Toefl Ibt Test Preparation Week 4

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Week 4
Soo Hyoung Joo, Melinda (Chenya)
CEP (Community English Program)
Teachers College, Columbia University

We will be able to...

1. discuss the integrated speaking
2. review six reading question formats
and discuss about your application of
the reading strategies
3. practice these six reading question
formats and explain how you solve a
specific problem to the whole class
4. read a paragraph of differing
perspectives and summarize it
5. discuss the strategies for pragmatic

We will be able to...

6. listen to a TED talk and distinguish the
speakers attitude
7. record an integrated speaking task
8. provide peer feedback on the speaking
section performance with the TOEFL
9. learn more about integrated writing
strategies and practice your writing skills
in class
10. provide helpful peer feedback
according to the writing rubric

1.1 Integrated Speaking

1. How many seconds are you given to
prepare and speak?
2. What did you learn about how to
summarize reading/listening materials?
3. What are the tips for paraphrasing?
4. What grammar forms (past tense?
present tense?, subject...I, she?) should
we use?

1.2 Jigsaw Reading

You Must Be 21 to Drink?
Dartmouth College has decided to ban hard liquor
from campus. But is that the best way to deal
with underage drinking?

1. Read the passage and take notes about

the reading. (1 min) - Strategies for
2. Dont look at the reading. Tell what the
writer said to your partner (30 secs
each) - Paraphrase
3. Together, come up with a solution.

1.3 Solutions?
1. Share your solutions
2. Vote for the best solutions

4.1 Pragmatic

Understanding Qs
1.What are the two main types of
pragmatic understanding Qs?
Function / Attitude
2.Categorize the questions: are they
type a or b?
3.Compare your answer with your

4.2 TED talk

1. What is the speakers attitude toward
teaching calculus?
2. What does the speaker imply when he
says this?
And I'm here to say that I think that that
is the wrong summit of the pyramid
3. Why does the speaker say I mean,
don't get me wrong?
4. If you have more time, take notes on
the bottom column.

4.3 Strategies for pragmatic

understanding Qs

1.Brainstorm any ideas to prepare for

these types of Qs. Write it on the postit.
2.Put it on the board.
3.Compare your answers with the
textbooks suggestion (Chapter3
Listening Section - Pragmatic
Understanding Questions)

5.1 Read
1. Skim the paragraph, and underline the
topic sentence.
2. Measure how long it took you to read
the whole passage.
Done already? Summarize the reading in
bullet points in the column below.

5.2 Integrated Speaking

1. Select a position : Strengthen or
2. Prepare your talk, using your notes for
20 seconds.
3. Record your answer for 60 seconds on
4. Share your links of the recordings to
our class blog - Integrated Speaking
post - as a comment.

6.1 Speaking well?

A.Discuss in pairs
-. What does it mean to be a fluent
-. Is speaking fast or slow important in
speaking? Why or why not?
-. Is it important to have good grammar
when speaking?
A.What are the 3 main criteria of the
Speaking Rubric?
B. Categorize the Qs into the criteria.

Speaking Rubrics

6.2 Peer feedback

A.Select 3 checklist questions, and fill in
the table.
B.Listen to 2 of your friends response
C.Circle on either Yes or No, and
comment on why you checked that way.
D.Discuss your feedback with the friend.

6.3 How do we practice

A.In pairs, walk around the room.
B.There will be different questions.
. How can we be a more fluent speaker?
. How can we develop our topic?
. How can we make less
grammar/pronunciation mistakes when
we speak?
A.Take 1 minute each to post answers on
the wall.

LISTENING: TXB-Listening Practice
Sets 2&3
SPEAKING: Integrated
Vocabulary APP (Hard Words)
Comment on the blog
academic conversation and review.
Comment on the blog.

Stay Tuned
Next Class Time: Friday,
Classroom Location: HM332

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