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C.R. No. L-79094, 22 June 1988, 162 SCRA 446
Facts: Petitioner was convicted of a violation of B.P. 22, the Bouncing Checks Law, on
the basis of an unsigned stipulation of facts entered into between the prosecution and
the defense during pre-trial. On appeal the respondent appellate court upheld the
stipulation of facts and affirmed the judgment of conviction.
Issue: Whether the conviction, based solely on a stipulation of facts which was not
signed by either the petitioner or his counsel, was proper.
Held: The omission of the signature of the accused and his counsel, as mandatorily
required by -the Rules, renders the stipulation of facts inadmissible in evidence. The
fact that the lawyer of the accused, in his memorandum, confirmed the stipulation of
facts does not cure the defect because Rule 118 requires the signature of both the
accused and his counsel

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