGAREUHD by desis shows he postion on the pip 2 Homer “hie Favs Mubariad, usd Gain) truce In St. Mov Chapt 5 “ Une cost etl ce Uneear spits r= “OF coxherutce the Me Os wie Bu do not spar ey bothers ond {he tons ror. The Be ch unk the ges was cleared up. ttle there is opal for I saugtt by Pt lnfeclon” he. tnderce at nce te feral eerie. ees Saks i seco bee a j voit twowgh sulecive. brerdiy "oa act stops sing tie pawonous pig und hy human efartion with din povk, HE ramen. gated. We pa, om the produc, W fala” caver yas to dd yor is cughoue the wows Sen daha dog to bara duuvenge; Your Devt) oft ond fe aes. And ne ct (ROME Si clecn op the coves. end Heer of thal he casuriny qroeun “an be ped ere ‘nits Guana Nef te be used ts food. the YB, 84 meaty Hoste regular exerice eect ail . Bbice OI tenamenlenly “eMiches nd. otedied set of ile st ne tra there infact wile tis orgie, that pot uv Fl lagen 13 worm” is «pata, Next! The ‘Pig Pot i; “® Breit i Science on Kothesng’, “and Pat fof stg, whiah te alse 3 a fiteo 0 “taeling orm” becom ‘a Biers? Foe Ue goer ite sion! igo of the hain Body tk Rernson manson’ Inthe si: Povskalesy- thot thers paroates Grime eb lt tte" Oe Gee Ose pone a ary Solas Teky teal trans On $5 alot iv damage ones te. The : for. etternant ip found in Eneopoedo Bitoni. under "Round Weir Now we eeene to the “hook recording te. Encyelepoesa (uot fy "Hoek ‘tom ta cut om, Tad paves Gegodomre ductaple end” nec taneliemus couse hook worm daave TRook cm genre Beg sconige of tops mntes, securing. ina Getitaled ancenic eepultion Antemie In hook wor duesce vasicrn sucking of Blood bythe adult “worms in the Interne cad ine otenndnat ilartoation or ine bowel The cymplome of lain Sanvy ieciors “ect paler of ste and fmasviiog nactioes, cedars of te face and ewerne sorstpatan aterncing Soe asta, sbdominnvensernen TRteosednppoets Mor bakes toast at 3 pee wnusunl substances coy cates), sexual Sepa 3” Beimgesen ainisd pdbey. Fea, impstance uegularmensuaoton hiocitc inewiisoncy, surted ‘rout, Shido: weakness. papratons, hyper feritivencse ole thin to al, tel ebon toagie, ines, op For information on the othes four r prieses consult your encyelopedin. The roundnam’s join trovah hei. Ome mere tpn - South 4frica Continued from page 5 furopem couriy, of le the cate unaee olanialam, the condtion “In South iden ofowe “Etopecn counties to ferent fom: the explataion of South Fico ond er Ingaraus pecpe, without Seieg “he “osble nies Une faoctolonintcm the ibe rls ve not he aewrs pope, ae Butopeons tis "pariculr ype “ot Colors ie eheaatread “By the Prue seca se of elvan fuopeat) peopl, he. hove, cetuty ker “ip. geimanin"ravarent ne fount dar ofan tamaaves ot Be Blames “oF thee moter coun, Ths i doownbe @ sate salary. the US andrea ore eo sar scone pehough nether the Boers (he ‘ome’ whieh is Used Tor the maorty ot tohte Souih alrkons of Outch org) or thal conerts ull cdrak they ce ‘Gependare on ench othe, le atder for the stam of Apattied to exsit mest hove the fnencll, miley and technica! bisstonce ‘of the Euapenn World. A the same lime. South alien under the Buster of Apaiied. provider ey cccess tothe tour meters that any european Ingesal nodon reads. ‘he Interdependence that” ext bauueer eporied ands Euopenn supporters Ie ‘Of