Lovely Lungs

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Lesson Plan

1. Title/Topic/Grade level: Lovely Lungs, Lungs and Respiration, 4th grade

2. Lesson Essential Questions:

What are the parts of the lungs?

How does the process of respiration work?

3. Standards:
MS-LS1-3. Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting
subsystems composed of groups of cells.
4. A: Learning objectives and assessments
Students will discover the different parts that make up the Respiratory System
Students will understand the process of respiration
B: Assessments:



SWBAT understand
the process of

Students will complete an activity in which they will compare their

breathing rate when resting versus exercising then answer questions
about the respiratory system from their findings.

5. Materials:
Dry Erase Markers
Unit Folders
Post-It Notes (15)
Lovely Lungs Worksheet (15)
Dont Hold Your Breath Worksheet (15)
Dont Hold Your Breath Rubric (15)
6. Pre-Lesson Assignments and/or Prior Knowledge:
Students learned about cells two days before. They have also learned that there are different
systems in the body contain organs that do specific jobs. They have learned about the
Digestive System and made a working model.
7. Lesson Beginning:
Hand out Unit Folders.
Ask students to whistle for 15 seconds.
o What parts of the body are used to whistle?

Give Post-It Note to write predictions

Explain to students that they only way to whistle is to blow air through your lip.
o Where and how do we get that air?

8. Instructional Plan:

Begin with the Whistling question above.

Have students open their folders to the Lovely Lungs Worksheet.
Explain that we get air through the process of Respiration.
o Respiration-The act or process of breathing
Just like there are different organs that make up the Digestive System, there are also different
organs that make up the Respiratory System. The main part of this system are the lungs. Air
comes into the lungs from your nose and mouth through your windpipe. This air contains
oxygen. (What is oxygen?) In the lungs, the oxygen is swapped for carbon dioxide. (What is
CO2?) Blood cells carry oxygen from the heart to different parts of the body. They deliver
the oxygen and pick up the carbon dioxide. The blood cells with carbon dioxide then go back
to the lungs and start the cycle all over again. The diaphragm helps push air out of the lungs
when they get too full. It opens them up when they need some fresh air. From this, we can
inhale and exhale.
o Lungs-Two organs on each side of your chest that exchange oxygen and carbon
dioxide for the body
o Windpipe-Connects the mouth to the lungs
o Diaphragm-Large, strong muscle under the lungs that helps push air out of the lungs
o Inhale-Causes the lungs to fill with air
o Exhale-Causes the lungs to let air out
Activity- Students will work in pairs that will be pre-made by the teacher. Hand out the Dont
Hold Your Breath Worksheet. Explain to students that they will be graded on the worksheet.
Have students pick which one will be the runner and which one will be the recorder. Set the
timer for one minute. Have one student count and record the number of times his/her partner
breaths normally in that time. Set the timer for a minute again. Have the same student run in
place for that time. At the end of that minute, have the student continue running in place
while the recorder counts and writes the number of breaths taken during the second minute of
running. The partners then switch and complete the activity over. After they are both done,
have them find the difference between the breaths taken resting versus those running. They
will complete the rest of the worksheet by answering the questions.
Differentiation: Examples will first be done as a class so no one feels discouraged if they
dont know the answer. Students that know the answers will most likely be the ones to
answer. There will be models for visual learners, via the diagram of the different parts on
their note taking worksheet. During the Dont Hold Your Breath Activity, students will work
in pairs, which we will chose beforehand. Those who are struggling will be paired with those
who are excelling. We will be walking around the room to give students extra help who need
it. This activity will be beneficial for kinesthetic learners because they get to move around.
There will be a small take home quiz given to reinforce the terms that we have gone over so
far in our unit.

Class Management: Students will be at their desks for the beginning of the lesson. Teacher
will give instructions to the students on when to take notes. Teacher will direct students
attention from the board and their papers. Teacher will hand out all worksheets before
beginning the activities, so the students are not distracted. Teacher will explain all directions
for the Dont Hold Your Breath Activity, before dismissing them around the room. Explain to
the students that they need to stay in their spots when they run in place. They should not be
near other people during that part of the lesson. Teacher will walk around the classroom
during the activity to make sure students are listening to instructions. A timer will be used to
let students know when to move onto the next part of their activity. When a student is needed
to answer a question, the teacher will pick a name from the popsicle sticks. If students are
finished early, they can chose an activity from the Im Done Jar or start their take home
Transitions: The lesson will begin with the students attention directed on the board.
Throughout the lesson the teacher will instruct students to take notes on their worksheets. The
class will be completing a physical activity, in which the teacher gives instructions
beforehand. The teacher will pair the students up, and begin the Dont Lose Your Breath
Activity. When they are finished, the teacher will collect the worksheets, and hand out their

9. Closure: Choose two pairs of students to come up and summarize what they found during the
activity. Hand out mini take home quiz that will be completed for homework.



Lovely Lungs Worksheet


Name:_______________________________________ Date:__________________

Dont Hold Your Breath


Numbers of Breaths

Number of Breaths


1. Find the difference between the number of breaths resting and

the number of breaths running.
2. Are the breathing rates the same? Different? Why do you think
that is?
3. What is the connection between number of breaths and the
type of activity that you do?
4. Explain in simple terms, the process of respiration using these
key terms: lungs, windpipe, diaphragm, inhale and exhale.

Dont Hold Your Breath


Used time well

and focused
attention on
the activity.

Used time
pretty well.
focused on
the activity
most of the

Did the
activity but
did not
appear very
Focus was
lost on

was minimal
in the


All questions
are answered
and the table is
filled out

and the
table is filled

Some of the
and most of
the table is
filled out.

No questions
are answered
and/or the
table is not
filled in.


describes the
learned and an
of the topic.

describes the
learned with

is filled in,
but much
detail is

does not
describe the

Total: _____ / 12

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