prime importance han Rcores to Understanding Apatied and the world ‘pinion towed it Ik ie the intention of thie repo to show. “ha” parted = ten the Soetinvotlan of “ive. hundred yeors ot ficen éominction by Europeans. The otha Aberin’ represents a friiore facile of the world tue ve In Europeons dominate nvge eit ot the lod, but they are e mlnorty ithe word The some iy tue of, the Furopecrs ‘Uho conuol South Aten, nity the exception ef oll Euopeant Comal “mast ot the snthe natu feraureer,” Hough ther" rrulinatonal orporatons. In» South ice this fect halle tua The same Ideology thot hot ut Exopeens in the present postion of Power on the soba, namely rosie, it the. some Ideology that Keeps the. the Indigenous pape South Aten ecpltad ond oppressed The United Stores het _coclavad specin ment In thle report because of Re aus the word, ands beequent volvement in Southen Aen The Unted Steer ul be tecused onto thw the tamlentong. ef ie Involvement in ‘southern Ace on the Piicone themaeives: thors in. Amerce fend South Ai. the United Stoves wat ‘Fond a7 0 model ot undeitondng. how ny. counties nvoivemant Ih South fideo con be end. should. be viewed The method that wll be amploued te 6 Nstonza poltise! and economic nyt of the ede in South Altes, To be continued THE Woo - May 1980 Letters To Ea. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 Some people say ue dont have nything maternisie Bik we so: ALAM Stoo’ in"MEcca wee 0 ett by Mayor iinesay 19 our FotherFourger Auta Is'now 20 years olde than the average member of “our Helen.” We must now (wr vasponable, wire end eolized people come together to support the vanavation fend tehobitation of ths 22hos! whieh IBeead on eth Suest and Th Auanus, Ine highly econamied!" svoteqle creo orth ‘miBions of dolls, only @ fool ake’ unt he lovee rometning to wae iy wer. Buld «Bock fornly togetnee te one’ =>) “BOLD BLACK REP? TODETHER WE ARE THE WORDS GREATEST 50 BE GReA IN YOUR L1ORKS: PEACE DUNE CHE TRUTH ALLAH Peace Divine Cee truth: the downfalls of ‘our past has n for us, to. always speak ‘about building “with no Framework put forth for” as to Dullé within. Presently there i on tive to. examine remedies for Ih School In Mecca Ave we all willing to confront what hor Pravanted ur trom actablishing -o Flgnificant program there In the past. Menstruation Continued from poge Dak sed, odorous, lowed, and thingy load. tenn the toxine ot proten indegeston or punetacmons ove Brasent. "toae. eneest, hd sunicooked ent em tuse the tote sense Doors inthe. mens! blood And hiss the ence, the appropriate antidote Ie on eck leorcer consi eed feat eas teen every ho! Remember this. Is the organ though whieh You tant to teing your children, Too uing ihe hezavdous pad oF tay to fom,” yen" ar meneioston binge or manoome, ating ee 5th Impiowad nunsian n uicmnan em uertclly hove a poinace tances, 30 1 mignny Goa! uals ef ganas, prone! slams conince, postive emotional cttudes, Islami oetura) Wastes, asvol ond awe inluance Glestings tian Ah). wall‘ physical encrenmen lay. the of determining the Soul es of th CN nthe Irapregnared wernen, You (sisters) are the “Bowe” from which your children, os 19 "arrows ere sent forth the ““aceher". |= Sows Ihe Brcehet “ Edwueation Continued from page 4 Thesugh suse gui studs trend be" encourages tO question, ‘newt and axpand on the. knouteage then they gre amuling, He 02 pares (nd teachers should areata an Sesccoment of Tzening thot our children te be tree thinking Incviduas This means thet whan "a chis mace a quectice, the ‘question should be ‘answered in such @ Say thon the shld et eeboinezed or Deltued omenites the. er al Be ‘fis to. ainstion the things they ae ought. “thereby taking things on. (ae ‘nun whieh b contrary to eur teaching ie conclusion, afvemion sete ta, yet due to the presence of waar fovese snd sewtrige ot ol Uae ee eicenisl tnt ws ‘hat as bean ported olf te the riatsae ae eicanion URITED BROTHERS READY! | | | | | | Conrascr ovrrep anovuens | Gonmni cartons. s¥Srene. To" PRODUCE YOUR so0K new EPAPER, HAGAZINE, ETCe | | | THE VERY LATEST TECHNO- LOGY ON THE WEB OFFSET PRESS: SHARP PHOTO. REPRO DUCTION OF AFRICAN PEO™ PLE, FULL COLOR, B 2 OR ANY. COMBINATION WE ARE FULL SERVICE PUBLISHERS DISTRIBUTORS GET A WRITTEN QUOTATIOH FRON US BEFORE HAVING ANY BOOK PRODUCED: WE ARE THE RIGHTEOUSLY. MOTIVATED COMPANY DIRECT. Li RESPONSIBLE Fon IHEP RopucTION OF ovER 150. pu- BLICATIONS oveR THE Past FIFTEEN YEARS. SEND MANUSCRIPT (REG.MAIL TO! UsBsCeS. | P.O; BOX 5368 | cooaS "BER ¥N-v4.73605 | FIND OUT HOW EFFICIENTLY WE CAN BE OF SERVICE TO. ANYONE WHEREVER THEY ARE iaanaing 10 fe oot shodou| length ts | side adjacent to onge Sis 2e'R © Bk | 6c 18 feet. Since the problem wes to | deteming the Meght ot the post which fowresponds tothe side of the tlangle ‘oppose engle & we con deterring ta from the tengent of angle 4 ay folou TAN 37 = lmpost heighi18 feet Since, the tongent of 37 deqiese ls 75 © ompost height 19 feet Thus, the Jompost helgne = 18 fa con Bs tee ors THE LORD - May 1980 ‘WORD GAMES forarnrouoraaunvo>ransuwncecuzerzul ‘ANA noroceo ORIGINAL PEOPLE Preant Ds RICH LAND crossworD WOED FIND HRT rEEcncarenneneriakeceecernormenerreeseererenst acon sine es TMT MLE feRCA Cleve Sona KENYATTA Racy Burin Earianaan enna ETHIOPIA Ever" Gamata GHANA seeeeyererteecereneeesents WHAT WE TEACH 1. WE TEACH THAT BLACK PEOPLE-ARE THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THE PLANET EARTH. 2, WE TESCH THAT BLACK PEOPLE 4RE THE FATHERS OND MOTHERS OF CFVILIZATION, 3. WE TEACH THAT THE SCIENCE OF SUPREME MATHEMATICS IS THE KEY. TO ‘UNDERSTANDING MAN'S RELATIONSHIP TO THE UNIVERSE. 4. WE TEACH ISLAM 4S 4 NATURAL WAY OF LIFE: NOT & RELIGION. 5S. WE TEACH THAT EDUCATION SHOULD BE FASIONED TO ENABLE US TO BE SELF SUFFCIENT AS & PEOPLE. 6. WE TEACH THAT EACH ONE SHOULD TESCH ONE ACCORDING TO THEIR KNOWLEDGE. 2. WE TEACH THAT THE BLACKMAN IS ND HIS PROPER NAME IS ALLAH. arm Leg Leg arm Head. 8, WE TEACH THAT OUR CHILDREN 4RE 0UR LINK TO THE FUTURE AND THEY MUST BE NURTURED: RESPECTED, LOVED, PROTECTED. AND EDUCATED. 9. WE TECH THAT THE UNIFIED BLACK FAMILY IS THE VITAL BUILDING BLOCK OF THE WHAT WE WILL ACHEIVE Nationai Conciousness. Sad “tect "Somanunit Roe ona ade ‘aion. Boly when we have ochaived camplate Commiinite’ Conical will we be able to prove te the werd the qactners ond mejesta of our Divine Culture, which is Freedom. 3. P@@Ce. peace Is the obscence of confusion (chaos) end the abscence PEACE a *

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